Despite what a quick Google or social media search would suggest, RCMP Inspector Jesse Gilbert feels that Canada’s most ‘dangerous city,’ isn’t as scary as people outside the community often seem to think. He says it’s more complex than that.
“It’s [the] ‘most dangerous place in Canada,’ but then that should have an asterisk,” he said in a candid interview with the News-Optimist.
He noted that despite having spent roughly 17 years of his service in isolated communities in the North West Territories, Alberta, and a short stint in the Yukon, when he moved to North Battleford in 2022, he was asked if he could handle the work in Saskatchewan’s seventh largest city.
Despite a proliferation of comments online about how dangerous ‘Crimetown’ is — supposedly evidenced by a recent viral Facebook post about a fight on Railway Ave. while a fire raged in the background or by the fact that North Battleford has been the ‘most dan-
gerous place in Canada’ as denoted by Statistics Canada’s annually published Crime Severity Index (CSI) — contextually, Gilbert said people need to see what’s excluded from the numbers.
In 2022, he noted, most of the Battleford Detachment’s complaints were all non-violent and North Battleford’s violent CSI was lower than other municipalities.
“So, if you’re using the word ‘dangerous,’ what do you mean by dangerous?” he asked.
In statistics rarely released to the public, Gilbert noted that last year in North Battleford, 64 per cent of victims of crime knew the perpetrator, leaving 36 per cent of victims randomly affected by crime. Factor in the division between violent and non-violent crime? Well, Gilbert said it paints a prettier and more accurate picture.
But he also noted that beyond the 36 per cent, when gang violence is involved, people may often refuse to admit that they even knew the perpetrator, muddying the waters even further.
“And so, when you’re
looking at that, it could be gang related. It could be family violence, [which] is a big problem … I don’t want to minimize those [issues] because they are issues. But if you don’t have an abusive partner, and you’re not in a gang, you’re not really at an elevated risk for being a victim of a violent crime.
“And you see it when you talk to people around the community that if they’re not a victim of crime, they say, ‘I don’t understand why we have this reputation.’”
Though in theory, the RCMP can use the CSI to determine where they’re seeing increases in certain areas of crime, providing them with an opportunity to create targeted programming, he said the numbers can lose their nuance when used to measure danger, as they have in recent decades.
Gilbert used an example where he noted break and enter’s have gone up in the Battlefords for 2022, which are weighted heavily in the CSI as more ‘dangerous’ crimes. But, the CSI doesn’t note that most of those increased break-ins involved vacant homes.
Continued on Page 2
Continued from Front “When we were digging into the CSI for last year, what really interested us about the 64 per cent … [was that] a lot of it was family violence,” he said.
Using the CSI in this way allowed the RCMP’s family violence coordinator in Regina to develop a pilot program to address family violence and hopefully stop it before a call to the police is required. Though no specifics can be made public at this time, he said the city has pitched in some money and the program will likely be launched this summer.
“So that’s kind of the thing that I think the CSI should be used for,” he added.
Reputation and the resolution
Gilbert said it’s the use of the words ‘dangerous’ and ‘Crimetown’ that are used on social media and
in the media that drives fear among residents. “And you’ve seen that with research where, moving from the 70s, into the 90s … crime was significantly dropping. But because of the increased media attention on specific violent crimes … people’s fear of it was going up because they were seeing it more.
“The numbers were actually going down [in the 90s], but … the anecdotal evidence, right, that ‘I know someone who’ or ‘I heard of [this happening]’ and that builds fear. But even when you talk to people around the community, people like it here, they’re happy. Most people feel safe.”
He noted that Prince Albert is another community similar to North Battleford that has pushed back against the numbers. Another key, he added,
Sunday - 11:00 am - Big Book Meeting - BIMFC - 961103rd St.
Sunday - 11:00 am - Morning Breakfast meeting - Action
Now - 15th Ave & 101st. St.
Sunday - 7:00 pm - Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID 640 084 8923. No Password. Call 306-441-2776 for help with logging on.
Monday - 8:00 pm - Zion Lutheran Church - 15th Ave and 108th St. - use north door
Tuesday - 12:00 noon - St. George’s Anglican ChurchSouth across the street from Battleford Furniture - 2nd Ave and 24th St. Battleford
Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Southtown Group - Lions Clubhouse - 162 - 22nd St. Battleford.
Thursday - 8:00 pm - Third Avenue United Church - 102nd St and 13th Ave - use East door and ring buzzer - Best to call Carol B. 306-481-5263 if meeting is on.
is the population size of the community, as Tarah Hodgkinson also noted in the March 21 edition of the News-Optimist was of concern.
“We understand [that] this is our population. But we’re drawing people in from all these other areas … a lot of communities that are surrounding here that come in for health, they come in for shopping,” he said.
An answer to this issue, he said, is to stop treating crime like it’s a North Battleford problem, but a regional issue that requires more resources to address a multi-faceted problem.
“And I’m not talking about police-specific resources. I’m talking about we need more mental health workers, we need more addictions workers, [maybe] we need crisis vans like they have in Prince Albert.
“I think I’ve mentioned it … and I think the city’s recognized it too, that with a lot of these problems, we’re not going to police our way out of it.”
Policing contrasting systemic issues
One point that has been raised by both the City of North Battleford, other municipalities, and even residents of the Battlefords themselves, was that the community has to try and solve systemic issues that plague the Battlefords.
“That [statistic] doesn’t speak to any of the inter-generational trauma, doesn’t speak to ad-
dictions, it doesn’t speak to mental health. And those are things that get ignored. Because realistically, if you were saying our numbers are increasing, it’s specifically related to addictions. These addictions are tied back to inter-generational trauma,” he said Crime, Gilbert says, is reduced to mental health issues, addictions and a lack of employment.
Despite the forthcoming launch of the RCMP’s domestic violence program, a decrease in motor vehicle crimes — arguably due to awareness campaigns the RCMP has run — and the
enforcement work the gang task force has done, some feel that more support for the RCMP could mean less support for the systemic issues.
“When it comes to the homelessness and the addictions, it’s hard.”
“I think one thing that a lot of people don’t see is how many times we interact with people who are suffering from one of those issues … whether it’s addictions or mental health. And very often, the RCMP are the first ones on the front line to be dealing with them. And that’s one of the reasons that we need
to have good partnerships with the other community agencies because oftentimes, we’re the ones that are now dealing with that person.
“We recognize that cells aren’t the best place for the majority of people who are suffering from those issues. And if we’re the ones that are now confronted with dealing with that person, where can we refer them to … where in the community can we get them some help?”
But if the CSI is used purely as a crime statistic, it will never get better, he noted.
deep and looking
Roughly six months before the City of North Battleford’s Crime Severity Index (CSI) conference brought together municipalities across western Canada, resulting in a joint call for Statistics Canada to pause the CSI, Manitoba’s own ‘gateway to the north,’ was fighting a similar battle as North Battleford.
“Statistics don’t lie,” said the municipality last year in an email statement to the News-Optimist.
The City of Thompson, approximately 10 hours northeast of the Battlefords with similar population size and large outlying community, said that although being labelled year after year as dangerous by Maclean’s Magazine was not helpful to their public perception, it wasn’t the only problem.
“Thompson does have a disproportionate amount of crime, particularly in categories like assault, mischief and drug trafficking – but they don’t tell the
whole story, either,” they said. Their statement went on to paint a picture. Not only home to 13,000 residents, 55,000+ people living in the north come to attend school, receive healthcare, or shop. Hotels are filled with out-of-town workers during construction season in the summer and year-round to help certain industries or sectors cope with local worker shortages.
“It is the major transportation hub of Northern Manitoba, with flights to and from dozens of communities, some of which don’t have any other means of travel outside of winter road season. It is, essentially, the downtown of Northern Manitoba.”
Thompson noted that with two or three times as many RCMP officers stationed, which is not unlike the Battlefords which has the largest RCMP detachment in Saskatchewan, crime is bound to go up. Coupled with the systemic issues facing the population like mental health struggles, substance
abuse and the largely uncounted population — a familiar fight is taking place in Thompson.
Context and unconventionality
“Many of the people and media that contribute to a one-dimensional portrait of Thompson have not spent much or any time in the city experiencing what it is like to be here ... when you talk to the many Thompsonites who have lived here for 20 to 60 years, many will tell you that they came planning to stay for two to five years but decided instead to make it their permanent home. Thompson is unique.”
But aside from any issues with the CSI or an unfortunate reputation, Thompson recognized the struggle and at the time of their statement, was working to solve the true problem, underlying social issues.
The city has relaunched its StreetReach team working with at-risk youth, a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan has been developed by stakeholders
and community members, and programs have been developed to help homeless people find more permanent housing. A 24-hour sobering centre operated by an Indigenous organization to reduce the number of people who are placed in RCMP cells as a result of public intoxication is soon to grace the city.
“With about 20 per cent of the city’s annual budget being spent on policing services, it’s obvious that law enforcement can’t be the only tool relied upon to
try to reduce crime in the city.
“The best way to overcome the city’s negative perception when it comes to crime would be to improve some of the conditions that contribute to law-breaking behaviour. Issues like addictions, lack of housing, poverty and unequal treatment of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people by Canada’s federal and provincial governments are beyond the scope of what a small municipality can do,” Thompson said,
mirroring the city of North Battleford’s call last year for more governmental support to address crime.
The City of Thompson also wanted to lobby higher levels of government and work with provincial and federal partners and other organizations to address these areas. It also recognizes that crime didn’t become a problem in Thompson overnight and that there needs to be a long-term plan to address public safety and related social issues.
The City of North Battleford is reminding residents to drive with care when driving through standing water, as potholes form with the thaw and freeze cycle of spring around the Battlefords.
The city also noted that as spring arrives, drivers should also slow down to avoid splashing pedestrians. It is impolite to splash pedestrians and could result in a fine of $100 for the driver.
“Our Roadway crews are working to ensure that our roads are safe for everyone and performing pothole patching where they can. I want to remind drivers to slow down and obey all traffic barriers. The barriers are in place to keep the public and our workers safe,” said Stewart Schafer, the city’s Director of Operations in a press release.
While road crews perform patching, the city is asking drivers to: slow down, drive with caution and when possible avoid driving through accumulated water on the streets.
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Phone: 306-445-7261
Email: newsoptimist.news@sasktel.net
Making visual art with the help of artificial intelligence could be a great way to teach kids about the ethics of the ubiquitous technology, says an education professor at the University of Alberta.
Today’s K-12 students live in symbiosis with AI more than previous generations could have imagined. Algorithms permeate almost every facet of their lives, from Google searches to the algorithms that select their music, films and TikTok videos – influencing the choices they make and how they see the world.
But creating art is one way to disrupt that invisible influence, or at least help students more fully understand what algorithms do “behind the scenes,” says Patti Pente, an artist and professor in the Faculty of Education.
“Canadian teachers and students today are AI-enhanced cyborgs – they just don’t realize it,” she and her co-authors Cathy Adams and Kenzie Gordon write in an article recently published in A Fine FACTA, the news journal of the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Pente prompts her student teachers to see humanity as a new breed of “posthuman” hybrid beings whose identities are partly constructed by AI. The idea of humanism – inherited from the European Enlightenment – assumes we have sole agency to act upon and manipulate the world. Posthumanism, however, sees that relationship as reciprocal, and humanity as “dynamically formed by the materials of our environment as we influence them,” write Pente and her co-authors.
“It helps avoid oversimplified, deterministic approaches to ethical quandaries.”
In teaching students to make art, Pente recommends critically “collaborating” with AI image generators such as Dall-E 2. Made by OpenAI – the company that developed ChatGPT – the generator uses an image data set to produce new images and art from text descriptions called prompts.
Depending on the age of the students, a teacher might begin by questioning how algorithms work, how images are selected from a given data set and what inherent biases might determine that selection. What does the technology mean for copyright and intellectual property or for creating “deepfakes” that spread misinformation?
As with Google or any other AI platform, “we tend to get so used to using it that we stop thinking about how it works,” says Pente.
“I would love to see students use generative AI – with prompts around particular topics – but also work with hands-on materials,” she says. “We don’t want to lose that because there’s lots of wonderful learning that happens when kids are immersed in making art with their hands.”
Regarding “How to unravel the Crime Severity Index?” (Regional News-Optimist March 21, 2024) Statistics Canada data reveals there have been eight homicides in rural North Battleford and 14 in North Battleford in the last 10 years.
For example, a student might write a story, insert segments of that story into an image generator and then, based on the images it comes up with, create new artwork with traditional materials such as paint. Teachers would then have students think about ethical issues that arise from their work.
“At the heart of it, we want to allow students to be creative and have fun in the process,” says Pente. “Teachers would decide how much of the underlying theoretical issue would be woven into the lesson.”
Seeing AI as a collaborator in the creative process – rather than just a tool – gives students “a window through which they and teachers can more deeply consider their evolving subjectivity in a technological world,” argue the paper’s authors.
“Critical and playful engagement is key to developing an informed and ethical stance on these powerful technologies,” they write. “It provides the ground for creating new knowledge that is arresting and unique.
“Artmaking holds this power.”
So, what’s actually in the City of North Battleford’s recently approved Community Safety and Well Being (CSWB) plan?
As the document’s introduction notes, the City of North Battleford has recently struggled with perceptions of being an unsafe community, influenced by Crime Severity Index (CSI) data published by Statistics Canada annually.
lying risk factors that are likely contributing to the CSI but the strategies are focused on creating a healthier community,” reads the city’s plan.
The plan runs from 2024-2028, and although it won’t affect the budget this year, Randy Patrick, North Battleford’s city manager, noted to council on March 25, that it will likely come up for future councils if the plan is expected to work in addressing several keys areas listed below.
The roughly 50-page plan includes a breakdown of
“The CSWB plan is focused on addressing the under-
Continued on Page 9ww
Candace Mack-Horton
Claude Paradis Prepress Manager
Such has been the outpouring over Brian Mulroney that I had to look up the internet to check of which political party he had been leader – it was not the Liberal party, that’s for sure!
It seems he was the hard to emulate forerunner for Mr. Poilievre. Why my confusion - everyone including Mr. Trudeau has heaped praise on his achievements and honoured his memory, but are their words sincere or obligatory?
The simple heading of
this week’s article covers the three most salient political issues for which Mr. Mulroney will be remembered.
The GST (1991) is simply an undisguised all-embracing levy on life and will be retained as a permanent prop for all future governments. The general public now pay this initially detested tax without comment as we have become so used to it. We will become restive should there be any attempt to increase it.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has we are told been successful and that
it has brought benefit to each country. Eventually it came into being after
the so-called Shamrock Summit of 1985 and amity between President Reagan and Prime Minister Mr. Mulroney who in unison memorably and spontaneously sang “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.”
Mr. Trudeau appealed to Mr. Mulroney to help sort out the chaos when President Trump attempted to introduce the concept of tariffs into the agreement when it was being renegotiated in 2020. In its present form it is Chrystia’s pride and joy as she doesn’t hesitate to remind us.
In the release of Mr. Mandela, the dismantling of apartheid and the resultant political stability
in South Africa are where in my opinion Mr. Mulroney’s greatest achievements are to be found.
He is rightfully praised and will be remembered for his clarity of thought, dignity and wisdom. How one wishes he were in charge of this country today - when, if ever, will we see the like of him again?
Not everything Mr. Mulroney did was admirable and brought benefit to Canada – for example he greatly increased the national debt and the annual deficits were just about as bad as they are today.
For me he seemed arrogant and self-important, but he could out sing Mr.
Trudeau any day of the week or hour of the night.
Last week’s article contained a glaring mistake which every selfrespecting Scotsman and his lady must have noted. The Scottish royal house spelled their name “Stuart” not “Stewart.”
This misnaming of the House of Stuart is equivalent to calling our late Queen Elizabeth the “Second” in relation to Scotland and the U.K. Correctly, she was Elizabeth the “First” of Scotland as is still insisted upon by nationalists and myself.
Be assured that last week’s proofreader was royally reproofed and reproved.
The Cochin Community Players (CCP) has announced its dinner theatre production of Norm Foster’s romantic-comedy, Looking.
Clint Barrett is the director and the play features veteran actors Gregory Kwong, Rick Kostiuk, Danielle Barrett and Cheryl Olson.
“Canadian Norm Foster is popular with dinner
theatre audiences, and this crowd-pleasing comedy about relationships shows us why,” reads a press release from the CCP.
“Val is an OR nurse, Andy is in the storage business, Nina is a police officer, and Matt is the host of a morning radio show. They’re middle-aged, single, and ‘looking.’ Val agrees to meet Andy after answering his personal ad in the newspaper. Nina and Matt are coaxed into joining their friends for sup-
“What follows is hilarious, touching, and so very true to life.”
Dinner theatre productions run April 5, 6, and 12.Brunch production are April 7 and 14.
“The April 13 production is already sold out,” producer Carol Carlson noted, advising people should book their tickets soon.
All performances take place in the Cochin Hall. Tickets are $50 each and
include a meal prepared by KC’s Kitchen. Tickets are available by emailing cochincp@gmail.com, or by phoning 306-480-9333.
“If you are unable to attend the dinner theatre, you can still catch the show on Monday, April 22 at the Dekker Centre,” the CCP noted, adding that Cochin will be bringing their production of Looking to TheatreFest in April.
Tickets for TheatreFest can be purchased at the Dekker Centre online, over the phone, or in-person at their box office.
The Battlefords Community Players and Theatre Saskatchewan Inc. bring live theatre to the Battlefords for seven evenings, with seven plays, from seven communities across the province from April 21 to 27. This an exciting time for community theatre and great time for theatre audiences so hopefully you already have your tickets. If you haven’t you have until March 31 to get the very special deal of $145 for all seven shows that start at 7:30 p.m. Not only can you
see the shows but you are welcome at the workshops and green room.
First up is our own production of An Inspector Calls on Sunday, April 21, a memorable play from the mid-1940s, written by the popular English dramatist J.B. Priestley and set in 1912. Partly both philosophical and psychological, partly a moral fable, it is one of Priestley’s bestknown works for the stage. It deals with issues of exploitation, abandonment and social ruin, within the framework of a detective mystery. And just to add a little more spice, it also has hints of the supernatural.
However, it is firmly rooted in the English society life of the time, and thus is now considered to be a classic of “drawing room” theatre.
Monday, April 22 brings a Norm Foster comedy to stage by Cochin Community Players called Looking From one of Canada’s most popular playwrights comes this hilarious comedy. A single personal ad inadvertently draws 4 middle-aged singles together when Val and Andy arrange to meet on a blind date, dragging Nina and Matt along for moral support.
On the evening of Tuesday, April 23 you will be
welcoming Odyssey Productions from Prince Albert with Dogbarked by James O’Shea and explores uniquely Saskatchewan themes about the contrast between rural and urban cultures. The story follows two brothers, farmers who are struggling to make ends meet with their gas station after a highway was rerouted from the town, cutting down on traffic and profit. The brothers spend their days drinking beer and thinking up new money-making schemes. This play came before CornerGas and has been produced a number of times.
On the evening of
Wednesday, April 24 we welcome Yorkton Paper Bag Players with the drama Agnes of God by John Pielmeirer and tells the story of a novice nun who gives birth but does not believe she has. The child is found dead and a psychiatrist and the mother superior of the convent clash during the resulting investigation.
Melfort Amateur Dramatics brings their production of Here on the Flight Path by Norm Foster on Thursday, April 25. The play is a super-cute comedy about a fellow named John, who just wants to live a nice, quiet life in his fourth-floor apartment. However, his life continues to be disrupted by the women who move into the
apartment beside him.
Friday, April 26, we welcome Last Mountain Theatre Company to the Dekker Centre with their production of The Tin Woman by Sean Grennan. Instead of relishing life after her heart transplant, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Alice and Hank mourn the loss of their son, Jack, whose heart was used to save Joy. At a friend’s urging, Joy tracks down Jack’s family to find closure. But are Alice, Hank, and their daughter Sammy ready to accept Jack’s death? Based on a true story, The Tin Woman uses humor and pathos to
Continued on Page 9
In response to a NewsOptimist email with a list of questions regarding efforts to help curb systemic issues in the Battlefords — that are often blamed for causing the crime issues some say plague the community the Saskatchewan Health Authority responded with a nearly 1,000-word email on Aug. 30, 2023.
Below are some of the highlights that SHA and other organizations are doing in North Battleford to support addictions and
mental health as of September 2023.
This list is not exhaustive.
A procurement process is currently underway for at least 150 addiction treatment spaces spread between virtual outpatient services, day treatment, detox/withdrawal management, inpatient addiction treatment and recovery services.
The SHA is working to add 14 new permanent withdrawal management or detox and addiction inpatient treatment beds in North Battleford in 2024. An eight-bed withdrawal
management unit will be opening to support the community in September until the 14 spaces are permanently opened.
The Building Expression & Awareness through Theatre & Sound (B.E.A.T.S.) program founded in 2014 has been a success.
Cool Kids (a 10-week program for parents with children struggling with anxiety) has been a success.
Catholic Family Services in the Battlefords offers walk-in, rapid-access outpatient counselling services (expanded to youth
in 2023)
A new after-hours initiative beginning in September 2023 is the implementation of RPNLs situated in BUH Emergency Room Department. These liaison positions will provide support to individuals and families presenting at the ER with mental health concerns, facilitating better access and more timely support.
Housing initiatives include the Next Step program, providing transitional housing and support to individuals being discharged from a mental health facility or strug-
gling with independent living.
CMHA Battlefords branch opened Independence Commons, an eightunit housing opportunity for individuals faced with complex mental health challenges.
SHA’s own harm reduction programs provide education, supplies, and support to people who use drugs, reducing the spread of blood-borne infections such as HIV, syphilis, and Hepatitis C, preventing overdose deaths, and addressing other healthrelated harm. Services vary by location and can
include, but are not limited to, counselling and health education, connection to treatment, Naloxone kits, fentanyl and benzodiazepine drug checking strips, social services and culturally supportive services. A state-of-the-art psychiatric facility, the Saskatchewan Hospital.
A Harm Reduction van operated by the SHA, which may include providing take-home naloxone kits, education or resources to prevent disease transmission and safer sex supplies. The vans do not provide supervised consumption.
Battlefords Art Club, a group of members gathered to paint or draw birch trees. | Photos submitted
By Lila Yuhasz Battlefords Art ClubA walk along Finlayson Island can leave one in awe as you marvel at the elegant, graceful, towering birch trees. Unique in the forest, they are distinguished by their special bark, often papery in texture. The colour ranges from white to salmon to purple and is especially attractive against white winter backgrounds or the backdrop of evergreen trees. Birch trees are a favourite with artists, a great source of inspiration depicted in many different mediums from watercolour or acrylics, oil or graphite, to colour pencil and pen.
Recently at the Battlefords Art Club, a group of members gathered to paint or draw birch trees. Using torn edged tape to mask out areas and define where the trees would be, they went to work using paint to fill in both the tree and the background. Sometimes the artists used grey and white paint creating the papery feeling of the bark by the brush strokes.
The Battlefords Art Club encourages experimenta-
tion and participation, called pARTticipation. Often people feel intimidated by the thought of attending the Art Club because they don’t feel they are artists. We are here to dispel that thought! Many members are happy to assist you to try out an art related activity to get you going!
For more information please email: Battlefordsartclub@gmail.com
The 92nd annual Battlefords Kiwanis Music Festival is nearing its opening day, Monday, April 15. Printed programs will be available to purchase at Sobeys. With the local Festival just around the corner, participants should note several considerations.
It is important to be on time and to hand in your music to the session secretary before the session starts. Note that practising in festival halls during the festival week is not permitted. Any questions or concerns should be directed to committee members as the adjudicator should not be approached. Participants must perform the selection printed in the program. Any program changes must be approved by the festival committee.
Certificates will be presented according to the regulations outlined in the official syllabus. If competing for a mark, the scale is A+ 90 and above, A 85 to 89 and A 80 to 84. Marks rating below 80/A will not be assigned.
Venues scheduled for band entries are the Kinsmen Band Hall and the North Battleford Com-
prehensive High School Lecture Theatre. Strings performances will take place in the Kinsmen Band Hall. Logie Hall and the Sanctuary of Third Avenue United Church are the venues for spoken word, vocal and piano classes. Band and Instrumental classes are scheduled Monday, April 15 through Friday, April 19. Strings classes are scheduled Wednesday, April 17,. Vocal classes, which include not only singing but also speech arts and musical theatre, are scheduled Monday, April 22 through Wednesday, April 24. Piano classes are scheduled Wednesday, April 24 through Saturday, April 27.
The celebratory gala night will be at the Dekker Centre. The event is Tuesday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Performances at the gala are highlights from the festival chosen by the adjudicators. Awards and scholarships will be presented; recipients must be present. Tickets are $10 for seniors, $15 for adults, and children under 18 years of age are free. Donors, sponsors and performers are also free. Tickets for the gala will go on sale April 1 through the Dekker Centre and be available at the door that night.
The Battlefords Regional News-Optimist is once again in the running for a slate of Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Awards.
Announced on March 20, the shortlist broke down the 119-year-old newspapers’ seven nominations in seven categories.
Lisa Joy, a former News-Optimist reporter, has been nominated for two awards for her feature, Canada’s Alabama: Have we learned anything from a racist past? which
dove into a 1963 killing in Glaslyn. The story was nominated in two categories, once for Best Feature Story and once for Best First Nations Coverage.
Candace Mack-Horton, the News-Optimist’s Sales Manager, has been nominated for Best Advertise-
ment for a DekkerCentre for the Performing Arts ad last year in November.
Miguel Fenrich, NewsOptimist Editor and former staff reporter has been nominated for four awards. His coverage of Fort Battleford’s 2023 closure was nominated for Best Tourism Story or Series of Stories, his interview with Todd Renebhom and his battle with mental health was nominated for Best Healthcare Coverage, and his feature on the musician Sugartop was nominated for Best Cultural Story.
Lastly, his three-part series Everbody Has a Story, which featured interviews from Michelle Good, Jayne Foster and dee HobsbawnSmith was nominated for Best Arts or Cultural Series.
A virtual awards ceremony will be held on May 9 at 1:45 p.m.
Continued from Page 4 those who may be included on the steering committee, such as various levels of government including nine local First Nations. The working group, on the other hand, includes over 20 community agencies ranging from the Chamber of Commerce and the RCMP to the Saskatchewan Health Authority and Living Sky School Division.
The plan then digs deeper into six different key areas where focus is needed over the next four years to address the community’s wellness, eventually leading to a reduction in crime and an increase in public safety.
Firstly, through community and stakeholder consultation, the plan noted that a commonly arising theme was a lack of communication between agencies in the Battlefords.
To address this, the city hopes to hire a CSWB coordinator in 2024 to facilitate the creation of the steering committee and working group. Also in 2024, the city would plan to create a mechanism to measure successful collaboration. Lastly, by 2026, the city aims to create a service provider portal for referrals among agencies. This would hopefully reduce wait times or wait-
lists, reduce calls for emergency services, and foster an increase in community cohesion, safety, and wellbeing.
The lead group on this is the City of North Battleford.
Mental Health and Addiction
Noting the importance of dealing with mental health and addiction — adding that anecdotally these issues are seemingly driving crime in the Battlefords — the plan hopes to establish a sobering centre and 24-hour dropin centre by 2025, and develop a homeless outreach program and a Mobile Crisis Response Team by 2026.
That same year would also see the establishment of one community based organization to be responsible for harm reduction services and advocacy.
“Concurrent challenges, defined as ‘the simultaneous occurrence of a mental health and substance use challenge,’ was identified by interviewees as a top priority risk factor to be addressed in the CSWB Plan,” noted the city’s plan.
In the long-term, the city hopes one of the outcomes of those initiatives would be decreased crime in the community. It would also hopefully reduce reliance on emergency and protective services related to mental health and sub-
stance use challenges and reduce the number of calls for emergency services.
The lead group on this is unknown at this time.
Turning to housing, the city noted there is a community gap in appropriate and supported housing to address the various social dilemmas that are currently present in the community.
“Negative outcomes in mental health, addiction, and disability are also contributing factors to housing insecurity in the City of North Battleford. It was reported that there are some programs but not a sufficient number to serve the demand,” read the city’s plan.
This year, the city would like to do a comprehensive review of housing stock. By 2026, the city hopes to assess the need for and develop transitional and/or supportive housing if necessary.
Finally, by 2028, the city would like to implement a crime-free multihousing program, which would educate and support property owners and landlords to create safer properties and reduce crime by incorporating crime prevention techniques through environmental design.
If successful, the city expects to see increased safety for landlords and residents while increasing the amount of people
housed in the community. The lead group on this the Battlefords Housing Authority.
Youth Supports
“As with many of the risk factors present in this report, intergenerational trauma, challenges related to substance use and poverty are often underlying factors that impact parenting outcomes while further isolating youth into their experiences,” notes the report, adding later that the overall North Battleford child poverty rate is 28.1 per cent.
Plans to support youth in the Battlefords include educating the community about youth programming by 2024. By 2028 the city’s plan would like to establish supportive housing for youth, effectively decreasing the chance of chronic homelessness, and estab-
lish a youth shelter.
Long term results would see more youth employment, school attendance, and higher self esteem.
The lead group at this time is unknown.
Noting that the City of North Battleford would like to increase access to transportation as it can affect families with lower socioeconomic statuses, the plan hopes to see a bussing needs study done by 2025 before creating and executing a Public Transit Awareness Campaign.
Long-term success in this area would see increased transit ridership and improved community mobility.
The lead group at this time is North Battleford Public Transit.
Community Engagement
The last key required
for success is community engagement, added the city, especially noting the importance of building relationships with Indigenous groups and working towards reconciliation.
“The Indigenous community is extremely important in the overall fabric of the city and surrounding region,” read the plan.
By 2026, the city would like to see a central volunteer registry created, establish volunteer awards, and create awareness around opportunities for volunteers.
In the long-term, the community would see more cohesion, increased volunteer retention, and increased capacity for organizations.
The lead group at this time is the City of North Battleford.
Continued from Page 6 explore loss, family, and what it means to be given new life.
The festival ends on Saturday, April 27 with the final production of Spirit Control by Moose Jaw Community Players. In this play, Adam Wyatt has the perfect family and a perfect record as an air traffic controller. When the pilot of a small plane suffers a heart attack, Adam must talk a terrified passenger through an emergency landing.
Following this final performance, a short break while the set is tucked back in the truck and the actors change back
to themselves, we have the awards for the 87th Competitive Community Theatre Festival.
The week will have packed full of exciting theatre, wonderfully educational workshops and plenty of fun. The special tickets package is good until March 31 - $145 for all seven shows, seven workshops and seven fun evenings. That great price goes up by $50 April 1 to 15 and after that is full price per night.
Look forward to seeing all of you at the Dekker Center during TheatreFest 2024 ‘Living Theatre’
HAMEL: Friends and family, We are saddened to announce the passing of James Hamel on March 15th, 2024. Jim passed away peacefully in the Battleford’s Union Hospital with family at his bedside. The family wish to say “Thank You” to Dr. Xavier and the nursing staff at BUH for their care and support at this time. As per Jim’s wishes, there will be a “Closed Celebration of Life” with family and friends.Jim’s wishes were that any and all donations be sent to the “Cancer Clinic”.
GELINAS: Mrs. Ramona Gelinas, beloved wife of Mr. Maurie Gelinas, passed away Monday, March 18, 2024 at the Battleford District Care Centre. Left to cherish Ramona’s loving memory is her husband of 71 years, Maurice; daughters: Laura and Linda; grandchildren: Melanie, Ashton (Chantelle), Calla and Spence; greatgrandchildren: Jayden (Kelsey), Kacy, Ella, Lilly and Jordyn; brothers: Gary and Lawrence; and many nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers in law. She was predeceased by her parents: George and Albina Cooper; sisters: Rita Cooper, Charlotte Cooper and Jean Lessard; brothers: Rene Cooper, Lorne Cooper, Victor Cooper, Edward Cooper and Ivan Cooper; nephews: Alan Cooper and Barry Cooper; niece, Debbie Cooper; and many sisters and brothers in law. Memorial donations in Ramona’s loving memory may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan 301 2550 12th Ave, Regina SK S4P 3X1 or the Battleford District Care Centre - PO Box 69 Battleford, SK S0M 0E0. The family will have an intimate gathering to celebrate Ramona’s life. Funeral Arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service and Crematorium – Vanessa Macnab.
GATZKE: Linda Gatzke passed away peacefully on March 14, 2024 at River Heights Lodge, just short of becoming a centenarian. Born in Bergheim, on June 25, 1924, she moved to Glenbush with her family at the age of five. She married John O. Gatzke on July 30, 1945 and began farming at Belbutte. After selling the farm, Linda and John lived in Medstead and then North Battleford. Left to cherish her memory are her children: Leonard (Patti), Diane, Laurie (Lynn Kelley) and Wayne; her grandchildren: Brianne (Amber), Kyle (Kirsten), John, Pat (Cassidy), Derrick, Roanna (Michael), Roxanne (Gord), Melanie, Wendy (Kevin), Tony (Tanya); and 12 great grandchildren. Linda was predeceased by her husband John Oscar Gatzke, parents Samuel and Justina Jabusch, sisters Emily, Tillie, Julia, Nettie, Helen, Emma, and brother August as well as numerous sisters and brothers in law. Linda loved to garden. Each year she would plant and harvest a backyard garden that provided healthy food all summer and canned goods for the winter. Her crochet hook travelled with her wherever she went and she gifted family members and friends with lovely doilies, afghans, baby sweater sets and tablecloths. She was a quilter who provided cozy blankets to her children and warm baby blankets to grandchildren. Linda loved the cabin at Turtle Lake. Many fun family times were spent fishing, water skiing, picking mushrooms and blueberries and eating Linda’s delicious potato pancakes fried on the outside wood stove. Linda passed away on the birthday of her husband John. Rest in peace and dance with the angels. A funeral service for Linda was held Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 2:00 pm at the Zion Lutheran Church North Battleford, Sk. Memorial Donations in Linda’s Memory may be made to Zion Lutheran Church Educational Fund. Condolences for the family may be left at www.eternalmemoriesfuneral.ca. Funeral Arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service & Crematorium, Funeral Director, Elle Dell.
SIDEBOTTOM: It is with heavy hearts the family announces the passing of Mr. Ronald Sidebottom with family by his side on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at the age 89 years. A Funeral Service was held at Territorial Drive Alliance Church on March 8, 2024. He will be deeply missed, forever loved by his Wife, Daughters and Family. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in memory of Mr. Ronald Sidebottom can be directed to the Amniotic Fluid Embolism Foundation https://pages.donately.com/afefoundation/form/frm_57789cc3a4 d1. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service & Crematorium - Trevor Watts Funeral Director.
2014 Morris C2 airseeder with Bourg. 4350 air cart. $90,000 obo. 306-717-3297. Hafford, SK Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness, or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com.
Collector looking for $1,000 dollar bills, other paper currency,
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Pintail, forage or grain oAtS
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PeAS very early yellow Pea forage PeaS, AlSo AvAilABle PoliSh canola & SPring triticale mastinseeds.com 403-556-2609
CHMELNYK, late of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, deceased.
ALL CLAIMS against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 22nd day of April, 2024.
Matrix Law Group 1421 - 101st Street North Battleford Saskatchewan S9A 1A1
Lawyers for the Executor
Attention: Clifford A. Holm
THOMAS RADUE, late of Spiritwood, in the Province of Saskatchewan, deceased.
ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 25th day of April 2024.
MIGNEAULT LAW OFFICE Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 520 North Battleford SK S9A 2Y8
Solicitors for the Personal Representative
MACNAB, late of Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, deceased.
ALL CLAIMS against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 26th day of April, 2024.
Battle River Law
Friedman, Spence, Fransoo Barristers & Solicitors
201, 1291 - 102nd Street Box 905
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Z3
Solicitors for the Executors of the Estate of Jason Richard MacNab
Motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, rock trucks, packers; wide range of machines.
Lots of work all season. Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d.
Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca
Resort Village of Aquadeo
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of Aquadeo for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the Month, April 3rd to May 3rd, 2024.
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person wishing to discuss the notice of assessment or potential appeal may contact SAMA at 1-800-824-2570. A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, must be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Revision, Western Municipal consulting, Box 149, Meota, Sask. S0M 1X0, by the 3rd day of May, 2024
Dated with 29th of March, 2024
Public Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Public Notice Bylaw No. 05-2022, that at the regular meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. (CST) on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at the Resort Village of Cochin municipal boardroom at 1006 Highway 4 North, in Cochin, Saskatchewan, that Council at 6:00 pm (CST) will be considering the following:
• For the Resort Village of Cochin to make application to the Local Government Committee, Saskatchewan Municipal Board for borrowing by way of bank loan or debenture as per sections 162 and 163 of The Municipalities Act, for the municipality’s portion of a grant relating to the Breakwater Project at the western most point of Lehman Creek at Jackfish Lake.
For information regarding attendance options or submission of questions/comments prior to the meeting please contact the municipal office at cochinadmin@sasktel.net or 1-306-386-2333.
The Annual General Meeting of the members of Innovation Federal Credit Union will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
The meeting time is set for 7:00 p.m. and will be held virtually and in person at Swift Current and North Battleford advice centres.
Information on how to register and join this virtual meeting will be available by April 15, 2024, on our website at www.innovationcu.ca.
Meeting agenda items include:
• Report on 2023 Operations and Presentation of Financial Statements
• Appointment of Auditors
• Announcement of Elected Directors
• Vote on Proposed Bylaw Changes
• Appeal of Membership Closure of Mr. D. Richardson
• Other Business
NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Rural Municipality of Paynton No. 470 for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open for inspection in the office of the Assessor from 9:00 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days; Monday to Thursday – March 28, 2024 to April 29, 2024
A bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal accompanied by a $75.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful to:
Mike Ligtermoet
Secretary of the Board of Revision
642 Agnew Street
Prince Albert, Sask.
S6V 2P1
Email: NorSaskBoardServices@sasktel.net by the 29th day of April, 2024.
Dated this 28th day of March, 2024.
Michelle Buechler Assessor
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Maymont for the year 2024 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, March 28, 2024 to April 29, 2024.
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY), accompanied by a $400.00 fee for each assessment being appealed, to: Secretary of the Board of Revision, c/o Assessor at the Village of Maymont, Box 160, Maymont, Sask S0M1T0, by the 29th day of April 2024.
Dated this 28th day of March, 2024.
Denise Bernier, Assessor
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Meota intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 195758926 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality.
Dated this 10 day of January 2024.
Greg Conrad Bleiken
FORM C [Section 2.3]
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Cut Knife intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 140798526 and Interest Number 190899679 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the Municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the Municipality.
Dated this 15 day of February, 2023.
Jeffrey Edmund Brunet
Deborah Schaefer, Administrator
Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 32 Blk/Par 7 Plan No H376 Extension 0
Title Number: 134816968
I’m a two year old Shepherd cross that just loves to cuddle! If you want a loyal and handsome man in your life, then look no further! He has been in the shelter for 120 days!
2 years 11 months Male. He has spent 275 days at the shelter! I am a staff favourite and I love to please people. I am a happy and loving dog, who is always excited to greet people, and just want some love. Hi
Duties may include, but
not be
to, operation of a backhoe, tractor & mower, rock picker, tandem truck & trailer. Previous experience with the operation of these pieces of equipment will be an asset to placement as will a Class 1A license.
The successful applicant will enjoy a health and dental benefits plan and employer matched pension plan.
Interested applicants may apply by sending a resume and hourly wage expected to:
R.M. of Cut Knife No. 439
Box 70 Cut Knife, Sask. S0M 0N0
E-mail - rm439@sasktel.net
CO-ORDINATOR approximately 20 hours per week
• The successful applicant will be a mature individual with good communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills
• Experience in word processing and accounting procedures is required
• Responsibilities will include secretarial and financial functions, as well as coordinating the rental of church facilities
Per: Administrator
Name of Assessed Owner
Lot 4 Blk/Par 16 Plan No G207 Extension 0
Title Number: 142561784
• Position to commence at a date mutually determined with successful candidate
Please send resume with references to:
Ministry and Personnel Committee
Third Avenue United Church 1301 – 102nd St.
North Battleford, SK S9A 1G4
For further information you may call 306-445-8539
A few more sunny days before Easter. School students are eagerly anticipating holidays. Motorists, please be aware of the young children bringing their bikes out from winter storage. Some have outgrown last seasons’s so perhaps are excitedly trying new wheels this time of the year.
Easter church services for Mayfair All Saints Catholic Church for this Good Friday are at 6 p.m. and on Easter Day, March
31 at noon. The next three months — April, May and June — the mass time is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturdays.
In Speers, the United Church Easter service is at 8:45 a.m. with communion. There is no Good Friday service at this church this year.
Colleen Wicks still has a few tickets left for their ever-so-popular live theatre in Speers Hall April 19, 20 and 21. Tickets are $50. Please call Colleen at 306-246-2165. This is such a wonderful outing with a delicious home-cooked
Under the direction of the Foreman, the Technician will work with the Maintenance Department to complete tasks.
• Landscaping and maintaining green spaces such as parks, ball diamonds, & flower beds
• Horticulture – selecting, planting, watering, trimming, and growing shrubs & flowers
• Performing safety checks and maintaining equipment: mowers, zero-turn mowers, weed wackers, drills, etc.
• Sanding, prepping and painting and clean up of supplies
• Town Green Space Youth Ambassador for Annual Fair
• All other duties that may be assigned by the Foreman
CLOSING DATE: April 12, 2024
Apply To: Administrator - Town of Radisson Box 69 Radisson, SK S0K 3L0
Email: tradisson@sasktel.net 1 (306) 827-2218
meal. Many communityminded people work endlessly for us spectators to enjoy.
Sincere condolences to Dale Lehmann and his three sons Dusty, Ashton, Dawson and families of Mayfair on the passing of Maxine last week. They live on a farm near Meeting Lake Community Pasture. The three boys attended Mayfair Central and Hafford School and have moved on to new homes.
Many communities are planning events. April 13, Borden Museum is having a spring supper at the community centre with admission by donation at the door. Music and other activities follow the meal.
Strawberry spring teas and church bazaars will be cropping up. Not to mention all the gorgeous plants that will be in the nurseries. I can’t wait to go shopping for plants and new lawn ornaments when I return to the prairies. “Keep it simple,” I tell myself when it comes to mowing the grass.
The town of Hafford has noticed an increase in the water consumption. The town office is asking owners to check their properties and any vacant homes. If you notice any “pooling of water” please notify the town office.
Happy blessed Easter to everyone.
Clarification: A photo of the Spiritwood skating carnival published with last week’s Mayfair report should have been attributed to Heather Sarrazin.
Work Location: Positions available in North Battleford, Cut Knife, Maidstone and Turtleford, Sk
Applicants must be registered and licensed with the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP)
To assist in filling prescriptions, under a pharmacist's supervision, as provided by the regulations of the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists and Legacy RX Canada Policies.
Responsible for general housekeeping duties, and the general appearance of the pharmacy area.
To be familiar with all merchandise carried as well as to be aware of new products pertaining to the pharmaceutical and retail pharmacy industry. Assist with checking and adjusting customer complaints within the established policies of Legacy RX Canada.
Deliver injections, dispensing medications, mixing of compounds, including methadone.
To assist with the monitoring of inventory (receiving and selling)
To provide prompt, courteous, friendly, and caring service to customers. When required, to assist in the safekeeping of all cash handled in the department. Other tasks as assigned.
QUALIFICATION: Must possess a current Pharmacy Technician Certificate from a recognized provincial education institution. Pharmacy Technician - in Saskatchewan -: 1 year (required)
French not required
Job Type: Full-time
Above average wages, signing bonus, and full benefit package.
Salary: Up to $40.00 per hour
Benefits: Dental care, Extended health care, On-site parking
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Expected hours: No more than 40 per week
Supplemental pay types: Overtime pay, Signing bonus
Please email tfpharma@hotmail.com
We are so HOPPY to have such wonderful Members! Non-School Days Program: WE ARE OPEN ON THE EASTER BREAK FOR NONSCHOOL DAYS! Non-school day programming will run at our Main Site (1301 104th Street) from Tuesday, April 2nd - Friday, April 5th from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack are provided FREE OF CHARGE! Pre-registration is not required; however, you must be a current member to attend.
Summer Programming: That’s right, our highly anticipated & attended Summer Adventure Day Camps will be open for registration on TUESDAY, APRIL 2ND AT 9 AM. These camps run for 8 weeks (July 2nd – August 23rd) Monday to Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm (excluding stat holidays). Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks are provided at NO EXTRA CHARGE for our members, 5-14 years of age! $150/ week or $50/day. Each week has an awesome theme and an amazing field trip, we have LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! Don’t forget about our Summer Parks Drop-in Programs at the three Splash Parks in the City: Kinsmen Park, Centennial Park and Senator Herb Sparrow Park. These programs are FREE OF CHARGE and operate on a drop-in basis, only a valid 2024 Membership Form is needed! Operating hours are July 2nd – August 23rd, Monday to Friday, 11:00am-4:00pm (weather permitting, excluding stat holidays). All participants will be provided with a nutritious bagged lunch and snack!
Soccer Program: Our Soccer Program is back and starts Sunday, April 7th! This is a registration-based program that is offered at NO COST to our current members. Visit our website (www.bgcbattlefords.ca) or social media pages for more information! For more information on these programs and how to register, visit our website www.bgcbattlefords.ca
April dates to remember:
• Monday, April 1st – Office and Programming CLOSED for Easter Monday and Happy April Fool’s Day.
• Tuesday, April 2nd – WE ARE OPEN! (Non-School Days Program: We Get a Kick Out of You!) and Summer Adventure Day Camps Registration opens!
• Wednesday, April 3rd – WE ARE OPEN! (Non-School Days Program: Monkeying Around!).
• Thursday, April 4th – WE ARE OPEN! (Non-School Days Program: Our Members ARRR Great!).
• Friday, April 5th – WE ARE OPEN! (Non-School Days Program: Jammy Jamboree!).
• Saturday, April 6th – IFCU Saturday Program: Everyone’s Brain is Different!
• Sunday, April 7th – Soccer Program Begins! Equipment fitting for all registered participants on Sunday, April 7th from 1:00pm-2:00pm, and first session of Soccer Program from 2:00pm-3:00pm, both hosted at the NationsWEST Field House.
• Monday, April 8th – Piano Program.
• Saturday, April 13th – IFCU Saturday Program: Hope Your Day is Magical!
• Sunday, April 14th – Soccer Program.
• Sunday, April 14th to Saturday, April 20th – National Volunteer Week!
• Monday, April 15th – Piano Program.
• Saturday, April 20th – IFCU Saturday Program: Hey Earth, You Rock!
• Monday, April 22nd – Piano Program and Earth Day!
• Wednesday, April 24th – Early Dismissal Day (programming begins at class dismissal!).
• Saturday, April 27th – IFCU Saturday Program: Reading is a Novel Idea!
• Sunday, April 28th – Soccer Program.
• Monday, April 29th – Piano Program.
As a reminder, our school year hours of operation are as follows:
- Office: Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm
- Satellite Site Before School Programs: Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 8:30am (Bready & EMBM)
- Satellite Site After School Programs: Monday to Friday, class dismissal –5:30pm (Bready, EMBM & Holy Family)
- Drop-in Program (Main Site): Monday to Friday, class dismissal – 8:30pm and Saturdays, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Continue to watch our Facebook page (BGCBattlefords), Instagram @bgcbattlefords and website (www.bgcbattlefords.ca) for more updates. Have a question? Call us at (306) 445-0002!
Opportunity Changes Everything
Here we have reason to feel thankful. It was another mild spring week and no major mishaps to report. We curling enthusiasts can yell and scream as our Canadian girls kept their faith and went on to beat South Korea in a hard-fought battle. It was great the way the team stuck together without any finger-pointing or distention. Go, Canada.
The Meota Golf Club held their annual meeting this past week. The current board members are Jim Cole, Dale Johnson, Derrick Schaffer, Kirsten
Bru, Derek Chapman, Colin Sharpe, Murray Walker, Sven Gerein, Randy Sharp and Cory Iverson. The directors chose their executive. Hugette Johnson will remain as club manager for another year. The head groundskeeper will continue to be Travis Moccasin. The clubhouse building fund continues to grow, but so does the construction cost. A community drive will be undertaken to try to stay ahead of inflation. The ice shacks are quickly finding new berths on shore as the April 1 deadline looms. Some reported fighting slush and
water, but those obstacles are being overcome.
Thanks to our current leader our fuel costs continue to soar. Unfortunately, the NDP decided to back Mr. T to prevent the non-confidence motion. Some things seem to remain the same with the west supporting the east. Mr. T was recently referred to as Mr. Robin Good as he administers the fuel tax rebates. Hopefully, better days are ahead.
Earning first in Tuesday bridge were Vern Iverson and Albert Blais. In second were Margaret Dyck and Jeanne Beattie and third were Donna Scher-
man and Carmen Engelke. Jean Laws and Fraser Glen topped Thursday’s bridge. Second, were 2nd Barb Mitchell and Vern Iverson.
Canasta HF winner was Cora Christianson. Louise Doom and Carmen Dorian earned first in HKF and Arlene Walker and Lillian
Sarennco were second. Vernon Iverson won Norwegian Whist, while Judy Schmidt was second and Dave Sayers, third.
Congratulations to Rose Danychuk who turned 95 years old on March 23. Family and friends gathered at Pine Island Lodge last weekend to celebrate with Rose including her sister and niece as well as three nephews, all from Saskatoon. Rose was born in Biggar where she lived on and off until she and her husband, George moved to Maidstone in 1962. She has two children, seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren with one on the way. Anyone acquainted with Rose knows she’s a special lady – full of life and oh so many stories. Best wishes for a year of health and happiness, Rose.
Maidstone Gully Multiple 4-H Club met March 11 at Waseca Community Centre. Demonstrations were given by sewing and canine projects. Congratulations to Isabelle Harbin who placed third in the intermediate age group at district public speaking in Hillmond March 10. The club will be hosting a sheep shearing clinic April 19 and 20, one day each at the Tuplin and Harbin farms. Lloyd Expo 4-H Grooming and Judging Clinic will be April 20 and 21 in Lloydminster. A few members will attend these clinics. The next general meeting will be Monday, April 8 at Milleton Hall.
(from information submitted by Logan Gerlinsky) A busload of Maidstone High School students and adults embarked on a trip
to the mountains from March 17 to 19. Students in Grades 10 to 12 as well as some parents and teachers stayed at the Jasper Inn and Suites and enjoyed skiing for two days with beautiful 20 C weather in the village and about -5 C on the slopes. Trail conditions were perfect with all trails available except at the very top where they were roped off due to avalanche warnings. When done skiing, students visited and explored the town. I hear the beavertails and mountain views were amazing.
Speaking of skiing, Talance Kalmakoff has been on the circuit again, competing in the Junior National Freestyle Competition in aerials, moguls and dual moguls at Whistler, B.C. from March 22 to 24. She placed fourth overall between the two disciplines in the U16 category.
Talance is headed to the Senior National Freestyle Competition March 29 to 31 in Quebec. She and her family extend appreciation to Maidstone Legion, Quick-Eze Truck Wash, Merit Towing, Keranda Industrial Supply, Renew Chiropractic and everyone in the community for helping her on this journey.
Maidstone Bowling Alley held a “10 and under tournament” on Friday, March 22 after school. Thirteen children bowled two games and then enjoyed hotdogs, iced tea and Krispie squares. High singles went to Nick Leepart 120, Stone Pichette 117 and Jason Mosher 108. High totals and points over average were Nick 230 and
Talance Kalmakoff competed at a junior national skiing competition in Whistler, B.C. March 22 to 24.
90, Stone 207 and 47, Jason 191 and 29 and Violet 104 and 36. With a good cheering section, everyone did a great job. Thank you to Doreen Hope and Dusty Sutherland for organizing this fun event for the kids. Due to other commitments, the tournament planned for older youth on Friday evening was postponed.
Maidstone Bowling Alley’s league-high singles for last week were: Ladies’ Afternoon – Shirley 242, Kathy 200, Leanne 200, Debbie 200; Golden Age –Denise 200, Pat 195, Walter 194, Doreen 193, Keith 179; Business – Ryan 270, Matt 253, Chris 218, Jacquie 180, Melissa 161, Carley 156.
Maidstone Legion Club Room’s Texas Hold ‘Em tourney on March 23 had a full house with 24 players entered. Winners were: first - Chad Taylor, second - Dave Powers and third - Michelle Lainey. The Chase the Ace weekly draw of $376 last Thurs-
birthday March 23 at Pine Island Lodge. | Photos submitted
day was won by Roxanne Greyeyes but she didn’t find the Ace with a jackpot of $6,430.50. This week it’s likely to top $7,000, the biggest ever with only 30 cards left. Tickets are available at the club room or maidstone142@gmail. com. Also, remember the monthly 50/50 draw will be on Thursday, April 4 with tickets at the club room or raffleslegion142@gmail. com. Be sure to put your name and phone number, and don’t get the two mixed up. The Legion thanks you for your support.
Maidstone’s Spring Market saw brisk business last Sunday with over 200 people coming through. Displays were set up by 22 local, Lloydminster and even Cold Lake and Prince Albert vendors, creating an excellent array of goods to choose from. Maidstone Quilting Squares served up delicious homemade soup, buns, pies and cinnamon buns for those lucky enough to snag them before they ran out. With the trade fair no more, the spring market was a welcome
event. Thank you to coordinator Crysta Dean for the tremendous effort put into making the day an enjoyable one for vendors and customers. Crysta conveys appreciation to all who helped make it a success and hopes to do it again next year.
Maidstone Girl Guides thank everyone who supported them at the spring market. Raffle basket winners were child’s Debbie Kobsar and adult’s Rachel Oddan. Cookie guess winner was Saidai Mosher whose guess of 285 was closest to the actual 277. The girls have chocolatey mint and classic (sandwich) Girl Guide cookies for sale. Please ask any girl or adult member and they’ll be happy to help you out. In the fall, Hayley and Frankie will continue as leaders for Guides and Pathfinders but they’re looking for new leaders for Sparks (age 5-6) and Embers (age 7-8).
If you’d like to be a leader, please contact Frankie at 306-441-7571.
As winter comes to an end, the Maidstone
Arena Board gives a huge thank-you to the people who make the arena run smoothly: Clayton Klein, Corey Klein, Tracey Pratt and Debbie Nosek. Thanks to everyone for a great season.
Maidstone Disc Golf 2023 League Awards Night will be April 23 at 7 p.m. at Maidstone Bowling Alley. Everyone is welcome – you don’t have to be a league member. The 2024 league starts April 30, running Tuesdays at 7 p.m. until September when it changes to Sundays at 3 p.m. until it’s too cold to play. The Delfrari Cup will be Aug. 17 at 1 p.m. (standard singles, ace derby and league handicap tournament). The Battlevale Blitz will be Aug. 18 at 9 a.m. (advanced layout, temporary course, pick your partner doubles, best shot). Everyone is invited to join the league this season. For information contact Ryan Donovan by email maidstone. disc.golf@gmail.com or on Facebook.
Tuesdays 2 to 3 p.m. - Free chair yoga at Maidstone Seniors’ Centre (bring non-slip mat to put under chair).
Friday, March 29 to Sunday, April 7 - Easter/ Spring Break – no school.
Monday, April 1 - Deadline for Communities in Bloom Equinox orders (Joanne 306-893-7966; Jackie 306-893-7827).
Saturday, April 6 - Milleton Hall Spring Fling Dance 8 p.m. with DJ, midnight lunch, and DD service. Minors must be with a legal guardian.