
Sept. 1 marked the return of Chief Poundmaker’s pipe bag, 138 years after its removal when the famous leader was arrested on nowexonerated treason charges
and imprisoned in Stoney Mountain Penitentiary.
The owner of the pipe bag, Jon Dickson Waters, previously of Saskatoon and now living on Vancouver Island with his wife, noted that his great grandfather’s brother
was a chaplain at Stoney Mountain Penitentiary when Chief Poundmaker was imprisoned there. Waters’ ancestors gave this pipe bag to the chaplain and Waters has since returned it home.
“If only this pouch could talk, the stories would be amazing,” said Waters in a press release from Floyd Favel, curator of the Poundmaker Museum.
“It is a remarkable journey and a story of systemic racism and oppression, greed and intolerance, starvation and genocide, lies and deception, propaganda and misinformation from our religious, government and religious leaders,” Waters added.
The pipe bag is set to be housed at the Poundmaker Museum and Gallery, following a ceremony on Sept. 1.
Favel wrote in his press release that the pipe bag was taken from Chief Poundmaker’s land in chains under the false charge of treason in 1885, explaining the in-depth history of the denial of treaty rights in 1885, the Battle of Cut Knife, and eventual arrest and death of Poundmaker during a period of intense
The rain came but it didn’t stop this ballerina from entertaining spectators at Saturday’s North Battleford Business Improvement District Fall Fest. See more photos, visit |
“Repatriation can happen only with items that were unjustly taken from a historical personage and these items should be returned to the community and be visible to all, as part of the historical and cultural legacy of that community.
“Items that were freely given, like this pipe bag, can not be forcibly repatriated but depend on the goodwill of the owner, like in this case. This pipe bag belongs to our community and will be displayed for all to see and I am grateful that direct descendants of Chief Poundmaker are present here today,” Favel added.
‘If only this pouch could talk...’Chief Poundmaker descendant Rico Mirasty and wife Marcia Mirasty of Flying Dust First Nation accept the return of Poundmaker’s pipe bag. | Photo by Floyd Favel
Geoff McFarlan, a former principal of the Neilburg Comprehensive High School found guilty of sexually assaulting a student, has now been released from the Saskatoon Correctional Centre following an appeal.
According to McFarlan’s lawyer, Brady Knight, the Crown consented to his release after an appeal
was filed with King’s Bench on Sept. 1, the same day
McFarlan was sentenced to six months in jail.
The notice of appeal argues on the basis that Judge Kevin Hill erred in law during the conviction by:
• failing to consider the evidence as a whole, specifically evidence regarding students grabbing each other’ buttocks as a prank,
• Misapprehending the
evidence of various youth witnesses,
• Misapplying the test in R V Villaroman, 2016 SCC 33,
• Shifting the burden of proof to the accused, and,
• improperly considering a previous allegation made against the accused.
The appeal also argues that Judge Hill erred in law during sentencing by:
• Imposing a sentencing that is demonstrably unfit,
• failing to properly consider all mitigation factions
• over-emphasizing denunciation and deterrence to the detriment of all other applicable sentencing principles, and,
• such further grounds as counsel may specify in an amended Notice of Appeal.
They are seeking acquittal on all charges, the order of a new trial, or that McFarlan’s sentence be set aside and be substituted for
the 90-day sentence served intermittently as was sought by the defence following confiction in April.
When asked why McFarlan and Knight moved forward with this appeal, Knight said he’d mostly let their Notice of Appeal speak to that, although he added that,
“It’s a situation where we reviewed the trial transcripts and were of the view there are appealable errors of law, and that’s why we have the
appellate courts to have a court of review for the lower court’s (Provincal Court) decisions,” Knight told the News-Optimist.
“Right now we’re waiting on the transcripts, particularly from the sentencing proceedings ... I wouldn’t anticipate the actual appeal being heard until sometime early in the new year, but that’s ultimately going to be up to the court,” Knight said.
A resident of Battleford is voicing concerns that speed limits coming into
town on Highway 40 are inadequate and pose a danger to residents on foot or cycling. Council received a letter dated Aug. 23 from Jordan Kist at
their Sept. 5 meeting, Kist hoping that council will be able to speak with the Ministry of Highways.
Kist describes an expanded Battleford,
both commercially and residentially. However, he notes that this has also changed the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the around 8th Ave. West and Highway 40.
“Many residents, including young families with children, access the industrial area and the dog park on the
Between 1869 and 1948, over 100,000 children were sent to Canada from Great Britain as indentured farm labourers and domestic servants. Several settled in this area of Saskatchewan. You might recognize some names.
WHEN : Saturday, September 16th, 2023
TIME : 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
WHERE : North Battleford Library • 1392 – 101st Street North Battleford, Saskatchewan
Please call 306-445-3206 for more information
PRESENTER: Susan Hillman Brazeau, BA, MA-IS
Susan is the descendant of a British Home Child and the author of several articles and presentations on historical topics. Her Master’s thesis, “They Were But Children…” is published in the Journal of Integrated Studies.
south side of the highway ... with vehicle speeds at this intersection of 80 kilometres an hour, and with the lack of a northbound turning lane, it presents a safety issue,” Kist explained in his letter.
Mayor Ames Leslie noted that the town does not have the authority or power to change the speed
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limits, though they can advocate with the ministry.
“We definitely can have a conversation with the Ministry of Highways. Two years ago, we had a safety audit done ... and they came back and said, ‘speed reduction is not required on any of the roads in and out of Battleford,’ but it doesn’t mean we can’t go back to the Ministry of Highways and engage in those conversations again.”
Kist also noted in his letter that the reduction of speed limits may also reduce noise levels. He added that despite the efforts of municipal enforcement and highway traffic authorities, the use of engine retarder brakes and excessive speeding on the highway continue, often late at night.
Avis est donné par la présente pour recevoir les mises en candidature aux deux (2) postes à pourvoir au sein du Conseil de l’École Père Mercure (North Battleford) dont le mandat est de deux (2) ans. Selon l’article 134.2(1) de la Loi sur l’éducation, un (1) de ces postes devrait être assumé par un parent d’élèves de l’École Père Mercure et un (1) poste de représentant communautaire par un adulte de langue minoritaire qui réside dans la zone de fréquentation de l’école.
Les candidatures seront reçues jusqu’à 16 h 00, le mercredi 4 octobre 2023 par courriel à et/ou au siège social du Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (201-1440 9ème Avenue Nord), pendant les heures d’ouverture du bureau à compter du lundi 18 septembre 2023. Pour plus d’information ou pour obtenir un formulaire, avec Cathy Liffran au (306) 719 7482 ou Yvonne Muhabwampundu au (306) 719 7461 ou au 1 (877) 273-6661.
Dans l’éventualité d’une élection, le scrutin se déroulera le mercredi 25 octobre 2023 de 10 h 00 à 20 h 00.
Fait à Regina, le 1 septembre 2023. Abdoulaye Yoh, Directeur adjoint de scrutin
Pour un poste de parent au sein du conseil d’école
• Être âgé d’au moins 18 ans ;
• Résider en Saskatchewan depuis au moins six mois ;
• Recevoir l’appui par écrit (signature) de trois parents d’élèves de la prématernelle à la 12e année de l’école fransaskoise ;
• Être le parent d’une ou d’un élève de la prématernelle à la 12e année inscrit.e à l’École Père Mercure.
Pour un poste de représentant communautaire au sein du conseil d’école
• Être âgé d’au moins 18 ans ;
• Posséder sa citoyenneté canadienne;
• Résider en Saskatchewan depuis au moins six mois ;
• Recevoir l’appui par écrit (signature) de trois parents d’élèves de la prématernelle à la 12e année de l’école fransaskoise ;
• Résider dans la zone de fréquentation de l’École Père Mercure.
Just over a week after nearly 100 residents of the Battlefords took to the streets to voice their displeasure with the Government of Saskatchewan’s new parental inclusion policy, Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill, has doubled down on his support for the change.
When asked by the News-Optimist/ to comment on what we would tell protesters upset at the change, Cockrill said, “I think that’s a part of our democratic system. You know, there’s lots of ways to express your opinion, I mean obviously, you get a chance to vote every four years ... but between elections, you have an opportunity to talk directly to your elected officials, whether that be through a meeting, or email or phone call. And you know, protest is one of those ways as well.”
Cockrill noted that he’s never seen a government
policy where 100 per cent of people agree and that his job as MLA is to speak to people on both sides of the aisle. He added that when it comes to respectful conversations, he’s available.
“The protest wasn’t surprising that it happened, and probably won’t be the last time there’s people in front of my office. It’s just a part of our democratic system ... in other countries, people go to jail for doing that, and in Canada, they don’t.”
Despite the large public display of disapproval seen not only in North Battleford but across the province, Cockrill maintains that there is still overwhelming support for the policy.
“I know there’s been some provincial media outlets that have questioned that, but I mean, I speak to actual constituents every single day, every single week, and I think there’s a consensus that parents want to be more involved
with their children’s education,” he said.
“I think we’ve put some safeguards in the policy ... there are going to be some situations where maybe a child has a home that they don’t feel safe communicating things about gender or sexuality, and there is a provision in this policy that the school division can work with that child, the school staff can work with that child to help them get to a place where they do feel comfortable.”
Cockrill said that the government is looking forward to meeting the recently announced legal challenges head on.
“At the end of the day, the default position should be that the home is the safest place for the child. That isn’t true for 100 per cent of people, but overwhelmingly when I talk to parents in the community, they say, ‘My child is the most important thing to me and if they’re going through something I want to be engaged.’”
Youth across the province of Saskatchewan are soon to have access to more mental health supports. The Government of Saskatchewan announced on Sept. 11 that an additional $1.7 million provided to Family Services Saskatchewan will see the expansion of free access to rapid counselling services for youth in the province, including with Catholic Family Services in North Battleford.
The announcement was made while the organization kicked off the start of Catholic Family Services week in the Battlefords, the first since the COVID-19 pandemic. The morning was marked with a walk, a flag raising at North Battleford City Hall, and speeches from dignitaries celebrating the expansion.
“We are so excited to see our flag flying to remind people that Catholic Family Services is here to help everyone and anyone that needs support. We are launching an expanded rapid access counselling service for youth and children that is free and is specialized to help children and youth with any issues they might be having,” Kim Morrison, the organization’s executive director told the News-Optimist.
Morrison noted that now youth experiencing struggles, including anxiety, depression, difficult life changes, or events at school, will be able to talk about their struggles for free with counsellors online, or in-person. Catholic Family Services has programming that includes general counselling, inschool counselling with the Light of Christ Catholic School division, provides support for children exposed to violence or trauma,
“In the last year we helped about 5,000 people. That is in the Battlefords and the northwest, but that is the equivalent of 20 per cent of the Battlefords. But not everyone’s from here, we serve our smaller communities, farming communities, our First Nation communities, in the northwest. And also because of our rapid access counselling network, we’ve been serving other people throughout the province as well,” she said In-person or virtual services can be booked online at: www. counsellingconnectsask. ca, with Morrison noting the solution-focused approach to counselling hopes to solve the root of the session, building skills that will help youth move forward.
In total this year, the province is providing Family Services Saskatchewan with $3.2 million in annual funding: $1.5 million to provide ongoing services to adults and families in more than 20 communities, and $1.7 million in new funding for expanding rapid access counselling services to children and youth.
The ministry noted that since May, counselling services for children and youth have launched in Regina, Saskatoon, Weyburn, Estevan, Carlyle and Oxbow, with
additional communities to be announced in the coming weeks.
“I think it’s symbolic that we started today with a walk because typically when I’m having a bad day I go for a walk. But we all know that sometimes in our own lives, or the lives of our family and friends, sometimes we need more than just a walk. or go outside. Sometimes you actually need to chat with somebody,” Jeremy Cockrill, (MLA for The Battlefords) said.
Cockrill was also attending the event on behalf Tim McLeod (Mental Health and Addictions Minister)
“I think it’s really important. I mean, we’ve got a lot of great organizations in the community that work with children and youth. I think about BGC Battlefords, I think of about Battleford’s Early Years Family Resource Centre that was opened up last year ... every community has challenges, ours is no different,” Cockrill said.
“When we have great organizations that have resources like this, and again, as we’ve been talking about this morning with CFS staff and others, sometimes crises come and you need help very quickly, and so for a child to be able to do that, I think that’s a really great opportunity in our community,” Cockrill added.
Let us start this week with some newish words. As you already know a cromach is a roughly hewn crooked Scottish walking stick with a knob or hooked handhold for cleeking children or sheep by the back leg. A claymore is a Scottish broad-sword too heavy to wield with one hand and can only be dramatically swung. A cudgel is a log used for clonking dislikes on the head. A cuirass, pronounced queer-ass, is a breast plate designed to withstand broad-swords. A claymore is also a hardto-get excellent blended Scotch whisky. More words next week.
Mr. T’s plane was stuck in India being one of four due to be replaced at a cost of $3.6 billion or $900 million each which seems very reasonable. This works out at only $50 per taxpayer (18 million of us) but wait, four will cost
$200 per taxpayer or $400 per couple.
Mr. T was not popular in India and has incurred further disparagement by lecturing on individual and collective freedoms, Canadian standards, the rule of law and mentioning Khalistan. He obviously did not read last week’s article which cautioned courtesy and subject restraint. India’s population is thirty-five times greater than that of Canada which is regarded
Letters to the editor are welcomed by the Regional Optimist. All letters, including those which are faxed or emailed, must be signed and bear the address and telephone number of the writer. The name of the writer will be published. Letters are subject to editing. Personal attacks will not be printed. Letters will be rejected if they contain libelous statements or are unsigned.
as inconsequential in world affairs There is no doubt that Mr. T. is losing his shine at home and his foreign glister, carefully cultivated over the last eight years, is wearing thin. (Shakespeare , Merchant of Venice).
Mr. Guilbeault, our Honourable Environment Minister, also displayed a lack of courtesy by holding an information or whatever event at the door of the Conservative convention. In response to his incessant calls for less usage of natural gas, which will be exported if pipelines are ever completed, new homes in southern B.C. and Vancouver Island will not have gas lines installed. Heating will be dependent
on reliable electricity as will cooking, lighting, vehicle charging, air conditioning and all else. How can your condo or tiny apartment derive sufficient power from a solar panel on your north facing deck or tiny wind turbine clipped to your balcony? Commercial solar and wind power is not cheap. B.C. has no nuclear power sources and currently has a water shortage which may threaten hydro generation. Some people tacitly hope that global warm up will be sufficient to keep us from freezing in the winter but aren’t we desperately trying to control it? The real truth is that society evolves, and problems are sensibly resolved. Impatient self-important zealots are talking nonsense and creating
Finally, Mr. T. has a new word which he has been trying out in India – Diaspora, meaning population groups which are distinct and are allowed “freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and peaceful protest”.
Unfortunately, the Indian
media are well aware of the trucker suppression, asset freezing, and the Emergency Measures Act and his comments have been described as “total hypocrisy”, worsening our relationship with that important country which has just landed on the moon.
Starting Tuesday, October 5th, 2023, and Thursday, October 5th @ 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and/or Thursdays with Louise Sylvester Tuesday - Vinyasa Flow. This class focuses on movement and breath. We will move from standing poses to poses on the floor and back to standing. You will get a bit of a workout. Great for beginners to advanced. Thursday - Gentle Yoga. All poses will be done seated on the floor or a chair to focus on stretching. Great for everyone who wants to slow down and stretch.
Cost: $80.00 for 10 classes
Classes at The Alex Dillabough Center South side, Meeting Room A/B
For more information or to register call Rachael MacDonald at the Parks Office at (306) 937-6216 or email:
The City of North Battleford has two new fleet vehicles in operation after city council approved the purchase of new hybrids in an effort to cut down on fuel expenses.
Two 2023 Ford Escapes were purchased locally at Valley Ford after administration approached several local dealerships and received competitive pricing rates. Both vehicles are expected to save the city a significant amount of money over time, noted Fleet and Maintenance
“Both of these units are replacing half-ton trucks, so we anticipate substantial savings on fuel costs, somewhere between 20 to 30 per cent.” Winterholt added that there is an added benefit in reduction of emissions, with the hybrid units cutting back on emissions by approximately 40 to 50 per cent.
One unit, a hybrid equipped with both gas and an electric battery, is designated for City operations, while the second fleet vehicle is a
plug-in hybrid (PHEV). The PHEV unit will be a patrol vehicle for Community Safety Officers. The PHEV has both gas and an electric battery, which can be plugged in to expedite charging. The PHEV also has a larger battery capacity, so it can travel faster and longer than a regular hybrid before switching to gas power.
The two new compact SUVs were part of the 2023 Capital Budget approved by city council in late 2022. The CSO PHEV was purchased for $48,594 plus taxes, while the
operations hybrid vehicle is on a 48-month lease with payments of $666.33 plus taxes per month. The city has the option to buy out the lease of the vehicle at the end of the term for a cost of $18,401.42 plus taxes.
Fleet Services team anticipates both units will perform well in colder weather due to improvements in hybrid vehicle technology over the last number of years. Fleet Services intends to monitor the fuel savings and emission reductions of these vehicles against other
Prepare to be transported into the enchanting world of Amy Winehouse on Sept. 21, as Heidi Munro and The Back to Black Band grace the Battlefords with a Dekker Centre performance that
promises to ignite a fiery love and nostalgia for the unforgettable tunes of the iconic singer.
The American Federation of MusiciansCFM Local 553, has hailed this show as, “a spectacle worthy of any stage in Vegas,” setting the stage
for what is sure to be a captivating evening of music and energy on Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Heidi Munro, a formidable Saskatchewan vocalist and performer, takes the center stage, embodying the essence of Amy Winehouse. In
2018, Munro self-produced ‘The Passion Of Amy Winehouse,’ a production that has consistently played to sold-out venues since the first performance in Feb.2019. But the magic doesn’t stop with Munro. She is joined by an A-list
lineup of musicians, wellknown across Canada, to form The Back to Black Band: Sheldon Corbett as the musical director; Scott Patrick; Julia Penner; Nathan Degenhart; Dave Anderson; Grant Sotnikow; Brad King; and Jesse Dawson.
Together, this ensemble promises to recreate the soulful, jazzy, and raw emotions that made Amy Winehouse’s music a sensation worldwide. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit the Dekker Centre’s website at:
Painting large can be exciting. However, a number of problems arise when creating a bigger painting. The cost of materials is high. Filling a large area with visual interest can be difficult.
A potential buyer needs space big enough to display the art. You need to find somewhere to store the painting until it is bought.
Painting small can bring a different problem. A small artwork can get lost on a large wall. People who like art like to display
it, but a small piece can be difficult to see.
I have recently begun a new approach to creating art. I have named my recent work “Thumbnail Galleries.”
Rather than painting large, I have begun to create collections of small original works
thematically related to one another. These small works are presented together in a single frame as a “gallery.” The theme is intended to pull the pieces together, such as “Seasons” or “Three Graces,” (work in progress) in the example images. So far, the “galleries,”
I have created contain works done on watercolour paper, using ink and watersoluble coloured pencils. I like the strong contrast between black lines and the coloured areas.
I encourage you to try your hand at “going small.”
The Art Club meets on Tuesdays in the craft room
at the Don Ross Centre, on the lower level. Why not drop in to see what members are doing? While there, you might like to check out the Members’ Exhibition in the Chapel Gallery. A number of Art Club members have work on display until October.
Throughout September, 20 provincial parks will continue to welcome campers with a full range of services available for online booking. Until September 30, campers can save with a special $5 discount on new reservations for stays on all nightly sites. Use the code SAVE5SEPTEMBER to unlock this offer. Visit the Sask Parks website to learn more.
September is indeed a scenic month with deciduous tree leaves turning crimson and other colours. But with heavy gusts of winds, they don’t last long on the branches. Enjoy the beauty while it lasts.
Local folks just got a notice that Mayfair’s Creative Corner is hosting a fall sale Sunday, Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the hall. To book tables please contact Dorothy at 306-480-9016 or Lindsay at 306-290-8146. The concession will be open for those hours also. We have enough notice to plan our time on Sunday, Nov. 26 as that is the slated date for the craft sale.
Thank you to Judy for being the mail delivery person west of Mayfair route for a good number of years. Since summer, Heides has been awarded the Canada Post delivery route.
For one month now Dr. Justin Hodgson and Tess are Spiritwood’s new veterinarian clinic owners. They have named their business Farm Docs Animal Health Services. The grand opening is this Friday, Sept. 15 from noon to 3 p.m. with free burgers, raffles, prizes and an open house. They focus on equine, small ruminants, small animals and cattle clients. The emergency line is open 24/7 by calling 306-883-2370 5.
Enjoying being outdoors and listening to music in a comfortable lawn chair was a wonderful way for me to spend Sept. 9 at “Doylefest,” a weekend music festival at Eagle Hills Regional Park. Did it rain on Saturday?
You betcha it did but two intermittent showers, one
in the afternoon and then early evening, didn’t put a damper on the eager audience. All proceeds went to Community Arts Mentorship Programming bringing different aspects of music to remote, mostly northern Saskatchewan communities. Many young children were out and about but one can’t forget the dog lovers in the crowd.
I guess dogs do love music. The outdoor music event included face painting, disc golf, hilly walking trails and a busy concession. A tie-dye table kept the young volunteers busy assisting newcomers in creating interesting pieces of clothing. One could either purchase a new $30 Eagle Hills Doylefest slogan T-shirt and then get it tie-dyed or there was a table with an assortment of used free clothing to give the same treatment.
It’s interesting that there wasn’t a beer garden. One doesn’t always need booze to have a good time. “Doylefest” reflects the instigator of these festivals, well-known artist Eliza Mary Doyle from Saskatoon. She is a polished singer/songwriter and her performances are second to none. She has toured Canada, the United States and Europe extensively with her banjo, guitar, dobra and mandolin winning many awards. In 2015 her vehicle broke down in Nashville, Tenn. thus enabling her to catch more concerts and even perform herself. At the Eagle Hills festival, there were more than 30 excellent solos and bands performing from 6:30 p.m. Friday until 3 p.m. Sunday.
What a fantastic weekend for this festival as all in all the weather did co-operate other than those couple of showers ending with a full beautiful rainbow.
Maymont Sharon United Church services held Sundays at 11 a.m. are: Sept. 24; Oct. 15 and 29; Nov. 12 and 26, which is “White Gift Sunday;” Dec. 10. The Dec. 23 service will be the Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m.
For local football fans wanting to see some fastpaced, exciting games mark your calendar, as Hafford Vikings have already played their first game defeating the opposing Big River team 74 to 25. Their home games are: Friday, Sept. 15 against Macklin at 4 p.m.; and Oct. 5 against Plenty at 4 p.m. The away games are: Thursday, Sept. 21 at 4 p.m. in Big River; Friday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. in Kerrobert; and Friday, Oct. 20 at 4:30 p.m. in Plenty. Vikings are a strong team so one can reassured of semifinal and other playoff games when the weather is guaranteed to get colder. That’s when the crowd needs hot beverages and winter apparel. Good luck to Hafford Vikings high school football team.
This Sunday, Sept. 17. come for a leisurely drive to Honeywood Nursery near Parkside (Shellbrook area) for their “Touch of Autumn” event. Admission
is $5 which includes a tour of the park submerged in stunning fall colours, many craftsmen and artists displaying and selling items and great musical entertainment for music lovers. One can order mouth-watering rhubarb and apple pie made from fruit grown on the site. Enjoy this treat with ice cream and coffee. What a wonderful day to spend from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If most readers are like me, they are skeptical about answering thier
Hello, there. Here it is September and half over at that. Schools are back in session, crops are being harvested and just as God tells us in His Word, there will always be seasons.
Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 says “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest and cold and heat
phone to unfamiliar telephone numbers. I recently discovered the telephone code for toll-free numbers in North America start with 844. Are you expecting an important call from that code followed by the seven-digit number? I Googled that 844 code and did some searching and it can come from almost any foreign place including Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Lucia and others. Get what I’m saying? Not many of us Canadians know honest law-abiding citizens who
live in distant countries. I’ve gotten stung a few times with my banking compromised by idiots who have nothing better to do than prey on us hardworking people trying to pay our bills. They try to sneak in a few purchases under our accounts and think we will ignore the transactions. Our world is going from bad to worse with all of these criminals. Please stay closely connected to your accounts and check them frequently.
and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
We are back in full swing at TBC. We had 34 present on our first Sunday back after an August vacation. Our main focus is to see people fill the church building on a Sunday morning to worship God. There may be a place for new programs, expensive entertainment, gimmicks and such things, but we
believe that God is more interested in people’s sincere heart-to-heart worship of Him.
No, I don’t have to attend a church in order to get to heaven, nor do I have to eat for a couple of weeks, however, I would be the loser when all is said and done. God tells us in Hebrews chapter 10 verses 24 and 25 that we should get to church.
Sept. 24 is GGMH
night. All singing, except for a snack and fellowship time downstairs. Hope to see you there. Also please keep in mind, that every Sunday morning before the morning service we gather around 10:30 a.m. for coffee and chat.
Until next month, remember, God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”
BAPTISTE: Tanita Cassandra Baptiste passed away suddenly on July 26, 2023 at North Battleford. She was born in Calgary, AB on April 21, 1990.
Tanita will be sadly missed by her father, Victor Baptiste; her aunty mom, Della Baptiste; her children: Cole Wright, Cree Sky Baptiste, Angelica Bird; her brothers: Dustin Little, Nicolas Baptiste; her sisters:
Cheyenne Sanderson, Shahalla Sanderson, Tia Wells, Tara Topsky, Larissa
Topsky, Autumn Topsky, Jillian
Topsky; grandmothers: Verna Denny, Linda Whitford; her special friend, Farrel Natacappo; numerous cousins, nieces, nephews, friends and family. Tanita was predeceased by her mother, Cynthia Little (Baptiste); her kokum, Catherine Cryer (Mousu), Isabella Chakita, Marion Baptiste (Wuttunee), Amy Baptiste (Bruno); mooshums: Ernie Baptiste, Donald Baptiste; grandparents: Ernest and Mary Anne Baptiste, Julie Peeyachew, Mary Jane Wuttunee, Marie Spyglass. Card of Thanks
Tanita’s family would like to thank everyone at the Lighthouse, the staff at Battle River Treaty 6 Health Center and all her friends who shared in her life.
ROBERTSON,CATHERINE(KAY): Aug4,1942-Aug15,2023; Kayleavesbehindtocherishhermemoryherlovingsons:Jim (Alana)andtheirchildrenKaine(Mackenzie)andBrooke(Josh); Stuart(Lori)andhischildrenLeeandBailey;sisterLinda Jakubcak,brotherWilliamGoodrich,sister-in-lawNaida(Bill) Dillman;sister-in-lawBettyGobert;aswellasnumerousnieces, nephewsandgoodfriends.
Kayispre-deceasedbyherhusbandGrant;brother-in-lawClayton Robertson;brother-in-lawBillJakubcak;andgranddaughter Caitlyn.
KayspentherfirstthirteenyearsinWarkworth,ON,beforethe Goodrich'smovedtoHeward,SK.KayattendedTeacher's CollegeinReginaaftergraduationandmovedtoAbbeyin1962to teach.There,shemetGrant,andtheyweremarriedin1965at Stoughton,SK.TheythenmovednearBowIsland,ABandKay taughtatConquervilleSchool.
Inthesummerof1967,theymovedtoBattleford,whereJimand Stuartwerebornandraised.KaytaughtatCentennialPark SchoolbeforeteachingatMosquitoGrizzlyBearHeadFirstNation fornineteenyears.Kaycontinuedtosubstituteteachforafew yearsbeforeenjoyingherretirement.
ThefamilywouldliketothankBDCCWard3staffforthe wonderfulcareprovidedtoKayinthepastyear.
The North Battleford Lions Club would like to thank all the family and friends who helped to make this year’s Antique Toy and Gun Show a roaring success.
THANK YOU Special Thanks to Parkland Farm Equipment and John Deere. Looking forward to next year already. Winners of the raffle: Marian Atcheyamn - rifle, Eric ZachariasJohn Deere stool and toy tractor.
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WESTON: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our Mum, Mother in-law and Granny – Elizabeth (Liz) Weston on Friday, September 1st at Battleford’s Union Hospital. We would like to thank the amazing staff at the BUH – ER, 3rd Floor, and Home Care – for their professional, kind and thorough care of our Mum. Mum was born in London, England in March 1939. She met her husband Iain Weston at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. They were married in March 1962 and moved to North Battleford in June of 1964. Mum worked in the field of Social Work in the UK and then with the Red Cross Society and the Department of Social Work in North Battleford. She is survived by her son, Richard Weston (Kathy) –Barrett (Calgary, AB); daughter, Sarah Banno (Dean) –Alexander, Christopher and Courtney (Richmond, BC); daughter, Cate Soffer (David) – Max and Jill (Saskatoon, SK). Liz is predeceased by her husband, Iain; brother, Anthony; sister, Gillian. A Celebration of Life Service will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. held at the Meota Community Complex, Meota Saskatchewan with Reverend Trevor Malyon officiating. In lieu of flowers – donations to the Battleford’s Union Hospital Foundation are appreciated – PO Box 1358 North Battleford, SK S9A 3L8. Mum and Dad were founding members of this foundation, so it is near and dear to our family. Condolences for the family can be left at Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service & Crematorium –Vanessa Macnab Funeral Director.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
JAUDI, LE 28 SEPTEMBRE, 2023 2:00 P.M.
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Caterpillar Challenger tractor 75C
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RuralMunicipalityofMervinNo.499 PublicNoticeisherebygiventhat NOMINATIONSofcandidatesfor theofficeofCouncilorforDivision2 willbereceivedbytheappointed nominationofficersattheMunicipal OfficeinTurtlefordduringregular officehoursuntilThursday,October 5th,2023at4:00p.m.localtime. Nominationformsmaybeobtained fromtheMunicipalOffice. Datedthis14thdayofSeptember, 2023. BrendaOttenbreit/ReturningOfficer 306-845-2045
Modern 3 bedroom house for sale or rent in Waseca. All appliances included. $1,000/mo rent or $100,000 to buy obo
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
Invites you to attend their
Invites you to attend their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:30 a.m.
I’m a big bundle of energy so obviously I love going on long walks. I don’t overly like other dogs, I’m kind of weird like that, but the shelter staff have been able to find me friends! I’m just a bit selective with which dogs I like.
I’m a delicate gal that loves gazing outside and basking in the sunshine. I am not the biggest fan of other cats and would prefer to be in a home where I am the only cat.
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document..
Porta Bella Restaurant
RSVP to email on or before Thursday, September 21, 2023
Porta Bella Restaurant 11:30 a.m. RSVP to email on or before Monday, September 11, 2023
Pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 2007, Public Notice is hereby given, that the Council of the Town of Battleford intends to consider adopting a bylaw to sell the following public land.
Part of MB1, Plan 00B11951
The affected land is generally known as: Municipal Buffer Strip Between 15th Street Bay and Central Avenue
To sell a portion of the buffer strip MB1, Plan 00B11951 as shown in the bold-dashed line drawing below:
Join The Auction Action Team
Sept 30th
Fall Consignment Sale, Medstead Hall, Medstead Sk. @ 10:00 am Household, Tools, Shop, Collectables, Yard and Garden, Vehicles
Terms of payment; Interact Debit, Cash, or Cheque with ID. Boechler-Schira Auctioneering does not charge buyers fee on items sold at our sales Check our Website and Facebook page for sale details Call Kelly @ 306-386-7110 or Marlene @ 306-883-8610
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The City claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 184003422 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the City or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the City. Dated this 10 day of April, 2023.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
To sell the dedicated land at fair market value to improve property line configuration for residential purposes. The portion of the buffer strip is to be consolidated with the adjoining lot.
Any person may inspect the bylaw at the Town Office, located at 92-23rd Street West, in the Town of Battleford between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies of the proposed bylaw are available at the Town Office at a cost of $5.00.
Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 16th at 7:00 pm at the Town Office to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the Town Office by 1:00 pm, Thursday October 5th, 2023.
Issued at the Town of Battleford this 14th day of September. Landon Chambers, RMA, MS.Gov Chief Administrative Officer Town of Battleford
The City claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 184003433 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the City or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the City. Dated this 10 day of April, 2023.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
Name Kenneth Seib
Lot 10 Blk/Par 237 Plan No 78B06784 Extension 0
Title Number: 116881162
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The City claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 190910011 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the City or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the City. Dated this 10 day of April, 2023.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
Name Kenneth Seib
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Lot 9 Blk/Par 237 Plan No 78B06784 Extension 0
Title Number: 116881151
Name Glenn Kayfish & Helen Kayfish
Lot 3 Blk/Par 88 Plan No C4240 Extension 0
Title Number: 146167443
(The Tax Enforcement Act)
TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The City claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the Tax Lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 184003680 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the City or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the City.
Dated this 10 day of April, 2023.
Margarita Pena, Administrator
Name Pearl Fisher & Kotie FisherLEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS:
Lot 32 Bk/Par 225 Plan No 72B06576 Extension 0
Title Number: 144572519
New easy access
900 Block on 104th Street
By Kathy Utri CorrespondentThe benefit barbecue for Marc, Shela and Dominic Thomarat on Sept. 6 was a tremendous show of support by Maidstone, Waseca and area residents. Over 300 burgers were served. The Thomarats thank all their family and friends for planning and working the event with help from Keranda, AG Foods, Culligan and Ashley Wiltermuth. Marc sent some information to share with our readers:
“Dominic was born Sept. 19, 2021, and has since been diagnosed with epilepsy, cerebral palsy and GDD. He spent time in the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital in Saskatoon during his first three months due to seizures. He went the entire 2022 calendar year seizurefree but unfortunately, in January of this year, they started again. It’s a difficult type of seizure to control which often requires an emergency room. This year alone Dominic’s had about a dozen separate emergency room stays due to seizures and since July 17, we were in Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton until just a week and a half ago when he was discharged and has been doing better. He still has a long road of therapy to reach his potential but if he can stay out of hospital, that will be huge. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and caring through donations and phone calls. You have helped Dominic return to his smiling self. If doing future charitable donations, please consider Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy Canada and Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon who have been amazing.”
Congratulations to Maidstone Ice Arena’s September “Trip of the
Month” winners: Gloria Donovan – trip to Victoria, value $2837.61 and D.J. Graham – ticket money back.
Lashburn Minor Hockey is another $ 8,000 winner in Synergy Credit Union’s Summer of Smiles draws. We only have until Sept. 20 to be drawn so I sure hope they find my name soon.
Maidstone Disc Golf final league leaders by averages were: Tier 1 Alex Francois -9, Tier 2 Jake White +2.5, Tier 3 Karlin Schmidt +13. The first annual Delfrari Cup/league year-end tournament was held Sept. 9 with 15 players competing. Winners were: 18 holes (handicaps included) – first - Troy Donovan; second - Ryan Donovan; third- Cody Garnham; closest to pin (Hole 7) Ryan Donovan, (Hole 11) Brendan Donovan, (Hole 17) Matt Sayers; danger zoneChase James; ace derbyCarley DeJong; super 9 (A) - Ryan Donovan, (B) - Ryan Donovan. Thanks to everyone who came out. Disc golf will resume in May 2024 as long as snow and water are gone.
Maidstone and District Bowling Alley will be open Tuesday, Sept. 12 to Friday, Sept. 1 from 2 to 5 p.m. for registration and to meet new staff. YBC will start Sept. 19-20 and will be every TuesdayWednesday from 3 to 5 p.m. All other leagues start Oct. 3-5 with ladies on Tuesday-Wednesday 1 to 3 p.m., seniors Thursday 1 to 3 p.m., and business Wednesday 7 to 9 p.m. Registration for all bowling members is $35. YBC (6 to 17 years of age) is $3 per game including shoes. Adult bowling members are $5 per game. Bowling membership entitles you to bowl anytime for $5 per game (excluding tournaments). Regular
bowling for non-members is $7.50 per game and shoe rental is $2 per pair. Facility rent is $75 per hour. To book parties and for open bowling, please phone 306893-4439. Business hours will be advertised. This is a non-profit community bowling alley. We need the community’s support to keep this recreation venue open.
Registration is now open for Maidstone Figure Skating Club. Learn to skate at any age. The annual parent meeting will take place Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. upstairs at Maidstone Arena. Go
approximately 20 hours per week
• The successful applicant will be a mature individual with good communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills
• Computer experience in word processing and accounting is necessary
• Responsibilities will include secretarial and financial functions, as well as management of the rental of church facilities
Closing date for applications is June 30, 2023
Position to commence at a date mutually determined with successful candidate
Please send resume with references to: Ministry and Personnel Committee Third Avenue United Church 1301 – 102nd St. North Battleford, SK S9A 1G4
For further information you may call 306-445-8539
to Facebook “Maidstone Figure Skating” for the registration link. Maidstone’s annual Halloween dance is Saturday, Oct. 28 at the Legion Hall. Proceeds go to locals undergoing cancer treatment. In the past years, nearly $40,000 has been donated. Please contact Megan Rhinehart (306-895-8500) or Patricia Blanchette to make an item or monetary donation. If you’d like to nominate someone to receive assistance this year, please message Megan privately. All names are kept anonymous to the public. If there are more than two nominees, a draw may be made for the decision.
From Friday to Sunday, Sept. 15 to 17, Flatlands Kennels K9 Harvest Games is the place to be. With UpDog disc, sanctioned CGN test, sanctioned APA weight pulls, straight lure, wall climb, dock diving, mill racing, rat finding, vendors, food, camping and more, it will be a fantastic weekend. Go to www.flatlandskennels. com for more information.
Wednesday, Sept. 20 - Pie bingo at 7 p.m. at Maidstone Legion Hall (workers/pies by McLaren District)
Saturday, Oct. 14Maidstone Ice Arena’s Octoberfest (doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m., live auction at 7:30 p.m., DJ at 9 p.m. featuring DD Services sponsored by Maidstone KinClub
Sunday, Oct. 15Milleton Hall Swedish Smorg 4 to 7 p.m.
District Community Foundation
Members of the Whitwell family presented members of the Breakwater Rehabilitation Committee with a grant from the Michael Whitwell Memorial Fund in the amount of $11,538.35. This grant is to support the Jackfish Lake- Lehman Creek Breakwater Project.
“This generous gift in Michael’s memory helps assure that we will make our fundraising goal in efforts to rehabilitate the breakwater,” said Resort Village of Cochin Mayor Harvey Walker.
“Rehabilitation is essential to maintaining free flow of water between
the two lakes. Structural failure of the breakwater is on the horizon and, if it happens, navigation between the lakes will, among other negative results, be a thing of the past. We thank the Whitwell family for their vision.”
Michael’s parents, Roddy and Candy and his sister, Brittany Fader were on hand for the presentation.
“Mike’s love and respect for the lakes helped us to make the decision to support this project. He was passionate about the fish and wildlife,” they said. “The lake was a huge and important part of his life. Supporting its longevity in his memory is an honour. We encourage
others to support this important project.”
This fund was established with Battlefords and District Community Foundation after Michael’s death in 2011. The fund has also provided support for the dock in Cochin.
Battlefords and District Community Foundation currently manages more than 28 funds that will contribute to a range of interests from the arts and health care to postsecondary scholarships and recreation. BDCF has distributed over $60,000 in annual community grants and scholarships this year. To date, their donors have provided over $1,300,000 to community groups and projects.
Here we are well into harvest and it is good to see many fields have been harvested. The recent showers have slowed progress, but it bodes well for spring moisture.
We must take time to thank Mary Shury for restarting the Meota monthly bulletin of “What’s Happening.” It takes a concentrated effort to provide us with this calendar of events and to give us much-appreciated humour with her jokes. Kudos to Mary. As we approach
Sept. 27, we find our Scandinavian contingent planning for their annual trek to Minot, N.D. For the Hostfest. It’s within a day’s drive for good wholesome entertainment.
Our loyal Sask Roughrider fans were given an appreciated hard-fought game against the Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic to provide us with a win. What was looking to be a dismal season with key injuries is giving us room to cheer.
The fall Lions bottle drive yielded good returns. Thanks to all who contributed so the
Lions can continue with their community projects. The current project is a preschool children’s playground.
The seniors held their first meeting of the season chaired by Vivianne Lesko. It was decided to hold Norwegian Whist on alternate Wednesdays in the afternoon. This is in unison with the Norwegian Social Club. The shuffleboard season will commence in October. A recent private function was hampered by a non-functioning air conditioner. Repairs are underway with the guidance of Bob Zurowski. There will be a flu clinic
held at the Do Drop In Oct. 23 in the morning.
Tuesday bridge saw Linda Ard and Donna Scherman win first. Second were Anne Crozier and Verne Iverson. In Thursday evening bridge, first was scored by Verne Iverson and David Sharpe. In second were Marg Dyck and David Creegan. Third were Fraser Glen and Jean Lawes.
Thursday morning golf had 27 people out on a beautiful morning. The consolation team was Louise Goodheart, Norman Northcott, Julliette Tebay and Eric Callbeck. Winners of
The community appreciates the efforts of Mary Shury in producing a printed monthly calendar of events. | Photo by Eric Callbeck
the morning were Jerry Goodheart, Janice Morton, Laurie Ward and John Patterson. The windup tournament will be Sept. 21 at 10 a.m.
Winners of Friday afternoon canasta were: first, Bev McCrimmon and Marion Ottis; second, David Sayers and Linda Ard.
The RM of Glenside invites ratepayers and their families to a ratepayers’ appreciation supper and tour of the new workshop Sept. 27. There will be a barbecue supper from 4 to 7 p.m. Please bring lawn chairs. If you plan to
attend please contact the RM office in Biggar before Sept. 25.
The RM of Glenside is no longer spraying noxious or invasive weeds. The landowners need to take care of these problems themselves. There will still be a weed inspector to check problem areas. If spraying is needed
on private property, the landowner will be charged for the application.
Those waiting to burn are advised there is a fire ban in effect. Those wishing to burn must obtain a permit at 1-866404-4917. The RM is doing its best to keep us all safe from out-of-control fires.
Annaleigh Lebruno has
taken over as administrator of the RM of Glenside. She has been in the office since February. The reeve is Coady Dehr. Councillors are Kim Custer, Darren Dove, Andrea Owen, Hugh Ross and Alan Shakotoko. The North Battleford Western Development Museum volunteers are still busy with shop projects,
getting the antique tractors that were used in History in Motion winterized and stored in their sheds.
The museum staff are in the process of getting ready for a Spooky Haunted event at the corn maze. Contact Heather Oneill at the museum if you want to be a volunteer for the event. It will run two nights from
about 6 to 10 p.m. After those two nights, the corn maze will be closed for the season. The museum will still be open, likely until Thanksgiving. It has been a busy season for tourists passing through. The museum has also been kept busy with rentals and First Nations activities.