Go & Make Issue #3 (Jan. 2014)

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Happy New Year! I am entering 2014 with great enthusiasm. You might be surprised that the reason has nothing to do with all the wonderful things God is doing. It has everything to do with who God is. Enthusiasm is tied to vision. But not the kind of vision you might be thinking. It’s not a vision of human activity. It is a vision of God…of how good He is, how deeply He loves us, how wonderful it is to be alive and His friend. Yes, I’m believing God to do tremendous things through the BACC family in 2014. But that’s not to be the source of joy. Our hope and confidence is to be rooted in who God is. Consider the words of A.W. Tozer in The Knowledge of the Holy: “The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause

of a hundred lesser evils everywhere among us. With our loss of the sense of majesty has come the further loss of awe and the consciousness of the divine presence…It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound and our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate.” Last November, while in Krakow, Poland, I was meeting with a church planter named Zbyszek. He is a pastor filled with faith in the greatness of God. The resistance to him planting a church was overwhelming. Other pastors discouraged him saying, “It won’t happen here. It’s too tough. Don’t come.” How Zbyszek responded rocked me… “I believe that the breakthrough will come and great things will happen. It won’t happen because we are smart or amazing. It’s only because we believe that He can do it. When pastors say, “It won’t happen,” I want to punch them in the face! Why? Because I know Him. I haven’t seen it yet but I will see it. I’m going to see greater things. I want people to know that it is not because of us but

because of Him. I want to see something amazing that will shock me and other people because I know Him!” Zbyszek’s words echo those of Bill Bright who believed that the most important truth to teach any follower of Christ is the attributes of God. So I’m on a renewed quest…a quest to know God. When we can say, “Because I know Him”…I know His love, power, holiness, presence, sovereignty, wisdom, holiness…no problem is too big and no vision of His will be deterred. To help us on this journey to know God is a prophet who ministered 700 years before the birth of Jesus. His name: Isaiah. In the months ahead we’ll get to know the book of Isaiah. But more importantly, we’ll get to know God: His justice, longsuffering, love, faithfulness, comfort, sovereignty, power. And we will get to see Christ in Isaiah, the Servant who fulfills all of our hopes. “Because I know Him.” That reality makes all the difference.

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Josh Shirlen MANAGING EDITOR Arianne Teeple ART Josh Burgin Josh Shirlen CONTRIBUTORS Bailey Godfrey Jocelyn Rimbey Meredith Thompson Michaela Graf-Jones Ron Dutton Trevin Hoekzema

Cover photo of Rachel Pletts by Josh Shirlen.

ELDERS John Battan Dennis Brady Tom Dalpini Tim Dotson Peter Godfrey Tim Grossman Rich Heath Roger Ishii Brian Mallare David McPeak Bill Smith Greg St. Cyr John Taylor J Upton

BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – casely.essamuah@bayareacc.org Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – ed.kelley@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Rimbey, Connecting Director – jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Gathering Team Leader – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Lynn Dutton, Financial Administrator – lynn.dutton@bayareacc.org Micah Pringle, Worship Leader – micah.pringle@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Tres Cozad, Technical Director – tres.cozad@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership

MICAH’S MIX Book:​ 5 Views on Biblical Inerrancy General Editors: J. Merrick and Stephen M Garrett This past month I took the department leaders to the Evangelical Theological Society’s national conference. We spent one full day engaged with the brightest Christian minds in the world today. People like Wayne Grudem, R. Albert Mohler Jr., D. A. Carson., and others were there to present academic papers following a general theme of “Biblical Inerrancy.” To be an Evangelical, one has to subscribe to several truths that were written by the “fundamentalists” who were called such because they believed in the ethos and doctrine espoused by the fundamentalist papers dating back over a hundred years ago. One of those doctrines is the concept that the Bible has no errors (Biblical Inerrancy) within its cover. That is, wherever the Bible speaks, it is authoritatively the Word of God and therefore is fully trustworthy as without error. That doctrine is under attack today, as it has been for the past 50 years when Carl F. Henry nuanced the doctrine a bit. As a staunch fundamentalist/evangelical, his questions caused a flurry of discussion and debate. This month’s book is one of a series of “views” regarding the whole topic. One may think there are only two possible positions to hold, but in fact there are several variants (either it is or it isn’t is a normal analytical question!). I hold to R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s position in the book but I find it enlightening to see the different angles very smart people take in this debate. This series has “4 Views” (or 3 or 5) on a whole host of topics from the Resurrection to Creation, from Women’s Roles in the Church to Heaven/Hell. The basic format is that each person provides an essay and then the other 3-4 writers write responses to each essay and then the original writer of the view writes a rebuttal. This particular topic drives so many other issues. What is the Bible? Is it authoritative and therefore what you and I should follow in our spiritual and everyday lives? If it has errors, where are they and how does one tell? If it doesn’t, what are the ramifications to what the Bible addresses, such as divorce, homosexuality, and church polity? If you’re looking for a balanced approach to wide swath of issues, check out the “Views” series by Zondervan! Yours…in the battle and seeking the Lord’s will in the Scripture with you! - BACC Executive Pastor Ed Kelley (EK4)

It’s a new year! So it’s also time for some new music. This round of selections is based on tunes that have been moving me recently, and I hope you have the same experience as you listen. Try kicking off 2014 with these great albums. by: Micah Pringle (BACC Worship Leader)

Austin Stone - “King of Love”

There are a lot of churches out there putting out worship albums these days. But the music that Austin Stone Church in Austin, TX releases is powerful, theologically rich, Spiritfilled, and has great arrangements. We have used two of their songs in our worship gatherings (Love Shines and King of Love) and will probably use more in the near future. If you’re looking for a fresh take on worship music, I highly recommend picking up this album.

Jonsi - “Go”

Jon “Jonsi” Birgisson is the lead singer and guitar player from the Icelandic band “Sigur Ros,” and his new release called “Go” is his first solo album. The very definition of “music” is “vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” And while Jonsi’s music isn’t intended to be “worship” music per-se, it moves me deeply to a place of worship regularly because of its soaring arrangements. It has a film-score quality that is perfect for listening to through your earbuds while going for a walk downtown around City Dock or through your car speakers on a road-trip.

Justin Jarvis - “Through The Glass”

Justin Jarvis is a worship leader from Florida who was recently featured by Jesus Culture on their “Emerging Artists” album. This new solo project of his combines modern sounds and arrangements with beautiful truth about intimacy with God. His voice is distinct and carries a beautiful ghostly quality to it. If you’re looking for a fresh take on worship music, go pick up this album!


ON MISSIONAL COMMUNITY The Holians…Loving God Back

By: Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor

There are a variety of ways that we love God back. Certainly God doesn’t need our love, but His own great love towards us should cause us to respond. And when someone has personally experienced the free, grace-filled, never-ending love of God, the natural and only response is to love God back. When this occurs, God is glorified and we as believers are drawn even closer in relationship to the Him. When you encounter someone who truly knows they are loved by God and who regularly loves God back, you realize they have a type of relationship with Jesus that is both rich and fulfilling, but it also inspires you to love God back as well. Well, if you’ve ever met Brian and Kathy Holian, you realize two things very quickly: one, they have experienced God’s immense and audacious love for them and two, they love God back. With Brian’s gregarious and never-ending energy coupled with Kathy’s sweet and wise steadfastness, you see how God’s love has shaped their lives. And it is from their own experiences that they have felt called to

help their Missional Community also experience Christ’s love and love Him back. One of the ways their MC does this is by sharing in communion together each time they meet. When I visited their MC, I was instantly made to feel as though I had been with them for a long time. But as the night progressed and the dinner conversation shifted to personal reflections and prayer needs, I was richly blessed when Brian announced we would be sharing in communion together. The entire evening had an “upper room” feel to it where authenticity and care for one another were paramount. So naturally, when it came time to share communion together, it not only made me feel connected to their MC, but also to Jesus. The overall effect it had on me was a deeper connection with God and a worshipful heart. As with anything that is done regularly, you have to guard from it becoming rogue or routine. But that evening it was as if this was the first time they had done it, when in reality, it was a regular part of their community meeting. Perhaps that is one reason why they are so close. Naturally, the group makes accommodations when new people join them - especially if someone is among them who has not yet committed to being a follower of Jesus. And what really added to our time in communion together was that it was not just Brian or Kathy’s deal to lead. The breaking of the bread and drinking of the cup was accompanied with several others reading and praying. All of this enhanced the sense of togetherness and communion with Jesus. I believe what we experienced that night (and perhaps what their group experiences regularly) must have been similar in nature to what the disciples experienced with Jesus on the night before His betrayal: a closeness and identification with Christ for what He has done for us. In essence, the gospel. It is in this way that we are called to experience Christ. Each person having an upward focused relationship with Jesus in which we worship Him and live under His Lordship. Again, though there are many ways in which we can express our upward love back to God, the Holians seem to have found a way to share that together through communion. And as one might expect, the fruit of that devotion is evident throughout the group, but especially in Brian and Kathy’s lives together.

by Greg St.Cyr


years ago Bay Area was a church plant. A handful of people had a vision for a new church in Annapolis, a church that would creatively engage people in relevant ways to consider following Jesus. From the beginning we’ve always had a heart to plant churches. If you attended in 1988, you would have been handed a “Welcome” brochure that said, “By the turn of the century we see 100 new churches planted through partnerships with other churches.” To date, God has exceeded that vision! In India alone the Lord has used us to help plant over 150 churches amongst tribal people. Church planting is nothing new for us. It’s part of who we are. To understand Bay Area’s perspective on church planting, we have to think about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is expressed wherever God is reigning. As we become disciples who gather and grow together in the local church, we embody more of the kingdom values of Jesus. Through our everyday lives we reflect the kingdom to others, inviting them into the life God designed them to enjoy. So, how does the kingdom powerfully advance, especially amongst unreached people? By raising up, equipping, and sending out church planters to make disciples of Jesus who multiply, planting new churches in gospel-deprived areas. David Bryant in his book, In the Gap, describes it well: “Every congregation is potentially like a time-bomb ready to explode with Kingdom-style changes as new Christians grow and reach out to their friends and neighbors…in every congregation dwells the living Christ in all His fullness. And out of His fullness they can penetrate their society with

His grace and truth…Ultimately the world won’t be evangelized by multiplying the number of times evangelistic invitations are given… Ultimately the purpose will be fulfilled by multiplying obedient, evangelizing congregations of disciples, who can invite those around them to Christ and to a taste of His Kingdom in their midst.” Bay Area’s strategy for church planting is rooted in our mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. It all starts with making

disciples. We believe we become disciples of Jesus in community as we love God back, love one another, and love our neighbors. As we, as disciples, obey the Great Commission to be His witnesses all over the world, we gather together to forge new expressions of kingdom churches. All of us are called to make disciples and be a part of a local church. All of us are called to be involved in reaching the nations for Jesus. Some of us are called by the Holy Spirit to plant new churches. At Bay Area, when someone receives that calling they are equipped by the Sent Network.

What is Sent Network? In 2007, we began the Sent Network as our in-house ministry to equip church planters and leaders. Through Sent, we’ve helped plant churches in downtown Annapolis, Silver Spring, Richmond, and New York City. We are believing God to use us to plant churches in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Boston, and many other places. In order to grow and enfold more churches into Sent Network, we transitioned the Sent Network out from under Bay Area to become an independent church-planting organization in 2012. Mark McGeever, who served as a pastor at BACC for 15 years, serves as the Sent Network director. He works closely with Bay Area Leadership to train and coach church planters to impact the world for Jesus. Today, headquartered in Annapolis, Sent Network equips church planters and leaders to reproduce gospelcentered disciples, churches, and planting networks so that God’s kingdom spreads to more neighborhoods, subcultures, and cities. It does this in partnership with multiple local churches. Sent Network provides coaching, training, grants, and ongoing encouragement to people called to plant churches. Sent does not clone a certain model or size church. Rather, it fosters and celebrates diverse church forms that adapt to each cultural context or people group the planter is reaching with the gospel. It’s unlikely that the handful of people who launched Bay Area 26 years ago ever imagined how God would work to advance His kingdom through church planting. And we can only imagine how God will work in the days ahead, but we are believing God for great things.

You can learn more about Sent Network at www.sentnetwork.org



“J” Upton



wouldn’t take no for an answer. She invited her friend from high school to church over and over, and finally, Joseph “J” Upton said yes. He and girlfriend Holly began sporadically attending Bay Area Community Church on weekends and summer breaks when they were home from college, and were blown away by the church’s atmosphere and worship style. Shortly after earning his degree, J attended a Promise Keepers convention at the invitation of his brotherin-law, and there he came to understand the concepts of having a relationship with Jesus and submitting to His Lordship. “Luis Palau was speaking about Christ and accepting Him into your heart,” J recalled of his experience on a Saturday afternoon in 1995. “He made an altar call and told people if they wanted to accept Christ to come down [front]. All of a sudden, everything just went quiet – there were 50,000 men cheering, I could see mouths moving and hands clapping, and everything in my head was just quiet. I knew God was calling me, saying, ‘It’s time for you to step out in faith and trust me,’ and that’s what I did. My foot moved itself out into the aisle and I was caught in the flow of people heading toward the stage. That’s where I accepted Christ. That’s where it started.” From there, newlyweds J and Holly became active, fulltime members of the church, serving on the greeting team and joining a Home Group (today known as a Missional Community). As their relationships with Christ continued to grow, so too did their service to the church expand, J explained, highlighting that Holly volunteered with the children’s ministry and he sang on the worship team. After several years of leading worship on Sunday mornings, J began to feel God tugging him into another area of service – children’s ministry - against his will. “I was afraid of the kids,” he laughed. “We had kids at that point, but you can handle your own kids. It’s the other kids you worry about. So we started in the nursery, and … have been in [Children’s Ministry] ever since. Today we teach two Sundays a month in The Deep Blue.” Nearly two decades into his relationship with Jesus, J again felt God nudging him in a direction he didn’t want to follow. When he received a phone call from Elder Dennis Brady in 2012 while visiting with his in-laws for Christmas, he immediately knew what it was about, and said he’d call him back. “I’ve been called to be an elder in previous years, but

was like, ‘No. Not a chance.’ I didn’t even consider it,” J admitted. “I still felt really inadequate, but that time I really prayed about it and sought God’s wisdom and help, and felt God say, ‘Yep, you can do this … It’s time for you to step out and become the leader I want you to be.’”

One of the “newbies,” J officially joined the elder team in October 2013. As shepherds of the flock at the elder-led, staff-run church, J and his team meet semimonthly to pray for the congregation, spend time in the Word, get updates from the staff and provide leadership for the Bay Area body. In his role, J illustrated, his visions for the church are that focus always remains on Christ, Jesus is made attainable to all, and that the messages of salvation and Lordship are impossible to ignore. “I serve with some amazing men, some guys who have unbelievable wisdom and knowledge, not only of Scripture but of God’s plan and the way He uses them,” J said of his team. “One of my goals is to stay focused and let them mentor me as they lead the church, and that my eyes would be open, my ears would be open and I would see and hear everything they say and do and use that for my own good so that I am becoming what Christ wants me to be as a leader in the church. It’s a total honor and privilege to serve with these gentlemen and to have them as mentors and leaders.” When J catches a spare moment between career and calling, the self-described homebody most enjoys spending time with his wife of 17 years and their three boys, and swimming and riding dirt bikes on their 2-acre property in Millersville. The avid Navy football fan also relishes riding his motorcycle and taking flying lessons from his father-in-law. In addition to leading as an elder and teacher in The Deep Blue, J facilitates a Missional Community with Holly and cannot stress enough the importance of serving the church. “Bay Area is amazing, and I am always praying that people would not just come in the door and get a great message from whoever’s preaching … but that they would step out and serve the church. We’re called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to serve those in our community, but to serve the church as well,” he emphasized. “He wants us to help further His kingdom, to be Kingdomminded, and there are so many areas in Bay Area that people could help out in. There’s so much opportunity and it’s so fulfilling.”

by Steven Dilla The Metropoitain Faith Church of New York


How do our kids wake up at 5:40 every day? Emily gets up with the kids, I lay in bed for a couple minutes and pray over the day. Our bed is in our living room, so when they come out it’s time to get going (we have a one-bedroom in lower Manhattan, but at 620 sq. feet it’s near-palatial in our price point).


Emily juices a few bunches of kale and some carrots for everyone while I play with the kids in the living room. I sip my juice while listening to Bloomberg and shaving. One of the ways we’ve connected to the city is to read what they read, listen to what they listen to, and learn how the key industries of the city work day in and day out.


I adjust my pocket square one last time (in New York even nonchalance is fastidious), kiss everyone goodbye, and walk out in a wool suit. Wool because it’s cold and a suit because I won’t make it through the door for our last event of the day without one.


The barista at our neighborhood coffee shop plays NPR at nightclub-level volume every morning. He is skeptical of everything (especially religion), but we strike up a conversation about the profile on Jack Dorsey in The New Yorker a few weeks back—he’s a fan, although he thinks Dorsey’s third act is going to be the one to watch.


I sip my coffee and work on Sunday’s Bible study and discussion. We began meeting in our apartment on Sunday evenings this past August. Each night starts around our table. We sit shoulder-toshoulder, perpetually passing food, talking and laughing together before we move to the living room to begin the

“What exactly does a church planter do?” is a question I’m asked fairly regularly. While the details vary from city to city, the key areas church planters spend their time are generally the same. Greg St. Cyr said he would model missional ministry around: (1) prayer, (2) prioritization of family, (3) connection with the civic, social, and professional leaders of the city, (4) service to the marginalized, and (5) church community development (discipleship, fellowship, etc.). While those flesh out differently each day, here is a sample of a day in the life of a church planter.

study (it’s 30 inches from the table, but more comfortable).


One of the guys who comes to our study texts about getting breakfast together. We decide to meet in about an hour and I turn my phone off so I can concentrate on the study preparation.


Walking toward Greenwich Village for breakfast, I’m still thinking on the Bible study. One of the most challenging parts of teaching Scripture is doing so in light of the idols that are prominent in the city. We’ve taken the last year to learn and pray over the things from which our culture derives its security, joy, identity, and pleasure that are outside of God. It’s only through knowing these idols of the heart that one can properly present the gospel, challenging their insufficiency as places worthy of our time, energy, and focus.


Walking out of breakfast, I call a friend who just started supporting our work financially. We are supported by eight churches and over 90 individuals and families (including Sent Network, Bay Area Community Church and some of those attending BACC!). Because of the cost of living and serving in Manhattan, no single church or organization could solely fund our work. Currently we are 70% supported on a monthly basis and praying for more opportunities to share what God is doing in our community.


After a short time catching up with some people in the city over email, text, and calls, I meet Emily for a quick lunch. We walk by a homeless couple and end up chatting with them. They’re new to the city, severely under-resourced, and don’t

have a plan for the sub-freezing night that is hours away from beginning. Emily asks their names and tells them we’ll be back within the hour and have some resources.


We sit down for an early lunch at our favorite vegan restaurant ($8 lunch in Manhattan anyone?), both of us on our phones calling shelters to check availability (there are over 60,000 homeless in New York City and on cold nights a bed is extraordinarily difficult to come by). Emily uses a paper carry out bag to write names, addresses, and train numbers on.


We walk back to where the couple was sitting and find they are gone. After walking around a few blocks we find them, they had been kicked out from in front of the business where we met them. The girl, who is not even 20, says she was kicked out of her home at 12. For the past 8 years she’s been hitch-hiking and sleeping on the streets. She wants to be a medical examiner. Emily is finally able to find a bed for her and gives her one of our Metrocards to get on the subway. The guy says he is okay to tough it out on the streets, but he’s very appreciative we found one for her.


Emily is still talking with them as I emerge from Whole Foods with water, hot soup, and the most nutritionallydense concoction on the hot-bar, sold under the moniker, “Thanksgiving Pizza.” As the couple take the bag we find out it is the first full meal they’ve had in a few days and the first of any type of food they’ve had in over 24 hours. During my time inside the store, I was praying about what else we should do. The guy’s gloves immediately came to mind—they were rubbish and I knew mine would keep him warmer through the night. One of the joys of living on the support others provide for our family and ministry is getting to share that blessing with others.


As I step off the subway on the Upper West Side, I finish reviewing my facilitator’s notes for a training session with Redeemer Presbyterian’s City to City. They’ve planted 300 churches in 45 cities and have been our primary New York City training partner in this journey. Over the past year, in addition to training us on how to best connect with the people of New York, they’ve also given me the opportunity to lead conversations with other pastors in the city as we all work to cultivate the grace and peace of Christ in New York.


Walking with some of the pastors out of the training session I’m reminded that their guidance and mentorship have been such an incredible blessing in our family and ministry. We part ways and I grab a smoothie called Green Power, primarily because, in addition to bitter greens, it had spirulina, which I find nearly irresistible when my schedule is full. I’m usually home by now, rolling around on the floor, laughing and playing with the kids, but a few nights a week we shift our schedule to form deeper connections in the city.


I step out of the subway in Grand Central and cut through the Main Concourse. Whereas New Yorkers take immense pride in their ability to waft through even the tightest crowds, tourists tend to meander. They think New Yorker’s are rude, but they forget sidewalks and concourses are our highways— and we don’t travel to their town only to stand in the middle of the highway during rush hour. (Even a year and a half in the city changes how you see things.)


I step off Park Avenue into the Union League Club of New York where I’m immediately asked to check my umbrella and bag—I may be dressed acceptably, but a gentleman ought not carry such things for a night in the Club. Emily is already in the lobby and we walk into the ballroom together. The stage is set for Eric Metaxas to sit down with Alice von Hildebrand for a discussion on gender and marriage.


We sit down to rice, veggies, and ginger tea (which is really hot water with ginger in it… not sure why it sneaks in as tea). We immediately begin debriefing the immensely helpful conversation we just heard and thinking of ways it could shape our language and posture on these issues. What a privilege to live in a city where these kinds of conversations are accessible at this point in our ministry.


I pull the panel curtain that separates our couch from the bed and we lay down and pray together, which we have done every night since the summer of 2002. Most of our nightly prayers are around thankfulness for the day—it’s stunning to be part of what God is doing right now.


It feels earlier than it is. Emily is already out of bed with the kids (who have slept in—every minute counts). I love our family. I love getting to serve the people of this city. Here we go…

steven@metropolitanfaith.org sentnetwork.org

Rachel Joy Pletts missionary of music

by Meredith Thompson

It took three years for the idea to click. Between taking food and beverage orders, waitress Rachel Joy Pletts scrawled lyrics and song ideas on her notepad in 2010, and one thought that nagged at her more than others was, “God, I know what the American Dream is, but what is your dream for America?” Later, she asked Him what her part in that dream was, and His answer altered the trajectory of her life. Fast-forward to March 2013. Bay Area worship leader Micah Pringle was headed out of town and had asked Rachel to lead worship for a Sunday. As she quieted herself before God in the hours before services started, the answer to her query that lay dormant for three years materialized in visions of crowded living rooms of people singing, laughing and talking. “[In them] I’m singing but I’m also sharing about Jesus, through the stories of who I’ve seen Him to be in my life, and sharing songs that speak of who He is,” Rachel illustrated. After effecting that vision nearly 20 times in the ensuing months, she added, “The purpose for this is for people who believe in Jesus to be intentional about loving the people in their lives – their neighbors, their friends, their coworkers, and their families – who don’t know Jesus.” And this is the LiLi Project.

Rachel met Jesus when she was 4 years old, and from that day on, her mother recalled years later, the Jamestown, New York native was singing all the time, everywhere she went. She debuted her harmonic gifting in church choir, and began expanding her vocal skills through musicals. In high school, she fell in love with poetry, and it wasn’t long before her two passions for writing and singing were melded into one. It was at the same time, Rachel explained, that her life fell apart. “When I was about 16 or 17, the whole family stopped going to church, and I headed to New York City the day after I graduated from high school,” she shared, adding she attended a performing arts conservatory while in the city to pursue musical theatre. “I just did life on my own for quite a while, and was very self-destructive, very suicidal actually. In the conservatory, there was a girl named Miki Berg, and she and her boyfriend at the time … kept inviting me to go to church, and I knew she was praying for me, so I went with them one Sunday.” Gripped by the tendrils of depression, Rachel began attending church again, but struggled to get out of bed each morning. Chasing the dream of fame, she couldn’t shake the thought of “So what?” So what if she became bigger than Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder combined? Eventually everything would fade away, no one would remember her. So what then? Everything in life ultimately was pointless. “[One day] I sensed, ‘Read Ecclesiastes,’ and I was like, ‘Uhh, I don’t know where that is,’” Rachel remembered, laughing. “So I looked in the concordance for Ecclesiastes, and then I looked it up and the first verse was ‘”Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless,” said the teacher.’ And I was like, ‘So I’m right! Great.’ But once again I felt like God very quietly whispered, ‘If you want to do something that lasts forever, bring souls into the Kingdom.’ And all of a sudden I felt like purpose shot through my bones.” While her classmates at the conservatory dutifully studied musical theatre history and rehearsed lines, Rachel holed up in her room blaring Marvin Gaye and Aretha Franklin and writing music. Everyone knew she was a songwriter, a friend told her. Everyone but Rachel. Eventually, she began to work seriously on her own music, and in 2007 recorded her first album with a producer who attended her church. Sandwiches and chips were the only payment he accepted. But in 2010, Rachel Joy Pletts threw music away. Sick of the audition process and out of doors to knock on, she left the Big Apple behind and moved to Maryland. She began attending Bay Area, and after reluctantly sharing one of her songs at a women’s retreat, was invited to sing for the whole congregation. Afterward, she didn’t feel compelled to join the worship team, but opted instead to pray for its leadership. Later, Rachel began singing on Sunday mornings shortly after Micah came to the church. Now an integral part of the worship team, Rachel noted

her desire in serving on the worship team is that her role would not be a performance, but part of the collection of hearts praising their Creator. “There’s a time in the Old Testament where the entire people of Israel gathered … and it says, ‘David said, “Come, let us worship the Lord, let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker,”’ and it said that the people as one worshipped the Lord, and so my heart every Sunday morning is that we would be the people as one – that we would be united in heart and mind and spirit with our attention focused on the Lord,” she emphasized. Months ago, a spontaneous sing-a-long session in the living room of the family with whom she lived sparked Rachel’s idea for the LiLi project, which she pondered early that morning before she led the people as one in worshipping the Lord. LiLi, short for “living-room listen-in,” consists of house concerts through which Rachel shares her gift of singing and the gospel of Christ. She urges hosts to step out of their comfort zones and invite not just their friends from church and Bible study, but their coworkers, neighbors and unbelieving friends. That way, not only is Jesus shared, but fellow believers are equipped through each session as well. “I think there’s a lot of people out there who follow Jesus and want to share Him, but they don’t know how,” Rachel explained. “Our culture is pretty Christian as opposed to India or Europe; it’s okay to be a Christian, but just don’t bring Jesus up. Throughout this process I’ve found the goal of [the LiLi Project] is not only to make disciples of Jesus, but to make disciplemakers.” Her ultimate desire for the project is that there would be something that is sung or said each evening that God would break through and change someone’s life for eternity, something would happen that lasts forever. In support of the LiLi Project, Bay Area has taken Rachel on as an artistmissionary in residence, providing oversight, counsel and accountability while helping her and the project to grow intentionally. As Rachel is in the process of building a financial support base to realize her goal of taking LiLi to homes in all 50 states, the church has also provided members the opportunity to participate through monetary gifts. Summarizing her passion for spreading the message of Christ and equipping disciple-makers one living room at a time throughout the greater Annapolis area and the country, Rachel explained, “As believers, we walk around with hope in our hands, and at any given moment along our journey, we might be asked to hand that hope to somebody else. At that moment we have two choices – either we hand it over and tell them about the hope we have, the reason we have hope in Jesus Christ, or we can shove our hands in our pockets and carry on.” To learn more about Rachel and the LiLi Project visit racheljoypletts.com



You exemplified the best of Bay Area and did as Jesus described in John 20:21 “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” You brought hot chocolate to workers at a Christmas tree lot and hosted a Gingerbread House making party. You all did crafts, knitted scarves, baked cookies, organized teas, and even wrote cards for wounded soldiers. You had conversations about church with neighbors for the first time. The teachers you invited to your home and the seniors you visited at the nursing home now realize Jesus is the reason why you care about them. You may not YET see the outcome of your invitations, but God knows that you planted seeds that WILL bear fruit. Thank you, Bay Area, for catching the vision for Christmas in Community! A small group from The Well met to write Christmas cards to send to Wounded Soldiers to share the love of Christ.


Twenty-two couples just took part in the Thrive in Marriage Learning Community. All left with a clearer vision of God’s design for their marriages/relationships. Many ideas were shared about how to think about what God asks of us, not only in our marriages, but in our culture as we live in marriage. You too can have access to the resources that the Marriage Ministry Team used to develop this Learning Community. Download the resources at http://bit.ly/1buR6N3 Thrive in Marriage Learning Community will be back in Spring 2014. For more information, contact Todd & Kim Christner at premarital.ministry@bayareacc.org


The Women of Legacy were honored to host a Christmas Dinner to bless a few single Moms with Christmas gifts for their children. We are thankful for the generous contributions from the women at The Well toward these gifts!


Thank you to everyone who participated in the Giving Wall this year. Bay Area, once again, blessed people from Annapolis and around the world and back. We gave Christmas to over 200 children in the area, sent thousands of dollars to bless our partners in India, South Sudan and Uganda, and helped equip our local partners to increase their impact on families who need assistance. As always, we are humbled to be a part of this generous church and are excited to keep making passionate, maturing followers of Christ from here to the nations with you.


The Bay Area Student Ministry took their largest group ever to the Alive Middle School conference in Ocean City, MD. Over 80 students and adults piled into vehicles to make the road trip to the Roland E. Powell Convention Center on Coastal Highway. 3,000 other middle school students worshiped, had fun on the boardwalk, but most importantly encountered a God who has a deep and steadfast love for them. The theme of the weekend was “All In.” Our faith shouldn’t be something that we pick and choose what we want, when we want. We should jump in head first and let it take over every aspect, every day. We can never take our faith to the next level until we truly commit to the God of the universe. Tony Nolan, the speaker for the weekend, told an amazing story of redemption in his own life and how God can do amazing things with even the strangest of people. Worship with The Museum was amazing and got everyone on their feet. The boardwalk as always provided a time to hang with friends, eat food we probably shouldn’t, and spend all the pocket money parents had given us on t-shirts and laser pointers. Several students recommitted their lives to Christ on Saturday night. One student later said, “I already know and love Jesus, but I have to learn to follow Him every day.” This is something that we all should take to heart every day. By the time we pulled back into Bay Area on Sunday we were physically tired but our hearts were filled. We headed home knowing that there is an all powerful God who loves us and desires to know every part of us. He desires us to have a faith that is all in.

FINANCIALS Operating Budget Financial Update November 30, 2013 Please note that all undesignated donations go toward the operating budget.

New Fiscal Year began September 1, 2013


Fiscal Year Giving Goal

$ 3,503,500

YTD Giving Goal YTD Received YTD Actual vs. Goal MTD Giving Goal (NOV) MTD Received (NOV)

$ 791,493 $ 865,207 9.3% Ahead $ 73,714 $ 255,472 $ 291,393

Building Debt Status as of November 30, 2013 Balance Due $ 2,073,613 Fiscal YTD Donations $ 16,700 For more detailed financial updates, please visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/financials

BAPTISM Wo u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b a p t i z e d ? • K-5th contact: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org • 6-12th contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • Adults: Join us for a group baptism class on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Our next class is January 19th @ 9:30 a.m. in the front office. For more info, contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org

How Do I Support Beyond884: Room For People? Preferred Methods (no fees charged) Direct Debit: Go to www.beyond884.com/give to download the form. Mail completed form to BACC Finance Department and we will debit your checking account directly each month. Personal Check: Write Beyond884 on the memo line and mail the check to BACC or drop it in the offering basket on Sunday. Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to BACC. Be sure to note Beyond884 on the memo. If you would like your Building Fund donations to go toward Existing Debt, please write in your check memo “One & Only Life”. All other Building Fund donations will go toward “Beyond884”.


C O N N ECT If you’re new or just have a question, we’d love to meet you and help you get plugged in. Look for a member of our connect team in a blue shirt in the lobby after each Sunday gathering or visit us online at bayareacc.org/waystoconnect

Did you know BACC has an entire ministry devoted to praying? The BACC Prayer Ministry is made up of teams of people who gather and pray. Teams are devoted to praying for the church worship gatherings, the pastors, our missional efforts and missionaries, the ministries of the church, those who are sick or saddened by grief and those who are wrestling with life’s struggles. The Prayer Ministry provides an opportunity for us to gather together and share our hearts with our Father who loves us. Let’s pray together. The prayer room is located on the second floor of BACC. For more information about prayer or the teams, go online to www.bayareacc.org/prayer or contact Penny Flora at sweetpflora@aol.com or 410.766.0445

LEARNING COMMUNITIES UPCOMING LEARNING COMMUNITIES: The Life of Christ (with Bill Plenge) - take an in-depth look into the man who is God as the plan of salvation for the world unfolds in the person and work of Jesus. Worlds Colliding (with Executive Pastor Ed Kelley) - How does your faith stand against other competing world views out there? What happens when you encounter professors, philosophers, or other “experts” that seek to dismantle your faith in Jesus? Come get grounded to stand firm when these world views collide. Starting Point (with Doug Cress and Marcus Wiles) - Are you considering believing in the person and work of Jesus? Are you just starting out on your faith journey? Do you have questions about God, the Bible, and how we can know it is all real? Then Starting Point is a great place to begin and get your questions answered. The Old Testament Puzzle (with Dan Dooney) - What in the world is going on in the Old Testament? How does it all fit together and ultimately point to Jesus? Join this learning community to put together the puzzle of the Old Testament. For more information, dates and times, contact Trevin at trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc.org

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FAMILY BLESSING EVENT Spend the morning with us as we learn how to give the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. Join us February 1st from 10-11:30 a.m. as our lead pastor Greg St. Cyr teaches us how to pass down the gift of a blessing from generation to generation. Cost is $10 per family and includes KidCare and lunch. Register your family today at www.bayareacc. org/deepblueevents BAPTISM CLASS Is your child ready to take the next step toward baptism? Don’t miss the “For Heavens Sake” class Sunday, January 12th at 11 a.m. in room 207. Contact chyloe.cheetham@ bayareacc.org for more information. STUDENT TRAINING CLASS Are you in fifth grade or above and interested in getting plugged into serving in Children’s Ministry? Come hear the in’s and out’s of serving in The Deep Blue. Class is held the 3rd Sunday of every month in the nursery wing at 10:45 a.m. Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org for more information. SUBMERGE New to our elementary environment Submarine Canyon? Come hear about how we encourage kids to “dive deeper” into their faith Sunday, January 19th at 9:30 & 11 a.m. in room 235. Contact tammy.taschenberger@bayareacc.org for more information.

CATCH THE CURRENT Is your child getting ready to transition to preschool? Join us as we share our resources to equip and encourage you, the parent, to be your child’s spiritual hero on Sunday, February 2nd at 9:30 & 11 a.m. in the preschool wing. Contact courtney. gregory@bayareacc.org for more information.


NURSERY SPOTLIGHT Megan Christner is one of our nursery small group helpers. She always comes into the Tidal Pool with a smile on her face, happy to jump in, interact and get on the floor with the one-year olds, whether she is “scheduled” to serve or not. Megan is very close with her family, who she says all love God very much. That love is evident in her service to the families of Bay Area. When not at church, Megan loves horseback riding and riding her bike. She is very excited about this time of the year, as she loves all things snowy. We are thankful to have her on our team. PRESCHOOL SPOTLIGHT Bonnie O’Brien is one of our most dedicated small group leaders who serves every week with our preschoolers. She loves seeing the children’s excitement as they learn more about Jesus while in The Deep Blue. She and her husband, Jim, began attending Bay Area several years ago after an invitation from their daughter and son-in-law. During the week, you can find her as the Center Director at My Time Child Care in Cape St. Claire. Her favorite thing to do is sing and she loves just about anything that has coffee in it! We love her heart for our preschool families and are blessed to have her on The Deep Blue Team! ELEMENTARY SPOTLIGHT Megan Matassa is one of the most quietly dedicated, behindthe-scenes volunteers the Submarine Canyon has! Many people don’t know that she helps gather supplies, pack the community group boxes and make copies for each week. The Submarine Canyon wouldn’t run nearly as efficiently without her! When Megan isn’t helping us during the week, she is hanging out with her husband, children and dogs. Megan loves to travel and to cook for the people she loves! One thing most people don’t know about her is she was on a ballroom dance team in college.


from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. We meet for large group teaching and in small groups to discuss the lessons learned. Cost is $10. To register or for more information, email Laurie at at.thewell@ yahoo.com KidCare is available on Wednesday mornings only for infants to preschoolers for an additional fee of $35/1 child, $55/2+ children. Space is limited. To register, email KidCare Coordinator Jen at jen.marshall@bayareacc.org

“Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival” is a study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grissom. Join us for a 12-week study starting Thursday, January 16th from 7-8:30 p.m. We will have teaching & testimonies each week as well as small group discussions on the subjects covered THE GREAT DATE NIGHT in the weekly homework designed to encourage you to grow Mark your calendars for The Great Date night on March deeper in your relationship with God. Cost is $20. For more 22nd from 7-9:30 p.m. at BACC. Couples join us for a fun date information or to register, email Michelle at michellebellamy@ night with the husband and wife comedy team of Barnes aol.com or Darby at darby@dougcate.com and Miner. This event is for all couples dating, engaged and married. Sorry, no KidCare provided. For more information, Registration is available on Sundays in the lobby between email Leanne at leanne.lane@bayareacc.org gatherings or by contacting the Coordinators listed above. HOSPITAL VISITATIONS If you or a loved one is in the hospital or homebound, we’d love to be of help. Contact the church at 410.544.2222 or email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

If you or a loved one is struggling with life’s challenges, relationships, depression, addiction or just having a hard time dealing with pain in the past or present, this group is for you. You will find hope, encouragement, strength and support in a Godly, safe environment with people who have the same struggles. We hope you will check us out. We meet every Monday night, even on holidays, at 7 p.m. for worship, a lesson, open share groups and fellowship. We share a meal together every 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from 6-7 p.m. The 3rd Monday is a potluck dinner. For more information for men, contact Mark at markcelebrates@gmail.com and for women contact Kym at kymcelebrates@gmail.com


Start your New Year by committing to a study of God’s Word in community with other women at The Well.

“The State of the Union” is a 12-week Bible study from I Peter 3, taught by Marilyn Anderes. In this study we will learn how to apply Biblical principles of grace in all our relationships. Join us every Wednesday starting January 15th

BAY AREA WOMEN’S RETREAT 2014 We are excited to announce our annual BACC Women’s Retreat “Authentic Discipleship: Draw Near to God” March 14-16, 2014 with teacher Marilyn Anderes. The retreat will be held on Maryland’s Eastern shore at Osprey Point Resort & Conference Center, Royal Oak, MD. Register online at www.bayareacc.org/womensevents. You can also register on Sundays in the lobby January 12 - February 2, 2014. Space is limited so register early. We do have a few Saturday only spaces available for $75. We make a special effort to help newcomers feel connected at this weekend through small groups and free time on Saturday afternoon. You can sign up with a roommate, or we will help match you with someone else without a roommate. Free time on Saturday afternoon will allow you the opportunity for quiet time, or shopping in nearby St. Michael’s or in Easton. This waterside retreat center also has a small gym & bikes for use (weather permitting), and a cozy fireplace & pool table in the game room. Please let us know when you register if you have mobility or health issues. All registration questions can be answered by Michelle Sohl at msohl86@gmail.com or Retreat Coordinator Lyda Prack at lprack@verizon.net. Set aside this weekend and come with hearts prepared to listen. We hope you’ll join us for this weekend of fun, fellowship, and drawing near to God. WOMEN OF LEGACY In some churches, older women may feel like their time for usefulness has passed, but not at Bay Area. This group of women (ages 50+) meets to encourage and pray for each other. They also pray for grown family members and for the younger single Moms at church. You will find a like-minded community of godly women here who welcome newcomers. The next meetings are January 12th and January 26th at 10:30

a.m. in the Warehouse at BACC. Join us to discuss the book, LEADER HUDDLE Teach Us to Number Our Days. Contact coordinator Cedulie At Bay Area Community Church, we value our volunteer leaders. We not only want to enable leaders to do God’s Sanchez at luisandcedulie@gmail.com service, but we aim to train, encourage, resource and honor QUILTS FOR KIDS them as they serve. Our student ministry volunteer leaders This group meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month to sew meet (Huddle) each month for a time of food, sharing, quilts for kids in need. Join us for our January 18th workshop training, and fun. January’s Leader Huddle is Sunday, January at BACC in Room 223 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Be sure to 12th from 12:30 - 2p.m. in The Warehouse. Anyone interested bring your sewing machine, sewing supplies, and a lunch. in exploring the possibility of becoming a volunteer leader of Fabric will be provided. For more information contact Janet either middle or high school students, is welcome to sit in on Hogan at annapolisqfk@gmail.com our Leader Huddle for a “no-strings-attached” look at what we do. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org to let us know if you are interested or are planning to attend. FOR MEN MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236. Contact Dennis at dbradylaw@aol.com MEN’S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Tuesdays from 6:45-8:45 p.m. Men are encouraged to bring their school-aged children to participate. Contact: Chris at heacock308@yahoo.com

STUDENT MINISTRY HIGH SCHOOL WINTER RETREAT Registration has started for our annual high school winter retreat. High school students are invited to join us for Winter Meltdown held at River Valley Ranch (Manchester, MD) on Friday – Sunday, January 24 – 26, 2014. Cost of $140 includes all meals, lodging, adventure activities, worship/teaching sessions, and transportation. Activities include: horseback riding on 500-acre trail, paintball, 1,700’ triple zipine (longest on the east coast), basketball, epic dodgeball tournament, game room, and more. Registration deadline is Sunday, January 12th. Pick up a registration form at our Student Ministry Info Kiosk or download from our website. Winter Meltdown is a time for high school students to be challenged, have fun, and just chill out around a fire for relaxation. Our goal is to provide a weekend free from distractions of everyday life, where students can focus on God and build meaningful relationship with Him and other peers. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org for more information.

CURRENT SERIES (MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL) The Future Is Now: In this series, we will take a look at vision – the vision for a student’s life. We will encourage middle and high school students to examine their future and evaluate their life’s trajectory. We will help students navigate the present by following God’s way to make sure their future is bright.

Sunday, December 29: Series Kick Off Sunday, January 5: Make Every Day Count Sunday, January 12: Leaving A Legacy Sunday, January 19: The Domino Effect

WEDNESDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL GATHERING A mid-week high school gathering on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30p.m. Students will grow deeper in their walk with VERTICAL WEEKEND God through group-based discipleship. Join us for food, Coming in February, Bay Area’s Student games, and grade/gender specific community groups led by Ministry will host the third annual trained, caring adult leaders. Students will experience true Vertical Weekend (in-town retreat) community and discipleship in the context of their peers, all for middle school students, grades in a fun environment. 6-8. Vertical Weekend is an in-town For more information contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org. retreat aimed at focusing middle school students upward *No Wednesday Amplify on January 1, 2014. towards a God that desires to be in a relationship with them. During this retreat, students gather at BACC for four sessions from Friday night – Sunday morning. Each session will feature dynamic worship and relevant teaching. After Friday night’s session, students depart in gender/gradespecific community groups where they will stay in local host Middle school students, this month’s theme is “Twin Day,” so homes for group discipleship and discussion. Throughout the come with a friend and dress as similarly as possible. Prizes weekend, students will also be treated to fun games, snacks, will be awarded for the most convincing pair. Join us Friday, and other activities. Your middle school son/daughter will January 10th from 7-9 p.m. in The Warehouse for some time not want to miss this event! Registration starts January 26th. to hang out and play games. Bring a friend and a few bucks Registering before Feb. 3rd - $50, after feb. 3rd - $60. The final for snacks. Contact austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org for deadlines is Feb. 9th. Look at bayareacc.org/basm or check more information. out the Student Ministry Kiosk for more info.


Matt Holley Matt Holley is one of our veteran volunteers. Coming up on his fourth year of service, Matt is one of our community group leaders for the eleventh and twelfth grade guys and his contribution is very much appreciated. When he is not volunteering with the high school guys, Matt serves our country with the U.S. Army, leads a missional community, and cheers on his favorite team – the Green Bay Packers. Patti Squires As the wife of our very own Brent Squires, Patti Squires is a wellknown face in our church. She is coming up on her fourth year of service in the student ministry, and this year she is leading one of our two sixth grade girl groups. Patti works as a preschool teacher, and while she was in high school she was an All-New Jersey Cross Country and Track State Champion. Andrew Hartley Andrew Hartley is our student assistant volunteer of the month. A tenth grader at Broadneck High School, Andrew runs cross country and track and here at Bay Area he helps lead the seventh grade boys.

Student Ministries: For more information contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • SUNDAY Fusion Middle School Gathering @ 9:30 a.m. in The Warehouse • SUNDAY Fuel High School Gathering @ 11 a.m. in The Warehouse • WEDNESDAY Amplify High School Gathering from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in The Warehouse Communications: Feel free to connect with us in a variety of ways: • Simply Text: Text “JOIN BASMMIDDLE” (for Middle School) to 40650 or “JOIN BASMHIGH” (for High School) to sign up for our text message updates. Texts are generally sent out once a week with reminders for that week’s events. Texts are also sent out in case of event cancellations due to inclement weather.

• Parent Link: Go to www.bayareacc.org/basm and click on the Parent Link to see our monthly calendar and get access to parenting articles and tips sent out monthly through our newsletter. • Email Updates: Contact one of the Student Ministry staff and request your email address be added to receive our weekly emails sent out containing event details, sermon points, and any other pertinent information for that week. • Online: www.bayareacc.org/basm • Facebook: A great way to get updated information on any upcoming gatherings as well as any cancellations that might occur. “Like” us on Facebook at BACC Student Ministry. • Instagram: BayAreaStudentMinistry • Contact us: Get in contact with one of our staff anytime by email or phone: • Brent Squires (Student Ministry Pastor) brent.squires@bayareacc.org 443-837-3736 (office) 443-534-7680 (cell or text) • Austin MacCubbin (Middle School Coordinator) austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org 443-837-3737 (office) 240-682-3247 (cell or text) • Michaela Graf-Jones (Intern Program Coordinator) michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org 443-837-3726 (office) 267-614-9445 (cell or text) • Ashleigh Bicevskis (Intern Gathering Coordinator): ashleigh.bicevskis@bayareacc.org BASM VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Donut Providers (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Kiosk Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Check-In Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Café Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.). For specific details on the volunteer opportunities, contact michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org

GLOBAL MISSIONS MISSIONS FOCUS SUNDAYS Bay Area is a church that is privileged to serve people outside our campus, neighborhood and country. Each year we send teams to work locally, regionally and globally and do so in the spirit of Christ to make a difference (Matt 28:18-20; John 20:21; Acts 1:8). Our Missions Focus Sundays help us to celebrate what God is doing through Bay Area and its ministry partners around the world. To that end, a couple of our gatherings in February will be focused on the following: • Celebrate what we do locally • Foster an environment of commitment to volunteering with local partners • Showcase an opportunity to serve with Winter Relief (homeless shelter at BACC in March) • Recruit teams for short term missions trips to El Salvador, Poland, and Ghana • Request for others to prayerfully and financially support the short term teams • Provide an opportunity for us to support and partner more with S. Sudan and Beyond884 PERSPECTIVES The Perspectives course will once again be offered in January. Join us as we gain a better understanding of God’s love for all people, how God is evangelizing the world (past, present, future) and how we can get involved and do it most effectively. There’s a lot of optional reading and homework involved week to week as well as great teachers!

What: A biblical, historical, and cultural analysis of the impact of the world Christian movement, with specific attention given to strategy and the imperative of bringing the gospel to groups that have yet to initially receive it. When: Monday nights from 6:30-9:30p.m., starting in January, for 16 weeks (ends in May). Where: Faith Community Church (1306 Riedel Rd. Gambrills, MD 21054) Costs: $285 - scholarships available Credit Options: The course can be taken for college credit, for a certificate, or simply for personal edification. Questions? Contact John Battan (john_battan@sil.org) or visit the Perspectives website (www.perspectives.org). SHORT TERM MISSIONS Please pray for our two missions teams as they travel to India and Uganda. Each team will be doing the following: INDIA Date: January 8-19 Team 1: They will be a part of the church planting movement by encouraging pastors and worshiping with newly planted churches in the tribal regions of India. They will also spend time and play games with Indian children in one or more children’s homes/orphanages. Team 2: They will spend time with Indian youth, playing volleyball, hanging out, and showing them the love of Christ. UGANDA Date: January 5-18 They will minister to members of the Precious Souls Support Group made up of Ugandans who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. They will also be supporting a local church plant, providing project management and maintenance to the mission home where we stay and continuing to build on the relationships that started back in 2005. Over the last 5 years they have seen many miraculous recoveries once the sick were embraced by the support group and encouraged/enabled to seek medical care. UPCOMING SHORT TERM MISSIONS TRIPS: Last year over 65 people participated in short term missions with Bay Area. If you missed out on the experience, now is your chance to get involved- or if you went and want to go again, even better. We are excited to continue our partnerships with our friends around the globe in the 2014 short term missions season. Below you will find a list of the countries, dates, descriptions, and how to take the steps towards going. EL SALVADOR 1 Date: June/July Join this mission team to the mountainside village of Guayabo to present a VBS program to dozens of local children in their new Community Center.

POLAND Date: July 17-27 Come to Poland and be an active part of the revival of Christianity in Eastern Europe by teaching the love of Jesus and the English language. The team will teach teens and preteens English as a second language training is included in preparing to go. GHANA Date: July 23-Aug 3 On this mission to Ghana we’ll share Jesus with the youth of the Scripture Union Ghana through Bible studies, testimonies, and urban/rural ministry. The team will travel from Accra to several cities around the country, experiencing the variety in the culture in this great nation. EL SALVADOR 2 Date: November 8-16 Join this mission team to the mountainside village of Guayabo to present a VBS program to dozens of local children in their new Community Center. If you are interested in joining one of these missions trips, please email Trevin and Casely at missions@bayareacc.org. They will provide you with additional information and next steps on how to apply.

LOCAL OUTREACH Local Serving Opportunities Are you wanting to get you and/or your family involved with serving locally? Email Trevin at trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc. org to start the conversation. There are many organizations in the Annapolis area that could use assistance; we’d love to connect you with them.

CONNECTING MINISTRY DISCOVER New to church? Come DISCOVER what Bay Area is about on January 5th in the Bay Cafe after the 11 a.m. gathering. Learn more about our history, vision, mission, and how you can get plugged in. A light lunch is included. No RSVP necessary but encouraged. For more information, email jocelyn.rimbey@ bayareacc.org

OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Espresso Team: Always wanted to learn how to make an espresso? Join our bay cafe team and serve once a month for a 30 minute shift on Sunday mornings by emailing grace.roath@bayareacc.org Greeters: Interested in greeting attenders and newcomers on Sundays? Contact jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Celebrate Recovery: Serve in audio and/or visual aspects of our Monday Gatherings from 6-8:30 p.m. Contact trevin. hoekzema@bayareacc.org Chair Ministry: Serve on the chair set-up/tear-down team. Contact Rich Raley at cndale94@aol.com Parking Ministry: Serve by directing traffic and greeting those arriving at church. Contact Steve Johnson at castlelot@msn.com

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