Bates Magazine, Spring 2017

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Spring 20I7

34 Renewable Fuel Oil has sliced Bates emissions by 83 percent. Here’s how.

46 Few scientists examine this autismspectrum disorder. One is at Bates.

50 Enjoy a ride on Casco Bay with mussel farmer Matt Moretti ’06.

A just-married Lewiston couple pose at Lake Andrews

“I try to keep an eye out for the unexpected, and Bates always delivers.” Page 38


2 Comments 4 Bates in Brief 24 Amusements 26 Features 56 Notes 92 History Lesson 96 From a Distance

Take a closer look at how Ed Muskie ’36 got baseballs signed by Hall of Famers. Page 94

OPENING THOUGHT: ALEX GOGLIETTINO ’17 Source: Gogliettino’s Bates News interview with Sarah Rothmann ’19, in which the senior neuroscience major offered advice on tackling thesis.

There’s a lot of stuff that you do not control, but there are certain things you do. You’re going to mess up, but don’t shy away — just learn from your mistakes and move on. Be a little too optimistic at times because that positive energy will keep you going.

Spring 2017


c o mme n ts

Required Reading

The Banned

Up to the Task


The article “Decisions Decisions” in the Fall 2016 issue resonated deeply with me. Having worked as a guidance counselor for several years, I appreciated the article’s inside perspective on the college admission process. It beautifully illustrates the complex interplay of factors that influence the admission decision — and should be required reading for every high school junior considering college.

President Spencer has expressed her opinion on President Trump’s travel ban, saying she was “appalled” and upset by its “inhumane manner.” Her freedom to say what she feels is absolute, but she did so in a most improper forum. Her opinion is fine at a dinner party or in private, but given that there are countless conservative Bates alumni who agree with Mr. Trump, her opinion is off-base. Her job at Bates is not to express her politics but to oversee that the education the college delivers enables the students to develop their own attitudes and philosophies, whether they are liberal or conservative. Also, I enjoy the weekly Sports Update email. However, I notice that the phrase “first-year” is used instead of “freshman.” I hope this is not some over-the-top political correctness since part of “freshman” is “man” and some find it offensive. The word “woman” also contains “man,” and the word “female” contains “male.” Will Bates refer to “wo” and “fe” athletes when citing the accomplishments of the non-males?

I am proud to hear of my alma mater’s involvement in the American Talent Initiative as well as the other incredibly important initiatives mentioned. Too often we are confronted in our daily news with the issues that divide us with labels into this or that group. It sounds like Bates is well up to the task of building ladders and bridges and safety nets essential to survival in the 21st century.

Please tell Phyllis Graber Jensen how grateful I am for her photos — all light, leaves, trees, and shadows. They give me a glimpse of my son’s life at Bates and already seem gilded by the nostalgia he will surely feel once he graduates.

Port Williams, Nova Scotia As an urban food-justice advocate, I enjoyed reading about Katherine Creswell’s 30-day trial of exclusively Maine-sourced ingredients (“Maine Course,” Fall 2016). I appreciated the list of suppliers and ingredients, but Creswell does a disservice by excluding seafood from her experiment’s summary “for no particular reason.” Incorporating Maine seafood would diversify her diet and more accurately reflect food traditions of indigenous communities that we would do well to imitate. And there are, of course, economic benefits to choosing Maine seafood: It provides income to Maine fishermen and processors. Finally, although I admit I myself am not a seafood lover, most Mainers find native seafood delicious and would gladly choose it over products sourced from afar. Creswell misses an opportunity to delve into issues of affordability and sustainability, areas that stakeholders are admirably addressing through research, practice, and policy. Institutional procurement of native foods can be a triple win: growers and fishermen get money in their pockets; institutions lock in fair prices; and consumers have increased access to nutritious foods. Clearly, 10 years later, her thesis is still relevant and the work to advance local and sustainable eating continues. Taisy Conk ’07

Brooklyn, N.Y. 2

Spring 2017

Sam Aloisi ’65

Plymouth, Mass.

Elizabeth Rudenberg ’76

Falmouth, Maine

East Greenbush, N.Y. Follow Bates through the lenses of Bates photographers on Instagram, @BatesCollege. — Editor

See story on page 26 about Bates joining the American Talent Initiative. — Editor

Marcy Plavin The passing of Marcy Plavin on Nov. 3 at age 84 prompted remembrances on Facebook. See for a retrospective on Plavin. Her obituary is in this issue. I was in one of Marcy’s very first classes and still remember the fun of it and her caring for each of us. Joanna Parkin Bickford ’68

Marlborough, Mass.

Marcy Plavin was a singular force who transformed the lives of so many. As a Bates

parent I will always be grateful to Marcy and to Leonard, as well. David Iverson P’00

Menlo Park, Calif.

Marcy was an amazing woman. I am still amazed that she took a dopey football player and was able to get him to appreciate Martha Graham and Bill T. Jones. Her passion was infectious and her love for her students obvious. John Yuskis ’93

Ponte Vedra, Fla.

Thank you, President Spencer, for standing up for all Batesies regardless of their citizenship status, country of origin, religion, and other markers of identity for which no one should be excluded. Glad to see Bates is walking the walk. Detmer Kremer ’16

Atlanta, Ga.

Thank you for your clearly articulated message. I find comfort knowing that Bates is actively protesting policies deemed detrimental to humanity.


Peter Martocchio ’69

Jennifer Hixon P’18

Tom Kaufman ’98

Glen Head, N.Y.

See page 23 for President Spencer’s statement in support of the Bates community following the ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations. — Editor

Marcy Plavin, who died on Nov. 3, at age 84, leads her colleagues as a Commencement faculty marshal in 2011.

After a week of big snows, February ended with a string of balmy days that brought out the shorts.


e dit or’s not e

It’s Snow Big Deal The story about Bates’ fivesnowstorm week reminded me of senior year, 1969, living in the (real) Bill and driving a ’59 Plymouth with big fins. Even before the 20 incher Feb. 10–11, the snow banks were already high from January’s snow. When the 3-foot, four-day event was finished all you could see of my car was the top of the fins and the roofline. Classes went on anyway! Larry Power ’69

Swampscott, Mass. As I recall, the storms in February 1969 led to Bates allowing women to wear slacks to class. Prior to that only skirts and dresses were allowed. Men only wore skirts for hazing. Mark Warner ’71

Harlingen, Texas The February 1952 storm shut down most of the campus and Lewiston with more than two feet in 12 hours. I had an all-day lab with a skiing-enthusiast professor, so I got my skis from the Rand basement and went to Hedge, then the chemistry building. Four of the five men in the class also made it. As best I could determine later, we five were the only ones that had classes that day. It took until late evening before a Lewiston snowplow made it to College Avenue. Carol Hollingworth Collins ’52

Campinas, Brazil

See for how Bates handled this year’s historic February snows. — Editor

Even when you’re right here on campus, Bates can seem like a faraway place. During one of February’s several big snowstorms, which collectively dropped 47 inches of snow in one week, a colleague suggested that a quick hike up Mount David was in order. It was 12 degrees, the wind was blowing from the northeast around 20 mph, and a foot of snow had fallen so far. “This is when you want to climb Mount David,” he said. “Not when it’s nice out.” I agreed with that logic. Our meet-up time for the hike got confused — that’s right, we work in communications — so he headed out well before me. Alone, I chose to assault the summit not from the steep and rocky Frye Street side but from the easier route that starts next to Rand Hall. (Plus, the Frye route requires walking right behind student houses, and I saw no need for students to see a rando blazing a trail behind their rooms.) Halfway up the hill, I stopped and listened. Except for the wind in the pines, it was quiet. Above the tree line, as it were, the wind picked up, and the snow swirled around the granite outcroppings. In stronger gusts, snow that had accumulated on branches during the calm early part of the storm let go in sudden bursts, like Holi powder. In fair weather, the summit affords views of forests and farmland to the north and, to the west, downtown Lewiston-Auburn, although decades of tree growth around Mount David means the views are much diminished. To the east, you only get glimpses of the campus down below, just the Residential Village some 750 yards away and, a bit closer, Hathorn’s bell tower, which, in golf parlance, is about a par 4 away. But in that February snowstorm, the 360-degree summit experience was all cloudy skies, sideways snow, swaying treetops, and wind in the branches. Ensconced in my own monochromatic deprivation tank atop Mount David, my near-constant companion, Bates College, had disappeared. But then, with one sound from down below, Bates returned, and in an altogether pleasing way. A word about snow and sound. On a night when “quiet snow filled the sky,” the Grinch sat atop Mount Crumpit (elevation 3,000 feet) with his present-packed sled and said that he could hear the Whos’ singing down in Whoville “rising over the snow.” But physics tells us that sounds tend to get muffled and thus do not travel well in or over snow. With more science and less Seuss in my head, I wasn’t expecting to hear anything atop Mount David, elevation 354 feet. But then it came, from just beyond the treetops: the steady ringing of the Hathorn bell. It was 1:10 on the dot, the start of afternoon classes. Feeling summoned, but also refreshed, I began my descent down the hill, back to campus. H. Jay Burns, Editor

What Say You? Comments are selected from Bates social media platforms, online Bates News stories, and email and postal submissions, based on relevance to college issues and topics discussed in Bates Magazine. Comments may be edited for length and clarity.

Email: Postal: Bates Magazine Bates Communications Office 141 Nichols St. Lewiston, ME 04240

Spring 2017





Spring 2017


For years, Don Robitaille of Lewiston has led cheers at Bates basketball games. “I’m just a big fan of Bates,” says Robitaille, age 85, shown doing his thing at a women’s game vs. University of Maine at Farmington in Alumni Gym. “It’s a way to do my part.” Spring 2017



The online housing selection platform is called HouseCat.

The new Class of 202I includes an award-winning sonnet poet.



Hearth and Heart This happy free-for-all shows the dinner gathering known as Hearth, an offering of the college’s Multifaith Chaplaincy where participants can share their thoughts, simply sit in silence, or anything in between. “That’s really the beauty of Hearth: It’s so simple,” says Multifaith Fellow Keenan Shields ’18 of Pittsford, N.Y.

“It’s just some food, a couple of candles, and some good questions.” “I see it as this really beautiful space to think with your heart instead of your head,” says the Rev. Brittany Longsdorf, the college’s multifaith chaplain, who hosts the dinners at her Ware Street home. After dinner, students break into small groups to respond to prompts chosen by the Multifaith Fellows.

Three-Piece Outfit Outside Coram Library, Benjamin Mardin ’17, an economics and mathematics major from New Castle, N.H., explains his outfit. “I am a bit of a mad hatter — I have upwards of 15 hats at school. This is one of my favorites: I love the colors and design. I got it in Amsterdam during my semester abroad in Copenhagen. Some people think it’s a monkey, but I think it looks more like a cow.”

“The coat is an heirloom of the men’s ultimate [frisbee] team, passed down to me by one of our captains. I, too, will pass it on after this semester. I wear it partially for that reason and because it is colorful and extremely warm.” 6

Spring 2017


“I’m wearing a dress shirt and tie because I had a physics exam this morning. I like to dress up for important occasions.”

Two topics last fall were “What are you excited to jump into?” and “What is something that is changing color in your life?” Not that it’s a gabfest. Some groups sit in silence for a time. “Weirded out” at first by the stillness, Multifaith Fellow Jeremy Glover ’17 of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, says he “grew to really appreciate being able to share in the silence.”

Students who change dorm rooms without permission are fined $200.

43 percent of students receive scholarship grants from the college.

More than half of the Class of 20I6 participated in Purposeful Work programming.

Say What You Really Mean

Video stories from the Dinner Table

These were the most popular answers when 250 students responded to the prompt, “What’s one word that summarizes my Bates experience?” “Transformative” “Challenging” “Growth”



Story Time Calvin Reedy ’17 of Wilton, Conn., stepped to the mic to tell a story about his visit to Gorée Island, off the coast of Dakar, Senegal. The island is the site of the House of Slaves memorial to the Atlantic slave trade, explained Reedy, who described what it was like to stand in the Door of No Return, the infamous portal through which slaves left Africa. “Every single part of me realized that the blood that runs through my veins had gone through that door time and time again,” said Reedy, the great-greatgrandchild of slaves. “My knees buckled, and I began to sob.” In December, Reedy and six fellow students told their stories at an evening event that culminated the Dinner Table, a semester-long program sponsored by the Office of Intercultural Education. Each week, student participants had gathered for a Sunday meal and prompt-based conversations; at semester’s end, the group nominated several members to tell their stories publicly. Along the way, students “learned ways they are connected to their peers that may not seem obvious at first glance,” says Professor of English Crystal Williams, an associate vice president for strategic initiatives who heads up the Office of Equity and Diversity. The program’s ongoing success — upwards of 100 students participate each semester — “suggests that it taps into one of Bates’ enduring treasures: our value of community,” Williams says.

“Enlightening” “Eye-opening”

12 10 9 8 7

“Amazing” “Engaging” “Enriching”


“Awesome” “Exciting” “Home” “Life-changing” “Unforgettable”


“Incredible” “Interesting” “Fulfilling” “Stimulating”


“Dynamic” “Rollercoaster” “Unbelievable”


Other words included: “Camaraderie” “Edifying” “Love” “Turbulent” (but “in a good way”) “Wow!”

From left, Chardon Brooks ’19 of Watertown, Mass., Olivia Bell ’19 of Dover, Mass., and Katherine Schell ’19 of Charlotte, N.C., kick off Hey, It’s Us, their show on WRBC, Bates’ 120-watt FM radio station. The show “has really cemented our friendship,” says Schell. “We all have different music tastes which are really cool to bring together.” Spring 2017



Station Identification


Page Hall has the only traction cable elevator on campus; others are hydraulic.

20I6 graduates said that Bates dining and the library offer the top campus services.


Here’s a look at Alumni Walk under construction in 2007 and on an October 2016 afternoon. In replacing a former campus road and parking area, Alumni Walk has brought architectural coherence to a maturing area of campus. Interactive then-and-now photos

may 2007 OCTOBER 2016


Then and Now: Alumni Walk


Get Small

These are the five  student residences with the fewest beds. (Small House, capacity 24, doesn’t  make the list. So there you go.) 8 Beds: Stillman House (Wood Street) 9 Beds: Wood Street House (Wood Street) 11 Beds: Frye Street Union (Frye Street) 12 Beds: Herrick House (Wood Street) 14 Beds: Nash House (College Street)


Spring 2017

Fish tanks in residence halls may not exceed I0 gallons.

The Academic Resource Commons in Ladd Library opened in September.

The online tutorial database Lynda is available to all faculty, staff, and students.

Sunny Side Up “Renewable energy is a passion of mine,” said Brent Feldman ’17 of Waccabuc, N.Y., after climbing off the roof of the Bates Coastal Center at Shortridge, located in Phippsburg. Feldman, who spent summer 2016 interning with the Solar Energy Industries Association in Washington, D.C., was indulging that passion in a hands-on way, joining fellow Bates students and staff who helped to install a solar photovoltaic array — Bates’ first institutional PV installation — at the center last Oct. 19. Costing $10,000 to install, the 3,000-watt array is now meeting about half of the center’s $1,200 annual electric bill. That’s nice, but the real power of the project might be symbolic: demonstrating how easy it has become to go solar. “For many people, solar is an unknown technology,” says Tom Twist, the college’s sustainability manager. “The way people’s minds work, just seeing it in a place working is very helpful and comforting.”

Cool to the Touch


In the past, when Bates has lowered the heat in its idle college buildings during winter break, “we’ve sent two or three mechanics out to manually set back” the thermostats, says John Rasmussen, the college’s energy manager. “That takes three days.” And when break and the energy-conservation program known as “curtailment” come to a close, it takes another three days to turn all those thermostats back up again. “So you’re losing six days of energy savings,” Rasmussen says. But a new day has dawned for curtailment and for managing heat generally in buildings across the Bates campus, thanks to a new network that centralizes heating system control and performance monitoring through a Facility Services website, allowing staff to remotely read conditions and regulate heat in some 70 Bates buildings. Like a good screenplay, it works on so many levels. “Being able to remotely control and remotely sense what’s happening in the buildings is a huge advantage,” Rasmussen says, while also “giving us significant energy and cost savings.” After all, he says, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.”

Student teams high and low prepare to install solar photovoltaic panels at the Coastal Center at Shortridge.

Name That Tree Select campus trees have ID tags, including QR codes, which means that we can all tell Acer rubrum from Acer saccharum. The QR codes point to student-created web pages giving the natural history of each tree. It’s all part of the Bates Canopy website created in fall 2015 by students in the course “Dendrology and the Natural History of Trees,” taught by Assistant Professor of Biology Brett Huggett.


Bates Canopy

Spring 2017



More Power

Bates faculty won $3.5 million in new outside grant funding last year.

Bates’ four academic divisions: humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, interdisciplinary studies.



It’s the type of computer that draws visitors. In this case, the visitor was Jeffrey Oishi, a new computational astrophysicist at Bates, who stopped by a ground-floor hub room in Kalperis Hall at 65 Campus Ave. to check out the college’s new high-performance computing cluster. Oishi and his student researchers are power users of the powerful new setup, using it to run models that explain how gases flow inside the atmospheres of giant planets like Jupiter. The Bates HPPC links 12 separate computers, known as nodes, with a total of 336 cores, the processing units that do the work. The whole setup is neatly stacked in an open-air cabinet in the hub room. Importantly, the HPCC is a shared resource. And while such clusters are not uncommon today, at some colleges they tend to be appropriated by a few faculty members. The Bates HPCC, however, is designed as a “community-based resource,” explains Andrew White, director of academic and client services for Information and Library Services. “Ours is for anyone who has the need to examine data in a deep way.” Jeffrey Oishi stands next to the cabinet holding the neatly stacked high-performance computing cluster.

Bates’ HPCC

Bavis Is New Papaioanou Professor A Bates professor since 2003, Ryan Bavis in 2016 became the second holder of the Helen A. Papaioanou Professorship in Biological Sciences, succeeding Pam Baker ’69, who retired in 2013. A respiratory physiologist, Bavis researches how the brain controls breathing, and his work is helping to explain how premature babies develop in highor low-oxygen settings. For the impressive way he involves students in his research, Bavis recently received a 2016 Mentor Award from the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Biology Division. As one of his students told CUR, Bavis inspires his students to view “science as an ever-evolving collection of facts, ideas, and windows of opportunity.” Troop Count

Ryan Bavis credits “an army of students” with supporting his research. Here’s a count: 59: Number of thesis students he’s advised since 2003 27: Number of presentations at scholarly meetings PHYLLIS GRABER JENSEN

with student co-authors

20: Number of publications that include student co-authors


Spring 2017

Bates’ six new endowed chairs represent the first expansion of the faculty in more than a decade.







Sociologist Michael Rocque received an American Society of Criminology earlycareer award in 20I6.


A First Year Seminar example: “Nanotechnology Project: Manipulating Atoms.”





Fulbright Top Producer In February, the Department of State recognized Bates as a Fulbright Top Producer for 2016–2017. With 13 Fulbright Student awards in the current year, Bates ranks fifth among U.S. undergraduate colleges. Bates has earned Top Producer honors six straight years and in eight of the last nine years.

THIS JUST IN A sampling of recent faculty-authored articles.

Over 400 Previously Undocumented Svalbard Surge-Type Glaciers Identified

Publication: Geomorphology • Authors: Wes Farnsworth ’11 (University Centre in Svalbard) and Mike Retelle (geology) • What It Explains: To reconstruct past climate oscillations, scientists often look at glaciers that “surge” — move much faster than usual. This study identifies previously undocumented surge-type glaciers in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard.


The Shifting Demand for Housing by American Renters and Its Impact on Household Budgets: 1940–2010

Story Behind the Mask Hanging in the Pettengill Hall office of Associate Professor of Classical and Medieval Studies Lisa Maurizio, this replica of the Agamemnon Death Mask once belonged to Professor Emeritus of History John Cole. When he retired, he gave it to then-student Andrew Carranco ’14, a double major in history and in classical and medieval studies, who then gave it to Maurizio. Archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who found the real mask in a Mycenaean grave, claimed it belonged to the Greek king Agamemnon; we now know that it predates Agamemnon. “When I look at the mask,” Maurizio says, “I think of the way knowledge and beauty from thousands of years ago get passed on — through mistakes, imitations, and education; through teachers and students who remember the past and in doing so remember each other.”

Publication: Journal of Regional Science • Authors: Michael Murray (economics) and coauthor • What It Explains: As renters’ income decreased from 1970 to 2010, they unexpectedly chose to increase their housing “quantity” — the collective attributes of housing, from square footage to central air conditioning. Spending more on housing, renters spent less on necessities like food and clothing. Preference Weights for the Spectrum of Alcohol Use in the U.S. Population

Publication: Drug and Alcohol Dependence • Authors: Nathan Tefft (economics) and co-authors • What It Explains: When measuring our quality of life, “preference weight” measures a population’s preference for a certain state of health. For the first time, the authors create preference weights that reflect alcohol use — key information that can affect population-based alcohol interventions. Spring 2017





Elizabeth Kalperis Chu ’80 and Michael Chu ’80 pose in front of Kalperis Hall on Oct. 28. The naming of Kalperis Hall and Chu Hall recognizes the Chus’ $10 million gift.

The Bates Museum of Art hosted some 20,000 visitors last year.

$10 Million Gift Names New Residences During an afternoon ceremony on Oct. 28, President Clayton Spencer announced the naming of the college’s two new residence halls, on Campus Avenue, for Elizabeth Kalperis Chu ’80 and J. Michael Chu ’80 in recognition of their $10 million gift. “Their gift underscores the power of the residential liberal arts model and our conviction that a Bates education, specifically and especially, is rooted in place and in the diversity of human connection,” Spencer said. The Chus, who met at Bates, said that the new buildings embody what

Elizabeth and Michael Chu are flanked by student speaker Kukzaiishe Mapfunde ’19 of Harare, Zimbabwe, and President Clayton Spencer at the Oct. 28 naming announcement.

Matthew Auer, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty since 2013, becomes dean of the University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs on July 1. Auer is a widely recognized international scholar and expert in environmental policy. Under Auer’s leadership, Bates has created a new Digital and Computational Studies Program, recruited exceptionally strong cohorts of scholars into tenure-track faculty positions across the curriculum, and strengthened the college’s approach to teaching, learning, and student success. 12

Spring 2017


Auer Accepts University of Georgia Deanship

The B-Well Program hosts monthly “Lunch and Learns” on health/wellness issues for faculty and staff.

they’ve always valued about Bates residential life and, especially, the college’s diversity of residences — old and new, large and small. “Our own various Bates residences were so different and distinctly memorable in their own right, yet they all shared a common feature,” they said. “They allowed for great friendships to develop. Whether the spaces were large or small, they all contributed to a social life that is such an integral part of the Bates experience.” (See related feature story about Kalperis Hall and Chu Hall on page 30.) Bates names Chu Hall and Kalperis Hall

Bates sends I6 tons of brown grease annually to a methane digester rather than to the dump.

Three New Trustees The Board of Trustees announced three new members in December, including the first young-alumni appointments — Longdon and Sprague — in recent Bates history, reflecting the board’s desire to better understand the perspectives of recent graduates and to gain input on communication, engagement, and volunteer strategies. Three new trustees

In January, Bates switched from natural gas to Renewable Fuel Oil for its primary heating fuel.


David W. Longdon III ’14, investment banking analyst at Barclays

April 7–May 27 Senior Thesis Exhibition — Art and visual culture showcase in the Museum of Art

Judith Burns Miller ’91, managing director and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

April 24–May 26 Short Term — Five weeks of exactly what you make of it April 27–29 Emerge Film Festival — Bates is a principal sponsor of the Lewiston-Auburn event

Emma Sprague ’10, director of The Franklin Forum, a political communications firm

Heard on Campus Between October and January, three campus talks stood out for the themes they delivered against the backdrop of the presidential election.

Shaun King speaks to a capacity audience in the Gomes Chapel on Oct. 11.

May 16 Bates Event with President Spencer and Trustees — Boston JOSH KUCKENS

The Green Dot bystander intervention program seeks to prevent powerbased violence.

May 18 Bates Event with President Spencer and Trustees — New York City May 28 Commencement — Watch it as it happens at June 9–11 Reunion Weekend — Calling all classes of twos and sevens June 9–October 7 Kate Gilmore ’97 at the Museum of Art — Her dazzling synthesis of performance, video, sculpture, and painting June 15 Bates Event with President Spencer and Trustees — San Francisco June 19 Alan Goddard ’53 Memorial Golf Outing — To support Bobcat football

“We have never found our way accidentally out of a dip in the quality of humanity. It’s going to take enormous efforts, nationwide reforms, and, I’m very afraid, major sacrifices.”

Shaun King, New York Daily News writer and Black Lives Matters activist on Oct. 11 “The best thing to do if you’re feeling isolated is to get involved. [If you] are disappointed today, I don’t think you should feel alienated.”

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, on post-election day, Nov. 9 “Since it is not OK to teach our children to deny the Jewish Holocaust, then why is it OK in far too many schools and homes to deny the centrality of slavery to the American story?”

MLK Day keynote speaker and historian Khalil Muhammad on Jan. 16 Collins, King, and Muhammad at Bates

June 23–August 6 Bates Dance Festival — The finale for retiring director Laura Faure June 30 End of Fund Year — Hop on over to July 7–9 Moxie Festival in Lisbon Falls — Different, like the soda

Head to for the latest events and updates. Spring 2017



Chris Castaneda ’20 of Los Angeles parks his bike behind Dana Chemistry, where he had organic chem.


Spring 2017

DO THE HUSTLE photography by phyllis graber jensen Students pause — briefly — for a photo on Alumni Walk as they hustle to 8 o’clock classes on Dec. 6, a crisp and sunny 15-degree morning one day after a light snowfall.

Spring 2017




Men’s lacrosse is the only spring team that plays home games in February.

Allie Coppola ’I7 finished her basketball career with a Bates-record 942 rebounds.

’Cat Quotes More quotes from the Bates Bobcast, the weekly podcast on Bates athletics.

Bates Bobcast

1. “I was really calm, just took it as a great opportunity, and had fun.” — Triple jumper Sally Ceesay ’18 of Bronx, N.Y., on becoming an All-American in 2016 after first-year jitters in 2015

2. “I surprised myself. I surprised a lot of people.” — Tennis player Ben Rosen ’18 of Port Washington, N.Y., on becoming Bates’ No. 1 player and an All-American in 2016

3.“It’s strange to walk to class with everyone saying ‘hi’ to you. It’s definitely different.” — Volleyball player Taylor Stafford-Smith ’20 of Calabasas, Calif., on getting used to Bates

4. “Our force is just so present on the field. We play differently, but we really complement each other.” — Field hockey forward Taylor Lough ’19 of Little Compton, R.I., on fellow sophomore forwards Adah Lindquist and Jessie Moriarty

5. “We swim 10,000 yards a day. It’s hard work, but hanging out with friends on the beach afterwards is never a bad thing. You’d think we would be tired of the water, but then we hop into the ocean.” — Swimmer Riley Ewing ’18 of Bedford, N.H., on the team’s December training trip to Florida

6. “I told the team, ‘That’s one of the greatest games ever played on this field,’ and Charlie Fay said, ‘Coach, coach: It was the greatest game ever played on this field.’” — Men’s lacrosse coach Peter Lasagna after Bates’ double-overtime win vs. national champ Tufts in 2016 at Garcelon Field

7. “Our students, faculty, and staff reach out to the community more than ever. I also think the community is more receptive to coming on campus. It’s tremendous.” — Longtime football assistant coach and local resident Skip Capone, inducted into the Auburn-Lewiston Sports Hall of Fame in 2016

8. “The field is in the middle of campus so everyone’s there. The atmosphere is great, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Garcelon Field like that before.” — Football player Frank Williams ’18 of Brookline, Mass., after the Bobcats’ Back to Bates win vs. Williams

Before their Jan. 14 match vs. Hamilton, squash co-captains Emma Dunn ’17 of Bellevue, Wash., and Charlotte Cabot ’17 of Dover, Mass., hold their Senior Day signs created for them by teammates. The 16thranked team went on to defeat No. 23 Hamilton 9-0 at the Bates College Squash Center. 16

Spring 2017


It Only Got Better

Men’s squash advanced to the NESCAC Championship Match for the second consecutive season.


Mercer Lake, N.J., is the site of the 20I7 NCAA Championships for women’s rowing.

Seniors on the 20I6 men’s lacrosse team beat each NESCAC foe at least once in their four years.

Still Standing Here’s a list of Bates’ oldest individual records in a single contest for each sport that has a historical record book. Baseball: 1971

Jim Colello ’74 vs. Clark: Most home runs (3) (Also: Kevin Murphy ’77 vs. Maine, 1977; Chris Hickey ’88 vs. Williams, 1985; and Mike Voelker ’02 vs. UMPI, 1998) Men’s Basketball: 1961

Jim Sutherland ’61 vs. Clark: Most rebounds (37) Women’s Basketball: 1980

Susan MacDougall ’81 vs. Thomas: Most rebounds (33) Shirley Averill ’81 vs. Wesleyan: Most field goal attempts (31)

The House That Rowing Built

Field Hockey: 1976

The Bates rowing program had a housewarming on Oct. 29, formally dedicating its new boathouse on the Androscoggin River in Greene. While the weather outside was a bit frightful — chilly and rainy — it was delightful inside the warm and bright boathouse. And that’s the point, as captain Abbey Bierman ’17 of Bethlehem, Pa., told the gathering of teammates, coaches, families, friends, and college leaders. “We take pride in being the tough, gritty team from Maine. And this boathouse will not change that,” Bierman said. But other things will change — and much, much for the better — now that the team has a boathouse with locker rooms, workout space, and secure storage for boats. “While we’ll miss our old barn,” she said, referring to the rustic, unheated, off-the-grid pole barn of the past, “we are excited to see how much more we can grow and how much speed we can gain with a warm place to call home.” “In everything we do, our goal is to get better — as individuals, as a team, as a program — and this boathouse is a fundamental part of that equation,” said head coach Peter Steenstra. The boathouse, 100 percent funded by donors and designed by Peterson Architects, was dedicated nearly two years to the day after the project was announced on Oct. 30, 2014. Groundbreaking took place in April 2016 and the team began using the boathouse in August. “What we see here today,” President Spencer said, “reflects the growing tradition of support from alumni, parents, and friends who step forward, again and again, to help us deliver the best possible experience for all Bates students.”

Priscilla Wilde ’77 vs. UMF: Most goals (6) Allyson Anderson ’79 vs. Colby and Sandi Korpela ’77 vs. UMO: Most assists: (4) (Also: Sarah Griffin ‘89 vs. Connecticut College, 1987) Football: 1936

Barney Marcus ’37 vs. Maine: Interception return (102 yards) Men’s Lacrosse: 1980

Rand Hopkinson ’81 vs. Merrimack, Norwich, and Maine: Most shots (17) Women’s Lacrosse: 1977

Wendy Warbasse ’79 vs. Plymouth State: Most saves (27) Men’s Soccer: 1963

Bob Lanz ’65 vs. Nasson: Most goals (5) Women’s Soccer: 1982

Laury Schwartzberg ’84 vs. Thomas: Most goals (4) Softball: 1987

Rachel Clayton ’90 vs. Wesleyan: Most hits (6) Men’s Swimming: 2014

Matthew Phillips ’17: 1,000-meter freestyle (9:51.58) Women’s Swimming: 2003

Vanessa Williamson ’05: 200-meter fly (2:03.26) Men’s Diving: 1999

Andrew Hastings ’02: 1-meter (469.88) and 3-meter (469.10) Women’s Diving: 2003

Kara Seaton ’05: 3-meter (296.40) Men’s Indoor Track and Field: 1959


John Douglas ’60: Long jump (25-0.75)

Women’s Indoor Track and Field: 1980

Karen Holler ’83: High jump (5-7.5) Renata Cosby ’80: 400-meter dash (56.7)

Men’s Outdoor Track and Field: 1958

Rudy Smith ‘60: 200-meter dash (21.44) and 400-meter dash (47.04)

Women’s Outdoor Track and Field: 1996

Heather Bumps ’97: Javelin (144-7) (Rarely run today, the 3,000 meter run record, 10:14.43, was set in 1995 by Sarah Dominick ’95.) Spring 2017



Schaeffer Theatre and Olin Concert Hall both have a capacity of 299.



The fall of the Roman Empire inspired a music major’s four-movement thesis composition.

Crowd at the Crawl With everything from a cappella to art exhibits, from dance to theater, and from spoken word to myriad styles of music, the annual Arts Crawl is imbued with the spontaneous spirit that makes Bates arts shine. Here, ceramist Julie Self ’18 of Emerald Hills, Calif., draws a crowd as she works the pottery wheel in Olin Arts Center during the Feb. 3 event. From left are Louisa Strong; her father, Robert Strong, director of national fellowships and a lecturer in English; and Ayanthi Reese, daughter of Associate Dean of Students James Reese and Soni Arseculeratne Reese ’93.

Laura Faure Steps Down After 29 years, hundreds of performances, and countless classes, Laura Faure will retire as director of the Bates Dance Festival after the 2017 season — the festival’s 35th and her 30th. “I am incredibly lucky,” Faure says. “I’ve been appreciated in an overwhelming way by generations of students and artists because of what we’ve created.” Faure will turn over to her successor an internationally respected dance festival. During three decades at the helm, she has dramatically expanded the numbers of students, faculty-performers, and spectators attending the six-week festival. In 2016, the festival presented nine mainstage performances and taught 270 students. “Laura understands the underlying truth and nobility of dance and how utterly vulnerable its existence is in today’s society,” said Doug Varone, artistic director of Doug Varone and Dancers and a festival participant since 1992. One of Faure’s greatest accomplishments has been to build on a characteristic instilled by the festival’s founder, the late Marcy Plavin: a dedication to egalitarianism, collaboration, and mutual support, rather than competition. “Laura has been extremely committed to that ethos,” says Suzanne Carbonneau ’76, a dance historian and critic, professor of performance at George Mason University, and longtime scholar-in-residence at the Bates festival. “That is something that she has never tried to change, and in fact has continued to deepen throughout her tenure.” That ethos, Carbonneau adds, “is absolutely unique” among the so-called Big Three of American dance festivals — Jacobs Pillow and the American Dance Festival, in addition to Bates. Laura Faure retirement


Spring 2017


Arts Crawl

This digital print from the series Tagged and Documented (2013) by Huda Beydoun was featured in the exhibition Phantom Punch.

Three seniors directed theater department productions in 20I6–I7.

I7 studio art majors were in the 20I7 Senior Thesis Exhibition.

A “calligraffiti” artist took part in the Museum of Art’s Phantom Punch exhibit.

Saudi Art in the Museum Five years ago, when Leena Nasser ’12 proposed that Bates anthropologist Loring Danforth lead a Short Term course to her native Saudi Arabia, no one could have known that the encounter would lead to an international art phenomenon. At Nasser’s urging, Danforth took the Short Term students to Saudi art galleries — and found himself astounded by the quality and content of the work he saw. Thus inspired, he worked with Bates Museum of Art Director Dan Mills to curate an exhibition of Saudi art at the college. The result was Phantom Punch. Opening last fall to acclaim from national and international publications, the show made Bates’ museum one of the very few in the U.S. to display work by contemporary Saudi artists. “We want to show that there are creative, interesting, critical people who are exploring the political and cultural issues in their society,” says Danforth, Dana Professor of Anthropology. “And we want to undermine the notion that Saudi Arabia is an evil place of oppressive kings, and that there’s nothing there but oil and sand.” Review in the Portland Press Herald HUDA BEYDOUN

Last November, Bates conductor, composer, and music professor Hiroya Miura was a featured guest at the 29th annual Festival de Música Contemporánea de La Habana, where one of his compositions was performed and he got ample opportunity to talk with Cuban composers. The late Cuban leader Fidel Castro “had very strict cultural policies, and for Cubans, contemporary music kind of stops around 1960–65,” Miura says. “I brought CDs and scores, and you could really see people’s eyes light up, seeing these new pieces by living composers” from the U.S. “During one workshop, we heard a new improvisation ensemble of young Cuban composers, and their sincerity for the exploration of new sound was quite moving.”


Sounds Sincere

Spring 2017



Lewiston has the lowest crime rate among Maine’s metropolitan areas.

The 20I7 Bates Dance Festival will perform a piece in a Lewiston mill building.

This wide, calm section of the Androscoggin River, known as Gulf Island Pond, is four miles north of campus near the new Androscoggin Riverlands State Park.

In Care of the Carignans In February, a Bates grant program honoring the late Jim Carignan ’61 and his wife, Sally Larson Carignan ’62, announced grants of $8,500 to six nonprofits, all community partners with Bates, to create, expand, or advance public-service programs that improve the lives of local residents. The James W. Carignan ’61 and Sally Larson Carignan ’62 Fund for Community Programs was created by gifts made by alumni and friends to honor the Carignans’ many contributions to campus and community life. The grants are administered by the Harward Center for Community Partnerships and chosen by an all-student committee. Montello Elementary School $2,000 for supplies and equipment for the school’s after-school program.


Spring 2017

Guided by Bates EMS chief Bill Curley ’16 of Wilton, Conn., a youngster practices first aid at the Hillview Community Resource Center in February 2016. The center has received several Carignan Fund grants.

Somali Bantu Community Association $2,000 for the Kasheekee program supporting traditional Bantu culture through storytelling. The Center for Wisdom’s Women $1,968 for an urban garden project growing herbs and medicinal flowers at a Lewiston nonprofit supporting at-risk and underserved women. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine $1,000 for the program’s expansion in Androscoggin County. United Youth Empowerment Services $791 for Adobe film editing software for a film production company founded by young Somali immigrants. Trinity Jubilee Center $538 for the center’s free health clinic. Lewiston Housing Authority $490 for books and supplies for the Hillview homeworkhelp program.




Mount Apatite Park in Auburn is a great place to hunt for minerals.

The mean travel time from home to work for Lewiston residents is I9.7 minutes.

What’s in a Name? Androscoggin The river and county here in Lewiston both carry the name Androscoggin. Name Androscoggin was the name of a Native American tribe in New Hampshire, Maine, and perhaps southern Quebec. The tribe was likely absorbed by neighboring tribes by the 18th century. The Name Rocks “Amitgonpontook,” one of the countless early variations of “Androscoggin,” could be translated as “a place where you smoke fish or meat at the falls,” says Associate Professor of History Joe Hall. But an accurate translation is nearly impossible because the name itself “had so many variations.” Then Come the English The name Androscoggin took hold in the 17th century. An apocryphal story says that thenNew England governor Edmund Andros made it so, but the story’s probably false. (Though the garrison-turned mill in Brunswick, Fort Andross, was named for him.)

SARA “It was work that you could do while talking to people. I wouldn’t mind doing it again.” Sara Boe ’20 of Irvington, N.Y., holds a box of green beans that she picked at Nezinscot Farm in Turner. With six fellow first-year students and two leaders, she joined an AESOP orientation trip to learn about farm life through hands-on work.


The male-female ratio in Lewiston is 48-52.

Amos & Andy Coggin The U.S. Geological Survey lists many historical variations of the river name including Ambrose Coggin, Amos Coggin, Andrews Coggin, Andros Coggin, and Andrus Coggin. Counting Counties Incorporated in 1854, Androscoggin County was late to the game as the 14th of Maine’s 16 counties. And There’s More Androscoggin also names a Maine lake and island; an Auburn-based land trust; a dorm at the University of Maine; streets in Gorham, N.H., and Windham, Bethel, and Brunswick, Maine; a ranger station in Berlin, N.H.; and a number of businesses, including a bank and humane society. Park Place One of the newest places to carry the Androscoggin name is the Androscoggin Riverlands State Park, established in 2009 right across the river from the rowing team’s boathouse in Greene.



Bates students from Vietnam (7) outnumbered those from Indiana (4) in 20I5–I6.

Viewers from 45 countries tuned in to watch Bates’ Convocation on the web, with I8 in Belgium.

Zoë Seaman-Grant ’17 confers with teammate Matt Davis ’18 during the final round of the 2017 World Universities Debating Championships in The Hague, Netherlands.

Enashiva Nature Refuge, Tanzania “Camping alone for a month, I studied giraffe social structure and behavior in the park. By the end of my stay, I could recognize each of the park’s 79 individuals. “This is Nyeupe. He is an older male, usually seen in the calving herd at the edge of the grouping to allow him to see danger from farther off. I became really attached to him because of his gentle nature and because he let me get as close as 30 feet! “I miss my giraffes; they were my family for a month of my life.”


Kathryn Cuthbert ’17, a biology and environmental studies double major from Minneapolis, studied on the SIT-Tanzania wildlife conservation program in 2016. Her photo and story were featured in the 2017 Barlow Off-Campus Study Photography Exhibition.


Spring 2017


Tomorrow, the World In January, Zoë Seaman-Grant ’17 and Matt Davis ’18 became the first Bates team ever to advance to the finals of the World Universities Debating Championships. “We have enormous respect for each other intellectually,” says Davis, a philosophy major from Chicago. “We trust the other person’s ideas. And we’re very good friends.” That friendship, says Seaman-Grant, a women and gender studies major from Charleston, S.C., “allows us to put so much faith and trust in each other during debates.” This year’s WUDC attracted teams from 379 institutions to The Hague, Netherlands, from Dec. 28 through Jan. 3.

Sixty-nine percent of the Class of 20I6 applied credit earned abroad toward their Bates degree.

The Bates Off-Campus Study website explains the voting process for U.S. citizens who are abroad.

ALEXA “Writing about a Himalayan community that I had the opportunity to live in and experience firsthand has made this thesis all the more meaningful to me.” Anthropology major Alexa Adams ’17 of Williamstown, Mass., wraps up a thesis-writing session on the second floor of Commons. She studied abroad on the SIT-Nepal program on Tibetan and Himalayan peoples.



The 20I7 Fall Semester Abroad program is in Tarragona, Spain.

Twelve days before President Trump’s travel ban, Bates protesters raised questions about immigration, race, and the Trump presidency.

‘Knowledge Knows No Boundaries’ In late January, in the wake of President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslimmajority nations, President Clayton Spencer expressed firm support for Bates students, faculty, and staff. Saying that she was “appalled” by the order and the “inhumane manner in which it is being implemented,” she said that the order — since replaced by a second version — is “antithetical to American values and the principles on which Bates was founded and continues to stand.” Spencer told WGME-TV that “knowledge knows no boundaries. Higher education is inherently international, and higher education has been what has fueled our innovation economy.”

At Bates, Spencer said in her statement, “we actively recruit students from across the globe. We have many students whose families are recent immigrants, and our local community is defined by immigration historically and in the present day. Furthermore, our students, faculty, and staff travel, work, and study around the world.” Going forward, she promised that Bates will “work individually with those members of our community who may need guidance related to international work and travel.” In conclusion, she said, “These are very distressing developments, and I urge us to continue to approach them with clarity, courage, and solidarity.” President Spencer’s statement Spring 2017


am use me n ts


a l l -t i m e favo r ites

Another round of book suggestions from the Good Reads summer reading list, compiled annually by Sarah Potter ’77, who retired last year as manager of the Bates College Store.

How to Cook a Moose by Kate Christiansen

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty

The Code Book by Simon Singh

Kicking the Kremlin by Marc Bennetts

Suggested by Coordinator of Residence Life and Housing Kristy Gagne A love song to the state of Maine and food — two of my favorite things.

Suggested by Associate Professor of Psychology Helen Boucher Once you find out his secret, you do not want to put this book down! Believable characters, great dialogue, and a wonderful reminder that issues of right and wrong are not so black and white.

Suggested by Energy Manager John Rasmussen Singh is a great storyteller rendering much of the math involved in encryption accessible. There is a great chapter on the breaking of the Nazi Enigma machine.

Suggested by Clark A. Griffith Professor of Environmental Studies Jane Costlow Vivid and readable account of attempts to challenge Putin and the kleptocracy at the heart of Russian power.


Cheers for Cheney Here’s our Happy Birthday post on Facebook celebrating Oren Cheney’s 200th birthday on Dec. 10. Naysayers decried Oren’s dream of an open-to-all college as an impossible “railroad to the moon.” We say, “All aboard!”

Leafing Through Seen in Ladd Library in the American literature section: a maple leaf used as scrap paper for a book call number. The number is tough to read, but the title might be Gary in Your Pocket: Stories and Notebooks of Gary Fisher.

Lost & Found


10:14 a.m., Dec. 15 Ladd Library


Spring 2017

It’s the cold season, and here we see lip balms, a Smartwool glove, scünci head band, peppermints, two water bottles (one with a tea bag), U.S. Constitution, eyeglasses, earring, watch, pens and markers, key ring, scrap paper with call numbers, and a book, Le Corbusier and the Power of Photography, on how the famed architect used photography.

w e’ re c o o k ing

Something You Didn’t Know You Needed from the Bates College Store Bobcat Grilling Spatula

Hot Off the Grill This cheery ’n’ cheesy comment was seen on Dining Services’ online Napkin Board last fall: “Can we just always have grilled cheeses? Like, whoever is creating this wonderful meal, can I hire you for Thanksgiving? They’re just made with so much love.” Napkin Board








This Bates-flavored gingerbread house was a gift from our friends at Penmor Lithographers, of Lewiston, this magazine’s printer.

How strong is your knowledge of Bates’ quirky, cool, and colorful past?

In November 1922, President Clifton Daggett Gray wrote an open letter to a famous U.S. citizen saying that Bates students “are not afraid to look dirt in the face” and that a “12-hour day doesn’t faze them.” Who was Gray addressing and why? Answer: Gray’s letter to Thomas Edison refuted the inventor’s widely published remarks that college graduates have too much entitlement and “object to work, especially when it is dirty work.” Spring 2017


THE GREAT The national American Talent Initiative selects Bates for the college’s commitment to access, affordability, and post-graduation success by d o ug hubley There are at least 50,000 low-to-moderate-income students in the U.S. who have the talent to excel at the nation’s leading colleges and universities. Yet, for a variety of reasons, they don’t have access to those institutions. It’s ironic, because these students have the most to gain 26

Spring 2017

from a top-quality education: Research shows that a quality college education significantly improves the chances that lower-income students will not only graduate, but will thrive after graduation. To bridge that gap and help those underserved young people gain access to

the best U.S. schools, Bates College has joined 29 of the nation’s most-respected colleges and universities in a new nationwide effort — the American Talent Initiative. Bates was invited to join the initiative, which includes peers Amherst and Williams as well as universities such


EQUALIZER as Princeton, Harvard, and Berkeley, on the strength of the college’s proven commitment to access, affordability, and success after graduation. “We look forward to offering our energy, experience, and creativity to the American Talent Initiative,” said President Clayton Spencer. “At a time when we’re too often reminded of issues that divide us, education remains the great equalizer in our society.” The initiative seeks, over the next nine years, to expand

by 50,000 the number of low- and moderate-income students attending 270 top U.S. schools. Named for the student potential that the initiative will cultivate, the ATI is a partnership among the 30 schools, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and two organizations dedicated to strengthening academe and student outcomes, the Aspen College Excellence Program and Ithaka S+R. ATI hopes ultimately to enlist 270 institutions, those

that consistently graduate at least 70 percent of their students in six years or less. Representing diverse regions and academic missions, each institution will choose its own way to contribute to the 50,000-student enrollment goal. They will step up their own efforts to recruit and support lowerincome students, share ideas and experiences, and contribute to research that helps other colleges and universities expand opportunity. Spring 2017


PROVEN COMMITMENT Invited on the strength of the college’s proven commitment to access, affordability, and post-graduation success, Bates joined 29 other colleges and universities in December as founding members of the American Talent Initiative. Through February, ATI now comprises 55 institutions.

• Amherst College • Bates College • University of California,   Berkeley • University of California,   Los Angeles • Dartmouth College • Davidson College • Duke University • Franklin & Marshall College • Georgetown University • Georgia Institute of Technology • Harvard University • Johns Hopkins University • Lehigh University • University of Maryland,   College Park • University of Michigan–   Ann Arbor • University of North Carolina   at Chapel Hill • The Ohio State University • Pomona College • Princeton University • Rice University • University of Richmond • Spelman College • Stanford University • University of Texas at Austin • Vanderbilt University • Vassar College • University of Washington • Washington University   in St. Louis • Williams College • Yale University


Spring 2017

Compared with its peers, Bates spends a significantly larger proportion of its resources on financial aid. The promise of access is deeply rooted in Bates values. “Since our founding by abolitionists in the Civil War era, Bates has maintained an unwavering commitment to recruiting talented and motivated students from a broad range of backgrounds, without regard to race, religion, national origin, or sex, and supporting them for success in college and beyond,” Spencer said. With Spencer’s appointment as president in 2011, the college restated its commitment to access and affordability in a particularly high-profile way. As vice president of policy at Harvard prior to Bates, Spencer played key roles in the reshaping and major expansion of the university’s financial aid program; and in the creation of the Crimson Summer Academy, which provides low-income high school students with on-campus experiences leading to higher education. For Bates, financial aid is a central priority. The college ensures that 100 percent of its students’ demonstrated financial need is met for all four years. Forty-three percent of students receive grants from Bates, with such grants averaging $40,000 per student. Compared with its peers, Bates spends a significantly larger proportion of its resources on financial aid. In fiscal year 2015, for example, Bates had an operating

budget of $103.4 million and spent the equivalent of a third, $31.4 million, on financial aid. That year, Bates’ financial aid outlay was equivalent to 12 percent of the college’s endowment — more than twice the commitment of several peer liberal arts colleges with far larger endowments. Also in the interest of increasing accessibility, Bates was among the first U.S. colleges to cease requiring that applicants submit standardized test scores — a requirement that narrows the doorway of college opportunity for low-income students and other underrepresented groups. But if the headline of the ATI story is 50,000 new enrollments, the initiative is just as deeply concerned with the progress of its students once they’re inside the wrought-iron gates — as well as their success as college graduates. Here, too, Bates has an enviable track record. With 96 percent of students participating, Bates’ robust senior thesis program is especially beneficial to students from underrepresented groups. So too is the college’s 10-to-1 ratio of students to faculty, which means more individualized attention and stronger academic relationships. Relatively new on the scene, the college’s Purposeful Work initiative is nationally distinctive. Spearheaded by


The Bobcat First! program at Bates supports first-generation-to-college students.

President Spencer as one of her central initiatives, Purposeful Work is dedicated to the proposition that, because work is fundamental to our lives, a liberal arts education should help students discover the unique path that aligns who they are with what they will do later in life. Driven by innovative programming, Purposeful Work includes wide-ranging paid internships and myriad opportunities for students from families without strong professional networks to make connections that can be essential to a professional career. Purposeful Work has also seen the infusion of life-purpose considerations and life skills into the curriculum; the development of practitionertaught courses that have ranged from journalism to entrepreneurship to music production; and a speaker series that brings notable guests to campus to talk about the traits that support meaningful work. Bates offers a variety of other programs designed to enable all students to thrive during their Bates years, including the 12 percent of Bates students who are the first generation of their families to attend college.

For instance, the Bobcat First! program specifically supports first-generation students. It strengthens their sense of belonging at Bates, their sense of community, and their emotional intelligence. And the Dinner Table series of mealtime conversations has been shown to improve participants’ satisfaction with the college experience and their comfort with communicating across cultural differences. Programs like these figure in a high freshman-to-sophomore retention rate that, for fall 2015, was nearly 95 percent. Nearly 90 percent of Bates students graduate within six years — well above the ATI’s benchmark of 70 percent. Within six months of graduation, 99 percent of Bates alumni are settled in a job, internship, or graduate school. And students in the Bates Class of 2015 had an average federal loan debt of around $14,000, less than half the national average. In the mid-20th century, with the G.I. Bill, the Higher Education Act, and the Civil Rights Act, the nation invested in and opened access to higher education for its citizens, characterizing a college degree as a path to success. Today, that college

degree is more critical than ever, even as higher education moves further out of reach for many young people. A lack of information about options, confusion about costs, and inadequate offers of financial aid keep thousands of new high school graduates every year from attending the colleges and universities that could best help them succeed. The ATI seeks to ensure that these “missing” students have a path to attend and thrive at the institutions with the highest graduation rates and best track records for post-graduate success. “If we’re serious about promoting social mobility in America, we need to ensure that every qualified high school student in the U.S. has an opportunity to attend college,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and three-term mayor of New York City. “I’m so glad that so many great colleges and universities have stepped up and committed themselves towards that goal. This is a vital first step toward creating a more meritocratic society.” n

Spring 2017



SPACE The interior design of Bates’ new residence halls reflects time-honored ideas about community and contemporary trends in residential life by d oug hubley Opened in 2007, the college’s residence hall at 280 College Avenue includes study rooms designed for small groups. Each room has a table for six, yet occupancy rarely tops one or two students. That’s a prevailing American social response to tables: One person seems to own the whole thing, so a single student in that Bates study room can effectively, if not intentionally, take over the whole space — other students don’t want to intrude. Furniture, in short, shapes psychological space. It’s a lesson taken to heart by the Bates people who influenced the design of the college’s two new residences, Kalperis and Chu halls, at 65 and 55 Campus Ave. respectively. By diversifying furnishings in the common spaces, “we were trying to mix together single users, smaller groups, and larger groups,” says Pam Wichroski, the college’s director of capital planning and construction. That’s an example of interior design as a means of shaping interactions — a kind of social engineering long understood at Bates, where residential life is integral to the educational mission. Providing common spaces, and furniture, that suit different kinds of people is a way to get those people talking to and learning from each other. “The principles of inclusivity, diversity, and community were embedded into the design and the


Spring 2017

Behold the power of furniture.

The Treehouse Lounge — seen with and without students — is on the fourth floor of Kalperis Hall.


planning process” for the new dorms, says Philip Chen, principal architect on the project for Ann Beha Architects. Beha surveyed students about their housing experiences and preferences at the beginning of planning, Chen says. Eighty-four percent of respondents ranked “living with friends” as the first or second consideration in making their housing choices. “So we knew that building community was a key goal for this project.” Diverse furniture is one approach to healthy residential life, but it’s not the only one. Here’s a closer look at interior design concepts that Bates and Beha emphasized at Kalperis and Chu.

Campus Crossroads The boldest stroke of social engineering in the new dorms was the relocation of the College Store and Post & Print (the former Office Services) to the first floor of Kalperis Hall, adjacent to a welcoming lobby with mixed seating and a fireplace. This arrangement echoes a national trend on residential campuses, says architect Chen: “vertical housing” that integrates ground-floor retail space with housing above. In Bates’ case, he notes, “the rise of online shopping has made packaging and postal services a primary campus function.” Now a state-of-the-art handling center for the ava-

Spring 2017


Eschewing the Suites In planning the new dorms, “we spent quite a bit of time looking at the mix of student rooms on campus,” says Wichroski. One outcome was a departure from longstanding practice: Long a staple in college residences were suites, several private bedrooms around a private living room. That concept was employed with gusto in the Residential Village, built in 1992. But the taste for suites has faded somewhat, both nationally and at Bates. Instead, the concept employed at 280 College Street and now in Kalperis and Chu is an outward-facing model featuring a “mix of singles and doubles, grouped in clusters that are broken up with common areas,” Wichroski says. These clusters allows friends to lodge near each other while encouraging them to socialize with other students in common areas, rather than holing up behind closed doors in their suite living room. Among the clusters at Chu


The College Store on the first floor of Kalperis Hall.

and Kalperis are ones for first-year students, located on the second floor of each dorm.

Lounge Where? The residence at 280 College laid important groundwork for Kalperis and Chu halls in other ways. Taking the older residence as a baseline, student input on the new dorms suggested allocating less space for student bedrooms and applying the savings to common areas. They also made clear that what they want in their living space is flexibility — a diversity of environments to meet a diversity of learning and socializing styles. For instance, “students want to study in groups, and they want to study by themselves,” says Erin Foster Zsiga, head of residential life. “They need complete quiet so they’re not distracted, and they need to be around people.” In short, they want variety and they got it. “One of the things that’s really interesting is the fact that there are so many different common areas,” says Matt Phillips. There’s a common space for every personality and purpose. Spaces range in size from intimate nooks to the Treehouse, the sprawling fourth-floor lounge in Kalperis Hall that’s like a family rec room writ large.

Part of the Furniture Planning for the new residences included “exhaustive furniture testing” with students, Foster Zsiga says. Flexibility was the watchword for furniture, too — as applied both to the mix of items within rooms, and to specific models like the bedroom storage bins that can live either under the bed or stacked up, like a little bureau.

The lobby of Chu Hall.


lanche of packages that arrives daily for students, “Post & Print along with the Campus Store will create a daily hub of activity and student traffic.” And not just students. The store and P&P are broadly useful businesses that, sooner or later, will draw in virtually everyone on campus — and they’re open to the general public, too. “That whole area is becoming a bit more of a center for campus, or at least is more heavily traveled than it has been in the past,” says Matt Phillips ’17 of Acton, Mass., residence coordinator for Chu Hall. “So it’s really nice to have lots of different spaces where people can hang out, even if you don’t live in the dorms.”

The result is mind-boggling furniture diversity. (If only the tribes of humanity could co-exist so peacefully and productively.) In study areas, for instance, large rectangular tables accommodate large groups and small round ones are ready for more intimate gatherings. “The furniture sends a signal that this is a study space for multiple people,” says Foster Zsiga, alluding to those six-seat tables for one in the 280 College study rooms. Large lounges bring furniture diversity to its ultimate. In the fourth-floor Treehouse in Kalperis, easy chairs and a sofa offer an invitation to bliss out while gazing into the gas fireplace. Away from the fireplace, there are smaller groupings of soft furniture for tête-à-têtes.

Hello? Goodbye? Flow-by!

Again, the Treehouse may be the crowning example of flow-by. It’s a destination that’s also a thoroughfare, with an adjoining TV room and elevator at one end, a kitchen and access to sleeping quarters at the other, and the dorm’s laundry room midway along. The Treehouse is the place to be — but when it’s not, there are always other places to go. And a twist on the concept is a booth-like niche in the Chu lobby (with a counterpart in the Smith Hall basement) that works like flow-by in reverse: The booth allows occupants to watch the social action flow by without committing to either joining or abstaining.

Open Kitchens In Kalperis and Chu, kitchen placement is highly intentional: They’re adjacent to large lounges in each dorm but distinct from them, creating “a nice flow between the two spaces,” says Molly Newton ’11, associate director of residence life. The Kalperis and Chu kitchens are spacious and amply equipped with seating. And, of course, it’s mixed seating: farmhouse tables, banquettes, counters with stools, high-tops. And they’re more than conveniences. “Our students want to sit and talk over food, and they want to learn about other cultures over food,” says Foster Zsiga. In that spirit, both kitchens are meant to be used by the whole student body. “We really want students to be able to say, ‘These are great vibrant spaces and I want to be part of that.’” n

A study area in Chu Hall.

A lobby “niche” of Chu Hall.


See page 12 for a story about the naming of Chu and Kalperis Hall.


Associate Dean of Students James Reese named another formative concept built into 280 College. He calls it “flow-by quality”: visual access to a room that allows students to reconnoiter before committing themselves to entering the space. Bates common spaces that succeed socially, Reese explains, are “positioned such that a person can walk by and easily view in to see who is there, while also being able to walk away naturally.” New arrivals are spared the awkwardness of entering a space only to leave because they don’t know anyone. Flow-by abounds in Kalperis and Chu. Lounges are situated near heavily trafficked areas like stairwells and corridor junctions. Study areas have doors and even walls with a lot of glass. A few brilliantly achieve flow-by via graphics, adapted from decades-old Bates Manufacturing Co. textile designs, applied to the glass walls that make it easier to see in than out.

Spring 2017







EMISSIONS STATEMENT In becoming the first college in the U.S. to heat with Renewable Fuel Oil, Bates is reducing the college’s carbon footprint by nearly a third by dou g h u bley In a way, it was pleasingly ironic that the biting cold and gusty winds back on Dec. 9 made outdoor work a challenge for those — like Bates’ construction reporter — who don’t do it 40 hours a week.

That’s because the event that drew us over to the Cutten Maintenance Center parking lot was all about heat: a new fuel for heating Bates people while reducing the college’s role in global warming. On that frigid Friday afternoon, Bates energy manager John Rasmussen was among those watching Cote Crane and Rigging, of Auburn, erect a new heating-fuel tank next to Cutten. It was one of the final steps in the conversion, which Rasmussen managed, of one of Bates’ three central boilers to burn so-called Renewable Fuel Oil, a sustainable fuel sourced from wood and woody plant material. Making steam that warms most of the heart of campus, about 1.1 million square feet of interior space, those boilers are

historically responsible for a big share of the college’s greenhouse gas emissions. Since Bates switched from natural gas to RFO for its primary heating fuel, on Jan. 10, boiler emissions are about 83 percent less. In the 1980s, the Canadian company Ensyn Technologies developed a process for rendering oil, so-called biocrude, from biomass. Like crude petroleum, biocrude can be refined into a variety of products — in fact, the company’s earliest commercial successes include the food seasoning Liquid Smoke. Although it resembles Liquid Smoke in its dark brown color and smoky odor, Ensyn’s Renewable Fuel Oil does not belong in your barbecue sauce. But it’s great for fueling industrial boilers, and Bates’ switch to RFO makes the college the first educational institution, and only the third institution of any kind, in the U.S. now heating with it.

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In fall 2015, energy manager John Rasmussen enlisted the help of several environmental studies majors to evaluate “externalities” — the possible effects beyond Bates — of a switch to Renewable Fuel Oil.

Delivered on Dec. 9, the new Renewable Fuel Oil tank is the most conspicuous evidence of Bates’ conversion to RFO.

Two cranes from Cote Crane and Rigging tip the new Renewable Fuel Oil tank upright prior to placing it into position at the Cutten Maintenance Center on Dec. 9.

The goal is for RFO to replace about 70 percent (measured in BTUs) of the fossil fuel, primarily natural gas, that Bates has burned to heat the campus in recent years. (The other two boilers can each burn either gas or No. 2 fuel oil, with gas the preferred fuel.) Because RFO is not a fossil fuel, burning it does not release fossil carbon into the atmosphere. Bates sustainability manager Tom Twist estimates that in a typical year, burning 70 percent RFO will cut the steam plant’s emission of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) from about 3,080 metric tons to 532. That cut in emissions would reduce the college’s annual CO2e total, in recent years about 9,000 metric tons, by 2,548, or nearly a third. Thanks to conservation measures undertaken over the past couple of years by energy manager Rasmussen, “we’re already down about 34 percent this year from our 2001 baseline” of 13,461 metric tons of CO2e, Twist adds. So all told, “we’re probably looking at something like a 60 percent reduction.” “It’s a huge drop, which is pretty cool,” says Twist. RFO is also saving money for Bates, thanks in large part to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Renewable Fuel Standard program, which helps

renewable fuels compete with fossil fuels in the marketplace. Twenty-nine feet tall and holding 20,000 gallons, the new tank is the most conspicuous evidence of Bates’ conversion to the Ensyn fuel. Thanks to various adventures in transport, including the non-local truck driver getting lost in Auburn, the Dec. 9 delivery was late and the sun was setting by the time the tank was offloaded. In setting up the tank, a more agreeable kind of drama emanated from Cote’s elegant choreography with two telescoping-boom cranes. One hoisted the top of the tank and the other steadied its base, they turned it upright, and then one crane set it on its concrete pad next to Cutten’s western wall. Through the ensuing weekend, under the supervision of Lincoln, Maine-based general contractor Fastco Corporation, technicians in various trades connected pipes, wired up sensors and instruments, and installed handrails and other fittings. Later the tank was wrapped, first in thermal insulation and then in sheet metal similar to the siding on Cutten. The first RFO was delivered Jan. 4, and several days of testing, tweaking, and curing the ceramic liner of the combustion chamber preceded the formal start of RFO service on the 10th.

Of course, there was more to the $1.1 million conversion project than the tank. The burner, on the college’s No. 1 boiler, is new — a large green contraption, built into the boiler front, in whose center is a little porthole through which you can watch the fierce yellow-orange flame of RFO combustion. Ensyn ships RFO to the college from Renfrew, west of Ottawa. Since the breaking-in period, RFO consumption has settled in at around 4,700 gallons of RFO daily, with deliveries scheduled every day except Sunday during the coldest weather. Although Bates followed standard fire-prevention practices in the design and installation of the system — a flame arrester at the top of the tank, fireproofed legs supporting it, and so on — “RFO really won’t burn” outside its preferred combustion environment, Rasmussen says. So RFO, like heavier grades of petroleum fuel oil, needs some cajoling to be combustible. (It takes more than a discussion of contemporary politics.) It must be heated to 160 degrees and atomized with pressurized air by the time it reaches the fuel injector. Doing that work is a series of heat exchangers, compressors, pumps, etc., occupying four equipment stations, or “skids,” on two floors of Cutten.


Spring 2017

In November, boiler No. 1 awaits its conversion to Renewable Fuel Oil.

The green Renewable Fuel Oil burner seen here and below was specially designed for Ensyn to accommodate RFO’s low pH and high water content.

As if the carbon curtailment and the Liquid Smoke angles weren’t compelling enough, we were intrigued to learn more about the proprietary technology that Ensyn uses to make RFO and other products. Called Rapid Thermal Processing, it’s a variant of a chemical process called pyrolysis. Pulverized woody biomass is blown into an oxygen-free chamber together with very hot sand. In just seconds, the heat breaks the biomass down into vapors, gases (not the same thing as

vapors), and char. The vapors are condensed into pyrolysis oil, aka biocrude, while the gases and char are recycled to dry the feedstock and reheat the sand — pretty efficient. Bates’ energy manager first heard from Ensyn in February 2015, a month and year when heating was on every New Englander’s mind. A company rep cold-called Rasmussen on the same day he was about to take a major step forward with plans to convert the steam plant to wood chips — which would have cost about $10 million. Rasmussen was intrigued,

and Bates ultimately signed a seven-year contract with the fuel maker. Tom Twist started work as sustainability manager as Rasmussen was developing Bates’ plan for converting to the new fuel. “I had a little bit of nervousness about it, just because so few places are trying RFO,” Twist says. “But seeing all the due diligence John has gone through, I feel pretty good that it’ll be a fantastic step forward for the college. We can do the right thing and it saves us money, which is like a slam dunk.” n


Temporary scaffolding surrounds the newly installed Renewable Fuel Oil tank in January.

show tell

Bates photographers Phyllis Graber Jensen and Josh Kuckens show and tell their favorite images of 2016 The game of show-and-tell, experts say, teaches children the skill of storytelling, a fundamental way that we humans get along in the world. Here’s some grown-up show-and-tell from Bates photographers Phyllis Graber Jensen and Josh Kuckens, showing their favorite 2016 images and telling you about them. For Graber Jensen, a Bates photographer for 21 years, telling stories through images means “keeping an eye out for the unexpected, and Bates always delivers,” she says. “That keeps it fresh for me.”

tree stand “ I was walking on the Russell Street Track when I noticed the women’s Ultimate team practicing on the adjacent softball field. I ran over with my iPhone, but they were just ending their practice, so I told them I’d be back with a ‘real’ camera. The next day, they opened with a huddle for announcements, and this was what I was looking for. Their formation — in front of the pine trees that seemed to mirror the closeness and strength of these young women — said everything I wanted to communicate about them.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

wider view “ Two students showed me their sample of soil under a microscope while I was photographing their biology lab. I started trying to photograph just the sample and then, after some tinkering, I was able to incorporate the image from the microscope into a larger image of the class.”

tracking the sun “ Slowly, sun trumped fog one September morning on the Russell Street Track. Early-morning mist appears periodically as a photographer’s gift, and you don’t know where it will work out for a picture. But I’m always looking.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

Josh Kuckens

Spring 2017


a song for james

the shirt off his back “ Photographing emotions in football and lacrosse can be difficult since expressions and eyes are usually obscured by masks. But the expression and intensity of this would-be Bates tackler, Mark Upton ’17, is not lost here.” Josh Kuckens

“ The day before Commencement, I photographed a reception in Olin Arts Center in memory of the late James Jhun, a senior who died in January 2016 and who would receive his degree posthumously the next day. The event began with his family making a gift of a piano to the college, then everyone headed to the lobby. I returned to the piano room, where James’ sister, Iny, began to play as two of his friends listened, holding each other, tears rolling down their faces. There is an empty space in the picture’s center that for me represents both the absence and presence of James.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

sign up “ Workers were changing power lines on Campus Avenue early one morning, and as I crossed the street to get to my office, I couldn’t help but notice the sun illuminating flagger James Cody’s face as he handled the traffic. I took a few wider shots and then asked if I could get a little closer. He graciously agreed. It’s always a bit intimidating to ask, but at this point I have lost most of my inhibitions.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

sand landing “ I was at the University of New Hampshire to photograph All-America triple jumper Sally Ceesay ’18, but one of my favorite photographs from the day turned out to be this image of Srishti Sunil ’18. I had imagined such a sand-swept moment, and here was my dream realized, a keeper.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

Spring 2017


the stage is hers “ It’s hard to get a wide photograph of action, whether it’s dance or sports. But this was a photo where everything seemed to click. It was a dress rehearsal so I had free rein to photograph from wherever I wanted. I chose to stand halfway up the center aisle and center everything as best I could. As the purple gradient appeared on the projection screen, I waited for an interesting pose from the dancer. Because no one is in the seats, the framing is great.” Josh Kuckens

a wedding photographer “ I was photographing a Bates Outing Club canoeing event on the Puddle when I noticed a wedding party in colorful clothing posing for informal pictures. (Secret: I love to photograph weddings — as long as I am not the wedding photographer.) I knew the groom, Khasin “Shobow” Saban, so I was pleased when he and his bride, Fatuma Aden, permitted me to take a few portraits. They’d just come from their wedding in a Lewiston mosque.” Phyllis Graber Jensen


Spring 2017

bound with a kiss “ Thesis is a core component of Bates academics, but the enormity of the experience is hard to capture visually. I was alerted to a group of seniors who were in the library doing a student tradition: asking an underclass student to help bind their final copy of the thesis and then kissing it. This was the moment, a senior on the right and a first-year on the left, where thesis came together.” Josh Kuckens

night bright “ I’ve been enjoying night sky photography since moving from New York City to Maine, which has some of the darkest skies east of the Mississippi. I looked forward to similarly dark skies in the American West during my time with a Short Term geology course, and I was not disappointed. This was a 10-minute exposure — the longer the exposure, the longer the star trails become. I’ve read that 80 percent of the people in North America will never see the Milky Way because of light pollution.” Josh Kuckens

march moment “ These student activists chose Back to Bates weekend for a mock funeral procession through campus followed by a discussion in Commons. This moment stands out for the way it projects the participants’ pride and determination, as well as their sorrow and anger about the issue of police violence against African Americans.” Phyllis Graber Jensen

bobcat and fox “ Covering the geology Short Term course out West, I spent the morning with a student who had gotten a license so he could do some fly fishing. He didn’t catch any fish, but this vulpine encounter afterward made for a successful morning for both of us. I had a long lens with me, and I was grateful for all of its 400 millimeters, plus a bit of a crop, for creating this shot.” Josh Kuckens

sweet sorrow “ It was time to say goodbye as a mom walked her firstyear son back to Rand Hall after the concluding events for parents on Opening Day: a talk by President Spencer and a reception on the Library Terrace. I photograph these farewells every year and know that something sweet will emerge. I just don’t know how, nor the cast of characters, which is what propels me to return.” Phyllis Graber Jensen


Spring 2017

up close with perfection “ On the morning after the season’s first snowfall, I prowled campus looking for an obligatory snowscape. In front of the Hathorn flagpole, a thorn just begged to be photographed with a macro lens, which I did not have with me. So the next day, I snapped a macro on my camera and headed back. Except this time, I noticed something more interesting: red leaves covered with rectangular snow crystals. Fickle me, this was the one!” Phyllis Graber Jensen



What Stork Delivered Andrew Kennedy’s coffee mug shows a handwritten synthesis — a how-to guide for creating a complex molecule — by famed organic chemist Gilbert Stork, “my academic grandfather,” says Kennedy.   Kennedy got the mug in grad school at the University of Virginia while working with researcher Timothy Macdonald. In turn, Macdonald studied under Stork at Columbia in the 1970s.

Before there’s a treatment for Pitt Hopkins Syndrome, says Assistant Professor of chemistry Andrew Kennedy, there needs to be hope by d o u g h u bley pho to g raphy by josh k u c k e ns

The malfunctioning of a single human gene causes Pitt Hopkins Syndrome,

an autism-spectrum disorder that has profound impacts on intellectual development and cognition, mobility, breathing, digestion, and other functions. Notably, it affects communication: Most people with Pitt Hopkins are unable to use language, even sign language. In recent years, a handful of researchers have made great strides in understanding Pitt Hopkins. And one of them teaches at Bates. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Andrew Kennedy, who joined the Bates faculty in August, is among the disorder’s first and leading researchers. And the work he’s doing with his Bates students may be bringing a therapeutic approach to Pitt Hopkins within reach. Pitt Hopkins is extremely rare. Fewer than 600 cases have been diagnosed worldwide. Until this decade, Pitt Hopkins research was minimal, although its genetic connection was discovered in 2007. Kennedy’s Pitt Hopkins research is a facet of his broader investigation into how cognition, specifically memory formation, is affected by so-called epigenetic factors — biochemical mechanisms that control how genes are organized. “I don’t know what it’s like caring for someone with a developmental disability, but I imagine it requires

hope,” he says. “Hope includes uncertainty, and it requires investigation and effort, probably setbacks and imperfect outcomes. But at the core there has to be hope.” Kennedy’s research has attracted about $427,000 in grant support to Bates in all. The broad investigation is being funded by a $339,300, three-year grant from the INBRE Investigator program, part of the Maine INBRE award from the National Institutes of Health, administered by the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. That investigation is focusing on ways that, in nondiseased brains, a process called DNA methylation affects long-term memory formation. In addition, Bates has received $88,000 from the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation, a volunteer nonprofit established by families of children with the disorder, to support Kennedy’s Pitt Hopkins–specific research. Founded in 2012, the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation essentially inaugurated Pitt Hopkins research when it reached out to J. David Sweatt, a neurobiologist then at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The first molecular neurobiologist in the U.S. to investigate the disorder, Sweatt hired Kennedy, who had earned a Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, as a postdoctoral research associate in 2012, and the

pair went on to create the first mouse model of Pitt Hopkins — a fundamental advance, as it gave them and other scientists a basis for further study of the disorder. With the team of Sweatt and Kennedy, “we got really, really lucky,” says Audrey Davidow Lapidus, foundation president. “It was like hitting the jackpot twice. The two of them really spearheaded some amazing research.” (Sweatt now chairs the pharmacology department at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.) Lapidus and her husband, Eric Lapidus, are the parents of Calvin, who was diagnosed with Pitt Hopkins at 13 months and is now 5 years old. “He has profound developmental delays,” his mother says. “He still cannot walk. He likely will never talk. Some of the other kids with this disorder have severe seizures and breathing episodes, like apneas and hyperventilation.” The failure of a single gene — TCF4 on chromosome 18 — is the root cause of Pitt Hopkins, but that failure has a ripple effect. Because TCF4 produces a protein that helps other genes to be read, “it’s a compounding problem,” says Kennedy. “It’s not just one gene not working, it’s a whole family of genes that TCF4 controls not working correctly.” Sweatt and Kennedy capitalized on the fact that there are drugs that “affect gene expression in kind of a wholesale way, called Spring 2017


can be targeted to improve learning and memory.” At the same time, genetic material from the treated mice will be sent away for sequencing. “We’ll be looking exactly at the changes in the genome that occur by going into the neurons and assessing what changed there.” While the number of known Pitt Hopkins cases is only in the hundreds, the work being done by Kennedy and other scientists in the field reaches beyond that

epigenetic modifiers,” says Kennedy. He works specifically with a category of modifiers called histone deacetylase inhibitors, or HDAC inhibitors. They correlated genes known to be affected by HDAC inhibitors with the genes involved with Pitt Hopkins. One drug in particular emerged from this detective work: Vorinostat, marketed as a cancer treatment under the brand name Zolinza. “We treated the Pitt Hopkins mice with the drug, and it profoundly improved their capability of learning and remembering,” Kennedy says. “And this went across every type of behavior that we looked at, whether it be maze-solving, object association, or even object location memory.” It was an electrifying discovery — all the more so because Vorinostat is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, albeit for a different use. “So there’s a possibility that we can now look at this in a clinically controlled trial setting,” hopefully within five years, says Kennedy. At Bates, Kennedy’s PHRF-funded work will 48

Spring 2017

pursue the Vorinostat angle from two directions. First, he and his students will continue to scrutinize specific genes affected by Vorinostat. Second, they will investigate the potential of other FDAapproved HDAC inhibitors for treating Pitt Hopkins. “We’d like to pick one with the least number of side effects” because Vorinostat does have side effects, Kennedy says. “We want to know exactly which horse to put our money on before going to clinical trial.” Moreover, the INBREfunded study will have a bearing on the Pitt Hopkins work. HDAC inhibitors require ongoing use to be effective, but therapies that target DNA modification, specifically DNA methylation patterns, may have longerlasting effects on cognition. What are the students in Kennedy’s charge doing? “They’re going to be trying different therapies on mice, and then giving them tasks to learn and seeing if they do any better than control mice. This is all based on the hypothesis that the epigenome [the complex of chemical compounds that can control the genome]

single disorder: A growing body of scientific evidence shows that single-gene disorders like Pitt Hopkins hold clues to understanding afflictions that are vastly more common. “They hold so much promise for unlocking treatments for other cognitive disorders,” says Lapidus. “They are a sort of Rosetta Stone for figuring out larger issues like autism, Alzheimer’s, and schizophrenia.” She points out that the initial PHRF grant to Sweatt’s

lab at Alabama was followed in 2014 by a research grant of more than $1.8 million from the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. “They recognize that this is really important, especially with regard to figuring out what we can do about autism.” Researchers like Sweatt and Kennedy, she says, are “not just researching a rare disorder in some little bubble. This really does have larger ramifications.” But it’s nevertheless true, as Kennedy points out, that

researching an orphan disease “means there are fewer resources and less awareness. Tasks such as organizing a clinical trial, which require large numbers and control groups to be meaningful, can be daunting with such a small population. “It can also be hard on the parents who have to wait on the pace of scientific research,” he adds, “but it’s clear that the fact that research is occurring produces hope.” n

HE’S MUSSELING IN For Matt Moretti ’06, harvesting mussels from Maine’s Casco Bay melds family, sustainability, and a love for the ocean pho to g raphy by jo sh k u c k e ns text by ad am tok ar z ’ 0 6 Maine native Matt Moretti ’06 has always loved the ocean. “From the beginning, I’ve been interested in the sea and the way organisms function, in a biological sense,” he says. “And while I had that interest, it was always a nondescript, undefined kind of love for natural processes. It wasn’t fully formed.” At Bates, Moretti’s passion began to take shape as he majored in biology and took marine biology courses, amassing knowledge that would eventually support a stint at the New England Aquarium, a Northeastern


Spring 2017

master’s program in marine biology, and global sojourns to far-flung ecosystems like Mo’orea in the South Pacific, where an encounter with French Polynesian shrimp farmers turned on a light bulb. “I realized the traditional ocean research track wasn’t what I wanted to do [with my life],” he says, so after his time in Mo’orea and Catalina, as part of his master’s work, “aquaculture presented itself as a tangible something I could do, not just be interested in.” Moretti returned to his home state, eager for experience and work. He found it

on an oyster farm, where he cultivated his love for aquaculture. Then he learned that a Casco Bay mussel farm was for sale, and in 2010, Moretti and his dad, Gary, bought Bangs Island Mussels. For some, mixing business and family would be an instant recipe for disaster, but Moretti appreciates his business arrangement. “Dad’s given me a lot of freedom to do things in the business that I wouldn’t have had in a more traditional relationship with a business partner. He puts a lot of faith in my ability to help make

Moretti’s operation on Custom House Wharf includes his houseboat (left) and his working boat, La Cozze (right).

Moretti and his father, Gary Moretti, pose for a portrait at the Bangs Island Mussels processing facility on the Portland waterfront.

things happen.” He pauses. “We have a lot of trust in one another, I suppose. He always has my back, and I always have his.” On harvest days, which occur two or three times a week throughout the year, Moretti and his team begin at six o’clock; for five months of the year, that’s before the sun has risen. They meet at a marina warehouse, the home of Bangs Island Mussels land operations, located on a wharf off Commercial Street in downtown Portland. The supplies for the day are lowered into an idling boat, La Cozze, Italian for

“The Mussel,” by a small crane over the cargo hold. Crates packed with ice, empty “totes” (large plastic bins), and a silvery stainless-steel sorting table are arranged on the deck. Then, the boat shoves off, carefully minding Loretta, the harbor mascot, a partially blind seal who makes her home in the calm

waters of the marina, before setting course due east. It will take slightly less than an hour to reach the first raft. Moretti steers La Cozze out of Portland Harbor toward Clapboard Island in Casco Bay, the site of the day’s mussel harvest.

Fall 2016


You can cultivate mussels any number of ways. Moretti uses the Spanish style, in which thick, coarse ropes, each seeded with mussels, hang suspended from rafts that float in the cool waters of the Casco Bay. It takes the mussels about 18 months to mature. All the while, the filter-feeding shellfish feed on the nutrients within their ecosystem, giving Bangs Island Mussels a distinctive flavor profile, says Moretti. “It’s not dissimilar to wine,” he adds, “where the same type of grape will taste different depending on where it’s grown, the specific region of earth, and its surrounding climate.” Unlike some of their bivalve brethren, the mussels don’t come into contact with the sandy bay bottom, so they are grit-free, creating a more enjoyable experience for the eventual diner. Bangs Island Mussels grow on seeded ropes that hang from rafts, and each rope is about 35 feet long.

Plus, because the rafts are protected with nets, the mussels aren’t in danger of being eaten by crabs or starfish. With the lack of predation, the mussel’s shell remains thinner, allowing the meat to grow thick, sweet, and plump. Moretti has 10 rafts on his aquatic farm, along with a processing barge, “and we can have 400 lines on one raft alone,” he says. Once the team reaches the farm, the work continues. First, they use their boat to pull the barge — which houses all of the processing equipment — into position next to one of the rafts. Next, the team begins to pull lines, attaching the mussel ropes to a medievallooking pulley system on the barge that drags the lines through a tiny hole, releasing the mussels from the rope like beads from a broken necklace. As the mollusks spill onto the deck, they’re moved into a large pile with colorful plastic shovels, the Crayola red and yellow standing in sharp contrast to the mudsoaked planks of the barge.

Moretti and his workers spray the mussels, both to wash off mud that collects despite their perch above the ocean floor and to keep them cool and fresh. The mussels are then spun through a stainlesssteel declumper and grading wheel, which help weed out the smaller mussels from the market-grade fare. The hum of the hydraulic motors running the declumper forbids any conversation below a hearty yell. Instead, the team works with a quiet cadence, using hand signals when necessary. “Aquaculture on the ocean, like we do it, basically takes two jobs with very unpredictable elements — farming and fishing — and puts them together,” says Moretti. “We’re in the open ocean, vulnerable to a lot of elements at play that we don’t have control over. We try and mitigate those risks as much as possible.” While heavy winds and torrential storms can spell trouble for raft-style mussel farms, it’s a certain duck-

A winch pulls a musselencrusted rope onto the barge for processing.

billed deviant that poses the biggest (and perhaps most annoying) threat. “Eider ducks are the bane of my existence,” says Moretti, chuckling softly. “They’re incredible mussel eaters. They can eat their body weight in mussels in

a single day.” To deter the ducks, Moretti and his crew deploy protective netting that hangs below the waterline around the rafts. Good fences make good neighbors...and tasty mussels grown to term. Once the mussels are carefully hand-sorted, they are placed on ice, loaded onto the boat, and delivered back to the harborside warehouse by 3 p.m., where the second shift waits to begin their day’s work. There, under the watchful eye of Gary, who manages this second phase of the harvest, the Bangs Island team members continue the “wash, rinse, repeat” mantra executed on the barge. The mussels are fed through a variety of sorting and debearding machines,

and are subjected to more inspection and hand-grading before they’re packed on ice, ready for the distributors. On average, the team can process 2,500 pounds of product in a single day. From an environmental perspective, mussel farming is a very low impact way of producing food compared to other farming systems. And Moretti’s proud of that fact. “We wouldn’t get into a business that had a negative effect on the environment,” he says. On the barge, Moretti (left) feeds the clumped mussels into a machine that breaks their byssal threads and does an initial sorting. Crew member Adam Shapiro (right) collects the separated mussels.

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After they’re declumped, cleaned, and sorted by machine, the mussels are hand-sorted by crew members Daniel Dunham and Kristina Littig.

As active filter feeders, mussels improve their surroundings by “removing phytoplankton, which in excess can reduce water quality,” explains Professor of Biology Will Ambrose. Mussels also remove carbon from the water, but whether that helps make seawater less acidic — a claim made by some aquaculture supporters — isn’t proven, Ambrose says, noting that “the carbonate system that controls seawater pH is very complicated.” Moretti and his father believe strongly in employing environmentally safe farming methods. “We don’t add anything artificial or foreign to the system to help grow the mussels,” he says. “Our ocean farming practices go back to our core company goals: to provide the finest quality seafood in a completely safe and sustainable manner.” Today, Bangs Island mussels are distributed nationally, from Atlanta restaurants to Denver eateries and everywhere in between. Close to home, one of Moretti’s local buyers is self-taught culinary wizard Andrew Taylor ’03, an award-winning chef and co-owner of three Portland restaurants, Eventide Oyster

Dunham places cleaned and separated mussels on ice. They’ll be cleaned again back at the wharf.


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Co., Hugo’s, and The Honey Paw. At The Honey Paw, Taylor uses Bangs Island mussels in dishes like a Vietnamese masa crepe (fried mussels, shrimp and tomatillo sambal, and maple dipping sauce) and at Eventide in a “New England Clam Bake”: mussels, clams, lobster tail, potatoes, salt pork, and a hard-boiled egg nestled into a bed of rock seaweed.

“Having Matt harvesting mussels less than a mile away and bringing them straight to our restaurant the day they’re out of the water — from a quality perspective, you can’t get better mussels than that,” says Taylor, whose Bates food network also includes Eric Peters ’86, proprietor of Norumbega Oyster Co. in Damariscotta. “Then you add the additional benefits of supporting local agriculture, local businesses, keeping it all in everybody’s pockets in Maine. We feel really great about that, too.” Eventide has “always supported us with our mussels,” says Moretti, who counts that support to include his new venture into sugar kelp.

“They enjoy taking a chance on some local, high-quality seafood, and they’ve been fantastic partners.” Despite his national reach, Moretti feels a certain level of responsibility and privilege contributing directly to the Portland public. “We employ people who live here,” says Moretti. “We buy as much as we can locally and enjoy sharing our mussels with the Portland community. I absolutely love that.” n

Bangs Island Mussels are featured in the dish “New England Clam Bake” at Eventide Oyster Co.

Moretti poses outside Eventide Oyster Co. with Bangs Island client Andrew Taylor ’03, chef and co-owner of three Portland restaurants, including Eventide.



b ate s not e s

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1938 class secretary Marion Welsch Spear

1940 class secretary Leonard Clough


1941 co-presidents Elizabeth Gardner Margaret Rand treasurer Dorothy Johnson Velna Adams Evans writes, “I go on at 96 and am mobile with a walker. Glaucoma and high blood pressure will get me some day, but until then I will go on knitting and playing good bridge.” She looked forward to moving to Asheville, N.C.

1942 Reunion 2017, June 9-11

1943 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class president Samuel Stoddard

Norman ’42 and Pril Simpson Boyan ’43 “remain proud of our Bates connection, which we share liberally. And remember: we beat both Bowdoin and Colby in football, again.”


Norman and Pril Simpson Boyan ’42, who celebrated their 73rd anniversary, get around by scooter at their retirement campus in Santa Barbara, Calif. Both exercise several days a week, and he plays pool, bridge, and cribbage. “We welcome the news from Bates,” he says. “The college is some different from the place we knew but we do get a sense of the vibrant activity and spirit which prevails. We remain proud of our Bates connection, which we share liberally. And remember, we beat both Bowdoin and Colby in football, again.”

Spring 2017

Reunion 2019, June 7–9

1945 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Carleton Finch

1946 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Helen Pratt Clarkson class president Jane Parsons Norris Helen Pratt Clarkson reports, “Our class had a small but enthusiastic representation at Reunion. The group that enjoyed getting together for food and sharing memories and news included Mary Van Wyck Patch and her husband, Jay Packard Stewart, Gerry Nickerson Coombs, Jane Parsons Norris, Bert Knight, and me.”…Bert Knight “married a lovely lady (81) June 25. We are very happy.” They live independently in a retirement community where he sings in a group that even has off-campus gigs.…Gerry Nickerson Coombs is making good progress after breaking several bones in a fall....Jay Packard Stewart has moved into a residential-living facility.... Jane Parsons Norris says the

new Bates College Store, in Kalperis Hall, “is a wonderful facility, easily accessible.” She’s happy to be in her home, driving locally, and functioning in an advisory capacity for one committee....Dorothy Strout Cole still drives and is active at church. “Life on the 17th floor is quite sedate.” When she summers in Harpswell, six of her eight grandchildren with three families are usually there. Her 16 great-grands “are all beautiful and brilliant, of course.”… Muriel Ulrich Weeks enjoys her retirement community and friends there. “Eight of us who eat together every Tuesday night just published a book, a mystery, which has been lots of fun and the highlight of our year!”

1947 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Jean Labagh Kiskaddon class president Vesta Starrett Smith Stan Freeman says that physical therapy has brought some improvement but he still has several health problems. He “misses you all while extending best wishes to the survivors of a wonderful class.”…Lauren Jarvi, daughter of Betty Hill Jarvi, who died in 2012, reports her father receives our class letters. Lauren writes, “I have fond memories of your Reunions, and applaud you remaining members for keeping the spirit going. I know my mom would be right there with you.”… Jinx Prince Washburn is slowed by hearing loss and poor vision but sings in the choir and is her church’s financial officer. She is also secretary/treasurer of her community civic association and attends an exercise class. Her youngest grandchild’s wedding was the big event of the year.... Jane Sedgley McMurray writes that she “lives alone and likes it.” Son Bill McMurray ’78 keeps her supplied. She enjoys thinking of what and where she has been.... Vesta Starrett Smith had an excellent small-ship cruise with her daughter on the Adriatic.

1948 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Roberta Sweetser McKinnell 33 Red Gateane Cohasset MA 02025 class president Vivienne Sikora Gilroy Fern Dworkin Cohn still lives in New York in a building owned by Rockefeller Univ. where her late husband, Zanvil Cohn, spent his medical research career. “Widowed for 23 years, I have made a new life for myself. Following a

career in journalism, I became involved in travel, volunteer work, pottery, reading, and theater. Most recent trip was an Alaskan voyage on my son’s boat.”…After seven years of widowhood, Gordon Lindenblad remarried on March 7, 2015, to Gertrude. He’s active in the Lakeland (Fla.) Presbyterian Church.

1949 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Carol Jenkinson Johnson class president Nelson “Bud” Horne

Joan Greenberg Brenner ’49 reports the agency she founded in 1974 for adults with developmental disabilities has grown from one house for 12 people to 11 houses with 58. Elizabeth Dyer Haskell sings in her church choir and plays violin in a trio....Joan Greenberg Brenner reports the agency she founded in 1974 for adults with developmental disabilities, Community Mainstreaming Associates of Westbury, N.Y., has grown from one house for 12 people to 11 houses with 58. Her son Rick celebrated his 36th year in the original group home and “lives a beautiful, enriched life interacting with the local community and the community at large.” Joan, who lost her husband Everett ’47 in 2006, is giving up the house she’s been in for 59 years. She loves being a docent at the Nassau County Museum of Art. “It keeps the gray cells working.”… Lois Javier Fehlau enjoys some volunteering, bridge, and luncheons....Evelyn Kushner Perlman still enjoys work as a semi-retired psychologist helping children and families.... Patricia Snell Wade had a visit from her Bates Big Sister, Jean Holden ’48....Beverly Young Howard and Roger ’48 enjoy their three homes in Florida, Hawaii, and Maine.

1950 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Lois Keniston Penney class president Wes Bonney Hugh and Lois Keniston Penney received Bates’ Best awards for

sylvia stuber heap ’ej ed wilson ’fb

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1951 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Dorothy Webb Quimby class co-presidents Bill Dill Jean McLeod Dill Don Russell was inducted into the Wesleyan Athletics Hall of Fame. Chairman of physical education and director of athletics at Wesleyan from 1968–88, he also served seven seasons as football coach and five as the women’s squash coach. He lives in Plano, Texas.

1952 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Marilyn Coffin Brown class president John Myers Barbara Spring Fry plans on attending the 65th Reunion.

1953 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Ronald Clayton class co-presidents Virginia LaFauci Toner Richard F. Coughlin The Portland Press Herald spoke with Dick and Norma Crooks Coughlin ’52, longtime donors to the newspaper’s toy fund. They’ve given to the fund for decades, in memory of their son Lindy, who died at 24. “It’s focused on children, and that’s a good place to be focused,” Dick said....Shirley Veale Davenport and Mary Needham Moore ’57, both School of Nursing graduates, met for the first time at the wedding of Shirley’s grandson

Jim to Mary’s granddaughter Lauren. “What are the odds?” they ask.

1954 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Jonas Klein class president Dwight Harvie Our deepest condolences to Jan Collier Millard, whose eldest son Jim was killed in a motorcycle accident in June 2016.... Bob Greenberg writes that the “Goose Group,” alums who meet each summer in Chamberlain, Maine, is now unfortunately smaller, but the gang continues to enjoy the camaraderie. Son Mark now also owns a summer home in South Bristol, and Bob and Pat (Tobey ’57) see him a lot more often. Bob regretfully hung up his squash racket due to the replacement of his knees....Regretfully, Marion Shatts Whitaker relinquished her class presidency because of the increased attention required for Pete ’53. We appreciate her contributions and send our very best wishes to them both. Dwight Harvie has accepted the presidency. He spent over 40 years in the Far East and, as a Reunion regular, was the ’54er who traveled the farthest to participate. He’s the father of Lisa Harvie McIlwaine ’83 and Ayako Harvie Buliard ’00....“After 23 years in the cozy harbor home Ken chose for our retirement,” Ruth Scammon Sargent moved into a great apartment that son David built for her in his home in Sandy Creek, N.Y. “No more physical and financial responsibilities of home ownership for me. Now life is filled with happily sharing the lives of younger generations (including six grandchildren) of family and their friends who have made me feel welcome.” Ruth sends best wishes to all who share her “Bates loyalty.”… From Kennewick, Wash., Ginger Buhl Vetrano writes that life continues to be lively. She participates in a weekly TV show doing interviews, and she and Jim ’51 demonstrated a round dance for the talent show. Meals on Wheels, the League of Women Voters, and discussion groups add to her busy life.... Don Weatherbee continues his involvement in Southeast Asian affairs as president of the American-Indonesia Cultural and Educational Foundation, board member of the United States-Indonesia Society, and member of the Columbia Univ. Contemporary Southeast Asia Seminar. The third edition of his book on international relations appeared, and he’s under contract for one on the Assn. of Southeast Asia Nations.


their long and loyal service to the college. “In addition to their dedicated leadership as class volunteers and members of the College Key, Hugh and Lois devoted their boundless enthusiasm and effort to serving as the Reunion gift and social chairs for their 65th Reunion in 2015,” their citation reads in part. “As the gift chair, Hugh led an incredible fundraising effort for their class. As a direct result of his work, their class raised $59,325 — the second highest 65th Reunion Bates Fund gift in college history. As a Reunion social co-chair and class secretary, Lois led planning for their Reunion with Class President Wes Bonney. The Penneys have also made Bates a philanthropic priority.”

Sylvia Stuber Heap ’50 receives the Alumni Community Service Award from President Clayton Spencer at Back to Bates on Oct. 8.

‘In Countless Ways’ For 55 years of work on behalf of her community in Watertown, N.Y., Sylvia Stuber Heap ’50 received the Alumni Community Service Award during Back to Bates weekend last October. “In countless ways” Heap exemplifies the “values of service and civic responsibility [that] are fundamental to the Bates education,” said her citation. One long-running example of her civic advocacy is Jefferson Community College, founded in 1961 thanks in part to Heap’s grassroots organizing. Ever since, she’s been a key figure in various initiatives. In 2010 Heap received the school’s Jefferson Citation for her “staunch advocacy for community colleges and her significant contributions to Jefferson Community College.” Also during Back to Bates, Ed Wilson ’62 completed a triple crown of sorts by receiving the Stangle Award for Distinguished Service to the Bates Community. Wilson had previously received the Papaioanou Distinguished Alumni Service Award and a Bates’ Best Award; indeed, Bates is facing “the wonderful dilemma of running out of ways to honor you for your long and loyal service to the college and to Bates alumni,” said his citation. A trustee emeritus who enjoyed a storied administrative career at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, Wilson is always eager to “make connections for Bates people, for the benefit of their careers, their lives, and the college.”

Spring 2017



peter post ’eh He and Espey traveled to the region to reprise his tenure as a distinguished visiting professor in Singapore. Back home, they spent summer months in Jamestown, R.I., with children and grandchildren flowing through for fun....Lynn and Bev Hayne Willsey ’55 celebrated their 60th anniversary at the Basin Harbor Club on Lake Champlain with their four sons and daughtersin-law and seven of their eight grandchildren. Lynn, to the delight, affection, and everlasting debt of ’54 officers, is incredibly indefatigable and resolute in leading the class campaigns for the Bates Fund.

1955 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class president Beverly Hayne Willsey

‘And We Do’ When Peter Post ’58 was inducted into the National YMCA Hall of Fame last July, there was smoke, but certainly no mirrors. That’s because Post’s contributions to the YMCA are the real deal. And since the YMCA elects just 12 luminaries to its Hall of Fame every three years, his induction was a big deal, too. During the ceremony, attended by nearly 4,000 at the Kansas City Convention Center, Post and his fellow honorees were introduced one by one, each entering the stage to a dazzling light display, theatrical fog, pumping music, a billboard-size display of their name and photo, and a standing ovation. “It made you take a step backward,” Post told the Beaufort Gazette. Post’s contributions to the YMCA are nearly lifelong. As a Bates student, he worked summers as a counselor at Camp Hazen YMCA in Chester, Conn. He joined the Y after graduation, becoming president and CEO of the YMCA of Greater Boston before serving as chief operations officer for the YMCA of America. Post and his wife, Jane Anderson Post ’58, now live in St. Helena Island, S.C., where his primary volunteer work is with the United Way of the Lowcountry. As he told the Gazette, he relishes the work. Agencies like the United Way are “the last resort for people who are down and out, who really need help, and deserve help. And we do.”


Spring 2017

Adrienne Adams Wright and Dave ’54 celebrated their 61st anniversary. She plays bridge, and they go to a fitness gym.... Madeleine Beaulieu keeps busy going to lunch with friends and attending concerts at Bates and another venue....Sprookie Ham Dalrymple and Lee are coping with his diagnosis of Parkinson’s. “He is not real bad yet but it surely changes our view of the future.”…Ruth Haskins Bass’ new book, A Silver Moon for Rose, is the final novel in a trilogy about 19th century New England farm girl Rose Hibbard. “The story was inspired by my grandmother’s need to take over the family household when her mother died. My grandmother was 14 or 15 and did that. Grandma never talked about how her teen years must have ‘sucked,’ as today’s teens would say,” Ruth writes. One of the blurbs on the back cover is from Dave Wyllie.... Bev Hayne Willsey had a wonderful time visiting with June Ryan Gillette....John and Ann Akehurst Hodgkinson ’57 enjoy golf course living in North Carolina’s Piedmont region....Ann Hoxie Brousseau loves living at The Residence at Otter Creek in Middlebury, Vt., “a combination between a college campus and a hotel.”… Jan Hunter Scheer, now a great-grandmother, says Parkinson’s has limited what she can do, but it’s under control and she’s well cared for....Calvin Jodat retired as music director of his church but continues as a deacon, sings in the choir, and now serves as bookkeeper.... Caroline Keiger is busy, healthy (all things considered), happy.... Janet Lockwood Johnson lives in a Quaker community in Sandy Spring, Md., and goes to plays, concerts, and activities at Friends House....Warner Lord continues as a volunteer at the Museums of Old York’s Library and the Gundalow Company of

Portsmouth. He visited John Houhoulis in Florida....Nancy Ann Ramsdell Chandler and Bruce ’53 enjoy living at Huntington Commons in Kennebunk where Bob Russell ’53 also resides....Living near Bates, Mert Ricker says it’s a treat to enjoy the many college events. He still travels to Japan....Roger TannerTheis and Nancy still enjoy their garden and orchard....Bob and Marion Buschmann True enjoy their retirement community in Westborough, Mass., and many new friends.

1956 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Frederic Huber class co-presidents Alice Brooke Gollnick Gail Molander Goddard Nancy Mills Mallett and Russ enjoy the slower lane in their retirement community. They go to New Hampshire for the summer and drive between Boston and D.C. to visit family. They have 13 grandchildren.... Jessie Thompson Huberty was the keynote speaker at a San Francisco conference on World War II in the Philippines. She talked about Maj. Gen. Basilio J. Valdes, the Philippine army’s chief of staff, personal physician to President Manuel Quezon, and close friend of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. He was also her uncle. “The conference was held as part of an effort to get the Second World War in Asia, and more particularly in the Philippines, into the 11th grade history books of the public schools in California. I am happy to report that we succeeded,” she writes.

1957 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 email coordinator Douglas Campbell class co-secretaries Wilma Gero Clapham Margaret Leask Olney class co-presidents Judith Kent Patkin Richard H. Pierce

1958 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Marilyn Miller Gildea class president John Lovejoy

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Reunion 2019, June 7–9

Reunion 2020, June 12–14

class co-secretaries Jack DeGange Mary Ann Houston Hermance

class secretary Louise Hjelm Davidson

class co-presidents Barbara Van Duzer Babin Christian O. Miller

Dwight Haynes ’59 had a lifetime goal of cycling 35,000 miles before turning 80 on Jan. 22, 2017 — a goal he reached last August. “My new goal: 36,000 before I turn 81.” Joan Child Tinklepaugh and Bob enjoy their gardens; She writes family history, he spends his time investing....Many friends from Alan Coykendall’s academic, nautical, and community lives, including Jay and Lois Tanzer, attended Al’s wonderful 80th birthday party on Jan. 7, thrown by wife Betty (Drum) at the historic Stanley-Whitman House in Farmington, Conn.... Vicky Daniels Aberhart and John continue to enjoy river cruising, most recently on a voyage along the Douro River in Portugal....After 12-plus years at The Villages, Ross and Pauline Deacon are downsizing to Melbourne, Fla. They will also avoid Florida’s summer heat with four months in Wells, Maine. Deac continues to tune up for his annual summer day on the links with Bill Heidel and Ralph Posner; he’s shot his age over 70 times (and counting)....Dwight Haynes had a lifetime goal of cycling 35,000 miles before turning 80 on Jan. 22, 2017 — a goal he reached last August. “My new goal: 36,000 before I turn 81.”…Barbara Smith McIntosh and Ken are spending the winter in Yuma, Ariz. They took their trailer to Yellowstone, Montana, and the Natchez Trace from there to Nashville. “Learned a lot about our history and the Civil War.”…Nancy Tyler Harris and Ken ’58 had a poignant visit with Coe Jenkins Huckabee ’58 after the August 2016 passing of Coe’s husband Bill ’58, Ken’s Bates roommate of four happy years. “Both Bill and Coe mean so much to us and to the whole Bates community that we are grateful for and inspired by their friendship,” Nancy wrote.

class president Dean Skelley Chris Bird writes that as result of her note in the Spring 2016 Bates Magazine, she heard from George Deuillet, who had gone to Skinny Legs Restaurant in St. John, Virgin Islands, and had been surprised to find a Bates towel displayed on the rafters. George didn’t realize until he read her note that Chris had put it there. The two had a nice conversation, and now Chris says she has another friend she didn’t really know at Bates. “This is one of many reasons I think our class is the best!” she says. Chris, Jan Baker Trevor, and Jan’s husband continued a tradition of attending the Christmas Revels in Cambridge....George Deuillet connected with Bates roommate Merrill “Pete” Allen on a trip through Alabama. It was their first reunion in 55 years, and to be sure they recognized each other, both wore their Bates caps. George says, with their wives, they had a wonderful time with lots of reminiscing.... For the first time in 70-plus years, Dave Easton is not wearing eye glasses, due to successful cataract surgery....After more than 46 years, Jim Hall will retire from the Santa Clara Univ. faculty on Aug. 31. “It’s been a good run, and the success of my checkered path owes a lot to my Bates education. The path forward is uncertain, but I plan on spending more time with my wife (of 24 years) Linda, and perhaps join the Senior Tour. (However, since golf is not likely, I’ll have to figure out what tour that might be!) Have enjoyed being in touch with my roommate, Dick Krause; hopefully, he and I can get to see each other occasionally.”…Dick Krause really enjoys retirement. He’s busy with SCORE helping struggling businesses and still works on his model of the USS Constitution.... Sarah Rubin Blanshei lives in Atlanta with her husband and remains active as a scholar. She organized a panel and gave a paper at the American Historical Assn.’s annual meeting. An Italian translation of her monograph “Politics and Justice in Late Medieval Bologna” was published by Viella. She’s editing a book on medieval and Renaissance Bologna for Brill and beginning a new one on violence and justice in pre-modern Bologna for Lexington Press.... In addition to serving as lab director for labs in San Antonio and Houston, Pete Skelley now directs one in South Carolina. “This keeps me out of trouble.”…

Ron and Sally Iannello Spicer had a year of travels that took in Chicago, L.A., San Francisco, London, Brugge, Basel, and a cruise up the Rhine and Mosel rivers to the Netherlands....Jim Wylie says it was great to see the “gang” at the Colby game in October. “The victory was hard fought but the stadium was void of student fans. A little rain didn’t dampen the spirit of Class of 1960 attendees except our ‘cheerleader’ who chose to watch the game from the warmth and comfort of the Commons. My concussion-detection business is ramping up for a Q 4 2017 product launch — a ‘real game changer.’”

1961 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Gretchen Shorter Davis class co-presidents Mary Morton Cowan Dick Watkins John and Sue Kimball Adams, who had a fabulous trip to China, are still happy in Bonita Springs, Fla....When his academic schedule allows, Doug Ayer enjoys traveling....Betty Bonnar Kepner and Craig loved their Russian cruise....Carl and Mary Morton Cowan enjoyed a cruise on the Rhine and Danube....Tim Devlin and Sharon have lived in the same house for 44 years, close to Chesapeake Bay, with their two sons and six grandkids nearby....Melinda Garofalo Elvander and Bob report he had rotator-cuff surgery due to a crash into the boards while playing hockey....Bill Gleason needed 63 dives to reach 2,000 lifetime, equivalent to almost three months underwater.... Living in “The Easternmost Town in the U. S.,” Dick Hoyt coordinates the Lubec Market and manages their organic vegetable gardens while Jean runs Creative Arts Studio....A cruise up the Norwegian fjords was No. 1 on Vera Jensen Bond’s bucket list, and she enjoyed the trip with Joel ’62 and Rachel Smith Young....Art ’60 and Sara Kinsel Hayes enjoyed a tour of Portugal and Spain....Dave and Sue Kittredge Barnard celebrated his 90th birthday with a wonderful party....Dick Larson and Kathleen report a Road Scholar trip around all five Great Lakes was a terrific learning experience....Paul and Freda Shepherd Maier enjoyed a cruise through the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence....Dick Mortensen and Abbey, still living on their 77-acre farm, serve in the Episcopal church and sing in the choir....Candace Oviatt was inducted into the Univ. of Rhode Island’s Lifetime Service Society

in recognition of her 46 years of service to URI. She retired as a professor of oceanography.... Playing violin with the Nashua (N.H.) Chamber Orchestra, Nadine Parker also enjoys tennis, bridge, and quilting....Now living in a retirement community in Chapel Hill, N.C., Paul Popish and Beth are active on committees there....Skip and Marcia Putnam O’Shea had visits from Rachel and Joel Young ’62, Freda and Paul Maier, and Roz and Jim Boyle....Gary Reed has lived in Falmouth, Maine, for many years. He served as state representative for the Falmouth and Cumberland district....Ken ’60 and Judy Rogers McAfee travel to visit their daughters.... Doug Rowe has new films out: Besetment will be released soon, First Reading is entered in several film festivals, and a TV pilot, Propaganja, is in the editing process....Berman & Simmons was recognized as the best law firm in Maine for the representation of plaintiffs by Chambers USA, and Jack Simmons was honored as a “Senior Statesman” whose work has been pivotal to the firm’s success....Dotti Sweetser Larsson’s senior ski group, the Silver Streaks, is the very best in the New England region....Dick Van Bree and Gisela moved to Las Vegas’ Summerlin area....Chan Wagg and Sara plug along in Boxborough, Mass., where he works with affordable housing....To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Garry and Judy Arlt Walker took a train from Vienna to Budapest....Dick Watkins and Deb are busy with volunteer activities and hobbies.

1962 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Cynthia Kalber Nordstrom class president Edmund J. Wilson ed-wilson@kellogg.northwestern. edu Ed Wilson, already the recipient of the Papaioanou Distinguished Alumni Service Award and a Bates’ Best Award, completed his triple crown with the Stangle Award for Distinguished Service to the Bates Community. Established in honor of Trustee Emeritus Bruce Stangle ’70, the award recognizes Bates leaders whose body of work has touched countless Bates people and helped them become better in their careers or volunteer work. A popular administrator at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, Ed has served Bates as a trustee, class agent, Alumni-in-Admission volunteer, and 50th Reunion chair. He is now a member of the Cheney Society and is hard at work to make sure the Class of 1962 has a splendid 55th Reunion.

Spring 2017


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1963 Reunion 2018, June 8–10

Reunion 2020, June 12–14

class secretary Natalie Shober Moir

class secretary Evelyn “Evie” Horton

class president Bill Holt

class president Joyce Mantyla

Dottie Selden Stone ’63 and George are members of a committee from three congregations who are sponsoring a Syrian refugee family in West Hartford, Conn. They are learning that it truly does “take a village” to settle a young family with four children and help them begin a new life in the United States. Last August, Judy Mosman Butler and Skip, Bob and Terry Hood, Natalie Shober Moir and Jim, Butch and Marti Sampson, and Dottie Selden Stone and George enjoyed a mini-reunion at the fabulous Primo Restaurant in Rockland, Maine. Bob and Terry arrived by boat, having sailed aboard Kismet to Rockland from their home in Virginia.... Ed Rucci hosted the Annual Rucci Open Golf Outing at his home in Rhode Island in August. Attending were John Curtiss, Bill Farrington ’66, Thom Freeman, Web Harrison, Al Marden, Howie Vandersea, and Monty Woolson....John Farr won two gold and three silver medals in track and field at the North Carolina Senior Games Championship. He missed the gold in the 50-meter race in a photo finish.... Bob Hood of Merry Point, Va., now retired from a career in corporate finance, was elected to the board of the Northern Neck Orchestra....Dottie Selden Stone and George are members of a committee from three congregations who are sponsoring a Syrian refugee family in West Hartford, Conn. They are learning that it truly does “take a village” to settle a young family with four children and help them begin a new life in the United States.

1964 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary-treasurer John Meyn class president Gretchen Ziegler


Spring 2017

Newt and Pat Lord Clark ’67 enjoy being grandparents. They planned trips to India and the Bahamas....Ralph “Tom” Day and Olga have moved to Stevenson Ranch, north of Los Angeles, to accommodate her retirement. His 36 years in Silicon Valley gave him many interesting jobs, from spy satellite software to Uber driver. Now he plans to find bridge games and join the Rotary....Bill Gosling and Jean had a busy year of travels. He plays tennis and serves on three community group boards.... Richard Hillman’s novel Tropical Liaison won a Florida Authors & Publishers Assn. 2016 President’s Award for general fiction. The sequel, Finding Rafael, comes out in 2017. Rich also play USTA tennis tournaments and cares for his granddaughter. He and Audrey celebrated their 49th anniversary....Leon Hurwitz and Fran live in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Fully occupied as a retiree, he travels, reads, and exercises more and learned how to cook....Ted and Judi Laming Krzynowek ’66 took a European cruise to celebrate their 50th anniversary....Susan Smith is a volunteer coordinator for Maine Huts & Trails out of Kingfield. “Working and volunteering at the huts keeps me hiking, walking, and healthy!”…Karl Wolf continues his international travel combining adventure and volunteering. In 2016 he spent a month each in Mexico, Sicily, Nicaragua, and the Republic of Georgia.

1966 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class president Alexander Wood

1967 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Alexandra Baker Lyman class co-presidents Keith C. Harvie Pamela Johnson Reynolds

1968 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Rick Melpignano class president Richard J. Gelles

Jane Hippe Reilly and Russ ’66 traveled to Prince Edward Island to find his “people.” She works part time as the financial assistance specialist at Child Cares Services and enjoys visiting with the grandchildren....On their way south on a holiday, Ron Marsh and husband Dennis Ambrose stopped in for lunch with Henry Seigel and husband Michael Carr for an enjoyable afternoon. Ron and Dennis tied the knot last year. On a visit to Maine and Bates, Henry reconnected with Denis Fortier....Rick Melpignano’s woodworking projects include wine presentation boxes, desk clocks, keepsake boxes, and knife holders. Twice a year he performs in a piano recital in Natick and Boston.

a great congregation....Mike Randolph is a senior avionics systems engineer/architect with Lockheed Martin in Owego, N.Y. Susan Freed Randolph’s love of plants keeps their home alive with gardens and water features....Dave Rogers is SVP with Lee Hecht Harrison, which helps companies simplify the complexity of transforming their leadership and workforce....Bob Ziegelaar manages an angel investment fund for Maine startups and does volunteer work.

1971 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Suzanne Woods Kelley

Reunion 2019, June 7–9

class president Michael Wiers

class secretary Bonnie Groves

class vice president Jan Face Glassman

class president Richard Brogadir

Sally Butler Garneski teaches French at the Evergreen School in Shoreline, Wash., where grandson Matthew is a student.... Winnie Dennis Lim wrote from New Zealand where she and Lee were hiking. They had “a near miss” with a major earthquake. “We could have easily been in Kaikoura with all the other tourists who enjoyed days in a tent city and a rescue by navy destroyer.”…Chris Eddings was named by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to the state’s new Public Information Act Compliance Board.... Carol Hendrickson returned to York, England, where she spent her JYA, for a visit that was a wonderful blend of nostalgia and new discoveries....Richard Lutz runs RHL Media, which trains charities and university staff to get their messages across on multimedia platforms. He has homes in Birmingham, England, and Scotland and does long-distance walking, including the Italian coast with Jim Burke and Dave Pierson....Bill Matteson is retiring after 44 years at the Univ. of Rhode Island as director of property and support services. He and Pam, also retired, intend to travel again....Jeff Thompson got two new lungs on Labor Day. “Hopefully a new lease on life, and will make it possible to see all of you at our 50th.”


Sally Greenlaw Kinney fulfilled a bucket-list item by driving her RV 7,000 miles. “It was lonely at times but the spirit of my beloved spouse, Bob (’70), was with me every mile.” A highlight: at a remote campground near the Delaware River’s source she noticed her neighbor wearing a Bates T-shirt. She and Blake Shafer ’13 “spent that evening sitting by the campfire sharing thoughts about everything and anything.”

1970 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class co-secretaries Stephanie Leonard Bennett Betsey Brown class president Steve Andrick David and Pam Decker Baker split time between South Paris, Maine, and Hilton Head, S.C., and travel widely....Chris Belcher Bosanquet enjoys retirement in Plymouth, Mass.... Ted Callaghan, who lives in Alaska, plans to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail starting at Katahdin....Julio DiGiando teaches math at a technical school and chases after his Batesie daughter’s two grand boys....Janet Drewiany Taylor, in Fairbanks, Alaska, stays busy with travel, bridge, skiing, Jazzercize....Donna Dustin Strachan volunteers in a marine science program and appreciates living way Down East.... Bill Penders and Bonnie enjoy visiting their three daughters and eight grandchildren.... Martha Peterson Kuhlmann is an Episcopal priest serving with

1972 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Steven H. Mortimer class president Wayne V. Loosigian Allen Agnitti’s intellectual memoir With a Thousand Antennas: A Dilettante’s Story is now available in paperback or e-book format....


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Joyce Blakeman Baron retired as an instructional assistant at Duxbury (Mass.) Middle School and is now caregiver to her 100-year-old mother.... Nancy Bowden Maynard enjoys retirement, photographing wildlife from her kayak.... Melinda Bowler DeVoe and her husband live in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and continue to explore the Intermountain West....Sadly, Sue Cooper Sawyer’s husband, Mike, died of lung disease Aug. 12, 2016. His obituary is in this issue....Bill Doherty retired and lives in The Villages in Florida.... Sharon Geil bought a condo in Wallingford, Conn., and is more or less permanently settled back in the States after nearly 30 years in the UK....Tom Heaton is the director of Caltech’s Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory. He also plays guitar and writes songs....Janis Hotaling Bass teaches part time at Plymouth State Univ. in the Health and Human Performance department and sings with several choirs.… Mary Knox Mitchell is busy in her retirement community with activities and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity....In their quest to visit every state capitol, Lynne Page and Rolley have made it to 42 so far....Barbara Quimby Libby celebrated 25 years of ordained ministry in 2015. She continues to serve the Rhode Island Conference UCC as its interim conference minister.... Dick Thomas keeps busy with church volunteer work and an advisory board at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He had fun catching up with Bates roommate Paul Bibbo....Nancy Trimper feels fortunate to live on Martha’s Vineyard near Susan Mone Bradley, with whom she has lunch every Saturday. Nancy works remotely for SAS software company as an enterprise license negotiator....John Zakian has made three trips to Armenia to trace his roots and culture. His grandfather fled the Armenian genocide that took the lives of his 13 siblings and his parents, John’s great-grandparents.

1973 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Kaylee Masury class president Tom Carey Patricia Abell Howe volunteers in her four grandchildren’s school and sings in a choir.... Roger Bergeron served on the photography team for the National USAPA pickleball tournament....Rob Center, co-founder of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail organization, spoke at Bates’ EnviroLunch Series about paddling destinations on the trail....In Viña del Mar,

Chile, Julio Elorriaga-Gonzalez is recovering his health after two operations. Partly retired from teaching English, he tutors private students and has self-published 17 books....In Merrimack, N.H., Joan Faella Haskell and Franklin are still working, wondering when and what the next stage in their journey will be....Ric Franks enjoys being retired from Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise. He and Suzan bought a New Hampshire condo to be near their two oldest children in the summer....After almost 27 years in a solo practice, osteopath Chuck Gaputis sold out to a hospital, taking “a huge burden off my shoulders as my career winds down.”…Heidi Hoerman and husband Bill Urton enjoy delivering food for Mealson-Wheels and PetPals in Richland County, S.C....Dorrie Mitchell continues as an actor, director, and stage manager for a few local theaters....Jim O’Connell published Dining Out in Boston: A Culinary History (University Press of New England, 2016), the first comprehensive history of Boston restaurants....Singer-songwriter Susan Peirce Ursprung of Princeton, Mass., talked with The Landmark about the release of her first album of original music, Second Nature, a blend of folk and jazz. Co-produced by Susan and husband Alex, the CD is a child’s-eye view of living on earth through seasonal changes. “I put on a lot of performances at college of my own music and I’ve always been a writer,” she said....Mark Puffer practices municipal and real estate law with Preti Flaherty in Concord, N.H. Both daughters, including Alison ’08, are engaged to be married in 2017....Dan Rice remains a director of Rice Energy and works alongside his four sons who run the company.... Stephen Thibeault works as a foreign media analyst at the State Department. He and Connie celebrated daughter Val’s wedding in September. Meg Kluge and Ned Pokras attended....Humberto Torres retired and is caring for the family business, a small embroidery factory.

1974 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Tina Psalidas Lamson class president Don McDade

“What’s better than seeing kids have those magic moments when they get to hold a spider crab, sea star, or a slimy moon snail for the first time?” asks Paul Erickson ’74.


Fritz ’71 and Margaret Kendall Buschmann ’72

media outlet: Bangor Daily News


Eighty parrots to welcome guests to Maine sanctuary open house


Aug. 5, 2016

takeaway: Pets can outlive owners and need new homes “Margaret and her husband, Fritz, are the founders and sole operators of Siesta Sanctuary, which the couple describe as ‘assisted living for retired parrots,’” writes Bangor Daily News reporter Aislinn Sarnacki in a story about an open house at the sanctuary, which is connected to the Buschmann home in Harmony, 35 miles north of Waterville. “For more than a decade,” the story continues, “they have been taking in rescued and displaced parrots and giving them a permanent home at the sanctuary.” Parrots live for decades, so can either outlive their owners or outlive their owners’ ability to care for their beloved birds. “People’s lives change,” Margaret says. An older couple may have had their parrot for 30 years “but now have to go into a nursing home or a condo that doesn’t allow birds, and they’re just beside themselves on what they’re going to do with their birds.”

Spring 2017


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Phil Averill volunteers at a land trust, is sexton at his church, and is in charge of an oceanside cemetery....Cindi Byrkit looks forward to road trips after retiring from the group health insurance industry....David Dysenchuk says 2017 may be his last year on Metro North. He remains involved in commercial real estate finance.... Paul Erickson is having a blast as an aquarist/educator on the Sea Shuttle Endeavour, a 45-foot catamaran out of Salem, Mass. “What’s better than seeing kids have those magic moments when they get to hold a spider crab, sea star or a slimy moon snail for the first time?”…Jim Gilligan still works in the biotech industry as chief scientific offficer at Tarsa Therapeutics in Philadelphia.... Janet Gross Dzubow volunteers for several tennis organizations and loves being “Nana.”…Heidi Harms Remy and George get up to Bates on occasion to attend various programs. They were impressed with student presentations at the Mount David Summit....As CEO at Axis Health System in southwest Colorado, Bern Heath finds work incredibly exciting and rewarding....Peg Kern volunteers for the Forest Service in the Sedona, Ariz., area and for the sheriff’s office as member of a search and rescue posse....After a 41-year career in insurance/risk management, Steve Kirsche is excited to be in charge of national sales for a new company that brings a doctor into the room of a nursing home patient....Rodger Lawton still enjoys practicing full time prosthodontics in Olympia, Wash.... Jon Lowenberg continues to enjoy life in Baltimore....Don McDade is happily working at L.L. Bean....Norm Olsen continues his work in international business management at Dell/ EMC as global program manager. He planned a ski trip with Al Green ’75, Neal Ouellett, John Egan, Carol Rosseland, Jerry Quinlan, and Karen Harris.... Marilee Osier teaches Latin and English online for The Virtual High School Collaborative and travels with Ken all over the USA in their RV....After playing varsity badminton at Bates, Carolyn Sauer Hoefer has revitalized her badminton career, participating in masters tournaments throughout the U.S. and Canada....Debbie Wood Burns retired and is ready to travel.

1975 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class co-secretaries Deborah Bednar Jasak Faith Minard class co-presidents Susan Bourgault Akie Janet Haines


Spring 2017

Sandra Shea ’75’s view of August’s solar eclipse will rival anyone’s: The longest period of the total eclipse in the world will be about three miles from her house. Deb Bednar Jasak spends as much time as possible in her gardens. She’s the longtime president of the Hopkinton (N.H.) Garden Club....Susie Bourgault Akie retired from her high school position and is now more available to be a grandmother. She and several other Wilson House girls convened at Patty Simmons Risley’s waterfront estate in Rhode Island: Mame Kiltz, Louise Rutland, Kathy Burns, and Mindy Cole. Bob “Wilson” Pickett even checked in....Fred Demers returned to Baltimore, closer to his sons, church, and professional opportunity. He’s in close touch with Roy Madsen....Jane Fangmann White and Randy are into boating (power) and love their time on the water....Gary Ferguson, executive director of the Downtown Ithaca (N.Y.) Alliance, talked with the Voice for an article about prominent Ithacans and their first seven jobs. His included washing dishes in the Bates dining hall where he met his future wife, Lisa (Pelletier ’77). “It certainly made going to work a fun and much anticipated part of my day.”…Matt Gilligan got together with Rick Jack, Steve McCusker, Bob Littlefield, Jim Dachos, and Bob Watt ’76 at Alan Hill’s house in Friendship, Maine....Janet Haines is the director of real estate at Brookline Housing Authority. She, Bob Pickett and his wife Paula had a great weekend with Peter ’77 and Linda LeBlanc Manning ’77....Jonathan Howard and wife Gayle Gifford celebrated 20 years of successful business partnership as well as 33 years of marriage....Becky Hutto retired from her principalship in Flemington, N.J., and now works part time as a consulting teacher for the Center for Responsive Schools....Margaret McCann Wilcox is a team leader in Glastonbury, Conn., with Williams Raveis Real Estate. She and Dave ’74 have three grandsons.... Faith Minard and Stephen entertained Becky Hutto and her husband David....In Springfield, Mass., The Republican profiled Rus Peotter as he retired after 15 years as general manager of WGBY, western New England’s public television affiliate. At a gala to mark his retirement, “there was no absence of superlatives to describe Peotter. Awesome. Unconventional. Special. Networker,” said writer Cynthia

Simison. She noted that his wife, Jennifer, may have described him best: “I’m married to a cando, I-do man. Rus is genetically wired to help other people.” The newly established Rus Peotter Community Engagement Fund at WGBY exceeded $100,000 even before it was formally announced. The fund will be used to continue some of the important work Rus undertook during his tenure, including providing stipends for interns at the public TV station in coming years.… Enzo Rebula has no plans to retire as he still pays the bills for the last child in college....Jim Reuter enjoyed going back to school for a French immersion course at the Univ. of Québec à Trois-Rivières....Nick Richards drives the local Council on Aging bus a couple of times a week. He finds it sobering to realize that as a lover of the Beatles and Stones, he himself is eligible to use the bus. Janine Ventura Richards retired from Hamilton-Wenham HS but dove back into the all-male Malden Catholic classroom. “One of my freshmen has a Batesie mother who is just a little younger than we are.”…Susan Russell-Robinson retired from the U.S. Geological Survey and looks forward to spending many months each year in Norway, Maine, away from the Virginia heat....Dotty Sammons, a faculty member at Idaho State Univ., has fun camping and hiking and only needs to step out the door to be in some amazing country....Peter Schroeter was selected as the president of the Maine Assn. of Mediators and recognized by The Best Lawyers in America as Mediation Lawyer of the Year for 2017 in the Portland area.... Sandra Shea teaches at the Southern Illinois Univ. School of Medicine. Thousands of people are expected to descend on southern Illinois to see the solar eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017. The longest period of total eclipse in the world will be about three miles from her house....Now in her second year as president of Swarthmore College, Val Smith says she enjoys using long walks for productive conversations. “I firmly believe you can go places in conversation with people when you are walking that you can’t go when you are sitting with them. So I am thrilled that so many people on campus are willing to take walks with me,” she told NBC Philadelphia....Jim Sutton writes: “Still working, still single, but done looking.”


Bruce Campbell received a Bates’ Best award. As gift chair and a class agent, Bruce rallied the Class of 1976 to achieve a whopping 67 percent Bates Fund participation. “In his unofficial, but no less vital roles, Bruce led the coordination of a Reunion planning effort focused on re-engaging classmates by producing a robust class newsletter, increasing Class of ’76 Facebook page membership and activity, and organizing the 40th Reunion Committee’s personal outreach to classmates,” his citation reads in part.

1977 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class co-presidents Joel Feingold Dervilla McCann class secretary Steve Hadge Betsy Alberty, who works with emerging technologies in the life sciences market, and her partner are making progress with funding for a periodontal disease diagnostic test....Peter Brann lives in Harpswell, practices law in Lewiston and around the country, and teaches law at Columbia and Harvard....Jeff Brown practices as a pediatric hospitalist, now for a large national medical group, MedNax Medical Group....Carl Grove is building a house in Elloree, S.C....John and Susan Young Haile enjoy life at Brooks School in North Andover, Mass., where he’s returned to full-time English teaching. “It’s cool to be able to teach Olive Kitteridge (by classmate and fellow English major Liz Strout) to my AP English students!”… John Howe works as a mergers and acquisitions intermediary for private companies and is serving as chairman of an industry association, the M&A Source, during 2017....Henry Mauer now lives in Harpswell....Vicki Tripp Gordan still works at Unum, now as chief auditor....George Van Hare and Middy Estabrook ’76 are now a triple-legacy family, youngest son Christopher ’16 having just graduated. Both are on the faculty of Washington Univ. School of Medicine in St. Louis....In Vermont, Janet “Zooey” Zullo develops educational programs for a number of organizations including the Vermont Institute of Natural Science.


Reunion 2021, June 11–13

Reunion 2018, June 8–10

class secretary Jeffrey Helm

class secretary Chip Beckwith

class president Bruce Campbell

class president Dean M. Berman

class secretary Mary Raftery class president Janice McLean Sharon Bomer Lauritsen is back with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, heading up its agriculture office. She and Scott had a mini-reunion hosted by Cathy Sutton Bennett and Mark. They also saw Rich Stanley and Ann Wymore Dean and Bill. In the small world department, Sharon’s and Janet Richards’ daughters became friends through a common friend who went to Bates.... John Casey celebrated his 10th year as a Massachusetts Trial Court judge, three years as first justice of the Norfolk County Probate and Family Court, and 30th wedding anniversary with Susan....Empty nested, Rob Cramer leads Oppenheimer’s financial services and real estate investment banking group. He’s also an adjunct professor at Boston College where son Ned is going....Steven DiPirro works in software engineering at Oracle. He’s also a professional photographer....Dave and Karen McHugh Pier love living in Rockland, Maine, where he’s a dentist and she works as a wound specialist nurse in the local hospital. Son Eric ’09 graduated from dental school and is in his residency with the Navy....Mark Price and family have been in St. Johnsbury, Vt.,

1980 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Christine Tegeler Beneman class president Mary Mihalakos Martuscello Jim Amaral’s bread-baking book will be published by Down East Books this fall....Stewart Ames is a fishing guide who lives in Clearwater, Fla....Mark Baer went fishing on the Provo and Green rivers with Mike Bonney....Katie Baird Burns makes maple syrup and other good stuff at Burns Lake Farm in Whitefield, N.H....Paul Barrett is retired in Albuquerque and taking advantage of all the West has to offer....David Beneman is the federal public defender for Maine. Chris Tegeler Beneman continues with her art practice....Mike and Alison Grott Bonney were excited to join the grandparent club when daughter Erin ’09 had a daughter....Claire Bousquet Comstock retired and spends time with grandchildren, bikes, skis, and golfs....Matt Buchman writes full time. Many of his books have been named top 10 romance of the year by Booklist, NPR, and others....Steve Cluff works for a small Japanese chemical company as global sales director....Dave Covill teaches classes at the Colorado Mountain Club in Golden and climbs 14,000-footers....Gail Cushman Rose is now teaching in Salt Lake City....Maura Dahlen Garvey is self-employed in market research....Jim Doble is still banging on things and making a lot of noise in Union, Maine....Richard Fieldhouse does advisory work for the State and Defense departments. Ann Kees Fieldhouse teaches science at Sidwell Friends....Rachel Fine Moore is director of gift planning at Deerfield (Mass.) Academy.... Chris Gammons is a professor of geological engineering at Montana Tech. Bates professor Dyk Eusden and his geology Short Term group came through last year....Chris Gorayeb has a son at Bates and a NYC law practice....David and Lizette Panet-Raymond Greaves ’81 spend time at their Maine cottage when he’s not working at Inter-

celebrate and reconnect with bates and friends

1979 Reunion 2019, June 7–9

for 30 years. He loves being a pediatrician, enjoys bike riding and playing hockey....Ted Stein and Suzy MacDonald ’80 celebrated their 36th anniversary. Son Ben Stein ’09 married Meredith Miller ’09. Daughter Maddie ’15 is at Carlyle Group in NYC and with Bates boyfriend Hank Lee ’15....Leslie Wilcox Briggs gets together with college roommate Bonye Wolf Barone. She also sees Susan Venturo ’78, Anne Sargent Lewchik ’78, and Rich Stanley from time to time.

Learn more:

Eileen Carbonneau works from home in Old Orchard Beach for Citibank as a VP and proposal writer for the commercial treasury group....Rick DeBruin is a classified advertising manager for the Portland Press Herald/ Maine Sunday Telegram....Retired teacher Jean Roy was appointed as the labor representative on the Maine Unemployment Insurance Commission....Richard Kersbergen spoke with the Press Herald last year as Maine farmers struggled with dry conditions. “In certain parts of the state, the second and third crop of hay is either substantially reduced or nonexistent,” said Richard, a professor in the sustainable dairy and forage systems field at the Univ. of Maine Cooperative Extension. “This is one of the drier years I’ve ever seen.”… Susan Peillet Yule is the new president and CEO of Career Collaborative, a not-for-profit that helps low-income adults in the Boston area find and keep jobs with career potential....Virginia Smith Wright enjoys working as a family nurse practitioner at one of the few remaining independent practices in Concord, N.H. She still ski races at Gunstock.


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systems and she’s not teaching middle school German....Michael Greene, in Watertown, Mass., teaches ESL to international students and keeps his hand in woodworking....Sue Grubba Rice leads the HR team at Thermo Fisher Scientific....Beth Holmes Bradley teaches math half time and enjoys the pace.... Mark Hurvitt has successfully navigated school politics for 10 years as superintendent in the towns of Blue Hill, Brooksville, Castine, Penobscot, and Surry.... Linda Kerr and her husband are on the faculty of Landmark College in Putney, Vt....Cathie Kimball is still practicing at Inland Hospital in Waterville.... John Kistenmacher now lives in Brunswick....Nick Kofos, an optometrist in Marlboro, Mass., has spent lots of time at Bates with all three kids, Monthe ’11, Zachary ’13, and Leah ’15....Joyce Kornetsky Groemmer, director of marketing for a hospitality group on Cape Cod, has jumped back into her art making....Jon Land, in Savannah, Ga., works in the cybersecurity market at Carbon Black....Mike Lane and Deb enjoyed visiting their JYA daughter in Italy....Janet Leary-Prowse and Spencer ’82 live in Delaware but look forward to retiring in a few years to Saco, Maine....Lucinda Lohman teaches American law at a Japanese law school and looks forward to retiring to her Portland, Maine, condo....Hakan Lonnqvist enjoys life in Sweden....Sue MacDonald works as a jewelry designer with Primavera Jewelry....Phil Marshall and family enjoy life in Denmark, Maine....Mary Mihalakos Martuscello practices law with her husband Henry....Glenn Morrell, in Carrabassett Valley, works as a business architect with United Health Care....Boon and Beth Hefferman Ooi split their time between Hollywood, Fla., and Washington, D.C. He looks forward to retirement in July.... Carol Perrone-Butler works at Mass General Hospital in nursing....Sue Pierce Gorman works in financial and tax accounting at a firm in Sudbury, Mass....Betsy Pohl celebrated 25 years as director of the Lithgow Public Library in Augusta. Daughter Erica ’12 graduated from Harvard Divinity School....Kris Posey-Rogers lives in Southern California and works in the tech industry....Ann Prince now works as a freelance editor and preschool teacher.... Pierre Redmond is a part-time rancher and ski instructor near Lake Tahoe....Dan Scully is president and CEO of Hotel California Tequila....Brad Smith does a lot of international travel in his position at KPMG....John and JoAnne Brambley Stillmun downsized and moved into Philadelphia....Alicia Tierney Guinee enjoys visiting Bates with her Bates ’15 and ’19 sons. She works in an elementary school library.... Geoff Tolzmann enjoys riding


Spring 2017

his bike and Portland when he’s not wrangling 130-plus physicians at Spectrum Medical....Jeff and Lisa Jepson Wahlstrom love living in Bangor and working in leadership consulting and fundraising....Mark Weaver and Heidi Duncanson ’82 live in coastal New Hampshire. He’s the primary probate division judge in Rockingham County....Bob Whytock works at Spectrum Business and plays keyboards professionally in his spare time.

1981 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Katherine Baker Lovell class president Kathleen Tucker Burke Lillian Buckley enjoys the challenge of being the interim pastor at the First Baptist Church of Exeter, N.H....After publishing hundreds of poems, essays, stories, and articles, Jane Cynewski Elkin is finally getting serious about her writing and going back to school for an MFA at Bennington....David Donelan and Allison celebrated their 25th anniversary....Miles Edwards is now senior vice president and head of retirement operations at Voya Financial....In Portland, Ore., Karen Just Graham says her work as a PI really suits her. “I get to use my Spanish on some cases, and in general my native curiosity (my kids say I’ve always been an investigator) to help work on criminal defense cases which challenges me and takes me into many crazy worlds.” She stays in touch with Minoo Malek Saghri and Kate Hickson and on occasion Susan MacDougall and Priscilla Kidder....Betsy Kennedy had a great first year as rehab director and OT at a psych nursing facility near Madison, Wis. At Reunion and later she was happy to visit with Marcy Plavin. “I have no doubt the angels have already started a dance group under her amazing leadership and inspiration.”…Valerie Lasserre Coppens, in Paris, manages her trade associations in refrigerated transport and logistics full time. The side benefits are frequent travels across Europe for conferences....Paul Morin, a chiropractor for over 32 years in Auburn, was elected president of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.... Ed O’Neil, an emergency room doctor in Boston and faculty member at the Tufts School of Medicine, returned to Bates to speak on “Lessons From a Life in Global Health: How to Change Our World, Here and Abroad.”… Richard Stern and Cynthia celebrated his 35th Reunion at Bates and their 35th anniversary last November with a trip to India.

1982 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Jerry Donahoe class president Neil Jamieson

1983 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Leigh Peltier class co-presidents James D. Tobin Terence M. Welch David Arenstam, a teacher at Thornton Academy in Saco, published his debut novel, Homecoming: A Soldier’s Story of Loyalty, Courage, and Redemption. It’s based on interviews and news stories about Russell Warriner, a Vietnam veteran and Old Orchard Beach resident.... Donna Bailey is honored and humbled to have been elected state representative for Maine House District 14 in Saco.... Nancy Blackburn Sparks and Larry enjoy visiting their two oldest sons at Bates, Daniel ’18 and David ’20....Laurie Carlson Taylor and Keith ’82 report son Gilbert ’15 graduated from Bates....Julie Handren Bell is a librarian at Mercersburg Academy, a private high school in south central Pennsylvania. Husband David teaches and coaches and their two daughters are students there....Ina Hanford Cottingham has become an empty nester, been divorced, and converted to Catholicism. She, Jessica Ryan, and Jayne DePanfilis have traveled to Aruba for a week each year....Architect Laura Howard has won three Shutze Awards for architecture in Atlanta since 2011....PJ Johnson and Dawn Dearden were married Sept. 27, 2014.... Dr. Michael Kirk now works in a small family medicine office in Kennett Square, Pa. He and Elaine relocated closer to family in southeast Pennsylvania.... Andy Kling and his co-authors published the second edition of their guide, The Woods in Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas Around Your Home....George Liacopulos, in Egg Harbor Township, N.J., is a priest at Holy Trinity Church and president of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center....Colleen O’Connell Jimenez has reconnected with many Bates buddies including Mark Murray-Brown ’82, Ellen Wilkinson ’82, Martha Kellerhals-Djerf, Alex Strunc ’81, Karen George, and Martha Donelan....Matthew Paige, a senior scientist at Owens

Corning Fiberglass, returned to Bates to give a geology talk on “A Foray into Industrial Minerals and Their Applications.”… Leigh Peltier married longtime partner Christopher on Sept. 15, 2016. They travel often and in Chicago always see her Bates roommate Clare Federspiel Hounsell. Leigh has also seen Kathryn Whitenack, Terry Welch, Stephanie Poster, Mary Couillard Sneller, Shari Sagan McQuirk, Denise Mooney, and Nancy Foley Battaglino....Frank Petras is now the executive director of Atria Maplewood Place, an assisted-living community in Malden, Mass....Martha Pigott Donelan is the executive director of the Casa del Herrero, a museum in Santa Barbara, Calif....Kai Rose, in Clinton, Mass., is a physician assistant of dermatology and also works for Beachbody as a coach fighting obesity....Laurie Sevigny is in her 31st year of teaching. She enjoyed a reunion with Jim Tobin and PJ Johnson Dearden, and shares great times with Susan Doliner ’81....Megan Shea teaches English at Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Conn....Lisa Veilleux Piker is fixed-income managing director at Cigna in Bloomfield, Conn. “I often see Nancy Blackburn Sparks, Donna Preli Sonberg (’82), Kathy Doocy Overbye (’81), and Julie Zyla (’82) as they all work at Cigna too!”… David Wolf enjoyed an inspired transition with his family to the Washington, D.C., area. He’s the rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a multicultural, bilingual parish. He has run into David Cloutier, Janet Morford, and Jerry Donahoe ’82....Ken Worthy teaches courses in environmental values, psychology, culture, and ethics at several campuses around San Francisco including UC Berkeley. He has a blog on Psychology Today called “The Green Mind.”

1984 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Heidi Lovett class president Linda Cohen Carrie Berman continues to work as a special educational consultant in the Hartford area for children in state custody. She also advocates for people with disabilities....Susanna Burger Muzzin is the children, youth, and family minister at Hope Lutheran Church in Farmington Hills, Mich. She’s working on a M.Div. at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., and toward ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.... Cheryl Croteau Orr lost her husband, Steve, in July 2014. She

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practices law in downtown Los Angeles, focusing on appeals and insurance coverage, and still runs marathons and other distances....Leigh Michl lives in Waitsfield, Vt., but spends lots of time in Munich, Budapest, and Dubai with his company, Ultimus, a developer of rapid application development software. He welcomed his fourth child, Maximilian, in May 2013....Earle and Pam Rawson Morse ’85 live at Sugarloaf. She’s working on her doctorate, he’s working at his home furnishings company and the Sugarloaf Chapel....Rick Pinard and Brad Reynolds ’14 got together in Prague, where Rick works for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as deputy director, market insight and evaluation, and Brad did an internship in the communications department. Rick wrote, “He’s really a bright young man, and it was great fun to have another Bobcat here.”…Jeff Trombly joined Ledyard National Bank’s wealth management firm in Concord, N.H.

1985 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Elissa Bass class president Lisa Virello Graham Anderson crafts the infrastructure that keeps the Gannett Co.’s reporters and workers productive on their client and mobile devices. Shannon Billings is CFO/chief of staff at a D.C.-based nonprofit, the American Council for Young Political Leaders. They’ve had visits from Gregory Johnson, Michael Fanning, and Patricia Lemay Lufborrow....Adam Caper launched a new company,, an app that restaurants use to sell customized, “experience dining” packages to people who want to host dinner parties for their friends at Boston-area restaurants....Dana De Nault and family now live in the San Francisco Bay Area after an amazing 2.5-year experience in Brazil....Clarissa Hunter Basch finds rewarding, inspiring work as the director of college counseling at The Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, Conn....Bill Locke had a great time in China visiting his Bates ’18 daughter.... Rich Maloney is now a clinical associate professor and director of the performing arts administration graduate program at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development....Lance Matthiesen had an awesome reunion with Bates roommates Dave Graves ’86 and Alex Johnson as well as Karin Boone ’87....CJ May performed his “Recycling is Magic”

show in Iceland in partnership with Iceland’s most prominent environmental organization. As part of their 25th anniversary, he and Becky had a splendid happenchance visit with Graham Anderson and Shannon Billings....Kim Miller LaCelle traveled to Rwanda with a team of teachers to work with preschool teachers developing science lessons....Eddie Rayden produces award-winning industrial video and TV spots for clients like AAA and CVS. He and Heidi Eysenbach-Rayden ’87 celebrate their 25th anniversary this fall.

rick pedone ’hj kent sinclair ’hf penelope taylor ’jf

1986 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class co-presidents Erica Seifert Plunkett Anne Robertson Bill Walsh Catherine Lathrop Strahan Writing in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jamie Merisotis said the next administration should build on the Obama administration’s efforts to make higher education more affordable and accessible, including supporting community colleges. “Nearly half of students who are parents attend community colleges, as do many students who work full time. By making the success of those colleges a concern, the administration also emphasized the success of the students they serve.” A Bates trustee, Jamie is chief executive of the Lumina Foundation.... Kate O’Connor is a new trustee of The Brattleboro (Vt.) Retreat, a psychiatric hospital and addictions treatment center.... Erica Seifert Plunkett received a Bates’ Best award. As a class co-president and social chair for the Class of 1986’s Reunion, she “made sure her class’ 30th was both merry and marvelous,” her citation reads in part. “Erica led the social committee in choosing a theme and costume for the Alumni Parade — we adored the ‘vintage’ look, by the way — and she worked the phone, as well as email, snail-mail, and social media, to rally her classmates.... Erica, through your efforts and unfailing goodwill, you helped show the Class of 1986 that Bates is forever their home — and a joyous one at that.”

Perfect Day to Be Great On what Pennie Taylor ’06 said was a “perfect” September day, a chance crossing of paths brought together, from left, Rick Pedone ’80, Kent Sinclair ’86, and Pennie on the Franconia Ridge Trail in New Hampshire. For this pounce (a name describing a group of bobcats), it was more than a perfect day: It was a great day to be a Bobcat.

1987 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Val Brickates Kennedy class president Peggy Brosnahan

Spring 2017



Jess Nevins ’88

media outlet: Houston Chronicle


College librarian compiles guide to global popular fiction


March 22, 2016

takeaway: There’s always value in exploring beyond American culture A reference librarian at Lone Star College in Tomball, Texas, Jess Nevins ’88 is also “a man obsessed” with popular fiction, writes Nora Olabi of the Houston Chronicle. Nevins has spent a decade “scouring every corner of the world...uncovering Egyptian and Indonesian dime novels, a Burmese equivalent to the popular British detective Sherlock Holmes, and even a Japanese King Kong.” People think of pop fiction as “the purview of Americans,” says Nevins, when it is “gloriously varied and complex. What we know about in America is really limited compared to what’s out there.” An expert in Victorian pop fiction, Nevins has published 10 books to date, including The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana and 2017’s Evolution of the Costumed Avenger: The 4,000Year History of the Superhero. The latter shares obscure figures like Long Meg of Westminster, a 1500s folk heroine popularized in ballads and poetry who used “her size and strength” to “fight corruption and wickedness.”


Spring 2017

Renowned breast cancer researcher Charles Perou ’87 received the Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction, the Susan G. Komen organization’s top scientific honor. Theresa Brennan Geissler, in northern Virginia, works as a special education teacher in an elementary school....Val Brickates Kennedy took a break from healthcare writing to help with press operations at the Democratic National Convention last summer, “a real treat for a news junkie like me.”…Kevin Cronin reports “life is fulfilling, productive, and hopeful.”…Kari Heistad’s pictures were featured in a soccer book about the National Women’s Soccer League.... Susan Melrose Yurek works as the paramedic program director and as a paramedic at United Ambulance Service in Lewiston. “It is certainly a switch to be running 911 calls in the town we went to college in.” She taught a class for Bates EMS....Renowned breast cancer researcher Charles Perou received the Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction, the Susan G. Komen organization’s top scientific honor. A professor and researcher at the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chuck was recognized for cancer genomics research that demonstrated breast cancer can be classified into different molecular subtypes, a finding that has had important clinical value....Laurie Pinchbeck Whitsel is director of policy research for the American Heart Assn., putting her at the intersection of science and policy, trying to tackle major issues around cardiovascular health....Cocky Schmitz Bise, in Bethesda, Md., enjoys being a residential realtor with Wydler Brothers....Actor Karl Steudel has a dramatic role as a dad with a young son in a new film, The Tourist.

1988 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class committee Mary Capaldi Carr Astrid Delfino Bernard Ruth Garretson Cameron Steven Lewis Julie Sutherland Platt Lisa A. Romeo

Lisa Blake wrote from the Ngari Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Saboo, Leh, Ladakh, India. “My ordained name is Venerable Ngawang Yangchen. I am now a Tibetan Buddhist nun and teach meditation to 47 students, ages 5–16, staff, and volunteers here.” She met a 2016 Bates graduate who was traveling with a nonprofit group. “We also had a shared experience as former Bates women’s lacrosse players. A few years ago, Jennifer Stevens Spatz and I also came to Ngari Institute with a group of American volunteers, one of whom is a Bates parent, we discovered. Bates seems to be building quite a karmic connection here!”…Elissa Brooks “finally found my niche! Starting with Green Door, a D.C. community-based mental health services provider, for six years as their director of development, and now with McClendon Center, I have the opportunity to help some of the most vulnerable and marginalized members of the D.C. community.” She also learned to snorkel in the Virgin Islands, ate ostrich in Curacao, and “learned why the Dominicans are so happy — it’s the mamajuana (drink!).”… Mary Capaldi Carr asks, “Where are the flying cars we were promised? I remember clearly being a sophomore in Cheney House in 1985 thinking about what life would be like at 50 — in far-off 2016. In a blink of an eye, it’s here. 50!! Thrilled to be celebrating this milestone while at the same time planning my wedding to Mr. Rene Gonzales. Rene and I met in the modern way, online of course, and I am looking forward to introducing him to Bates at our 30th Reunion in 2018. My girls (ages 16 and 12) keep me hopping as does my sales career at Cisco. 50 is truly the new 30!”…Dr. Anne Cole Brown, an integrative health practitioner at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, again partnered with Bates’ B Well program for a 10-week class on stress reduction, mindfulness, and integrative health practices.... Sharon Curry reports, “Lots to celebrate on the full moon in June — our classmate’s wedding! Carrie Marsh wed Bruce Dixon, and Smith Southies turned out in force. Nancy McAllister and John Tabb, Marianne Mahon, Norma Jean Stetson, Dave Larrivee, Ron Schneider, Andrea Combes, Heather Koball, Mike Schecter ’86, and I all were in attendance.”… Anna Gailitis Strout writes, “This Bobcat is doing the working mother gig, raising Ella (16) and Helen (13) with husband Doug ’86. I’m working as a counselor/ integrated behavioral health clinician at Scarborough Family and Internal Medicine. My

family of four is making plans to travel for a year starting August 2017, heading to New Zealand, Australia, and Southeast Asia. Open to ideas, recommendations or connections if anyone has them! I get together with Lee Corkhill, Jill Pralle, Jen Stevens Spatz, and Jennifer Boucher Jameson.”…Dennis Gromelski is the executive director of FUSION, New Mexico’s professional theater company. Since co-founding the nonprofit in 2001, it has averaged 200 nights of performance (theater, music, dance, comedy, etc.) annually. FUSION recently purchased its Albuquerque facility, The Cell Theatre, and a neighboring property, and has been a leader in downtown redevelopment. The facility will soon house co-op office spaces, a cafe, coffee shop, two indoor performance spaces, and an outdoor music venue. Dennis also serves as the chair of the Downtown Albuquerque Arts & Cultural District....Tripp Hughes writes, “We are loving life in Wisconsin, enjoying playing hockey with friends and family. Still working for Organic Valley and its 1,800 family farms in 36 states which allows me to travel a bit and catch up with Bates friends including a fun night in NYC with the long-lost Dave Lawton.”…Jim Huleatt and Anne Millham ’89 are excited to have son Ethan ’20 at Bates. “It’s been fun seeing what’s changed and stayed the same on campus.”…The Rev. Mark Koyama is the new settled pastor of The United Church of Jaffrey in Jaffrey, N.H....Steve Lewis writes that after four years at Helena College, he earned promotion to the highest earning tier. “It is extremely rewarding to not only receive the recognition from my peers and administration, but it is also gratifying to receive a meaningful, tangible ‘bump’ as a thank you! Much of what I have accomplished has either been centered on expanding the literature course offerings or serving as president of faculty senate for two and half years along with making sure my composition courses continue to be challenging and thought-provoking.”…Greg Mayer moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in 1991 to pursue a career in fishing. “Now I get the opportunity to show the world how I make a living on the National Geographic series ‘Wicked Tuna Outer Banks.’ We are in our third season now; hopefully, we get the opportunity to film another couple of seasons.”…Leslie Morison is a principal at ZGF Architects, a national architecture firm recently named the No. 1 firm by Architect Magazine for its commitment to sustainability

and responsible business practices. A full-time job, mother to Sophia (15) and Elijah (13), and wife to Andy, and life in Seattle doesn’t leave a lot of time for socializing, but she enjoys being connected to Batesies on Facebook and reconnecting during her annual summer trip east....Susan Otto Goodell lives in Vermont and works as a fee-only financial planner. “My daughter is a junior in high school, and my son had a wonderful first year at Bates! I have enjoyed reconnecting with Julie Sutherland-Platt and Halsey as our sons (both Class of 2019) have become good friends through the Bates Sailing Club.”…Peter Pierce reports his Hamptons Salt Co.’s Finishing Salt was featured in the May 2016 issue of Food & Wine. “It is a delightful blend of UK, French, and Mediterranean salts that I created. It elevates any dish and is worth a try.”…Steven Robins and his family, spending their annual week in Ogunquit, “shot up to Kennebunk as always to see Steve Kingston and sample the Clam Shack wares (I go straight butter on the lobster roll btw). Chris Del Col was also there picking up some fresh packed lobster meat for his son so it became a bit of a mini-reunion.”…Mitchell Rosen became a partner in Pacific Dental Services and bought into a practice, Arbors Modern Dentistry in Dallas, as an owner. “Finally going to Israel and the Greek islands on a vacation. Had an incredible experience doing a we serve in Fiji where my team treated over 200 patients.”… Darius Shahinfar has been Albany, N.Y., city treasurer since his election in 2013. He and his wife, Noelle Kinsch, Jackson (9), and Ava (7) are living in youth: soccer, baseball, gymnastics, swimming, Boy Scouts, Brownies, flag football and/or basketball, heaven or hell depending on the day....Marla Sterling LeBlanc and Chip, who celebrated their 25th anniversary, are empty nesters living in Cape Elizabeth and playing lots of golf at Purpoodock. “In 2015 we celebrated our last tuition payment as both boys have completed college.” She joined Morgan Stanley in 2015 as a wealth manager....Julie Sutherland-Platt reports things at home have been busy as Platt Builders celebrated 25 years in business. “It has been such a focus of our lives together as well as our two sons: Gordon ’19 at Bates, and Alexander in his senior year of high school.” Julie continues to work part time at The Discovery Museums in Acton, Mass., during the school year with field trips, and also works on marketing for Platt Builders. She and Halsey volunteer in various capacities for the Town of Groton and for


darsie alexander ’hh

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Bold and Beautiful In September, Darsie Alexander ’88, executive director of the Katonah (N.Y.) Museum of Art, visited campus to give a talk as part of the Bates Museum of Art’s exhibition Robert Indiana: Then and Now. The exhibit featured a rendering of the seminal Pop artist’s image “LOVE” as well as the debut of Indiana’s “Like a Rolling Stone,” 12 prints that render lyrics from Bob Dylan’s groundbreaking hit in Indiana’s unmistakable style. Indiana’s “LOVE” became “one of the most iconic images of his generation,” Alexander says. “Starkly simple and boldly colorful, the work was one of many by an artist of vast talents and creative ingenuity.” In her talk, “Beyond Love, ” Alexander tried to get at Indiana’s “complexity, and the challenges of overcoming fame attached to such a potent, memorable image.” That complexity, she adds, was on full display at Bates. “The exhibition exposed his many stages and nuances, and was great to see in the college galleries.”

Spring 2017


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church....Allison Trowbridge Rowe “can’t believe I am old enough to have children that are in the process of applying to colleges!” Bethany is in ninth grade, twins Isaac and Isabelle are high school seniors. “Exploring their college options and career interests is a whole different process from when I selected Bates. Now that we live in South Carolina our focus is also a bit different geographically.” She’s in her fourth year as a state employee with the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs as an autism consultant. “I am thankful for the strong background that Bates gave me in psychology. I love working with families and individuals of all ages; imparting awareness and education regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder.”…Steve Williams is now national director of financial planning delivery at BMO Wealth Management....Laura Young writes, “Life is great and still living in Portland. My oldest daughter, Katie, started college at Univ. of Maine for engineering, and my youngest daughter, Megan, is a sophomore in high school. Enjoyed celebrating the big 5-0 birthday and watching my classmates pass this threshold via Facebook. Still working at the Maine Community Foundation, year 11.” The Rotary Club of Portland announced it named Laura as president through 2017.

1989 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Donna Waterman Douglass steering committee Sally Ehrenfried Deb Schiavi Cote Master teacher and choreographer Michael Foley was one of the guest artists featured in a Back to Bates Weekend Dance Concert last fall....Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin is the new dean of UMass Amherst’s College of Education, effective July 1....Lance Johnson was named The Forecaster’s Southern edition Fall Coach of the Year for leading the Scarborough High football team to the regional finals. Lance, who played football at Bates, teaches at Portland High....Anthropologist Caitrin Lynch “shelved my college professor routine and went to work in a textile mill” for all of 2016. Writing in South Coast Today, the Olin College professor described her work in a Massachusetts factory, the subject of her next book. As an anthropologist, “my breadand-butter is understanding how people make sense of the world they inhabit....But with my hands-on mill education, I truly came to understand the


Spring 2017

value of immersing ourselves in new perspectives. No matter our formal education, no matter our political orientation or family backgrounds, each of us would benefit from seeing the world through the eyes of people unlike ourselves.”

1990 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Joanne Walton class president Eric Knight

Julie Thompson Goldstein ’90 ran the NYC Marathon last year. “The best part was seeing Jennifer Watt ’90 at the 21st mile!” Joyce Bareikis El Kouarti is the public affairs officer at Lassen National Forest in northeastern California....Kim Gamel moved to Seoul to start a new job as the Korea correspondent for Stars and Stripes, an independent newspaper covering military affairs and foreign policy....Mahvash Hassan and Alan Siqueira ’87 continue to call the Bay Area home. She works on immigrant and refugee integration projects that bring together long-term residents and newcomers to help build inclusive, welcoming communities....Kathryn King Byrn and her family bought a fabulous house in Columbia, S.C., where they’ve decided to settle down.... Daniel Record is now the principal of Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School in Hillsboro, N.H. Ann Elise Rodrigues Record got her dream job when she earned certification as an elementary math specialist and began working with students, teachers, and assistants to encourage a growth mindset about learning math.... Molly Snow Robinson is now operations manager in the admission office of St. Andrew’s School in Barrington, R.I. She and Arnold ’87 have two sons, Will and Owen....Kristin Stockmayer started a new career as a middle-school substitute teacher. “I even have my own eighth-grader every once in a while, which is cool/awkward for both of us.”… Julie Thompson Goldstein is in her fourth year as principal of Breakthrough Magnet School in Hartford. Practicing character education, the pre-k-to-eighth grade school was voted the No. 1 magnet school in the U.S. by Magnet Schools of America in 2015, for academic performance, innovation, and diversity. Julie ran the NYC Marathon last year.

“The best part was seeing Jennifer Watt at the 21st mile in Central Park!”…Joanne Walton is now the seasonal programs manager for nonprofit Britepaths, matching 3,000 families in need in Fairfax County, Va., to individuals and organizations who provided them with holiday food and gifts. Her next task is securing school supplies for 52,000 kids on free and reduced lunch.

1991 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Katie Tibbetts Gates class president John Ducker Bob Browning is in his 18th year as a high school U.S. history teacher in his hometown of Asheville, N.C. He has three children. He often runs into Jane Chapman Davis ’88 and John Smith ’95, who both work for a local private school....Judith Burns Miller, a managing director and chief of staff to the chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., was elected to the Bates Board of Trustees. She and her husband, Greg ’88, who live in Old Greenwich, Conn., have been active in alumni and college programs. She has been a career adviser to Bates students and an enthusiastic fan at recent athletic events in support of her nephew, Steven Hild ’15....Peter Carey is the school chaplain, a teacher, and lacrosse coach at the Berkeley Preparatory School in Tampa, Fla. Wife Lisa teaches history, and kids Zach (14), Sam (11), and Lily (8) attend the school....Jeremy Chase and Chris Magendantz received Bates’ Best awards for their work as longtime gift co-chairs for the class. For their 25th Reunion year, they led their class’ efforts to give more than $212,000 — an increase of 142 percent over the previous year. “Because of their leadership, the Class of 1991 set a class record to support everything from financial aid and student-faculty research opportunities to technology resources that enhance all aspects of the learning and teaching experience,” their citation reads in part....Jon Custis retired after 24 years of service as a Marine Corps infantry officer. “Looking to start the next chapter.”… Gordon Dean hiked the John Muir Trail, finishing 250 miles in 20 days over California’s High Sierra....Melanie Fleming Sachs drew praise as she left her job as executive director of Freeport Community Services after three years. The FCS board president said she strengthened nearly every aspect of the umbrella social-services organization and set it on a course for a strong

future. Melanie is now interim executive director of Sexual Assault Response of Portland.... Alison Frank Fitzgerald says she’s finally due to complete her internal medicine subspecialty training in nephrology at UVM Medical Center in August 2017. She lives in South Burlington, Vt., with husband Paul, Luke (13), and Cailin (5)....Mark Godomsky joined the Aspen Valley Ski & Snowboard Club in Aspen, Colo., as executive director....Allison Hodgkins, assistant professor for security studies and conflict management at American Univ. in Cairo, spoke at Bates on “Facing the One-State Reality in Israel and Palestine, and What to Do If and When the Two-State Window Closes.”…Mike O’Brien and Julie are getting used to being empty nesters since their son left for college. Mike started a new job as senior director, enterprise sales at a San Francisco startup, SocialChorus, his third startup since moving to the Bay Area in 2007....During his last year under contract at Dell, George Reese spent his spare time making short films, inspiring him to start up a new company in the online web series distribution space called Seeka TV....Roger Sion is now a partner in Deloitte’s federal services practice. Lisa Comer Sion works in Cloudera’s public sector marketing team. They have two daughters, Shea and Avery....Kristin Wolcott Farese lives and works north of San Francisco, facilitating therapy groups as well as individual and family therapy in a community hospital’s outpatient mental health programs. She and Jim have three kids, 16, 13, and 9.

1992 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class committee Ami Berger Kristin Bierly Magendantz Kristen Downs Bruno Roland Davis Peter Friedman Leyla Morrissey Bader Jeff Mutterperl

Amy Bass ’92 has been in Lewiston a lot, working on a book about the championship boys soccer team at Lewiston High School. The book comes out this fall.

Amy Bass has been in Lewiston a lot, working on a book about the championship boys soccer team at Lewiston High School. “This team is composed largely of refugees from Africa who have played a huge role in some of the major transformations in the city in the last decade or so. I’ve been so lucky that these players and coaches have let me into their lives, and I have gotten to know Lewiston in a whole new way.” The book comes out this fall.... Karen Finocchio Lubeck lives in Marblehead and works for a higher education research firm in Boston near Brad Adams and Cindy Ordway Kearney. She bumped into Chip Hinckley ’93 at Logan Airport....Mike Lieber completed eight years of service to the Bates Alumni Council, the last two as Alumni Assn. president. He opened his own law firm, Lieber Law Group LLC, in 2015. He and his wife celebrated the bar and bat mitzvah of twins Evan and Sarah (13)....Judith Robbins published her first collection of poetry, The North End (North Country Press), which celebrates the Worcester, Mass., neighborhood where she grew up. Semi-retired from the ministry, she lives in Whitefield, Maine.

1993 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class secretary Lisa A. Bousquet class co-presidents Michael F. Charland Jason R. Hanley David López-Carr is co-director of the newly established Center of Expertise on Planetary Health, part of a systemwide initiative at the Univ. of California called the UC Global Health Institute. David, a geography professor at UC Santa Barbara, and a colleague at UC Davis will lead the charge on investigating and initiating responses to planetary health challenges. He said that while much of the work being done across the UC system already fits the new center’s mission, aligning efforts from all 10 campuses and three national laboratories could result in solutions that address planetary health problems.

1994 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class co-presidents Courtney L. Fleisher Jonathan M. Lewis Laura Allen and her husband, Travis Scales, who were married in October 2015, celebrated their first anniversary at a party in Brooklyn with several Batesies

in attendance....Steve Harris is a tenured counselor at Kapi`olani Community College in Honolulu. He and his wife, Tomoko, have a daughter, Eri (6)....Michael Horton is the director of curriculum and assessment for STEM in the Nantucket Public Schools. He and Samantha have two kids: Alexander (8) and Isabelle (5). Late night pong games still happen whenever John Waskiewicz ’95 visits....Denis Howard’s son Wren (4) “amazes me each day with his sheer unconditional love, flawless memory, and love of superheroes.”…Brooklyn attorney Jimmy Lathrop wrote an op-ed for the New York Law Journal on the benefits of pro bono legal representation, “the best way to demolish the barriers to courts for people who would otherwise be blocked from justice.” He suggested several ways to motivate attorneys to provide more free legal representation, such as allowing hours to be credited against student loan balances and amending the tax code so they can deduct the cost of the services they provide from their tax returns. “A good deed need not be totally selfless to be effective,” he wrote. He also co-authored an op-ed piece in the New Orleans Times-Picayune regarding the crisis of funding for indigent criminal defendants in Louisiana....Amy Laurence Wexler completed her Ph.D. in nuclear engineering, specializing in radiation physics, from the Univ. of Missouri....Lauren Popell Velasco, a faculty member at Foothill College, and Mike enjoy Bay Area life with son Kyle. She was certified as a Level 1 archery instructor and also serves on the board of a progressive PK-8 school.

1995 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Philip Pettis class co-presidents Jason Verner Deborah Nowak Verner Christine Blachuta Lipsky and her husband, Paul, live near Bangor. She’s a fishery biologist for NOAA and often works with Joe Zydlewski ’90 and Jed Wright ’85....Miles Buckingham is a partner in and president of a law firm in Lakewood, Colo. He and his wife, Jessica, have a young son, Raymond....In Champaign, Ill., Megan Mahoney is an associate professor teaching neuroscience at the College of Veterinary Medicine. She and Bill Graham ’93 have two kids, 12 and 9....Gene McCabe loves life in Lexington, Va., with Kristen and four daughters. He’s in his 11th year as head men’s lacrosse coach at Washington and Lee, which


anike tourse ’ib

bat e s no t e s

Everyone Can Succeed Illustrating the idea that there are many ways to be a Bates student, Anike Tourse ’92 performed a solo show for the Class of 2020 during Orientation. Portraying several composite Bates characters, Tourse sought to turn ideals of diversity, inclusion, and thoughtful choice-making into tangible feelings among the first-years. Getting comfortable with such issues at Bates means having a “great advantage when navigating diversity after Bates in the working world,” said Tourse, a Los Angeles–based solo artist. Graduates “have a shot at becoming agents for change in their communities.” Tourse, the daughter of Dennis Tourse ’62 and Phyllis Porton Tourse ’65, sensed “an overarching commitment to the Bates community” among the people she interviewed last spring during her research for the solo show. Plus, she felt another Bates vibe: that “everyone here can succeed — that you don’t succeed at the expense of another person at Bates.” A working belief that a “rising tide lifts all boats” will serve students well in the working world, she added. Some Bates things don’t change, but some things do, as Tourse discovered while sitting in on a class in Hedge Hall — the former chemistry building that became a residence in 1965 and then, after a handsome restoration in 2011, reverted to an academic space. “I was so distracted thinking, ‘What happened? This used to be my dorm!’ I wanted to text a friend and say, ‘Just so you know, your room is now a study room.’” — Sarah Rothmann ’19

Spring 2017




Voot Yin ’96

media outlet:

Portland Press Herald


Bar Harbor lab gets patent to develop molecule that could repair heart tissue

1996 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class co-presidents Ayesha Farag-Davis James D. Lowe


Aug. 23, 2016

takeaway: Drug discovery is about small steps toward big advances Researcher Voot Yin ’96 and a team at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory won a patent to continue work on a drug that could solve an urgent medical challenge: helping heart tissue regenerate after a heart attack. The Portland Press Herald story notes that the “patent award represents a major step forward in moving the molecule MSI-1436 toward clinical trials in humans.” The stakes are high. “There are currently no approved treatments to stimulate regeneration of heart muscle in humans,” writes reporter Dennis Hoey. Yin’s work with zebrafish offered clues to MSI-1436’s promise. Unlike the human heart, the zebrafish heart “robustly regenerates missing or damaged tissue in as little as 30 to 60 days,” Yin explains. When he and his colleagues introduced MSI-1436 into zebrafish, the regeneration accelerated.


won the 2016 Old Dominion Athletic Conference title and advanced to the Division III Sweet 16. He was inducted into the ODK National Leadership Honor Society....Robin Postman Benson and her family started a new adventure in Minnesota and are loving it. Her daughter is 2 and growing up closer to family....John Smith is a director of admissions for Asheville (N.C.) School, a boarding school where his wife Katie teaches chemistry. Connor is 13, Abby 11....William Somers took sons Nathaniel (15) and Andrew (12) on a cross-country trip, camping and hiking. Lizzy Polizzi Somers joined them for a week....Jen Tiner Robert, her son, and father were featured in a Sun Journal story about the family’s prowess in golf and other sports. Son Alex is one of the top golfers on the Lewiston High team, a sport he picked up from his grandfather, Mike Tiner, who was the longtime golf coach there. Jen chose basketball and soccer as her athletic endeavors; she was a four-year starter in soccer at Bates and a basketball player her senior year....Brad Whipple lives with his wife Emlyn and daughter Alivia (2) in south Florida.

Spring 2017

Marine ecologist Ari Friedlaender ’96 says, “The most important piece of research that is coming out of the Antarctic right now is understanding how different species cope with the changing environments.” Grammy-nominated conductor Andrew Cyr and his Metropolis Ensemble celebrated their 10th anniversary last fall with a multisensory party and festive concert experience at the Angel Orensanz Center in New York....A National Geographic Channel series featured marine ecologist Ari Friedlaender’s research on whales in Antarctica and how the changing climate is impacting their environment. He measures their size, underwater behavior, and diet with the goal of understanding what whales need to survive. “The most important piece of research that is coming out of the Antarctic right now is understanding how different species cope with the

changing environments — the rapidly warming air, the increased amount of precipitation, the decreased amount of sea ice,” he says in one episode. Ari is associate professor of fisheries & wildlife at Oregon State Univ.’s Marine Mammal Institute.

1997 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class co-secretaries Chris Gailey Leah Wiedmann Gailey class president Stuart B. Abelson Jennifer Gollan, an investigative reporter at The Center for Investigative Reporting and Reveal, won a national Emmy Award for her investigation “Deadly Oil Fields,” showing how major energy companies dodge accountability for workers’ deaths. Based in Reveal’s Emeryville, Calif., office, she covers labor issues, including worker safety and corporate malfeasance....Patti Daniels reports the Vermont Public Radio program she helped start a decade ago is still going strong. She looked forward to a threeweek, peripatetic vacation across Russia, 21 years after her JYA there. “That was a memorable, life-changing year that is deeply intertwined with my appreciation for Bates and the enormous encouragement I received from Professor Jane Costlow.”…Laurie Gallagher and Beka Smith welcomed Finn Jesse Gallagher on Dec. 2, 2015....Todd Zinn and his family moved to Manhattan where his husband became director of the Bank Street School for Children. Their twin 8-yearolds also attend the school, “and I will continue to maintain my position of Parent of the Year.”

1998 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class committee Rob Curtis Douglas Beers Liam Leduc Clarke Renee Leduc Clarke Tyler Munoz Jon Allen was granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of biology at the College of William & Mary. He returns to Maine most summers with his wife and two children to conduct research on intertidal marine ecology....Kate Bishop is a visiting assistant lecturer in environmental studies at the Univ. of New England in Biddeford.... Jennifer Clark Rao was named


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head of Emma Willard School, a private high school for girls in Troy, N.Y....Julie DeSarbo leads a very full life as director of university programs and events in the Office of the President at Columbia Univ. She enjoys all that New York City life has to offer with Jessica Bondi and other friends....Cathleen Jasper Vincent, a mom of two boys, runs a private practice as a licensed acupuncturist on Martha’s Vineyard....Ben Levy and his family moved to the D.C. area. He’s keeping his job as senior counsel at Bloomberg L.P., the financial data and information company. He joined Danielle Perry and Brian Gagne along with Elizabeth Moreau at a performance of the off-Broadway hit Othello: The Remix, starring Postell Pringle and Greg Qaiyum....Jessica Lindoerfer lives in Putney, Vt., with partner Nate and daughters Elodie (3) and Cora (1). She enjoys her work designing customized programs for SIT Study Abroad. “In July 2015 I followed in the footsteps of Alison Sculley Kolani and was a one-day champion on Jeopardy!”… Martijn Rasser joined Muddy Waters Capital, a San Francisco-based investment management firm, as chief of staff in 2015. Previously he was an officer at the Central Intelligence Agency. He lives in Alexandria, Va., with wife Karena and daughters Haley and Lily.

1999 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class secretary Jennifer Lemkin Bouchard class president Jamie Ascenzo Trickett Chris AhnAllen now works at Brigham and Women’s Hospital as director of inpatient psychology. “Great to be able to walk through the Arboretum to get to work and have flexibility to pick up kids!”…Rosie Lenehan teaches fourth grade in Yarmouth and is working toward a MLIS in hopes of becoming a school librarian. She lives in Portland with husband Andrew, Sam (7), and George (4). Sam rides the school bus with the kids of Scott McAuliffe and Liz and Travis Emery ’97....Greg Sundik is excited to start a new job as a senior account executive at OurMaine, in keeping with his passion for business development and strategic marketing. He still markets St. Lawrence Arts in Portland in the busy season.

2000 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class secretary Cynthia Macht Link

class co-presidents Jennifer Glassman Jacobs Megan Shelley


Postell Pringle ’98 Greg Qaiyum ’98

“With authenticity, you must be prepared to have your consumers see both the good and the imperfect, and remain honest about it,” says Jesse Laflamme ’00. After a decade at Columbia Univ., Kurt Deschermeier joined Pratt Institute as director of annual giving....Kate Dodson, vice president for global health at the United Nations Foundation, wrote an op-ed for The Huffington Post declaring that women and girls are key to ending the AIDS, TB, and malaria epidemics. She noted that governments and the private sector have pledged more than $12.9 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the largest-ever replenishment of the fund. The fund not only dedicates more than half its resources to programs that benefit women and girls, “it also works to ensure that women and girls have a strong voice in designing health programs that meet their unique needs. In fact, nearly half of all decision-makers in Global Fund grant committees are now women.”…Courtney Elf Rowe is in her second year teaching in the preschool classroom after an eight-year hiatus. She also teaches private music lessons a few days a week. She and Ethan ’98 sing in a quartet, Vermilion, and in the larger Commonwealth Chorale. Julia is 10 and Madeleine 7....Trevor Emory is a partner and president of Portsmouth Anesthesia Associates and has been practicing anesthesia in Portsmouth, N.H., since completing his residency at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. He is now a trustee of Portsmouth Regional Hospital and was elected vice chair of the board. He lives in Greenland, N.H., with Maria Sparks Emory ’02, Juliette (5), and Robert (3).... The Philadelphia Inquirer reported how Kate Haesche Thomson was leading efforts to denounce hate in her Glenside, Pa., community with nonpartisan lawn signs. It all started soon after the presidential election when a neighbor mentioned a sign she knew about: “Hate Has No Home Here,” it read, in several languages — a response to a number of incidents of harassment and intimidation after Election Day. She originally ordered 20 yard signs, but a community Facebook posting led to so many orders that she purchased 1,800

Postell Pringle ’98 and Greg Qaiyum ’98 perform a scene from the Chicago production of Othello: The Remix.

media outlet: The New York Times


Othello goes hip-hop. There’s humor, too


Nov. 16, 2016

takeaway: You don’t need reverence to reinvent Shakespeare Othello: The Remix, with Postell Pringle ’98 in the title role and Greg Qaiyum ’98 its co-creator, “conforms broadly to the original” but is “continually infused with impish humor,” notes a glowing review by The New York Times’ Charles Isherwood. This Othello is a “musical eminence at the top of his fame and his game (think Jay Z),” writes Isherwood. “Mr. Pringle is a commanding, virile presence.” The production, which concluded its off-Broadway run in January, is by the Q Brothers, whose creative directors are GQ (Greg Qaiyum) and JQ (his brother, Jeffrey). Pringle is the director of choreography. The show is the kind of “madcap mash-up” that the Q Brothers are well-known for, and here they are “smart to play to their strengths,” creating “as much a spoof of Othello as it is a serious attempt to translate the play into a contemporary musical idiom.”

Spring 2017


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homecoming and family weekend: september bb–bd


• alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • olunteer • performance • research • classes • ents • bobcats • friends • celebrate • harvest autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family y • pride • connect • volunteer • performance arch • classes • students • bobcats • friends • brate • harvest • autumn • athletics • alumni stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer performance • research • classes • students • cats • friends • celebrate • harvest • autumn athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • nnect • volunteer • performance • research • sses • students • bobcats • friends • celebrate vest • autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • perfor nce • research • classes • students • bobcats • ends • celebrate • harvest • autumn • athlet• alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • olunteer • performance • research • classes • ents • bobcats • friends • celebrate • harvest autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • performance • arch • classes • students • bobcats • friends • brate • harvest • autumn • athletics • alumni stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer performance • research • classes • students • cats • friends • celebrate • harvest • autumn athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • nnect • volunteer • performance • research • sses • students • bobcats • friends • celebrate vest • autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • perfor nce • research • classes • students • bobcats • iends • celebrate • harvest • autumn • athlet • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • olunteer • performance • research • classes • ents • bobcats • friends • celebrate • harvest autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • performance • arch • classes • students • bobcats • friends • brate • harvest • autumn • athletics • alumni stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer performance • research • classes • students • cats • friends • celebrate • harvest • autumn athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • nnect • volunteer • performance • research • sses • students • bobcats • friends • celebrate arvest • autumn • athletics • alumni • stories family • pride • connect • volunteer • perfornce • research • classes • students • bobcats • ends • celebrate • harvest • autumn • athlet• alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • olunteer • performance • research • classes • ents • bobcats • friends • celebrate • harvest autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • performance • arch • classes • students • bobcats • friends • brate • harvest • autumn • athletics • alumni stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer performance • research • classes • students • cats • friends • celebrate • harvest • autumn athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • nnect • volunteer • performance • research • sses • students • bobcats • friends • celebrate vest • autumn • athletics • alumni • stories • family • pride • connect • volunteer • perfor

in a month. Kate, a mother of two who is married to Mark ’03, is a marketing consultant by day, and knows how exposing people to a simple, memorable message can help it stick in their minds, the Inquirer said. “That’s the whole logic behind saturating Glenside,” she said, laughing. “But I don’t think anyone is under the false assumption that buying a sign means they’ve done their part.”… Jesse Laflamme shared with Forbes his “5 Lessons For Building A Sustainable Company.” As a Bates student, he founded Pete & Gerry’s Organic Eggs on his New Hampshire family farm, now the largest free-range egg producer in the country, in an industry dominated by Big Ag. It currently supports a network of more than 125 small family farms. Among his tips for growing a sustainable business: Listen to consumers. “The voices of consumers who are driving the growth of sustainable and humane products are the compass that a company like ours must follow.” Be transparent and honest. “With authenticity, you must be prepared to have your consumers see both the good and the imperfect, and remain honest about it.” Small is big. “When it comes to food, people instinctively know that care and sustainability are more likely to be found on a family scale farm.”…Jennifer Merlis completed her emergency medicine residency at the Univ. of Minnesota in 2013 and is a staff physician in the ED at St. Mary’s Hospital (Essentia Health) in Duluth, Minn....Elizabeth Merrill is now a supervising psychologist at the Department of Veterans Affairs in central Illinois. She and Lawson Rudasill share a home in Champaign with their dog Barney....Sasha Rickard Knight welcomed Zandria Natania Knight on May 21, 2016.

2001 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class secretary Noah Petro class co-presidents Jodi Winterton Cobb Kate Hagstrom Lepore Matt Carriker is the Protestant chaplain at Brandeis Univ. He is also the founding pastor of a new spiritual community, Agape, in Waltham, Mass....Tossy Garrett celebrated 15 years in business as the owner, designer, and jeweler for Tossy Dawn Designs in her native Vermont. “Running a business, raising two children, and tending to a homestead keep me plenty busy!”…Réjean Guerriero, Kelsie, and their two little boys moved to St. Louis when he joined the pediatric neurology faculty at Washington Univ. and St. Louis Children’s Hospital....

Philadelphia-based photojournalist Mark Makela covered the 2016 presidential campaign and produced a picture-essay for The Guardian in which he discussed his experiences shooting the campaign’s various stages and selected some of his favorite images. “For me,” he said, “the real magic (of a campaign) rarely occurs on stage, but lives in the periphery, with quiet moments that can be quirky, offbeat, and even comical.” His images included one of Hillary Clinton at a South Carolina café surrounded by men from a bachelor party who happened to be gathering there for breakfast, and ghoulish Halloween decorations sharing a lawn with a Trump campaign sign in Pennsylvania....Bridie McGreavy received the Christine Oravec Award for her article “Resilience as Discourse,” published in 2016 in Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture. The award is given to the most important article written in the field of environmental communication each year....Attorney Amanda Meader joined the Auburn law firm of Skelton Taintor & Abbott....Julia Phelan Sylla now works for the American Councils for International Education. She’s program manager for a State Department scholarship for U.S. high school students to study critical languages overseas under the National Security Language Initiative for Youth. She lives in Alexandria, Va., with husband Ben, Madeline (5), and Nathaniel (1).

2002 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class secretary Stephanie L. Eby class co-presidents Jay Surdukowski Drew G. Weymouth Naturopath Dr. JooRi Jun joined the Tolt River Family Medicine clinic in Carnation. Wash.... Vanessa Kalter-Long Ford and her husband Ron shared their experiences as parents of a young transgender child, including a first-person essay in The Washington Post. They did so after a federal directive to public schools about accommodations for transgender students sparked backlash in some states. “The national conversation about transgender people — about our daughter, Ellie — isn’t truly about bathrooms,” Vanessa and Ron wrote. “It is about discrimination.” They added: “Our daughter, like thousands of transgender and gender non-conforming children, does not want special treatment. She wants to make friends, to learn, to participate in sports, to go trick-or-treating on Halloween and wear


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Ashley Murray Muspratt ’02 pretty dresses on her birthday. And, yes, she wants to use the bathroom that matches her gender identity when she needs to pee. Not because that’s special treatment, but because that’s the same treatment everyone else receives. Our daughter wants to be included, just like everyone else.”…Jen Stankiewicz received the Western Governors Univ. Excellence in Student Mentoring Award for 2016. She reports she also randomly married, and is accepting (cash) gifts to fund her next graduate degree.

2003 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class co-presidents Kirstin Boehm-McCarthy Melissa Wilcox Yanagi

Patrick Boyaggi ’03’s company, RateGravity, was awarded a $50,000 Gold Prize at the MassChallenge Boston Awards. The Hollywood Reporter named Whit Albohm, vice president of studio production for Fox Sports 1, to its annual list of “Hollywood’s Up-and-Comers 35 and Under.” When it became clear professional athletics wasn’t a feasible career goal, the Reporter said, Whit settled on sports programming and got a job as a runner at NBC Sports. In 2004, he caught the attention of Jamie Horowitz, who hired him as a production assistant. “He took me under his wing,” Whit said of the prominent sports exec, whom he later followed to ESPN and Fox Sports. He has helped revamp Fox’s daily multisport studio shows by focusing on opinion-driven content. Asked about his quirkiest work habit, he said: “I am an overaggressive note taker. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing — I’m taking notes during it. I can take notes about my notes.”…Diana Birney Pooley and Matt ’05, along with big brother Nathan and big sister Nayla, welcomed twins Emma Margaret and Caleb James on March 7, 2016. They live in Albuquerque....Patrick Boyaggi’s company, RateGravity, was awarded a $50,000 Gold Prize at the MassChallenge Boston Awards, a not-for-profit “accelerator” and competition for early-stage entrepreneurs. Patrick, CEO of the Boston technology company, and his co-founders say RateGravity “redefines how consumers finance their homes by eliminating the salesperson and providing a solution to compare, choose, and close with vetted local lenders, saving tens of thou-

sands of dollars in interest.” In an article he wrote, Patrick said two Bates students, Julia Rosen ’18 and Ethan Blitstein ’18, both math majors who were summer interns at RateGravity, also get credit for the award. “Julia and Ethan put their math acumen to work by helping us to develop an innovative predictive analytics tool that will transform the way buyers find the most suitable lender for home financing.”… Brandon Breen is busy working on his debut children’s novel, The Story of Gander....Sam Goldman received the Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award for Young Leadership from the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of the Bay Area. Co-chair of the federation’s LGBT Alliance, he was recognized for his work to make sure the Jewish community is inclusive and thriving. He works as the California program director at the Conservation Lands Foundation....Matteo Pangallo is in the last of his three years as a Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows at Harvard. His book, Playwriting Playgoers in Shakespeare’s Theater, will be published by the Univ. of Pennsylvania Press in August....David Rice is now a vice president of investments in a new partnership, Park Square Financial Advisors of Pittsfield, Mass., affiliated with Raymond James....Nathan Rogers started residency training as a psychiatrist at the Univ. of California Riverside. He enjoys the mountains in California with his pug Mack and documenting their adventures on Mack’s popular Instagram profile....Melissa Wilcox Yanagi, a member of the Boston Bates Business Network for a decade and chair of the network’s steering committee for the past four years, received a Bates’ Best award. Led by Melissa, the committee has drawn upon the business acumen and expertise of Bates graduates to assemble a powerful and informative series of events that advances the interests of the region’s alumni business community. “Melissa, with your degree in economics from Bates, your MBA from Stanford, and the insight you have acquired through your steadily advancing roles in the world of business — most recently as director of 3D visualization for Wayfair Supply in Boston — you are ideally suited to guide the Boston Bates Business Network,” her citation says.

2004 Reunion 2019, June 7–9

media outlet:

BBC World News Horizons

headline: Poo to fuel


August 2016

takeaway: Human-waste biofuel could meet Africa’s need for power A video story by the BBC World News show Horizons focuses on a Rwanda-based company founded by Ashley Murray Muspratt ’02 that turns solid human waste into biofuel for industrial kilns and boilers in the cement and textile industry. The sanitized and odorless fuel has 20 percent more energy and 10 percent less moisture than other biomass fuels. “Africa needs power,” says Horizons host Adam Shaw, and access to power is seen as a key factor in the continent’s economic development. “Our mission is to radically reduce the cost of waste treatment for developing cities by producing valuable fuel from human waste,” Muspratt tells reporter Fiona Mbabazi. “In the U.S., we treat waste as a disposal problem rather than a resource. We have a huge market opportunity across the African continent and beyond.”

class co-presidents Eduardo Crespo Tanya Schwartz Matt Baline, Lorraine, and big sister Lily welcomed Maggie Ruth in March 2016. They now live in Midland, Texas....Amanda Spring 2017


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Beck is the scientific director of the Histology and Comparative Pathology Facility of the Albert Einstein Cancer Center in the Bronx, N.Y., where she functions as a comparative veterinary anatomic pathologist....Carrie Curtis Clancy and Bernard, who were married in 2014, welcomed a son, Tucker Maurice Clancy, in 2015. Carrie lives in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia, and works as the music teacher at the local primary school....Jane Finn-Foley and Kevin welcomed Alexander Finn Foley on Oct. 8, 2016....Adam Heller, his wife Heather Bentrum, and their two small children are posted to Astana, Kazakhstan, for the State Department....Lori Jessup Lombardo, husband Mike, and big brother Logan welcomed Luke Anthony Lombardo on Aug. 24, 2016. She’s director of business development for Entrepreneur Partners, a private equity firm in Philadelphia....Melissa Palmer Lacy and Matt ’03 welcomed their second son, Jack, on June 27, 2016. Mason is 2. They now live in Wellesley, Mass....Carrie Smith completed a Ph.D. at the Univ. of Texas at Austin in 2014 and now works as a licensed clinical psychologist in Portland, Ore., serving English- and Spanish-speaking and refugee populations of children and families....Ryan Sparks did not vote for Donald Trump....In Nashville, Tenn., Annie Taylor Douthit and Drew welcomed Oliver Read Douthit on Sept. 28. 2016. Liam is nearly 3....Anne Wrigley Collins and Seamus welcomed Kit Margaret Collins on June 29, 2016. She joins Edison.


2006 Reunion 2021, June 11–13

Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class co-presidents Kathryn Duvall Melissa Geissler

“If you are coming to my class late, you are not going to pass,” Andrew Jarboe ’05 told his students at public Boston charter school Match High. Phil and Kara Stenback Barr welcomed Brooke Lillian Barr on Aug. 4, 2016....Siri Berman and her husband welcomed their first son, Miro Wallace Barsanti, in São Paulo Brazil, where they live and teach at the Graded American School of São Paulo....Anna Corliss and Amitoz Manhas were married July 2, 2016....Danny Dodson is the executive director of Peruvian Hearts, a nonprofit


headquartered in Golden, Colo., that educates and empowers impoverished girls in Peru. He spends three to four months a year in Peru and often leads trips to Cusco for groups to hike the Inca Trail, visit Machu Picchu, and spend time with the girls his organization supports....Jon Furbush reports life is great with Anabelle (3) and Jonathan (1).... Nathan Harrington now teaches world studies to seventh-graders in Montgomery County, Md. He was named an Anacostia River Hero for his work with the Committee to Restore Shepherd Parkway and efforts to clean up National Park land in the Congress Heights community.... Andrew Jarboe teaches U.S. history at Match High School, a charter public school in Boston where student participation and punctuality are expected. The nonprofit Hechinger Report, which focuses on inequality and innovation in education, quoted Andrew in a U.S. News and World Report story. “If you are coming to my class late, you are not going to pass,” he told his students....Attorney Collin Keyser of Lancaster, Pa., was named a shareholder of the law firm Saxton & Stump.... Margaret Smith and Joseph Brazauskas Jr. were married Aug. 6, 2016. Maggie is a consultant on analytics problems in the Washington office of Accenture. Joseph is a senior counsel for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology....Diane Tolis and her wife, Jayne, welcomed Jonah Orion Nucete-Tolis on Jan. 27, 2016.

Spring 2017

class co-presidents Chelsea Cook Katharine M. Nolan John Ritzo Jeremy Fisher, a New Yorkbased technology entrepreneur, helped build Call to Action, an app that makes it easy to call your congressman. “Has been shared by Judd Apatow, Jon Favreau, etc.,” he wrote....Nate Hubbell was married Oct. 9, 2016. He now works for HP Inc. on its executive communications team....In Park City, Utah, Stuart Johnson and Julia McCarrier Edwards ’09 worked on the negotiating team for the city’s professional ski patrol union, representing nearly 200 coworkers, as it ratified its first contract with Vail Resorts, the parent company of Park City Resort....Zachary and Ashley Wentworth Kernan welcomed a daughter, Kasey Kernan, on Sept. 14, 2016. Kasey is also being enjoyed by grandparents Debora Furlong Wentworth ’79 and Nathan Wentworth ’79.... Cali Lanza-Weil Burstein and

Dan welcomed a son, Isaac Nelson Burstein, on Feb. 22, 2016.... Now licensed as a clinical psychologist, Hannah Lund Taylor is settling down in Maine with her husband and young daughter and couldn’t be happier....BJ Majeski, now in Hawaii, graduated from the Marine Corps’ Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course, its premier fighter weapons school....After two and a half years in Jordan, Michael and Meghan Getz Metzger ’07 have moved back to Maine.... Erika Millstein Newland and husband Ryan welcomed Mary Rivka on May 11, 2016....Nicole Nadeau Ferm and Nils, who were married in 2014, welcomed Erik Nilsson Ferm on Sept. 9, 2016....Fisher Qua received a Bates’ Best award for his work as a BOLD (Bobcats of the Last Decade) regional coordinator in the Seattle area, serving as a liaison for young alumni and supporting engagement and networking opportunities. “He makes sure that Seattle-based alumni have a strong and passionate long-distance relationship with Bates — and that time and distance actually make their hearts grow fonder,” his citation reads in part. “His interest in connecting with all Seattle-area Batesies — friends and strangers alike — is rooted in his love of the college and his desire to put alumni connections to work in helping young alumni get launched in the Emerald City.”… Lily Scott Trager and David welcomed their first child, Quinn Olivia Trager, on Oct. 10, 2016.

2007 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class co-presidents Keith Kearney Rakhshan Zahid Kristin Barber, in Manhattan, works as a regional vice president at Appian and serves as the president of the Women’s Leadership Program....Aina Begim earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from Yale and started a postdoctoral fellowship at the Univ. of Pittsburgh.... Matt Capone is happy to be back in Maine, finishing a master’s degree and working as a vendor at music festivals here, there, and everywhere....Maine Gov. Paul LePage made headlines when he said Ben Chin and Mike Tipping of the Maine People’s Alliance, leaders of a referendum to raise the minimum wage, “should be sent to jail” because, he said, increasing it would lead to higher prices and harm elderly people on fixed incomes. Ben responded, “(LePage) wakes up in the morning figuring out how he can embarrass himself, his party, and the state.” Maine voters approved raising the minimum wage to $9 per hour this year, from $7.50, and to $12 by 2020....

Ben Clinton, a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the Univ. of Colorado Boulder and a teaching fellow at Harvard, spoke at Bates on “Providing the Spark: Impact of Financial Incentives on Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption.”…Emily Cohen-Shikora is now a fulltime lecturer in the psychological and brain sciences department at the Washington Univ. in St. Louis Teaching Center. She and Brent Dulle were married Sept. 27, 2015....Sara Culver manages a Planned Parenthood of Southern New England health center in Old Saybrook, Conn....Kelsey Engman has been assistant men’s and women’s squash coach at Drexel Univ. since 2013.... Luke and Mary Bucci Feinberg bought their first home together in Arlington, Va. She works as a director in donor programs at the National Geographic Society; he’s a renewable energy program specialist for the Department of the Interior....Laura French Rigby and Sam ’08 welcomed their first child, Sloane Grace Rigby, on Nov. 5, 2016. They live in Portland....Marian Goddard Carpenter and her husband are building a new house in Falls Church, Va. George is almost 2....Maria Jenness welcomed a daughter, Lena, in February 2016. She joined older brother Roy. Maria enjoys her work as regional stewardship manager with the Maine Island Trail Assn. and living in midcoast Maine where her partner runs a sea kayaking business....Marsha Larned, in Hong Kong, oversees the Asia Forums business for Institutional Investor, an international financial media company....Stephanie LeBourdais, in Denver, finished her residency in pediatrics and started a fellowship in pediatric emergency medicine at Children’s Hospital Colorado. She married Dave Staab in September 2016. They live a mile from Sara Gips Goodall and see her often.... Christopher Leonards earned a doctorate in medicine at the Charité Medical Univ. of Berlin, Germany, and began a residency in anesthesiology....Maine state Sen. Nate Libby, a Lewiston Democrat, was elected assistant minority leader of the Senate.... Claire McClintock opened The McClintock Law Office LLC, a Boston-based real estate legal practice. “I have represented a couple Batesies and hope to represent many more in the coming years!”…Nels Nelson, in Somerville, Mass., and his partner Eline welcomed their first child, Meike. Nels is an urban planner and designer working with communities to develop healthier and more resilient cities; Eline does environmental compliance for the railroad.... Emily Nichols earned a master’s in traditional Oriental medicine and specializes in fertility acupuncture in San Diego....Sarah

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Nicholas Bauer is a postdoctoral fellow at Mass General Hospital researching a novel player in pituitary tumors....Meghan Conley Wimberly and Ryan welcomed Catherine Grace on July 30, 2016....Julia Kiefer and Patrick Corrigan were married Aug. 6, 2016. She works in New York as an associate litigation counsel for Fidelity National Financial. He’s an architectural designer and a project manager at Robert A. M. Stern Architects....Meaghan Creedon and her husband welcomed their first child. She works at McLean Hospital and in private practice as a psychologist....Sumner Crosby works as a residential broker with Elegran Real Estate and Development in New York....Bill Davies is in grad school for mechanical engineering at the Univ. of Illinois. “Returning to school is great but I can’t wait to get out of the prairie and back to the mountains.”… Greg Henkes is now an assistant professor of geosciences at Stony Brook Univ. He and his family live in East Setauket, N.Y....Sarah Hoyt graduated from Duke with a dual master’s in environmental management and an MBA. She now works for a global consulting firm, Partners in Performance, which sent her to New Caledonia for her first engagement.... Brendan Jarboe is an assistant Massachusetts attorney general in the Consumer Protection Division....Matia Kostakis


class co-presidents Elizabeth Murphy Alison Schwartz

A gift today has impact that lasts a lifetime.

2008 Reunion 2018, June 8–10

moved to San Francisco to work for Apple on the strategic deals team within operations. “So far so good, but I do miss my New England seasons and direct personalities.”…Stephen Lattanzi wrote, directed, and stars in the short film A Drowning Man, about a man struggling in the wake of his wife’s death....The Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner profiled Shawna-Kaye Lester, who runs her own company, Memorable Essay, a university-admissions consulting business. She has a master’s in journalism and an MPH from Columbia. As a Bates student, she helped others put together successful essays, fellowship, grant, and scholarship applications. She became a senior admissions fellow at Bates, a fulltime college access counselor, and started working independently as a university admissions consultant and writing coach. This was the start of Memorable Essay. “My writing coaching services help you put together a memorable essay, so you can impress the selection committee, attend your dream school, and go create the life and legacy you want.”… Dan Loman, in Oakland, Calif., got engaged and now works as a software engineer for Instacart, a grocery delivery startup....Matt Lopez moved back to Boston and started a new job at Liberty Mutual Benefits working in strategy and business development. He and his girlfriend plan to marry in the fall of 2017....David Miller works at Deerfield (Mass.) Academy as director of global studies. He’s enjoyed getting back up to Bates the past couple of years to help train AESOP leaders in risk management....Sam Milstein got married in 2015 and welcomed a son in June 2016.... Jack Murphy lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Mira David ’09. He’s working toward a Ph.D. in geosciences at Princeton.... Rachel O’Hara and her husband welcomed a daughter, Rosalie Ferreira, on Feb. 9, 2016....Suresh Rana is a medical physicist at Miami (Fla.) Cancer Institute.... Matt Savas got married in February 2016....Miki Sisco moved to Nashville, Tenn., to practice public interest law and live closer to her family. She works with domestic violence survivors at the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands, and rocks it Nashville-style with her pug Brutus and cat Murphy.... Since graduation, Julia Sleeper has worked at Tree Street Youth Center in downtown Lewiston, which she and Kim Sullivan ’12 founded. Serving over 600 youth annually, the center has engaged hundreds of Bates students over the years. “Working with a record high of 50 high school seniors this year with our BRANCHES College Prep Program, Tree Street is proud of its 100 percent high school graduation and 95 percent college acceptance rates over the past two years,” she

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Oremland and Lars Olsen were married Feb. 21, 2014. “He is from Norway so I now have a second home/family across seas.” She earned an MSW from the Univ. of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration and works for GrowthPlay in Chicago as an organization effectiveness consultant....Christopher Theile and Akiko Doi welcomed a son, Kenji Doi Theile, on Nov. 18, 2016. Akiko is a postdoctoral fellow in Nobel laureate Bob Horvitz’s laboratory at MIT; Chris is a chemist developing new therapeutics at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.... Yuwen Wang is a dentist in Austin, Texas, where he enjoys the warm weather and plans to make his permanent home....Carine Warsawski earned an MBA with honors from Boston Univ. as a Wexner Graduate Fellow and is now launching a new venture for young-adult travel experiences.... Courtney Whalen Ruggiero and her husband welcomed their second child in November 2016.... Emily Williams Scialabba and her husband welcomed George Donnelly Scialabba on Oct. 24, 2016.

students • value • loyalty • laughter • gener ity • community • academics • pride • knowled • friendships • professors • arts • excellence athletics • reputation • opportunity • studen • value • loyalty • laughter • generosity • com munity • academics • pride • knowledge • frie ships • professors • arts • excellence • athlet • reputation • opportunity • students • value loyalty • laughter • generosity • community academics • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • excellence • athletics • re tation • opportunity • students • value • loya • laughter • generosity • community • academ • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors arts • excellence • athletics • reputation • o portunity • students • value • loyalty • laugh • generosity • community • academics • pride knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • cellence • athletics • reputation • opportuni students • value • loyalty • laughter • gener ity • community • academics • pride • knowled • friendships • professors • arts • excellence athletics • reputation • opportunity • studen • value • loyalty • laughter • generosity • com munity • academics • pride • knowledge • frie ships • professors • arts • excellence • athlet • reputation • opportunity • students • value loyalty • laughter • generosity • community academics • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • excellence • athletics • re tation • opportunity • students • value • loya • laughter • generosity • community • academ • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors arts • excellence • athletics • reputation • o portunity • students • value • loyalty • laugh • generosity • community • academics • pride knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • cellence • athletics • reputation • opportuni students • value • loyalty • laughter • gener ity • community • academics • pride • knowled • friendships • professors • arts • excellence athletics • reputation • opportunity • studen • value • loyalty • laughter • generosity • com munity • academics • pride • knowledge • frie ships • professors • arts • excellence • athlet • reputation • opportunity • students • value loyalty • laughter • generosity • community academics • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • excellence • athletics • re tation • opportunity • students • value • loya • laughter • generosity • community • academ • pride • knowledge • friendships • professors arts • excellence • athletics • reputation • o portunity • students • value • loyalty • laugh • generosity • community • academics • pride knowledge • friendships • professors • arts • cellence • athletics • reputation • opportuni students • value • loyalty • laughter • gener ity • community • academics • pride • knowled • friendships • professors • arts • excellence athletics • reputation • opportunity • studen • value • loyalty • laughter • generosity • com munity • academics • pride • knowledge • frie ships • professors • arts • excellence • athlet • reputation • opportunity • students • value loyalty • laughter • generosity • community

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said....Jon Stange earned a Ph.D. from Temple Univ. and started a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroimaging at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago....Dar Vanderbeck works as CARE USA’s first chief innovation officer. She joined the board of MicroVest where Gil Crawford ’80 is the CEO.... Ethan and Caitlin McKitrick Warren ’10 welcomed Nora Gertrude Warren on Oct. 7, 2016. Nora’s grandmother is Rosemary Duggan McKitrick ’75, and her uncle is Charlie McKitrick ’14. Ethan’s indie feature film West of Her, which he wrote and directed, premiered at the Scruffy City Film and Music Festival in Knoxville, Tenn., where it won five awards, including Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. It also won Best Narrative Feature awards at the Santa Cruz and Intendence film festivals. Ethan says the film, about two young strangers who participate in a mysterious guerilla street project and travel the country in search of connection, will be widely released in 2017. A play he wrote, Why Are You Nowhere?, had a staged reading at the Midtown International Theatre Festival in Manhattan and will have its first full production this spring at Southeastern Louisiana Univ....Eleanor Yee lives in Shanghai, China.

2009 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class co-presidents Timothy Gay Arsalan Suhail

The Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women named Emily Levine ’09 one of the Commonwealth’s Unsung Heroines of 2016. Beth Billington is now the academic program director at The Traveling School. Based in Bozeman, Mont., the school offers girls 15–18 the opportunity to explore the world and learn about themselves through academic, physical, and cultural challenges....Erin Bonney Casey and Brendan welcomed Analise Casey on Oct. 21, 2016. Analise is also enjoyed by grandparents Mike ’80 and Alison Grott Bonney ’80 and great-grandfather Wes Bonney ’50....Leah Citrin was ordained as a rabbi and now works as an assistant rabbi at Temple Beth Or in Raleigh, N.C. She and Brian Nelson, also a rabbi, were married Nov. 12, 2016....Sarah Codraro now lives in Oakland and works for 76

Spring 2017

IDEO in San Francisco. She and Ben Latham ’11 are engaged.... Sam Evans-Brown and his wife Aubrey Nelson ’08 moved into a new, net-zero house they are building. She’s finishing a master’s in educating for sustainability at Antioch of New England. He helped launch and hosts a new radio show and podcast at New Hampshire Public Radio called “Outside/In.” He is also the new coach of the Concord High School Nordic ski team....Kelly Griffin and Dan Hutchinson were married June 18, 2016.... Slightly elevated levels of lead found in water at two Yarmouth schools show the need for broader testing of drinking water in schools statewide, Emma Halas-O’Connor told the Press Herald. She’s the campaign manager for Environmental Health Strategy Center, a Maine-based organization that advocates nationally for the elimination of toxic chemicals....Tara Higgins graduated from medical school and is now an ob/gyn resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center....Stephanie Howson and Jordan Williams ’08 live in Seattle with their two cats.... The Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women named Emily Levine one of the Commonwealth’s Unsung Heroines of 2016. The honorees are nominated by state legislators as a means of recognizing women for their previously unnoted yet valuable community contributions. Emily is director of policy and advocacy at Horizons for Homeless Children in Roxbury, which seeks to ensure that vulnerable children in her community have a strong foundation for a successful adulthood....Jared Levy had two short stories published, “Perpetual Motion” in The Quotable and “Sheep” in Apiary Magazine.... Anna Levy Prager and husband AJ welcomed a daughter, Daniella Maayan, on Feb. 17, 2016. On Sept. 28, 2016, Anna welcomed Jason Brander to her family with his marriage to her sister Rachel Levy....Ariane Mandell is a breaking-news editor at The Jerusalem Post and an instructor of public speaking at Shalem College. She lives in Tel Aviv and still misses Ronj chai....Meredith Miller and Ben Stein were married April 23, 2016....Chris Morrell lives in Jackson Hole, Wyo. In 2016, he started High Alpine Anglers, a fly fishing guide service. In winter, he coaches the Jackson Hole freestyle ski team.... Anne Mueller earned a Ph.D. in French and Francophone studies from UCLA. Her dissertation was entitled “Memorializing the Genocide of the Tutsi through Literature, Music, and Performance,” and her work was inspired by her studies with Alexandre Dauge-Roth at Bates. She now teaches French at Foxcroft School, a girls boarding high school in Middleburg, Va.... Lauren Patz was promoted to head distiller at Spirit Works Dis-

tillery of Sebastopol, Calif....Grif Peterson serves as the learning lead for Peer 2 Peer Univ., helping libraries and community centers integrate free online courses into their programming with the goal of creating more equitable learning opportunities for communities around the world. He was appointed a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard to keep up with this work....Nicole Ritchie was hired as graduate assistant women’s rowing coach at Temple Univ. An All-American at Bates who led the Bobcats to two NCAA national championships, Nicole won silver medals in both the W2x and W4x events at the Pan American Championships in 2015, finished second in the U.S. at the 2016 Olympic Trials, and was named the 2016 Schuylkill Navy Female Athlete of the Year....In a guest post for Global Risk Insights, freelance writer-researcher Winthrop Rodgers explored what Ireland’s example may foreshadow for Donald Trump’s pledge to lower the federal corporate tax rate, in an effort to bring corporations back from overseas. Winthrop said Ireland’s “central organizing principle (of a 12.5 corporate tax rate) is not applicable to the U.S. economy, nor will it benefit Mr. Trump’s most ardent supporters in the working class. Instead it will benefit the already wealthy and do little for the rest.”…Beth Rogers and Joe Sinkevich were married Sept. 10, 2016....Courtney Stachowski moved to San Diego for a job at a reproductive health nonprofit....Joseph Szerejko graduated from law school and is now an associate at Cohen and Wolf in southwestern Connecticut, working mostly in commercial litigation.... Tamara Wyzanski celebrated her two-year work anniversary at Vertex Pharmaceuticals working with patients on cystic fibrosis medications, and her fourth year living in Boston’s South End. Planning to join the march against Donald Trump’s inauguration, she thanked Bates and the Women and Gender Studies Dept. “for teaching us to never stay complacent.”

2010 Reunion 2020, June 12–14 class co-presidents Brianna Bakow Vantiel Elizabeth Duncan vantielelizabeth.duncan@ Kelly Gollogly is excited to be working as a visual development artist on a new show at DreamWorks TV. She got married in April 2016 to Mark Sperber, head of story of Sony Animation’s movie Emoji....Caty Green was promoted to managing editor of after six months as a senior associate editor for the magazine’s web-

site....Connor Hogan is in his second year at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies pursuing a master of forestry degree....Ellen Patterson ’11 and Daniel LaFontaine were married July 9, 2016. She has a master’s in social work from Smith and is a medical social worker at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Mass. He’s a doctoral student studying physical therapy at Simmons College....William Loopesko runs his own startup, Go Pawsible, in Denver. It’s developing a product called the Pup Waggin’, designed to allow dog owners to safely leave their dogs in the car on even the hottest days....Alberto Means is now a senior strategist at SYPartners, a strategy and design consultancy that focuses on organizational transformation....Kat Moraros, in Chicago, has been training and acting professionally for such companies as GreatWorks Theatre, Murder Mystery Company, and Midnight Summit Ensemble. She understudied the lead role in the world premiere of Jake Jeppson’s Turtle at Redtwist Theatre....Graham Pearson started an MBA at Cornell’s Johnson School of Management....Ariela Silberstein and Simon Goldrick were married Oct. 30, 2016. They live in New York where she works for the Michael J. Fox Foundation.... Emma Sprague, director of The Franklin Forum, a political communications firm based in Washington, and David Longdon III ’14, an investment banking analyst at Barclays in New York City, were named to the Bates Board of Trustees. Their elections as young alumni trustees are the first such appointments in recent Bates history and were a response to the board’s desire to better understand the perspectives of recent graduates and to gain input on communication, engagement, and volunteer strategies....Lily Sullivan drew praise for her performance in Montreal’s annual Just For Laughs Comedy Festival. She appeared in its New Faces: Characters show. “The L.A. sketch comic, who got her start in Chicago, delighted the audience with her set, which was primarily an assortment of ridiculous twists on everyday characters,” the McGill Univ. Tribune said. After performing in Bates’ improv group, she performed with The Second City in Chicago. She’s now in L.A., “learning how to audition for TV and for movies, and that’s a whole other skill,” she said.

2011 Reunion 2021, June 11–13 class co-presidents Theodore Sutherland theodoresutherland89@ Patrick Williams


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Tyler Dewdney talked with Upper Valley Business News about how he ended up at Appcast, a Lebanon, N.H.based digital startup that has seen its revenues skyrocket in just three years. It helps major corporations find qualified workers by automating the distribution of and response to employment advertisements on the Internet. Tyler is now a vice president, overseeing the company’s relations with recruitment advertising agencies. “The ideal person to work at Appcast is someone who has the drive and is self-motivated,” he said....Besides working as a wedding photographer, Cambria Hempton Brockman has been helping husband Ross at his Downeast Cider House with some aesthetic projects.... Chomba Kaluba was named to the board of Avesta Housing in Portland, a nonprofit developer of affordable housing....Chef Gita Kantrow talked with the Boston Herald as she opened Gita, an eponymous culinary concept with a six-month residency at Wink & Nod, a slick South End cocktail lounge that uses its kitchen as a startup incubator for talented chefs. As the latest temporary iteration in Wink & Nod’s appetizing program, Gita puts contemporary tweaks on classic Nepalese dishes. Born in Nepal, she has lived in America since she was 9. “When I cook, I remember home,” she says.... Kaitlin Webber is finishing a master’s in museum studies at the Cooperstown (N.Y.) Graduate Program. “It has a strong social justice focus, and I’ve been able to spend my time here figuring out how to make museums matter to more people. This includes telling underrepresented stories, reaching out to meet community needs, and being open to new partnerships.”

2012 Reunion 2017, June 9–11 class co-presidents Mikey Pasek Sangita Murali Mariah Barstow reports she and Topher Piazza ’10 got engaged last July 4. “About damn time.”…Alex Barton is working on an M.S. in natural resource conservation at the Univ. of Montana in Missoula. He was named a Wyss Scholar for Conservation of the American West by the Wyss Foundation, which has funded him through school....Ana Bisaillon began an M.A. in international studies and diplomacy at SOAS, Univ. of London....Leah Elsmore earned a master’s in public health at the Univ. of Colorado and now works for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in the Oral Health Unit as a

Cavity Free at Three education coordinator....Yasin Fairley earned an MFA in dance from the Univ. of Utah and is a teaching fellow in gender & performance in its School for Cultural and Social Transformation. He’s also a freelance performance artist and was commissioned by the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art to perform a dance piece on black sexualities....Tess Glancey was promoted to press secretary for the House Committee on Homeland Security. She traveled with a delegation led by the Dept. of Homeland Security to evaluate border security....Sam Goldstein started Handstand, an adventure events company focused on creating challenging and playful experiences that inspire people to push past their limits and deepen connections with each other....Abigail Hanson lives in Mountain View, Calif., and works on the business development team at a startup, Beepi....Jake Kaplove lives in San Francisco and works as a sixth-grade homeroom teacher at Marin Prep School. He met up with Lili Bentley in eastern Africa and they traveled around together.... Carver Low now works for a media company specializing in the urban millennial male demographic, creating web content and overseeing marketing efforts....Juliana O’Brien is now a second-year associate at McCoy Leavitt Laskey, a national firm that focuses on fire and explosion law and litigation....Amanda Sirianni is pursuing an MBA at the Univ. of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School, focusing on marketing and business analytics....Attorney Kick Sullivan is a new associate at the Springfield, Mass., law firm of Crevier & Ryan....Lindsay Thompson moved to London with her company, Eze Software Group....Tina Tobin now works as a women’s health nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.... Julia Winder is getting an MBA at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business.

2013 Reunion 2018, June 8–10 class co-presidents Ryan Sonberg Megan Murphy After working in Kenya for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Francesca Aborn now works in New York City on prison rehabilitation and re-integration back into society.... Matt Antonellis started a new role in financial advising....Tori Zapack and Matt Baker-White were married Oct. 1, 2016. They live in Poland, Maine, where they bought an 1800s farmhouse. Both teach elementary school....Eve Boyce started at the Yale School


Tim Ohashi ’11

media outlet: The Washington Post


This analytics whiz kid who grew up idolizing the Capitals is now helping coach them


Dec. 28, 2016

takeaway: Talent over experience is the name of this hiring game Tim Ohashi’s amazing journey, writes Dan Steinberg of The Washington Post, took him from “obsessing over sports as a kid in Bethesda to studying psychology and mathematics at Bates to landing an internship and then a fulltime job” with his favorite hockey team, the Washington Capitals. Ohashi is the hockey operations analyst, a multitasking job comparable to “an NFL quality-control coach,” Steinberg writes. “I could have told you probably 20 years ago that this was exactly where I’d like to be,” Ohashi says. “I never in a million years would have guessed I’d be here.” He got his gig the old-fashioned way, blanketing the team with resumes after getting a master’s in sports industry management at Georgetown. And though he scored just one career hockey goal, in an 18-2 win, for the Bates club team, Ohashi has proven to be “a genius” in his work, says Jay Beagle, a Capitals center. “Statistically, he’s the best.”

Spring 2017


bate s no t e s

of Forestry & Environmental Studies, continuing and loving her work in land conservation.... Kate Carlucci has a new job in primary care research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.... Maggie Dembinski bought a house in Plymouth, Vt., with her boyfriend, a metal sculptor, and officially launched her business, Star Healing, for empowerment, meditation, and spiritual healing....Lauren Demers is a second-year Ph.D. student in developmental psychopathology and clinical science at the Univ. of Minnesota....Emily Egan teaches English at Kennebunk High School. In her summer role as the sailing director at Portland Yacht Club, she recruits members of the Bates Sailing team to join the club coaching staff....Hank Geng traveled to Berlin and Copenhagen with his boyfriend, Eric....Steph Sprague and Peter Haley are engaged and plan to be married in October 2017. They live in Boston with their rescue dog Rex....AnnaMarie Martino now works at Morgan Stanley in Minneapolis. She lives west of the Twin Cities with her girlfriend Kelsey and their dogs Baylie and Bubba.... Holly McLaughlin is attending the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. She’s joined in New Haven by fellow Bobcats (now Bob-dogs) Katie Straw, Elliott West, Eve Boyce, Adrienne Jaeger, Corey Creedon ’12, Nathalie Woolworth ’10, Hannah Beinecke ’16, and Connor Hogan ’10....Danya Morris now works as a structural firefighter after studying and obtaining licensure in Ohio. “This career path was sparked by the WFR I first took at Bates years ago, organized by the Bates Outing Club.”…Fergus Moynihan is working on a medical device with a surgeon at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado. He graduates in May with a master’s in mechanical engineering.... Marketa Ort earned an M.A. in elementary and special education from Columbia Univ. Teachers College....Corinna Parisi, now in Boston, is still involved in theater and had a show in December, “The Christmas Revels 2016 — An Acadian-Cajun Celebration of the Winter Solstice.”

2014 Reunion 2019, June 7–9 class co-presidents Hally Bert Mildred Aroko Allie Balter completed fieldwork in Antarctica for her master’s thesis at UMaine Orono. The work will determine the stability of the East Antarctic ice sheet during past periods of warmer-than-present climate, an analog for future warming.... Polly Merck is working on a master’s in mental health counseling and behavioral medicine


Spring 2017

at Boston Univ....Sarah Murphy began a doctoral program in food science at Cornell....Emma Reichart is getting her physician assistant/MHS degree at Quinnipiac Univ....Brad Reynolds is studying for a master’s in social science at the Univ. of Helsinki. He worked as a trainee at Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and is an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Armenia this spring....Best of N.J. caught up with Eric Ruta, founder of Magnify Brewing Co. in Fairfield and the youngest brewery owner in New Jersey. Since its opening in 2015, “Magnify exploded onto the NJ beer scene with their constantly rotating draft list of different styles and innovations,” the magazine said. Eric, an environmental studies and philosophy major, worked a low-level marketing job at Baxter Brewing to learn the business. “Personally, I don’t recommend starting a brewery because people have to realize that I put in 80 hours a week.” But “the hard work does pay off. We’re not just making good beer, selling it all out, and making a profit. We’re building a community of people who really love beer and make friends along the way.”…Natalie Shribman, who began studying to be a rabbi in 2015 in Jerusalem, is continuing her studies in Cincinnati and serves as a student rabbi for a congregation in Columbus, Ind. She remains an avid runner and Bates supporter....Bojian Sun traveled to Iceland last year with three other Bates alums. “We took a dope group picture in an underground ice cave displaying a Bates tote bag.”…Chelsea Thompson and Benjamin Russell were married Sept. 3, 2016.... Emily White started at Brown Univ.’s Warren Alpert School of Medicine in the class of 2020.


teaching, learning, and conducting research on the topics of classroom community and how I am going to use what I have learned in my own classrooms in the Bronx, N.Y.”…Cam Kaubris helped launch tech startup OpsGenie’s sales team in Boston pre-series A funding. OpsGenie received funding for $10 million for a go-to-market strategy....Myriam Kelly works at Westover School in Middlebury, Conn., in the Global Programs Dept. and coaches the varsity squash team. An outstanding squash player at Bates, she was a member of the NY squash team that won the national A Division Howe Cup tournament last year....Caroline Kern is enrolled in the Yale School of Nursing to be a nurse-midwifery/women’s health nurse practitioner.... Eileen Lam is excited to work for Hightower, a New York tech startup that is changing the commercial real estate industry. “It is significant and meaningful being a woman of color in two industries that have been historically dominated by white men.”…Danielle Muñoz works as a program coordinator at American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Washington.... Graham Oxman teaches in the Boston area....Nate Pajka is an assistant case manager in the Clinical Trials Office for Partners HealthCare in Boston.... Emily Regan expects to earn her MPH in healthcare management at BU’s School of Public Health by 2019. She continues working in epidemiologic research.... Adnan Shami Shah is pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell.... Hillary Throckmorton works as a recruiter at Insight Global in Boston for accounting, finance, and engineering.


Reunion 2020, June 12–14

Reunion 2021, June 11–13

class co-presidents James Brissenden Benjamin Smiley

class co-presidents Sally Ryerson Andre Brittis-Tannenbaum

“It is significant and meaningful being a woman of color in two industries that have historically been dominated by white men,” says Eileen Lam ’15 of her work for Hightower. Barbara Crespo is a Fulbright English teaching assistant in Sololá, Guatemala, working in the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Altiplano. “This experience has enhanced my passion for

John Albanese traveled around South America with his girlfriend, Claudia Krasnow ’18, who was studying in Buenos Aires....Max Alley and Sarah Koe both are at LinkedIn in San Francisco, working on the same team in college recruiting.... Gordon Batchelder works at Facebook as a public content reviewer....Emma Bilodeau is a social worker for the Maine Dept. of Health and Human Services in Lewiston....Ashley Bryant has begun a Fulbright English teaching assistantship in Belém, Brazil....Detmer Kremer works at Atlanta Habitat for Humanity through Quaker Voluntary Service while also researching and writing for the indigenous rights nonprofit Cultural Survival....

Sasha Lennon got Lyme disease last summer, lost her Peace Corps medical clearance, and now works as a FoodCorps member in western Maine....Karen Lockhart was named an assistant coach on the Amherst College men’s soccer coaching staff, a rare opportunity for a woman. According to the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport, 96–98 percent of all collegiate men are coached by men. A two-sport standout in soccer and softball at Bates, Karen was excited to join the staff of the defending Division III national champions last fall. She told the Daily Hampshire Gazette, “Coach (Justin) Serpone reached out to me and was very gracious about being open to having a woman on board.” Serpone said his wife coaches women’s lacrosse at UMass, “and I think sometimes my voice is great for them to hear because it’s a guy and they have a staff of all women. For our guys, it’s refreshing to hear from a female coach because they hear from guys all the time. Variety is a good thing.”…Melissa Paione was named assistant swimming coach at Middlebury College. An outstanding swimmer at Bates, she broke four school records as a senior....Luis Pereira got his credential of readiness certificate from Harvard Business School....Bianca Sanchez is teaching English for a second year under the JET Program in Hiroshima, Japan. “I first came here to rediscover my Japanese heritage; my great-grandfather was born on Izu Oshima, an island close to Tokyo.”…Kelsey Schober, embarked on her Watson Fellowship, is living in Hobart, Tasmania, and working with the Salamanca Arts Centre to organize Tasmania’s first dance festival....Emily Stone is a teacher at Beginnings School in Weston, Mass.

Sprague ’07 & Katan Sarah Sprague ’07 and Chris Katan, July 9, 2016, Pat’s Barn, Rensselaer, N.Y. Marian Goddard Carpenter ’07, Chris and Sarah, Jessie Ricker ’07. Musser ’10 & Obeng ’07 Ashleigh Musser ’10 and Eric Obeng ’07, July 30, 2016, Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle. Anthony Begon ’08, John Belle ’07, Eric and Ashleigh, Amadi Cisse ’07, Chris Robinson ’07, Dylan MacNamara ’07. Zapack ’13 & Baker-White ’13 Tori Zapack ’13 and Matt Baker-White ’13, Oct. 1, 2016, Bridgton, Maine. Judy Marden ’66, Emily Kane, Lane Curran ’13, Jonathan Gougelet ’16, Emma Blakeley ’16, Brian Kennedy ’14, Allie Balter ’14, Tori, Alison Bennett ’13, Matt, Nate Fuller ’13, Kristen Kelliher ’16, Louise Roland ’13, Sam Prawer ’13, Joshua Sturtevant ’14, Holly Gurney, Elizabeth Gurney. Wool ’11 & Harrison ’11 Dava Wool ’11 and Bryan Harrison ’11, Vermont, Oct. 8, 2017. Meg Cadden ’11, Ben McCall ’11, Meg Curran ’11, Zach Ross ’11, Marissa Maliwanag ’11, Matt Moschitto ’11, Deezer Irons ’11, Dava and Bryan, Sam Cory ’11, Abritee Dhal ’11, John McSorley ’11, Jane Chandler ’11, Gabby Otto ’11, Emily Mulligan ’11, Matt Gordon ’11. Silberstein ’10 & Goldrick Ariela Silberstein ’10 and Simon Goldrick (Cardiff Univ. ’12), Oct. 30, 2016, Loeb Central Park Boathouse, New York. Daniel Bousquet ’09, Jared Levy ’09, Jamie Cragnoline ’10, Abby Mays ’10, Alexandra Israel ’10, Elizabeth Ellman ’10, Mallory Ayres ’10, Megan Bromberg ’10. McMahon ’09 & Patriquin Caitlin McMahon ’09 and Drew Patriquin, Aug. 8, 2015, Jay Peak, Vt. Front row: Jonathan Lobozzo ’10, Jen Morse Lobozzo ’10, Annie Coreno ’09, Fionna Sherwin-Murray Flaherty ’09, Annie Fischer Berg ’09, Juliana Brown ’09, Meghan Somers Spencer ’09, Meredith Miller Stein ’09, Sheridan Maguire Zimmer ’09, Hadley Washburne ’09; back: Jill Fogarty ’10, George Gregory ’09, Katherine O’Connor Gregory ’09, Richard Clark ’09. Eric Armstrong ’09, Patrick Flaherty ’08, Chris Ward ’09, Mike Humphrey ’09, Michael Stafford ’09, Kevin Spencer ’08, Ben Stein ’09.

Spring 2017


Please email your high-resolution Bates group wedding photo to Please identify all people and their class years, and include the wedding date, location, and any other news. Wedding photos are published in the order received. Mitchell ’08 & Legro Bethany Mitchell ’08 and Chris Legro (Cornell ’06), Sept. 3, 2016, Portland, Maine. Front row: Catherine Cluett Pactol ’08, Marissa Johnson Kocaman ’08, Paul Mitchell ’43, Bethany, Allie DuPre Reed ’08, Ben Reed ’08; back: Lindsey Ferguson Warren ’08, Willy Warren ’08, Roderick Cort ’08, Chris, Lauren Pluchino Schmidt ’08. Hamm ’07 & Moffatt Betsy Hamm ’07 and Josh Moffatt (Wheaton College ’06), July 22, 2016, Woodend Sanctuary, Chevy Chase, Md. Tasha Kimmet ’07, Josh and Betsy, Carine Warsawski ’07, Danielle Rettinger ’07. Powel ’11 & Mize Cameron Powel ’11 and Wes Mize, June 18, 2016, Cleveland. Front: Katherine Bailey ’11, Ingrid Knowles ’11, Emily Sheehan ’11, Abby Saucier ’11, Bess Glennon ’11, Annie Wilson ’11, Cameron and Wes, Mara Krueger ’11, Meredith Poore ’11, Kathryn Ruocco ’11, Christie Bitter ’11, Maggie Reilly ’12; back: Charlie Carey ’13, Teddy Downs ’13, George O’Connor ’11, Cecily Mauran ’11, Luke Charest ’11, Alex Gallant ’11, Josie Reinhardt ’12, Molly Dilworth ’10, Jess Waters Duryea ’12, Ashley Edwards ’07. Robbins ’11 & Zangari Nicolette Robbins ’11 and Lorenzo Zangari, June 18, 2016, Descanso Gardens, Pasadena, Calif. Front row: Katherine Hines ’11, Audrey Jensen ’11, Alisa Hamilton ’11, Nicolette and Lorenzo, Carrie Harris ’11, Eliza ReadBrown ’11; back: Ian Dulin ’13, Hanna Birkhead ’11, Carolyn Gallmeyer ’11, Annie Query ’11, Josh Lake ’09. Bader & Swerdlow ’09 Caroline Bader (Bowdoin ’09) and Nicholas Swerdlow ’09, May 29, 2016, Moraine Farm, Beverly, Mass. Bowdoin side: Courtney Grater (Bowdoin ’09), Meredith Borner (Bowdoin ’09), Kelly Overbye (Bowdoin ’09), Charles Stern (Bowdoin ’09),


Caroline, Claire Lewkowicz (Bowdoin ’09), Jessica Paris Fallick (Bowdoin ’09). Bates side (back, then front row): Nicholas, Christopher Joyce ’10, Tyler Infelise ’09, Tommy Denby ’09, Patrick Grater ’08, Alexander Kapelman ’09, Jason Brander ’09. Also attended: Molly Ritner ’09. Rogers ’09 & Sinkevich Beth Rogers ’09 and Joe Sinkevich, Sept. 10, 2016, Narragansett, R.I. Ebbe Sweet ’11, Gina Petracca Julian ’10, Kate Reilly Thorson ’10, Kevin Thorson ’10, Brendan Julian 10, Emily Maistrellis ’08, Sarah O’Loughlin ’11, Ellen Cole ’09, Kolby Hume ’09, Kelly Griffin Hutchinson ’09, Gabri Vannoni ’09, Tierney Tobin ’09, Mike O’Gorman ’11. Stern & Walton ’08 Kendra Stern (Amherst ’11) and Nate Walton ’08, Sept. 24, 2016, Boston. Front: Alie Schwartz Egelson ’08, Molly Nelson ’11, Nate and Kendra, Meghan Somers Spencer ’09; back: Alex Egelson ’08, Ron DiGravio ’08, Kevin Regan ’13, Mike Keohan ’08, Whitney Stowell ’08, Kevin Spencer ’08, Mike Canova ’08. Also attending: David Walton ’87, Doug Steinberg ’14. Cucchiaro ’09 & Ames Charlotte Cucchiaro ’09 and John Ames (Harvard ’06), July 18, 2015, New York Yacht Club- Harbour Court, Newport, R.I. Front row: Lee Spivak ’08, Sadie White Spivak ’09, John and Charlotte, Erin Gilligan ’09, Alli Earon ’09, Toby Childs ’10; middle: Karen Finocchio Lubeck ’92, Calley Morrison ’09, Daisy Hackett ’09, Chris Hemberger ’09, Mimi Gallo ’09, Caroline Thomas ’09; back: Greg Fisher ’09, Connor Bair-Cucchiaro ’15, Grif Peterson ’09, Will Gardner ’09, Tyler Infelise ’09, Jason Brander ’09, I-Hwei Warner ’09. Miller ’09 & Stein ’09 Meredith Miller ’09 and Ben Stein ’09, April 23, 2016, The Tryall Club, Jamaica. Standing: Mike Humphrey ’09, Mike Dwyer ’09, Kim

Spring 2017

Doble ’79, Liz Mankey Doble ’79, Maddie Stein ’15, Fionna Sherwin-Murray Flaherty ’09, Meredith and Ben, Michael Sherman ’09, Susan MacDonald ’80, Ted Stein ’79, Hunter Mulligan ’08, Hadley Washburne ’09, Katherine O’Connor Gregory ’09, Caitlin McMahon Patriquin ’09, George Gregory ’09; kneeling: Sean O’Brien ’09, Patrick Flaherty ’08, Oliver Fadly ’09, Henry Lee ’15, Richard Clark ’09. Covert & Akie ’08 Stephanie Covert and Will Akie ’08, Oct. 31, 2015, Spanish Village Art Center, Balboa Park, San Diego. Pat Flaherty ’08, Carter Casner ’07, Alex Maulucci ’08, Lindsey Ferguson Warren ’08, Craig Blake ’08, Stephanie, Jane Whiteley ’77, Janet Haines ’75, Bob Pickett ’75, Susan Bourgault Akie ’75, Mike Medeiros ’08, Will, Mike Henry ’08, Will Paddock ’08, Mark Grande ’08, Zack Wilson ’08, Justin Simon ’08, Nithya Sabanayagam Grande ’08, Sean O’Brien ’09, Nicole Svirsky ’09, Alex Connor ’08, Travis Granger ’08, Willy Warren ’08. Mortimer ’77 & Meuse Leslie Mortimer ’77 and Joe Meuse, Aug. 13, 2016, at home of Steve Mortimer ’72 and Alice Ruvane, Poland, Maine. Bates alumni in photo: Leslie in middle in flowery dress, Steve, kneeling in front row, David Mortimer ’76, far right. Griffin ’09 & Hutchinson Kelly Griffin ’09 and Dan Hutchinson, June 18, 2016, The Connors Center, Dover, Mass. Brendan Julian ’10, Gina Petracca Julian ’10, Marlee Weinberg ’10, Dan and Kelly, Kelley O’Connor ’09, Jessica Baxter ’09, Kevin Thorson ’10, Kate Reilly Thorson ’10, Beth Rogers ’09, Emily Maistrellis ’08.

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Herring & Menard ’08 Elizabeth Herring (Hamilton ’08) and Leo Menard III ’08, Oct. 10, 2015, Sunday River, Bethel, Maine. Front row: Keith Lane ’03, Victoria Libby-Cassin ’08, Leo and Elizabeth, Katie D’Angelo Manter ’11, Lauren McAllister ’11, Dan Loman ’08, Rogan Connell, Ben Morrill ’07; back: Jared Cassin ’08, Matt Brockman ’08, Ben Manter ’11, August Felix ’11, Amy Connell. Burch ’05 & Novak Ariel Burch ’05 and Adam Novak (Syracuse ’08), Oct. 15, 2016, The Inn on Peaks Island, Peaks Island, Maine. Christopher van der Lugt ’05, Kate Brown ’08, Laura Gross van der Lugt ’05, Heather Bennett ’05, Ariel and Adam, Kathryn Whelan Sparta ’05, Austin Faison ’05, Sawyer Lawson ’12. Franklin ’07 & Barton ’08 Katie Franklin ’07 and Sarah Barton ’08, Sept. 10, 2016, Boston. Front row: Lisa Guy Taylor ’06, Heather Taylor ’05, Maggie Fitzgerald ’07, Katie and Sarah, Caitlin Murphy Valair ’07, Lauren Dobish ’12 (the wedding photographer); middle: Bill Franklin ’75, ShawnRose Lanchantin ’09, Olivia Zurek ’05, Betsy Hochadel Flaherty ’05, Mary Hart ’08, Becca Buckler ’08, Lauren Yanofsky Wirth ’10, Valerie Beckwith ’09, Kellie Goodridge ’10, Leah Schouten ’07; back: Andy St. James ’08, Ben Thayer ’09, Sean Wirth ’10. Johnson ’83 & Dearden PJ Johnson ’83 and Dawn Dearden, Sept. 27, 2014, Tribeca Rooftop, New York. Back row: Stephanie Poster ’83, Susan Doliner ’81, Margaret Orto ’83, Terry Welch ’83, Leigh Peltier ’83, PJ and Dawn, Tony Trombly ’83, Denise Mooney ’83, Mary Couillard Sneller ’83, Steve McGuirk ’83; front: Shari Sagan McGuirk ’83, Lori Peotrowski Ouimet ’83, Sharon Saltzgiver ’83, Carolyn Campbell-McGovern ’83, Sarah White ’83, Sarah Collins Eriksen ’83. Also attending: Nancy Foley Battaglino ’83, Pam Fessenden Stearns ’83. Kellar ’06 & Anderson ’05 Rachel Kellar ’06 and Joel Anderson ’05, July 9, 2016, Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, N.Y. Asad Butt ’01, Matthew

Daly ’05, Robert Gomez ’05, Patrick Wales-Dinan ’05, Kate Hluchyj Stella ’06, Sarah Mengel McCree ’06, Sarah Kellar Hvozda ’03, Tad Curtz ’02, Rachel and Joel, Nic Hansen ’05, Hallie Preston Greene ’06, Katelyn Anderson ’10, Christopher Petrella ’06, Leora Seri ’03, Julie Weeden ’92, Kristy Ten Haagen ’06, Allison Wensley ’05, David Brown ’05. Verdin & Mertz ’03 Erica Verdin (UC Berkeley ’06) and Peter Mertz ’03, Sept. 20, 2015, Leesburg, Va. Asad Butt ’01, Andy Dalton ’01, Kara Banigan Mertz ’03, Peter and Erica, Sarah Rorimer ’03, Mark Thomson ’03, Caroline Coffey Zedella ’03, Chris Flanagan ’86. Goodman & O’Donnell ’09 Marie Goodman (Univ. of Montana ’09) and Greg O’Donnell ’09, Sept. 24, 2016, Rangeley, Maine. Front row: Hayley Anson ’06, Laura Poppick ’10, Emma Halas-O’Connor ’09, Devon Mulligan ’09, Marie and Greg, Ellen Sabina ’09, Gretchen Grebe ’09, Alex Hernandez ’09, Chris Carlson ’09, Heidi Iken O’Donnell ’85; back: Henry Myer ’08, Ben Speyer ’09, Lincoln Benedict ’09, Molly Ladd ’09, Ben Linder ’09. Begim ’07 & Straaboe Aina Begim ’07 and Andre Straaboe, July 23, 2016, Alesund, Norway. Craig Angevine ’07, Michele Stillwell-Parvensky ’07, Aina and Andre, Ayanthi Reese, Ishan Reese, Soni Arseculeratne Reese ’93, James Reese. Jarashow ’06 & Guimaraes Anna Jarashow ’06 and James Guimaraes (Skidmore ’06), Oct.15, 2016, Liberty Warehouse, Red Hook, Brooklyn, N.Y. Front right: James and Anna; first row: Jeremy Fisher ’06, Sarah Willhoite ’06, Kathryn Covello ’07, Lissa Moses ’06, Anna Schechter ’06, Adrian Cohen ’07, Ben Peck ’05; second row: Ben Stern ’07, Sam Haaz ’06, Emily Rand ’06, Sheridan McCafferty ’06, Devon Carroll ’06, Charlie Hely ’07, David Rosenzweig ’07, Chris Eldridge ’06, Caitlin Henderson ’07. Also attended: Lily Scott ’06, Evan Jarashow ’01.

Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon, Conn., reception at the Riverview, Simsbury, Conn. Ingrid Larson ’97, David Rabinowitz ’05, Eli Clifton ’05, Katia Wish, Benjamin Wish ’05, Tim and Alexandra, Grant Brown ’05, Dayna Krakower ’05, Julian Felch ’05, David Bennett ’53. Brown ’07 & Imboden ’07 Morgan Brown ’07 and Tommy Imboden ’07, June 13, 2015, Peaks Island, Maine. Front row: Nicole Brown Jones ’04, Andrew Jacobs ’07, Jason Starrett ’07, Emily Crawford Bousquet ’10, Elizabeth Cohen ’07, Morgan and Tommy, Elizabeth Imboden ’11, Katherine Ferriter Hauschild ’07, Ashley Edwards ’07; back: Andrew Stabnick ’91, Paula Shea Stabnick ’91, Dylan MacNamara ’07, Danny Bousquet ’08, Brandon Colon ’08, Scott Kraus ’07, Carter Casner ’07, Megan Birmingham Wolf ’07, Scot Wilks ’07, Alicia Doukeris ’07, Fritz Hauschild ’07, Nicholas Keefe ’07, Benjamin Schrier ’07. Plagens & Purinton ’06 Phoebe Plagens (Kenyon ’05) and Nate Purinton ’06, Nov. 7, 2015, Glen Spey, N.Y. Back row: Whitney Warren ’06, Kate Harmsworth ’08, Alex Teague ’06, Pat Schule ’06, Jake Berkowitz ’06, Arthur Purinton ’64, Sarah Overmyer ’05, Sara Kravitz ’04, Justin Graves ’06, John McNulty ’06, Tristan Beach ’06, Brian Dupee ’06; middle: Carrie Murphey ’06, Elizabeth Purinton Izaki’98, Nate and Phoebe, Noah Davis ’05, Helen Minsky ’06. Kneeling: Dustin Drury ’06, Adam Macbeth ’06.

Smith & Larson ’05 Alexandra Smith (Messiah College ’03) and Timothy Larson ’05, Dec. 19, 2015,

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Edited by Christine Terp Madsen ’73

1984. She was a member of the Turner Historical Society, the Androscoggin County Historical Society, and the Turner Natural History Club. An avid reader, she nevertheless was happiest when her table was crowded with family and friends. Survivors include sons Peter, Mark, and John Leavitt; daughter Mary Leavitt; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.


1935 Mira Briggs Dow January 31, 2012 Mira Briggs Dow was the first in her class to secure a teaching job following graduation, a neat trick during the Depression. She enjoyed teaching and taught history for 40 years at Windham High School in Willimantic, Conn., until retiring in 1978. She was a very active member of The First Congregational Church of Willimantic, becoming a permanent deacon in 1982. Survivors include daughter Elizabeth H.W. Fry; five grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She also had a number of relatives who attended Bates, all of whom have passed on. Her aunt was Adelaide L. Briggs Class of 1905; her sisters-in-law were Virginia Fisher Briggs ’43 and Barbara Fish Briggs ’42, and her brother-in-law was Norman E. Whitten ’32. Her brothers and sisters were Walker Jr. ’40, Roy ’40, Julia Briggs Whitten ’32, and Martha Briggs Haskell ’30. Her mother, Marion Bishop Briggs, received the Distinguished Service Award from Bates in 1953 for her work in the Lewiston-Auburn community.

1939 Trenor Franklin Goodell Jr. September 17, 2016 Tren Goodell was a firefighter and radar man on destroyers in the U.S. Navy during World War II. The firefighting took hold of him and directed his career path. He worked for the Mutual Fire Inspection Bureau for New England for 15 years before joining the Barnstable County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Yarmouth Port (Mass.) in 1962. He retired as its president in 1983. At the same time, he fought fires as a volunteer fireman for over 37 years, retiring as captain of Yarmouth Station No. 2 in 1973. He was a lifetime member of the National Assn. of Destroyer Veterans. He served on his 50th, 55th, and 60th Reunion Gift Committees. His


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wife, Dorothy Stead Goodell ’41, died in 2003. Survivors include children Trenor III and Marcia E. Johnson; six grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; niece Ardith Austin-Lee ’65; and greatniece Deborah L. Austin-Brown ’87. His late brother-in-law was George R. Austin ’33.

1940 Percy Thomas Whitney Jr. July 7, 2016 He was well into his 90s before he gave up his tennis racket. Percy Whitney was as stubborn about golf, too. He was at Bates for only two years before he got the opportunity to become an apprentice as a foundryman at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. After completing his apprenticeship, he worked in the shipyard foundry manufacturing metal castings for submarines, something that sounded like a sure thing in those days. In fact, he remained at the shipyard for his entire career. Survivors include daughters Ann Pilgrim and Cheryl Wyman; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

1941 Ruth Goss Leavitt August 2, 2016 Just four months before her death, Ruth Goss Leavitt received the Boston Post cane, which goes to the town’s oldest resident (in this case, Turner, Maine), a tradition that started in 1909 when the publisher of the then-large and influential newspaper distributed gold-handled canes to some 600 cities and towns throughout New England to be given to the oldest resident and handed down over the years. Ruth worked in the Bates Mill after graduation. After marrying Merton Leavitt, she moved to Turner where she taught French at the Leavitt Institute. She later completed a master’s degree which allowed her to serve as librarian at Leavitt High School for 16 years. She retired in

David Drake Nickerson October 13, 2016 Dave Nickerson left Bates with more than a bachelor’s degree in economics. He left with a pilot’s license, and having found the woman he would soon marry, Constance Blaisdell ’45. They married as he was starting to serve in the Navy during World War II, and their honeymoon included a drive to Key West, where he went to sonar school. He eventually became a Navy aviator. He got back to economics after the war by earning an MBA from Harvard in 1947 and then starting a long career in financial management, during which he served as treasurer, controller, and administrative manager for several companies in Massachusetts, including EPSCO Inc. and Hersey Products Inc. He also taught courses in budgeting, accounting, and analysis at Northeastern Univ. Graduate School of Engineering, as well as economics and manufacturing at Western New England College. He was a past president of the Boston chapter of Financial Executive Institute. He participated on several Reunion committees and also volunteered for the Bates campaign in the ’90s. He and Connie twice sailed the Intracoastal Waterway to Florida and the Keys. Besides his wife, survivors include daughters Elizabeth LaRowe and Rebecca Bianchi; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. His late daughter was Bonney Nickerson Ford ’67, whose late husband was Jonathan P. Ford ’64. His late father-in-law was Leo W. Blaisdell 1912, and his late sisterin-law was Martha Blaisdell Mabee ’42.

1943 Catherine Glazier Burnight April 4, 2016 Cammie Glazier Burnight first worked with international students shortly after graduating from Bates, but she didn’t start her career until a few years later, after driving a Jeep with the American Red Cross in the Dolomite Mountains for the U.S. Army at the end of World War II, performing as a soloist in shows at American installations throughout Italy.

She then turned her attention to education for refugees and began her career in international education. In 1963, she was hired as the first adviser to foreign students and faculty at Brown Univ., where her husband Robert was a sociology professor. For her contributions to the international community, Brown awarded her an honorary degree in 1971. After five years in Thailand, where her husband helped develop the Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol Univ. in Bangkok, she joined the administrations of UNC and then Duke. Upon settling in the Waashington area, she volunteered for 14 years as an ESOL teacher at the Univ. of Maryland. Elia Santilli Porter Carver November 10, 2016 The critical event that shaped much of Lee Santilli Porter Carver’s life happened in 1955, when she lost her husband, her parents, her home, and their business in Charlton, Mass., to the flood from Hurricane Diane that devastated many towns in central Massachusetts. She was left with three young children to raise, and nowhere to raise them. She moved them all to Florida, where she found work teaching. She went on to earn a master’s from the Univ. of Florida. Later she worked as a learning disability specialist. Survivors include children Natalie, Mary-Beth, and Paul Porter; stepson Mark Carver; and three grandchildren. Henry Greenwood Corey October 23, 2016 Henry Corey began his business career while still a student: He was business manager of both the Buffoon and The Mirror. After serving in the U.S. Army in the European theater and earning an MBA in 1949, he went on to Harvard Business School. He spent most of his career at Conoco (now ConocoPhillips), heading departments in planning and philanthropy. As a student, he was active with the Debate Society, winning both the freshman and sophomore debate prizes. He chaired his 50th Reunion Gift Committee. Survivors include daughter Anne Corey. John Clifford Stahlberger July 3, 2016 Jack Stahlberger was a beloved history teacher and a generous golfer, known to let the occasional duffer slip by the turnstile when he was the starter at the local course during the summer. He also was a member of his 50th, 55th, and 60th Reunion Gift Committees, and a class agent 1981–83. He retired in 1986 after 34 years in the Arlington school district near Poughkeepsie, N.Y., having earned a master’s in education from Syracuse Univ. in the meantime. Survivors

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include children Gail Burton and John L. Stahlberger; one grandson; three great-grandchildren; and stepchildren Melanie, Michelle, Brian, and Sean.

1944 Hazel Lillian Deming June 23, 2016 Love it or hate it, but you can thank Hazel Deming for the plastic soda bottle: She secured the first patent on it during her long career as a chemist with Hercules Inc., after working with Brown Paper Co. and Pratt & Whitney. She loved sports and nature, including golf, skiing, sailing, photography, and bird watching — an interest that led her to volunteering at the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary near St. Petersburg, Fla. She also sewed her own wardrobe and rafted the Colorado River. Survivors include a brother. Richard Leroy Keach November 5, 2016 Dick Keach attended Andover Newton Theological School after Bates, and served American Baptist churches in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming. While he served in Wayne, Pa., in 1968, his church voted to mortgage its building to establish a Martin Luther King Jr. fund, which gave grants to 12 ministries in the Philadelphia area for job training, low-cost housing, scholarships for minority students, the establishment of African American industries in Camden, N.J., and sponsorship of refugees from Cuba and Haiti. He was at the Wayne church for nearly 20 years and wrote two books about his experiences there. After returning to New England, he completed a doctorate at Andover Newton. He was a Paul Harris Fellow at the Hartford (Conn.) Rotary and a 20-year volunteer at the Hartford Hospital. A passionate golfer, he had four holes-in-one to his credit and “shot his age” hundreds of times. He and his wife, Marjorie Walther Keach ’46, returned each summer to Ocean Park, where they were officers in the Bates Club. Dick was also a longtime class officer. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Alison Keach Shenkus ’70, Kathlyn Keach Horner ’77, Richard Keach, and David Keach; seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Lorna MacGray Tuthill March 22, 2016 When she was in high school, Lorna MacGray Tuthill vowed she would never be a teacher. What do you know, she became a teacher, taught for 22 years, and loved it. This was after she completed a master’s in religious education at Andover Newton

Theological School. Even though she spent most of her life on Long Island, N.Y., she considered New England — Maine and Massachusetts — home. She retired early so she and her husband, Donald Tuthill, could indulge their passion for travel and archaeology. Active in the First Presbyterian Church of Southold, N.Y., she became especially attuned to issues concerning women after a 1990 trip to Australia as the representative of the northeast Presbyterian synod at a global gathering of women hosted by the Uniting Church. She later toured the Northeast talking about her experiences in Australia. For 20 years she was a leader in Long Island Presbyterian Women; she also served with the Presbytery of Long Island. A singer, she sang with the Berkshire Choral Institute for over a decade, including on its trip to Mondsee, Austria. Survivors include son Jonathan Hawkins; stepson Wayne Swiatocha; and four grandchildren.

1945 Pauline Beal Tooker August 1, 2016 Polly Beal Tooker was a writer. And when she wasn’t writing, she was editing or typing someone else’s words. For many decades, she maintained an independent typing and editing business, working with many Stanford doctoral and master of science candidates and authors. She wrote a cookbook aimed at students living off-campus, The Pass/Fail Cookbook, in the late 1970s which, according to its review in this magazine, definitely passed. She also wrote a memoir, By Thanksgiving It’ll Be Funny, in 2003, bringing to mind many family vacations. She was an alumni class officer 1946–49 and a class agent in 1948. Survivors include daughters Carol Stewart, Jean Tooker Stephenson, and Christine Ruth Thomas; sister Shirley Beal Dallam ’52; five grandchildren; and nieces Deborah Beal Ahle ’80 and Sandra Beal Carpenter ’84. Her husband, Edwin W. Tooker ’45, died in 2013.

1946 Mary Hoyt Jewett October 5, 2016 To Mary Hoyt Jewett, her association with the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, was the structure of her life. She taught high school English in Norway and Dexter, and also worked at Dexter Day Care Center for 14 years. She also substitute-taught in schools around Dexter. Survivors include children Sandra Matthews and Jeffrey Jewett; two grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Her late cousin was Herbert E. Hoyt ’31.

Winifred Poole Sherman October 4, 2016 Winnie Poole Sherman taught at Wiscasset Academy before moving to Lincoln Academy where she taught Latin for 20 years, retiring in 1981. She enjoyed living along the Sheepscot River in Newcastle, bird watching, boating, and gardening. During her teaching career she took her students on trips to Italy and Greece. Survivors include children Peter and Paul Sherman; two grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Her cousins are Genevieve Wallace Earle ’48, Donald V. Earle ’77, Lynda Wallace Merullo ’81, and Lisa Bishop Sterling ’86; her great-niece is Tracy Marie Harrington ’90.

1947 Robert Francis Harrington October 16, 2016 In 1991, when Bob Harrington was awarded the prestigious Ministry of Environment Award by the government of British Columbia, he was deeply honored, but reluctant to drive 500 miles to Victoria for the presentation. Too much fossil fuel involved. He was an environmentalist who walked the walk. He lived on 80 acres of forested land and owned 40 additional acres that had been clear cut. He and his wife, Linda, reforested it by hand. Bob’s time at Bates was interrupted by military service during World War II, and he actually received his degree in 1949. He was a writer with several books to his credit, including The Soul Solution, To Heal the Earth: The Case for an Earth Ethic and Listening to the Earth: A Spiritual Journey with Nature, as well as textbooks, radio programs, and an environmental magazine. He was also an environmental educator and wrote numerous articles along these lines. Besides his wife, survivors include son Nelson. Jean Rosequist Howlett September 11, 2015 Jean Rosequist Howlett put her chemistry degree to use in the most basic way: on the farm. She and her husband ran a farm in upstate New York, and all that bubbling and mixing of potions in the chem labs in Dana transferred neatly to the barn. Survivors include children Jeff Howlett, Diane Wenz, and Susan Woolaver; and six grandchildren. Marjorie Harvey Moore September 5, 2016 Marge Harvey Moore used her photographic skills to enhance her oil painting, shooting pictures of buildings or scenes that pleased her eye so that she could employ them as “jumping off” points for paintings later on. Many of her paintings were

of sights in Ocean Park, Maine, where she spent part of nearly every summer, or of the Boston area, where she lived for many years. She had a biology degree from Bates, and earned a master’s in education from Boston Univ. in 1950. She taught for a few years before and after completing that degree, but once she married and moved to the Boston area, she became a secretary. She got very good at it, becoming a certified professional secretary in 1972, a title requiring her to pass a 12-hour test (over two days) from The National Secretaries Assn. She eventually became the executive secretary to the manager of Continental Insurance Co., and from there its personnel supervisor and then its personnel administrator. She served on her 50th and 55th Reunion Committees. Survivors include her niece Alyson Tricco Quinnelly ’76. Jane Scheuermann Scott July 1, 2016 Jane Scheuermann Scott sandwiched two careers in biology between her major career as a mother of four. She worked briefly for Squibb before marrying Robert Reece Scott, then in 1964 returned to work at Celanese Research Co. in Summit, N.J. She retired from there in 1985 as an electron microscope technician. Her husband died in 2014. In between those two careers, she raised four children, complete with all the Scout trips and PTA meetings four children can generate. “Moc,” or “Mocky,” as she was known, enjoyed outdoor activities and was a skilled oil painter and seamstress. She was a member of her 50th Reunion Gift Committee. Survivors include children Rebecca Allocco, Rod Scott, Virginia Bowman, and Sarah Scott; 12 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

1948 Grace Lardner Manning September 2, 2016 Grace Lardner Manning lived in New Bedford, Mass., her entire life except for the brief time that she spent at Bates. She was a kindergarten teacher at St. James School. Survivors include children Francis Manning Jr. and Patricia Keppler; two grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Francis Elisha Richards July 17, 2008 Francis Richards came to Bates after serving in the military during World War II, and went to Columbia for a master’s degree. He was the head of the English department in Pawling, N.Y., for a number of years.

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1949 Arlene Bourne Begin November 21, 2016 Arlene Bourne Begin was among the first women accepted to Tufts School of Medicine. However, motherhood intervened, and she turned to that career instead. She led Scout troops of all kinds and was active in raising the Duxbury (Mass.) Girl Scout House. An accomplished pianist, she also sang with the Sweet Adelines barbershop quartet. She was active in International Gideons Assn. and a founding member of Plymouth Rock Bible Church. Survivors include children Rosanna Buhl and Kenneth, Wayne, and Timothy Begin; and two grandchildren. Her late husband was Leo Begin ’52. Alfreda Lesniewska Brousseau October 13, 2016 Alfreda Lesniewska Brousseau left Bates and received her degree from Clark Univ., and her master’s in education from Worcester State. She was a teacher in Southbridge, Mass., later a school guidance counselor, and finally Title I director for the Southbridge school system. Survivors include husband Raymond Brousseau; children Thomas and William Brousseau and Janet Plouffe; and four grandchildren. Marilyn Bayer DeLaney November 1, 2016 After an early secretarial career at Time-Life, Marilyn Bayer DeLaney chose motherhood as her career. After she moved to Cornwall, Vt., in 1979, she went to work for Middlebury College, starting a 32-year career in which she worked for the president’s office, financial aid, and the Bread Loaf School of English. In retirement, she was a volunteer with the Porter Medical Center Auxiliary, Round Robin, and the Middlebury United Methodist Church and its choir. Survivors include children Alison Granger and John DeLaney; and five grandchildren. Donna Golder Henderson September 2, 2016 They met over a vial of alcohol they were distilling in a science lab in Carnegie. Donna Golder was the prettiest girl on campus, claimed Milton E. Henderson ’50, who married her a year after graduation. While he went on to become a surgeon, she got a master’s in education from BU and went on to teach math and biology at schools in Massachusetts before her children were born — five in six years. She kept learning, though, taking advantage of their closeness to Harvard to attend its extension classes. She also took piano lessons throughout her life. She was a past president of the


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American Assn. of University Women of Massachusetts. In addition to her husband, survivors include children Susan Henderson Mangubat, Albert Henderson, Christine Winton Henderson, James Henderson ’82, and Elizabeth Henderson-Cartledge; and 12 grandchildren. Her sister is Mary Golder Chakoumakos ’48, whose husband Charles ’48 died in 2014. Her nephew is Keith Henderson ’75. Birgit Svane Libbey September 21, 2016 Birgit Svane married into Bates history when she married Paul Ross Libbey. His grandfather, W.S. Libbey, provided the funds that built Libbey Forum, once a classroom building and now home to the registrar and the student financial services office. Birgit worked briefly as a lab technician in several mills before marrying Paul and raising a large family. An accomplished amateur painter and an avid photographer with a passion for music, she worked for a time at the Lewiston Sun-Journal and was organist of St. Joseph’s Church for many years. In addition to her husband, a Bates trustee emeritus, survivors include children David, Mark, Robert, Peter, and Ruth; and three grandchildren. Richard I. Stern June 29, 2016 Richard Stern built a series of bowling alleys into a small fortune in the Southeast and Southwest and then opened a chain of restaurants in Alabama. Eventually all of this was bought out by a larger enterprise with Richard and his sons still in charge, and soon everything was sold to AMF, the largest owner/operator of bowling venues worldwide. He was known for what he called his “velvet touch,” of treating others as he wished to be treated, a philosophy that he lived by so completely that he published a book about it in 2004, Winning with the Velvet Touch. He enjoyed skiing at his home in Colorado Springs, Colo., well into his 80s. A New Englander by birth, he and his wife, Susan Greenwald Stern, moved to Atlanta when his father purchased a jewelry store there and made the area their home. This was shortly after his Army service in the European Theater during World War II. In 2014, he was recognized by the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for his service to the country during the war. Along with his wife, survivors include sons Michael, Scott, and John; two grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Everett Leroy Tuttle August 9, 2016 In an update that he sent to Simmons College (where he had

been a professor), Everett Tuttle complained that his wife had fallen and broken her femur. “No dancing all summer,” he grumbled. He was 88 at the time. His Eagle Scout first-aid experience landed him a spot in an Army medical unit during World War II, and he spent five years caring for the wounded and establishing hospitals and infirmaries. He came to Bates on the GI Bill, and continued his education with a master’s from the Univ. of Maine and a doctorate in entomology from Rutgers. After working for the USDA as a researcher, he joined the chemistry faculty at Gorham State Teachers College. In 1961, he moved to Simmons College as a professor of biology and genetics, where he taught until 1982. He finished his career with five years at the UMass Boston. Survivors include daughters Carol Lang, Betty Nye, and Dianne Pasieka; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

1950 Patricia LaFortune Connors September 28, 2016 A chemistry major, Patricia LaFortune was working for Rand Corp. in Santa Monica, Calif., when she met the man she would marry, William F. Connors Jr., even though he had gone to Boston College and she had grown up in nearby Belmont. She had worked at Tracer Lab and Ionics Inc. before joining Rand, where she became a computer programmer. By the mid-’70s she had left Rand for the quiet life of raising four teenagers. She enjoyed painting and showed her work locally. Survivors include children Catherine Hinds, William, Michael, and Steven Connors; and two grandchildren. Anders Walter Krall August 19, 2016 Andy Krall first came to Bates as a V-12 student. He liked it enough that he came back twice to get his degree. Good thing he came back that second time: It was then that he met Imogene Rollins ’50, who would become his wife. His service was in the U.S. Navy during both World War II and the Korean War. He slipped in an MBA from NYU in 1954 while starting a career in marketing at Colgate-Palmolive. He spent the major portion of his career at Cunningham and Walsh Inc., rising to senior vice president and director of research services. He left to form his own marketing research firm, Goldstein/Krall Marketing Resources Inc., in 1973. He and Genie retired in 1995 to a farmhouse in Vermont. She passed away in 2015. Survivors include children Lisa Krall ’77 and Phillip Krall.

Joyce Lyon Simpson October 10, 2016 It wasn’t until after she retired that Joyce Lyon Simpson found her life’s work: watercolor painting. She threw herself into it, exhibiting widely in New Jersey. “Faces and figures,” she described her work once. Before retiring, she worked as an occupational therapist at Hunterdon Medical Center in Flemington, N.J. She came to Bates after a brief time at the Univ. of Washington and left with a degree in English. She also worked briefly as an elementary school teacher. Her husband, Albert William Simpson Jr. ’49, died in 2009. Survivors include sons James, Kenneth, Steven, and Richard Simpson; daughter Patricia Simpson Webster; and six grandchildren.

1951 Elaine Annas Bailey November 13, 2016 Lainey Annas Bailey loved the woods of Maine. She was a hunter, a longtime member of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, and a life member of the NRA. She also was an avid reader, and a Spanish teacher in Bucksport, where she also coached the cheerleaders. She taught in Belfast and Gardiner in her younger years. However, in 1983 she happily announced that she was out of the classroom and keeping the books for several apartment complexes. She was part of three language clubs at Bates: French, German, and Spanish, with a major in the last. Survivors include children Fred, Robert, and Barbara Bailey ’82; and a granddaughter. Her late parents were Philip A. Annas ’28 and Elva Duncan Annas ’28; and her late sister was Anne Annas Marx ’56. James Warren Balentine September 27, 2016 Christmas trees and maple syrup — who could devise a better retirement? That’s what Jim Balentine and Betts Cederholm Balentine ’49 wrote for themselves, and they got to enjoy it full time starting in 1992, after Jim retired from a career as a teacher and school administrator. His 26 years in the field began in Salem, N.H., moved to Winchendon, Mass., Fitchburg State College, and finally Gardner, Mass. He then served for 25 years as the co-executive director of the Jaffrey Gilmore Foundation in New Hampshire (now its Civic Center); he also served as a selectman and on several boards for the Town of Jaffrey. He held a master’s of education from the Univ. of Massachusetts as well as his bachelor’s in mathematics from Bates. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Jean B. Ris and John C. Balentine; two grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

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Stanford Ralph Inman November 23, 2016 Stan Inman dropped out of high school to join the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. His degree from Bates in biology led to a 25-year career as a laboratory instrument specialist at Hartford (Conn.) Hospital. He continued to volunteer at the hospital after retirement and was honored for achieving 6,000 hours of service. He loved to paint his favorite subject, the coast of Maine, and create stained-glass pieces prized by friends and family. Survivors include wife Beverley Hall Inman; children Derrith Hurst, Kathleen Fox, Marianne Inman, and Mark Inman; six grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. John Frank Linehan August 16, 2016 Frank Linehan served in two wars, World War II and Korea, first as an Army paratrooper over Europe and then as an Army pilot over Korea. Ironically, his Bates education was interrupted by his appointment to Annapolis and the U.S. Navy. After two years in the Navy, he received a medical discharge; that’s when he sought out the Army. He stayed close to the sea his entire career, returning there as soon as he graduated from Bates to become general manager of the New Bedford (Mass.) Seafood Producers Assn. There wasn’t much interaction between the group and outsiders (no one came near him the first time he went to a fish auction) and it wasn’t even part of the city’s Chamber of Commerce, but he set about correcting these issues. He didn’t know a flounder from a scallop, he said, but he soon learned. When the opportunity came in 1959 to spend two years in South Korea with USAID to help develop the country’s fishing industry, he didn’t hesitate. He returned to New Bedford to find the job of director of the Harbor Development Commission was available. He used it to normalize rents at the marina and supervise major repairs to the city piers. He later worked as industry liaison for the National Marine Fisheries Service, part of NOAA. An active member of Grace Episcopal Church, he served on several boards, including the United Way and Kiwanis. Survivors include sons John F. Linehan Jr. ’69 and Michael Linehan; two grandsons; and four great-grandchildren.

1952 Susan Martin Ames August 20, 2016 While her husband, John W. Ames ’53, was minister in Springfield, Mass., Susan Martin Ames and he led pastoral tours, mostly to Europe. At home,

she at times taught elementary school or worked in the church day-kindergarten. Her husband passed away in 2009. Survivors include son J. Craig Ames and daughter Katherine Ames-McCormick ’82. Her late mother was Ruth Cullens Martin ’22; her late aunt was Dorothy Martin Mason ’36. Gary Paul Somers September 23, 2016 Gary Somers came to Bates after two years at Temple and a summer of semi-pro baseball. It was here that he met Norma Chaffee ’51, whom he would marry and with whom he would have four children. They divorced in 1976. His job at National Radio Co. gave him the opportunity to open a subsidiary in Western Maine, which pioneered and perfected the development of a powerful, all-transistor HRO 500 ham radio. Eventually, he acquired this business from National Radio, forming Oxford Electronics Industries, before merging with Bridgton-based Howell Laboratories, from which he retired as vice president in 2000. A fervent advocate of the Oxford Hills community, he served on the local school board and on the board of the Oxford Hills Vocational Technical School. Survivors include children David, Ron, Phil, and Anne; stepchildren Lisa and Scott; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Two granddaughters and their husbands are Bates graduates: Kathryn Somers DiGregorio ’06 and Derek DiGregorio ’06; and Meghan Somers Spencer ’09 and Kevin Spencer ’08. His late brother was Richard Somers ’51.

1953 David Lee Welch July 11, 2016 Dave Welch was at Bates for only one semester before financial obligations forced him to leave, despite Dean Harry Rowe’s best efforts. He went on to teach himself accounting and eventually became the owner of a tax and accounting practice in Florida. Survivors include wife Alice Shemeth Welch. Richard Lee Whitham July 27, 2013 Dick Witham managed to go in two directions after graduation: he combined a life as a pastor with a life as a social worker. He also taught high school. He attended Andover Newton Theological School and earned a master’s in education from BU. While living in Vermont, he was active in the PTA and Little League while working as a vocational rehabilitation supervisor. He was also pastor of the Assemblies of God chapel. In the early 1970s, he moved to Oklahoma, where he became a

youth guidance specialist at a diagnostic and evaluation center in Tulsa. Survivors include children Brian, Timothy, and Richard Whitham, and Karen Kimbrough; 23 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren.

1954 Audrey Bardos Allan October 30, 2016 Audrey Bardos Allan studied Spanish and intended to teach it (and she did for a while) but her real love in teaching became working with children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and ADD. She first tutored such children while at Bates, and returned to tutoring from her home once her family was established. A Phi Beta Kappa student at Bates, she earned a master’s in library science at Towson Univ. She worked as a children’s librarian in the Harford County (Md.) library system. She met her husband, Craig R. Allan ’55, in the Outing Club, which both enthusiastically enjoyed. Other survivors include sons Laird B. Allan ’83 and Reid Allan; and three grandchildren. Her late cousins were Linwood B. Hilton ’24 and Helen Baker Hilton ’24. Paul Richard Callan August 27, 2016 When noting his 47th wedding anniversary on a notice to Bates, he said he “looked forward to 47 more years.” Those would be with wife Mary Rudolph Callan ’57, who survives him. He followed his father into law, practicing in Middleborough, Mass., for over 40 years. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War directly after Bates. He was chief counsel for Mayflower Bank and served on its board. He also served on the board of the Hannah BG Shaw Home in Middleborough and was involved in many community and civic organizations. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Paul, Susan, Claire, and Mary Callan; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Elizabeth Barber Dougherty October 13, 2016 Betsy Barber Dougherty worked for the state of Connecticut as an occupational therapist for over 40 years. Her degree in the field was from the Boston School of Occupational Therapy, following her Bates degree in psychology. A member of Emmanuel Baptist Church where she was involved with the deaf ministry and library, she was a volunteer for the American School for the Deaf and for Self Help for the Hard of Hearing of Newington. Survivors include children Ronald and Linda Dougherty; one grandchild; and one great-grandchild.

Richard Milton Mather Liebe October 18, 2016 Dick Liebe had it all worked out: six months in Tucson, Ariz., and six months in Keuka Lake, N.Y. Perfect timing to be able to hike and travel year round — the perfect life after teaching geology more than 30 years at the State Univ. of New York, Brockport. His degree in geology from Bates was supplemented with a master’s from the Univ. of Houston and a Ph.D. from the Univ. of Iowa. He loved to teach anyone who would listen, and was honored with a distinguished teacher award in 1973. Survivors include his wife Janice Truesdail Liebe ’56; children William, John, and Diane; and six grandsons. His cousins are Barbara H. Record ’68 and Stephen A. Record ’68; his greatniece is Kristina Record Morse ’95. His late father was Milton R. Liebe ’30.

1955 Nancy Root Davis June 11, 2016 Nancy Root Davis spent most of her time at Bates shadowing Miss Schaeffer — Professor Lavinia Schaeffer — and in fact was an official assistant director for her final two years, working on Robinson Players productions. A gifted actress, she participated in plays and musicals throughout southern Maine for more than 40 years. This was in conjunction with her distinguished career teaching English and theater arts in Kennebunk and Biddeford. At retirement, she was chair of the fine arts department at Biddeford High School. Survivors include sisters Judith Root Wilcox ’57 and Sandra Root Gemmel ’65; two grandchildren; and niece Linda Wilcox Crawford ’81.

1956 Richard Stephen Short November 12, 2016 A co-worker wrote that Dick Short was “among the most respected ‘Yankees’ that ever crossed the Mason-Dixon Line and came south to live.” This from a fellow real estate agent in Alabama, where Dick “retired” after a long career in education. He earned both a master’s in education and a certificate of advanced graduate studies from Boston Univ. shortly after graduating from Bates with a degree in biology. He first tried the corporate life as a technical writer for Raytheon, but, he said, “they kept changing directions. And this would require that weeks, months of my work would go into the wastebasket, my life’s work going into the trash!” He worked for many years as supervisor of curriculum for the Massachusetts Dept. of Edu-

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cation, then as superintendent of schools in Exeter, N.H. He was active in the Army National Guard for many years and for over 20 years he was the organist at the Trinity Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala. Survivors include stepchildren Sonia, Eric, and Martin Voskuil; and six grandchildren.

1957 Ruth Tuggey Bracklein September 14, 2016 Five years after the untimely death of her first husband, Ruth Tuggey Bracklein married Conrad Bracklein, with all five of their teenage children as attendants. That was in 1979, a year after they met. In 1999, she contracted a rare spinal disease, which left her unable to walk. This ended her career as a nurse, one started with her degree in nursing from Bates, but didn’t change her upbeat attitude. She learned how to drive a car using hand controls, and she and Conrad continued to travel, attend two churches, sing, and volunteer regularly. Nothing, her family said, could keep her optimism down. Survivors include children Suzanne Graeser and Geoff Schork, and Scott Schork; stepchildren Beth Thorman and Carl Bracklein; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandsons. Elizabeth Dunn Hills Pratley June 30, 2016 “No regrets,” she said, no regrets about leaving Bates after two years. Elizabeth Dunn Hills went to the Univ. of Arizona after a year at BU, met Jimmie Hills, fell in love instantly, married him, and had two children in quick order and was happy as could be. That lovely life continued until he died in 1977. Then she met and married Park “Jerry” Pratley ’58. They lived for many years in Prescott Valley, Ariz., and volunteered for the Disabled American Veterans for over a decade. He died in 2007. Survivors include children Stephen Hills, James Hills, and Susan Nickel; stepchildren Dale and Erica; eight grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Her late father-in-law was Edward B. Pratley ’26. Russell James Taylor Jr. July 6, 2016 Russ Taylor enjoyed a long and successful career in pharmaceutical research, after building his chemistry degree from Bates into a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Ohio State. He worked for Parke-Davis, McNeil Pharmaceuticals, Lederle Laboratories, and finally at Bayer, from which he retired in 1997 as assistant director of professional services and assistant director of clinical research in the development of new drugs for use in high blood pressure and stroke. He was a


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member of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, American Medical Writers Assn., and American Chemical Society. He also held several patents. Survivors include his dear friend and partner Gordon T. Juhl; and nephew Stephen P. Toomey ’98 and his wife, Anne Van Campen Decker ’98. Richard Lawrence Young June 18, 2016 Dick Young left Bates before graduation to attend General Motors Institute. He owned and managed an auto body shop in Connecticut and developed land plots for home-building. He even invented a tool used to build decks. Survivors include his wife Doris Drouin Young; son James L. Young II; and two grandchildren.

1958 William Bedell Huckabee August 18, 2016 Bill Huckabee credited all of his success to a dozen people — foremost among them his wife, Colleen Jenkins Huckabee ’58. Also on that list were his parents, who had the wisdom to send him for a year of college in Japan, the first-ever Bates student to study abroad for credit. His interests eventually focused on Russia, which he and Coe first visited as delegation leaders on a People to People Science Exchange in 1990; he also was deeply involved in sister city activities with Omutninsk, organizing truckloads of medical supplies, food, and clothing to send overseas. His work was in marketing and consumer research consulting. After several stints with the Boy Scouts, including one where he set up programs for boys in culturally deprived areas, he joined Opinion Research Corp. as director of communications. He went on to Associated Merchandising Corp., then the world’s largest service retail organization, soon rising to director of research. By the mid-’70s, he’d struck out as a consultant and was known enough in the field to be quoted in a 1987 Wall Street Journal article about women using shopping as therapy. An original thinker, he drew on neurolinguistic programming to create “cue framing,” his methodology for analyzing buying patterns for his clients. Bill and Coe met on an arranged “shoe date” during orientation week their freshman year — arranged by them, that is. They’d spotted each other on the hike up Thorncrag, and she made sure her shoe was available for him to find. Bill was cochair of his 50th Reunion Social Committee and co-chair of his 45th Reunion Gift Committee, a longtime class agent, and an Alumni-in-Admission volunteer.

In addition to his wife, survivors include children Amy Huckabee Koren, Anna Huckabee Tull, and William Huckabee; and four grandchildren. Kenneth Lloyd Parker July 4, 2016 Ken Parker made pickles. Other goodies came from his organic garden, but he was known for the pickles. He was also a member of the Screen Actors Guild and Actors Equity for 45 years, involved in countless shows and productions off-Broadway and around the country. He was a coach for Special Olympics, active with the choir at his church, and a mentor to many young actors. Survivors include wife Nancy Parker and sons Lloyd, Christopher, and Dana Parker.

1961 Parker Grimes Marden October 7, 2016 When he was inaugurated as president of Manchester College (now University) in 1994, Parker Marden recalled Gandhi’s seven root causes of violence, and asked those gathered at one of the nation’s foremost “peace colleges” to accept responsibility and leadership in understanding that violence was the most pressing issue facing the world. A sociologist, he had come to Manchester from Beloit College, where he was vice president of academic affairs. Previously, he had taught at Cornell, Lawrence Univ., and St. Lawrence Univ., where he was chair of the sociology department and founded the North Country Research Center. He also was a 1984 finalist for U.S. Professor of the Year from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. He authored an extensive list of works in population studies, alcoholism studies, gerontology, and higher education. He believed in the value of a good liberal arts education, primarily because it taught people to think for themselves — or it should. He held a Ph.D. from Brown Univ. He was a class agent for five years and a member of his 50th Reunion Gift Committee. Survivors include wife Ann Wagner Marden; children Jonathan and Kerriann Marden; and brother Alan L. Marden ’63.

1962 Lynn Morris Croshaw May 25, 2016 The Rotary Club in Lynn Croshaw’s hometown of Mount Holly, N.J., got him a fellowship to study in Uganda for a year after graduation from Bates. He used the time to study biology at Makerere College in Kampala, and to tour Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar. Then he came back to the U.S. and did normal things,

like get a doctorate in zoology at the Univ. of Maryland. He went on to an academic career in biology at Francis Marion University in Florence, S.C., retiring in 2004 as professor emeritus. He was a member of the Florence Evening Lions Club for 30 years and was inducted into the South Carolina Lions Hall of Fame. Surviving are wife Audrey P. Croshaw; children Randal and Kevin Croshaw, and Deborah Bledsoe; and eight grandchildren.

1963 Thomas Melvin Brown September 29, 2016 Tom Brown graduated with a degree in history and government, but he really majored in golf — or so he himself later claimed. But he swallowed enough subject matter to make it through law school at Boston Univ. in 1966. He practiced for 50 years with Eaton Peabody, retiring in 2015. He loved his native Aroostook County, came to love his citified home in Bangor, and advocated for both. He also served on the Maine State Board of Corrections. He cherished the annual hunting trip with his cronies, even though he never carried a gun. He was a class agent for nine years and active in many Reunion Gift Committees. Survivors include wife Gail Hoxie Brown; sons Winfield S. Brown IV ’89 and Gregory N. Brown ’94; daughter Jill K. Brown; and two grandchildren. His brother is W. Scott Brown III ’61, whose late wife was Susan Harris Brown ’61; their son is Mark A. Brown ’87. His father was W. Scott Brown Jr. ’27; his aunt was Catherine Brown King ’24. Edith Mansour Littlefield July 17, 2016 Edith Mansour Littlefield began her studies at Bates, but completed her degree at Boise State Univ. after her children were grown. A published poet and author, she taught in Idaho, Utah, Mexico, and South Korea. Survivors include children Mark, Miles, Matthew, Michael, Martha, Malachi, and Maxwell; 10 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Her cousins are Edith J. Merrill ’45 and Martha Wills Tengzelius ’54. Other family members with Bates connections, all deceased, include her parents Alexander and Muriel Wills Monsour, both Class of 1922; aunts Esther Wills Jones, Class of 1917, and Vivian Milliken Wills ’24; and uncle A. Allison Wills Jr. ’27.

1964 Nancy Hathaway Caton August 18, 2016 Nancy Hathaway Caton began her studies at Bates but did not complete her degree. She

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enjoyed a successful career as a real estate broker in Maryland, during which she trained and mentored young and upcoming real estate agents. Survivors include husband Daniel John Caton; children Stephen and Lynne Caton, and Laurie Rexroad; and six grandchildren. Chapin Grandon Harris October 9, 2016 Gran Harris left Bates after two years and graduated from New England College. He went on to Andover Newton Theological School for a bachelor’s of divinity. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, he was an environmentalist and a photographer. He was called to serve the Ponca Creek UCC in the South Dakota Rosebud Sioux community of Milk’s Camp in 1967. Finding one of its greatest needs was employment, he helped the community develop a cooperative that eventually became a profitable venture selling handcrafted Indian drums nationwide. He was given The Peace Pipe Award in 1975 by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce (Indian Affairs) for his work. In 1980, he and his wife, Dorothy March Harris ’64, moved to northern Wisconsin where he concentrated on environmental and peace issues. He served on his 50th Reunion Yearbook and Reunion Committees with his wife. In addition to Dorothy, survivors include daughters Elizabeth Entile and Leah Harris-Musack; four grandchildren; and cousin Susan A. Harrington ’74. Wyman Peter Swanson September 28, 2016 Pete Swanson held a master’s in public accounting from Rutgers in addition to his Bates degree in economics. He once summarized his life this way: “Golf for exasperation. Piano for relaxation.” He was a CPA at firms in Florida and upstate New York. Survivors include his wife Carolyn Melander Swanson ’65; son Mark Swanson; three grandchildren; and brother-inlaw Thomas Melander ’76. William Alphonso Young III September 25, 2016 It was a rare year when Bill Young was not back to campus for events or meetings. Whatever Bates needed, he was there to help — and he gave the same dedication to his church and prison ministries. He was a deacon of United Christian Parish, serving on many of its boards during his 35 years in Reston, Va. He became active with its prison ministry and then with Kairos Prison Ministry International. Before moving to Reston in 1974 to work for the federal Office of Management and Budget, he and Dave Boone ’62 had formed a partnership, Boone, Young and Associates, in New York. He

had an MBA from Columbia. He was a class agent for 15 years; a member of seven Reunion Gift committees; a member of the Alumni Council 2007–12; a class officer for 16 years including 10 as president; part of the steering committee of the Bates DC Networking Group for six years; and an alumni club officer in the 1970s. Survivors include his wife Diana Drury Philbrick Young; children Stephanie Young Davidson; Howard S. Young ’91, and William H. Young; stepchildren Cynthia Gaulin, Heidi Buxton, Stephanie Provost, and Wesley Philbrick; five grandchildren; and four step-grandchildren. His sister is Stephanie Young Abbott ’67; her husband is Edward Abbott ’67. His first wife, from whom he was divorced, is Barbara Tuttle Young ’63.

1965 Kendrick Hodgdon Child October 14, 2016 “Everybody is a minister,” said Ken Child once to the Lawrence (Mass.) Eagle-Tribune. “The role of the ordained minister is to minister to the ministers.” That attitude — seeing and treating all parishioners as ministers — was core to his approach to congregations he served in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. He received his master’s in divinity from Yale Divinity School in 1969 and his doctorate of divinity at Boston Univ. in 1990. Ordained an Episcopal priest in 1969, he served as rector at St. Matthews Episcopal Church in Lisbon Falls until 1982. From there, he moved to the Church of the Transfiguration in Derry, N.H., for four years before becoming the development director at BU’s School of Theology, retiring in 2005. Even then, he continued to minister to a small congregation in Lawrence. He was a member of the Alumni Council in 1989, a class officer in the early ’90s, and regularly volunteered for Reunions and class agent activities in the ’90s and early 2000s. Survivors include his wife, Pamela Mullen Child; children Jonathan K. Child ’91, Meredith Child Greenlaw ’95, whose husband is Clare R. Greenlaw Jr. ’92, Kimberly, and Brian; and six grandchildren. His late parents were Ralph W. Child ’40 and Lois Philbrick Child ’39; his late cousin was Thomas R. Quinn ’77. Gene Robert Safir October 15, 2016 Gene Safir saw plants differently than most people, even the most ardent gardeners among us. He saw ecosystem dynamics, plant disease impact on large scales, and soil carbon analysis. He helped develop and held a

patent on one of the first fungal stimulants for plant growth, which also helped plants withstand drought and herbicide carryover. After earning a Ph.D. at the Univ. of Illinois, he became a professor at Michigan State Univ. in the botany and plant pathology department, from which he retired in 2009. He received several awards for his pioneering research, including the CIBA-Giegy Award from the American Phytopathological Society (1984) and a patent recognition award from Michigan State (1994). He was an active participant in the Alumni-inAdmission program for over 30 years. Survivors include wife Colleen O’Keefe-Safir; children Joel, Gary, and Rory Safir; and one grandchild.

1966 David Paul Jacobs October 21, 2016 David Jacobs was at Bates for two years before transferring to Rutgers, where he also attended law school. He went on to a long and successful career as a public defender in southern New Jersey, defending the famous, the infamous, and the ordinary alike. He was also one of the founders of Congregation Beth Tikvah in Evesham and served the synagogue in multiple roles. Survivors include his wife, Sylvia; children Daniel and Elissa; and four grandchildren.

1967 Marvin Ellis Aronson October 19, 2011 Marvin Aronson had a rough ride through Bates (a few suspensions) but he made it through with a degree in English, which did him well when he made it to Alaska in 1974, to enjoy its mountains and open spaces and cast endless lines in its endless rivers while working on the trans-Alaska pipeline and freelancing for the Boston Globe. Later he worked for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner in a variety of positions, including news editor and chief of the copy desk. He also wrote many feature stories and for 24 years gave “Sourdough Jack” a voice. He was married for a time to Susan Bradley Hurley ’69; their son Caleb is a member of the Class of 1998. After leaving Alaska, he worked for the Cape Cod Times as a copy editor. In addition to Caleb, survivors include son Ethan; wife Sheri Goodwin; and three grandchildren. Sara June Schenck October 21, 2016 Sara Schenck was one of the many who stepped out of Bates into the nascent world of computers and made the most of it. She started out as a systems

assistant at Information Services in Springfield, Mass., and was a systems analyst there. She later worked for 28 years at MassMutual as a project manager. Survivors include her partner, Nancy Scott; and brothers Garrett and Peter.

1968 Sue Janssen July 22, 2016 A French and philosophy major, Sue Janssen followed her degree from Bates with a master’s from Middlebury and enjoyed a 33-year teaching career at West Essex Regional High School in North Caldwell, N.J. She retired in 2001 to Vermont, where she became involved in local and state government. Survivors include siblings David and Peter Janssen and Laura Heinel.

1969 Robert Abbott Shepherd September 2, 2016 Bates didn’t want to lose Bob Shepherd when he graduated, so it paid him to keep doing what he’d been doing as a student anyway: direct the concert and marching bands, and coordinate student activities. Good thing he stuck around. Somehow, despite mutual friends, he never met Alice Grant ’71 until she was a senior. They were married for 45 years. A writer and Christian Science practitioner, he happily gave up his day job as a writer and researcher at the Christian Science Mother Church to stay at home after their first child was born so Alice could continue to work at Ernst & Ernst. He kept writing and became more active in his church’s ministry. He turned his hobby of model railroading into a quarterly column in an enthusiast’s magazine. He was involved in school affairs in his local district, serving on its budget committee and as president of its music association parent support group. He served on a number of Reunion committees and was an Alumniin-Admissions volunteer. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Tapley Trudell and David Shepherd; aunt Marcia Wilson Lindberg ’47; and cousin Richmond S. Talbot ’62. His parents were the late Harry B. Shepherd ’40 and Beatrice Wilson Shepherd ’42.

1972 Douglas Chapman Daly October 15, 2016 Doug Daly was such a pioneer in fertility treatment that he was using Pergonal (menotropin) when it was still made from concentrated urine of Italian nuns. He also helped establish the first “test tube baby” labs in Connecticut and Michigan.

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Thousands of families in West Michigan and around the world sought treatment from his fertility practice. His medical degree was from the Univ. of Conn., and his residency in obstetrics and gynecology was completed at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford. His many awards and prizes included Obstetrical Society of Boston Prize Paper in 1984 and 1986, Outstanding University of Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Award in 1986 and 1988, and Spectrum Health East/St. Mary’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award in 1999. A lifelong sailor, he won his first national competition as a teenager and continued to win numerous regattas in Grand Rapids, Mich. Survivors include wife Cherrie; children Daniel Daly, Diana Kundel, Erik Daly, and Amanda Daly; stepchildren Luke and Bethany Sprague; and several grandchildren. Michael Burr Sawyer August 12, 2016 Mike Sawyer’s father and grandfather were both biologists (his grandfather was legendary Bates professor William H. Sawyer Class of 1913), so he went in the opposite direction: geology. He moved to Colorado shortly after graduation for a master’s from Colorado School of Mines, then worked for the U.S. Geological Survey. He later joined the U.S. Bureau of Mines, retiring in 2005 from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Given his field, it’s not surprising that he enjoyed hiking and rock collecting. He also was a musician, playing a fine folk guitar, and an accomplished cook. Survivors include wife Susan Cooper Sawyer ’72, and sons Ian and Gregory. His father was David Burr Sawyer ’43, who died six months before Mike, and his grandmother was Beatrice Burr Sawyer Class of 1918. His great-uncle was Lewis H. Burr ’35.

1973 Scott Elliott Green September 29, 2016 Scott Green was a lifelong fan of science fiction. It permeated his writing and dominated his book collection. He was a writer in several fields, including speculative poetry (often called science fiction poetry) and political writing. He was also a four-term member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. His degree from Bates was in Asian history; he also held a degree in American history from Rhode Island College. He studied law for three semesters at John Marshall Law School and museum science for a year at URI; all of this work enhanced the value of his collection of science fiction material, which he eventually donated to North Carolina State


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Univ. He published at least two books of poetry, Baby Sale at the 7-Eleven and Private Worlds, the latter being poems that comment on the “worlds” invented by various writers of science fiction. He was a past president of the Science Fiction Poetry Assn. and past vice president of the National Writers Union. Survivors include brother Leonard. Kenneth Lee Reynolds Jr. October 7, 2016 Ken Reynolds was born and raised in Fort Fairfield, but lived most of his adult life in Dallas, Texas, where he worked for Paramount Van Lines and later for Paramount Show Tours. His degree from Bates was in criminology. Survivors include brother Jay Reynolds and sisters Lynn Soucy, Debra Scott, Ellen Breeze, and Patricia Regan.

1976 Paul Henry Bomely August 5, 2016 After a successful career in finance, Paul Bomely changed direction and became a minister. He received a master’s in divinity from Yale in 1988 and pastored several UCC churches in the Springfield-Longmeadow, Mass., area. He held an MBA from Western New England Univ., which stood him in good stead during his years at BayBank, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., and Webster Bank. At Bates he particularly valued his three years as treasurer of the Campus Assn. and the six weeks spent in Luxembourg with Professor Garold Thumm. Survivors include his wife, Martha Brown Bomely ’76; children Gretchen Calder and Andrew Bomely; and seven grandchildren.

1980 Elizabeth Maria Fordiani October 12, 2016 Beth Fordiani parlayed her degree in biology into a doctorate in nursing at the Francis Paine Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve Univ. where she received the Cushing-Robb prize for outstanding achievement in the doctor of nursing program. She also held a master’s in nurse-midwifery from Yale. She practiced as a certified nurse-midwife in the Cleveland and Boston areas for many years, and then after the birth of her children became a nurse in the Southington school system. She was active in the Southington youth lacrosse program and the lacrosse booster club for a number of years. Survivors include husband Peter W. Egan; children Gretchen and Benjamin Egan; and cousin Janice M. Fontanella ’76.

1982 James Sidney Wakely November 23, 2016 Chip Wakely was the third generation of his family to attend Bates, and the last of them to pass away. His late father was Richard J. Wakely ’56; his grandparents were J. Sidney Wakely ’33 and Pearl Littlefield Wakely ’33; and his great-uncle was Maxwell A.H. Wakely ’28. Chip was an investment analyst for Oakmark Funds and SunLife of Canada. An avid horseman, he was an expert analyst for the horse racing and breeding industry. Survivors include brother Jeffrey Wakely.

1983 Rhoda Yee Koopmans August 31, 2016 Rhosie Yee Koopmans attended Bates for two years then earned her bachelor’s from the Univ. of Michigan. In 1988 she earned a master’s in occupational therapy from Western Michigan University. Her career in OT was at Valley Medical Center in Santa Clara County, Calif. Survivors include husband Scott Koopmans; and children Julianna, Spencer, and Christina.

1987 Diane Marie Edgecomb September 16, 2016 Diane Edgecomb transferred to Bates from USM, finished a degree in political science, and went on to earn a J.D. from the Univ. of Maine School of Law. She recently completed a master’s in restorative practices from the International Institute of Restorative Practices Graduate School. She practiced law for over 20 years in the fields of child protection, general family law, and probate, as a guardian ad litem and parents’ attorney, out of her own office in Gorham and Biddeford. A certified mediator, she believed in nonviolent communication and restorative judicial practices and trauma response. She was a board member of the Seeds of Hope Community Center in Biddeford. Survivors include her mother, Esther Tierney.

FACULTY Robert Crawford Flynn July 31, 2016 “Isn’t this exciting?” That was Bob Flynn’s reaction as his eager player rounded third after his first game-winning home run cleared the fences — no pretense, just joy in the moment. That was what was so appealing about “Flynnie”: He was the nicest man you knew. But he also was the most knowledgeable man about sports that you knew, too. He

had to be. During his 50 years at Bates, he taught golf, baseball, skiing, tennis, and football. He rescued skiing from midcentury doldrums and turned the Bobcats into a national force, even bringing the NCAA championships to Maine in 1976 with Bates as host. His daughter, Rebecca Flynn Woods ’89, is current Nordic head coach. A native of Lewiston, Bob Flynn was an outstanding athlete in football, hockey, skiing, and baseball at Lewiston High School, then played minor league baseball in the Pittsburgh Pirates system from 1952–57, missing the 1953–54 seasons to serve in the U.S. Army in Korea. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the Univ. of Maine in 1960. He had shown his spirit for competition very clearly when as a high school junior, Lewiston was playing South Portland for the Maine state baseball championship. “The score was 1-1 in the bottom of the ninth inning. Bob was on third base, studying the pitcher’s every move. As the pitcher was taking his wind-up, Bob exploded down the third base line, beating the pitch to the plate, stealing home, and winning the state championship 2-1 for his high school.” That’s how his brother, who was at the game, described it. Bob was elected to the Auburn-Lewiston Sports Hall of Fame, Maine Baseball Hall of Fame, Maine Ski Hall of Fame, and the Scholar-Athlete Society in 2015. The college’s newly renovated alpine and Nordic ski rooms are named in his honor. In addition to his daughter Rebecca, survivors include wife Benita Weathern Flynn; daughters Susan Flynn Dorris ’85 and Elizabeth Flynn; seven grandchildren, including Zachary Abbott ’14, Abigail Abbott ’17, Jenney Abbott ’17, and Kaelyn Woods ’20; and nephew Brian Flynn Jr. ’82. He was predeceased by brother Brian Flynn ’57. Steve Grover July 7, 2016 Jazz poured out of him. It defined him. For Steve Grover, it was always about the music. He joined the Bates applied faculty in 1985, teaching drums and piano. That same year, he composed Blackbird Suite (based on the Wallace Stevens poem, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”), which would win the prestigious Thelonious Monk International Jazz Composers Competition nine years later. He also taught at Bowdoin, USM, and UMaineAugusta. His jazz compositions involved collaborations with poets and theater artists. The Maine premiere of Blackbird Suite, in 1991 at the Celebration Barn, was a multimedia presentation which incorporated music, choreography, masks, mime, video, film, and slide projections. He won JAZZIZ magazine’s Percussion On Fire talent search in 1996 for the CD recording of the work.

in me mo r ia m

His albums also won critical praise in Downbeat, Cadence, and JazzTimes. His last work, Variations, based on poems by Anthony Walton, is a poetic and musical tribute to Thelonius Monk. Survivors include his mother Senja L. Grover and brother Ralph Grover. Marcy Plavin November 3, 2016 Marcy Plavin was teaching dance in 1965 at the Auburn Y when Bates asked her to cross the river and teach modern dance. From this tiny sprout sprang the entire modern dance curriculum at Bates, the Bates Dance Company (1969), and the internationally known Bates Dance Festival (1983). She retired in 2005, five years after her dedicated alumni founded the Marcy Plavin Dance Award, given to a senior who has “shown exceptional dedication to and passion for dance.” She held a bachelor’s degree from the Univ. of Maine and a master’s from Wesleyan. As the builder of modern dance at Bates, she was inclusive, creative, and forceful — a constant mentor who offered fundamental inspiration to her students and alumni. In 2004, dance critic and historian Suzanne Carbonneau ’76 said Marcy Plavin gave her students an entrée to “the world of artistic creation” and taught them that “passionate engagement, an appreciation of the sublime, and the cultivation of compassion are forms of knowledge that none of us can afford to be without.” Survivors include children David Plavin ’77, Lynda Plavin Fitzgerald ’79, and Stephen Plavin; and five grandchildren.

who was college librarian and vice president for information and library services at Bates, loved early punk music, ’80s new wave, and funk — wherever she could find a good bass line. She was a DJ at Brown University during her student days. She developed her love of technology there, too, and contributed to the formative field of hypertext (most commonly seen as the links on web pages). She never lost sight, her family says, of the fact that the goal of technology was to help enhance our capacity to learn and understand. Before coming to Bates in 2015, she was the director of digital learning at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and served as director of academic technology at Harvard. She worked in numerous positions at MIT over the course of 16 years. She held degrees from Brown and Boston Univ., where she earned an Ed.D. She was selected as a 2012 Frye Fellow for her

leadership potential in higher education’s rapidly changing IT landscape, and she received an EDUCAUSE Rising Star Award in 2014 for her record of collaborative leadership, her influential work on major educational technology projects at Harvard and MIT, and her “innovative spirit” that has helped “grow projects from their infancy to a point of wide dissemination.” President Clayton Spencer said of Katie, “She quickly proved herself to be a strong and creative organizational leader, a wonderful, collaborative colleague, a professional of enormous breadth and intellect, and a person possessed of quick wit and self-deprecating humor.” Among her survivors are husband Marshall Vale and two children.

HONORARY Gwendolyn L. Ifill November 14, 2016 When Gwen Ifill received an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Bates in 2012, she exhorted the graduates to “Look up!” — literally look up from their smartphones and see the world and all it has to offer. As host of Washington Week in Review since 1999 and co-host of PBS’ NewsHour since 2013, she was one of the country’s most prominent political journalists. She covered the White House for The Washington Post, New York Times, and NBC before joining PBS, where she became not only the first black woman to host a news program, but also, with Judy Woodruff, the first team of women to host a news program. She was pleased with the idea that unlike her, little girls today won’t think it unusual to see two women hosting such a TV program.

David Ross Smith July 30, 2016 The sign on his door summed it up: “If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it.” David Ross Smith liked a bit of humor with his art history — the yellowing New Yorker cartoons littering the walls of his office gave further testimony to that — but he was a serious student of Northern Renaissance and Baroque art, having been urged on in the field by his father, himself a professor of art history at Washington University in St. Louis, where Smith earned his bachelor’s degree. He also held a doctorate from Columbia. After five years at Bates, he taught for 36 years at the Univ. of New Hampshire, retiring in 2015. His scholarly output included several books and numerous journal articles, exhibition essays, and catalogue entries. Survivors include daughters Katherine, Abigail, and Samantha; stepdaughter Angela; and four grandchildren. Katie Livingston Vale Nov. 27, 2016 Forget that stereotype of a demure librarian. Katie Vale,

Spring 2016



h ist o ry l es s o n

We've given some party attire to coach Ray Thompson and manager David Spoffard (left and right, in suits) and the two-mile relay champs of the 1930 Penn Relays: Wallace Viles ’31, Ragnar Lind ’30 (known as Jeffrey Lynn during his Hollywood career), Russell Chapman ’31, and Norman Cole ’32.

Party Like It’s 1929

The Roaring ’20s at Bates meant the start of track championships — and championship partying by h . jay burns

in , campus reaction to the latest Bates title at the prestigious Penn Relays had The Bates Student fretting about championship fatigue. “Championship after championship comes our way… [and] the thing is beginning to pall,” the paper said on April 30, a few days after a Bates team won the two-mile relay. Specifically, the paper was bemoaning the lack of post-championship partying. Previous victories



Spring 2017

at the Penn Relays, hosted each April by the University of Pennsylvania, had set off parades into Lewiston and bonfires atop Mount David. But not this time. “The old fire and snap of former celebrations is certainly dimmed,” said the Student. And if students set a standard for championship partying during the Roaring ’20s, they had a lot to celebrate. It started at the 1921 Penn Relays when Raymond Buker ’22 won the international

“All traffic was suspended, and old Bates took possession of the city for the evening.” high” for a bonfire. The blaze nearly torched a professor’s home on Mountain Avenue, “melting his tar sidewalk.” In 1928, Bates won the championship flight of the two-mile relay, setting off another one-two punch of parade — the track men riding high on a “hayrack of honor”— and bonfire, where “everything from toothpicks and railroad ties to the side of a well-known barn was stacked high on the rocks for the sacrifice to the gods of speed.” By evening’s end, “the Garnet B had been burned into Mount David and the light of a national championship spread all over Lewiston.” The 1930 win in the two-mile relay was anchored by the great Russell “Osie” Chapman ’31, dubbed the “husky half-mile star of Bates” by The New York Times. A year later, running the 880 in New York City, Chapman would come within a tenth of a second of a world record. But while Bates track success would continue, the times they were a-changin’, and the campus greeted the news of the 1930 relay victory with pride but no partying. “The men continued with their baseball, football, tennis,” wrote Student sports editor Everett Cushman ’31, “and the coeds must have been down to Woolworth’s or enjoying an afternoon’s siesta.” Maybe the Student was right, that winning had created ever-greater expectations. Or, the Roaring ’20s being done with and the Great Depression upon them, maybe students had become a bit more serious. After the Hathorn bell announced the team’s victory, Cushman rushed out to the steps of Parker Hall to give an “an improvised war-whoop.” To which a fellow Parker denizen shouted back, “Shut up and come to college.” n


two-mile run with a finishing kick that left runners from West Virginia, Purdue, and New Hampshire gasping for air. The Student gasped, too. “As the [Hathorn] bell sounded the joyful news, our first impulse was that quiet, deep, stirring of the inner man that sends lumps into the throats and renders us unable to speak. Then comes the rush of pride for our champion and the pent-up emotions spring into a hilarious burst of enthusiasm and gratitude for the man who has brought us fame.” Such orgasmic sports prose wasn’t limited to the Student; it was typical of an era that gave us Grantland Rice’s Four Horsemen and other hyped-up sportswriting. At the Boston Herald, sportswriter Tom McCabe was equally smitten with Buker. “The little Bates lad was great, big, fine, wonderful; all those pulsating things together, and then some.” A year later, in 1922, Buker again won the twomile race at the Penn Relays, and a Bates team won its class in the mile relay. Back on campus, the celebration parade, featuring a band and a mule (which refused to let a student climb aboard), gathered in front of Parker Hall, and blasts from a cannon announced the procession’s advance down College Street into Lewiston. Once downtown, “the snake dance was started and the writhing forms danced gaily from one side to another across the bridge to Auburn,” reported the Student. “All traffic was suspended, and old Bates took possession of the city for the evening. Red fire illuminated the way, while the sidewalks were jammed with spectators who thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle.” Back on campus, the throng paraded to the base of Mount David “where boxes, barrels, hay, sleepers, and various other things were piled

The great Russell Chapman ’31 wins a heat of the 880-yard run at the IC4A Championships at Harvard Stadium on May 31, 1930.

Spring 2017


a r ch iv es from the muskie archives and special collections library (and elsewhere) Governor’s Ball

In 1956, Sports Illustrated reported on New York Gov. Averell Harriman giving “three spanking new baseballs” autographed by the Yankees, Dodgers, and Giants to his fellow governors, including Maine Gov. Edmund Muskie ’36, at the annual governors conference in Atlantic City, N.J. Here’s the Dodger baseball, featuring Jackie Robinson’s signature. Other signatures included those of Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays.

Pink State

No Debate About It

In June 1921, Bates became the first U.S. college to debate overseas when, from left, Professor Craig Baird, Robert Watts ’22, Charles Starbird ’21, and Edward Morris ’21 traveled to Oxford. In January, Bates debaters for the first time advanced to the finals of the World Universities Debating Championships.

Marvelous Marginalia

The scribe working on this 14th-century book of Latin texts contributed a Simpsons-esque doodle. The ancient book, given to Bates by the Rev. Alphonso Luzerne Houghton, Class of 1870, is believed to have been written in Hereford, England.

In 1892, Lewiston’s William Frye and Nelson Dingley won reelection to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, respectively. Students in an eponymously named Bates club wore ribbons like this to support the two Republicans.

Round We Go

After a famous tabletop in Winchester Castle, this gavel and block was given by Professor Alfred Anthony to the Bates Round Table, a faculty discussion that Anthony and fellow professor Addison Small co-founded in 1896. It disbanded around 1970.

Great Society

This marble sound block belonged to the literary society Polymnia, one of Bates’ first student groups. Polymnia, along with Eurosophia and Piaeria, existed until about 1914.


Spring 2017

o u t ta k e I like surprises in photography. As Ashley Kulesza ’18 was FaceTiming with her boyfriend, into her Clason House room came a member of the Equestrian Club, delivering treats from a local bakery as a Valentine’s Day fundraiser. With her surprise gift in hand, Ashley asked her boyfriend, “Was it you?” to which he replied, “No.” Her expression tells the story. A real whodunit. — Phyllis Graber Jensen

Bates Magazine Spring 2017 Editor H. Jay Burns Designer Mervil Paylor Design Production Manager Grace Kendall Director of Photography Phyllis Graber Jensen Photographer Josh Kuckens Class Notes Editor Jon Halvorsen Contributing Editors Doug Hubley Andy Walter

President of Bates College A. Clayton Spencer Chief Communications Officer Sean Findlen ’99 Bates Magazine Advisory Board Marjorie Patterson  Cochran ’90 Geraldine FitzGerald ’75 David Foster ’77 Joe Gromelski ’74 Judson Hale Jr. ’82 Jonathan Hall ’83 Christine Johnson ’90 Jon Marcus ’82 Peter Moore ’78

Contact Us We welcome your letters, comments, story ideas, and updates. Postal Bates Magazine Bates Communications 141 Nichols St. Lewiston ME 04240 Email Phone 207-786-6330 Online

Bates Magazine is published twice annually using Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper created with 30 percent postconsumer fiber and renewable biogas energy. Inks are 99.5 percent free of volatile organic compounds. Bates Magazine is printed near campus at family-owned Penmor Lithographers. On the Cover After their wedding at a Lewiston mosque on May 20, 2016, Shobow Saban and Fatuma Aden of Lewiston posed for photos at Lake Andrews. See page 38 for a feature story about why this image was among photographer Phyllis Graber Jensen’s favorites of 2016.

Spring 2017


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Spring 2017






Here’s photographer Phyllis Graber Jensen’s view from a third-floor faculty office in Pettengill Hall during the Puddle Jump on Jan. 20.


Jump-time air temp was 36 degrees; the water was close to 32.


Bates bonfires are fueled by scrap from a woodworker’s small mill in Bowdoinham specializing in historic preservation.


Often hand in hand, jumpers headed onto the ice in small groups.



It was 50 paces from the staging area to the hole in the Lake Andrews ice.


Security officer Dennis Skinner’s advice: The edge of the hole is wicked slippery.




Puddle ice was a robust 7 1/2 inches thick (able to handle a small vehicle).


The chainsawed hole was 12 feet by 12 feet.


In the “leave-no-trace” spirit, the ice blocks get pushed back into the hole after the Jump.


Exiting Puddle Jumpers are helped from the hole by Outing Club members.

Bates Bates College Lewiston, Maine 04240




A summit hosted by philanthropist Michael Bloomberg prompted President Spencer and fellow college presidents to say why they’ve joined a major college-access initiative. See page 26.

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