GO&MAKE #72 (October 2019)

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IN THIS ISSUE 6 JASON’S EDITORIAL: BAY AREA, WE HAVE LIFTOFF Odenton Campus Pastor Jason Barthelemy shares about the successful and exciting launch of Bay Area’s brand new campus at Arundel High School.

14 COVER STORY: TRUNK ARR TREAT Bay Area’s largest community outreach event of the year is this month! Learn about our awesome theme, a new event for high schoolers and creative ways to get involved.

18 MISSIONS UPDATE: GOD AT WORK AMONG THE NATIONS Read about a cross-continental story of redeeming grace and extraordinary faith in which God used one of Bay Area’s own to minister to someone on the other side of the globe.

4 LETTER FROM THE LEAD Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr casts Bay Area’s Godsized vision for the next 10 years of making disciples from here to the nations.

20 SERVING GOD WITH OPEN HANDS 26-year-old missionary Lia Dalpini reflects on her years of ministry in Australia and around the world as well as the new direction God has recently been taking her to impact His kingdom.

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

Gatherings: Saturday, 5:20 p.m. & Sunday, 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR Meredith Thompson ASSISTANT EDITOR Victoria Cline ART DIRECTOR Josh Shirlen ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple LEAD DESIGNER Jake Williams DESIGNER Josh (Burgi) Burgin CONTRIBUTORS Jonathan Madrid Michele Rollins

On the cover: Alex Williams & Lane Farmer Photo by Josh Shirlen


ELDERS Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax

884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401


BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Craig Fadel, Easton Campus Pastor – craig.fadel@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor of Operations – jeff.supp@bayareacc.org Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – jerry.shirlen@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Missional Community Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Creative Director – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – meredith.thompson@bayareacc.org Michele Rollins, Short Term Missions Director – michele.rollins@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership




ome people are mountain people. Others prefer the beach. I’m definitely a beach person. I love the feel of the wind and waves. One reason is because there is an analogy with the wind. As wind blows across the surface of the water, waves are formed. What is significant is that waves do not create energy. They merely transmit it. The wind is the originator, initiator and source of the energy. In the Bible, the word for wind is the same word for spirit. It is God’s Spirit, blowing over the water of our lives, that is the source of power. “His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him.” Luke 1:50 (MSG) As we surrender to Jesus and step out in faith, the wind of God’s Spirit blows upon us, moving across the waters of Anne Arundel County and around the world. The wave of God’s spirit is coming upon us as a church, and we are ready to grab a surfboard, paddle out, and ride the wave! God has laid an awe-inspiring vision before Bay Area to expand His Kingdom over the next decade. What we are believing God to do is beyond human possibilities. His plans are too great to accomplish in our own resources. The dream must come from God, the ministry is for God, and the work is done by God through us. Yet this vision begins with you. And with me. And with every person who calls Bay Area Community Church their home. Our mission is making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. To make passionate, maturing disciples, we first have to be passionate, maturing disciples. I have an axiom: Life’s highest priority is cultivating a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. Why? Because the quality and impact of our lives is determined by the depth of our relationships with Jesus.


I want you to know that I am for you, and that Bay Area is for you! Every ministry of our church is designed to help each of us grow, from Missional Communities to our gatherings to our Marriage Ministry. We want to be growing. We long for the wind of God’s Spirit to sweep each of us up to surf the wave! What is this wave we’re believing Him to carry us on? Over the next 10 years, we have a vision to help reach the 440,000 in Anne Arundel County who do not know Jesus and to spread the gospel in 17 regions of the world.

In 2020, 6,000 churches will close and 2.7 million church members will become inactive in the United States. Less than 20 percent percent of our country still gathers to worship regularly. This is not okay! Ten thousand additional churches are needed now just to keep up with population growth. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. The harvest is plentiful around the world and right here in our county. We want to impact every corner of our communities – government, schools, homes, media, commerce – and to do that, we are asking God to launch 10 campuses and church plants through Bay Area over the next 10 years. We’re praying that thousands would be drawn close to Jesus through Missional Communities as well. In fact, we’re praying that He would raise up 440 MCs – one for every 1,000 lost people in Anne Arundel County. Ocean waves can travel thousands of miles. From Genesis to Revelation, we see God’s heart for the nations woven throughout all of Scripture. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. Our church’s dedication stone bears Psalm 67:1-2: “God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations.” By 2030, we envision Bay Area actively making disciples of Jesus in 17 regions of the world. Currently, we’re planting churches in Poland, sending out pastors in Russia, reaching tribal peoples in India, sharing with Muslims in closed countries, and much more. We’re impacting the Kingdom in eight regions today, and are praying for partnerships in nine more. It’s a faith-stretching vision! But it is one that we believe will see thousands come to faith, marriages restored, families flourishing, neighborhoods impacted, communities around the globe positively changed by Jesus. It’s a vision for you, me and everyone at Bay Area to grab a surfboard and ride the wave of God’s Spirit for the glory of God. For those whom the Lord calls to this church, we will have the privilege of surfing together. We will wade out into the waters, feel the wind blowing in our faces. We will get pummeled by the waves, but we will paddle out as far as we can and ride the biggest wave that comes. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Wind, says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Excited to ride the wave with you,

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE.

P.S. If you want to hear more about God’s vision for Bay Area, you can watch the message where I shared in detail at bayareacc.org/visionweekend.


WE DID IT! WE LAUNCHED. After months of planning, praying, recruiting and inviting, we opened the doors to our Odenton Campus on September 15. Our launch team was prayed up, on mission and on their toes ready to pivot with any last-minute challenges. Trust me; there were last-minute challenges, including active construction in the main lobby and a lack of airconditioning. Despite these surprises, our team rose to the occasion and created an environment and atmosphere at Arundel High School that was welcoming and engaging for people of all ages. The worship and live broadcast went smoothly and were awesome! One of the absolute highlights of launch Sunday for me was watching the live feed of the Annapolis Campus gathering when Greg shared that it was our first Sunday in Odenton and the Annapolis crowd erupted with applause and cheers as we joined with them in celebration. What a moment of incredible unity as the body of Christ – two separate locations yet one church – united in our mission to spread the Gospel. And what an incredible transformation of Arundel High School! The cafeteria has become a place of discipling our next generation in Children’s Ministry and the auditorium is filled with powerful worship and growth in our relationships with Christ. It is a huge win to be able to launch the Odenton Campus with full Children’s Ministry on Sunday mornings, Student Ministry during the week and two incredible Sunday gatherings. Missional Communities in the area are ready to receive new people into our Bay Area family in order to connect, grow and reach their communities.


I am extremely grateful for those who continue to pray, give, support, invite and serve on our ministry teams. There is a team who shows up every Sunday morning at 4:15 a.m. just to get the trailers for setup! This kind of devotion and buy-in, paired with a reliance on Jesus’ leading, is what is going to keep our campus thriving and on mission.

make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. A major way that Bay Area hopes to reach the 440,000 who don’t know Jesus in Anne Arundel County is through launching campuses just like ours. Campuses provide a strategic location where people can be “on mission” in their community. We aren’t adding campuses for the purpose of growing the numbers of our church; we are there to reach the people in the community. Our Sunday morning gatherings at Arundel High School serve as a way to help us achieve our greater goal of reaching more families with the life-changing news of the Gospel. · We are a campus in Odenton to offer the hope that comes from a growing, committed relationship with Jesus. · We are a campus in Odenton to be a light where there is darkness. · We are a campus in Odenton so that we can connect or reconnect families to church. We are not a flash in the pan; we are committed to continually pursuing God’s leading as we seek to influence this community. If you live in the OdentonCrofton-Gambrills area, please invite a neighbor, coworker or friend to join you to participate in what God is doing through this campus. Then, you can see firsthand how God is on the move through Bay Area’s newest campus. We believe that the best is yet to come! Don’t be a stranger. Pray, invite others and serve with us in Odenton! You can learn more and get involved at bayareacc.org/odenton or by following us on Facebook and Instagram @bayareaodenton.

Now what? Well, we no longer use the language, “Once Odenton launches…” or “Only X days until Odenton launches.” We have crossed that threshold! We are actively on mission in Odenton with Jesus’ help to

Jason Barthelemy is the Campus Pastor at Bay Area Community Church Odenton.

By Jason Barthelemy



feel like I have little control over anything in my life right now. Everything I do seems to be dictated by someone or something else. It’s incredibly frustrating. When we moved into our home, and I saw the basement, I thought I’d finally have a home studio. NOPE! It’s a toy room. Did I mention the kids own every square inch of the house? There are toys EVERYWHERE. On top of that, we’re also in the process of trying to buy this house that we’ve been renting, but things out of our control seem to keep popping up, delaying the closing date. Did I mention that patience is not one of my gifts? I’ll give you one other example in my life right now. I think you all know how much I love my job. One of the best parts of my work is the collaboration I get to have with other teams. The thing is, the best part of a job can also be the most challenging part of it. I find that sometimes I have to wait on others’ input and decisions before I can move forward – and remember, I’m not the most patient person in the world. What can I say? I’m a worship leader, not a saint. Waiting on other people or circumstances is a challenge for me. I am often left feeling like I have no control over my life, and that feeling bothers me.

But are we ever really in control, or is control just an illusion? I would argue that full control isn’t possible. It’s not even what we’re supposed to strive for. In Matthew 6:24, Jesus tells us we can’t have two masters. Logically, this suggests that from the get-go we are in servitude to something or someone. In this specific passage, Jesus is addressing money and worry as two things that can have power over us. I happen to believe He picked these because He knew the tight grip these two “masters” have on the human heart. They have the power to dictate what jobs we take, the neighborhoods we move into, the person we marry, the cars we buy, and the list goes on. We never actually have full control. Instead, we’re compelled to bow to whatever emotion, want or need pulls at us. Jesus knew we would struggle, but here’s the good news – we get to choose who we serve. Every day, we get to make the decision with our time, money and energy what we’ll bend the knee


One master enslaves, but The Master gives freedom. In Mark 8, Jesus says, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?” (Mark 8:35-37, The Message)

Striving to control every area of our lives eventually leads to misery.

I know that many in our church family feel the same way. We all have something or someone who is exerting their will on us. That’s why when any semblance of control is in sight, we desperately grasp for it. We hold onto it like there’s no tomorrow, and we refuse to let it go.

By Jonathan Madrid

to. Take an inventory of your life, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. I wish I could tell you I choose Jesus every day, but the truth is I’m just like you. I have worries and selfish tendencies that tug at my heart, and sometimes they win. But when I finally get my eyes off of myself and my perceived notion of control, I see the truth.

Striving to control every area of our lives eventually leads to misery. But Jesus offers a different way of living. He invites us into a rhythm of grace and joy (Matthew 11:28-30). So how do we give up control?

It’s a tough question, but let me try and give you something practical. Our weekend gatherings are a great place to start. It’s an environment created for you to engage with Jesus and let him move in your life. The next time you walk into a gathering, ask Jesus, “What does it look like for me to give up control to you in this moment?” and see what He says. That’s the simple part. It’s what’s next that’s tough. He might lead you to bow or to lift your hands. He might prompt you to be silent or to sing louder than you’ve ever sung before. He may lead you to pray for someone you’ve never even met before. At first, giving up control will probably be uncomfortable. Following Jesus isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it. Control is an illusion. It masks what we’re really looking for, security. We want to know that tomorrow is going to be OK and everything is going to work out. Good news, tomorrow will be OK; It won’t be painfree, but it’ll be OK because Jesus is there. Tomorrow will work out, maybe not the way you want it to, but it will work out because Jesus is there. That’s the only security we really need.

Jonathan Madrid is the Worship Leader at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributer to GO&MAKE.




7 SESSIONS STARTING OCTOBER 3 FROM 7-9 PM AT BAY AREA For more information visit bayareacc.org/register



October 20 - November 24 9:20 AM in Dock A Register at bayareacc.org/learningcommunities 10 GO&MAKE O C TO B E R




NORWEGIAN SINGER-SONGWRITERS Currently on the 2019 “Give Thanks” tour in the U.S., the Pettersons are known for their original Christian music that conveys faith, hope and love through song.


GROWTH GROUPS Wednesdays, Oct. 30 - Dec. 11 Growth Groups are six-week learning environments that teach, train and equip us in our next faith steps. No matter where you are in your faith, we have a Growth Group for you.

Learn more and sign up online today at bayareacc.org/growthgroups



“The Lord is moving… in our living room.”

By Victoria Cline usband-and-wife-team James and Kelly Lagaras lead Bay Area’s young adult Missional Community that meets weekly on Tuesday nights. Their passion for ministering to this age group stemmed from watching their oldest child begin his college journey and reflecting on their own college experiences. Kelly recalls her college years as a challenging and often overwhelming stage in her life, and she senses the same of the young adults she leads today. College is an exciting time, but it can also bring up challenging questions like “What am I going to do with my life?” ‘What is truth?” “Where do I belong?” As Kelly describes, “College students are a generation often on the frontlines. If anyone needs support -- it’s these young people.” The Missional Community acts as a place of love, fellowship and guidance, which are often missing in this age group. James elaborated that college students really long for a place to belong, and what better place than a group of Christ followers to find that needed connection. The Lagarases have seen young adults from all over the world find community together in their Missional Community, and they have seen the value of providing a place for people to connect and grow. “The Lord is really moving


in these kids’ lives right here in our living room,” Kelly said, describing how amazing it has been to watch their Missional Community members grow into a family. The relationships the Lagarases have had the opportunity to establish are already having an impact in the lives of others. A young couple, Robert and his fiancé Micailah, serve as an exciting example of how God is working to bring people from different places together through their love for Him. Robert is originally from Florida and his future wife Micailah is from South Africa. The two moved to the Annapolis area several months ago, and the Lagaras’ Missional Community was the first network they established. “We really appreciated having a mentor couple and other contacts with young adults in a community of other believers,” Robert said of their experience with the group. Speaking of her gratitude for the Lagarases, Micailah explained, “The way that Kelly and James have just welcomed us into their home to share life with their family is so humbling and truly a testament to their love for the Lord and their willingness to serve.” The Lagarases have seen people brought to their group in God’s perfect timing over and over again throughout their time leading the Missional Community,

just as Robert and Micailah came and have now formed a lasting mentorship with the MC leaders. The young couple has so appreciated the guidance the Lagarases have offered that they invited them to officiate their upcoming wedding. Robert’s advice to anyone wondering whether or not to join a Missional Community is to take the leap and experience how beautiful fellowship with other believers can be. The Lagarases’ passion for this age group is founded in their belief that young adults are world changers and future leaders who need to know they are valued, God has a purpose for their lives, and He will never leave them. College students and recent graduates face many important life decisions, and in the midst of all that pressure the young adult Missional Community provides encouragement while allowing them to explore God’s Word and pray for each other. The group has grown to almost 30 consistent members between the ages of 19 and 30. The Lagarases encourage others to come enjoy food, games, devotion and just a space to hang out with other people also growing in their faith journey. To learn more and get involved in a Missional Community at Bay Area, go to bayareacc.org/community.






By Victoria Cline

hether you are new to Bay Area or have been attending for several years, you won’t want to miss Trunk or Treat on October 25 from 6:308:30 p.m. This is our biggest, most thrilling event of the year, and it’s completely free to attend. Hosted at our Annapolis Campus, Trunk or Treat is open for all campuses to participate in the fun. Invite everyone you know for an evening of costumes, candy, a fun wooded trail and more.


Here are five things you’ll want to know about this year’s exciting event, which will be bigger and better than ever before. Did you know that Trunk or Treat is Bay Area’s largest community outreach event? More people come to our Annapolis Campus for this event than for Easter or even Christmas, and that gives us an amazing, large-scale opportunity to share about our church family with friends, neighbors, coworkers and the entire Anne Arundel community. This event is a great way to help you start conversations about Jesus and church when you invite people to attend this fun event with their families. As a part of our vision to reach the 440,000 in our county who don’t know Jesus, this event is a great introduction for people who would not normally come to church to experience community at Bay Area.

This event is a great way for you and your friends or family to have fun together by decorating and hosting a trunk. There will even be prizes awarded to the most creative trunks! Mary Settle, who has participated in Trunk or Treat by hosting a trunk for five years now, describes volunteering at the event as a “way to connect and have conversations with my coworkers and invite them to come see us and continue talking about it throughout the year. Trunk or Treat is a way to connect with the community that you normally wouldn’t talk to and share about your church in a creative way.”

Each year, Bay Area creates a fantastic, overthe-top theme for Trunk or Treat, and this year’s theme is – pirates! Kids and parents will enjoy a family-friendly, enchanted treasure trail through the woods complete with pirates, gators and mermaids. Here’s the story that your family and our community will discover when you come ashore at Trunk Arr Treat:

rles McGreedy and Centuries ago a notorious pirate named Cha -lost candy treasure. long his band of surly scallywags discovered a warned McGreedy to Mermaids that watched over the treasure took two and a curse only take one piece of the candy, but alas he fell on the treasure. sh and only reappear From that day forth the treasure would vani nd the world. every 100 years in random coastal towns arou woods behind the in ar Legend has it that the treasure will appe ng 25 duri Trunk Arr Bay Area Community Church this October Treat. t great great great Expect Nathaniel McGreedy, the great grea and a gang of candy great great grandson of Charles McGreedy, ed candy treasure. pirates to crash the event in search of curs

Dead Men Take Two Pieces!

Trunk Arr Treat isn’t possible without a big team of dedicated volunteers! There are so many ways you can get involved in our amazing community outreach event this year. From parking attendants to actors for our pirate encounter, you can sign up and join in the fun by volunteering at Trunk Arr Treat. Learn more at bayareacc.org/trunkortreat. This year we’ve added an exciting after-party just for high schoolers to have an awesome time hanging out and having fun with friends. If you are a high schooler, you won’t want to miss The Big Halloween Party from 9-11 p.m. following Trunk Arr Treat. The event will start in The Warehouse and continue down the trail with games, giveaways, food, a hayride and of course a bonfire complete with s’mores.




EMILY CLARK By Victoria Cline

mily Clark’s passion for serving our youngest generations began forming when she was 6 years old. Emily’s childhood was very different from most. At age 6, she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer, and her family was told she would not survive the night. Yet God had a miraculous plan for Emily’s life, and after chemo and radiation she experienced His healing power that would continue to draw her closer to Christ as an adult. Looking back at her journey to faith and to serving on staff with Bay Area’s Children’s Ministry, Emily’s favorite verse is Psalm 139:14, which states that each person is “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God. This verse has had a meaningful impact on Emily’s ministry, and she wants to help children who are going through difficulty to know that no matter what they are facing, God is their friend forever and has an amazing plan for their lives. As an adult, Emily is so amazed at how God has healed her in many ways, and she knows that her story helps her lead children and their parents in a unique way. Emily didn’t really hear much about God while she was growing up, but through some negative circumstances in her


former marriage that God ultimately used for good in her life, Emily was told about Jesus and started going to church in her 20s. During an Easter service, Emily gave her life to Christ and fully committed to following Him. Shortly after that, she was looking for a place to grow in her faith and started coming to Bay Area with her young daughter. She began serving in Children’s Ministry a few years later.

of having someone to look up to and receive instruction from as a child and young adult. In her own job, Emily describes her role as “someone who can help children when they are lost or have questions that speaks God’s truth into their lives.” And that is what Emily hopes to continue to do by reaching younger generations and helping them explore God’s truth all around them.

While she was serving, Emily heard about an open position in Children’s Ministry. She was at first hesitant to apply, but felt God calling her to take the next step in obedience to Him and submit an application. Emily began as the Elementary Assistant, and today serves as the Large Group Coordinator for elementary- and preschool-age children.

In addition to serving as a mentor, Emily’s day-to-day work is to coordinate the lessons and worship that the different age groups at Bay Area experience on the weekend when they meet during their large-group time. She also creates themes and decorates each group’s meeting spaces to help children engage in Biblical teaching and discipleship.

Emily is so thankful for the opportunity to serve children and families at Bay Area. “I love being able to connect with children here, and I feel honored to be able to do that. I feel passionate about my job, because I wish someone in my life had told me about Jesus at a young age,” she shared.

In her free time, Emily enjoys running, hiking, music and art. In fact, Emily runs half-marathons and is participating in the three-part King Crab Challenge this year. She will be running her next halfmarathon in October to complete the challenge. Emily also loves spending time with her 6-year-old daughter Amelia and creating decorations for her work at Bay Area.

The importance of discipling children is very personal for Emily. She has had an amazing mentor in her life for the past 20 years, and she knows the importance

Be sure to give Emily a high five next time you see her in Children’s Ministry!



udi* came to faith in late 2018 in China, but her journey to Jesus started decades earlier at a university in Shanghai. A child of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Judi grew up feeling abandoned by her parents, who faced intense persecution as educated people – a doctor and a teacher. “I was unloved, I think,” Judi shared recently. “I had many years of nightmares of running in the mountains, looking for something. But always, I found nobody.”

When Judi began her studies at the university, she met foreign teachers who began to invest in her. One gave her a Bible; others invited her to social events and seemed genuinely interested in her. She was taken aback by the way they treated her – feeling for the first time like she was cared for and loved. Though she wasn’t yet ready to trust in Jesus, God was at work planting seeds that would bear fruit two decades later: “I believed there was a God, even before [university] – I didn’t know God but I believed there must be some sort of unseen power. I truly believed that, but I didn’t know His name, or the Bible. Actually, when I was introduced to the Bible, I felt this kind of intimacy. I had a sense of belonging. I could see the beauty all around me and knew there was something more,” she recalled. The next 20 years held good and bad times – mostly bad, as Judi describes them. It’s hard for her to tell the story of how she met her son’s father, their clandestine marriage, his anger toward her parents and his desire to prove himself in the ultra-competitive culture of Chinese education. She supported them both as he pursued a doctorate degree; he started an affair that would come to light years later, shattering their marriage. Along the way, while dealing with a tumultuous marriage, raising a son and teaching at the university, Judi met Karen*, a member of the Bay Area family who was visiting China for business. They began to keep in contact through a text messaging system. Judi learned to pray as Karen prayed with and for her. Karen sent Bible verses, devotionals and eventually sermons – once a two-hour sermon sent in 50-second segments through the voice text feature of the app. “I knew she needed to hear preaching of the Word,” Karen shared. “I asked friends to pray with me. I listened to her more than anything, and I shared Jesus with her.” Karen had grown up in a small church in Minnesota pastored by her grandfather, who had a heart for Jewish people to hear about Jesus. At age 14, she was invited to an overseas trip with Royal Servants, designed for teens to learn about their identity in Christ. The eight-week trip to Western Europe gave her an opportunity to share her faith for the first time. It rocked her world as she realized there

were people all around her who didn’t know Jesus. Teenaged Karen sent a letter back to her mother in Minneapolis, asking to attend public school the following year so that she could be around nonChristians. “That trip caused me to think about people other than myself, and I needed to share,” she explained. “That really was the beginning for me of putting a line in the sand and saying, ‘I’m not going to live for me anymore; I’m going to live for Him.’” As a high school freshman, she joined Campus Crusade and helped lead 70 other freshmen to Christ. And as a senior, she asked the school’s principal and superintendent to introduce her to the international students and paired each of them with a friend from Cru. Five of those international students would go on to trust in Jesus. That year, she also started to study Chinese, fell in love with China and began befriending Chinese

“ What really affected me is that I was loved so unconditionally.” students. God was building a trajectory for Karen, giving her a heart for the nations right in her backyard. “Many people don’t see the value of sharing Jesus with people from international places while they are here,” Karen said recently. “They need to go back to their countries with hope – that became my mission.” Many years later, she met Judi and began to build a friendship, praying for the Holy Spirit to open the door for Judi to enter the Kingdom of God. One of Karen’s friends was praying for Judi, that any infidelity on the part of her husband would be brought to the surface – and soon, on May 10, 2018, Judi found out about her husband’s seven-year affair. She was devastated, and Karen was there to love her. “My understanding of God’s love came through Karen,” Judi explained. “She was such a big help to me in that period of darkness. She was nice to me, but I also saw the kindness she had toward others. She was so caring

and selfless; for me, this part was very influential.” Through her pain and fear, through her husband’s betrayal and the love of her friend Karen, God was calling Judi – and she was listening. Last December, Karen got a message. “It’s done – I believe now and I want to come to America to get baptized.” And this past August, Judi and her son traveled to Annapolis, to Bay Area Community Church, to celebrate Judi’s new life among friends. For the first time, she met the people who had prayed for her for years – never knowing her name. And on a Sunday morning, she publicly proclaimed her faith in Jesus through baptism with her son and Karen by her side. Knowing Jesus has changed Judi – just as it changes each person who puts the full weight of their trust in Him. “My mom has changed so much since she learned about Jesus,” her son stated simply. He’s started to love and read the Bible too, walking his own journey of faith. And his mom has learned how to love him better – less anger, less competition. She’s starting to learn new habits as a mother based on love rather than fear. “I asked myself, why do I want to become a Christian? Why do I want to follow Him? What really affected me is that I was loved so unconditionally. So actually, it’s the same when I’m with my boy. There’s more patience and less anxiety, and I can make peace with myself and with my boy. He sees that and feels it. And I want to lead my boy closer to God,” Judi said. She’s choosing to forgive her mom and her ex-husband. She’s choosing freedom. “Karen showed me what the gospel really is, and what grace really is. After that, I thought, ‘I have the power to forgive.’ I want to be free, and I want to help free others.” Judi and her son are back in China now, where following Jesus is challenging, to say the least. But now they are there with a new-found purpose and peace – a desire to love others in the way that she was loved and to share His hope. God is at work among the nations – sometimes through international students, sometimes through international teachers, sometimes through businessmen and women, always through His people and always in His perfect plan. Maybe, just maybe – He wants to use you.

*names withheld for security 18 GO&MAKE O C TO B E R



Serving God with Open Hands By Victoria Cline

ia Dalpini’s story of becoming a missionary began at an early age and continued to develop as she grew up a part of Bay Area. As a high schooler, Lia went to El Salvador for two summers with Bay Area missions teams, and after those trips she went into college knowing that when she graduated she wanted to commit her life to full-time missions. Post-college, Lia attended a discipleship training school (DTS) run by Youth With A Mission in Australia, and that is where God showed her that He was growing the gift of discipleship in her and that this gift would be used to impact others in her ministry. Since then, Lia joined the staff of YWAM Newcastle in Australia in 2016, and now, at age 26, she mentors students from all over the world while planning and leading mission trips to equip others to preach the Gospel. Additionally, Lia works with the homeless, local churches, women in prostitution and povertystricken areas around the world. Lia explained that her daily work includes scheduling weekly check-ins with students to help them process what they’re learning in the DTS, examine how God is growing them, give them space to share their triumphs and heartaches, pray, and challenge them in their faith journey with God. The other major component of Lia’s work on mission is outreach. Each outreach is two-and-a-half months long and starts locally in Australia, then continues overseas. Lia has led several outreaches to places including the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Turkey, England and France. Lia recently described her work on outreach as “calling out the gifts of

God in [DTS students’] lives and giving them opportunities to preach, step out in evangelism and lead ministries.” During outreaches, Lia has also worked alongside other ministries in the Philippines and Belgium who have restoration homes in place for women to transition out of prostitution and reintegrate into society. “In Australia I

And this is what God has called Lia to share with other missionaries who are often overwhelmed or approaching burnout due to the nature of their work. After receiving training in counseling in Europe, Lia will return to Australia to teach others how to live a sustainable life in missions to share that taking care of yourself allows God’s mission for your life to flourish in unimaginable ways.

“ People will see Jesus through us because we have worked through our own brokenness and pain with Him and have been healed despite what we may have experienced.” work with a local ministry called Rahab, which operates as an evangelism team,” she said. “We go into the brothels in Newcastle to connect with the women who work there, give them gifts and baked goods we prepare ahead of time, build relationships with the receptionists and managers, and share Jesus with them. We have a prayer and intercession team as a part of it, as well, to pray for divine encounters while we minister in the brothels.” Recently, God has been working in Lia’s life in a unique way, leading her to be vulnerable. Her work of constant service to others can be draining and at times even demanding, and Lia recounts that she as a mentor is supposed to be strong. But God has been teaching her to have open hands, meaning that when your hands are open you are ready to receive God and let down your guard in order to let Him break in and rebuild and restore your life.

“People will see Jesus through us because we have worked through our own brokenness and pain with Him and have been healed despite what we may have experienced,” Lia added. She knows God has called her to care for the body of Christ abroad, but is quick to point out that you don’t have to live in another country to be on mission with God. Lia believes strongly that everyone is called to be a missionary. “It’s as simple as asking God how you can show His love or bless someone today. In America, the nations have already come to us in our grocery stores, in our schools and in our neighborhoods,” Lia explained. What Lia has learned from her time on the mission field is that as a Christian you have to be interruptible and open, stepping back from your plans and tasks and watching God show up in your life and in the lives of others through you.



THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO Bay Area families are invited to join us for a fun-filled movie night on Friday, November 15. We will show the new live-action “Lion King” (rated PG) at 7 p.m. Admission is $1 per family member and includes popcorn, water and snacks. We’ll also have face painting and a photo booth. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and dressing as your favorite animal is strongly encouraged!

UNRIVALED Two-year giving goal:

Register today at bayareacc.org/register



Giving since launch:


Fourth- and fifth-graders are invited to come skate with us at Wheels Skating Center in Odenton on Friday, October 11 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wear your favorite costume to skate in (no masks please)! The cost is $10 per child, which includes dinner and skate rentals. Inviting fourth- and fifth-grade friends is encouraged. Snacks and arcade games can be purchased at an additional cost.

In June 2018 Bay Area launched a two-year giving initiative called Unrivaled. Through June 2020, every dollar given to Bay Area will support our ministries, discipling students and children, and expanded Kingdom impact from here to the nations. Learn more and give at bayareacc.org/give.

Register today at bayareacc.org/register 22 GO&MAKE O C TO B E R



HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: K-5th: thuli.leigh@bayareacc.org 6-12th: brent.squires@bayareacc.org Adults: shari.brandt@bayareacc.org


REFOCCUS MARRIAGE WORKSHOP Thursdays, 10/3 - 11/21, 7-9 p.m., Student Ministry Wing Interested in hitting the “refresh” button for your marriage? Join us for REFOCCUS. Led by trained facilitators, each session includes refreshments, games and godly, purposeful conversations with other married couples. Info: ladmooty@yahoo.com Register: bayareacc.org/register


New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps might be in order to grow in your spiritual journey. Snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend the gathering on the first Sunday of each month.

There are times when every one of us experiences challenging circumstances, losses, relational pain and difficult transitions in our lives. God never intended that we go through these experiences alone. The Care Network provides a variety of resources, trained volunteers and referrals to professional counselors that can help you to move forward. We desire to provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Phone: 443-837-3718


CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Sunday, 10/13, 1-2:30 p.m., Room 237

Are you a man with the gifts of compassion and mercy who desires to help others in a coaching role? Care Coaches are maturing followers of Jesus who are compelled by God’s work in them to walk alongside hurting people as they discover the joy of a deepening relationship with the Lord. Training is provided.


If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a onehour gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us on the second Sunday of each month to connect in community and to check out our serving opportunities. Hope to see you there!

BECOME A MEMBER Are you interested in joining our church family? Here at Bay Area, we call our members Ministry Partners because we are committed to partnering together to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. For those who would like to learn more about becoming a Ministry Partner, the next Ministry Partner Orientation is December 1 from 12:30-4 p.m. To find upcoming dates or register for First Step, Next Step or Ministry Partner Orientation, go to bayareacc. org/nextsteps.


Being a Caregiver can mean many things, from caring for the very young to providing adult services and taking care of aging adults. The needs can vary involving medical, physical and/ or emotional care. Our group is a safe place to engage with other caregivers, obtain new resources, share challenges or joys and be encouraged. The speaker this month will be Carolyn Young, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator from Professional Healthcare Resources in Baltimore. No registration is necessary, just come! Info: msbellamy77@gmail.com

DIVORCECARE SUPPORT GROUP FALL SESSION Mondays through 12/16, 6:45-9 p.m., Room 237

Separated or in the midst of a divorce? Don’t walk through this difficult time alone. DivorceCare is a support group led by trained facilitators who have experienced divorce and rebuilt their lives through the help of this group. Each week the group features practical information, biblical teaching and encouragement to help you move forward. Come any time as each session stands alone. Info: jbnathlich@gmail.com Register: bayareacc.org/register

We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org



Have you experienced separation or divorce and have a heart to help walk with others through this life change?

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT TEAM This team is looking for couples to assist with a variety of events throughout the year.


Have you participated in a GriefShare Support Group and benefited from this ministry and now have a heart to serve others? Training is provided. Info: leanne.lane@bayareacc.org

MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities online at bayareacc.org/ missionalcommunities.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WAVE RIDERS Are you a parent of nursery- or preschool-age children looking to be in community? We invite your family to be a part of our Wave Riders play group that meets twice a month from 10 a.m. to noon. 10/8: Fall craft and ride-ons in the auditorium at Bay Area. 10/22: Pumpkin picking at Queen Anne Farm

DIVE 45: COSTUME SKATING Friday, 10/11, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Fourth- and fifth-graders are invited to come skate with us at Wheels Skating Center in Odenton. Wear your favorite costume to skate in (no masks please)! The cost is $10 per child, which includes dinner and skate rentals. Inviting fourth- and fifthgrade friends is encouraged. Snacks and arcade games can be purchased at an additional cost. Register: bayareacc.org/register

PARENT DEDICATION Sunday, 11/17, 1-2 p.m.

Have you committed as parents to raise your children for Jesus? Unlike a child dedication, this special ceremony marks your dedication as parents to instilling godly character in your children as you pursue Jesus together as a family. You have been entrusted with the precious gift of your child’s life, and our Children’s Ministry is here to partner with you as you embark on this discipleship journey as parents. Register: bayareacc.org/register


Part-time, 24 hours/week - The Digital Communications Coordinator will serve on the Communications Team with the Communications Director. Their primary responsibilities will include managing and updating Bay Area’s website and social media accounts, as well as assisting with digital marketing and other communications projects for all campuses.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY PROGRAM COORDINATOR Full-time, 40 hours/week - Oversees

our KidCare Ministry, which provides childcare for church events and Women’s Ministry. Also assists with administrative duties for Children’s Ministry to include background checks and weekly requests.

VISUAL ARTIST, STUDENT MINISTRY Full-time, 40 hours/week. The Visual Artist is responsible for conceptualizing and creating meaningful art, primarily in the areas of photography, videography and graphic design, to help Bay Area and Bay Area Student Ministry (BASM) reach people for Jesus.

DIRECTOR, WOMEN’S MINISTRY Part-time, 25 hours/week - The Director will implement strategic vision for all areas of Women’s Ministry by overseeing volunteers/ leaders with strong communication, problem-solving, along with fruitful discipleship and leadership of women.


ASSOCIATE WORSHIP LEADER Full-time, 40+ hours/week - The role of the Associate Worship Leader is to contribute to building a worship culture by leading worship at multiple Bay Area campuses, writing songs, developing worship leaders and musicians, recruiting volunteers, assisting the leadership of all campuses, and ensuring all worship experiences are executed with excellence. For more info and to apply: bayareacc.org/jobs

PRAYER MINISTRY Our Prayer Ministry comprises individuals dedicated to praying for all aspects of Bay Area: gatherings, pastors, missions and more. Individuals are also available to pray after each gathering (front-right of Chapel stage). Info: bayareacc.org/prayer


Part-time, 20 hours/week - The Short Term Missions Coordinator will help achieve Bay Area’s mission through excellent administration of the Short Term Missions program. This person will be administratively gifted with a strong attention to detail, clear communication skills and a love for clear and consistent processes leading to effective ministry.

On June 1, 2018, Bay Area began a two-year generosity initiative called Unrivaled that will fund our ongoing ministry at all campuses, construction of our new student center and children’s addition, and expansion of Christ’s reach from here to the nations. Our two-year giving goal is $16,500,000.


Giving in August 2018: $492,083.84 Giving in August 2019: $530,249.54

Part-time, Monday through Thursday 4-10 p.m., 24 hours/week. The Facilities Assistant is responsible for unlocking, locking and securing the building and helping oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, setting up and breaking down rooms, assembling furniture and other duties.

WEEKEND FACILITIES ASSISTANTS Part-time, Saturday, from 3 p.m. to close, 5 hours/week. The Weekend Facilities Assistants are responsible for opening, unlocking, closing and securing the building and helping to oversee and manage the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds. These duties involve assisting with building repairs, janitorial, grounds maintenance, assembling furniture and other duties.


Two-year Unrivaled Giving Goal: $16,500,000 Total Unrivaled Giving as of 9/24/19: $9,315,637


Our primary goal in Unrivaled is 100 percent engagement - that every person at Bay Area would ask what it means to put God first in their finances. To make a commitment, pick up a commitment card at an information counter or go to baccunrivaled.org/commitment.


You can give toward your Unrivaled commitment through the offering during the gatherings or online at bayareacc.org/give Info: baccunrivaled.org Questions: finance@bayareacc.org O C TO B E R GO&MAK E 25

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m., Room 236 Info: sales@ecosoils.net

MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDIES Sundays, 6-8 p.m., Room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus, discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face at home, work and in society. Info: bob.gregory@bayareacc.org

Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., Room 235 Study the gospel of Mark. Come ready to be challenged to grow as a follower of Jesus. Info: horaciosharon@gmail.com

MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, 10/19, 8-9:30 a.m. Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast in the auditorium. The Line is an opportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register: bayareacc.org/register

GYM TIME WITH THE LINE Saturday, 11/2, 8-10 a.m. If you’ve ever felt insecure walking into a gym, you’re not alone. Join us as we learn how to work out in confidence. A personal trainer will walk us through proper exercise techniques, gym etiquette and developing a strongly rooted identity in Jesus. Register: bayareacc.org/register


Middle- and high-school students are invited to join us each Wednesday for hangout time and community groups, specific by grade and gender, and led by our adult leaders. The Warehouse Cafe has optional dinner available for purchase. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org


High school students are invited to 26 GO&MAKE O C TO B E R

join us for our annual fall retreat! The retreat is held at Black Rock Retreat in Quarryville, PA, and is an engaging weekend designed for high school students to spend time together and to grow in their relationship with Christ. Registration is available online and the cost is $175. Register: bayareacc.org/register


High school students and their parents can join us at Bay Area for a Christian College Fair. This event will feature representatives from 25+ Christian colleges and universities from around the U.S., and will also include a financial aid seminar, led by a financial aid representative. This event is free and no registration is required. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

FIRST FRIDAY Friday, 11/1, 7-9 p.m.

Middle school students can join us for our monthly First Friday event! The Warehouse and Café will be open for each event, and this month’s featured event is Costume Party. Students are encouraged to dress up for halloween and invite a new friend to this event. There is no registration needed and this event is free. Info: tim.agnolutto@bayareacc.org

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Register for studies and events at bayareacc.org/annapolis/women.


Like the woman at the well in John 4, women meet Jesus in His Word in community with others at Bay Area.

JOSHUA: WINNING THE WORRY BATTLE Wednesdays, 9/11 - 12/4, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Rather than just applying cliches to our worry battles, we will learn through the life of Joshua how to fight our worries by faith in God’s promises. Video teaching, small group discussions, and weekly homework will equip us for walking in peace and victory. Book cost: $15. Info: laurie.gregory@bayareacc.org


Kidcare is available for babies-

preschoolers during Well a.m. Cost $65/ 1 child, $85/ 2+ children Info: ellyn.watson@bayareacc.org

FINDING I AM Tuesdays, 9/10 - 12/3, 6:45-8:30 p.m. We will explore seven I AM statements made by Jesus in the gospel of John. Each will teach us about the life-giving provision of God to us through Christ that applies to our daily lives. The video teaching set in the Holy Land will make the Bible come alive for us. Book cost: $15. Info: cmbernie@thekraftfam.


Join this group of senior women who support one another through encouragement and prayer on the second and fourth Mondays of the month 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

QUILTS FOR KIDS Saturday, 10/19, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

The Annapolis Chapter of QFK meets for the purpose of making quilts for children in hospitals. Bring your sewing machine and your lunch. Quilting fabrics will be provided. We will meet in the Docks in the west parking lots. Info: annapolisqfk@gmail.com Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter at bayareacc.org/ annapolis/women.


Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: lauren.gibeault@bayareacc.org


Take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 10 locations worldwide. Learn about our locations and partners: bayareacc. org/missions.


Apply by October 15 to join our team serving children and families through

the Gifts for Children program, December 13-18, 2019. Our team will travel to Bluefield, WV, to host a gift distribution, serve in an after-school program and bless families through relationships and meeting practical needs. Learn more and apply at bayareacc.org/stm.


Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area by financially supporting others. Give: bayareacc.org/stmgive


Join with others to be encouraged and pray for our missionaries and global partners. This team meets second and fourth Sundays at 9:20 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Info: ccback84@gmail.com






New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and what your next steps might be in order to grow in your spiritual journey. Snacks are provided. Take your first step at Bay Area by signing up today to attend the gathering on the first Sunday of each month. Register: bayareacc.org/register


If you are a part of Bay Area and are wanting to take your next step in your spiritual journey, Next Step is for you! Next Step is a one-hour gathering designed to help you grow as a disciple through community and/or serving. Join us on the second Sunday of each month to connect in community and to check out our serving opportunities. Register: bayareacc.org/register

WOMEN’S DINNER AND BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, 10/10 - 12/19, 6:15-8:30 p.m. Join us at Mamma Roma’s in Odenton. For more info email horaciosharon@gmail.com.

GET CONNECTED IN ODENTON Want to serve in Odenton or get plugged into community? Email Campus Coordinator Amy at amy. french@bayareacc.org.


In addition to CASH or CHECK, you can give via:

ONLINE bayareacc.org/give



“BACC 50” to 30131 to give $50 ODENTON CAMPU S

“ODENTON 50” to 30131 to give $50

AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Amy French’s House

Students in grades 6 through 12 are welcome to join us each Wendesday for time to hang out.

MOVIE NIGHT Friday, 11/8, 6-8 p.m. Info: bayareacc.org/odenton/ students

Please designate your campus on all gifts.

Thank you! O C TO B E R GO&MAK E 27

Friday, October 25 6:30-8:30 PM AT 884 CHESTERFIELD RD.


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