news-optimist Regional
Serving the Battlefords since 1908

Cybersecurity Incident Disrupts
Local Co-op Services
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter

A cybersecurity breach has sent shockwaves through local Co-op services, affecting operations across Western Canada and hitting close to home here in the Battlefords.
Federated Co-operatives Ltd., which runs cardlock and retail locations, first alerted the community late Thursday about the incident through social media, promptly initiating the temporary shutdown of critical systems and engaging cybersecurity experts to assess and address the situation.
While some services, particularly those offering ‘clear fuel products,’ have partially resumed at certain cardlock stations as of last Friday June 28, challenges persist at local retail outlets.
The company cautioned on Saturday that ongoing system disruptions could lead to shortages in grocery inventories, a concern now facing local stores.
“We were able to actually get it up and running in 48 hours compared to everyone else [stores at other locations]. It’s pretty widespread (across Western Canada). I don’t know how widespread it is,” said Greg Ray, a clerk at Argo Centre Co-op in North Battleford, of the service disruptions at their carlock station from June 26.
Ray said some of his colleagues at other locations have resorted to old-fashioned methods like pen and paper to write invoices.
The incident has not only disrupted business operations but has also
reverberated through our community’s economic fabric.
Farmers, reliant on Co-op for specialized fuels like dyed diesel, known locally as “purple gas,” have been particularly affected by the disruption in communication with the Federated Co-op’s central systems, said Ray.
A recent hire at the Home Centre Co-op store, Christopher John Osorio, explained that due to the system outage, the store is relying on the senior clerks’ memory to manage inventory since accessing the store catalogue is not possible.
“We scheduled a delivery truck last Thursday, but the truck did not arrive. Maybe it’s also because of the system… because we cannot scan the items that have been delivered.”
Osorio added the customers have stayed patient despite the challenges.
“The system is loading a little bit longer… Inquiring an item is longer than expected. We’re just holding the line. It’s kind of frustrating, but fortunately, I did not see any complaining customers.”
Osorio said the team is making do with what’s available, they are hoping for a swift resolution to restore normal operations in the meantime.
As Federated Co-operatives continue to work tirelessly to resolve the cybersecurity incident, local residents are urged to check directly with their nearby Co-op locations for service updates and consider alternative options if needed until full operations resume.

Thursday, July 4, 2024 | Published every Thursday

Canada Day Celebrations

for the whole family.
Baptiste and Jaylen Head enjoy the Canada Day cake at Fort
Freelance Photographer/Reporter.

Because of the forecast for rain, the Canada Celebrations were moved inside the Access Communications Centre but there was still plenty to do
Here Taylor Bear, Talia
Battleford. | Photos by Averial Hall/
Zoe Becker and her mom Sarah Becker enjoy some quiet time at Fort Battleford on Canada Day. See more Canada Day photos on Page 23.
ConnectingVoices. BuildingBusiness
Find us on Facebook www.battlefordschamber.com

P.O. Box 1000
Nor th Battleford SK S9A 3E6
Phone: 306-445-6226

In an exciting new initiative set to transformcommunity engagement,the Battlefords& District Chamberof Commerce has unveiled its newest project, Local Link (Link Local). Designed as apioneering network of touch-screen kiosks, LocalLink aims to connectresidents,newcomers, visitors, and tourists with essentialinformation about the Battlefordsregion.
Scheduled to be deployed across strategic, community stand-alone locations, theseinteractive kioskswillser ve as digital hubs, offering comprehensive insights into the community’sofferings. From highlighting Things to Do and local events,toshowcasing Places to Stay, Eat, and Shop, the kiosks promise to be aone-stopresourcefor anyone exploring the region.
Th is in itia ti ve ma rk sa fir st -o f- it s- ki nd end ea vor in Sas ka tc hew an. Each ki os kw il lf ea tu re us er-f ri end ly interfaces complete with visually captivatingpictures and compelling stories, ensuring easy navigationand enriched userexperience.

Bu si ness es ,o rg ani za ti on s, an d community groups are encouraged to par ticipate in the project by securing al is tin gf or an om in al an nu a l fee, with seasonal packagesalso available. This collaborative effor tnot only promises heightened visibility but also aims to fostera vibrant local economy by local businesses promotingtourism.
The Chamberanticipates announcing thespecific locations of the kiosks upon the arrivalofa larger order, al th ough o ne uni ti sa lr ea dy ope ra ti on al at th eC ham be ro f Commercebuilding.Interested parties are invitedtovisit and explore the

LocalLinkKioskstoEnhance Community Engagement in the Battlefords
Gattinger,Intern, Battlefords & District ChamberofCommerce
ki os kf irs th an d, exp er ie nci ng its intuitive inter face and vastarrayofcommunityinformation.
As effortscontinue to buildarobustnetwork of information, all stakeholders areinvitedtojoin in showcasing thebest of what the regionhas to offer.Local businesses and organizations areencouraged to seizethe oppor tunity to be prominently featured on thekiosk platform
Local Link kiosks ser ve as digital ambassadors forthe Battlefords, offering acomprehensive guide to ever ythingthe communityhas to offer.For businesses, organizations, and community groups, these kiosks presentaunique oppor tunity forheightened visibility and enhanced engagement. By securing inclusiononthe kioskplatform,businesses can showcase their offerings—whether it’s places to stay,dine, shop, or ser vices offered—to adiverseaudiencethat includesresidents, newcomers, and tourists alike.
The network of kiosks also provides an innovative and environmentally friendlyoptionfor information, since many communities and organizations are minimizing the amount of guideand brochure printing being done. Once the project is up and operating, theChamber willlook to expand the networktomorelocations,with perhaps outdoor (all weather) units. Beyond that,the nor thwest regioncommunitiesmay considerjoining a“Connected Communities” networktoexpand thereachand benefits to all areasinthe region.
Par ticipating businesses gainsignificant advantagesby being featuredonthe Local Link kiosks:
1. Increased Exposure: Businesses canreach a broad audiencethrough an interactive platformthat attracts bothlocalsand visitors seeking information about theBattlefords.
2. Comprehensive Information: Eachbusiness profile on thekiosks can include details such as services offered,special promotions, contact information, and linkstotheir websiteorsocial media pages,ensuring potentialcustomers have all theinformationtheyneed.
SaskatchewanChamber of Commerce
Launches Platform for2024 Provincial Election
-Saskatchewan ChamberofCommerce
The SaskatchewanChamberofCommercerecentlyreleased acopy of “FuellingMomentum 2024”,a policyplatform forthe 2024 provincial election. The platformisbased on data from consultations and research, undertakenbythe Chamberwithmembers and theSaskatchewan business community.Itis intended to provide allSaskatchewan political parties with informationonthe priorities of Saskatchewan businesses
“Thisisa pivotaltimefor theprovince. We arepositioned to becomeacritically important partnerin addressing global food insecurityand energytransition. Over thecomingfour years, theSaskatchewan gover nmentneeds to continue to capitalizeonthe province’svastpotential to fuel growth and new investment,” saidPrabha Ramaswamy,CEO,Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.
The platform features fivepillarsthatare foundational to theprovince’sgrowth. Each pillarincludes several recommendations:

According to Ramaswamy, oneofthe most critical factors to supporting Saskatchewan in achievingits potential, is theconfidence of businessowners.
“Implementingpoliciestoincreasebusiness confidence will be critical to increasing business investment,which is essential to fullyrealizingthe opportunities availableinSaskatchewan,” she said.
TheChamber will be usingthe content of the “FuelingMomentum2024” policyplatform in allits advocacy work with political partiesinthe province, on behalf of Saskatchewan businesses, over the next fivemonths.

3. Enhanced Marketing: The visually appealing inter face of the kiosks, coupled with compelling stories and high-qualityimages, provides businesses with acaptivating platform to showcase theirbrand effectively.
4. Tourism/V isitorPromotion: For businesses in sectors like hospitality,retail, and dining, being featured on the kiosks canattractmore tourists/ visitors and encourage them to explore what the Battlefordshas to offer,thereby boosting localvisits andstays.
The Chamber encourages alllocalbusinesses and organizations to seize thisopportunitytoenhance their visibilityand connect with the community through Local Link. By par ticipating, businesses not only gaina powerful marketing tool but also contribute to the growth and vitality of the Battlefords region.
We wish to acknowledge the contribution and par tnership ofthe Battlefords Hotels Association and itsmember hotels in suppor ting thisproject.
Formore information on becoming par tofLocalLink or to inquire about the project, interested parties are encouraged to contact the Chamber office at 306-445-6226, visitin person, or emailpromos@battlefordschamber.com. Don’t miss your chance to enhanceyourcommunity presence— signuptoday and be par tofthe future of Battlefords’ community engagement with Local Link.

BusinessExpectations Index signals buddingoptimismasinterest ratesfall, but labour disputes couldspoilthe party.
-CanadianChamber of Commerce
The Canadian Chamber of CommerceBusiness Data Lab (BDL) has just released itsQ2Canadian Survey on Business Conditions Report, whichshowsbudding green shoots of business optimism, afterthe Bank of Canada’s first interest rate cut last week.The BDL’s Business Expectations Indexmoved into positiveterritory forthe first timein thepastyear,hitting 101.8inthe second quarterof2024, driven by abrighter outlook forsales. Businesses arealsolooking to hire in thecomingquarter, as thelabour market comesintobetterbalance between supply and demand.
“We’re encouragedbywhat businesses aresignaling. We’reseeing improved sentiment acrossmostsectors, abetteroutlook forsales, andfirmsare still lookingtohireworkers. In achallengingeconomic context, this is good news fromCanadianbusinesses. Unfortunately, severallabourdisputescouldflareupthissummer— potentially causingmajor disruptions acrossthe country forrailtransportation, ports andthe border.It’snosurprise then, that impacted firms seesupplychainobstacles worseninginthe near term.”
-Stephen Tapp, ChiefEconomistatthe Canadian Chamber of Commerce
While thereporthighlightsthat business obstacles aregenerally improvinginanenvironment of below-trend growth,widespread cost-relatedpressuresremain.
“Despite theslowdowninheadlineinflation, theshare of companies expectingtoraise prices remainselevated,”says Tapp. “Thisis somethingthe Bank of Canada will be watching closely.Ifthese cost pressuresare sustained —especially forwages —thiscould delay future interest rate cuts.”
Hour-long bridge blockade Monday ‘a total mess,’ travelers say

The bridge on Highway 4 south to the Town of Battleford and the Highway 16 Bypass by Humpty were in complete shutdown. Travelers said they want the old bridges to open. | Photo by Averial Hall/Freelance Photographer/Reporter.
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
The bridge on Highway 4 south to the Town of Battleford and the Highway 16 Bypass by Humpty were in complete shutdown June 24 due to a police matter.
The blockade lasted for about an hour at noon and caused frustrations among travelers.
“There were so many of us in the line and people were turning around and going down a different road. And it was just horrible,” said Zenda Braman, who at the time of the road closure was driving an elderly home.
“(There were) lots of trucks moving trucks, semis, half tons, quarter tons, all kinds of vehicles (stuck in the traffic),” Braman said.
A Voyent Alert has been issued to indicate these closures. The North Battleford Fire Department and Community Safety Officers are assisting. The local MLA was liaised to ensure the information was dispersed on the Highway Hotline for motorists, who were asked to detour if possible and to obey on-scene direction from emergency services, reported the City of North Battleford.
Braman said she wasn’t informed of the traffic detour during the bridge blockade, adding that it was difficult to watch her elderly passenger having to sit through the heat in the car for an hour.
“It was hard on us,” she said. “Someone should have come along and said something about why the road was closed.”
“The old bridges should have been opened,” Braman added.
The Ministry of Highways was contacted by the RCMP and said the Highway Hotline was updated Monday with the closure information.
Alexis Johnstone and her friends were stuck on their way to attend their high school graduation and scared that they were going to miss the ceremony.
“My friend wasn’t able to attend her graduation ceremony out of town,” Johnstone said.
“We would typically find an alternate route to divert traffic. A call out for other members as well as partner agencies takes place (highways, city etc.) and once we have resources in place we implement a plan.

“For this particular incident we would have tried to set up two way traffic on the other bridge to allow vehicles to move both ways,” wrote Commander Inspector Jesse Gilbert of the Battlefords RCMP in response.
As the situation was non-criminal, the RCMP cleared the scene and reopened the roads at 2:04 p.m., according to an emailed press release, with no additional details provided.
“It is unfortunate when these incidents happen, but we are
On June 30, 2024, Cut Knife RCMP received a report of a missing 26-year-old woman, Alexis Kahpeaysewat of Little Pine First Nation.
Alexis was last seen at approximately 11:00 a.m. on June 29, 2024 on 102nd Street in North Battleford. Since she was reported missing, Cut Knife RCMP have been checking places Alexis is known to visit and following up on information received. They are now asking members of the public to report information on Alexis’ whereabouts.
Alexis is described as approximately 5’7” and 170 lbs. She has brown eyes and long black hair. She was last seen wearing a grey sweater. A photo of her is attached.
Alexis has ties to Little Pine First Nation and the Battlefords, though her current location cannot be confirmed.
If you have seen Alexis or know where she is, contact Cut Knife RCMP at 310-RCMP (7267). Information can also be submitted anonymously by contacting Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or www.saskcrimestoppers.com.
Missing person_Alexis Kahpeaysewat. | Photo courtesy Saskatchewan RCMP
There were moving trucks, semis, half tons, quarter tons, all kinds of vehicles, all stuck in the traffic for an hour at noon June 24. | Photo courtesy of Candace Mack-Horton.
grateful to first responders who were able to provide immediate assistance and an expedient resolution, and we appreciate the patience of motorists when these matters take place,” said the City of North Battleford in an email.
With files from Averial Hall/Freelance Photographer/Reporter.


Bravo Edmonton
By R.H. Wood North Battleford
In my last article I said I would explain how to get Canada’s fiscal disarray into order. There is no secret or painless way that his can be done. The answer is twofold. Firstly, the government has to stop spending, especially on programs calculated to achieve votes in the coming election. Secondly, the only other route available is taxation or perhaps selling off less patriotic parts of the country.

The N.D.P./Liberal coalition has resulted in several non-self-sustaining vote catching programs, the exception being school dinners which will be delicious and, of course, most sustaining. A prime lacking requirement is an effective public relations team capable of explaining and convincing voters that taxes new or expanded are necessary and that each has a specific purpose and that the dollars will not be simply added to the fiscal money pot. Here are examples of what I am suggesting. G.S.T. or
V.A.T. (value added tax) is 5% in this country and is now paid with little comment or demur.
Here are levels in other countries – Australia 10%, Japan 10%, New Zealand 15%, U.K. 20%, Russia 20%, Hungary 27%, Sweden 25%. Apparently, each G.S.T percentage point in Canada equates to $1.5 billion or $15 billion at a 10% level. This sum would cover the new dental and childcare program costs.
Other countries have estate or inheritance taxation which is not unreasonable in concept coming at the close of one’s life. Gifts of money or divestings are back dated by 7 years in the U.K. This rule applied to us after settling in Canada. Estate taxation would be a considerable source of money which could be directed to Pharmacare.

These suggestions cover the recently thought up social programs which we may be unwilling to forego. General and personal taxation increments would be directed to the deficit which Chrystia assures us is being progressively reduced. Unfortunately, the national debt service costs cannot be erased. The debt itself is a millstone monument to fiscal mismanagement for which elected representatives and officials should be held accountable but are not.
The loss of a safe Liberal Toronto seat and the disastrous Trump/Biden debate viewed worldwide need to be considered together. Firstly, the combined Liberal/NDP votes in St. Paul exceeded the Conservative total. The message is that the Liberal and NDP parties need to formally unite

and field conjoint candidates in all marginal ridings. Secondly, the semi- senile Mr. Biden needs to be bidden an immediate goodbye. Meanwhile our unpopular P.M. will have to stay the course and not further add to political instability at this time. Mr. Putin must be
laughing his head off – I am not, who is?
Sadly, the Edmonton Oilers lost their final Stanley Cup game against the Florida Panthers. The team and their supporters proved themselves Canadian hockey-world ambassadors.

Gordon Brewerton: Senior Vice-President, Prairie Newspaper Group
Advertising Sales - Sales Manager: Candace Mack-Horton
Administration: Kylie Cooke • Elisha Parkinson
Reporter/Editor: Cleo Ding
Reporter: Sherri Solomko • Photographer: Averil Hall
Elaine Woloshyn, Eric Callbeck, Kathy Utri, John Bowyer, R. H. Wood
Mailroom - Manager: Melissa Pitkeathley
Scott Foster • Donna Smith • Anamarija Barna
Horticultural Therapy – Part I
By Patricia Hanbidge
Lead Horticulturist
Horticulture therapy is a formal practice that promotes a natural sense of wellness. The focus is on goal centered activities with defined outcomes that encourages participants to engage in the natural world around us. Plants are part of our natural world and have been an important part of life forever. Historically, they have provided food, medicine and shelter while today they are often removed from our daily life. It seems that each day is not long enough to complete the necessary duties at home and at work so our leisure time has also been compromised. Our levels of anxiety, stress and impatience are rising and we look for instant fixes for all aspects of our lives.
Perhaps what we should be doing is pausing, reevaluating our priorities and basically slowing down the merry-go-round of life. When was the last time you charged your personal batteries? Why not spend a little bit of each day doing some therapy–just for you? Maybe a little bit of plant based activity might be worth a try. It is a well-known fact that horticulture therapy is a recognized way to improve the quality of your life spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.
Learning about horticulture therapy is a recognized and important part of a journey to become a horticultural professional. Better yet, sharing this journey with community members is also very important.
Nature and natural environments are fulfilling areas that are still basic enough to fill
the mind but not overwhelm. Nature, just by herself can reduce stress and be restorative. Like HT, it allows the client to focus on safe, and yet fascinating things, so letting the mind relax is possible. However, at the same time, development of motivation, the release of feelings and increased cognitive abilities all seem to happen magically. How can we really explain how a soft breeze on our face can be calming and invigorating? Why do flowers make us happy? How can we enjoy watching bees buzz around the garden for endless amounts of time?
There is no way of emulating the sun, the breeze, nature in its entirety and the ambiance of being outside. However, there are many climates that are too hot, too cold, too windy, too wet or some other climatic event that makes it difficult to keep the clients comfortable when Mother Nature is showing us her power. For programs that are outdoors, harnessing her power by creating safe “microclimates” that allow for the program to be offered. Sheltered areas out of the wind and keeping the clients shaded from the power of the sun are all good considerations. However, allowing the sun to shine on the clients when it is earlier or later in the day evokes warmth and wellbeing.
Being a part of nature even in small ways allows magical things to happen. Combining elements pertaining to life and to people should always be part of the HT system. Creating environments that allow for growth of both entities and weaving the interrelated cycles of life of plants and animals are integral to a successful program. The parallel process of
2nd Annual ‘Sizzler’ Art Show to Celebrate Battlefords and Area Artists
By Miquel Fenrich
The Battlefords Art Club is excited to host their ‘Sizzler’ Art Show & Sale on Saturday July 11 from 10:30–8 pm and July 12 from 10:30–4 pm. The Sizzler will be held at the Chapel Gallery, 891 99th Street, North Battleford and will be free and open to the public. The show is featuring nearly two dozen artists, whose work has been created using a variety of styles and mediums ranging from alcohol ink, acrylics, water colour, jewellery, cards, resin, and more.
Practising an art form, whether it is visual, music, drama or writing is a wonderful, fulfilling way to spend time, creates community and enriches life and the lives of the community and it has been shown to reduce stress and one is never bored!
For more information please email: battlefordsartclub@gmail.com

Jean Dunn, (left to right) Lorraine Vogeli, the second by Pam Beaver, the third by Faye Erickson. | Photos submitted by Miquel Fenrich.

in horticulture therapy can reduce stress and enhance overall well-being by reconnecting with nature through goal-centered activities. |
human life and plant life is elemental and each has the ability to shape the other. Biological processes are also shared and together have a profound effect on determining the future.
It is our hope that by sharing a little bit about horticulture therapy with you in this column we will also pique your interest in perhaps trying out some horticulture therapy in your lives.
Hanbidge is the Lead Horticulturist with
Orchid Horticulture. Find us at www.orchidhort.com; by email at info@orchidhort.com; on facebook @orchidhort and on instagram at #orchidhort.
Tune into GROW Live on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/orchidhort or check out the Youtube channel GROW https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCzkiUpkvyv2e2HCQlFl0JyQ?

North Battleford Implements Candidate Criminal Record Check Bylaw
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
The North Battleford City Council has approved a new bylaw June 24, mandating that candidates for Mayor or Councillor positions in future municipal elections must provide current Criminal Record Checks (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector (VS) Checks as part of their nomination papers.
This decision, passed during Monday’s Council Meeting, reinforced the
City’s commitment to transparency and public trust in local governance.
According to The Cities Regulations under The Cities Act, CRCs and VS Checks must be obtained from the RCMP no more than 30 days before Nomination Day. For the upcoming 2024 Municipal Election, this deadline falls on October 9, 2024.
While the CRC and VS Check results will be made public after the withdrawal deadline for candidates on October 10, 2024, they will only
indicate the presence of a criminal record without specifying details such as convictions or offences, the city says.
Candidates with such records have the option to address this information publicly, as it becomes a matter of public record accessible at the local courthouse.
Processing of these checks by the local RCMP Detachment requires five business days and incurs a fee of $35, borne by the candidates themselves.

Paintings by (top)

a $10,000
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Akeira Anseth from Cut Knife and Jadyn Bugg of North Battleford have been named to the roster of the 16U/15U Women’s White Selects competing at Canada Cup.
Canada Cup brings together Canada’s next generation of high-performance athletes to compete for their home province in a national championship. The 2024 event takes place in Calgary July 24-28.

Canada Cup is a critical piece of the talent development process in Canada with over 300 athletes covering a four-year age span in the high-performance pathway.

By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
An April media release highlights a donation from ADAMA benefitting the Glaslyn ball diamonds as part of the “All in on your stomping grounds,” a new initiative to help fund community projects across the country,. The money is earmarked
for various improvements that will include a new concession booth, equipment storage facility, portable pitching machine as well as going towards new fences and washrooms.
The community of Glaslyn has seen an increase in children under the age of 11 playing ball. This funding to help with improvements will create a better equipped ball park that
will meet the growing needs of their ball programs, as well as encourage more children to play ball in the community.
The media release included this statement, “We could tell how important it was for ADAMA to support the Glaslyn Recreation Board on this project,” said Cornie Thiessen, general manager for ADAMA Canada. “Initiatives like this

are the reason we wanted to create All in On Your Stomping Grounds, and we’re looking forward to using the fund to continue to help improve communities all over Canada.”
ADAMA Canada has been supplying the Canadian agricultural community with crop protection products for more than a decade. ADAMA is the seventh largest crop protection company globally with sales in 100 countries and has the largest portfolio of any company with over 270 active ingredients.

Glaslyn Recreation Board members are happy to accept
cheque from ADAMA Canada for improvements to their ball diamonds. | ADAMA media release photo

Sask atchewan Leadsthe Nation in Retail Trade
Retail salesinthe province surged by 8.5per cent,totaling$2.2billioninApril 2024 (seasonallyadjusted), compared to last year.Saskatchewan’snation-leadingretailtrade numbers show theprovincialeconomy is strong andcontinuingtogrow. Ourretailers aremeeting consumer demandsand drivingsignificanteconomicgrowth. This in turn is creating more jobs and opportunitiesfor thepeopleofour province
Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, MLAfor TheBattlefords office@jeremycockrill.ca 306-445-5195

Annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration
a Success Despite Rainy Setback
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
The annual National Indigenous Peoples Day pancake breakfast on June 21 in North Battleford faced a challenge this year as a sudden downpour threatened to dampen spirits.
“It was a dark start to the morning, the sprinkles turned to a full-blown down pour. The lightning lit the sky and everything was soaked. The decision was made to head over to the AgriVilla and host the breakfast there, where people could be dry and the entertainers could perform for everyone,” recalled the Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre (BRT6HC) planning committee.
Despite the weather, the community rallied together to ensure the event’s success.
Throughout the day, artisans, guest speakers, drummers, dancers, singers, and elders showcased their talents and traditions. The event also catered to school children, providing pre-packaged breakfasts and books, and ensuring that younger generations were engaged in the cultural festivities.
With a theme centred on resilience, this year’s celebration marked several firsts, including increased sponsorship from local businesses and community organizations.
“This is the first year that we had sponsors ready door prizes this year, with more speakers and role models,” said the planning committee, adding the event aimed to highlight the strength and diversity of Indigenous cultures, with representatives from local member bands playing pivotal roles.
“We have partners this year, we have loaded in kind this year to the Battlefords in which the Friendship Centre is doing our coffee and tea service,” said the planning team, underscoring the collaborative effort that made the event possible. Despite facing logistical challenges with a committee of six and a tight six-week planning window, the organizers pulled together historical elements and modern conveniences seamlessly.
The Mayor of North Battleford, David Gillan, emphasized the event’s significance in fostering community inclusivity and celebrating cultural diversity.
“It’s a very important day, it’s important to come together in the community,” Gillan said. “Our Indigenous culture is so large, such a big prominent part of our communities. So we want to celebrate that today.”
As the day concluded, Gillan reflected on the event’s growth and its importance in bringing people together.
“Every year it will grow bigger and bigger,” Gillan predicted, emphasising the event’s role in promoting positivity and resilience within the community.
The resilience demonstrated in overcoming adverse weather conditions mirrored the theme of the day itself, celebrating the enduring spirit of Indigenous cultures and the strength found in unity.
With files from the Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre (BRT6HC) planning committee.

News Optimist newest reporter/editor enjoys the pancake breakfast as she gets to know the different citizens of

Lyric Alberts, Miss FSIN is from Sweetgrass FN. Has a passion for outdoors, archery and the Cree Culture. She is a 3 time Provincial Gold Archery champion. Won a gold medal at the North American Indigenous Games in Halifax. Lyric lives a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. Education is very important to her. She encourages her community to set goals and follow their dreams. Nothing is impossible.

talks about how important community

Mayor of Battleford
Cleo Ding,
North Battleford
Receiving the necessary items for the pancakes such as syrup and blueberries
Lineup started for yummy pancakes and sausages.
Wet and stormy morning but the Pancake Breakfast went ahead anyways but at the Agrivilla. | Photos by Averial Hall/Freelance Photographer/Reporter.
From Tornadoes to Pow-Wows: Western Development Museum’s Eventful June

Dorothy M. Mills Correspondent
The Western Development Museum in North Battleford has been a very busy place for tourists stopping to tour through the village buildings and inside the museum. School Kids Day was held on June 6th and 7th with many school children and their chaperones and some parents as well. There were many very interesting things for them to see and some things for them to take part in. They all went away a happy bunch. June is First Nations month and they have been doing a lot of different activities at the museum. They
come in and set up all their Tee-pees and hold a feast for all. Then later in the week, they did a big powwow and native dancing and lots of different costumes. The elders were storytelling to anyone interested. There were close to 2000 attending.
On June 21st they had a pancake breakfast that had to be moved to the Agra Villa due to rain showers.
The Museum has also been kept very busy in the different rooms of rentals such as birthday parties and funerals. The museum staff have been kept busy with a lot of woodwork doors and window frames in the yard and the village. The big hip-roof barn is going to have a fresh

coat of paint soon. They have their summer students for the summer months.
We are at last getting some warmer weather to bring on the summer storms. Most of May and June have been chilly days. One or two nights the temps did drop down to show white frost in low areas. There have been some pretty good rain showers to get the crops all started, and also to help out with the northern forest fires. Farmers have been doing seeding for a while now. Busy now with weeds and pests approaching there are different frogs and grasshoppers about.
Stanley and Walter Mills on a
recent trip to Saskatoon made a short stop at Borden to visit with Kay Leech. She has moved from her little house across the street to Borden Senior Home.
Remember to take care while out walking near thick grass and trees as there still seems to be a lot of nasty ticks about just waiting to jump for a new ride on you or your dogs. Many people have been gathered with them. Now we are into the season to expect all sorts of weather conditions. On this past Sunday, we had a wild nasty fresh storm pass through our area in Battleford. All we got was a thunderstorm and heavy rain. There were storm warnings on T.V. It did cover all of southern Sask reports of hail the size of golf balls. Several twister tornado warnings for different areas. No damage if they touch the ground. This is the season for this type of weather conditions and storms.
My husband Stanley and I will always remember June 30, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. the Mills farm at Baljennie got hit by a tornado that destroyed most of the farm buildings and hedge trees. Some damage was done to the townhouses. We were both okay but it did take months or more to rebuild up again. Our neighbours and friends were there to help us out.
Dignataries in the Grand March. | Photos by Averial Hall/Freelance Photographer/Reporter.
Dancing in the Grand March under a cloudy sky.
Rae Paddy with her mom Sydney after dancing in the junior girls jingle dance and then receive $10 for her dance.
Golden Age dancers.
Two friends holding hands while dancing in the Powwow.
Ladies line up in their colourful regalia.
Borden Friendship Club Celebrates Birthdays and Music at Monthly Potluck

Lorraine Olinyk Correspondent
The Borden Friendship Club held their monthly potluck supper on June 27th in the Borden Community Centre with over 50 out to enjoy the evening. After the great meal, birthdays were recognized for May and June with May birthdays celebrated were Evelyn Skarra, Julia Bezugly, Annabelle Wiebe and Rosann Carr and for June recognized were Florence Neufeld, Dianne Winters, Sharon Ass-
Meota news
man, Elaine Gunsch, Anne Palmer, Sandi Long and Mel Brooke. Six more celebrants were not present for the supper. After telling a few jokes Ed Neufeld announced the entertainment for the evening–the duo of Aven Grace from Borden and Barbara Leavins from Dinsmore who played guitars and sang numerous country and gospel songs. Aven and Barbara had been recognized at the Sask Country and Gospel Music Awards held recently, with the duo winning four Silver Heart awards for Signs of His Grace written by Aven and she won six Silver
Heart awards and a plaque for Coordinating the 2024 Canada Convention. The pair have been singing together for 16 years and will be heading for the USA in the fall to the Country Gospel Music Awards. Some songs sung were Side by Side, Waltz of the Angels, You’re My Best Friend, Little Mountain Church House and Wings in the Morning. Aven has written many songs, some with the help of Barbara, and near the end they did signing to Signs of His Grace, then closed with May The Good Lord Bless and Keep You. The next supper for the
Friendship Club will be July 25th at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Centre with games and Celtic Country providing the entertainment. The club will provide burgers, hot dogs, buns and dessert with members bringing salads and side dishes. The club holds no business meetings over the summer, so none until September 11th. (photos) Winning the 50/50 draw at the Borden Farmers’ Market on June 28th was Heather Penner of Borden. Every week there is a 50/50 draw at the market so when you drop in for lunch don’t forget to get your ticket.
Meota Car Show Returns with Over 150 Vehicles and Family Fun

Eric Callbeck Correspondent
The newly organised local car club “The Lakeside Cruisers’’ will host a second Meota car show. The bigger and better show will be on July 27 at the all diamonds and surrounding area. The executives of this new club are President Rick Kissick, Vice President Terry Tait, Secretary Carole Chapman and Promotions Director Jenna Kissick. To date, a registration list of over 150 vehicles has been received. Neighbouring clubs from North Battleford and Lloydminster are giving full support to the new club. In this endeavour. To date three food trucks have given notice of their intent to attend so bring your appetites and families to make this a fun-filled outing. A special invitation was sent to last year’s show stopper; a 1920s Cadillac Thi was one of the first V8’s made and only two are known to still exist. A variety of vehicles are expected to attend. They will include Walter’s 1928 Chev
Coupe, other antiques, hot rods, fancy trucks and hot rods. Hopefully, they all fall under these categories.
Entries are free but donations can be given. Profits will be directed to children’s programs in the village. The display is to start at 10 am and run to 2 p.m. For further inquiries contact Rick Lissick at 780 214 0173 or email at Meota arshow@hotmail.com.
From our local news, we would like to welcome home some of our locals. Albert and Carole Huys recently returned from their Alaska cruise. They found their clothes packed with a toque and gloves where appropriate. Their tour of Denali National Park was good with great scenery. The ports of call all added to a good adventure. One downfall of the trip was the availability of superfoods on demand. A bit difficult on the scales so I have been told!! Dave and Marion Ottas returned from their west coast trip. They enjoyed their leisurely car ride down through the NW states and seeing the majestic redwood
forests is always something which lingers in our memories.
Coming up on July 20 will be the Lion’s annual Pasta night. This is the 10th of their supper nights. Some great local talent will entertain and funds raised will help in the building of the children’s playground project.
Local activities for the past two weeks are Canasta June 22 HF winners Gwen Lacerte and Eric Callbeck. 2nd Linda Ard and Gail Hilderman. Bridge 1st Tuesday Anne Crozier and Vern Iverson 2nd and Linda Killoran and Catriona Winterholt. Thursday bridge 1st Jean Lawes and Margaret Dyck. Senior Golf winners Kent Morton, John Patterson, Bernie Gregoire and Eric Callbeck.
June 28 Canasta HF 1st Cora Christianson and Eric Callbeck 2nd Gail Hilderman and Arlene Walker HKF 1st Bridge Tuesday 1st Cathi Williams and Donna Scherman 2nd Annette Crozier and Vern Iverson. Thursday 1st Vern Iverson and David Sharp 2nd Jean Lawes and Fraser Glen. A special event of the

to raise funding for Alzheimer’s research raised
May & June birthdays: (Standing) Sharon, Dianne, Mel, Elaine, Florence, Sandi, (Seated) Anne, Julia, Evelyn, Rosann, Annabelle.
Barbara Leavins and Aven Grace signing the song Signs of His Grace at Friendship Club supper June 27th.
$1180.00. Winners of this bridge event were 1st Jean Lawes Eric Callbeck 2nd Anne Crozier Cletus Scherman 3rd Vern Iverson and David Sharp.
Seniors. Golf for June 27 had the foursome of Kent Morton, Lucille Gregoire, Lloyd Ward and Eric Callbeck taking home the honour with a five-underpar. The VIPs of the team; Kent and Lloyd made some
outstanding shots and led us on to victory. Consolation for the day with a score of 38 went to Larry Dyck, Bernie Gregoire, and Sandy McVitte. Condolences go out to Dennis. We will all miss her.
The blue 1968 Trans Am (1968 Firebird) is shown with owners Allen and Deborah Steinacher.
A 1956 Chevrolet with its owner Lyle Meikle
The convertible is a 1956 Cadillac with its owner Llana Shury.
The old car is a 1928 Chevrolet with its owner Walter Tait.

On behalf of Council and residents of Battleford, we would liketo acknowledge and congratulateall thoseindividuals who are graduating this year. Even though graduation is asignificant milestone in your life, it really is just thebeginning of your journey.Wewishyou the best of luck whether you are, joining the workforce,going off to college, universityortrade school.

Take time to celebrate your successesthis summer, make timeto spend withyour parentsbefore youventure off and make afew lifelong memories withyour friends.
Remember, no matter where your travels takeyou into the future, the Battlefords will always be home, agreat placetolive, work, play and to raise afamily.
Ames Leslie, Mayor– TownofBattleford

of theJPIIPROM heldon Saturday,June 1st, 2024

Albert,Brooklyn Albert,Charity Amul,Prince Bailey, Reese Bala,Marielle Barker,Layla Bauer, Ajay Bell, Joshua Belleperche,Morgan Bongosia,Lou Borschneck,Jesse Buchko,Brodie Bugg,Taylor Butt, Jacob Cadrin,Evan Carrera,Charisse Daniela Carrera,Clarisse Danica Castaneda, Ma.Sophia Chapman, Zadee Cherniavska, Yeva Cheyne,Taryn Cortez,Shawn Cuthand, Kreasha Dedal, Yllah Dequena, JanMatthew

Dowling, Cameron Eddie, Morgan Fa,Olesja Falsis,Rianna Gauthier,Jacob George,Esther Georget, Mia Graw,Lexxi Gubbe,Deacon Henderson, Xaira Holcombe,Melanie Holhoyi, Ryder Iron, Nola Jesney,Brielle Johnson, Nathaniel Jurisic, Elena Kabuya,Raphael Kahpeaysewat,Adam Kambale, Esther Kennedy,Amanda LaFleur, Jolean Larocque,Rayven Lessard-Bird, Dawn Liebaert,Danika Lightfoot,Shanielle

Malikin,Oleksandr Marodza, Tyrone Mbwebwe, Maki McCabe,Torne Mendez,John Miller, Jaden Moccasin, Haidyn Montgrand, Zeanna Moore, Alesha Muzyka,Myles Nachtegaele,Zoe Nelson, Wyatt Odishaw, Macey Oporta Valle,Nojamy Orchison, Owen Osecap, Seren Parsons,Jacob Paskemin,Priseis Passmore, Kailee Patel, Yug Pekas, Kiera Plett, Nathan Poitras, Treyton Poynting,Anicah Ramsay-Martell, Christian
Rillo,Asher Rita,Charlez Schmidtz,Von Schwab, Jayden Sigue, SarahVeronica Sitter-Vany,Natalya Soriano, Lanz Marru Spence,Owen Swiftwolfe,Calvin Swiftwolfe,Emerson Swiftwolfe,Lanel Thomas,Arpitha Tokle, Kylie Tourand, Brodee Urlacher,Carson Villaruel,Brixter Wandler, Makayla Whiteford, Kelsey Wolfe, Michael Wood,Hallie Wood,Meredith Woytowich-Morash, Rachel Wright,Jayden Xavier,Erin

Moccasin, Hanson
Albert, Wacee
Pooyak, Davey Jean
Arcand, Deedra
Houle, Christian
Houle, Lucas
Pooyak, Jose
Bonaise, Delleah
Thomas, Miquiella
Kasokeo, Tavyn
Pooyak, Sonny
Paules, Kearra
Merasty-Blackbird, Chenaye
Stanley, Danneka
Wahobin,Cadence Stanley, Raenah
Wahobin, Shinayah
Missing Photos: Kaydence Mosquito
Paules, Kyleigh
Starchief, Dominic

North BattlefordComprehensiveHigh School
Congratulations 2024 Graduates

Konnor Ahenakew-Sapp
Camille Almayda
Muhammad Areeb
Jorja Baptiste
Noel Blackstar
Cody Blais
Brooklynn Blind
Samiyah Blind
Levi Boggust
Taggert Buchko
Rayna Bueckert
Alivia Burnett
Ashten Carlson
Alizah Carter
Xandria Checkosis
Thalia Cheyne
Jorja Chmelnyk
Harley Davidson
Tifa Dezic
Michelle IzbenDominguezVarela

Dayne Doshen
Connor Dunits
Tessa Eaton
Amanda Foulds
Ethan Frey
AllieGar tner
Joseph Germsheid
Daltan Gerstenhofer
Sonny Gladue
Ar wenGunderson
Newt Harlington
Cash Hartley
Carson Hawkes
Noah Heintz
Cole Hnatiw
Ryan Holm
Hayley Hutchison
John Illingworth
Joseph Jackson
Mekdes Jensen
Carter Johnson
Huntur Johnson
Halynn Kahl
Taylor Kahpeaysewat
Ryan King
Randen Kramer
Kelly Kurysh
Shaelin LaFleur
Reis Lang
PresleyLaver tu
Jacob Lawrence
Nation Louis
Ryder Mitsuing
Saamia Mohammad
Eden Monchuk
Jareda Moosomin-Mooswa
Ameri Nighttraveler
Ivan Ochuschayoo
Daniel Ogum
Hudsyn Oxebin
Jersey Ozeroff
Hailey Park
Roman Parkhomenko
Alexander Pete
Ty Peterson
Nicholas Prescesky
Eric Price
Ar vinRabino
Alec Ramsay-Mackenzie
Owyn Rawlyk
Dylan Risling
Jazz Roan
Chase Rober ts
Marco Rola
Julia Rosin
Katelyn Russell
Jessica Ryan
Dominic Rye
Daxon Scherman
Hayley Scherman
Junior Semaganis
Hana Shaarawy
Elaina Spence
Presley Starr-Arcand
Tyson Stone Jr
Jayson Sydoruk-Lennie
Carter Thiell
Kenon Tootoosis-Spratt
Eve Tucker
Jaxson Ulmer
Declan Wall
Rowan Westwood
Stetson Winterholt
KolbyWoodwor th
Treycen Wuttunee

Notice of Annual General Meeting Friday, July 12, 2024
Hafford Communiplex, Hafford, Saskatchewan Registration: 6:00 P.M. Supper 6:30 P.M. Call to Order: 7:00 P.M.
Vern’s Pizza to be provided by the Hafford Co-op.
Prize draw to be drawn for at the meeting.
• Review 2023 Financial Statements
• Management Reports
• Resolutions • Election of Directors
• Appointment of Auditors for 2024
• New Business
NOTE: Nominations for Directors must be completed and returned to Hafford Co-op by 5:00 pm on July 5th, 2024.
Motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, rock trucks, packers; wide range of machines. Lots of work all season. Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d.
Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca
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Whereas apollisnot requiredpursuant to TheLocal Government Election Actfor theofficeof:
MAYOR: Resort Village of Aquadeo
Iherebygivepublic noticethatnovotingfor thesaidofficewill take place andthatthe following personiselected by acclamation: PETER DELAINEY
DatedatAquadeo,this25th dayofJune,2024
Alexandr ia Bernier, ReturningOfficer

Resort Village of Aquadeo
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of:
Councillor: Resort Village of Aquadeo
(2) Voting will take place on the 27th day of July , 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Community Hall Basement, Aquadeo, Sask AND
(3) Advance Poll will take place on the 20th day of July , 2024, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. at the Community Hall Basement , Aquadeo, Sask
(4) I will declare the result of the voting at the Resort Village of Aquadeo Municipal Office on Monday , the 29th day of July , 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Dated at the Resort Village of Aquadeo, this 25th day of July , 2024
Alexandria Bernier Returning Officer

Notice of Advance Poll Resort Village of Cochin
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) An advance poll will be held for the election of:
Mayor: Resort Village of Cochin Number to be Elected – One (1)
Councillor(s): Resort Village of Cochin Number to be Elected – Four (4)
(2) Advance Voting will take place on Fr iday the 12th day of July from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Resort Village of Cochin municipal office, 1006 Highway 4 North.
Dated at Cochin, Saskatchewan this 4th day of July, 2024.
Coleen Kitching Returning Officer

Notice of Poll Resort Village of Cochin
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A poll will be held for the election of:
Mayor: Resort Village of Cochin Number to be Elected – One (1)
Councillor(s): Resort Village of Cochin Number to be Elected – Four (4)
(2) Voting will take place on Saturday the 27th day of July from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Cochin Community Hall.
(3) I will declare the results of the election on the 29th day of July, 2024, at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Dated at Cochin, Saskatchewan this 4th day of July, 2024
Coleen Kitching Returning Officer
Land Description: 1461 108th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan Lot 7 Blk/Par 5 Plan No B3419 Ext 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date
8. Property sold "as is". Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance
10. Lot includes home, and one shed
11. Water, electricity and gas are disconnected
12. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
13. Minimum Bid: $53,492.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab "Land Tenders". For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on July 31, 2024. All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked "Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender-108th Street" and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291-102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
1141 109th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan Lot 16 Blk/Par 95 Plan No C4240 Ext 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance
10. Lot includes home
11. Water, gas and electricity are disconnected To get the gas reconnected an ‘energization number’ will need to be provided
12. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
13. Minimum Bid: $58,215.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on July 31, 2024 All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 109th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
Dr. Masimango Kambale
MD (Kinhasa) MMed (Int.) Pretoria
*Bethesda Medical Prof Corp.* (102031986) Specialist Internist
Address: 10040 - 12th Ave North Battleford, SK S9A 3A4
Phone #: 306 445 3355 Fax #: 306 445 3356
To Patients And Colleagues
Please note that I will be relocating my practice to Ontario.
Patients are advised to contact their family physicians for help or if needed, to contact the following internists offices:
• Dr S. Koshoedo, Tel 306 4454415, Ext 2.
• Dr M. Khurana, Tel 306 4464303
Thank you for your understanding.
Dr. M. Kambale
Borden news

Maidstone Legion Donates to School Breakfast Program

Kathy Utri Correspondent
Maidstone Legion President, Dennis Noble and Secretary, Inga Grimley were pleased to present Maidstone School Principal, Brennan Becotte with a $1000.00 donation for the school’s Breakfast Program. (picture)
Maidstone Disc Golf League Week 9 top averages: Tier 1 Matt Sayers -7.13, Tier 2 Andrew Williams +1.57, Tier 3 Greg Mercer +12. Drawn winners: Brendan Donovan won an Innova Mako3 in the champion plastic disc and Wes Bolig won an awesome toque donated by G3 Canada (Maidstone).

Maidstone Gully Multiple 4-H Club wrapped up with Awards Night in June. Another delicious potluck supper was enjoyed by all who attended. Results for 2023-2024 are Aggregate (1st) Winners–Junior Livestock Karli Myer, Intermediate Livestock Isabelle Harbin, Junior Multi Logan Gerlinsky, Intermediate Multi: Mickey Blyth, Senior Multi Tristan Blyth; Aggregate (2nd) Winners: Intermediate Livestock Jayce Myer, Junior Multi Jacob Gerlinsky, Intermediate Multi Jayce Myer; Record Books (1st)–Cloverbud Landen Myer, Junior Karli Myer, Intermediate Isabelle Harbin, Senior Tristan Blyth; Record Books (2nd)–Cloverbud Olivia Carson, Junior Logan Gerlinsky, Intermediate Jayce Myer; Questionnaire Karli Myer; Speech–Cloverbud Landen Myer, Junior Jacob Gerlinsky, Intermediate Isabelle Harbin. Thank-you’s were given to sponsors, leaders
and parents; perfect attendance, project completion and leader plaques were distributed. Each member’s cup had a number on it and at the end of the evening, they chose from the prize table in that order. A year-end fun event is planned and the club will continue to look after the 4-H Park in Maidstone throughout the summer. Canada Day in Maidstone was a wonderful day of celebration. We are very fortunate to enjoy our freedom and our country. Thank you for the awesome support of all the activities. With Monday night (July 1st) being my deadline, I won’t have a Canada Day report till next week. Maidstone Museum would like to thank all the volunteers who helped us before and on Canada Day. Special thanks to Cliff Metherall for the telegraph demo, Greg Rigden for the blacksmith demo and Yellowhead Ramblers for the music. The museum raffle draw was made at 3 p.m. on Monday. Winners were: $500 Diamond 7 Meats cards–Crystal Rosenthal and Currie Agro, $500 fuel Angeline Deschambault and the huge garden dump wagon from Synergy Credit Union–Dennis Maertz. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for your support. Winners of the Scavenger Hunt in Delfrari-Victoria Park were: 1st prizes–Amber Schempp and Dima/Mazen Halabi and 2nd prizes – Maddie Smith, Katie Mosher and Lacey Johnston. Thank you to Maidstone Museum Kids Fund for sponsoring this event. There’s only ONE WEEK till your Jungle Journey begins: July 8 to 12 (9:30 to 11:30 a.m.) All kids 5 and older are welcome. Contact Melanie Pompu by Facebook Messenger to register.
Maidstone Legion #142 President, Dennis Noble and Secretary, Inga Grimley present a $1000 cheque to Brennan Becotte, Principal of Maidstone Schools for the School Breakfast Program.

Worship Together

12thAve. &104thStreet,North Battleford, SK S9A1S8
PASTOR:Rev.FatherMillanSajonasOffice: 306-445-3836 Mass Times: Saturdays: 7:00 pm Sundays: 11:00am& 5:00 pm (exceptJuly& August) Sundays: 9:30 am St.André’sChurch Email: nddelourdes_nb@padiocese.ca •www.notredameparish.ca

Wild tiger lilies found west of Richard, SK. | Photo courtesy Rachel Combres
Canada Day Celebration