18 LEADERSHIP PROFILE: KAYLEIGH VAUGHN Easily identified by her contagious friendliness, Assimilation Coordinator Kayleigh Vaughn shares about her passion for helping people get connected at Bay Area.
14 COVER STORY: DISCIPLING CHILDREN AND STUDENTS After a 20-month construction project, the new children’s wing and student center are finally open and filled with kids! The space, however, is far more significant than a building: it represents the opportunity to disciple thousands for generations to come.
12 SENT NETWORK UPDATE: ANCHORED CHURCH Bay Area Easton’s former student ministry leader Dustin Carpenter shares about his calling to plant a church in Cambridge, Maryland, and the doors God has opened along the way.
10 THROUGH GOOD AND BAD: ELLA’S STORY Cancer-free for nearly a year and a half now, 11-year-old Ella Edwards shares her story of how walking through a rare and serious disease helped her deepen her relationship with Jesus.
We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.
Gatherings: Saturday, 5:20 p.m. & Sunday, 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.
MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR Meredith Thompson ART DIRECTOR Josh Shirlen ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple LEAD DESIGNER Jake Williams DESIGNER Josh Burgin CONTRIBUTORS Aaron Rosa Bill Smith Brian Hopper Michele Rollins
On the cover: (L-R) Santi David, Emma Reed & Grace Raspa Photo by Arianne Teeple
ELDERS Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax
884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401
BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Craig Fadel, Easton Campus Pastor – craig.fadel@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Campus Launch & Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – jerry.shirlen@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Missional Community Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Creative Director – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – meredith.thompson@bayareacc.org Michele Rollins, Short Term Missions Director – michele.rollins@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org
For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership
Looking ahead.
hanks for grabbing this issue of GO&MAKE to learn more about what’s happening at Bay Area! If you are new, or perhaps joined us for the first time on Easter, we especially welcome you. We’re here to serve you. What a month April has been! After years of planning, we finally opened our new student ministry and expanded children’s facilities at our Annapolis campus. We love families and are committed to helping children and students grow strong in faith! I’m grateful for the vision and personal sacrifice of so many to reach the next generation, whether in Annapolis, Easton or Odenton. God is on the move in the hearts of students and children. The Easter season, as always, has been tremendous! Between our three locations, thousands heard the Good News of Jesus, celebrated the resurrection, and many were baptized. Thank you to all who volunteered and served. Looking ahead, there are many things to anticipate. First and foremost is our Discipleship Pathway. At Bay Area, we want everyone to take their next step as a disciple of Jesus. The Discipleship Pathway helps chart the course by providing environments and resources for your growth. If you haven’t taken our online spiritual assessment yet, I encourage you to do so by going to bayareacc.org/assessment. Starting on May 8, we’ll launch Growth Groups on Wednesday nights at our Annapolis campus. Growth groups are learning environments that teach, train and equip people in their next faith step. For a complete list of growth groups, go to bayareacc.org/growthgroups. Short term mission trips get into full swing in the months ahead. A team to Lebanon serving, loving and sharing the Gospel with Syrian refugees has
already gone and returned. Many other trips are on the horizon including Uganda, Poland, Belize, India, Ghana, Appalachia and more. You can find out more at bayareacc.org/stm or by contacting Short Term Missions Director Michele Rollins at michele.rollins@bayareacc.org. Finally, we are embarking on an eight-week journey in the book of the Ephesians. We will be focusing on three key teachings: the Holy Spirit (1:13-14, 4:30, 5:1821), the Home (5:22-6:4) and Spiritual Warfare (6:1020). Take time to saturate your mind with this great epistle as we study these life-changing truths together. On May 11-12 we will pause our study of Ephesians to hear from Loren Cunningham. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of Youth with a Mission, an organization that has over 18,000 staff serving in countries all over the world. He’ll be sharing with us life lessons from walking with Jesus for over 65 years, as well as God’s heart to use each of us to impact the world. If you are new with us, you can see that there are a lot of exciting things happening. The best way to learn more about the church is by attending First Step, coming up on May 5 and again on June 2 (bayareacc.org/nextsteps). It’s a fun gathering where you can meet others who are new to Bay Area, and connect with staff to learn about the church. At Bay Area, we have much to be thankful for! My prayer for all of us is that we would radically grow in our abiding relationship with Jesus, sacrificially serve one another at the church, connect relationally in community, become a more generous family, and reach out to our neighbors from here to the nations. I’m so grateful for each of you and all Jesus is doing.
From here to the nations,
Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor
Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE.
The Wall By Pat Linnell
ho you are when no one is looking matters tremendously to God. To be concerned with your character, integrity and personal holiness is a big deal, because your private decisions are the things that get between you and Jesus first, and can erode your ability to impact the lives of others for their good and His glory. Recently I had an integrity dilemma that I’d like to share with you – not so that I turn out to the be the hero who did the right thing in the end, but rather to show you the profound patience of God, who Grace Bombed me three times to help me make the right call before it was too late. Two years ago Kristen and I renovated a house. We put a lot of sweat equity into fixing it up, and after renting it for 18 months the time came to put it on the market. We got two great offers the first day. We had done everything to the best of our ability to shore up any possible issues the buyers might inherit. Everything but this one little thing that made me nervous – there was a slight bowing in one of the basement foundation walls. I lost sleep over this, because I didn’t know if it was bad, or just normal settling, and was playing the “ignorance is bliss” card. The buyers sought to have a structural engineer come out and inspect the foundation. Two days before the inspection I wondered if that wall would be a dealbreaker, and in fear thought maybe I should make it look a little better – by covering it up, at least partially, to take the edge off. Fear can make you do some stupid things.
I wrestled about “taking the edge off,” rationalizing that it wasn’t a safety issue and the house was not going to fall down. So I booked it over to Home Depot to put some framing and insulation up. On the way there I prayed about it, already feeling conflicted. Mid-prayer a small white car with a loud exhaust passed me on the left. It had a single bumper sticker that read “666.” Now, you don’t need to be a Bible nerd to know that’s not a great sign. But I straight-up ignored it, although that was a pretty clear nudge. After framing out a small portion I noticed that you could still see most of the wall, and because of that I figured I wasn’t hiding much, just the worst part. I rationalized again, the inspector can still see behind my wall since it wasn’t totally enclosed, so I’m good. That feeling was fleeting as I tossed and turned all night under the conviction that I shouldn’t be hiding anything, period.
already. And in a third and final immediate answer to prayer, when I opened my eyes, directly in my line of sight was a bright red cardinal in the middle of a grey vine in the backyard. Now this might not mean much to you, but at home whenever Kristen or I see a Cardinal we say “Jesus” because for some reason that bird is a reminder of Him for us. I stopped thinking and rationalizing at that moment, jumped out of the car, and in five minutes I had undone what I knew shouldn’t have been done in the first place. I took the wall down. I was overwhelmed not only that God answered one prayer, but three prayers – immediately. I realized that this wall had little to do with selling a house and much to do with me and Jesus. I was thankful that He was patient with me, even in my failure to be obedient to Him.
What walls have you built in your life that might need to come down?
So the next day I woke up early and started to work at Starbucks. Before getting into my day, I was praying about the wall. I was literally writing down the question “Jesus should I take this wall down?” when, I kid you not, at that very moment the structural engineer who was going to inspect the house 24 hours later walked right through the doors to get coffee. This is nuts, because I had never seen him there before, or anywhere else for that matter. This was the second immediate answer to prayer. So I resolved at the end of the day I would go do what I should have done earlier: remove the wall I put up.
The end of that day came and I drove back to the house, resolved to do the right thing. But when I got to the basement and looked at my handiwork, I thought, “well, the inspector can see behind the wall, and the buyers might want to put a corner shelf up in that spot thanks to my craftsmanship.” So I left it up. The next morning I had one hour before the inspector’s visit. You guessed it: I was again feeling conviction that I was hiding something, so I prayed once more. I think I was really praying for strength over fear in doing the right thing. So in the driveway on a cloudy day, I closed my eyes to talk to Jesus one more time about this. I said something like, “Can you show me for real if this is a big deal?” as if He hadn’t
When the wall came down I was at peace. Whether or not the house sold or if I had to spend more money didn’t even matter. My heart was filled with joy because Jesus helped me follow Him, and there is true joy that follows obedience. What walls have you built in your life that might need to come down? I get it: we put up walls because we are afraid, because we want to take matters into our own hands, and we have a hard time trusting Jesus to give us everything we truly need.
Is there something in your life that keeps you up at night, that you suspect is not right, but you haven’t been able to make that hard step of faith to fix yet? If so, I pray that you’d be overwhelmed by His love for you, patience with you, and ability to empower you to make the right decisions. I encourage to you pray, and when He answers to listen. And I long for you to feel the incredible peace and joy that fills your heart when you trust Him with what scares you the most. Friends, when the wall comes down you’ll feel His peace.
Pat Linnell is the teaching pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributer to GO&MAKE.
Why The Church? By Brian Hopper
many times that the church is the hope of the world. I’ve also heard people correct that statement by saying Jesus is the Hope of the world (it sounds to me like we’ve got some confusion around our ecclesiology). My concern is not which one of these statements is correct, but the seemingly failing effectiveness of the local church to actually be hope to the world. When I look around, it seems that those not associated with the church perceive us to be outdated, culturally insensitive, hypocrites and even haters. We appear to be marginalized, sidelined, rendered mute and out of touch with reality. Within my own extended family the church (and my even profession) is often misunderstood. Even within “church-dom,” it doesn’t look very hopeful. One study from Lifeway estimates that between 5,000-6,000 churches close their doors every year. We see entire denominations of churches splitting over biblical, theological and social issues. And according to Barna, the overall decline of our faith across the country has been in a landslide for the last 20 years. Even in our own backyard, we see people leaving the local church (and faith) over things like personal preferences, disagreements with others, or not having their needs met. As much as I hate to say it, and this is coming from a pastor who loves the local church, we don’t appear to be very hopeful, much less the place and people who can offer it. And yet, given our current cultural, political, racial and economic conditions, this is exactly what the world needs most right now! So, what is it about us, the church, that someone would consider hopeful? First of all, we are not only heralds of good news but also living testimonies of good news. The church, ekklesia, is the called-out ones who are living examples, testimonies, to the world of hope. We were once a people who were hopeless but who now have Hope. We as the church comprise forgiven sinners – men, women, children who were once in darkness, held as slaves by our sin, separated from God and even turned against Him. But we now have been brought near because Jesus ransomed us, set us free, liberated us from darkness, made us new, and has forgiven us (Eph. 2:11-14)! This transforming truth is what defines the church. Despite our many warts, problems and issues, we are still Christ’s bride and
you never bash the bride! That should bring us peace and offer others hope. Secondly, we must remember that as the church, we are not left to face the world alone. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said He would be the One who builds the church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. In this one claim, Jesus makes two significant points. Jesus said He would build the church – not us, not me, not you. Jesus, who reigns on high and is head over all things including the church (Eph. 1:22) is solely responsible for building the church. Building the church in this sense means that He will be the One who draws people to Himself through the gospel, while using the church, us, to be the primary way hope is brought into the world (Eph. 3:9,10). And that hope is expressed through love. When we are less about trying to “build the church” and more about loving people with the gospel, we are able to offer hope. Jesus also said the gates of hell would not prevail against the church, which means we win. This section of Matthew 16:18 can be confusing because it sounds as if we are the ones on the defensive and the world, evil, Satan are on the offensive. Certainly the enemy is prowling, but when confronted with the power of the gospel and the Spirit-embodied church, evil and its gates cannot withstand us. They are not superior in strength to what we have. This means that we are on the offensive! So the spiritual truth is that as we take steps of faith to help people respond to the gospel, the darkness can’t compete. Darkness is pushed back and the Light is seen. For those still in darkness, there is hope for Light. In the end, we are the hope of the world because we have the Hope of the world. There is no other plan for people’s eternity. Jesus’ plan from the beginning was that the church would be His primary means of bringing Hope to the world. Armed with the gospel and filled with the Spirit, we are able to declare and demonstrate Christ’s love for the world. This is our calling; this is the church. “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 (emphasis added)
Brian Hopper is the Annapolis Campus Pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributer to GO&MAKE.
’ve been going to church since I was born and I was baptized when I was a baby. I only went to church because my parents made me go, but on my ninth birthday, I was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a bone cancer.”
complications arose. Yet they remained steadfast in their faith, trusting God with the outcome.
Nearly two years after her extremely rare diagnosis, 11-year-old Ella Edwards began writing out her testimony with these words in anticipation of sharing her story during her baptism on Easter Sunday.
Throughout Ella’s treatment, her friends rallied around her, visiting the hospital to play with her and keep her smiling. The entire student body at Davidsonville Elementary School made her a music video. The Chesapeake Bayhawks lacrosse team dedicated a game to her, and came to play cards with her at the Edwards’ home.
“It was scary and that’s when I had to trust Jesus and God. I had a big tumor in my stomach that spread to my lungs. I had two blood clots. I didn’t know what was going to happen.” With light brown hair and a toothy smile, Ella is the second-oldest of five children. In a few short weeks, she’ll finish up elementary school with memories of making friends, playing lacrosse, and overcoming cancer.
“Lots of people prayed for me. And then some miracles started happening, and I started to get better.”
Likewise, her parents were supported by their Bay Area church family. Jen
I love helping them and teaching them about Jesus at such a young age. Now I’m cancer-free, and I volunteer every Sunday for at least two services, and I’m the one choosing to go to church myself.” Ella’s heart to serve and give back to others is unmistakable and contagious. In addition to telling the littlest ones at church about Jesus, she has inspired many in the community to show love to other kids going through cancer and to raise funds for cancer research. Alongside her friends and family, Ella has hosted blood drives and toy drives. Proceeds from her lemonade stands and “Ella Strong” T-shirts total over $10,000 and were donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand, which supports research for Ewings Sarcoma. Together, the
Ella’s third-grade year started out rough. She complained often of having back pain, difficulty sleeping and being cold. Her parents, Brian and Jen, initially believed growing pains were to blame since Ella was a healthy kid; she’d never had an ear infection, never been on antibiotics, always ate organic foods and used non-toxic products. Shortly after Easter 2017, Ella developed a stomach ache, which didn’t come as a surprise since two of her siblings had the stomach flu. Yet her pain intensified, her stomach became distended, and on her ninth birthday Brian and Jen rushed their daughter to urgent care. The doctor’s face showed alarm as he had Ella transferred to the ER at Anne Arundel Medical Center. Upon arriving at the ER, the pediatric doctor did something totally unexpected: Taking Jen and Brian by the hands, he prayed for them and for Ella and recited Philippians 4. They would hold fast to verse 6 throughout the difficult 10-month journey that followed: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” There was no shortage of opportunities in which the Edwards family could have been anxious as Ella underwent 14 rounds of chemotherapy, eight weeks of radiation, 20 blood transfusions and countless trips to the ER when
“ There was a constant reminder that we’re not alone, that God is always with us – even when things are really hard, He’s always there working behind the scenes.” expressed deep gratitude for everyone who brought gifts, prepared meals, cleaned their house, washed their laundry, sodded their yard – these and other acts of kindness enabled them to keep their heads above water, she said. “There was a constant reminder that we’re not alone, that God is always with us – even when things are really hard, He’s always there working behind the scenes,” Jen said as she reflected on that season of their lives, which thankfully came to an end in December 2017 when Ella rang the bell that signified her body was free of disease. “I started going back to church even when I was still sick, but it was different. … I wanted to help out with the church and do my part, so I tried helping out with the 1- and 2-year-olds in the nursery, and
Edwards family started the Ella Strong Foundation to raise even more money for cancer research. Her journey through cancer led Ella to place her full faith and trust in Jesus, and this Easter, 15 months cancer-free, she wanted to share that truth with her whole Bay Area church family by being baptized. With her family by her side, Ella made a public declaration of her faith in her Savior who held her hand and walked with her through unimaginable difficulty. “I want to be baptized because I’ve invited Jesus into my heart, and I really want to share that. I hope it might help others be inspired to let Jesus into their hearts. Jesus was with me through good and bad – He never leaves us even when things are super scary.” M AY GO&MAKE 11
In 2012, Bay Area started the SENT Network to plant gospel-centered churches across the mid-Atlantic and beyond. To date, 17 churches have launched in D.C., Maryland, Virgina and Delaware, with many more in the pipeline. The most recent SENT Network church to start is Anchored Church, which held its first official weekend gathering on Easter Sunday. Below, Dustin Carpenter, pastor of Anchored Church, shares with us about his calling into ministry and the mission of the Eastern Shore’s newest church.
Tell us about yourself and your family, Dustin. I’m a husband to a beautiful and godly wife named Mandy and a father to three awesome and spunky girls named Lilly, Juliette and Emily. I love reading theology, literature and history. I’m a basketball enthusiast, movie buff and comic book nerd too.
How and when were you called into ministry? I grew up a hostile atheist and had a radical conversion experience my freshman year in college. Two days after that I was asked to start and lead a new Bible study at the University of Baltimore. From then on, I always wanted to be in ministry. I helped start two new Campus Crusade ministries and participated in various mission projects with CRU. During my senior year in college, I did an internship with Joel Kurz at the Garden Church in Baltimore City. I began taking seminary classes quickly after I graduated college and soon became a pastoral assistant at a brand new church plant in Federal Hill, Baltimore. So, basically, I feel like I’ve been in or a part of a ministry since day two of my relationship with Jesus.
How did you get connected with Bay Area Community Church? When my wife and I got news that we’d be heading to the Eastern Shore for a teaching job, I was introduced to Craig Fadel. He showed up the day that we were moving into our house and the rest is history. Two years later I became the Student Ministry Director at Bay Area’s Easton Campus.
How did serving on staff in Easton prepare you for planting a church? Serving on staff at the Easton Campus helped me understand how to shepherd people within an Eastern Shore context and mindset. The job also helped me refine my pastoral skills and better understand how God created me and what it means to be a pastor.
You’ve chosen Cambridge, Maryland, as your location – why? When I think of Cambridge, I think of hope. When I think of Cambridge I can’t help but think of the verse in John 1 where Nathanael says, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” On the Eastern Shore, Cambridge is Nazareth; no one chooses to go to Cambridge. But that is what I love about Cambridge; despite it’s underdog status, I fully believe that hope will arise and that our church will be part of a revival in this city.
Tell us about Anchored Church – what does the name mean, and what’s AC’s mission? When I first began exploring Cambridge, two fellow pastors drove me around the town and shared with me the rich history and the current status of churches throughout the town. At the end of the drive, I asked one of them, “what does Cambridge really need?” and his response was, “Dustin, what Cambridge needs is a down-to-earth church that is anchored in the Bible and anchored in the community.” Alas, Anchored Church was born. AC’s mission is to be a Jesuscentered church that is anchored in the Word and anchored in the community.
now have a church building where we can invite people and share the gospel in the heart of Cambridge!
Do you have a core team? Yes but they are not just a team, they’re family. Most of our team was sent out through Bay Area Easton. Each person brings their own unique gifts and personalities that make Anchored Church something special.
What are you asking God to do through Anchored Church during this initial launch phase? I’m asking God to help us build relationships in the community and allow us to begin a reputation in Cambridge as a church that is FOR Cambridge and for those who did not grow up in church or who may not have had a good experience with churches in the past.
What is Anchored Church’s long-term vision for seeing lives changed in Cambridge? We want to create disciples of Jesus who follow Him and are committed to seeing the hope they’ve come to know spread throughout their neighborhoods and across the Eastern Shore.
The story of how AC acquired a building is pretty unique – share it with us.
What are you most looking forward to seeing God do at AC in the year to come?
Four years ago, I applied to be a senior pastor of a small reformed church in Cambridge. Although another candidate was ultimately picked, I feel like the seeds of hope for Cambridge were planted in my heart during that time. Four years later, while we were looking to rent a building for our soon-to-launch church plant, it came to our attention that the church I had previously applied to was dismantling. Its leadership team reached out to me about the possibility of giving us the building and the parsonage as a gift to help Anchored be rooted in the community. We acquired the keys three weeks after our initial meeting. Two weeks after that, we held our first preview service followed by an official launch on Easter Sunday. Praise God, we
I think seeing the book of Acts come alive at our church: We’re praying and expecting that the stories that happened to the apostles in the early church would happen for us.
How can Bay Area be praying for AC? As most know, summer is a hard time for church plants and it’s especially true for a church plant that is in a water community, like ours. Pray for endurance and for God to begin moving in people’s hearts, that they may become Anchored in Jesus.
ou might think that we built this for you, but that’s only partially true,” Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr said to onlooking middle and high school students as he cut the ceremonial ribbon to open the new Warehouse on April 7. “We did build it for you, but we also built it for a dozen of your best friends that you’re going to be bringing in the months ahead!”
After nearly 20 months of construction, the new Warehouse and Children’s Ministry expansion officially opened in early April. The end of Bay Area’s third phase of construction signified the beginning of our next chapter: reaching thousands of children and students with the good news of Jesus for generations to come.
To that end, we wanted to prepare an exciting, welcoming space where new children and students would feel safe and loved. We wanted to create a space where they could worship and learn without distraction, have fun connecting with each other and their leaders, and want to come back again and again – with an army of their friends in tow.
As Greg alluded to the 274 students who gathered on April 7, the new spaces were built with a vision to impact not only existing Bay Area families, but also as many of the over 80,000 children and students who live in Anne Arundel County as possible. Increasing our footprint at 884 Chesterfield Road has never been about building a bigger, better building; it’s always been about building Christ’s church – creating capacity to help more people of all ages come to know and follow Jesus.
In the expanded children’s wing, fourthand fifth-graders now gather in a stunning new room, the USS Annapolis. Outfitted in a submarine theme, an expansive worship and play space is flanked by 11 cozy booths where kids can gather with their leaders as they dive deeper in their faith. On the first floor, three additional preschool rooms now enable us to disciple all of our youngest children in the same space, with elementary-age kids claiming the second floor as their home.
By Meredith Thompson
Opposite our incredible children’s environments, on the west end of the building our revamped Warehouse offers just about everything a middle- or highschool student could want in a gathering space. Handspun milkshakes and madeto-order lattes are served with a smile in the new café, where students now hang out for coffeehouses and special events. A two-story game room houses pool tables, foosball, ping-pong and gaming cubbies stocked with the latest systems and games.
together and be discipled by their committed volunteer leaders. The excitement in the new spaces was unmistakable on opening weekend – and rightly so. It’s very exciting to consider all that we’re believing God to do in the lives of the children and students who will fill these spaces for years to come. When we dedicated the original phase of 884 Chesterfield Road in April 2006, we prayed specifically that the next generations would be reached in this facility. God’s
“ Increasing our footprint at 884 Chesterfield Road has never been about building a bigger, better building; it’s always been about building Christ’s church...” Both middle- and high-school students now gather together every Sunday at 9:20 and 11:20 a.m. for their own relevant, high-energy worship gatherings in the new 300-seat auditorium. Perhaps most importantly, the Warehouse now offers enough space in breakout rooms, on the social stairs, and outside on a double-decker patio for kids to break out in community groups on Wednesday nights, where they can grow in their faith
faithfulness always exceeds our expectations; we could not have anticipated then just how many children and students He would bring through our doors! With the new space open today, our prayer remains the same: That God would use Bay Area Community Church to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here – among our children, students and adults – to the nations!
BUILDINGS DON’T MAKE DISCIPLES. PEOPLE MAKE DISCIPLES. What role will you play in discipling the next generation? With the opening of our new children’s expansion and student center, we’re expecting to welcome more and more kids through our doors – and that means there are plenty of new opportunities to help make a lasting impact in their lives. Would you consider serving with us? No matter your gifts, we most likely have an opportunity that’s a great fit for you. In Student Ministry, you can disciple kids directly by serving as a community group leader. Or, if you prefer to be behind the scenes, you can help run tech during the gatherings, serve food during events, or help with special events. In Children’s Ministry, volunteer opportunities span leading large or small groups, prepping materials and spaces during the week, and helping with tech in the rooms. To learn more about the opportunities you have to impact the lives of children and students, or to sign up and join us, go to bayareacc.org/serve.
KAYLEIGH VAUGHN By Meredith Thompson
f you’ve been to Bay Area more than a couple times, the odds are good that you’ve interacted with Kayleigh Vaughn. Petite with a halo of light blonde curls, she’s likely greeted you with a smile, helped you find your way around, or even given you a welcoming hug. She’s done so not because it’s her job, but because she simply loves people. Yes, Kayleigh does serve as Bay Area’s assimilation coordinator, a role in which she’s charged with helping newcomers get connected, but her passion for people dates back far beyond her time on staff at the church. Kayeligh grew up a tomboy with two older brothers on a dairy farm in the small town of Iola, Kansas. Her entire family lived there, and would attend church and have lunch together every Sunday. She left home to pursue a degree in nutrition and exercise science at Kansas State University, where she fell in love with the two most important men in her life: Jesus and her husband Rob. Kayleigh’s freshman year of college was rough: her parents divorced and she admits she essentially went off the rails. Toward the end of the year, however, a sorority sister invited Kayleigh to go on a weeklong trip in Colorado where they and others would help prepare a Young Life camp for the students who would attend that summer. Absent from the church scene for the past year, Kayleigh had never heard of Young Life and didn’t know until she was on her way there that it was a Christian organization. “When we got there, they were the most kind and welcoming people – so loving – and all of a sudden
I realized that I had been missing Jesus in my life,” Kayleigh recalled. “One morning we got up early to hike to the top of a mountain and see the sunrise, and I just broke down crying and recommitted my life to Christ.” After spending a year trying to fill the void in her life with unsatisfying things, Kayleigh said she realized it was Jesus that she needed all along. She began attending church again, where a friend introduced her to some guys from the KSU baseball team including a catcher named Rob Vaughn. Initially she though he was goofy, but he grew on her – so much so that the two ultimately married and moved to Maryland seven years ago to pursue his baseball coaching career. Today, Rob is the head baseball coach at the University of Maryland. Upon arriving in Annapolis, Rob and Kayleigh knew they wanted to find a church, so they did what any millennial couple would do: Googled it. Bay Area Community Church was the first result, and a quick scan of the website led the Vaughns to visit. They’ve been regular attenders ever since, though Kayleigh would argue they didn’t really feel a part of the church until they joined a Missional Community. “It took us a year before we finally decided to get involved,” she confessed. “Rob was gone a lot on weekends, so I would come by myself, sit by myself, and I didn’t know anybody. Finally I said, ‘I can’t do this anymore, I have to get to know some other people.’ So we joined a Missional Community, and they became our family away from home. I literally don’t know what I would do without them, and I want to help other people find that same thing.”
Now that she’s been on staff at Bay Area for over a year, that’s exactly what Kayleigh does. She oversees assimilation, which is a fancy way of saying she’s here to help you get connected. Whether you’re just checking out faith and Bay Area, or you’re ready to get plugged into community or a serving role, Kayleigh is ready and waiting to help. She leads First Step, Next Step and Ministry Partner Orientation, making it fun and easy for everyone to take their next step at Bay Area. “My favorite part of my job is the people,” she emphasized with a smile. “I get to meet pretty much all the new people who come through the doors. People bring me joy – meeting them, talking to them, helping them.” Not surprisingly, she fills much of her spare time with people: going to Maryland baseball games, wrangling her 2-year-old Wyatt with other moms and kids, watching and playing sports. She’s still a tomboy; sports are her love. Sports and hugs. Not one for solitude, Kayleigh feels closest to the Lord through music and worship. She shared that over the past year, He’s been teaching her about obedience during her time in Bay Area’s School of Biblical Leadership. She’s learned to lean into things when they get uncomfortable and about using her strengths and gifts for greater Kingdom impact. And each time Kayleigh greets a newcomer, helps someone find meaningful community, or plugs someone into a serving role where they can use their gifts, she’s doing just that: growing the Kingdom by equipping others to do the same.
foot By Michele Rollins
here are some people in the church who mentally check out when we start talking about missions. Is that you? Maybe you want to jump in but aren’t sure where to start. Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the vastness of God’s redemptive plan. Maybe you don’t think you have a role to play. Whatever the reason, as a church we want to grow in our understanding of God’s mission and the role that He has for those who have trusted Jesus – you and me included. In last month’s GO&MAKE, we looked at why we go – across the street or to another country – to share the good news of Jesus. In this issue, we’ll look at the crucial role of those who give. Next month, we’ll finish this short series by diving into the power of prayer in reaching the lost. My hope is that each of us would consider what God might have for us as we partner with Him in His mission.
To grow our own trust in God. When we give away that which God has entrusted to us, we make a choice to depend on God to meet our needs. Throughout Scripture and history, God responds to faith with faithfulness and helps us be content no matter the circumstance. Paul also tells us that supporting His Kingdom work is less about the giving than the result of giving: fruit. “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit” (Philippians 4:17). As we seek to abide in this Easter season, we know that fruit comes through staying connected to the Vine, trusting in Him for everything.
what will your role be?
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul spells out the idea that the church is a body with many members, and that each member, though different, has a vital role to play: “If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’” – 1 Corinthians 12:17-21 Try to picture this image – a body full of eyes or ears but not hands or feet or heads. It sounds ridiculous, right? Paul’s point is that we each have gifts and roles to play in God’s kingdom – and we need everyone to play their part for the body to function correctly.
To help others see God’s faithfulness and provision. God is a Provider – that is His nature. Early in Scripture, we see God as Jehovah Jireh: “The LORD will provide” (Genesis 22:14). Often, He works through His people to show His provision – and out of His abundance meets the needs of both the one who gives and the one who goes. Paul is talking to one of his supporting churches when he reminds them, “my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). As we trust this promise, we can give freely to God’s mission and watch as God multiplies faithfulness back to us and to those who travel.
Paul is talking about spiritual gifts, but this concept of unity of purpose with varied roles applies in fulfilling the Great Commission as well. Followers of Jesus are called to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and each of us has a unique and vital role to play. Some are called to go sacrificially, some to give sacrificially, all to pray sacrificially. God doesn’t have needs – He owns everything. Yet He calls us to partner with Him in supporting the work He is doing around the world – for our benefit and the benefit of those who have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. Last year, over 1,400 households took up that call to give toward helping the whole world hear the good news through our short term missions teams.
So why do we give?
To help advance the gospel. In Romans 10, Paul says it this way: “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’” (vv. 14-15) When we send others, we play a vital role in the gospel going forth to people who are in need of the hope, joy and new life that Jesus offers.
Maybe you’ve never considered your own role in God’s mission – maybe you just didn’t know where to start. Will you jump in with us? Consider how God might use you – in your neighborhood, among the nations, through your financial stewardship or your persistent prayer – to share His good news with people in desperate need of a little more hope, a little more peace, a brand-new start.
enerosity. At Bay Area, we talk a lot about generosity. Why is that? It’s because God first is generous toward us, even though we do not deserve it (Romans 5:8). God sent us Jesus, truly God and truly man, true God of true God, the first missionary. And who is this Jesus? Colossians 1:15 declares that Jesus “is the image of the invisible God.” Hebrews 1:3 says that this same Jesus “is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.” There is no one like him. He is preeminent. He is matchless. He is unrivaled! And, unbelievably, Romans 8:29 says that we, Jesus’ followers, are in a state of being “conformed to the likeness of his Son,” to His image, to be like Him – to be like Jesus. Jesus, God, is generous. So, we also should bear that same quality.
Ten months ago, we embarked on a two-year journey of generosity call “Unrivaled.” Together our church family pledged $16.5 million to the work of the Kingdom through Unrivaled. The best part of all of this is that nearly 1,500 of us are participating in Unrivaled. I tell you, for me, that is the most important number. It tells me that we’re doing this as a family. There were over 150 commitments to Unrivaled from people who had never given to the Lord before at Bay Area. God is good, and I sincerely hope you are encouraged! Remember that Unrivaled is divided into three areas of investment: our ongoing ministries, children and students, and Kingdom expansion. To date, through God’s provision and your faithful giving, the Lord has provided $4.25 million to fund our operations budget, $1.61 million for our younger generations, and nearly $313,000 to further resourcing God’s work around the world.
Children and Students
Kingdom Expansion
The month of April brought about the long-anticipated opening of our new children’s expansion and student center. The new spaces are really amazing. As a former student ministry volunteer, I am encouraged to see what the Lord has done and filled with the wonder of anticipation of what He will do in the years to come, bringing many to Himself – children, students and parents. We have been blessed to participate in this great work that the Lord has called us to.
When we launched Unrivaled, we did so with a vision to resource our missions partners locally and around the world at a greater level than ever before. For years, we’ve set aside a generous portion of our operating budget to support works that expand God’s Kingdom. But since June 2018, we’ve been able to commit an additional $313,000 over and above our operating budget! Some of the local ministries and organizations impacted through Kingdom expansion include the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic, GORC Park, a SENT Network church plant, the Wade Center in West Virginia, and our own Annapolis Campus through the purchase of the corner lot.
Globally, we helped pastors Samuel and Joseph purchase property to build a Bible college in India. In South Sudan, we supported the Mission Gardens of Christ and the education of over 500 children. In Ghana, Scripture Union will be able to purchase a truck to reach Muslims living in remote areas. In Russia, we’re helping our partner Sergey expand the Moscow Evangelical Seminary so that twice as many students can enroll. We’ve had the privilege of supporting works in Southeast Asia, Uganda and Poland as well.
He is Unrivaled God has called us all to a great work. I’m reminded of one of my favorite passages from Nehemiah, when he is deeply engaged in rebuilding the city and his detractors come to lure him away. He responds by saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down” (Nehemiah 6:3). Colossians 1:17-18 says about Jesus that “He is before all things and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.”
Our God is absolutely Unrivaled. There is no one like Him! Grace and Peace to you all,
Bill Smith
Bay Area Elder
HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations
YOUR FIRST STEP New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps might be in order to grow in your spiritual journey. Snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend the gathering on May 5 or June 2.
YOUR NEXT STEP If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a twoweek gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us the second Sunday of the month to connect in community or the third Sunday of the month to check out our serving opportunities. You can join either week, or attend both to meet others and hear our heart behind community and serving.
BECOME A MEMBER Are you interested in joining our church family? Here at Bay Area, we call our members Ministry Partners because we are committed to partnering together to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. For those who would like to learn more about becoming a Ministry Partner, the next Ministry Partner Orientation is June 30 from 12:30-4 p.m. To find upcoming dates or register for First Step, Next Step or Ministry Partner Orientation, go to bayareacc. org/nextsteps.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: K-5th: thuli.leigh@bayareacc.org 6-12th: brent.squires@bayareacc.org Adults: shari.brandt@bayareacc.org
CARE NETWORK There are times when every one of us experiences challenging circumstances, losses, relational pain and difficult transitions in our lives. God never intended that we go through these experiences alone. The Care Network provides a variety of resources, trained volunteers and referrals to professional counselors that can help you to move forward. We desire to provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Phone: 443-837-3718
DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS SUPPORT Sunday, 5/12, 2-3:30 p.m., Room 237 Alzheimer’s disease is life-changing for our loved ones and those who are caregivers. The Dementia Caregivers Support Group provides a place to connect with others who understand what you are going through. This will be a place to talk through challenges and learn about resources. Info: msbellamy77@gmail.com
ENGAGED? We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org
CARE NETWORK SERVING OPPORTUNITIES CARE COACHES Are you a man with the gifts of compassion and mercy who desires to help others in a coaching role? Care Coaches are maturing followers of Jesus who are compelled by God’s work in them to walk alongside hurting people as they discover the joy of a deepening relationship with the Lord.
DIVORCECARE Have you experienced divorce and have a heart to help walk with others through this life change? Training is provided.
MARRIAGE MINISTRY REFOCCUS TEAM We are looking for couples married 10+ years to serve on the REFOCCUS team as facilitators to come alongside couples who desire to grow closer in their marriages in a small-group format. Training is provided.
MARRIAGE ENRICHEMENT TEAM The Marriage Enrichment Team is looking for couples to assist with a variety of events this year. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WAVE RIDERS Are you a parent of nursery- or preschool-age children looking to be in community? We invite your family to be a part of our Wave Riders play group that meets twice a month for fun outings and play dates.
Tuesday, 4/23, 10 a.m. Bring your ride-on toys and meet in the auditorium for a chance for your little ones to play, and for you to meet other moms at Bay Area.
Tuesday, 5/7, 10 a.m. Come celebrate Mother’s Day with a special tea party with your child. A photographer will be there to take a photo of you and your little one. Info: wave.riders@bayareacc.org
DIVING DEEPER Friday, 5/17, 7 p.m. - midnight Our fourth- and fifth-graders are invited to Diving Deeper, a fun evening designed to help them discover who and whose they are. Our fourth- and fifth-graders will explore their identity as children of God and how they are uniquely wired to live for Him. The cost is $10 per child and includes snacks and games. Register: bayareacc.org/register
KIDS SUMMER BLITZ Friday, 7/26, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Children who are completing kindergarten through fifth-grade are invited to Kids Summer Blitz, a fun-filled event for kids to celebrate
summer. Invite all your elementaryage friends for gameshow-style competitions, lights, dancing and all the summertime excitement a Friday evening can hold. The cost is $15 and includes a shirt and treat! Register: bayareacc.org/register
Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org
EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Part-time, 24 hours/week. The Communications Coordinator will serve on the Communications Team with the Communications Director. Their primary responsibilities will include facilitating and executing weekly communication requests; coordinating the development, writing and editing of GO&MAKE content; and assisting with communication elements of weekend gatherings, event marketing and special projects.
FACILITIES ASSISTANT Part-time, 18 hours/week. The Facilities Assistant is to help oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, assembling furniture and other duties assigned by the facility manager and/or management. The goal of this position is to maintain the property in such a way as to protect its value and support Bay Area’s mission.
HOSPITALITY COORDINATOR ANNAPOLIS Part-time, 22 hours/week. The Hospitality Coordinator helps create a welcoming atmosphere in the Bay Café at our Annapolis Campus. This includes coordinating volunteer schedules for assistance in managing the Espresso Bar and Bay Café. The coordinator will also support the
elders and deacons when necessary.
CAMPUS WORSHIP COORDINATOR – ODENTON Part-time, 20 hours/week - The role of the campus orship coordinator is to contribute to building a worship culture by leading worship at the Odenton campus, managing multiple teams, assisting the campus leadership, ensuring all worship experiences are executed with excellence, developing leaders and recruiting volunteers.
CAMPUS PRODUCTION COORDINATOR – ODENTON Part-time, 20 hours/week - The role of the campus production coordinator is to contribute to building Bay Area’s weekend experience by overseeing campus-specific production elements for weekend services. The position will require volunteer recruitment and development, managing and assisting multiple teams, assisting campus leadership, and ensuring all worship experiences are executed within the values of Bay Area production.
Part-time, 25 hours/week - Leads with and upholds the Children’s Ministry strategy to families and volunteers.
The Children’s Ministry Intern will gain experience in preparing and resourcing all aspects necessary to provide an excellent Children’s ministry experience for Bay Area Community Church Annapolis preschool and elementary programs. The intern will also have the opportunity to work directly with children on Sunday mornings and during special events such as Blitz and Dive 45. This internship runs from June 23 - August 25.
Our KidCare team has a need for adults who have a heart for kids. We provide KidCare for all ministries and various events year-round. Want to join our team of paid workers? Email KidCare Coordinator Ellyn at ellyn. watson@bayareacc.org. For more info and to apply: bayareacc.org/jobs
FINANCIALS On June 1, 2018, Bay Area began a two-year generosity initiative called Unrivaled that will fund our ongoing ministry at all campuses, construction of our new student center and children’s addition, and expansion of Christ’s reach from here to the nations. Our two-year giving goal is $16,500,000.
FINANCIALS Giving in March 2018: $398,786 Giving in March 2019: $564,752 Giving participation in March 2018: 957 families/individuals Giving participation in March 2019: 976 families/individuals
Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent engagement - that every person at Bay Area would ask what it means to put God first in their finances. To make a commitment, pick up a commitment card at an information counter or go to baccunrivaled.org/commitment.
You can give toward your Unrivaled commitment through the offering during the gatherings, online at bayareacc.org/give, or by texting BACC + amount to 30131 (ex: “BACC 50” to give $50). Info: baccunrivaled.org Questions: finance@bayareacc.org
Take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 10 locations worldwide. Learn about our locations and partners: bayareacc. org/missions. Join a short term missions team: bayareacc.org/stm. Apply for August teams by May 1.
Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area by financially supporting others. Give: bayareacc.org/stmgive
We’re looking for committed people to pray for our missionaries and global partners. This team meets second and fourth Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Info: ccback84@gmail.com M AY GO&MAKE 25
MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities online at bayareacc.org/ missionalcommunities.
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236 Info: jlradcliffe@hotmail.com
MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDIES Sundays, 6-8 p.m. in room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus, discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face at home, work and in society. Info: bob.gregory@bayareacc.org
Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. in room 235 Study 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 using the book “The Measure of a Man: 20 Attributes of a Godly Man” by Gene Getz. Come ready to be challenged to grow as a follower of Jesus. Info: sam.logan@gmail.com
MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, 5/18, 8-9:30 a.m. Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast on the third Saturday of the month in the auditorium. The Line is an opportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register: bayareacc.org/register 26 GO&MAKE M AY
PRAYER MINISTRY Our Prayer Ministry comprises individuals dedicated to praying for all aspects of Bay Area: gatherings, pastors, missions and more. Individuals are also available to pray after each gathering (front-right of Chapel stage). Info: bayareacc.org/prayer
STUDENT MINISTRY AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Amplify is a mid-week student gathering (ending May 29 for the school year). Each Wednesday begins with an optional $5 dinner and hangout time at 6:30 p.m. At 7:15 p.m. students will gather for a brief recap of the message from Sunday, and then break up into grade/gender-specific community groups led by adult leaders from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org
884 COFFEEHOUSE Sunday, 5/5, 6-9 p.m.
884 Coffeehouse is a free monthly hangout for high school students in the new Warehouse Cafe. The evening will feature live music and an open game room. Food and drinks will be available for purchase from the Warehouse Cafe. Students are encouraged to invite their friends! Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org
FIRST FRIDAY Friday, 5/3, 7-9 p.m.
First Friday is our new free monthly event for middle school students in the Warehouse. Food and drinks will be available for purchase from the Warehouse Cafe. Students are encouraged to invite friends. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org
BASM SUMMER COOKOUT Sunday, 6/2, 1-3 p.m.
Middle and high school students and families are invited to join us for a cookout to kick off the summer season! Join us immediately following the 11:20 a.m. gathering in The Warehouse and on the student patio areas. BASM will provide burgers, hotdogs and drinks, and each family is asked to bring a side item or dessert to share. Check out our new space and join us for some fun! This event is free, but please let us know you’re coming: bayareacc.org/register.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY Register for studies and events at bayareacc.org/annapolis/women.
THE WELL Wednesdays, 5/1-5/29, 9:30-11:30 a.m. “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer
We all need some breathing room. With a jam-packed life, space is missing... space for God to speak, room for us to hear. It’s time to set aside the activities and busyness that swallow up rest and peace. It’s time for us to find God’s Sabbath no matter our circumstances. Order your book at lifeway.com. Info: laurie.gregory@bayareacc.org
Wednesdays, 6/4-7/17, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. “We Saved You a Seat” by LisaJo Baker
In this Bible study we’ll join Lisa-Jo and her friends as they discuss what Jesus meant to love others and what it takes to be a friend. We are designed for authentic relationships, which means more than “faking fine.” Order your book at lifeway.com. Info: janet.graves@bayareacc.org
Tuesdays, 6/4-6/25, 7-9 p.m. “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
Everyone needs to learn to set healthy boundaries. Discover the guilt-free benefits and ways to do so for your life. Purchase your book (updated and expanded version; not workbook) at cbd.com. Info: bettechristian@comcast.net
QUILTS FOR KIDS Saturday, 4/20, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in The Docks
Join us as we make quilts for kids. Bring your sewing machine and we will provide the quilting fabrics. Bring your lunch to eat together. Info: annapolisqfk@gmail.com
Join this group of senior women who support one another, love Jesus, and grow in their discipleship. They meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month starting at 10:30 a.m. Newcomers welcome! 4/8 We will bring our own written stories and share them within our smaller groups. 4/22 No meeting - church closed for Easter. Info: luisandcedulie@gmail.com
FRIDAY, JULY 26 6:30-8:30 PM
Children who are completing kindergarten through fifth-grade are invited to Kids Summer Blitz, a fun-filled event for kids to kick off summer. Invite all your elementary-age friends for gameshow-style competitions, lights, dancing and all the summertime excitement a Friday evening can hold. Cost: $15
GROWTH GROUPS Wednesdays, May 8 - June 12 Ready to take your next step along The Discipleship Pathway? No matter what spiritual life stage you’re in, we have a Growth Group for you. Explore a full list and sign up today at bayareacc.org/growthgroups.