Bath bid business plan 2017 2021

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Business Improvement District

The Bath BID Company Business Plan 2017-2021

Priorities 2017-2021 • To have a relevant team in place to deliver this business plan. • To enhance the Bath BID’s working relationship with key partners. • To have effective monitoring and evaluation systems. • To have processes and delegations in place to enable the Bath BID to be fleet of foot and respond to market opportunities. • To position the Bath BID Company as a business led organisation and the voice of Bath businesses through developing ‘Bath BID Businesses’ as the outward facing brand of the company. • Third Term Renewal 2021.

The key factors affecting the Bath BID 2017-2021 are:• Devolution of funding and decision making to the Mayoral West of England Authority. • Development of Bath Enterprise Zone. • Opening of four new hotels and a casino – Indigo / Apex / Travel Lodge / Z Hotel. • Commissioning of a Destination Management Plan for Bath. • Sale of Bath Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases. • High Court judgement in favour of the development of Bath Rec on 16.12.16. • Retention of business rates by local authorities. • Roll out of digital connectivity. • B&NES Council election.


Background The Bath Business Improvement District (Bath BID) Company Limited is an independent, notfor-profit company, funded by all business rate payers in the centre of Bath, with a rateable value over £25,000. The Bath BID was created for a 5 year term until 31.3.2021, following a ballot of all eligible businesses in the city centre. Retail trading charities with a rateable value over £25,000 are eligible to pay the BID levy. St John’s Foundation makes a voluntary levy contribution of £5,000 per annum. Due to their charitable status, neither Bath University, nor Bath Spa University pay a levy nor does Bath College. The Purpose of the Bath BID is to enable businesses in Bath to succeed. This is delivered by Managing & Saving, Welcoming & Promoting and Developing & Innovating its services to meet the needs of changing market conditions. The vision of the Bath Business Improvement District Company is to be the “Go to” organisation enabling businesses to succeed in Bath.

Key Objectives 2017-2021 The key objectives of the Bath BID are:• To have delivered on our Vision and Purpose resulting in a successful ballot and third term renewal starting 1.4.2021, securing: Higher turnout 48-50%; Higher YES vote by value 8183%; Higher YES vote by number 76-78%. • To have a relevant team in place to deliver this business plan. • To enhance the Bath BID’s working relationship with key partners, putting effective service level agreements/contracts in place to deliver against agreed key objectives. Partners to include (but not exclusively) B&NES Council, WOE Mayoral Authority, Sponsorship partners, key project partners and ATCM. • To have effective monitoring and evaluation systems in place, to effectively measure the achievements of the company. • To have processes and delegations in place to enable the Chief Executive to work with strong governance, while enabling the BID to be fleet of foot and able to react swiftly to market opportunities. • To clearly position the Bath BID Company as a business led organisation. The voice of Bath businesses through developing Bath BID Businesses as the outward facing brand of the company.


Key Services Managing & Saving Bath BID Rangers Deep Cleaning, Rapid Response, Handyman Services, Business Liaison and Trade Waste Training. Bath BID Night Marshals and FAST Ambulance Response The service is delivered by the BID’s partner, SIA accredited, Safe and Sound which has an exemplary record working on behalf of Bath BID businesses in the city centre. Over the next 4 years the BID aims to develop it’s working relationship with the Universities and Bath College to sustain and enhance this services for the future. Bath Business Safe The Bath BID is committed to work with Bath Business Safe to deliver an integrated daytime and night time economy radio service, while enabling Bath Business Safe to retain its independence. Bath BID /SUEZ Trade Waste Service Introduced in 2013 the Bath BID/SUEZ trade waste service offer BID levy payers a cost effective nil to landfill trade waste service. It is the only services provider offering 13 collections per week. Over the 2016-17 financial year volumes have grown 24% primarily driven by recycling which has grown 64% in the period. A new BID/SUEZ agreement to March 2021 will enable the Bath BID to invest in a weekend Ranger service and enhanced trade waste education for customers. This collaboration is aimed to ensure that the BID/SUEZ and B&NES Trade Waste management aspirations are aligned and complementary and deliver the best possible solutions to make Bath an attractive destination 24/7. Managing the Streetscape of Bath In developing this business plan, Bath BID Businesses were surveyed and businesses from all sectors identified that there was an opportunity for more leadership and co–ordination from the Bath BID. Working in partnership with businesses, traders and the local authority, the BID will aim to create a single point of contact for street management issues.


KEY elements will include:

• Joint landlord, tenant, council, BID collaboration and investment.

• Redesigning street trading pitches, pricing structure and content.

• Enhanced wayfinding and street dressing.

• Enhanced retail promotional space.

• Cleansing and proactive street management.

• Promotional activity.

Implementation will be piloted in specific areas and subject to the success of pilot projects it is hoped that this model can be rolled out into other areas of the city centre in the future.

Managing & Saving



2010-2016 Rangers

Nightwatch & Purple Flag

Trade Waste

Community Payback

(1 Apr 2013)

to end 2014

Utility Savings



2017-2021 Rangers Weekend Ranger 2017-2018

Nightwatch & Purple Flag

Trade Waste

Bath Business Safe

Waste Education

Day & Night Collaboration 2017-2018

Union Street Project

A Board Enforcement & Education

Wayfinding Member of Steering Group

Managing Strategic Promotional Management Space 2018-2021 2018-2021


New Projects: VIA Developing & Innovating Group


Welcoming & Promoting Welcoming: Bath Business Welcome Pack In 2017-18 the Bath BID will produce a Bath Business Welcome Pack which will be made available on line and in print for all Bath BID Businesses and in particular new managers and businesses moving into the city. The guide will give details of what the Bath BID is, how it is funded and what the BID does operationally and strategically to enable businesses in Bath to succeed. It will provide contact details for the Bath BID team, details of how to book services (planned and rapid response) and also signpost to all of the other key organisations supporting businesses in Bath. Welcome Volunteer Resource and Mystery Shopping The 2014 Bath visitor survey gave Bath a 4.7 ranking out of 5 in the quality of the visitor welcome to the city. The BID is committed to identify options for retaining Bath’s high standards of welcome and maximise the Bath welcome and quality of customer service in partnership with Bath College, local media partner and a leading mystery shopping organisation. A pilot is planned for Summer 2017 for further development from Autumn 2017. Bath in Bloom The Bath BID will work with B&NES Council, Bath in Bloom and Bath businesses to use floral planting as a welcome tool throughout the city centre. This investment will not only improve the streetscape but also support social media interaction and wayfinding in the city.


Promoting: Bath Destination Management Plan The BID will work as a proactive member of the B&NES Destination Management Plan Steering Group and ensure that it delivers for the city of Bath in addition to the wider B&NES area. Footfall & Retail Monitoring The Bath BID has agreed a four year contract with market leader Springboard to measure both footfall and record retail sales. This investment will provide levy payers with information regarding the: • Overall performance of Bath city centre. • Performance of different areas. • Benchmarking of other UK regions and cities and UK overall. • Impact of major events. • Impact of economic investment. • Identification of trends. • Reports are anticipated from the beginning of the 2017-18 financial year. Citywide Promotions In light of the ambition of The Bath Festival to grow audiences and to build a significant force to promote the city and drive audience, the Bath BID representing Bath BID Businesses will be a strategic corporate partner of the new Bath Festival. The intention of this sponsorship is to drive profile, deliver enhanced audience numbers, greater customer and staff engagement and deliver a more contemporary and inclusive profile for the city. The branding will read supported by Bath BID Businesses. This investment is intended to be the start of a more strategic relationship with The Bath Festival over the next 4 years, developing a strategic partnership to deliver an anchor programme of 9 landmark concerts in the city delivering a live audience of 90,000 attendees. The remaining promotional spend is earmarked to support wider campaigns subject to agreeing KPI’s and robust partnership benefits for Bath BID Businesses, with partners. Promotion of Key Areas of Bath A key success in 2016-17 was the tangible targeted support the Bath BID was able to give to its levy payers when they worked collaboratively to promote their specific trading locations e.g. Walcot Street, Green Street, SouthGate. The Bath BID will allocate a budget to support levy payers in areas of the city who work collaboratively to promote their districts as distinctive destinations. The business plan has allocated 10% of the levy income received from a district.


Welcoming & Promoting

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016-2017

Bath in Fashion

Green St. Streetscape Enhancement

Bath Chronicle Retail Award

Independent Retail Month

Great Bath Feast

Ben’s Business Awards

Walcot Fayre Small Business Saturday

Christmas Lights switch-on Quiet St. solar trees

Bath in Bloom South West Silver Gilt Winner

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017-2018

The Bath Festival

Destination Management Plan

Independent Retail Month

Great Bath Feast**

Christmas animation

Ben’s Business Awards

Launch Concert Series**

Bath in Bloom


Jan Feb Mar Apr 2018-2021

Bath in Fashion**

May Concert Series** Country Living Live**




Independent Retail Month

Sep Oct Nov Dec Great Bath Feast**

Christmas animation

Bath in Bloom


Welcome Programme

Footfall Counters

Retail Monitor

KEY: **Provisional New Projects: VIA Developing & Innovating Group


Sector Specific Promotions

Funded by


Developing & Innovating To ensure that the Bath BID adapts its services to levy payers it needs to ensure it is agile and is able to adapt its services to changing regional and national market conditions. The key factors affecting the Bath BID 2017-2021 are:

• Devolution of funding and decision making to the Mayoral West of England Authority.

• Development of Bath Enterprise Zone.

• Opening of four new hotels and a casino – Indigo/Apex/Travel Lodge/Z Hotel.

• Commissioning of a Destination Management Plan for Bath.

• Sale of Bath Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases.

• High Court judgement in favour of the development of Bath Rec on 16.12.16.

• Retention of Business rates by local authorities.

• Roll out of digital connectivity.

• B&NES Council election.

Supporting the Professional and Creative Services Sector - Bath City centre The Bath BID is committed to support the development of Bath as a business location for high value jobs including professional and creative services sectors and continuing the BID’s membership of the B&NES Initiative (part of the B&NES Chamber). Bath Businesses - The Voice of Bath Business The Bath BID has a very positive reputation. Over the next four years the Bath BID Company will develop the terminology: ‘Bath BID Businesses’ to clarify that the company is funded by Bath levy paying businesses and that it is the voice of these businesses. In terms of the above the Bath BID will support the new West of England combined Mayoral authority, B&NES Council and the B&NES Initiative in their work to get the best deal for Bath and the BID will act as the ‘Voice of Bath Businesses’ presenting their views more proactively. A new commercial team will deliver a programme of proactive engagement maximising all communication channels including social media.


Developing & Innovating

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016-2017

Get Fit for Business*

Get Fit for Business

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017-2018 Get Fit for Business LEP Retail Group

Get Fit for Business

Get Fit for Business

LEP Retail Group

WOE Mayoral Hustings

LEP Retail Group

Get Fit for Business

Get Fit for Business

Get Fit for Business

LEP Retail Group

LEP Retail Group

Appoint Commercial Manager Roll out Bath BID Business Brand Business Improvement District

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018-2021

Programme of continual improvement and review

BID Renewal Review 2019

2 017-2021

A Voice For Bath Businesses

Enhanced, Targeted Communications


KEY: *in partnership with Business West and Bath Chronicle New Projects: VIA Developing & Innovating Group


Conclusion This plan has been produced in good faith with the intention of investing the levy contributions of Bath Business Improvement District businesses in a robust and transparent way. The plan has been based on developing the core strengths of the company and having resources in place to make the most of emerging opportunities while ensuring that the resources are invested wisely to enable businesses in Bath to succeed in the short, medium and longer term.

Bath Business Improvement District Third Floor, 21 Stall Street, Bath BA1 1QF T. 01225 430640 E. W.


Bath BID is a member of The Association of Town and City Management.

Published March 2017

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