GO&MAKE #73 (November 2019)

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IN THIS ISSUE 14 COVER STORY: GIFTS FOR CHILDREN Learn about how you can get involved in blessing West Virginian children and families in need this holiday season in an easy and fun way.

4 LETTER FROM THE LEAD: THE BIG THREE Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr offers three specific practices that yield spiritual growth and help us cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

12 MEET THE ODENTON TEAM The members of our Odenton Campus Team introduce themselves and share their passion for being on mission in Odenton.


6 BRIAN’S EDITORIAL: IT ALL STARTS WITH AN ASK Annapolis Campus Pastor Brian Hopper writes about the importance of building relationships and being invitational with others as we prepare for the holidays.

16 MISSIONS UPDATE: INDIA Read about Randy Stiles’ journey from Annapolis to India, the second most populated country in the world, and how he experienced the joy of Christ halfway around the globe.

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

Gatherings: Saturday, 5:20 p.m. & Sunday, 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.


On the cover: Titus Leigh Photo by Arianne Teeple

ELDERS Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax

884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401


BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor of Operations – jeff.supp@bayareacc.org Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – jerry.shirlen@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Serving Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Creative Director – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – meredith.thompson@bayareacc.org Michele Rollins, Short Term Missions Director – michele.rollins@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership






The older I get, the longer I pastor, the more I think about eternity, I realize so many things aren’t nearly as important as I once thought. Over time, I’m getting clearer about a few things. At the top of the list is the priority of my relationship with Jesus. If our relationship with God is growing, everything else falls into place. I truly believe that my highest priority in life is cultivating a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. Life at its very best flows from a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus. If that is true, a wise person will be very intentional about prioritizing their time. Church growth leaders generally agree that three specific practices yield the greatest spiritual growth. I call them “The Big 3.” Commit to these three priorities, and your highest priority will become more of a reality.

first: Spend daily time with Jesus in the Word and prayer.

By reflecting on a chapter a day for the rest of your life, your view of God will transform. The Spirit will lift the Word from the pages of your Bible, quicken them to your heart, and call you to respond. Prayer will become more natural. Consider this: Prayer is the highest privilege you have as a child of God. We have the unfathomable freedom to enter the very throne room of God at any moment and enjoy fellowship with Him. We can share our burdens, ask for guidance, pray for others, and sense His encouragement, wisdom and direction. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

second: Actively participate in a small group.

Following Jesus is about relationship. God is relational. We are part of a relational family: brothers and sisters in Christ. We are called His body, which is to say we are members and every one of us

is needed. Small groups forge spiritual friendships in the body of Christ. They bring about accountability and encouragement needed in a family. At Bay Area, children, students, women and men all gather regularly in small groups. Our primary small group environment is Missional Communities. Life change happens when we gather together around God and His Word, pray, learn from one another, and serve together. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

third: Gather together weekly for worship. Something powerful happens over time when we gather as a church to sing songs of worship, pray and learn from God’s Word. Worship refocuses our hearts and minds on the loveliness of God. There is awesome power when we pray together. God speaks through His Word to prompt us to action. Yet today there are many competitors to regular church attendance. That is why we offer a Saturday night gathering and multiple Sunday morning times. The average attendance of churchgoing Americans today has declined to about 1.8 times/month. The result is an easy drift away from the vibrancy the Lord desires for each of His children. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! Psalm 100:4 How serious are you about your spiritual growth? I wish this one thing for you above all others: that you would make your relationship with Jesus your highest priority. Let me encourage you to reprioritize your schedule to put first things first. This week on the radio I heard Charles Stanley say, “God never gives us a schedule that is too busy for time with Him.” I agree.

From here to the nations,

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE.


By Brian Hopper


was Tuesday, October 8, somewhere around 2 a.m. when it happened. I was on my way home from India where our team had just spent the last 10 days doing solid ministry with our global partner Pastor Joseph Sharon and International Cultural Bible Ministries. We were sufficiently tired but thankful and fulfilled from our trip. Having landed in Dubai for a quick twohour layover and only eaten curry and rice for the previous two weeks, a few of us decided to get a burger and fries. As we sat in the Dubai International Airport’s Sugar Shack, joyfully devouring our meal, we were caught off guard by something so jarring that it left us in silent disbelief. There, playing over the restaurant speakers, we heard our first Christmas song of the season. We couldn’t believe it – 11 weeks to Christmas, and they were already playing Christmas music… in Dubai!

it will be Christmas. And the playing of Christmas music over speakers in retail stores will likely do nothing to help your friend, family member or loved one take a step closer to Jesus. But there is one thing that you can do that will help – invite them.

Now to be fair, we did marvel for a quick minute because this was a “no-kidding” Christmas song playing over the speakers. Music specifically extolling the birth of Jesus. How cool was that?! Especially when you consider a city like Dubai and an international airport like this one, which serves so many countries around the world. Heck, the sheer volume of people hearing these songs (sung in English no less) could exceed hundreds of thousands by Christmas Day, which is quite amazing from a perspective of presenting Jesus and faith.

In just a few short weeks, we will celebrate the greatest story of all time – the coming of Jesus to save the world. Our church family will gather to celebrate Christ’s birth and retell the story of God’s love for all people. This story is one that we want all people to hear, because this story is for us and for them. But unless we are building relationships with those close to us and far from Christ, our invitation will fall flat. Only to the degree that we have built relational capital and trust with our neighbors will we experience people responding to our invitation to join us at Christmas, and that process should start right now. So, as crazy as it sounds, with Christmas just a few weeks away, let’s be intentional now to build relationships with our neighbors so that when the time comes and we want to ask our neighbors to join us, they are already prepared to say yes.

Yet on the other hand, we were all annoyed because the thought of having to listen to 11 more weeks of the same music over and over again was just too much to bear. No one likes a good thing for that long. As I sat on the 13-hour flight from Dubai to Washington, I had time to reflect on this. One thought that came to mind was how long it takes someone to come to faith. We recently shared a statistic that over 80 percent of people come to faith before the age of 14, which is a significant number. But if you don’t come to faith in those early formative years, statistically speaking, the likelihood of a person coming to faith as an adult drops significantly. And for those who do come to faith, it takes many of them a long time to do so. I recall one statistic that stated the average adult needs to hear the gospel seven times before making a decision, which is a significant investment of time, prayer and faith to help just one person come to Jesus. The point is, for many people, it takes time and steps to respond to Jesus.

We know that there are two times a year when most people who never set foot in a church will likely come: Christmas and Easter. A simple invitation might be the difference maker in someone’s life. Now, an invitation alone might not help. But if we are in a relationship with those people, are praying for them by name, and are intentionally being a neighbor to them by loving them in Christlike ways, when the opportunity presents itself to invite them, the likelihood of them responding favorably is greater. And this is where we make the difference.

We have a huge opportunity this year to make a dent in the 440,000 neighbors on our county who do not know Jesus and to help everyone around us have the opportunity to respond to the gospel message, and it simply begins with an invitation.

Brian Hopper is the Annapolis Campus Pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE.

So, how do we get from Christmas music to coming to faith? This actually is the real question that we need to ask ourselves, because in just a few weeks,



THE 440 THROUGH M I S S I O N A L C O M M U N I T I E S By Allen Smith



don’t know about you, but I left Vision Sunday in September all fired up. I agree with Greg that God is beginning to blow His wind at Bay Area. One of my lifetime prayers is that my family would be right in the middle where God is moving, so I’m excited that I get to ride the wave of God’s Spirit with you in the coming years! Greg focused our attention on the 440,000 people in Anne Arundel County who are not yet followers of Christ. As I considered the “440,” I remembered the Scripture that envisions a day when our entire world will be “filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14). God brought to mind the picture of the Spirit of God blowing over us so that the wave of God will saturate everything around us until the presence of Christ is everywhere. This is a vision we call Gospel Saturation. One of the most strategic ways to saturate our area with the gospel is through Missional Communities (MCs), where a group of believers lives as a missionary family committed to loving God back, loving each other, and loving their neighbors. That’s why it is our hope in the next 10 years that we will have at least one MC for every 1,000 of those who are not yet followers of Jesus, making it 440 MCs. This might sound crazy when we only have 50 MCs right now. And it is crazy unless God is in it. One of my former mentors, Randy Pope, lived by this slogan: “Attempt something so great for God that it’s doomed to failure, lest God be in it.” And I believe God is in this vision for Gospel Saturation! Can Bay Area do this alone? Not a chance! It will take all types of gospel-centered churches and communities to reach all types of people. However, it is possible that God is calling us to help catalyze a wave of disciple multiplication in and through Missional Communities. To put this vision on the ground, consider this fact: if every one of our Missional Communities multiplied every two years, we would surpass 440 MCs in 10 years. And this is my prayer for Bay Area, not so I can boast in large numbers, but boast in the glory of Christ saturating our area in and through you.

Everyone who has studied movements in church history agrees that movements are only brought about by the supernatural power of God. In other words, there is no 100-percent foolproof formula to follow that produces a movement. We need the supernatural wind of God! Just as a sailboat cannot push its way through the water without the wind, neither can we move forward without the Spirit of God. And when the Spirit blows, He takes us out of the safety of our harbor and moves us into the risky ocean of mission. At Bay Area, Missional Communities are our sailboats. One of the members of our MC, Josh, tells me “fellowship is a compound word that comes from ‘fellows on the same ship.’” What a great Navy way of putting it! And this is exactly what you get in an MC – true fellowship. Let me put it another way: no one can catch the wind alone. It takes an entire crew to catch the wind of God. When we commit ourselves to a community that prays, breaks bread, opens the Word, and shares life together, then the sails are set to catch the wind. And the Wind always moves us into deeper waters.

“If every one of our Missional Communities multiplied every two years, we would surpass 440 MCs in 10 years.”

If you haven’t yet joined a Missional Community, this is a perfect time to come aboard. The best place to find out more about our MCs is to come to Next Step. You can also reach out to me directly (allen.smith@bayareacc.org) and I will be more than happy to help connect you to an MC. We want you to be onboard when the Spirit begins to blow. Not only will you experience personal growth but you will also be a part of something bigger than all of us: saturating our entire area with the glory of Jesus Christ.

Allen Smith is the Missional Community Pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE.


DIRT FRUIT MONEY By Meredith Thompson

I LOVE HOW THE LORD CAN REVEAL SOMETHING NEW TO US IN A PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE THAT WE’VE READ DOZENS OF TIMES BEFORE. Have you ever had that experience? A friend recently blew my mind when he directed my attention to Mark 4:19. You may recall the parable of the sower and the four soils. In this illustration, the seed, or the word of God, is scattered among four different types of soil: along the road, in rocky ground, among thorns and in good soil. Later, Jesus explains to His followers that the first three seeds didn’t flourish for various reasons. Look at what He says about the seed that was sown among the thorns:


“And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word, but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.” – Mark 4:18-19 Did you catch that? They heard the word of God but it was choked out, unfruitful in their lives because of worldly concerns, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desire for other things. These three things can all be tied to money. Finances are one of the top stressors for people today. The world tries to sell us the lie that money can buy happiness – the more we have of it, the better our lives will be. And when we become discontent with what we have in life and begin to desire other things, often we are led to believe that we can purchase what we feel we’re missing. Simply put, a misplaced focus on earthly gain can drown out God’s Word in our lives. Not only does this hinder us developing a personal, intimate relationship with Him; it also quenches our personal evangelism. By contrast, look at what Jesus said about the fourth type of soil:

A MISPLACED FOCUS ON EARTHLY GAIN CAN DROWN OUT GOD’S WORD IN OUR LIVES. “And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” – Mark 4:20 I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of life I want to live – one in which the Word of God is multiplied through me. Money is a tough topic for all of us, but if we look at the whole of the gospels we see it’s also an incredibly important one to Jesus. After all, He talked about it in 16 of His 38 parables, and spent more time teaching on money than He did heaven and hell combined.

Here at Bay Area, we find guidance for becoming faithful stewards of our finances in the Bible that can be boiled down to three simple words:


Each time we’re paid or experience a financial gain, we want to give back to God first, save second, and live contentedly on the rest. When we recognize God as owner and provider of all that we have, it becomes easier for us to give back to Him a portion of what is already His. You see, God owns everything; we are simply called to be faithful stewards, or managers, of what He chooses to entrust to us. In doing so, the second thing we want to do is wisely save for the future. God has unique financial goals for each of us, whether it be making a down payment on a house, earning a degree, or eliminating debt. After we give and save, we want to live contentedly on the rest. This means paying our bills, providing for our families, and fulfilling some of our wants. When we manage our money God’s way, it demonstrates that we acknowledge Him as owner and trust Him as provider. When we are faithful to give, He takes responsibility to meet our needs – meaning the pressure is off! Getting God’s mind for our finances loosens the grip of the worries of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things. Managing money His way helps rid our hearts of thorns, transforming them into good soil in which His Word can take root and bear fruit – 30-, 60- and 100-fold!

Meredith Thompson is the Communications Director and Generosity Director at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE.

There must be something to getting this area of our lives right with Him. But how do we do that?


meet your

Odenton staff team

he Bay Area Odenton staff is a team of dedicated, passionate individuals with a heart for spreading the Gospel in the fastest growing area of Anne Arundel County. Now that Bay Area’s newest campus has launched, the team is well on its way to an exciting season of growth as an integral part of Bay Area’s vision for reaching the 440,000 unchurched people within the county.


To help introduce the Bay Area Odenton staff team to our church family, the GO&MAKE team sat down with each of them to learn about their passions, interests and roles on staff. Here’s what they had to say:


Daniel Maxham

Family: Engaged to fiancée Amanda Where he’s from: Grew up in Ellicott City, Maryland Hobbies: rock climbing Favorite Bible verse: Romans 12:1-2

Serves as: Campus Coordinator; helps people assimilate and connect with ministries; coordinates serving teams and fulfills administrative needs of the Odenton Campus Family: Married to husband of 17 years, Nathan, and mom to two kids: Jack (15) and Evelyn (5) Where she’s from: Born and raised in San Diego Hobbies: reading and bullet journaling Favorite Bible verse: Psalm 46:10

“I discovered my passion for connecting others with Jesus when I was on the mission field in Ghana in 2017. I love talking with people and having the privilege of connecting them with resources at Bay Area.”

Serves as: Odenton Campus Pastor by leading, shepherding, praying, building teams and managing logistics with an incredible team of leaders who are on mission in Odenton and the surrounding communities Family: Married to wife Greta for 21 years; father to four kids: Ryan (17), Karis (15), Julia (10) and Lydia (7) Where he’s from: Grew up in Clearwater, Florida Hobbies: running, traveling and playing games

“I love shepherding and building relationships with people, and my role as campus pastor gives me the opportunity to do that.”

Favorite Bible verse: Ephesians 5:1-2

Serves as: Odenton Campus Production Coordinator; leads the tech setup and teardown and serves alongside volunteers in the tech booth during gatherings; repairs equipment, improves production Family: Has five siblings, the most supportive mom, and a wonderful fiancé who she will marry in 2020 Where she’s from: Grew up in Gettysburg Hobbies: Loves to sing, play guitar and keys, write music Favorite Bible verse: Romans 11:36

Serves as: Children’s Ministry Coordinator and disciples children in Odenton by preparing and communicating curriculum and activities to parents and volunteers Family: Married for two years to husband Bryan Where she’s from: Southern Anne Arundel County Hobbies: cooking and the chemical processes involved Favorite Bible verse: Daniel 3:17-18

“Serving in Odenton is a way for me to interact with and get to know my community. Serving in Children’s Ministry combines my passions for my community and working with children to impact the Kingdom.”

Catherine McFarland

“I love those I serve with, having a heart for people and living on mission, and being a part of building something new in Odenton.”

Abby Labianca


Serves as: Student Ministry Coordinator by building relationships with students, coordinating events, and helping students grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus


“Building a Student Ministry in Odenton is exciting for me and something I am passionate about doing. I love building relationships with students that will last a lifetime.”


By Victoria Cline

addie Hinton, age 18, has been involved with Gifts for Children and Bay Area’s annual missions trip to our partner organization The Wade Center in Bluefield, West Virginia, for several years now. She first began volunteering her sophomore year of high school and went on her first missions trip during her junior year. She has been able to participate in Gifts for Children by working at the distribution centers, checking in parents and delivering gifts for families to have under their tree on Christmas morning. In addition to giving gifts, the missions team works with The Wade Center’s afterschool program where they help kids with homework, worship with them, and eat dinner with their families. Maddie describes the impact the team has as “an opportunity to be an example of Christ’s love and bless kids whose family environments are not always ideal. The parents are so grateful, and the kids really love seeing that people care about them.” Maddie will join the missions team again this December as they travel to Bluefield to distribute Christmas gifts for families in need to give their children something special to open on Christmas morning. But you don’t

have to be traveling on mission to be a part of blessing others. You can get involved right here at Bay Area! Our goal this year is to sponsor a total of 400 children with gifts, and we need you, the Bay Area family, to help us reach this goal! There are several ways to get involved this year. Serving opportunities include being present at the Gifts for Children counter on the weekends to coordinate sponsorships, helping with gift drop-offs and sorting, and of course sponsoring children and families. Anyone can sponsor an entire family or individual child. This initiative is a great way for families to do something together for others, and you can even get the kids involved in shopping and picking out gifts. Missional Communities can work together as well to adopt a whole family to bless this holiday season. The gifts that you donate are a small way to make a lasting impact in a child’s life and a simple way to live on mission this holiday season. Don’t forget to pick up a child to sponsor this month and bless a family in need!

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO HOW YOU CAN SPONSOR A CHILD THIS YEAR: Pick out a child or family to sponsor in the lobby the weekends of 11/10, 11/17 or 11/24. Be sure to pick up your child early though, because we run out of sponsorships quickly! Have fun shopping for gifts. Drop off your wrapped and labeled gifts at the Gifts for Children counter at your campus on the weekends of December 1 and December 8. Continue to pray for your child, their family and our missions team as they travel to West Virginia and distribute gifts.

You can learn more and sign up to serve by emailing giftsforchildren@bayareacc.org.

missions update




W By Randy Stiles

e can all think of 1,000 reasons to stay comfortable in Annapolis and never go on mission. Yet after returning from India I can think of a billion reasons to go back. For over 20 years, I’ve worked side by side with individuals from India. Many of the people stateside have left behind their families to pursue professional careers in the United States. These people have become more than just my colleagues. They have become my friends whom I care about deeply. In the spring of 2018, Bay Area hosted the SOULS Conference, and a Scripture was shared that spoke to my heart: “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself… (Leviticus 19:33–34a NIV)” After the SOULS Conference, it was clear that my first mission trip was to be to India. Most know that India is the second-most populated country in the world, behind China. To put that into understandable terms, I find it’s better to compare it with something I know. A major city is Hyderabad. The metropolitan area of Hyderabad is about half the size of Anne Arundel County but has nearly 16 times the population (that’s 9 million people). Located there, is International Cultural Bible Ministries (ICBM), led by Bay Area’s global partner Pastor Samuel. Their mission is to reach the people of India in their native tongue by disciple making. Pastor Samuel was recently joined by his son Pastor Joseph. According to Joseph, there is only one church per 2,000 villages. India has a population of 1.2 billion people, of which nearly 88 percent are still unreached. India has the largest number of unreached people groups of any country in the world! We often refer to Jesus as The Way or The Light, so in a place that is so unreached you can only imagine the spiritual


In October 2019, Randy Styles served on a short term mission team in India.

You can’t imagine the swelling in my heart and throat to be able to hand a young believer the truth of God in his language.

darkness. Being in India, it’s clear that Satan has a stronghold on the country, the government, the culture and the very precious people. We were told: be prayed up and ready for anything. Every culture has idols. Here in the U.S. ours are more subtle and generally are not spiritually centric. The gods of India are many. Within Hinduism, one individual has a personal god, a family god, a neighborhood god, then a tribal god: four gods. I was bombarded with their devotion to their numerous gods. A small idol was affixed to a taxi driver’s dash and was was adorned with a small fresh flower necklace as an offering. As we drove the driver pointed to a small truck carrying a large statute, this time an eight-armed woman riding a lion. “For protection,” the driver said as he pointed. Looking around the city, there were temples on nearly every corner, so many I lost count. Where there wasn’t a fullblown temple, there were small tiles integrated into the buildings to honor and respect the neighborhood god. It was clear we were way out of our element. To me, I felt the stories in the Bible coming to life, like in Acts 17, when Paul was sitting in the courtyard in Athens:


While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.” (Acts 17:16, 22-23) India has striking contrasts and many differences from the U.S., but God is still reaching people. I want you to know that these people are kind, hospitable and faithful. They have just been misdirected away from the one true God. Approaching the ICBM Philadelphia Church in Hyderabad, the streets were littered with trash, filled with people, children were playing in the side streets, and even the air was dense. Inside, the church was amazingly clean, practically spotless, and the body of that church’s heart for God was so inspiring. To me, it was a symbol of the path that we’ve all taken; we arrive dirty and then through Christ we are made clean. Inside, the service gave me chills (which is saying

something since it was well over 100 degrees). A small room was filled with 50 people, mainly women, singing, clapping and praising Jesus. Service concluded, and then they all enjoyed a meal together. It was an unexpected experience. At home at Bay Area, I’m commonly found ushering, so attending service is commonplace, but this was somehow different. At a youth conference where we served, I caught myself thinking about what luxuries we have at home. Personally I have probably 10+ translations of the Bible downloaded on my iPhone, with access to many others. We were organized into small groups, and a young man in the group was empty handed. Our only communication was through the use of two translators, but during a break, ICBM was able to purchase several Bibles in the native tongue of the attendees. You can’t imagine the swelling in my heart and throat to be able to hand a young believer the truth of God in his language. The look on his face expressed deep gratitude, and is not something I will soon forget. To fully understand the story of India, you have to understand that in India, when you are born you are assigned to a caste. This is a historical way of organizing the society. Your caste rank decides many things that will happen to you in your life: access to things like government assistance, education, jobs, etc. When an individual chooses to follow Jesus, they are automatically demoted to the lowest level of the caste system. They lose all governmental support, and in effect are a lower-class citizen than the street sweeper or latrine cleaners.

New believers risk becoming an outcaste or an untouchable. I’m not talking like the U.S. perception of being labeled “religious” or a “Bible thumper,” but truly shunned from their family, village, society and government. Pastor Joseph says the only way to reach the individual is to first convert the local tribal leader; then the rest of the village follows. I can see that the salvation of a whole village would offer a continuous community now baptized in the light.

“To me, it was a symbol of the path that we’ve all taken; we arrive dirty and then through Christ we are made clean.”

Maybe one compelling reason people don’t go on mission is that they are paralyzed at the thought of one-on-one evangelism. If that’s the case, let me share that the engagement with ICBM is to equip and prepare local pastors and fellow believers to return to their villages and share the message of hope and love that we all know in the form of Jesus. Our mission from Annapolis was to support these locals, to encourage them, and to share the word of God with them so that they are equipped and have a solid foundation to go find others who would leave it all behind to find the one true God. So, are you prepared to leave a week behind so that others might gain eternity? If so, you can go to bayareacc.org/missions to learn more and view opportunities to serve on short term mission through Bay Area.


By Victoria Cline

FROM THE NATIONS TO HERE... Serving overseas led the Gilroys to serve students back in the States ill and Alexis Gilroy both came to faith at a young age and grew up in the church. Married for 21 years, the couple has two sons ages 10 and 14, and their family started attending Bay Area Annapolis about five years ago. Like many at Bay Area, they wanted to serve but just weren’t sure what ministry would be a good fit for them and work with their busy schedules.

When deciding where to go on mission, Bill thought back to his time in the Navy when he spent time with locals in Latin America. Bill really wanted his family to experience being overseas together in order to serve others and be reminded of how blessed their lives were here in the U.S. The August student mission trip to Belize was a perfect fit for the Gilroys.

Earlier this summer, the Gilroys opened up their home to host pastors from overseas, and this fall they hosted Bay Area’s new Executive Pastor of Operations Jeff Supp. Offering their home was an easy way to begin serving others, and from conversations with the missionary pastors they hosted, the Gilroys became interested in going on a short term missions trip.

The mission team consisted of 43 people (seven adults and 35 students). Bill describes that “Overall, the service focused on four main activities: food distribution, bunk bed construction and delivery, a multi-day Vacation Bible School and producing a community festival,” Bill said, explaining how his team served in Belize.


Before going on the trip, Bill and Alexis were unsure about serving in Student Ministry or if their schedules would allow it, but two experiences on the trip made it clear that was the place for them.

verge of such a significant life change. They are becoming adults, but they’re also still goofy kids. Serving with them gives me such hope for the future,” Alexis observed.

“There’s not always a positive image of teens in the media which made serving a bit daunting, but during our session wrap-ups each day I was blown away at the level of insight and wisdom coming from these teens. It was so reassuring and inspiring,” Alexis reflected.

Bill added, “Serving is also a great way to get to know other adults who are serving and parents of students as well. You can connect with your church more broadly.”

Bill explained that he too witnessed something while on the trip that inspired him to get involved in Student Ministry. “A group of teens got up at 5:30 in the morning and started their own Bible study that grew in number, and now the teens continue over video back here in the U.S.,” he said. The Gilroys’ son Aiden participates in the Bible study and now wants to continue missions at home by inviting friends and staff at his school to church. Bill and Alexis noted that serving with middle and high school students is rewarding and important because kids at that age experience many challenges in school and life in general. “They are right on the

The Gilroys emphasized that everyone has a gift that can be used to serve in some capacity. “It’s a good idea to learn about your spiritual gifts and talk to others to find where the best place for you to serve is,” Alexis suggested. That’s what the Gilroys did. At first, they were unsure and anxious about where to serve, but after taking a spiritual gifts assessment and getting to know Student Ministry they found the right place for them as a family. Now, Bill serves as a Community Leader for tenth-grade boys on Wednesday nights during Amplify, and Alexis serves in the Café where she gets to greet and interact with kids each week. They truly love what they do and are so glad they took the next step in their faith to serve.

To learn more about how to find a place to serve at Bay Area, go to bayareacc.org/serve.


Join us Sunday, December 15, from 6-7:30 p.m. for a fun-filled Christmas event for the entire family. If you have kids ages birth through fifth-grade, you won’t want to miss this special evening of Christmas activities, games, worship and a story time with Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr.

Register your family for this free event today at bayareacc.org/register



THIRD SATURDAYs • 8 am • Register today at bayareacc.org/REGISTER 22 GO&MAKE N OV E M B E R

Surviving The Holidays Seminar

November 17 2 - 6 PM IN ROOM 237

Register online at bayareacc.org/register. SAVE THE DATE FOR THESE EVENTS

Surviving The Holidays Seminar

November 10

1 - 4 PM IN ROOM 236

Register online at bayareacc.org/register. N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 23


HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations

YOUR FIRST STEP New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps might be in order to grow in your spiritual journey. Snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend the gathering on the first Sunday of each month.

YOUR NEXT STEP If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a onehour gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us on the second Sunday of each month to connect in community and to check out our serving opportunities. Hope to see you there!

BECOME A MEMBER Are you interested in joining our church family? Here at Bay Area, we call our members Ministry Partners because we are committed to partnering together to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. For those who would like to learn more about becoming a Ministry Partner, the next Ministry Partner Orientation is December 1 from 12:30-4 p.m. To find upcoming dates or register for First Step, Next Step or Ministry Partner Orientation, go to bayareacc. org/nextsteps.


WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: K-5th: thuli.leigh@bayareacc.org 6-12th: brent.squires@bayareacc.org Adults: shari.brandt@bayareacc.org

CARE NETWORK There are times when every one of us experiences challenging circumstances, losses, relational pain and difficult transitions in our lives. God never intended that we go through these experiences alone. The Care Network provides a variety of resources, trained volunteers and referrals to professional counselors that can help you to move forward. We desire to provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Sunday, 11/10, 1-2:30 p.m., Room 237

Being a caregiver can mean many things, from caring for the very young to providing adult services and taking care of aging adults. The needs can vary involving medical, physical and/ or emotional care. Our group is a safe place to engage with other caregivers, obtain new resources, share challenges or joys and be encouraged. No registration is necessary. Info: msbellamy77@gmail.com

GRIEFSHARE SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS SEMINAR Sunday, 11/17, 1:30-4 p.m., Room 236

Are you dreading the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays knowing things have changed due to a loss in your life? This seminar is for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. You’ll learn how to deal with emotions you’ll face during the holidays, what to do about traditions and changes, and other helpful tips for surviving social events. Cost is $10. Register: bayareac.org/register

DIVORCECARE SUPPORT GROUP Mondays through 12/16, 6:45-9 p.m., Room 237

Separated or in the midst of a divorce? Don’t walk through this difficult time alone. DivorceCare is a support group led by trained facilitators who have experienced divorce and rebuilt their lives through

the help of this group. Each week the group features practical information, biblical teaching and encouragement to help you move forward. Come any time as each session stands alone. Info: jbnathlich@gmail.com Register: bayareacc.org/register


Wondering how you’ll survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading this holiday season knowing that everything has changed due to your separation or divorce? This seminar is for you. You’ll learn how to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays, receive helpful tips for surviving social events, ways to give your kids a good holiday experience, and how to discover hope for the future. Cost is $10. Info: jbnathlich@gmail.com Register: bayareacc.org/register


We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org


Are you a man with the gifts of compassion and mercy who desires to help others in a coaching role? Care Coaches are maturing followers of Jesus who are compelled by God’s work in them to walk alongside hurting people as they discover the joy of a deepening relationship with the Lord. Training is provided.


Have you experienced separation or divorce and have a heart to help walk with others through this life change?

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT TEAM This team is looking for couples to assist with a variety of events throughout the year.


Have you participated in a GriefShare Support Group and benefited from this ministry and now have a heart to serve others? Training is provided. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WAVE RIDERS Are you a parent of nursery- or preschool-age children looking to be in community? We invite your family to be a part of our Wave Riders play group that meets twice a month from 10 a.m. to noon. 11/5: Thanksgiving craft and ride-ons in the auditorium at Bay Area. 11/19: The Playseum at the Annapolis Mall (special discounted admission)

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Friday, 11/15, 7 p.m., Auditorium

Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night. We will show the new live-action “Lion King.” Admission is $1 per family member and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll have face painting and a photo booth, so bring your blankets and enjoy an evening out as a family. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and dressing as your favorite animal is encouraged.

PARENT DEDICATION Sunday, 11/17, 1-2 p.m.

Have you committed as parents to raise your children for Jesus? Unlike a child dedication, this special ceremony marks your dedication as parents to instilling godly character in your children as you pursue Jesus together as a family. You have been entrusted with the precious gift of your child’s life, and our Children’s Ministry is here to partner with you as you embark on this discipleship journey as parents. Our Parent Dedication celebrates this commitment with you. Register: bayareacc.org/register

FAMILY CHRISTMAS NIGHT Sunday, 12/15, 6-7:30 p.m., Auditorium

Join us for a free, fun-filled Christmas event for the entire family. If you have kids ages birth through fifth-grade, you won’t want to miss this special evening of Christmas activities, games, worship and a story time with Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr. Register: bayareacc.org/register

EMPLOYMENT DIRECTOR, WOMEN’S MINISTRY Part-time, 25 hours/week - The Director will implement strategic vision for all areas of Women’s

Ministry by overseeing volunteers/ leaders with strong communication, problem-solving, along with fruitful discipleship and leadership of women.

SHORT TERM MISSIONS COORDINATOR Part-time, 20 hours/week - The Short Term Missions Coordinator will help achieve Bay Area’s mission through excellent administration of the Short Term Missions program. This person will be administratively gifted with a strong attention to detail, clear communication skills and a love for clear and consistent processes leading to effective ministry.


Part-time, Monday through Thursday 4-10 p.m., 24 hours/week. The Facilities Assistant is responsible for unlocking, locking and securing the building and helping oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, setting up and breaking down rooms, assembling furniture and other duties assigned by the facility manager and/or management.

WEEKEND FACILITIES ASSISTANTS Part-time, Saturday, from 3 p.m. to close, 5 hours/week - The Weekend Facilities Assistants are responsible for opening, unlocking, closing and securing the building and helping to oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, assembling furniture and other duties assigned by the facility manager and/ or management.

ASSOCIATE WORSHIP LEADER Full-time, 40+ hours/week - The role of the Associate Worship Leader is to contribute to building a worship culture by leading worship at multiple Bay Area campuses, writing songs, developing worship leaders and musicians, recruiting volunteers, assisting the leadership of all campuses, and ensuring all worship experiences are executed with excellence.

DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Part-time, 24 hours/week - The Digital Communications Coordinator will

serve on the Communications Team with the Communications Director. Their primary responsibilities will include managing and updating Bay Area’s website and social media accounts, as well as assisting with digital marketing and other communications projects for all campuses.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY PROGRAM COORDINATOR Full-time, 40 hours/week - Oversees our KidCare Ministry, which provides childcare for church events and Women’s Ministry. Also assists with Administrative duties for Children’s Ministry to include background checks and weekly requests.


Our KidCare team has a need for adults who have a heart for kids. We provide KidCare for all ministries and various events year-round. Want to join our team of paid workers? Email KidCare Coordinator Ellyn at ellyn. watson@bayareacc.org. For more info and to apply: bayareacc.org/jobs


Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org

PRAYER MINISTRY Our Prayer Ministry comprises individuals dedicated to praying for all aspects of Bay Area: gatherings, pastors, missions and more. Individuals are also available to pray after each gathering (front-right of Chapel stage). Info: bayareacc.org/prayer

MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities online at bayareacc.org/ missionalcommunities. N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 25

FINANCIALS On June 1, 2018, Bay Area began a two-year generosity initiative called Unrivaled that will fund our ongoing ministry at all campuses, construction of our new student center and children’s addition, and expansion of Christ’s reach from here to the nations. Our two-year giving goal is $16,500,000.

FINANCIALS Giving Progress Toward Goal: (June 1, 2018 - October 23, 2019) $9,747,180


Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent engagement - that every person at Bay Area would ask what it means to put God first in their finances. To make a commitment, pick up a commitment card at an information counter or go to baccunrivaled.org/commitment.

MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, 11/16, 8-9:30 a.m. Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast in the auditorium. The Line is an opportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register: bayareacc.org/register

THE LINE HOLIDAY SERVICE PROJECT Saturday, 12/7, 8-10 a.m. Join us for our first serving opportunity of the men’s ministry season! We’ll be working with the Walk the Walk Foundation to put together bikes and wrap presents for kids in need this Christmas. Afterwards we’ll continue the fun as we hang at a local eatery and do a gift exchange ($10 max). Register by November 23 to have a secret Santa assigned. Register: bayareacc.org/register

You can also give by text: “BACC 50” (for Annapolis Campus) or “Odenton 50” (for Odenton Campus) to 30131.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIVING! Info: baccunrivaled.org Questions: finance@bayareacc.org

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m., Room 236 Info: sales@ecosoils.net

MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDIES Sundays, 6-8 p.m., Room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus, discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face at home, work and in society. Info: bob.gregory@bayareacc.org

Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., Room 235 Study 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 using the book “The Measure of a Man: 20 Attributes of a Godly Man” by Gene Getz. Come ready to be challenged to grow as a follower of Jesus. Info: sam.logan@gmail.com 26 GO&MAKE N OV E M B E R

PERSPECTIVES COURSE Thursdays, 1/9 - 5/7, 6:30-9:15 p.m.

Use what’s in you to bless the world around you. Perspectives is a 15week discipleship course delving into the Biblical, historical, cultural and strategic perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Register by 12/1 to receive an Early Bird discount. Register: bayareacc.org/register


Take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 10 locations worldwide. Learn about our locations and partners: bayareacc. org/missions.

Belize (7/25-8/1): Use your skills as

Register for studies and events at bayareacc.org/annapolis/women.

a dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, nurse or construction worker to bless the people of Belize. This team will host a dental clinic and Vacation Bible School as well as construct a school building. Dental/ medical professionals must apply by January 15. Submit an interest form or apply: bayareacc.org/stm



Join this group of senior women who support one another through encouragement and prayer on the second and fourth Mondays of the month 10:30 a.m. - noon.

Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area by financially supporting others. Give: bayareacc.org/stmgive

QUILTS FOR KIDS Saturday, 11/16, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.



You can give toward your Unrivaled commitment through the offering during the gatherings or online at bayareacc.org/give



The Annapolis Chapter of QFK meets for the purpose of making quilts for children in hospitals. Bring your sewing machine and your lunch. Quilting fabrics will be provided. We will meet in the Docks in the west parking lots. Info: annapolisqfk@gmail.com

LIFECRAFT: HOLIDAY WREATH DIY Sunday, 12/1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Join us for a step-by-step class with master florist Megan Crout and go home with a gorgeous wreath that you can hang and enjoy all season. Bring your own gardening shears to the class in the Bay Cafe and wear something you don’t mind getting dirty! Register: bayareacc.org/register Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter at bayareacc.org/ annapolis/women.

Join with others to be encouraged and pray for our missionaries and global partners. This team meets second and fourth Sundays at 9:20 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Info: ccback84@gmail.com


Middle and high school students are invited to join us each Wednesday for hang out time and community groups, specific by grade and gender, and led by our adult leaders. The Warehouse Cafe has optional dinner available for purchase. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org

FIRST FRIDAY Friday, 12/6 , 7-9 p.m.

Middle school students can join us for

our monthly First Friday event! The Warehouse and Café will be open for each event. There is no registration needed and this event is free. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

884 COFFEEHOUSE Sunday, 12/8, 7-9 p.m.



High school students can join us monthly for live music, coffee, and games. This event is held in The Warehouse and will feature a musical guest. This month will be our Christmas Coffeehouse. Students are encouraged to invite a new friend to this event. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

SERVE LIKE JESUS Below is a list of some of our current serving opportunities. For more information, and to sign up, go to bayareacc.org/serve. AMBASSADOR TEAM GREETER TEAM AUDIO/VIDEO TEAM CHAIR MINISTRY CHILDREN’S MINISTRY

New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps might be in order to grow in your spiritual journey. Snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend the gathering on the first Sunday of each month.


If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a one-hour gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us on the second Sunday of each month to connect in community and to check out our serving opportunities.




Want to serve in Odenton or get plugged into community? Email Campus Coordinator Amy at amy. french@bayareacc.org.


WOMEN’S DINNER AND BIBLE STUDY Thursdays through 12/19, 6:15-8:30 p.m.

For more info contact Sharon Tablada at HoracioSharon@gmail. com

ODENTON STUDENT MINISTRY AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Amy French’s House

Students in grades 6 through 12 are welcome to join us for snacks, Bible study and time to hang out.


Middle and high school students are invited to get into the Christmas spirit with us! Everyone is encouraged to wear Christmas sweaters, Santa hats and whatever Christmas gear they can find! There will also be a white elephant gift exchange where every student is asked to bring a wrapped gift that is no more than $10 (the crazier the better). Christmas snacks and hot chocolate will be provided! Info: bayareacc.org/odenton/ students

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: facebook.com/ bayareaodenton Instagram: @bayareaodenton



Two-year giving goal: $16,500,000

Giving since launch: $9,747,180

In June 2018 Bay Area launched a two-year giving initiative called Unrivaled. Through June 2020, every dollar given to Bay Area will support our ministries, discipling students and children, and expanded Kingdom impact from here to the nations. Learn more and give at bayareacc.org/give. N OV E M B E R GO&MAKE 27



ANNAPOLIS December 23 4 & 6 p.m. December 24 2, 4, 6, 8 & 11 p.m.

ODENTON December 24 4 p.m.

EASTON December 24 7 p.m.


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