Some say that North Battleford’s reputation as the most dangerous place in Canada isn’t accurate. That’s in part, the NewsOptimist has heard over the last eight months, due to Macleans, CBC and other media companies not looking at the positive present in the community. The Crime Severity Index (CSI) not providing enough context to the public is also referenced along with unwarranted fear about social issues like homelessness, drug addiction, and the often-discussed gang violence that all seem notoriously hard to solve.
But some also feel that crime really is an issue and needs to be resolved rather than worrying about North Battleford’s all-to-present stigma. If the stigma persists, some argue, it’s because the issues are not being resolved.
Either way, at the time of writing this article, the Battlefords are welcoming spring.
The Dekker Centre will soon welcome the 87th provincial TheatreFest hosted by the local theatre group and minor baseball season ramps up. Finlayson Island is likely weeks away
from bloom while the Saskatchewan Country Music Association has nominated several local names for their annual country music awards. Days after Easter, the Western Development Museum celebrated its 75th birthday in North Battleford with 75¢ admission and cupcakes. Life treks onward, it seems.
The Business Improvement District’s (BID) executive director, Kori Humenny, has been with the organization since November 2022 and only agreed to a News-Optimist interview in the latter part of 2023 if it was intended to paint North Battleford positively.
“Yes, obviously, every town, every city has their issues, and I’m not going to pretend like we don’t, but is it any worse? I don’t know ... I get that the CSI has gone up. I don’t even read that stuff. Because to me ... what you see is what you start to believe, and I’m not a big fan of negative news,” Humenny said.
Downtown Revitalization
Humenny’s biggest focus recently has been bringing the downtown — which has been the focus of many revitalization bids throughout the years and is frequently the centre of
discussions around crime —back as a welcoming place. Even then, if what the City of North Battleford’s 2018 baseline survey suggests, Hummeny has a lot of work ahead of her as she has to deal with some of the community’s own perception’s first.
“I never feel safe downtown. I get approached by people for money, there are always people watching you going into the banks. People are drunk or high,” an anonymous respondent — one of roughly 600 — wrote as to why they felt downtown was the most unsafe part of the Battlefords.
Another responded noted they won’t drive down there at night. Some say they won’t shop downtown and even switched banks to avoid the Royal Bank of Canada on corner of 11th Ave. and 101 St.
But the survey respondents also noted they feel safer in other residential areas, more-often in the residential property area they live in. One respondent noted that there are more people watching the neighborhood. Another noted that there is less poverty . “I hate that people refer to [North Battleford] as ‘Crimetown.’ Like, let’s not be proud that this is what ... we’re not,” she said.
Continued on Page 7
as of press time, the original record was roughly 5000 boxes toppled, and the community, the BDFRC’s executive director says, really stepped up.
“Thanks to the amazing contribution from the community, we have raised over 6,800 boxes,” Erin Katerynych said in a statement.
She added that on top of the 6,800, Kraft Dinner stepped up to donate 5,500 boxes as well, bringing the grand total to nearly 13,000 boxes.
Though it’s not official
“I am not surprised by the generosity from the community ... I think it’s fantastic. Breaking a world record is something the whole community can get
behind. It’s great.” Katerynych said. The goal now, she noted, is to find space for the donated boxes at the building and distributing it to those in need.
“We still have a lot [from Christmas] so this adds to it definitely. We’re thinking it should through to the end of the summer,” she said, adding that the food bank helps 2000 people each month.
“The Battlefords has always been a caring community, ready to step up and help whenever needed.
Now thanks to Kraft Canada, we have more than doubled our goal.” she added.
Continued on Page 7
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P.O. Box 1000
North Battleford SK S9A 3E6
Phone: 306-445-6226
Perrin Beatty has announced that he will leave the Canadian Chamber of Commerce on August 31, 2024. His announcement starts a process of leadership renewal on the cusp of the Chamber’s 100th anniversary in 2025.
“This is an opportunity for both the Canadian Chamber and for me to focus on how we can contribute most in the years ahead. I’ve been grateful for every minute here,” says Beatty.
Beatty is the longest serving of the Canadian Chamber’s Presidents. During his 17 years as President and CEO, he has strengthened the organization, leaving a solid base for his successor to build upon.
The COVID-19 pandemic, during which the Canadian Chamber provided critical support for the business community and served as a key advisor to governments, led to a major rebuilding of the Canadian Chamber’s mandate and structure. As the country emerged from the crisis, the Canadian Chamber focused on how the organization could best serve Canadians.
Chamber 2025, the strategic plan produced by this review, has driven the strongest growth in the organization’s
“Chamber 2025 transformed our organization, making it more relevant and more successful than ever before,” says Beatty. “Not only have we added new tools and services for Canadian businesses and chambers and boards of trade across the country, but we have grown substantially, doubling our revenues over just the last four years.”
“Along the way, we have modernized our governance structure, built a skilled and respected team, strengthened our grassroots network of chambers and boards of trade and provided a strong and influential voice for Canada’s business community.”
It’s important to keep the momentum going, says Beatty: “I’m proud of what our team has accomplished together, but we can’t stop here. As we prepare to celebrate the Chamber’s 100th anniversary next year, we need an unwavering focus on the future. The next CEO will bring a fresh perspective and renewed energy to that process.”
Candace Laing, Chair of the Board of Directors, says the Board is grateful for Beatty’s extraordinary record of service to both the Chamber and the country: “He is a relentless believer in the Canadian Chamber Network’s power to act as a united voice to support success for every size and sector of business. And he’s remarkable in his work with a huge range of stakeholders in that he always builds partnerships that will benefit not just business, but all of Canada.”
Beatty is leaving the Canadian Chamber in a particularly strong position, says Laing. “The Board and the Chamber team take enormous pride in their work. Our new President and CEO will have the privilege of working with a very strong team to ensure a great future for Canadian businesses. And they’ll be doing that at a time when the Canadian Chamber has more influence and greater impact than ever before.”
A Special Committee of the Board will conduct the search for the next President and CEO using a recruitment firm. The Board’s goal is a smooth transition. “This is an unparalleled opportunity to lead an agile organization that is transforming and growing to deliver more to its member,” says Penny Wise, Vice Chair of the Board. “We’re determined to harness the momentum to make the Canadian Chamber even more relevant to the next generation of business leaders.”
10th Annual Chamber Business Golf Challenge
Friday May 24th, 2024
North Battleford Golf & Country Club
Title Sponsor:
o 306-490-7867
Steve-O’s Pumping
o 114 Shorthorn Street
o P.O. Box 3068, Battleford, SK.
o 306-490-7867
o 782 – 108th Street
o North Battleford, SK.
o 306-481-5474
Glenda Ilett Property Management
o North Battleford, SK.
o 306-481-5474
-Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, Regina
The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is pleased by the Government of Saskatchewan’s 2024-25 budget which seeks to bolster Saskatchewan’s economy. The Chamber has consistently urged the Government of Saskatchewan to adopt policies that would:
• foster a competitive taxation environment to stimulate investment,
• promote policies that support sustainable economic expansion,
• allocate government spending to critical areas such as healthcare and infrastructure; and
• implement measures to streamline government size and expenditures, ensuring efficiency.
The Government of Saskatchewan’s 2024-25 budget introduces key initiatives and provides funding that aligns with the priorities of our members. We are particularly pleased to have the Government respond to our advocacy efforts in support of maintaining the small business tax rate at 1%. In addition, the Chamber is encouraged to see the following initiatives announced:
• The various new, extended, and expanded incentives across critical minerals, energy, innovation, and technology will serve as a catalyst for investment by leveraging Saskatchewan’s natural advantages.
• The Saskatchewan Labour Market Strategy that outlines how Saskatchewan people will benefit from a growing economy and will help ensure Saskatchewan’s job-creators have access to the workforce needed to grow.
• The improvement of over 1,100 km of highways and investment in strategic transportation routes will continue to support our province’s export-driven economy.
• The allocation of funds towards enhancing Saskatchewan businesses’ capacity to expand and connect with international markets. The Chamber also welcomes new government spending on today’s most pressing issues with increased investments in healthcare and infrastructure, along with an enhanced focus on natural resources, as these issues were identified as priorities by our members. While no new taxes or tax increases were announced, the Chamber would further encourage the government to seriously consider a reduction of the PST in the future. The Chamber is optimistic that these measures will create a robust foundation for enhanced business investment, entrepreneurship, and job creation across the province.
“This budget not only acknowledges the vital role of Saskatchewan’s business community in driving economic growth but also lays down practical steps to support it,” said Prabha Ramaswamy, CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. “We are particularly pleased to see a focus on competitiveness, attracting investment, and prioritization of spending on what matters most to our business community.”
As Saskatchewan prepares for the upcoming election, the Chamber remains committed to working alongside the government to ensure the continued prosperity of our province’s economy and the well-being of its people.
ernment] can’t back down from it. And I don’t think it’s only about the money, its more so to do with the class sizes,” Areeb said.
By Miguel FenrichEditor
North Battleford students gathered on the corner of MLA Jeremy Cockrill’s office in North Battleford on March 27, to the sound of honking horns and chanting. Together, dozens of students waved signs in protest days before Easter break to stand up for teachers in their ongoing battle for funding with the Government of Saskatchewan.
Ruhan Yi, an International Baccalaurean student with the North Battleford Comprehensive Highschool (NBCHS), told the News-Optimist that the protest served as an opportunity for students to show their support for the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF.)
“Our voice really matters, and we will continue to fight and continue to speak … until this problem gets involved,” Yi said.
“Education is our future, and we will continue to fight.”
A main issue for students, he said, is that the provincial government remains unwilling to cooperate with the teacher’s union. He feels that has to change.
“They need to actively engage with the teachers and listen to their advice,” he said, adding that another concern for students were unmanageable class sizes he’s witnessed firsthand in his school.
“We want some improvement. We want some development … and that’s what we’re here for.”
Muhammad Areeb, another student from NBCHS, noted that there are anywhere from 40 to 30 kids in classrooms at his school, which he said is not ideal at all. He’s worried that students won’t receive enough individual attention from teachers, especially students that are
Quin Squair homicide
struggling or falling behind.
“The teacher is unable to allocate time … because it’s difficult to manage 40 students at a time or 30 students at a time. It should be at least halved. The class sizes are way to big … and it’s kind of unfair for the students,” he added.
When asked for their thoughts on the recent budget announcements from the provincial government regarding increased funding for classrooms, outside of the scope of a bargaining agreement, Yi added, “We don’t really see that money.”
“Putting it in a contract would mean they would consider [funding] in the longer term. Because I think the provincial government is just trying to get this over with,” he said.
“I think [funding in a bargaining agreement] that’s a way of security for the teachers because if it’s in the contract [the gov-
Minister Cockrill told media late last-month that he was having conversations with Samantha Becotte, president of the STF with both groups seemingly optimistic, according to reporting from SaskToday.
Despite this, STF continues their job action across the province while disapproval of both teaches and the government continues to grow.
When asked what he’d say to Minister Cockrill if he’d been present at the protest, Areeb said he’d ask Cockrill to, “Get this done because you’re ignoring the situation. This isn’t going to solve itself.
“You have to be able to co-operate with the teachers and actually think about the students and not yourself in this case.”
Yi noted that Minister Cockrill, being in a powerful situation as the Minister of Education has the power to change this if he
“We say, ‘great power comes with great responsibility,’ so please do that like a hero, not like a coward, and resolve this issue
as soon as possible,” Yi said, asking Cockrill to think about the future of students of Saskatchewan.
according to court documents. Riley Gopher, 26, from Saulteaux First Nation, Colton Swiftwolfe, 21, from Moosomin First Nation, Alex Gopher, 31, from Sweetgrass First Nation, Wionna Katcheech, 22, from Saulteaux First Nation, and a youth from Saulteaux First Nation, were all charged with second-degree murder. The charge against Katcheech was withdrawn on Aug. 2, 2023
On March 25, the attendance of Colton Swiftwolfe, Riley Gopher, and Alex Gopher was waived in North Battleford Provincial Court. On April 12, a preliminary hearing date is expected to be set.
Previously, on Aug. 15, 2023, the three had elected to be tried by judge without a jury in Battleford Court of King’s Bench.
Battlefords RCMP found Squair with serious injuries at a home on Saulteaux First Nation after getting a call about an assault on April 18, 2023. Officers provided first-aid and called for assistance from local EMS. On April 19, 2023, police were told that Squair wouldn’t survive his injuries and RCMP Major Crimes took over the investigation.
For a few years now I’ve listened to people claim that the media lies. It seems quite the stylish thing to repeat.
To be sure I get tired of some news items that are repeated over and over and shown on television over and over. Once incident I recall is when there was an accident during the chuckwagon races during the Calgary Stampede. The unfortunate occurrence was caught on camera and shown over and over and over. I’m not a fan of chuckwagon races. A thoroughbred I raised went away to be a wagon horse, it didn’t bother me. He was bred to run, and he had a good life.
However, the constant replay of the few nasty minutes played right into the hands of the more ignorant animalrights people.
So, speaking of ignorant. Didn’t those self-righteous anti-monarchists, jump up and down to get on the news regarding what was called an ‘altered photo’ of the Princess of Wales and her family? They were practically at the police gates with pitchforks and torches and “off with her head!”
Of course, social media (not very ‘social’ just as civil wars are not at all ‘civil’) got into the act with ridiculous conspiracy theories. Of course, they, weren’t lying, were they?
Finally, having to make very upsetting decisions, the Princess of Wales herself went to the media to tell the world the shattering news that like her father-in-law, King Charles, she, too, has cancer.
An Alberta radio station showed such professionalism when after playing the entire speech they interviewed, with great sensitivity, a woman who had recovered from cancer and now helps others in the same situation. They also interviewed a doctor. There was nothing but sympathy and respect for a fellow-human being. And admiration for her courage.
There is a woman who, who on her marriage, has devoted herself to working for her husbands’ firm. As many women have done, but never under such a searing spotlight. She ahs accomplished a great deal for others, but just the assumption that she has put a foot wrong, and bingo! The anti’s and the phone-thumbers are after her just like yapping, slavering, predators after prey.
Will the truth make them remorseful; will it make them stop? Not likely; they will find more prey, perhaps another member of the family or a naïve teenager whom they might drive to suicide.
As for the mainstream media, all their reporters and journalists lie. That’s a lot of liars.
If someone were to apply for a job in the CBC or even the local radio-station, would one of the questions they had to answer be “how well do you lie?” or perhaps “did you take the lie course when you studied journalism.”
I would like to say, nevertheless, “Beware any political party which preaches against the media for they preach against freedom of speech and expression.”
And what about their leaders, stating publicly that the headquarter of our national broadcasting corporation in Toronto would look great “turned into apartments for couples with young families,” oh what a heart-tugging touch.
When dictators or armed gangs take over a country
Continued on Page 5
Dear Editor
As we quickly approach “forest fire” season I’m sure many of us remember the huge amount of smoke in the air last summer. Breathing problems, eye problems and others will return this year with the release of carbon from all the trees burning in our forests.
The mature trees in our city are the best storage units we have for all this carbon and other impurities in the air. We must do everything we can to protect our large trees so they can protect us and help us to breathe. (I read somewhere that breathing is important.)
The city UPAR programs for replacing sewers and water lines will begin again and more of our larger trees will be badly damaged or destroyed. Severe root damage as well as canopy damage will occur because of the equipment and methods used. Other methods could be used that are not as harmful to the trees.
Directional drilling could be looked at as a method of attaching sewer and water lines from the main trench in the middle of the street to individual homes by going under the root systems rather than digging through them. Directional drilling is expensive but if an individual tree is appraised at a higher monetary value than the cost of directional drilling under that individual tree (some trees are valued up to $30,000 to $40,000) then it makes sense to use this method.
An “appraised value” is not to be confused with a “tree risk assessment,” which is an ongoing assessment of the risk of the tree failing due to the method used during the construction project.
Also, it is not necessary to use a backhoe to remove the old sidewalk. A backhoe will severely damage roots on the back side of the boulevard trees. A Bobcat with a lift attachment could easily lift the old sidewalk and haul pieces away with little damage to the roots.
Written policies must be put in place for the protection of our city trees and serve as a strict guideline for all to follow. These written policies are in place in other cities but not in North Battleford. The city is losing its larger trees at an extremely fast rate and we are all suffering from this. It’s the larger trees that are protecting us, wildlife and beneficial insects. Ongoing maintenance is vital to keeping existing trees healthy. Written policies are necessary for the protection of existing trees and for planting more trees to ensure easier breathing in the future.
Please contact our city government and convince them to get these written policies in place.
Well, there you are folks, the will of parliament but not the will of the electorate has been acceded to and the carbon tax increments are now law. This has come about since the NDP is providing support to the Liberals all of whom are protecting their jobs. If the next election is delayed only by one week 80 M.P.s will receive pension rights which will ameliorate for them the burden of regular cost of living increases which they have voted to support and which they perhaps may have forgotten affect all of us who sent them to Ottawa.
Meanwhile we must worry about Mr. T. who is surely suffering from carbon exhaustion and unrestrainable laughter and delight. He must be in desperate need of another quarter million-dollar holiday - perhaps not to Jamaica this time, with his children and erstwhile paramour and select friends. My suggestion is a trip to the isle of Unst in the Shetlands right next to Muckle Flugga to check on the rocketry program or to Stephenville in New-
foundland to check on any environmental progress the wind turbine hydrogen project is making. Failing this he could go on a tour of all the new lithium mines which are popping up everywhere.
Mr. Mulcair (ex-NDP), a self-anointed potentate of indisputable nonpartisan wisdom, has been mulling over Mr. T. being replaced as our leader. Unfortunately, at this time, while Mr. T’s international standing is slipping, Mr. Mulcair’s suggestions for his replacement such as Chrystia, Mr. Champagne and others will in my opinion make us a world laughingstock.
The other evening
while meditating on Mr. Moe’s plan to use non-lithium producing mines for carbon sequestration, the distracting T.V. with pictures was telling us about the increasing popularity of tattooing. Suddenly it dawned on me that if all tattoos were black and only carbon particles were intradermally inoculated, our bodies could be used as carbon sinks and one could readily display one’s commitment to climate change. Quantification would be assessed using battery operated handheld Stellantis carbon automatic body index estimator scopes – acronym S.C.A.B.I.E.S. Nonparticipants would be ostracized
or have their assets frozen.
The contents and measures within federal budgets used to be closely guarded and not revealed until Budget Day. Now, with daily releases the government is guilty of the same poorly disguised psychological manipulating tactics used to influence especially the young by TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook etc. There has to be a full public inquiry!
The annual increases in the tax on wines, spirits and fuel combined with inflation will soon render drinking and driving unaffordable for most of us. “Allu’s think positive not negative,” my folks used to say.
Dear Editor Premier Scott Moe has recently announced a slogan relating to the focus of the province’s budget. It is “Classrooms, Care, and
Continued from Page 4 one of the first things done is the destruction or controlling of radio and television and presses. They will even murder journalists, perhaps after all that, a journalist might tell the truth.
I’ll end with what started the cruel furor about the Princess of Wales: the altered photograph.
No doubt, the Second World War was the first war which could replaces war artists with the camera. In a recent issue of Canada’s History, a magazine which should be in all our schools, we learn about altered photographs created during that war for propaganda purposes.
Now that you know about it, can you howl in company with the insulted and deceived Canadian public for indeed the media did lie.
No? Didn’t think so.
Circumstances do alter cases, don’t they if I were to say, “Look at that odd looking black cat,” no one would think twice about it. If Prince William were to say the same thing a certain type of English newspaper would have it on the front page with the heading: “Racist!”
I don’t exaggerate by much.
Meanwhile, I join these people who are sincerely wishing good health to Charles and to Katherine, and to all cancer sufferers. Most families have been or will be devastated by the dreaded word, ‘cancer.’ And for the time being, don’t shoot any reporters.
Christine Pike WasecaCommunity.” In relation to education in the province, the term classrooms reflects the government’s focus on facilities rather than the quality of education that takes place in the province. This is indicated by the government’s use of large billboards advertising the Ministry of Education’s amount of planned spending for education (with emphasis on the amounts for new schools.) The province has no choice but to provide more classrooms since they state Saskatchewan
has welcomed 30,000 new residents in the past year.
However, how concerned is the government about meeting the complex needs of the children in those classrooms? To what extent is the Ministry of Education, specifically the Minister of Education, working in cooperation with the teachers in the classrooms to provide the additional resources needed to ensure quality education? In what ways is the Ministry of Education working to develop collegial relationships with
teachers? What do we see happening today?
If the new Minister of Education had provided himself with a thorough orientation to his position (as most people do when commencing a new position) by visiting several schools in the province, he would understand what is occurring in the classrooms under his jurisdiction. He would be aware of how hard teachers are working and the supports they require to meet the needs of all their students. He would know that teach-
ers experience threatening and disruptive behaviours as part of their work every day. If they called the police to deal with these behaviours, there wouldn’t be enough police officers
in all of Canada to deal with the problem! He would be supportive rather than confrontational. He would understand.
Linda Mackniak, the chief operating officer for the Battlefords and District Chamber of Commerce, sits across from me during a mid-August interview with the News-Optimist in 2023 and talks about the wealth of good in the community.
Those include, The Saskatchewan Hospital, the Dekker Centre, the InnovationPLEX, Immigration Resource Centre, Boys and Girl Club of the Battlefords, Big Brother’s, Big Sisters, Concern for Youth, North Battleford’s Golf & Country Club and much, much more.
The chamber has served, in one way or another, as the voice of business in the community for over 100 years, Mackniak told me. Though the business community has and does face struggles like labour shortages, government bureaucracy, supply chain struggles, and a recent pandemic, crime in North Battleford is just another issue among them she said.
“So now it’s turned into this monster, right? It’s like a monster every year we’re dreading having the
CSI come out,” she said. “And we’re dreading hearing about all these different things, the challenges,” she said, adding that she appreciated the city’s efforts to explain why the CSI is allegedly inflated.
Mackniak references concerns the city and the RCMP have noted ranging from the number of offences being inflated due to repeat offenders missing court dates or other minor charges, or the community being compared to larger centres like Toronto or Vancouver.
But the community itself, Mackniak felt, isn’t accurately represented by the ‘Crimetown’ reputation frequently pushed online.
“The sad part is that unless people take the chance or the opportunity to come to the Battlefords, they don’t see the really great things. Somebody says, ‘Oh, you’re from Battleford, oh no.’ But I mean, for those of us that have been here for years or that have moved here, I don’t know very many people that say they don’t love the Battlefords,” she said.
“Have we had historical issues that have caused us more angst? [Colten] Boushie or different situ-
ations? Absolutely. You know ... and even go back in history? You know when there were the hangings in Battleford,” Mackniak said, referencing the last mass hanging in Canada, where in the 1800s Indigenous men were hung on the grounds of Fort Battleford “Are we perfect? Absolutely not, but are we the worst place in the world? Not a chance.”
She goes on to tell me about a recent kindergarten program that had RBC Dominion Securities, Portabellas’, the local CO-OP or other local businesses partnering with local classrooms to teach over 100 students about the community-minded businesses that help the
community thrive, all with little media coverage.
“Some of those positive stories while we hear about them, and maybe the local community hears about them ... it’s incumbent on all of us to tell the positive stories.”
And it’s positive stories like their new relocation guide, residents shopping locally or challenging negative remarks, and hardworking people in the business community that Mackniak thinks will save North Battleford from its own stigma.
Former-chair weighs in Currently, Kayla Petersen, owner of Century 21 Prairie Elite, spends her days trying to convince nervous prospective buy-
ers that life in North Battleford isn’t what is portrayed. That’s despite their perusal of negative media coverage — like CBC’s interview of a woman who was scared for her life and fled to Saskatoon or when Maclean’s now-infamous article discussing North Battleford’s future drew criticism from city council for only focusing on the negative.
“Whenever I meet with them [buyers], I just explain, it’s not like what you hear in the media. It’s not ... this is not a dangerous place to live for the average person,” Petersen, who serves as the current pastchair of the local chamber, told the News-Optimist in 2023.
“You just have to remember what comes out in the media is always sensational,” she added, laying the blame at the feet of the national news organizations who don’t look at all the good present in the community.
“It’s bad everywhere right now. It’s a social problem, it’s not an easy fix,” she said.
“I think we just need to publicly talk about how great our community is and just have better promotion of our city and our community and of the people who live and work here every day and love it.
“We’re not going to solve these social issues and the drug and alcohol addictions overnight.”
Continued from Front
Regardless of what some in the community might feel, her vision of North Battleford in 10 years is a little different from the concerns noted today. The streets downtown are packed with people shopping at thriving local businesses. There are farmers’ markets, music is playing, people are stopping to chat while running errands and bumping into friends and family while meeting people for coffee or lunch in a clean and vibrant downtown.
Whether it’s getting
coffee at Cafe 4 U, a pastry at the Danish Home Bakery listed in the awardwinning cookbook, Only in Saskatchewan, visiting a long-standing homeowned Chinese restaurant like Moon’s Kitchen, or ordering Butter Chicken at Dejma’s Curry House, considered by some to be the best kept secret in town, Humenny is tired of hearing the negatives about her hometown.
“And for the most part, most people’s day-today isn’t revolved around crime,” Humenny said, going on to joke half-hearted-
ly about concerns that her comments could be spun to paint a darker picture of the community.
Humenny added that although she doesn’t want to sweep it under the rug or pretend crime isn’t an issue, by focusing on the negative, she feels it can’t possibly attract better for North Battleford.
“I’m not naive to the fact that there are issues. But are people harassing me? No. I just don’t think it’s a big deal. If you’re not a part of it, you’re not a part of it. Just ignore it.”
Continued from Front
The Battlefords class behind the record
Dan Fox with Living Sky School Division, the organizer for the event, said the record-breaking event grew out of an interest to do something new and fresh with his students who helped him. The ‘Topple Team,’ as he affectionately calls the group of 12 Grade 6 students from Battleford Central School, were an essential part of the project.
“I think it’s important that we not only groom the next generation of students but also the next generation of citizens,” he told the News-Optimist in an interview.
Kinjo & Young
April 19 | 7: 30 pm
Cabaret Seating (general admission) in the Lawrence Hall
This acoustic show brings virtuosic musicianship, heartfelt songwriting and beautiful vocal harmonies together in one performance. Kinjo & Young have toured the world as seasoned artists for decades before uniting their talents into one project. Blues, funk, reggae and soul are the main staples of this dynamic duo. Stories of their long-standing musical adventures and blistering guitar solos compliment the amazing grooves and thoughtful lyrics of their songs. Kinjo & Young offer a show for audiences of all ages and musical tastes.
Check out this incredible duo on https://kinjoyoung.com
“That coupled with my desire to do something for the food bank, to kind of keep the food bank ... in the forefront of community awareness, community hunger is not just a Christmas and Easter thing,” he said, noting what had inspired him beyond helping his students.
“I mean [the amount donated] is outstanding. Food insecurity is something I don’t think the community ... understands. What level of demand there is in our community. “I’m very thankful. I’m very appreciative of the community ... the kids are very excited they got to be a part of it.”
With files from Averil Hall.
Regular: $25 + tax
Student: $21.25 + tax
For tickets: 306-445-7700
WARNING: This story contains details of sexual exploitation.
A North Battleford woman was forced into the sex trade by Alberta crime boss Lawrence Chukwa Orubor after she became stranded in Camrose and he paid her way to Calgary, court heard.
At the time, she had just moved to Calgary and had gone home to North Battleford for Thanksgiving. On her way back to Calgary she became stranded in Camrose.
Alberta Associate Chief Justice D.B. Nixon ordered a ban on publication of the woman’s name during March 12 proceedings at the Alberta Court of King’s Bench in Calgary. The woman, now 31, is identified only as SS.
“Mr. Orubor recruited SS while she was isolated and homeless,” said Justice Nixon.
SS was addicted to methamphetamine when she was living on Calgary’s streets in the summer of 2020, according to court documents. She was getting drugs from a criminal organization called the Family.
SS testified that at first, she just sold drugs for the Family and the money from the sales went to Orubor.
SS, an Indigenous
woman, described how she received a “minute” sometimes if she lost drug money. A minute is a street gang term for a one-minute beating. The minutes were carried out by other “girls” in the Family, she said but during one beating she was violently punched by Orubor.
When testifying in court, SS said the leader of the Family was Orubor and everyone called him “dad.” She described the Family as a gang and said there were about 30-40 members, with her being one.
Court records, however, reveal that the Family had about 500 members in Canada. Orubor also ran the Family from the Calgary Remand Centre.
During Orubor’s trial, a Calgary Police Service detective testified that their surveillance of Orubor revealed his ties to Nigeria. Calgary Police Service had launched Operation Bloodline to investigate Orubor’s involvement in drug trafficking. During that drug investigation, and through their surveillance, they also uncovered evidence of human trafficking. Orubor told SS to apply for welfare benefits. She did but her boyfriend took them.
SS testified that Shakir Jamal, who was known as Shak and 2.0, ran the “girls” working in the sex
trade for Orubor. Jamal had the word “Family” tattooed on his face.
Justice Nixon said that SS wasn’t underage but she was vulnerable because of her drug addiction and circumstances.
“Mr. Orubor exploited SS’s addiction to maintain control over her,” said Justice Nixon, adding that he used threats and violence to ensure that she gave him money from the sex trade.
Orubor also enticed SS by telling her that she would be able to make money and get her own place because she was “pretty.”
Orubor made SS put up a profile and ad on social media. He told her another girl, KD, made good money.
‘Family’ operations
The criminal organization known as the Family was made up of vulnerable, addicted people who were mostly homeless and lived in and around the Drop-in Centre in downtown Calgary, reveal court documents.
There is evidence that Orubor ruled with an “iron fist” and made threats of violence against others, said Justice Nixon. He exerted control by controlling access to housing, controlling access to drugs, and by overt threats of violence.
The girls were controlled after they were recruited. Their money, what
and whose drugs they could use, where they were allowed to sleep at night, where and how often they worked, were all controlled. The women also suffered violence at the hands of Jamal, with Orubor’s knowledge and praise.
Court heard that one text from Jamal to Orubor said “meat sales have been going great” and he expects to be making $500 a week or even a day.
Evidence in court showed how Orubor and Jamal preyed on the addictions and vulnerability of these women in order to make money.
SS was extremely vulnerable and socially and economically disadvantaged, in need of work, and desperate for money and drugs, court heard.
Orubor and Jamal exploited her for material gain and she was a physical asset that generated money, and “meat to be sold,” said Justice Nixon.
SS endured violence and exploitation. She was abused, controlled, and threatened when she was at her most helpless, added Justice Nixon.
“This was to fuel the greed of the two accused.”
‘Crime boss’ controlled five homes
According to court documents, Orubor had control and access to five homes in Calgary where people, drugs, and money were kept.
Orubor’s primary home was in the area of Lake Sylvan Close SE. At this home police seized about $30,000 in cash. The search of this home was done based on
wiretap evidence.
The “Girls’ House was in the area of 113th Street and 8th Avenue NE. There police seized methamphetamine, fentanyl, crack cocaine, along with a number of weapons.
The Boy’s House was in the area of 17th Street and 26th Avenue SW. At this home, police seized weapons and small amounts of controlled substances, but primarily a liquid substance called GHB.
A fourth home, occupied by David Acres, was in the area of 17th Street and 26th Avenue SW. At this home police seized fentanyl, over a kilogram of methamphetamine, and crack cocaine.
A fifth home called the Acres Residence was in the area of 28th street and 16th Avenue SE.
Acres was a witness for the defence and testified that he worked for Orubor at the Boys’ House delivering mattresses and changing locks.
Court heard that when gang members did well, Orubor provided privileges. He allowed them to go to the Girls’ House or Boys’ House to shower or to sleep but also to reload with drugs.
When the members of the Family weren’t given the privilege of staying at a house, they stayed at the “Block.” The Block was the area surrounding the DropIn Centre where the Family mainly sold drugs.
If the members of the Family misbehaved, they got “a minute.”
Court heard many terms for drugs including “pants, boys, soft, side, tech and
G.” Pants is fentanyl. Tech means methamphetamine. G is GHB. The term “paper” means money.
The Family had marked their “territory” in and around the Dermot Baldwin Area through the use of graffiti and tags.
Photos of the grafitti were entered into evidence by a Calgary Police Service detective. Some of the graffiti was in the form of a double “F,” which the officer testified meant “Family First.”
Arrests of Orubor and Jamal
Court heard that Orubor has a lengthy criminal record going back decades for violence. He has previous convictions for crimes including fraud, uttering counterfeit money, and possession of credit cards.
In November 2020, Orubor was arrested and charged with drug trafficking offences.
Two months later, in January 2021, Orubor and Jamal were both charged with human trafficking.
In July 2023, Jamal was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison on two counts of human trafficking, one count of material benefit from trafficking and a charge of common assault.
In November 2023, Orubor pleaded guilty plea to conspiracy to traffic illegal drugs and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
On March 12, Orubor was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for human trafficking (pimping).
Orubor will serve the 6.5-year prison sentence consecutive to his 10-year drug trafficking sentence.
Neurographic art was invented in Russia by a psychologist, Pavel Piskarev, in 2015 and is gaining popularity around the world.
“Neurographics is a creative method of transforming the world. An interdisciplinary practice that allows you to make the necessary personal changes, reliably remove restrictions and successfully simulate a new, desired reality.,” said Pavel Piskarev.
I was first introduced to
this art practice in Mazatlan this winter at a class I attended. I just loved it! This art form works to rewire your mind, reprogram yourself by drawing and works to transform inappropriate displays of behavior into something more desirable. Once attending the class, I can see how this art form could help when one feels stressed or angry, maybe dealing with addiction issues, wants inner peace or improved mental health. It is like drawing your brain’s insides - out!
Luckily, there is no right
April 3 - April 16, 2024
One of the many credit union member privileges is the ability to vote for your Board of Directors. Our 2024 Board Election runs from April 3rd - April 16th 1:00 p.m. CST.
• Daniel Johnson, Innovation CEO
• Lisa Arora
• Liam Choo-Foo (Incumbent)
• Ron Friesen
• Arnie Guist
• Ian Hamilton (Incumbent)
• Marty Meloche
Please enjoy our photos.
If anyone is interested in joining the Battlefords Art Club please email: battleofrdsartclub@gmail.
or wrong way to do this way of art. One is not attempting to draw anything in particular. The idea is to begin by drawing curves, swooping and straight lines on paper, possibly with your eyes shut. Subconsciously, your raw, loving or perhaps crazy self has been revealed! These marks will intersect, and you may take your time going over these intersections with your black sharpie making every corner softer. At this point, enjoy adding color with paint, marker, crayon, whatever pleases you into the shapes you created. Occasionally, you might want to add an extra shape here or there. Often artists are inclined to add some Zentangle doodling into the shapes as well. Enjoy the calm and relaxation! A group of club members recently experienced an afternoon of giving this art form a try.
The opening day of the Battlefords Kiwanis Music Festival is right around the corner. Printed programs are available to purchase at Sobeys. Inside that program Battlefords festival committee president, Kitty Morin, reflects that “students learn perseverance, dedication and commitment through working towards their festival performances. Through their talent and artistic abilities these students create a connection with their audience. These experiences will enrich their lifelong growth as members of the community.”
Jeri Ryba, the SMFA president cheers, “Good luck to all participants, and thank you for working so hard to prepare. Audiences across the province are ready to support your endeavours. Adjudicators are ready to encourage and
guide you on your journey.”
Opening the 2024 festival on Monday, April 15, are young instrumentals in small ensembles and duets. Younger students will be sharing their skills throughout the morning and the afternoon. The evening features the North Battleford City Kinsmen Bands (NBCK); both the youth and the adult bands.
Tuesday will continue at the band hall with school-grade ensembles and young soloists. Band classes run through Friday, April 19. Strings classes are also during that week at the band hall scheduled in the evening of Wednesday, April 17 at 7 pm.
Vocal classes, which include speech arts and musical theatre, are scheduled Monday, April 22 through Wednesday, April 24 in the Third Avenue United Church. Piano classes are scheduled Wednesday, April 24 through Saturday, April 27, also hosted in the Third Avenue United Church.
The gala awards, at the Dekker Centre, is Tuesday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Performances at the gala are highlights from the festival chosen by the adjudicators. Tickets are $10 for seniors, and $15 for adults and children under 18 years of age free. Donors, sponsors and performers are also free. Tickets for the gala may be purchased through the Dekker Centre or at the door that night.
In terms of reminders when viewing performances, common courtesies include entering or exiting the hall between performances and turning off cell phones or computers while in the festival venue.
Photographs and videos of performers and adjudicators cannot be taken in the festival hall. Please note that the festival venues are scent-free. Be sure to celebrate the accomplishments of each performer with congratulations always in order.
$216 million in capital funding for 11 new or consolidated school projects and three major renovations, as well as the planning of nine new schools and two renovations. This school capital investment is an increase of $68.7 million, or 46.6 per cent, over last year. This includes $28.5 million for relocatable classrooms to help address enrolment growth.
Winning at Borden Friendship Club bingo on March 20t were Jim Olinyk, Carla Pain (Radisson), Ed Rawlyk, Lorraine Olinyk (2), John Desrosier, Sandra Long, Jean Brooke, Marilyn Tallmadge (Langham) and Martha Rempel. There were over 20 present and the last one for the season is April 17 in the Club Room at 7 p.m.
On Good Friday, St. John’s Anglican held a special service at 11 a.m. followed by hot cross buns and cheese. The Riverbend Fellowship held a brunch at 10 a.m. followed by the service. Both churches held regular Easter Sunday services. Monday, April 8, a soup, bun and cookie luncheon will be held in St. John’s Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., by donation, and the proceeds will go to the Borden flower barrels.
Action Bowl had a tournament in March with 11 teams playing. First place
went to the High Rollers – Ian, Mandy, BJ and Shaun. In second were The Blue Ballers – Ian, Mandy, Shawn and Christopher and third place went to Clayton Farms – Neil, Vicky, Brock and Brady. Recording highest team score were the High Rollers and BJ had the highest individual score. Getting turkeys (three strikes in a row) were Ian (2), Rhonda, BJ, Shaun, Neil and Brock.
Borden Friendship Club held their monthly potluck supper on Thursday, March 28 in the Borden Community Centre with 35 members and four guests present to enjoy a great variety of dishes. Ed Neufeld gave the blessing and after the meal named the March birthdays with only three present. Blowing out the candles on the delicious chocolate cake were Martha Rempel, Helke Van Der Wahl and Terry Petriew. Sandra Long described a bus trip to the Barn Playhouse the club members may take in December
Sunshine Arena in rural Battleford is hosting a fundraiser for a person who was raised on a family farm near Mayfair. Kevin Liebaert, who is in a Regina hospital, is no stranger to this establishment. Mark your calendars for this Sunday, April 7 (start time is unknown). Mayfair and surrounding villages please come show your support for Kevin. A silent auction and other activities are on the agenda. For more information call 208-709-0208 or 208-7090055.
The recent fish fry sponsored by the local Saskatchewan Wildlife
Federation branch in Mayfair Hall hosted a sellout crowd. The executive would like to thank the numerous volunteers who made this another successful event. The raffle table had many donations from businesses from the Battlefords, Spiritwood and Saskatoon areas. Did you know the SWF turns guns, antlers and used fishing and hunting equipment into habitat for wildlife across our province? One can donate these types of items and receive a taxdeductible receipt. In the two decades of this service, more than $300,000 has been raised with matching programs doubling the input. This worthy organization will gladly ar-
Friendship Club members celebrating March birthdays are Helke Van Der Wahl, Martha Rempel and Terry Petriew.
Borden Co-op Hardware’s new employees are Travis, Shawna and Natalie with GM Robbie Schmidt. | Photos by Lorraine Olinyk
instead of a Christmas supper and by a show of hands it was decided to pursue this further. After
range pickup anywhere in Saskatchewan. SWF will assist with the transfer of firearm possession. For more information call 306692-8812 or email sask. wildlife@swf.sk.ca
“Last Curtain Call” is the theme of the Maymont Dance Club yearend recital Saturday, April 20 at 2 p.m. in the school gymnasium. The dancers will be excited to showcase their talent.
Now that spring is here, I’ll be home in time to scout the prairies for crocuses.
Good things must come to an end but our weather in Yuma, Ariz. (near the Mexican border) hasn’t been that pleasantly warm. I’m not complaining and still will have a few more days to suntan if the rain and nasty wind would disappear.
supper Ed Neufeld told a few jokes and then introduced the guest speaker for the evening – Ruth
Peters of Waldheim — who spoke on frauds and scams. She cited many instances where people have been scammed and gave details of Ponzi and pyramid scams. She said to be cautious of the grandparent scam regarding needy children or grandchildren.
Types of fraud are credit card, debit card, e-mail, money transfer, identity theft, lottery and charity frauds plus many more to watch for. If in doubt contact the Canadian Securities Administration (photo)
Once a month the Borden Health Centre has a health talk and on March 28, Amanda Rempel spoke on financial predators and how to be protected from elder abuse. She spoke on scams – romance, extortion, grandparent/emergency, service, internet, money transfer, charity, prize, investment, medical and identity crimes, She identified the signs of a scam and how to reduce the risk. She talked about what to do if you have fallen vic-
tim to any scam and gave a list of resources. Handouts were available and can be obtained from the health centre. The next health talk will be April 18 at 1:30 p.m.
The Borden Co-op has added a liquor outlet at the hardware store with new workers hired under GM Robbie Schmidt – Shawna, Natalie, Travis, Howie, Krysta and Hayden. With this added feature they have new store hours –Monday to Friday 9 a.m. –7 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. On their opening day March 28, they gave away toques or fishing lures with every purchase. The grocery store hours are the same except Saturday they are open until 5:30 p.m. and, unless a Monday or Friday holiday, the grocery store is open on Sundays – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
A grand opening will be May 25 when the Borden Lions have an outdoor flea market on the streets in Borden.
As the weather warms up, it’s time to consider maintaining your car to ensure it runs smoothly and safely this summer. Mechanics recommend checking your car’s fluids in the spring. Here’s what you need to know about the following essential fluids:
• Coolant. This fluid is crucial in preventing your car’s engine from overheating, especially when it’s hot outside. Make sure it’s topped up and in good condition.
• Engine oil. Dirty or insufficient oil can affect engine lubrication, leading to premature wear. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for changing the oil or adding more to the reservoir.
• Brake fluid. Clean or top up your car’s brake
fluid. This will ensure you can stop when you need to. If you notice any signs of deterioration or a lack of fluid, visit a professional for a thorough inspection.
• Power steering fluid This fluid keeps your vehicle’s steering system running smoothly. Any signs of leaks or low levels should be dealt with promptly.
• Windshield washer fluid. Running out of windshield washer fluid creates a dangerous situation for you and other road users. Ensure there’s enough washer fluid in the reservoir and you’re using the right type for the season to remove debris and residue that could impair your visibility.
• Transmission fluid
With the arrival of spring, it’s time to give your car the care it needs after enduring the harsh winter weather. Here are a few tips.
It’s important to give your car a comprehensive exterior wash. The accumulation of salt, sand, mud and de-icing chemicals can significantly damage your car’s bodywork and metal components. Use products specifically formulated for vehicles, and remember to clean less visible areas, like inside the wheel wells, or visit a local car wash that has the products formulated to make your job easier.
When cleaning the interior of your vehicle, start by vacuuming every nook and cranny. Then, use cleaning products designed for each surface, such as plastic and fabric, to remove winter residue and eliminate unpleasant smells.
Washing your car in spring is a preventative measure that will help extend the life of your vehicle and maintain its resale value. By taking the time to perform this routine task, you’ll keep your car looking great and in excellent condition.
Visit your local retailer for advice or stop in at one of our local vehicle wash locations.
Spring is synonymous with flowers and longer days. It also marks the start of warmer weather. Therefore, ensuring your car’s air conditioning (AC) system is in top condition before the summer heat is essential. This can help prevent costly issues and provide the best driving experience.
Hidden issues can come to light once you start using your air conditioning system in the spring. Inspecting your AC system before summer will ensure any potential problems are identified and fixed before they become major breakdowns. Driving in high temperatures and high humidity without air conditioning isn’t fun!
Do you notice any strange smells or noises
coming from your air conditioner? Is your AC system not working as well as it used to? Don’t ignore these warning signs. They could point to underlying issues. Fixing these problems in spring will ensure your air conditioning system works optimally during the warmer months.
It’s important to clean or replace your air filters regularly. Having your air conditioning system thoroughly checked by a professional is also a good idea. These preventive maintenance tasks can save you a lot of trouble and keep your AC system running smoothly during the hot season.
Make an appointment with a mechanic near you for peace of mind. Checking
Maintaining your car’s interior, especially the seats, is essential to keep it looking good and feeling comfortable. Whether made of luxurious leather or traditional fabric, car seats and benches have different cleaning needs. Here’s a quick guide.
This material adds a touch of elegance to the interior of your vehicle. However, it requires special care to stay in good condition. Follow these simple steps to clean your leather seats properly:
• Start by removing dirt and dust with a vacuum fitted with a soft brush.
• Use a high-quality leather cleaner. Apply it to a soft cloth and gently rub the surface of the seat. Avoid using harsh products or those that contain solvents, as they could damage the texture or finish.
• Use a leather conditioner to nourish and protect the material. This will keep it supple and prevent it from drying out.
You probably know how to spot-clean your fabric seats to remove stains. However, they also require regular cleaning to remove accumulated dirt. The best way to do this is by:
• Vacuuming frequently to remove crumbs and dust.
• Using a mild stain remover to remove stains. Always test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first.
• Removing the seat covers and washing them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Using a suitable fabric cleaner to eliminate persistent smells.
If you want a pleasant driving experience, follow these recommendations to keep your car’s interior clean and welcoming. Visit your local car care retailer for high-quality cleaning products.
The importance of your vehicle’s tires cannot be underestimated. There are numerous advantages to having well-inflated and perfectly balanced tires. Here are just a few: PRESSURE
Check your tire pressure once a month to keep your ride in top shape. Use a reliable pressure gauge and ensure you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Remember that underinflated tires can cause premature wear, minimize fuel efficiency and reduce your vehicle’s stability. On the other hand, overinflated tires can impact grip, leading to longer braking distances and less stable driving. BALANCE You should have your tires balanced whenever you switch them out, have suspension work done or if you experience abnormal vibra
tions while driving. Balanced tires help distribute the vehicle’s weight evenly over all four wheels, minimizing bumps and jolts felt inside the cab.
Ensuring your tires are correctly aligned on the rims can significantly prolong the lifespan of your tires, suspension and other components, thereby reducing maintenance expenses in the long run. Additionally, wellbalanced tires offer optimal road grip, which leads to a safer and more pleasant driving experience.
For the best results, visit an experienced mechanic in your area. Happy driving!
Can you use your winter tires in summer?
Are your winter tires nearing the end of their lifespan? Are you thinking about using them into the summer to maximize your investment? Do you know someone who’s already done this and swears there’s no risk? Find out why it’s important not to do this.
Winter tires are designed
to provide optimum grip on cold, slippery and snowy surfaces. They’re made of special rubber compounds that can withstand these conditions. Using them in summer can compromise their performance, resulting in longer braking distances and unstable handling.
rolling resistance than summer tires. Using them when it’s hot outside can increase fuel consumption because the engine must work harder to overcome this phenomenon. The environmental and financial repercussions are very real!
Winter tires have a higher
Winter tires can overheat in summer, particularly on long drives at high speeds. This can lead to structural damage that can compromise their integrity and increase the risk of bursting. Finally, keeping your winter tires on in summer increases hydroplaning risk. So, although this idea may seem economical, the dangers associated with keeping your winter tires on in summer far outweigh any benefits.
HAMEL: Friends and family, We are saddened to announce the passing of James Hamel on March 15th, 2024. Jim passed away peacefully in the Battleford’s Union Hospital with family at his bedside. The family wish to say “Thank You” to Dr. Xavier and the nursing staff at BUH for their care and support at this time. As per Jim’s wishes, there will be a “Closed Celebration of Life” with family and friends. Jim’s wishes were that any and all donations be sent for the Cancer Clinic at the Battlefords Union Hospital through the BUH Foundation in memory of Jim.
IN THE ESTATE of JOHN THOMAS RADUE, late of Spiritwood, in the Province of Saskatchewan, deceased.
ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 25th day of April 2024.
Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 520 North Battleford SK S9A 2Y8 Solicitors for the Personal Representative
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Edam for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor, by appointment only from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following days: Tuesday to Friday, April 5 to May 7, 2024
Please call the office at 306-397-2223 or email edamvill@sasktel.net to make an appointment.
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
Any person wishing to discuss the Notice of Assessment or potential appeal may contact the Assessor at the Village of Edam, Box 203, Edam, SK S0M 0V0, phone 306-397-2223.
A Notice of Appeal, accompanied by a $200.00 fee for each assessment being appealed must be filed with The Secretary of the Board of Revision, Marlene Hassard, Western Municipal Consulting Ltd., Box 149, Meota, SK. S0M 1X0
Dated this 4th day of April, 2024.
Pamela M Dallyn Assessor
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Parkdale No. 498 for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the Assessor from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, April 5, 2024 to May 6, 2024 (except on Statutory Holidays).
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
Any person wishing to appeal against their assessment is required to file their notice of appeal with: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, Marlene Hassard, Box 149, Meota, Sask. S0M 1X0, by the 6th day of May, 2024. Any appeal must accompany a fee of $75.00 per property addressed to the RM of Parkdale, which will be returned if the appeal is successful
Dated this 4th day of April, 2024
Ashela McCullough, Assessor
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Mervin No. 499 intends to adopt a bylaw under the Planning and Development Act, 2007 (PDA), to amend Bylaw No. 94-4, known as the Zoning Bylaw (ZB).
INTENT: The proposed amendment would introduce “car wash establishments” as a discretionary use in the RC – Resort Commercial District.
AFFECTED LAND: Land currently zoned RC – Resort Commercial District.
REASON: The RM has received a request to develop a car wash within the RC – Resort Commercial District; said use is not currently provided for within this District. Application has been made to amend the ZB to include the use. The use of “car wash establishments” is proposed to be added to the District as a matter that requires discretionary approval by Council, would be subject to compliance with any zoning regulation, and would have to satisfy the evaluation criteria employed by Council to consider the use as suitable in the particular context.
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RM of Mervin No. 499 office between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost, by emailing the contact below, or on the RM’s website. Copies of the proposed amendment are available for viewing here: https://rmofmervin.ca/planning_development/ planning_development_public_notification.html.
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM in the RM office located at 211 Main St. in the Town of Turtleford to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed amendment; a digital participation component will be available to the public. Council will consider written and emailed comments at the meeting, along with in-person and digital representations. The deadline for receipt of comments, and requests for online representation must be received by the RM office or its Planner by Friday, April 19, 2024. For additional information, please contact the administrator at (306) 845-2045 or rm499@rmofmervin.com. Box 130 Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0.
Issued at the Town of Turtleford this 26th day of March, 2024.
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Turtle River No. 469 for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, April 5 – May 6, 2024 excluding statutory holidays. Please call the office at (306)397-2311 or email rm469@sasktel.net to make an appointment if you choose.
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with the $300.00 fee to:
Marlene Hassard, Secretary of the Board of Revision for the Rural Municipality of Turtle River No. 469, Box 128 Edam, SK S0M 0V0 by 4:00 p.m. May 6, 2024.
Dated this 4th day of April, 2024.
Rebecca Carr AssessorNotice is hereby given that the 2024 assessment roll for the Village of Medstead has been prepared and is open to inspection at the office of the Assessor from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 to 4:00 PM during normal business hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 28 to May 1, 2024.
A bylaw pursuant to subsection 214 of the Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
Any person wishing to discuss the notice of assessment or potential appeal may contact the Assessor at 306-342-4898 (Village of Medstead) or 1-800-667-5203 (SAMA).
Any person wishing to appeal an assessment is required to file a “Notice of Appeal” to the “Board of Revision” by May 1, 2024 along with the applicable $100.00 fee with the Village Office by May 1, 2024 which will be returned if the appeal is successful.
Dated at Medstead, Saskatchewan this 28th day of March 2024.
Lora Hundt, Assessor Village of Medstead
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the R.M. of Mervin No. 499 for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection from April 5th, 2024 to May 6th, 2024. Please contact us by calling 306-845-2045 or emailing rm499@rmofmervin.com and we will make the information available to you.
A bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of the Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person wishing to discuss their assessment please contact SAMA at 1-800-824-2570 or 1-306-446-7665. Any person who wishes to appeal against their assessment or classification is required to file a notice of appeal accompanied by an appeal fee, which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with:
The Secretary of the Board of Revision
R.M. of Mervin No. 499 P.O. Box 130 Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0
Appeal forms and payment must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on May 6th, 2024. Appeal fees vary depending on the property classification. Please contact our office to determine the correct appeal fee that must accompany your notice of appeal.
Dated this 5th day of April, 2024.
Shiloh Bronken Assessor
Rebecca Grasby Assessor
I’m a two year old Shepherd cross that just loves to cuddle! If you want a loyal and handsome man in your life, then look no further! He has been in the shelter for 120 days!
2 years 11 months Male. He has spent 275 days at the shelter! I am a staff favourite and I love to please people. I am a happy and loving dog, who is always excited to greet people, and just want some love.
[Section 2.3]
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Meota intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 195758926 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality.
Dated this 10 day of January 2024.
The R.M. of Cut Knife No. 439 is currently seeking applications for a full-time seasonal Equipment Operator/Labourer. Duties may include, but may not be limited to, operation of a backhoe, tractor & mower, rock picker, tandem truck & trailer. Previous experience with the operation of these pieces of equipment will be an asset to placement as will a Class 1A license.
The successful applicant will enjoy a health and dental benefits plan and employer matched pension plan.
Interested applicants may apply by sending a resume and hourly wage expected to:
R.M. of Cut Knife No. 439
Box 70
Cut Knife, Sask.
S0M 0N0
Phone # (306) 398-2353
E-mail - rm439@sasktel.net
Fax # (306) 398-3016
Deadline for applications – April 8th, 2024
Lots of variety in this position! We will train.
• Filling propane cylinders
• Chainsaw and small motor repair
• Maintaining rental equipment
• General cleaning and building maintenance
• Mechanical experience is an asset but not a requirement
Drivers licence is required
Apply in person with resume to:
83 Railway Ave. North Battleford, SK.
Phone: 306-445-3534
Under the direction of the Foreman, the Technician will work with the Maintenance Department to complete tasks.
• Landscaping and maintaining green spaces such as parks, ball diamonds, & flower beds
Please email tfpharma@hotmail.com FORM C
• Horticulture – selecting, planting, watering, trimming, and growing shrubs & flowers
• Performing safety checks and maintaining equipment: mowers, zero-turn mowers, weed wackers, drills, etc.
• Sanding, prepping and painting and clean up of supplies
• Town Green Space Youth Ambassador for Annual Fair
• All other duties that may be assigned by the Foreman
CLOSING DATE: April 12, 2024
Apply To: Administrator - Town of Radisson Box 69
Radisson, SK S0K 3L0
Email: tradisson@sasktel.net
1 (306) 827-2218
Work Location: Positions available in North Battleford, Cut Knife, Maidstone and Turtleford, Sk
Applicants must be registered and licensed with the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP)
To assist in filling prescriptions, under a pharmacist's supervision, as provided by the regulations of the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists and Legacy RX Canada Policies.
Responsible for general housekeeping duties, and the general appearance of the pharmacy area.
To be familiar with all merchandise carried as well as to be aware of new products pertaining to the pharmaceutical and retail pharmacy industry. Assist with checking and adjusting customer complaints within the established policies of Legacy RX Canada.
Deliver injections, dispensing medications, mixing of compounds, including methadone.
To assist with the monitoring of inventory (receiving and selling)
To provide prompt, courteous, friendly, and caring service to customers. When required, to assist in the safekeeping of all cash handled in the department. Other tasks as assigned.
QUALIFICATION: Must possess a current Pharmacy Technician Certificate from a recognized provincial education institution.
Pharmacy Technician - in Saskatchewan -: 1 year (required)
French not required
Job Type: Full-time
Above average wages, signing bonus, and full benefit package.
Salary: Up to $40.00 per hour
Benefits: Dental care, Extended health care, On-site parking
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Expected hours: No more than 40 per week
Supplemental pay types: Overtime pay, Signing bonus
We are experiencing a bit of nostalgia as we see the last of the ice shacks being removed from Jackfish Lake for the season.
With binoculars, we see the structures safely on shore as a result of the efforts of the last group of fishermen to dig their shelters from the frozen lake surface.
A recent trip to Saskatoon revealed many fields bare of snow. Hopefully, adequate moisture will be there for spring planting. We also saw a few geese, gophers and a couple of magpies.
We would like to welcome back more of our snowbirds. Gerry and Louise Goodheart and Bernie and Lucille Gregoire. They
were able to escape temperatures as forecasted this week in Yuma of plus 27 to 31C. A bit of a variant to come back to - 7 to 10 C.
A recent rush at our department store saw a large mobile rack of seedlings being bought up in a couple of days. It’s getting time to dig out the bedding trays and start some of this year’s flowers.
Activities for this week have slowed down with the Easter break. In Tuesday bridge, Fraser Glen and Bea Prutti were first.
Second were Vern Iverson and Linda Ard, third were Gerry Craig and Bernard Gregoire and fourth were Eric Callbeck and Lucille Gregoire.
In Canasta, HF winners were Cora Christianson and Gail Hilderman. HKF winners were Dave
Sayers and Gwen Lacerte. Second were Marion Ottas and Lillian Sarenco, third were Stella Rendle and Arleen Walker and fourth were Dave Ottas and Eric Callbeck.
Congratulations to our Canadian champion women’s curling team. Team Homan became world champions with their 7-5 win over a strong Switzerland team. Good luck to Brad Gushue and his team as they take on the world’s best curlers in men’s competition.
A big congratulations to our new editor-in-chief, Miguel Fenrich, who recently took over the reins of the News-Optimist and added this achievement to his publishing of two books. Great to see one of our local boys making good.
Diane Jones celebrated 35 years working for the Innovation Credit Union, and Tuesday, March 19th, the Hafford branch held an open house to celebrate her retirement. Diane and her husband Rob farm at Speers and now plan on doing more travelling and enjoying life. Congratulations Diane, on a welldeserved retirement. | Photos Submitted
Maidstone-Turtleford U 15 hockey team are STEP League champions after wining a modified best-of-three series against Lashburn/Neilburg.
As another year comes to a close, Maidstone Arena Board has one more shoutout to make. Jeff Watt and Intercore have been taking the ice out year after year and their efforts are very much appreciated.
Maidstone Legion Hall was hopping last Thursday night at the Kin Club Family Dance. The great turnout, music, prizes and even a visit from the Easter bunny made for a rockin’ evening. Thank you to the Kin Club for providing another fun event to our community.
The Legion Club Room’s Chase the Ace
weekly winner was Kim Gerbig taking home $394.00 (20 per cent of sales). He didn’t find the ace so the jackpot this week will be about $7,500 (30 per cent of sales). It’s also time for the monthly 50/50 draw so there will be lots of excitement for Thursday. The club room will be holding a cornhole tournament at the end of April – watch for posters. Sign up at the club room –only the first 32 entries get in. Before we know it, the club room will be closed until fall so be sure to take in Wing Wednesday while you can.
Congratulations to the U15 Maidstone/Turtleford hockey team who are proudly hanging two new banners in the arena. In a modified best-of-three series against Lashburn/ Neilburg, they won the STEP League U15 banner March 27 at Turtleford. Competing in the Saskatchewan Hockey U15 C Provincials, they won the first game in Maidstone against Redvers Rockets on March 23 and in the
second game on March 30 they bested Redvers 4 to 3 for a modified best-ofthree. There was fantastic support in Redvers with two coach buses of players, family, friends and fans plus others making the seven-hour drive separately. The team thanks everyone for a huge fan presence all season. (from information submitted by Jayne Hutchison)
Maidstone Bowling Alley has only two weeks of league bowling remaining. Last week’s league-high singles were: Ladies’ Afternoon – Brenda Reifferscheid 179, Esther Jesse 178, Kathy Ballan 173; Golden Age – Keith Milner 204, Doreen Hope 199, Walter Kohuch 141, Linda Sewell 127; Business League –Ryan Donovan 230, Jeff Watt 226, James Croke 220, Melissa Paton 215, Carley James 193, Jacquie Donovan 181. Awards presentation will be April 20. Bloomer’s Greenhouse in Maidstone is gearing up for the season and will open on Saturday, April 27. Locally owned and oper-
ated by Kara Wakefield and family, Bloomer’s offers a variety of annual and perennial flowers and vegetables. If you don’t have a green thumb, here’s the perfect answer: bring in your clean empty pots, tell them what you want in them and they’ll create beautiful custom planters
for you.
March went out like a lamb and brought warmer weather this week. I hope families have been able to enjoy some of the school Spring Break together.
Reminders: Tuesdays 2 to 3 p.m.Free chair yoga at Maidstone Seniors’ Centre (no
mat needed) Saturday, April 6 - Milleton Community Hall Spring Fling Dance 8 p.m. Friday, April 12 - Deadline for Wilton Outdoor Soccer registration (in Lashburn but all welcome).
RAMP link http://wiltonsoccerclub.rampregistrations.com/participant.
Goalie Chloe Burt of Maidstone and her U.S. Adrian College Women’s Division 1 hockey team clinched their first ACHA national championship in program history.
The Adrian Bulldogs defeated Minot State Beavers 4 to 1 in the final game of the season March 10. Chloe, No. 29, stirred away 27 shots to help lead her team to glory.
Her parents, Amanda and Shane Burt of Maidstone, sister Madison and partner Casey, and brother Lee and partner Kenzie made the 28-hour drive to Adrian, Mich. to see Chloe’s last game as an Adrian senior. All other family and friends watched livestream and cheered
Chloe Burt hoists the cup high as Adrian Bulldogs win a national championship. | Photo submitted
from home.
Chloe started in hockey when she was 11 years old, begging her parents to let her play and, thinking she’d dislike being a goalie, they put her in. She loved it and,
as Amanda said, “Here we are today.”
Chloe finished her senior season and second with the Bulldogs holding a 17-6-3 record, a .935 save percentage, 1.36 goals against average and seven shutouts. She led the nation in games played (27), wins (17) and minutes played (1,583) in 2023-24. She also earned the Goaltender of the Tournament award for the CCWHA Division 1 Playoffs earlier this month. The award marks the first All-Conference regular season selection for the graduating netminder.
Chloe finishes a bachelor of science degree May 5 and begins her doctorate of chiropractic on May 15 which will consume the next four years. Congratulations on and off the ice, Chloe.