14 COVER STORY: GIFTS FOR CHILDREN We’re blessed to be a blessing, and this Christmas we can reflect the greatest gift of all - Jesus - through providing Christmas gifts for children in need.
12 LEADERSHIP PROFILE: ALEX WILLIAMS Bay Area’s Community Outreach Coordinator shares about her passions for people and creativity, and how God has opened doors for her to use both in unique and compelling ways.
8 GOD’S GLOBAL CHURCH: SOUTH SUDAN & INDIA Short term missions team member Sam Logan shares in real time his experience working alongside Bay Area’s global partners in South Sudan and India.
18 THE MAKING OF THE GRACE BOMB COMPANY Teaching Pastor Pat Linnell unpacks how the idea for launching the Grace Bomb movement was born, and how it has grown into its own nonprofit today.
We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.
Gatherings: Saturday, 5:20 p.m. & Sunday, 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.
MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR Meredith Thompson ART DIRECTOR Josh Shirlen ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple LEAD DESIGNER Jake Williams GRAPHIC DESIGNER Josh Burgin CONTRIBUTORS Abbie Hoekstra Michele Rollins Sam Logan
On the cover: Dave and Kim Mitchell Photo by Arianne Teeple
ELDERS Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax
884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401
BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Craig Fadel, Easton Campus Pastor – craig.fadel@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry & Weekend Experience Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – jerry.shirlen@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Missional Community Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, arts – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – meredith.thompson@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org
For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 3
Dear Bay Area family, I just returned from a wonderful 18-day mission trip to South Sudan, India and Lebanon. Parents - imagine raising your children in war-torn South Sudan without the possibility of an education. Suddenly you receive an unexpected Grace Bomb. A church from Maryland has made it possible for your children to receive an education and be taught the way of Jesus. That’s just a small part of the story of God’s work with the Mission Gardens of Christ. Because of our partnership with Pastor Stephen, we are currently educating over 500 children in grades 1-8, as well as training hundreds of pastors and building an orphanage. It is hard to express the joy we felt in teaching the children and the pastors in Bor, South Sudan. On to Hyderabad, India, and the International Cultural Bible Ministries (ICBM). There we dedicated property that Bay Area helped purchase for the Spofford Bible College. God used longtime Bay Area member Barry Spofford to help Pastor Samuel launch ICBM. The Bible college named after Barry will equip future spiritual leaders for India. Following the dedication, part of our team served as speakers for an ICBM Youth Conference of 80 young people, while the rest of the team traveled deep into India to minister to tribal churches. These tribes had never heard the name of Jesus prior to the evangelizing work of ICBM. On to Tyre, Lebanon. Imagine being displaced from your homeland with no possessions. Gone is all optimism and hope. Your greatest burden is for the future of your children. Then one day you hear of an American family who is caring for and serving others in the refugee camp. You learn of a school they have started to help the children receive an education. As your children begin attending the school, you soon discover that the principles taught are found in the person of Jesus. To your surprise, many in the refugee camp are becoming followers of Jesus. What a joy it was for our team to have a small part in loving and teaching the Syrian refugee children and their parents.
Every time I go on a mission trip, my relationship with Jesus takes new ground. My prayer life intensifies, my faith is stretched, I come away bonded with the team, my compassion for people is deepened, my vision for God is enlarged, and I return changed and blessed. I hope you will consider going on a short term mission trip in 2019. With re-entry into the U.S. comes a burden. I’m burdened with the conviction that every person deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel and respond whether it is in Annapolis, Easton, Bor, Hyderabad or Tyre. As life-changing as mission trips might be, we don’t live our lives on them. Our lives are lived in the dayto-day around people who need Jesus just as much as the Hindu in India or the Muslim in Lebanon or the animist in South Sudan. Jesus tells us to be His witnesses starting in Jerusalem (Acts 1:8). That means we begin right where we are. You and I have the responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus with this generation. We are not responsible for past generations or for future generations, so we begin where we are with those we have contact with in our everyday lives. Look around and see with the eyes of the One who took our sin debt upon Himself. Jesus wants to use us mightily, not only in distant lands, but also in the everyday lives of family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. As we approach the holiday season, you can be certain that God will give you many opportunities to share the love of Jesus right where you are. Be faithful. Take the initiative. Grace Bomb and say the “J” word. Take the step of faith to invite many to place their full trust in Jesus alone. Every one a missionary. I’m grateful for you and thankful for our church’s impact for Christ from here to the nations!
Expecting great things from God,
Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor
Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE.
Thanksgiving Challenge By Pat Linnell
ell October flew by in a blink, didn’t it? Here we are in November preparing for the upcoming holidays, and before you know it, it will be 2019. So in the spirit of the month, I want to lay down a Thanksgiving challenge for you – a challenge to sit down and read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians with a thankful heart.
Paul starts this verse by giving credit where credit is due: basically, he is saying, “God should receive honor and glory because He is giving us amazing blessings which I am about to describe.” I want to first draw attention to the fact that Paul describes God’s blessings as “spiritual” in nature, and as manifesting themselves in the “heavenly places.”
Why Ephesians? One, it is short, making it doable for you given how behind you already are on your Christmas shopping. Two, it recounts the many amazing blessings that God has freely given us, a powerful reminder to be thankful this season – and a thankful heart may be the best gift you could give yourself and your loved ones this year. And third, it is theologically rich while also being very practical, edifying our minds and encouraging our practice of giving grace. Here are a few thoughts to prime the pump from some of Paul’s opening words.
You might think this sounds kind of lame because it’s more fun to talk about and receive material blessings, such as money and houses or cars and bling. If we’re being real, spiritual blessings probably sound kind of abstract and impractical. I recently watched a documentary on the world’s most exotic, expensive and baller cars, like the Porsche 918 Spyder or the Bugatti Cheron. I’m sinning right now thinking about those works of art with engines inside and should probably repent, so I feel you if you would kind of prefer material blessings over spiritual ones.
Early in Ephesians Paul says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places . . .” - Ephesians 1:3.
Of course, those fancy cars are expensive toys I will likely never be able to touch. But I take comfort in the words of one of the wisest and richest
men to have ever lived, who made the following observation: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. When goods increase, they increase who eat them, and what advantage has their owner but to see them with his eyes?” (Ecclesiates 5: 10-11) Satisfaction derived from material things is a fleeting feeling and will always leave you wanting more. Instead of getting full, your appetite just keeps getting bigger. Deep inside, many of us know this to be true. Be reminded along with me that if it shines today, tomorrow it will fade. It’s not wrong to be wealthy if that’s how God blesses you, but just know that God’s best gifts are eternal and far outweigh the glimpses of His goodness we see through the merely material blessings we might receive.
The first glimpse of His goodness Paul shows us, and the first of eight amazing spiritual blessings that you will read about as you take my challenge, is our new identity that comes from being associated with Christ. When God saw us before we knew Jesus, He saw hopeless sinners who were by nature His enemies. Now when God the Father looks at Jesus, He sees us, and when He looks at us, He sees Jesus. You and Jesus are now a packaged deal. This means all the heavenly benefits that Jesus has we share in. All the blessings that God the Father will ever share with God the Son, we participate in. Having our lives intertwined with the life of Jesus should be awe-inspiring, confidence-building and transformational. Receiving this truth will give you the power you need to become the person God means for you to be.
Who defines you? Many people today are having an identity crisis without even knowing it. Some of the most common philosophical questions humans ask are, “Who am I?” and “Where is all this going?” The deep thinkers among us have probably wondered at some point if we are one big cosmic accident in one universe among an infinite number of universes. Maybe against all mathematical impossibilities life happened to gain consciousness and self-awareness, and that compared to the history of time, human history from start to finish will be just a fleeting burst of futility. Others of us are just thinking, “Do these jeans make my butt look big?” But hey, both are questions of identity. We tend to seek out our identity in all kinds of unhealthy places. The search for identity is the reason we crave fame or subject ourselves to plastic surgery. We might choose to seek out our identity through our sexual orientation, or in our hobbies, the causes we support, or the sports teams we cheer for. The problem with these attempts at identity-making is that we are allowing ourselves or other people to define who we think we are. But if it’s true that we are created beings, wouldn’t it make the most sense to allow our Creator to define us? Wouldn’t it make sense to listen to who He tells us we are and embrace that truth as what really defines us? I can hardly think of a more comforting and secure place to be than what Paul describes as “in Christ.” “In Christ” means that Jesus, the actual Jesus of history and the Bible – the one who straight up came back from the dead, created the universe,
suffered for you on the cross and is now your conquering king – is inseparably united with you. He has your back. When a spouse cheats on you and leaves you high and dry, Jesus has your back. When your boss is trying to sabotage your work, and your coworkers think it’s your fault, Jesus has your back. When you are fearful for physical health, Jesus has your back. When your bank account hits the negative, Jesus has your back. When your child is sick and you cannot ease their pain, Jesus has your back. When you’re called to swim upstream against the currents of what is politically correct, Jesus has your back. Even when you blow it big time and turn your back on Him, Jesus still has your back. These are facts God evidently never wants you to forget because Paul discusses this theme of being in Christ 27 times in the letter to the Ephesians alone. For those reasons and many more, I encourage you to set aside a time with an open mind and open heart to receive what else He has in store for you as you take me up on my Thanksgiving challenge.
Pat Linnell is the teaching pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributer to GO&MAKE.
& INDIA By Sam Logan
In October 2018, a short term mission team including Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr, Trevin Hoekzema, Theil Theil, Sam Logan and Paul Graves travelled to South Sudan and India to work alongside Bay Area’s global missions partners. They also visited Lebanon to serve with workers in a refugee camp and meet a potential new global missions partner. Below, Sam shares his experience. Our plane landed on a packed South-Sudanese dirt runway to the singing and dancing of the men, women and children of Duk Payuel. The reception of our team generated a joy that only the Lord can give. The fervent and heartfelt greetings and hand shakings eventually gave way to a procession through the center of the village that ended at an ancient Kuel tree. This was the same tree that stood over the Bishop of Duk when he shared Romans 8:35 with a grief-stricken community that, only hours before, had experienced a massacre and the kidnapping of over 50 children. The same Samaritan’s Purse airplane that had delivered Bishop Daniel then bought us now. The same tree we sat under in October 2018 as the proceedings began had offered shade to comfort those who had lost so much a little over a year ago. Duk Payuel is a village out of tears. But the people were filled with joy on this day. When protocol allowed, song and dance erupted from the women of the church. The old men of the gathering, with old songs and a desire to dance, held brief sway over the proceedings between introductions of the chiefs and dignitaries, and the brief speeches they offered. Pastor Greg St. Cyr stood up to share once the introductions and explanations came to an end. He held in his hand material prepared earlier in the year as a guide for how to pray for the kidnapped children of Duk Payuel and their village. He displayed the list of the names of the children and their ages to those gathered as he explained how the community of Bay Area had prayed for them. Through the interpretation, it was also explained that the container of supplies that had arrived the previous Christmas was in part due to efforts made by the Bay Area community. Shouts and clapping gave Greg pause as he shared the Bay Area side of the story that they had lived. He shared our community’s hearts for theirs, and offered a word of encouragement. It was a joyous occasion, and at once very still, very silent. Greg asked that the Bay Area team join him as he motioned for an elderly man to come forward. The elder had indicated his interest in receiving prayer because raiders had killed his wife and kidnapped his children. He stood alone in a circle of his community as our team laid hands on him and Greg prayed. When he finished, he indicated to the rest of the affected family members that they should join us in the circle. The whole village present was then asked to join with those praying. Everyone there opened their hands, palms up toward
heaven. It was a physical representation of surrender. Palms toward heaven, the whole village was unified under the mighty Keul tree, supplicant to their God asking for a peace that passes all understanding. Once our team again took our seats, the representative of the Bishop of Duk stood to close the meeting. He was brief and to the point. His large hand held together a tattered Dinka Bible open to Matthew. And he read, in his native tongue, the words of Jesus: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me.” Carefully closing the precious book, he looked at the Bay Area team, seated there representing our broader church community in Annapolis, and said: “This is what you did for us. Thank you.” After a week in South Sudan, India presented itself all together immense, fast-paced and just as spiritual. Pastor Samuel and his wife Grace greeted us at the airport with traditional wreathes that gave off a subtle, pleasant perfume as we walked through the terminal — a sweeping piece of architecture with high ceilings, thoughtful curves, and a subtle mix of modern materials and concrete. Only hours before, we had left Juba, where the entirety of the international airport was housed in one large tent. Hyderabad is home to some 7.5 million inhabitants, and at least two saints. God has continued to bless Samuel and Grace Devraj through the work of the International Culture Bibie Ministries (ICBM), which has now grown to include a Bible college and community center. Both will lie next to the ICBM headquarters, and will host pastors from around the country to receive training and, ultimately, a certificate that in India is required to preach the Word of God. Pastor Greg and our team were on hand for the dedication of the new Bible college and community center. Fellowship with ICBM pastors in attendance followed before the team split into two. Pastor Greg and Paul Graves would remain in Hyderabad, while Trevin, Theil and I would travel with Pastor Samuel’s son, Joel, to Kerala in the south to visit remote ICBM churches in the jungle. In August of this year, a massive amount of rain provoked floods and mudslides that carried away homes and loved ones. The whole state had been affected. We visited the small town of Adimaly, where the natural disaster had had a major impact. The emotional wounds were still fresh. So was social tension. Politicians had been killed recently. Two rival Hindu sects were fighting over access to a local Hindu temple, and a local holiday provided the time and space to allow for protests to fill the streets. Vandalism was expected. Our four-man team arrived under cover of night. Sequestered in a small motel, we planned to eat only in a private home, and
move carefully, visiting small tribal churches in the mountains where we could spend time with the Lord’s people with little to no threat of the roiling social tension spilling into the streets below. After a 30-minute ride in a Mahindra jeep, which included climbing up and over boulders and passing through streams and deep vats of mud, we arrived at a simple one-story building adorned with a blue tarp stretched out beyond the entrance to provide space and respite from the rain for shoes that must be removed before entering the church. This ICBM church stood alone in the middle of the Indian jungle. Indeed, it was a light on a hill. We were some of the first to arrive to the humble concrete building. The rain had caused delays. So had an elephant. In a pack, elephants are not considered as threatening. When alone, they are trouble. A lone elephant had been seen on the side of one of the access roads to the church, forcing people to go around another way. Some congregants had taken a 10-minute motorbike ride to arrive. Others had simply walked. The service opened in prayer. Everyone prayed together, all at the same time. Very quickly the room was lifted in prayer. It seemed everyone had something to pray about, or simply speak out to praise the Lord. And this was the only thing our team could hear and understand: “Praise the Lord” and “Hallelujah” rang out between long bursts of prayer in the local, tribal language. The women began worship with clapping and singing, followed by the men. The lyrics were beautiful. The first one began: “Adonai, El Shaddai, We praise you Lord.” There was no pause between the songs. The clapping became more fervent, and our team could feel the Holy Spirit settle upon the place. It was a powerful demonstration of how the Lord inhabits the praise of His people. After some words of introduction from Joel, our team stood up with interpreter ICBM Pastor Vinod to share personal testimonies and a message on prayer. Some in the room had been walking with the Lord for years, others for only weeks. Upon completion of the message the local pastor, also ICBM trained, stood up to offer thanks to the team, and to close the evening in prayer and benediction before dinner was served. But the work of ministry was not yet complete. The youth in the room were drawn to Theil. They called him “uncle,” a term of respect and endearment. He had shared about hardship in his own story of growing up in South Sudan, connecting with many in the room who had recently suffered loss of property and loved ones. Others in the room asked for prayer. There were requests for healing of arms, heads and throats. There was a request for children. A husband and wife faced one another and held hands, encircled by others in the church, as we prayed over them. They both cried softly as the words of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit fell over them. Another man needed sleep. A young woman needed peace. The night concluded with new words learned, traded in English and the local tongue. Smiles and laughter accompanied your team back to the jeep for the long way back down the mountain and to the motel under the cover of darkness. It had been a day of ministry on the edge. Before our team departed for Kerala, Pastor Greg had shared a devotional that surfaced Acts 1:8 where Jesus said: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” To the ends of the earth, indeed.
Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night on Friday, November 16. We will be showing “The Greatest Showman” (rated PG) at 7 p.m. Admission for each family is $5 and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll also have a raffle and photo booth, so bring your blankets and enjoy an evening out together as a family. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.
Register today at bayareacc.org/register
DECEMBER 2 @ 4:30 P.M. bayareacc.org/register
“ P eople are my passion. I always want to be on mission.”
ALEX WILLIAMS By Abbie Hoekstra
rom a young age, Alex Williams felt she had always known God and wanted others to know Him, well before she became Bay Area’s Community Outreach Coordinator. She grew up in the Gambrills-Odenton area with loving parents who took their family to Bay Area and sent their kids to Annapolis Area Christian School. As a kid she remembers always being surrounded by Christians and wanting to know Jesus more, lying awake at night asking Jesus to come into her heart. Faith became real for her at age 16 when, after watching a documentary in school called “Invisible Children,” she felt called to missions. Alex was introduced to Casely, then Bay Area’s Global Missions Pastor, and she joined the summer 2007 team heading to Ghana. After speaking at a youth rally, she and her team had the opportunity to pray over kids who were having horrible nightmares and were afraid to sleep. Alex had struggled with similar things when she was younger and really felt for these kids. In this unique experience, she saw them physically and emotionally freed from their fear and night terrors. God redeemed the things she used to be afraid of as a kid, and it was then that Alex realized there is actually power in the name of Jesus, and that she has this heavenly power inside of her through Him. She reflected on her belief in God prior to this experience, admitting, “I had Him so contained, so limited, and even now in my head, trying to create a limitless God, I’m still limiting Him.” After that
experience Alex started to expect God to do the impossible. She later returned to Ghana in 2014, and again with her husband in 2016 when they served as trip leaders. In 2009, after they both had to leave their private Christian colleges due to the recession of 2008, Alex and her high school boyfriend, Forrest, were married during the first blizzard that December that closed down half the state. It took them a while to get into the groove of things as a young, 20-year-old married couple. She worked a lot of odd jobs while they tried to navigate their new lives. Whether selling handbags at Nordstrom or ice cream at Storm Bros., she took these jobs seriously, seeing how God calls us to live life on mission even in the mundane. Alex loves people and their stories and remembers this love really coming out in all her odd jobs. She explained, “I wanted to share the gospel, not always through evangelism, but through my actions and how I live. People are my passion. I always want to be on mission.” Alex and Forrest started back to school at Anne Arundel Community College and eventually transferred to Towson, where they both graduated with their bachelor’s in 2016. Alex started an LLC where she connected with people, helping them with social media and marketing, branding and photography. She enjoyed how her job involved her passions for both loving people and creativity. In June 2017 she joined staff at Bay Area as Community Outreach Coordinator. In
her role, she loves getting to capitalize on the skills she accumulated from prior jobs, but most of all, she said, “I love knowing I’m surrounded by people who have the same vision as me and desire to reach the 440,000 [unreached people] of Anne Arundel County.” Alex noted that everyone has a sphere of influence. You don’t have to go that far out of your way to reach people, but instead recognize the connections you already have. Alex wants to come alongside the church family and equip them, encourage them, and hear their stories so she can continue to share them as a means of encouragement to others. Even when she’s not at work, Alex loves connecting with people. One of her favorite things to do is bring friends together over meals. She’s constantly taking pictures and enjoys a nice, clean composition more than most. She also loves engaging with culture, traveling, and being a tourist with Forrest in new cities. The two are expecting their first child in December. In reflecting on her time at Bay Area, her experience in short term missions, and her desire for others to know God, she remembers the words of Francine Rivers from her book “Redeeming Love”: “Love the Lord your God, and love one another. Love one another as He loves. Love with strength and purpose and passion and no matter what comes against you. Don’t weaken. Stand against the darkness, and love.” There is no limit to what God can do in us and through us by the power of His love for His people.
Dave and Kim Mitchell Founders of Walk the Walk Foundation with the Walk the Walk trailer
ave you ever wondered why we give gifts at Christmas? It seems like the tradition stems mostly from the three wise men bringing gifts to the infant Jesus - lavish gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). As we consider what the Christmas story means, however, it quickly becomes clear that it’s not about the gifts that men bring to God, but about the lavish gift that God brings to us by taking on flesh, dwelling among us (John 1:14), and fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless you … so that you will be a blessing … In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:2-3). Out of the great blessing of God we have the opportunity to bless others – to bless families – by proclaiming the good news of Jesus with our words and with our actions. Last December, I led a short term missions team to serve with our partners at the Wade Center in Bluefield, West Virginia, and there I met Andrew*. Andrew is a second-grader in Bluefield who lives with his younger brother and his mom. His mom works hard to provide for her children, but meeting daily needs can be a challenge. Gifts at Christmas might be impossible without the love, blessing and sacrifice of our church family and the Wade Center staff and volunteers. Andrew and his family received gifts, groceries and books, and Andrew also got to interact with our short term missions team members who traveled to Bluefield to deliver gifts, share joy, and love families well. We’re blessed to be a blessing – to give freely, to serve generously, to go willingly, to share faithfully so that others, like Andrew and his mom, can know and experience the love of Jesus at Christmas.
*= name changed to protect privacy
This Advent season, we have the incredible opportunity to bless people and families like Andrew in Bluefield in partnership with Walk the Walk Foundation through our annual Gifts for Children event. How will you be a blessing to others this year? Here are some ways to get involved:
Serve with Walk the Walk: From serving in the Bay Area lobby on Sunday morning to helping at the gifts warehouse to making phone calls, there are so many ways for you and your family to serve! Email giftsforchildrenbacc@gmail.com to connect with Alex and Jen and learn about all of the ways you can serve.
Sponsor one or more children: Gifts for Children exists out of the “blessed to be a blessing” generosity of individuals and families. Visit the Gifts for Children team in the Bay Area lobby to sponsor a child, or a whole family! Sponsors receive information about the child’s age, sizes and requests, and provide three to five wrapped gifts per child. You can also sign up to provide a bike for a child in need.
Sign up to sponsor a child: Sundays, November 11 - December 2
Support our short term missions team: For the second year in a row, Bay Area will send a team of people to distribute gifts to families and bless the community of Bluefield, West Virginia. Giving financially toward this team will supply ministry needs to bless children and families connected to the Wade Center, Bay Area’s partner in Appalachia. Visit bayareacc.org/stmgive to learn more.
Share with your family: If you’re a parent, Gifts for Children is a perfect opportunity to bring your kids along, build a heart of compassion, and serve together to bless others.
Turn in purchased gifts: Sundays, November 11 - December 2
We’re blessed to be a blessing – to our neighbors, to complete strangers, to families and individuals, to those who have plenty and to those in need. We are blessed to be a blessing to children like Andrew, to parents, to foster care advocates, to all the families of the earth. Let’s make this Gifts for Children season the best one yet, Bay Area. May our family be a blessing to hundreds of families this year and watch how God uses us in significant, practical ways to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.
Join us in our annual effort to bless children in need with Christmas presents this year! For more information or to volunteer, email giftsforchildrenbacc@gmail.com
11/11 11/18 11/25 12/2 12/9
Gifts for Children begins - sign up after the gatherings to sponsor a child Sign up to sponsor a child / turn in gifts purchased Sign up to sponsor a child / turn in gifts purchased Sign up to sponsor a child / turn in gifts purchased Last day to turn in gifts purchased
The Making of the Grace Bomb Company By Pat Linnell ver the past decade of preaching here at Bay Area, a prominent theme emerged in both my study and delivery of God’s Word: grace. As the Bible unfolds, we encounter a God who by His own initiative bestows on His creation gifts: gifts of life, love, forgiveness, rebuke, correction, restoration and relationships, to name just a few. God’s grace breaks in and wrecks people, but always for the best of outcomes. Given that I am somewhat a visual presenter, Grace Bombs became a common illustration. From Gideon to Jonah, to Jesus, to Paul’s letters, the theme pressed on my heart enough that I thought it would make a cool book.
So on my first sabbatical after seven years of being a pastor at the church, I had a goal to begin drawing up plans for a book that explained the Grace Bombs threaded throughout the Bible. But then Kristen, my wife, had a great idea as we were cruising around on my motorcycle. Through the wind and helmets, she spoke clearly, saying Grace Bomb should be more than a book about the Bible, but a book about people putting the Bible into action. She envisioned an interactive movement that somehow the book motivated and spurred on. I had no idea how that would happen. Upon return from that summer break, I intentionally began to write out chapter one. It went nowhere. After writing one chapter it was like all of the wind was taken out of the sails of the project. I put it on the shelf, and didn’t have much of a desire to pick it back up. Life was busy, intense pastoring was required in that season in the church, and a full two years would go by before re-engaging the Grace Bomb idea. Something was missing.
This was the missing piece of the puzzle. Grace Bomb became the training wheels for putting our faith into action. In the Spirit of Hebrews 10:24, we were sharing stories of dropping Grace Bombs to spur one another on to love and good works. Not only that, strangers were also writing in to share their experiences of having been Grace Bombed. This was fun to do, inspiriting to hear about, easy to replicate, and above all, was living out Jesus’ command to love people. That’s when it hit me that this was way more than a book – this was a much needed movement of obedience. Kristen was about two years ahead of the game.
This then led to big questions like: How can we continue to give away this simple idea and tool for everyday neighbor loving? How can we load people all over the nation with Grace Bomb cards and content? How can we continue to capture and share these amazing stories for the sake of spurring more on to love and good works? How can we drop inspirational teaching series at hungry churches? How do we put this in the hands of business leaders who want to make a Kingdom impact in their communities? How could this encourage college students and bring together campus ministries? And how can we accomplish all these things for free, with no strings attached – how do we Grace Bomb more people with Grace Bomb?
“how do we Grace Bomb more people with Grace Bomb?”
Fast-forward to spring 2017 when Greg St. Cyr was preparing for his summer sabbatical. He gave me freedom to preach whatever was on my heart that summer, and encouraged me to preach about Grace Bomb. He also had a brilliant idea that the sermon series should then become the outline of the book, to put the project back on track. Then I realized what was missing: the interactive movement of obedience that Kristen dreamt up on the motorcycle. In collaboration with the creative team, we began to envision a sermon series that went beyond the norm, and sought the Lord as to how we could equip people to give away grace, to love their neighbors with no strings attached. It was at that time that the Grace Bomb cards and sharing platform were born.
Now armed with several hundred stories submitted on the website, I had ample content to weave throughout the pages of the Grace Bomb book, and the more I wrote, the more I realized how many more churches need a tool like Grace Bomb. Churches should be equipping centers to help the fight against armchair Christianity, where we seldom take Jesus seriously in actively loving our neighbors. Most good churches rely on periodic community service projects to do this, but I saw Grace Bomb in an entirely different category. It’s not a project, but a way of life – a Spiritled, everyday and simple approach that moves us closer to fulfilling the Great Commission. I mean seriously, if we aren’t loving our neighbors in fun ways, are we really going to do the harder thing of speaking the name of Jesus to them? My heart longs for the revitalization of churches and the fresh engagement of the communities where they live by simple acts of obedience as the Spirit leads.
The answers led us to where we are today, starting a nonprofit 501(c) (3) known as The Grace Bomb Company. This new organization exists to inspire and equip followers of Jesus to exercise grace for the sake of the Kingdom. By continuing to develop the online platform; curating and distributing shared stories; and providing teaching content, Grace Bomb cards and other branded gear, we are now poised to serve not one church but many. Currently I am leading and directing the Grace Bomb Company. Bay Area is donating one week of my time each month toward this effort. The GBC is also being served by a board of advisors, many of whom you’d recognize from Bay Area. Feel free to dig deeper into this new adventure or see how you could get personally involved by clicking through www.gracebomb.org. Or just pull me aside on any weekend here at Bay Area. During the Advent season we are going to reintroduce Grace Bomb to the congregation. Get ready. Get excited. And expect great things from God as we attempt great things for Him.
Sallie McCollum is a junior at Archbishop Spalding High School and an active member of Bay Area Student Ministry. This summer, Sallie joined 16 other middle- and high-school students and six adults on a short term missions team serving in Roaring Creek, Belize, alongside our global partners, Korie and Alicia Williams. Here’s what she had to say about the trip:
Why did you choose to serve in Belize this summer?
What did you learn about God during this trip?
I worked at River Valley Ranch (RVR), a Christian summer camp, for nine weeks, so the student trip was the only one I could do. Also, Lauren Gibeault, Bay Area’s Student Ministry Director, was leading it – she’s one of the best leaders I have in my life, a mentor and role model. She’s been with me through everything and I always have a good time with her.
God works through all people and He’s always working. Belize is a very diverse country: every skin color, so many languages, but people live in harmony there. It’s just everybody all in one spot. I think maybe heaven looks like that.
Describe your short term missions experience in one word. Eye-opening. So much of what you see in places like Belize is poverty, but they have so much culture and they have each other and they have joy. They’re just happy to be with you, that you took your time to hang out with them. Learning to work with the other people on my team, too – I was one of the older kids on the team so I got to assist some of the younger girls who would come to me with different things, to talk to them and help them. I did that a lot this summer at RVR – working with younger girls in a discipleship program and pouring into them. I really like doing that and talking to people, loving them where they are. It really prepared me for Belize.
How did you see God work in your life in Belize? I became really confident in evangelism – not only sharing the words of God but doing acts of service.
How has Belize changed the way that you approach life, school and friends back in Annapolis? I’m more grateful – I take less food than I think I need so I don’t waste leftovers. I’ve been telling everyone about it and encouraging them to go on missions trips. I really feel a call to missions work. At first I heard about the opportunity to go to Belize for a longer time and wasn’t interested, but I had all these dreams about Belize that were really profound. In Belize I met a 4-year-old girl named Sandra that I really got to build a relationship with. At the end of the week,
she said “te amo” to me – she loves me and we can’t even speak the same language, because I loved her and served her. In my dream, she was 9 and she was talking to me and telling me about how much I had affected her. I know I’m supposed to go back to Belize – I don’t know when, but I know I definitely want to go back.
What would you say to a student who was thinking about going on a mission trip next year? Go, because God is going to use you in ways you don’t even know. It’s such a good experience to do now when you’re in middle school or high school, because when you get to college or real life it’s going to be so much harder. You’re going to get a chance to serve the Lord – even if you’re doing it for service hours you’re going to learn that it’s so much more than yourself. Also,it will give you something to write your college essays about and you will have the best story about “what you did this summer.” It’ll grow you in your faith; it’ll grow you as a person. You get to experience a new place and a new culture. It’s such a humbling experience. Interested in joining one of Bay Area’s short term missions teams in 2019? Learn more and submit an interest form at bayareacc.org/stm. N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 21
esus is preeminent, second to none, better than all, incomparable, and has no equal. He is unrivaled. Colossians 1:18 tells us, “He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.” That’s why in June 2018 we launched a 24-month generosity initiative in response to the preeminence of Jesus called Unrivaled. God has been faithful and so many in our church family have been faithful! Because of your giving, our ongoing ministry needs have been met and an additional $460,700 was received during the first quarter of Unrivaled (June - August 2018)! We praise God! Because of this, by God’s grace we were able to give:
Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent participation – that all who call Bay Area home would engage in the fight for surrender, faith and generosity by asking what it means to put God first.
$177,500 toward the construction of our student and children’s wings $10,000 to help reach the Odenton area, the location of our next campus $5,000 to the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic $6,200 to Veritas Church (one of our SENT Network church plants) in Georgetown to help them move into their new facility
$7,000 to the Moscow Evangelical Seminary for the purchase of a security system and needed renovations
$10,000 to support our church planter in Poland, Tomek Otremba, who is
beginning a network to resource and equip Polish church planters
$15,000 to the Mission Gardens of Christ in South Sudan for pastors’ training, vocational training and sustainability efforts.
Additionally, $230,000 was placed in a reserve account in order to cover possible fluctuations in giving throughout Unrivaled. At the end of Unrivaled, if unused, these resources will be released for construction and expanded impact. Because of your giving through Unrivaled, not only are the ongoing ministry needs of Bay Area being met, but we are able to aggressively pay for construction and accelerate God’s work from here to the nations! Thank you. I want to leave you with two thoughts. First, know that we are committed to faithfully stewarding your giving to maximize every dollar given to reach the world for Jesus. God is using your giving and the giving of our church family! And second, I want to encourage you to continue to surrender yourself to the Unrivaled One, to step out in faith in all areas of life, and to take the next step in financial generosity. The motivation for all that we do is the preeminence of Jesus. He is Unrivaled!
Last May hundreds of us committed ourselves to the preeminence of Jesus in a 24-month generosity initiative called Unrivaled. Together, we enlisted in a fight against the temptations to control our lives, to stay in our comfort zones, to maximize our security. We’ve stepped into the ring, declared Him the highest priority in our lives, and challenged ourselves to greater surrender, faith and generosity. Why did we do this? Because God wants to use each of us to make a difference among the billions of people who have not heard the gospel, and the 470,000 Anne Arundel and Talbot County residents who do not know the Unrivaled One. On May 6, we came together as a church family to turn in our Unrivaled commitment cards. Our faith-stretching goal for Unrivaled was $16.5 million over the next two years: $11 million to continue ongoing ministries, $3 million toward construction, and $2.5 million for expanded Kingdom impact. Between the commitment cards and the regular giving of others, we anticipate the Lord providing $16.8 million! Every financial contribution given to our church now goes directly toward financing the vision of Unrivaled. Thank you to all who turned in a commitment card! For those who haven’t, let me encourage you to go to baccunrivaled.org, where you can learn more and submit a commitment card.
HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations
YOUR FIRST STEP New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps are to get plugged into community and serving at Bay Area. Coffee, snacks and KidCare are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend one of the gatherings: Sunday, November 4 at 9:20 or 11:20 a.m., or Tuesday, November 6 at 7 p.m. in the Bay Café classroom.
YOUR NEXT STEP If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a twoweek gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us the second Sunday of the month to connect in community or the third Sunday of the month to check out our serving opportunities during either the 9:20 a.m. or 11:20 a.m. gathering, or Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. You can join either week, or attend both to meet others and hear our heart for community and serving.
BECOME A MEMBER For those who would like to learn more about partnering with us in our mission through membership, our next Ministry Partner Orientaion (MPO) is Sunday, December 2 from 12:30-4 p.m. To register for First Step, Next Step or Ministry Partner Orientation, go to bayareacc. org/nextsteps.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: K-5th: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org 6-12th: brent.squires@bayareacc.org Adults: shari.brandt@bayareacc.org
CARE NETWORK Sometimes life hands us struggles: loss of a loved one, serious illness, parenting difficulties, divorce, addiction and other challenges. These difficult circumstances can cause us to isolate, yet Jesus never intended that we walk through them alone. The Care Network is a free, confidential, Jesus-centered ministry for those seeking assistance. Call or email to set up a time to talk. We desire to provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Phone: 443.837.3718
DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS SUPPORT Second Sundays, 2-3:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s disease is life-changing for our loved ones and those who are caregivers. The Dementia Caregivers Support Group provides a place to connect with others who understand what you are going through. This will be a place to talk through challenges and learn about resources. Info: msbellamy77@gmail.com
GRIEFSHARE: SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS SEMINAR Sunday, 11/18, 2-6 p.m. Are you dreading the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays knowing that things have changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated? This seminar is for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Come learn how to deal with emotions you’ll face during the holidays, what to do about traditions and changes, and other helpful tips for surviving social events. Register: bayareacc.org/register Info: leanne.lane@bayreacc.org
DIVORCECARE: SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS SEMINAR Monday, 11/5 or 12/10, 6:45-9 p.m. Wondering how you will survive the
weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated? This seminar is especially for people who are separated and divorced. You’ll learn how to deal with the many emotions you face during the holidays, helpful tips for surviving social events, ways to give your kids a good holiday experience, and how to discover hope for your future. Info: jbnathlich@gmail.com
MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT DATE NIGHT OUT Friday, 11/30, 5-9 p.m. Take time to have fun with your spouse and focus on your marriage! All couples are invited to come to the Bay Café Classroom first for a short and fun group time, then you’ll be released to your date time together. There will be door prizes that you won’t want to miss! KidCare is available. Register: bayareacc.org/register
MARRIAGE MINISTRY SERVING OPPORTUNITIES Have you been married 10 years or more and have a desire to Serve Like Jesus in our Marriage Ministry? We are looking for couples to serve on the REFOCCUS team as facilitators to you come alongside couples who desire to grow closer in their marriages. The Marriage Enrichment Team is also looking for couples to assist in a variety of events this year. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org
ENGAGED? We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org
Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Friday, 11/16, 7 p.m. Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night on Friday, November 16. We will be showing “The Greatest Showman” (rated PG) at 7 p.m. Admission for each family is $5 and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll also have a raffle and photo booth, so bring your blankets and enjoy an evening out together as a family. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Register: bayareacc.org/register
FAMILY CHRISTMAS BLITZ Sunday, 12/2, 4:30-6 p.m. Join us for Family Christmas Blitz at Bay Area Annapolis. This event is for the whole family, and it’s a great opportunity to bring your neighbors and friends. Christmas Blitz is a mashup of rocking Christmas music, extreme games and crowd participation. Your family will not want to miss this exciting, fast-paced time together. Blitz will be a fun, family Christmas memory! Register: bayareacc.org/register
EMPLOYMENT DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 24 hours per week. The Digital Communications Coordinator will serve on the Communications Team with the Communications Director. Their primary responsibilities will include managing and updating Bay Area’s website and social media accounts, as well as assisting with digital marketing and other communications projects.
KIDCARE TEAM MEMBERS Our KidCare team has a need for adults who have a heart for kids. We provide KidCare for all ministries and various events year-round. Want to join our team of paid workers? Email KidCare Coordinator Dianna at dianna. jeglum@bayareacc.org.
FACILITY ASSISTANT 18-20 hours. The Facility Assistant will help oversee and manage the day-today operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance,
assembling furniture and other duties assigned by the facility coordinator and/or management.
SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM MEMBERS Our Special Events team has a need for adults to work periodically for wedding and funeral events at Bay Area. Individuals will serve as liaison for the family, vendors and church staff working the events; assist with set up and take down, trash removal, and clean up; as well as opening and securing the building after the event.
ELEMENTARY ASSISTANT 20 hours per week. The Elementary Assistant is responsible for working with the Elementary Coordinator to successfully implement Sunday morning gatherings for children ages kindergarten through fifth grade and volunteers. The Elementary Assistant will assist with the vision and strategy of the elementary environment as it pertains to children, parents, volunteers and potential volunteers.
SATURDAY CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR 20 hours per week. The Saturday CM Coordiantor is responsible for successfully implementing Children’s Ministry during Saturday night gatherings. This includes preparing environments, leading and training volunteers, and overseeing the gathering each week. For more info and to apply: bayareacc.org/jobs
FINANCIALS On June 1, 2018, Bay Area began a two-year generosity initiative called Unrivaled that will fund our ongoing ministry at all campuses, construction of our new student center and children’s addition, and expansion of Christ’s reach from here to the nations. Our two-year giving goal is $16,500,000.
FINANCIALS - ALL CAMPUSES Average weekly giving in September 2017: $103,527 Average weekly giving in September 2018: $125,647 Giving participation in September 2017: 763 families/individuals Giving participation in September 2018: 895 families/individuals
Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent engagement - that every person at Bay Area would ask what it means to put God first in their finances. To make a commitment, pick up a commitment card at an information counter or go to baccunrivaled.org/commitment.
You can give toward your Unrivaled commitment through the offering during the gatherings, online at bayareacc.org/give, or by texting BACC + amount to 30131 (ex: “BACC 50” to give $50). Info: baccunrivaled.org Questions: finance@bayareacc.org
GLOBAL MISSIONS GO Take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 10 locations worldwide. 2019 dates will be available soon! Learn more: bayareacc.org/missions Interest form: bayareacc.org/stm
SEND Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area. Give: bayareacc.org/stmgive
PRAY We’re looking for committed people to pray for our missionaries and global partners. This team meets second and fourth Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Info: ccback84@gmail.com Pray for short term missionaries: michele.rollins@bayareacc.org
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236 Info: jlradcliffe@hotmail.com
MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDIES Sundays, 6-8 p.m. in room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus while discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 25
at home, work and in society. Info: bob.gregory@bayareacc.org
Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. in room 235 Join Bay Area men to spend time in the Word and prayer, for fellowship and discussion, and for discipleship. Info: sam.logan@gmail.com
MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, 11/17, 8-9:30 a.m. Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast on the third Saturday of the month from 8-9:30 a.m. in the auditorium. The Line is an ipportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register: bayareacc.org/register
MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities online at bayareacc.org/ missionalcommunities. 26 GO&MAKE N OV E M B E R
RIDES FOR MIDS Do you have access to drive into the Naval Academy? Are you interested in occasionally being called to pick up midshipmen for the 9:20 a.m. gathering? We would love your help! Info: BrianHolian@msn.com Phone: 240-429-6252
STUDENT MINISTRY AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Amplify is a mid-week student gathering. Each Wednesday will begin with an optional $5 dinner and hangout time at 6 p.m. The teaching portion of the evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. Each week will feature our Student Ministry worship team, Biblical teaching on a relevant student series, and grade/gender-specific breakout community groups with adult leaders. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org
MIDDLE SCHOOL CLUB678 Fridays, 11/9 & 12/7, 7-9 p.m. Club678 is our monthly middle school hangout night. It’s a free, high-energy evening full of themed activities, games, prizes and more. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org
WOMEN’S MINISTRY Register for studies and events at bayareacc.org/annapolis/women.
QUILTS FOR KIDS Saturday, 11/17, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in The Docks Join us as we make quilts for kids. Bring your sewing machine and we will provide the quilting fabrics. Bring your lunch to eat together. Info: annapolisqfk@gmail.com
Join this group of senior women who support one another, love Jesus, and grow in their discipleship. They meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.
11/12, 10:30 - noon We will serve the Creative Team by helping the church with Christmas decorations, collect donations for the Christmas food basket for the
Lutheran Mission Center in Annapolis, and enjoy fellowship together.
11/26, 10:30 - noon Sylvia Stephens will share about how to make Jesus central for your grandchildren at Christmas. Info: luisandcedulie@gmail.com
LIFECRAFT: DECORATING WITH GREENS Thursday, 11/29, 7- 8:30 p.m. Dock B Dreaming of fresh evergreen decorations and the scent of pine and cedar filling your home for Christmas? Master florist Megan Crout will lead us in creating a basic garland and door swag that you will personalize, take home, and enjoy all season. Bring your own gardening shears and wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. Cost: $20.
SIMPLY RETREAT: “BEHOLD YOUR GOD” Saturday, 2/2, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. When was the last time you were still enough to hear God speak? We invite you to experience our annual half-day retreat for women. Sarah Meehan de Solorzano will lead us through a deep and thoughtful morning focused on the truths of who God is, who He says we are, and how to respond during this extended quiet time with God. Cost: $20.
THE WELL WINTER BIBLE STUDIES “EYE TO EYE” BY MARILYN ANDERES Wednesdays, 1/9-3/20, 9:30-11:30 a.m. This study will cover both Old and New Testament narratives highlighting face-to-face meetings that people in the Bible had with God’s love, truth and power. Seeing the God who saw them brought life-changing results in their spiritual journeys. And, the same can happen in your life as we meet God in this study. Cost: $15. Info: laurie.gregory@bayareacc.org
“SERMON ON THE MOUNT” BY JEN WILKIN Tuesdays, 1/22-3/26, 6:45-8:30 p.m. We will learn what Jesus meant when He taught about our becoming a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asks us the same questions He asked His original audience. How should a disciple relate to sin? To others? To the Law? How does a disciple think, speak and act? Cost: $15. Info: cmbernie@thekraftfam.com
KidCare is available for ages birth preschoolers for Wednesday morning Well participants with advance registration. Cost $60/1 child, $80/2+ children. Space is limited. Info: dianna.jeglum@bayareacc.org
MINISTRY PARTNER ORIENTATION Sunday, 12/2, noon - 4 p.m. Bay Area Easton Office 29000 Information LN Suite 304 Are you interested in officially becoming part of the church family? Join us for Ministry Partner Orientation. Ministry Partnership is a commitment to live out our faith together under the mission of “making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.” It is an invitation to pursue Christ personally, for our community, and for the nations. If you consider Bay Area Easton your home church, we would love to have you join us for this orientation. We will provide lunch and offer KidCare in most cases upon request. Info and registration: craig.fadel@bayareacc.org
FIRST STEP Sunday, 12/9, after the gathering If you are new to Bay Area Easton, new to faith, or unsure what your next step is, First Step is for you! First Step is a fun, one-hour gathering where we talk about all things Bay Area Easton and help equip you to take your next step in following Jesus. Coffee and snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area Easton by signing up today. Info and registration: craig.fadel@bayareacc.org
As men and brothers, we stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, facing into the wind of everything life hurls against us not out of obligation for one another, but out of a common drive to live and walk in truth together.
God ‘n Grits is an opportunity for you to meet other men, gather around good food and conversation, and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs.
Bay Area Annapolis auditorium
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 @ 4, 6, 8 P.M.
SEAT Reservations & information bayareacc.org/christmas