news-optimist Regional

By Angela Brown

By Angela Brown
North Battleford residents will see more work on the city’s laneways now that city council has approved another tender.
At its meeting Aug. 12, council approved a bid for upgrades for the back laneway to cover two blocks, from 11th Avenue to 13th Avenue, between 102nd and 103rd Streets.
The city noted lane milling and paving in the downtown area is a multi-year project with a budgeted amount of $80,000 in 2024.
Council accepted administration’s recommendation to accept the lowest of two bids, from G & C Asphalt, for $69,019, which works out to $34,509 per block.
Administration noted the cost per block is similar to what the cost would be in prior years.
Council also granted $10,000 for contingency costs for the project if needed.
The city also added that just prior to tender, there was a request to include the 1000 block, or 10th Avenue, between 102nd Street and 103rd Street to the project. However, in his report, James Johansen, City Director of Engineering, Planning, Asset Management & Infrastructure, said construction work in that area will be underway shortly as the city recently sold three lots of land
adjacent to the lane, so it made more sense to wait until after that was done to accommodate service connections during the process.
He added that city administration can use contingency funds to gravel and grade the lane to improve its condition this year, and complete the 1000 block in a future year following construction. As well, administration recommended a $10,000 contingency cost to address minor changes to the work required, based on site conditions that may be different than predicted.
Coun. Kelli Hawtin noted businesses on the 1000 block were concerned about the state of their alley, so she hoped the city could convey to them what the city plans to do.
“They were concerned about how it is being maintained until it can be milled and re-asphalted,” she said. “So, I’m just encouraging administration to keep in touch with those business owners to make sure that they understand what we’re doing or we’re not doing, and how we can maintain that, maybe for one more year, before we fix it up.”
Administration confirmed in the interim the city would still do some work on the 1000 block for maintenance of the laneway.
The city also plans to speak to the businesses to communicate to them what the city plans ahead.
Lane milling and paving in the
is a multi-year project with a budgeted amount of $80,000 in 2024.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
The name Cole Reschny is becoming synonymous with Saskatchewan hockey success story. Previous stories on SASKTODAY. ca have outlined past accomplishments that the 17-year-old forward, born and raised in Macklin, continues to chalk up.
Reschny’s 2023-24 season with the Victoria Royals of the Western Hockey League made him the highest scoring 16-year-old in team history, marking 21 goals and 32 assists, totaling 53 points. This placed him second on the team in scoring.
Being selected for the Hlinka Gretzky Cup as part of the U18 Team Canada experience, Reschny has been the subject of multiple posts on social media outlining impressions hockey writers, enthusiasts and organizations are excited about when referring to one of Macklin’s finest.
Casey Leigh, with a number of sports accreditations listed on his X page states, “Cole Reschny ….The Victoria Royals star is someone I’ll be watching at the Hlinka Gretzky Cup. He reminds me of Kraken’s 2024 first rounder Berkly Catton.”
Macklin product, Cole Reschny, right, along with former Saskatoon Blazers team mate, Reese Hamilton, proudly show their gold medals earned with Team Canada at Hlinka-Gretzky Cup, U18 international hockey event held Aug 8-11 in Edmonton. Saskatoon Blazers / Twitter
the X social media platform brings up a number of enthusiastic posts about this emerging hockey superstar.
A number of Macklin residents and Reschny fans traveled to Edmonton for the games, including Grandpa Ernest and Grandma Paulette, who drove back and forth every game.
but we communicated with text messages on how proud we were of him each and every game.”
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The Canadian Hockey League, on the X platform, posted an interview with Reschny which stated the Saskatchewan player is excited to represent his country and to use the 2024 Hlinka Gretzky Cup to kickstart the NHL draft season.
The WHL posted that Victoria Royals forward, Cole Reschny, led Team Canada in points after the round robin portion of this showcase hockey event.
Searching his name on
Paulette said, “I couldn’t even begin to count how many Macklin people came to support Cole but we were so proud, and thankful, of the community for their support.”
While the Reschny grandparents say they might not have known about these games if they didn’t have someone in them, they were filled with joy at the experience of seeing their grandson shine on the big stage.
“We didn’t get to see him at all during the tournament
A large Reschny support sign was seen waving enthusiastically in the crowd on the television broadcast after one of the goals was scored by the Macklin product, showcasing the fan base this west-central player had in attendance.
Team Canada would win their semifinal against the United States putting them in the gold medal game, where they beat Czechia by a score of 2-1, continuing Team Canada’s dominance at this event.
The website, as of Aug. 11 with the event concluded, showed Reschny at number five in the player stats. In five games played, he earned seven points with three goals and four assists.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
A busy softball season for Battlefords Bandits included multiple teams competing in Softball Saskatchewan provincial events.
The Battlefords played host community to both U19 provincials and U15 Western Canadians, showcasing their diamonds venue. Fans offered many favourable reviews for the venue itself, along with groundskeepers and volunteers who manned these events.
The U19 Bandits were the only Battlefords Minor Softball team to capture a
provincial medal, earning silver at home. This earned them a berth to Western Canadian U19 championships held in Irma, Alta.
The Bandits struggled against opposition that represented the best teams from B.C., Alberta and Manitoba but did manage a decided victory over Medicine Hat, who were playing as Team Alberta 2.
The Bandits’ bats knocked in 14 runs defeating their opponents 14-2.
Both offence and defence kept the host team from Irma, Alta., on their toes in the following matchup, however the Bandits were
unable to overcome a onerun deficit and lost to their hosts, 10-9. This eliminated the Bandits from playoff contention, thus ending their season.
It was all B.C. as they swept the podium, with Langley winning gold and Vancouver winning silver at this Western Canadian Championship.
Ball team success stories don’t happen without the commitment of their minor sports association – all volunteers. The dedication of team coaches and managers are also a key contributor to a great experience for players and fans alike.
By Helena Long Freelance Reporter
The Unity Cardinals are the 2024 Senior AA Tier 2 provincial champions, defeating the Lashburn Cardinals in the gold medal game, in Unity, Aug. 11. Unity hosted the tourna-
ment with all four teams competing for the title playing their first games Aug.
9. Lashburn defeated the North Battleford Beavers in a close 4-3 game, while Unity beat the Standard Hill Lakers of Maidstone 10-4.
Note: The Beavers recently took Lashburn out
of the North Saskatchewan River Baseball League playoffs, winning a bestof-three semifinal, and Standard Hill did the same to Unity.
Round robin games continued Aug. 10, with the host team winning over North Battleford 11-6 but
With a Lashburn runner watching closely, Garin Scherr, playing third base for the Unity Cardinals, tries to field an unlucky bounce.
Lehman pitching for the Lashburn Cardinals in the 2024 Senior AA Tier 2 provincial gold medal game.
es, putting them both out of provincial playoffs despite being the teams which have advanced to the NSRBL final.
ending the day with a 13-1 loss to Lashburn. Lashburn also ended the day with a 2-1 win-loss record, having lost 13-11 to Standard Hill.
In the North Battleford/ Standard Hill game, the Beavers won 18-7 so those two teams each ended with only one win and two loss-
With no tiebreaker necessary, Lashburn and Unity met in the provincial final Aug. 11. Having suffered the 13-1 loss to Lashburn the night before, Unity was ready for revenge and had a 10-1 lead by the end of the top of the sixth.
Lashburn had last bats and mounted a comeback
in the bottom of the sixth, scoring five runs to make the score 10-6. Despite the large crowd in attendance, there was not a sound to be heard as each pitch was thrown in the seventh. The Unity Cardinals weren’t able to add to their lead in the first half of the inning, but Lashburn, despite getting a couple of runners on base, wasn’t able to add any runs either so Unity claimed the championship.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
The North Battleford Beavers senior men’s baseball team has one goal in mind, another North Saskatchewan River Baseball League championship.
The team has earned their way to the league final by defeating both
the Glaslyn Orioles and Lashburn Cardinals and will now play the best-of-three final series Aug. 14, 20 and 22 against the Standard Hill Lakers. |The Lakers meanwhile beat the Mervin Flyers and the Unity Cardinals to get to the final series.
Game one will be at Beaver Lions Stadium at 7:30 p.m. The team will play game two on the road and, if
a game three is needed, it will be back at home Aug. 22 also with a 7:30 p.m. start.
Consistent on both offence and defence, the team has the added bonus of being awarded the league’s top pitcher and top hitter. Gavin Nolin was named the NSRBL top pitcher while Andrew Hudec was announced as the league’s top hitter.
Hudec led the league at the top of the stats board with 56 at-bats earning a .571 batting average.
Nolin was listed on the league’s stats board as the leading pitcher with a 1.46 earned run average.
The Beavers scored 28 runs in their semifinal series against Lashburn and will continue to count on their bats to help win the final series.
The team is counting on fans in the stands to help cheer the team to another league championship. Results will be posted on the league website https://www.nsrbl. com/teams/default.asp?u=NSRBL&s=baseball&p=news or the team’s Facebook page.
This series will wrap up baseball in the Battlefords until next season.
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Phone: 306-445-7261 Fax: 306-445-3223
(In reply to James McLane’s letter to the editor, August 8, 2024)
In your letter to the editor, you made it clear that you took great offense to a segment of the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies that depicted a large feast of at least 17 performers in drag. Conveniently ignoring that there are clearly more than 13 performers, that the Olympics are of Greek origin, and that the performance’s artistic director explicitly references Dionysus, the Greek god of winemaking and festivity, you expressed concern that the performance was mocking the Christian “Last Supper”. You are free, of course, to hold that incorrect opinion. I am responding not because of your opinion, but because of your multiple references to “freedom of religion”—a right which you clearly do not understand.
The right to freedom of religion in the Canadian Charter protects the rights of everyone to follow and practice their religion. It unequivocally does not prevent others from parodying (any) religion, even if it hurts your feelings. It is of utmost importance as Canadians that we understand that, with narrow exceptions, none of us have the right to not be offended. This is a good example of why high school civics classes are so important: with an education curriculum developed in 1992, we’re long overdue for an update that focuses on both our rights and our responsibilities as citizens in the age of outrage culture and pervasive social media.
Kind regards, Dr. Brady Bouchard, MD, MPH
To the Editor;
Oh, well, why worry–Soon there’ll be no birds to kill.
Every so often someone will write a letter to the editor stating that solar power cannot be of any use because the sun doesn’t always shine.
He (well, it’s always a man) will never give any solid evidence to back up what he says or writes, because he has none.
I will tell you of my small experiment. Without looking up the year I’d say it must have been six or eight years ago that I Bought a motion–activated solar light to put at the back door.
Installation: one step–ladder, one measuring tape, one screw driver.
It was in late October and for one full week clouds covered the sun. Then one day I walked up the back steps and bingo! The light came on!
It has been working ever since, rain, snow, sun, hot, cold; even a leaf blown past will activate it.
There are two farms in my area which have operated on solar power for years and I would like to invite myself to visit them.
There are some houses in the city to the west of me which have small solar panels. Another comment I’ve read about solar power from these “experts” is that all houses are not situated in the right direction. Well, solar panels, free standing, can be situated in the “right” direction.
I am prompted to rattle off this letter because a company wants to build a “wind farm” near the territory of the last of a caribou herd.
Wind farms! What a name! I have been told by people who have seen it that these wind farms kill birds.
By R.H.Wood. North Battleford
We could all operate on solar panels if we had financial help to get going. I sure would. All farms could collect huge amounts of water, too, into underground cisterns under the very large buildings now on a lot of farms. One inch of rain on the roof of this house equals one hundred barrels of rain water. There are three cisterns on this farm.
The government of Saskatchewan is pushing the idea if small nuclear reactors. The important word is “small”. If it’s small it must be quite harmless of course. Like a tick, or a mosquito, or a Black Widow spider.
We fought off the plans of a giant nuclear power plant in our area–Those who would have built it, over a fresh water reservoir, had put aside one million dollars to brainwash us into meekly complying. Isn’t it odd how money pops up for certain endevours and not for others.
Isn’t it odd that governments seem so ready to aid the “wind farms”.
The longer a government is in power the more chances there are that it will become arrogant, that it will do what it wants behind our backs, especially when it takes big donations from big businesses.
I would like to tell people that just because one or two windmills are likely not damaging to birds, huge installations likely are. Why do governments seem more interested in these, and in nuclear power than in the gift of solar power?
I don’t suppose it has anything to do with Big Business, and Money.
Christine Pike
Since Parliament is in well earned recess to permit our M.P..s time to go on the barbecue circuit in their ridings and gauge their chances in the next election there is very little material for worthwhile comment. Ubiquitous Mr. T. came perilously close to the Jasper fire situation when he visited Hinton to examine maps of the disaster. Mr. Guilbeault so far has not claimed success for his carbon tax and how invaluable it has proved in this crisis. He is doubtless working on control of lightning strikes, hailstorms and isolated downpours. Mr. Phillips, our most seasoned weather man has been seen on T.V. explaining yet again dryness and wetness. He reminds me of Mr. Biden –please retire.
I did, however, see Mr. T. on the T.V. drooling over Chrystia’s latest vote winning temptation for first-time home buyers. Extending the mortgage amortization period from 25 to 30 years modestly reduces
regular payments by approximately 10%. The lifetime total cost is moderately increased. Truthfully there is no saving at all and you are condemned to paying off your mortgage when your kids and grandchildren are relying on you for financial support. My Saskatchewan real estate mortgage book (United Real Estate Inc.) shows rates of 13% and more with repayment periods of up to 50 years – give me strength!
Our decidedly non-charismatic Minister of Health, Mark Holland, has been in the media extolling the dental plan destined to be a solid molar in the Liberal
platform. Why “molar” –because these are your millstone grinders from which the word molar is derived. Unfortunately, a millstone is also a serious heavy burden, especially a financial one. For even ardent armchair sports fans, the nonstop Olympic coverage must have proved totally exhausting. The Canadian participants have done us proud. Calisthenics good –head spinning not so much. While looking up the correct spelling of “calisthenics”, a Greek word meaning combined strength and beauty, I discovered a new word immediately before it in my dictionary – “callipy-
gian” which is unquestionably appropriate in several Olympic events. It is also a word of Greek origin as are the games themselves and means “perfect buttocks”. Beach volleyball readily comes to mind.
The killing of three young children by a teenager in Southport, England deeply affected us. This community is just north of the city of Liverpool and where we lived for a number years and was a great favourite of my mother. It was originally a seaside retirement community with quiet streets and impressive older dwellings. Lord Street, which passes through the centre was fa-
mous for classy shops. My brother for many years was organist at St. George’s church which dominates the street. The world-famous Ainsdale golf course is nearby. We would attend the Floral Concert Hall where world-class entertainers would perform. Now the reputation of this town has been besmirched by tragedy which seems to be a sign of the times. What is happening to society, why is it happening–who has the answers? Individual and collective aggression abounds yet our forebearers strove for peace. Something to dwell on during this barbecue season.
Gordon Brewerton: Senior Vice-President, Prairie Newspaper Group
Advertising Sales - Sales Manager: Candace Mack-Horton
Administration: Kylie Cooke • Elisha Parkinson
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Mailroom - Manager: Melissa Pitkeathley
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Submitted by Organizers of Memorial for Halifax III Bomber MZ311
CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, U.K. — A dedication to honour and remember the British and Canadian crew of Halifax III bomber which crashed into Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in the early hours of Aug. 26, 1944, is being held in England on Aug. 26 this year.
The seven-member crew all perished in the crash. Two of the airmen being remembered are Hugh Hamilton of North Battleford and Elton Freeman of the Cabri area.
Hugh Brannan Hamilton Air Gunner Pilot Officer
Hugh Brannan Hamilton (J/89908) Royal Canadian Air Force has relatives attending from Saskatchewan: Ian Hamilton (nephew), ex-mayor of North Battleford, and his wife Charlotte along with their daughter Kerilyn Voigt (great-niece) and son Aiden Voigt (great-great nephew).
Having successfully laid the sea mines, and subjected to a considerable amount of German anti-aircraft fire, MZ311 set off on their return journey to RAF Breighton, Yorkshire from La Pallice, the commercial deep-water port of La Rochelle.
MZ311 crashed on Cleeve Common escarpment above the Cotswold town of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. None of the crew survived.
The memorial dedication takes place on the 80th anniversary of the crash. The service will be conducted by Air Vice-Marshal Ron Hesketh CB RAF [Rtd], former chaplain-in-chief to the Royal Air Force.
This service will bring together more than 40 of the relatives found by Judith Wordsworth (Cheltenham GA pilot) and Nick Price (RAFA Cheltenham branch member). Those attending are from Canada, the United States, New Zealand and the UK including: daughter of the Pilot Flight Lieutenant Howes (RCAF); grandson and great-grandson of Flight Sergeant John McArdle (RAF); step-daughters of Wireless Operator Sergeant Harris (RAF); many nephews, nieces, great-nephews and nieces and great-great nephews and nieces and cousins of Flight Lieutenant Howes, Flying Officer George McCartney (RCAF), Air Gunners Flying Officer John Glenn and Pilot Officer Hugh Hamilton (both RCAF).
Joining the relatives will be Colonel Jonathan Bouchard MSM, CD representing The High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom and The Royal Canadian Air Force; The Royal Air Forces Association; MPs for Cheltenham Max Wilkinson and Tewkesbury Cameron Thomas (ex RAF); members of Cleeve Common
Trust; Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller KBE; Royal Air Forces Association, Cheltenham Branch; Constable Edward Stortz, Windsor Police Service, Canada laying a wreath on behalf of the relatives of the crew of MZ311 and Wing Commander Ian Evans, LLB MA RAF Officer Commanding 78 Squadron, Swanwick. A piper from RAF Pipes & Drums and trumpeter from RAF voluntary bands.
RAFA has commissioned a painting of MZ311 by the Guild of Aviation Artists, Michael Daley MBE. Weather permitting, there will be a flypast by an RAF aircraft and a Royal Canadian Air Force C130 in salute to fallen comrades.
A Tale of Bravery
With the end of the Second World War almost in sight, a fact unknowable at the time, these seven young airmen bravely took to the air in Halifax bomber MZ311 in the late evening of Aug. 25, 1944, and into the teeth of enemy flak and night fighters as they had done so very many times in the preceding months. Several of the Royal Canadian Air Force crew trace their roots to England and Scotland. Britain depended on vital supplies from North America and the Empire in the Second World War. These had to be transported in merchant ships across the Atlantic Ocean, where they could be attacked by German submarines (U-boats) and warships. The U-boats were based in massive pens that were well-protected by air defences and almost impervious to bombing. Laying mines in coastal areas close to the pens was a vitally important means of destroying U-boats or impeding their transit.
On the night of Friday, Aug. 25, 1944, Bomber Command operated a total of 1,311 sorties — 412 aircraft assigned to
attack the Opel Motor Works at Rüsselsheim; 196 aircraft to attack Darmstadt; 334 aircraft to attack Brest; 182 training aircraft on a diversionary sweep across the North Sea; 68 aircraft assigned to Patrol Duties; 47 aircraft on Radio Counter Measures; 36 aircraft to attack Berlin and 22 other targets; six aircraft on resistance work; two aircraft assigned to a preliminary reconnaissance of the various targets and six aircraft laying sea mines (gardening) off La Pallice in the Bay of Biscay, the deep sea port of La Rochelle, of which MZ311 was one.
This gardening area was known as Cinnamon and Young Cinnamon. “Gardening” was the RAF term given to dropping mines from bomber aircraft into the sea. The mines were “sown” near ports and harbours, inland waterways, estuaries and in busy shipping lanes. The goal was to disrupt enemy naval activities and hinder shipping traffic.
Having completed their hazardous mission off the west coast of France they returned towards the safety and comfort of their home base at RAF Breighton in Yorkshire, some unknown occurrence caused them to perish in a crash on the Cleeve Common escarpment, overlooking the Cotswold town of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire, during the early hours, approximately 02:20hrs on the morning of the 26th August 1944.
A small fragment of aircraft wreckage was found on Cleeve Common in August 2020 and was identified as being the final remaining part of Halifax MZ311.
Research by Judith Wordsworth (a local General Aviation pilot) and Nick Price (RAFA Cheltenham committee member) over the last year
identified and located many of the surviving relatives of MZ311’s seven-man crew.
The simple stone marker with a plaque bearing the names of the lost airmen at the site where the aircraft crashed, was erected by Cleeve Common Trust and unveiled (Dec. 7, 2022) in a short ceremony organized by the Cheltenham Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association.
The courage of these men, alongside their contemporaries, to launch repeatedly into the night knowing full well that the odds against their survival were very high, is simply astonishing by any measure, which makes their loss on their way home and over English soil even more tragic.
The statistics on aircraft and crew losses serve to remind us of the horrendous cost paid by Bomber Command as it sent out its crews night after night.
The tribute Sir Winston Churchill paid to Bomber
Command: “All your operations were planned with great care and skill. They were executed in the face of desperate opposition and appalling hazards, they made a decisive contribution to Germany’s final defeat.
The conduct of the operations demonstrated the fiery gallant spirit which animated your aircrews, and the high sense of duty of all ranks under your command. I believe that the massive achievements of Bomber Command will long be remembered as an example of duty nobly done”. We owe our freedom today to the unflinching courage and determination of these men, and a key role of the Royal Air Forces Association is to ensure that we, and others, proudly and thankfully remember them as we do with this Memorial and this dedication on 26 August 2024.
The next Barn Quilt workshop is scheduled for Goodsoil on August 26 to 27 at the Community Hall.Two more will follow, with place and times TBA.
Submitted by Vicki Dutton
The “ Open Hearts, Open Minds Barn Quilt” painting workshop featured nineteen eager creators from ten surrounding communities who came together in Paynton for the two-day event. Each participant designed and painted a 4 x 4 board panel (or a two foot square if it better fits their display space) using acrylic paint. The colourful squares, which range from quilt patterns to free-
hand murals, are meant for outside.
Bonnie Mills Midgley noted that the murals would be a lively statement of the project and a source of inspiration for years: “I hope they bring smiles to people’s faces!”. Going on to say that quilting has been an essential part of bringing communities together for years, and while these workshops take quilting to a new dimension, they are doing the same for participants today. Adding that the reviews from partici-
pants are excellent!
Rivers West District for Sport, Culture and Recreation envisioned, coordinated, and partially funded this project, with major funding provided by a Federal Program called New Horizons for Seniors. The District’s branch of the Saskatchewan Seniors Fitness Association also financially supported this initiative.
Paynton was the first of four workshops in 2024.
By Sherri Solomko
Freelance Reporter
Softball players, coaches and fans will easily recognize the five names listed to be inducted into the 2024 Softball Canada Hall of Fame
Don Bates, listed with a North Battleford connection, will be one of five Saskatchewan inductees in 2024 for Softball Canada.
The induction ceremony takes place Nov. 7-9 in Saskatoon.
Information taken from the Softball Canada release
includes details on the many contributions and the remarkable careers of the five men being inducted.
Bates is an admired coach, mentor and teacher, who was on the coaching team for Canada’s men’s and women’s national teams, which included medal wins at Pan Am Games, Three Nations Challenge and World Championship.
Bates’ commitment to softball also earned him induction into the Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame as both a team member and a builder.
He has served as a pitching instructor across the province for more than three decades.
Other Saskatchewan inductees include Saskatoon’s Trevor Ethier who has a long resume that includes playing and coaching, representing Team Canada on a number of occasions. Ethier is also an inductee in the Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame.
Bryan Kosteroski, also of Saskatoon, has made and continues to make so many significant contributions to Canadian softball and various regional organizations.
His resume is long and includes a pivotal role in the growth and development in Saskatoon.
Chairing numerous big ticket softball events in Saskatoon – numbering 27 events – along with his other volunteer roles, Kosteroski has earned several awards. His dedication earned him Softball Canada Volunteer of the Year in 2010, the Canadian Sports Tourism Event Volunteer of the Year in 2016, and the Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame Builder Award in 2017.
Melfort’s Keith Mack -
intosh is another inductee and has served in a well-respected career in Canadian softball both as a player and a coach. Numerous medals were won and multiple players were positively influenced by his role as a high-performance coach for Softball Sask. He was inducted into the ISC Hall of Fame in 2017.
Wynyard’s’ Gary Skjerven, who has made significant contributions as an umpire and mentor, was also selected for this honor. His officiating crossed multiple major Canadian
championships, as well as Canada Summer Games, ISF World Championships, Pan American games and World’s Cup.
He has also served as supervisor and technical commissioner. He has served as Deputy Umpire in Chief with both the Sask. and Canadian softball organizations for 10 years.
Skjerven has been awarded the Softball Sask. Umpire of the Year multiple times and he is also an inductee into the Softball Saskatchewan Hall of Fame, in 2023.
Lotteriesand Gaming Saskatchewan provided $1.16 millionto750 groups and organizations across theprovinceduringthe first quar terof2024-25. These charitable gaming grants suppor thundredsofcharitableand nonprofit groups throughout Saskatchewan,helping to keep ourcommunities strong andvibrant.
Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, MLAfor TheBattlefords
By Elaine Woloshyn Correspondent
The countryside was looking green and lush with the ponds, sloughs and marshes like sparking jewels among the dark green grass and trees, but what has happened? The scorching hot temperatures had Mother Nature changing our prairie landscape ever so quickly. Farmers are desiccating the pea fields while some have combined the fall rye. Every farm site one passes has the harvest equipment getting last-minute checkups to make sure it hits the field in good working order. The full moon always appears to be so large and dark orange this time of the year. The name “harvest moon” is ever so beautiful as is the moon itself lighting up the night sky.
A 65th wedding anniversary was a treat to attend as many couples aren’t fortunate to get to celebrate this
milestone. Two Saturdays ago Jean and Duane Massett of Rabbit Lake invited relatives, neighbours and friends to help celebrate this special occasion in the Rabbit Lake Community Hall. Their anniversary is the end of this year but summertime travelling is less of an obstacle for family travelling (especially from Ontario).
Duane told me they eloped to Montana which is almost unheard of that many decades ago. Everyone always has different interesting stories of their life once in their senior years. Many hilarious stories! Enjoy many more special healthy years together, Jean and Duane. There was lots of action at the Leoville Trail Riders Rodeo, August long weekend. Rodeos on a smaller scale are much more enjoyable than the larger ones. This one had different events which makes it more fun and entertaining to watch and I’m sure the participants think so
also. Most of them know one another and they cheer on others. It’s not costly to be a spectator and is an enjoyable outing in a great outdoor northern setting which once was a farmer’s pasture.
I knew a few local participants and among these were Lauren Liebaert (née Huard) and three children from Mayfair and Julie Ann Scott and four children from Mullingar. It’s not always about winning but rather the comradeship amongst the participants.
Julie Ann and Jack Scott’s eight-year-old son Trigg won first in the “rescue race” with adult Tim Haryung. Georgia Scott tied for second place in the “pole” event. From Saskatoon but formerly from Mullingar, 21-year-old Kylie Salisbury (Patrick’s daughter) won in the women’s barrel racing.
A great weekend with the weather co-operating made it much more pleasurable for participants and spectators. A concession was on site for
the hungry crowd.
Deepest sympathy to the family of 32-year-old Levi Miller from North Battleford (formerly of Rabbit Lake). It’s always way more difficult to attend a funeral of a younger person. He was in a tragic vehicle accident a month ago. This was held Aug. 6 in the community hall in Rabbit Lake with many young people in attendance; it was speculated that over 400 packed the hall with many standing. Levi’ parents along with his grandmother reside in this village.
The last name Klippenstein is well known in the Rabbit Lake area. Kathy Covert (née Klippenstein), age 70, recently passed away from battling cancer. Before extensively travelling the world, she graduated from Rabbit Lake local school.
The gypsy lifestyle is what attracted her with a guitar in one hand and few belongings in the other. In Europe for four years, Covert couldn’t
have done much travelling without her Eurail pass. She entertained troops and their families in many countries and spread the word of God. In recent years her and her
Continued on page 9
Many spectators filled the bleachers, with some standing and others sitting on the ground to watch the
Continued from page 8 fun-packed weekend at Memorial Lake, August long weekend. A tasty pancake breakfast was hosted by Ben and Brenda Richter and it was a potluck for the evening meal to which everyone contributed. Much laughter, storytelling and games were enjoyed by young and old.
There must be many frogs in that area because the younger ones were racing around catching these critters. One can play many pranks on others with a slimy frog or toad in their hands ready to escape down one’s back!
The farthest away member hailed from Sparwood, B.C., others from various locations in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Karen and Eric Kuffert reside on a farm near Rabbit Lake and their brother Vic and family reside near Spiritwood. Irene (Willy deceased
many years ago ) from Saskatoon was delighted to have attended this reunion. Their eight children’s names are Vic, Tim, Allen, Diana, Eric, Dave, Victoria and Julie.
Tom Cochrane is a big entertainer. We all know the many tunes from way back to the early ’80s era. He is a prairie boy born in Lynn Lake in northern Manitoba and has travelled the world extensively. He was the Saturday night’s entertainment at the Saskatoon Exhibition and I was fortunate to be a spectator amongst thousands of other fans.
Cochrane is an international legend and has been the recipient of tons of awards. He’s travelled to Africa nine times, Asia twice and sang for World Vision; trips in Afghanistan; youth for Haiti; raised mega money for Parkinson’s disease and has given tremendous support
to many other worldwide causes.
He has compared to one of his biggest hits “Life is a Highway,” been travelling for many decades and, with the twists and curves in a highway, life can easily be compared to that. Tom Cochrane says, “The highway has been a good teacher. I’ve learnt a lot from her, it stretches out before us like a canvas.”
Another area family reunion of 50 relatives in the area of Rabbit Lake – a rewarding one brought together local and other relatives from faraway countries July 6. This information is told to me by Dolores (Mal) Buckingham of Rabbit Lake. Jason and Lauren Swarbrick’s mother was Betty Allen, formerly of Mullingar, who
in 1967 moved to England. Ruth is married to Gordon Healy and resides in McDowell, near Prince Albert. The one-day joyous event was held locally with much reminiscing, laughter and a great meal. People from London, England; Lyle Dubrule from London, Ont.; Ken Dubrule from North Battleford; others from Melbourne, Australia; Turtleford, McDowell and Speers.
In Saskatoon Broadway Theatre I was fortunate to buy a ticket to see “Sixteen” performed by 14 musical teenagers, done in such a manner that brought all kinds of mixed emotions to the crowd. It is amazing to see an abundance of youth displaying their talent on stage. With the hot weather we are experiencing, thundershowers are in the forecast. Take shelter if it’s really close as bolts of lightning can be deadly. Stay safe!
August 14 14TH TH -16 -16TH, TH, 2024
Magicshow! 12pm,2pm,& 6pmOutside Stage
Kiddos pullingwithall theirmight!1pm until 8pm -Grass Act
Amotorcyclestunt show 3pm, 5pm, &7pm -YardAct
Athletic canines 1pm, 4pm, &6:30pm -Food Booths
10am -12pm &1pm -5pm Final @7pm
Thursday,Foot Classes
10am -12pm &1pm -5pm Final Showcase @7pm GRANDSTAND
Friday 7:30PM -Comedian, writer,& actorMattFalk!
Thursday,August15th, 2024 9:00 AM Light Horse– Jr.& Sr.Performance
Friday, August16th, 2024 9:00 AM Light Horse– Jr.& Sr.Gymkhanas
Cool Castle @Barn(12pm-8pm) Pony Rides @Red Barn (12pm-8pm)
Petting Zoo RedBarn(12pm-8pm) FORTHE ADULTS
Nevada 50/50 @4-Plex(12pm-10pm)
PrizeBingo @Agrivilla (12pm-11pm)
The BattlefordParade Committee 2024 sincerely thanks the many volunteers, the clubs, the groups, the businesses, the children, and all who participated in this year’sParade.
Aspecial thank you to the volunteers who assisted in the many tasks it takes to organize and produce the Parade and Fireworks.
Please thank and support the following sponsors for their generous donationstothe 2024 BattlefordFireworks Show:
By Lorraine Olinyk Correspondent
Thanks to the Village of Borden and the RM of Great Bend, the Borden Community Centre was quite full on Tuesday, Aug. 6 and filled on Aug. 8 to watch Savannah Sutherland at the Paris Olympics 2024. The village had put up a large screen on the stage and, on the 8th, prior to the race, the RM supplied free burgers and drinks for all who attended.
The Borden fire and rescue members did the barbecuing.
It was an exciting time for all in attendance as Savannah was introduced each time.
CBC and Global TV stations were in attendance Aug. 6, and on the 8th Global was there recording everything.
The Star Phoenix also covered the event as Savannah was very much on the front and third pages of the paper.
Many of Savannah’s rel-
David, Glenn(in back), Sheri & Michelle Sutherland - uncles & aunts of Savannah at August 8th event
atives were on hand at the hall and some of them were interviewed.
On Team Canada, a rising star who caught their eye and someone to watch for in coming years, was 21-yearold Savannah, an Olympic newcomer, who reached the final in 400m hurdles, finishing seventh in a race where a new world record was set. She also ran in the women’s 400m relay, running the second leg the fastest in a time of 50.06 seconds. Way to go, Savannah and good luck in your future endeavours.
Radisson Agricultural Fair was on this past weekend. In the mini tractor pull the winners of the mini tractor trophies were: ages three/ four, Riggs Jonescu; ages five/six, Taylor Pidwerbesky; ages seven/eight, Zenon Lesko and in ages nine/10, Pasha Beaudoin.
The parade Saturday morning featured many
floats, vintage tractors and vehicles. Leading the parade on horseback were Earl and Dianne Kieper, followed by the RCMP, Randy Weekes MLA, a bike rider and dressed up children walking. There were floats and vehicles decorated by Lakeland Regional Library, Town of Radisson, Radisson Farmers Market, Radisson Skating Club, Sunridge RV, Alex Scott Family, Affinity Credit Union, Radisson Museum, Grain Connect Canada, Radisson Car Wash, Elevation Ag Service, Hosegood JMH Equipment Repair and the Nutting Family who threw out Mardi Gras necklaces.
Vintage vehicles were a yellow Cadillac, Irwin Hamp and Chevy Coupe, Dodge Big Beaver truck, Chevy2 C60 souped up, Mercury Cougar car, TNT Centre wagon pulled by a team of Clydesdales, a number of
horseback riders, a whiskey barrel with pump float, and a number of vintage tractors such as a John Deere B & G, Massey Harris 33, Allis Chalmers B, International M, Farmall H pulling a Richardson vintage grader, Minneapolis Moline U, 1957 Case 600 and a MH ’80s combine. The Radisson fire department was at the end with two fire trucks, water truck and rescue unit. During both afternoons of the fair, there was a musical jamboree with Hamp Orchestra providing some of the music along with other bands and musicians. Saturday was the horse gymkhana, mini tractor pull, food booths, children’s activities, supper and a dance and on Sunday there was a pancake breakfast, kids’ activities, reptile show both days, vintage tractor pull and slopitch tournament both days with 14 teams entered.
By Patricia Hanbidge Lead Horticulturist, Orchid Horticulture
This time of year any plants growing in the garden are welcome! Those plants that come back year after year are especially welcome! Enjoying annuals that will set their own seed and come back year after year have a special appeal, although they need a bit different culture than the other more regular “perennials”.
Self-seeding annuals are exactly what is needed in some areas in the garden. They are also a huge benefit if you are planting a pollinator garden. Not all annuals are self-seeding, but if the seed packet says “self-sows freely” or “Hardy Annual”, chances are that it will. Soil conditions and climate determine what will self-seed. For example, late-blooming annuals such as zinnias may not have time to set seed and mature prior to frost. Furthermore, not all annuals will grow true from seed or in other words, look exactly like their parents. To get exact replicas, you need open-pollinated or heirloom seed. If the annual in question is one of the many hybrids now available, the offspring revert to the original parent colours. In my garden, the mauves, blues and whites, of the original packet of bachelor buttons have almost entirely gone back to the “cornflower blue” of the original plant.
When I plant new annuals in my garden I sometimes plant them
after the first hard frost in late fall but more often don’t remember to plant them until spring, usually several weeks before the last frost date. It is obvious, but in order to self-seed, there must be seed. So don’t deadhead right up to frost. Mid-august usually allows enough time for the last flowers to set seed and mature. And while plants are designed to seed themselves, I sometimes shake poppy seed heads in new corners of the garden, or sprinkle a handful of bachelor button seed heads where I feel more colour is needed. In spring, watch for the new seedlings poking their heads up from the ground. And watch that spade because it is easy to wipe out the new flowers along with the ubiquitous weeds. However, you may also quickly discover that there are far more seedlings than you want or they are about to strangle out something else. The simple remedy is to thin them out. Choose the largest, sturdiest seedlings and remove the rest, sometimes transplanting to new chosen spots. It is easy to do with small seedlings–a trowel-full of dirt with the seedling in the middle and most of them don’t notice they’ve been moved.
Shirley poppies (Papaver rhoeas) self-seed profusely and they come in many shades of pink and red, singles and doubles. Calendula officinalis or pot marigolds have daisy shaped flowers of orange, rust, yellow, cream, apricot. They love the sun and good drain-
age. Expect them to revert, over time, to simpler forms and fewer colours. Sunflowers will pop up in places you didn’t expect and sometimes leaving one or two in an unlikely spot creates a relaxing informality. California poppies (Eschscholzia californica), Oriental poppies (Papaver orientale), johnny jump-ups (Viola cornuta), sweet William (Dianthus barbatus), love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena), forget-me- nots (Myosotis sylvatica) will all weave their way through your garden without consultation.
Self-seeding annuals are undemanding and reliable. The problem is that you have little idea and less control over where they will turn up. Depending on your point of view, they help to create an unfussy, relaxed, cottage garden with new surprises each spring. Or they create disasters which need immediate help. If you are ready to let go of some (or most) of the control in your garden, then welcome to the world of self-seeding annuals. Hanbidge is the Lead Horticulturist with Orchid Horticulture. Find us at; by email at; on facebook @orchidhort and on instagram at #orchidhort.
Tune into GROW Live on our Facebook page or check out the Youtube channel GROW
Submitted by Vicki Dutton
Keegan Isaac, an increasingly wellknown Saskatchewan music artist who grew up near Meota, fell in love with Big Band at fourteen. On Saturday, August 17, he will take a jam-packed audience back to the era of big bands, crooners, and even a Garth Brooks song. He aims to engage the audience with the majestic musical experience of Big Band, Isaac’s favorite genre.
While Keegan has a growing list of performances and recordings to his credit, Meota will be his first Big Band concert. The music is a selection of his favorites of Big Band greats, songs he had always wanted to perform, arrange, and share since being inspired at fourteen by a Michel Bublé CD. This unique opportunity to share the musical experience of Big Band is a dream that Keegan Isaac is about to fulfill
Keegan Isaac’s journey to the “Itsy Bitsy Big Band” performance aptly named “My Kind of Town” is deeply personal. He credits his mother, who dedicated her life to her family and his music as the inspiration of his musical career, and this performance and tribute: all proceeds will be donated to the BUH oncology department in memory of Michele Isaac, who passed away from cancer.
Isaacs’s words sum it up: “My Kind of Town” promises to celebrate music, community, and homecoming. But most of all, it expresses gratitude to my favorite little town.”
The event came together naturally
when Charles and Anne Baillargeon, long-time organizers of charitable musical events in Meota, teamed up to handle ticket sales. Add a host of local volunteers, including Carole Chapman, who manages the finances, and you have a stellar community event.
The “Itsy-Bitsy Big Band” is not as big as a big band due to the number of musicians, including many locals and well-known veteran semi-professional musicians, including Jack Tatchell, who will lead the horns. Among the guest artists are local mentors Ross Ulmer and Don Tatchell. The Billboard includes professional musician Brad Shigeta, a former member of the Duke Ellington band!
Keegan notes it all came together quickly; it must have been meant to be! Charles Baillargeon believes this will be a night to remember for Meota, saying: “This concert is not just another event but a momentous occasion in the local music scene.”
For Keegan Isaac, the performance is a significant milestone in his musical career and a beautiful tribute to his mother. He hopes the donation will also help other cancer patients to be treated locally.
Isaac appreciates all who have donated their talents to bring this together and those who will come to enjoy the music. The evening promises to be memorable.
For all who have tickets, count yourself lucky.
Others do; bring a chair and listen outside!
August 16,1927 - August 8,2020
As time goes by without you here, I reflect back on the impact you had on where I am today. Growing up on the farm, caring for animals big and small, exemplifying the human-animal bond How mutually important the relationship is between animals and those who care for them All the memories of you on the farm have played a role in shaping me into the veterinarian I am today.
“The older I get, the more thankful I feel For the life I’ve had and all the life I’m living still.” -Alan Jackson You are forever in our hearts Granddaughter Tiandra, Stella, Raymond, Donna, Gerald, Audrey, Marty and families
y James Huntington Barbaric
Godmusthaveneeded anotherangel AndJames you were an angel. So kind, compassionate & caring &sense of fairness,&an incredible sense of humor. That'sthe James we knew Love, Jaycee,Lilly-mae, andMom
MILLER: Levi James Miller for mally of Rabbit Lake Saskatchewan passed away tragically on Monday July 15, 2024 in the RM of Nor th Battleford, SK , at the age of 32 years A celebration of life was held Tuesday August 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Rabbit Lake Communit y Hall with Officiant Pastor Don Unger presiding Levi was bor n on May 16 1992, at the Battlefords Union Hospital, the youngest son of Cindy and Gerald Miller Levi will forever be missed and loved, there will not be a day that goes by where he is not thought of You re the best son brother cousin uncle companion fr iend and dad anyone could ever ask for Levi's deep love for B will live on forever Rest easy E-or Memor ial donations in memor y of Levi can be directed to Levi's daughter, Br ielle Ulr iksen Tr ust, mailed to Prair ie Centre Credit Union, Box 129, Spir it wood, SK , SOJ 2M0 or e-transfer to candy5453 hotmail com Funeral arrangements have been entr usted to Eter nal Memor ies Funeral Ser vice & Cremator ium –Trevor Watts Funeral Director
WYATT: Thomas - It is with great sadness the family of Thomas (Tom, Tommy) Wyatt announce his passing on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at the age of 73 years Left to cher ish his memor y are his loving wife Chr istine Sons Rober t (Kelly) their children Grace and Harr ison; Jeffrey (Daniela "Alex") their children Emma and Olivia His brothers, Larr y, Ed (Wendy), Ron (Judy), Bett y Ann (Edgar) Lee and Mar y Ann (Perr y) Eaton; many nieces, nephews and their families Tom was predeceased by his parents Ar thur (Tom) and Rebecca (Bep) Wyatt and sister-in-law Yvonne The funeral ser vice was held Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the Wester n Development Museum with Reverend Jo-Ann Hills officiating Inter ment followed at Woodlawn Cemeter y Funeral arrangements were entr usted to Eter nal Memor ies Funeral Ser vice & Cremation - Lar issa Wack, Apprentice Funeral Director Tom was the middle child of six bor n to Tom and Bep Wyatt He was raised on a far m at Highwor th until the age of five when the family moved to Nor th Battleford Tom attended school in Nor th Battleford and went on to acquire his jour neyman status as a Heavy Dut y Mechanic He was happy and proud to become an employee of the Depar tment of Highways and retired from that employment after 35 years of ser vice Tom and Chr is raised t wo sons and welcomed four grandchildren to their family circle They enjoyed travelling as much as they could Tom and Chr is were blessed and grateful to have so many good fr iends to make memor ies with After retirement, Tom enjoyed his free time helping local area fr iends and far mers by shar ing his mechanical knowledge and skills as well as helping with his favor ite seasonhar vest Card of Thanks
The family of Tom Wyatt would like to express our hear tfelt thank you to our family and fr iends who suppor ted us with visits, coffee meetings, understanding and love at this difficult time for our family Many thanks for your phone calls, visits, gifts of food and fr iendship, flowers and donations in his memor y Thank you Reverend Jo-Ann Hills for your beautiful Ser vice Thanks to the Wester n Development Museum for the use of their facilit y and to KC Cater ing for the delicious luncheon provided A special thank you for Dr S Ahmed and the nurses at the Saskatoon Cancer Clinic, Doctor P Campbell and the Palliative Care Ward nurses for all your compassionate and excellent care for Tom on his jour ney with cancer Thank you to Trevor Watts and staff of Eter nal Memor ies for their kindness dur ing this difficult time Thanks so much Lar issa
Welcomes applications for the position of “EARLY CHILDHOOD CONSULTANT”
This position requires the individual to have completed a recognized Early Childhood Diploma and/or experience in the field (ECE-3) In addition, experience working with children, birth to six years who are developmentally delayed would be an asset.
The successful candidate will be responsible for case management, home visiting and partnerships, as well as, be flexible, innovative and team oriented.
This is a full-time position with starting date to commence:
September 2024 (start date to be determined) A valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle are required.
Submit resume by: August 30, 2024 to: Personnel Committee
Battlefords Early Childhood Intervention Program Box 1297
Phone: 306-446-4545
Fax: 306-446-0575
For Rent, Snowbirds, 2 b/r, 2 bath Luxur y Condo, Okanagan Falls B C Nov 1May 31 Water Front Includes utilities fur nished $2,200/month Doug docmiller@shaw ca 780 918 1004
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an inte re st based on the Ta x Lien re gis t ered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203757 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to th e ap pl ica nt an d yo u wil l th erea ft er be fo re ve r estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
HJ Wagner Name of Assessed Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Lot 16 Blk/Par 9 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115028333
FORM C [Section 2.3] NOTICE (The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an inte re st based on the Ta x Lien re gis t ered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203779 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to th e ap pl ica nt an d yo u wil l th erea ft er be fo re ve r estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
HJ Wagner Name of Assessed Owner
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Lot 18 Blk/Par 9 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115028377
Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before October 15, 2024, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land
Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. DESCRIPTION OF
G1466 EXT 0 139836369
G1466 EXT 0 139836370
LOT 10-BLK/PAR 10-PLAN G3010 EXT 0 155472082
G3010 EXT 0 155472093
LOT 12-BLK/PAR 10-PLAN G3010 EXT 0 155472105 LOT 6-BLK/PAR 16-PLAN I5059 EXT 0
* Penalty is calculated to the date of the Notice and will continue to accrue as applicable.
Dated this 13th day of August, 2024
Norma Stumborg, Administrator
Resort Village of Cochin Public Notice – Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Resort Village of Cochin (RV) intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No. 9/89, known as the Zoning Bylaw (ZB).
INTENT: The primary intent of the proposed ZB amendment is to apply an existing regulation in R2 – Residential district, which allows for a reduced rear setback for detached garages where no rear lane exists and no door opens towards the rear property line; additional will be added to the R1 – Residential district as well. Furthermore, this amendment will replace content from ZB amendment 06-2022 in a clearer fashion (the content itself will not change).
AFFECTED LAND: All properties in the R2 district will be impacted by the regulation change. All properties in the RV may be impacted by the reintroduction of content, however the regulations themselves will not change.
REASON: Council received a request for the detached garage rear setback reduction that is possible in the R2 district to be applied to a R1 district lot. After consideration, Council determined that, given the requirements that must be met for the reduction to apply, it would be suitable in the R1 district as well. The RV decided to replace the content from the previous amendment to ensure that the changes are clear and do not cause interpretation discrepancies in the future.
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RV office between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Tuesday through Thursday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost or by emailing and asking for a copy The office can also be reached at (306) 386-2333. A digital copy of the amendment is also available at the web address listed above.
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on August 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM for the ZB amendment, at the RV Office. Written submissions and requests for verbal representation must be received by August 23, 2024 For additional information, please contact (306) 386-2333 or Written submissions can be mailed to: Box 160, Cochin, SK, S0M 0L0.
Issued by the Resort Village of Cochin this 2nd day of August, 2024. Coleen Kitching, Chief Administrative Officer – Resort Village of Cochin
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an inte re st based on the Ta x Lien re gis t ered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203768 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to th e ap pl ica nt an d yo u wil l th erea ft er be fo re ve r estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024.
HJ Wagner Name of Assessed
Per: Margarita Pena, Administrator
Lot 17 Blk/Par 9 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115028355
FORM C [Section 2.3] NOTICE (The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an inte re st based on the Ta x Lien re gis t ered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203746 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to t he ap pl ica nt an d yo u wil l th erea ft er be fo re ve r estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024.
HJ Wagner
Per: Margarita Pena, Administrator
Name of Assessed Owner
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Lot 15 Blk/Par 9 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115028311
PROTECTION – FAMILY SERVICES WORKER – 3 positions: Reporting to the Family Services Manager, the Family Services Worker is responsible for investigating allegations of neglect, physical or sexual abuse; assessing family functioning; determining risk factors to the children’s safety; implementing intervention plans; providing support services to the family; working with the courts; managing the needs of children admitted into care; placement in foster and alternate resources, assessment and treatment planning to ensure that individual health, social psychological and education needs are met and preparation to return home
The successful candidates will have a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work Consideration will be given for candidates with other degrees that would involve working with children and families. Experience in Emergency Duty (EDW) work EDW supervision an asset. Will be required to travel and work flexible hours.
Applicants must maintain a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle while on Keyanow property and on duty Maintain confidentiality Provide a clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and Driver’s abstract annually
Please submit your application with 3 professional references to:; fax (306) 445-5568 or drop off at 691 – 109th Street, North Battleford, Sask
We thank all applications and wish to advise that only those individuals who have been selected for an interview will be contacted
Candidates granted an interview will be required to submit a current clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and driver’s abstract
Do youprefera casual /fun atmosphere? Do youenjoy varietyinyourjob?
Areyou creative?
Do youknowInDesign?
We arelooking fora person that hasInDesignexperienceand is detail oriented.Great communica tion skills andsomesales/ customer serviceexperienceisanasset.
If this soundslikeyou,pleasesendyou resume to: by September6th,2024. We thankinadvance alla pplicants fortheir interest, ho weveronlythose candida tesunderconsidera tion will be contacted.
Expected hours: No less than 32 hoursper week with some flexibility. Full benefits
By Rick Zarowny
The Zarowny family reunion was held in North Battleford July 11-14 with the main venue the Western Development Museum July 13.
The family of John and Katherine Zarowny, who farmed just a few kilometres west of Hafford, consisted of 18 children (two died as infants). John and Katherine are both laid to rest in the North Battleford cemetery. All but one of their children are deceased. Lorae Lovick of Calgary Alta. just celebrated her 97th birthday this past July.
Their son, Edward Zarowny married his sweetheart Josephine Gnetiski from Poland and moved to North Battleford in the 1950s to raise
Members of the Zarowny at the Western Development Museum Heritage Village July 13. Photos courtesy Rick Zarowny.
their family of four children. Edward was a heavy-duty equipment mechanic for the city of North Battleford for many years until his retirement in the early 1980s.
This reunion brought together almost 70 family members from all across Canada, from Victoria, B.C. to the west, Ottawa, Ont., and as far east as Rothesay
New Brunswick. Outside of Canada, family came from California and as far away as Australia.
The family gathered at John and Katherine’s
gravesite in the morning of July 13, and reflected on their decision to move to Canada. The day continued with a family photo at the Heri-
By Kathy Utri Correspondent
On the road again … wending our way homeward after a wonderful week in Port Hardy, B.C. Flying is not my preferred method of travel so the direct flight from Comox to Edmonton was much easier than the one out (Edmonton-Vancouver-Comox). With the drive to/from Edmonton (three and a half hours) and the drive from/to Comox (four hours) plus flying time, that’s enough travel in a day for us but it was so worth the time there!
Jacqueline (Jackie) Gerbig of Maidstone passed away at home Aug. 3 at the age of 59 years. Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband, Kim; daughters: Lesley, Karissa (Jace) and Courtney (Jeff); eight grandchildren: Brielle, Lexa, Ben, Cam, Turner, Jett, River-Lynn and Skylar; siblings: Chick (Dee), Terri (Glen), Don (Wendy), Sam (Barb), Dale (Debbie), Ted and Scott (Darlene); motherin-law Jacquie; brother-in-law Carey (Karen); numerous nieces, nephews and extended family.
Jackie cherished her family and will be dearly missed. Jackie’s outspoken nature, wry humour, unique laugh and generous heart endeared her to many friends, co-workers and community members. The celebration of life for Jackie will be held at Maidstone Legion Hall Friday, Aug. 16 at 2 p.m.
Lori Anne Kennedy (née Bertrand) passed away at
Fire at Camjo Farms. Maidstone-Waseca and District Fire Department was dispatched Aug. 10 to a fire 10 miles north of Maidstone (northwest of Silver Lake). Photos submitted by Kathy Utri
Maidstone Health Complex at the age of 59 years after a courageous battle with multiple sclerosis. Condolences go to her spouse, Boyce Taylor; children: Amanda (Terence) and their children, Emily and Greyson; Kole; Katrina; stepson Harley and his daughter, Mayanna; brothers Brian and Kevin; as well as numerous extended family. Lori deeply loved and was very proud of her children and grandchildren. Lori spent much of her life working as a truck driver, helping people as an EMT, and working at the grocery store where she made many friends. As per Lori’s wishes, no funeral service will take place. Maidstone-Waseca and District Fire Department was dispatched Aug. 10 to a fire 10 miles north of Maidstone (northwest of Silver Lake).
CamJo Farms suffered another
substantial combine fire just days after the first fire consumed a combine July 30.
Although still in disbelief and frustration, Brad, Rod, Peggy and Anya are extremely grateful for the support from our community. Neighbours, family, friends and strangers alike, along with the incredible Maidstone and Waseca District Volunteer Fire Department, jumped into action and got the fire contained. Others generously arranged for food and drinks for everyone involved. Without all of this amazing assistance, both fires would have had very different outcomes.
Maidstone Museum hosted the largest crowd yet this season for Sundae Sunday Aug.11. This was the last weekend the Yellowhead Ramblers will playing at the museum this summer. Thank
you to the band for giving their time to fill our Sunday afternoons with music, to the volunteers who provided refreshments and to everyone who came.
Maidstone disc golf Week 15 top averages: Tier 1 (0 or lower) Matt Sayers -7.62, Tier 2 (over 0 to +9) Andrew Williams +1.3, Tier 3 (+10 or higher) Greg Mercer +10. Drawn winners were Jacquie Donovan (ultra lightweight Dino Discs Pterodactylus) and Brendan Donovan (Dynamic Discs chalk bag/hand dryer). Ryan swears it’s not rigged.
Standard Hill Lakers (Maidstone) won one but lost two in the Senior AA Tier 2 provincials in Unity Aug. 9 to 11. Congratulations to the Unity Cardinals for taking the championship on home turf.
The Lakers play again in the NSRBL finals against the
North Battleford Beavers in a best-of-three series: Aug. 14 in North Battleford; Tuesday Aug. 20 at Silver Lake Regional Park, 6:30 p.m.; and, if necessary, Thurs. Aug. 22 in North Battleford at 7:30 p.m.
Good luck, guys!
Maidstone Bowling Alley is open again Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. as of Aug. 9. Dusty will also be available for party bookings. Get some friends together and
go bowling. Other Reminders: Aug.17, Saturday, Maidstone Hotel & Bar golf tournament at Silver Lake with a shuttle to supper in Maidstone. Call 306-8938222 to register ($125/person). Aug. 20, 10-11:30 a.m.:Midwest Family Connections at Maidstone Splash Park. Aug. 21, 2-4 p.m.: last week of Summer Fun at Maidstone Library.