Barton Malow Marvels 2011B

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K I N G S H A L L G A L L E Y a t t h e U N I T E D S TAT E S N AVA L AC A D E M Y




B u i l d i n g I nno v ati v e S o l u t i o n s

Safety highlights include: Over 220,000 hours without a Lost Time or Recordable Injury since the project began in 2009. Daily site safety meetings in the field with all contractors. Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) submitted and reviewed by each trade prior to work starting and when the work changes. AHAs are posted at the work location after review. New employee safety orientations every day. Safety Innovation – Daily safety inspections are completed using the DBO2 Safety Net system. Once completed the reports are used to show contractors areas of success as well as areas for improvement. Two OSHA compliance inspections without any hazards identified.

King Hall Galley at the United States Naval Academy was originally built in 1909 to accommodate 1,800 midshipmen. Since then the building has undergone various renovations and additions to accommodate the growing brigade. Today the galley serves more than 12,000 meals each day to its 4500+ students. Goal to Exceed REQUIREMENTS Coordinating the new mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems into the building’s small envelope required a major focus on project safety. The Barton Malow project team set out to exceed the safety excellence required by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). Proactive Approach To ensure safety success on the project, Mitch Douglass, full-time safety coordinator and the Barton Malow team implemented specific activities for a proactive approach. Predictive analysis of where the next accident could occur was tracked with findings communicated weekly at foreman meetings and posted throughout the jobsite. This allowed trade contractors to plan and avoid possible accidents. Safety awards were given on a bi-weekly basis based on observations of safe working practices. Rounding out the safety program was communication through mandatory daily foreman meetings, site walk-thrus, and a focused team that included safety from the beginning of design and through the project duration. Getting Noticed The efforts of the project team have not gone unnoticed. On April 14, 2011 NAVFAC honored the King Hall Galley project team the Star Safety Excellence Award – Contractor of the Year for Outstanding Safety Performance for 2010. This award is given to the contractor with the best results when evaluating monthly NAVFAC site safety spot checks, the site safety record, project leadership initiative and preplanning, and safety innovation. According to Dave Halley, NAVFAC Safety Director of the US Naval Academy, “Barton Malow’s commitment to safety has gone above and beyond.”





L.C. Gaskins Construction Co., Inc., a Barton Malow Company, along with design partner Infrastructure Engineers recently completed repair work to Fleming Key Vehicular Bridge, located within the Naval Air Station Key West. Unique Safety Challenges This unique project was constructed over an active body of water. Because the bridge had to remain open at all times, safety was a critical factor in the project’s successful completion. The team protected workers from both vehicular and watercraft traffic by using flaggers, traffic cones, signage, “no wake” buoys, and visual deterrents that blocked watercraft traffic below portions of the bridge where work was taking place. By maintaining close contact with local marinas, the US Coast Guard, and local law enforcement the team ensured that watercraft traffic was both aware of the construction and that they were obeying the “no wake” zone. Special attention was paid to the scaffolding systems used over the waterway. Employee fall protection and mobile scaffold system was installed prior to each day’s activities and removed at the end of each day. Although a rescue skiff and multiple life rings were at the site at all times, employees also wore harnesses when they were on the scaffold system. Steps taken to protect the public from construction activities included temporary fencing under and adjacent to the bridge. Early Completion Work was scheduled to complete in June 2011, but due to excellent planning and execution by the project team, the Fleming Bridge project completed more than one month ahead of schedule!



B u i l d i n g I nno v ati v e S o l u t i o n s




H A N G A R 1 5 5 2 a t N AVA L S TAT I O N M AY P O R T


B u i l d i n g I nno v ati v e S o l u t i o n s

FLYING HIGH by Tim Anderson

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southeast contracted L.C. Gaskins Construction Co. Inc., a Barton Malow Company and design partner Ebert Norman Brady along with Atlantic Engineering, Inc. for repairs at Hangar 1552 at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida. The design/build project, which completes this fall, includes temporary shoring and repair of exterior structural steel roof trusses, repainting of roof trusses, structural repair of exterior stairwells, replacement of all skylight’s and re-roofing. Unique Location Naval Station Mayport is the third largest Naval Fleet concentration area in the United States. Mayport’s operational composition is unique, with a busy harbor capable of accommodating 34 ships and an 8,000-foot (2,400 m) runway capable of handling most any aircraft in the Department of Defense inventory. Extreme Coordination Because the hangar is an active aircraft repair facility and needed to remain operational during the repairs our team created an extreme coordination plan. This plan included maps of the project site with layouts of all equipment. We also maintained a progress schedule with weekly updates to all of the squadrons located in the hangar. Safety barriers were put in place to protect both the workers and the public. Heavy Challenge Discovery of heavy metals in the removed paint debris posed an additional challenge. Use of type 1 containments was required instead of the usual dust containments already in place. This discovery also required implementation of required EPA regulations regarding personnel protection and disposal of hazardous waste material. The work is fast-tracked and will complete in two phases. Phase I included shoring and structural repairs. Phase II includes cleaning of the existing roof trusses by media blasting, then coatings of specialized zinc primer, multiple coats of mid coat paint and a final top coat of epoxy paint.



E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S FAC I L I T Y f o r t h e N AVA L O R D N A N C E T E S T U N I T

READY FOR LIFT-OFF by Pamela Edwards

“Contractor performance on this project has been outstanding in all phases of this project, including design and construction. Their safety record was outstanding, free of incidents and safety issues. They achieved substantial completion of the project (2) months ahead of schedule. I would strongly recommend this contractor for future projects.� Tania Irizarry Construction Manager Cape Canaveral Air Force Station



B u i l d i n g I nno v ati v e S o l u t i o n s

L.C. Gaskins Construction Co., Inc., a Barton Malow Company, recently completed the Engineering Services Facility for the Naval Ordnance Test Unit (NOTU) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. NOTU serves our country by supporting and testing sea-based weapons in a safe environment. This project consolidates military and civilian government personnel along with select contractor personnel in a single facility, eliminating the need for the thirteen buildings previously occupied by the Navy and the Air Force. Partners L.C. Gaskins and design partner Ebert Norman Brady Architects (ENB) implemented an intense partnering program to allow us to meet the varied needs of multiple end users on this project while still maintaining the project budget. During the design phase ENB worked closely with the design consultants and key subcontractors to develop well coordinated, constructible design documents that incorporated state-of-the-art engineering.

Construction Challenges The project is located on a secured military base. The facility allows for the handling of Secret and Top Secret information along with unclassified information in the same building. All project personnel, including team employees and subcontractors were cleared through the government security process. In addition, all material deliveries underwent security screening. The environmentally sensitive project area includes sea turtle nesting areas, and is also habitat to several endangered and protected species such as scrub jay birds, indigo snakes and gopher tortoises. Protection of these species’ habitats during construction included installation of temporary lighting that would not attract sea turtles during mating season, and daily inspections to ensure gopher tortoises had not nested during the night. Ongoing base activities during the project included space shuttle and missile launches. Our schedule was flexible and allowed for rescheduling of construction activities to accommodate the NOTU’s important missions.





Barton Malow Company and Barton Malow Design teamed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District to provide design/build services for Phase 1 and 2 of the 183d Regional Training Institute at Fort Pickett. Located in Blackstone, Virginia, Fort Pickett trains Army National Guard personnel and a variety of federal agencies. The project included design and construction of seven stand-alone buildings including the Regimental Administration Building, education building, Officer Candidate School, auditorium, and three billeting (barracks) buildings. Innovative Practices The structural system use for the buildings is a light gage metal framing system with precast hollow core concrete planks. These planks are used for the second floor structure and provide more space for mechanical and electrical systems above the ceiling, which reduces the total number of structural columns within the structures. Barton Malow used BIM technology for 3D modeling of these systems to identify and resolve spatial conflicts prior to construction.


Sustainable Design Over the life of the facility, various spaces of the buildings will be used at different times. The premise of our LEED Silver certifiable design is to use building systems only in occupied spaces. Advanced lighting and HVAC systems were installed throughout the campus to reduce energy consumption by utilizing only what is needed for occupied areas. Small Business Enterprise Participation (SBE) SBE participation in the construction process is important to the Federal Government and to our team – we are proud to have exceeded our 51% SBE goal for a current participation milestone of 64%! Barton Malow is proud to be on the team that delivered this first-class facility to support the men and women in our military as they serve our country. WATC H A C L I E N T I N T E R V I E W WATC H A N E M P LOYE E I N T E R V I E W


B u i l d i n g I nno v ati v e S o l u t i o n s

“The thing that amazed me the most on this project was the partnering effort by all involved. The synergy that has developed between Barton Malow, the Army Corps of Engineers-Norfolk District, the Construction and Facility Management Office of the Virginia Army National Guard and the 183d RTI has helped push this project to the best possible outcome for the soldiers who will come here to train.“ Maj. Christopher S. Dunn Project Manager for the Virginia Guard






Project Engineer, King Hall Galley at the United States Naval Academy John “Mitch” Douglass is the site safety coordinator in charge of the design/build King Hall Galley project at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He is responsible for executing site safety and the way in which it is tracked on the project. Through proactive safety spot checks and the web-based safety software, DBO2 Safety Net, Mitch uses predictive analysis to identify safety trends and identify where the next incident is most likely to take place. Once the trend is identified, the team takes action to eliminate it. Mitch led the effort to award trade contractors for their safety efforts throughout the project by encouraging pre-planning and daily diligence of site safety. His efforts have paid off and ultimately led to the project winning the Star Safety Excellence Award. The most challenging piece of this project – executing site safety through the construction of the temporary kitchen because of the short time frame and tight site logistics. The challenges were multiplied by some of the largest snowstorms ever in the Mid-Atlantic Region. “There is always a lot of activity towards the end of a project. This project had two conclusions, one with the temporary kitchen and one with the permanent kitchen. I’m proud of what we have accomplished as a team through safety pre-planning and remaining vigilant in our safety efforts,” said Douglass.

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