TThe movie The Ten commandments contained a scene when the people made a golden calf and in typical Hollywood style, depicted wild scenes of drunken debauchery. It might not really have happened that way and on many occasions, as I am discovering more each day, we have assumed things without question and made “half truth” doctrines on that basis. My favorite example is the Nativity story that I like, but the bible never describes it that way at all. It does not say there were 3 wise men at all, but we assume that because there were three kinds of gifts!
I had been looking at other matters when as seems to be happening more nowadays, the Lord directed me to certain scriptures that had led to this presentation. The core test is as follows:

When the people saw that Moshe was so long in coming down from the mountain, the people gathered against Aharon and said to him, “Come, make us a god who shall go before us, for that man Moshe, who brought us from the land of Egypt—we do not know what has happened to him.”
Aharon said to them, “Take off the gold rings that are on the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me.”
And all the people took off the gold rings that were in their ears and brought them to Aharon. This he took from them and cast in a mold, and made it into a molten calf. And they exclaimed, “This is your god, O Yisrael, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” When Aharon saw this, he built a mizbayach before it; and Aharon announced: “Tomorrow shall be a festival of Hashem!” Exodus 32:1-5
Notice my emphasis. We shall see more later, but let us return to the time Moses first appeared in court.
God did not tell Moses to say “Let My people go.” There is more to it than that. The full passage reads: The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you to say, ‘Let My people go that they may worship Me in the wilderness.’ Exodus 7:16 (emphasis mine)
These people had come through the plagues, witnessed the death of those who had not applied the blood of the lamb, stood on the shores of the Red Sea with the enemy bearing down on them for one purpose—their extermination, but God opened it up supernaturally so that they could cross over on dry ground. They emerged through the crashing sea that closed behind them! There is a message in that alone. We can’t go back!
Once we have tasted of the good things of God; once we have experienced a life changing transformation by means of a spiritual rebirth, we can never return to that old life.
God forcibly expelled Adam and Eve from the garden and stationed an angel there who had a flaming sword to ensure that they could not go back.
Jesus told us that once we have had our encounter with him that we cannot put our hands to the plow and look back.
Peter put it bluntly:
Those who escape the corrupting forces of this world system through the experience of knowing about our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah, then go back into entanglement with them and are defeated by them, becoming worse off than they were to start with. It would have been much better for them never to have experienced the way of righteousness than to know it and then turn away from the sacred obligation that was given to them. They become illustrations of the true proverb: A dog will return to his own vomit and a washed pig to its rolling in the mud. 2 Peter 2:20-22
We are designed to advance and for this reason, the Armor of God that is complete and should never be removed, does not have “protection” as such for the back. We are not meant to stand still and fall into habit routines. A babbling brook provides cool, sweet, fresh water whilst it is flowing, but when the flow ceases, the pool stagnates. This is an area of concern to the modern day church. We started well but around 1700 years ago the flow started to diminish.
Other than a few “revivals” like the Welsh Revival, we have become slowly numbed and complacent, content to have our meetings each Sunday, but that is not the Lord’s intention.
God set the people free so that they could worship Him.
People can be “set free”, but not become true worshipers and yes, this includes Christians.
Jesus told the woman at the well, who belonged to a group of people who thought that they were doing well, worshiping the same God we say we worship, but really did not know a thing. Their conversation was as follows:
Sir,” the woman said, “you must be a prophet. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?”
Jesus replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4;19-24
WWhen the people arrived on dry ground in a new life, they celebrated. The first thing that they did after the Red Sea closed behind them was to worship! I encourage you to read Exodus chapter fifteen. It is called “the song of Moses” that opens as follows:
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. They said: I will sing to the Lord (read also Deuteronomy 33)
The Israelites were now on the other side of the Red Sea, having been delivered from Egypt—from sin and the world system that had kept everyone in bondage, but there was nowhere to go. The Tabernacle had not yet been built. There were no church buildings. They had no bible to argue and debate differences in theology whereby we debate issues on exegesis, parsing, tense, verse, mood, homiletics, apologetics and the other things that abound today and even then we cannot agree. They sang to the Lord!
When we have suddenly been emancipated, what do we do next? We are free, but have no understanding on how to express jubilation. We can surround ourselves with music and dancing, smoke generators and flashing lights and arouse emotions, even in what we dub praise and worship, but those emotions only last for a short while and we are then faced with the reality of knowing what it really means to be free. The Israelites were suddenly unguarded and unsure in an unknown wilderness. There were no rules, no forms of service, no pastors, no bibles or bible colleges—nothing. What they did have however was an experience—a Divine encounter. God had done something for them that could never be denied and we could call that today as a testimony.
I recall a time when I met some people in a church that says the days of the apostles and prophets are gone, deny the Holy Spirit and His gifts and declare that talking in tongues no longer exists (some even saying it is of the devil) and I quickly interjected and said that I did! I had a testimony and they could not debate that! They boast of their theological correctness, but did not realize that witches started attending that church and wondered why strange things started to happen! Anyone can argue and debate on any issue without having full understanding and experiencing the truth. That’s what Jesus often spoke about. As for worship, one must ask if the things we call worship today really are considered by the Lord as worship. That is a topic in itself and it is not really what we think!
God sets us free, but also has boundaries that are there for our guidance and protection, illumination and understanding. Sometimes those rules are there to help us, to protect us and guide us towards good behavior and healthy relationships. It has been said that laws have been given for the guidance of fools and the protection of idiots. Those laws for Jews is the Torah. Ours is both that Torah and the New Testament—and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
SShortly after leaving Egypt, Moses was on the mountain with God and the people were waiting for him, growing impatient. This is a common problem with us. We do not like waiting for things. We can get in our car with the kids to go on holiday and no sooner turn the corner when they cry out, “How much longer?” or, “Are we there yet?”
We may be waiting for the bus to arrive, or get frustrated with someone driving too slowly in the car in front of us, taking too long to go through the checkout at a supermarket, or for the cake to cook in the oven. Impatience for a promise from God to arrive is more common than you may realize.
Habakkuk reveals that there is “an appointed time”, “the appointed time”—“The set time” for things.
I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint. Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. Habakkuk 2:1-3 emphasis mine
If we can carry the correct message, we can also impart the wrong, or incomplete message. Similarly, we can correctly interpret or wrongly interpret scripture, as Paul said in Timothy 2:15. It does not mean we must engage in the theological debates over exegesis, hermeneutics and other matters often deemed important, because scriptures have been given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit as seen in 2 Timothy 3:16. Correct understand and interpretation has to be Spirit inspired! Patience is something we should study and apply to our lives. It is part of the character and nature of God and thus of Spirit filled believers:
the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Galatians 5:22-23
When we grow impatient, we risk making mistakes! When we grow weary and cannot or will not wait for God to fulfill His promise to us and try to make things happen, we usually miss it. That’s how Ishmael was born. I’ve done it and often seen it with many others who would not listen to advice, or would not allow God to bring His plan into effect, did what they wanted to do regardless and their lives are a mess. Unfortunately other people are affected because of their attitudes.
Israel had seen the plagues and came out untouched, saw God open the Red Sea and walk across on dry ground out of Egypt and they were on their way to the Promised Land after 430 years of bondage—but they couldn’t wait for 40 days?
WWhilst Moses was up on the mountain with God, they made a “golden calf” but was it a golden calf? 40 years later, Moses recounted the account saying:
God said to me, “Arise! Go down quickly from here because your people has corrupted – whom you took out of Egypt. They have turned aside very quickly from the path that I have commanded them; they have made themselves a cast metal image!” (Deuteronomy 9:12)
The Hebrew word used is masechah. It does not really mean gold, although they used gold in the process. There was something of much greater significance—a principle involved and this is revealed in exodus 34:7 that states: You shall not make for yourselves gods of cast metal.
This masechah has several meanings that include a mask or a cover. It can also refer to someone in a leadership position, such as a pastor, but has not been appointed by God. This is prevalent in churches and such persons are deemed to be wearing a mask. There is also a reference to an anointing because one other meaning is to pour Again, anyone not specifically appointed by God to that position, that genuine anointing has not been poured out into their life. This masechah is metal that has been melted down and poured out, usually into a mould and it is an empty shape, similar to the mould for casting. It is not the original! It is but a copy of the genuine, or in other words, a counterfeit. One spiritual implication is seen in Proverbs 25:14 that says: He who boasts of his gifts falsely Is like clouds and wind without rain.
Jude spoke of shameless shepherds who care only for themselves and who eat with you in your fellowship meals commemorating the Lord’s love, who are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you and like clouds blowing over the land without giving any rain. He said that they are like trees in autumn that are doubly dead, for they bear no fruit and have been pulled up by the roots. Such people are wearing masks. They look the part, but like a mask, are really empty.
Genuine anointed leadership usually does not happen overnight. Jesus trained His men for three years and still told them to wait for more—for the anointing that only the Holy spirit can provide. It is the anointing that qualified Bezaleel and Aholiab to supervise the construction of the Tabernacle. It is the anointing that liberates and teaches us today. It is the anointing that produces understanding or revelation. We need the anointing—the genuine anointing to return.
Paul told Timothy not to lay hands on anyone too quickly for several reasons, one of which is when appointing someone to a position of authority such as a pastor. The word elders thus means more than mere age alone, but of gaining proven experience gained over time. Moses was called by God, but did not take up his office until 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in the wilderness and then spent 40 years afterwards in actual ministry.
Joshua served him for those 40 years.
David was called and anointed but never took up his office immediately.
John the baptist had a miraculous birth, but it took him 30 years before he started ministry. Preparing someone by God for really effective ministry is usually a slow process and this is how it is with smithing. It is a very slow process that takes time and precision. We often major on faith. We have faith preachers. We talk about great faith or little faith and that’s OK because Jesus spoke of that, but... It really seems that God is not as interested in the faith we think we achieve, but more in our faithfulness to the task that He allocates us.
If all He asks one person to do is to talk to one person and they do that, the real success factor is there. The Lord asked a man to go to Saul who was renamed Paul and pray for him to receive his sight and we do not know if that man ever did a thing afterwards! We now have most of the New Testament as a result. We often seem to have incorrect emphasis on things.
Casting with gold happens fast as it cools and hardens very quickly by comparison with other metals. All that is needed to create a cast object is to heat up the gold and pour it in to the mould, but it take time to create the mould or form into which the molten metal is poured. The problem they had is that they did not have the facilities we have today. The people removed the gold they had and brought them to Aaron who fashioned it with an engraving tool and made it into a calf of cast metal. This poses a problem because if Aaron was casting the calf, he really did not need an engraving tool as casting involves simply pouring the liquid gold into the mould.
Another way to cast gold, due to how fast it cools and how soft it is as a metal, is to create a crude mould that approximates the final object’s shape, pour the liquid gold into it, and then manipulate the soft, cooling gold as it hardens using a tool to shape it. Perhaps the way he made it was to dig a hole in the ground in a rough shape of the final object, melt the gold and pour it in and shaped it with those tools as the metal was cooling. This is significant because when we look at the construction of the Tabernacle, God had specific instructions as to how it was to be made. He told Moses to make it according to the pattern He showed him in the set and precise way and not deviate from it. The word of God places great importance on the way such objects should be fashioned. The instructions for the building of the Tabernacle are full of specific instructions regarding the methods of manufacturing the items involved. The altar was not to be made of hewn stone using a metal blade or sharp object—a man-made tool for cutting the stone. Jesus gave us spiritual tools for the building of His Church, but it seems that we now prefer natural tools... According to Exodus 20:22, if anyone lifted a sword over it (using natural tools), they desecrated it.
The two objects made of pure gold—the Cherubs and the Menorah—have the same specific instructions.
The Menorah was to burn non stop inside the tent! It was filled with oil and oil speaks of the Holy Spirit, who imparts revelation and empowerment. It also relates to intimate fellowship as in sharing a covenant meal. Revelation 3:20 speaks of that. There was no natural light inside that tent, so the implication to us today is that if we do not have that impartation from Him, we operate only in the natural realm and sadly, this is where most churches function.
Each of these items was required to be made out of one solid piece of gold. They had to be smithed—not cast and we can see this in Exodus 25:18 and 25:31. Smithing is the process of shaping a piece of metal by hammering and beating it into shape. Smithing is a much more difficult and time-consuming method of making these two items than casting would be. Both the Cherubs and the Menorah required a great deal of fine detail work and it could not be done without the anointing of the Holy Spirit that was placed on Bezaleel and Aholiab. It certainly would have been quicker and easier to make a mould of the Menorah, melt down the gold, and cast it. Smithing, not casting was necessary for good reason.
WWe think that all of the Israelites made an idol—a false god, but that may not be so.
People often say that the Jews orchestrated the crucifixion of the Lord and rejected Him, but I suggest that it was a minority group involved. My wife was born in the U.K. and her family went through the war. From their testimony and other testimonies, the average German citizen did not want the war. They were forced into it. What does one do, when an armed squad comes to your home in the middle of the night and take the men away, forcing them to enlist. Refusal often led to punishment of innocent people and this is happening today in other wars today when dictators rule with iron fists. Minority groups exist today, each conducting protest marches today and pushing their own agendas. Often times those who make the most noise and create most disturbances receive the attention. The media does not normally report minor incidents and small group meetings, but likes to zero in on the things that give them most attention and serve their agendas. Perhaps it was only a certain group of people—a minority group that were loud and forceful who made an idol. It is said that all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to say nothing. Did Aaron try to dissuade them and was overwhelmed, or did he remain silent and allow himself to be squeezed into their mould? This is more important than we realize. Paul told us not to allow the world system to squeeze us into its mould—to look like them, sound like them, dress like them etc Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:1-2
Speaking of false gods, I asked the Lord about what constitutes a false god and His reply took me by surprize. He said that anything that is put first ahead of God Himself is a false god. He said that we can worship a bible! He said that we can worship a church. He said that we can worship a church leader and He said that we can worship and wait for it—worship! On careful analysis, that is absolutely true.
He also made me think about things like sickness by asking me if there is sickness in Heaven. When I said, “No”, He then said that it is false. It should not be in our lives. Therefore if we look more closely at idolatry, it is more than bowing to a piece of rock or a carved effigy. It is putting God, the person, in second place and accepting something else.
The Israelites were not trying to replace God although they said of the calf: These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt! Exodus 32:4
They saw the calf as a vessel that would house God—the same God who took them out of Egypt. In that sense therefore, they still wanted to worship God, but in their own manner—in a way that they wanted to, forming their own traditions in the process. This is happening today, but God is a spirit! He cannot be housed in any physical object, because He does not take any physical form. For this reason, drawing or fashioning physical representations of God is forbidden. When people may say that certain things are icons only, to help them in their devotion and worship, they are not really icons at all if we look at it that way—they are substitutes for the real thing—God, the person and are thus false.
Liquid has no form of its own. Liquid takes the physical form of whatever vessel it is in. In the absence of a vessel, it will expand and flow endlessly. In casting, liquid metal is given a specific form according to the mould into which it is poured. God is not like liquid and He has no physical form, so to create an outside form and “pour” God into it or to cast God is heretical. God fills all of creation and can not be restricted or housed by a particular object.
I do not want to cause any offense to anyone, but I recall the time when the “black Madonna” was taken around the world and I was invited to attend the ceremony when it arrived at the Redemptionist Father’s Monastery in the Gold Coast Hinterland in Australia. It was carried around in great procession with much pomp and ceremony and installed in a specially made grotto. People worshiped it, bowed to it, prayed to it, placed flowers at its feet and offered incense to it. It was always guarded and considered something wonderful, but I thought it was an ugly black statue and something deep inside me cringed. My spirit was reacting. I am sharing that to illustrate that if you have doubts about something, check your first initial gut reaction. It is usually but not always a good indicator. If it does not “sit right” it usually is not right. We don’t rely only on such feelings of course and need to apply biblical tests to verify the truth. For example, Paul said in Romans 8:14-17 that there is a “witness” in our spirits to ascertain truth. The presence or lack of that “witness” is a determining factor.

TThe two solid gold items in the Tabernacle, the Menorah and the Cherubs, were smithed even though making them by casting would certainly have been much quicker and easier and I believe that the lesson here is profound—neither of these objects were God and did not represent God. They symbolized significant truths. Cherubs who are not to be worshiped temporarily represented our interface with God. They were temporary aids only, like hidden mysteries that have now been fully revealed or made manifest by the Lord Jesus. That’s the difference.
When refining gold, a goldsmith melted the base metal and peered down at its surface to see the impurities rise to the surface. He skimmed them away and reheated the gold, repeating the process until when he peered down, he could see his own face reflected on the surface. That is the purpose of the refiner’s fire in our lives. Paul said that everyone’s work shall be refined by fire—everyone. The insistence on smithing these items can teach us lessons for our lives of faith. Casting, as opposed to smithing, happens fast, through the application of fire and fire can take on different aspects. It can refine and it can destroy.
Fire can represent the kinds of sudden passion and emotional momentum that are inappropriate for serving God with integrity. We can certainly experience moments of sudden inspiration and spiritual high points where we feel close to God, but these moments are not what a life of service to God is built on. We don’t experience Mount Sinai or the splitting of the sea on a daily basis. Sometimes it may seem like a boring daily grind. Often times sudden spiritual highs can be so fleeting, we may be left with unwelcome feelings when those emotional highs had dissipated.
For our service of God to be lasting and meaningful in the long term, it must be built on deliberate, careful work, day after day. As we touched on before, God was adamant that the Tabernacle had to be built—according to His pattern. They were not to deviate from it and the men appointed to the crafting, Bezaleel and Aholiab, were Spirit filled! May we allow the Holy Spirit back into our churches! May we return to the original design Jesus had for His Church! We shall!!!
Jesus said that He would build His Church and that is in strict accord with the Divine Pattern. There is only one pattern, not many, but we all seem to act as if our own way is the right way; that no one else has the truth; that our church is the best church and that...
I recently met with a Lutheran pastor and shared briefly how I once met a Catholic bishop in his private office and at the close of the meeting the bishop asked if we could pray. Without thinking, I stretched my hands out to him and laid my hands on him and asked God to bless him and help him in his ministry. He loved it and as a result, I was invited to share communion with several priests and be part of what was then known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I hired venues like the Central Lecture Theatre at James Cook University, conducted crusades at the Sound Shall (for which I was not changed a fee)that seated several thousand, witnessed amazing healings and saw many people come to the Lord.
Such a thing was unheard of. When I tried to share this with a prominent Catholic leader later, he spluttered and was offended, saying that they could not have been genuine priests and that I should never have been allowed to take communion. When I shared that with this Lutheran pastor, I could see that his mind was racing and I added, “I thought that all you needed to do was to be a believer”. I then told him that we are all supposed to be one Body of Christ and that denominations should not exist and he kind of agreed, but something was lacking. The reason is that he, as with many other preachers, is locked into a long standing heritage of belief structures according to their own denomination. They cannot see out of the box. I am optimistic however, knowing that the Lord’s plan for His Church will be fulfilled and in my own lifetime and many such barriers may come down.
This makes me wonder now of any significance to us today with regard that “golden calf”. Are we making the same mistake that the Israelites did? We may not be literally bowing to idols and worshiping God, but trying to fit God into a vessel of our own making, or, depending on the individual and the organization, into their own vessels. When Aaron had completed making that thing, the people (but which people) said:
This is your god, O Yisrael
It seems that some people wanted it, but other people did not. A certain core of people who had their own belief structures tried to impose them on the congregation and this is a familiar process today. We cannot keep blaming “the Jews” for everything as if the entire population rejected Jesus and are refusing to see that He is the long awaited Messiah. Many people loved Jesus, but the religious folk did not. I see a parallel in our day. To explain, look at what Jesus said in John 10:27 saying that His sheep hear His voice. You can go into one of many churches today and tell someone that and they look at you incredulously as if you are either pretending to be someone you are not or are a weird nutcase. Such folk are basically calling the Lord a liar. Don’t they read their bibles? On most occasions such a reaction comes from “religious people”, but not from those who have an intimate relationship with the Lord. Go ahead and put it test. Try it!
Something wonderful is happening in Israel that the media suppresses. Jews from all over the world are making Aliyah (returning to Israel) just as the prophets said. Many are accepting Jesus as their saviour, but are still Jewish and I think it is a wonderful thing.
Rather than thinking that they all committed the shocking sin of idolatry, Aaron did something that most of the people followed. When Aharon saw this, he built a mizbayach before it; and Aharon announced: “Tomorrow shall be a festival of Hashem!”
He saw that some people started to worship that cast idol. This implies that he did not and was horrified. When he saw the behaviour of that core of people, he built a mizbayach (altar) and declared that the next day would be a festival of Hashem—not a cast calf. Aaron was Moses’ right hand man and God called him Moses’ prophet. He passed Moses’ words to Pharaoh, so he was capable of speaking to kings. The account in Exodus chapter seven reveals some intriguing facts:
AdonAi said to Moshe, “I have put you in the place of God to Pharaoh, and Aharon your brother will be your prophet.
You are to say everything I order you, and Aharon your brother is to speak to Pharaoh and tell him to let the people of Isra’el leave his land. But I will make him hardhearted. Even though I will increase my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my armies, my people the sons of Isra’el, out of the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. Then, when I stretch out my hand over Egypt and bring the people of Isra’el out from among them, the Egyptians will know that I am AdonAi.”
Moshe and Aharon did exactly what AdonAi ordered them to do. Moshe was eighty years old and Aharon eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.
AdonAi said to Moshe and Aharon,“When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Perform a miracle,’ tell Aharon to take his staff and throw it down in front of Pharaoh, so that it can become a snake.” Moshe and Aharon went in to Pharaoh and did this, as AdonAi had ordered—Aharon threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh and his servants, and it turned into a snake. Exodus 7:1-10
There is an interesting word pay here. The account speaks of Moses’ rod, but it also refers to Aaron’s rod or staff. Whose rod was actually cast down before Pharaoh ? I am revising an earlier message on the Rod of Moses and may share it with you.
Amongst other things, the rod is a symbol of authority and power—a sign the delegated authority has been vested in someone. When God called Moses, He asked him what he had in his hand and it was nothing other than a dead stick that had identification marks on it to indicate ownership etc. When God gave him his assignment, according to Exodus 4:20, he took the rod of God with him. It was no longer Moses’ rod–but God’s rod. There is a profound message in that. It tells me that a genuine God given assignment is God’s assignment and not our own. If we operate at that level, the results are not up to us, but according to what God has in mind. What happens is thus dependent on acting in delegated authority, with and by the anointing and nothing else will suffice. Oh, how I wish more churches and ministers would understand that...
They did not tell Pharaoh that miracles would happen, or attempt to prove their authenticity as we often tend to do. God told them in advance that the man would seek a sign. Pharaoh would not believe, despite the signs. A miracle can happen right in front of people’s faces and they will not believe. It still amazes me why that happens.
I do not understand why he built the calf. Was he threatened? Christians are coming under great pressure today. Even here in Australia, the State and federal governments are slowly and insidiously introducing legislations that deny God and freedom of worship. The bible is being removed.
Prayer before session is being omitted. The LGBT and gender issues are being pushed on the people. There is no doubt in the natural realm of anyone’s gender. Without being crude, all you have to do is look down and you can tell what gender you are!
I am not sure if the bill has been passed, but the South Australia Government revealed the plan to remove gender references such as Mr., Mrs., Sir., His, Her, Him and more.
It does not matter if one is a royalist or not, but it was revealed that they intend removing the title of His Majesty King Charles and Her excellency the Governor. What we do call people then?
The world is going crazy and forcing its agenda everywhere. Was Aaron forced to make that thing? Did Aaron temporary “forget” the calling and the anointing and as a result, functioned out of the natural? We deal with a supernatural God, but when we take the “super” out of the equation, all that we have is the natural!
Whatever happened, to his credit, stood up and quickly made certain that the worship was directed to God as soon as possible. He was already starting to stand in the office of a priest and was later anointed to occupy that office. He turned their attention to God.
In closing, I want to encourage you that regardless of what may or may not happen to us, to turn your attention to the Lord and not allow the world agenda to squeeze you into its mould. I am not suggesting it will be easy. In fact, it can sometimes be downright difficult, but it will be the best move you can make.