StoryBox 146

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Tell me w hy, Dad ! ÂŁ4.15 (UK only) Issue 146 - September 2010 ISSN 1366-901x





Competition on page 46.


Tell me why, Dad! A little boy and his dad go to a garden. The boy has lots of questions about everything he sees.

Page 3 Wonder with Whizkid SamSam

SamSam and his teacher Page 26

Fun and games

Elves go to school Pa r e

nt s

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Gold Awar d.

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Page 35

Why do we get head lice? Page 22

Animal world

Beavers Page 28

Time for a rhyme

“The hayloft” Written by Robert Louis Stevenson Illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman Page 44

Polo Look at the pictures and tell

the story in your own words. Page 47

Competition results page 34.

Tell me why, Dad! Written and illustrated by Christian Voltz

Find out more about the author and illustrator of this month’s story by going to our website and clicking on Teachers


why can’t we go to Grandpa’s garden by car?”

“Because it’s not far, young man!

Anyway, on a bike you feel you’re flying like a bird!”


why are there lots of weeds in Grandpa’s garden?”

“They’re not weeds. They’re houses for butterflies…

…and mini-beasts!”

“Hey, Dad!

Why are those aphids eating the lettuces?”

“Because lettuces taste good! But we can put some ladybirds nearby. They love crunching up aphids!”


“Dad! Why can’t we

use atering?”

the hose for w


“Because we don’t need much water.

When we use a watering can, the ants get a little shower too!”

“I don’t like showers!”


“Dad, why

are there no apples on my apple tree?”


“Because it’s growing very slowly.”


“But why, Dad?”


“Well, my boy, your apple tree…

is still young… like you! It will have apples later on. By that time, you’ll be

all grown up!”



“In the meantime, let’s pick an apple from this tree!”


“Grandpa planted it a very long time ago when I was young. He planted it…

…for me!”


!” e m r o f d n a “…

e! “… and for m Hee! Hee!”


“So? How is your apple? Do you want another one?”



why do you always ask questions?!”




Why do we get head lice? Scratch, scratch‌ Oh no! I have got lice.

But how did they get there?


Or maybe we get them if we have a lot of hair!

Maybe lice jump from one person’s head to another’s?

Photo: Isabelle Franciosa.

Maybe we get them if our hair is dirty?

Why do we get lice? Let’s go and see… what can the answer be? 23

1. If your head is itchy

2. They live in our hair

But why do lice like to live on our heads?

Really? What do they eat?

and you take a closer look, you may see little insects wriggling around. They are head lice.


as it is just the right temperature for them! They can also find food on our heads.

3. Lice feed on our blood.

They pierce our skin with tiny spines in their mouth. This does not hurt. Then they suck up our blood.


4. Before sucking up

our blood, lice inject saliva under our skin. This makes the blood more liquid and the lice can suck it up more easily. Our skin protects itself against the saliva and forms a little spot. That is what makes us itch.

Lice do not jump or fly but they walk fast. Your head just needs to touch a place where there are lice, like a friend’s head, for example. Then the lice can climb onto your head.

• Now I understand! Lice come onto our heads to find food and heat!

Female lice lay 10 eggs a day! The eggs are called nits. They stick to hairs. A week later, the nits turn into baby lice.

Concept and text: A. L. Fournier le Ray. Illustrations: R. Faller.

But why do they make our heads itch?

Washing your hair will not get rid of lice as they do not drown in water. You need to use a special shampoo and also comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb to get rid of the nits.


SamSam really likes his teacher, Bridget.

The smallest of the big heroes

SamSam and his teacher


She has hair like a princess. She is very beautiful.

School is great. SamSam has lots of friends.



SamSam loves doing his school work.

He likes drawing imaginary monsters‌

lt’s a cucumbosaur.

4 26


… and writing difficult words.

The most difficult thing for SamSam is keeping still.




SamSam can’t stop wriggling around.

Bridget is nice but… she is also strict.

11 Play with SamSam and see some of the TV series at:

Story and illustrations: Serge Bloch. Colours: R. Chaurand.

She says, “No, no, SamSam! We do not fly when we are at school!”

Story and illustrations: Serge Bloch. Colours: R. Chaurand.




So Bridget gets cross with him.


mal world Ani

Beavers North American beavers spend their time swimming, cutting down trees and carrying branches around. Why are they so busy?


Where do they live?

Along river banks

What do they eat?

Reeds, leaves, branches and bark‌

How big are they?

Text: B. Fichou. Illustrations: M. Winter.

1.20 metres

1 metre

They are 1 metre long. 29

This beaver is using his strong teeth to gnaw at the trunk of a tree growing by a river. When the tree falls down, he will cut off the branches one by one.

The beaver is carrying a branch. He swims with his back feet. They are webbed like a duck’s feet. He swims past the lodge (home) that he built in the middle of the river. But where is he going? 30

This is where he was heading! The beaver is using branches and mud to strengthen the dam that he built across the river. The dam causes a deep pond to form around the lodge.

Look out! There is a bear! The beaver slaps the water with his tail. Splash! Splash! Other beavers nearby hear the noise and know that there is danger. But what is the beaver going to do now? 31

He dives under the water and joins his mate and kits inside the lodge. The lodge’s entrance is hidden below the surface of the water. The dam keeps the water level high and stops other animals from getting inside. The beaver family will be safe and dry until the bear wanders off‌ 32

Amazing but true‌

There are two types of beavers. North American beavers build lodges. Eurasian beavers prefer to dig burrows in river banks.

When beavers swim, only their nose, eyes and ears stick out of the water.

Beavers can stay twenty minutes under water without breathing.

Text: B. Fichou. Illustrations: Y. Calarnou.

A beaver’s tail is covered in scales. It helps beavers to stand up on their back legs. It also acts as a rudder so they can change direction in the water.




Results of the scary wolf competition StoryBox 142

These 5 winners will receive a copy of this great book.

Well done everybody who took part! Tian Le Hsu

Amelia Newman, 5.

Grace Henry


Violaine Manet

Kathryn Picher-Wozniak 34

Fun and games

Elves go to school

Concept: A. Almeras and Robin. Illustrations: D. Pinto.

Join the dots from 1 to 28 to see the finished picture.


School kit Match the words to the pictures and then write the words next to the correct number in the grid. 6 school n


o tebook

ruler 1

pencil case rubber pen 5 4





2 3



Answers: 1– pencil case, 2– rubber, 3– school bag, 4– notebook, 5– ruler, 6– pen.


Colouring in Colour each space to match the dot in it.


Answers: 1. the middle metal bar, 2. builder’s hard hat (on left), 3. builder’s arm, 4. extra nail on ground, 5. mouth of builder with yellow top, 6. builder on right, t-shirt stripes.


Start Help the red elf to reach his blue friend.

Pens and pencils

How many pens have the elves taken out of the pencil case?

Finish 39

Answers: twelve pens (and twenty pencils).

Playtime games Match each bubble to the correct elf.


Help! I’m going to get squashed!




It’s better on your tummy!



Careful! I keep flying off!



Answers: A –4, B–3, C–5, D–2, E–1.


Hey, don’t push!

Look and see Find these little details in the big picture.


Wow‌ What a great slide!



Answers: stripe on hat, freckles, earring, stripes on jumper, letters on pencil, pencil lead, star on boot.


Find the 7 differences between these two pictures.

Tiny twins

Bag of elves Put the pictures in the correct order. Then write the letters in the blanks below to read what the boy says. off cho


ol Answer: He says, “I’m off to school!”

The boy says, “I’m

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!” 43

e for a rhyme Tim


Illustrated by

StoryBox supports the International Board on Books for Young People, a non-profit organization

T h r o u g h a l l the pleasant meadow-side The grass grew shoulder-high Till the shining scythes went far and wide And cut it down to dry. These green and sweetly smelling crops They led in waggons home; And they piled them here in mountain tops For mountaineers to roam. Here is Mount Clear, Mount Rusty-Nail, Mount Eagle and Mount High;— The mice that in these mountains dwell, No happier are than I! Oh, what a joy to clamber there, Oh, what a place for play, With the sweet, the dim, the dusty air, The happy hills of hay! Robert Louis Stevenson “The hayloft” from A Child’s Garden of Verses

working to defend every child’s right to read. Visit

This poem written by Robert Louis Stevenson from A Child’s Garden of Verses and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman, was first published in Under the Spell of the Moon - Art for Children from the World’s Great Illustrators © 2004, Groundwood Books Ltd. If you would like to buy this book and support IBBY, please go to

Trina Schart Hyman, usa




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Draw a fores t. Send your dr awing by 15th October to: Bayard, 1st floor, 2 King street, Peterborough , P E 1 1L T , UK . Don’t forget

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Three great prizes to be won! The three best drawings will receive a Muji toy (railway in a bag, safari in a box, wooden jigsaw)

t words An adventure withou the world of dreams‌ o t n i u o y d a to le

Play a fun NEW game with Polo at:







to be continued‌

Story line and Illustrations: RĂŠgis Faller.

In your next issue

Animal world

A doe and her fawn


Moon soup Toby enjoys living in his quiet, tidy house and cooking soup. Then one day, a new neighbour moves into the house on the other side of the river...


Kandybar planet

Wonder with Whizkid

Why are animals scared of us?


Managing Publisher: Christine Auberger. Editorial Manager: Elena Iribarren. Editor in Chief: Simona Sideri. Art Director: Pat Carter. Text and research: Liz Shepherd. Proof reader: Caroline Pook. Sales & promotion: Andréa Chhan. Budget Controller: Vincent Delorme. For editorial queries please contact: Bayard, 1st Floor, 2 King Street, Peterborough, PE1 1LT. For a subscription in Switzerland: Edigroup SA - 39, rue Peillonnex 1225 Chêne-Bourg (Switzerland) - tel: (0041)22 860 84 02 - fax: (0041)22 349 25 92 - e-mail: StoryBox is published by Bayard Presse S.A. a Limited Liability company with a board of Directors and Supervisory Board and a capital of 16,500,000 Euros and having its principal place of business located at 18 Rue Barbès, 92120 Montrouge, France. Board of Directors and Managing Committee: Georges Sanerot (Board President and Publication Director), Hubert Chicou, Alain Auge, André Antoni, (Managing Directors). Main Shareholders: Assomption, Saint Loup Ltd, N.D.S. Association. Printers: Melsa, Poligono de la Estacion, Pinto, Madrid, Spain and Allion printing co. Ltd, Hong Kong. Under law n°49956 of 16/07/1949 relating to youth publications. CPPAP: 0414 K 78779. ISSN 1366-901X. All rights reserved to the publisher © Les Belles Histoires, Youpi, Pomme d’Api, Mes Premiers J’Aime Lire – Bayard. The name, surname and address of our subscribers are passed on to our in-house departments and all organisations under agreement with StoryBox unless we receive a formal instruction not to do so from the subscriber, in which case the above information will only be used to carry out the subscription. Such information may be accessed or modified by the subscriber as specified by the law.

To subscribe call +44 (0)1858 438898. Visit our website: for more information.

N. 146

You will need this to carry your books safely to school. Text: Simona Sideri. Illustrations: Bridget Strevens.



Back to school!

2 You will be learning all about these and practising writing them.

3 Make sure you have lots of these to write and draw with.

Match each picture to the riddle that best describes it.

Your teacher will read some of these to you and your classmates.



StoryBox was great… now I’m ready for


Answers: A–2 letters and numbers , B–4 story books, C–1 school bag, D–3 pens and pencils.


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