Chapter A Day

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This book was written and organized by Greg St. Cyr.

With special thanks to Kammi McGinty for writing the daily prayers.

Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation. 1 Peter 2:2

... In humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. James 1:21-22

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. Psalm 119:18

Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes. Psalm 119:135

Dear Reader,

One of the things I say to myself every day is, “My highest priority in life is cultivating a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord.” Life is busy, right? Responsibilities are never-ending. In an effort to keep the main thing the main thing, this saying keeps me on track.

No single discipline has been more helpful in my relationship with Jesus than daily Bible reflection. When I enter into a daily time of silence and solitude, when I make the decision to slow down my busy life and leave lesser things undone, when I choose to prayerfully reflect upon God’s Word, I grow in intimacy with Jesus.

For years I’ve challenged others to make personal Bible reading a daily discipline. One day I stumbled upon a ministry called Project 3:45. Project 3:45 is a simple Bible reading plan that provides one chapter a day for devotional reading. The name comes from the reality that it takes an average of three minutes and 45 seconds to read one chapter. I immediately thought to myself, “Surely every follower of Jesus can find three minutes and 45 seconds!” Armed with this new information, my appeal to read a chapter a day intensified. I started issuing 90-day challenges by passing out bookmarks with 90 chapters to read. Unexpectantly one day a phrase rolled off my lips: “A chapter a day for the rest of your life.” That was it. A Godhonoring resolution to read a chapter a day every day for the rest of one’s life. Since that day I’ve found that, for most Christ followers, committing oneself to meaningfully reading a chapter a day is the best thing you can do to become more like Jesus. Of course, we can always read more.

Reading the Bible reveals the greatness, nature and glory of our triune God. It renews our mind so we know His thoughts and plans. And His Spirit supernaturally speaks to a consecrated heart from the Scriptures, convicting us of our sin and changing us into His likeness.

My prayer is that every day you will make the choice to spend time with God in His Word. I pray that this 365-day guide will help you achieve life’s highest priority: cultivating a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. From here to the nations,

- Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr

A WORD ABOUT VOLUME 2 This is the second of what will be five Chapter A Day journals. Each volume reads through the 260 chapters of the New Testament. That leaves 105 Old Testament chapters over the course of a year. Volume 1 provides an overview of the Old Testament by selecting 105 key chapters. Volume 2 focuses our Old Testament reading on the Poetical Books, which include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Traditionally, these books have also been known as Wisdom Literature. Wisdom literature deals with how to live well. The opening verses in Proverbs (1:1-3) epitomize the purpose of Wisdom Literature:

The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity

Our journey through the Poetical Books is designed for us to know, understand and receive God’s wisdom in all of life. The book of Job deals with the problem of evil and the justice of God. Psalms is the hymnbook of Israel. These 150 poems give voice to every human emotion. They retell God’s faithfulness, express thanksgiving and contrition, anticipate the Messiah’s reign, call out to the Lord in lament, and magnify His attributes. Proverbs is made up of short, pithy sayings about how God designed the world to work. In it you see what practical godliness looks like. Ecclesiastes looks at life without God and leads us to the conclusion that life “under the sun” is vanity without a relationship with our loving and good God. Song of Solomon is a poetic picture in which Solomon and his bride give married couples practical ways to express love. When reading the Scriptures, understanding the context is key. That’s why sometimes it’s helpful to refer to a trusted resource. I recommend Warren Wiersbe’s book, “With the Word: The Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Handbook.”

Final encouragement: Don’t give up! The tendency is to start strong and then fade over time. We are largely the product of our choices. If you miss a day, simply pick up where you left off. Make the daily choice to say no to other pressing needs for the sake of your highest priority.

INTRODUCTION All of us are called by Jesus to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). The first person we are to disciple is ourselves. Jesus says, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). We are to be like our Teacher, Jesus. That happens as we spend time with Him.

A disciple of Jesus is someone who:

• • •

Follows Jesus Is being changed by Jesus Is on mission with Jesus

We are changed by Jesus as we reflect upon God’s Word and receive what He is saying to us, and then respond in faith and obedience. Disciples grow by continually receiving and responding to the Lord.

RECEIVE and RESPOND. That’s the key to spiritual growth.

One of the problems is our lack of time with the Lord and His Word. That is about to change for you as you commit to spending daily time with Him!

There are two simple questions that help us receive and respond: To receive, we ask: What is God saying to me? To respond, we ask: What am I to do with what God is saying to me?

In your “A Chapter A Day” guide, you will find a simple structure that will help you become a self-feeder as you receive and respond. The structure has been adapted from Wayne Cordeiro’s book “The Divine Mentor” and is called the SOAP Devotional Method.

SOAP Devotional Method SC R I P T U R E Write out one verse from the chapter that spoke to you.



Observe carefully what the verse says. Ponder the context, setting, its meaning, tone and purpose. Write down a few sentences or a paragraph. And most importantly, answer the question, “What is God saying to me?”



How does this verse apply to my life? What am I to do with what God is saying to me?

P R AY E R Finish your time in the Word with a personal prayer to God. It might be praise, confession, thanksgiving or intercession. Ask Him to help you apply what you have learned. As a family, we want to learn to pray together in agreement. You’ll find a prayer included every day in this journal so we can unite together in prayer.

HOW TO USE THIS JOURNAL Here are a few helpful suggestions on how to use your journal most effectively.

1. Set aside a specific time and quiet place to meet with God. You will need your Bible, this journal and a pen.

2. Receive and Respond using the SOAP method. Read each day’s Bible chapter. Write down the specific Scripture through which God is speaking to you. Receive by reflecting on that verse, asking, “What is God saying to me?” Respond by writing down your application, asking, “What is God asking me to do?”

3. Title the page. Take a moment to give today’s chapter a short title: one or two words that will help you remember your time with God’s Word.

4. Pray spontaneously. End your time with prayer. Talk to the Lord like you would a friend. Praise Him for His goodness, thank Him for things, and ask Him for that which is on your heart. You can keep a list of those for whom you’re praying in the back of this journal.

5. Pray together with your church. Join with our church family in praying that God would change us and use us.

Psalm 1 TITLE:

Meditating on God’s Word




He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3

The result of meditating on God’s Word is that I will be like a firm tree: unmovable. Like the tree, my life will be refreshed and satisfied as by “streams of water.” God will bear fruit through me at the right season . Rather than withering as in a drought, the Lord will see that I prosper and flourish through His Word.

1 God’s Word is not al ways my delight. I fall short of daily meditation . God is asking me to prioritize time in the morning – before work – to read, reflect and work through the journal this year.

Lord, thank You for Your Word. You promise that my life will prosper as I meditate on Your Scriptures. Help me to be faithful to make this my priority this year. Amen . P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You bless and watch over the righteous. May we delight in Your law and meditate on it so our hearts are transformed and we understand the blessing of obeying Your precepts. Make us a church that yields fruit and prospers Your Kingdom.


Matthew 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we praise You for working through the generations to send the Redeemer who is Immanuel, God with us. The only right response is to abandon ourselves to worship You with praise and thanksgiving. Continue to shape us to worship You, we pray!

Matthew 2 TITLE:



2 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are sovereign over the hearts and decisions of man. You know the motives behind each person’s action in seeking You and You reveal Yourself to those whose hearts seek to extravagantly worship You. Purify our hearts so we freely abandon ourselves to worship You!


Matthew 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You for Your humility in coming as a man and walking in obedience to the Father’s will. Grow us in humility so we, like John the Baptist, acknowledge we are not worthy to untie Your sandals while increasing our passion to worship You for proving our value to You at the cross.

Matthew 4 TITLE:



4 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Jesus, for showing us the power of Your Word to battle against temptation. We ask You to remind us of this when we are tempted, so we might be free to follow You as You call and lead.


Matthew 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we praise You, for You are the source of every blessing. You see into the depth of our hearts and judge our motives and richly bless those whose hearts are surrendered to You. Prompt us to inspect our hearts and offer them to You in an act of worship.

Matthew 6 TITLE:



6 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You see and know all. You are not impressed by performance, but by a heart devoted to You in worship. Fashion our hearts to be motivated to worship You in all we do. When we worship we fulfill our purpose in giving You glory!


Matthew 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Word made flesh who came to teach us Your Words. Your Word reveals the will of the Father and is the source of life. Empower us to build our lives on Your Word, so we may align ourselves to Your will and be used by You to increase Your Kingdom.

Matthew 8 TITLE:



8 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are sovereign over all creation, commanding illness and demons to leave and the storms to cease. Increase our faith in Your sovereignty and power so we might see You do great works in Your church.


Matthew 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are filled with compassion for the oppressed, so much so that You stepped out of heaven to rescue us. Increase our faith and fill us with Your compassion so we might be those whom You send out to work in Your harvest field.

Matthew 10 TITLE:

DAY 10


10 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are God who sends. You equip those You send, instructing them to trust You to provide for their every need. Increase our understanding of the privilege to represent You to the world. May we experience joy in worshiping You, no matter how others respond.

DAY 11

Matthew 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are gracious in all of Your ways, Lord. You give rest to the weary. Enable us to find rest in You so we find strength to walk in obedience to serve You as You lead, knowing this is an act of worship!

Matthew 12 TITLE:

DAY 12


12 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for You have established justice for the nations through the cross. A day is coming where You will eradicate sin and suffering. As we anticipate that day, give us a burden to share the gospel with those who deny You, that they might praise You for all eternity.

DAY 13

Matthew 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the One who sows good seed and You oversee the harvest. One day You will call for a final harvest in which You separate the wicked from the righteous. Burn away unrighteousness in our hearts that we might completely worship You.

Matthew 14 TITLE:

DAY 14


14 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are gracious and compassionate in responding to the needs of those who follow You. You invite us to exercise faith and are ready to rescue us when faith waivers. Increase our faith, so we experience more of Your power and worship You, the one and only Son of God.

DAY 15

Matthew 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Lord of our hearts, Jesus. You know the motives behind every word and action. You honor requests asked in faith. Purify our hearts, Jesus, so we might seek You and worship You with right motives.

Matthew 16 TITLE:

DAY 16


16 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You sacrificed all that we might be redeemed from sin and established in righteousness. It is not unreasonable for You to require us to take up our cross and follow You. Enable us to forget what we lose and ponder our amazing gain when we lay down our lives for Your sake.

DAY 17

Matthew 17 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man. We thank You for perfectly obeying the Father’s will so You might fulfill Your purpose, our redemption. Give us an eagerness to listen to You, so we too might fulfill our purpose to know and do the will of God.

Matthew 18 TITLE:

DAY 18


18 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, Your love is incomprehensible in sending Your Son to die so we might receive pardon. You call us to become like a humble child in order to extend this type of forgiveness. Change our hearts so that we model the humility of a child and reveal Your love to the world.

DAY 19

Matthew 19 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are ruler over all. You invite us to join You in ruling the nations. In order to rule with You, we must come with childlike faith. Our desire for control often hinders us. Help us to surrender all and trust You with childlike faith.

Matthew 20 TITLE:

DAY 20


20 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are Lord who was crucified so we might receive forgiveness of sins. You made Yourself a servant to do so. Empower us by Your Spirit to overcome jealousy that we might embrace servitude as You modeled.

DAY 21

Matthew 21 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Son of the vineyard owner, the Cornerstone of the Kingdom, the One with all authority to teach and judge and condemn. You are one with the Father, worthy of all praise and honor. Enable us to worship You in reverence, giving You all the praise due Your name!

Matthew 22 TITLE:

DAY 22


22 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are all-knowing and Your wisdom surpasses even the deepest knowledge of man. It is foolish to deny You or speak against You. Give us a hunger for Your Word so we might grow in wisdom to live lives of worship in doing the Father’s will.

DAY 23

Matthew 23 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are gracious to judge hypocrisy and reveal its root. Surely hypocrisy is an ever-looming temptation, because its root is found in a desire to promote self. Purify the motives of our hearts, so our only desire is to worship You.

Matthew 24 TITLE:

DAY 24


24 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You equip Your people with understanding to know that You will fulfill every word You have spoken. And You sent Your Son to both reveal and fulfill Your will. We pray we would heed His Words and spend our time wisely living for His return.

DAY 25

Matthew 25 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, for creating us for a purpose. Our lives are to be poured out in worship and service to You. We need the Spirit to guide us in that purpose. Prompt us to be ready to do whatever You ask of us so we are found faithful on the day of Your return!

Matthew 26 TITLE:

DAY 26


26 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You Jesus, for You remained faithful to the Father’s plan. You knew of the coming betrayal, abandonment, injustice, scourging and the cross. Increase our awe and move us to fully surrender to You that we might remain faithful to Your will in the face of opposition.

DAY 27

Matthew 27 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We cannot comprehend the fullness of agony You experienced in Your last hours. You readily subjected yourself to the evil forces of the world. Thank You that Your story doesn’t end in death. Move our hearts to worship You as we ponder the victory You won on our behalf!

Matthew 28 TITLE:

DAY 28


28 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we praise You, the resurrected Lord! Enable us to grasp the power of Your resurrection so our hearts are moved to worship You with ecstatic joy as the women who first saw You. Let this worship transform us so we see the privilege of being sent ones.

DAY 29

Mark 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You Jesus, Messiah and Son of God. Help us to answer the call of John the Baptist, “Prepare a way for the Lord.” Empower us to be intentional about preparing our hearts for You, so we might worship You in all that we do as the Lord who reigns over every area of our lives.

Mark 2 TITLE:

DAY 30


30 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You, Lord. You are all-knowing and good. We were like the paralytic, in need of Your forgiveness. You saw faith and responded. Like the four friends, help us to bring others to You for forgiveness and healing.

DAY 31

Mark 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the religious leaders misunderstood You. Your own family did not get You. Though painful, You stayed the course, doing the Father’s will. Equip us for every good work in spite of the opposition and unbelief we encounter from all sources.

Mark 4 TITLE:

DAY 32


32 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, You are King over all other kings and kingdoms. You taught us what Your Kingdom is like so we might understand our purpose and role in advancing it. Increase our influence for Your Kingdom, knowing our service to You is an act of worship.

DAY 33

Mark 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we are challenged by the way You love. You broke down barriers to love the unlovable and touch the untouchable. Touch the untouchable places in our hearts so we might be restored and then empower us to go and tell others of Your great love.

Mark 6 TITLE:

DAY 34


34 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You feed crowds from meager resources, walk on water, and heal with a simple touch. Forgive us for doubting and limiting You. Increase our faith as You send us out on mission with You to set captives free.

DAY 35

Mark 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Truth who speaks truth into the hearts of man. Yet our hearts are deceptive and we often twist truth for our own preferences. Empower us to operate in truth, so we might worship You, the One who “does all things well.�

Mark 8 TITLE:

DAY 36


36 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are Messiah, Son of God, worthy of all praise and honor! Give us a willingness to follow You by laying down our lives. Increase our passion for You, that we might comprehend the privilege of being called Your followers.

DAY 37

Mark 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You humbly walked among us to heal. You modeled a life of power that glorifies the Father. Teach us today as we surrender our desire for selfpromotion. Help us not to cause others to stumble, but rather to point all people to You.

Mark 10 TITLE:

DAY 38


38 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You know what is in our hearts. You know how worldly possessions and positions can be a stumbling block. You’ve called us to receive the Kingdom like a child. Show us where we are clinging to worldly gains so we can fully embrace Your Kingdom.

DAY 39

Mark 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the triumphant King! You cleansed the temple, predicted Your resurrection, and called us to great faith and believing prayer. Nothing is impossible for You. Reign triumphantly in our lives today.

Mark 12 TITLE:

DAY 40


40 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your wisdom, Jesus, is beyond searching out. Every word You speak is full of truth and spoken to convict, correct and affirm. Cleanse our hearts so we see You with right motives and grant us wisdom to choose our words wisely so they accomplish Your redemptive purposes.

DAY 41

Mark 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You’ve called us to “be on guard, to keep awake” for Your return. While the details are alarming, You reveal a glimpse of the future in order to prepare us. Use us as the day of Your return draws near.

Mark 14 TITLE:

DAY 42


42 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we worship You. You extended grace to those who betrayed You, denied You and persecuted You. You pressed on despite suffering to speak truth. Enable us to grasp the grace of redemption so we would extend grace and truth to those who offend and oppress us.

DAY 43

Mark 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You in awe, Jesus, because You submitted to injustice and did not raise any objections against Your accusers. You are the Lamb without blemish that was slain. You willingly submitted for our sake. Enable us to trust and submit to You with our lives.

Mark 16 TITLE:

DAY 44


44 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the resurrection and the life. Your victory over death gives us confidence in our future and assures us of power to serve You in our present. Increase our faith so we might see Your Kingdom advance through us.

DAY 45

Proverbs 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You tell us that knowledge is rooted in fearing You. Though we know this, if we are honest, we do trust in our own wisdom at times. Help us to live according to Your wisdom.

Proverbs 2 TITLE:

DAY 46


46 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are the source of wisdom and Your speech is filled with knowledge and understanding. Compel us to listen and do Your commands so we are found blameless and righteous in Your sight.

DAY 47

Proverbs 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, seeking Your wisdom results in profitable gains greater than investments in precious metals. Turn our hearts toward this gain, so we might experience the rich blessings of knowing You and being led by You.

Proverbs 4 TITLE:

DAY 48


48 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the gains that come from seeking Your truths profit us more than any other investment we make in this life. These gains are eternal. We seek Your wisdom, that we might enjoy the blessings of living under Your counsel.

DAY 49

Proverbs 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You tell us Lord that our ways are completely disclosed to You. There is no thought or motive that You do not perceive. Mature us and grow us in our devotion to You so we are not seduced by worldly temptations.

Proverbs 6 TITLE:

DAY 50


50 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You Father, for You created us on purpose and for purpose. Keep us diligent and attentive to our work, attending to our duties wisely, so we are not given over to idle living or wanton lusts that will lead to destruction.

DAY 51

Proverbs 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, surely there are many prostitutes vying for our affections promising pleasure and fulfillment. They are liars, meant to consume and destroy us. Guard our hearts, that we might be resolute in denying the calls to indulge our lusts.

Proverbs 8 TITLE:

DAY 52


52 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You for granting wisdom to all who seek and desire it. Increase our desire for wisdom, so we are just in all of our deliberations and apply wise counsel and sound judgement in every thought and decision.

DAY 53

Proverbs 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You tell us, Lord, that fearing You “is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.� We ask You to free us from any pride that is keeping us from fully fearing You, so we can grow in wisdom and enjoy a long and rewarding life in You.

Proverbs 10 TITLE:

DAY 54


54 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, because we are born with a sin nature, we are all too familiar with our own foolishness. But You have enlightened our minds and exposed the secrets to living well for You. Let us seek Your truth and thereby prove the power of living according to Your Word.

DAY 55

Proverbs 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are righteous in all of Your ways. You set the standard for what is morally right. Forgive us when we lower our standards and live according to worldly thinking. Convict us and restore us to Your righteousness that we might reflect Your character in the way we live.

Proverbs 12 TITLE:

DAY 56


56 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Wisdom and righteousness are pathways to abundant living. You have granted us life in You and purposed that we live abundantly. We seek Your righteousness and wisdom. Help us to avoid the pitfalls of dishonesty and foolishness that forfeit peace and life.

DAY 57

Proverbs 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your Word guides us in righteousness so we might reflect You in our lives. Increase our commitment to live for You, so our light shines Your glory brightly and draws others to You.

Proverbs 14 TITLE:

DAY 58


58 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, there is such a dichotomy in the outcomes for the foolish and the wise. Fools mock repentance, while the upright flourish in repentance. Increase our desire to flourish and enable us to be ruthless toward sin but generous toward repentance.

DAY 59

Proverbs 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are the source of life. The wicked work against You to crush and destroy. You hate their follies and weigh their hearts down with worry and despair. Give us compassion for the foolish so we might turn them to fear You.

Proverbs 16 TITLE:

DAY 60


60 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You know our plans and the motives behind them. You are King over our hearts and our lives. You direct our steps. Align our hearts and plans with Your heart so we might enjoy fellowship with You as we walk in Your ways.

DAY 61

Proverbs 17 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, just as a jeweler tests metals to assess their value, You tests our hearts to expose our motives. Our words and actions reflect our hearts’ attitude toward You. Purify our hearts so all we do and say proves we revere You above all.

Proverbs 18 TITLE:

DAY 62


62 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your name is a fortified tower and in You the righteous are safe. Enable us to live under Your name, submitting to Your will and purposes, finding our safety and protection from unrighteous plots and schemes.

DAY 63

Proverbs 19 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we do have many plans stored up in our hearts. Enable us to yield them to You, believing that You are good and working all things to Your glory.

Proverbs 20 TITLE:

DAY 64


64 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, rare jewels are precious and valuable in our economy. Lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel in Your economy. Increase our wisdom and discernment so we are slow to speak, intentionally weighing our words so they accomplish Your purposes.

DAY 65

Proverbs 21 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God of life! Lead us to pursue righteousness and love so we might find life, prosperity and honor. Use us to turn fools to You, that they would seek life and not death.

Proverbs 22 TITLE:

DAY 66


66 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are all-wise God. May we trust in You and always keep Your teaching on our hearts so our words are trustworthy and true.

DAY 67

Proverbs 23 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we ask You for wisdom of heart so we might not envy sinners but remain zealous in our fear of You. May our hope not be cut off by the worries and distractions of this life. Enable us to maintain our hope for heaven.

Proverbs 24 TITLE:

DAY 68


68 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, only You perceive the motives of a man’s heart, but You tell us that actions and words flow from the heart. Give us wisdom in relationships so we are careful not to compromise righteousness, but readily share truth with all who listen.

DAY 69

Proverbs 25 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are compassionate and merciful. Enable us to model Your character so we might see You accomplish Your purposes through our kindness and bring some to redemption and restoration.

Proverbs 26 TITLE:

DAY 70


70 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we are so dependent on You to know how to navigate this world. We need Your wisdom to know how to deal righteously with the foolish. Help us not be dragged down with them, but speak truth that can rescue them.

DAY 71

Proverbs 27 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have not designed us to live in isolation. Community among the righteous facilitates sanctification. Draw us into community so we experience the benefits of being sharpened and refined.

Proverbs 28 TITLE:

DAY 72


72 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your word is replete with warnings to the wicked, especially those who pursue foolish gain. Guard our hearts against worldly desires that would prompt us to greed and dishonesty. May we be among those who enjoy a good reputation with You and others.

DAY 73

Proverbs 29 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You know the oppression that is in the world. You know how evil doers seek to rule over the righteous. Give us courage to stand against them, so we do not fall prey to fear, but find safety in trusting in You.

Proverbs 30 TITLE:

DAY 74


74 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Truly we have seen that every word of Yours is flawless, Lord. When we seek to establish our lives in your truth, we find refuge in You. We ask that You keep falsehood and lies far from us so we can live in righteousness and be satisfied with Your daily provision.

DAY 75

Proverbs 31 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R All of Your ways are noble, Lord. We ask You to give us a desire for noble character. May we be like the wife who remains diligent to her duties, maintaining a righteous reputation by avoiding the dangers of idleness.

Luke 1 TITLE:

DAY 76


76 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You, God, are limitless in power and the source of every miracle. Each time we witness Your glory, empower us to praise You as Zechariah did. Move our hearts to worship You with every breath.

DAY 77

Luke 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the source of all joy, for You are the Messiah who was born to rescue us from slavery to sin. It is because of You that the favor of God rests upon us. Teach us to treasure You so we might worship You in a way that reveals Your glory.

Luke 3 TITLE:

DAY 78


78 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You Jesus, the Son of God, with whom the Father is well pleased! Increase our understanding of God’s will so we can also do what pleases the Father with faith-filled steps of obedience.

DAY 79

Luke 4 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You, Jesus, as the humble King over all. You are all-powerful and in a single breath could crush Your enemies. Yet You model power by speaking truth to Your enemy, thereby rendering him powerless. Remind us to use the weapon of truth to battle temptation.

Luke 5 TITLE:

DAY 80


80 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for stepping out of heaven in order to show us a new way of living. You healed and restored dignity to the marginalized. You called the unlikely to follow You. Reveal to us where we need to let go of old ways that we might follow you fully.

DAY 81

Luke 6 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are all-knowing and You are able to see into the very depth of our hearts. Your teachings challenge us to examine ourselves. Illuminate the blind spots in our own lives that keep us from seeing our faults, that we might join in Your work to restore and build up.

Luke 7 TITLE:

DAY 82


82 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You see and respond to a heart of faith that grasps Your compassion and power. How tragic it is for those who reject You. How wonderful for those who have faith in You! Increase our understanding of Your love and forgiveness that we might worship You.

DAY 83

Luke 8 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, the all-powerful God who commands the wind and waves, heals the sick, and brings life to the dead. We thank You for revealing Yourself to those who respond to You in faith. May our faith not waver as we believe You to do mighty things through us.

Luke 9 TITLE:

DAY 84


84 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Jesus, for Your unwavering resolve to do the will of the Father. You saw the glory beyond the cross, not just for Yourself, but for all who would follow You. Give us Your resolve to follow God’s will no matter how challenging or costly.

DAY 85

Luke 10 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Lord and source of joy! Work in our hearts and minds so we might continuously fix our eyes on heaven, rejoicing in the hope we have in our future. Teach us to love radically and sacrificially as You have loved us.

Luke 11 TITLE:

DAY 86


86 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You for modeling righteousness and grace. You did not shrink back from opposition but spoke hard truth to those whose hearts were darkened. Give us courage to speak truth in love, that many would respond and receive Your gift of redemption.

DAY 87

Luke 12 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are good in all Your ways and You care for our every need. When we lose sight of this, we worry and covet, and our hearts turn from heavenly pursuits. Increase our faith to trust You. We yield our hearts afresh to You today.

Luke 13 TITLE:

DAY 88


88 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we are undone when we consider the endless well of Your compassion. With compassion You healed. With compassion You prayed over Jerusalem. Increase our love and compassion to everyone we encounter, no matter how they respond to us.

DAY 89

Luke 14 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we thank You for the invitation to follow You. We know the call to discipleship is weighty and many refuse it. Increase our understanding of the privilege and honor that is ours when we take up our cross in obedience to Your call.

Luke 15 TITLE:

DAY 90


90 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are a good and loving King. You seek and search out even the least of the lost to draw them to Yourself. No one is insignificant in Your Kingdom. Teach us to look at others with Your eyes, so we might love as You do and seek to draw all people to You.

DAY 91

Luke 16 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are omniscient, Lord, and You know the motives of our hearts. You tell us we cannot serve You with a divided heart. Give us strength to overthrow worldly desires that set themselves up against You. May we worship and serve You today with our whole heart.

Luke 17 TITLE:

DAY 92


92 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your return will be sudden and unexpected. Fan the flame of passion for You in our hearts that we might be ready on the day of Your return!

DAY 93

Luke 18 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your Kingdom is so radically different from man’s kingdoms. You require humility and faith of those who would come under Your rule. Grow us in Your likeness, so we emulate You in humility and faith.

Luke 19 TITLE:

DAY 94


94 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You Jesus, friend of sinners. You left Your throne in heaven to come seek and save the lost. Those whom You saved hang on Your Word, but those who refuse You reject Your Word. Increase our desire for Your Word.

DAY 95

Luke 20 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your wisdom far surpasses even the greatest of minds. Though man would use his wit to attempt to dismiss or discredit You, You will not be undermined. Increase our wisdom that we might stand against opposition and use it to glorify You!

Luke 21 TITLE:

DAY 96


96 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You for sharing with us signs that will precede Your coming. May we not be deceived by imposters or alarmed by catastrophic events. Grow our hope and anticipation for Your return and compel us to live each day as if it is that Day!

DAY 97

Luke 22 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You for ushering in the covenant of grace through the blood poured out on the cross where Your body was broken. Increase our awe and wonder of Your grace so that we remain diligent and alert to withstand temptation.

Luke 23 TITLE:

DAY 98


98 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, in one act of sacrifice, You indicted the world and saved it at the same time. The injustice of Your trials pictures our guilt. Your death on the cross absolves us. Increase our wonder of the cross so we might worship You with all that we are.

DAY 99

Luke 24 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the resurrected Lord! Increase our understanding of the power of the resurrection and strengthen us to walk in faith so we might honor You and preach repentance in Your name.

Job 1 TITLE:

DAY 100


100 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are sovereign and omniscient. You know what challenges we will face and how we will face them. And though the enemy uses power to try to destroy us, You put a limit on his work. Teach us to respond like Job to hardship.

DAY 101

Job 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are good and loving. You would not have allowed the enemy to torment Job if it would crush him. In the midst of his despair and pain, he refused to give in and curse you. Build in us the same resolve to honor You in all circumstances.

Job 38 TITLE:

DAY 102


102 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, when we see the vastness of Your dominion, we are aware of how small and limited we are. Though we observe stars and predict storms, no one can hold back the winds or stop stars from shining. Increase our understanding of Your wisdom, power and providence.

DAY 103

Job 39 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Creator and Sustainer of all life, assigning each creature their place and purpose. Though man cannot tame the wild ox or dictate the flight of the eagle, they bow instantly at Your command. Open our eyes to see Your majesty and power in all creation.

Job 40 TITLE:

DAY 104


104 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, just reading these words reminds us of how small man’s dominion truly is. Our pride deceives us into thinking we are in control. We are completely dependent on You for all things.

DAY 105

Job 41 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our inability to subdue the Leviathan highlights our loss of position in our rebellion against You. In sin we forfeited the power to rule with You over creation. But You have redeemed us in Christ. Use us to share the gospel, that rebellious hearts might worship the true God.

Job 42 TITLE:

DAY 106


106 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we are guilty as Job was of questioning Your ways or demanding something from You. We pray that You would show us any haughtiness in our hearts that would cause us to question You. Lead us to repent that we might experience every blessing you have for us.

DAY 107

John 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Word made flesh to dwell among us. You reveal the glory of the Father. You are the light of life. Enliven our hearts to respond in immediate obedience to Your Word and Your call, that we might gain greater glimpses of your glory.

John 2 TITLE:

DAY 108


108 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You turn water into wine and You cleanse the temple. Perform whatever miracle You desire in our lives today. Cleanse the temple of our hearts that we may be holy places of worship.

DAY 109

John 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the Light, sent to rescue us from darkness and death. You reveal truth from above that we might turn and receive Your life. Enable us to establish every aspect of our lives on Your truth so we might flourish in Your love.

John 4 TITLE:

DAY 110


110 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there is nothing hidden from Your sight. You see the shame that keeps us bound and isolated. Yet with compassion You speak into our shame to free us. Expose the dark areas of our hearts and set us free to show others the power of Your love.

DAY 111

John 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, all You did and said testified that You were from the Father. Yet those who had the greatest knowledge through the Scriptures rejected You. Give us insight into Your Word so we grow in our knowledge of who You are and humbly serve You.

John 6 TITLE:

DAY 112


112 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Bread of Life, the source of eternal life for all who believe in You. May we constantly live a life of faith, receiving all we need from You. Increase our belief that You would be glorified in our lives.

DAY 113

John 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the sent One who always spoke truth. Sadly, many resisted Your words and missed the opportunity to be free from sin and death. Open our hearts and minds to Your truth that we might confess our sin and experience “rivers of living water.�

John 8 TITLE:

DAY 114


114 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the source of all truth, Lord. Those opposed to truth are not of You, but of the enemy who is the father of lies. Grow us in the knowledge of Your truth. Empower us to live lives of integrity in worship of You.

DAY 115

John 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We worship You, Jesus, as the giver of sight to the blind. Thank You for opening our minds so we could spiritually see. Increase our vision for You that we would be quick to proclaim the truth of who You are.

John 10 TITLE:

DAY 116


116 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Good Shepherd, Lord, who lays down His life for His sheep. Thank You, Jesus, for Your sacrifice so we might be rescued from the one who wants to steal, kill and destroy. Keep us ever attentive of Your voice.

DAY 117

John 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the Resurrection and the Life. You give eternal life to all who believe in You. Thank You for granting us the faith to believe. Give us a sense of grief for those who do not believe. Move us to share who You are with them so they might believe and receive life.

John 12 TITLE:

DAY 118


118 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the triumphant King who was rejected by His own subjects. Yet, You never failed to speak what Your Father directed. Empower us to speak according to Your will alone so that many might come to life.

DAY 119

John 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, for always loving others. You demonstrated humility in washing Your disciples’ feet. You demonstrated grace in giving Judas an opportunity to repent. Grow us in Your likeness to humbly and lovingly serve others.

John 14 TITLE:

DAY 120


120 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for revealing the Father to us so we might know His will. Thank You for giving us the promise that You will answer prayer asked in Your name. Tune us to Your will so our prayers align to Your purposes and we might experience Your peace in all circumstances.

DAY 121

John 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Just as a branch cannot live apart from the vine, we cannot live apart from abiding in You. As we abide, grow us in understanding the depth of Your love and the beauty of obedience. Help us to daily abide, that You would produce much fruit in our lives.

John 16 TITLE:

DAY 122


122 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You Lord for sending Your Spirit who reminds us of all truth. We thank You for the peace that comes, not so much in knowing the future, but knowing You are our future. Remind us of Your victory and peace we have in You over the troubles of this world.

DAY 123

John 17 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, for revealing Your heart in praying for us. We ask You to unify us in You that we might reveal Your glory to the world. Convict us of actions that contribute to disunity so we might repent and be restored to right relationship with You and one another.

John 18 TITLE:

DAY 124


124 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are truth. Every word You speak has power and authority. May we stand for Your truth regardless of opposition. Grow our understanding of the power that comes from living by Your truth.

DAY 125

John 19 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we know it was Your plan to crush Your Son for our sake. We are appalled by the brutality of the crucifixion. Though we cannot understand Your ways, we thank You for Your willingness to pay such a price to redeem us. Increase our gratitude and love for You.

John 20 TITLE:

DAY 126


126 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for conquering the grave! Your resurrection is our confidence in our own resurrection. It assures us of our victory over sin and death. May the power of the resurrection bring us great hope and joy so we reflect Your glory to the world.

DAY 127

John 21 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for Your restoring grace when we fail. When we come to You in our brokenness, You give us the assurance that we are fully loved and forgiven. Enable us to come quickly to You for restoration when we fail You.

Psalm 1 TITLE:

DAY 128


128 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You say those who avoid the path of the wicked and who delight in Your Word are blessed. Increase our longing for You and Your Word so we might enjoy the blessing of fellowship with You.

DAY 129

Psalm 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Only You, God, are sovereign over all creation. It is futile to oppose You and plot against You. Pride blinds us to this and leaves us vulnerable to fall under wrath and judgment. Humble us to serve you with reverent fear and receive the blessing of taking refuge in You!

Psalm 13 TITLE:

DAY 130


130 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R There are times in our life, Lord, when suffering seems longer than we can endure. Teach us to cry out to You for answers while maintaining a posture of praise and rejoicing in Your salvation.

DAY 131

Psalm 16 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our refuge and our security. You put pleasant boundaries around us and have given us an imperishable inheritance. Let these truths inform our worship so we rejoice with glad hearts, submit to Your counsel, and remain unshaken as you lead us in the path of life.

Psalm 19 TITLE:

DAY 132


132 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You that Your creation testifies to Your glory and the beauty of Your law. Teach us the value in following Your precepts so our words and meditations are pleasing to You.

DAY 133

Psalm 22 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You, God, are the Holy One of Israel who heard the cry of His people and rescued them. You still hear and respond to the cry of Your people. Empower us to trust You when we are oppressed. Help us to remain faithful to praise You and declare Your dominion to the nations.

Psalm 23 TITLE:

DAY 134


134 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our Good Shepherd who leads us through the darkest seasons of loss and oppression. You do so with gentleness and care, being sure to heal our wounds, refresh our souls and keep us in fellowship with You, even in the presence of our enemies.

DAY 135

Psalm 25 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we take You at Your word and believe that we will never be put to shame when our hope and trust are in You. We ask You to guide us in Your ways so we do what is right according to Your will. We trust You because You confide in those who fear You!

Psalm 27 TITLE:

DAY 136


136 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our light and salvation, the fortress where we dwell. We ask You, Lord, to keep us in Your dwelling with each breath we take. Let us remain confident that we will see Your goodness while we wait for You.

DAY 137

Psalm 32 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You know every sin we have committed. You call us to turn to You in repentance, promising to forgive us of the guilt of our sin. Increase our sensitivity to sin that we would remain in unbroken fellowship with You.

Psalm 34 TITLE:

DAY 138


138 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are worthy of all praise and glory. You invite us to experience Your goodness by taking refuge in You. Teach us to fear You that we might live righteously and experience the blessing of Your protection, provision and presence.

DAY 139

Psalm 37 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, at times it seems like the wicked enjoy the greatest gains. But we look to Your Word and know that is not true. Though they may have earthly gain, they are spiritually bankrupt. Train us to delight in You and look to You for all of our needs.

Psalm 39 TITLE:

DAY 140


140 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, our life is but a fleeting breath. What a tragedy it would be if we spent it investing in things that will perish. Enable us to put our hope in You and find comfort in knowing You hear our prayers.

DAY 141

Acts 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You gloriously ascended according to the Father’s plan. In doing so, You entrusted us with the ministry of taking the gospel even to the remotest part of the earth. Purify our hearts and empower us with the courage to share our testimony with all who will listen.

Acts 2 TITLE:

DAY 142


142 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You indeed are the risen Lord. Some respond to this truth with denial masked in skepticism. Others bow in awe and worship. Raise us up to be a church who stands in awe of You and all the mighty works that You are doing through us.

DAY 143

Acts 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have been glorified by the Father despite man’s work to crucify You. Help us to glorify You through the work You have fashioned us to do. We yield to You and ask You to accomplish by Your power much more for Your Kingdom through us.

Acts 4 TITLE:

DAY 144


144 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are the Sovereign King who works to redeem and heal Your creation. Move our hearts to join in the work of the church to advance Your Kingdom. Unify us as one people who willingly and freely share all we have with others for Your glory.

DAY 145

Acts 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, many rally against You because they do not understand Your love and grace. In their opposition they seek to silence the church. Empower us to count it a privilege to be oppressed for Your name’s sake and to boldly proclaim Your salvation.

Acts 6 TITLE:

DAY 146


146 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the source of truth and wisdom, Lord. Thank You for filling us with Your wisdom so we might speak truth that challenges the thinking of our day. Increase our boldness so we might see Your truth break through darkened hearts and draw people to You.

DAY 147

Acts 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, throughout Israel’s history, You are faithful. This gives us confidence that You will continue to extend grace to draw many to Yourself. Increase our desire to worship You, trusting You to accomplish Your purposes even in the face of crushing opposition.

Acts 8 TITLE:

DAY 148


148 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the all-powerful God who cannot be defeated. Those who oppose You do so in vain, for Your plans prevail. Empower us to stand firm in Your will that we might we see lives changed and many turn to worship You as their God and Savior.

DAY 149

Acts 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there is no limit to Your work or who You will call to serve You. You break through the darkest hearts to bring light and transform unbelievers to follow You. We thank You for doing that in our lives. Use us to proclaim the light of Jesus to others.

Acts 10 TITLE:

DAY 150


150 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are Creator and Lord of all nations and You show no partiality in extending grace. Forgive us when we forget Your generosity toward us and limit Your grace with our prejudices. Transform our hearts to love as You do.

DAY 151

Acts 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, that there are no boundaries when it comes to Your salvation. Your Spirit is free to move as You will, and Your will is that all nations would be drawn to You. Give us a greater passion for the lost and lead us to go to all nations with the truth of Your gospel.

Acts 12 TITLE:

DAY 152


152 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R There is none like You, Lord. You deal justly with all people, delivering Your own from bondage, but judging those who seek to glorify themselves. Grow our faith to trust You in all things so we might glorify You in all ways.

DAY 153

Acts 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, opposition cannot stop Your Spirit from working on the hearts of people to turn to You for salvation. This gives us hope today and compels us to pray for Your truth to be spoken all over our land so we might see a mighty revival in our nation.

Acts 14 TITLE:

DAY 154


154 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are invincible God! You continue to send Your Spirit to move hearts to turn to You. Even in the darkest places, people turn and believe. We pray for sensitivity to Your Spirit’s leading that we might go into the dark places You send us and see many turn to You.

DAY 155

Acts 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You said that the work of God is to believe in the One He sent. Faith has always been the basis on which we are saved. Free us from any attitudes that tempt us to work to earn your grace and love.

Acts 16 TITLE:

DAY 156


156 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are all-knowing. You know the hardships we face, and You are able to use those trials to advance Your kingdom. Raise our eyes to You when we face trials of all kinds, confident that You are working through them to glorify Your Name!

DAY 157

Acts 17 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, that You have made Yourself known through Your Son! Thank You that we worship You, not an unknown God, but the true God. May we know You more intimately.

Acts 18 TITLE:

DAY 158


158 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God who guides us in Your will. Thank You for Your Spirit who gives us insight into Your Word and Your will. Heighten our sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading and enable us to remain faithful to follow.

DAY 159

Acts 19 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, You are the unrivaled One. The fact that man fashions idols and worships false gods does not minimize Your position or power. Reveal anything in our lives that competes for Your worship and enable us to cast all idols down in honor and reverence to You.

Acts 20 TITLE:

DAY 160


160 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, give us the same unshakeable conviction that You gave to Paul, that our sole motive in all we do would be to testify to the good news of Your grace.

DAY 161

Acts 21 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Lord, that You are sovereign over all history. You allow times for rejoicing over the work You have done. You also warn us by Your Spirit of challenges that we will face and You give us resolve to bear up under them.

Acts 22 TITLE:

DAY 162


162 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You remain faithful to Your purpose, Jesus, to give sight to the blind. We remember when You opened our minds to truth to receive You as Lord and Savior. Fill us with such joy and wonder that we cannot help but share our story with those around us, that many may come to faith.

DAY 163

Acts 23 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Time and again we see Your sovereign power on display in Your Word as You worked against the plot of man to protect Your own. Increase our confidence in Your sovereignty to walk by faith and overcome fear.

Acts 24 TITLE:

DAY 164


164 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, it is disturbing when a pagan king is more scrupulous than the religious who claim You are their God. Empower us to speak truth so we keep a clear conscience before You and others.

DAY 165

Acts 25 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your ways are beyond searching out, Lord. Surely Paul would not have expected to have an audience with so many people of influence when he submitted to Your will. Raise our expectations of the work You will do when we surrender to Your plan.

Acts 26 TITLE:

DAY 166


166 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are worthy of all devotion and adoration, Lord, for You purchased our freedom with Your blood. Paul understood this so fully that he would not allow chains or imprisonment to keep him from sharing truth. Do the work in us that is needed to advance Your gospel.

DAY 167

Acts 27 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, so much loss and suffering could be avoided if we would just listen to You. Increase our sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading. Give us a readiness to obey immediately. May we experience Your goodness and mercy that others would see the beauty in obedience.

Acts 28 TITLE:

DAY 168


168 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You have a heart for all people. You orchestrate events, even hardships, so the lives of Your people intersect with the lost. Make us mindful of opportunities we might have to share Your truth with others.

DAY 169

Romans 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your gospel reveals Your power to save all who believe. Increase our gratitude for Your grace that enables us to believe. Spur us on to live for the gospel unashamed.

Romans 2 TITLE:

DAY 170


170 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are impartial. You do not show favoritism but hold all people to the same standard, the cross. You do not pardon based on heritage or good behavior, but only on the basis of belief in Your Son. Circumcise our hearts completely so we are motivated by Your love.

DAY 171

Romans 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are righteous and true in all Your ways. You pursue those who are utterly corrupt and undeserving. We cannot fathom the depth of Your love and grace that led You to offer Your Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sin. Increase our awe and gratitude in worship.

Romans 4 TITLE:

DAY 172


172 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are Almighty God, full of grace. Through faith in Jesus, You have forgiven our sins, crediting the righteousness of Christ to us. Help us to never forget that we are justified by faith apart from works.

DAY 173

Romans 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we have peace with You through Jesus. Your plan of salvation is radical. Who would sacrifice their only son to die for those who hated him? But You did just that. Help us to respond in praise and wonder as we ponder Your great love for us.

Romans 6 TITLE:

DAY 174


174 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your death cleanses us of sin and Your resurrection proves we have new life. You, the righteous One, count us righteous at the moment of salvation. We no longer have to live as slaves to sins. Empower us to daily consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ.

DAY 175

Romans 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, for giving us life in the Spirit. We are no longer subject to condemnation under the law. Increase our understanding of this truth so we do not hold onto any performance-based standards that cannot please You.

Romans 8 TITLE:

DAY 176


176 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You have reconciled us to Yourself through Your Son who paid the price for all of our sin. To condemn us after extending such grace would discredit Christ’s work and Your grace. Give us confidence to know that nothing can separate us from Your love.

DAY 177

Romans 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are our Sovereign Creator. You rule and judge according to Your perfect will. Your salvation is a mystery in that You choose to reconcile any of us to Yourself. Increase our gratitude as we ponder the great mystery of Your grace.

Romans 10 TITLE:

DAY 178


178 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, thank you for opening our hearts to confess Jesus as resurrected Lord. We thank you for those with beautiful feet who shared the gospel with us. May our heart’s desire and prayer be for the salvation of friends and loved ones. Make our feet beautiful as we preach Jesus.

DAY 179

Romans 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we confess with Paul that from You and through You and for You are all things. We thank You for opening the way for us to be grafted into Your family and be counted with Your chosen people. We pray for Your people Israel to turn and receive Jesus as their Messiah.

Romans 12 TITLE:

DAY 180


180 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we know Your will is always good and perfect, yet we fail to fervently seek it. Renew our minds with Your truth. We offer ourselves as living sacrifices to You as an act of worship. Empower us to produce abundant fruit as we serve according to the gifts you have given us.

DAY 181

Romans 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have appointed all those in authority for Your sovereign purposes. Help us to submit to governing authority all the while trusting You. May our actions flow out of a love that compels us to respect others and seek their highest good.

Romans 14 TITLE:

DAY 182


182 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are the only right and perfect judge because only You see the motive behind every action. Increase our gratitude to You for Your grace toward us and increase our capacity to extend grace to others.

DAY 183

Romans 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are God over all, yet You humbled Yourself and submitted to insult and abuse for our sake. Enable us by Your Spirit to put on humility so we have the same attitude of mind You have and are unified in glorifying Your name.

Romans 16 TITLE:

DAY 184


184 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the only wise God who is forever glorified through the Son, Jesus! Fill us with Your Spirit to guide us in wisdom. May we remain wise about what is good, innocent of what is evil, and alert to those who serve their own appetites instead of obeying the Lord.

DAY 185

1 Corinthians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are faithful and have called us into fellowship with Your Son. You will keep us firm to the end. As we stand firm, we ask You to grow us in unity and power to proclaim the message of the cross.

1 Corinthians 2 TITLE:

DAY 186


186 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, apart from You we are weak and unable to speak truth that changes lives. Through Your Spirit we have the mind of Christ and are able to speak in power words that bring life. May our words be Spirit-filled and effective to accomplish Your purposes.

DAY 187

1 Corinthians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the One who builds and grows us, Lord. You grant us the privilege to participate in Your work in the unique way You have fashioned us. Empower us to be content in whatever work You have for us, growing in gratitude for the opportunity to serve You.

1 Corinthians 4 TITLE:

DAY 188


188 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our Master and we are Your servants. You have called us to serve and that is privilege enough. Spur us on to remain humbly faithful, remembering that all we have is from You and for You.

DAY 189

1 Corinthians 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are holy God and You call us to be holy. Enable us to see sin as You do, that we might quickly address it in our lives and in the church. Help us to understand that it is more gracious to hold each other accountable than to let a sin go unchallenged.

1 Corinthians 6 TITLE:

DAY 190


190 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, in You we have freedom from sin, shame and condemnation. We are not to use this freedom for personal gain or indulgence but to reveal Your glory. Mature us in Your love so we honor You with our lives.

DAY 191

1 Corinthians 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are worthy, Lord, to receive all honor and praise. Enable us to submit all of our desires to You and to live fully for Your glory.

1 Corinthians 8 TITLE:

DAY 192


192 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You lovingly grant us knowledge that we might know You. Continue to humble us so that we use this knowledge to build up and not puff up.

DAY 193

1 Corinthians 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have set us free and indeed we are free. May we not use our freedom to indulge selfish desires. Teach us to remain disciplined and focused on living for You so we do not stumble or fall.

1 Corinthians 10 TITLE:

DAY 194


194 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are faithful, Lord, in giving us power to withstand and escape temptation. Equip us daily to glorify You in all that we do.

DAY 195

1 Corinthians 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You for the Lord’s supper. It reminds us of the sacrifice You made that we might be forgiven. Prompt us to share in Your body and blood in a way that honors You. Convict us of any sin that we might confess and enjoy fellowship with You and one another.

1 Corinthians 12 TITLE:

DAY 196


196 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, for placing us into the body of Christ. Praise You for the work of the Holy Spirit in imparting spiritual gifts to us. Use us to serve the church so that the body of Christ is built up.

DAY 197

1 Corinthians 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We love because You first loved us. When we receive this love from You, it overflows in all we do. Increase our capacity to receive and give Your supernatural love.

1 Corinthians 14 TITLE:

DAY 198


198 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we exist for Your glory. Thus, every time we gather for corporate worship, it is to glorify Your name. Instruct us by Your Spirit in the way we are to worship so that our personal and corporate worship magnify You.

DAY 199

1 Corinthians 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thanks be to You, our God and Father, who has given us victory over sin and death in Your Son, Jesus. He is alive and His resurrection is the basis for the hope we have for our own resurrection. Grow us in this hope so we remain diligent to labor for the Kingdom.

1 Corinthians 16 TITLE:

DAY 200


200 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, wide doors of ministry are all around us, but they come with many challenges. Help us to be on the alert, to stand firm in our faith, and to do all things in love that the gospel would spread.

DAY 201

2 Corinthians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are the source of comfort in every trial and tribulation. You never waste our hardships but use them so we might learn how to comfort others. Prompt us to comfort those facing challenges with words and prayers of compassion and understanding.

2 Corinthians 2 TITLE:

DAY 202


202 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are the source of all wisdom. You lead us and give us wisdom to confront sin so the enemy does not gain a foothold. Increase our sensitivity to Your leading that we might manifest the sweet aroma of Christ in every place.

DAY 203

2 Corinthians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You have established us in the new covenant by the Spirit through the Son. This covenant gives life and freedom to all who receive it. May we behold Your glory as in a mirror and be transformed into Your image.

2 Corinthians 4 TITLE:

DAY 204


204 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are the One who makes light shine out of darkness to illuminate our minds to belief. Ground us in our hope for heaven and increase our grief over unbelief so we are compelled to share the light of truth with those dwelling in darkness.

DAY 205

2 Corinthians 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, for reconciling us to Yourself through Your Son who became sin for us. In Him we are made new. With spiritual eyes we now see the disparity of people who have not been reconciled to You. Drive us to share Your message of reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 6 TITLE:

DAY 206


206 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our Father who has adopted us into Your family. We have a new identity and a new purpose. Enable us to be wise about fellowship with others so we might love well in all cases without compromising our identity in Christ.

DAY 207

2 Corinthians 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are Holy God and we respond to Your holiness by seeking to purify our hearts out of reverence to You. Remove the blinders from our eyes so we inspect our own hearts. Empower us to readily repent so we might be restored to joy.

2 Corinthians 8 TITLE:

DAY 208


208 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You showered us with extravagant grace by leaving Your riches in heaven, entering our poverty that we might become rich. Fill us with gratitude and compel us to model Your extravagant generosity so Your church can fund Kingdom work from here to the nations.

DAY 209

2 Corinthians 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have given all to us in Your Son. Your blessings overflow. We are truly a people of abundance. Increase our faith to sow bountifully in order to bless others out of all that You have given us.

2 Corinthians 10 TITLE:

DAY 210


210 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R All that we are, Jesus, is because of all that You have done for us. It is by Your authority that we minister and by Your Spirit that we have power. Let us always remember that everything we do is through You and for You so that all boasting is in You alone.

DAY 211

2 Corinthians 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, there is none but You. Our purpose is fulfilled in knowing You and worshiping only You. Increase our knowledge of You and establish us firmly in truth so we are not misled or persuaded by false teaching.

2 Corinthians 12 TITLE:

DAY 212


212 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You warned us that we would have trouble in this world. Yet You always supply the grace we need to overcome temptation. Teach us to draw upon that grace, especially when pride weakens our resolve to repent and be restored to fellowship with You.

DAY 213

2 Corinthians 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You call us to live in love and peace. Increase our joy that we would willingly submit to the Spirit’s work of convicting us of sin and turning us back to You.

Psalm 40 TITLE:

DAY 214


214 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, for You are God who rescues and restores. You bless those who trust You, prompting us to proclaim Your grace and faithfulness to others. May we rejoice in gladness and be quick to freely share all that You have done to deliver us.

DAY 215

Psalm 42 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we are confident that You are familiar with the emotional toll of oppression. We can be sure that You are there in the midst of it when we feel its weight. Let this thought comfort us in the dark nights while we seek to praise You with song and prayer.

Psalm 46 TITLE:

DAY 216


216 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are Lord Almighty, ever present to help us in our struggles and trials. In You alone we find courage to stand when life appears to be crumbling under foot. Let us seek stillness to know You are God and find comfort and hope as we recall Your sovereignty and power.

DAY 217

Psalm 50 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You are Mighty One, the Lord who is perfect and complete in Yourself. You do not need anything from us because everything is Yours. By Your mercy, deliver us in days of trouble.

Psalm 51 TITLE:

DAY 218


218 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, Your mercy and forgiveness are measureless. Though we give into temptation and sin, we are not without hope because You accept our apology when it flows from a contrite heart. Prompt us to quickly confess any sinful attitudes so we can walk in joy.

DAY 219

Psalm 57 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are God Most High who sends forth His love and faithfulness to sustain us and assure us of deliverance. Increase our faith in You so we might praise Your faithfulness.

Psalm 62 TITLE:

DAY 220


220 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We echo the Psalmist in proclaiming that our souls find rest in You. There is no other hope but You, for only You are mighty to save. Encourage us to remember Your unfailing love and Your promise to reward us according to what we have done.

DAY 221

Psalm 63 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are worthy of praise and adoration because You have revealed Yourself to us and You uphold us by Your righteous right hand. As we ponder these truths, ignite our hearts in worship that we might delight in songs of praise and adoration as we yield our hearts to You.

Psalm 66 TITLE:

DAY 222


222 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we delight in joining with all creation to bow down to You and offer You praise. You preserve our lives and keep our feet from slipping. You listen and hear our prayers. Compel us to continue to seek You in worship, praise and prayer.

DAY 223

Psalm 67 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, God, because You graciously bless us and shine Your face on us. You do this so we might reflect Your glory and make Your salvation know to the nations. Shower us with blessings, not for our sake, but that Your fame might spread to the ends of the earth.

Psalm 71 TITLE:

DAY 224


224 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we take refuge in You, our rock and fortress. There is none like You whose righteousness reaches to the heavens. Increase our capacity to ponder Your glory that we would remain hopeful in trials and faithful to declare Your power to the next generation.

DAY 225

Psalm 73 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever. Forgive us when we envy the wicked who appear to prosper. Draw us back to You in worship as we remember the fate of those far from You. We praise and thank You for our salvation!

Psalm 75 TITLE:

DAY 226


226 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are the only One who can judge impartially. Your judgments are right and perfect whether You condemn or exalt. Let us forever declare that we will praise You, God of Jacob, for lifting up the righteous.

DAY 227

Psalm 84 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You freely and generously bless Your people. Those who dwell in Your house are especially blessed. Indeed, it is better to spend one day in Your house than a thousand elsewhere. Increase our longing to worship You, not just in Your house, but wherever we are.

Psalm 86 TITLE:

DAY 228


228 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are our God in whom we trust. You have forgiven all our sins and showered us with love. We ask You to teach us Your way that we might depend on Your faithfulness. We worship and praise You in all circumstances and challenges.

DAY 229

Galatians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are worthy of all praise because You freely gave Yourself to redeem us from this evil age. Increase our allegiance to You and Your gospel so we may not be swayed or confused by any other teaching.

Galatians 2 TITLE:

DAY 230


230 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, God, for You impartially grant salvation to all who believe the gospel. It is by faith, not works, that we are saved and raised to new life in Jesus. Enable us to cast off any attitudes that impose a merit-based faith so we might be free to live in Your love.

DAY 231

Galatians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, by Your substitutionary death, You fulfilled the law. All who come to You by faith have had their sin debt covered. Forgive us when we return to habits that prompt us to work to earn favor or recognition. Help us to embrace the freedom we have in Christ.

Galatians 4 TITLE:

DAY 232


232 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father God, it is by Your grace that we can call You Abba. You have adopted us as Your own and made us heirs with Your Son through no merit of our own. You have made us free. Enable us to embrace our freedom by ceasing to earn Your favor and by resting in Your grace.

DAY 233

Galatians 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for granting us freedom. We ask You to enable us to live by the Spirit so we do not pursue selfish desires. Empower us to walk in the Spirit and produce more and more of the fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 6 TITLE:

DAY 234


234 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are all-powerful, Lord, and able to make us a new creation. Guard us against the temptation to boast of our accomplishments. Reveal any hidden motives that would tempt us to sow in the flesh.

DAY 235

Ephesians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, our minds are too limited to comprehend the fullness of Your grace. You chose us, not because we deserved it, but because it pleased You to do so. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts so we might know the hope and power of the resurrected Christ!

Ephesians 2 TITLE:

DAY 236


236 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You for Your grace. We would be hopelessly dead in our sin apart from grace. You have done a beautiful work in uniting Jews and Gentiles as one body, the Church. Use us to build up the church by proclaiming the truth of the gospel.

DAY 237

Ephesians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Jesus, for Your obedience that grants us confident access to the Father. Strengthen us with the power of Your Spirit, the immeasurable love of Jesus, and the fullness of God the Father.

Ephesians 4 TITLE:

DAY 238


238 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, just as You are one with the Son and the Spirit, You call us to unity in the body. Enable us to live in love and give us courage to speak truth in love, that the body of Christ would mature.

DAY 239

Ephesians 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You gave Yourself up for Your bride that she might purify herself in holiness. Arouse in us a passion for holiness that extinguishes desires of the flesh. Give us courage to confront fruitless deeds of the dark and to spur on each other to live wisely in these evil days.

Ephesians 6 TITLE:

DAY 240


240 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Lord, for establishing us in Your power to stand firm against the devil’s schemes. Arm us with truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation and Your Word. Help us to pray in the Spirit on all occasions and boldly proclaim the gospel.

DAY 241

Philippians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, no human actions or schemes can stop You from advancing Your purposes on earth. You will finish the work that You began in us. May times of hardship and suffering be used to increase our faith and spread the gospel.

Philippians 2 TITLE:

DAY 242


242 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We are in awe, Jesus, that You laid aside Your majesty to come in the likeness of man and die for our sins. We cannot grasp Your humility and grace. You are worthy of the highest honor and praise. Enable us to grow in Your humility.

DAY 243

Philippians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there is nothing of greater value than knowing You. Everything else is rubbish compared to a personal, intimate relationship with You. Help us to press on until You receive us in heaven, our true citizenship.

Philippians 4 TITLE:

DAY 244


244 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Father, for the gift of prayer that gives us peace beyond comprehension. Help us to ponder that which is excellent and praiseworthy. May we find contentment apart from circumstances. Help us to be generous, knowing You promise to meet our every need.

DAY 245

Colossians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the image of the invisible God. You are the unrivaled One who has supremacy in all things. You have reconciled us to the Father by making peace through Your blood. We yield ourselves afresh to You that we might live a life pleasing to You.

Colossians 2 TITLE:

DAY 246


246 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the mystery of God in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Having received You as Lord, build us up, strengthen us in faith, and fill us with thankfulness.

DAY 247

Colossians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are seated at the right hand of the Father, co-reigning with Him. You have given us life and power to eradicate unholy thoughts. Enable us to pursue holiness, love, unity and peace, and to do all we do for Your glory.

Colossians 4 TITLE:

DAY 248


248 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we have access to Your throne through prayer. Help us to devote ourselves to prayer so we might see You advance the gospel in the world. Give us wisdom to speak words of grace and truth that draw people to You.

DAY 249

Ecclesiastes 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are the creator of all, the source of wisdom and knowledge. Seeking after wisdom to build intellect will never lead to satisfaction, because wisdom is meant to lead us to You. Let all our seeking of wisdom be rooted in a desire to know You more fully.

Ecclesiastes 2 TITLE:

DAY 250


250 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Solomon testifies to Your truth, Lord, that worldly accomplishments bring but a fleeting pleasure and satisfaction. Apart from You, all work of our hands and all worldly gain is meaningless. Teach us to use all You have entrusted to us to glorify You.

DAY 251

Ecclesiastes 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your ways are beyond searching out. You create and sustain life in seasons and rhythms. Let us use our time and life wisely so we might worship You and experience the joy of purposeful living.

Ecclesiastes 4 TITLE:

DAY 252


252 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We are relational beings made in Your image. You made us for community. Free us from whatever isolates us from others. May we walk alongside to strengthen and help one another.

DAY 253

Ecclesiastes 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R All that we are is from You, Lord. All that we have, much or little, is from You. If we are content in labors, it is because of You. Give us contentment knowing that You are our true satisfaction.

Ecclesiastes 6 TITLE:

DAY 254


254 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, why do we put so much emphasis on prosperity and gain, when spiritually speaking there is no difference between the wealthy and the poor? Teach us that the secret of satisfaction and contentment is rooted in the knowledge of Jesus and His salvation.

DAY 255

Ecclesiastes 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we are quick to wander and seek satisfaction in things besides You. Yet nothing satisfies us apart from You. Lead us to be satisfied in knowing You and You alone.

Ecclesiastes 11 TITLE:

DAY 256


256 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your ways, Lord, are beyond understanding. We cannot predict what You will do apart from what You have revealed to us in Your Word. Increase our faith to trust You in all things.

DAY 257

Ecclesiastes 12 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, on death’s bed we will not wish we had worked harder. Instead, our minds will ponder if we fulfilled our purpose: to fear You and keep Your commandments. Prompt us to faithfully live each day for You.

1 Thessalonians 1 TITLE:

DAY 258


258 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord Jesus, the power of Your gospel changes lives. Even in the midst of tribulation, You fill us with faith, love and hope. Idols are cast down and eyes look for Your return. Help us to be an example of these things.

DAY 259

1 Thessalonians 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are all-knowing and see our motives. Purify our hearts. Grow our desire to please You so that we live for Your glory.

1 Thessalonians 3 TITLE:

DAY 260


260 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You increase our joy as we fellowship with one another. We ask You to increase our love for one another. Strengthen our hearts so we will be blameless and holy in Your presence when You return.

DAY 261

1 Thessalonians 4 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You call us to be holy and give Your Spirit to empower us. It is Your will to sanctify us through the instruction of Your Word. Open our hearts to Your truth that we might become more like Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5 TITLE:

DAY 262


262 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Father, that You did not appoint us to receive wrath, but salvation. May that reality penetrate to the depth of our being. Help us to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances.

DAY 263

2 Thessalonians 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are just, God, and will pay back those who trouble us in the day of judgment. The punishment that is to come on the rebellious is beyond bearing. Grow our compassion for the lost. Embolden us to boldly call the lost to repent while there is still time.

2 Thessalonians 2 TITLE:

DAY 264


264 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Lord, for revealing signs that point to Your return. Empower us to stand firm and hold fast to Your teachings so we remain faithful to the day of Your appearing.

DAY 265

2 Thessalonians 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are faithful to strengthen us and protect us from the schemes of the devil. Enable us to remain tireless in the work You have called us to. Keep us from being corrupted by idleness.

1 Timothy 1 TITLE:

DAY 266


266 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, worthy of eternal honor and glory. Your ways and truth are perfect. Increase our understanding of Your truth and enable us to stand against false doctrine and insincere motives.

DAY 267

1 Timothy 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God and Savior who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Entreat us to offer petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for all people, including kings, so we might live peacefully in godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 3 TITLE:

DAY 268


268 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have fashioned Your church to reflect Your glory. We thank You for raising up qualified leaders in Your church and ask You to continue to sanctify them. May they remain faithful to the task of leading us as they follow You.

DAY 269

1 Timothy 4 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Spirit, for warning us of what is to come so we can be on guard against false teachers. The best defense against lies is to know the truth. Continue to train us in truth that we would not be deceived.

1 Timothy 5 TITLE:

DAY 270


270 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Thank You, Father, for raising up the church to reflect your heart and care for all people. Your Word instructs us how to love and help those in need. May we honor those who are diligent in dispensing the duties of leadership in the church.

DAY 271

1 Timothy 6 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, God, the King of kings and Lord of lords who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light. We owe You all honor and glory. Increase our faith in Your sovereignty and compel us to obey You even when we lack understanding.

2 Timothy 1 TITLE:

DAY 272


272 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You for destroying death and bringing life and immortality to light through the gospel. May we boast only in Your testimony and grace. We are confident that You will guard what we have entrusted to You.

DAY 273

2 Timothy 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, may we be the good soldier who pleases the One who enlisted us. We want to compete according to the rules like an elite athlete. May we be hardworking like the farmer. Empower us to be devoted, disciplined and dedicated through the grace that is in Christ.

2 Timothy 3 TITLE:

DAY 274


274 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Father, for preserving Your Word throughout the ages and making it readily available to us today. Increase our hunger to know Your Word, that we might be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

DAY 275

2 Timothy 4 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R It confounds us to think that You, God, would reward us with a crown of righteousness. Empower us to be ready at all times to correct, rebuke and encourage others with great patience and careful instruction.

Titus 1 TITLE:

DAY 276


276 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we thank You for raising up elders to manage Your church. We pray for them, asking You to guard their character. Help them to encourage the body to hold fast to sound doctrine.

DAY 277

Titus 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your grace has appeared to offer salvation to all people and to empower us to turn from ungodly ways and passions. Make us eager to do good, living selfcontrolled, upright and godly lives.

Titus 3 TITLE:

DAY 278


278 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, that Your salvation originates in Your mercy. You have justified us by grace and made us heirs with a hope of eternal life. May we respond in gentleness toward others, avoiding dissention and divisive arguments.

DAY 279

Philemon 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, may we be people who offer forgiveness when wronged. You desire that the church be a place of fellowship marked by love. Help us to forgive and seek reconciliation when offended.

Song of Solomon 1 TITLE:

DAY 280


280 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman in which husband and wife are to freely express their love for one another. Spousal abuse and divorce testify that we do not have Your vision for marriage. Redeem our marriages so they glorify You.

DAY 281

Song of Solomon 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your intent for marriage is one of pure delight and affection between a husband and wife. Kindle the flame in the hearts of those who are married so they fulfill Your intent for their marriage and enjoy loving romance with their spouse.

Song of Solomon 4 TITLE:

DAY 282


282 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your design, Lord, is that we love the one You have chosen and gifted to us. We enter into marriage vowing to remain faithful. Help us to be fully satisfied with the gift of our spouse. For those who, like Jesus, are single, may we find Your love more than satisfying.

DAY 283

Hebrews 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we praise You for sending Your Son to speak to us and show us Your glory. Increase our desire to know Jesus, so we might worship You, our majestic, all-powerful, sovereign God of love.

Hebrews 2 TITLE:

DAY 284


284 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our minds are filled with wonder when we consider You have made us a little lower than angels and established us as heirs with the Son. Jesus, because You experienced suffering and temptation, we can trust You to sustain us in whatever fears and temptations we face.

DAY 285

Hebrews 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, our faithful High Priest who offered Himself as the sacrificial lamb to pay for our sins. When we accept this salvation, we place ourselves under Your authority, waiting for the day of our own glorification. Help us to hold firmly to this confidence and hope.

Hebrews 4 TITLE:

DAY 286


286 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, in You we find rest and refreshment for our souls. We long for the day of our restoration when we will enjoy eternal rest from sin and doubt. As we wait for that day, give us a deeper commitment to Your Word so we might be sanctified and grow stronger in our faith.

DAY 287

Hebrews 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Jesus, God’s appointed High Priest, that You are familiar with our weaknesses and sufferings. You endured hardship and discipline for our sake. Praise You for understanding our struggles and empowering us to stand in victory.

Hebrews 6 TITLE:

DAY 288


288 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, the promise of Your salvation was fulfilled in the cross. Increase our faith to live in the truth that our hope is anchored in Jesus, our mediator and great High Priest. Your atonement on the cross assures us of our forgiveness and reconciliation.

DAY 289

Hebrews 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You have appointed Jesus our eternal High Priest who has satisfied the law. His resurrection proves He is our eternal priest. Increase our belief that Jesus lives forever to intercede on our behalf and wants us to confidently bring all our needs to Him.

Hebrews 8 TITLE:

DAY 290


290 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the superior High Priest who mediated a new covenant, one that is of the heart, not the hands. Enable us to receive the grace You have extended and find rest in Your love.

DAY 291

Hebrews 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, we thank You that our salvation is complete in You. We no longer have to offer blood sacrifices to pay the penalty for sin. One day soon the appointed time of death will come. We praise you that because of the shedding of Your blood we are forgiven and overcome death.

Hebrews 10 TITLE:

DAY 292


292 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You have ushered us into the presence of God. We have access to the very heart of God because You have written the covenant of grace on our hearts. Empower us to draw near to God and to spur one another on to good deeds.

DAY 293

Hebrews 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, make us men and women of faith. The saints of old were motivated by faith and the hope of heaven. Help us to believe You regardless of the circumstances around us, the feelings inside us, and the consequences ahead of us. We long to see you do more in the church.

Hebrews 12 TITLE:

DAY 294


294 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are a consuming fire whose goal is to refine and perfect us in holiness. You expose us to the heat of trials to burn off impurities. You discipline us that we might grow in righteousness. Through it all, help us to continually fix our eyes on Jesus.

DAY 295

Hebrews 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we offer to You, through Jesus, a sacrifice of praise! Prompt us to do good, help others, and support the leaders You have appointed. Equip us with every good thing to do Your will for Your glory and pleasure.

James 1 TITLE:

DAY 296


296 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are the source of wisdom and every good gift. Your best gift is faith and the trials that come to mature our faith. When we face trials, enable us to overcome through Your Word so our faith grows and we glorify You with our lives.

DAY 297

James 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You commend faith that is put into action. Lead us to be doers of the Word so our faith is proven in good works that reveal Your glory.

James 3 TITLE:

DAY 298


298 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You told us that our words reveal what is in our hearts. Do the work in our heart that is needed to control our tongues so the words we speak build up and encourage others.

DAY 299

James 4 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, convict us of our pride. Purify our hearts. Humble us to submit to You in order to resist the devil and do Your will.

James 5 TITLE:

DAY 300


300 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your return is near. You tell us that the righteous have great power in prayer. Prayer heals, restores, forgives and performs miracles. Make us a church that accomplishes much through prayer as we patiently wait on Your return.

DAY 301

1 Peter 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Father, for paying the ultimate price for our salvation with the life of Your Son. Your gift empowers us to be holy as You are holy. Convict and purify us of any sin we are holding on to.

1 Peter 2 TITLE:

DAY 302


302 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We are amazed, God, that You call us to Yourself and establish us in Your holy priesthood. Help us to embrace this identity and to declare Your praises for calling us out of darkness into light.

DAY 303

1 Peter 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You modeled the blessing of suffering for the sake of righteousness. You did not return evil for evil or insult for insult. Instead, You were kind, humble in spirit and blessed. Help us to follow Your example in all our relationships.

1 Peter 4 TITLE:

DAY 304


304 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus, for You did not shun suffering, but faithfully accepted it so we might be redeemed. Give us a heavenly perspective if we are to suffer for our faith, seeing it as an honor to share in Your suffering.

DAY 305

1 Peter 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Father, for raising up leaders to oversee Your church. Bless them as they shepherd Your flock. Help us all to remain watchful so we do not fall prey to the devil’s schemes.

2 Peter 1 TITLE:

DAY 306


306 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, grow us in the true knowledge of Jesus. Help us to be diligent in faith to develop godly character, self-control, steadfastness, affection and love so we might shine with Your glory.

DAY 307

2 Peter 2 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we thank You for warning us against false teaching. Convict us to hold firm to sound doctrine and train us in truth so we easily recognize counterfeit doctrines that are meant to deceive and destroy.

2 Peter 3 TITLE:

DAY 308


308 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We thank You, Lord, for Your patience in holding back judgment so many can come to repentance. Guard us in truth so we are not swayed in our commitment to uphold Your truth.

DAY 309

Psalm 90 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You, God, are our dwelling place for all eternity. We stand in awe and wonder of who You are. Teach us to number our days that we may present a heart of wisdom to You and accomplish the work You have for us in this life.

Psalm 91 TITLE:

DAY 310


310 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your favor rests on those who seek You. When we abide in the shadow of the Almighty, we experience Your protection and blessing. Expand our faith and increase our love for You that we would enjoy all the blessings You have for us.

DAY 311

Psalm 92 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Our great joys in life are rooted in praising You, Lord. When we ponder Your works, our hearts soar with praise and thanksgiving. Increase our desire to adore You as we remain planted in You and bear much fruit.

Psalm 95 TITLE:

DAY 312


312 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our great God and King. There is none like You, majestic in power and grace. You are worthy of all worship. Empower us to bow to You in reverent awe and praise. Open our ears to hear Your voice and bend our hearts to do Your will.

DAY 313

Psalm 96 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we gladly testify that You are great and worthy of all praise. Open our eyes to see the wonder of Your name while we tremble at the splendor of Your holiness. Make it our greatest desire to join with all creation in eternal worship to You.

Psalm 97 TITLE:

DAY 314


314 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You reign over all, Lord, and the earth reveals Your glory. You are the Most High, far above all other gods. You are the only true God. The worship of idols is senseless. Deliver us from our idols by focusing our hearts on praising You.

DAY 315

Psalm 99 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are holy and just. You judge all people with equity. Make us mindful of Your holiness so we do not stray from Your commands.

Psalm 100 TITLE:

DAY 316


316 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You alone are God. There is none who is worthy of all glory, honor and praise. Increase our understanding of who You are, that we might comprehend the fullness of Your love and live to worship You with praise and thanksgiving.

DAY 317

Psalm 103 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, the psalmist calls for praise in response to all You have done and will do. You have healed, forgiven and forgotten our sins. You are full of love and compassion. Focus our minds to ponder all You have done so we might bless You forever.

Psalm 104 TITLE:

DAY 318


318 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, every corner of creation gives proof to Your power and glory. The life of every living being originates in You and is sustained in You. Prompt us to worship all You have done so we respond in inexhaustible praise.

DAY 319

Psalm 107 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Surely, Lord, Your love is unfailing. You are the source of all that we are and have. You call the redeemed to share their experiences of Your love; the stories of redemption, correction and gentle care. May we be faithful to obey and give You thanks for all You have done.

Psalm 110 TITLE:

DAY 320


320 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You rule over all as righteous King. You are preparing for the day of battle when You will end all struggles and Your Kingdom will fully reign. Increase our longing for that day when we will serve You in Your glorious Kingdom.

DAY 321

Psalm 111 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we have seen the power of Your works and attest that You are indeed faithful and just. Increase our fear and wonder of who You are so we might gain a deeper understanding of Your ways and offer You eternal praise.

Psalm 112 TITLE:

DAY 322


322 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we praise You for blessing the upright. In mercy, You bless us and our children with provision, security and generosity so that our ways will be remembered. Shower us with Your grace that we may stand in righteousness.

DAY 323

1 John 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You are pure light with no shadow of darkness in You. We dwell in a world that tempts us to turn to darkness. Continue to train us in righteousness so we might withstand temptation and experience joy in sharing Your truth with others.

1 John 2 TITLE:

DAY 324


324 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the righteous One, the atoning sacrifice for our sins. By Your death and resurrection, You have empowered us to do what is right. Help us to grasp Your power so we might walk in obedience and grow in our love for You.

DAY 325

1 John 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Father, for You have lavished Your love on us in making us Your children. We pray that we would live in that love with a clear conscience and a pure heart. Increase our confidence in prayer so we might believe You hear and answer as we pray according to Your will.

1 John 4 TITLE:

DAY 326


326 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, Your greatest command is to love You and then others. Teach us more about perfect love so we might live above fear and love each other as You have radically loved us. Empower us to do what is right in love, holding each other accountable and not indulging sin.

DAY 327

1 John 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You that You have given us life in Your Son Jesus! In Him we have been given power to overcome the world. Grow us in faith to pray bold prayers that promote Your will on earth as it is in heaven.

2 John 1 TITLE:

DAY 328


328 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, Your teachings reveal the Father so we might know Him and His will. Increase our desire for Your Word so we might know truth and continue in Your teachings.

DAY 329

3 John 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are sovereign, Lord, and in complete control of the church. You raise up godly leaders for Your purpose. We thank You for the godly men and women You have called to leadership in the church. We pray they remain fully devoted to You and are faithful to do Your will.

Jude 1 TITLE:

DAY 330


330 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are our only sovereign Lord. You alone have the right to rule over Your church and direct her affairs. Help us to follow godly leaders who help the church to flourish in Your will and ways.

DAY 331

Revelation 1 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Jesus, You are the One who has freed us from our sin by Your blood. You have made us a Kingdom of priests for Your glory. May we be faithful as we await Your coming with the clouds.

Revelation 2 TITLE:

DAY 332


332 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the One who dwells in Your church. You see all, even the motives of our hearts. You convict us when we drift from You. Expose our shortcomings so we might repent, be restored, and fully focus on serving You alone.

DAY 333

Revelation 3 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are the just and righteous Judge who evaluates our lives in full truth and knowledge. Your judgments are meant to refine us. Remove any blinders that keep us from seeing our weaknesses and sin so we can return to You, our first love.

Revelation 4 TITLE:

DAY 334


334 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Lord. All creatures in heaven bow in reverent worship before your throne. Teach us to worship You in all we do and say because You are worthy to receive glory, honor and power.

DAY 335

Revelation 5 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Jesus! Out of all creation, only You are found worthy to take the scroll and break its seals. Empower us to live in a way that honors the Lamb who was slain. We attribute to You all power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory and blessing!

Revelation 6 TITLE:

DAY 336


336 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, as much as we know that Your judgments are fair and righteous, they are still terrifying and fierce. Give us holy fear of what is to come so we are compelled to share the grace of Your salvation while there is still time.

DAY 337

Revelation 7 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Salvation belongs to You alone. We rejoice in this because we know our sinful rebellion should be met with Your wrath. You have extended grace instead. Enable us to remember this daily so our passion to worship You increases, resulting in a crescendo of praise.

Revelation 8 TITLE:

DAY 338


338 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Your ways are mysterious Lord because You operate in complete holiness. Increase our awe and wonder so we humbly seek You in prayer, not for our gain, but Your glory.

DAY 339

Revelation 9 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your glory extends beyond the limits of our minds. It is challenging to understand how You reveal Your glory through devastation and destruction. But more perplexing is the hardness of man’s heart in refusing to repent. Soften the hearts of those in our lives who don’t know You.

Revelation 10 TITLE:

DAY 340


340 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God who created the earth and sea and all that is in it. You have a right to do as You choose in Your creation. In grace You have chosen to redeem! Grow us in anticipation of the day when Your redemption plan is complete and we are free from sin and suffering.

DAY 341

Revelation 11 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are King of kings and all history is moving toward the day when all kingdoms will collapse at Your feet. We long for that day. Increase our longing so we take advantage of the days we have to grow in knowledge of You that leads to total surrender and reverent worship.

Revelation 12 TITLE:

DAY 342


342 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are all-powerful, Lord, and none can stand against You. Our accuser pursues us to death but You empower us to stand in victory by Your blood and the word of our testimony. Grow us in our confidence so we stand firm in our testimony no matter how threatening the opposition.

DAY 343

Revelation 13 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R A time is coming, Lord, when all earth will follow the one who sets himself up against heaven. Suffering will come to Your people in their refusal to worship him. Help us to be resolute in our commitment to honor only You with praise and adoration.

Revelation 14 TITLE:

DAY 344


344 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We praise You, Lord, for Your patience and grace. You always provide an opportunity for repentance before Your wrath of judgment falls. We are assured that You will provide all we need to endure evil days without compromising our faith or denying our testimony.

DAY 345

Revelation 15 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are great and marvelous, just and true. You alone are holy, and all nations will worship You for revealing Your righteous acts. Implore us to share this truth with the lost so they may escape the coming wrath by proclaiming Jesus is Lord.

Revelation 16 TITLE:

DAY 346


346 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We stand in agreement with the testimony heard from the altar, “Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are Your judgments.� Yet our hearts are deeply grieved over those who refuse to repent and continue to curse You. Soften the hearts of people in our day to repent while there is time.

DAY 347

Revelation 17 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, we thank You for revealing what is to come. Though we do not have full understanding of what they might mean, we do thank You for the confidence they give us in Your knowledge of the future and Your sovereignty over all powers, peoples and events. Increase our faith!

Revelation 18 TITLE:

DAY 348


348 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R The scene depicting Babylon’s fall is devastating to all who aligned with her. For God’s people, it represents justice for their suffering. We pray for patience and wisdom to endure suffering without compromise until You intervene to bring justice.

DAY 349

Revelation 19 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R We rejoice at the appearance of Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords. His title alone conveys His complete authority and sovereignty. He is just in defeating all who oppose Him. Increase our understanding of His perfect justice.

Revelation 20 TITLE:

DAY 350


350 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, we live with the sober reality that all people will stand before You in judgment based on how they responded to Jesus. Those who denied Him will be cast into the lake of fire, the second death. Let this reality spur us on to boldly share our testimony, that many would come to faith.

DAY 351

Revelation 21 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, the day of complete renewal of all creation causes our hearts to overflow with gratitude. But even more so, we long for the day when we will physically dwell in Your presence as the fulfillment of our hope. Increase our anticipation of that glorious future!

Revelation 22 TITLE:

DAY 352


352 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, when we get to the end of Revelation, we can barely contain our joy. The throne of God and the Lamb are in our presence. We see our Savior’s face and fall down in worship. We reign forever and ever. Come, Lord Jesus!

DAY 353

Psalm 118 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, when we ponder Your goodness with grateful hearts, we conclude that Your love is ever-enduring. Move our hearts to worship You with gladness and joy so we can live in a way that proves You are good and Your love endures forever!

Psalm 119:1-64 TITLE:

DAY 354


354 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are our perfect Creator who has issued good laws so we might enjoy abundant life. You preserve our dignity and purity when we obey Your precepts. Enable us to see the beauty of Your law so we learn Your ways and hide Your Word in our hearts.

DAY 355

Psalm 119:65-128 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, Your Word is eternal, standing firm and faithfully continuing through all generations. We are wise to live by Your commands for they keep us from stumbling and preserve our lives. Accept the praise of our mouths and teach us Your laws.

Psalm 119:129-176 TITLE:

DAY 356


356 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are righteous in all of Your ways, therefore Your law is right. Increase our understanding of Your ways so we might be quick to obey. Increase our longing for salvation so we delight in Your Word and live to praise You.

DAY 357

Psalm 121 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R You are God who sees all and You remain faithful to keep watch over us. Give us confidence in Your love and let us look to You for deliverance.

Psalm 127-128 TITLE:

DAY 358


358 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Blessings flow to those who fear You and live according to Your commands. We ask You to establish us in You so we might fear You, experience joy in our relationships, and live to see prosperity in the church and our families.

DAY 359

Psalm 139 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You are omnipresent and omniscient. There is nowhere we can go where You will not find us, nor a thought that escapes You. You know every aspect of our lives; from conception until death, You have ordained each day. Search us and cleanse us of any offense or anxiety.

Psalm 144 TITLE:

DAY 360


360 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, when we ponder Your greatness, we are humbled to think that You would care for man. Our lives are but a shadow that quickly fades, yet You guard and establish us in victory. Fill our hearts with praise and worship out of gratitude for all You have done.

DAY 361

Psalm 145 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Throughout all generations Your name is praised, Lord. You have been faithful to extend grace and compassion, showing You are slow to anger, abounding in love. Enable us to slow down and ponder Your work so we might be filled with gratitude and praise.

Psalm 146 TITLE:

DAY 362


362 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R God, You alone are able to meet our every need, because You are creator of all. Forgive us when we look to other gods to meet our needs. Help us to depend on You alone for all things.

DAY 363

Psalm 147 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, our greatest joy flows out of praising You. This is our purpose and You certainly prove worthy. You delight in those who fear You. Increase our trust in You so we might experience Your delight.

Psalm 148 TITLE:

DAY 364


364 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, there is no sector of creation that is not called to praise You. Your splendor extends beyond the heavens and the earth. You have sent a Savior to rescue Your people. Fill us with joy and gratitude that overflows with praise for all You have done.

DAY 365

Psalm 149 DATE:



P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Father, You have done marvelous things for Your people in establishing us in victory and avenging our cause. Put a new song of praise on our lips as we experience Your mercies each day.

Psalm 150 TITLE:

DAY 366


366 P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R Lord, You have created us to praise You. You are the One who has given us breath! We pray we would be faithful to use our breath to praise You in all things. Increase our awareness of Your glory among our generation. Praise the Lord!



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“A chapter a day for the rest of your life.”

- Greg St. Cyr

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