The official sod-turning for the Henry Beaudry Interpretive Art and Healing Centre was held last week on The Ridge. A project of Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation, the cost of the centre is expected to be $5.8 million. The space will include an Indigenous land and language circle, and act as a hub for learning about culture, language, traditional knowledge and history. For the story, see inside. | Photo by Miguel Fenrich
Beacon for the community
A ceremony on Sept.29 welcomed the LED light system on the North Battleford water tower as they were turned on for the first time to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The ceremony opened with a blessing and comments from Elder Jeanette Bugler, along with an honour song.
“I’d like to thank the community members, representatives from Cenovus Energy, and especially the Indigenous elders and drummers for attending this important ceremony on the eve of the National
Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” Deputy Mayor Ross McAngus said in comments from the city during the ceremony.
The city told the NewsOptimist that the new lights were approved by council in Oct. 2022 for the 2023 budget. The purchase of the new lighting system from Isted Technical Sales came in at $197,266, excluding GST. Cenovus Energy contributed a ‘very significant amount,’ but the city has not made the amount public.
“Our commitment as a community is to make sure that every single person feels welcome and at home here in the
Battlefords. Events like this are important to council because it’s a way to illuminate and raise up our community and really appreciate everything that makes North Battleford special,” McAngus added.
He noted that the water tower was built in 1949 and the lights were originally added as part of the 75th anniversary project in 1988. The first replacement with the LED lights was unveiled in November of 2009.
“We know the water tower is a beacon for the community of North Battleford and one that represents the community pride and sense of home for the
residents that are here,” Fred Sobota, a representative for Cenovus Energy said.
“So many of our staff work and live in the surrounding area of North
Battleford. So we’re honoured to support the effort in replacing the tower’s old lights with brand new LED system ... the lights will allow the system to be lit up and 16 million different
colour combinations,” he added.
The new lights were turned orange at the end of the ceremony to celebrate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
The Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce remains an official location to pick up your Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kits. Please attend during regular office hours, and if you may have been exposed, please call us upon arrival, and we will bring the test kits out to your vehicle. Let’s keep everyone safe and healthy.
Location: Junction of Highway 16 & 40 East, North Battleford • Phone: (306) 445-6226
1 2 3
The 3 P’s of Business Safety Workshop 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Blend Kitchen & Bar, #1 Riverside Drive, North Battleford (NBGCC). Call the Chamber office for tickets 306-445-6226
Thursday, October 26th, 2023, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Blend Riverside, North Battleford Golf & Country Club Topic: The 3P’s of Business Safety People, Product and Property
Thursday, November 30th, 2023 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Discovery Co-op Cafe Territorial Place Mall, North Battleford
Sponsored By:
October 1, 2023
On October 1st, 2023 minimum wage in Saskatchewan increased to $14 an hour. This increase was part of the planned increases over this and the next year announced by government in May of 2022.
“Saskatchewan has a strong, growing economy and increasing the minimum wage is just one of the many mechanisms used to take care of Saskatchewan workers and create more prosperity for everyone,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don McMorris said in the province’s news release. “Other supports to assist minimum wage earners include the basic personal tax exemption, child tax credit and the Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit.”
The Bank of Canada also notes that a minimum wage rate increase can impact the CPI and rate of inflation, so it will be interesting to continue to watch this increase move through the economy.
-Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Your next online purchase, ride share, meal delivery, or vacation could soon cost even more if the Digital Service Tax (DST) is implemented on January 1, 2024.
The new service tax will tax revenue earned by large foreign and domestic businesses on online services, including marketplaces, advertising, and social media, but its effects will be felt by Canadian consumers like you in both the short- and long-term.
The timing couldn’t be worse: affordability is top of mind for nearly all Canadians right now, and cost-related concerns are six of the top 10 business obstacles expected in the next three months according to the 3rd quarter Canadian Survey on Business Conditions Report released by the Business Data Lab. While it may not come into effect until 2024, the Digital Service Tax is a retroactive tax which means that it will apply to revenue earned by businesses in 2022 and 2023 as well. That’s like having the CRA send you a letter telling you to review your last two years of tax filings and pay more now for a tax that didn’t exist back then. Normally, a retroactive tax like this happens only in exceptional circumstances but the government has yet to explain why the DST is such a circumstance.
If this new service tax isn’t abandoned, it will negatively affect your daily life and the Canadian economy.
Here’s How:
1. Daily digital services will cost more. 2. Customer-loyalty programs will do less. 3. Business growth and innovation will decrease. 4. Startups and small business will be the most affected. 5. Canadian trade relationships will take a hit.
There are more concerns around the DST that have been raised —the risk of double taxation since some digital transactions and revenues are already taxed, the confusion and complexity around what counts as a taxable service, the potential damage to Canada’s reputation for cooperation — but they all lead to the same conclusion: this new digital service tax will create trouble for Canadian consumers and businesses at a time of heightened concern around affordability. In the short-term, you’ll feel the pinch as the cost of your daily digital services increase and the value of your rewards programs decrease. In the long-term, the Digital Service Tax will hinder Canada’s ability to innovate, grow and remain competitive in international markets. And that’s something none of us can afford.
The former Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority liquor store in North Battleford on 101st Street will now serve as an expansion for North Battleford’s RCMP Detachment.
The Premier of Saskatchewan, Scott Moe, announced the plan outside the building on Thursday, Sept. 28, with several ministers, MLA’s, and city and town councillors present.
“Today we have a very special announcement about the future of the building we see behind myself ... a building we’ve seen for many years in this community,” Moe said.
He noted that the building was a former SLGA liquor store, and the announcement comes several months after SLGA liquor license auctions began and ended in February, totalling over $45 million.
“When the RCMP reached out to the government with the need for more space we were absolutely thrilled to respond to that call ... Through that conversation, we were able to make this building part of their new home and I think it exemplifies the government commitment to protecting Saskatchewan’s communities.”
The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement (SBP) and the RCMP will negotiate a multi-year lease that will enable the RCMP to expand its Battlefords detachment into the former store located at 1001 -101st Street. Inspector Jesse Gilbert of the North Battleford detachment noted that it will take a few months before the building is utilized as renovations are completed.
“Expanding into this new building is great news for the RCMP in North Battleford,” Gilbert said in
a recent press release from the government.
“It’ll allow us room to host our Crime Reduction Team - which has been integral in assisting our Detachment in battling some of the gang and violence issues in the area. We’ll now also be a central hub for training - officers and employees from the north won’t have to travel as far for courseshelping to ensure we’re being the most effective and efficient policing service that we can be.”
SLGA owned 19 of its 34 store properties. The North Battleford location was one of four buildings which were identified to be repurposed for other government organizations. The government has noted that buildings currently for sale are listed on slga.com.
“The City of North Battleford is extremely pleased that the RCMP will be expanding its presence in the Battlefords region with
Inspector Gilbert and Premier Moe sign a memorandum of understanding that will see the RCMP lease the building. Costs have not been released at this time. the opening of a regional RCMP training hub,” North Battleford Mayor David Gillan said.
“We see very significant economic benefits for the city and the region
through additional permanent RCMP staffing and continuous visiting officers attending training in this new training facility. We also want to thank the province for partnering
with the RCMP to make this expansion possible, along with the previously announced second Crime Reduction Team to be located in the Battlefords region.”
The council of the Town of Battleford received an application to develop a junkyard and auto wrecker business in the Industrial Park at 472-13th Street at their Oct. 2 meeting. Citing environmental concerns, the increased likelihood of crime, and concerns surrounding the renewal of business mortgages in the area, the application was denied unanimously.
Within the application that was brought to council, proper drainage, signage, pile height limits, and fencing, signage, landscaping, and parking requirements were among the items discussed.
“To ensure that the areas of the site visible from the street are kept tidy, several measures can be taken, including,” a regular cleanup schedule; a proper waste management system; and site organization
“By implementing these measures, we aim to differentiate ourselves from other scrap metal businesses and ensure that our operations are well-managed and visually appealing,” reads the application provided to
council in a report.
But Chris Odishaw, former mayor of Battleford and owner of Battleford Furniture, was there to express his concerns with the project.
“I know there’s lots of concern in the industrial area,” Odishaw said, noting that it poses both environmental concerns along with concerns that it may affect the renewal of mortgages.
“The Credit Union in their new documents for mortgages have the right to ask for an environmental study. So my mortgage is going to be coming up. I toured the property and there’s oil, there’s gas, there’s lots of s**t on the ground.”
Odishaw also noted that businesses in the industrial area are often dealing with thefts and break-ins, and a wrecking yard in the industrial park would pose a bigger risk of increased crime.
“It’s not very secure, it’s not very friendly for the neighbourhood, and the fact is it doesn’t meet zoning. So it’s really frustrating for me.”
Odishaw noted that he’d also come out to speak for
other concerned residents in the area, as new buildings that may be erected in the industrial park will now be beside a junkyard.
“I would just suggest there are better places, possibly to have a wrecking yard. Of course, nobody wants it in my backyard and it has to be somewhere... you guys are dealing with issues every day with contamination So how do you fix it? Let’s get one more in there and maybe it will go away? I don’t think so,” Odishaw said, adding that the town while looking for new businesses should also consider the current taxpayers.
“I just want you to do what’s best for residents in our community.”
Town administration noted that the applicant has also committed to doing soil and groundwater testing and installing groundwater monitoring wells on site.
“The application conforms with the Town’s Official Community Plan and is suited to the uses intended within the ... Industrial District. The proposed development meets the minimum site requirements and the prescribed
fencing and landscaping requirements,” reads the report from the town.
“In accordance with the Planning and Development Act, Administration mailed out a public notice to all property owners within a 75-meter radius of the property.”
The mayor did note that no letters in opposition had been received by administration, and Councillor George noted that they would take this matter seriously later in the agenda.
“Personally, not in favour of this. I don’t think that this is what we’re looking for ... although the comment has been made if not in the industrial park, where, I don’t know where. But we’re currently struggling with a few other [similar] businesses” Councillor Doug Laing said, citing environmental issues down the road that might leave the Town of Battleford in a tough place
Councillor David George said that the exmayor brought up a good point.
“I know it’s great to have a new business in the community, but I still feel
it should be the right business, in the right spot,” ... is there any other place in the community?”
“I’m not totally up to par on this, I’d have to do a little bit more research, but as it’s presented I can’t say yes.”
Councillor Kevin Russel noted that he had a few community members come to him expressing their concerns.
“It is tough ... I hate to turn away a business but to echo former mayor Odishaw’s comments ... we need to keep in mind our current taxpayers,” he said.
“I think we need to deny this request and hopefully we can work with Rusters [Recycling] to find a new place to put it moving forward.”
Councillor Judy Pruden noted that she can appreciate the work the developer has done, but the close proximity of the river poses a concern to her.
“And the fact that anything can happen down the future and we’re stuck with a problem. So, I don’t think it’s the right spot and I don’t have any ideas where it could be.”
Deputy Mayor Shelly Boutin-Gervais noted that
everything has been said already though she agreed that she’s appreciative of the work done to bring this forward to council.
“I’m just worried about the environmental impact of the whole thing. I just don’t think it’s something we should go forward with.”
Mayor Ames Leslie noted that it seems council doesn’t not want the business, as this is what industrial parks are for, but the proximity to the river concerns him. Administration also noted that Rusters Recycling did not speak with the town before purchasing the land, and didn’t do their due diligence.
When asked after the council meeting in comments to the media if something will be done to support Rusters Recycling in the future, he said,
“We’ll definitely reach out, our community planner ... I don’t believe the town has any property in that sector but we’ll definitely have discussions to see if there’s anything we can do in the future.”
“Sometimes you just have to put the environment before business.”
In my last column, in early July, I wrote about the irony that a self-described “progressive” Liberal government kept in power by a deeply socialist NDP, both supposedly dedicated to protecting the poor, was fighting a war on carbon emissions whose costs, the Parliamentary Budget Officer has calculated, fall disproportionately on lower-income Canadians.
Since then, we’ve had a devastating wildfire season, so, understandably, Canadians may be wondering if high and rising carbon taxes are a sacrifice we simply must make in order to fight climate change. But would those carbon taxes make any difference whatsoever?
As I pointed out in July, calculations using data from the government’s own Greenhouse Gas Emissions website show that if we took all gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles off the road for a full year, the total emissions avoided would offset just 56 hours’ worth of China’s emissions.
Over the past two decades, China’s carbon dioxide emissions have sky-rocketed from 3.5 billion to 10.9 kilo-tonnes per year. China is now responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the United States, India, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Japan and the 27-country European Union combined.
China’s leaders have long promised to reduce their country’s emissions from coal-powered plants, but it’s clear those promises are just a charade. On average, construction permits for two new coal-burning power plants were granted every week in 2022. China now has six times more coal plants under construction than the rest of the world combined.
Moreover, though it touts the environmental benefits as the dominant manufacturer of windmill blades and solar panels, its use of coal power to manufacture them offsets much of the eventual environmental benefit.
China’s charades have deterred neither federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault from accepting appointment as executive vice-chair of the “Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development” (CCICED) nor his government from sending taxpayer money to help fund it.
But the CCICED isn’t really an international environmental cooperation entity. Run entirely by Beijing, it’s clearly aimed at perpetuating the myth of Chinese environmental responsibility. Guilbeault, whose environmental fanaticism is exceeded only by his naiveté, journeyed to a recent CCICED meeting in Beijing fantasizing that he could actually get China to agree to “a global renewable energy target.” As one might say, not bloody likely.
World Bank data show that Chinese emissions per unit of GDP are 250 percent higher than in North America. Moreover, since zero-emission hydropower provides
some 60 percent of Canada’s electricity and much of the rest is supplied by low-emission natural gas, Canadian manufactured goods are vastly less emissions-intensive than imports from China. The best thing Canada could do for climate change is to replace Chinese imports with goods manufactured at home.
Instead, the Trudeau government is burdening our manufacturers with progressively higher carbon taxes that impact their entire supply chain.
A recent report from the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association (CME) underlines the challenges facing Canadian manufacturers even before the staggering costs of achieving “Net Zero” are considered. Between 2015 and 2019, Canada attracted less than $22 billion of the $1.77 trillion invested annually in manufacturing worldwide. “To achieve net zero … CME estimates that Canadian manufacturers will need to invest $6 billion per year in emissions technology alone … while still trying to invest in capital programs.”
Meanwhile, Canadian imports of Chinese goods reached a record $100 billion in 2022. Why is the Trudeau government eviscerating Canadian manufacturing and burdening all Canadian businesses and individuals with debilitating carbon taxes while importing ever-increasing amounts of carbon-intensive Chinese goods?
The solution is obvious. Take the carbon taxes off the shoulders of Canadians and transfer them to carbon-
spewing Chinese imports. The mechanism would be to categorize the different types of imports by carbon intensity and set the tax rate accordingly. The categorization and the level of import tax will require engagement from experts, including the CME.
Perfection isn’t possible, but the vastly higher carbon intensity of Chinese goods leaves a lot of room for approximation. It will be a complex process, but hardly more complex than the mish-mash of regulations facing Canadian businesses under the job-killing Trudeau/ Guilbeault carbon tax.
I’m sure China will argue that it’s being singled out. To that, I would answer: “Exactly! What other nations Canada imports from carry on a lying charade about the ever-growing emissions of their manufactured products? Our country isn’t the only nation where domestic manufacturers are being ravaged by cheaper, carbonintensive Chinese imports. Canada’s leadership on this issue could bring far wider adoption, especially at a time when China’s international reputation seems to be declining rapidly.
China’s emissions charade has gone on far too long. It’s time for Canada to lift the carbon tax burden from the shoulders of Canadians and put it where it will actually help the planet.
Gwyn Morgan is a retired business leader who has been a director of five global corporations. © Troy Media
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commentaries offered on this editorial page are intended to provide thought-provoking material for our readers. Contributors’ articles, cartoons or letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any Regional News-Optimist staff.
The recent unimaginable, unspeakable gaffe by the Speaker of the House of Commons, now being excused as accidental, must have totally blindsided Mr. Trudeau. It follows a relatively unnoticed 2018 speech by Mr. Singh who praised the desirability and necessity for taxation and the virtue of increases, adding that inequalities in this country merited “a call to arms”. Surely one has to wonder about the competence and qualities of those who by intent and self-promotion have risen
to positions of power with the ability to govern us.
In his introduction, Speaker Rota described Mr. Hunka as a Ukrainian
Joel Dustan and Bonnie Wolfe have made a $10,000 donation to the Battlefords Humane Society “Raise the Woof” campaign. Their “Puppy Dog Tails” donation will sponsor the dog adoption room in the facility for which funds are being raised. Dustan, DD, B.Sc. from Battlefords Denture Care and Wolfe of Wolfe Yoga+ Massage are young entrepreneurs who say they believe in giving back to the community. |
Kim Morrison from 100 Women Who Care (centre) is seen presenting the group’s donation to Laurel Fauth, Battlefords Humane Society treasurer, and Jean Walker, fundraising chairperson. Their donation will go towards the “Kitties-a-Coming” Maternity Room in the new shelter being planned.100 Women Who Care is a group from the Battlefords and area who come together for an evening of food and fun and to support area charities. Each evening, they hear submissions from three charities, one of which is chosen to receive $10,000. The Battlefords group has donated a total of $150,000 to charities in the area since their inception. Their activities paused during COVID, and there is interest in reviving the group. | Photo submitted
war hero and also a Canadian hero. How was it possible for a man in such an elevated position to make these claims and how could the 98-year-old ex-Nazi in all honesty accept the acclaim of all in the House of Parliament including Mr. Zelensky. Resignation and apologies will never erase the stain on this country or heal the belittlement of our elected representatives and Parliament itself. Even Mr. Putin is aware of this shameful event and is taking advantage of it.
We should not forget that the Rota episode follows two international crises which were inflamed
in my opinion by Mr. Trudeau. The first was the obviously angry response from Mr. Xi Jinping, China’s president, who was buttonholed in a corridor by Mr. Trudeau anxious to discuss alleged Chinese interference in Canadian internal affairs. The second extremely poorly handled crisis was the accusation that the Indian government was involved in an assassination in B.C. The dramatic speech by Mr. Trudeau to the House of Parliament on this particular issue in my opinion has made the situation infinitely worse. On both occasions there was a total lack of diplomacy.
Treasury Board President Anita Anand has unexpectedly announced that
Veena and Ranjit (centre), owners of Canadian Tire, are donating to the Battlefords Humane Society’s “Raise the Woof” building fund. They adopted a pup from the shelter, Jughead, now known as Simba, who brings much joy to their family. Also shown is Bill Manning, store manager, who will have an adoptable pup accompany him on his store rounds one day a week. Minnie, his first furbaby floorwalker this week, had a customer take her home! Accepting their donation is Jean Walker, BHS fundraising chairperson. |
Photo submitted
government spending is to be reduced by $15.4 billion per year starting with a $1 billion sum per annum from defence. This was immediately contradicted by Mr. Blair, our new defence minister, who has an uninspiring public service history in diverse capacities. The new plane being acquired to replace Mr. Trudeau’s troublesome India plane will cost most of $1 billion once it is fitted out.
Meanwhile, Mr. Poilievre repetitiously parrots his clarion “axe the tax” call not indicating to which present or future tax he is referring. Unfortunately, if exchequer income is reduced, support programs, some placating the NDP, will perforce have
to be reduced or eliminated which will cause his hoped-for Prime Ministership to end in a debacle.
Had I received the call to serve this country as the new House Speaker, my response would have been enthusiastically affirmative and my mission clear. The regular parliamentary bilingual bedlam would be transformed into chapellike reverential quietude. All hecklers and those who fail to give clear, concise answers to questions, unencumbered by irrelevant verbiage, would be summarily ejected by the sergeant at arms thus giving the electorate a clear vision of what is being achieved or otherwise by M.P.s of our choosing.
A trial for an 81-yearold Whitkow area rancher who had cattle seized isn’t proceeding as scheduled.
Morris Tokaryk was charged under Canada’s Criminal Code with causing unnecessary pain, suffering or injury to the animals, and failing to provide adequate water, food, and care for the animals. He was also charged under the Animal Protection Act for allowing animals to be in distress and failing to comply with a corrective action order.
On Monday, defence counsel Mike Nolin and Crown Prosecutor Jennifer Schmidt jointly requested the court for an adjournment saying they are working hard on a possible resolution by
March 2024. Nolin said the Crown is limited because Tokaryk can’t financially afford any fine option.
Court heard that there have been delays due to issues with Tokaryk not being able to pay legal fees, as well as issues with Crown witnesses. Judge Kevin Hill removed the requirement that Tokaryk pay $100 a month to court services.
In June 2022, Executive Director Don Ferguson with Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan, told SASKTODAY. ca that between April 6 –8 APSS officers executed a warrant on a rural property in the area of Whitkow and with assistance from Blaine Lake RCMP they seized 308 cattle in distress.
The federal government and RCMP both say they are committed to providing support to Red Pheasant Cree Nation after they declared a state of emergency Saturday.
On Tuesday, the office of the federal Minister of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) told SASKTODAY.ca that they are working closely with Red Pheasant Cree Nation.
“We are wholeheartedly with the families in Red Pheasant Cree Nation that are impacted by this tragedy,” said Zeus Eden, Press Secretary to the Minister of Indigenous Services. “We will be at their sides to support them as they manage the devastating impacts of this crisis.”
In 2023-24, ISC provided $275,000 in funding for the Battlefords Agency Tribal Council to support the creation of a community-led mental wellness team. In addition, ISC has hired three mental wellness therapists since Sept. 1. After an additional request from the community on Thursday, a fourth therapist was deployed earlier today, said Eden.
“ISC officials are regularly in touch with Chief Benson of Red Pheasant Cree Nation, Battlesford Agency Tribal Council’s health director and representatives from the community. Minister Hajdu’s office has also reached out to the community.”
The minister’s office said they take this seriously and say they are making historic investments in mental health and substance use prevention and treatment services.
“That is why since 2015, our Liberal government has doubled funding for Indigenous mental health services from $325 million in 2015 to more than $650 million this year,” said Eden.
“We will continue to work with community leaders to meet the urgent demands of this pressing crisis.”
Likewise, on Tuesday, the Battlefords RCMP said they are working collaboratively with Red Pheasant Cree Nation after the drug overdoses.
“Our detachment has engaged support units such as resources from our Battlefords RCMP Gang Task Force and General Investigation Sections as well as the Saskatchewan RCMP’s Crime Reduction Team, to provide increased physical police presence and increased investigational capacity in the community,” said Inspector Jesse Gilbert, officer in charge of Battlefords RCMP.
“What we need from the community is any information related to the presence of illicit substances. This can be scary –to contact police to report illegal activity, but with key information, we can specifically target where and how the drugs are entering the community. We understand risks
that can be associated with reporting information to the police. Please know you can report information via Crime Stoppers – it’s 100 per cent anonymous.
“The reality is, multiple people from Red Pheasant Cree Nation nearly died this weekend because of the presence of illegal substances,” added Inspector Gilbert. “Help us, so we can target the drugs present in the community and help prevent future overdoses.
“The RCMP is only one piece of the response. Further conversations and collaboration must occur with the Red Pheasant Cree Nation community, health and harm reduction/support services to address drug presence concerns over the long term,” said Inspector Gilbert.
The leadership of the Red Pheasant Cree Nation declared a state of emergency in response to the escalating drug problem in their community after seven people overdosed in one day.
The First Nation is concerned about the increased violence and how it affects the safety of their people.
Austin Ahenakew Red Pheasant spokesperson, said the seven people who overdosed in one day are recovering.
The RCMP confirmed that they weren’t aware of any drug-related deaths from this past weekend occurring on the Red Pheasant Cree Nation.
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Sixteen new physicians began practicing in rural Saskatchewan this summer after completing the Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment (SIPPA) program in June. Increased funding for SIPPA is supporting more internationally-trained physicians and providing increased resources and mentorship to these physicians as they begin their practices in Saskatchewan communities.
History was made on Sept. 28 in the Battlefords as Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man began construction on the Henry Beaudry Interpretive Art and Healing Centre with FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron, Premier Scott Moe, and several other elected officials present to celebrate with a sodturning ceremony.
Construction on the $5.8 million, 14,455 square foot facility is slated to finish in the fall of 2024 with the financial support of the Government of Canada and Saskatchewan. The centre is expected to educate, jump-start dialogue and bring together the community — all near the oldest Residential School in Canada used from 1883 to 1914.
“Today is a historic day and as a nation, Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man has taken great strides to ensure we protect, promote, interpret, and honour our ancestors’ trials of life,” Chief Tanya AguilarAntiman Stone told the hundreds of residents who came to witness the ceremony.
“Our Nakoda story is a piece of history of the Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man language, culture and heritage that we now can share ... the Henry Beaudry Interpretative Art Gallery will play an important role of history in the Battlefords ... the Beaudry family is leaving a legacy and connecting us nation to nation,” she added.
The Government of Canada will invest up to $4,371,287 while the Government of Saskatchewan will contribute $1,457,96 to
see the project completed, as noted by speeches from Saskatchewan ministers and MLAs, and a letter from their federal counterparts. Any extra costs will fall on MGBHLM, according to a press release.
According to MGBLHM, the space will include an Indigenous land and language circle, act as a hub for learning about culture, language, and traditional knowledge and will share the history and stories of residential schools and survivors, along with MGBHLM’s history and its signing of Treaty 6 and Treaty 4.
The gallery will also
showcase First Nations artists from the surrounding communities, along with the work of self-taught artist Henry Beaudry, a Second World War veteran who as a Canadian soldier helped liberate Italy and survived a prisoner-of-war camp. Beaudry is also a descendent of Chief Poundmaker.
“This is going to be around long after many of us have left this world, into heaven into the spirit world,” Chief for FSIN, Bobby Cameron said, congratulating MGBHLM for the work that’s been done and noting that several paintings of the late
Henry Beaudry will be donated to the gallery.
“Our children are watching, 100 per cent. We live in these treaty lands, in the province of Saskatchewan together,” he added, noting that two young girls one being the MGBLHM Princess — had taken the time to respect her elders and gave them water bottles and blankets.
MGBLHM Economic Development Corp. recently undertook ground penetrating radar at the site to ensure there were no unmarked graves before moving forward with the construction as the oldest Canadian Residential
school used to stand a few yards to the south. The site was formerly owned by the Oblates before MGBHLM purchased the property.
“He [Father Moe Schroeder, the last Oblate who lived at the Ridge] was very reluctant to sell this land to First Nation because he didn’t believe First Nations could do it justice,” Grant Beaudry, CEO for the MGBHLM Economic Development Corp., who was honoured by many speakers during the ceremony.
“I said, ‘that the vision to build the Henry Beaudry Interpretative Art Gal-
lery, [was] in the spirit of truth and reconciliation,’” he said, telling the crowd that they would be telling the story of the Battleford Industrial School, the story of his father, and the history of his own nation.
“We can’t do nothing about the past, but we can do something about the future. This centre will open the door to healing, dialogue ... between the government and first nations, and the churches, justice and law, all departments, all levels,” he said, adding that, “...this place ... will be a place of dialogue, not debate. We have to work together.”
8 TO 14, 2023
Fire Chief
Lindsay Holm
Fire Prevention Week is
October 8 to 14, 2023!
As we mark another Fire Prevention Week, this year’s theme, “Cooking Safety Starts with You,” serves as a powerful reminder that many firerelated incidents and accidents stem from one of the most fundamental activities we all engage in: cooking.
The kitchen is often the heart of our homes, where we gather to prepare and share meals with family
and friends. Yet, it’s also the location where most home fires originate. By recognizing the risks and taking a proactive stance, we can drastically reduce these unfortunate incidents. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
1. Never Leave Cooking Unattended – A brief moment of distraction can lead to a disastrous outcome.
Always monitor what you cook.
2. Clear the Area –Ensure that the area around your stove is free from flammable objects like towels, wooden utensils, and paper products.
3.Check Your Smoke Alarms – They are our first line of defense. Ensure they’re working by testing them monthly.
4. Have a Fire
Extinguisher – Keep it nearby and ensure everyone knows how to use it.
5. Plan Your Escape –
In case of a major fire, have a plan to get everyone out safely. If you encounter a fire emergency, call 911 from a safe location. Do not remain in danger areas.
It’s my sincere hope that this week not only
educates but empowers each one of you to take charge of your cooking safety. Remember, it starts with you. Together, we can make North Battleford a safer place for all of us. Stay safe and look out for one another. Warm regards, Lindsay Holm Fire Chief, North Battleford Fire Department
902 - 104th Street North Battleford, SK 306.445.1770
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Will get you Beef on a bun with a side of salad, a drink & dessert. Please come in and dine at the Fire Hall or place an order for Delivery. Fire Fighters will deliver Pre-orders made by 9:30 a.m. on October 10th, 2023
Please Call 306-481-4532 to place your order for delivery. Deliveries will be made between 11 am and 1 pm. for only $5.00 per plate
SPONSORED BY: • Sobeys • Boyes Group K&K Glass • Sigstads * North Battleford Fire Department • Eternal Memories
Eternal Memories Funeral
The 8 children will be picked up shortly after 9. Their morning will consist of a fire hall tour, safety videos, trying on turnout gear, getting their pictures taken, some hands on work ie. Escape planning and then finally a lunch donated by Red Swan Pizza with the Acting Fire Chief, Captain and Firefighters. They will then be returned to their schools by 12:10 with a prize bag.
Which path should the fire engine take to put out the fire?
This whitetail buck was still in velvet in August, but by mid-September, its horns will be hard like rock. The velvet is very sensitive to touch, so these bucks are reluctant to run through the forest, making them easier to photograph when in velvet. Design all around! | Photo and text by Jim McLane.
Owned & Family Operated Since 1997
D.V.P.C.H. caters to the Senior Citizen who enjoys a Smaller Group of People and feels Comfortable being part of a small well-organized Personal Care Home that is family orientated, comfortable, secure and filled with one on one fun activities and exercises that assist each Resident to enjoy a Healthier and Stronger Lifestyle!
D.V.P.C.H. specializes in being Compassionate, Understanding and Patient, to assist each Resident with daily Cognitive Stimulation, Balance and Strength Exercises.
Many wonderful amenities are included when you become a Resident of D.V.P.C.H. including:
• Provide 24 hr. Supervision and Assistance for each Resident’s Cognitive, Medical or Personal Hygiene Concerns.
• Document all concerns of the Residents’ Medical, Cognitive and Physical Performance and provide monthly Assessments to the Resident and the Resident’s Personal Supporter;
• Arrange and Personally Escort Residents to their local Healthcare Appointments;
• Administer and Monitor all prescribed and over-the-counter Medications;
• Provide nutritious Meals and Snacks within a family friendly environment that supports mealtime interaction and conversation;
• Provide daily Laundry and Housekeeping Services;
• D.V.P.C.H. is now accepting applications for immediate Residency.
Residents may be eligible for financial assistance from Govt. of Sask. Personal Care Home Benefit.
For More Information, Please call Bernadette at (306) 937-7652
Licensed by: Saskatchewan Ministry of Health - Facility # 6475
When you think of it, what other medium is so inexpensive as ‘lead pencils’? Since early school we all wrote with pencil.
Pencils have become an invaluable medium for artwork too; the ability to shade and control values in your work more precisely than most other mediums is invaluable to an artist.
Graphite is the least expensive choice for general artwork with a large selection of hardness and softness to create
the depth of value you need.
Charcoal is particularly valuable for larger surfaces of similar value and backgrounds, leaving no sheen on the paper.
A newer pencil like ‘Faber Castell pitt graphite matt’, though more expensive, is an infusion of graphite/carbon that gives benefits of shading with graphite and minimal shine on paper (especially when compared to the softer ‘B’ pencils in only graphite).
The sky’s the limit almost when drawing/shading with pencil.
Thank you to our volunteers, the par�cipa�ng vendors and community groups, and our sponsors for a successful Ba�leford Fall Street Fes�val. Without their involvement this event would not have been possible!
Special thank you to:
The Town of Ba�leford Ba�leford Furniture
Freshii - North Ba�leford Beaver Grill
Ba�leford Fire Department Canadian Tire
All Out Graphics Discovery Co-op
Good Sense Computers Poo in Peace Home Hardware – Ba�leford Bent Rodz Car Club
It was getting to be sweater and jacket weather for outdoors as of last Friday. I’m sure no one disliked our wonderful warm to hot September which is one for the records.
Most of us will drive any day of the week for a fall supper, so mark your calendar for Wednesday, Oct. 18. The Speers United Church is holding an event between 5 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct.15, St. Joseph Calasanctius Parish in North Battleford is having a fall supper between 4:30 and 7 p.m. One more added to the list is Saturday, Oct. 28 called “Octoberfest” with supper from 5 to 7 p.m. in Cut Knife Community Centre. For the ones who drive distances for these suppers, the scenery is still breathtaking with the countryside in its splendid colours.
Neighbours Dave and Maryann Mischuk have a new addition. Their daughter Desiree (Mike) Lieffers of Battleford gave birth to child number four Sept. 28. This baby boy makes grandchild number five in the Mischuk family. Congratulations to everyone.
Three CWL members from All Saints Catholic Mayfair Church (Faye Liebaert, Leanne Cherwinski and I) attended the Region No. 2 workshop in Cut Knife Sept. 30. The main topic was “The Joys and Sorrows of Old Age.” Age
This was taken during a recent visit with my friend Anna of Denholm who loves to feed birds directly from her hand. They have some songbirds that don’t fly south because they know this yard will take care of all the feathered creatures.
is to be considered a privilege because we should now have time to evaluate the past. One must remember not everyone had the good fortune to reach this stage in life. Two excellent guest speakers were Suma Mendez (mental health councillor) from North Battleford and Father Peter Nnanga, MSP from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish from Cut Knife. Loneliness is a problem with the aged who are unable to get out much in public for various reasons. The last words were “We do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day.”
A big thank you to the par-
ish women for hosting this interesting and fun day. Germaine Vany was the emcee who kept us on our toes with much laughter and games.
Youngest daughter to Gerald and Francis Ewanchuk of Whitkow “tied the knot” Sept. 20 on a vacation in the mountains. Tiandra and Tanner Quinn live in Battleford as she is a local veterinarian. He is originally from Winnipeg. Congratulations and wishes for a long, healthy and happy marriage.
Admission to attend a fall craft sale at Western Development Museum in Saskatoon Saturday, Oct. 14 is a non-perishable food item or monetary donation.
Every day, champions across the country stand up for their communities, raise their hands to ask the tough questions and uncover the truth.
This National Newspaper Week, celebrate the power of words and local homegrown news.
Purchase the Champions book at championsofthetruth.ca
This is to be more than 90 vendors with a large array of items. There is even a designated kids’ crafter area. From now until the middle of December there will be no shortage of these great opportunities to purchase original gifts from crafters.
A great crowd attended Ruddell’s potluck feast last Friday in this hamlet’s well-maintained community hall. There is a local ladies’ group who manage to get people together once a month for supper and socializing. Their next supper is Oct. 30. The winner of a basket of goodies was John Redlich who shared the many items with others in attendance.
Jaden Bailey from Sonningdale and a former student at Maymont School has taken up long-distance running. He started different marathons this past spring and has formed many great friendships along the way. Jaden’s first one was near Saskatoon then the Minotaur Skyrace in Blairmore and Crowsnest Pass area of British Columbia. Leg 6 was the Sinister 7 Ultra race in the Alberta mountains in July. In August was Edmonton’s Servus Half Marathon then two in September, the GMS Queen City Marathon in Regina and a gruelling 50-kilometre ultra trail run, the Beaver Flat 50 at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. With the above-normal temperatures the last was
a long, hot race with lots of hills. Being in his 20s, Jaden practises in his spare time which makes him fit and up to the challenges. He has experienced good times in some of them and looks forward to running in many more.
The church schedule at Mayfair’s Catholic Church is now Saturday at 9 a.m. from Oct. 7 to the end of December.
A new mystery TV series on CTV started Monday, Oct. 2 titled “The Traitors.” Crystal Mayes who resided on a Ruddell farm over a decade ago and now lives in Saskatoon is starring in this program. In 2017 she was part of a Black documentary that told the story of her ancestors relocating from the United States to the Maidstone area where many black people settled. The documentary started with her being interviewed at her Saskatoon home
and then at Shiloh Baptist Church north of Maidstone revealing the challenges the Mayes family faced many decades ago. Crystal said it was an honour to be included and that her family were so thankful to have their story told. We sure needed moisture as driving on the country roads was hazardous. It was a problem for the harvesters in the field especially at night with all of the dust in the air. One always has to be cautious and look out for one another.
A great long weekend is on the horizon for all of us. Let us be thankful every day of the year, not just on Thanksgiving Day as we live in a free country with no shortage of food even if grocery bills take a big chunk from our paycheques. We can be thankful that we do not live in a Third World Country experiencing famine.
2013 420 Honda Clotton 1050 kilometers
Asking $6,500 or best offer and will take older currency or a thousand dollar bills on trade 306-226-4646
Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness, or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com.
Wanted old advertising: Dealership signs, service station, gas pumps, globes, oil cans, Red Indian, White Rose, Buffalo, Husky, Ford,
HAGAN: Hagan, Stanley Edward Stan is lovingly remembered by his sister, Pat Mulvenna of Regina; brother-in-law, Jerry (Bev) Fugleberg of North Battleford and their sons: Shaun (Chris) of Grande Prairie, AB; Todd (Lisa) of Brandon, MB, Jason (Heather) of Winnipeg, MB; brother-in-law, Leon Cairns of Regina, SK and numerous niece and nephews. Stan was predeceased by his wife, Betty; son, Dalin; parents: Robert & Saide Hagan; brother, Bobbie; sisters: Frances Legore and Ruth Cairns. Stanley was born on Christmas day - December 25,1930 in Verwood, SK to Robert & Saide Hagan. In 1934 his family moved to Scotsguard, SK and lived there until 1940. They eventually moved to Saskatoon where Stan took his schooling, he had his first job - a paper delivery route and graduated from High School in 1948. Following his graduation, he received a first Class Teacher Certificate and taught school for a year. He then joined the Navy serving from 1952 - 1955. While he was away his younger brother Bobby was killed in a car accident just outside of Saskatoon in 1954. Stan returned to teaching and continued to upgrade his teaching qualifications through summer classes at the U of S. Stan also took a year off teaching and attended the U of S 1969-1970 to complete his Bachelor of Education Degree. Stan met the love of his life, Betty Fugleberg in Saskatoon and they were married on December 4, 1959. They began their married life living in North Battleford. Stan taught at Connaught, Riverview and Lawrence Schools, eventually being promoted to principal at the two later schools. Years after he retired, he shared that his favorite grade to teach was Grade Six. In his younger years he played ball on a Saskatoon team and was a pretty good pitcher! He continued to enjoy watching ball games locally and on TV throughout his life. Stan was an avid reader collecting books, sports and national geographic magazines. He loved playing, he accumulated an abundant amount of decks of cards. With these he developed a system where he played solitaire using Major League baseball teams - winners & losers, recording these stats. But he also recorded the true stats of these teams over the years with ledger to prove this. Stan continued to play solitaire until he went into hospital. Son Dalin was born August 14, 1961; Stan was very much involved in every step of his up bringing and that relationship flourished. The family enjoyed travelling east & west in Canada sometimes taking along Dal’s cousins & to Disneyland. Stan, Betty & Dalin enjoyed travelling to Las Vegas and surrounding areas for a lake summer holiday over many years. These trips continued until his wife Betty passed away on Oct 4,2003. Then Stan and his son continued periodic trips to Vegas over the following years, Stan making his last trip there in 2017. Stan was a big believer in making charitable donations and contributed to many organizations over the years having accumulated abundance of cards, address stickers & certificates in response. Stan enjoyed golfing with his son while he was physically able then as a ride along or to socialize in the club house. They watched lots of sports, old movies, old TV shows and just looked out for each other. Stanley passed away in palliative care at the Battlefords Union Hospital on August 16,2023. “God saw the road was getting rough, so he closed your weary eyes & whispered ‘Peace be Thine’” Memorial donations in Stan’s Honor may be made to Battlefords Union Hospital designated to Palliative care, P.O Box 1358, North Battleford, SK. S9A 3L8. Funeral service will be held Saturday, October 7, 2023 – 2:00 p.m. at the Garden Chapel – 1332 100st North Battleford. Arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service and Crematorium – Elle Dell Funeral Director.
HAGAN: Hagan, Dalin Stanley: Dalin was the loving son of Stan Hagan of North Battleford, SK. He will be dearly missed by his aunt, Pat Mulvenna; uncle, Jerry (Bev) Fugleberg and their sons: Shawn (Chris), Todd (Lisa) & Jason (Heather); uncle, Leon Cairns and numerous cousins. Dalin was predeceased by his mother, Betty (October 4, 2003); grandparents: Robert & Sadie Hagan and Harold & Ruth Fugleberg; aunts and uncles: David (Vivian) Fugleberg, Margaret (Roy) Pocha, James Robert (Bobby) Hagan, Frances Legore and Ruth Cairns. Dalin was born on August 14, 1961 in North Battleford, SK. he had asthma and allergies which resulted in limitations in some activities of his daily life. As a youngster he enjoyed playing ball and he loved watching hockey and learning to skate and play hockey on the rink his dad would make in their backyard. As a small boy he would do puzzles and that hobby stayed with him throughout his life. He made all sizes, some up to 6000 pieces, some he framed and hung on the walls. Dalin attended Riverview & Connaught in the public school system and the North Battleford Collegiate High School. Following graduation, he attended Reeves Business College. His first job was with an Electrical business for a short time. He delivered parcels for Canada post and also worked in several grocery stores in North Battleford. Dalin was a dedicated fan of the Montreal Expos ball team, Canadian hockey teams, but especially the North Battleford North Stars hockey team. He had North Star season tickets for years until covid put a damper on that. He then continued to follow the team faithfully on the radio. Dalin was an avid bowler here in North Battleford winning many trophies over the years. He often attended provincial playoffs with the North Battleford team winning the men’s five pin bowling championship in 1992. Dalin played golf – he had a membership at the North Battleford country club and then with the Meota Golf Course. He played there for several years sometimes with his dad. When his dad was no longer able to play, he took him there for a ride along or the social time in the club house where he was hospitably accepted. The family trips included a trip to Montreal where he and his cousins were thrilled to attend the expo ball games, as well as a trip to Disneyland.
In 1986 Dalin drove to Vancouver to see the world exposition taking along his cousins. Dalin also enjoyed travelling to Las Vegas and surrounding areas with his parents for many years as a late summer holiday. Following his mothers death in 2003, these trips continued now taking his father with him. Dalin’s last trip was in 2018. Dalin loved all kinds of music but mostly country and he took a tour trip to Nashville and attended the Grande Olde Opry. Dalin liked old movies and old TV shows and of course puzzles and he amassed a huge collection of VHS, CD’s, DVD’s and puzzles over the years. Dalin lived with his dad and they just looked after each other until he passed away on July 16, 2023 just short of his 62nd birthday. Memorial donations in Dalin’s memory can be made to the Humane Society - Box 645 North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y7. Funeral service will be held Saturday, October 7, 2023 – 2:00 p.m. at the Garden Chapel – 1332 100st North Battleford. Arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service and Crematorium – Elle Dell Funeral Director.
WHITTINGSTALL: June 14, 1934 - September 25, 2023
Gordon William Ernest Whittingstall passed away peacefully in White Rock, B.C. with his loving wife by his side. Gordon was born and raised in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. In October 1955 he married the love of his life Lois. They had four children Keith (Fay), Colleen (Bill), Karen (Jeff) and Craig. The family initially lived in around Langley, B.C. for a number of years until they returned to Saskatchewan where Gordon worked for S.G.I. until his retirement. Gordon and Lois moved to Saskatoon where they continued to connect with family and dear friends. They loved to travel and spend time with their family. Grandchildren are Jeremy, Travis, Raven, Connor, Elizabeth, Cody, Qwaitlyn and Jeslyn. In addition, the arrival of three great-grandchildren, Sophie, Kingston and Theo brought much joy to their lives. Gordon enjoyed golfing, fishing, reading and visiting friends and loved ones. He was a husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Above all Gordon loved to read his Bible and share his deep faith...”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not into thine own understanding. In alll thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3: Verse 5, 6. A celebration of Gordon’s life was held on Saturday, September 30th at 2:00 pm at Hillcrest Funeral Home and Cemetery, 210 Wess Road, Saskatoon. In leu of flowers, a donation to a Saskatoon Health & Hospital Foundation or to a charity of your choice in memory of Gordon, would be greatly appreciated.
Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.
October 22, 1943
January 28, 1959 - October 2, 2018
is easy, we do it every day.
But there’s an ache within our hearts that will never go away. We love you so much & miss you every day, Love, Gerry & Family
I’m a big bundle of energy so obviously I love going on long walks. I don’t overly like other dogs, I’m kind of weird like that, but the shelter staff have been able to find me friends! I’m just a bit selective with which dogs I like.
I’m a delicate gal that loves gazing outside and basking in the sunshine. I am not the biggest fan of other cats and would prefer to be in a home where I am the only cat.
Tenders will be accepted on the following parcels of land located in the R.M. of Tramping Lake No.380, approximately 6 miles East and 5 miles South of Unity, SK:
NW 17-39-21 W3rd..............(municipal assessment - $ 166,600.00)
SW 17-39-21 W3rd..............(municipal assessment - $ 246,500.00)
SE 12-39-22 W3rd...............(municipal assessment - $ 229,000.00)
NE 12-39-22 W3rd...............(municipal assessment - $ 180,700.00)
NE 10-40-22 W3rd................(municipal
Cultivated Acres 2023 Crop
- SW 8-39-21 W3160 acresWheat
- NW 8-39-21 W3158 acresWheat
- NE 17-39-21 W3157 acresBarley
- SE 17-39-21 W3160 acresPeas
- NW 17-39-21 W3160 acresCanola
- SW 17-39-21 W3130 acresPeas & Canola
- SE 12-39-22 W3160 acresCanola
- NE 12-39-22 W3145 acresCanola
- NE 10-40-22 W3157 acresWheat
Tenders will be accepted on any or all parcels.
Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or before 12:00 o'clock noon on
Not necessarily the highest or any tender accepted.
Solicitor for Robert Sperle and Dale Sperle
Telephone: (306) 228-2631
Fax: (306) 228-4449
Email: unityoffice@cooperneil.ca
P.O. Box 600 Unity, SK, S0K 4L0
Starting at 6:30 pm.
Sloan Auditorium (lower level) of the Royal Canadian Legion (1352 100th St, North Battleford).
Today and everyday we think of you.
It’s been 5 long years since we’ve seen your twinkling eyes, heard your kind voice and your laughter.
We’ve missed so much together yet we know you are always with us. Our memories are forever.
Love Cindy, Brett, Janelle, Spencer, family and friends.
For all heavy equipment: ie. dozers, excavators, scrapers etc.
Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d.
Send resume and work references to:
Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844
Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca
www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca
The Borden Lions Chase the Ace jackpot was won on Sept. 27, when Brenda Tumbach of Borden pulled the Ace of Spades from the deck, winning a total of $4,413.50. The raffle will start again with a new deck of cards and runs until at least February of 2024.
with their team of Percherons, Orest Michalowski from Grandora with a team of Clydes, Randy Wolfe with his team of Belgians, Ken and Pat Crush from Langham with a quarter horse team pulling a covered wagon and Greg Malinowski had his Percheron quarter-horse cross pulling a people carrier.
more than 250 out to enjoy the meal.
While people waited in the Seniors’ Room to go in for supper, Bob Wardhaugh played many tunes on his keyboard and some visited the museum across the street. The museum
had sold tickets for eight warty pumpkins grown by the museum and these went to Dianne Sylvester, Gary Vollmer, Emily Sutherland, Ron Tumbach, Jill Orchard, W. Shabo, L. Olinyk and Norma Sturnberg.
The Keyanow Child and Family Centre Inc. utilizes casual employees on an ‘as required’ basis for:
EMERGENCY DUTY WORKER: applicants must possess a strong knowledge of human services related policies, practices and procedures. This position is responsible to provide afterhours emergency services to families including investigation of child abuse/neglect referrals; assess risk for child safety; determine involvement and safety plans for families in crisis; and transportation where required. This position will report to a Child and Family Programs Supervisor.
Casual employees must be available for callin shifts during all hours of opening, including evenings and weekends.
SOCIAL WORKER: Keyanow periodically hires
Family Service Worker/Child Protection workers with a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work. The position is responsible for investigating allegations of neglect, physical or sexual abuse; assessing family functioning; determining risk factors to the children’s safety; implementing intervention plans; providing support services to the family; working with the courts; managing the needs of children admitted into care; placement in foster and alternate resources, assessment and treatment planning to ensure that individual health, social psychological and education needs are met and preparation to return home.
Casual employees replace regular employees who are absent from work; therefore, the pay level for each casual shift may vary. Applicants must maintain a drug and alcoholfree lifestyle while on Keyanow property and on duty. Maintain confidentiality must sign an Oath of Confidentiality annually. Maintain a clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and Driver’s abstract annually. Please submit your application with professional references attention to: juliette@kcfcentre.com or drop off at 691-109th Street, North Battleford, Sask.
We thank all applications and wish to advise that only those individuals who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.
The Borden Friendship Club met Sept. 27 for their monthly potluck supper in the Borden Community Centre with 52 members and special guests present. Ed Neufeld welcomed everyone and gave the blessing. A great meal was enjoyed and Happy Birthday was sung to Bev Hrynuik and Jackie Meister. Ruben Rempel introduced the entertainment for the evening – DonLin Country from Dalmeny with Don playing guitar and Linda playing the keyboard. They both sang either solo or as a duet. An afghan had been donated to the club made by Annabelle Weibe from the care home and tickets were sold to club members.
Borden Threshing Day was held on a cool and cloudy Sept. 30 at the site north of Borden and more than 350 were in attendance to watch the different events and enjoy soup/ borsch, bread and jam with their beverages. Thanks to Lorne and Danyle Collision for the use of the land.
Teams of horses pulling the people wagons were on hand at the parking site to transport visitors to the grounds. Donna Barth had her petting zoo set up with rabbits, goats and their babies, a guinea pig, a miniature pony, sheep and Jersey cattle. The McChean-Wake cook cart sold food and drinks.
The parade was at noon. Flag bearers on horseback were Krissy Derbowka and Alana Gunsch and horseback riders were Justin and Kaitlin Worona, Jeanette and Ivy Hauk and Peggy, Conner and Bella Walker. Ed Neufeld had the Lions cars for the kids to ride and teams of draft horses followed – Travis and Gladys Waldner from Langham
Vintage vehicles included a 1960 Pontiac D Strato Chief driven by John and Amelia Moffat. Fritz Muehlhausen drove Walker’s 1940 Ford/ Mercury M3 one-ton and Norm Wicks drove Willard Wensley’s 1953 R120 International truck. Tractors in the parade included Aaron Wensley’s 1948 Farmall C. Don Wensley drove a 1953 Farmall Super H. Willard Wensley drove a 1940 Farmall M and a 1948 Farmall Super A was driven by Casey Wensley. Darryl Amey drove his Farmall A, Dayln Matechuk entered a JD639 and Gage Matechuk was driving his dad’s JD420. Kevin Sutherland drove his 1945 Farmall H, Mel Brooke drove Aaron’s 1948 Minneapolis U tractor pulling the 1920s Minneapolis threshing machine, followed by Archie Wainwright of Borden on his 1952 JDR and Ken and William Krimm from Dalmeny driving a 1941 Chev half-ton and the Borden Fire and Rescue truck.
Demonstrations included Daryl Amey and Cyril Saunders bindering, plowing demo with horses, Kevin Sutherland sawing wood and Archie Wainwright rope making. Farrier Todd Bailey of Vanscoy demonstrated shoeing a horse, from trimming the hooves to making the horseshoes and tacking them on. Helping Todd were Carson Weiderhold and Brian Symington
Threshing began with two loads of sheaves going through the vintage machine, with one hayrack pulled by horses. Following the threshing was the potato digging then off to town for the roast beef supper put on by the museum and threshing club with
The cool morning turned into a warm friendly competition for Meota Golf Club senior golfers. The three-team competition ended in a virtual tie and everyone won. Again, we must thank club manager; Huguette Johnson with her 19 part-time staff and Travis Moccassin and his crew for the great condition of the course and for providing a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Just to clarify a point I made last week, Madeline F. said that 130 bushels per acre of wheat was true and that her boys had taken that wheat off a quarter near Delmas. That land seemed to receive more rain than most land nearby
so sometimes we just get lucky. The last time I heard of that yield was in a social studies class, about 1960, in a study of France.
We welcome Lynn Boucher back from Australia after a month’s visit with her daughter.
We wish Carolin and Dirk Vanee a safe and happy trip to Western British Columbia to help celebrate the 100th birthday of Dirk’s mother.
Get well wishes to our friend Cora Christianson.
The dance year has started and 47 of us were treated to a great potluck supper and some good exercise compliments of the Ukrainian Connection from Radisson. Lots of polkas and waltzes to speed up the blood flow.
The preschool is now
being moved to the upper floor of the hall. This will have the Lions’ club room relocating downstairs and the quilting group possibly relocating back to the Do Drop In.
Top scores for canasta this week were by Gordon Klein and David Sayers, first, Marion Ottas and Stella Rendle, second, and Nestor Fransoo and Arlene Walker, third. There was a tie for first and second at Tuesday afternoon bridge by Catriona Winterhalt and Albert Blais and Vern Iverson and Ann Marie Wallbilling. In third were Gerry Craig and Cathy Williams. David Sharpe topped the scores in Thursday night bridge. Vern Iverson was second Mary Phelps and Catriona Winterhalt was third.
Belated best wishes to Joan Smith of Maidstone who celebrated her 90th birthday March 7, 2023. Sept. 29, a potluck luncheon was held at Maidstone Seniors’ Centre to honour Joan. Members of the Saskatchewan Seniors’ Association who turn 90 receive an honorary lifetime membership. The certificate reads “in recognition of the outstanding contributions made in the promotion of the welfare of senior citizens”. Presentation of the framed certificate was made by Margaret MacEachern, a friend and former president of the Maidstone Senior Citizens’ Drop-In Centre. Joan also received a bouquet and two cakes from Maidstone members. Thank you to Katie Granger who made the delicious orange chiffon cakes, one to share at the lunch and a diabetic one for Joan to take home – a very thoughtful gesture. Congratulations and thank you for your years of service, Joan.
Kudos to Maidstone Ice
Arena’s October Trip of the Month winners: Mike Waelchi from Arcola won the $1,000 travel voucher and Kim Young of Maidstone got her ticket money back.
Maidstone Girl Guides held their first meeting for the 2023-24 season Sept. 28. With six Sparks, five Embers, seven Guides and one Junior Leader, it’s a busy group. Leaders are Hayley Yuill, Frankie Menzies, Sarah Droder and Kristina McNeil. Meetings are bi-weekly on Thursdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Coming up in October are a Silver Lake fall walk and bottle sorting at Petro-Can (thanks to everyone who has donated bottles and cans). Plans are being finalized for November and in December, they’ll be visiting Pine Island Lodge to sing songs. The fall Mint Cookie Campaign is on now and all the girls have cookies to sell at $6 per box. Weather permitting, they will also be selling outside Synergy this month. For more information, Hayley is the Contact Guider at 306-218-0172 or go to girlguides.ca.
Ratushniak Elemen-
tary School’s Grade 3 class went to Maidstone Group Home last week. Everyone learned about Orange Shirt Day, painted rocks and enjoyed an ice cream treat. Thank you, Mrs. Becotte, for arranging this visit. Midwest Family Connections “Family Play and Learn” takes place at Ratushniak Elementary School in the pre-K room on Wednesdays, Oct.11, 18, 25 and Nov. 1 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Enjoy free play, activities, parenting tips and more. For information email info@midwestfamilyconnections.ca or phone 306-825-5911 or 1-866561-5911.
The Maidstone Kin Club and Maid2Run Group are holding the third annual Glow Run for Cystic Fibrosis in memory of Amie Gray-Carroll on Saturday, Oct. 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. There is no registration. Donations will be accepted at the run which starts at Maidstone Museum (4th Street East at the entrance to Delfrari-Victoria Park).
On behalf of Maidstone Museum, I will be co-ordinating the Howl-oween Spook-tacular again this year. On Oct. 31 we will
be doing handouts from community businesses and individuals who have donated treats and money towards this event. The tentative location is the Seniors’ Centre entrance at Main Street and 4th Avenue. Donors are given signs to post on their doors/windows directing Halloweeners to come to us to get their treats. Please call Kathy Utri at 306-893-2799 to arrange a donation and to receive a sign. Everyone is also invited to come to the museum (201 – 4th Street East) for our Halloween Spook Night on Friday, Oct, 27. Do you have pumpkins growing in your garden? Pick the pumpkin leaves too. They’re edible and are rich in iron, protein and vitamins A and C. Use them in soups, salads and stirfries, or they make grainfree wraps.
Other Upcoming
Oct. 11 - Maidstone Health Care Auxiliary pie bingo at Legion Hall 7 p.m. (5th Avenue East and West work)
Oct. 14 - Octoberfest at Maidstone Arena (doors open 5:30 p.m.)
Oct. 15 - Swedish Smorgasbord at Milleton Hall from 4 to 7 p.m. (17 miles north of Maidstone on Highway 21)
Oct. 20 - Maidstone
Community Calendar
Oct. 28 - Boos for a Cause Halloween Dance at Legion Hall 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Oct. 29 - Maidstone United Church Fall Supper