news-optimist Regional

By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
The lengthy and heated city council meeting Monday night concluded with a delay in further reading of the Residential Rental Property Registration (RRPR) Bylaw, as council called for additional research and stakeholder consultations.
“We do have an election coming up, so that’s partly we do need to consult (with the public) and not lose focus on what that end goal is, creating safer and healthier communities and neighbourhoods,” said Coun. Kent Lindgren.
The proposed bylaw suggests residential rental properties be registered and inspected, either through consent or a warrant, to ensure compliance with existing safety and building codes.
“It’s very much disheartening to read it [the draft bylaw] and then being almost told that I would be a danger to public health and safety –because I’m a landlord,” said Rick Kostiuk, a North Battleford landlord and longtime resident.
Kostiuk spoke at the
meeting on behalf of a small group of local landlords who sat through the entire threeand-half-hour session, as he said the previous two public consultations were lacking.
“... A lot of the perceptions of intimidation and it was brought forward in the writings… A lot of the hesitation for a tenant to call a warranty,” he said of the draft bylaw.
“I am fearful that it [passing the RRPR Bylaw] will court investment in our community for anybody wanting to do this [being a landlord].”
Currently, the city lacks the legal authority to conduct routine inspections or access utility and tax records for enforcement purposes, which requires a proactive rather than a reactive approach, city clerk Stacey Hadley said.
Critics: How the business works
The city’s proactive approach was directly refuted by critics, saying new regulations are unnecessary because existing rules could be updated to include annual inspections.
Cameron Choquette, chief
Continued on page 2
Battleford mayor asks drivers to slow down as kids head back to
By Angela Brown
With kids hitting the pavement as they head off to start a new school year, the Town of Battleford is urging motorists to use caution on the roads.
“This time of year always makes it harder; the sun sets at different times,”
Mayor Ames Leslie said.
“Quite often if you are driving in the north to south, east to west, the sun can
get in your eyes, so I do ask that people drive with more care and attention, especially at this time of year with kids going back to school. There are a lot more people moving around. There’s a lot more cars on the road. There’s a lot more school buses on the road than there was even a week ago.”
He noted people just need to slow down, pay attention and focus on driving, and “hopefully we all can come home safe.”
It’s also a time when people are moving farming equipment around more at the end of the farming season.
“We’re right in the thick of harvest right now,” Leslie said. “It’s going to be this way probably for a couple more weeks. People just need to pay attention and have patience when you’re behind the big machinery because it doesn’t move that fast. Sometimes it’s larger than the roads, so you just have to give them the space.”
Seeking candidates with one or more of the following attributes:
Seeking candidateswithone or more of thefollowing attributes:
Continued from page 1 executive officer of Saskatchewan Landlord Association, a provincial association that represents and works on behalf of the province’s rental housing industry – that houses more than 30 per cent of North Battleford’s population, attended the meeting online Monday with suggestions.
“I can understand the benefits of data collection, but I can’t seem to understand why the city doesn’t have the contact information for rental housing providers who pay millions of dollars in taxes and utilities every year,” Choquette said in the Zoom meeting.
inspections, said Randy Patrick, city manager.
“We’re seeing as a council every week pictures of places I would not let my animals live in… Emergency Services are worried we’re going to have more fires and more deaths because of these homes,” Coun. Bill Ironstand spoke in favour of the bylaw.
In creating the bylaw, the city learned from other cities like Saskatoon, focusing on proactive measures only if concerns arise.
Kostiuk said there needs to be more transparency in developing a contact list for communication purposes.
“If the RCMP came to one of my rental properties, I wouldn’t know.”
“The folks sitting here right now, from the sounds of things, as well as myself, we’re not them [bad actors]. If this [the bylaw] was to ever pass or even do a contact list of some kind without any strings attached, we’re going to probably be the only ones that would sign up. You’re still not going to achieve what you are aiming for through this bylaw right now the way it is,” he said.
•Passion forcommunity,people& mental health with adesiretomakea difference
• Passion for community, people & mental health with a desire to make a difference
• Strong financial literacy
• Governance experience and knowledge
•Gover nanceexperienceand knowledge
•Human Resources,Marketing or EventManagementexperienceand knowledge
• Human Resources, Marketing or Event Management experience and knowledge
Choquette warned that the current rental housing businesses don’t respond well to new regulations because of the existing level of government control.
“My frustration has been with enforcement,” said Coun. Len Taylor, adding that he has been receiving angry phone calls from landlords having trouble accessing their properties.
• Lived experience with the mental health industry, mental illness, and/or mental health
•Lived experience with thementalhealth industry,mentalillness, and/or mental health
How to apply
•Senda resume to michele@cmhabattlefords.caand complete an online applicationbyvisitingour, select Board& BoardofDirectors Applicationlink
• Send a resume to and complete an online application by visiting our website, select Board & Board of Directors Application link
• Submission deadline is September 25, 2024
•SubmissiondeadlineisSeptember 25, 2024
“Our members are worried about the four to six landlords that need to receive targeted enforcement not receiving it, and a blanket approach being used instead,” he said.
The city’s response and broader concerns
Coun. Taylor brought up further concerns about working with the provincial government, which has been absent in sending social services for wellness checks, which is overloading the bylaw community safety officers.
Kostiuk added the bylaw would invade the privacy of tenants in rental properties, stressing the need to distinguish between public and private concerns and ensure that property owners’ rights are respected.
• Nominations will be presented October 10, 2024 at the Annual General Meeting
•Nominations will be presentedOctober 10, 2024 at theAnnualGeneral Meeting
Learn more about Canadian Mental Health Association, Battlefords Branch:
Lear nmoreaboutCanadianMentalHealth Association, Battlefords Branch:
• Visit our website or call our office 306 446 7177
•Visit ourwebsite www.cmhabattlefords.caorcallour office306 446 7177
The proposal intends to provide the city with a comprehensive view of the rental landscape to better plan and deliver services, though it does not mandate universal
“I want to live in a city that’s fair and safe and protective of its population, the most vulnerable need the most care,” he said. “I’m not sure creating an environment of stress amongst landlords right now is the way to start this process.”
Landlords’ rights?
“My wife and I are in the profession of helping people, and we have residents that live with us that are unable to live on their own. We felt that one other way to help us, (because we also don’t have pension plans or anything to that effect), was to invest in rental properties,” said Kostiuk. “I would never put somebody in a rental property that I wouldn’t want to live in there myself.”
Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Nevin Gloe, coach of the North Battleford Composite High School’s golf team says players are full into their short season.
“We should have eight players, four boys and four girls, part of the NBCHS golf teams this fall.”
High school golf season is a short one with District Championships taking place Sept. 18 at Jackfish Lodge and Golf Club.
Gloe says, “Last season we had three players qualify for provincials, but only two were able to attend. Both of those students are no longer at NBCHS as one moved and one graduated.”
If any golfers qualify for provincials from competition, the Sask. High School Athletics Association Provincial golf event takes place at Northern Meadows Golf Club in Goodsoil on Sept. 27-28.
“We are in the midst of finalizing the team Sept. 9-10 hopefully. The season is short with districts coming up early in the school year, and provincials for those that qualify soon after. Goal is really to make sure the students have fun and hopefully play the game for life, and it is always a bonus when our student-athletes are able to qualify for provincials and gain that experience,” added Coach Gloe.
You can follow golf updates and results on either NBCHS social media or the SHSAA website, which updates all of its events as the season goes on.
Corinne Delaney, Peter Delainey, Morgan of Aquedeo & AJ Gagne presenting a check for $16,350.25 to a representative of the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. August 3, 2024 was the date of the Lloyd Pirot Memorial Fund Raiser for the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. This year $16,340.00 was raised bringing the total since 2019 to $66,340.00. This was all done with no corporate sponsors, just the generosity of the people.This year over one thousand wrist bands were sold. Photos submitted by Jeanette Gorski
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
North Battleford is now accepting nominations for the 2024 municipal election. Those interested in running for mayor or city councillor can download the nomination packages from the city’s website.
The nomination period will run from September 25 to October 9, 2024. All forms must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Oc -
tober 9.
New this year, candidates are required to include a Criminal Record Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check from the Battlefords RCMP Detachment. These checks, which take five to seven business days to process, must be issued within 30 days before submitting the nomination papers.
The updated bylaw now includes an exemption for Indigenous people reclaiming their traditional names. They can obtain
their criminal record checks for free at city hall, although they must follow the existing process.
A criminal record does not disqualify a candidate from running.
To help candidates prepare, several information sessions are scheduled:
SUMA Municipal Governance 101 Webinar: September 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
SUMA Governance Webinar for Cities: September 19, 6:30-
7:30 p.m.
City of North Battleford Information Session 1: September 12, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at North Battleford Public Library
City of North Battleford Information Session 2: September 17, 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Zoom
For more information or to request a paper copy of the nomination package, visit the City of North Battleford’s elections page, email elections@cityofnb. ca, or call 306-445-1719.
Share your view!
Phone: 306-445-7261 Fax: 306-445-3223
To the Editor;
I don’t think anyone can really get over the loss of their home to fire or flood or wind. News reporters at present keep talking about how one area or one town has been evacuated because of fire and I think about the stress for the people.
On the other hand, not one reporter that I’ve heard has ever mentioned the terrible loss of wildlife. Wild creatures particularly birds, are in grave danger in the first place because of humankind and, by the way, most of the fires raging in Saskatchewan were set by humans, in last years fires.
A doe will not leave her fawn, a bird will not leave her fledglings, they perish together. Bees and butterflies, lynx and elk, the list goes on and on. Gentle chipmunks, lumbering, bears, humming birds, none can out run or out fly a fire. They’re doomed.
As usual, the human race seems indifferent to anything except themselves.
Who cares about wildlife choking in smoke or being roasted alive. Not our media.
Christine Pike
By Dr. R.H. Wood North Battleford
Mr. Singh’s awaited speech was one of award-winning banality. You would think from the number of times Jagmeet has told us that he has torn up the Supply and Confidence Agreement that it was of equal importance to the 1215 Magna Carta or Charta Libertatum. What we want to know is how come he had the only copy of the Mini Charta and what did he do with the bits as each piece could have been sold or saved in a document Columbarium. When the great Carta was written there were four copies, the one in Salisbury Cathedral can be viewed through protective glass for the equivalent of $20 a look. This would have been an N.D.P. money maker, especially as they are currently short of funds – silly Singh. Since no one else seems to have seen the Mini Charta and there is no video of its destruction, one has to suspect hallucination. If not, then Jagmeet is guilty of vandalism at the very least or a crime against the state.
To justify his extreme ac-
tion, Jagmeet has accused Mr. T. and I suppose the Liberal party of being incapable of change, smallness, and bless my soul, selfishness. Please remember that Chrystia recently described Conservatives as being “cold, cruel and small”. It is surely incumbent on Mr. Poilievre to respond with equal politeness. Here are some faults that he might care to mention – dress sense, B.O., halitosis, malodourous flatulence, talking in one’s sleep or while others are sleeping or talking, cross floor intimidation by shouting, arm waving and leering. The offensive word “wacko” has been proscribed within the halls of power. It is not in my Universal dictionary. A
acknowledge the financial
“wack”, by the way, is someone who resides in the city of Liverpool, England where we lived for eleven years.
If Mr. T. thinks he has had a bad week just wait – to keep his minority government in power the 32-member Block Party will now screw every benefit and concession imaginable from him for Quebec, no doubt taking lessons from the N.D.P. This will greatly increase the alienation of the west. Adding to dissent, will be China’s curtailment of canola imports following the 100% tariff on E.V. cars and 25% on steel that Mr. T. has enacted without parliamentary approval to satisfy the Americans. This move is unadulterated protectionism
and is a result of this government’s reckless commitment of some $37B to E.V. battery and vehicle companies. This government has set E.V. targets, forgetting that the vehicles are considerably more expensive to buy and re-power, so what is wrong with cheaper imports to make life easier for us?
The highlight for me last week was totally unexpected.
In a store I was approached by a gentleman whom I did not recognize, who declared I had taught him the Scottish word “coggly” some years ago. If a four-legged stool has one short leg, it is coggly. This descriptive word is not in my Universal dictionary but “coggle” can be found on the Internet. Conversation ensued and I was astonished by this chap’s wide knowledge despite him never having read or even heard of the “Wood Pile”. He knew for example all about Dr. Jonas Salk, last week’s subject and the Magna Carta this week’s subject with dates and details. I once heard the word “coggly” being used by a young chap of French origin whose father had worked with Scottish immigrant furniture makers Their chairs were not coggly. of course. On the other hand, our Liberal government is unstable and coggly at this time and needs to be replaced or at the very least requires a new battery.
Gordon Brewerton: Senior Vice-President, Prairie Newspaper Group
Advertising Sales - Sales Manager: Candace Mack-Horton
Administration: Kylie Cooke • Elisha Parkinson
Reporter/Editor: Cleo Ding
Reporter: Sherri Solomko • Photographer: Averil Hall
Elaine Woloshyn, Eric Callbeck, Kathy Utri, John Bowyer, R. H. Wood
Mailroom - Manager: Melissa Pitkeathley
Scott Foster • Donna Smith • Anamarija Barna
Submitted by Collette Wiebe Safe Families Canada Battlefords
On Saturday, September 14, 2024, businesses, families, friends and community organizations will once again join together for the 2nd Annual Grocery Cart races in the Battlefords!
Event organizers say that last year was such a success, they just had to do it again! With over 30 business sponsors and close to 70 grocery carts, this year is shaping up to be an even bigger event! There are team entries vying for best designed carts and the North Stars and BUFC Soccer club will be featured cart runners!
This year’s Cart Races will also be taken to the next level with the addition of Toddler Racers! That’s right! Toddlers (ages 9 months to 3 years) with toddler sized grocery carts will be racing. Any parent/caregiver of a toddler is welcome to join the races with a free entry. Sign up your toddler today at
A reminder that Cart Races are a FREE event for anyone in the community to attend, cheer and vote for their favourite cart! So bring a chair and meet us at the North Battleford Centennial Track and Field! (If raining, please see Social Media and event website for alternative location.)
Cart Races will kick off with a Cart Parade at 11 a.m. which has been generously sponsored by Eternal Memories Funeral and Crematorium Services. After the parade, the carts will be raced in various heats to cross the Discovery Co-op sponsored finish line! The Fortress Windows & Doors Toddler Races will finish off the event and keep everyone guessing as to whether there will be chaos, toddling or just flat out refusing to move in this never before seen event!
All money raised from the event goes towards Safe Families Canada Battlefords (SFCB) which operates entirely on donations and funds raised! A heartfelt appreciation is extended to every business, individual and group who has supported these races! Donations continue to be gratefully accepted either online or in person.
Safe Families Canada is an organization that works through the local church to engage Christian volunteers to provide support to families who are experiencing a crisis. Volunteers with Safe Families Canada host vulnerable children in their home, provide friendship, mentorship and create an extended family-like support system. SFCB can be accessed by any family in crisis and focuses on strengthening families and keeping children safe.
Safe Families started in the United States 20 years ago and in 2012 began in Canada. There are currently 17 Safe Families Canada Chapters throughout Canada including the Battlefords! If you or someone you know experiences a crisis and needs support, please reach out to Safe Families Canada Battlefords at (306) 317-3777 or
The Battleford District Care Centre project has moved to the business-case phase, as the province has now released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a consultant team.
The selected consultant team will provide professional project management and multidisciplinary advisory services to complete a comprehensive business case for the new facility.
The long-term aim is for the aged facility to be replaced in the future.
The current Battleford District
Care Centre offers long-term care services to the Battlefords and surrounding communities. It is not designed to meet modern standards of care, and a business case is required to “validate potential replacement options,” the province says.
The business case will under-
take site-assessments, develop capital options, provide a Class D (+/- 40 per cent) cost estimate, and high-level risk and projectphasing analysis.
The business-case phase will prepare the project team to move into the pre-design and design of the new facility.
Battlefords Community Players
Battlefords Community Players (BCP) are pleased to announce their 2024-25 Season of live theatre beginning with two visiting productions to our little theatre. September 18th will feature a performance by Listen to Dis’ Community Arts Organization with “I Have No Idea” written by Nathan Coppens. A play about adult ADHD: a story about neurodiversity and how the power of music, the importance of friendship, and coffee can make everything better. Doors open at 7:00pm and show goes at 7:30, followed by a talk back session with audience. Check out our website and use the QR code to purchase tickets.
Next up is “Night Sweats” : a coming out story in the time of Aids. Written and performed by Brad McDougall on October 4th at
our clubhouse at 102-26th Street, Battleford. “Brad McDougall presents a one-man that is semi-autobiographical infused with humor, and reverence, that never feels forced or silly” Culture Geco review. Again check our website to get tickets in advance.
“Coming Apart” by Fred Carmichael, a romantic comedy leads of the BCP season, running from October 17 to 26 with 6 Dinner Theatre performances and 2 show only performances. Information on how to get tickets is also on our website, facebook and by calling 446-3133. A delightful romantic comedy which opens with the Kittridges saying simultaneously, “I want a divorce!”. Both are conceited and rightly so: Colin is a successful humor columnist and Frances an equally successful romance novelist. There is rivalry between them and although they are still in love,
each is too stubborn to give an inch. The cast features John Butler, Jenn Hawley, Jeff Arndt, Danielle Barrett with Assistant Director Kat Carroll, Stage Manager Marno Auchstaetter, Lighting and Sound Jon Blyan and director Donna Challis.
The next show of the season is a very special show just for the holiday season, great for a staff social or a group of friends to enjoy. The show is called “Christmas with Auntie Pearl” by Norm Foster and we are very fortunate to be the first amateur group to get permission to present this play. It’s two days before Christmas in the topsy-turvy Trimble household when George and Sally and their daughter Melissa receive an unexpected visit from George’s Auntie Pearl– the only problem is, George didn’t know he had an Auntie Pearl! As the wise-cracking aunt settles in for the holidays, 14-year old Melissa begins to suspect there’s
The RFP was posted on earlier this month.
The 2024-25 provincial budget earmarked $250,000 to advance planning for the Battleford District Care Centre.
At this time, the exact specifics of what this new centre will include are not known.
more to Auntie Pearl than meets the eye! A great cast made up of Rick Kostiuk, Jamie Maunula, Natalie Maunula and Shelly Bretzer as Aunt Pearl and directed by Roy Challis with assistance from Karen Bayne will give our audiences a warm and wonderful experience. Setting the tone for the holiday season!
Not part of our season but A special Valentines show, just for our favorite people at Valentines– Two plays will run back to back in three performances being held February 13,14,15th – 2025! The shows are “The Revenge of the Red Feather Ladies” and “Red Feather Ladies Get Their Man” by Maxine Holmgren. The evening/afternoon will feature lots of red, lots of fun and many laughs. Get your red hats ready ladies.
The 2024-25 season continues with two more majors shows – One running from Mar 6 to March 15,
title unknown as of yet and the final show “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society Ladies” mount yet another assault on the classics with a startlingly original production of Macbeth staged to get them to the Welwyn Garden City Finals. Under the carefully mascara’d eye of adjudicator George Peach, all events conspire hilariously against them. This show runs from May 22 to May 31 with same format of 6 dinner theatre and 2 show only performances.
See you at the theatre as Battlefords Community Players works hard to create and bring live theatre to the Battlefords.
Check out our package deal good until the end of September 2024 by checking out our website – www. or joining our facebook page or calling 446-3133.
See you at the theatre.
Ourgovernmentannounced an investment of $17.1millionfor safercommunities,including adding morepoliceofficers, training newofficersand introducingnew enforcementtools,while working to ensure that social suppor ts areinplace andaccessible. Investingincommunity safety means improvingthe overallwellbeing of Saskatchewan residents.
Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, MLAfor TheBattlefords
Hon. ScottMoe,Premier, MLAfor Rosthern-Shellbrook
Often, people ask about the difference between an artist and an artisan. According to Webster’s dictionary:
Artist: A person who creates art such as painting, sculpture, music or writing using conscious skill and creative imagination.
Artisan: A person skilled in an applied art; a worker who practices a trade or handcraft. While there is certainly overlap between the two, both are ultimately driven by a desire to create.
Living on a bison farm, I ventured into soap making 27 years ago for a homemade gift exchange among friends. Since then, my craft has evolved, adopting the name Buffalo Charlie. My approach to soap mak-
ing is rooted in the homesteaders’ tradition, emphasizing the use of ingredients readily available around us, directly from the farm. Using local, natural ingredients such as bison tallow and wild herbs is important to me. I enjoy foraging for herbs and plants, infusing them into oils for my soaps. I believe this is best rather than choosing imports that often come with higher environmental costs and include the use of harmful chemicals.
For me, soap making is a passion, much like art making for the artist. Artisan crafts reflect creativity, skill, and a deep connection to our materials. In this way, we continue the timeless traditions of creating beauty and utility with our hands and hearts.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
A new live theatre production was first introduced to audiences in Regina and Saskatoon. The show is coming to the Battlefords as part of the provincial tour. A previous story on outlines details of the playwright’s inspiration and work.
“People will laugh, they will cry, they will feel and they will think.”
Neurodiversity, the power of music, the importance of friendship and how simply enjoying a coffee can make everything seem better represented in the play, ‘I Have No Idea’, coming to the Battlefords.
Nathan Coppens tells the News-Optimist, “Fresh off runs in Regina with On Cue Performance Hub and in Saskatoon with Live Five Independent Theatre, where it was the best-selling show of each company’s season, I Have No Idea is going on tour in 2024/25 as a part of our Driving Disability Culture Home in Saskatchewan initiative to inform and educate the province about disability culture and neurodiversity. The production closed to a 500-person waiting list in Saskatoon in Mar. 2024.”
Coppens is an award-winning playwright who also stars in the production. Dramaturged by Traci Foster, who also directs and founder of ‘Listen to Dis’ Community Arts Organization, and also stars Kristel Harder. The timely, relevant work is based on the lived experiences of the playwright and interviewees, featuring a team of neurodivergent artists.
Coppens company is called ‘In the Headlights’, which initially produced the work and ‘Listen to Dis’ is presenting and producing this tour.
You can see the trailer at Trailer Link: view?usp=sharing pr Feature on AMI: Accessible Media Inc: com/watch?v=bjFc2wkcYb4
The production will be held Sept. 18 at
the Battleford Community Players Clubhouse, located at 102-36th Street in Battleford.
You can learn more about the community arts organization by viewing their website, Listen to Dis’ Community Arts Organization: Coppens offers this feedback from an audience member they received, “My god. I just saw I Have No Idea. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this little gem of a show. It was so stressful and cathartic and, ultimately, healing.” -
- Shanda Stefanson, audience member Coppens said his inspiration came from his own experience with his own ADHD diagnosis and journey.
“ADHD is still a misunderstood disorder, and so many people don’t get diagnosed until later in life, if they get diagnosed at all, and don’t get the help and support and understanding they need,” said Coppens. “The classic presentation that we’re all familiar with (and that we see in pop media) is the young hyperactive boy, but the fact is that only looking for that presentation dismisses a lot of people.”
Coppens said he never started learning about ADHD until he was 34, with the help of a friend, who had herself been diagnosed at 32. Her friend repeatedly told others she felt something was different about her and her brand.
Coppens notes that this same friend recognized similar things in him and together they listened to expert podcasts, as well as she shared some reading and recommendations that led her to get the help she needed. This play gives voice to a range of experiences and also lets people know that they are not alone.
Coppens said one of the key messages for audience members to take away is that the world shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all place. The playwright also acknowledges that this is not a story of trauma, but a story of friendship, music, hope and neurodiversity.
Jennifer Crain was excited to share some big news: she had just found out she won $1 million on the Lotto Max Aug. 16 draw.
“I checked (the ticket) and was in shock and just started calling all my family members,” she laughed. “I called four people that morning and no one would answer!”
Her husband was at work at the time.
“I could hear my phone going off over and over again and I finally answered and said, ‘Why are calling me so much? Do you miss me or something?’” her husband laughed.
“She said, ‘No, I won $1 million!’ I said, ‘Get out of here!’”
The Battleford local said her plan with the money is to enjoy it with family.
“We’re looking at buying a trailer and taking a trip,” she said. “We have a plan to also go to Mexico and Vegas— (my husband has) never been to Vegas!”
“The excitement and overwhelming feeling is exactly what you’d expect,” Crain added.
Jennifer Crain purchased her winning Lotto Max ticket from Battleford Petro Canada located 352 22nd St. in Battleford. She won her prize by matching the selection for a Maxmillions draw on Aug.
16: 2, 6, 10, 15, 20, 44, 48.
Sask Lotteries is celebrating 50 years as the main fundraiser for more than 12,000 sport, culture and recreation groups in communities across the province! Since 1974, through an agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan, lottery sales in Saskatchewan have been used to provide more than $1.4 billion to support athletes from the grassroots level to the international stage, connect youth to artistic experiences, help residents experience the beauty of the parks that cover the province and so much more. Learn about games, jackpots, winning numbers and more at
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Michaela Solomon, Communications Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), says that in the last five years, encompassing 2019-2023, there have been an average of 107 traffic collisions, involving farm equipment, resulting in 27 injuries, and sadly three fatalities.
Thankfully in the statistics provided by SGI, it was noted that there were not any collisions involving farm equipment reported in North Battleford, in that five-year time span.
Major contributing factors to these accidents included failure to yield to the right of way, improper turning and improper passing or lane usage.
SGI outlines some things to keep in mind when driving around farm equipment: Pass only when it’s safe to do so. Treat farm machinery like you would any slow-moving traffic and remember to be patient. Chances are that the farmer is only going to be on the road long enough to move that equipment from one field to another.
In addition to being slow-moving, farm machin-
ery can be deceptively wide and long. If you do decide to pass them on the highway, give yourself plenty of space to do so.
You’re more likely to encounter farm equipment on rural roads – and those roads are narrower, so drivers have less space to maneuver around them – so keep that in mind and stay extra alert whenever you leave the pavement and hit the gravel.
Make sure the farmer can see you, too. The operator of that equipment is dealing with blind spots, so don’t follow too close behind them and be sure not to merge in front of them too closely.
Anticipate where the farmer might be going. The machinery may not allow the operator to signal their intentions, so drivers will want to be sure they are not about to turn left into a field before pulling alongside to pass.
For farmers, there are rules dictating how, where and when farm equipment can be transported on certain designated highways. Equipment that travels slower than 40 km/h, must be equipped with a rear/center slow-moving-vehicle sign, and machinery that extends more than 1.2 metres should
be equipped with reflective devices to alert drivers. For more details, please consult the Government of Saskatchewan website.
To say that even if a collision doesn’t result in anyone getting hurt or losing their life, it could severely impact someone’s livelihood. No one wants to deal with a collision damaging a crucial piece of equipment when it’s most needed. As drivers, we can help them out by giving them a bit of space and plenty of courtesy whenever we see them on the road.
“Farm machinery is slow moving, so you’ll find that you come up on it very quickly at highway speeds, so start slowing down as soon as you see it. You’re more likely to see farm machinery on grid roads, which are narrower and offer drivers less space to pass,” adds SGI.
The key to everyone’s safety is patience. A popular fact circulated on social media, and found on several American Ag sites states, “Following equipment at 20 miles per hour for two miles may seem like a lifetime, but it takes only six minutes of your time, which is about the same as waiting for two stoplights.”
or, online at
By Elaine Woloshyn Correspondent
Dusty roads and forest fire smoke make for treacherous driving, especially on side roads. Farmers are diligently putting in many extra hours taking advantage of the nice weather we are experiencing. Extra garden produce is either getting canned or frozen with most individuals reporting great results! Surplus of zucchini is no longer a headache as many recipes (trial and error) can ‘hide’ it!
Maymont Sharon United Sunday Church 11:00 a.m. services are as follows: Sept. 8. Sept. 22. Rev. Jo; Ann Hills; October 6th Joyce Salie and 20th Rev. Joann Hills; Nov.10th Shawn Sanford Beck and 24th Rev. Joann Hills;
Dec.8th. Shawn Sanford Beck “White Gift Sunday” and to finish the church service for 2024 on Dec. 23rd SERVICE CHANGED TO 7:00 pm with Joanne Hills. A big congratulations to Brennan and Sarah Huard on the birth of their baby girl on September 3rd. They reside in the Battlefords. Brennan grew up on a family farm near Whitkow and obtained most of his education in Mayfair Central School and his last few at John Paul Collegiate in North Battleford. Congrats also to his dad Eric (Mother Esther… deceased) and the other grandparents the Bajaks from North Battleford. Driving by myself to British Columbia was very relaxing not like last year when having to take a detour because Kelowna and
the area were exposed to forest fires. I wasn’t in the Okanagan but in Nelson and Creston area this year (attended a funeral) and met up with three other friends from Alberta and Manitoba. In a duration of four days with four of us women, we enjoyed much laughter and good times. Ainsworth Hot Springs near KASLO was fantastic exploring underground rock tunnels and caves. The water temperature was very high in comparison to Radium Hot Springs enroute home after departing from my friends. In fact, a terrible rain and hailstorm occurred when I was just about to depart from Radium. I sat in my vehicle for 20 minutes. When the hail came pounding down! Do I venture onward into
Continued on page 12
Big rigs are vital to our economy, but their size and weight can be intimidating for smaller vehicles. By following these tips, you can navigate the roads alongside them safely and confidently:
1. Give them plenty of space. Due to their weight, big rigs take longer to stop and manoeuvre. Maintain a safe following distance of at least three to four car lengths. Trucks also need extra space to turn, so anticipate wide swings when rounding a corner.
2. Know their blind spots. Trucks have large blind spots on their sides, front and directly behind the trailer. Avoid lingering next to a
see you.
3. Pass safely and decisively. When passing a truck, use your turn signal well in advance and only pass when the oncoming lane is empty. Once you’ve passed the truck, use your turn signal again before merging back into your lane.
4. Minimize distractions. Driving requires focus, especially near large vehicles. Put down your phone, avoid fiddling with the radio and stay alert to the road and the truck’s movements.
had a pen with live goats. This adult goat was standing on top of its pen and by the sign which is a real showstopper for tourists!
Come out to lear nabout
Your vocal range, What part can or should you sing Getabrief, individual vocallesson. Lear nsome suitable warmups and meetother women wholove to sing!!
All under thedirection of the amazing Jo Carter directorofthe Most Improved Chorusat Region 26 competition in 2024
Tuesday,September 17, at 6:45 p.m.
BattlefordUnited Church 52-4thAve.West, Battleford, Sk
Teens areinvited to join in!!
Cost: Adults-$10 18 and under-$5
For moreinformation,contact: AndreaStewart-306-390-7375
Special thanks to Sask. Lotteries TrustFund for Sport, Cultureand Recreation, for their support
A “busker” from Nelson, BC insisted on getting a photo of her and me. She was trying to sell her motorcycle and I told her I wasn’t interested! She lives in her van for the summer and tows her bike!
Continued from page 10 Alberta and backtrack at 4:30 p.m. to Radium? Feeling confident in my truck I cautiously drove through torrential rainfall most of the way before choosing Cochrane, Alberta for hotel accommodation. No occupancy was advertised at three hotels and not having a reservation so last minute I paid $ 100.00 more at Day’s
Inn. I wasn’t too happy but very exhausted driving as vehicles were going only 60-70 kilometres because of road conditions. So glad I had a large vehicle and not a small car. Shopped in Cochrane (no PST) got an oil change and again drove through the rain. At times again it came pouring down thus making driving a little more of a challenge,
especially when meeting semis and having all the water splashing up onto oncoming vehicles. Returned safely late that night and nothing like sleeping in your own bed! All in all, I purchased some excellent vegetables and fruit in the Creston area. Excellent tomatoes are only 80 cents a pound, so I canned many jars for that price. Roadside stands are always more expensive than if one drives into the more residential gardeners’ plots. Having four children a mother always shares.
the mood! The nursery itself has a variety of plants and hardy shrubs to sell usually at a reduced cost at this time of the year.
Mayfair Library is hosting a craft project at the library this Saturday 1-3:00 p.m. Two crafts to choose from either $5.00 or another costing $10.00. Needn’t to register just show up!
CONTACT US AT with your questions Or visit our website
Mark your calendars for the annual Terry Fox Run on Sept. 15 Sunday. Most schools have the students involved with pledge sheets raising money for cancer research, so please donate generously. Terry started this run on Apr. 12, 1980, to go across all of Canada. Organizing a Terry Fox Run may not be easy but very rewarding with the monetary results.
A $5.00 donation is the cost to come enjoy a lovely afternoon at Honeywood Nursery near Parkside (near Shellbrook) “A Touch of Autumn” this Sunday, Sept. 15 from 11:00- 4:00 p.m. Bring your cell phone or a camera to snap pictures of nature’s splendid glory. There will be toe-tapping music provided by talented local musicians. The usual display and demonstrations by some artists and craftspeople make for a great day in the sunshine. One can even plan their “early Christmas shopping” if in
When we lose someone, we love, we must learn NOT to live without them, but to live with the LOVE they left behind. In Radisson this Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Goodrich Event Centre the seniors’ group are hosting live outdoor music from 2:00-4:00 p.m. This building is situated close to the old RCMP Station. There is no cover charge and refreshments are available to purchase. Come join the fun in this small thriving prairie community. I was in Mr. No. 1 Noodles restaurant on 3rd Ave South Saskatoon this past Sunday and Lord behold a robot serving food to a customer next to me! Our other customers were taken by surprise when we saw the machine on wheels coming down the aisle to this lady. This brought conversation among the eight of us in this eating establishment agreeing robots shouldn’t replace human service although anything goes with our advanced tech. Much laughter by all of us. We talked and said to the customer “Enjoy your meal.” “Thank you” and went travelling back to the kitchen!
JOHNSON: Dora Lorraine Johnson (nee Deamude) June 19, 1934 - September 8, 2024 90 years young Dora died peacefully at the Battlefords Union Hospital in Nor th Battleford Saskatchewan on September 8th surrounded by her loving family Dora was predeceased by her parents Eugene and Clara Deamude, her in-laws George and Lucy Johnson her loving husband Ronald her fr iend and companion Maur ice Huard She leaves behind her son Gordon Johnson, granddaughter Ashleigh Blohm, grandsons Cody Johnson (Tanya), great granddaughter Lilliana grandson Matthew Johnson (Jessica) daughter Deborah Adams (Jack), granddaughter Tammy Adams-Fennig (Mar k) greatgranddaughter Breanna, great-great granddaughter Br ynley, great-granddaughter Raechal Bendall, grandson Mar k Adams (Samantha), son Joel (Sandy), grandson Patr ick (Melinda), great-grandsons Geremy and Brayden, granddaughter Stephanie Der kach (Mar k) grandson Daniel (Mercedes) great granddaughters Emily Mar issa great grandsons Jace and William daughter Ronda Johnson Dora also leaves her beloved sister - Sylvia Rogers and many beloved nieces and nephews and cousins Dora has too many fr iends and relatives who loved and adored her to name Memor ial ser vice will be held at BTEC 801 - 105th Street, Nor th Battleford at 2:00 on Saturday, September 14th Dora would like donations to be made to the Battlefords Union Hospital in lieu of flowers or a char it y of your choosing Funeral Arrangements have been entr usted to Eter
brother-in-law, Recardo Salame; niece and nephew, Kenza and Keanu; as well as many aunts and uncles and numerous cousins A funeral ser vice for Daniel will take place on Tuesday September 10 2024 at 2:00 p m at Hillcrest Funeral Home (210 Wess Road) Condolences for the family may be left by visiting www hillcrestfuneralhome com
SCHNEIDER: August 19, 1918 - September 6, 2024 Chr istine Mildred (Bor isenko) Schneider passed away September 6th, 2024, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan just 18 days after her 106th Bir thday She was bor n August 19th, 1918, on the homestead of her parents near Rabbit Lake, Saskatchewan She was the fifth of sixteen children! She was predeceased by her parents Paul and Pauline Bor isenko her husband Nor man her brothers Peter John and William as well as her sisters Kathleen Anne Mar y, Nancy, Lillian, and Dorothy She is sur vived by her son Br uce (Sharon) Schneider, her daughter Donna (Neil) Foulds, grand children Stephanie (Ryan) Emmett (Archer), Leah (Greg) Hipperson (Peyton, Neve) and Shane Foulds as well as her brothers Edward (Ir is) and David (Phyllis) and her sisters Pauline, Nell, Bett y, and Clarese Chr istine had many fond memor ies of playing and explor ing the homestead coulee with her siblings, helping with the chores, visiting neighbours and relatives and attending Sunday School Her ear ly public education was at Co-operation School followed by correspondence and then completing her last t wo years of high school at the Nor th Battleford Collegiate Institute Room and board were provided by a local family in exchange for housekeeping She graduated high school in 1937 and in 1938 was accepted by the St Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing After graduation Chr istine had her first jobs in St Cather ines, Ontar io and in 1942 wrote and achieved her Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association cer tificate From 1943-1945 she nursed in Calgar y and Wainwr ight, Alber ta A job oppor tunit y, in late 1945, was adver tised at Rose Gill Hospital in her hometown of Rabbit Lake She was contacted offered and then she accepted the role of matron It was in Rabbit Lake that Chr istine met her future husband Nor man Schneider who far med nearby at Meeting Lake They were marr ied on July 7th, 1947 Nor man far med and, in the winter, taught “Far m Schools” throughout the province, for the Universit y of Saskatchewan Agr iculture Extension Depar tment Chr istine continued to nurse at Rabbit Lake Chr istine and Nor man had a son, Br uce, in 1950 and a daughter, Donna, in 1957 Later that year the family moved to Nor th
LUCKEY: Joyce Gladys Luckey (Craig) passed away in the ear ly mor ning hours of September 5th with her daughter Janice and her son Jayson by her side Bor n on October 1st, 1935 to Gladys and Millar Craig, Joyce and her t wo older brothers Lloyd and Jim grew up at Craig’s Ranch surrounded by rolling hills, green pastures, hay flats, babbling creeks, and all the t ypical far m animals of a wor king ranch Mom rode horseback to school on her favor ite horse Nipper who played baseball with the kids at recess She roamed the land around the ranch explor ing nature and falling deeply in love with her natural surroundings She was a 4-Her before it was officially 4-H but she did find it hard on her hear t to give up the calves that she hand raised and told stor ies of the many tears she shed saying goodbye A prair ie gir l through and through, she travelled many miles on horseback as a young gir l and then later in life by car explor ing and antiquing in ever y cor ner of her beloved province of Saskatchewan Joyce became a cit y gir l when she marr ied John in 1956 Deter mined and tenacious, she was just the r ight par tner to encourage Dad to lear n the meat cutting trade and she applied on his behalf for his first position in Kindersley They moved back to Nor th Battleford where they bought into JB Lockers and she suppor ted the business as it grew with a second job and keeping the books in the ear ly days She immersed herself in raising a family and involvement in communit y ser vice as a Kinette Janice came along in 1962 and 4 years later they welcomed Jayson into the family Joyce was a trailblazer and trend setter She decided that having a cabin at the lake was the best investment they could make and in 1968 after an exhaustive search she convinced John to purchase a little piece of heaven on the beach at Jackfish Lake For years thereafter, each summer on the last day of school, the family packed up and moved to the lake They did not set foot back in Nor th Battleford until the day before school was to begin except to attend Nor th Battleford Terr itor ial Days parade and one day at the fair She also took up skiing as a way to embrace the winters, and soon the whole family including John had no choice but to join in, spending weekends dur ing winters at Table Mountain There was always an annual spr ing ski tr ip to Jasper joined by the Gay Thom Shaw Amussen and McIntosh families to name a few Joyce also had a ver y creative side She painted and became an avid photographer She captured ever y milestone and exper ience she could After Janice and Jayson set out on their own, she took an inter ior design course, eventually joining Joyce Inter iors as a business par tner She loved transfor ming spaces to reflect the character and lifest yle of her clients One project she was par ticular ly proud of was at the Saskatchewan Hospital where she brought war mth and color to spaces for visiting family and the residents Joyce had many causes that she was passionate about and she was the biggest booster of Saskatchewan, and its agr iculture roots If you spoke ill of Saskatchewan, even in jest, you would never be on her Chr istmas Card list She loved the wor k of the Battleford s Histor ical Societ y and the preser vation of the past She dedicated time to documenting her own family’s histor y which she was ver y proud of She also contr ibuted her time to the Sheltered Wor kshop (Battleford’s Trade and Education Centre) and AMGITS – Saskatchewan Hospital Foundation Later in life she was deeply interested in indigenous reconciliation spending many hours in conversations through Building Br idges and she attended the pardon of Chief Poundmaker by Pr ime Minister Tr udeau Joyce and John had a ver y wide social circle and weekends were filled with dinner par ties, events, and celebrations They travelled extensively Of all her travels, she fell in love with Mexico where they vacationed as many winters as possible When John passed in 2007, Mom relied on her fr iends to help her through and she kept expanding her social circle throughout her life Shopping tr ips golf tr ips lunches and concer ts, she was always on the go and rarely relaxed for more than a day Her cabin and the far mhouse that she renovated back at her home ranch were her refuge and she appreciated the beaut y and solace they offered And yet, by far the greatest passion she had in life was for her children and grandchildren –Shannon Graham Hailey Chelsea and Cour tney She was a ver y active par ticipant in all their lives and never missed an oppor tunit y to pick them up for time with Grandma especially at the lake or to go fishing or to the far m She hosted countless Chr istmases, Thanksgivings and Easters and attended ever y milestone possible in their lives Nothing made her prouder than seeing them grow and she couldn t wait to see what they did next She didn’t get to meet her first Great Granddaughter Mila but her face would light up when she saw pictures, and if she could have she would have been r ight there awaiting her arr ival Joyce was a fiercely independent woman, and when that abr uptly came to an end for her in Januar y due to a fall and subsequent stroke, she str uggled to see the light Her love of her family kept her with us for these months but we all agreed it was time for her to be with her loved ones on the other side She is the finest example of how to live a life filled with the r iches and abundance of loving human connections and deep reverence for Mother Ear th She teaches us that the appreciation of the seemingly ordinar y blessings of life add up to an extraordinar y life well lived Left to carr y on her legacy are her children: Janice (Alan) Myers Jayson (Donna) Luckey her grandchildren: Shannon, Graham and Hailey Myers, Chelsea Selinger, Cour tney Luckey and great- granddaughter, Mila Mar ia Myers; cousins: Robbie Ingvardson (Bett y), Gladys (Dave) Byers; sisters-in-law: Ann Haubr ick, Sylvia Kotchorek, Diane Sawar in, Helen Stephenson; numerous nieces and nephews, and great nieces and nephews on both the Craig and Luckey side The family would like to express sincere gratitude to Lars and Brenda Nissen for caretaking at the cabin, Mar ilyn Nikifor uk for being our eyes and ears when we were unable to be with mom, Gordy and Shelley Craig for being there when we couldn’t and to all the doctors, nurses and care wor kers who suppor ted mom at the Battlefords Union Hospital and Harwood Manor and finally, to ever yone who has called sent flowers messages and love dur ing this difficult time “Unable are the loved to die for love is immor talit y ” Emily Dickinson Funeral Ser vice for Joyce was held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 – 2:00 p m at Third Avenue United Church, Nor th Battleford, SK with Reverend Jo Ann Hills as officiant Memor ial donations in her loving memor y may be made to Saskatchewan 4-H https://www 4h sk ca/foundation html or the Battlefords Histor ical Societ y http://www saskhospitallegacytrail ca/ A recording of the ser vice will be available following the ser vice Funeral Arrangements entr usted to Eter nal Memor ies Funeral Ser vice and Cremator ium – Vanessa Macnab Funeral Director WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN HEATED... LIGHT BUGS... TOUGH MIXED GRAIN SPRING THRASHED WHEAT... OATS PEAS... BARLEY CANOLA... FLAX “ON FARM PICKUP” WESTCAN FEED & GRAIN 1-877-250-5252
Battlefords Minor Hockey Association will be hosting their Fall Annual Financial & Coaches Meeting on Wednesday October 9th at 6:30 pm
Fall Annual General Meeting is to approve the 2023-2024 audited Financials.
Proposed Constitutional changes can be viewed on
TheCRC/VSCheckmustbecompleted no more than 30 daysbeforeyou submit your nomination papers
Youmuststart theCRC/VS Checkprocess at City Hall &completeitthrough thelocal RCMP detachment.
ACRC/VSCheck whichindicatesa criminal record exists does notexcludeacandidatefromrunning forthe position of City CouncillororMayor
Recreation & Pasture Hay la nd especially along the Saskatche wa n river.
Looking for recreation & pasture hay land in Saskatchewan
For further inf or mation please contact Doug Rue at 306-716-2671 saskf arms@sha or visit
www.sellyourf armla
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Board Members, Living Sky School Division No 202,
• Subdivision #1-Spiritwood Area
(Number to be elected - 1)
• Subdivision #2 - Hafford Area
(Number to be elected - 1)
Subdivision #3 - Wilkie Area
(Number to be elected - 1)
• Subdivision #4-Unity/Cut Knife Area (Number to be elected - 1)
• Subdivision #5 - Macklin Area (Number to be elected - 1)
• Subdivision #6-Luseland/Kerrobert Area (Number to be elected - 1)
• Subdivision-Town of Battleford (Number to be elected - 1)
Subdivision - City of North Battleford (Number to be elected - 3)
will be received by the undersigned on the 9th day of October, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the office of Living Sky School Division and during regular business hours commencing Wednesday, September 25 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at the office of Living Sky School Division, 509 Pioneer Ave., North Battleford, SK
Living Sky School Division Central Office 509 Pioneer Ave., North Battleford, SK or online at:
Dated this 12th day of September, 2024.
Lonny Darroch Returning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Mayor: (Number to be Elected - 1)
Councillor: (Number to be Elected - 4) will be re ceived by the unders ig ned on o r before the 9th day of October 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Village Office. Nominatio n forms may be obtained at th e following location: Village Office 172 Main Street. Glaslyn.
Dated the 12th day of September 2024.
Kate Clarke, (Returning Officer)
School Division Elections
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:
BOARD MEMBER: Northwest School Division No. 203
Sub-Division No 1
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Pierceland, Goodsoil, Dorintosh
Sub-Division No 2
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Loon Lake, Makwa, Rapid View
Meadow Lake Rural
Sub-Division No. 3
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: St Walburg, Paradise Hill
Sub-Division No 4
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Turtleford, Mer vin, Livelong, Spruce Lake
Sub-Division No. 5
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Glaslyn, Edam, Aquadeo
Sub-Division No. 6
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Maidstone, Waseca, Paynton
Sub-Division No. 7
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Hillmond, Marshall
Sub-Division No. 8
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Lashburn, Neilburg, Marsden
Sub-Division No. 9 & 10
Polling Areas: Meadow Lake
Sub-Divsion No 11
Number of vacancies - 2
Number of vacancies - 1
Polling Areas: Flying Dust First Nation
The Nomination Officers will receive nomination of candidates for the said offices during normal office hours from Tuesday, September 10, 2024 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024 and on the 9th day of October, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Northwest School Division No. 203, Meadow Lake Office, 525 5th Street West, Meadow Lake, SK and at the Turtleford Office, 318 Railway Avenue, Turtleford, SK.
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following locations:
Northwest School Division No. 203
Meadow Lake Office: 525 - 5th St. W., Meadow Lake, SK Turtleford Office: 318 Railway Ave., Turtleford, SK Or on the Northwest School Division website: under the Board tab.
Dated this 14th day of August, 2024 Michelle Pickett, Returning Officer
Form H
[Section 66 of the Act] NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS (Municipal Election)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nomination of candidates for the office of:
Mayor: Village of Paynton Number to be Elected: One (1)
Councillor: Village of Paynton Number to be Elected Four (4)
will be received by the undersigned at the Village Office, 205 1st Street East, during normal office hours from September 11th until Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 at 4:00 pm local time.
Nomination forms and public disclosure forms may be obtained at the Village Office.
Dated this 11th day of September, 2024.
Greg Peterson
Retur ning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Board Members, Light of Christ Roman Catholic Separate School Division No 16,
• Spiritwood - Number to be elected - 1
• Unity - Number to be elected - 1
• City of North Battleford - Number to be elected - 5
will be received by the undersigned on the 9th day of October, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m at the office of Light of Christ Roman Catholic Separate School Division and during regular business hours commencing Wednesday, September 25 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at the office of Light of Christ Roman Catholic Separate School Division No 16 at 10211 12th Ave., North Battleford, SK
Light of Christ Roman Catholic Separate School Division Office 10211 12th Ave., North Battleford, SK or online at:
Dated this 12th day of September, 2024. Lonny Darroch Returning Officer
Form H {Section 66 of the Act}
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Will be re ceived by the und er signe d on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., open during lunch, at the Municipal Office, Main Street, Mayfair, Saskatchewan and during regular office hours from September 12th, 2024 to October 8th, 2024 at the Municipal Office, Main Street, Mayfair, Saskatchewan from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Nomination forms may be obtained at the RM of Meeting Lake No. 466 Municipal Office, Main Street, Mayfair, Saskatchewan.
Dated this 12th day of September, 2024. Janelle Lavallee Returning Officer
(Municipal or School Division Elections)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Mayor: Town of Hafford Councillors:Town of Hafford Number to be Elected: 4
Willbereceived by the undersigned on the 9th day of October 2024,from9:00 amto 4:00 pm at The Town Office,and during regular business hours on September 12th, 2024, to October 8th, 2024, at TheTown Office
Nomination forms maybeobtained at the Town of HaffordOffice
Dated this 12th day of September 2024.
Devan Shorrock
(Retur ning Officer)
[Section 66 of the Act]
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of: REEVE
will be received by the undersigned on the 9th day of October, 2024, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, at the Municipal Office located at 202 Main Street, Glaslyn, Saskatchewan, and during regular business hours on September 12, 2024 to October 8, 2024 at the Municipal Office
Nomination forms and public disclosure statements may be obtained from the Municipal Office.
Dated this 12th day of September, 2024
Ashela McCullough Retur ning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Mayor Village of Krydor
Councillor Village of Krydor (2)
Will be received by undersigned on or before October 9, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. lo cal time. Nominations forms may be obtained from the village office by emailing
Nomination forms must be properly executed and accompanied by a Public Disclosure Statement and received at the village office in Krydor no later than October 9, 2024 between the hours 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Dated this 12th day Of September, 2024
Wendy Tanchak (Retur ning Officer)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of:
Councillor: VILLAGE of MEDSTEAD Number to be Elected 4
will be recei ved by th e un de rsig ne d on the 9th day of OCTOBER, 202 4 , from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at VILLAGE OFFICE
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s): VILLAGE OFFICE
Dated this 5th day of September 2024
LORA HUNDT R.O. (Returning Officer or Nomination Officer)
{Section 66 of the Act}
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office[s] of:
Reeve: Rural Municipality of Redberr y No. 435
Councillor: Rural Municipality of Redberr y No 435 Division No. 1
Councillor: Rural Municipality of Redberr y No. 435 Division No. 3
Councillor: Rural Municipality of Redberr y No. 435 Division No. 5
will be received by the undersigned on the 09 th day of October, 2024 from 9:0 0 am to no on and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Rural Municipality of Redberr y Municipal Office in Hafford, Saskatchewan and during regular business h ours on Thu rs day, Septembe r 12, 2024 to Tu es da y, October 08th, 2024 at the RM of Redberr y Municipal Office in Hafford, Saskatchewan 4:00 p.m local time. Nomination forms and Public Disclosure Statements may be obtained at the follo wing loca tion Rural Municipality of Redberr y Municipal Office in Hafford, Saskatchewan. Dated this 10th day of September, 2024. Mark Misquitta Retur ning Officer
[Section 66 of the Act] Notice of Call for Nominations (Municipal or School Division Elections)
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of:
Mayor: Town of St. Walburg
Councillor: Town of St. Walburg
Number to be Elected 6
will be received by the undersigned on the 3 day of Sept., 2024, from 9.00 to 4.30 at Town Office, and (If applicable) during regular business hours Oct. 9, 2024, at Town office
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s):
Dated this 30 day of Aug, 2024.
(Returning Officer or Nomination Officer)
FORM C [Section 2.3]
NOTICE (The TaxEnforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Actofthe land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims titletothe land by virtue of an interest based on theTax Lien registered against the existing titleto theland in theLand Titles Registry as InterestNumber 197551929 and you arerequired to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of theMunicipality or redeemthe land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act withinsix monthsfromthe service of this notice on youand, subject to the further provisionsof The TaxEnforcement Act,a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafterbe forever estopped and debarred fromsetting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem theland may be ascertainedonapplication to theClerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Datedthis 30 dayofJuly,2024.
Margarita Pena, Administrator Per:
Robert Sutherland&Mer na Sutherland Name of Assessed Owner
Lot27Blk/Par 228PlanNo75B12903 Extension 0
Title Number:138212524
FORM C [Section 2.3] NOTICE (The TaxEnforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE thatthe City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to theland by virtue of an interest based on theTax Lien registered against the existingtitle tothe land in theLand Titles Registry as Interest Number 197551615and you arerequired to TAKE NOTICE thatunless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeemthe land pursuant tothe provisions of the above Act within six months from the serviceofthisnotice on you and,subjecttothe further provisionsofThe TaxEnforcement Act,atitlewill beissued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped anddebarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of,the land
Theamount required to redeem the land maybeascertained on application to theClerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality.
Dated this 30 day of July,2024. seal
Margarita Pena, Administrator Per:
Alfredo Tinio &Shirley Tinio Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 20 Blk/Par 33 PlanNoB2991 Extension 0
Title Number:115161443
Saturday Sept 28/24 @ 10:00 am
Tony & Irene Kustiak
Formerly K5 Market
Shellbrook, Sk.
Saturday Oct 5/24 @ 10:00 am
Annual Consignment Sale Medstead, Sk.
Accepting consignments for Oct 5/24 sale
Terms of payment; Interact Debit, Cash, or Cheque with ID. Boechler-Schira Auctioneering does
By Kathy Utri Correspondent
The Canada 55+ 2024 Summer Games took place in Quebec City from Aug. 27 to 30. The biennial event began in 1996 with this being the first time it was held in Quebec. Approximately 2200 participants competed in 20 events. Among the 170 competitors from Saskatchewan were bowlers, Esther Jesse of Maidstone, and Mary Ramsey and Marion Blain of Cut Knife. Saskatchewan took home 79 medals, coming in fourth out of 12 provinces and territories. Mary Ramsay, who is 87 years of age, won a gold medal in her division and Esther Jesse won the bronze medal in her age group.
Esther explained that the game they played, duckpin bowling, is far different from our 5-pin bowling. The 10 pins used are shorter with rubber bands on them. The end of the lane is concave which means players have to throw much slower and from the outside edge to give the ball a chance to get to the centre. Very rarely is a perfect game bowled but one lucky player from the Yukon did score one at the games.
Besides the fun of competing, participants enjoyed two banquets, one of which was a special evening with entertainment. They also had a couple of days to take tours and Mary, Marion and Esther chose to explore Old Quebec. One stop they made was the only business of its kind remaining in Canada, a copperware store and museum where the Albert Gilles family displays their authentic art and crafts the items on site. The local trio thoroughly enjoyed their trip and strongly encourage other seniors to
enter in the future. The next 55+ Summer Games will be in Winnipeg in 2026.
Communities in Bloom appreciates everyone who worked hard on their yards this year. Despite hot dry weather, there are some very nice yards around town. It was challenging to pick just six but, in no particular order, congratulations to Lynn and Greg Ballan, Dorinda and Bill Fitzsimonds, Debbie Fowler, Barb and Tony McGillis, Sandra McMartin and Walter Kohuch, Sharon and Wayne Weston. Thank you also to Darlene Robb and Raewyn Fritz for the beautiful cemetery planters, Lisa Gerlinsky for the hospital planters, Connie Winterhalt for the big red planter on Main Street, Joyce and Dean Grosenick for the “Welcome to Maidstone” planters, Sandra Hintz for the planter at Buckley Field, Colleen Koski for watering at the apartments, and Paula and Len for the superior job of watering all the planters every week. Without such generous help from our community, the job of Communities in Blooms would be much more difficult.
Maidstone Museum thanks all who contributed to another terrific corn roast on Sept. 4: a good meal, great volunteers, awesome threshing demo (Al Hinde) and blacksmith demo (Greg Rigden), a fun scavenger hunt and the wonderful crowd who attended. Winners of the scavenger hunt were Anna Foster and Tuffy Allen. The museum is now closed but tours or events can still be requested by leaving a message at 306-893-2890.
Maidstone Disc Golf Week 19: the wind and rain storm halfway through the first hole stopped play for a bit, but play resumed with some good
scores and personal bests achieved. Top averages: Tier 1 Cole Tenetiuk -11; Tier 2 Andrew Williams +0.29; Tier 3 Greg Mercer +10. Drawn winners: Tiffany Smith, a Star Bison mid-range disc and Carley James, a disc dryer/ cleaner. Remember to bring a toonie for a chance to win the ace pot.
We’re pleased to see that dance classes will be offered in Maidstone this year with multiple programs and options for all ages. Registration is taking place now for ballet, jazz, hip hop, musical theatre, lyrical, tots and adult classes. That’s a fantastic selection! Contact Selena Haduik at 780842-7943 or haduikselena@
Waseca Community Centre (201 Railway Avenue East) will be holding Sunday Bingo at 1:00 p.m. this fall: Oct. 6 Pie, Oct. 27 Prize, Nov. 10 Pie, Nov. 24 Pie with 26 games at 10 cents per card and a blackout game at 25 cents per card. Snacks and drinks will be available.
Get a jump on Christmas shopping for some of your grandchildren. Ratushniak Elementary School clothing is available to purchase until Nov. 1 to ensure delivery prior to Christmas holidays. Please use the following link to order: factorysports_ratushniakrattler/shop/home
Upcoming Events: Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. Maidstone Youth Group at Pastor Alex and Melanie Pompu’s residence. Meeting every Thursday unless otherwise posted. Grade 6 and up. Sept.18 Maidstone Health Care Auxiliary Pie Bingo at Legion Hall 7 p.m. Sept.21-22 Maidstone Disc Golf Delfrari Cup and Battlevale Blitz. Register now!
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
With registration for Battlefords Minor Hockey Association formally closing Sept. 15, it means a full hockey season is underway.
You can find out all the details on this local youth sports organization on their website, Battlefords Minor Hockey Association: Website by RAMP InterActive
The season has started long before now for those people serving on the organization’s executive, which include:
Ryon Haggard, President; Patricia Meiklejohn, Vice President; Barb Heidt, Treasurer; Amanda Buchko, Secretary; Jarred Wilkinson, Officials Director; Cody Danberg, Representative Director
Chantal Lapointe, Keith Ens, Jolene Strain, Jackie Young, Jennifer Burnett, Carla Bernier, Debbie Slabaida, and Jeanne Gilchrist serve as directors for
their respective divisions. Bruce Yockey serves as AAA Stars Chairperson and Governor.
Kelly Strain is the BMHA office manager and Kerilee Tady serves as Ice Coordinator and Equipment Manager.
President, Ryon Haggard, says that some divisions under the BMHA banner are up, such as the U7, which has seen growth over the last year. “Overall registration is up from last year and remains steady.”
“With more teams comes the need to find more coaches to support these teams,” adds Haggard.
The BMHA President also acknowledges that older age groups are in need of goalies so the organization has started some goalie programs to keep up with the demand.
With the President’s role comes addressing challenges the organization faces.
“There are so many dynamics to hockey as there are academies, different leagues, tournaments,
all being navigated with Hockey Sask. to meet ever-changing needs of organizations like themselves. Academies and super leagues are non-sanctioned; therefore, they are separate entities,” affirms Haggard.
BMHA says they offer a strong product of equal opportunity and they align their association with providing skill development and all opportunities to play at different levels and skill levels while seeking to have players stay and play their hockey in the Battlefords.
“Highlights from last year was the success of the U18 female AA program and we are happy to have Brendan Kramer on board coaching them again this year. Overall, we had good coaching surveys and we have seen a lot of player development and skill development for younger age groups,” adds Haggard.
BMHA has had to utilize ice times in Wilkie, Red Pheasant, Moosomin, Radisson and other
venues in addition to all the ice time they can get between the Civic Centre, Don Ross Arena, which just got a brand-new ice plant, as well as the Battleford arena.
Haggard said BMHA is also in an inaugural year for the tri-city hockey league which includes themselves, Prince Albert and Meadow Lake, which was formally approved as of Sept. 3. There was a lot of interest and the new league offers flexibility in building U11 and up.
Pre-conditioning has begun and tryouts are still ongoing once those activities are completed, scheduling will be laid out, according to Hockey Sask. rules.
Battlefords Minor Hockey Association will be hosting their Fall Annual Financial & Coaches Meeting on Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m.
The Fall Annual General Meeting is to approve the 2023-2024 audited Financials.
Double A coaches are secured in the spring and other coaches’
applications are submitted by Sept. 10 with interviews and team selections going from there.
Haggard says the website is the best place to find out schedules and news while the latest news and updates will always be on their Facebook page.
Community involvement includes the First Shift program and Colby’s kids’ program, of which Haggard credits Office Manager, Kelly Strain, for doing the lion’s share of the organization and leg work.
While Hockey Sask. says they have the most officials ever registered, Haggard says this is simply not the case for BMHA.
“At present, we do not have enough officials for the season. We are short, especially senior officials. We are trying strategies to keep kids involved in officiating hockey.”
Haggard also states that Hockey Sask has implemented a green armband policy for any official under 15 or in their first year
and infractions will double the suspension for offenders, in an effort to curb the verbal abuse, and potential confrontations.
BMHA says one of their biggest expenses is uniforms. This year the U9 division is in a trial run with a reversible jersey which avoids the potential for wearing the wrong color to a game as well as allowing extra wear out of the jersey. They are more expensive but this trial run will help the organization gauge their durability.
BMHA is committed to buying their equipment and other products needed for their season through businesses in town.
Players and teams always appreciate fans in the stands so check out the BMHA website for all the latest game schedules and news. The rink is a great place to enjoy a hot beverage and watch hometown live hockey action while joining other community members and fans in supporting their favourite players or teams.
Sun. 10:30 am Ministries forthe wholefamily 306-445-5158
By NC Raine Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Eagle Feather News
Cowessess First Nation has been transferred new mineral rights from the Government of Saskatchewan as part of their Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) Settlement Agreement.
“The recent transfer of mineral rights to Cowessess First Nation is a signifiant step in supporting their continuing economic growth,”
said Don McMorris, Government of Saskatchewan Minister for First Nations, Métis Relations, and Northern Affairs in a news release.
The First Nation is to receive 336 hectares (829 acres) of mineral rights. The province is calling it a movement toward greater economic growth for Cowessess.
According to the news release Ocean Man First Nation and Little Pine First Nation have both received mineral rights from the provincial government. Ocean Man re-
ceived 63 hectares in 2023 and Little Pine was transferred 65 hectares in 2021.
“We are committed to continue fulfilling our obligations under the Treaty Land Entitlement Agreements, which play a vital role in recognizing the rights of First Nations in Saskatchewan,” he said.
Mineral rights determine who has the right to explore what lie beneath the land surface. Mineral rights are usually held by a provincial government, but a small por-
tion, called freehold mineral rights, may be held by others.
The minerals will be held by His Majesty the King in the right of Canada for the use and benefit of Cowessess First Nation. The province has transferred approximately 29,019 hectares of Crown minerals to the federal government on behalf of Cowessess First Nation.
The Government of Saskatchewan said the transfer is part of their ongoing efforts to “fulfill its commitments under the TLE Agreements,
reinforcing the province’s dedication to reconciliation and strengthening relationships with First Nations,” read the statement.
Since 1992, federal and provincial governments have committed $687 million for TLE Settlements. Approximately 888,806 million acres have been transferred. The amount of acres outstanding are almost double that amount, at 1.48 million acres.
The TLE Agreements provide First Nations with entitlement monies to pur-
chase land anywhere in the province on a ‘willing buyer/ willing seller’ basis, which will then become part of their reserve land. Under the TLE Agreements, all undisposed provincial Crown minerals underlying lands purchased by the First Nation are to be transferred at no cost to the Government of Canada for reserve creation.
Cowessess Chief Erica Beaudin did not respond to requests for a comment on the mineral rights transfer.