As more job action from Saskatchewan teachers looms in the coming weeks — as the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the government remain at a bargaining impasse — one mother is calling for them to return to the table.
She says that if extracurricular activities are withdrawn in the Battlefords school divisions next week as the STF continues to argue for more classroom supports, her daughter and other students with
the North Battleford Comprehensive High School Band will forfeit a trip to New York.
“So this is a trip that’s been planned or in the works for more than a year,” Dominique Mannix, who lives south of Battleford on a farm, told SASKTODAY.ca in a phone interview.
She said that though group plans to leave on March 14 and would see the 29-student band perform in New York City, Mannix and her family are worried the trip may not happen at all.
“They’ve done various things like working at canteens, selling flowers, bottle drive income ... they’ve basically been fundraising for the last year to be able to go,” Mannix added.
Already, Mannix said, a March 5 fundraiser has been cancelled due to job action.
“So now we no longer have that fundraiser in place ... children and the parents will have to come up with that money on their own.
“And then the reason I guess why we’re nervous
Continued on Page 5
After years of dilapidation, one of the province’s oldest hotels — built in 1884 and used as a hotel for the first time in 1889 — fell on Feb. 29, 2024. The council of the Town of Battleford had ordered the demolition of the old Queen’s Hotel last year and set the date of demolition no later than November 2023, eventually moving the date to March 1 of this year. It’s unclear at this time if the owners are able to build a new building as suggested by the Kim family last year. See more demolition photos inside. In addition to the photos and story in last week’s News-Optimist, you can find more photos from the interior and exterior before the demolition as well as video of it coming down on our website at www.sasktoday.ca. Just search the website for the Queen’s Hotel or look under the North Local News category. | Photo by Miguel Fenrich
Getting Squeezed: The Impact of Rising Prices for Housing and Energy, Interest Rates and Costs on Canadian Consumers and Businesses
-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Business Data Lab (BDL)
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce through their Business Data Lab has issued a report on the impacts of rising prices for housing, energy, interest rates and costs on Canadian consumers and businesses.
The Situation: Since March 2022, Canada’s central bank has raised interest rates to try and control inflation, which increased borrowing costs for consumers and businesses. Higher interest rates make it more expensive to pay off debt (including mortgages), borrow to buy big ticket items and run a business. With greater debt service obligations, consumers have less money available for discretionary spending on other goods and services, which drives down business sales. Looking back at longer-run inflation drivers, the BDL report finds that over the past two decades, housing and energy costs have increased at a faster rate than overall prices in all regions of the country.
Housing Costs: Canada’s housing market is the most unaffordable it’s been in over 30 years. For the typical Canadian household, this means that all-in housing-related expenses (which includes mortgage payments and utility fees) have ballooned to represent 55% of disposable income. The higher this percentage, the more difficult it is to afford a home.
Mortgages: The 5-year fixed mortgage rate has risen significantly from 1.9% in 2021 to more than 5.5%. Looking ahead, with almost 60% of all outstanding mortgages — representing $900 billion — up for renewal in the next three years at higher interest rates, this is expected to act as a significant drag on consumer spending.
Energy Costs: Like housing, energy costs have also risen faster than other consumer items across provinces over the long run, with energy prices being more volatile.
Impact on Consumers: Across income levels, over half of Canadians are concerned about the cost of living and most (54-64%) are reducing their spending to protect against high inflation, especially lower-income households. BDL analysis finds that consumers in regions with greater housing affordability challenges, such as British Columbia and Ontario, have cut back more on their spending than consumers in more affordable regions.
Impact on Business: According to the Getting Squeezed report, inflation, input costs and interest rates/debt costs are the top three obstacles expected by businesses in the next three months. Small businesses, in particular are struggling with fuel and energy costs, wages, and taxes and regulations.
With consumers spending less, business sales are suffering, leading to lower business sentiment. BDL finds that in regions with the most unaffordable housing markets, businesses are more pessimistic about their sales, and are also less optimistic about their outlook for the year ahead.
What mechanisms could be causing this?
• When consumer costs for housing and/or energy rise faster than overall inflation, consumers adjust by reducing their spending on discretionary items like travel, entertainment, and eating out, which reduces business sales and lowers business sentiment.
• When interest rates rise, consumers need to spend more on debt servicing. Consumers adjust by reducing their spending on big ticket items typically purchased by borrowing, such as housing, home furnishings and cars, which reduces business sales and lowers business sentiment.
Looking Ahead: The bottom line is that Canada’s affordability crisis is bad for both households and businesses. Communities across the country can’t wait for the prospect of lower interest rates to solve the crisis. Proactive attention must be paid to Canada’s economic health, with special consideration given to announced legislation and new regulations that could further aggravate the situation.
In February, the members of the local Chamber of Commerce came together to hold their Annual Meeting of Members. Of course, there was the usual procedural items, like approval of minutes, review of financial statements, and setting bank signing authorities. Along with all of that, it was an opportunity for the board to share what it had been up to for 2023, but also for the organization to highlight items moving forward in 2024.
The Chamber board of directors with its staff and interns working on projects plan to see several new initiatives get started or come to fruition over the course of the year. A regular project for the Chamber each year is to produce it’s Community or Lake Communities Maps. For 2024-2025 it is the Communities Map highlighting North Battleford and Battleford. Updates are being worked on now to ensure the most up-to-date map for the community for resident and visitors alike. Work will continue to develop the online Relocation Guide, that was a key 2023 project – “Find Your Place – The Battlefords and Area Awaits”.
New In 2024, work will commence on planning for funding of a Makerspace. This project is a ways off, but initial work is required to get some initial planning, business planning, and funding planning and applications processed.
Next up, with approval of summer interns (student) funding a project to introduce a network of Touchscreen Kiosks strategically placed around the community and region, that will provide residents, visitor and tourists with access to key information, “Things to Do; Places to Shop; Places to Stay; Places to Eat; and so much more will get underway.”
Watch for updates on this project.
The interns will also be working on several key areas of focus for the Chamber, member records, and “Shop the Battlefords”. The Chamber also plans a series of networking events throughout the year, and 2024 will be no different. It is basically back to a full schedule of events post-covid, and they will include the 30th Anniversary Battlefords Business Excellence Awards in November. Nominations will be open in April.
With election season about to come upon us quickly, (in the fall), the Chamber will look to plan and host some events around allowing the community an opportunity to see and hear from candidates for both municipal and provincial elections. 2024 – We have hit the ground running, and it is indeed a busy year ahead.
The Power Hour –A Chat with our Elected Leaders
Friday, March 8th, 2024
11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Location: Western Development Museum
North Battleford, SK.
Sponsored by: HRO Chartered Professional Accountants
10th Annual Chamber Business Golf Challenge
Friday May 24th, 2024
North Battleford Golf & Country Club
Title Sponsor: Bridges Chevrolet Buick GMC
New Chamber of Commerce Members:
Frisch Engineered Products Ltd.
382 – 16th Street West, P.O. Box 1570, Battleford, SK. 306-937-4352
Eleven municipalities with historically high Crime Severity Indexes (CSI) from across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Colombia gathered in Saskatoon on Feb. 29, formally asking Statistics Canada to pause the CSI’s annual release.
The request comes at the end of a ‘CSI Conference’ in Saskatoon, initiated by the City of North Battleford, aimed to help the municipalities come together and discuss what can be done about the ‘dangerous’ stigma now attached to their communities.
“We’re here to issue a formal request to Statistics Canada to hold the release of the annual [CSI] rankings until future ... consultations are held with small communities and indigenous leadership,” Lloydminster Mayor Gerald Aalbers, told media at a press conference Feb. 29
“When you see the numbers that are presented by Statistics Canada, it’s very unnerving,” he added, noting that some communities in attendance were unable to even attract junior hockey players. The list of municipalities in attendance included:
• North Battleford.;
• Thompson, Man.;
• Cold Lake, Alta.;
• Wetaskiwin, Alta.;
• Fort St. John, B.C.;
• Portage La Prairie, Man.;
• Prince George, B.C.;
• Prince Albert, Sask.;
• Yorkton, Sask.;
• Lloydminster, Alta./ Sask.; and
• Langley, B.C.
Other groups included:
• Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, (FSIN);
• Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs, (Sweetgrass First Nation);
• F Division RCMP;
• K Division RCMP;
• Prince Albert Police Service;
• the University of Saskatchewan; and
• Statistics Canada
Concerns regarding the CSI included alleged economic damage including stagnant population numbers and struggles attracting new business and qualified job seekers, supposed inaccuracies for communities with fluctuating populations and those close to the 10,000 cut-off in comparison to larger centres.
“By driving away investment and recruitment and creating fear and division, this statistic perpetuates the very trends it reports on,” reads a state-
ment from the City of North Battleford
“This arbitrary number of reporting data at 10,000 people or more is not an indicator of a community’s overall safety.”
Lastly, municipalities say that the CSI is routinely misunderstood by the general public and media, and that the CSI contributes to racial bias against Indigneous people.
Statistics systemically biased against Indigenous people?
Citing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action related to the collection of data involving Indigenous victims of crime, Sweetgrass First Nation Chief Lori Whitecalf said the annual release of the Crime Severity Index results in its own victimization of First Nations peoples.
“The outcome of the CSI causes racism and hateful statements to be directed at First Nations people. This indexing undermines reconciliation, and it takes us back to when those eight First Nations leaders were hanged [at Fort Battleford in 1885],” she said in a statement from the city.
“The social issues in Western Canada are there because Western Canada was born to look after ‘the
Aalbers, Langley City Councillor Delaney Mack, North Battleford Councillor Thomas “Bill” Ironstand, Portage La Prairie Mayor Sharilyn Knox, Portage La Prairie Councillor Colin Doyle, North Battleford Councillor Kelli Hawtin, Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland. | Photo courtesy City of North Battleford Indian problem’. We need to change that now.”
In comments to the media, Chief Whitecalf said, “when that [CSI] is released, and it’s very high, or we’re number one, a lot of times the First Nations in the community,[ or in the] surrounding area, are blamed,” she said.
She says as chief of a Sweetgrass First Nation, approximately 30 kilometres from the Battlefords that other First Nations should not shoulder this blame.
“But we have to work on solutions collectively. Solutions on the social problems and the social issues ... our broken history with Canada needs to be fixed.”
She says when the CSI is released racism increases. But Chief Whitecalf also challenged the federal government relating to use of data from her community, which is protected, explaining there is a duty to consult First Nations to include their data in fed-
eral statistics - which she says has not been done.
But if Statistics Canada does not halt the pause, Mayor Aalbers said that more action would have to be taken among the group.
If the 10,000 cap was removed, 15 small Indigenous communities would be the top most dangerous places in Saskatchewan, according to the CSI.
A response from Statistics Canada
In a response to a request for comment, Coninued on Page 18
Last week’s city council meeting in North Battleford marked some history.
It was the final official meeting held at the council chambers on the second floor at City Hall. Council moves their meetings permanently now to their new council chambers in room 107 of Don Ross Centre, and celebrated with a grand opening ceremony Monday.
It marks the end of an
North Battleford over a number of decades.
But in reality, regular meetings at that location had been few and far between for most of the last four years.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had forced councillors to hold meetings virtually on the Zoom platform for an extended period of time starting in April 2020. For a period of time, council held live meetings at the Chapel Gallery which was considered spacious enough to accommodate social distancing.
The lengthy stretch of time away from City Hall prompted a discussion by council members about
whether to consider a permanent move of council meetings out of City Hall.
The decision was then made to move to Don Ross Centre Room 107 on a regular basis as of April 11, 2022. Don Ross Centre was already home to a number of city offices and Room 107 had been regularly utilized by the city for public presentations and open-house events in the past. The main reason cited was that Don Ross Centre was more accessible compared to the City Hall chamber, which can only be accessed by going up a flight of stairs.
Continued on Page 11
March 4,
Dear Editor
The other night whilst enjoying a bout of insomnia, I watched the 1962 edition of the MGM movie “Mutiny on the Bounty.” (The one with Marlon Brandon.)
Based on the events of 1789, the movie is a microcosm of anthropology and authoritarianism.
The crew from MGM spared no expense, obtaining the plans from the British Admiralty and having the shipyards in Lunenburg, N.S. built a replica of the wooden sailing ship.
The story had me reflecting on the incidence of incompetent and tyrannical governance at all levels. To quote Theodore Roosevelt, there also exists, “government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with the money touch but with ideals, which in their essence, are merely those of so many glorified pawnbrokers.”
My point is: we have the blueprints for democracy and good governance. Historically the humble and the wise have stepped forward and done their bit for humanity.
Tom Lamont MaidstoneDear Editor
Educate: to give intellectual and moral training; to provide schooling (etc.).
Education: educating, a systematic course of instruction, development of character and mental power (etc.).
That’s what anyone who can actually read can find in the Oxford Dictionary.
In 1969, I was among those attending a high school graduation The guest speaker told the audience that, since all the rural one-room schools were closed, children of the future would be bigger, better looking and better educated. His speech went over with an unheard thud.
“Bigger?” Oh, he had that one right. Community centres and halls have bought bigger, stronger chairs.
Get out your little machine and figure out how many years since 1969 (seniors can do it in their heads). Well, all those high school graduates will be seniors. When did obesity become an appalling problem?
We’ll leave that and go to “better looking.” Oh, piffle. “Better educated?” There’s a subject for a long discussion.
Those people who sat at that high school graduation, a polite and captive audience, had, most of them, gone to school in one-room schools. Many seniors there had come to Canada with their parents and although the Canadian government hurried to put a school system in the West, most of the children had to help on the pioneer homestead and their formal education might have ended
in Grade 6 or 8.
In the heyday of the one-room schools, when there was a large farming community, it was not unusual to see 30 to 32 students from Grades 1 to 9. Some of the teachers were so adept at managing their pupils that some of those pupils became teachers and modelled their methods on those teachers who guided them.
In the very early years here the teacher was the daughter of an English headmaster. Of course, a school inspector arrived one day and he saw among the pupils a small child. The teacher told him the child’s father, recovering from tuberculosis, was living apart from the family. His rather small (but feisty) wife and the two oldest children had to do the work on the farm. It was the day of real horsepower and real human power on the farm.
The middle children simply took the smallest child to school with them. (Both those middle children became registered nurses). No doubt the whole school kept the small non-student entertained.
Of course, the superintendent told the teacher she couldn’t have the child there then. Having done his duty he left, knowing very well the child would be in school the next day.
One of her brothers taught there a few years later. Again a school inspector came. He read samples of the students’ work then he exclaimed, when the students were at recess, “These cannot have been written by chil-
dren, the language is too good.”
Said Mr. Longton loftily, “They are using my language.”
In those days teachers would say “I” or “mine.” They didn’t have to say “we.”
Usually, however, they had two things working in their favour.
One, they didn’t have to exhaust themselves disciplining since most children came to school already disciplined.
Two, the Big Girls. If the Big Girls were decent girls, and they usually were, it was they who really kept order It was quite easy if they were pretty.
One of our teachers, knowing in those days farm children rarely saw money, taught us about money by using false money. Using cardboard coins and stiff paper money we ran a “store” and “sold” items and tried to learn how to make change. Was that not education?
Children in a one-room schoolhouse had no choice but to learn concentration, but when it came to literature there were times that pen and pencil lay still. One prime example would be when the grades had in their studies Alfred Noyes’ spine-tingling poem “The Highwayman.” In a few pages there was love, jealousy, betrayal, power, self-sacrifice — and oh, the rhythm of it.
This letter will be continued next week. Don’t miss it!
Christine Pike Waseca“Hallelujah, slice the dumpling, hallelujah cut it thin” are the first lines of a poem oft quoted by my father if something good or joyous happened. We would certainly be hearing them as he would have welcomed the recent heavy snowfall. Despite inconvenience to many, it will prove a multi-million dollar benefit to the Saskatchewan economy which seems rather well run in comparison to the incompetence at the federal level.
GST, introduced in 1991 at 7 per cent by the late conservative Prime Minister Mr. Mulroney, is currently 5 per cent, which is the lowest level compared to all other countries. In the U.K. GST (VAT) is 20 per cent while
in Denmark it is 28 per cent. This is deceiving since in this province we have a 6 per cent sales tax meaning purchases have a total of 11 per cent added on. Believe it or not this is still the lowest in comparison to other countries. The “Axe the Tax” campaign by Mr. Poilievre is presumably directed at the detested hay-maker
carbon tax and its staged increases, while today after 33 years we pay the GST with scarcely any demur. Aha, you suddenly say, and I agree, once in power Mr. Poilievre will at least modify the carbon tax but will increase the GST. How else is he going to pay for the plethora of programs he will inherit?
It is difficult to obtain figures, but it seems that GST as at present raises $8 billion per year. It could be raised three times to bring it to the U.K. level and four times to equal that in Denmark leaving PST untouched.
We now come to the three programs thought up by Mr. Singh which this Liberal minority government has been obliged to accept. In each case, it has been admitted that NCO or NFCO applies. Yes, even the ministers in
charge admit that these programs have not been fully costed out - not one! By far, the most alarming is pharmacare which in its complete and all-embracing form could finally bankrupt us. As envisaged by Mr. Singh, at an estimated annual cost of $40 billion per year, it would require a fivefold GST increase. No wonder Mr. Trudeau was MIA (missing in action) on pharmacare flag day.
Not surprisingly, Mr. Trudeau has been MIA on several occasions when questions were being asked in the House about the Arrive-Can App and the Winnipeg microbiology lab. staff problems, not staphylococcal problems, and possible escape of knowledge but not bugs as far as is known. Poor Mark Holland, Minister of Health, has been required to face these concerns having no healthcare, pharmaceutical or bacteriological training. Such shortcom-
Continued from Page 1 about the trip is because if extracurricular things are cancelled for that following week, then we won’t be able to go on the trip.”
And if the trip can’t go forward, Mannix says her family, but especially, her daughter will be disappointed.
“We were really looking forward to the trip. She’s super excited to go with her friends and to be able to perform there.
“So they will be, I think, very disappointed if they’re unable to go and, unfortunately, I don’t see It being rescheduled for this year ... My daughter is in Grade 10
so luckily for her, maybe she might be able to have a chance to go in Grade 11 and 12, if we kind of get rescheduled for the following years, but anybody who’s in Grade 12 This year, they definitely wouldn’t be able to go.”
Mannix is hoping, instead, that talks between the bargaining committees resume soon and job action is paused so that the trip will go ahead.
“I’m just hoping they go back to the table, and they start talking. I think there’s a lot of issues there that need to be addressed. And they need to talk, they need to work it out and find a so -
lution that is good for everybody that works for the teachers, but also works for the students and their best interests,” Mannix said.
“I’m just really hoping that, you know, they kind of take notice of how this is affecting the kids,” she added, saying that she realized that even though missing a trip is not the end of the world, it is something the NBCHS band has been fighting for.
“I think that these sanctions and things like that are going to continue or continue to get worse unless we go back to the table and figure this out.”
Seemingly, the impasse
Attention, winter anglers: all good things must end and the deadlines to get your fishing shelters off the ice are coming up quickly. But make sure your plan to remove your shelter is solid because, before you know it, the ice may not be.
In all areas of Saskatchewan south of Highway 16, ice fishing shelters must be removed from waterbodies by March 15, and by March
31 in the north. But whatever the deadline, know the conditions in your area and plan to remove your shelter while the ice is still safe.
Every year, ice fishing shelters are abandoned on Saskatchewan lakes with predictable results. The structures can break up and wash up on shore along with litter that’s often left behind, creating environmental hazards and an ugly mess.
Submerged debris is dangerous to boaters, wa-
Letters to the editor are welcomed by the Regional Optimist. All letters, including those which are faxed or emailed, must be signed and bear the address and telephone number of the writer. The name of the writer will be published. Letters are subject to editing. Personal attacks will not be printed. Letters will be rejected if they contain libelous statements or are unsigned.
ter skiers and others who want to enjoy our lakes in the summer. There can be other costs too, negligent owners can face hefty fines, and the structures and contents can be confiscated.
Ice fishing shelters must be marked on the outside with the owner’s complete name, address and phone number in legible letters at least 2.5 cm high. Owners must remove all structures and litter from the ice and transport them away. Shelters may not be left on the shore.
Take care while travelling on ice. Slush, thermal cracks and pressure ridges are all signs of unsafe ice. Ice thickness and strength can vary from area to area, so always check to make sure conditions are safe.
Ice fishing season closes on March 31 in southern and central Saskatchewan and on April 15 in the north.
ings seem common at the top in this government. Lack of relevant training is apparently no impediment to holding high office as exemplified by our Prime Minister and deputy prime minister and may explain
was reached as both the STF and the Government of Saskatchewan disagree on how to negotiate violence in schools and class complexity within the context of a bargaining agreement.
Both parties say the other side will not return to the table.
some of our country’s problems.
P.S. Does anyone know the rest of the dumpling poem, each line of which starts with hallelujah? The last line ends “it’s all done”.
Big Kids: $20 + tax Littles: $15 +tax
For tickets: 306-445-7700 dekkercentre.com
Running a ski hill isn’t easy. You’re constantly coping with unreliable weather, rising insurance costs, an aging infrastructure, transient workers, a tenuous supply chain and who knows what else. Now imagine having to handle all that without having a great vertical, or a majestic mountain setting or epic dumps of powder snow. Welcome to Table Mountain, Saskatchewan, where self-sufficiency isn’t just a clever catchword. It’s the key to their enduring success.
The Lasting Power of Foresight
In 1964, Irwin MacIntosh, Dr. Zacharias, and four other businessmen founded the Battlefords Ski Club and started skiing in the McMillan gravel pit in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Their folly was an instant hit, as other skiers and curious onlookers immediately joined in.
Realizing they needed a bigger, more promising peak, the club moved to nearby Prongua and its namesake hill. It, too, quickly proved to be too small for their fast-growing ski community. So Dr. Zacharias and Mr. MacIntosh took flight in the good doctor’s airplane in search
of a better hill. They narrowed their search down to two sites and eventually chose the smaller hill for one very big reason: water. With uncanny foresight, they realised that to succeed, their as yet unnamed hill would need water for snowmaking. Remember: this was 1969, when every respectable Western skier knew that snow came from good old Mother Nature, not artificial snowmaking guns.
Fuelled By Tireless Volunteers
Run and financed almost entirely by volunteers, the club leased the land, bought and moved the old Battleford Grand Trunk railway station, converted it into a ski lodge, cut trails and erected a rope tow. On January 1st, 1970, Table Mountain officially opened for business. It was such a resounding success that the club had
to improve the access road, add another rope tow and, to quote a fellow Prairie trailblazer, “put up a parking lot.” They also agreed to let Hunter’s Sport Shop provide the rental gear.
According to Lawrence Blouin, GM Table Mountain, the ski hill is managed as a regional park with board members appointed by the cities and rural municipality.
“But if you look at our clientele, we’re not really a community ski area anymore; probably 85 to 95 percent of our clients are an hour to an hour-and-ahalf away.”
“Some 60 per cent of our clientele comes from Saskatoon and all the school kids… draw a point halfway to Edmonton, and the majority of everything east of that comes to us.”
– Lawrence Blouin, GM Table Mountain
Continued on Page 7, 8
Continued from Page 6
A Change Of Ownership
Despite Table’s rising popularity, the club was hurting financially, so it asked the provincial government to declare the area regional parkland. In March 1973, the Battlefords Ski Club sold their hill to the newly established Table Mountain Regional Park Authority for $60,000. The club then invested all that money in the new park. Says Lawrence Blouin, “the original deal called for a 60/40 split. If the club applied for $100,000, the government would pay 60 percent and the club would pay 40 percent.” The other proviso was that, “the hill would have to be self-sufficient.”
Working with the prov-
ince, the club established a racing program and a Nancy Greene League. They installed an airless snowmaking system, built ski jumps and hosted hundreds of nordic and alpine competitors for the 1974 Saskatchewan Winter Games. More impressive still is that for every dollar the government invested, volunteers also donated five dollars worth of their time.
In 1981 the park was once again struggling financially. It asked the cities and boroughs of Battle River for help, and received about $64,000. Says Lawrence, “that’s the only money the regional municipalities have ever put into the park.”
To become more self-
sufficient, the club took over the rental shop and concession. Says Lawrence, “that’s when we started taking off. We paid off our mortgage in 1985, but we were still getting a bit of government funding through the regional park system.” Skier visits soared as folks from as far away as Saskatoon and halfway to Edmonton flocked to discover Table’s new chalet and chairlift, its bountiful man-made snow and more.
“In 1981 when I started here as a manager, I was told we had to get the place in shape or we were closing the doors. So we kinda turned things around.”
– Lawrence Blouin, GM Table Mountain No More Provincial Funding
The 1990s were chal-
lenging times for the ski industry. Skier visits kept dropping off while insurance and infrastructure costs skyrocketed. T-bars and rope tows were out. High-speed quads were in. Compounding matters, says Lawrence, “the province wasn’t very healthy financially, so they cut out regional parks. They said, ‘no more funding. You guys have to look after yourselves.’ We’ve been entirely self-sufficient, without any government funding, since 1991.”
“The key,” says Lawrence is that, “all the revenue stays with us. The lift ticket sales, the canteen, equipment rentals, the lessons, basically all the revenues that are generated in the regional park, stay in the park. We just have to
budget, cover our expenses and make sure we have enough left over for any surprises. We try to keep it as competitive as possible, because we don’t want to overprice ourselves out of the market.”
“We’re a little jewel in the prairie. If you go back to the 1970s, there were about 14 or 15 areas in the province. I think we’re down to two or three bigger areas and a couple of smaller ones. But the ones that are left, I think are doing a fantastic job.”
— Lawrence Blouin, Table Mountain Table Mountain Today
While Table once enjoyed a record 87,000-skier visits, it now averages about 70,000 annually depending on the weather. Saskatchewan’s population is also
aging. While immigrants, many from Southeast Asia, are filling that gap, Lawrence has observed that the first generation is “not that big on skiing or snowboarding. But the second and third generations will be, so our numbers are slowly climbing back up.” They’re rising with very good reason.
Table Mountain now boasts two quads, two magic carpets, 5.9 km of trails, a terrain park and a tubing park. Its ski racing team is one of the best in the province. And before you scoff, remember this: Alpine ski racing great Jungle Jim Hunter was born and bred in Saskatchewan. Ditto three-time Olympic medallist and iconic snowboarder Mark McMorris. Any questions?
The Queen’s Hotel came down Friday of last week, after demolition being delayed due to stormy and extremely cold weather. In addition to the photos and story in last week’s News-Optimist, you can find more photos from the interior and exterior before the demolition as well as video of it coming down on our website at www.sasktoday.ca. Just search the website for the Queen’s Hotel or look under the North Local News feed. | Photo by Miguel Fenrich
Between April and December of last year, 71,850 procedures have been performed, which is an increase of 6,000 procedures over December 2022. Thousands more patients are receiving the procedures they need thanks to the tireless effort, leadership and collaboration of our surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and care teams.
Eager Battlefords Art Club members attended two sessions on the use of drywall to create texture. These artists should be proud of what they created and learned as you can attest from the accompanying photos. The goal of this experimental endeavour was to demonstrate the process of using the drywall compound along with a method for blending colours. Club members had an opportunity to examine various designs before working with the drywall.
An abstract format was chosen for them to learn the technique. It was interesting to see how the members, with different artistic styles and skills, progressed throughout the two sessions. Some of the realist artists opted to blend realism within their pieces, with success.
Learning is not always a smooth process. As adults, we often fear learning new things, so hats off to the fearless artists who took this learning opportunity.
If you are interested in joining the Battlefords Art Club, contact us at: battlefordsartclub@gmail.com.
The Battlefords Music Festival committee is once again offering “booster programs” for teachers in the area. A local music instructor applies to the festival committee to bring in a clinician/teacher to boost learning for students. All that is asked in return for this support is entering the students or group in the 2024 music festival.
This year, Chinley Hinacay is organizing a booster program workshop for local instrumentalists. Hinacay, an accomplished young conductor and saxophonist, is currently the band director and general manager of the North Battleford City Kinsmen Band as well as the artistic director for the Calgary Youth Wind Ensemble. Hinacay hopes to enhance music education in the Battlefords by bringing in an established clinician to work for two days with the North Battleford Kinsmen Band, John Paul II Collegiate Band and the North Battleford Comprehensive High School bands. The goal of this is to supplement each group’s preparation for the upcoming festival. The clinician being brought to the Battlefords for this project is Dr. Glen Gillis.
Gillis is a professor of music at the University of Saskatchewan. He conducts the concert band and several saxophone ensembles. He teaches saxophone, conducting and music education courses. He supports graduate students in music education and performance streams at the University of Saskatchewan. As an educator and scholar, he has written many articles that appear
Gillis will present a band music “booster” program as a component of the Battlefords Kiwanis Music Festival. |
Photo submitted
in the Canadian Music Educator and Canadian Winds about conducting, woodwind pedagogy and music education.
Gillis has presented clinics at several international and national music conferences such as the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles Conference, both regional and national college band directors national conferences, the Texas Music Educators Association Convention, the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities and the U of S Fine Arts Research Lecture Series.
Gillis is active as a clinician and adjudicator for solo/ensemble festivals and workshops as well as guest conducting provincial honour bands, the Saskatoon
Youth Orchestra, and the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra.
Gillis is also a respected saxophonist. As a member of the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, his diverse performance career and musical experience have spanned over three decades in the realms of classical and jazz, with many published compositions for saxophone and band. He continues to maintain an active schedule in saxophone performance. He has performed at numerous international music conferences (World Saxophone Congresses and North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial and Regional Conferences) and has appeared as a guest soloist with orchestras and wind ensembles in Canada. In 2020 he co-released an album with didgeridooist Dr. James Cunningham on DGC Sonic Eclipse through Hoot/Wisdom Recordings (Boca, Raton, Florida).
In 2012, he toured China and performed at five city/university venues that included: Beijing, Tianjin, Xi’an, Kunming and Shanghai. Gillis has served as an artist-in-residence at the Banff Centre in Alberta on five occasions. As an original member of the Saskatoon Saxophone Quartet, he leads the ensemble that performs special functions in and around Saskatoon.
“My songs emerge from my life, or wherever they do, unbidden and unplanned and completely on a schedule of their own.” — David Crosby, an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist who found fame as a member of the Byrds and was later part of the supergroup Crosby, Stills & Nash, 1941-2023
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Continued from Page 3
Even after the move, the Don Ross meeting space still had a “temporary” feel as the venue remained in need of extensive upgrades to address a host of issues, including the sound quality.
Finally, in October 2023, the long-awaited renovations commenced at the Don Ross location. When those were announced last fall, the city stated it would involve construction and installation of a new city council bench and administrative tables, lighting improvements, new doors and a dropped-tile ceiling, technology improvements to audio and video, and sound-absorbing panelling on the walls.
To accommodate construction, council relocated back to their old City Hall venue, where they
continued to hold regular council and Planning Committee meetings, as well as 2024 budget deliberations, up until Monday night. The final council meeting at City Hall was a relatively routine one, with agenda items including an update from Citizens on Patrol as well as from Canadian Mental Health Association - Battlefords on the David Laird Campground agreement renewal.
To mark the official end of meetings in the City Hall chamber, City Manager Randy Patrick presented each of the councillors with a keepsake: their nameplates from their desks. He explained those wouldn’t be needed at the Don Ross location, which will feature new name tags. Patrick described the
new venue as “a very nice Council chamber with really good sound” — a reference to the sound quality issues the city has had at meetings previously, including at City Hall.
Council members are looking forward to finally making “permanent” their move to the Don Ross Centre.
“It’s very exciting, very exciting that will be able to have a new chamber operating at the next meeting,” said Mayor David Gillan.
As for the old City Hall venue, it’s not clear what will become of the old chambers, though Gillan noted it could still be used in the event of an emergency.
While the grand opening is March 4, the first actual council meeting in the newly-renovated Don Ross venue will not be until March 11.
PROTECTION – FAMILY SERVICES WORKER – 2 positions: Reporting to the Family Services Manager, the Family Services Worker is responsible for investigating allegations of neglect, physical or sexual abuse; assessing family functioning; determining risk factors to the children’s safety; implementing intervention plans; providing support services to the family; working with the courts; managing the needs of children admitted into care; placement in foster and alternate resources, assessment and treatment planning to ensure that individual health, social psychological and education needs are met and preparation to return home.
The successful candidates will have a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work. Consideration will be given for candidates with other degrees that would involve working with children and families. Experience in Emergency Duty (EDW) work. EDW supervision an asset. Will be required to travel and work flexible hours.
Applicants must maintain a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle while on Keyanow property and on duty. Maintain confidentiality. Provide a clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and Driver’s abstract annually.
Please submit your application with 3 professional references to: hr@ kcfcentre.com; fax (306) 445-5568 or drop off at 691 – 109th Street, North Battleford, Sask.
We thank all applications and wish to advise that only those individuals who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.
Candidates granted an interview will be required to submit a current clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and driver’s abstract.
Cut Knife-Turtleford
MLA Ryan Domotor has issued an apology in the Legislative Assembly after his arrest last fall for procuring sexual services.
Domotor has recently completed an alternative measures program in connection to the criminal charge, which was laid following a human trafficking sting operation last fall by Regina police. Prosecutors had stayed the criminal charge in court on Feb. 1 following Domotor’s completion of that program.
Monday was the first sitting day back in the Legislature for all members since that court date. At the very start of proceedings, Domotor rose and said he was apologizing to his Legislature colleagues and to the people of Saskatchewan for his actions.
His full comments are as follows:
“At the time of my incident last fall, I was struggling emotionally with things that were happening in my personal life and my marriage. This affected my mental health, and my lapse in judgment, which resulted in me making a decision I will regret for the rest of my life. “This is not a reflection of the government, or myself as an individual, but a reflection of what was hap -
Cut Knife-Turtleford MLA, Ryan Domotor has apologized to the Legislature over his criminal charge last fall.
| News-Optimist file photo
pening in my personal life at that time. Again, I regret what I tried to do, and I apologize to my family, my constituency assistant, the constituents of Cut KnifeTurtleford, the Premier,
and all the members of this Assembly, as well as any government officials that may have been affected by my actions.
“I’ve heard the Premier say on several occasions we can’t do this without the love and support of our family, and I believe that is so very, very true. I think we all have to remember that as members, elected officials, that we are just like regular people, and sometimes we make mistakes just like private individuals do in their lives. Some are major, some are minor, but we probably all know somebody who’s either said something or done something that they truly wish they could redo or take back.
“I can’t change what I tried to do that day, but it is something that I am truly sorry for and will regret for the rest of my days. I apologize again to everyone in this assembly, and to the people of Saskatchewan. Thank you.”
As per our Investment Policy #07/03, the Foundation is seeking proposals for the management of our investment portfolio.
Complete information at www.bdcf.ca
Submission deadline is April 30, 2024.
The Battlefords Community Players perform their first play of the year, An Inspector Calls, pictured here before opening night on Thursday, Feb. 29. Saturday, March 9 is the final show of the 10-day run. The cast includes (left to right) Holly Briant (Sheila Birling), Kali Weber (Mrs. Birling), Fraser Glen (Mr. Birling), Tom Claxton (Gerald Croft), Lewis Ackerman (Eric Birling), Marie Taylor (Edna), Miguel Fenrich (Inspector Goole.) This play will be performed opening night at TheatreFest this year at the Dekker Center, April 21. | Photo submitted.
March 5 marked a donation of $10,000 from Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) and Gold Eagle Casino to the Battlefords District Food and Resource Centre.
This donation is a part of several donations set to be made across Saskatchewan communities in the coming weeks, as SIGA invests $225,000 into food security.
“The Battlefords District Food and Resource Centre is thrilled to receive the donation from SIGA,” said Executive Director Erin Katerynch in a SIGA press release.
“The money will help the community in two ways. With the money donated, we will be able to provide for 780 children struggling with food insecurity through our Food for Kids Program. We help approximately 100130 children every week throughout the school year.
“Secondly, Battlefords District Food and Resource Centre has no core funding. We rely on dona-
tions and grants to keep our doors open to serve those in need. The donation from SIGA will help feed approximately 2,000 people a month,” added Katerynych.
SIGA is a non-profit corporation which reinvests all net revenue back into Saskatchewan.
Casino net revenue is redistributed as follows, noted Pat Cook with SIGA:
• 50 per cent to the First Nations Trust (which is distributed to the 74 First Nations in the province),
• 25 per cent to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) which reinvests the money back into local community initiatives; and
• 25 per cent to the provincial General Revenue Fund
“Gold Eagle Casino is a part of the Battlefords community, and it was important for us to give back and to help fill the need right now in the community for food hampers,” said Gold Eagle Casino General Manager Kelly Atcheynum.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at Radisson hosted the 2024 World Day of Prayer service on the afternoon of March 1 with more than 35 in attendance from Borden and Radisson. The service, written by the women of Palestine, predates the current war in the region. The service was based on Ephesians 4:1-4, “I beg you bear with one another in love.”
The service was on a computer plugin and shown on a projector screen. MC was Miriam Loessin who gave the background of the service. Women from Nova Scotia were the readers and they led the prayers. Three women from across Canada told the stories of three women living in Palestine, describing what they to suffer to follow whatever religion they chose.
Children were asked, “What is Peace?” and they gave their answers. The service closed with responsive prayers and prayers of the people for everyone to participate in. Linda Hosegood played the organ for music before and after the service. Following the service everyone was invited to the Lower Hall for lunch, consisting of foods – olives, figs, desserts, squares and cookies —
I. General Information
A. Purpose. This request for proposal (RFP) is to contract for legal services to be provided to Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. effective May 15, 2024.
B. Who May Respond. Only attorneys who are currently licensed to practice law in Canada and maintain an office in Saskatchewan , or law firms including such attorneys, may respond to this RFP.
C. Instructions on Proposal Submission.
1. Closing Submission Date. Proposals must be submitted no later than 5:00pm on March 29, 2024.
2. Inquiries. Inquiries concerning this RFP should be mailed to:
Patricia Whitecalf
Executive Director
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
PO Box 1658
North Battleford, SK S9A 3W2
Or emailed to: patricia.whitecalf@brt6hc.ca
3. Conditions of Proposal. All costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal responding to this RFP will be the responsibility of the Offeror and will not be reimbursed by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
4. Instructions to Prospective Contractors. Your proposal should be addressed as follows:
Patricia Whitecalf Executive Director
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
PO Box 1658
North Battleford, SK S9A 3W2
It is important that the Offeror’s proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked in the lower left-handed corner with the following information:
Request for Proposal
Time and Date
Sealed Proposal for Legal Services
Failure to do so may result in premature disclosure of your proposal. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to ensure that the proposal is received by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc., by the date and time specified above. Late proposals will not be considered.
Or emailed to: patricia.whitecalf@brt6hc.ca
5. Right to Reject. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP. A contract for the accepted proposal will be drafted based upon the factors described in this RFP.
6. Small and/or Minority/Owned Businesses. Efforts will be made by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. to utilize small businesses, women and/or minority owned businesses. Offeror qualifies as a small business firm if it meets the definition of “small business” as established by the Small Business Administration.
7. Notification of Award. It is expected that a decision selecting the successful Firm will be made within two (2) weeks of the closing date for the receipt of proposals. Upon conclusion of final negotiations with the successful Firm, all Offerors submitting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal will be informed, in writing, of the name of the successful consultant. It is expected that the contract shall be a contract for work performed within the time frame listed above with a fixed price and an option for renewal.
D. Description of Entities. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. serves the communities of Sweetgrass First Nation, Lucky Man Cree First Nation, Poundmaker Cree First Nation and Little Pine First Nation. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. is a non-profit corporation and has been determined to be exempt from Federal Income Tax.
Battleford Family Health Centre Inc. and 101058848 Saskatchewan Inc.
Our Mission:
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. builds engaged and wholistic communities through:
• Client focused and family centred care
• Honoring traditional values; and
• Promoting and supporting the wholistic health of people living in our member communities.
that would be eaten from the chosen country, most of it prepared by Gertrude Maxwell.
In the Lower Hall, the Cotton Pickin’ Quilters had a display of quilts that would be going to charity later on and the tables were decorated with toy cattle, camels and other items about Palestine.
The Borden Friendship Club held their monthly potluck supper on Thursday, Feb. 29 with close to 50 out to enjoy the evening. There were no birthdays to celebrate although we had cake for dessert then Celtic Country were introduced to entertain for the evening. With two of the group sick, Bob Wardhaugh played keyboard and accordion and Ed Neufeld played his guitar. Archie Wainwright assisted with the singing. The trio donned tartan caps with red hair attached for one number.
If the roads are passable, St. John’s Anglican Church hopes to have a luncheon at the church on March 4 with proceeds to Telemiracle. Radisson Seniors’ bingo is March 4 at 7 p.m. Borden Lions meet March 7 and the Borden and Radisson seniors’ club members are invited for supper and program at Langham on Saturday, March 9 with 56 from Borden and 29 from Radisson planning to attend.
II. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Offeror shall be readily available to perform the following legal services, as requested by the Executive Director and/or Board of Directors:
1. Review, draft, and negotiate contracts and leases
2. Advise on corporate and tax-exempt organization legal issues
3. Advise on individual labor and employment matters
4. Review personnel, fiscal and other policies, as well as corporate by-laws
5. Attend Board of Directors and Committee meetings as necessary
6. Advise on government grant and contract issues
7. Advise on responses to subpoenas, court orders, and requests for information from third parties
8. Defend lawsuits, administrative claims, or other legal claims
9. Conduct litigation as necessary
10. Other legal services as needed
Although it is preferable for an attorney or firm to submit a proposal covering all of the above areas, Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. will consider proposals for subsets of these areas. Offeror shall be prepared to submit detailed billing statements for all services billed at an hourly rate, if any, broken down into time increments of no more than a quarter hour. Offeror shall also include summaries of work performed and time spent on services performed under the flat monthly fee, as discussed below.
III. PROPOSAL CONTENTS. The Offeror, in its proposal, shall, as a minimum, include the following;
A. Legal Experience. The Offeror should describe its legal experience, including the names, addresses, contact pe sons, and telephone numbers of at least three clients, preferably
1. Experience advising nonprofit organizations
2. Experience advising clients conducting similar programs and government-funded services
B. Organization, Size, Structure, and Areas of Practice. If the Offeror is a firm, it should describe its organization, size, structure, areas of practice, and office location(s). Indicate, if appropriate, if the firm is a small or minority owned business. Also include copy of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy, if the firm has one.
C. Attorney Qualifications. The Offeror should have experience in the following areas: non-profit and tax-exempt organizations; The Offeror should describe the qualifications of attorneys to be assigned to the representation. Descriptions should include:
1. Professional and education background of each attorney.
2. Overall supervision to be exercised.
3. Prior experience of the individual attorneys with respect to the required experience listed above. Only| include resumes of attorneys likely to be assigned to the representation. Education, position in firm, years and types of experience, and continuing professional education will be considered.
D. Price. The Offeror’s proposed price should include information on the hourly billing rates of each attorney or other legal staff who is expected to work on this representation and charges for expenses, if any, such as legal research, copies, and faxes. Also include a monthly flat fee that would be charged to advise on routine matters that could be handled over the telephone or otherwise without extensive research or other legal work. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. reserves the right to negotiate with the Offeror on the structure of the billing and/or retainer fee.
IV. Proposal Evaluation
A. Submission of Proposals. All proposals shall include an original and 5 copies.
B. Evaluation Procedure and Criteria. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.’s Executive Director and appropriate staff will review proposals and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval. The Executive Director and/or Board of Directors may request a meeting with some qualified Offerors prior to final selection. Proposals will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
1. Proposed approach to scope of work.
2. Level of experience of the individual(s) identified to work on this matter.
3. The Offeror’s experience with similar clients and legal matters.
4. Response from references.
5. Cost.
6. Interviews, if conducted.
BELL: Annie (Anne) Leonora Bell nee: Wing February 27, 1923 February 27, 2024 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Anne Bell who passed away in Calgary, Alberta on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 peacefully at the age of 100. Anne was born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. She worked as a practical nurse most of her career in Vancouver, British Columbia and moved to Canmore, Alberta in 2021 to be close to family. Anne touched everyone’s lives with her witty, endearing spirit and quick sense of humour. We would like to thank the staff at Origin at Spring Creek and all health care professionals for the incredible care Anne received. Anne will be dearly missed by all those who knew her. A private celebration of Anne’s life will be held at a future date. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family via the website www.fostersgardenchapel.ca.
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SAUNDERS: Margaret (Peggy) Yvonne Saunders (nee Bidart) - March 29, 1936 - February 6, 2024. Peggy Saunders of Sherwood Park, Alberta, passed away on Tuesday, February 6, at the age of 87. Peggy passed away peacefully with her beloved family by her side. Peggy was predeceased by her loving husband of 65 years, Cal, in 2022. Peggy will forever be remembered by her children, James (Colleen) and Patti-Jo (Trent); grandchildren Austin (Bev), Brennen, Ryley (Baylee), Jack (Kaylee), and Erin-Marie, as well as numerous relatives and friends. At Peggy’s request, no funeral service will be held. Peggy was a very giving individual, and we ask that in her memory, friends and family perform a purposeful act or extension of kindness from their hearts. She will be forever in our hearts.
SCHMIRLER: Mrs. Alpha Schmirler passed away on January 31, 2024 at the age of 90 years. Alpha was born April 19, 1933 to parents Art and Isabella “Mildred” Fonda. As an infant she got the nickname “Bubbles” and for most of her life she was always known as “Bubbles” or “Bub”. She was born at Rabbit Lake and raised on the farm at Bournemouth, Saskatchewan. She worked at the Medstead Creamery before she married George Schmirler in 1953. They owned the John Deere Dealership in Medstead for a few years, then farmed till retirement. Alpha took pride, and it gave her joy to tend to her garden and yard. She enjoyed canning fruit, meat and vegetables. She also enjoyed camping and fishing with family and friends. Her religious faith was also a very important part of her life. Family meant everything to her, and she loved us all. She is survived by her children: Albert “Abe” (Caren) Schmirler, Judy (Grant) Hipkiss, Gerald (Carol) Schmirler; grandchildren: Gregory (Jill) Schmirler, Nicole (Matthew) Ryall, Shawn (Tina) Hipkiss, Cara (James) Dzialo; greatgrandchildren: Tyson and Aubrey Schmirler, Drey and Daxon Ryall, Connor and Kaiden Hipkiss, Grayson Dzialo. She was predeceased by her husband, George Schmirler; parents: Art and Mildred Fonda; brothers: Allan (Beatrice) Fonda, Everette (Shirley) Fonda and Louie (Joyce) Fonda. A Graveside Service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers memorial donations in memory of Mrs. Alpha Schmirler can be directed to the Villa Pascal 1301 113th St North Battleford, SK S9A 3K1. Condolences for the family can be left at www.eternalmemoriesfuneral.ca Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service & Crematorium. Card of Thanks The family would like to thank the nurses and staff at the ‘Poplar Courts’ in Wilkie, SK and ‘Villa Pascal’ North Battleford, SK for the outstanding care she received.
62nd DRAGGINS CAR SHOWMarch 29 & 30 at Prairieland Park, Saskatoon. Check out the “Battle of the Automotive Technicians”!. Draggins Rod & Custom Car Club. Visit our website; Draggins.com.
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Positions: President Vice
[Section 82 of the Act]
Town of Radisson
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office of:
Councillor of the Town of Radisson
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the above said office will take place and the following person is elected by acclamation:
Duane Flath
Norma Stumborg
Returning Officer
Public Notice –Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Resort Village of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay (RV) intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No. 3/14, known as the Zoning Bylaw.
INTENT: The proposed amendment would rezone a parcel of land within the RV from UR – Urban Reserve District to R – Residential District to accommodate a proposed three-lot residential subdivision and future residential development.
AFFECTED LAND: The affected lands are part of Parcel N, Plan 00B12783, which is located near the east boundary of the RV.
REASON: The reason for the amendment is to provide for the three-lot residential subdivision and future residential development
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw and related map at the Resort Village Office between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Tuesday to Wednesday, excluding any statutory Holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost or by emailing rvkmb@myaccess.ca and asking for a copy. A copy of the map showing the land to be rezoned is available at the following web address: rvkmb@myaccess.ca.
PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing at 5:00 PM on Monday, March 18, 2024 in the RV office to hear any person or group that wishes to comment on the proposed amendment. Written submissions will be received by the undersigned at the RV office located at 67 Lakeshore Dr., Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay, SK, by email to rvkmb@myaccess.ca, or by mail to Box 120, Livelong, SK S0M 1J0 prior to the hearing. The RV office can also be reached during regular office hours at (306) 845-3336.
Issued by the Resort Village of Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay this 27th day of February, 2024.
Land Description:
1172 104th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
DotAndrews Municipal Administrator
Lot 8 Blk/Par 29 Plan No. B2991 Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrance contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted.
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance.
10. Residential, vacant lot.
11. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Minimum Bid: $44,069.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024. All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 115th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
NW of Kildeer Park, North Battleford, Saskatchewan Blk Par 8
Plan No. AA4279 Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessanly accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold "as is". Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance
10. Bare land.
11. Successful offeror(s ) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Property to be sold as one package (bids on individual lots will not be accepted).
13. Minimum Bid: $16,233.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.
ca under the tab "Land Tenders". For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros @cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024
All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked "Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender-115th Street" and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291102 Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 223, Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
1211 108th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Lot 19 Blk/Par 91
Plan No. C4240 Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted.
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance.
10. Residential, vacant lot.
11. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Minimum Bid: $67,704.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024. All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 115th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
1161 – 1165 100th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Lot 17 Blk/Par 4
Plan No. B1929CNV Ext. 0
Lot 18 Blk/Par 4
Plan No. B1929CNV Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted.
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance.
10. Commercial Properties – both vacant.
11. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Property to be sold as one package (bids on individual properties will not be accepted).
13. Minimum Bid: $347,497.00.
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024. All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 115th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
1621 104th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Lot 18 Blk/Par 85
Plan No. C4240 Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted.
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance.
10. Residential, vacant lot.
11. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Minimum Bid: $83,665.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024
All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 115th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3,
Attention: Michelle Spence
Land Description:
1272 98th Street, North Battleford, Saskatchewan Lot 8 Blk/Par 2
Plan No. B3891 Ext. 0
1. For sale by tender subject to the reservations, exceptions and encumbrances contained on the existing certificates of title, but free and clear of any mortgage encumbrances.
2. Mineral titles not included.
3. All offers to be in writing in the form provided and accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10% of offer amount payable to Battle River Law in Trust. Cheques will be returned without interest if offer is not accepted.
4. Balance of the purchase price of the successful offer, plus GST (if applicable), to be paid to Battle River Law in Trust by the Possession Date or the deposit will be forfeited.
5. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.
6. Purchaser will be responsible for payment of any applicable GST.
7. Property taxes to be adjusted as of the possession date.
8. Property sold “as is”. Bidders are assumed to rely solely on their own inspection of the land and the titles.
9. Possession date: Within 30 days of acceptance.
10. Lot includes home, one shed and single detached garage.
11. Successful offeror(s) to enter formal purchase agreement following tender.
12. Minimum Bid: $59,920.00
The Form of Offer to Purchase to be used by bidders, as well as pictures of the property, can be found at www.battleriverlaw.ca under the tab “Land Tenders”. For more information contact: Jennifer Eros, 306-445-1700, jeros@cityofnb.ca
Offers must be received no later than 12:00pm on April 16, 2024. All Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Do Not Open: City of North Battleford Tender – 115th Street” and delivered to: Battle River Law, #201, 1291 – 102nd Street (Box 905), North Battleford, SK, S9A 2Z3, Attention: Michelle Spence
I’m a two year old Shepherd cross that just loves to cuddle! If you want a loyal and handsome man in your life, then look no further! He has been in the shelter for 120 days!
2 years 11 months Male. He has spent 275 days at the shelter! I am a staff favourite and I love to please people. I am a happy and loving dog, who is always excited to greet people, and just want some love.
In our quiet, friendly Village of Medstead Bright, clean, comfortable 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites in a 6-plex Unit. Ground entrance, no stairs, private parking with power, interior and exterior entrance.
Rent includes: heat, water, fridge, stove, microwave, and shared laundry room. Walking distance to our thriving school, grocery store, credit union, garage, friendly pub and eatery, and post office. Ball diamonds, curling and skating arena. A couple new fantastic playgrounds.
20 minute drive to several beaches & golf courses.
For more info, contact Avaline Jesse 306-441-0790
TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Glaslyn intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described as LOT 10-BLK/PAR 1-PLAN AH4170 EXT 0, Title No. 154595795.
The municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the tax lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 197280030 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a certificate of title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the municipality. For any questions about the tax enforcement process please contact Taxervice at 1-877-734-3113.
Dated this 7th day of March, 2024.
Kate Clarke, Treasurer Village of Glaslyn
A good-sized crowd at Rabbit Lake’s snowmobile rally supper last Saturday night. | Photo by Elaine Woloshyn
By Elaine Woloshyn CorrespondentTwo snow storms within a week have some remarking the abundance of the white stuff was to be here for Christmas. The incredible snow drifts created by the unforgiving wind created some insurmountable obstacles. The last big dumping we had was in 2013 if I remember correctly. In a few weeks, conversations will be about bedding plants and Easter.
An open bonspiel in Spiritwood is scheduled for
• The position is 2 days per week (Currently Mon/Tue 8:30-4:30)
• Experience in LGA an asset
• Bookkeeping skills an asset
• Familiar with Munisoft an asset
Deadline for applicants is March 15th
Submit resume to: ksr@sasktel.net
Duties to commence as soon as position is filled
No. 351
Box 460 Luseland, Saskatchewan S0L 2A0
Phone: 306-372-4322
E-mail: rm351@sasktel.net
Fax: 306-372-4146
Experience and/or exposure to heavy equipment such as construction or farm equipment is an asset. The candidate must have well developed interpersonal, motivational and team skills, be able to take direction and work independently Skills & Abilities
• Valid Driver’s License
• Class 1A would be an asset
Type of Work Experience
• Grading municipal roads
• Roadside mowing
• Culvert installations
• Signage & repairs
• Mechanical experience to perform general maintenance and equipment repair
• Other duties as required
Type of Equipment Operated
• Volvo Grader
• Cat Grader
• Case Grader
• Back Hoe
• Bush Hog Mower
• Case/Kubota Tractor
Applicants are invited to submit a resume including:
• Past experience and present work experience
• Certifications
• Expected Wage
• Three references
Qualified applicants are invited to submit a resume by: mail, email or fax.
The R.M. of Progress welcomes all applicants, however, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted
March 14 to 17. Entry fee is $320 per team including a banquet and comedian. Call or text 306 883-7545 for more information.
Despite the lousy weather conditions, the snowmobile enthusiasts were happy with the Rabbit Lake rally this past Saturday ending with a dance. The firstplace winners were Jayla and Kali Scott of Leoville going home with $5,000. Terry Rawlyk of the Battlefords won second prize of $2,500 and third place of $1,250 was awarded to Russell Aumack of Rabbit Lake.
People attended the breakfast starting at 8 a.m. and a 5 p.m. hot roast beef supper. A dance followed the draws but with the storm in full blast, many left early. There were 120 snowmobile enthusiasts registered and approxi-
mately 175 people for the supper.
Mark your calendars for the annual fish fry in Mayfair Hall Saturday, March 30. This is sponsored by the Thickwood Hills Wildlife Federation. More details to come the week before this event.
The weather that we have experienced may not be soon forgotten as when has it ever occurred that shopping malls in Saskatoon were closed on Sunday? Even on Monday many stores and businesses were closed as the employees could not get to work. People were told to stay at home as the accumulation of snow made horrific travelling. Emergency calls were well taken care of and it is comforting to know that we live in a wonderful province even if we endure hardships.
Are accepting applications for a permanent part time office/administrative assistant. Hours are expected to be 20 -25/week, although additional time may be required occasionally. Scheduling can be flexible to an extent.
The successful applicant will undertake various duties for both the R.M of Cut Knife & the Park Authority.
Previous office experience will be an asset to placement with preference given to applicants that have a strong grasp of the English language both verbal and written. Familiarity with web related projects and applications, Microsoft Office, accounts payable, payroll and general office duties as well as the ability to take on unexpected tasks as necessary will be considered beneficial.
A benefits package and pension plan are available.
Only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Apply by resume with cover letter to the attention of:
The R.M. of Cut Knife No.439
P.O. Box 70, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0
114 Broad Street Cut Knife, SK
Email: rm439@sasktel.net
Application Deadline: March 15th, 2024
Dennis and Valerie Lakatos have expressed sincere gratitude to all who have reached out in their immediate time of need following the fire.
In addition to the ongoing Synergy Credit Union and GoFundMe accounts, Maidstone AG Foods has also opened an account for people to help out towards groceries. The online auction is up and running at 32auctions.com until March 31. Just go to the website, log in or register, and start bidding on the many terrific items. All support is greatly appreciated.
Ratushniak Elementary
School sends a big shoutout to those who provide them with hot lunches: A & S Corner Store, Sunny’s, Lou’s and Sue’s, Mrs. Bellin’s MHS Home Economics class, as well as staff and volunteers who make the in-house meals. Thank you, everyone. The Kin Club of Maidstone reported that of the $18,800 donated to Telemiracle, Ratushniak Elementary School’s skate-a-thon raised $7,400. What a terrific job! Congratulations to Lorna Foster on winning the AG Foods 50-second shopping spree. Lorna grabbed a great variety of items and took home $345.82 worth of free groceries.
Maidstone High School
curling teams came home with medals from the Battle River playoffs with junior boys winning silver and junior girls taking gold. They both advance to districts this week.
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night before you go to bed. It’s time to “spring ahead” on Sunday, March 10 at 2 a.m. With the huge snowfall we just got, it’s hard to think that spring will soon be here.
Maidstone’s Spring Market will take place on Sunday, March 24 at the Legion Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be by Maidstone Quilting Squares. Admission is free.
Maidstone Kin Club has an Easter Family Dance
coming up on Thursday, Mar. 28 at the Legion Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the dance starts at 7 p.m. Cost is: family $25, adult $10, kids five to 9 nine $5 and under five free. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Registration is open for
the Wilton Outdoor Soccer season in Lashburn. Dates and cost are: U5 – May 20 to June 27 Monday/Thursday (six weeks) 6 to 6:45 p.m. $60; U7/U9 – May 13 to July 4 Monday/Thursday (eight weeks) 6 to 7 p.m. $100; U11/U13/U15 – May 6 to July 11 Monday/Thursday (10 weeks) 6 to 7:15 p.m. $140. Field locations to be confirmed. RAMP link http://wiltonsoccerclub.rampregistra -
tions.com/participant with registration closing Apr. 12.
Saturday and Sunday, March 9-10 – Ladies’ curling bonspiel. Call Melanie 780-808-0592.
Wednesday, March 13Ecumenical Llenten lunch at United Church CE Wing 12:05 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, March 16 and 17 - Maidstone Skating Carnival.
Continued from Page 3 Statistics Canada told SASKTODAY.ca that they understand the concerns that have been raised and that they continue to work in close collaboration and welcome the feedback provided by trusted partners.
“The Crime Severity Index (CSI) was developed in 2009, in collaboration with
academics, federal, municipal, and federal police services, and several federal and provincial departments, to provide a way to report on changes in crime severity in Canada,” said Statistics Canada.
“There have been no changes to the methodology or the manner in which we disseminate the index
since then,” they added.
“Statistics Canada remains committed to working with municipal officials, Indigenous leaders, and our partners in justice and public safety organizations to provide Canadians with comprehensive and meaningful crime statistics that reflect the appropriate context.”
ging out the snow blowers and shovels.
As for shovels, we can look to the west of town and see bigger shovels busy at work. The cloak of communication is due to be lifted in another month or so, so until then look from outside the fence and use your imagination.
Joan Marie Galat was welcomed to our village by Mayor Dave Konopski Feb. 27. A welcoming committee also included the Meota Girls Club and librarian Brenda Zurowski. The event was hosted by the Meota Public Library. Local sponsors contributing to the evening included: the United-Anglican Church, the Meota Lake Shore Lions Club, ADRA and the Village of Meota.
Joan has done a great deal of research and has written books on the subject of native folklore as it relates to the night sky. She has documented the stories that have been passed down through generations around campfires and in teepees in ages gone by.
An attentive audience of nearly 30 people was able to attend and benefit from Joan’s years of research into this ancient culture.
The clearing of snow
and weeds on First West heralds the coming of new neighbours and of the anticipation of spring. We welcome back southern travellers Marcel and Annette Duhaime, Verne Iverson and, coming soon, Terry and Carole Tait. Marcel had our mouth watering with his frequent visits to Yuma’s golf courses. With that, we can all be aware of the annual public meeting of the Meota Golf Course March 17.
An omission when reporting the Kevin Foster Fishing Derby was the 50/50 Lions raffle which was held in conjunction with the derby. The winner of the raffle Dan Esquirol donated his winnings of $1,015 to the Lions Club. This donation will be used by the club in their ongoing kids’ playground project. Hats off to Dan for his generous contribution.
The weekly activities had a great turnout for Friday canasta when 26 people enjoyed the competition and ate David Sayers’ birthday cake. Congratulations Dave on a milestone of 77. Winners for HKF canasta were: first - Stella Rendle and Louise; second - David Ottas and Nestor Fransoo and third - Gwen Lacerte and Lillian Solenko. HF canasta winners:
first- Carole Huys and Gail Hilderman and secondKaren Kelly and Jackfish Stewart.
In bridge Tuesday, Cletus Scherman and Linda Killoran were first. Second were Jeanine and Verne Iverson. Thursday afternoon Mary Phelps and Gerry Craig were first and
Margaret Dyck and Dave Creegan were second.
Meota Grand Slam of Curling Week 12 Recap
(By Derek Welford)
Energy and anticipation have gradually been increasing in the Meota area as this was the final week prior to the Silver Broom Championship, Meota’s premiere curling event. Teams used the last week of the regular season as a tune-up to prepare for the biggest week of their curling careers.
The Don Johnson rink is starting to peak at the right time as they defeated Kyle Doom Tuesday night 6-3 and head into the Silver Broom on a threegame win streak. “Really like where our team is at, playing some good curling as of late and planning on using this momentum to our advantage next week. Thankfully the cows are still in the corn, so I’ll be able to take the day to rest and be mentally sharp for the tournament,” Johnson told the press gallery.
Defeating Evan Schmidt Tuesday night, the Zane Lacousiere team finished the season on an eightgame winning streak and atop the standings and will head into the Silver Broom as the Vegas favourite.
The defending Silver Broom Welford rink lost 8-4 Thursday night against Pat Mohr but feel their best curling is still yet to come as they finished the season with a below.500 record. Their first game of the tournament is a rematch of the final last year against Colin Sharp. Sharp, who
fell 11-3 to Wanda Weber Tuesday night, is hoping to reach that final game yet again. Dylan Schaefer, who plays second for Team Sharp, is making his first appearance in the Grand Slam finale. “I think as far as mental toughness goes, our team stands above the rest. Those guys know what it takes to get to the final and my experience playing with the Vawn Vipers will only benefit us when it comes down to the impor-
tant shots.”
The prestige and fame of winning the Silver Broom is sought after by many. Bob Bartkewich, whose resumé is filled with countless senior hockey championships and BoB Awards knows the margin of error is slim in a tournament of this magnitude.
“Everyone wants that Broom and winning that would probably surpass any of my previous accomplishments “ the third on the Alm rink Bartkewich
Lonnie Alm and company took Kirsten Bru to 8 ends but fell just short 7-5 in their regular season finale.
Other action in the league saw Randy Sharp defeating Caleb Gaunsage, Pat Becotte over Randy Iverson and Gil Cadrin over Al Collie.
One fortunate team will be awarded the Silver Broom Tuesday and will conclude the 2024 Meota Grand Slam of Curling.