By Robert Carter
Our story takes place when the nation of Israel was in a sorry state mostly because of the actions of one man, King Saul. It is found in 1 Samuel chapter 17 The Philistines now mustered their army for battle and camped between Socoh in Judah and Azekah at Ephes-dammim. Saul countered by gathering his Israelite troops near the valley of Elah. So the Philistines and Israelites faced each other on opposite hills, with the valley between them. Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall! He wore a bronze helmet, and his bronze coat of mail weighed 125 pounds. He also wore bronze leg armor, and he carried a bronze javelin on his shoulder. The shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as a weaver’s beam, tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed 15 pounds. His armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a shield. 1 Samuel 17:1-7
THE SETTING The Philistines were descendants of Ham and apparently came to the western seacoast of Canaan from Caphtor that may be what we now know as Crete. They were invaders who had one thing on their mind and it was war.
Those Philistines always wanted to fight Israel. Although the Philistines are no longer around, the spirit prevails and nothing has changed to this day. It reminds me that we often seem to be in a war ourselves. The battle was won by Jesus, but it sure seems at times as if the devil is hell bent (pardon the pun) on warring against the Church. I am not advocating that anyone embarks on so called spiritual warfare. That is often foolish and achieves nothing other than to muddy the waters.
It is similar to the prevailing attitude by many of Israel’s neighbours today who have publicly stated they want all Jews exterminated and constantly proved to be true by their actions. Names, places and events in the bible are important because they have significant meaning, often prophetic in nature. Even the time factors mentioned may have spiritual significance to them, so those often seemingly trivial details can carry a great amount of revelation to us.
The point that I want to make about those people is that they did not belong there. The land belonged to God’s people. The blessings and privileges that come as part of the salvation package belong to God’s people and to no one else. The devil has lied and cheated for long enough and it is time for the church of the living God to wake up and regain what we gave away through ignorance and many other reasons.
This is evident in our story. They camped at a place called Socoh that means bush or thorn. Have you ever met someone who is like a thorn in your side? I have. Some of them are not a thorn but complete bushes. They can jar your spirit without even trying. I’ve met people who I would prefer to see leaving than arriving and so have you I suppose because they just seem to grate on you somehow, but God commands us to love them, but he never said we have to like them!
They camped in the territory that belonged to Judah. This was part of the land that God gave Israel when they entered into the Promised Land. Judah means Celebrated. It is derived from a word that means Praise. 2⏐
One thing that the enemy wants to do is to steal our joy. It rids us from peace and prevents us from praising God. It is not easy to praise the Lord when things are going badly, but that is often one of the best times to do so. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into jail and that was a situation that could have caused them to legitimately feel sorry for themselves or start the blame game and the like. Does something sound familiar?
All four all of them were walking around unrestricted by those bonds, talking to each other and did not even smell of smoke.
I receive many emails from people around the world—Christians who say that they love the LORD and share things. Some ask us to visit. Others ask to affiliate with us. Others beg and complain! Every email they send asks for help and I rarely hear something positive from them. They seem to lack the peace and joy of the Lord that He promised us. It is not easy when terrorism, famines, natural disasters, unemployment, illness and more strike. I know that! I’ve been on the receiving end of that, but I do know that God will never fail us. Paul and Silas were bleeding and chained in that stinking hellhole, but started to sing songs of praise in that place and God joined in, tapping his toe in time with their music and the vibrations caused an earthquake to free them. In this instance, God did not prevent them from being jailed, but he did set them free. He has never promised us total immunity from problems but He has assured us that He will be there beside us in the problems and will give us answers or solutions in those situations and circumstances. The Hebrew boys in Daniel were not preserved from being taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, but He did establish a lifestyle for them that was full of blessing. When they refused to compromise, they were arrested and threatened with death refused to bow and worship a foreign god. God never intervened when they were bound and thrown into a furnace that had been heated seven times normal.
The point that I wish to make is that God never promised us total immunity from difficulties or problems in our lives but He did give us the ability to deal with them and did promise to help us when we needed His help. One such example is found in Isaiah 43:2 that saysWhen you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. If you look at the preceding and following verses you will see that God is so interested and concerned about your life and welfare that He knows you by your own name, that you are precious to Him, that you are honored and that He loves you! He is so enraptured with you that He sent His only begotten Son for you! Think about it! God has many precious and wonderful thoughts towards us to ensure a bright and rosy future according to Jeremiah 29:11, so the trials and apparent tribulations of life that often seem to want to destroy us are really of no effect. I like the phrase, “...and it came to pass” because our problems can come— to pass! They will eventually pass away and the day may come when you can look back on that time in amazement, wondering why you were so distressed and anxious. Worry is really a sin because it illustrates or indicates that you do not trust God. Think about that for a moment.
There are things that you and I must do however to ensure victory in every situation and circumstance of life. There might be problems. There will be good times. There will be peace and joy at the end of the day. The sun will come up in the morning. This reminds me of Psalm 30:5 that says God’s favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last They were cast into those flames, but all the flames through the night, but joy comes with the morning. did was to destroy their bonds and when their enemy pushed them in, they were destroyed. When You and I have a part to play in this thing. So did Israel. the king looked inside, he did not see three men. He saw four men and declared that this fourth Man When the nation of Israel entered their Promised looked like the Son of God! Land, they were to go in and possess it and totally Who was that fourth man? I believe that this was conquer the enemy. God commanded them to Jesus appearing to men in what we theologically destroy everything associated with the enemy and call a theophany, that is a manifestation in the flesh that sounds harsh, but liken this to cutting out a of Jesus before his incarnation. cancer in your body and not doing so. They didn’t! As a result, the enemy had been permitted to remain.
Allowing something like that to remain is like not digging the roots of a pesky weed from the garden. The thing grows back. They never took full control over the enemy from day one and as a result God’s people lived less than God’s best. They were being constantly harassed and attacked by the remnant that festered and regrew. If you have a recurring series of problems, is there a remote chance that you have never fully dealt with the issue God spoke about before?
If God says not to talk to someone, he means it, just as much as he means it when he tells us to speak with someone! Don’t communicate even to see if they are OK. This seems to be contrary with the love, care and concern we should have towards our fellow man, but the criteria is following the LORD’s instructions to the letter.
The disciples wanted to go to Asia to preach the Gospel and we know that this is what God wants, but the Holy Spirit forbade them. See Acts 16:6. If they had gone there to preach the Gospel, even with the noblest of intentions, they would have been disobedient and perhaps disqualified themselves for ministry.
The enemy has no rights whatsoever to occupy any territory, blessing, promise or anything that God gives us. The only way he can take those things from us is when we permit it.
Many Christians seem to go from crisis to crisis and it often hurts to watch. I ask questions, “Have you done what God asked you to do yet?” This is often why God wants us to deal with issues Have you stopped doing what God asked you to whilst they are small to prevent them from growing stop?” into major problems. Ignoring them is a risky Have you given that thing away that you should not business. have in your possession?” God could advise or warn of us not to touch a I shudder when they reply, “I’ll pray about it.” certain thing, go to some place, or meet with some They usually don’t or they already know and have people, because he knows what could happen. disregarded His voice until they forget that He has A problem with some people is that they do not already spoken. The outcome speaks for itself. see the danger signals, or ignore Godly counsel and It could seem trivial, but it is not. It is a faith and fall into the trap. obedience thing and it is in the area where Israel God does not give warnings like Don’t touch or Do had failed. not go there to spoil our fun, but for our protection They never completely evicted enemy activity in and welfare. their lives and so had not ensured that their lives were squeaky clean. Well-meaning Christians sometimes try to help When things go wrong we should check to see if someone else and wonder why things go wrong. we are qualified to do what we are trying and where Did they stop to ask God first? Did he ask them to we stand before God. do that? Are they qualified to do so? “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will What one person does or does not do can have an affect on others. It can shut down a ministry or it enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. can lead to the fall of a nation. Joshua led the people into the Promised Land and won a great On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! victory in Joshua chapters 1 to 6, but his second We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in campaign failed dismally because one man, yes only your name and performed many miracles in your one man, kept a trophy he should not have name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away possessed. See Joshua 7. from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:21-23 I have laboured the point here to illustrate that there are principles or laws that apply to us just as One basic meaning of I never knew you is I did not much as they did then. Disobedience results in authorise you. One of King Saul’s failures was failure. What makes things worse is that it can making sacrifice to God because he was not become habit forming. The thing that God spoke anointed to do that—Samuel was. The prophet had about is forgotten and the conscience could told him to wait until his return. Saul did not. become seared. It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to make things happen. Never think that God is taking too The devil probes for chinks in our armour and if long to do something. He might be waiting for us we give him one, he pounces relentlessly and to get our act together. without mercy.
We see in this account that Saul & the Israelites camped in the Valley of Elah, having fallen into the traps I just described.
Elah means Oak. We think of oak trees as being something rock solid. We have a picture of something so firmly rooted, stable and mature that it is able to withstand storms and tempests. This is not so. The oak represents stubbornness, immovability, rigidity, inflexibility. In this light, it speaks of someone being so firmly rigid, set and established in habit patterns that God’s wishes are resisted. As a result, they were camped in the wrong place. They had encamped in a valley, immediately placing themselves in a strategic disadvantage militarily. They had conceded defeat before one blow fell. As a result, they had subjected themselves to the enemy, but Deuteronomy 28:13 states that God’s people are to be the head, not the tail and above, not below. We do not deny the realities of life in what sometimes seems to be like a hostile environment. The enemy of our souls is still determined to harm us one way or another. I recently heard of a young 27-year old Sudanese woman who married an American, has a 20-month old son and is expecting her second child. The Muslim authorities refuse to recognise such a marriage and so deem her to be living in adultery. They asked her to renounce her Christian faith and she has refused. They have sentenced her to 100 lashes for her adultery and she has been sentenced to death by hanging for what they call her apostasy. That sure is a hostile environment and is one you will hopefully never face.
OUR POSITION IN CHRIST This is a good place to discuss our position and standing in Christ. It is more than a nice-sounding phrase that sounds spiritual, but an established fact. Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul penned such scriptures asEver since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God’s people everywhere, I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him.
This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come. God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself. Ephesians 1:15-23. According to 1 John 3:8, Jesus came to destroy the works or ergon of the devil. Ergon relates to the deeds, efforts or labour employed as he goes about his tasks to bring us down. Jesus did not destroy the Devil! He nullified or destroyed the Devil’s right or authority to act. The word for destroy is likened to corrosion in metal. Any one who has had a car with rust in it knows that once that corrosion sets in the steel is gone! Corrosion in aircraft can be fatal, so Jesus took the devil’s right to inflict his damage on us completely and forever. He delivered a fatal blow to the enemy’s authority. This does not stop him from trying or continuing to operate. He was found guilty and sentence was pronounced on him because of what Jesus did at Calvary, as it is in a court of law on earth. Here the sentence has been pronounced and the offender is remanded until the sentence takes effect. That is coming to the devil, but until then, he wanders around like a roaring lion probing here and there in his search for an opportunity. Don’t give him one! Remember that the one who lives in you is greater than anything. See 1 John 4:4.
GOLIATH This person or being represents the devil who was originally known as Lucifer—a beautiful being adorned with all kinds of precious gems. He reflected the glorious light of God. Think of splendour. Goliath’s name relates to splendour. Let us look at this man. He was more than 2.75 meters (9ft) tall His coat of armour weighed 57Kg (126Lbs) He wore brass leg armour and wore the equivalent of 14 inch hobnail boots His helmet was made of brass He had a javelin (usually strapped between the shoulders in a special scabbard or sheath) and had a spear that was so big it was likened to a weavers beam.
They were a minimum of 2 ½ inches in diameter (as wide as this circle). It had a 6Kg (14Lb) spearhead. How long was it?
He knows who are real Christians and who are pretenders. A good example is found in Acts 19:13-15. A group of Jews were traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!” Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered. Acts 19:13-16
The bible does not talk about the dimensions of his sword. Why? If we liken a sword to the spoken and revelatory word of God, then did this represent the enemy’s word? If so, then why give it credence?
That man was a fighting machine. His whole life was dedicated to battle and all he knew was fighting. What made matters worse was that he had another equally as formidable a warrior as his armour bearer. Verse 41 says that this shield bearer went ahead of Goliath, so anyone who dared fight him had to first deal with that man and get past the They were saying the right words and probably shield! It meant that Goliath was totally freed to use both doing the right things, but lacked personal and intimate relationship! arms and hands to use his weapons.
For 40 days the Philistines set the battle in array twice a day, but they did not or could not attack! For 40 days the Israelites set the battle in array but they did nothing. They were saying the right words and going through the motions, but lacked one thing. Not one of God’s people did or said anything.
Look at the image on the rear cover.
You might be the (little) Sumo wrestler in front! The man in front of that tank won! It stopped and the news media world wide told of it.
One reason why evil abounds is that good men do nothing or say nothing. Sometimes it is better to remain silent but there are times when we believers must stand up for truth and righteousness.
Now the story goes that the Philistines and Israelites gathered for warfare. They were camped at a place called Sochoh. The general meaning of the place is like being entwined or shut in by something. It is like a thorny hedge or a fence that provides formation, protection and restraint. Both armies were restrained! Israel was restrained by the fear and personal failures of the King. The Philistines were restrained by the hand of God!
For 40 days Goliath challenged Gods people who never responded and he is still challenging. This is significant because the number 40 speaks of probation, testing, judgement and closing in victory. The flood lasted 40 days Moses had three 40-year periods and was on Sinai for 40 days & nights My friend, if you give God something workable in There were 40 spies in Canaan your life, he will protect you. It is like placing a Saul, David and Solomon reigned for 40 years thorny hedge of protection around you. We know Elijah’s fast lasted 40 days what Psalm 91 and other scriptures say about that. Jesus was tempted 40 days and nights and had an earthly ministry of 40 days after His The bible says that they were in a region known as resurrection Ephesdammim. Names sure mean something. This For 40 days God’s people went through the name means drops or boundary of blood! motions of religious observances. Were they There was a blood line drawn between them. There Hearers of the Word only and not Doers of the Word? is a blood line not only drawn around us, it is on us! See James 1:22. Just as the Israelites had to place blood on the The realities of life are that we become creatures of doorposts and lintels of their homes in Egypt, we habit. If we do something long enough it becomes have to apply the Blood of Jesus to our lives. Keep that blood line on you! God is looking for it. a habit pattern, that may or may not be a good one. Manners and habits are acquired. The devil also sees it!
Goliath and Israel had established 40-day habit patterns. We all have our 40-day periods that vary of course and the real issue is not what they are but what we do with them or in them. The issue is not WHERE we are, but WHAT we are The issue is not WHAT happens to us, but HOW we respond. The issue is not WHAT we THINK or BELIEVE, but WHAT we Say. We shall see more of this later. I mentioned forty day periods, but it was really 39 days. David arrived on that fateful 40th day. Why did Goliath not attack on day one? Israel was already displaying fear and defeat. All that he needed to do was stride down the hill and walk into the Israelite camp and everything was all over. Peter says that our antidikos (the devil) is like an opponent in a suit of law. Our adversary or enemy, is AS a roaring lion; NOT IS a roaring lion and is SEEKING whom he MAY devour. Peter says that WE are to RESIST him steadfastly in the faith. We cannot resist a superior foe! James 4:7-8 tells us to submit to God (first) and then resist the devil, who would flee from us.
Apparently there was some kind of arrangement that allowed him to spend time with Saul and spend time with Jesse. David had previously been anointed to be King and by now had played his music in Saul’s presence when he was troubled, so he was no stranger to the court. Jesse called him and gave instructions to take provision to his brethren who were with Saul. Let us see the accountAnd David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle.1 Samuel 17:20 David rose early in the morning. He ensured that his father’s property (the sheep) were cared for. This meant that he put Jesse’s needs before his own desires. He did what Jesse told him. On his arrival he found the right person to whom he could entrust his father’s property He looked for his brethren and saluted them These are the kinds of qualities that make a good leader. If God cannot trust us with the ordinary and trivial things, he cannot trust us with greater things.
Just as he was talking with his brothers (on the 40th day), Goliath issued his by now familiar challenge. Now David had been all this time with his Father Saul quaked in his tent and the Israelites to a man and then the Father sent him to his brethren. Being were fear-stricken. with the Father is a good place to be. Jesus was with When David heard that, something inside him the Father who sent Him on a mission and as His reacted. Father sent Him so does our Father send us. He heard the SAMEWORDS as the Israelites and they ALL fled. Now look carefully. If A& means a&, would this not ACCOUNTABILITY & have included David? We all have reactions and RESPONSIBILITY responses to things. Sometimes the initial response is automatic or involuntary, but we can control We need to look at David for a moment. By this time, he had been anointed as King, but had to yet ourselves and change things if we know our position in Christ. ascend to the throne. If David did flee with the others, the question He was treated with disdain by his family who remains, “Why?” wouldn’t even tell him that Samuel was at home. When asked if all the family were present, they Fear is contagious. So is unbelief. The 40 spies tried to discount him. They thought that he was Moses sent out reacted differently. Ten gave an evil weird. In their estimation, he is the one who sings report that spread like wildfire through the camp. to sheep. He is a runt of a pimply faced boy who It was contagious but two men stood their ground. Only those two men received their promise and did not count, but God looked on his heart. God entered the Promised Land. The report we are does look on our hearts you know. What does he giving will determine the outcome for us. see? Whilst Saul and his soldiers were assembled for war FAITH is also contagious. and David’s brothers were conscripted, David had If David initially fled, something stirred within to returned to his father’s home to look after his change his demeanour. What changed David? father’s sheep. David had a twofold testimony. 7⏐
He remembered the testimony of the nation and how Moses had led them out of bondage. He remembered the WORD of the Lord to him when Samuel anointed him and he remembered the anointing itself. He DECLARED his testimony of the lion and the bear. You too have a testimony. You are reading this to start with and the rest of your life starts now, so you have a testimony that can be increased or expanded upon as the days go by. Don’t ever forget your first love. Don’t ever forget where you came from and the pit from which you were dug. That first excitement and zeal and the memories of the freshness of your new birth can be as fresh today as it was then. Keep the honeymoon relationship fresh! On his arrival, Goliath emerged issuing his challenge. Something stirred inside him. How Dare dare he challenge God...How dare he challenge the church. David rehearsed the matter with the people and they told Saul. The leader would not go himself, but told David to go. The people were fearful because Saul was fearful. The people were failures because Saul had failed. Any group can only rise to the level of their leader, whatever that may be. He cannot make them better than himself and must lead by example and that is from the front.
HAVING THE RIGHT CONFESSION Many Christians get into trouble because of Their Opinions. They major on what they think about something, but we are to have the mind of Christ and think like him. What does the word of God say about the matter? Scriptures like Matthew 12:34 & Proverbs 18:21 prove that words bear testimony to what is in the heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The power of life and death is in the power of the tongue. Words can hurt you (or bless you) more than anything else. Hebrews 10:23. We should learn to talk the same language God talks (Homologia). Most of the spies in Canaan said, “Look at the giants...they’re big”, but two said, “Yes but look at the size of those grapes”
The Israelites looked at Goliath with natural eyes and said, “Look at him...he’s big” but David said, “Look at him...he’s too big to miss.” See Revelation 12:11. It is much more than merely making positive affirmations! Anyone can do that. The is declaring what God can and does do using His word and this is the key to our success. There is also one thing that David did right. It was getting the facts! The other men were talking. They asked him, “Have you seen this man?” He was there of course so he had to have seen him, so what was that speech about? They were talking the problem, not the solution. This is one reason why God commanded Joshua to instruct the people to remain silent as they marched around Jericho for the first six days. One man could have started talking about how high the walls were. Another could have added to it and before you know it, everyone was starting to talk negatively. They talked about how Saul would honour the man who defeated Goliath. David wanted to get his facts right and asked for clarity. See the account in verses 25-27. His own brother tried to cut him down. Sibling rivalry is a bad thing. He wouldn’t do a thing himself and when David showed interest, he berated the lad. Sometimes we have to cut ourselves off from our own family and that hurts, but if we recall what Jesus said about putting family and friends first in Matthew 10 and verses 34 onwards, it is a sobering thought. David responded correctly. And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause? And he turned from him toward another, and spake after the same manner: and the people answered him again after the former manner. 1 Samuel 17:29-30 There was a cause and he would not be silenced, so kept asking pertinent questions about the rewards Saul promised, because something was stirring within him. Someone told Saul about it. There are times when we need another person to say something or do something to trigger our breakthrough. It often requires a jump start to get things rolling and God uses others to do so. Saul sent for David. When David stood before him, he told the King and everyone else not to be afraid. He said, “I will go and fight him.” That was the equivalent of declaring, “I will be your champion”, but Saul scoffed at him. 8⏐
He stated that David was a puny runt who had no battle training or experience versus a giant of a man who was a warrior. If it were possible to do so, I would venture to say that Goliath was specially bred to be a fighting machine and that was all he knew.
THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE We have the opportunity to depend on two things. One is the arm of the flesh and the other is on the supernatural resources and ability of God. The human mind and intellect is often our greatest foe. We try to reason things out. We try to help God. We try to do whatever it is ourselves. Well, if that really worked, why are so many believers in trouble? Paul spoke much about the fickleness of the mind, saying that it is often an enmity or at variance with God. I’ve spoken numerous times with people who reason things out and reply something like, “I don’t get it.” My reply is to stop trying! Let God do it. Let him show you what to do, how to do it, whereto do it and when to do it. Saul tried to load David up with natural weapons and ability and should have known better. Armour was often tailor made to fit the wearer, just like a tailor fits your new suit. It doesn’t work, so David discarded it. Paul reinforces this idea by saying...though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Did you see where the biggest battles often wage? Sometimes your greatest enemy is between your ears. Please notice the references Paul made to obedience. If you permit your thought life to reign, you risk rebelling against God! Think of it. The bible often mentions how God fought for them, with such sayings, as “the battle is the Lord’s!” If you really believe that, stop trying to do it yourself. Do what God tells you of course and do not be lazy, but let God be God.
David knew his source and admitted it. That’s where he shared his testimony of slaying the lion and the bear. This happened on the 40th day! Probation time was over. Testing was over. God could trust him and it was now time for action. David’s main course of action was preparing himself in the word (symbolically). He chose five smooth stones from the brook. The number 5 speaks about God’s grace. David had the anointing on him and now went with the grace of God upon him. As for stones, they become smooth by the tumbling action of fresh running water. Ephesians 5:26 talk about the washing of water by the word. This is in the context of the love of Jesus for his church and of the cleansing and preparation of a bride for her (heavenly) bridegroom. When we face troubles or opposition or when a Goliath confronts us, it is too late to search in the index to find an appropriate bible verse for the occasion. Paul told us to be ready in season and out of season, when things are convenient or when they are not convenient. We cannot tell an armed attacker to wait for a moment before shooting us so that we can find our favourite protection verse. It will be too late. Sadly far too many Christians do not take the time or make the effort to place the word of God into their hearts and minds, then cry when things go wrong. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in this process. He warns us of things. He guides us and leads us. I mentioned earlier about the process of hearing God’s voice. Do not go here. Do not touch that. Go this way instead. They are intertwined. David had learned this when he spent time alone with God tending his father’s sheep. He learned Psalm 23 and more in such moments and this is what equipped him. I have heard people say that David chose five stones to ensure that he would get Goliath. If he missed with the first, he had four more to use. That is incorrect! It seems that Goliath had 4 brothers, all as formidable as himself. David’s intention was to go equipped with the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, in the grace of God, for a cause and deal with Goliath first, then his brothers. The lesson to us is to make sure we do a complete job! A partial victory is no victory. As Goliath came our strutting his stuff, muttering threats and obscenities, David fitted a stone to his sling and ran towards him. It was no half-hearted attempt but a deliberate move on his part.
Sometimes we must act that way in a world that is Learn to use God’s word. mouthing obscenities and scoffing. It is a disgusting to hear Christians swear! It is disappointing to hear Goliath fell like a towering, lumbering oak tree Christians speak dribble. Stand up for the truth. with a resounding crash to the ground and David picked up his own sword to cut off his head.
What happened to the armour bearer? He did not protect his master. There is no truth and genuine loyalty outside of Christ. The whole army fled when David prevailed.
Goliath stood before him, but he was not alone. His armour bearer was there. He was just as formidable as Goliath himself. He had to be, to carry that weight of armour. He stood in front of Goliath, holding the immense shield, leaving Goliath free to use what weapons he chose from behind that covering or shelter. Goliath wore a brass helmet. It protected his head, but think of the significance. Brass speaks of sin. Goliath’s head was covered with sin. He wore brass armour as well so he was totally enveloped in sin. His whole walk was sinful because of the brass covering on his legs.
If we spiritualise this, Goliath represents the devil and David represents Jesus. Our LORD cut the head off that monster and all the evil spirits were left leaderless without a champion. I am not suggesting that they fled, but I am saying that Jesus has cut off the enemy’s leadership capacities or authority.
David was not facing a normal being, but sin itself. The first thing that had to happen was to deal with the sin problem and to do that, David aimed for the head. Often times we fall into the trap because of what happens between our ears. ...remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession. James 1:13-18. See also Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28. As Goliath continued threatening and cursing, David fitted one stone to his sling. I wonder if that particular stone has some sort of significance? Did it represent truth? Did it represent some other aspect of God? I do not know, but that stone was carefully fitted into the sling that was whirled around David’s head and sent hurtling towards its objective. It bypassed the armour bearer. It went straight to the forehead and sunk down deep into Goliath. The word of God can cut deep like a double edged sword. It is like a hammer that smashes the rock. It can shine like a brilliant searchlight in the darkest of places and it can do much more. Little wonder it dealt a deathblow to the enemy.
The victory is the LORD’s and we can enter into that victory. There are numerous scriptures I could share to reinforce this statement, but here is a classic...You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. … and they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For he holds the whole body together with its joints and ligaments, and it grows as God nourishes it. You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, Colossians 2:13-20 To bring this to a logical conclusion, I want to share some pertinent points. David used five stones. They could have been chosen for Goliath and his brothers, but they can also represent matters that will affect you and me today. Let us look at them now.
THE FIVE STONES David faced five main obstacles that were designed to cause him to fail. They areFear Unbelief Sickness Poverty Relationships
He applied the word to all situations which is vital if we intend to win. We need to be mindful of the fact thatThe world system is failing… but We belong to a different Kingdom The resources in this Kingdom are limitless Precedents have been set God is no respecter of persons. Never fall into the trap of thinking that you lack opportunity, resources, education, money or any such thing. Some people think that they would do better if they lived in America, Australia or England, thinking that life is better there than where they are right now. I guarantee you that moving to one of those countries will not solve the problem. Without dealing with the Goliaths of life, you will take it with you wherever you go.
Each one of them is designed to help us win and to bring us to full maturity in Jesus.
FIVE HINDRANCES TO SUCCESS David’s biggest hindrances were NOT Goliath or 4 his brothers. Your biggest hindrances are not always directly from the enemy. EVERY hindrance had VERBAL expression. See verses, 26-28, 33, 38 (2 Corinthians 10:4), 24, 2 Timothy 1:7
In verses 42-44, there are five elementsOpposition from family and friends Underestimation & misunderstanding especially from authority figures & leaders Worldly or non-spiritual help. (Saul’s armour & weapons. It is interesting to note that Saul later God is not an American God or an Australian God refused to acknowledge him) but the God of the whole earth. Fear & negativity (They ALL fled but faith He does not respond to need, but to faith. prevailed & is contagious) I receive many emails from all over the world and Intimidation, which is closely aligned to fear but the biggest proportion of them comes from people only successful if allowed. Satan’s strategies are in need in other countries. Most of those often beg, condemnation, guilt & intimidation. thinking that we must be rich living here. We are not rich. We tap into the resources of God because our HQ is not on earth but in the Kingdom. FIVE KEYS TO VICTORY This is a great place to close. If we apply these The widows in Elijah’s and Elisha’s lives and the principles in the midst of the dramas of life, we can feeding of the multitudes by Jesus are testimony. If change the way things affect us. They work. They things worked for them, they will work for us also. worked for David and they can work for you. A US Ambassador may live in a poverty stricken country, but he is not broke, because his HQ provides for him. The Goliaths most people face are imaginary, because they are placing their trust in their job security, the doctor, a government handout and the like. There are also the Five Ascension Gift Ministries that have been given to the Church for us to bring us to completion and fulfilment and get us out of that hole. They are found in Ephesians chapter four and I recommend that you study them. They are the ministries of The Apostle The Prophet The Evangelist The Pastor The Teacher
If we consider those five stones again, we could consider each as keys that areAn intimate and personal relationship with God Self recognition and acceptance. This includes an honest appraisal of our gifts, talent and calling and anointing of God in and on our lives A working knowledge of God’s ways and works. The Israelites knew only about God’s works, but Moses also knew His ways Comprehensive working knowledge of God’s word. It is not theoretical or theological knowledge but revelation knowledge of who we are and what God has done for us that we can put to work for us Putting faith into action I believe that this will be not only a blessing to you, but will be an instrument that can bring release into your lives. Be blessed, Robert 11⏐
Slaying Goliath means...
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