news-optimist Regional

By Angela Brown
Picketers hit the streets outside the post office in North Battleford again Monday in the fourth day of the national Canada Post workers strike that started Nov. 15.
Jason Hawkes, president of CUPW Local 706, said the union wants to see safer working conditions for letter carriers and the people who work in the back, unloading and loading trucks.
“We’re fairly shortstaffed,” he said. “The company tries to get as much as they can out of the workers, with minimal staffing, and the carriers are already being asked to be out on the street for longer days. Now, with the pre-sorted mail that Canada Post is trying to implement, it will just mean the letter carriers will be out on the street even longer. That’s a lot of wear and tear on a person’s knees and backs, and bodies.
“Along with health and safety, when we’re not properly staffed, a lot of the other employees are burdened with the extra responsibility of trying to get the work done of other employees that are sick or off, or injured. So, it just leads to more injuries, and with people being over-burdened with extra work to try to keep up when the company doesn’t staff properly.”
Postal workers are also bargaining for higher wages.
“The employees are looking just to keep up with the times, along with the inflation rate across the country,” Hawkes said. “The offer that we have received from the company was below the inflation rate. It’s just the way the cost of living is now in society; it’s just not enough to be able to get by with people with families, and so on.”
Hawkes said Postal workers are hoping the strike is over as soon as possible.
“We haven’t really heard anything, but we’ll continue
to be out here as long as it takes, so that the company will get the message.”
Joel McKee, vice-president of CUPW Local 706, also noted employees are short-staffed as there are
not enough workers to do the work.
“With our depot and a lot of our depots being short-handed, it’s putting wear and tear on the workers,” he said. “We can always
get over time and this and that, but that takes us away from our family life... It’s kind of bringing us down, and we need to do something about it.”
which will
throughout the community in the coming weeks, helps raise awareness for the local toy and food drives that sustain families in need through the winter months.Volunteers and residents are encouraged to support the annual Empty Stocking Fund, which has been helping families in need since 1953. On the morning the sleigh arrived, the food bank assisted 44 households, helping a total of 101 people.
Continued from page 1
The union is also concerned about changes to benefits, and the employee pension plan.
“It’s not a guaranteed thing for people who retire, which kind of scares people,” McKee said.
He hopes the strike will end soon, but he doesn’t know how long it will take.
“They are still trying to negotiate at this moment,” McKee said. “They have been negotiating for the last year honestly. So, It could be ended tomorrow [Tuesday]; it could be another few weeks. It could go on for who knows how long for.”
“We want to get back to
work so that we can just get everyone’s packages and mail to them, just like we want.”
A total of about 55,000 postal workers represented by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) have been on a nationwide strike since Nov. 15, according to a statement from the CUPW.
The CUPW said it has been bargaining with Canada Post for about a year on its contract, “with little progress.”
“Canada Post had the opportunity to prevent this strike, but it has refused to negotiate real solutions to the issues postal workers
face every day. Instead, Canada Post left us no choice when it threatened to change our working conditions and leave our members exposed to layoffs,” the statement read.
“Our demands are reasonable: fair wages, safe working conditions, the right to retire with dignity, and the expansion of services at the public post office. Postal workers are proud to serve their communities, and we want to do the job we love. A strike is a last resort. We still believe we can achieve negotiated collective agreements, but Canada Post must be willing to resolve our new and outstanding issues.”
By Angela Brown and Cleo Ding
It was an exciting night on Nov. 13 when the City of North Battleford held its election for council positions.
Kelli Hawtin was declared the new mayor of the City of North Battleford following the municipal election.
She gained 1,591 votes, defeating contenders Terry Caldwell (849 votes) and Wayne (Semaganis) Baptiste (343 votes) in the race.
Hawtin previously served as a councillor for the City of North Battleford since 2014, before vying for the mayoral position.
She will be the first female mayor for the city.
Hawtin was at home with some close friends and family when she learned the results as they came in.
She said the family will talk about making some plans to celebrate her victory.
When Hawtin heard the good news, she thanked her family and friends.
“I hugged my family and my friends here and thanked them for being with me through this campaign,” she said.
Hawtin added she is grateful to everyone who supported her.
“I would like to make sure that all the candidates that ran to thank them for discussing really important issues and thank them for their time in this campaign,” she said. “All my supporters deserve a huge thank you as well because I wasn’t able to do this alone. This took a whole team of people, and the community. I’m really excited to serve the community.”
For the city councillor candidates, the winners for the six seats are Kent Lindgren (incumbent) with 1,618 votes, Greg Lightfoot (incumbent) with 1,475 votes, Rodney Fedler coming in with 1,468 votes, Bill Ironstand (incumbent) with 1,260 votes, Dennis Mercer claiming 1,119 votes and Ross MacAngus (incumbent) garnering 1,084 votes.
In total, 2,806 votes were cast in the 2024 municipal election, surpassing the 2020
total of 2,366 votes by 18.6 per cent. The 2024 voter turnout was 22.4 per cent, based on the 2020 population data provided by SHA.
Looking ahead
When reached again after the election, Hawtin talked a little about her plans ahead as she moves into her new position.
“One of our first orders of business will be 2025 budget deliberations,” she said.
“Following that, we will get into strategic planning to set our goals for the term, based on what all elected officials bring forward as their vision from their election campaigns and the community.”
Hawtin is looking forward to her new role on council.
“I will be working full time between mayor responsibilities and commitments to my business,” she said. “I have not yet set an in-office schedule but plan to tend to commitments as mayor as required,” she wrote in an email to the Battlefords News-Optimist.
Hawtin noted in her social media post that she thanks “everyone who has supported this journey to Mayor Elect.”
“I am ready to work hard, honestly, and openly on all of our behalf,” she said.
Caldwell, who came in second place in the vote, was not dismayed by his defeat.
“Well, it [the election results] actually worked out for me, it just didn’t work out for the citizens here, I think...,”
something, not heritage tax. That’s, that’s ridiculous to me.”
Looking ahead, Caldwell plans to spend more time working in the community.
“Now, I have time to do other things for the community again. And that means applying pressure where we need it to our elected officials,” he said.
Candidate Wayne (Semaganis) Baptiste was also not stymied by his defeat in the election.
he said. “But I hope in the long run, it will benefit all. I’m confident they’ll see things a little bit differently once they’re all in office, and they’ll see what the actual problems are here.”
Caldwell mentioned he was disappointed with the low voter turnout for the election.
He noted taking part in the election was an overall positive experience for him as he was able to meet many members of the public to share his ideas.
“I’m seeing that some people in this business community have a lot to offer... There’s a lot of wisdom out there and a lot of people, and I hope they take some of my platform and use it for their own benefit.”
Caldwell went on to talk about some changes he’d like to see at City Hall.
“If you look at economic development on the city’s website, it has a heritage tax benefit if you have a heritage building. That’s not what people in business are looking for. When they get onto the city’s website for economic development, they want to know that the city is open for business. And they’ll help them out to start
“I wasn’t expecting to win,” he said. “What I mean, it’s a hard thing to ask people that are not accustomed to ever having a First Nation leader, right? So it’s creating an awareness and creating a mindset that there’s more to our community than what we’ve been taking advantage of. And that’s the main reason that I ran, so that we could get familiar with each other good.”
Semaganis described running in the election as a rewarding experience for him.
“A lot of people got to meet me; I got to talk to a lot of people and share ideas, and let them know that we’re not as far apart as some people think,” he said. “You know, we’ve never had that real opportunity to truly get to know each other. And I’m glad that I took that step so that the next person coming after me is maybe not so hard to accept, right?
Looking ahead, Semaganis said there are many people who want him to come work for them, including members of Little Pine First Nation, which will have its election in November of 2025.
“People are asking me to come back and run in next November’s election, but I can’t think about that that far ahead...,” he said. “There’s lots of opportunities. I’m still working at the [Battlefords] Tribal Council. A lot of people are happy I’m back at the Tribal Council.”
By R.H. Wood North Battleford
After an unexplained lull the peripatetic urge has apparently again seized Mr. Trudeau. He has just been to France then Laos (where?) followed by a day trip to Bermuda admittedly for a funeral. Next day he was in Peru (APEC) with Brazil (G20) following. All these visits are to conferences – what he achieved in Laos is not clear but in Peru he pontificated at length on Canada being a nuclear super power with wide reactor knowledge and lots of uranium.
Fiftenn percent of electricity in this country is nuclear generated despite years of protestation. Mr. Trudeau claims that we are about to have many mini reactors all over the place from coast to coast. According to tiresomely verbose politicians Canada has three coasts. More
correctly, we have thousands of coasts surrounding the mainland and every island. The phrase should be from “ocean to ocean” – we abut three of these of course. While in Peru, Mr. T. was preaching nuclear power which up until recently was anathema. The source of this nuclear epiphany is unexplained, but it is necessary as the lifespan of windmills is only 20-25 years and their manufacture pollutes heavily. Big and small reactors all produce nuclear ordure which will require collection by sanitary trucks. Much of this can be recycled but there is residue which has to be buried or stored in colum-
baria with restricted visiting even if they are attractive or stylish.
Ever so attractive and stylish Mary Ng our trade minister, accompanied our prime minister on his recent trip – is she on his” little list” or not? He was also accompanied this time by his daughter which means that each of his three offsprings have recently been abroad while he was on governmental business. I regard this as a liberty and abuse of privilege and brings new meaning to “take your kid to work day”.
Meanwhile, we read that Mr. Guilbeault has been in Azerbaijan at COP29 (where’s that again?). He was busy getting us mixed up in a multi-billion-dollar scheme to promote greenness in unheard of countries.
In the accompanying text, I saw $2 Trillion mentioned but chose to read no further. Something has to be done
about this fellow who is pathologically obsessed with climate issues and carbon taxation.
Mr. Trump is formulating his administration by naming one inexplicable after another. Presumably they will all be marshalled into order before January 21st. to fulfill his commands and whims which are increasingly alarming for our prospects. It is absolutely necessary for our negotiators to stress that symbiosis not tariffs will benefit our two countries.
For some light relief we signed up with Netflix to watch the Tyson-Paul fight. The coverage was a disaster. Despite all the hype the match merely amounted to a somewhat apologetic lumberjack demolishing an aging stump. Jake Paul’s next targets should be Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau before they escalate the Ukraine v Russia conflict any further.
In mid-February 2022 the Lord put on my soul:
“The S+P 500 will double then go to 10,000 in three years.”
I checked and it was trading at 4,700 so 9,400 by mid-February 2025.
When you see this happen you must make coalitions all across Canada to build greenhouses or whatever and grow food.
Years ago I had a dream that there was a 12-yearold girl sitting at an oak table with an oak hutch behind her. So upper middle class. In front of her was an old wooden plate and old wooden bowl and she was bewildered that there was no food.
So big that she was bewildered means that the crops are good, weather is good, but there is a lack of food for an extended period of time.
Maybe the border will be closed, maybe shortage of food in Mexico + USA means nothing for Canada.
So when you see it’s 9,400 – become food sufficient.
Canada should be able to feed her own. Regardless.
Peter Litchfield, local resident
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By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
Early October, while the Battlefords residents were gathering to learn about fire prevention, the same week the News-Optimist sat down with North Battleford Fire Department (NBFD)’s first and only female firefighter Misty Dawn Hulit, who is also a mother of a 15-yearold daughter.
Hulit, a First Nations woman from Manitoba, spent her early years as a volunteer firefighter in Cochin, Sask., before joining NBFD. She has been a full-time firefighter serving North Battleford residents for one and a half years.
She spoke to the newspaper what her six years in North Battleford on the fire lines mean to her.
Q: What inspired you to become a firefighter?
A: I always figured I’d be involved in some kind of emergency service. I just wasn’t sure what exactly. I looked at the police, military, and then I found fire, and I just fell in love with it.
Q: What does a typical day as a firefighter look like for you?
A: It can vary from day to day, obviously. We have our list of chores and inspections, but if we get a call, that’s all out the window, and we’re in the truck and out the door. Some days, it’s just cleaning or doing business inspections, which also gets us out in the public.
Q: How does it feel being the first and only female firefighter in the department?
A: Amazing. I don’t know what I expected really. I guess I just tried really hard to work to get here and fit in as one of the crew. This [Being a fulltime member here] was the ultimate goal.
I noticed sometimes people are a little more receptive when they realize that, you know, there’s a woman, (that) men and women both come. They’re not just looking at: ‘oh, the guys are here.’ It doesn’t really set me apart, but I feel some people are more comforted when they find there’s a woman that’s involved with helping them.
Sometimes (during school visits), I know there’s a lot of them [the school kids] stare a lot, and they’re like, ‘oh my gosh, there’s a girl!’ which makes it fun.
Q: What would you say to young girls who dream of becoming firefighters?
A: I just want to tell them that they can do it. If this is a dream of theirs, they absolutely can do it. It’s attainable. You work hard and you can get pretty much anywhere you want to be.
Q: What were the challenges, if any, of being a woman working in a fire department?
A: There’s sometimes you’re smaller than the other guys, and you have to work a little harder to compensate
for that, physically. But work smarter, not harder. And the guys are really great. We all work together well.
Q: What kind of training do you do to stay in shape?
A: Well, we try and get in a workout every single day and hit the gym when we’re not on shift. Our training can be anything from taking the boat out on the river to working at our training grounds.
Q: What is it about firefighting that has kept you doing it for six years?
A: It’s obviously something I love. There’s a lot of variety. There’s a quote I’m reminded of all the time: ‘Some people don’t know if they make a difference, but in this line of work, you always know you’ve made a difference in someone’s life, in some way.’ It’s really rewarding. It gives me a purpose, a goal—it’s not just a job, it’s who you are. I don’t know if I could do anything else at this point. I just keep building and moving forward. I’m happy where I am, and I’m working on getting my paramedic certification now, so I’m just adding on little steps.
Q: How do you decompress after a tough shift?
A: I’d say most of our calls are good. They’re the fun ones like the cat in the tree or the community events, or, you know, parades. I love parades.
But when we do other bad calls, I guess that’s when we band together as a shift, because they’ve been there with us. So we talk about it, we are. We just sit there with each other, sometimes just waiting on scene for a while, depending what it is, but I think it’s more the togetherness is what gets us through it.
If we need to talk, we’ll be like, ‘hey, remember that call?’ The chiefs and the captains are really good at checking in, ‘how are you doing? Are you doing? Okay? Do you need anything? Can we help you through this?’
But that’s mostly the group atmosphere, the togetherness that makes it so much easier.
Firefighter pay in N.B.: steady salaries, overtime and unexpected costs
As of July, base monthly pay for entry-level firefighters with the City is $5,854.77, which is set to increase by approximately 3.3 per cent in 2025, according to the Collective Bargaining Agreements signed between the City and Firefighters’ Union last year.
Wages for firefighters are based on years of service, with no additional hazard pay beyond their standard salaries—similar to the pay structure for police officers.
Overtime pay for North Battleford firefighters is tied
to the number and seriousness of the emergency calls they respond to. While the department plans for typical overtime based on past years’ data, unexpected events can cause big changes.
For instance, when the fire department responded to wildfires in Saulteaux and Moosomin First Nations last year, the costs were covered by the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency. But when large fires happen within the city—like the ones at Quick Falls Collision and the Canadian Motel—the City picks up the tab.
“I’m extremely proud of my department. They worked through some pretty arduous conditions and some heavy smoke conditions… They did a fantastic job, and we did bring in some heavy equipment that greatly facilitated the extinguishment of that fire,” said Fire Chief Lindsay Holm in a city council meeting Oct. 15 of the Canadian Motel fire.
The firefighters’ work can go largely unseen in the wide range of services they provide. The work, while demanding, has its rewards, Hulit said.
“Most of our calls are good. (We try to) focus on the little things. Sometimes they matter the most,” she said. “[Little things] make the biggest difference.”
Hølïdå ÿ Mëmørïål Sërvïçë
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TheSaskatchewanHealthAuthority worksinthe spirit of truthand reconciliation, acknowledgingSaskatchewanasthe traditional territory of FirstNationsand Métis People.
By Elaine Woloshyn Correspondent
A friendly reminder of two craft sales this weekend. Saturday, Nov. 23 ‘Christmas Craft Sale’ sponsored by Spiritwood’s Lions Club from 10:00-4:00 p.m. in the civic centre with 42 vendors. Admission is $5.00 for adults which gives a person a chance to win multi-door prizes. Sixteen and under are admitted free. Lunch is provided by the Resolute Community Club. The money made is always donated back to the community.
In our small hamlet, Mayfair’s ‘Christmas Market’ in the community hall is Sunday, Nov. 24, from 10:00 to 3:00 p.m. Santa will arrive at 1:30 p.m. for the kids and adults ‘young at heart’. Kitchen menu: soup/ sandwich/pie $7.00 and any single lunch item is priced at $2.50. Please come browse around and purchase useful
Christmas gifts this weekend. If not, visit your farm neighbours over lunch and coffee.
Did you know there is now a bakery providing freshly baked goods at the grocery store in Shell Lake? Local residents do not have to drive the extra mile for delicious baked goods when this service is provided in their home village.
Weather varies every few miles but the end of November is fast approaching rain/ sleet or snow. Some areas have snow which looks like it’s here to stay while within short driving proximity, it’s a different scenario.
Hafford senior vikings claim provincial title Nothing like the first fresh snowfall for late fall. I remember way back when I was a kid living on a farm west of Hamlin (six miles north on Highway 4) some of my siblings and I would skate on Remembrance Day on our farm dugout. The ice
was thick enough to skate on. The cold weather (before ‘global warming’) in a usual year started around Oct.15 and lasted until the end of March. At times now people can’t even ice fish until late January as that’s how different the weather has changed!
A great accomplishment again by the Hafford Senior Viking Football team on winning the Provincial title this past Saturday in Hafford. They defeated Hanley… congratulations to all involved on the team. Also, the weather cooperated for the spectators thus bringing in a fair-sized crowd to cheer the team on.
Not so much for the Saskatchewan Roughriders who were defeated by Winnipeg Blue Bombers. They surprised all the fans by even getting into the Western semi-finals which is prestigious, to say the least. Here is a list of the remaining two weeks as to what is
Continued on page 8
TheRoyal Canadian Legion #70
NorthBattlefordBranch wouldliketosay
to allofthe BUSINESSESand INDIVIDUALS whopurchased WREATHS& POPPIES in our 2024 Poppy Campaign andtoour community for theirongoing support. With your annual assistance, we areabletoprovide necessary supporttoour Veterans and their familieswho maybeinneed. Allmoney staysinour Community.
to theCity of NorthBattleford foruse of theDon RossCentre, CJNB,AccessCommunications, and forbroadcasting our 2024 RemembranceDay Ceremony.
Thanks, also to St Paul’sAnglican and NotreDameChurches fortollingthe Bells at the11thhour,and everyone else whomade this service possible.
By Kathy Utri Correspondent
Edward “Ted” Bamford passed away at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon on November 9, 2024, at the age of 71 years. Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife, Linda; children, Tammy (Brett) Parkin, William (Tammy) and Adam (Ray); 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild; numerous extended family and friends. Ted started out farming and progressed to working with heavy equipment for many years, never having a desire to retire. He liked to talk and was an interesting conversationalist with a voice that was great to listen to. Ted thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with his family and will be missed by all. The celebration of life for Ted was held at Maidstone Legion Hall on Nov. 16.
Maidstone Communities in Bloom recently purchased
new Christmas pole motifs for Main Street. A huge thankyou goes to Maidstone Chamber of Commerce for their generous donation covering the total cost.
Nov.13 election results are Mayor Brennan Becotte (by acclamation), Councillors Scott Breadner, Shayne Burt, Mark Foster, Al Franczuk, Eleanor Pegg and Ralph Rosenthal; Board of Education Trustee (Div. 6 Maidstone/ Paynton/Waseca) Laurel Pauls. Congratulations to all. Thanks to everyone who ordered Little Caesars Pizza for Ratushniak Elementary’s playground equipment fundraiser. The Rhinehart boys got first place for selling 30 pizzas. They won five pizza packs.
Maidstone Chamber of Commerce met on Nov. 13 with 11 in attendance. Welcome to our new CIBC Manager, Edwin Buhay. We look forward to having your par-
ticipation in our community. There will be no Moonlight Madness this year but it will be reconsidered next year. The chamber will do candy bags to be delivered to the school and will provide assistance to Maidstone Museum for Winter Fun Fest on Dec. 14 where the annual money tree draw will take place at 4:30 p.m. MST. Flyers and draw boxes will be in local businesses soon. Remember you have to pay to pluck money from the tree. Sign corridors at the entrance to Maidstone will be attended to. The next chamber meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 15. All businesses are encouraged to join the Chamber of Commerce for the betterment of our community. Big or small, we welcome all.
Maidstone Bowling Club’s Week 7 top singles were Youth Junior: Stone 130, Youth Senior: Lane 170; Ladies: Brenna B. (spare) 213, Tara B. 197; Seniors Women:
Renee D. 190, Men: Keith M. 255; Business Women: Melissa P. 198, Men: Justin W. 236. High triples were Justin 622, Keith 575, Melissa 538, Tara 533, and Pat A. 442.
Maidstone Kin Club has paired with Maidstone Food Bank to help people in our community. Drop-off locations till Dec. 8 are AG Foods, CIBC, Fields, Maidstone Pharmacy and Synergy Credit Union. See posters around town for a list of needed items. The Kin Club’s Twinkle Tour is back. Get into the Christmas spirit, decorate your home, business or outside space and submit your entry by Dec. 10 to get on the map. Email name and address to
Nov.24 Sunday 1 p.m. MST. Waseca Community Centre Cookie Bingo. (Each winner picks 1 dozen cookies).
Dec.18 Wednesday 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Ratushniak Elementary Div.1 Christmas Concert (in the high school gym but enter through elementary school doors). Silver collection.
Students honour veterans with moving Remembrance
Day ceremonies
Ceremonies of Remembrance were held at both Maidstone schools on Nov. 7. At Ratushniak Elementary, Kindergarten to Gr. 3 classes welcomed Maidstone Legion Ladies Auxiliary President, Trina Tuplin and member, Janice McConnell at 10 a.m. A slide show was viewed, students sang “Highway of Heroes” and Gr. 3 recited a poem. Mrs. Tuplin read the closing address.
The Maidstone High School ceremony took place at 10:30 a.m., with Gr. 4 to 6 also attending. The Gr. 12 History Class and Mrs. Wicks did an excellent job of organizing the event, with Mrs. Bellin coordinating the elementary participation. Maidstone Legion Branch 142 President, Dennis Noble and several Legion members, as well as Legion Ladies Auxiliary members and Cadet, Ben Foster attended. The program included a colour parade, candles of remembrance, honour roll and address by President Noble, wreath laying, a slide show and recitations honouring Gr. 12 family veterans, Gr. 4 to 6 essay, poem “In Flanders Fields” and the song
“Highway of Heroes”. This was truly an impressive and inspiring ceremony.
On Nov. 11, the Remembrance Day ceremony took place at Maidstone Legion Hall. Our community is very grateful to Maidstone Legion Branch 142 and Legion Ladies Auxiliary, flag bearers and current members of the armed forces, Pastor Alex Pompu for the meaningful message, pianist Marilyn Owens, Saidai Mosher for reading “In Flanders Fields”, the sound system operator, as well as the many groups and family members who laid wreaths. Above all, thank you to our veterans and those who lost their lives so we can enjoy our freedom today.
Girl Guides of Canada members were among the many who laid wreaths on Remembrance Day. First Maidstone Sparks, Embers, Guides, Rangers and leaders participated. Following the ceremony, lunch was provided by the Legion Ladies with Girl Guides serving cookies. Thank you to everyone who took part in making Remembrance Day another memorable one in our community.
Continued from page 6 happening in Hafford. Tuesdays: bingo at 7:00 p.m. in the seniors centre. The ever so popular sport is called Pickleball at 7:00 p.m. and also on Fridays in the school gymnasium. The card game Kaiser in the senior centre every Thursday. Martial Arts 6:00 p.m. in Hafford school gym on Thursdays.. kids at 6:00 p.m./adults at 7:00 p.m.
The lots by Darren Ulmer at Meeting Lake seem to be selling well. He expanded more development, whether it be cabin owners or individuals who are choosing to build retirement homes. Years ago Saskatoon and local people had cabins there and still do. Now at all points on this lake, there are mansions being built as people’s tastes and lifestyles have changed over the years. Fishing appears to be good and ice fishing is a big drawing
card not to mention skidding when enough snow during the winter months. Nearby Rabbit Lake usually has a snowmobile rally on the first Saturday in March which is always a big success. This function is hosted by their district Ag Society.
4-H Clubs are a going concern on the prairies. It’s great to see mostly rural kids partake in an educational / learning experience. The first general meeting for Medstead’s organization was on Sept. 29th. Sixteen-year-old Liam Aumack from Meeting Lake / Rabbit Lake District attended a ‘4-H Members Forum’ in Oakville, Ontario a few weeks ago. He was one of the eleven Saskatchewan members who got to go. On the busy agenda: toured Guelph University / attended Toronto Royal Fair/ festival of Lights. Thanks to the following sponsors: CN;
FCC; RBC; Cargill; Guelph University; McCall Macbain; Government of Canada; MNP And NFP. All of the members are so grateful for being able to attend and learn interesting issues. The 4-H leaders of Medstead Cub are, general leader Candy Pain; assistant general leader–Miranda Egeland; beefRussell & Brenda Aumack; sheep- Kristine Ruess and outdoorsman–Jon Martens. Good luck with all the members and leaders starting a new exciting year.
Have you been counting the shopping days before Christmas? Now that Remembrance Day is over one can go crazy with the colourful sparkling dazzling decorations and lights. Every year the manufacturers seem to put new stuff on the market. There’s nothing boring about the festivities and the Christmas season fast approaching.
featuringguest speaker Deb McNaband live tunesfrom FuntimeMusic.It's an afternoon of nostalgiaand joy, perfect forreminiscing andmakingnew memories!
enjoy adelicious meal by EppicCateringand acocktailhour, followedbyguest speakersand aliveperformance by Sask’s topcover band, The Milkman’sSons!Your $80 ticket incl.a champagne reception, dinner, andthe full show.Preferto dance thenight away?Snaga dance-only ticket forjust $30!
aday full of holidayfun,including avisit from Santa, an Elfdance party, andsomuch more!
ATIMOYOO: Rose - 1930-2024 The family of Rose Evelyn Atimoyoo is saddened to announce the passing of their beloved mother on October 28, 2024 at Sunnyside Adventist Care Centre in Saskatoon Rose was born November 29, 1930 at Morin Lake, SK Left to cherish her memory are her surviving children Gary (Betty Ann) and Sandra She was Kokum to grandchildren Lee Trevor Joseph, Kelly, Drew, Ryan, Courtney, Cherish, Dorcean, John R ; great grandchildren Connor, Corbin, Slade, Dax, Madi, Brooklyn, Xander, TJ, Hayden, Aurora Willow Ayla Reid Hannah Mia Dionne Sadie Milan Keaton, Tyren, Trey and Hope - and numerous nieces and nephews Rose was predeceased by her parents William (Blackie) Morin and Annie Morin (nee Ahenakew), her husband Smith Atimoyoo, son Terry Atimoyoo, son-in-law Roy (Zonie)Baldhead, sister Bertha Rach, brothers Alexander Morin and Leo Morin, grandchildren Scotty Chicoose and Shelley Atimoyoo A funeral service was held on
Wednesday October 30 2024 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church officiated by the Venerable Ken Watts A Wake was held on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at Little Pine First Nation followed by a traditional service officiated by Little Pine Elders at Little Pine on October 31, 2024 Interment was at Little Pine First Nation Cemetery The family wishes to extend special thanks to Dr K Roelens and to the staff at Sunnyside Care Home for their excellent care for the time
Youtaughtmehow to be frugal and to be patient.
Thankyou forlooking after me whileI have caredfor youoverthe past 5years
Hope youare dancing wi th Papa and playing
and Ron Sack on the accordion They lived with Sam s parents at the Simpson place for the first year and a half of their marriage They purchased a quarter from John Black and moved to the homestead shortly after They had no electricity, running water or transportation and life was extremely difficult, but many wonderful memories began there In the later years, whenever we drove by the house Sam would say "If those walls could talk they could tell you many stories, we were cooking with natural gas " Olga would blush and giggle a little, but didn't really have any comments They were self-sufficient with chickens, pigs, cattle and of course a big garden Without electricity and running water, Olga s life was not easy Everything preserved from the garden had to be canned or fermented Any meat preserved was either salted or canned as well She always ensured that there was ample food for the winter and their door was always open to visitors It was during this time that Wally and Val were born The shortage of water was becoming increasingly difficult to manage with 2 small kids and a growing herd of cattle They decided to build a house in town and move there In 1960 they sold the cattle, closed up the little house and moved to town, where Sam worked for Boychuk Construction and continued to farm Olga s priority continued to be her growing family and keeping her freezers full of food and her house full of love In December of 1964, Wayne was born and they had another decision to make Sam s parents offered to sell them the farm Since neither of them liked living in town, it was an easy decision They moved back to the farm in July of 1965 Wes was born in December of 1967, completing their family Life continued to get easier as time went on They moved into their new house across the yard in 1978 They took many family vacations with the truck and camper, sometimes alone as a family and sometimes with Colin and Adele and their family, and all were enjoyed As the kids got older and more self-sufficient, they had the opportunity to vacation more They had many memorable, fun vacations with Colin and Adele and Alex and Sylvia And of course when the cats are away the mice did play! Thank God those basement walls can t talk right Val!? There were some pretty memorable parties in that basement The highlight of their travels was their trip to the Ukraine in 1991 where they were able to visit Sam's birthplace and that of their parents and meet relatives Olga’s lifelong priorities were family, gardening, crafting and travelling Nothing made her happier than having a house filled with family with a huge meal on the table always including perogies and cabbage rolls she made herself She always had a huge garden and in the mid 90 s she decided she would sell the extra produce at the farmers market in Battleford on Thursday’s and in North Battleford on Saturday’s This also gave her an opportunity to sell her crafts and sewing This was a huge workload for her and Sam, but it was also an opportunity to visit everyone, and visit he did She continued with crafting gardening and farmers markets even after we lost Sam in 2009, probably more to keep her occupied and ease the loneliness, even though the workload was too much She continued this path until 2013, when she decided to move to Caleb Olga enjoyed her time at Caleb She continued to do her crafts and craft sales She enjoyed socializing and playing cards daily She also enjoyed coming back out to the farm and we always tried to celebrate her birthday with a meal in the field In conclusion Olga was first a wife and mother putting family above all else She left this world a very wealthy woman, if wealth is measured by the love of family and friends, the honesty and integrity of the life one lived, the humbleness and kindness of one’s soul and the absence of a single enemy, then Olga was a multimillionaire She left many things to her family, but the most tangible is an album of the family histories of both the Turuk and Bahniuk families which took years to compile In it she named us all and left a message which reads: Very fortunate to have such a great family Love you all forever Sam and Olga Turuk ” We know, from the peaceful expression on her face when she passed, she heard Sam calling her at 3:30 on Friday morning November 8, and she decided we were all going to be ok, and went to rejoin the love of her life, and Sam would have said there s my sweetheart Together again forever Funeral Service for Olga was held on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 1:00 p m.
and compassionate individuals to fill the follo wing positions:
Post Majority Support Ser vices (PMSS) – 2 positions
Post Majority Care Coordinator
Post Majority Support Worker
The PMSS program will work with young adults ages 18 to 26 years, who ha ve aged out of care, to encoura ge and support them to make choices tha t improve their quality of life Workers will assist the young adults to create a case plan, provide services and supports, and help to build and maintain meaningful cultural, family, and community connections. The PMSS program will work collabora tively with community partners and other Key anow programs and initia tives to deliver direct supports to participants with complex and multiple needs.
The Key ano w Child and Family Centre is seeking a Post Majority Care Coordinator to join Keyanow Child and Family Services in developing the Post Majority Support Services program. This position will be under the super vision of and will receive direction and guidance from the Executive Director The incumbent will develop, implement, and ensure compliance with Post Majority policies and practices and mana ge Post Majority budgets and expenditures The incumbent will ha ve a BSW or BISW and three years experience working with First Na tions Child and Family Ser vices.
Post Majority Support Worker position is required to work directly with the young adults transition into the next sta ge of their journey. The successful candida te must be a good listener, a strong problem solver, and solution-focused. The PMSS worker reports to the PMSS Coordinator, and will provide referrals, advocacy, and support services to young adults in all matters relating to, but not limited to, emergency-based housing, physical and mental health, addictions, advocacy, justice, income support, education and employment. The PMSS worker will work with ser vice providers on and off reser ve as part of the young adult’s case plan, will maintain progress on their pre-determined desirable outcomes, and ensure participants are provided with exceptional quality care. The incumbent will ha ve a Bachelors Degree or equivalent and a minimum of three years experience in a similar expertise
Family Ser vices Unit (FS) – 2 Positions
CASH FORCOINCOLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS OF COINS! ROYALCANADIAN MINT COINS, OLDCOINS, OLDPAPER MONEY, SILVER COINS, GOLD COINS, RARE COINSETC Also buying allSilver Gold,Nuggets,Scrap, Coins, OldJewelry Bullion, Ingots, Sterling Silver,Old Quality Watchesworking or not, Rolex, Omega++
Fa mily Ser vice Wo rker (2 posit ions ): The Fa mily Ser vices Wo rker is responsib le for investiga ting allega tions of neglect, physical or sexual abuse; assessing family functioning; determining risk factors to the children’s safety; implementing intervention plans; providing support ser vices to the family; working with the courts; managing the needs of children admitted into care; placement in foster and alternate resources, assessment and trea tment planning to ensure that individual health, social psychological and educa tion needs are met and prepara tion to return home. On-call emergency duty work is required in this position
The successful candida tes will ha ve a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work. Considera tion will be given for candida tes with other degrees tha t would involve working with children and families. Experience in Emergency Duty (EDW) work EDW super vision an asset. Will be required to travel and work flexible hours.
Family Enhancement Unit (FEU) – 1 position
Adult Outreach Worker: This position will provide community-based prevention, intervention, and support ser vices to adults 18 years and older so as to enhance their quality of life including their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health Successful candida tes will ha ve demonstra ted skill in assessment, counselling, group facilita tion, and community enga gement, mobiliza tion and development.
Certifica tion in Addictions, Community Development or Youth Care Worker; Community Wellness Worker, Mental Health and Wellness, and/or equivalent will be considered for the Outreach Worker position. Experience is required.
SCHEDULE: The main office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm ho wever, schedules will var y dependent upon work loca tion. WORK LOCATION: primar y loca tions include main office in North Ba ttleford, Little Pine, and Poundmaker Outreach, and travel to Lucky Man Saska toon, Regina, Prince Albert and other areas where we have children in care.
SALARY: Competitive salaries; determined upon Educa tion and Experience
CLOSING DATE: November 23, 2024
Please submit letter of applica tion, resume with 3 professional references, a clear RCMP Criminal & Vulnerable Sector Record Check, class 5 driver’s license and driver’s abstract to:; fax 306-445-5568 or drop off at 691 – 109th Street, North Battleford, SK
***Only persons selected for interviews will be notified***
Land SW 22-38-19 W3 Ext. 1 and 2 (RM of Reford #379)
Total acres: 142.8 consisting of 126.8 acres cultivated & 16 acres slough & bush
SE 22-38-19 W3 Ext. 1 and 2 (RM of Reford #379)
Total acres: 149.4 consisting of 146.4 acres cultivated & 3 acres slough & bush
Daniel Joseph Ulrich and Mariette Kristine Ulrich
Contact Daniel Ulrich (306)843-0019
1. Tender must be for both quarter sections.
2 Must be in sealed envelope marked “Ulrich Land”.
3. Postmarked no later than Monday, December 9, 2024 or hand delivered by 4:00 pm. Friday, December 13, 2024
4. Addressed or delivered to: Hudec Law Office #101-1292 100th Street. NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK S9A OV7
5. A certified cheque payable to Hudec Law Office for 5% of the amount of tender must be included. (Nonrefundable if tender accepted.)
6. Te nders will be opened 10:00 am. Monday, December 16, 2024.
7. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
8 Successful bidder will have until Wednesday, January 15, 2025 (closing date) to provide the balance of funds to Hudec Law Office.
The Tax Enforcement Act
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Radisson intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described as Lot 3 Blk/Par 23 Plan No I5 059 Ext 0, Title No. 154458984.
The municipality claims ti tle to the lan d b y virt ue of an interest based on the tax lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interes t Nu mber 19814 8405 an d yo u ar e required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the ser vice of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a certificate of title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the lan d may be ascertained on application to the Clerk , Tr easurer or Administrator of the municipality For any questions about the tax enforcement process please contact Taxervice at 1-877-734-3113.
Dated this 14th day of November, 2024.
Norma Stumborg, Administrator Town of Radisson
By Angela Brown
The successful candidates are now all confirmed for the Town of Battleford’s municipal election.
Incumbent Ames Leslie has been acclaimed as mayor for the Town of Battleford.
The winning candidates for the six council seats are: Judy Pruden (incumbent) with 515 votes; Kevin Russell
(incumbent) claiming 507 votes; Shelley Boutin-Gervais (incumbent) with 495 votes; Doug Laing (incumbent) with 449 votes; Mark Coleman with 332 votes; and Clayton Lazar garnering 323 votes.
They defeated David George (incumbent) who received 322 votes; Josh Pernala with 311 votes; and Randall Cote with 179 votes.
Battlefords Minor Hockey Association will be hosting their Fall Financial Meeting
On December 9th at 6pm in the Don Ross Minor Hockey Board Room
The meeting to approve the 2023-2024 Audited Financials
All members welcome
(The TaxEnforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE thatthe City of North Battleford intendstoberegistered asowner under the aboveAct of theland describedat thefoot of this document.
The Municipalityclaims title to the land by virtue of aninterest based on the TaxLien registered against the existing title to the land in theLand TitlesRegistry as Interest Number181203791 andyou arerequired to TAKE NOTICE thatunless youcontest the claimof the Municipality or redeem theland pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from theser vice of this notice on youand, subjectto the further provisions of The TaxEnforcement Act, atitle willbeissued to theapplicant and youwillthereafter be foreverestopped anddebarredfromsettingup anyclaim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amountrequired to redeemthe land may be ascertained on application to theClerk, Treasurer or Administrator of theMunicipality
Dated this 7day of August, 2024.
MargaritaPena, Administrator
Estate of George Br yant c/o Gar yGoodyear NameofAssessed Owner
Lot 14 Blk/Par 16 PlanNoC113Extension0
Title Number: 115026971
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TA KE NOTICE th a t the City of North Battleford intends to be re gister ed as ow ner und er the ab ov e Ac t of th e la nd de s cr ib ed at th e fo ot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203814 and you are required t o TA KE NOTICE th a t unless you conte st the cl aim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality.
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024
Per: Margarita Pena, Administrator
Estate of George Bryant c/o Gary Goodyear
Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 16 Blk/Par 16 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115027017
FORM C [Section 2.3]
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cut Knife intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 198415794 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land
T he am ount re qui re d to re de em th e la nd ma y be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 18 day of September, 2024.
Schaefer, Administrator
Sherwin Wayne Machiskinic & Kyle Blackstock
Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 3 Blk/Par 1 Plan No
BT5363 Extension 0
Title Number: 142997259
FORM C [Section 2.3]
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 181203803 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the ser vice of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality
Dated this 7 day of August, 2024.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
Estate of George Br yant c/o Gary Goodyear
Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 15 Blk/Par 16 Plan No C113 Extension 0 Title Number: 115026993
FORM C [Section 2.3] NOTICE
(The TaxEnforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE thatthe City ofNorth Battleford intends to be registered as owner under theabove Act of theland describedat thefoot of this document
TheMunicipalityclaims title to the land by virtueof an interest based on the TaxLien registered against theexisting title to the land in theLand Titles Registr y asInterest Number181203780 andyou arerequired to TAKE NOTICE thatunless youcontest the claimof the Municipality or redeem theland pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on youand, subject to the further provisions of The TaxEnforcement Act, atitle will be issued to theapplicant and youwillthereafter be forever estopped anddebarred from settingup anyclaim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeemthe land may be ascertained on application to theClerk, Treasurer or Administrator of theMunicipality
Dated this 7day of August, 2024.
MargaritaPena, Administrator
Estate of George Br yant c/o Gar yGoodyear NameofAssessed Owner
Lot 13 Blk/Par 16 PlanNoC113Extension0 Title Number: 115026959
Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before the 21st day of January 2025, a tax lien will be registered against the land.
Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel.
By Staff Reporter
With Election Day behind us, the final reminder of campaign season will soon be gone: All campaign signs must be cleared from both private and public property by Wednesday, Nov. 20, says
the City of North Battleford. All campaign signs must be removed within seven days of Election Day, covering both mayoral and councillor candidates, in accordance with the City’s Campaign Disclosure and Spending Limits Bylaw, the city hall said. While there have been no reports of vandalism so far, the City reminded the owners of defaced or damaged signs to report as an act of mischief, online at Saskatchewan RCMP or through the local detachment at 306-446-1720.
Dated this 21st day of November 2024 Nicole Collins, Administrator
Dated this 13th day of November, 2024.
Darrin Beaudoin Treasurer