his message could be regarded as being prophetic. It may also be looked upon as a promise that is designed to encourage us in troubled times. It is based on Isaiah 35, but there is more....

Many of God’s people who have sown much and reaped little thus far are about to enter into a time when the seed sown in the past that seemed to have fallen onto a desert place and they thought had died are in for a pleasant surprise. Many good people who have become weary and dry in themselves are about to receive showers of blessing. They are about to be revitalized. Those dry bones Ezekiel spoke of are starting to come together and fit in their rightful places and come to life. These are the days of Ezekiel. These are the days of Elijah. These are the days of Joel and they are all rolled into one. The end time days spoken about in the Book of Revelation, are days laced with the love and goodness of God that make them the best of days for us. Many believers think of tribulation, evil and darkness, when someone mentions that book, but God is still on the throne and He keeps the best wine until last—for us. The book of Revelation is a revelation of Jesus Christ and He is returning soon. If I say nothing else, I could close with a simple statement now, “Keep your eyes on the Lord”.
When I look at what Is happening around us, I get excited because the Lord said that this would happen before He came back. When I look at world events therefore, whilst they do concern me, I know that they are going to happen, because scriptures say so and I am not surprised. What keeps me going are the promises of God that He has made to me and to us all He has not failed yet, nor will He ever fail us. I’ve read the end of the book and we win.
Most of our life is spent in the real world situation, in which it can be easy to see all those problems that are real and not imaginary, but whose report do we believe? Our walk with God is more than religion or going to church. Being religious on occasions does not mean anything. The devil does not mind if we are religious, provided we do not walk in the light of God, know truth and we do not do what God wants. He does not mind if we quote bible verses, because he can do that. He hates it when we really believe what God says, start talking the way He talks and do what He does as we put it to work.
Why I mentioned all that is that, by my calculations, there are 8760 hours in a year and this is where life is real. We would spend only 730 hours of that time if we attended a two-hour church service each Sunday—one twelfth of our time. We can meet with each other for fellowship, encourage each other, have corporate worship and hopefully to be trained or taught to be disciples of the Lord, but the remaining 8030 hours are divided between living at home and being “out there” in the world and it’s getting hard to “live right” out there.
We tend to become involved in our own little world environment and to a certain extent, that is perfectly acceptable. A man can be legitimately concerned about his family and so get a job, provide for his wife and children and do those things associated with everyday life. Scriptures teach us that he should. If he does not do that, he is like an infidel who has denied the faith, but it is becoming more difficult to live Godly because of external influences and changing standards. Only a marriage that is ordained by God can survive. In such a marriage, a Godly wife is a wise woman according to Proverbs, who builds her home and it can stand when based on scriptural foundations. The couple are equally yoked and although they are individual persons who might have a very few differing opinions at times on certain matters,we function as one.
The problem with us today is that the cares of the world often take our attention. We can concentrate on our job and come home tired, or frustrated by what may or may not have happened, get annoyed by a traffic delay or a late commuter train. Someone could cut us off in the road, as happened with me on the way to church. Some cyclists were riding in an unsafe manner and I had to avoid them. I had to ensure that my attitude remained correct, or I would have arrived angry and disturbed in my spirit.
We can get so caught up with the events of the world that are happening around us that we can get fearful or angry and so disturb our spirit man, but we have the ability and the responsibility to control ourselves. Proverbs 16:32 states:
He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city
None of us is immune to the concerns of how society is changing. Costs of living are increasing alarmingly. Food shortages are happening and whilst I mention food, please be careful in what you consume. If there are many hard to pronounce words on the packaging, avoid the product. If it is not “natural” avoid it. The Lord is telling us and many others to get back to basics and avoid all kinds of processed foods, especially what we call ”junk foods”, because something is “wrong”. Big Pharma is having a field day and this is consistent with Revelation 9:21 and 18:23that uses the word sorceries, or pharmakeia. This is described as witchcraft and the act of potion making. You will be familiar with the words pharmacy or pharmacist that are derived from that.
When we lived on Mount Tamborine in Queensland, a local Kiwi fruit farmer asked for help and we responded. My wife was involved in sorting according to size and the fruit was packed into 11Kg boxes. I arranged storage and distribution.
The farmer paid us for our time and gave us a box of fruit, wanting to spray them, but we refused that chemical. He explained that the chemical slows the ripening process as such chemically treated fruit can last for twelve months. Avocados are similarly treated with chemicals to slow the ripening process. Such fruit is often hard and when opened, has black parts inside.

Red sweet potatoes purchased in supermarkets are often treated to prevent growing, so we have to return to them for supplies. You can plant as many as you like, but they just will not grow. We’ve tried! Go on-line and check these things out.
We like roast chicken dinners and on the last few occasions we purchased a chicken from one of our popular supermarkets and developed painful indigestion problems during the night and into the following morning after our meal on each occasion.
I could taste chicken, especially each time I burped and that is most unusual. We are careful in how we handle our food and are very health conscious so we could not understand the cause. We asked the Lord for a reason. All that He said was, “It’s the chicken”. Saints, you can and should ask Him for understanding. Apparently whole chickens like this are fed with growth hormones and God knows what other chemicals. We have a local source from which we purchase Maryland and they do not do that. We have no problems at all with them!
One must wonder what is happening. I tend to avoid getting involved in conversations about conspiracy theories because it avails little, but we do need to check everything out! Things are happening around us that can affect us all if we are not tuned in.
The coronation of King Charles evoked many differing responses. Some people enjoyed watching whilst others protested. There have been comments about the costs and I have seen many people are calling him the antichrist. Please don’t get involved in guessing games about that entity.
Israel’s 75th anniversary has evoked the usual reactions, including massive missile attacks by the extremists over the past several days.
The war in Ukraine continues and Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner Group mercenaries are threatening to withdraw if Putin does not provide more ammunition. The elections in Turkey seem to be on a cliff-edge.
I could continue with more illustrations, but share these few to illustrate that we can become unsettled to say the least, perhaps get fearful and the Lord told me that some people who read this need reassurance.
Again, I say to check everything out and in so doing, always refer to scripture and try to avoid forming opinions. Ask the Lord for truth.
The scripture that inspired me is Isaiah 35:1-10 that gives us inspiration and hope in the middle of what seems chaotic and uncertain in a darkening world. Isaiah 34 paints a dismal picture that we may well liken to what is happening now. He said that God’s indignation and fury is aroused because of the state of man. Things got so bad that He once flooded the entire earth and we were totally hopeless—but Noah found grace...
A quick look around us can easily cause us to become fearful as evil seems to be on the increase once again, but God promised not to destroy the world like that again. When, according to Isaiah 34 and elsewhere, things seem to be falling apart, He said that good things are coming. They are coming for those of us who like Noah, went into the ark of God’s protection and provision. When we lock ourselves into the secret place that God has provided, the world may crumble whilst we have assurance.
When David faced Goliath and his four brothers, they were all camped in a place called Ephes Dammim that means field of blood. It was as if a blood line had been drawn between God’s people and the enemy and no one could cross from one side to the other.
a field of Blood
When we put our faith in action and are obedient and faithful to the Lord, trusting in Him, a bloodline is drawn around us. As it was at the Passover, God is looking for the applied blood. We may not be able to see it, but it is visible in the spirit. By looking at Isaiah’s prophecy, we can see the difference. It says that in those days, when things are falling apart, we who are on the “right side” of the bloodline can see the wilderness and desert flourish. It reveals such things that, when sadness and confusion reigns on the other side of that blood line we shall be glad and rejoice and that when crops are failing for them, we can expect provision. It states that parched ground will become springs of living water.
It shows us that people who are sad and are plain worn out and weary, will be strengthened and blessed.
I’ve attempted to reveal the marked contrast that is not imaginary or wishful thinking, but confirming the truth that if God did it before, He can and will do it again for those of us who qualify as the last few verses reveal. The promise is for those who walk in God’s ways, not for fools who are disobedient.
Many years ago, our worship songs were scripture put to music and I long for them to return. One of these songs, that we sang on Mother’s day, was based on the closing words of this remarkable promise. The musicians played exceptionally well and the presence of the Lord swept in and a sudden hush fell on us all for a long time. The musicians eventually resumed playing simultaneously as if directed by an invisible conductor. I wish all church services everywhere were like that.
When we are in our proper place and return there if we need to return to it, we shall be crowned; sorrow and mourning will disappear, our tears will be wiped away and we shall be filled with real joy and gladness. In closing, I present this prophecy, that I call a promise from God to us all and hope that as you read it, the inspiration I received will also become yours.
Robert...the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy!

The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon, as lovely as Mount Carmel or the plain of Sharon. There the Lord will display his glory, the splendor of our God. With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees.
Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is coming to save you.”
And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf. The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will sing for joy!
Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the wasteland. The parched ground will become a pool, and springs of water will satisfy the thirsty land. Marsh grass and reeds and rushes will flourish where desert jackals once lived. And a great road will go through that once deserted land.
It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it.
It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there. Lions will not lurk along its course, nor any other ferocious beasts. There will be no other dangers. Only the redeemed will walk on it.
Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.
Isaiah 35:1-10