GO&MAKE Issue #61 (October 2018)

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14 COVER STORY: TRUNK OR TREAT Bay Area’s largest community event of the year is just around the corner, slated to be bigger than ever with a unique, out-of-this world experience.

12 LEADERSHIP PROFILE: BARRY WILLHITE One of Bay Area’s newest elders, Barry Willhite, shares his story of coming to faith and tells his story of service to the church.


10 SHORT TERM MISSIONS: WHY SHOULD I GO? After two trips to El Salvador, Donna Roser shares how God changed her heart about making disciples from here to the nations.

18 EVERY ONE A MISSIONARY There are countless ways to live as missionaries right at home, as Bay Area Easton’s Jeff Sanders demonstrated through throwing a very intentional birthday party.

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

Gatherings: Saturday, 5:20 p.m. & Sunday, 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR Meredith Thompson ART DIRECTOR Josh Shirlen ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple LEAD DESIGNER Jake Williams GRAPHIC DESIGNER Josh Burgin CONTRIBUTORS Abbie Hoekstra Andy Smith Donna Roser Josh Shirlen

On the cover: Dr. Winkward Photo by Josh Shirlen

ELDERS Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Chris Heacock David McPeak Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax

884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401


BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Craig Fadel, Easton Campus Pastor – craig.fadel@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry & Weekend Experience Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – jerry.shirlen@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Missional Community Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, arts – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – meredith.thompson@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership O C TO B E R GO&MAKE 3



Dear Bay Area family, Now that the kids are back in school, football season is in full swing, and the leaves are turning, hopefully you are back in a rhythm that is allowing you to invest in God’s priorities for your one and only life. Here is some encouragement toward that end. First, make sure that daily personal time with the Lord - reading His Word (a chapter a day for the rest of your life) and conversing in prayer - is at the top of your priorities.

First Step, which happens the first week of every month, is designed to give newcomers an overview of the church. Next Step, which takes place on the second and third weeks of the month, exists to help you connect in Missional Community and in serving. Check bayareacc.org/nextsteps for more information on time and location for each of these.

Second, never underestimate or neglect the importance of a community of friends who will encourage you spiritually.

And one other thing. At any point you can go to our website and find the smiling faces of all your staff at bayareacc.org/leadership. Feel free to send any of us an email with questions or comments. Or better yet, pick up the phone and call the church office (410-5442222) and Allison or Laurie will direct your call to the right staff person so we can talk personally together.

And third, remember that as you live a life of service and mission, sacrificially loving others like Jesus, you will experience the Living Christ in deeper intimacy. Give yourself to serving like Jesus.

Please hear my heart: We are here to serve you. We truly want to help connect you with God, others and opportunities to use your gifts and talents to make a difference for Jesus in the world.

This is what we long for each of us who calls Bay Area home: a life that loves God, loves each other, and loves those who don’t know the saving grace of Jesus.

In closing, there are a lot of exciting things happening at the church. We are in the midst of our Exodus study, the construction of the children and student expansion continues with a hopeful January movein date, and Saturday evening gatherings are in full swing. God is at work.

I want you to know that we are here to serve you toward that end. Sometimes a large church can feel impersonal or it can seem more difficult to connect. We are constantly praying and working on how to help all of us connect relationally so that together we grow spiritually. On a Saturday night or Sunday morning, please feel free to ask questions about the church with any of our Ambassadors in the lobby. They are there to serve and are very eager to talk with you.

It is likely that as you read this, I am either in South Sudan, India or the Middle East (October 7-25) with a team from Bay Area. God is graciously using us from here to the nations. I can hardly wait to share with you what the Lord will do on this trip! Please pray for us.

Believing God to work mightily in all our lives,

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE.


By Pat Linnell


he art of Grace Bombing does not always go according to plan, especially when kids are involved. But sometimes that is just the way it should be. Kids make things messy – and God uses messy. I learned this lesson after one of the hottest weeks of the year. The Maryland weather snapped back to a few cool rainy days, and the kids were needing to get some energy out after being trapped inside for a while. First stop, Subway – “eat fresh.” Then onto the highly chlorinated North Arundel Aquatic Center experience. It took a little while to order our subs because Sanjay, as his nametag let us know, was the only one working at the time. He kept his head down and plugged away while our four kids and I sat down to eat. While we ate I felt that familiar whispering nudge to Grace Bomb Sanjay. I had it all worked out in my mind. After we eat, I’ll drive over to the ATM, then smoothly drive back over, have one kid – the oldest, Ava – hop out and give Sanjay $50 and a Grace Bomb card, then drive away like we just robbed a bank. In, out, clean – a fast getaway. One upside of Grace Bombing is that it allows for a fast getaway, but that wasn’t in the cards this time. Arriving back from the ATM we noticed other customers entering Subway, so I told Ava (11) to get in there quick and find Sanjay, but the other kids wanted to go also. How do you tell your kids not to go love a neighbor with no strings attached? Meanwhile it started to rain. Ava made a run for it and Scarlett (8) jumped out of the back of the minivan in an attempt to keep up, but ran head-first into the open car door. Scarlett was then crying in the rain because of getting injured in her well-intentioned leap, so Ava came back to console her. Meanwhile Jackson (9), excited to use his new purple umbrella, hopped out of the other side of the car, and started his best impression of “Singing in the Rain” – all just outside the doors of Subway. We quickly became “that family.” With Scarlett rustled, Jack dancing, and Max (4) thankfully still unable to break free from his car seat, Ava ran back in to bless Sanjay. Then to ensure we didn’t make a fast exit, upon her return Ava struggled to get the mechanical sliding van door shut. The door stuck, it was raining, and out came Sanjay to give

us a thumbs up and a smile. Then came either his wife or his boss out to the car in the rain. This was not the smooth getaway I had planned, but it led to something Jesus intended all along. With Jack still dancing in the rain, one door stuck open and Scarlett wiping away tears, the woman from Subway came right up to my driver’s side door and asked why we just gave Sanjay that gift. It was “too much” and she was genuinely bewildered, to the point she had to investigate. It was then that my nerves calmed. The fast getaway was dead. We were busted, but now with a great new opportunity. I was able to give her a point-blank answer to her pointblank question. I was able to tell her that the gift is a Grace Bomb, and that grace is something we learn from Jesus. And because Jesus has loved us, we wanted to share some of that love with Sanjay. When I spoke the name of Jesus, I honestly was not sure if she had even heard of Jesus before. I have enough Indian friends to know that this woman and Sanjay were of Indian descent – a huge nation almost completely void of the good news about Jesus. This was a needed conversation, and perhaps a first introduction to Jesus. Taking in the small series of events that kept us there, I was thankful for what I thought was a mess, but what really was the beautiful outworking of God’s plan for people to move closer to His Son, from here to the nations. The rain, the flying umbrella, the injury, the stuck door, the botched getaway – what a great mess. Do you feel like you are fighting back the mess in your life? Are things not always working out according to your plan? Today, slow down for a moment and look around. It could be through your crazy life that God is bringing someone to your door – someone who needs hope, is ready for a small taste of grace, and perhaps needs to hear the name that is above all names – Jesus. Let Him use your mess for His glory. And perhaps don’t always plan on a fast getaway when you get your Grace Bomb on.

Pat Linnell is the teaching pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributer to GO&MAKE.


Did you know there are several ways to give at Bay Area? In addition to cash or check, you can give via:

A recurring gift with your credit or debit card, or bank account transfer.

The Bay Area app

Giving Kiosks in the Annapolis Campus lobby OFFICE BAY CAFÉ EAST EXIT



In June 2018 we launched a 24-month generosity initiative called Unrivaled; through June 2020, all giving will go toward our goal of $16,500,000.

You can learn more or give online at




Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night on Friday, November 16. We will be showing “The Greatest Showman” (rated PG) at 7 p.m. Admission for each family is $5 and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll also have a raffle and photo booth, so bring your blankets and enjoy an evening out together as a family. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m.

Register today at bayareacc.org/register




DECEMBER 2 @ 4:30 P.M.


Why Should I Go To The Nations? By Donna Roser


hy to the nations – there are so many unmet needs here in our own communities!” This was my rebuttal to this topic for more years than I care to count or admit. I’ll be honest – it was my defense mechanism until – you guessed it – God worked on me in this area. And I am so glad He did. First, I felt a prompting in my Spirit: “Donna, keep serving the less fortunate here and realize this: other countries don’t have the means and resources like we have at our disposal here.”


Second, my own children started sharing how they felt God was calling them to short term missions. As a parent, the easiest and safest answer to blurt out was a resounding “No!” It’s safe, painless (for me, anyway) and the discussion was over. But God’s parental work in me caused me to pause and listen to Him – “Seek my guidance Donna. I can’t accomplish what is necessary to grow my Kingdom in you without your obedience – I can accomplish so much more in my Son’s name if you trust and follow me more than you ever have before.” I felt a breaking of my spirit, similar to that of a wild horse being broken and giving in to the will of his master for instruction.

Listening to God doesn’t always feel good. In many situations He’s asking us to be open to change, which is hard, but we have to realize that the change is for His plan, for more beautiful and greater purposes – His purposes! So, I sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance and prayed. You see, as God would have it, He continues to grow me as a parent, reminding me that He formed not only me, but also my children in the womb. His plan for all of us is so much better than anything I could orchestrate on my own. As I listened to the Holy Spirit, I was amazed at the Scripture that backed up the call to serve the nations. So we did it! We surrendered and jumped for

the first time into short term missions in El Salvador in 2017. And after that lifechanging experience, we felt God calling us to go again in 2018. Going to El Salvador was a gamechanger. After just a 4.5-hour flight and a short van ride from the airport to our hotel, the trip required minimal effort to deliver the good news of Jesus and serve in El Salvador. There are so many highlights and not enough time to capture them all, but here’s a little peek into El Salvador 2018 for Team Easton and Annapolis:

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” - Philippians 1:6 Imagine walking up a steep hill, through what our team would call a “jungle,” carrying a small, wood-framed, decorated bed with youth team members’ favorite Bible verses painted on each slat. The slats would support a mattress and a young child who, up until this point, had been sharing a single mattress on the hard dirt floor with the rest of her family members. The pride, joy and excitement in our youths’ faces as they saw the expressions of the child and her family receiving the bed our youth had constructed was beyond moving for all of us. This is just one of many ways we extended God’s love while serving children and families through the CDCs (Child Development Centers) in El Salvador. In addition, since gangs and violence are prevalent ways of living for many in El Salvador, we shared several Bible verses and stories such as 1 Corinthians 15:33: “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” Our team came up with creative ways to teach lessons around this verse. Through Skittles and water we depicted how water is clear and clean, but as corruption enters (colorful Skittles), we demonstrated how we are no longer clean but dirty. The team also took supplies to make slime, illustrating how we can be transformed through the power of God’s Holy Spirit,

just like the individual products are combined to make slime. The Salvadoran kids and adults alike loved the slime! We were able to make huge batches for them to enjoy playing with at home, serving as a lasting reminder of our story of transformation. Not only did we get to share the hope of Jesus with those we served, we grew as well. For me, my personal growth in becoming more like Jesus was also a highlight of this trip. It would have been easy to make little of the times where I didn’t have self-control and was less than patient and gentle with my words. I could have easily blamed it on the pressure and stress of leading a team of 27 (16 of them being under the age of 17!). God enabled me to own my “stuff” by being transparent and humbling myself before our team and leadership, apologizing for where I fell short of exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit and seeking forgiveness from my brothers and sisters in Christ. I love that we have a church family of believers that challenges our status quo and grows us to be all God has called us to be. In Philippians 1:6, Paul speaks of this when he says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” You see, serving on a mission trip is not just for those being served. It is for us as passionate, maturing followers of Jesus,

growing to look more like Jesus. There are life-changing stories, in the name of Christ, for those on the giving and serving side of the trip too. I hope you begin praying about how you and your family may surrender to Christ and let Him do great work in you by catapulting faith-walks like never before! I am praying for all of you and who God will call to serve on a short term mission trip in 2019. It was quite amazing to see how God provided financially for my family as well. Using the guidance provided in Bay Area’s Short Term Missions Manual and with support from other leaders, both of our trips (my oldest daughter Caroline served in both El Salvador and Uganda this summer) were 100 percent funded through the sacrificial giving of our sending team. God has put us together as His church for a reason – to do the good works He has prepared for us in advance and to bring His name to people all over the world – from Easton to El Salvador. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention three Bay Area Easton teens accepted Christ and five were baptized in the Pacific Ocean while we were serving in El Salvador. In addition, two Salvadoran women accepted Christ during our home visits. What a great God we serve!





BARRY WILLHITE By Abbie Hoekstra

lder Barry Willhite started living out Bay Area’s mission to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations long before his involvement at Bay Area. At age 10, Barry and his family settled in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he grew up in a Christian home and came to know Jesus at an early age. At a youth retreat early on in high school he realized he could have a personal relationship with God, and was blessed to have a solid group of Christian friends who encouraged each other to pursue Jesus wholeheartedly.

in the reserves, which later gave way for the chance to teach at the Naval Academy in 2011. In 2014 he picked back up his civilian job, where he still works today.

Barry first visited Bay Area in 1998 as a Midshipman at the Naval Academy, where he studied mechanical engineering. After graduation he married his longtime middle school friend and now wife of 16 years, Jen. Barry went on to get his master’s in aerospace engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was then deployed as an officer on a Destroyer. On the ship he served as a lay leader because they didn’t have a formal chaplain. Being on a long deployment with a lot of different people and experiences, this opportunity to lead others brought about new growth and wisdom in Barry’s own spiritual journey. It was here that he began to understand the importance of discipleship and the impact that it can have on the church at large.

Barry and Jen live out a life on mission in their own home. Along with their own four kids, they began fostering other children, which later gave way for a call to adopt. In 2014 they met a sweet baby boy named Tyler who was born with Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome. Babies born with this are not likely to live past age 1 or 2 [MT1] due to respiratory failure or a high fever, but the Wilhites believed their calling to adopt Tyler had not changed because of a diagnosis. They enjoyed 14 short but joy-filled months with him before he passed away in September 2015. The Wilhites talk about the way Tyler has given them a story of encouragement to share – a reminder that God still works through pain and suffering.

In 2006 while still on active duty, Barry and Jen moved back to Maryland and began regularly attending Bay Area. He took a government Navy civilian job in Washington, D.C., in 2009 but stayed

When the Willhites returned to Bay Area they got involved in Children’s Ministry right off the bat, specifically in the nursery and preschool where they could be with their first three children. They also started attending a Missional Community and eventually began their own, which they have led and hosted for the past seven years.

It was at this time that the Lord was growing this desire in Barry to engage more in ministering to his church family. “After Tyler passed away, that was a season we felt called and we stepped out and obeyed these new callings that were born out of this experience,” Barry

recalled. He felt a burden to disciple and walk alongside people through difficult times now more than ever. Shortly after he started praying about ways to serve, Barry received a phone call about being an elder. At the same time, his wife Jen was feeling called to help families who had been in similar situations as they had with Tyler and decided to go to nursing school. In 2017, Barry was installed as an elder, and recently took the lead on Bay Area’s prayer ministry. He talks about the way he wants to encourage his church family to take everything to Jesus in prayer. “When you pray, distractions kind of go away, or at least seem smaller, and that’s because they are,” he explained, “and when you have a big God, your problems are small.” Barry loves spending time with his wife and four kids and seeing the ways God is continually working to build them up as a hospitable family. He is especially proud of the way his kids live this out in sacrificing their rooms for new foster kids and extending grace and love to them. The Willhite family is currently housing children through a temporary foster care program for refugees. Through his experience as a lay leader and Missional Community leader, he has learned the importance of discipleship and the ripple effect it can have. His desire for the prayer ministry is to see Bay Area become a church that is discipling one another and constantly building up the church family for the work that God has prepared us to do.



What is Trunk or Treat? Trunk or Treat is the largest community outreach event of the year at Bay Area. In fact, in terms of attendance, Trunk or Treat is bigger than both Christmas and Easter. Happening annually one evening in October, the church comes together to welcome our neighbors with creativity, hospitality and fun. Bay Area attenders, Missional Communities and ministries host trunks by decorating their cars for halloween. Guests tour the parking lot meeting people, appreciating the decorations and collecting candy. By Josh Shirlen

Why do we do it? The purpose of Trunk or Treat has evolved over the years. What was once an event for Bay Area families to bring their children out for safe candy collection in lieu of trick-or-treating has now become an event intended to draw everyone in our area to Bay Area. Think of it like an initial handshake by the church to the community. We’re extending our hand in a non-threatening, socially relevant context to introduce ourselves and let them know we’re here when they’re ready to give faith a try. In order to make a good impression on our guests, we put our best creative efforts into the event. From the trunk decor to the event theming, we strive to honor our creative God by creating an environment we hope will ultimately lead people to Him.


What’s special this year? Last year we introduced a new thematic element to Trunk or Treat with the creation of Bay Area National Park. Park Rangers took guests on a guided trail walk through our woods where they encountered various animals. The concept was a success with thousands of people enjoying the adventure. This year we’ve created a similar, but improved, experience that we hope even more people will be able to enjoy. We’re calling it UFO Encounter! It will feature several interactive stations, a trail walk, a spaceship, friendly aliens and candy. We realize this is a bit of a nontraditional theme for a church, but we feel strongly that this subject matter will speak the language of our broader culture and attract many who might otherwise not come to a church-based event.

How can you be a part? Invite people and come! The event is absolutely free, so invite as many people as you like and join us for all the fun on October 19. You never know if this might be the event that leads a guest to life change in Jesus. Host a trunk. Trunk or Treat can’t happen without volunteers to host a trunk. We provide all the candy so all you have to do is decorate your trunk and show up! We can even help you brainstorm ideas for trunk themes. It costs $10 to host a trunk and guests vote for the best trunk to win a cash prize. To register to host a trunk, please go to bayareacc.org/trunkortreat. Volunteer. There are tons of opportunities to serve at Trunk or Treat. Parking team, ambassadors, security, production team and actors are some of the areas where volunteers are needed. To volunteer, go to bayareacc.org/trunkortreat.


Dr. Winkward, renowned astronomer and astrobiologist, recently discovered that an unidentified flying object has entered our solar system headed for Earth. Specifically, it’s headed for the woods next to Bay Area Community Church. She estimates that the UFO will make landing on the evening of Oct. 19, 2018. We’re calling all men, women and children to volunteer as researchers of the vessel after it lands. Researchers will have to pass a security checkpoint and a decontamination station as part of the experience, and will get to tour the astrobiology lab.






ay Area’s vision, Every One a Missionary, underscores the church’s desire that all followers of Jesus would see themselves as and live as a missionaries. For some, this is fulfilled through short-term or long-term mission trips; for others it’s played out right at home. What does it really look like to be a missionary in Easton and Annapolis? Jeff Sanders lives life on mission in Easton with the words of Theodore Roosevelt as his life motto: “nobody cares what you know until they know you care.” Jeff lets his life speak as an example of Jesus’ love. In the New Testament, Jesus meets people where they are, provides for their immediate physical needs and then shares His heart. For his birthday party this year, Jeff invited his friends, believers and nonbelievers alike. He hoped that by inviting them to his special day they would see how Jeff wants them to be a part of his life regardless of what they believe. Invites were extended to people from all of Jeff’s various spheres of influence, from coworkers to neighbors and everywhere in between. His guest list included a crowd of guys who worked and hung out at a local vape shop in Easton. For the past two years Jeff has had the opportunity to get to know them. He noted that they don’t know a lot of Christians because not a lot of Christians come into the shop, which gives Jeff the opportunity to be a true representation of Jesus.

These guys have grown to trust Jeff. They know he’s different and sometimes have called him dumb for his beliefs, yet he is still the first one they call when they have a problem, are going through a hard time, or need wisdom. Jeff thinks back to Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9 that speak to the way believers are called to live on this Earth: “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” While not conforming to the world, Jeff lives this out by seeking the unreached people groups of Easton. The guest list also included some of his fellow leaders at Bay Area. He knew that having them present would be another example of how being Christian doesn’t mean you aren’t fun to hang out with. There was a lot of intent in his guest list, but he really wanted the party to feel natural. He was also intentional in the way the party was set up. He created opportunities for people to go up to each other and ask, “So how do you know Jeff?” Then he trusted that the opportunity to share truth would come up while just talking about themselves. He set up long tables where everyone sat together in mixed groups rather than with their comfort groups. After the party, Jeff marveled at how people who seem very different came together and found out how much they’re all really alike.

One of Jeff’s favorite forms of outreach is the self-proclaimed Distinguished Gentleman of Easton. He described it as a group of “deep-thinking men getting together, having real community with believers and nonbelievers alike, into the wee hours of the morning.” This group meets one Friday night a month and Jeff encourages his friends to invite as many men as they can. Its advertised as an open forum where all opinions are welcome, but each invitee is informed that it will include deep theological discussion. This group is so important to Jeff because of the way it allows him to minister to men specifically. “Men are not about community. We are loners and don’t think we need anyone else and that is such a lie,” Jeff laughed. “We need each other more than we realize!” His advice to those looking to live life on mission is to create more opportunities where believers are boldly proclaiming Jesus in public settings, unashamed. “Keep it in a setting that’s very easy for people no matter what they believe. This is what makes it very approachable and keeps the conversation organic,” Jeff said. He knows that church is not a comfortable place for people who didn’t grow up in it. “Through this experience the comfortability with church will come,” Jeff said, expressing his hope, “but that’s not always where it starts.” The goal is to meet people where they are and to get to know their hearts by making an inviting place for Jesus to work.



ast month the St. Cyr family gathered in Luray, Virginia, to celebrate my wife Mary Kaye’s birthday. While there, we visited the Luray caverns. Though the stalactites and stalagmites were nice, it was the sheer beauty of the reflecting pool that drew me in. The reflecting pool’s name is appropriately “Dream Lake.” Since that cavern experience, I’ve been reflecting and dreaming about where God is taking us as a church. If you’ve been around for any length of time at Bay Area, you know our mission: making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. But how does the Lord want to accomplish this mission? The answer is by making each of us more like Jesus and then using us to make disciples of others.


Our ultimate purpose in life is to be like Jesus. After more than 60 years of shaping evangelicalism, John Stott spoke publicly for the last time, saying these words: “I want to share with you where my mind has come to rest as I approach the end of my pilgrimage on earth and it is – God wants His people to become like Christ. Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God.” Stott is echoing the words of Jesus in Luke 6:40: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Our highest priority in life is to become like our Teacher, the Lord Jesus. That is why I frequently remind myself that the first person I am to disciple is myself. To the extent that you and I become like Jesus, we will experience God’s plan for our lives.


God’s plan is always the best. It is always for our good. It might not be the pathway we would choose, and yes, it involves trials and suffering. But it is always designed to make us more like Jesus. He is inviting us into a great adventure that begins with a decision of our will to make becoming like Christ our highest priority. Building upon our highest priority is this truth: The more we become like Jesus, the more God uses us to fulfill His mission in the world. God’s purpose and mission for the church is found in Matthew 28:18-20: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Each one of us is commissioned by Jesus into the ministry of discipling the nations. Doesn’t that feel a bit overwhelming? Could it be that the reason we feel overwhelmed about the mission of the church is because we haven’t made discipling ourselves our highest priority? To the extent that we become like Jesus, we will experience God’s plan and fulfillment, and to that extent God will use us to make disciples. Our intimacy with Christ determines the quality and impact of our life. Simply stated, the more we

become like Jesus, the more fulfilling life is and the more God uses us for His purposes. Oswald Chambers captures this: “The lasting value of our public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him … My worth to God publicly is measured by what I really am in my private life.” So let me ask you: How are you doing at discipling yourself? How is it going in making disciples of all nations? If you are like me, you need some help. That is exactly where the church comes in. Remember our mission: making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. We exist to help you become more like Jesus and make disciples of others. Over the last several months Annapolis Campus Pastor Brian Hopper and his team have been working on a discipleship pathway designed to help you identify where you are on your spiritual journey and the next steps you need to take. We are so excited to share this tool with you soon as we seek to make disciples of the 440,000 in Anne Arundel and 29,000 in Talbot County who don’t know Jesus. Look for more to come about the discipleship pathway in the next couple months. For now, let me encourage you to prioritize discipling yourself by reading at least one chapter of Scripture every day, connecting in community with other believers, and serving like Jesus.







As men and brothers, we stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, facing into the wind of everything life hurls against us - not out of obligation for one another, but out of a common drive to live and walk in truth together.

God ‘n Grits is an opportunity for you to meet other men, gather around good food and conversation, and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs.




Bay Area Annapolis auditorium




smart stepfamily marriage October 28 - December 16 11:20 AM in Dock B


Register at bayareacc.org/learningcommunities

EXPLORE October 14 - December 2 9:20 AM in Dock B Register at bayareacc.org/learningcommunities



HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations

YOUR FIRST STEP New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps are to get plugged into community and serving at Bay Area. Coffee, snacks and KidCare are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend one of the gatherings: Sunday, October 7 at 9:20 or 11:20 a.m., or Tuesday, October 9 at 7 p.m. in the Bay Café classroom.

YOUR NEXT STEP If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a twoweek gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us the second Sunday of the month to connect in community or the third Sunday of the month to check out our serving opportunities during either the 9:20 a.m. or 11:20 a.m. gathering, or Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. You can join either week, or attend both to meet others and hear our heart for community and serving.

BECOME A MEMBER For those who would like to learn more about partnering with us in our mission through membership, our next Ministry Partner Orientaion (MPO) is Sunday, December 2 from 12:30-4 p.m. To register for First Step, Next Step, or Ministry Partner Orientation, go to bayareacc. org/nextsteps.


WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: K-5th: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org 6-12th: brent.squires@bayareacc.org Adults: shari.brandt@bayareacc.org

CARE NETWORK Sometimes life hands us struggles: loss of a loved one, serious illness, parenting difficulties, divorce, addiction and other challenges. These difficult circumstances can cause us to isolate, yet Jesus never intended that we walk through them alone. The Care Network is a free, confidential, Jesus-centered ministry for those seeking assistance. Call or email to set up a time to talk. We desire to provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Phone: 443.837.3718

DIVORCECARE: SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS SEMINAR Monday, 11/5, 6:45-9 p.m. Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated? This seminar is especially for people who are separated and divorced. You’ll learn how to deal with the many emotions you face during the holidays, helpful tips for surviving social events, ways to give your kids a good holiday experience, and how to discover hope for your future. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS SUPPORT Second Sundays, 2-3:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s disease is life-changing for our loved ones and those who are caregivers. The Dementia Caregivers Support Group provides a place to connect with others who understand what you are going through. This will be a place to talk through challenges and learn about resources. Info: msbellamy77@gmail.com

GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT GROUP Thursdays through 12/13, 6:45-9 p.m. GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly for those who have lost a spouse, child, friend or family member. You’ll find it to be a warm and caring place led by trained facilitators who have experienced their own time of loss. They will walk with you along your journey through grief toward healing and hope for the future. Each session stands alone so that you can join at any time. Register: bayareacc.org/register Info: leanne.lane@bayreacc.org

REFOCCUS MARRIAGE GROUP Thursdays through 11/8, 6:45-9 p.m. This group is for married couples who desire to spend time on their relationship and receive direction and skill-building help. Facilitated by two trained couples, this group time will include an intro plus seven sections: Marriage as a Process, Compatibility, Communication, Intimacy, Commitment, Ministry Marriages and Empty Nesters. Register: bayareacc.org/register

MARRIAGE MINISTRY SERVING OPPORTUNITIES Have you been married 10 years or more and have a desire to Serve Like Jesus in our Marriage Ministry? We are looking for couples to serve on the REFOCCUS team as facilitators as you come alongside couples who desire to grow closer in their marriages. The Marriage Enrichment Team is also looking for couples to assist in a variety of events this year. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

TEMPORARY HOUSING FOR PREMARITAL COUPLES We believe strongly that the best way to honor God before marriage is to remain pure and live separately. We’re looking for folks who have temporary space in their homes that could be used in order to fulfill this desire. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

ENGAGED? We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY PARENT DEDICATION Sunday, 11/4, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Have you committed as parents to raise your children for Jesus? This special ceremony marks your dedication as parents to instilling godly character in your children as you pursue Jesus together as a family. You have been entrusted with the precious gift of your child’s life, and our Children’s Ministry is here to partner with you as you embark on this discipleship journey as parents. Register: bayareacc.org/register

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Friday, 11/16, 7 p.m. Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night on Friday, November 16. We will be showing “The Greatest Showman” (rated PG) at 7 p.m. Admission for each family is $5 and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll also have a raffle and photo booth, so bring your blankets and enjoy an evening out together as a family. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Register: bayareacc.org/register

EMPLOYMENT DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 24 hours per week. The Digital Communications Coordinator will serve on the Communications Team with the Communications Director. Their primary responsibilities will include managing and updating Bay Area’s website and social media accounts, as well as assisting with digital marketing and other communications projects.

KIDCARE TEAM MEMBERS Our KidCare team has a need for adults who have a heart for kids. We provide KidCare for all ministries and various events year-round. Currently, we have an urgent need for KC workers on Wednesday mornings during the women’s Well Bible studies. Want to join our team of paid workers? Email KidCare Coordinator Dianna at dianna. jeglum@bayareacc.org.

ASSOCIATE WORSHIP LEADER 40 hours per week. The role of the Associate Worship Leader is to

contribute to building a worship culture at Bay Area by leading worship at multiple venues, assisting the leadership of a campus, ensuring all worship experiences are executed with excellence, developing leaders and recruiting volunteers.

FACILITY ASSISTANT 18-20 hours. The Facility Assistant will help oversee and manage the day-today operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, assembling furniture and other duties assigned by the facility coordinator and/or management.

SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM MEMBERS Our Special Events team has a need for adults to work periodically for wedding and funeral events at Bay Area. Individuals will serve as liaison for the family, vendors and church staff working the events; assist with set up and take down, trash removal, and clean up; as well as opening and securing the building after the event.

ELEMENTARY ASSISTANT 20 hours per week. The Elementary Assistant is responsible for working with the Elementary Coordinator to successfully implement Sunday morning gatherings for children ages kindergarten through fifth grade and volunteers. The Elementary Assistant will assist with the vision and strategy of the elementary environment as it pertains to children, parents, volunteers and potential volunteers.

PRESCHOOL COORDINATOR 40 hours per week. The Preschool Coordinator will implement our Children’s Ministry strategy for small groups of children ages birth through 5 (not yet in kindergarten). The Coordinator is responsible for training, equipping and supporting our volunteers and parents.

SATURDAY CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR 20 hours per week. The Saturday CM Coordiantor is responsible for successfully implementing Children’s Ministry during Saturday night gatherings. This includes preparing environments, leading and training volunteers, and overseeing the gathering each week. For more info and to apply: bayareacc.org/jobs

FINANCIALS On June 1, 2018, Bay Area began a two-year generosity initiative called Unrivaled that will fund our ongoing ministry at all campuses, construction of our new student center and children’s addition, and expansion of Christ’s reach from here to the nations. Our two-year giving goal is $16,500,000.

FINANCIALS - ALL CAMPUSES Giving in August 2017: $351,992 Giving in August 2018: $491,806 Giving participation in July 2017: 825 families/individuals Giving participation in July 2018: 907 families/individuals


Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent engagement - that every person at Bay Area would ask what it means to put God first in their finances. To make a commitment, pick up a commitment card at an information counter or go to baccunrivaled.org/commitment.


You can give toward your Unrivaled commitment through the offering during the gatherings, online at bayareacc.org/give, or by texting BACC + amount to 30131 (ex: “BACC 50” to give $50). Info: baccunrivaled.org Questions: finance@bayareacc.org

GLOBAL MISSIONS GO Take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 10 locations worldwide. Fill out the GO Form: bayareacc.org/stm

SEND Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area. Give: bayareacc.org/stmgive

APPALACHIA December 14-19

Join Michele Rollins and Mary Settle in distributing Christmas gifts to children and families at the Wade Center, Bay Area’s partner organization in Bluefield, West O C TO B E R GO&MAKE 25

SERVE LIKE JESUS INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT SERVING AT BAY AREA? Below, you’ll see a list of some of our most immediate serving needs. For a complete list of serving opportunities, and to sign up, go to bayareacc.org/serve. AMBASSADOR TEAM GREETER TEAM AUDIO/VIDEO TEAM CHAIR MINISTRY ESPRESSO BAR TEAM CHILDREN’S WELCOME TEAM CHILDREN’S SET DESIGN TEAM PARKING TEAM PRESCHOOL TEAM SAFETY TEAM WOMEN’S MINISTRY USHER TEAM Virginia. Our short term missions team will assist with an after-school program and complete a project to bless our partner organization. Apply by October 15. Info: bayareacc.org/stm

PRAY We’re looking for committed people to pray for our missionaries and global partners. This team meets second and fourth Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Info: ccback@verizon.net Pray for short term missionaries: michele.rollins@bayareacc.org

LEARNING COMMUNITIES SMART STEPFAMILY MARRIAGE Sundays, 10/28-12/16, 11:20 a.m. in Dock B When stepfamily life gets tough, remaining dedicated to your commitment is a day-to-day decision. Discover how to communicate effectively and solve the puzzles of stepfamily relationships. Learn fundamental steps to blended family success and discover practical, realistic solutions to the issues you face as a stepfamily.


EXPLORE Sundays, 10/14-12/2, 9:20 a.m. in Dock B We will learn what God says about the nations and how we can join Him in His purposes for the world. Register for Learning Communities at bayareacc.org/ learningcommunities.

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236 Info: jlradcliffe@hotmail.com

MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDIES Sundays, 6-8 p.m. in room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus while discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face at home, work and in society. Info: bob.gregory@bayareacc.org

Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. in room 235 Join Bay Area men to spend time in the Word and prayer, for fellowship and discussion, and for discipleship. Info: sam.logan@gmail.com

MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, 10/20, 8-9:30 a.m. Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast on the third Saturday of the month from 8-9:30 a.m. in the auditorium. The Line is an ipportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register: bayareacc.org/register

MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities at bayareacc.org/ missionalcommunities.


portion of the evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. Each week will feature our Student Ministry worship team, Biblical teaching on a relevant student series, and grade/gender-specific breakout community groups with adult leaders. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org

MIDDLE SCHOOL CLUB678 Friday, 10/12, 7-9 p.m. Club678 is our monthly middle school hangout night. It’s a free, high-energy evening full of themed activities, games, prizes and more. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

COSTUME PARTY Wednesday, 10/31, 6-8:30 p.m. Middle and high school students are invited to the annual Student Ministry Costume Party! This free event will include food, pumpkins and other seasonal activities. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

FALL RETREAT High School: 11/2-11/4 (Registration Deadline: 10/21) High school fall retreat is being held at Black Rock Christian Retreat Center. This 3-day, 2-night allinclusive retreat will include worship, Biblical teaching, activities and the opportunity to go away for a weekend with friends and leaders. Register: bayareacc.org/register Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Register for studies and events at bayareacc.org/annapolis/women.

THE WELL “ENTRUSTED” BY BETH MOORE Tuesdays, 9/11-12/11, 7-9 p.m. We were never meant to walk alone. Join others in small groups and get God’s heart for discipleship in Paul’s final letter of 2 Timothy. You will be encouraged to guard the gospel that has been entrusted to you and pass it on to the next generation through Beth’s teaching videos. Cost $15.

AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

“SEAMLESS” BY ANGIE SMITH Wednesdays, 9/12-12/12, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Amplify is a mid-week student gathering. Each Wednesday will begin with an optional $5 dinner and hangout time at 6 p.m. The teaching

“Seamless” provides an overview of the story of the Bible. It covers the people, places and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the

greater story of Scripture. Whether you’ve grown up hearing Bible stories or you’re exploring Scripture for the first time, the full story of the Bible can be overwhelming. Study it as a whole to gain clarity and confidence in your understanding of Scripture. We meet for videos and small groups to discuss our homework. Cost $15. Info: laurie.gregory@bayareacc.org


KidCare is available for ages birth preschoolers for Wednesday morning Well participants with advance registration. Cost $60/1 child, $80/2+ children. Space is limited. Info: dianna.jeglum@bayareacc.org


Join this group of senior women who support one another, love Jesus, and grow in their discipleship. They meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.

10/8, 10:30 - noon We will reflect from the chapter entitled “A River Runs through Us” from our book Teach Us to Number Our Days. We will share a potluck lunch and fellowship following the meeting.

10/22, 10:30 - noon Hazel Ross will share some insights from the book entitled Creating a Spiritual Legacy, guiding us how to share our stories, values and wisdom. Info: luisandcedulie@gmail.com

QUILTS FOR KIDS Saturday, 9/15, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in The Docks Join us as we make quilts for kids together. Bring your sewing machine and we will provide the quilting fabrics. Bring your lunch to eat together. Info: annapolisqfk@gmail.com

RIDES FOR MIDS Do you have access to drive into the Naval Academy? Are you interested in occasionally being called to pick up midshipmen for the 9:20 a.m. gathering? We would love your help! Info: BrianHolian@msn.com Phone: 240.429.6252


Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org

PRAYER MINISTRY Our Prayer Ministry comprises individuals dedicated to praying for all aspects of Bay Area: gatherings, pastors, missions and more. Individuals are also available to pray after each gathering (front-right of Chapel stage). Info: bayareacc.org/prayer


MINISTRY PARTNER ORIENTATION Saturday, 10/6, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Are you interested in officially becoming part of the church family? Join us for Ministry Partner Orientation. Ministry Partnership is a commitment to live out our faith together under the mission of “making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.” It is an invitation to pursue Christ personally, for our community, and for the nations. If you consider Bay Area Easton your home church, we would love to have you join us for this orientation at the Bay Area Easton Office (29000 Information Lane, Suite 304). We will provide lunch and offer KidCare in most cases upon request. Info and registration: easton@bayareacc.org


STAIR Inc. (Start The Adventure In Reading) is in need of tutors for underprivileged children in Annapolis who struggle with illiteracy. The commitment is a few hours a week. Anyone is welcome and would be adequately trained. There is a need for a male tutors, but all inquiries are welcomed. Info: alex.williams@bayareacc.org

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT BAY AREA? For the most up-to-date calendar of events, or to register for any of the events listed throughout GO&MAKE, go to bayareacc.org/register.

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5:20 PM Introducing Saturday night gatherings!


7:50 AM 9:20 AM 11:20 AM 28 GO&MAKE O C TO B E R

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