This book was written and organized by Greg St. Cyr.
With special thanks to members of our Bay Area family for writing the daily prayers.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9
“For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” Ezra 7:10
Dear Reader, It’s been my privilege to pastor Bay Area Community Church for almost three decades. As a result, I have the vantage point of time. I can tell you that those who maintain their passion for Christ and continue to grow have one thing in common: Their relationship with Jesus is preeminent. It takes first place over all else. As a result, they experience ongoing transformation and the life God designed for them. How does such transformation take place? The Holy Spirit uses many things but that which is indispensable is time with God and His Word in silence and solitude. One of the greatest faith steps that you will ever take must be taken daily. That faith step is to prioritize your daily time with the Lord. I think you agree that life is full! There is always more to do. Life’s pressures and responsibilities pile up. And yet, if your relationship with Jesus is truly preeminent, then you must give that which is weightiest first place. It takes a daily faith step to say “no” to other things in order to say “yes” to reading A Chapter A Day. It also entails being misunderstood and even criticized by others. But with that commitment comes the supernatural blessing of God who will always honor your time with Him. That’s the kind of God He is. I can give testimony to the fact that as you spend daily time in His Word and prayer, God will work powerfully in your life. He honors the faith of those who say “yes” to Him. I love the story of Josiah (You will read about him this year). In the Bible, Josiah became king of Judah at eight years old. One day when the temple was being repaired, God’s Word was suddenly discovered. 2 Chronicles 34:19 tells us Josiah’s response, “And when the king heard the words of the Law, he tore his clothes.” He immediately began to weep over the neglect of God’s Word, and he immediately called the people to repentance. Josiah applied the Scriptures and brought spiritual reform to his personal life and all of Judah; thus, staying off God’s judgment. The king stood by the pillar and renewed the covenant in the presence of the Lord—to follow the Lord and keep his commands, statutes and decrees with all his heart and all his soul, thus confirming the words of the covenant written in this book. Then all the people pledged themselves to the covenant. 2 Kings 23:3 Our nation today desperately needs spiritual reform. Such reform comes from people like king Josiah who prioritized daily time with God and His Word. It is my prayer that Chapter A Day helps spark a “Josiahtype” revival in your life that impacts our nation and world for Christ! From here to the nations,
- Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr
A WORD ABOUT VOLUME 4 This is the fourth of what will be five Chapter A Day journals. Each volume reads through the entire New Testament which consists of 260 chapters. In addition, you will read 105 Old Testament chapters over the course of a year. Volume 1 provides an overview of the Old Testament by selecting 105 key chapters. Volume 2 focuses our Old Testament reading on the Poetical Books commonly known as Wisdom Literature. Volume 3 guides us through 105 chapters of the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch. This volume will walk us through important chapters in the historical books. There are twelve historical books and we will read select chapters from them: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First & Second Samuel, First & Second Kings, First & Second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Undoubtedly you will have a desire at some point to read the books in their entirety, which is highly encouraged! When reading the historical books, it is helpful to remember that they are divided into three broad units. The “theocratic” books (when Israel was a theocracy) consist of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. The “monarchial” books (when Israel was ruled by kings) include Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. And the “restoration” books (post-exile when Israel returns to the land) are made up of Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, and Esther. Our journey will toggle back and forth between the New Testament and Old Testament. Kings and Chronicles recount many of the same historical events, so I’ve selected chapters that I believe are most important. Also, I’ve tried to incorporate chapters appropriate for Christmas and Easter which also impacts the arrangement of readings. When beginning a new book in the Bible, particularly one that you are not familiar with, let me encourage you to watch the Bible Project overview of the book. Simply google bible project with the name of the book and you can watch it on YouTube. Also, Henrietta Mear’s classic, What the Bible Is All About, is a tremendous resource. When reading the Scriptures, understanding the historical context is key. That’s why I strongly recommend a resource like Warren Wiersbe’s With the Word, The Chapterby-Chapter Bible Handbook, or the two volume Wiersbe Bible Commentary. Finally, I’d like to point out a new feature for this volume. At the end of the book you will find pages for sermon notes. By writing down the key notes from the sermons in your Chapter A Day journal, it will – in one single place – help you reflect and record what God is teaching you throughout the year.
Final word of encouragement: If you fall behind in your reading, don’t get discouraged. Simply pick up where you left off. Stay the course! You are making progress! We don’t see our spiritual growth every day, but I can assure you that you will be much more spiritually mature next year because of your daily investment! Jesus is pleased with your faith decision to spend time with Him.
INTRODUCTION All of us are called by Jesus to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). The first person we are to disciple is ourselves. Jesus says, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). We are to be like our Teacher, Jesus. That happens as we spend time with Him.
A disciple of Jesus is someone who:
• • •
Follows Jesus Is being changed by Jesus Is on mission with Jesus
We are changed by Jesus as we reflect upon God’s Word and receive what He is saying to us, and then respond in faith and obedience. Disciples grow by continually receiving and responding to the Lord.
RECEIVE and RESPOND. That’s the key to spiritual growth.
One of the problems is our lack of time with the Lord and His Word. That is about to change for you as you commit to spending daily time with Him!
There are two simple questions that help us receive and respond: To receive, we ask: What is God saying to me? To respond, we ask: What am I to do with what God is saying to me?
In your “A Chapter A Day” guide, you will find a simple structure that will help you become a self-feeder as you receive and respond. The structure has been adapted from Wayne Cordeiro’s book “The Divine Mentor” and is called the SOAP Devotional Method.
SOAP Devotional Method SC R I P T U R E Write out one verse from the chapter that spoke to you.
Observe carefully what the verse says. Ponder the context, setting, its meaning, tone and purpose. Write down a few sentences or a paragraph. And most importantly, answer the question, “What is God saying to me?”
How does this verse apply to my life? What am I to do with what God is saying to me?
P R AY E R Finish your time in the Word with a personal prayer to God. It might be praise, confession, thanksgiving or intercession. Ask Him to help you apply what you have learned. As a family, we want to learn to pray together in agreement. You’ll find a prayer included every day in this journal so we can unite together in prayer.
HOW TO USE THIS JOURNAL Here are a few helpful suggestions on how to use your journal most effectively.
1. Set aside a specific time and quiet place to meet with God. You will need your Bible, this journal and a pen.
2. Receive and Respond using the SOAP method. Read each day’s Bible chapter. Write down the specific Scripture through which God is speaking to you. Receive by reflecting on that verse, asking, “What is God saying to me?” Respond by writing down your application, asking, “What is God asking me to do?”
3. Title the page. Take a moment to give today’s chapter a short title: one or two words that will help you remember your time with God’s Word.
4. Pray spontaneously. End your time with prayer. Talk to the Lord like you would a friend. Praise Him for His goodness, thank Him for things, and ask Him for that which is on your heart. You can keep a list of those for whom you’re praying in the back of this journal.
5. Pray together with your church. Join with our church family in praying that God would change us and use us.
Mark 1 TITLE:
Follow Me
And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men .” And immediately they left their nets and followed him . Mark 1:17-18
Jesus issues Simon and Andrew a simple, straightforward challenge to “follow me.” With that command comes his promise: “I will make you fishers of men .” Without any hesitation , they immediately leave everything to follow Jesus. Amazing! Jesus has been preaching the gospel and saying that the kingdom of God is at hand…and Simon and Andrew are all in .
Am I all in for Jesus? His call applies to me as well . He is asking me today to follow him afresh , to surrender all to him and let him lead. What is keeping me from fully following Jesus? I think it is holding on too tightly to my own plans as well as my disappointment over things that happened this past year. Why would I hold on to temporal things when Jesus invites me into the great adventure of following him? Lord Jesus, thank you for calling me to follow you. I am leaving my net behind this very day to follow you. Forgive me for holding on to my own plans and the pain of my disappointment. I give you my plans and my sorrows. You want to make me a fisher of men , so I’m ready to follow you today in whatever you have for me. P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are declared to be the Fathers’ blessed Son who has come into the world. We pray that our hearts will be open to receive the gift which is beyond anything we could have ever imagined. Help us to follow You just as the disciples did with their whole life.
Mark 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are declared to be the Fathers’ blessed Son who has come into the world. We pray that our hearts will be open to receive the gift which is beyond anything we could have ever imagined. Help us to follow You just as the disciples did with their whole life.
Mark 2 TITLE:
2 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our need will drive us to come to You, Jesus, in faith to be healed. Stir our hearts so that we will not let anything get in the way of coming and asking You for healing in body and spirit. Thank You for the gift of forgiveness through the cross.
Mark 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your power is able to meet all our needs. Help us to see the needs of others without judgement so God can use us in any way that will bring glory to Himself. Thank You, Lord, for bringing us into your family full of love and grace.
Mark 4 TITLE:
4 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we give thanks to You for teaching us truths and mysteries from Your Kingdom through parables. We pray for good soil in our lives that will yield thirty, sixty and a hundredfold for the Lord.
Mark 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your healing power knows no bounds that even the demons are cast out. When a sickness continues for long periods of time don’t let us lose desire to come to You and ask for healing.
Mark 6 TITLE:
6 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, when our eyes are on Jesus we hear His words and they come with wisdom far beyond all of our understanding. Help us to have open ears to hear and to look to You for all our needs to be met.
Mark 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The Lord doesn’t seek for us to live under human traditions as a means to be close to God, and we know that it is not what goes into our body that defiles, but what comes out in words and actions. Let us keep watch over our words.
Mark 8 TITLE:
8 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We forget the many times that Jesus has given us what we need, and then we look at the next problem wondering how it will work out. Lord, let our memories remind us of Your faithfulness. Jesus, we believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God who has come into the world to save us.
Mark 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the transfiguration of Jesus shows us how the fullness of You dwells in Jesus. His desire to help those in dire need tells us how much He loves us. Faith takes us to the place where all things are possible with You. Help our unbelief.
Mark 10 TITLE:
DAY 10
10 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the childlike faith You desire is pure without deceit and we all need to come to You in this way. There is no way to come to God in human terms but only with faith. Our desire is to believe and be filled with faith.
DAY 11
Mark 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we want to cry out with everyone, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Our hearts desire faith that will move the mountains in our lives and also in the lives of those we love, that You will be glorified.
Mark 12 TITLE:
DAY 12
12 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You know us better than we know ourselves. Let us render to God what is His and not hold back anything, including Your command to love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
DAY 13
Mark 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The signs of the coming of Christ are all around us and we are told to be ready when we look at all that has been spoken happening all around us. The time is short and we pray for those who have not heard the gospel and come to faith in God.
Mark 14 TITLE:
DAY 14
14 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your demonstration of love moves our entire being and we are filled with emotion knowing that the evil intentions of the Jewish leaders came to be. Even as we declare our loyalty to You the opposite can be shown. We are grateful that Your love covers us even in our faithlessness.
DAY 15
Mark 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, our hearts break over the trial and mockery that You endured for the sins of the whole world. You have given us all that we could ever ask or long for, which is Your life for ours. Thank You for saving us with your blood on the cross.
Mark 16 TITLE:
DAY 16
16 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, there are no words to describe how incredible it is that the tomb is empty. Our lives are forever changed and we praise Jesus with all our heart looking forward to being forever with all believers in the Kingdom of God.
DAY 17
Romans 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I confess how easy it is for me to look to the world for wisdom instead of seeking You first. Reveal more of Your righteousness to me, so that anything the world can offer would be dull compared to Your glory.
Romans 2 TITLE:
DAY 18
18 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are patient with us when we do not live or think according to Your commands. What an undeserved mercy that You give to us! We repent of our self-righteousness because of Your kindness.
DAY 19
Romans 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we are finite beings who fail and cannot live up to Your standards. Despite this, You have made a way for us to have Your grace and forgiveness: faith in Your perfect son, Jesus. Thank You.
Romans 4 TITLE:
DAY 20
20 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we confess that we often try to earn Your grace. But Your righteousness is granted to us when we put our faith solely in the life, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. Thank You that Your promise rests not on our work, but on faith in Jesus’ work.
DAY 21
Romans 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we rejoice in the fact You considered us worthy of sacrificing Your life. Thank You that Your life, sacrifice and resurrection opened the door for us to receive God’s peace, grace, hope and reconciliation.
Romans 6 TITLE:
DAY 22
22 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for giving up Your life so that we could have eternal life. Empower us by Your Spirit to live sacrificially, just like You.
DAY 23
Romans 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we fail to obey all Your commands daily, but Your laws reveal our need for Jesus’s perfect obedience and Your merciful patience towards us. Help us to show that same patience and mercy towards others when they disappoint us or let us down.
Romans 8 TITLE:
DAY 24
24 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we hope in Your promise that no matter what happens here on earth, Your Kingdom will always prevail. Thank You for the honor of using us in the process of reconciling all of creation back to You.
DAY 25
Romans 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I confess that I have doubts when You work in ways that seem illogical to my human mind. Thank You for being patient with my doubts. As I choose to abide in You daily, deepen my trust in Your plan to build Your Kingdom.
Romans 10 TITLE:
DAY 26
26 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You have called us to be Your people of faith, so we are not content to be “hearers” only. Holy Spirit we ask that every time we hear Your Word and Truth, that You would increase our faith.
DAY 27
Romans 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we thank You that Your ever-advancing grace has expanded Your Kingdom to include us. As Your story of salvation continues to unfold, we pray for and eagerly anticipate the people that You will bring into Your Kingdom.
Romans 12 TITLE:
DAY 28
28 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we confess that, in our flesh, we desire to be the center of attention. But You have called us to be a people that serve and honor one another. Empower us to live like Jesus lived, and to embody Your hope, patience and love.
DAY 29
Romans 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for calling us out of darkness and into Your Kingdom. As representatives of Your Kingdom here on earth, empower us by Your Spirit to be examples of the love and peace that are only available through You.
Romans 14 TITLE:
DAY 30
30 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have called us to live for You above all else, so we want to live like You did. Help us to strive to serve each other, just like You served us by giving up Your life on the cross.
DAY 31
Romans 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we believe that true unity amongst all people is only possible through You. Help us to keep our eyes focused on that same unity, as we are transformed by Your Spirit, in order to glorify You.
Romans 16 TITLE:
DAY 32
32 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, Your perfect plan is for the church to be made up of different kinds of people. We worship You for unifying us through the power that can only come from Your Spirit.
DAY 33
Galatians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are truth in an untrusting world. Thank You for revealing Your truth to us through Jesus. Use us and our church in mighty ways so that we may proclaim Your truth to the world, and may those that hear praise You.
Galatians 2 TITLE:
DAY 34
34 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to die for us so that we may truly live in Him. Help us to walk by faith and focus our hearts on Christ alone. Deter us from works of selfish ambition that do not justify, for our faith in Christ alone is sufficient for justification.
DAY 35
Galatians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our Heavenly father, adopting us as Your children, because of the faith that we have placed in Jesus. Strengthen our faith in Christ alone and lead us away from worldly pursuits, for you are pleased by our faith alone.
Galatians 4 TITLE:
DAY 36
36 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we are in awe of the intricate detail of Your plan to reconcile us back to You through Jesus; a plan that was set into motion long before our time. Help us to live as those who have freedom in Jesus and turn us from the worldly things that used to enslave us.
DAY 37
Galatians 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have freed us from our sin, through Jesus, for great purpose. Reveal areas of weakness where we may not be fully allowing the Spirit to reign, so that we may be able to produce richer fruits.
Galatians 6 TITLE:
DAY 38
38 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our restoration. You have made us new and brought great purpose to our lives. For these reasons, amongst many others, we praise You. Give us fresh eyes so that we may serve You boldly by means of serving those around us.
DAY 39
Ephesians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we praise You for revealing the mystery of Your will to us and for including us in Your family that is united under Jesus. Increase our wisdom and enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that we may know You and understand Your will better. May this wisdom bless our family and glorify You.
Ephesians 2 TITLE:
DAY 40
40 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We are in awe of You, Lord, that You would choose us to be part of Your family that is unified in Jesus; that You would place Your Spirit within us. Your grace and mercy is undeserved. Help us to walk in love and Your good works so that we may enhance the body of Christ.
DAY 41
Ephesians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are love. Thank You for uniting all believers in Jesus so that we may come to You in prayer, in His holy name. Would You help us to fully grasp the nature of the love of Christ, and would You firmly root us and establish us in this love so that we may glorify You.
Ephesians 4 TITLE:
DAY 42
42 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have blessed us beyond all measure. Through Your great love and mercy, You have given us the opportunity to become new beings in Jesus. We pray to honor this gift through our words and actions, and seek to be a people of peace and unity, that build each other up.
DAY 43
Ephesians 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are good and perfect in every way. We strive to be a holy people, pleasing in Your sight, and help us to identify any areas where we are having trouble or are unwilling to yield from our own will.
Ephesians 6 TITLE:
DAY 44
44 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our Mighty Protector. In the person of Jesus, You have provided us with all that we need to stand firmly against the schemes of the evil one. Identify and help us to mend our areas of weakness so that we may walk faithfully in step with Jesus.
DAY 45
Philippians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, as we yearn for the gain it will be to be with You, empower us with Your courage and vision as we remain on here in the flesh. Our desire is to be fruitful laborers, conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of You with lifestyles that point the way to You.
Philippians 2 TITLE:
DAY 46
46 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You for the body of Christ with whom we can be united, standing together in one Spirit, being of the same mind. May we be like Jesus, putting the interests of one another above our own interests and desires, laying aside our rights, and surrendering to God’s will for our lives.
DAY 47
Philippians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we take Your words recorded through Paul seriously. We ask for Your Spirit to empower us to decide to set our minds on the things above, reaching forward and pressing on toward Your prize of the upward call in Jesus!
Philippians 4 TITLE:
DAY 48
48 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we give to You our anxious thoughts. In faith we bring our requests with thanksgiving before You and anticipate Your incomprehensible peace to guard our hearts and minds in Your Son Jesus.
DAY 49
1 Timothy 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, our God and King, thank You for the mercy You have poured on us - saving us - that we might be used to show others eternal life in You. We are undeserving of Your mercy, compassion and grace, and yet You freely give. Thank You, our King!
1 Timothy 2 TITLE:
DAY 50
50 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Teach us to live quiet lives in submission to You. Lord, may our disposition be an offering to You. May our spirit of tranquility be attractive to others that all might be saved. Amen.
DAY 51
1 Timothy 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, You are holy! You, Lord, became flesh. You, oh God, are Father over all and You, Holy Spirit, are our great compass. My King, be glorified in the mystery of the Trinity.
1 Timothy 4 TITLE:
DAY 52
52 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Teach us to labor for Your Kingdom - that others might have the hope we have. Lord, we commit to training ourselves in godliness that we might be used for Your Kingdom. Lord, give us discerning hearts having nothing to do with pointless myths. Amen!
DAY 53
1 Timothy 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we pray that we will practice godliness and that our lives would overflow with good works. Father, open our eyes to the needs of others that we might respond with Your love. Thank You, Lord.
1 Timothy 6 TITLE:
DAY 54
54 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your faithful instruction. This world tempts us to believe the riches are on earth but we know they are found in You. Give us hearts that desire righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Be praised, my King!
DAY 55
Titus 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Give us wisdom to discern false teachings and keep us from straying from the truth of the gospel of Christ so that Jesus may be glorified in our lives. Thank You that in Christ we have been sanctified and are not bound by laws that make us unclean.
Titus 2 TITLE:
DAY 56
56 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father God, thank You for the blessed hope we have in Jesus. We ask You to help us deny ungodliness and disengage ourselves from any worldly pursuits or fleshly attitudes and that we may live righteously in this present age.
DAY 57
Titus 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, thank You for the stark reminders of what we were before our salvation. We pray that we take to heart the warning and instructions that are given in the letter to Titus. We pray that we may give due respect to those in authority and demonstrate the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philemon 1 TITLE:
DAY 58
58 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, thank You for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us to act responsibly in the work You have given us to do, and we pray that we may show godly grace and Christ-like love to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
DAY 59
Jude 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You for the important instructions and information that You have given us in Your word. We pray that You would show us any areas in our lives that are dishonoring to You and give us wisdom to discern what is not from You.
Joshua 1 TITLE:
DAY 60
60 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are with us, God, and You have given us Your Word. Empower us to be strong and courageous in keeping Your Word so we are obedient to advance Your Kingdom.
DAY 61
Joshua 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are faithful to keep Your promises. Increase our faith to trust You to do what You say You will do especially when the future is uncertain, and opposition is fierce.
Joshua 3 TITLE:
DAY 62
62 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Lord our God who promises to guide us in Your will. Strengthen our faith to follow as You lead us to unfamiliar places and when obstacles appear to block the path forward.
DAY 63
Joshua 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You go before us, Lord, to make a way for our obedience. Compel us to remain faithful to follow You so we might reveal Your power and lead the next generation to fear You.
Joshua 5 TITLE:
DAY 64
64 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are Holy, and You judge us based on obedience. We pray for courage to submit to Your will so we might be known as a generation who advanced Your Kingdom.
DAY 65
Joshua 6 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You go before us to give us victory over those who oppose Your plans. Grant us faith and patience to advance Your plans in Your time and in Your ways.
Joshua 7 TITLE:
DAY 66
66 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Achan’s punishment seems extreme when we underestimate sin’s insidiousness. Grow our understanding of Your holiness, so we see sin as You do and make obedience our goal.
DAY 67
Joshua 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are sovereign and always working to accomplish Your purposes. Keep us mindful that walking in Your will is the safest place to be.
Joshua 14 & 15:13-14 TITLE:
DAY 68
68 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You for promising good to Your people. Give us hearts like Caleb’s to follow You in wholehearted obedience and see Your promises fulfilled in Your church today!
DAY 69
Joshua 23 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are steadfast in all Your ways, keeping Your Word through all generations. Grow our faith so we are intentional to leave a legacy of faith to the next generation.
Joshua 24 TITLE:
DAY 70
70 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, in Your perfect love, You give us freedom to choose to serve You or not. We pray we would be faithful and choose to obey You in all things, knowing You bless obedience.
DAY 71
Judges 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, sin is ever crouching at our door. We admit we go back time and time again to sinful ways. Yet You are eager to relent and not punish when we turn our hearts to You. Forgive us, Lord.
Judges 3 TITLE:
DAY 72
72 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are sovereign. You see what we do not. You are almighty, worthy of praise. Lord, be exalted, Amen.
DAY 73
Judges 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, please give us obedient hearts that respond immediately to Your instruction and call, that we might not hold conditions on our obedience but would obey freely and willingly, trusting You alone.
Judges 6 TITLE:
DAY 74
74 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are peace and You are love! You give peace to those in battle. Lord, teach us to build a well-constructed altar to You in our heart. May our lives be an offering to You, oh God of peace!
DAY 75
Judges 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your ways are not our ways. You have power to defeat and deliver. May we trust Your ways, oh God, and walk in them.
Ruth 1 TITLE:
DAY 76
76 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are Sovereign over our lives and circumstances, Lord. Teach us to yearn for You above all else so we might keep our eyes on You in all circumstances we face.
DAY 77
Ruth 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our gracious provider. Grow our trust in You to provide for our needs, knowing You honor those who commit to follow You.
Ruth 3 TITLE:
DAY 78
78 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are worthy of our deepest devotion, Lord. Increase our longing for You until we willingly forsake worldly pursuits to abide in You.
DAY 79
Ruth 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our redeemer, purchasing us out of slavery to sin to establish us in Your righteousness. Increase our joy over this truth and compel us to pursue righteousness.
Matthew 1 TITLE:
DAY 80
80 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, thank You for orchestrating everything perfectly for Your Son to come to earth and pay our debts. Give us faith in Your perfect plan, knowing You have ultimate control.
DAY 81
Matthew 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for how you protect those who follow Your will. Bring our will into line with Yours and give us confidence that You will protect us as we live for You.
Matthew 3 TITLE:
DAY 82
82 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the perfect Son of God. When we turn our focus to other things, use this image of holiness to remind us that You are the only one worthy of praise.
DAY 83
Matthew 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, as You walked the earth, You were tempted just like us. When we face temptation, give us wisdom to rely on Your Word for truth and overcome our trials.
Matthew 5 TITLE:
DAY 84
84 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You command us to love our enemies. Give us the courage and wisdom to do that well, so that we may be a reflection of the perfect love You give to us.
DAY 85
Matthew 6 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You watch over every creature on the earth. Give us peace in our anxiety about earthly things, and turn our focus to what’s happening in Your kingdom.
Matthew 7 TITLE:
DAY 86
86 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are all-powerful and all-knowing. Give us the wisdom to seek after the things that further Your mission, and the courage to boldly ask for them.
DAY 87
Matthew 8 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for being a God that wants to help those who believe. Give us the faith and reverence of the centurion, knowing that You can do all things.
Matthew 9 TITLE:
DAY 88
88 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You tell us that the harvest is plentiful. Give us courage and wisdom to speak up in faith, knowing that You will work in hearts and bring more laborers to do Your good work.
DAY 89
Matthew 10 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You told us that we will face trials in living for You. When we encounter those trials, grow our faith, and remind us that everything is part of Your perfect plan.
Matthew 11 TITLE:
DAY 90
90 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for being our perfect rest. When we are tired and worn out, remind us of the perfect rest we will experience with You.
DAY 91
Matthew 12 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Holy Spirit, You are the source of all good things in us. Help us bear fruit as we live, so that by that fruit, You will be known and glorified.
Matthew 13 TITLE:
DAY 92
92 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your ways are above our ways. Thank you for giving us parables to give us a glimpse of Your kingdom. Help us use these to guide and teach one another on earth.
DAY 93
Matthew 14 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have the power to work amazing miracles. Give us faith as we ask for things that seem impossible, knowing that, if it’s Your will, You will accomplish it.
Matthew 15 TITLE:
DAY 94
94 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, so often we honor You with our words but neglect You in our actions. Rebuke that temptation in us and help us live a holy life, so that others may see You.
DAY 95
Matthew 16 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You tell us that following You requires us to deny ourselves. Give us the courage to take up our cross and live our lives in full submission to Your will.
Matthew 17 TITLE:
DAY 96
96 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You tell us that we only have to have faith and You can work miracles. Give us confidence in this as we ask You to fulfill Your will through us here on earth.
DAY 97
Matthew 18 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we have wandered away from You, and every time You chase after us. Keep us close to Your heart, knowing that we are all precious to You.
Matthew 19 TITLE:
DAY 98
98 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have told us that the love of anything earthy over You leads to destruction. Give us the courage to forsake anything that does not serve Your perfect will.
DAY 99
Matthew 20 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You tell us that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Humble us in our pride and remind us that anything You give is an undeserved gift.
Matthew 21 TITLE:
DAY 100
100 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, so often we take Your church for granted and use it to fill our own desires. Remind us to worship You and only You as the temptations of the world try to distract us.
DAY 101
Matthew 22 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, so often we forget the perfection of Your kingdom and prioritize other things. Help us to not ignore the call to join You in the feast.
Matthew 23 TITLE:
DAY 102
102 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You know the inner workings of our hearts. As we worship You, help us to keep our heart centered on You, not doing any act of worship just to be seen by others.
DAY 103
Matthew 24 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for the signs You give us to warn of coming destruction. Help us to not ignore those signs, and in those times be confident and ready for Your coming.
Matthew 25 TITLE:
DAY 104
104 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You bless us with different gifts and abilities. Whatever those may be, keep us diligent in giving them back to You, so we may multiply and grow Your kingdom on earth.
DAY 105
Matthew 26 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for modeling prayer for us. As we pray, remind us of the example You have given us and let us not neglect to come to You in adoration first.
Matthew 27 TITLE:
DAY 106
106 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We worship You for being a perfect example of life on earth, yet dying a sinner’s death to pay for our sins.
DAY 107
Matthew 28 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You have given us the perfect example of how to live through Your Son, Jesus. Give us courage to make Your name known and grow Your kingdom.
Hebrews 1 TITLE:
DAY 108
108 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for sending Your Son to not only pay our debt in death, but to be the perfect example of life on earth. Remind us to strive daily to follow His perfect example.
DAY 109
Hebrews 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You for reminding us how perfectly You orchestrated our Salvation. Help us lay our lives down in obedience, knowing that Your plan is greater than ours.
Hebrews 3 TITLE:
DAY 110
110 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for giving Your Son so we can have perfect communication with You. Give us the courage to exhort one another as You encourage us to press into the faith.
DAY 111
Hebrews 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, thank You for giving Your Word as a tool to examine our hearts. Encourage us to take full advantage of that resource daily in order to become more attuned to Your heart.
Hebrews 5 TITLE:
DAY 112
112 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your words and testimony are so deep and filled with insight. Help us use discernment in sharing Your Word with others as we grow in our understanding of You.
DAY 113
Hebrews 6 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, over and over again You have come through in Your promises. Remind us of Your faithfulness as we face anxiety over uncertainty here on earth.
Hebrews 7 TITLE:
DAY 114
114 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, thank You for sending Your perfect Son to accomplish Your work. Help us be diligent in prayer, remembering that it is a gift that You perfectly designed for us to talk with You.
DAY 115
Hebrews 8 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for the attention to detail in Your instruction. Help us not grow weary in doing good work, recognizing that it is a glimpse into the perfection of Your Kingdom.
Hebrews 9 TITLE:
DAY 116
116 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for reminding us of Your holiness through things that we can see on earth. Give us a clearer understanding of Your character as we worship and engage with Your Word.
DAY 117
Hebrews 10 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, because of Your work, we have confidence in our salvation. Let us remind one another of that assurance and draw near to You, knowing that You will be faithful to us.
Hebrews 11 TITLE:
DAY 118
118 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for the numerous examples of faithfulness You give us in Your Word. Keep us strong in the faith, knowing that You have already made a perfect plan for us.
DAY 119
Hebrews 12 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for loving us enough to discipline us. Help us view our temptation as the strengthening of our faith to prepare us for the unshakeable Kingdom.
Hebrews 13 TITLE:
DAY 120
120 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Give us the desire to live as You did here on earth, consistently showing love and compassion, and acting honorably in all things.
DAY 121
James 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I praise You for Your goodness - that no evil thing comes from You. Lord teach me to find joy in You, even in suffering. Be praised, my King!
James 2 TITLE:
DAY 122
122 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I confess I do not have the mind of God. I show favoritism and do not always act out my faith. Forgive me, Lord, and mold my heart to Yours.
DAY 123
James 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, please change me. Lord, give me strength. May only blessing and sweetness come from my mouth. Oh God, may my tongue be used to glorify Your name. May Your spirit control the words of my mouth that goodness would flow from my tongue.
James 4 TITLE:
DAY 124
124 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, Draw me near to You. Help me to resist evil and to draw close to You, my king, believing the promise that You will draw near to me.
DAY 125
James 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I lift up my friends who are caught in sin. Father, open their eyes and change their hearts that they might repent. Amen.
1 Peter 1 TITLE:
DAY 126
126 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are our Holy Father - good and perfect in every way. Purify our hearts and make us holy, Lord, so that we may love others like Jesus, and may all who cross our paths praise You for Your goodness.
DAY 127
1 Peter 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our Mighty Redeemer, having called us out of darkness and making us into Your chosen people. As Your chosen ones, give us hearts for submission, so that we may exemplify Godly lives to the world.
1 Peter 3 TITLE:
DAY 128
128 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, would You boldly convict us through Your Spirit within us to walk as You see fit and to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ with authority. We know our true reward is in heaven and will last for all eternity. Thank You for Your promise of salvation and deliverance.
DAY 129
1 Peter 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R No one can escape Your final judgment, Lord, for You are the Ultimate Judge. Make us more like Jesus, whose sights were set on Your heavenly purposes and not on the injustices He would face, so that we would live for You and have tremendous Kingdom impact.
1 Peter 5 TITLE:
DAY 130
130 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have promised restoration, strength and steadfastness to those who are in Christ. Convict us to walk in humility, serving and submitting to one another with willing hearts, because of this promise. Help us to stand firmly alongside one another in faith in Jesus Christ.
DAY 131
2 Peter 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we desire to have an active and ever-growing relationship with You. Help us to devote ourselves to cultivating our relationship with Jesus as well as with those around us through our desire to glorify You and love others.
2 Peter 2 TITLE:
DAY 132
132 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are true and faithful in all things. As followers of Jesus, we pray to remain faithful to You and to honor Your word amongst others. Help us to grow in our knowledge of Jesus so that we may recognize any false speech and replace it with truth.
DAY 133
2 Peter 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are always faithful to deliver on Your promises. Please grow us in our relationship with and knowledge of Jesus. Prepare us, so that when the last day comes, we can stand before You with certainty that we have lived a life pleasing to You.
1 Samuel 1 TITLE:
DAY 134
134 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are gracious to acknowledge our suffering and respond to our prayer. Teach us to seek You in all things, trusting You to answer prayer according to Your good will.
DAY 135
1 Samuel 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are exalted above all others, and You exalt those who honor You. Cleanse our hearts of any longings that are not rooted in a desire to honor You.
1 Samuel 3 TITLE:
DAY 136
136 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are holy, God, and do not ignore or tolerate sin. Give us the same intolerance of sin, so we confront it and repent of it in our hearts and in Your Church.
DAY 137
1 Samuel 8 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are jealous for Your own and You do not tolerate our divided affection. Give us undivided hearts so we forsake worldly pursuits and direct all our devotion to You.
1 Samuel 11:14-12:25 TITLE:
DAY 138
138 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You remain faithful in all of Your ways for the sake of Your Name. Keep us mindful of Your past faithfulness so we remain faithful to surrender to Your will today.
DAY 139
1 Samuel 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, we know that obedience is the pathway to experience victory over opposition. Prompt us to seek Your way and obey Your will as we battle to advance Your Kingdom.
1 Samuel 15 TITLE:
DAY 140
140 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Holy God, help us to remember that partial obedience is disobedience, so we are not tempted to compromise Your commands and grieve Your heart.
DAY 141
1 Samuel 16 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You know every thought of our heart, even those hidden to us. Train us to listen to Your voice so we are not misled by what appears to be right in our eyes.
1 Samuel 17 TITLE:
DAY 142
142 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are our defender and You have defeated death, our greatest enemy. Increase our faith to trust You for victory against those who oppose You.
DAY 143
1 Samuel 18 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your favor rests on those whom You call to follow You. Let us be mindful of this each day, so we do not shrink back from doing Your will.
1 Samuel 19 TITLE:
DAY 144
144 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are always with us to guide and direct us, Lord. Keep us alert and mindful of Your leading so we avoid harm, especially from those who are incited against You.
DAY 145
1 Samuel 24 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are righteous, O Lord. Increase our thirst for righteousness, so we always seek to glorify You, trusting You to avenge us according to Your timing and purposes.
1 Samuel 26 TITLE:
DAY 146
146 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You do reward everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. Move our hearts to remain faithful and righteous before You so we receive the blessing of Your approval.
DAY 147
1 Samuel 30 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your plans and ways exceed our understanding, God. Equip us with Your wisdom to know which battles we are to fight so we are victorious in advancing Your will.
1 Samuel 31:1-2; 2 Samuel 1 TITLE:
DAY 148
148 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Every person is precious in Your sight, Lord. Give us Your eyes to see others as You do, so we work in concert with You to preserve and restore dignity to all.
DAY 149
2 Samuel 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You establish us in our positions for Your glorious purposes. Help us to remember this and seek Your guidance in all we do so we will experience success that glorifies You.
2 Samuel 6 TITLE:
DAY 150
150 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You bless those who dwell in Your presence. We pray that we would overflow with uncontainable joy as we experience the blessing of fellowship with You.
DAY 151
2 Samuel 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for keeping all of Your promises. Encourage us to cling to them through life’s challenges so we remain hopeful in all situations.
2 Samuel 9 TITLE:
DAY 152
152 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, just as David modeled Your grace in caring for Saul’s grandson, give us Your heart to extend grace to all, so they might come to know You.
DAY 153
2 Samuel 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We confess, Lord, that we are prone to give into temptation. Keep us mindful of Your promise to provide a way out, so we turn from sin and avoid its deadly consequences.
2 Samuel 12 TITLE:
DAY 154
154 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Every sin is an offense against You, Holy God. Increase our understanding of this so we readily repent and pursue holiness.
DAY 155
2 Samuel 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have promised to avenge all wrongs. Teach us to seek You when we are wronged, so we avoid the consequences of pursuing justice according to our wisdom.
2 Samuel 14 TITLE:
DAY 156
156 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You have given us Jesus to redeem us so a sinner does not remain banished from You. Grow our wonder in that truth so we willingly surrender all to serve You.
DAY 157
2 Samuel 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are aware of evil plots against us and work to guard us from harm. Prompt us to seek You in times of conflict so we face it with righteous motives and actions.
2 Samuel 16 TITLE:
DAY 158
158 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your vengeance is based on perfect justice and grace. Enable us to trust You to avenge us according to Your purposes and timing.
DAY 159
2 Samuel 18 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You do not delight in death or loss even though they are a natural consequence of sin. Change our hearts so we are able to seek the best, even for those who oppose us.
2 Samuel 22 TITLE:
DAY 160
160 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our refuge and stronghold, and You go before us to fight for us. Increase our faith in Your sovereignty so we trust You to battle for us.
DAY 161
2 Samuel 23 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our Rock and righteous in all of Your ways. Grant us a desire to pursue righteousness in all we do so we stand in victory against those who oppose us.
2 Samuel 24 TITLE:
DAY 162
162 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are merciful beyond our comprehension. Compel us to run to You when we experience consequences of sin, trusting You to grant mercy according to Your wisdom.
DAY 163
1 Chronicles 28 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are good to provide detailed direction to accomplish Your plans, Lord. Grant us wisdom to glean guidance from Your Word as we seek to build Your Kingdom today.
1 Chronicles 29 TITLE:
DAY 164
164 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R All we have is from You Lord, given as a blessing so we might bless others. Increase our joy and grant us generous hearts so we generously give to advance Your work.
DAY 165
1 Kings 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the One who appoints kings according to Your purposes and plans. Fix our eyes on You so we do not give into fear when our leaders make decisions that confuse or discourage us.
2 Chronicles 1 TITLE:
DAY 166
166 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord You are pleased to bless us out of the overflow of Your grace! Increase our awe and wonder so we long for wisdom that equips us to lead and serve according to Your will.
DAY 167
1 Kings 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are sovereign over the hearts of Kings moving them to extend favor to Your own. Grow our trust in You to grant us favor among men as we seek to share the Gospel.
1 Kings 6 TITLE:
DAY 168
168 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God of detail and beauty. Enable us to follow Your guidance and leadership so we might reflect the glory of Your beauty in all we do.
DAY 169
1 Kings 8 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your loving kindness is incomprehensible, Lord. Increase our awe and wonder of You so we willingly submit our lives to You and experience the blessing of Your fellowship.
2 Chronicles 7 TITLE:
DAY 170
170 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God with us! Increase our wonder of this truth so we resist temptation to stray and readily turn back to You when we have fallen to temptations of the world.
DAY 171
1 Kings 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are unwavering in Your faithfulness, Lord, and You keep Your promises despite our unfaithfulness. Prompt us to respond to this truth with a desire to faithfully follow You.
1 Kings 12 TITLE:
DAY 172
172 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, conflict is a consequence of denying Your commands. We ask You to transform our hearts until we pursue obedience that promotes unity among Your people.
DAY 173
1 Kings 14 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we grieve with You when we see generations continue in ancestral sin. We confess that we have adopted sins of the past. Break this cycle in Your church today, so the next generation adopts a reverent posture of holiness that glorifies You.
2 Chronicles 14 TITLE:
DAY 174
174 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are gracious to forgive and restore Your people to You. We pray that we would be a generation who seeks Your face and experiences victory in advancing Your Kingdom.
DAY 175
2 Chronicles 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You honor those whose hearts are committed to You. Reveal the idols in our hearts so we might tear them down and experience the blessing of wholehearted devotion to You.
2 Chronicles 16 TITLE:
DAY 176
176 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You see how we are prone to wander. Guard our hearts against fear and temptation and teach us to fully rely on You so we do not fall to sin and pride.
DAY 177
1 Kings 16:29-17:24 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, this account gives us hope for restoration of righteousness in our day. Grant us boldness to fight for righteousness trusting You to glorify Yourself through us.
1 Kings 18 TITLE:
DAY 178
178 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You alone are God! Forgive us when we forget this and make sacrifices to the gods of our culture. Give us undivided hearts so we might worship only You!
DAY 179
1 Kings 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are patient with us, Lord, allowing us to express our weariness without condemning us. Encourage us when we are weary through the fellowship we have with You and others.
1 Kings 21 TITLE:
DAY 180
180 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are holy God and will not tolerate sin. Lead us to pursue holiness so we grow in our intolerance of sin and avoid the consequences of evil endeavors.
DAY 181
1 Kings 22 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are indeed good in revealing Your will. Forgive us for not seeking You. Grant us a desire to accept Your Word especially when it does not “tickle our ears.”
2 Chronicles 20 TITLE:
DAY 182
182 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we give you thanks for Your love endures forever. Grant us faith to trust You to deliver us through challenging circumstances, especially when facing the impossible.
DAY 183
2 Kings 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, You have commanded us to have no other gods before You. Help us to take this command seriously so we do not offend You by giving our hearts to idols.
2 Kings 2 TITLE:
DAY 184
184 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Your work continues from one generation to the next. Keep us focused on Your work so we remain faithful to leave a legacy of faith to the next generation.
DAY 185
2 Kings 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are all powerful, God, and can overcome any obstacle we face. Prompt us to remember to seek You first in all things knowing You will provide according to Your will.
2 Kings 4 TITLE:
DAY 186
186 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Your glory is revealed in miracles. Increase our faith to believe You for immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.
DAY 187
2 Kings 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your ways are mysterious and unpredictable, Lord. Rid us of expectations that limit what You want to do while increasing our imagination for what You will do.
2 Kings 6 TITLE:
DAY 188
188 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father God, Thank you for Your concern with all circumstances of our lives, big and small. Increase our trust in You so we might release our anxieties and cares to You.
DAY 189
2 Kings 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our defender, and we thank You for fighting our battles. Help us to wait on You, knowing You will deliver us from oppressive forces of the enemy in Your time and ways.
2 Kings 9 TITLE:
DAY 190
190 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, You do not tolerate evil and rebellion forever. Grow in us a desire to pursue righteousness and purge evil and rebellious tendencies of our hearts.
DAY 191
2 Kings 17 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You created us to glorify You. Instruct us in Your way so we might enjoy abundant life. Compel us to embrace Your word so we avoid consequences of forsaking You.
2 Kings 18 TITLE:
DAY 192
192 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You alone are our strength and hope, Lord. Guard our hearts and minds from discouragement, especially when the message from the world is full of hopelessness.
DAY 193
2 Kings 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God of all kingdoms of the earth. Help us to keep our eyes on You, trusting You to guard us from our enemies, and empower us to stand firm in our call to advance Your Kingdom.
2 Kings 20 TITLE:
DAY 194
194 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayer and answering according to Your will. Guard our hearts against compromise, especially since we have experienced Your great mercy.
DAY 195
2 Kings 22 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R In warning of coming judgment, You give us opportunity to repent. Increase our reverence for Your Word so we might heed its warning and commit to submitting to You.
2 Kings 23 TITLE:
DAY 196
196 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have every right to judge sin. Thank You for holding back the full outpouring of Your wrath. Prompt us to turn back to You today and surrender all to do Your will.
DAY 197
2 Kings 24 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are judge of all the earth, Lord, and have every right to enact justice. Remind us that we are not immune as a nation and use Your church to turn this nation back to You.
2 Kings 25 TITLE:
DAY 198
198 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You judge the heart of people and nations based on their commitment to You. Yield our hearts fully to You so our claims as Christ followers are evident in our devotion to You.
DAY 199
John 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we praise You for Your wonderful plan of salvation. Thank You for rescuing us from the kingdom of darkness and bringing us into Your glorious Kingdom.
John 2 TITLE:
DAY 200
200 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, help us to keep our eyes looking to Jesus and pointing others away from ourselves to Him. Give us a right understanding of Who You truly are and what You have done for us.
DAY 201
John 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for sending Jesus to die for our sin. Thank You that His blood has paid the full penalty for our sin and that the power of sin in our lives has been broken through Him.
John 4 TITLE:
DAY 202
202 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, God, that there is no one that is beyond Your grace. Thank You for seeking us out, when we were dead in our sins, and redeeming us.
DAY 203
John 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, it is so easy to fall into legalism and hypocritical thinking by our short-sighted understanding of Your goodness. Keep us from being narrow-minded and help us walk humbly with You.
John 6 TITLE:
DAY 204
204 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R How wonderful it is to know that You are our Provider, Helper, Hope, Deliverer and Sustainer. We pray that our eyes will be looking away from the circumstances of life, which can become so overwhelming, by keeping the eyes of our hearts fixed on Jesus.
DAY 205
John 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, that You are the living water that satisfies the thirsty soul. We pray that You would fill us daily with more of Yourself so that Your living water would flow through us to others.
John 8 TITLE:
DAY 206
206 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, it grieves our hearts that there are many who reject Your offer of salvation. We pray that You use us to spread the good news to unsaved people, so that they be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
DAY 207
John 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Father, for lifting us out of the darkness into Your glorious Kingdom of light. We pray that we have the eyes to see the truth and not be influenced by the worldly mindset but have our hearts influenced by You.
John 10 TITLE:
DAY 208
208 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You that Jesus is the good Shepherd and that He knows those that are the sheep of His pasture. Help us increase our understanding of Scripture so we can be mindful of hired hands who are not true pastors.
DAY 209
John 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You that just like Mary and Martha’s period of misery was turned joy, so will our seasons of weeping be turned into seasons of joy - through faith in Christ our Redeemer. Thank You that because He lives we too shall live.
John 12 TITLE:
DAY 210
210 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, if it were not for Jesus’ miraculous birth, sinless life, sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we would still be dead in our trespasses and sin. Thank You that through Your goodness and grace, You purposed and planned to redeem mankind through faith in His finished work.
DAY 211
John 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there are many times in our lives that we do not understand the reason that You allow certain things to happen, but help us to simply trust You in all things and enable us to pray, “Your will, not mine, be done.”
John 14 TITLE:
DAY 212
212 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Loving Father, thank You that through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, we can see You, know You and have precious fellowship with You. Open our understanding to grasp, believe and act on these simple yet profound truths.
DAY 213
John 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Father, for the depth of truth that is discovered in Christ, our true Vine. Take away all in our lives that is not good and fruitful and do such a work in us that we may bear even more fruit that glorifies the Father in heaven.
John 16 TITLE:
DAY 214
214 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You that we are in Christ and that all things are placed under His feet. Thank You that we have nothing to fear, knowing His victory is our victory, because we trusted Christ as our Savior.
DAY 215
John 17 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, thank You for this beautiful glimpse into the heart of God and the intimacy that exists between the Father and the Son. We pray that we may give this life to Your praise and glory - in utter dependence upon You, so that You may live Your life in and through us.
John 18 TITLE:
DAY 216
216 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You for the eternal plan of salvation, which required the shame of the Cross of Christ before the joy of the Kingdom’s Crown. May we live in the world, but not be a part of this fallen world system, and proclaim Your truth to others.
DAY 217
John 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R May we never ever forget what Jesus has done for us through time and into eternity. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your finished work on Calvary and for all You suffered for me – so that we could live forever with You in heaven and not fear any condemnation because we are in You.
John 20 TITLE:
DAY 218
218 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, God, for the fact that our salvation does not depend on what we do but on what Christ did on the cross on our accounts. Increase our longing and love for You and help us to live by faith and not by sight.
DAY 219
John 21 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You for the Scriptures that teach us all that Jesus was and is and is to be. Help us surrender, dear Lord, all that we have and all that we are to You so that You can use us to do Your good work in the world.
1 John 1 TITLE:
DAY 220
220 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, thank You that You manifested Yourself through Your Son Jesus and in Him is Light. May we practice the truth that Your light has shown in our hearts and enjoy sincere fellowship with You and one another.
DAY 221
1 John 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we pray for our surrender to You and ask that Your Spirit will empower us to keep Your commandments. Help us to walk in the manner of Jesus, so that our lives are a testimony to others that we are followers of You and that You live in us.
1 John 3 TITLE:
DAY 222
222 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, thank You that because of Your great love given to us through Your Son Jesus Christ we can be called Your children!
DAY 223
1 John 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R May we be so surrendered to You, God, our true source of love, that it would be an easy task to follow Your commandment to love one another.
1 John 5 TITLE:
DAY 224
224 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our dear God, we are grateful that You have revealed Yourself and Your will to us so that we can confidently enter Your throne room knowing that You bend near, come close and listen to us.
DAY 225
2 John 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, over and over You have commanded us to love one another. As You abide in us and as we abide in You and Your teaching, may an overflowing love for one another spill over the brim of our lives and out of us.
3 John 1 TITLE:
DAY 226
226 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, may we, like this church to whom John is writing, walk in truth together and faithfully serve one another, especially those who are sent out in Your name.
DAY 227
Revelation 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, You are magnificent, holy and powerful. I am in awe of Your might. I praise You as You reign forevermore.
Revelation 2 TITLE:
DAY 228
228 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, I confess I often abandon my first love. I get caught up in idols and immorality. Forgive me and draw me near, oh God.
DAY 229
Revelation 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, thank You for drawing me into relationship with You, for writing on me the name of God. I open the door and welcome You into my life.
Revelation 4 TITLE:
DAY 230
230 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Holy is the Lamb. Father, give me a heart that longs to worship You forever. For You are worthy to receive all glory, honor and praise.
DAY 231
Revelation 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, You are the only one worthy of praise. You alone were slaughtered for our redemption. You have made a way for us - be glorified, my King!
Revelation 6 TITLE:
DAY 232
232 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Please give us the strength to suffer for Your name - the endurance to stand on Your testimony under persecution. Encourage those suffering persecution for Your name today.
DAY 233
Revelation 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever, Amen.
Revelation 8 TITLE:
DAY 234
234 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are powerful. You rule over the Earth, the sun and the moon. We are in Your mighty hands forever, oh God!
DAY 235
Revelation 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we pray for those living in darkness - for those who are ruled by their pursuits, idols and pleasures. Lord, open their eyes that they might repent and come to You.
Revelation 10 TITLE:
DAY 236
236 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, I confess that is how sin feels: sweet as honey in the mouth and bitter afterwards. Yet we continue to go back for more gratification. Lord, lead me to that which is eternally sweet, a life devoted to You.
DAY 237
Revelation 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are mighty in power, even to raise from the dead. You alone control the lightning, hail and all of nature. We stand in awe of Your might and power, oh God.
Revelation 12 TITLE:
DAY 238
238 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, solidify our faith. My King, give us strength to stand under persecution and hold firmly to the testimony of Jesus, that we might love You more than we love our life.
DAY 239
Revelation 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, Thank You for choosing me from the foundation of the world. Thank You for the opportunity to know You. Lord, supply us with endurance and faithfulness. Thank You, oh God.
Revelation 14 TITLE:
DAY 240
240 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, There is beauty in Your name. You are like none other. I praise You for the Trinity - for the mystery of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and for the unity You display. Teach us this unity, oh God.
DAY 241
Revelation 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, as smoke from the glory of God filled the temple, would Your Spirit fill us, that we might trust, fear and glorify Your name. For You alone are holy!
Revelation 16 TITLE:
DAY 242
242 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, You are just. Your justice flows over all the earth. We long to see Your justice poured out over evil - that the wicked would turn from their ways and seek You.
DAY 243
Revelation 17 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Conqueror. You have conquered, are conquering and will conquer! Teach us, oh God, to walk as those who are called, chosen and faithful.
Revelation 18 TITLE:
DAY 244
244 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, forgive us. For we have given ourselves over to evil, greed, self-indulgence and sexual immorality. Cleanse us with hyssop and draw us back to You, the Almighty Lamb of God.
DAY 245
Revelation 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, We long for the day when You burst forth triumphantly and put an end to evil. You, oh Jesus, are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You took our blood upon You and have dressed us in white robes. To You be glory forever and ever.
Revelation 20 TITLE:
DAY 246
246 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, open our eyes to those around us whose names need to be written in the book of life. Provide opportunity, courage and love, that we might share with them the gospel - the good news of Christ. Teach us to love them as You would, Lord.
DAY 247
Revelation 21 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Oh Lord, You are more precious than all the jewels in the world. Your heavens are adorned with glory. You shine brighter than the sun for eternity. Your glory is unmatched. We are in awe of You!
Revelation 22 TITLE:
DAY 248
248 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, our greatest desire is to be with You in eternity. But we know there are others in our lives who need You. Lord, we pray that we would have eyes to see those who need to wash their robe in the blood of the Lamb and would share the gospel with them. Come, Lord Jesus! Come!
DAY 249
Ezra 1:1-2:1, 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are a God who reconciles and restores! Thank You for the promise that when we return to You, You restore what is lost to sin. Prompt us to seek Your face to experience restoration today.
Ezra 4 TITLE:
DAY 250
250 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We know Your enemy is always working against You. Yet, You are unstoppable. Help us to trust You when Your work is hindered, realizing it is just a temporary delay.
DAY 251
Ezra 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are all wise, God, and You grant wisdom to Your people to navigate opposition. Draw us to seek Your counsel so we wisely address opposition that impedes Your work.
Ezra 6 TITLE:
DAY 252
252 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You always make a way for Your work to be completed, Lord! We pray we would be diligent in our work, celebrating the building that You are doing in and through Your church.
DAY 253
Ezra 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are sovereign over the hearts of rulers. We pray that You would compel our leaders to submit to You and continue to grant the Church freedom to do Your will.
Nehemiah 1 TITLE:
DAY 254
254 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we want to know You so well that our hearts are aligned with Yours, whether in mourning or in celebrating. Fill us with Your Word, and help us to be devoted to knowing You through the Word daily.
DAY 255
Nehemiah 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we want to be vessels and tools that build Your Kingdom. There are so many distractions in this world that take us out of alignment with Your Word. Empower us through Your Spirit to make space to be alone with You so that we can be more attuned to Your voice.
Nehemiah 3 TITLE:
DAY 256
256 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You that Your Kingdom is advanced by many different people with many different gifts. We praise Your design for the church that allows for all people to use their unique gifts to glorify You. Help us see our brothers and sisters the way You do, as equal contributors.
DAY 257
Nehemiah 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we know that the enemy will try any tactic to keep us from doing the good works You prepare for us. Guard our minds and hearts with Your Word, and empower us through Your Spirit to be on constant guard so that we can fulfill Your mission to advance Your Kingdom.
Nehemiah 6 TITLE:
DAY 258
258 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we know that the enemy will try and distract us with fear. As we study Your Word daily, let it take root in our hearts so that we would be able to discern the enemy’s lies and hold fast to Your Truth.
DAY 259
Nehemiah 8 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we look forward to the day when all creation will be restored into Your Kingdom and we will feast and celebrate with You. Would You use that vision to make us people of hope and joy in the present.
Nehemiah 9:1-37, 12:27-30 TITLE:
DAY 260
260 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, when we look back on our lives, we can see clearly where Your hand was at work to lead and guide us, even when it seemed like we were alone. As we are reminded of Your past faithfulness, would You continue to be faithful to Your promises in the future.
DAY 261
Esther 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are intimately involved in the lives of people and orchestrate circumstances to accomplish Your purposes. Increase our trust in Your power to make a way for us to advance Your will.
Esther 2 TITLE:
DAY 262
262 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You place people in strategic positions to advance Your plans. Prompt us to seek You to understand Your purposes in placing us where we are today.
DAY 263
Esther 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the enemy is ever on the prowl to destroy Your plans and Your people. Keep us sensitive to the Spirit so we remain alert to his schemes while trusting You to foil his plans.
Esther 4 TITLE:
DAY 264
264 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for the honor and privilege to serve You. Grant us Esther’s attitude so we are willing to make radical sacrifices as You require “for such a time as this.”
DAY 265
Esther 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You hate pride because it paves a path to destruction. Humble us before You, so we use our position and blessings to bless others and build Your Kingdom.
Esther 6 TITLE:
DAY 266
266 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are gracious, Lord, to reward those who honor You. Transform our hearts so we are motivated to honor You with all that we are knowing You will reward us in Your time.
DAY 267
Esther 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R No one can escape Your justice, Lord. Purify our hearts toward those who have offended us, so we replace a longing for vengeance with prayers for their repentance.
Esther 8 TITLE:
DAY 268
268 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are able to turn the gravest situation into celebrations of victory. Grow our trust in You when opposition is fierce and enable us to believe that victory is in hand!
DAY 269
Luke 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your word is good and true, which is why we can boldly say that no word from You will ever fail. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us. We pray to have open hearts, so that we may respond to Your word as Mary, confident in You, knowing that You will fulfill Your promises.
Luke 2 TITLE:
DAY 270
270 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for the birth of Jesus! You sent Your only son, to take on flesh and live a human life, a life that would perish for the good of mankind. We praise Your holy name for Jesus, our salvation.
DAY 271
Luke 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We cannot fathom the infinite detail of Your plan for our salvation. Long ago You set into motion each event that needed to happen to prepare the way for Jesus. Help us to live lives worthy of the calling we have received, and to proclaim the good news throughout the world.
Luke 4 TITLE:
DAY 272
272 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R There is not a situation we are in that Jesus has not already been. Lord, we pray that You would use us in the midst of our trials. As Jesus continued on in mission, despite facing opposition, would You empower us to do the same.
DAY 273
Luke 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R One word from You is all it takes to change lives. Lord, please provide us with the solitary space needed to spend intimate, personal time with You. Would You quiet the noise of the world around us so that we may hear and know Your will.
Luke 6 TITLE:
DAY 274
274 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We desire to love all of Your people, Lord. Give us the want to extend grace and mercy towards others, even those who do not extend it to us in return. Help us to stand firmly in love, knowing that our Ultimate reward will be given to us in heaven.
DAY 275
Luke 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our Mighty Redeemer, You save all who call on the name of Jesus. No sin is too great for Jesus to redeem. We pray for repenting hearts, and to live boldly as those who have been called out of darkness and into a new life in Jesus.
Luke 8 TITLE:
DAY 276
276 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your Word is truth and life. May we be the seeds that fall upon good soil, hearing and allowing Your word to penetrate our lives. Give us the same faith as the bleeding woman, who didn’t just hope that Jesus would change her, but rather had faith and knew that He would.
DAY 277
Luke 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R As Jesus’ disciples, we desire to follow Him and take up our crosses daily. Lord, we ask that You would change us as needed to be a people that are fit for service in Your Kingdom, and that You would embolden us to proudly proclaim Your Kingdom to the world.
Luke 10 TITLE:
DAY 278
278 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The desire of our hearts is to love You, Lord, and to love those around us. Reveal to us different areas where we can love our neighbors and equip us to do so. Use us in mighty ways to enhance Your Kingdom from here to the nations.
DAY 279
Luke 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are a Good Father, Lord. You know the desires of our hearts before we even utter a word. Embolden us in prayer to ask anything of You, and would Your Spirit within us satisfy our souls, no matter the outcome.
Luke 12 TITLE:
DAY 280
280 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our souls long for the day that Jesus returns. Lord, prepare us for this day and cleanse us from the desire for worldly temptations that may be vying for position in our lives. Help us to live for today and for the day of the Lord.
DAY 281
Luke 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You know every detail about us, Lord, for we are Your creation and there is nothing that we could ever keep from You. Move us through the Holy Spirit to confession and repentance. We pray that through repentance we would have a deep, intimate relationship with You.
Luke 14 TITLE:
DAY 282
282 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we admire the love that You have for each one of Your children. You long to be able to have a relationship with us who are in Christ. Turn our sights to Jesus each morning, help us to prioritize Him above all else, so that we may take up our cross and follow Him.
DAY 283
Luke 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The love and compassion that You extend to Your children is incomparable. Make it the desire of our hearts to share Jesus with those who do not have a relationship with Him. Use us, Lord, so that Your Kingdom would grow as more of Your children come to You for repentance and new life.
Luke 16 TITLE:
DAY 284
284 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are Creator of all, You know all of the thoughts and desires of our hearts. Reveal any dishonorable ways about us, and change us into a people that are pleasing and honorable to You. Deter us from falling prey to worldly riches and instead entrust us with Your eternal riches.
DAY 285
Luke 17 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Set our eyes on eternity, Lord, so that we may be prepared to give an account for ourselves when Jesus returns. Until that day, make it the desire of our hearts to be at peace with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, asking for forgiveness and extending it when needed.
Luke 18 TITLE:
DAY 286
286 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there are many temptations in this world that compete for our time and affections. We pray that the only idol of our hearts would be You, not money or any other person or thing. If we have lost focus on our true prize, would You gently guide us back to You.
DAY 287
Luke 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Just like Zacchaeus, You see us and call us by name, Lord, even when we feel invisible and know we are not worthy of Your calling. You know our inmost thoughts, everything we have ever done, yet You still seek us and desire to save us. Our mouths are filled with Your praise, Lord.
Luke 20 TITLE:
DAY 288
288 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have all power and authority over everything in heaven and on earth. You graciously give all the opportunity to come to Jesus and be saved. Soften our hearts so that we would repent and submit to Your will.
DAY 289
Luke 21 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the one true God in whom we place our faith. Help us to stand firm in the person of Jesus and to behave as those who have received the calling. Free us from any sin that may be weighing down our hearts, so that when we stand before You, we can do so with confidence.
Luke 22 TITLE:
DAY 290
290 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Even in moments of extreme anguish, Jesus retreated to a quiet place to be in prayer. Lord, would our first reaction be to pray, whether in times of joy or sorrow. Would we boldly present our requests to You, resting in Your peace, even if Your will does not match our own.
DAY 291
Luke 23 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You sent Your only son to Earth to live and die for the redemption of our sins. Your grace and mercies are incomparable and undeserved. Our lives were paid for dearly, Lord, and may we live in light of the cross.
Luke 24 TITLE:
DAY 292
292 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, because Jesus has risen! May the resurrection power of Christ compel His body of followers to share the Gospel boldly from here to the nations, in His mighty name.
DAY 293
Acts 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, Your promises have been shown to be true. Fill us with the Holy Spirit to be used for witnessing to everyone that You give us the opportunity to share the gospel.
Acts 2 TITLE:
DAY 294
294 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your message through the prophets brings us knowledge of our Savior and the Holy Spirit bringing salvation to all the earth. Open hearts of people everywhere so they may call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.
DAY 295
Acts 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we see and know that You can provide healing. We are in awe of Your almighty power and know that the prophets told the people that a Savior would come into the world. Let faith rise up and Your name be glorified through the prayers of Your people.
Acts 4 TITLE:
DAY 296
296 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there is no other name given under heaven where anyone can be saved. Give us holy boldness to speak the name of Jesus and tell of His resurrection. Bring revival to our nation and the world.
DAY 297
Acts 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, help us to surrender ourselves completely to You. Our lives become an example of faith and witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we live a life of faith, Lord, we are used to go into all the world and share the gospel.
Acts 6 TITLE:
DAY 298
298 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R It is Your desire that each of us grow in faith to be used in Your work. The preaching and teaching of God’s word must continue to grow new believers and help others to mature in faith to be used as needed in the church and beyond. Help us to play our part.
DAY 299
Acts 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R When persecution comes to a believer, the word of God becomes our defense. Even though evil is brought to bear, we know, God, that You are always present and watching. As Stephen sees Jesus, it reminds us that we are never alone and our faith will protect us.
Acts 8 TITLE:
DAY 300
300 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, when the gospel is preached and shared many people will believe all over the world. Let the gospel go forth in power now in our present time, that many would repent and be saved. Thank You that the gospel is free to share and to receive.
DAY 301
Acts 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R It is clear that as Your word goes forth, opposition presses hard against the people speaking. But Jesus tells us that the persecution is against him. Give us courage to speak the truth knowing that God will bring people to faith.
Acts 10 TITLE:
DAY 302
302 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your word directs our path even when it is hard or difficult to understand. Show us how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to all people You put in our lives.
DAY 303
Acts 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R It is our desire to listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit even when our brothers and sisters are resistant or trying to hold back. Your precepts are always perfect and Your word is a lamp to our feet showing us the way to go.
Acts 12 TITLE:
DAY 304
304 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The Lord may send his angels to give help to His people and deliver them from harm and persecution. We can always pray to the Lord for help even when all seems hopeless. Thank You, Lord, for always being close and watching over us.
DAY 305
Acts 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R When the Word of the Lord is spoken, read and preached many are saved and brought into the Kingdom of God. We ask You, Lord, for the souls of all we know in this current day to be saved. May we have courage to share the gospel to others.
Acts 14 TITLE:
DAY 306
306 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Whenever the word of God is taught to people, some believe and some do not. This does not stop the word of God from accomplishing all that it is prepared to accomplish. Thank You, Lord, for giving us the Bible to read and share for our benefit and Your glory.
DAY 307
Acts 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R It is easy to see that the gospel message can have additions to it given by humans without direction of the Holy Spirit. We are so thankful that the message of salvation is in the grace given to us by the cross of Jesus. In Christ alone we believe and are saved.
Acts 16 TITLE:
DAY 308
308 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R As the Word goes forth, rulers and those in charge may try to stop the message from going out to people who would become followers of Christ. Help us to be courageous knowing that nothing can stop the gospel from saving the lost.
DAY 309
Acts 17 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You desire for all people to repent and believe in Jesus to be saved. We know that the One True God is the only One who made the world and everything in it. Jesus is coming back to judge the world in righteousness. Let faith arise in our church and the whole world.
Acts 18 TITLE:
DAY 310
310 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R When we speak and hear the scriptures, the evidence overwhelms us with the fact that Jesus is the Christ. Help us, Lord, to grow stronger in faith as we hear Your word. Teach us to defend the faith and share with other believers.
DAY 311
Acts 19 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R When the crowds follow after idols and make much noise it can never hold back the greatness of our God. Signs and wonders show the greatness and the glory of God. May we always give honor and praise to God without fear and concern over the voices of unbelievers.
Acts 20 TITLE:
DAY 312
312 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Preaching repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the message God is giving to all who will believe. We pray for the overseers of the church which is so valuable and useful after being bought by the blood of Jesus Christ.
DAY 313
Acts 21 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We see the benefit of doing the will of God and seeing how He works through all kinds of challenges. Help us to keep moving in the direction inspired by the Holy Spirit so many will come to faith through our effort for the glory of God.
Acts 22 TITLE:
DAY 314
314 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You can change the heart of anyone, and it gives us hope to know that even a person who is completely against You can come to know You personally. We pray, Lord, for Your word to go forth and accomplish great revival today just as in the days of Paul and the disciples.
DAY 315
Acts 23 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The evidence of grace and mercy fill the pages of the Bible for us to understand. Lord, You met with Paul and told him directly what to do and where to go. Let us follow Jesus just as Paul did, speaking with courage the message that Jesus is alive and faith in His name is life eternal.
Acts 24 TITLE:
DAY 316
316 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the truth of the gospel proclaims that Jesus was raised from the dead and all who believe in Him will also be raised to life everlasting. Help us to continue in the faith, believing the whole gospel message and sharing it with others for their benefit and Your glory.
DAY 317
Acts 25 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the Word shows us that You are always with Your people to help them accomplish everything that is in Your Sovereign will. Help us to stay faithful against the world’s efforts to stop us sharing the gospel and living for You.
Acts 26 TITLE:
DAY 318
318 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, it is the marvelous truth that Your love is so great You sent Jesus your son into the world and called us out of our darkness into the grand light of Your Kingdom. Let there be revival starting with me and growing all over our world.
DAY 319
Acts 27 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R O Lord, the days are filled with many circumstances beyond our control and can give us reasons to fear. But when we have faith and believe, we can have courage to wait upon You to see great and mighty things. Our lives are in Your control; we will accomplish all that You have for us.
Acts 28 TITLE:
DAY 320
320 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R When we understand how much went into getting the gospel to people everywhere, we have to respond with thanksgiving and praise. The Kingdom of God is here and will come fully when Jesus returns. Help us to share the good news wherever You have placed us in this life.
DAY 321
1 Corinthians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Father, that You who called us to fellowship with You are faithful. Keep us firm and rooted in You today, remembering the power of the cross and Christ Jesus as our righteousness, our holiness and our redemption. Found in Christ alone. Amen.
1 Corinthians 2 TITLE:
DAY 322
322 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Spirit to guide us each day. Search us today, Lord, and speak to our hearts, give us the mind of Christ as we move through today. We receive Your gifts, Holy Spirit. We receive Your wisdom, Father. We receive Your love, Jesus. Amen.
DAY 323
1 Corinthians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We are Your temple, Holy Spirit. God, You are the Great Architect and the foundation we build our lives upon. As Your church today we choose to build with care together to make Your Kingdom known on earth through us.
1 Corinthians 4 TITLE:
DAY 324
324 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Fill us today, Holy Spirit, so that we can walk in step with You. Keep us in humility and grace with our words and actions. Help us remember to look to You in all things that we may be able to walk with blessing, endurance and kindness despite what we gave in the world today.
DAY 325
1 Corinthians 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R May we walk in purity today and each day, Father. Purity of the heart, mind, soul, spirit and body. Help us to live today in remembrance of Your sacrifice, Jesus, that allowed us to bury our old patterns and to put on the new self. Help us today to choose life with and in You.
1 Corinthians 6 TITLE:
DAY 326
326 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, that You have brought us into right relationship with You. Bring us awareness of relationships that need to be brought back into right relationship. We confess to You and live in the knowledge of Your forgiveness, giving the same forgiveness to others.
DAY 327
1 Corinthians 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, today we pray for marriages and those who are single. For marriages would You redeem, strengthen, bring deeper unity, and stir up love in the marriages of those reading today. For the single would You fill them with comfort, love in You, community, and hope in all things.
1 Corinthians 8 TITLE:
DAY 328
328 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus that You have brought us into freedom with You that is rooted in Your Spirit! Help us today to live in You, free from condemnation, but tied to Your Spirit of truth and grace, loving those around us and encouraging them in their walk with and towards You.
DAY 329
1 Corinthians 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, for the freedom we have in Jesus. Fill us with Your Spirit to guide us to use the freedom not for personal gain but to accomplish Your work in advancing the Gospel.
1 Corinthians 10 TITLE:
DAY 330
330 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Every gift we have is from You, including our freedom and wisdom. Empower us to remain grateful so that all we do if for Your glory!
DAY 331
1 Corinthians 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the God of order and discipline. Enable us to maintain order and discipline in all we do, so we might honor You in honoring each other.
1 Corinthians 12 TITLE:
DAY 332
332 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, for gifting us to uniquely reflect Your glory. Compel us to humbly use our gifts to build up the body to unity, not for selfish gain or recognition.
DAY 333
1 Corinthians 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are Perfect Love. Shape us by Your love so it is the motive for all we do. Keep us mindful that the work that makes an eternal impact is motivated out of perfect love.
1 Corinthians 14 TITLE:
DAY 334
334 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Humble us by the fact that You would invite imperfect people to accomplish Your work. Enable us to submit to Your will with respect and honor for others as we worship and serve for Your glory.
DAY 335
1 Corinthians 15 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You have given us victory in Jesus proven in His resurrection. Help us to live in this truth so we can overcome fear of death and live for the day when we will see You face to face.
1 Corinthians 16 TITLE:
DAY 336
336 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we pray we never forget how gracious You are to us. Let our gratitude prompt us to give generously and offer loving hospitality so we effectively express Your love to all!
DAY 337
2 Corinthians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for the comfort You provide when we go through difficult experiences. Open our eyes to see others who are hurting so that we can share that same love and grace.
2 Corinthians 2 TITLE:
DAY 338
338 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, help us to forgive others just as You have graciously forgiven us. Burn away any bitterness in our hearts so that we would not fall prey to the devil’s schemes.
DAY 339
2 Corinthians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Holy Spirit, You are the source of power to enable transformation in our lives. Thank You for freely giving us all we need to become more and more like Jesus.
2 Corinthians 4 TITLE:
DAY 340
340 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for displaying Your power and love by sacrificing Your life for us. We want to be vessels to share that same power and love with others.
DAY 341
2 Corinthians 5 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, thank You for the undeserved gift of Your love, that reconciled us back to You. Fill us with Your love so that we would show others that same love and compassion.
2 Corinthians 6 TITLE:
DAY 342
342 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord God, what an incredible honor that You would choose to dwell in us. We praise You and wonder at the mystery that the Almighty would make us His temple!
DAY 343
2 Corinthians 7 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, teach us to grieve the things that grieve You, knowing that it leads to repentance. We hope in the transformation that will come from repentance and anticipate the joy of becoming more and more like Jesus.
2 Corinthians 8 TITLE:
DAY 344
344 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, we have the desire to be generous because Jesus was generous towards us by giving His life on our behalf. Holy Spirit, take our generous desires and make them into generous acts towards our neighbors.
DAY 345
2 Corinthians 9 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, help us to grow in our appreciation of the gift of grace You have given us, so that we too can serve others from our overflowing thankfulness towards You.
2 Corinthians 10 TITLE:
DAY 346
346 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we know that the enemy uses subtle lies and distractions to pull our focus away from You. Empower us by Your Spirit to grow in our knowledge of You so that we would have the proper tools to do battle with the enemy.
DAY 347
2 Corinthians 11 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You that our salvation does not rest on our achievements or failures, but on Jesus Christ alone.
2 Corinthians 12 TITLE:
DAY 348
348 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, my weaknesses are reminders of the areas of my life that need Your transforming love. Holy Spirit, help me not to hide my weaknesses, but to take advantage of the opportunity to experience Your perfect power through my weaknesses.
DAY 349
2 Corinthians 13 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Just as You used Jesus’ sacrifice for our sake, Lord, use our weaknesses to Your glory for the sake of others.
1 Thessalonians 1 TITLE:
DAY 350
350 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, thank You for choosing us to be part of Your kingdom family. We ask that You would continue to transform us to be more like Jesus so that we can be used to multiply Your kingdom.
DAY 351
1 Thessalonians 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, it can be easy to live righteously for our own glory, but You are patient and gentle with us as You correct our motives. Thank You for being merciful when we are greedy. Continue to purify our hearts so that we desire to glorify You alone.
1 Thessalonians 3 TITLE:
DAY 352
352 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, Your plan for the church was that it would consist of all kinds of people and personalities. Deepen our love for You, so that we would grow in our love and compassion for others.
DAY 353
1 Thessalonians 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You call us to live a life of holiness and purity, just like the life of Jesus. Empower us through Your Spirit to live this way today.
1 Thessalonians 5 TITLE:
DAY 354
354 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, thank You that Your life and sacrifice brought us out of darkness and into Your family of light. Help us to encourage our brothers and sisters to live as children of light with patience and grace.
DAY 355
2 Thessalonians 1 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, I confess that I am impatient and often seek to exact my own ideals of justice, but justice belongs to You alone and You promise that it will one day come when Jesus returns. Grow my patience and trust in Your perfect timing and justice.
2 Thessalonians 2 TITLE:
DAY 356
356 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, there are so many things that pull our time and attention away from You. Deepen our knowledge of and trust in You, so that we would not be so easily distracted or deceived by the enemy.
DAY 357
2 Thessalonians 3 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, in Your wisdom You provided us brothers and sisters to encourage and support each other. Align our hearts with Yours, so that any loving or difficult conversations would flow out of Your Spirit.
Colossians 1 TITLE:
DAY 358
358 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for the living, powerful and hopeful gospel of Christ. Help us to rest securely in You and to abide in You so that Your love flows through us, bringing praise and honor to Your holy name.
DAY 359
Colossians 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we praise You and thank You for Your wonderful plan of redemption. How amazing to think that God identified with us and our sin so that we could be identified with Him and His righteousness.
Colossians 3 TITLE:
DAY 360
360 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Heavenly Father, how clearly Paul shows us the shocking way that words that come from our lips and our actions can be so dishonoring to You and abusive to others. Let our words and actions be honoring to You, give encouragement to others, and always be spoken in love.
DAY 361
Colossians 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You that we have the right to lay at Your feet our own needs and those of others. Increase our understanding of the great privilege of prayer that has been granted to us and we pray that we increasingly devote our lives to You in prayer.
2 Timothy 1 TITLE:
DAY 362
362 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You said that it would be better that You went away, so that the Holy Spirit would come. Increase our faith in Your promise so that we would boldly spread Your gospel and multiply Your Kingdom by the power of Your Spirit.
DAY 363
2 Timothy 2 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we desire to be holy and set apart like You are, useful and ready for good works for Your Kingdom.
2 Timothy 3 TITLE:
DAY 364
364 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank You for the gift of Scripture to guide us daily as we learn to live a godly life in Christ Jesus.
DAY 365
2 Timothy 4 DATE:
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You have called us to the challenging work of spreading the good news of life in Your Kingdom. Empower us by Your Spirit and support us through brothers and sisters so that we may all keep our focus on glorifying You and fulfilling Your mission.
“A chapter a day for the rest of your life.”
- Greg St. Cyr