news-optimist Regional

By Angela Brown

By Angela Brown
Grant Beaudry hopes by commemorating the Indigenous warriors in the Last Mass Hanging it will help dispel the perception they were rebels, and give them the honour they deserve.
Mosquito, Grizzly Bear’s Head, Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM) Economic Development plans to hold a ceremony to honour them on Aug. 23 at The Ridge at the start of a powwow.
Beaudry, the organization’s CEO, said the Last Mass Hanging that occurred at Fort Battleford on Nov. 27, 1885, included eight Indigenous men, two from Mosquito First Nation and two from Frog Lake First Nation.
History holds that the men were executed for murders they were said to have committed in the North West Rebellion. However, Beaudry notes they did not receive proper trials for an opportunity to defend themselves, and vindicate themselves.
Bill Waiser, a Canadian historian, author, and retired University of Saskatchewan professor, from Saskatoon, will be the keynote speaker at the commemoration event.
Beaudry hopes more people will learn about the truth behind the Last Mass Hanging.
“My father used to take me when I was just a boy out to the site of the Last Mass Hanging cemetery,” said Beaudry. “He related
to me that, because my father was a veteran and a former Prisoner of War, that these warriors should be honoured and commemorated. He asked me to look into doing something to have them remembered because he said these were our very first Indigenous veterans.”
Beaudry said he addressed the Saskatchewan First Nation Veterans’ Association about inducting them into the veterans’ association, these warrior leaders.
MGBHLM held a pipe ceremony for the victims at the site of the Last Mass Hanging warriors’ grave site in Battleford on Aug. 15.
“I think it’s important to commemorate them, and remember them because they’re forgotten warriors,” Beaudry said.
He said the Last Mass Hanging is a historical event that needs to be commemorated every year.
Beaudry noted the Last Mass Hanging grave site needs to be
designated as a historical site. MGBHLM Economic Development is working on this initiative.
Beaudry wants people to know the Indigenous history about the Mass Hangings.
“If you look back at history, and the judge that sentenced them to hanging, he was also a merchant. So when they came into Battleford, the ancestors, then Poundmaker came with his band, and a couple of other bands, they were not involved with Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont. The merchants went to the Fort. They [the First Nation people] were there to tell them we are not participating in the rebellion,” he said. “Then, they got tired and hungry, and I guess they started breaking into some of the stores.”
He said one merchant’s store was owned by a judge who demanded justice.
on page 5
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
The Battlefords hosted the Sask. Seniors Fitness Association 55+ provincial games in June. From that event, a number of competitors qualified for national competition, at the Canadian Senior Games Association in Quebec Aug 27-30.
You can find details about this Sask. senior’s fitness organization through their website Barry Verhoeven, a competitor who will be attending in the sport of curling says, “This event is not something like the Canadian Briar. It’s about an active and healthy lifestyle for adults over 55 in Canada.” Verhoeven was also part of the host committee for the competition held in the Battlefords.
Curlers from the Battlefords traveling to Quebec to compete in the 65+ mixed event – representing the Rivers West District – are
Lorne Voinorosky, Kathleen Montgomery, James Currie and Colleen Voinorosky. In the 55+ men’s team category are Barry Verhoeven, Dale Grant, Kim Zoller and Richard Pratchler. In the 65+ men’s category, representing the Saskatchewan Rivers West District, with Battlefords origin athletes are Wayne Scheible, Brian Welford, Bill Raynor and Alan Hoffman. The Canadian 55+ Games website can be found at https://canada55plusqc. ca/en/ and if you go to the “About us” you will see what their mission is about. You can also follow the events under the “Events tab” and go to specific events for results.
Eric Johnson said 178 participants from Saskatchewan are set to attend the 13th edition of the Canada 55+ games in Quebec City. Twenty-two of these athletes are from the Rivers
West SSFA District that encompasses North Battleford and surrounding areas.
Additional Saskatchewan athletes from Team Rivers West include Juanita Hawkins of Wilkie, swimming; Danielle Johnston of Meadow Lake, track and field; and Marylou Schechtel of Denzil, predicted walk.
A number of local golfers will be competing: Anita Simon and Don Christopher, North Battleford; Don McCullam, Cut Knife; Cecilia Leibel and Larry Reininger, Denzil; and Keith Bell, Battleford.
Competing in bowling are Marion Blain and Mary Ramsay of Cut Knife and Esther Jesse of Maidstone.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to compete in your chosen event, have fun, and make new friends in an Olympic-style setting,” said Margaret Gailing, president of the Saskatchewan Senior Fitness Association (SSFA).
For results and more information, visit
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
The first league championship home win was in 1997 so when the last out was made in game three of the North Saskatchewan Baseball League final in 2024, it was a two-fold celebration for the North Battleford senior men’s Beavers baseball
team. The championship win made for a repeat title and, even bigger, the win at home made it the first time in 27 years the Beavers captured the title at home.
The North Battleford Beavers and Standard Hill Lakers may have been disappointed with their run for a provincial title, but it only fueled their desire to capture the North Saskatchewan River Baseball League championship.
With the Beavers reigning as league champs, they were hungry to repeat the top title. It was a goal from the start of the season.
Kyle Gregoire of the Beavers said, “It was an exciting series. Game one we won 7-2 but the Standard Hill Lakers took the win in game two by a score of 10-9. Game three, we started a little slow with the Lakers leading 3-0 after the first two innings.”
Gregoire said the Beavers’ bats started going, resulting in a few big innings that ended in an 11-5 victory for the senior men’s baseball team.
One of the team’s leaders, Gregorie adds, “We felt we had the right team to repeat with great pitching, defence and offence. Glad all the hard work paid off. And, it was extra special winning in front of the home crowd.”
The Beavers acknowledged their opposition in the hard-fought final series stating that the Standard Hill Lakers have a great team and never made for an easy game. This concludes a highly successful baseball season in the Battlefords as, in addition to the NSRBL championship win, three minor baseball teams from the Battlefords captured provincial championships, as outlined in previous News Optimist and stories, as well as one silver medal at provincial championships. Baseball enthusiasts and Battlefords Beavers fans say this indicates many years of great baseball in the community for years to come.
As well, hometown hero and Beavers’ alumnus Andrew Albers was recently inducted into the Sask. Baseball Hall of Fame.
“Jared Schmidt was a standout for us, throwing two complete games this series, only giving up five earned runs in 14 innings of pitching,” acknowledges Gregorie.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
While there is still a week or two of summer for the average person, there is no rest for the new coaching team of the Battlefords North Stars as they prepare for the upcoming Sask. Junior Hockey League season.
Head Coach Gary Childerhose, and Owen Lamb as the new assistant coach, are readying their team for pre-season action which begins Sept. 3.
The SJHL announced pre-season will feature teams
that aren’t part of the league, giving hockey clubs some experience outside of their league circles. Saskatchewan junior hockey teams will play Albert Junior Hockey League teams, Manitoba Junior Hockey League along with teams belonging to the North American Hockey League.
The Stars kick off their pre-season action against the Bonnyville Pontiacs of the AJHL, playing once in their home province and once in Alberta. They will take on the Lloydminster Bobcats on a separate occasion.
Sept. 3 will be the first meeting against Bonnyville. All other scheduling can be found on the league websit, schedule/
The North Stars will also warm up their pre-season action with matches against more familiar opponents, the La Ronge Ice Wolves and the Kindersley Klippers, playing two games each.
Opening night of the regular season is still slated for Sept. 20. The North Stars will have a home opener against Kindersley starting at 7:30 p.m.
Share your view!
Phone: 306-445-7261 Fax: 306-445-3223
By Dr. R.H. Wood North Battleford
Let me start this week by declaring how disappointed I was with the reproduction in last week’s article of two matched mules in tandem lock step pulling a carriage in the Battleford Parade. My photograph was a necessary adjunct to the accompanying article which I could easily have shortened if so requested. Had the photograph been well reproduced it would have been a high point in my friend’s career and would have saved me the expense of giving him a framed copy.
Talking about being in tandem, how would any of you like to be launched into space with a colleague expecting to return to terra in a week or two only to be told that you will not be back for another six months – all being well. Talk about claustrophobia, repetitions toothpaste meals, carefully measured preserved water and no fresh air. We are
told that the spectacular constantly changing view will compensate for these privations and missing the Trump/Harris comedy show live.
Another tandem arrangement is the threat of both national railways going on strike together. This exciting historical occasion has been kiboshed by something called the Industrial Relations Board which appears to have made an enforceable ruling despite Parliament still being on holiday. Since this anti-union edict is being made by this board and not Parliament, Mr. Singh can claim that his coalition with
the Liberals is not threatened or even involved despite his clear opposition to the ruling.
This week the Liberal cabinet has been holding a retreat or study session in Halifax. Astonishingly, either to add interest or steal his colleague’s thunder Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing has resurrected the nine-yearold suggestion that unused federal land and buildings are to be used for housing developments. The area involved, we are told, adds up to 2000 ice rinks or did I hear 20,000. On this land, while the news commentator said 25,000 dwellings are
to be built, Mr. Fraser quoted 260,000 would be built all before 2031. However, according to Chrystia and oft repeated her government will oversee one way or another the building of 2.9 million dwellings or was it 3.1 million units by 2031. I hope Chrystia, Sean and the newsreader got together at the retreat. I am reminded of the cumulative nursery tale “This is the House that Jack Built”.
The Brits have taught the world all about strikes and the withdrawal of services. Just after the last war I remember my father being so concerned about the railways going on strike as he used that service to take his horticultural products to market. One evening, the three wheeled Scammell Scarab railway truck known as a mechanical horse, suitable only for light work, fully loaded, slid off the driveway and got stuck. It was pushed out eventually by all the workers and then some. A team of two matched mules in lockstep would have restored the truck’s dignity with ease. A photograph of mules pulling a mechanical horse which replaced Arab horses hence the name, out of a ditch would have been another classic.
Gordon Brewerton: Senior Vice-President, Prairie Newspaper Group
Advertising Sales - Sales Manager: Candace Mack-Horton
Administration: Kylie Cooke • Elisha Parkinson
Reporter/Editor: Cleo Ding
Reporter: Sherri Solomko • Photographer: Averil Hall
Elaine Woloshyn, Eric Callbeck, Kathy Utri, John Bowyer, R. H. Wood
Mailroom - Manager: Melissa Pitkeathley
Scott Foster • Donna Smith • Anamarija Barna
Dear Editor:
This is straight from the hip as it leaped from my mind. Just thoughts of mine as they entered my mind.
The news Optimist’s stories on the 2024 Saskatchewan Baseball Hall Of Fame were wonderful, they renewed memories and resulted in a few tears, they reiterated just how important the game of baseball was to the town of Unity over the years.
The memories of the Unity Cardinals and baseball are endless....
When I was a teenanger
every Saturday night Unity’s Chamber of Commerce held a sort of pep rally to promote the town. There were hula hoop contests, local entertainers, helicopter drops of Unity Merchant shopping certificates and other activities. The crowds were large and boisterous. I can remember one of these pep rallies in particular....
A large transport truck pulled up into the crowd and from the passenger side out stepped a tall thin athletic looking stranger. He was the Town of Unity’s new cop and just happened to be an
American and a real good baseball player, pitcher if I remember correctly. He had hitch hiked to town.
Then there was Chuck Ratley, the Cardinals first American who hit a homerun straight over centre field in his first at bat.
Emil Francis always managed to get our goat but we finally figured it out, we would scrape the ice from the deep freezes back home, make snow balls and throw them at Francis coaching on third base. So what if it was 90 above.
Neilburg often had a won-
derful team Urlacher, Flecik, Pete Prediger etc.and probably the guy who “got us going” more than anybody... Ivan Prediger. He was a natural SD and just loved it! Unity had a player/coach with the most natural baseball mind in the league, Earl Flannigan. I loved watching him direct traffic out there, including his team, their team and the umps, and when the situation called for it, the crowd. Earl loved to “play” the crowd.
Speaking of umps, who could forget Ace Corbin. Over the years Unity had
To the Editor:
It has been some time since I had a television set. I only miss it when there are special occasions such as King Charles coronation.
I suppose I shall get another set some time as I miss playing my videos.
I did see a little of the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris; it was quite attractive. I did not know that anyone was allowed
to take advantage of the event to parody the last supper. I expect it is just an example of the new humour, which is to be as vulgar and disrespectful as possible. Woman stand up comedians (so-called) are worse than the men. Not clever, a far cry from Wayne and Shuster or Red Shelton.
However, take note that some years ago France
decided to celebrate their bloody, vicious Revolution. The Big Moment in the event? The parading through the streets of Paris a giant guillotine! There again was a mocking of human suffering and terror. It was like the raw shameful mockery of The Last Supper. I suppose many people would be indifferent to what went on. Indifference is bringing
Continued from page 1
“He [the judge] wasn’t happy that his store was broken into,” Beaudry said.
The judge was going to sentence whomever came before him to be hanged.
“That’s what Bill Waiser will be talking about, the injustice, without a fair trial,” Beaudry said.
Beaudry noted two of the warriors who were hanged that were from his First Nation committed their acts due to oppression and injustices on their people.
One of the warriors from his First Nation was hanged because he shot an Indian agent.
The man was in grief because his daughter died.
She was sick, so he asked for medicine and food from the Indian agent. But he was denied each time.
“Finally, his daughter succumbed to death,” Beaudry said. “He was so overcome with grief that he went and shot the Indian agent.”
For the other warrior, also from his nation, Beaudry said, he was working for a farmer and when he went to get paid, the farmer wouldn’t pay him.
“He just laughed at him. Then, he [the warrior] shot the farmer.”
Beaudry hopes with the commemoration to provide people with the correct history, that the eight men shouldn’t have been execut-
ed, and didn’t deserve to die.
He said Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie wrote him a letter of support to designate the warriors’ grave site as a historical site.
Beaudry noted the mayor said, in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, it was time to “commemorate and learn about the forgotten history.”
Also during the upcoming commemoration at The Ridge, acclaimed Indigenous artist, Chris Chipak, from Red Pheasant Cree Nation, has created a painting of these warriors, in his own style, that will be presented during the ceremony.
“Chris is getting to be well known,” Beaudry said.
some American college kids who really could play ball, along with some players out of Saskatoon who were also very good.
I asked Earl Flannigan who was the best ball player he ever coached, played against or he played with, he said Ross Stone. Ross played with Unity for many years, he was good.
I remember Johnny Ford with Battleford he was good, and who was their first basemen who could and loved to get under the crowd’s skin?
Did his parents run a ladies wear business in Battleford?
Then there was a Kenny Nelson, I think that was his name, excellent ball player.
I can remember a game in
about the death of Christianity. I’m not a bible thumper but I was brought up to have respect to keep the veneer, at least, of civilization!
Thanks to James McLane for bringing this sick act to our attention – but I can’t help but wonder what on earth it had to do with the Olympics?
Christine Pike, Waseca
Unity with over 2,000 fans, it was against KIndersley. Ferguson was his name, their catcher, he made the majors. Unity had an American college kid shortstop, he was like nothing else we had seen before, can’t remember his name. Ostrowsky, Ralston, Morrison, May, Robinson, Hunchuk I can.
My younger brother Obie was the bat boy. My Father In Law was the Cardinals number one fan and probably the finest gentleman on earth. Never missed a game. Remember my going to the Lacombe tournament with him a few times. That’s it, that’s enough, got more but that is enough.
By Angela Brown
The Ridge, south of Battleford, was alive with the beat of the drum Friday as Mosquito, Grizzly Bear’s Head, Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM) held its annual powwow celebration. This is the second year the event has been held at the grounds there.
Chief Tanya Aguilar-Antiman said it’s important to have the powwow on these grounds, beside where the former Battleford Industrial School used to stand.
“We had one [a powwow] here last year and it was very clear at the last powwow that we continue it,” she said. “It was set for [Aug. 23]. There were significant things that took place here, with commemorating the eight fallen warriors [from the Last Mass Hanging] with the 21-gun salute, and honouring our Indian Residential School survivors.”
Aguilar-Antiman noted the powwow is a time for young and old to come out and dance together.
“[It’s to] not forget that the children who have passed on from those Residential School and Industrial School days, they are not forgotten,” she said. “This land right here was the first Industrial School in Canada. They weren’t allowed to speak the language; they weren’t allowed to sing, do their ceremonies or any of that. So, we’re here today to say: You are not forgotten, and we’ll keep you always in our hearts.”
Also, during the event, eagle feathers were given to attendees as a gift to honour residential school survivors. Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Indian Residential School Dept. and MGBHLM Economic Development Corp. Friends of the Ridge Reconciliation Team were planning this ceremony for some time.
“In those meetings, [we said] it was important that the survivors living today be acknowledged,” Aguilar-Antiman said. “So, we fulfilled that plan, and [it’s a sign] for our knowledge keepers, our residential school survivors that are out there that they are loved and they are cared for. We’re human. It’s an opportunity for them to continue on with their journey. It’s really a message of letting them know that we love them.”
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Kin National convention gave a clear picture of the impact Saskatchewan Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs have in Saskatchewan.
Did you know District
Three Kin clubs in our province have logged 66,488 hours of community service, truly backing up their motto of ‘serving the community’s greatest needs.’
Sask. Kin Clubs have also raised, and donated, a remarkable $2,934,137 dollars in this province. That doesn’t include the equally remarkable $6,112,717 dollars raised at this year’s Telemiracle telethon, with all of that money
staying right here in Saskatchewan.
North Battleford Kinsmen member, Health Gabruch, says of their club’s efforts, “The figures I provided our district rep are roughly 900 manhours, which I admit be low.”
Gabruch said the North Battleford Kinsmen club raised just over $40,00 last year, all of which stayed in the community.
“One example was a $10,000 donation to Bready School for a specialized room for a student with special needs.”
These efforts include organizing the annual Kinsmen Indoor Rodeo each year in North Battleford. The club
is also hosting the Canadian Cowboys Association finals at the end of October.
Gabruch says, “This encompasses many meetings, proposals and presentations to the CCA board, organizing, advising, etc., in order to get this event to our community, which is a first for the Battlefords. It will entail finalists from four provinces for a fourday event with all the major rodeo aspects.”
North Battleford Kinsmen have three of their members on this organizing roster and a couple past Kinettes who are instrumental on the committee, totaling seven who will organize the exciting, upcoming event. Of course, hosting requires many volunteers as well, and Gabruch said they are fortunate to have a core
Dear Editor:
As a senior, I am submitting this article to advise anyone who travels with Rider Express Transportation Corp. I want to make sure they are aware of where their checked luggage is at all times.
I purchased a ticket to travel from Lloydminster to Edmonton on December 16, 2022 with Rider Express. I had planned to have an early Christmas in Edmonton, so I had a large, new suitcase that for was a gift for me. My suitcase was packed with Christmas gifts for nine people. When I went to claim my suitcase in Edmonton, with my claim ticket, my suitcase was no longer on the bus. I learned that the bus driver set my suitcase on the sidewalk at the previous stop, and left it unattended. A witness on the bus saw another passenger take my suitcase and walk away with it. A police report was filed with the Edmonton City Police, the Vegreville
RCMP and the Lloydminster RCMP. The only response I received from Rider Express was “to you it was stolen, to us it was lost”. They claimed that I agreed to $100.00 for lost luggage, which is untrue. Nine people did not get Christmas gifts from me that year. Some gifts were irreplaceable. There were also gift cards in my suitcase. I phoned to cancel the gift cards, as I had the card numbers. I was told it would take 7-10 days to cancel them. They were very likely used before they were able to be cancelled.
I filed a civil suit with the King’s Court. All the documents were sent to Rider Express by registered mail, and they were returned unopened, and unclaimed. I hired a Sheriff in Regina to serve the manager at the depot for Rider Express in Regina, with a certified Writ of Enforcement and a Default Judgement, and there was no
response or action taken by Rider Express.
A collection agent was also unsuccessful with any response from Rider Express. The court system says that they can not help me anymore. I have contacted my MLA, MP, Ombudsman, Receiver General for Canada, Service Alberta and issued five Garnishee Summons. None of these were able to help me with my case. I also contacted the Better Business Bureau, but since this happened more than a year ago, they were unable to provide any assistance. I did learn that Rider Express has an “F” rating.
In all this time trying to contact Rider Express Transportation Corp, not once have they acknowledged any responsibility in the theft of my suitcase, that they were responsible for. If anyone has to travel with Rider Express, all I can say is “traveler beware.”
Margaret Fester
Our 2023-2024 School Year Supper Program Donor s helped us ser ve a total of 9,308 meals from September 2023 to June 2024!
We’d like to extend our sincerest appreciation to those par ticipating in our 2024-2025 Supper Program! We are so grateful for all of
group help out during each rodeo performance.
North Battleford Kinsmen didn’t send any funds directly to TeleMiracle but did help facilitate some fundraising and donations from the area to the 2024 annual telethon.
From the combined Kin Club in Unity, President Breanna Elder reports, “Our club’s total service hours equal1,250 hours approximately. The club’s Telemiracle donation for 2024 was $3,000.”
While the club doesn’t directly track money fundraised or donated overall, the community knows their impact is one that makes a difference as the club continues to follow the national service club’s motto.
Other remarkable statistics that came from national con-
vention show Kin Clubs have donated 1,000 units of blood to Canadian Blood Services.
$93,166 has been donated to Kin Canada Bursaries through the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund, and the club’s national project, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, has been boosted by $566,244 thanks to clubs across the country.
The Maidstone Kin Club donated a remarkable $18,848 to TeleMiracle 2024. These efforts are in addition to the service work and events/activities the club hosts throughout the year.
The small community of Macklin, approximately an hour and a half from the Battlefords, say their Kinette Club has contributed an astounding 1,443 hours of community service and volunteering the past
year. The 15-member club has contributed $20,666.39 in service dollars and also were able to generate an amazing $16,028.29 for Telemiracle 2024.
When seeing these numbers, a person realizes the impact these service clubs have in the communities they serve, whether it is working a gate at a community event or rallying residents to fundraise for each year’s Telemiracle. All of the manhours listed here are volunteer and are done with the Kin Clubs’ mandate of ‘serving the community’s greatest needs.’
It’s not easy to imagine what life would be like in your community without the remarkable contributions of Kinsmen, Kinettes and Kin Clubs in them.
It’sCOOL to go to SCHOOL!
Back To School Programming
Satellite Site Programs- That’sright, our Satellite Site programs areBACK and this year we have added a4th location at BattlefordCentral School (BCS) forBCS and St. Vital students! And, we’reexcited to be welcomedback at Bready,EMBM, and Holy Family Schools. These programs run Monday to Friday,7:30am-8:30am, and from class dismissal to 5:30pm. Join us for outdoor play,arts &crafts, games,experiments, nutritious snacks and more! Registration is nowopen!
Drop-in Program- Let’snot forgetabout our Drop-in Program hosted at our Main Site Location (1301-104th Street). This program is open 6daysper week for all children and youthages 5-14. Operating Monday-Friday, from 3:30pm to 8:30pm and Saturdays from1:00pm-4:00pm; all members aresuretohave ablast. Plus,it’sFREE! Allthat’srequired is avalid2024 Membership Form! Join us for lotsofoutdoor time, crafts, experiments, snacks, meals and so much more!
For moreinformation on theseprogramsand howtoregister,visit our website
September dates to remember:
•M onday,S eptembe r2 nd – Offic ea nd Program ming CL OSED for Labour Day
•Tuesday,September 3rd
oFirst Day of School (school year programming begins)!
o SIGA’S Day of S hari ng! Join us at our Ma in Si te Loc at io nf or aBBQ from 4:00pm-5:30pm! Must be acurrent member to attend and the first 80 attend ee sw ill re ce ive an ew backpack! Checkout our socialmedia pagesfor more information.
•Saturday,September 7th – IFCU Saturday Program: Back To School!
•Saturday, September14th – IFCU SaturdayProgram: RacingByto Say Hi!
•S aturday,S eptemb er 21 st –I FCU Sa tu rd ay Prog ra m: Ever yC hi ld Matters.
•Wednesday,S eptem be r2 5 th – Ea rl yD is miss al Day (programmi ng begins at class dismissal).
•Saturday,September 28th – IFCU Saturday Program CLOSED.
•Monday,September 30th – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (office and all programming CLOSED)
THANK YOU for such an AMAZING summer- We had such ablast with you this summer! This yearwewelcomed over300 individual children through over 2900 program visit during our 8w eek so f summer fu nt hroug ho ut July &August. We hope to seeyou back next year!
As areminder,our school year hours of operation are as follows:
-Office: Monday to Friday,8:30am –3:30pm
-SatelliteSite Before SchoolPrograms: Monday to Friday,7:30am–8:30am (Bready,EMBM&BCS/St. Vital)
-SatelliteSite After School Programs:Monday to Friday,classdismissal –5:30pm(Bready,EMBM, HolyFamily&BCS/St. Vital)
-Drop-in Program (Main Site):MondaytoFriday, class dismissal –8:30pm andSaturdays,1:00pm –4:00pm
Continu et ow atch our Face bo ok pa ge (BGCBa tt lefor ds ), Ins tagram @bgcbattlefords and website ( for moreupdates. Have aquestion? Call us at (306) 445-0002! Opportunity Changes Everything
Recent Statistics Canada numbersshow Saskatchewan added22,900 newjobsyearover-year in themonth of July.Saskatchewanalsohas thelowestunemployment rate in Canada at 5.4per cent.Saskatchewan’slowestinthe nation unemployment rate andrecordjob growth continuestodemonstrate thestrengthofour provincial economy.
Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, MLAfor TheBattlefords
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Local Legion branches around Saskatchewan will receive some much-appreciated funding as part of the Saskatchewan veteran service club support program, provided by the Government of Saskatchewan. Through this government grant, 81 different Legion branches will be receiving money according to a Saskatchewan. ca media release.
While Legions around the province can and do fundraise, the main way these branches raise money for repairs is through grants issued by the government and other organizations.
Aging membership along with a lack of new members makes it additionally taxing on those members still part of their community Legion or-
ganization, working on their hall’s maintenance, upkeep and operations.
Unity Legion Branch No. 90 told the News Optimist and, “We received $27,500 earmarked to fix the hall bathrooms so they are handicap accessible. The bathrooms need new fixtures like high-rise toilets, bars by the toilets, new urinals; [and] flooring updates once this work is done.”
“Additionally, we need to update the lighting in the hall to all new LED lights, as well as bathroom lighting and veterans’ lounge downstairs.”
Unity’s Legion Hall is used by a number of organizations for meetings, social bookings and other events. The funded improvements will benefit all of those who use this community hall, as well as the Legion organization.
Maidstone Legion Branch responded to the News Optimist, “We are in need of a new furnace at our club room location, and the funds we have received will allow us to complete this project. We are so grateful for this grant.”
The Fur Lake Veterans’ Retreat was also the recipient of $28,441.55 in support
through this government grant program. This is a group from the North Battleford area that provides peer support services for veterans.
George Shupe, one of three veterans who have opened up this veterans’ retreat tells our publications that the money was to bring power into their location. Attendees can have hearing aids and breathing machines, etc., so it’s a safety and necessary thing to have power included.
“The cost to us is $93,000 to complete power; that grant gave us power to run to a central location, which really helped.”
Fur Lake Veteran’s Retreat is 100 miles from North Battleford, travelling through Martensville, Blaine Lake and Shell Lake. Shupe is from Battleford.
Shupe acknowledges the reason for initiation of their
retreat is because public campgrounds can offer things which set people off who are suffering from PTSD, or those just having a bad day, which is challenging.
“We are three combat veterans where people can go camp [with] like-minded people in a safe environment.”
North Battleford’s Legion spokesperson, Daniel Sigouin, responding to our inquiry, stated, “The outside of the building was very dated. So, with the help of Discovery Co-op, the whole building has been painted. It really gave the building a new fresh look. The grant money was used to give the building a facelift. It really looks good and visible.”
An earlier story in the News Optimist and outlined Discovery Co-op’s contribution to
this exterior facelift as part of their charitable ‘Communities in Full Color’ opportunity. Team members from Discovery Co-op had staff volunteers on June 8 help with painting the exterior of the North Battleford Legion location as part of their paint donation.
We understand Battleford Legion is closed for the summer so as of press time, we had not heard back on our inquiry about how they were allocating the money they were receiving from this grant. If you are interested in learning more about Saskatchewan Legion branches, you can view their website at This website gives information on Saskatchewan Legions, where to make donations and how these community organizations contribute to veterans and the wider community.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
“Blood, it’s in you to give,” is one of the messages delivered to residents on the importance of blood donations.
Paolo Oliveros, specialist, strategic communications for Canadian Blood Services tells the News Optimist, Assiniboia Times and, “A recent IPSOS survey shows that 87 per cent of people in Canada recognize there is a constant need for blood and blood products, yet nearly 50 per cent say they haven’t donated because they are waiting to be asked. We are asking Canadians to make blood donation part of their routine.”
Canadian Blood Services say some people who were ineligible to donate before think they won’t be able to donate any more. The organization is continuously reviewing and updating their donor screening criteria. You may be eligible now, even if you weren’t before. Recent changes in eligibility criteria are listed on the website, https://www.blood. ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible/ changes-donation-criteria-blood-donation.
New donors of all blood types are needed but is particularly vital that people with O-negative, O-positive and B-negative donate as soon as they can. As the universal blood type that can be given to any patient, O-negative donations are
critically important in emergency care. Also, O-positive blood can be given to any patient with positive Rh blood type.
Oliveros adds, “Rare blood donors are critical to help ensure patient needs are met. People with rare blood depend on each other. The best blood type match for patients with rare blood often comes from donors of the same race or similar ethnicity, which is why a diverse donor base is critical to saving lives.”
CBS affirms that, on average, every 60 seconds someone in Canada needs blood. Blood and blood products are not just for emergencies as many people with various health conditions require regular transfusion therapy.
Blood plays a critical role in everyday medical care.
For instance, Oliveros acknowledges a person living with leukemia may need blood from up to eight donors every week.
Hospitals in Saskatchewan know, if donor appointments aren’t filled, their access to sufficient blood supply could change.
“Patients are counting on people making the time to donate, to ensure a steady supply of blood and blood products. Appointment bookings at Canadian Blood Services’ blood and plasma donor centres across the country are not keeping pace with the rising demand for blood products.”
There are more than 1,300 appointments that need to be
filled in the Regina donor centre and more than 1,600 open appointments in Saskatoon before the end of September.
Donors can book an appointment at, use the GiveBlood app or call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888236-6283).
Blood donors must be at least 17 years of age and meet minimum height and weight requirements. A blood donation typically involves approximately 450 ml, slightly less than half a litre or two cups, which represents a small portion of the blood in a person’s body.
The average adult has about five litres.
The entire donation process takes just over an hour.
Donors are encouraged to
prepare for their blood donation by drinking lots of water, eating a healthy meal, getting a good night’s rest, having a salty snack and at least 500 ml of water just before donating. Some donors say even walking to the clinic or moderate exercise before donation can assist with the donation process. Saskatchewan Health Authority posts locations of clinics outside of Regina and Saskatoon and these are also included on their Facebook page. August clinics were held in Moose Jaw, Tisdale and Melville.
Residents are encouraged to check with the SHA or Canadian Blood Services for a location near them and considering giving the gift of life in the near future.
By Corinne J. Nedelec
We had our yearend celebration meal on June 19th with many ladies attending and a last chance for show and tell.
Many ladies attended Quilt Canada in Edmonton, myself included. Lots of beautiful quilts, fabric, classes, trunk show, prizes to win, tons of inspiration, lots of talented people along with sore feet and shoulders!!
The executive committee met in July to discuss the upcoming year, throwing around ideas and dates of
Photos by Corinne J. Nedelec
retreats, etc. We’re always looking for ideas and inspiration for classes.
The new executive for the 24-25 year are:
Irene C–secretary
For more information on our quilt guild please contact: Dorothy–306-445-8717 or
The ladies have used the sewing room well this summer with Thursday being the main day. Our sewing days are Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Our First meeting of the year is Sept. 6th at 1pm., center door and downstairs at the Don Ross Center. Please come join us, see what we’re all about, we’d love to see you. Bring your ideas, thoughts and finished projects for show and tell.
“Every quilter has a masterpiece inside”
Notice is hereby givenunder TheTax Enforcement Actthat unlessthe arrearsand costsappearingoppositethe land described in thefollowinglist arefully paidbeforethe 28thday of October,2024 theTreasurer will proceed to register an interest based on atax lieninthe Land Titles Registry
NOTE: Asum forcosts foradvertising as requiredbysubsection 4(3) of TheTax Enforcement Act is included in theamount shownagainsteachparcel.
As harvest is just starting for some producers within the region, many are anticipating starting within the next week if weather allows.
Producers are busy swathing, desiccating and monitoring desiccated crops for dry down. The persistent lack of moisture and increased heat has impacted grain fill within the region across various crops.
Currently, the northwest region is one per cent complete harvest. This is behind the five-year average of three per cent and 10-year average of two per cent for the region.
Northwest producers are swathing, desiccating and monitoring desiccated crops for dry down, according to the Crop Report for Aug. 13 to 19. Greg Nikkel
Within the northwest region currently, winter wheat harvest is complete. Fall rye sits at five per cent harvested and spring wheat is one per cent complete. Three per cent of oats have been harvested for feed. Of the pulse crops, 14 per cent of lentils have been harvested and ten per cent of field peas. Producers have not reported grades for winter wheat or fall rye that has been harvested within the region. A full summary of individual crop harvest progress for all regions can be viewed in the attached harvest progress
Rainfall was variable over the past week throughout the region with many areas reporting minimal amounts. The highest rainfall recorded fell in the Hafford area at 18 mm. The Speers area received 13 mm over the past week and the St. Walburg area received 11 mm. Topsoil moisture conditions remain similar to previous weeks. Currently,
cropland topsoil moisture is 26 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 30 per cent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is 17 per cent adequate, 49 per cent short and 34 per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is 16 per cent adequate, 40 per cent short and 44 per cent very short.
Pasture conditions continue to diminish within the region due to the persistent hot and drier conditions. Currently, one per cent of pastures are in excellent condition, 15 per cent are good, 36 per cent are fair, 30 per cent are poor and 18 per cent are very poor.
Crop damage over the past week remains mainly due to the impacts from reduced moisture combined with the increased temperature along with crop
lodging due to wind. Minor crop damage was reported for hail, wildlife and waterfowl over the past week. Grasshoppers are causing minor to moderate damage in some areas within the region. As canola continues to mature within the region, sclerotinia stem rot and blackleg infections are being observed. For more information about Northwestern Saskatchewan, explore the Crop Report Dashboard.
Battlefords Minor Hockey Association will be hosting their Fall Annual Financial & Coaches Meeting on Wednesday October 9th at 6:30 pm
Fall Annual General Meeting is to approve the 2023-2024 audited Financials.
Proposed Constitutional changes can be viewed on
REGINA — The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is raising concern over recent policy changes made by the federal government.
Many agricultural operations in Saskatchewan are incorporated to help with succession planning and transferring assets from one generation to another to provide the retiring generation with a retirement income while helping the next generation continue the family-owned operations. Succession plans may be hindered by the introduction of new tax policy changes, SARM explains in a press release.
Farming operations have taken years, if not decades, to establish and contribute to the overall economy of the province, which in turn contributes to Canada’s food security and international trade markets, the organization states.
The Income Tax Act is a major factor in succession planning. The rules set out by the Canada Revenue
Agency governing taxes on farm property sales are complex. Not all capital gains are taxable, and not all capital losses are deductible, or if one qualifies for a Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption. Capital gains realized upon the sale of farm-owned assets may be offset by the capital gains exemption, but this exemption may not be enough to help.
Farmers are not the only businesses facing challenges due to the new policy changes, SARM says.
Doctors, among others, will also be impacted by the changes. Many physicians are incorporated, which means the proposed inclusion rate will apply to every dollar of capital gains made by their businesses.
The proposed policy changes will harm Canada’s climate for investment and growth, SARM asserts. SARM is advocating that capital gains inclusion rates return to pre-June 25, 2024, rates to help ensure rural Saskatchewan remains strong and continues to contribute on a national and global level.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
When customers fill up at a co-op gas bar on Fuel Good Day, they have a very real and lasting impact on their local community. Federated Co-operatives on their website says that since 2017, Fuel Good Day has raised more than $4.2 million, supporting more than 870 local organizations.
Discovery Co-op is happy to be participating in this initiative again in 2024, coming up Sept. 17.
Elnette Cilliers, vice-president of marketing for Discovery Co-op says, “Discovery Co-op is committed to donating six cents for every litre of fuel sold and
$1 from every coffee purchased, with funds going to Battlefords Residential services.
Battlefords Residential Services Inc. (BRSI) is a charitable organization committed to serving individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Battlefords. Their organization has supported people for 39 years.
BRSI currently provides residential and day program services to 50 individuals in the Battlefords, through the operation of six group homes, the Bridge Day Program and the Supportive Living Program (SLP). Their role is to support people to live their best lives at home and in our community.
Cilliers says Discovery Co-op has
been participating in the Fuel Good promotion since 2017. Discovery Coop gas bars located in North Battleford and Battleford will participate. Their Fuel Good Day initiative will support the BRSI in their efforts of purchasing a new van.
On behalf of Discovery Co-op, the VP of marketing also affirms that, since the launch of Fuel Good Day in 2017, Discovery Co-op has donated over $35,000 to non-profit organizations like the BUH Foundation, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Battlefords Canadian Mental Health Association.
To learn more about Discovery Coop’s community efforts, visit www.
Police are advising that the man injured in a shooting on 108 Street in North Battleford on Aug. 9 has since died.
On Aug. 18, Battlefords RCMP were notified the victim died in hospital. As a result, Saskatchewan RCMP Major Crimes is now investigating the circumstances of his death.
To further the investigation, Major Crimes is now
identifying the victim as 37-year-old Dustin Pewean, from North Battleford.
On Aug. 9 at approximately 2 a.m., Battlefords RCMP received a report of the sound of a gunshot in the area of 108 Street.
Officers immediately responded and found a man outside of a home on 108 Street who had serious injuries consistent with a gunshot. He was taken to hospital.
With the assistance of Sas-
katchewan RCMP’s Police Dog Services and Remotely-Piloted Aircraft System, Battlefords RCMP searched the area for the suspect or suspects, but couldn’t find them.
Police continue to investigate with assistance from Saskatchewan RCMP’s North Battleford Forensic Identification Services, and the Battlefords and Saskatoon General Investigation Section.
Residents in the area may
notice an increased police presence as the investigation continues.
If an imminent risk to public safety is identified, the RCMP say they will notify residents.
If you have any information about the incident that led to his death – or saw any suspicious activity in the 108 Street area during the early morning hours of Aug. 9, please report it to police by calling 310-RCMP or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers.
Children, when given a new box or crayons or paints and brushes, get busy, have fun and create. They are proud of their work! As we mature, we lose that spontaneity. We make excuses. I’m not an artist. I can’t paint. I don’t know how to draw.
You don’t need to be an artist to enjoy the experience of joy and pleasure of creating. You do, however, need somewhere to start and the Battlefords Art Club could help you choose a direction.
Children, when given a new box or crayons or paints and brushes, get busy fun and create. They are proud of their work! As we mature, we lose that spontaneity We make excuses. I’m not an artist. I can’t paint.
On Tuesdays from 9am to 9pm, members gather in the lower level of the Don Ross Center in the Craft Room to work on individual projects. Members are always willing to share their knowledge. Sometimes there are informal sharing sessions or more organized knowledge sharing events led by experienced
members. These sessions are open to club members. If supplies are provided, there may be a minimal cost, otherwise they are often free of charge. Recent examples are watercolor painting, rapid sketching, calligraphy and book binding.
Members work in a variety of media so whatever you decide could interest you, there is someone in the Club who will assist you in getting started with your creating!
For more information about the Battlefords Art Club please email
Chloe Knorr and Saidai Mosher of Maidstone were on Team Sask for the Western Canadian Classic dairy show hosted this year by WestGen in Armstrong BC. Applications are sent in each year and team leaders select members. Participants are from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia
The 28-member Saskatchewan team and adults travelled by bus from Martensville on Aug. 12, staying in Vernon and commuting to Armstrong every day. They headed home at 2 a.m. on Aug. 18. Their cows travelled by cattle liners.
The first two days were spent setting up, prepping and having a clipping competition, the third day was judging by competitors, and the fourth and fifth days were showing followed by cleanup, packing and loading.
Chloe showed a black and white spring yearling born on March 4, 2023, Kenbert Capital Dream from Kenbert Acres at Saskatoon SK. Saidai’s heifer was a red and white yearling born on April 29, 2023, Lovhill Warrior Penny Pie of Lovholm Holsteins & Charley Farms at Balgonie SK. Both girls did very well in their classes: Spring Yearling Confirmation, Chloe 3rd and Saidai 5th; Intermediate Judging, Saidai 9th; Senior Dairy Quiz, Chloe 9th. It wasn’t all work as they
were able to fit in team-building, dinners and a fun night in Kamloops with mini-golf, go-carting and games arcade.
This was Year 1 for Saidai so she got to experience the first-year dunk and the 3 a.m. starts. It was Chloe’s 4th year with next year to be her last as she ages out. Both girls
By Kathy Utri Correspondent
Jeremy Kenyon passed away in a tragic accident Aug. 15 at 36 years of age. Jeremy was a fun-loving guy with a very big heart. He had a smile for everyone and will be greatly missed by his family, friends and co-workers. The funeral service for Jeremy was held in Maidstone Arena Aug. 23. Sincere sympathy is extended to Jeremy’s parents, (Robert) Bob and (Valerie) Val Kenyon of Maidstone, brothers Nicholas and Michael, son Karter and Karter’s sisters, Jaylee and Savanah; nephew Booker, grandmothers Yvonne Kenyon and Francis Moen; numerous extended family and many, many friends.
Ron and Connie Rodh of Maidstone celebrated their 40th anniversary Aug. 18. Their children, Megan, Adam and Toby, hosted a party for them Aug.17, a beautiful sunny day. A large crowd of family and friends, many from out of town, attended the celebration. Congratulations, Ron and Connie!
Midwest Family Connections welcomed 26 children and 14 adults to Maidstone Splash Park Aug. 20 for their second fun event this summer. The kids played with toys and activities provided by Midwest facilitator Sam, and many enjoyed the water on a beautiful sunny morning. Several adults sat in the shade with their littlest ones but I chose a bench and soaked in the warmth. Once again, Sam, thank you for bringing your program to our community.
group of which Saidai is a member. Thank you to everyone who shared in the joy of this special event.
This week there have been two motor vehicle collisions at the intersection of Highways 16 and 21, just north of Maidstone. I cross this intersection every time I go to town so this concerns me. With the start of school, buses will also be using the highways twice a day. Please slow down and pay attention – it can prevent accidents and save lives, your own included.
Lakers 5. It may not be the win the team and fans hoped for but it was still a good season.
had a fantastic time and hope to join the team next year.
Chloe and Saidai would like to thank their parents for checking in on them and making sure they were set for the week. Thanks also to extended family and friends for the support as they watched the livestreams.
Sunday, Aug. 26, was a memorable day for my family as we participated in the baptismal ceremony at Maidstone Grace Community Church. Rosalee Sawatsky, Lane and Saidai Mosher (my grandchildren) and I were baptized by Pastor Alex. The church was full with our own congregation, other family and special guests including Josh and Leah Allen’s youth
Maidstone’s Standard Hill Lakers fought a good battle in the NSRBL playoffs but North Battleford Beavers took the best-of-three series. Scores were: first game
Maidstone Disc Golf Week 17 high averages: Tier 1 (0 or lower) Cole Tenetuik -11, Tier 2 (over 0 to +9) Andrew Williams +0.67, Tier 3 (+10 or higher) +10 Greg Mercer. Best card so far this year goes to Matt Sayers at -13. It was good to see four new guys out from North Battleford. Congrats to the drawn winners: Matt Sayers, a cooler donated by Cody Garnham and Dallas
a Dynamics Discs Trespass driver.
Continued on page 14
By Michael Oleksyn Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Prince Albert Daily Herald
The Saskatchewan Rivers School Division reported a slight increase in the number of teachers who identify as First Nations or Metis heading into the 2023-24 school year.
The division’s board had a look at staffing numbers in the yearly accountability report presented by Superintendents of Schools Corey Trann and Jeff Court at their regular meeting on Monday.
Director of Education Neil Finch said that he is impressed with several areas of the report but one highlight was the First Nations-Métis-Indigenous (FNMI) category.
“The one thing that I think we do really well as a school division and that I think we can be really proud of is the amount of self-declared First Nations/Metis employees that we have working for us,” Finch said.
There are currently 164 Métis educators and 26 First Nations.
The division currently has 190 educators in the First Nations-Métis-Indigenous category which is an increase from the 181 in last year’s report. That the data does not include other employees.
“I think that that’s something that we strive to continue to do is to have a diverse staff that helps serve a diverse student population,” Finch said.
“Knowing that this past year we had 190 teachers that self-declared to either being Indigenous or Metis and that to me is something to be really proud of because that is a high percentage of our folks, we hover around 30 per cent of our teaching staff that would be self-declared and that is reflective of our community that is around us as well,” he added.
The division has also increased the number of superintendents in charge
of the human resources in the division. Previously Trann was the lone superintendent but as of July 1 Court came aboard as well. The two are split with Trann in charge of teachers and Court responsible for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) pool. Finch said that the change was made July 1 after an annual review of superintendent duties.
“It was a model that we used. I’m going to say five or six years ago where we had two people overseeing HR and there’s a large volume that comes that direction. We thought having two people oversee it was going to be valuable for the system,” he said.
The workload for one superintendent on the file could also be daunting.
“Including subs we have 1,700 employees so to have one person overseeing 1,700 employees that is a big job,” Finch said.
During the 2023-2024 school year, there were
more than 553 full-time equivalent teachers in the division with 32 principals and 25 vice principals. There were 18 female and 14 male principals and 17 female and seven male vice-principals.
There were over 25 fulltime equivalent employees working out of the Education Centre.
The total budget for teachers and administration was $52.2 million. The largest percentage of money spent on salary goes to teachers at 84 percent of the total.
“And the highest amount of our dollars from our $100 million budget go into the classroom,” Finch said.
The division saw a modest turnover of 4.9 percent including early resignations and retirements.
The division is down eight full-time equivalent teachers for the 2024-2025 school year through the budget allocation.
Saskatchewan Rivers also has a First and Second Year Program where newer teachers meet formally throughout the year. There are also formal classroom visits from the superintendent in charge, this year it has been assigned to new superintendent Jeff Court. There is also an educa-
tional bursary offered to a maximum of $85,000 in the division. This year there were 56 applicants in two intakes and they paid out a total of $52,217.
Teacher recruitment is ongoing and a year-long focus, but the main efforts come during recruitment fairs at the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan in January and February. The division also attends other fairs if necessary.
The substitute list in the division is around 200 people made up mostly of current teachers but also includes 80 retired teachers. Over the past couple of years, the division has had difficulty to maintain an adequate substitute list.
In 2023-2024 there were over 489 employees in the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) pool with EA (Educational Associates) making up the largest number with over 233. There are also 62 employees through separate funding arrangements, along with 26 Out-of-Scope personnel.
The total non-teacher employee salaries are $21.9 million. This includes accounting and payroll, computer technicians, bus drivers, caretakers, educational associates, language asso-
ciates, library staff, maintenance staff, mechanics, mentors, KidsFirst project coordinators, social workers and secretaries.
The total staff in the divisions numbers 1,732 of staff shows that 76 percent and 24 percent male with all staff in all areas including teachers, CUPE and staff. The age categories show that there are 22 percent in the 40 to 49 category and in the 50 to 59 category, 21 percent in the 30 to 39 category, 15 percent in the 60 to 69 category, 16 percent in the 18 to 29 category and four percent in 70 to 79 age category.
The division currently has 181 educators in the First Nations-Métis-Indigenous category which is consistent with recent years.
The division is having strong recruitment according to the conclusion as they work with multiple universities. This year the division has 38 interns. They are had success in recruitment for French Immersion positions and in their Cree Language recruitment and other difficult positions and not lose them to other divisions.
The report’s recommendation was to maintain current direction, ensuring staff remains at the best level to serve students.
Continued from page 13
The annual Delfrari Cup and Battlevale Blitz will take place Sept. 21-22. With division competitions, barbecue, Ace Run derby, mini games, Glow 9 and lots of prizes, this will be a great tournament. Registration info on posters and on Facebook. Entries are limited so do it now: email your info and fees to maidstone.disc.
Girl Guides registration is open for Maidstone groups at Sparks ages five and six, every Tues-
day, 3:30-5 p.m., starting Sept.17; Embers ages seven and eight, every Thursday, 3:30-5 p.m., starting Sept.19; Guides ages nine to 11, Pathfinders ages 12 to14 and Rangers ages 15 to17, every second Thursday, 5:30-7 p.m. starting Sept.26. Meeting place for all will be the CE wing of the United Church.
Maidstone Health Care Auxiliary pie bingos will start Wednesday Sept. 11 at the Legion Hall on Main St. at 7 p.m. The schedule for areas to provide pies and
workers: Sept.11, 2nd Ave. East; Sept.18, Halfway/Keyworth; Sept.25, 1st and 2nd St. West and Walters; Oct.2, Railway Ave. and 1st Ave. East and West; Oct.9, 2nd Ave. West; Oct.16, Paynton district; Oct.23, Forest Bank and Battlevale. Cost is five cents per card per game with a halftime blackout game at 10 cents per card for a special prize.
Reminders: Sept .3, first day of school; Sept. 4, Maidstone Museum corn roast, 4:30 to 7 p.m., $8 per plate, water $1, pop $2.
By Elaine Woloshyn Correspondent
It was great to have a few refreshing shots of rain last week. Even a taste of thunder showers brought some precipitation to the dry countryside. It won’t be as dusty travelling on the grid and back rural roads for a short while. Sincere sympathy to the Marie Balazsi family of Rabbit Lake; Marie recently passed away. She leaves to mourn her husband John, two sons Terry and Clinton and their families. Their farmyard always had a showcase of beautiful flowers and vegetables and Marie’s inside hobby was quilting. She was a “master quilter,” willing to share and give many tips to all who were interested.
A well-deserved retirement to Bev Thomas of Mayfair after driving first the Mayfair school bus route, then, after 2004, when Mayfair School closed, the southern Spiritwood route. She started in 1987 so to 2024 totals 37 years of picking up rural kids and dropping them safely back home. She, at times, also was employed at a few Spiritwood businesses during the school hours. After school hours, bus drivers were in demand for driving students to extra curricular sports activities
so Bev would put in extra time to do this. Adding to the list are field trips for different classes and not to forget track and field in the spring.
Bev was also an actress on stage with Old Mill Players, a Mayfair live theatrical group for many years.
She always has a smile on her face, all of the time. She will be thoroughly missed as a very cautious fun-loving bus driver. A well-deserved retirement and may you get to sleep in, especially on -30 degree winter days, not having to worry if the bus will start at 6:30 a.m.
Beb and her husband Morris Thomas celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary this past summer with their three children, Ed, Leann and Connie (all of Saskatoon) with families and friends. Since Bev has retired from bus driving, may both of you enjoy your much needed retirements.
Fun times are happening in Spiritwood this coming long weekend. Six pavilions will be scattered throughout the town offering great food, beverages, dancers and live music when obtaining a reasonably priced $10 wristband available at any pavilion.
Aug. 30 hours are 4-10 p.m. and Saturday Aug. 31 noon till 6 p.m. with kids 10 and under free. Pavil-
ions on site are Scotland, Filipino, Latin American, Norwegian, First Nations and Irish. A great time is always had by all who have attended in the past.
Eagle Creek Regional Park in the Asquith area will be hosting another music jamboree Sept. 6-8. Great talent will be on the outdoor stage with most groups who entertain at many other jamborees throughout the summer months. Again a very affordable weekend with concession on site, camping, 50/50 draws, etc. Please call 306-329-4478 for more information. If a person wants to become good at something, many hours of training, studying and practising are in order. To participate in marathons, one has to be in tip-top shape including cardio, strength (weightlifting) and putting a lot of carbohydrates into the diet. Local 23-year-old Jaden Bailey from Sonningdale is really enjoying the challenges this sport brings, including many new friends (other runners) in the past two and a half years. Attending nearby school in Maymont, this young lad excelled in track and field and cross-country running, seriously getting interested during his first “Fun Run” sponsored by Mental Health in 2022.
Whether your childisstarting kindergarten this year or continuing their education, there are many things outside of school that can affect their success. Here’sa partial list of health professionals your child could benefit from seeing before school starts
1. Optometrist. School learning is based largely onsight sincemost of what’staught is written. An annualeye exam can detectany problems,regardless of whether the child has vision problems or not. Remember,your childmay not be aware their sight is compromised.
2. Audiologist. Not all children need to visit the audiologist for ahearing test.However,it’shighly recommended if your childsuffers fromrecurring
ear infections,often loses their balance or has difficulty hearing on one side. It’salsoa good idea to scheduleanappointment if you or anyofyour family members were born with ahearing impairment.
3. Dentist. Cavities can causepain that interferes with your child’sconcentration, nutrition and academic success. Adental professional can help prevent and treat cavities. Theycan alsoteach your child about the importance of brushing their teeth.
4. Psychologist.A child’spsychological health can affectmanyaspects of their life, including their education. Apsychologist can give your child the tools to cope with everyday situations if theyseem stressed or anxious about the school year.It’salsoagood idea toschedule an appointment for your child if they’re goingthrough adifficult time, suchasabereavement, parental separation or moving.
5. Doctor.Your child’s health and development are extremely important. Visiting thedoctorensures your child’sphysical condition won’t interfere with their learningand allows you to take prompt actionifitdoes. Youshouldalso verify that their vaccinationrecords are up to datetokeep them, their classmates and their teachers safe. Everychild is unique. Therefore, it’suptoyou to determine which specialists your child sees before the start of theschool year to give them the best chance of success. Feel free to schedule an appointmentwith one of them if theneed arises during theyear
Learning science enables you to better understand the world around you. It promotes collaboration and helps you become a better-informed citizen. It also stimulates creativity and helps build a work approach that will benefit them throughout their academic career. Here are some ways you can encourage your child’s scientific awakening.
• Search for the answers with them. When your child asks a question to which you don’t know the answer, research it together. Use multiple resources, such as books, websites and scientific journals.
• Encourage reflection. When your child witnesses a natural phenomenon, invite them to consider how it could be explained. Ask openended questions to promote discussion.
• Suggest experiments. There are various science experiments you can carry out at home using
the supplies you have on hand. This type of learning experience is sure to give your child hours of fun.
• Visit scientific museums. Visit a museum with your child to learn more about scientific phenomena. There may be demonstrations of the water cycle or electricity, for example. Some museums feature fascinating temporary exhibits that are worth the trip. Keep your eyes peeled.
• Subscribe to scientific journals. Subscribe to an ageappropriate magazine that focuses on your child’s area of interest. Make sure it’s suited to their curiosity and reading level. Your child is sure to learn things you don’t know yourself. Incorporate these ideas based on your child’s interest level, then watch the results.
Do youprefera casual /fun atmosphere? Do youenjoy varietyinyourjob? Areyou creative? Do youknowInDesign?
We arelooking fora person that hasInDesignexperienceand is detail oriented.Great communica tion skills andsomesales/ customer serviceexperienceisanasset.
If this soundslikeyou,pleasesendyou resume to: by September6th,2024.
We thankinadvance alla pplicants fortheir interest, ho weveronlythose candida tesunderconsidera tion will be contacted.
Expected hours: No less than 32 hoursper week with some flexibility. Full benefits
KARATE-DO Registration Night September 4, 2024
7:00 - 9:00 pm - Living Faith Chapel 1371 103 St, North Battleford For more information or to pre-register call Barry 306.441.629
I am currently PURCHASING single to large blocks of land. NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS
Saskatchewan born and raised, I know farming and farmland and can help you every step of the way.
Doug Rue, for further information 306-716-2671
Public notice is hereby given, Pursuant to Section207 of thePlanning and DevelopmentAct 2007 that theCityofNorth Battleford Intendstopassa bylawtoamend Zoning BylawNo, 1971.
It is proposed to amendthe Zoning Bylaw, whichforms part of theBylaw Number 1971 as follows:
Change thezoningofthe following properties from SmallLot Residential District (R1A)toLow DensityResidential District (R2)
•702 -99thStreet Lot1,Block 123, Plan C4240,Ext 0
•712 -99thStreet Lot2,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•722 –99thStreet Lot3,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•732 -99thStreet Lot4,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•742 -99thStreet Lot5,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•752 -99thStreet Lot6,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•762 -99thStreet Lot7,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•772 -99thStreet Lot8,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•782 -99thStreet Lot9,Block 123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•792 -99thStreet Lot10, Block123, Plan C4240, Ext0
•802 -99thStreet Lot1,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•812 -99thStreet Lot2,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•822 -99thStreet Lot3,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•832 -99thStreet Lot4,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Resort Village of Aquadeo (RV) intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No 19/89, known as the Zoning Bylaw (ZB)
INTENT: The intent of the amendment is to introduce specific regulation for retaining walls within the RV Relevant terms would be defined including what is deemed to be a “retaining wall” requiring permitting The use would be discretionary in all instances Application requirements, evaluation, and decisions would be based on the proposed content for amendment. The amendment specifically aims to ensure that retaining walls are planned and constructed as to best minimize risks to people and property, and to mitigate potential land use conflicts associated with their placement.
AFFECTED LAND: All lands within the RV would be affected, except for any lands zoned R2, which are unaffected
REASON: There is a current absence of clear interpretation and regulation of retaining walls within the ZB, which has been noted by Council resulting from a recent application for a retaining wall. Council, therefore, is seeking amendment to have this matter clarified and to regulate retaining walls in the best interest of the RV, its ratepayers and residents, to address the current application and for subsequent applications moving forward.
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RV office during regular business hours, excluding statutory holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost or by emailing the RV administrator and asking for a copy The office can be reached at (306) 386-2942. A digital copy of the draft amendment is available at the following web address:
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on September 20, 2024, at 10:00 AM, in the RV Office. Written submissions and requests for verbal representation must be received by September 19, 2024. For additional information, please contact (306) 386-2942 or Written submissions can be mailed to Box 501, Cochin, SK, S0M 0L0, or emailed to the address above.
Issued by the Resort Village of Aquadeo this 23rd day of August, 2024.
Alexandria Bernier
Administrative Officer – Resort Village of Aquadeo
•842 -99thStreet Lot5,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•852 -99thStreet Lot6,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•862 -99thStreet Lot7,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•872 -99thStreet Lot8,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•882 -99thStreet Lot9,Block 122, Plan C4240, Ext0
•892 -99thStreet Lot10, Block122, Plan C4240, Ext0
Reason forAmendment:
Thezoningofthe 700& 800blocksonthe eastsideof99thStreet is Zoned R1A. Thepropertytothe eastand theblock to thesouth arezoned R2 Thelandacross99thStreet (Don Ross Centre)iszoned Community Service District (CS).Changingthe zoning will make thezoningconsistentwiththe adjacent residentialzoning.
R1Azoningisinflexible only allowing forthe redevelopmentofsinglefamily houses.R2allows amuchmoreflexibilityallowing forsinglefamily homes up to andincluding smallapartment buildings andtownhouses. Thecurrent zoning is an impediment to redevelopment.
An yi nt eres te dp er so nm ay in sp ec tt he by la wa tC it yH al l, 1291- 101 st Street,North Battleford, SK Monday throughFriday, between thehours of 9: 00 a. m. to 4: 30 p. m. Co pi es ar ea va ila bl et op er so ns th ro ug ht he Officeofthe City Clerk.
Public Hearing
Representationsrespectingthe Bylawwill be considered by Council on the9th dayofSeptember 2024,atthe DonRossCentreRoom 107 (Council Chambers)at5:45p.m.Council shallhear anypersonorgroup of persons or person actingontheir behalf,who wish to make arepresentation. Council will also consider writtencommentsreceivedatthe hearingordelivered to City Hall before thehearing
** ** Pl eas en ot e: If yo uw is ht op ro vi de co mm en ts re ga rd in gt he application, we askthatyou consider submitting your commentsin writingtoour officebyemail, mail or in person at City Hall. Thedeadline to submit commentsisSeptember 6, 2024, by 12 pm noon
FORMOREINFORMATION: Gary Fung,JuniorPlanner City of NorthBattleford (306) 445 –1710
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council for the RM of Meota No 468 (RM) intends to consider the adoption of new land use planning bylaws, an Official Community Plan (OCP) and a Zoning Bylaw (ZB), under sections 29 and 46 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (PDA).
INTENT: The new OCP outlines the municipal vision for future land use planning in the RM and includes local land use policies to assist decision makers in achieving this vision consistent with the provincial land use planning framework. The OCP would be adopted by Council, and all future land use decisions shall be consistent with the OCP.
The new ZB would implement the policies of the OCP and establish the regulations for future growth and development within the municipal boundaries of the RM Included are specific zoning designations to which specific permitted and discretionary uses are assigned The ZB also contains administrative protocols, general and specific regulations and standards for land uses, and other tools to guide decision making in the promotion of suitable and beneficial development for the residents of the RM
AFFECTED LAND: The affected land is described as all lands located within the jurisdiction of the RM Specific Land Use Designations and Zoning Districts would be assigned to all lands within the RM and will be mapped. Copies of maps proposing the new land use designation and zoning schemes are available at the following web address for public view:
REASON: The reason for the adoption of the OCP is to:
1. Ensure that the RM remains a safe and sustainable community in the future
2. Guide municipal land use planning decisions to achieve orderly and predictable development, and efficient use of municipal resources and services
3. Promote a range of housing, business, recreational, institutional, and municipal function land use options within the RM
4. Align the municipal land use planning decision making process with the current provincial planning framework. The reason for the adoption of the ZB is to control the use of land to provide for the amenity of the area within the RM’s jurisdiction and for the health, safety, and general welfare of its inhabitants. The ZB includes the following zoning districts that provide standards for development within specific areas within the municipality. They are summarized as follows:
1 A – Agricultural District: which is intended to provide for agricultural land use and for low density residential development and other compatible developments
2. H- Hamlet District: which is intended to provide for low to mediumdensity residential development and other compatible developments
3 C – Commercial District: which is intended to provide for commercial land use and other compatible developments
4. LR1 – Lakeshore Residential District: encourages residential development on large lots, which is the predominant pattern of development in recent years around Jackfish and Murray Lakes.
5 LR2 – Lakeshore Residential District: Recognizes the historic patter n of small lot cottage development around Jackfish and Murray Lakes.
6. LR3 – Lakeshore Mixed-Use District: is intended to provide for lakeshore commercial development as the primary land use, and accessory and complementary residential development.
7 CR – Country Residential District: The objective of this District is to provide for the subdivision and development of multiple parcel country residential development. It will be used to accommodate country residential development where more than three sites containing residential uses are located in a quarter section.
8 SHLR – Slope Hazard Lakeshore Residential District: The objective of this District is to allow limited lakeshore residential and recreational development subject to determining the suitability of the proposed development within the site as it relates to geotechnical hazards. Similar to the two Lakeshore Residential Districts, this District will provide for residential development near lake shores at a density higher than country residential development.
9. CON – Conservation District: The objective of the Conservation District is to protect critical natural areas and wildlife habitat. Some recreational and limited agricultural development may be appropriate subject to special regulations provided for in the Zoning Bylaw.
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the proposed bylaws at the RM office during regular business hours, excluding any statutory holidays. Draft copies of the proposed bylaws are available from the RM office (hard copies at cost). Digital copies of the proposed bylaws and related mapping are available via email. The RM office is located at 300 - 1st Street East, Meota, SK, S0M 1X0.
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 8:00 AM in the RM office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed amendments Public may attend meetings via teleconference or in person If you wish to attend the meeting via teleconference, please contact the Development Officer for details on how to attend Council will also consider written comments received on or before September 19, 2024, by the undersigned at the RM office by hardcopy or email before the hearing. The RM office is located at 300 - 1st Street East, Meota, SK, S0M 1X0. The RM Office contact information: (306) 892-2061 or
Issued by the RM of Meota No 468 this August 15, 2024.
Tina Schaefer - Development Officer RM of Meota No 468
Continued on page 15
His accomplishments include the following (not necessarily in proper order): full and half marathons in Saskatoon, 50-kilometre Ultra Trail Run in Sask. Landing Provincial Park near Swift Current, Prince Albert 10-kilometre race; half-marathon in Edmonton; Lloydminster Titanium half-marathon; BMO full marathon in Vancouver, B.C. He has achieved his personal best in many and also cheers on others who might place better than himself.
At times injuries occur but Jaden takes this all in stride. One event is coming up Sept. 15 but with injury he might not be ready. He tries to practise on Wednesday evenings in Saskatoon, meeting up with his buddies doing an eight-kilometre run.
Jaden works full time at the Maymont grain terminal and lives on a mixed family farm near Sonningdale, also keep -
Jaden is excited to see his friend Andrew Gee from Saskatoon has qualified for the 2025 Boston Marathon.
ing busy on the farm. This hard-working determined young man is very happy he became involved in this sport. The highest entry fee was $300 to enter a marathon so this isn’t a “cheap” sport as one travels a distance, paying for accommodation and food. All is costly. Way to go, Jaden Bailey, a true inspiration to all!
Jaden is excited to see his friend Andrew Gee from Saskatoon has qualified for the 2025 Boston Marathon. Many runners, as Jaden has stated, have endured prairie winter runs, early morning and late ones, wanting to keep in shape. The comradery amongst many participants leads to a lifetime of true friendship.
Public notice is hereby given, Pursuant to Section207 of thePlanning and Development Act 2007 thatthe City of North Battleford Intends to pass a bylaw to amend ZoningBylaw No,1971.
It is proposed to amend theZoning Bylaw, whichforms part of theBylaw Number 1971 as follows:
Change the zoning of the following propertiesfromCommunityService (CS) toOne Unit Residential District (R1)
•611 -99th Street Block P, Plan 59B02024,Ext 0
•621 -99th Street Lot1,Block 1, Plan 65B09632, Ext 0
•629 –99th StreetLot 8, Block 1, Plan 101537715 Ext 3
• 631 -99th Street Lot2,Block 1, Plan 65B09632, Ext 6
•641 -99th Street Lot3,Block 1, Plan 65B09632, Ext 0
•651 -99th Street Lot4,Block 1, Plan 65B09632, Ext 0
Reason for Amendment:
These properties arec ur re nt ly zo ned CS to prohi bit re devel opment. The reason thatthe City restricted redevelopment is the proximity of these properties to aslope to theriver valley.
Withadoptionofthe Lands IdentifiedWith Potential HazardsPolicy theCity clearly has the ability to requireany redevelopment application for these lands to be accompanied by asite specific geotechnical report that addresses any potentialslope stabilityissues.
Bylaw Inspection
Any int erested person may inspe ct th eb ylaw at Cit yH al l, 1291-101 st Street, North Battleford, SK Monday throughFriday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Copi e sa re ava il ab le to pers on st hrou gh th e Office of the City Clerk
Public Hearing
Representationsrespecting theBylaw will be consideredbyCouncil on the 9th dayofSeptember,2024, at the Don RossCentreRoom107 (Council Chambers) at 5:45 p.m. Council shall hear anyperson or groupofpersons orperson acting on their behalf, who wish to make arepresentation. Council will also consider written commentsreceived at thehearing or delivered to City Hall beforethe hearing.
Information ** ** Pl eas en ote :I fy ou wi sh to p ro vi de co mm en ts re ga rd in gt he application, we ask that youconsider submitting your comments in writing to ouroffice by email, mail or in person atCityHall. Thedeadline tosubmit comments is September6,2024 by 12 pm noon
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Gary Fung, Junior Planner CityofNorth Battleford (306) 445 –1710
By Michael Oleksyn Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Prince Albert Daily Herald
The Prince Albert Catholic School Division will be seeing additional staff for the 2024-2025 school year after being approved for funding through Jordan’s Principle.
The division was notified that they have received $1.2 million to fund the hiring of 38 educational assistants (EA) for the upcoming school year. Director of education Lorel Trumier said that the division was pleased to receive this federal funding.
“We worked with our
parents and our families as well as our students support teachers, administrators and homeroom teachers (and) worked with our families to make the application,” Trumier said.
The application was approved over a week ago to fill the positions and they have hired 26 of the 38 positions as of the board of education’s regular meeting on Aug. 19.
“We have got a very busy HR Superintendent right now to get that to happen,” Trumier said.
Jordan’s Principle is a federally funded for First Nations children up to age 18 who live on reserves or
in urban centers. The aim of the program is to ensure that there are no gaps in services for Indigenous children. Groups or individuals can make applications for supports including mental health and special education, among others.
Jordan’s Principle helps ensure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products,
services, and supports they need, when they need them.
All applications are made collaboratively with families and must be approved by a parent or guardian.
“We know that ultimately it will improve the supports for students and so we are looking forward to onboarding (hiring) the staff to fill those positions,” she said.
The word funding does not include MEPP, CPP and EI contributions. The division has submitted these for approval to Jordan’s Principle.
Jordan’s Principle did not approve funding for statutory holidays. The division has submitted an appeal. Trumier said that the use of the word
appeal in the memo to the board was too strong of a word choice.
“We’re just unsure (and) would like to go back to Jordan’s Principle management and talk about the pay for statutory holidays,” Trumier said.
She explained that the division is seeking verification on why it is not included and they have made contingency plans to pay the statutory holiday pay as is the labour standard.
“We’re just going to go back to Jordans Principle and sort that out with them. Maybe it’s just (an) oversight. It might be just the absence of some language, and we want
to make sure,” Trumier said.
“We’re just going to go back and verify with the organizer that there’s some clarity around what’s paid and what’s not. Regardless, we’re putting our educational assistants in a good position,” she added.
Overall she is pleased to have the new positions available.
“We still want the good word out there that we do have some positions, so people who have an interest to work with students and have perhaps some background as well to work with them and we’ll do some training, but there is opportunity there for positions,” Trumier said.
Sun. 10:30 am Ministries forthe wholefamily 306-445-5158
By NC Raine
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Eagle Feather News
Eunice Ketchemonia-Cote, who creates unique ribbon skirts and star blankets says social media can be a double-edge sword for home-based artists like herself.
From the Keeseekoose First Nation, she often posts and sells her items on Facebook because it’s a quick way to showcase her work.
As a result, Ketchemonia-Cote’s one-of-a-kind designs have been replicated without her consent more times than she can remember.
“I think it’s a problem that happens a lot more than people realize,” said Audrey Dreaver, an artist and program co-ordinator of Indigenous Fine Arts at the First Nations University of Canada.
She said misusing or outright theft of Indigenous people’s artwork or “intellectual property” has been happening for decades.
“It’s a weird phenomenon that is claiming to honour Indigenous people but is really offensive in the underhanded way it’s done,” said Dreaver.
“I don’t think there’s any way that when someone is appropriated – which is taking something without permission from the community, nation, or artist – that it is honouring anything. It’s almost always done to build their own reputation or money.”
Most people can think of several first-hand examples of witnessing or experiencing cultural appropriation, such as a non-Indigenous person wearing a headdress as a costume or for fashion.
However, the problem extends
even further, said Dreaver, to manipulating someone’s artwork or design and calling it their own.
“This is not new. North American and European settlers have been appropriating Indigenous work for a long time,” she said. “When you are learning art, you are taught that as long as you change one or two little things, it’s your original. It’s not. It’s appropriation. There’s an attitude of entitlement that we can use whatever inspires us.”
There are many examples of this happening.
Canadian Métis artist Christi Belcourt landed a collaboration with Italian fashion brand Valentino.
It was presented as a respectful and mutually beneficial collaboration, Valentino asked if they could transfer one of Belcourt’s paintings to various fabrics to create clothing.
In 2015 the line made its debut at Paris Fashion Week.
Shortly after the collaboration, Belcourt discovered the fashion brand had appropriated a headdress on one of their shoeboxes. Another artist found antique Kiowa and Cheyenne beadwork designs reproduced on a Valentino backpack.
“I think it’s an example of a (brand) starting a collaboration, or making a small effort to collaborate,,” said Dreaver. “Unfortunately. some of those attempts feel like a coverup,”
Other designers such as Bethany Yellowtail have also experienced cultural appropriation from larger brands. An online blog called Native Appropriations has written about both Belcourt and Yellowtail’s experiences as well as other instances of cultural appropriation.
“Respecting intellectual knowledge and property is not something
you see in the fashion industry,” said Dreaver. “That’s the problem – the idea of copyright is extremely different in the settler culture and our culture.”
Ketchemonia-Cote doesn’t know what she can do to prevent the pirating of her art.
“At first it really bothered me,” she said. “But life is too short, there’s nothing you can do about it. So why go through the stress?”
To prevent others from using her work, Ketchemonia-Cote said she used to watermark her photos before posting them, but with technology
now, people can easily remove the watermark.
“I think mostly about the people who are buying this stuff, they are getting ripped off,” she said. “They aren’t getting [original] designs.”
In the United States, the Indian Arts and Crafts Act (IACA) of 1990 is a law that prohibits misrepresentation in the marketing of Indian art and craft products within the United States. No such comparable law exists in Canada.
“They want to show everyone that they are supportive of Indigenous people, but it’s a struggle. And
copyright is one of those areas,” said Dreaver. “They won’t look at anything that has to do with Indigenous ideas of copyright and intellectual property.”
Dreaver believes it’s time Canada created an Act to protect Indigenous artists in the same way the IACA protects artists in the US.
“We can speculate as to why we don’t have those protections here,” she said. “People will blame it on [Indigenous] people for not advocating for themselves. But there has been a lot of advocacy that isn’t listened to.”