Summer of Fun ISSUE

This summer at Bay Area, we want to encourage you to kick back, relax and have fun, all while staying connected to others and rooted in the word. In this special edition Summer Issue of GO&MAKE, we have compiled a few suggestions on how you can do that. We polled our staff to get recommendations for you on what books to read, what podcasts to listen to and what songs to sing along to. All about the social aspects? Flip to the end for our Summer BINGO for all the activity recommendations from our Community Ministry team.
Oh, and something else fun this summer is that our NEW Student Ministry Pastor is starting!! Join us in praising Jesus for His faithfulness and in welcoming Jake and his family. God has been so clearly in the details of Jake's story - we could not be more sure of His hand in this process. But don't take our word for it, read all about Jake and his story on page 14.
Abbie Hoekstra
Josh (Burgi) Burgin
Arianne Teeple
Jake Williams
Bay Area Staff
Barry Willhite
Don Wiley
Greg Dixon
Greg St. Cyr
John Taylor
Keith Riniker
Kyle Sponaugle
Peter Godfrey
Rich Heath
Roger Ishii
Ron Dutton
Stu Cooper
Tom Dalpini
Tom Hogan
Warwick Fairfax
Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor –
Aaron Hixson, Teaching Pastor –
Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor –
Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor –
Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor –
Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor –
Jake Wieduwilt, Student MinistryPastor –
Jocelyn Sacks, Serving Director –
Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader –
Kammi McGinty, Care Network & Marriage Ministry Director –
Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director –
Megan Heath, Women’s Ministry Director –
Shawn Hart, Global Missions Pastor –
For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit
We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.
YTD Giving through 5/31/23: $4,793,000
YTD Budget through 5/31/23: $5,213,000
Actual vs. Budget: –$420,000
YTD Giving through 5/31/23: $344,000
YTD Budget through 5/31/23: $316,000
Actual vs. Budget: $28,000
The financial generosity of our church family helps fuel our mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Every gift is used to resource our ongoing ministries at our two campuses, and support dozens of local and global missions partners who are reaching people with the gospel around the world. Want to learn how to manage your finances
God’s way? Read our Philosophy of Generosity at
If you would like to give, you can do so at, or by mailing a check to our Annapolis Campus (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Please be sure to include your campus designation on all gifts.
My highest priority in life is cultivating a personal intimate relationship with the Lord.
s I write, Mary Kaye is busy packing for our 40th anniversary trip to Paris. Paris - the city of love, the fashion capital, and the city of lights. Here I am, being of French descent, yet never having been to France! Parlez-vous francais?? Well neither do I. But we’re greatly looking forward to this vacation.
I hope you will be able to enjoy some vacation time as well this summer. It’s certainly good for the soul to have down time and to make memories with family and friends. However, there is an area of life in which “down time” has no place. That area is our spiritual life. There is never a time to take a break from cultivating our relationship with Jesus. In fact, the busier and more demanding life becomes, the deeper we need to dive into our walk with the Lord.
“My highest priority in life is cultivating a personal intimate relationship with the Lord.” This single statement guides my life more than anything else. It reminds me of my highest priority; namely, to become like Jesus. The more a person becomes like Jesus, the more she or he experiences a rich, fulfilling life. The more he can soar above trials and disappointments. The more she will experience the supernatural wisdom of God.
I heard someone say, “That which is heaviest must weigh heaviest- it must have first place.”
So true. Practically speaking, that means our spiritual life must weigh heaviest. There is never a time that we take a “vacation” from growing in Christ. Our relationship with Him is to be the overarching priority and goal of life.
Paris might be the city of love, but Christ is the embodiment of love. Paris claims to be the fashion capital but Jesus wants to fashion you into His likeness. Paris is the city of lights, but Jesus is the light of the world. As great as any vacation or experience might be, nothing compares to knowing Jesus.
This summer let’s not take a vacation from becoming more like Jesus. His grace will abound in your life as you spend daily time with Him in Chapter a Day, as you faithfully gather on Sundays for worship, as you prioritize being better together with other believers, and as you use summer opportunities to love and share the Good News with your neighbors.
Wish me and Mary Kaye bon voyage…and see you when we get back!
"This summer let’s not take a vacation from becoming more like Jesus."
This summer we are all about setting aside intentional time to slow down - to read, to listen, to sing - so we can continue to experience Jesus changing us. Don't know where to start? No worries! We polled the staff to get their insight and help. On the next pages, you'll get their number one book recommendations, top podcast recs from our teaching pastor on all sorts of topics, and a summer setlist of songs to keep on repeat.
I love this song because it reminds me of how faithful God is. When I listen and sing along to this song, I feel like it’s my thankful response to his faithfulness.
This song is such an encouragement for me to continue to pursue my faith with the Lord outside of the church walls. My relationship with Jesus should not be “just a Sunday thing,” but a daily, growing relationship.
I saw Fatai (the Tongan woman) lead worship a few years ago in Chicago, and I was so grateful to be led in worship by someone so talented who also looked like me. I used to think it was not important, but there is something that changed in my imagination of what a "worship leader" looks like. The song itself puts simple words to the act of praising God in a way that "feels" contagious, which is the same feeling I get when I am around other people who are truly living a life in pursuit of Jesus.
I love this song, but I love it even more with CeCe singing it! It has been a mantra for the hard days in an attempt to remember God's faithfulness no matter what. A great worship song when things don't necessarily feel so good - reorients your brain and heart.
Brooke Litgerwood, Brandon Lake
Technically two songs... but I love when a song leads to spontaneous worship. This song is an ANTHEM - all we need is God and it is sweet to trust in Him. Put it on loud in your car on your way home from work.
I grew up on hip-hop so this is my “heart language,” which means I prefer worship that makes me move my body while I praise God with my voice.
I love the truths from scripture in this song and that it is asking God for things He loves to give.
This is a song that lifts me up in hard times. KB is raw and honest about God being all he needs in low and desperate times. One example is his wife suffered a miscarriage and I love his openness when he writes, “God almighty, please, you have my baby, and you won’t miscarry me.”
A song of wonder! Wonder about HEAVEN. I love this song because it has a childlike questioning that is full of joy and anticipation. The music is upbeat and moves your mind to imagine what it will be like one day. Best enjoyed with the windows rolled down on a road trip with plenty of time to daydream.
This song breaks me. It is the GOSPEL. It wrestles with the depth we are loved and the distance Christ overcame to invite me to his table. It is the appropriate cry and response to be known by God. Best enjoyed while looking out over the ocean.
From Matthew 11:28-30, this song played and produced by Paul Baloche’s son David (featuring the clarinet!). I love to listening to this song early in the morning and remembering the rest that is found in the Lord.
From Psalm 137, I love the feel & instrumentation of this one. When I listen, I think about the fact that we, like Ols Testament Israel, are living in exile. One day we will say goodbye to Babylon once and for all.
The chorus begins with, “a sound mind for the spirit of fear.” this reinforces that God through his Spirit has rescued me from fear.
God is doing a new thing, and He is going to do it through all of us. “Make me whatever you want me to be.”
A Conflict of Visions
Thomas Sowell
Crucified King
Jeremy Treat
In the Name of Jesus
Henri Nouwen
The Spirit Filled Life
Charles Stanley
Living Fearless
Jamie Winship
◊ The 7 habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
◊ A Prayer Life
Paul Miller
◊ Breaking Free from Body Shame
Jess Connolly
◊ Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster
◊ The Chronicles of Narnia
C.S. Lewis
◊ Daring to Hope
◊ Deep Work
Cal Newport
◊ Essentialism
Greg Mckeown
◊ Fathered by God
John Eldridge
◊ Knowledge of the Holy AW Tozer
◊ Live no Lies
John Mark Comer
◊ The Screwtape Letters
C.S. Lewis
◊ Subversive Sabbath
A.J. Swoboda
This UK based podcast is truly stellar for bringing together true experts on various topics and moderating helpful debates. The network it is supported by also has a wider ecosystem of helpful material on strengthening our faith from an intellectual perspective.
Good first listen: Is Critical Race Theory compatible with Christianity? Ft. Neil Shenvi & Rasool Berry (Episode 205, 10/16/20)
This podcast is a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview. He focuses on analysis of major issues in culture, not just reporting facts and events.
Unlike the Briefing, this podcast is more designed to be a daily news curator and supplier - it will keep you up to date, and help you stay focused on Christ as you do.
This podcast surveys much of Tim Keller's preaching ministry.
Especially after his passing this year, I intend to listen to these sermon excerpts this Summer as a way to get further into the thinking of this remarkable pastor and leader.
This coincides this a bible reading plan, and provides helpful background and insights on the daily passages. It it is one of the most downloaded podcasts ever in the "religion" category.
You won't agree with the worldview analysis on some of these episodes, and its definitely not a Christian resource. However, they do some of the most interesting reporting and analysis I've ever heard - I'm a regular listener.
Good first listen: Series on Airplane Travel (episodes 534-536). Air Travel is a Miracle. Why do we hate it?
uring the month of May, as our church journeyed through the story of Esther, another story of God’s sovereignty was playing out that would lead Jake Wieduwilt back to Bay Area as our new Student Ministry Pastor.
The book of Esther showcases God’s mighty hand at work in big and small ways to perfectly carry out His plan for the good of His people. It’s easy to see the connections as we look back at this story from thousands of years ago, and yet God has not stopped working for the good of His people, in big and small ways. He’s still the invisible artist writing stories and looking for faithful people to join Him in His work.
Our story begins in 2012, when a young Coastguardsman arrived in Annapolis to work at the Coast Guard Station. Jake Wieduwilt and his wife Sarah moved into a local apartment complex, and on their first weekend in town they met neighbors Rob and Kayleigh Vaughn, also new to the area. As the Vaughns and
Wieduwilts both searched for a local church, the Vaughns invited Jake and Sarah to Bay Area and to their Missional Community (MC), where both couples were able to build community. Over the next several years, their community would grow deep in relationship, becoming a spiritual family that remains connected even today.
As Jake served in the Coast Guard, the “train your relief” ethos of the military seeped in. “You have to develop people in the military, or the job’s not going to get done. And the same is true with the gospel,” Sarah shared - echoing their joint passion for people and
for Jesus. It’s this value of developing people that has shaped so much of Jake’s life: “one thing I know about myself is that I’m a developer. I’m the guy who likes showing people the things I know how to do because I want to create other leaders.”
The year after they arrived, Bay Area launched a serving initiative called “Fish and Loaves,” and the Wieduwilts signed up to serve in Student Ministry*. There, they met people like Michelle Goodacre, then a volunteer (and now a member of the BASM staff team). As they continued to grow a heart
for students in BASM, Jake’s time in the Coast Guard grew short. He began looking for educational opportunities and next steps, wondering what could be next. The community that Jake and Sarah had built proved crucial to encourage and equip them in this season, and Jake began pursuing
a degree from Liberty University, while continuing to serve in BASM and discern next steps.
*in yet another fun connection, Fish and Loaves is also when I started serving at Bay Area –also in Student Ministry – and where I met the Wieduwilts!
Jake soon joined Bay Area’s staff as an intern, working with Brian Hopper on missional communities and also assisting with local and global outreach. That opportunity led to the next one - an invitation to raise support to go through Bay
After ordination right here at Bay Area in June 2018, the Wieduwilts remained a part of the Bay Area family, joining the Easton campus where Jake was the Student Ministry Pastor and Sarah led worship. Jake had actually
Area’s two-year residency program. Jake and Sarah raised support, and in early 2017 Jake joined the residency alongside Joseph, now Bay Area’s partner in India. Together, these two men studied and prepared to pastor and lead. Jake focused
his residency toward student ministry, while also learning to preach, disciple and shepherd others. He learned this all within the context of Bay Area, soaking in Bay Area’s culture and values from the start.
helped launch Easton’s student ministry during his residency, and now, he got to build on that foundation. Beginning in early 2020, Jake served as Easton’s interim Campus Pastor, where he remained until mid-2021.
During that season, God laid the groundwork for a thriving church and thriving student ministry in Easton (in what is now Eastpoint Church), and built a foundation for ministry and a heart for students and for Bay Area.
The community that Jake and Sarah had built proved crucial to encourage and equip them"
After Sam Cassese took the reins at Bay Area Easton / Eastpoint Church, the Wieduwilts headed to Generation Church in Clayton, North Carolina where Jake served as their Discipleship Pastor, overseeing adult discipleship as well as children’s and student
While in North Carolina, both Jake and Sarah began to serve as substitute teachers in the schools in their area. It reconnected their hearts with
Meanwhile, Bay Area had been searching for a Student Pastor for almost a year. So when Jake texted Brian Hopper’s wife Suzi about
ministries. He also had the opportunity to mentor and train local student ministry pastors in the area. Jake grew as a leader, learning to shepherd adults, serving team members, and a small staff. More importantly, he learned a lot about himself, including his passion for
relationships. “Something I learned in Clayton is that I care more about relationships than the tasks of ministry,” Jake shared. The experience in Clayton would prepare Jake to lead and serve BASM’s staff, community group leaders, parents, and students even more effectively.
their passion for students. In Jake’s words, “The questions and the way we were able to engage students when we were subbing - students are looking
for hope, looking for love and not finding it in its fullest form. We saw how hopeless it was. And the Lord started to do a work in my heart.”
a piece of furniture he was building, it started a conversation between Brian and Jake. A conversation led to a second, and to
interviews, candidate visits, and now, what Jake calls a homecoming: “Bay Area feels like home because of the people.”
There are so many little dots to connect that I couldn’t possibly fit them in this story - you’re getting just the highlights here. From a neighborly acquaintance to serving in BASM, to Bay Area’s residency, to Easton and North Carolina, and now making a home back here at Bay Area, God has prepared and planned each step to bring us a Student Ministry Pastor who’s “grown up here” so to speak. At the same time, his experiences
away from Annapolis have prepared him to return here, to partner with parents, to build leaders, and to point students to the hope of the gospel. Jake is excited to build on the solid foundation of Bay Area Student Ministry, to develop leaders, and to continue to grow roots here in this community.
So when you see them around town - whether at Bay Area or out in the neighborhood - be sure to
say hi to Jake, Sarah, Parker, Jude and pup Neptune. I’m grateful that God’s providence brought them home to Bay Area for this season - and I can’t wait to see what God has planned in the months and years ahead for the Wieduwilts, for Bay Area, and for our students. If we have anything to learn from the story of Esther and the story of the Wieduwilts - we know that God’s plans are good and just right to prepare us for what’s ahead.
I have had the honor and privilege of serving as a community group leader for these students for the past 4 years. I truly enjoyed watching them grow from unknowing freshmen into wise and compassionate seniors. These students went through high school during COVID only as sophomores and I believe it strengthened their faith in God and understanding of how important community is. This is a loyal bunch! I have witnessed their highs and lows and been amazed in the ways they support and pray for one another. I am looking forward to seeing how these students change the world for Jesus! As we celebrate Bay Area’s class of 2023, let’s lift these students up in prayer. We pray that the Lord would keep them and that they continue to honor Him in all they do after being sent from this church!
BY RACHEL MAHAFFEY BASM HOSPITALITY & EVENTS COORDINATOR Written by Rachel Mahaffey, on behalf of herself and the entire BASM StaffBROADNECK HIGH SCHOOL
s a church, we are about making disciples and equipping leaders. We are committed to preparing the generations to come to lead the church. And we believe the best place to prepare future pastors, missionaries, church planters and campus pastors is in the context of the local church. This is why, years ago, we started the Bay Area Residency.
For years, we have been privileged to help prepare those called into vocational ministry. Prior to COVID, Bay Area helped develop and ordain 6 Pastors who are currently serving around the world or in local churches.
The Bay Area Residency is a two year training environment that prepares and equips high capacity leaders in the areas of godly character, biblical knowledge and practical ministry skills.
Jesus developed His disciples in the context of the challenging realities of relationships, life tests, and on-the-job ministry experiences. We believe He is still doing this by His Spirit through local churches like ours. Jesus trained disciples in real-life context, so do we. We create and leverage existing ministry opportunities at Bay Area to be the training grounds for Residents.
Because the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom is to be integrated into each aspect of one’s life and mission, we base our Residency training on a holistic approach. A competency-based approach to training emerging leaders
for full time vocational ministry means a Resident must demonstrate proficiency in a specific competency before progressing. The competencies focus on three key areas of the life and practices of a Resident - character, skills and knowledge. Each Resident will spend the first 6-12 mos growing in core curriculum before advancing to their ministry specific training. Residents raise support for their salaries while Bay Area also contributes financially to help support them.
This year, we are excited to introduce to you Wayde Morgan. Wayde grew up in a family that has military heritage in Indiana. After a couple years in college, he enlisted in the Navy where he had served at the Naval Base in San Diego. Four years ago he transferred to the Naval Academy here in Annapolis where he has served in the Chaplaincy as a Chaplain Assistant.
During this time, Wayde has seen how desperate the military is for the Gospel. He has helped many Mids in their walks with Jesus and many to come to know Jesus. Within the military, there are very strict guidelines about how one can share their faith in Jesus. The Chaplaincy is one of the Roles in the military where one can express their faith. The Chaplaincy allows all religions and faith backgrounds - which makes the need for Christian Chaplains great.
Many of our culture's issues have plagued the military, especially at the academy.
In order to become a chaplain, one must earn a seminary degree and have a minimum of two years pastoral experience. Wayde begins seminary at Dallas Theological Seminary in August and upon completion of raising his financial support, will begin with our two-year residency to help him grow in his character, knowledge and ministry skills.
Once completed, Wayde will apply to become a Chaplain and be sent to serve as a ‘Pastor to the military’.
We are excited to be a part of helping Wayde fulfill the calling the Lord has on his life, and to be a church that invests and equips those called into full-time vocational ministry.
If you’d like to find out more about the Residency contact Brian Hopper. If you’d like to find out more about Wayde or would like to financially support him, email him at
During this time, Wayde has seen how desperate the military is for the Gospel."
Summertime evokes a call to explore, to break away from the norms, and set out for adventures. The longer days and slower pace are a welcomed change from the hectic schedule during the school year. Here at Bay Area, we believe that growth and fulfillment happen best in the context of community, but that’s not limited to just deep discussions in weekly community groups. It can also include getting out and having fun with family members, neighbors and friends. So, grab your people and this bingo card and head out to enjoy new flavors, local adventures and create unique memories all through the lens of being better together.
August 6, September 3, October 1 at 9 a.m. in Room 237
If you are new or looking to get connected at Bay Area, join us for First Step. You’ll get a chance to learn about our mission, vision and how to get connected. Find more details and sign up on our website at
July 16, August 13 at 10:45 a.m. in Teacher’s Lounge at Arundel High School
Join us in the Arundel High School Teacher's Lounge to hear more about who we are as a Church and find out how you can be more connected.
Interested in learning what it would look like to officially partner with us in making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations? This one-hour introduction to the process of becoming a minisitry partner (our version of church membership) is a great place to start. Visit for upcoming dates.
A new initiative of the Care Network to provide relief from meal preparation after coming home with a new baby, recovering from a medical procedure, caring for a loved one, or other unforeseen circumstances. If you or someone you know would like to request a meal train, or you would like to serve in providing meals, head to our website to learn more and sign up:
If you are walking through a challenging season of life and would like someone to come alongside you, consider reaching out to a Care Coach to walk with you for a season. To learn more, email Kammi McGinty.
If you have walked through a significant trial and feel God’s calling to comfort another experiencing similar suffering, please contact me to discuss how we can get you plugged in to serve in the Care Network.
Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. starting September 11
Virtual Meetings
DivorceCare is a weekly seminar/support group that will help you heal from the hurt of separation and divorce. It’s a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are going through. Learn practical information and gain hope for your future.
Thursdays from 6:45-9 p.m. starting September 14
Virtual Meetings
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts and we want to help.
Learn more about these groups and more at
July 16 at 9 a.m.5th grade promo party (their last day in CM)
July 23Rising 6th grade joins BASM
September 3New Kindergarten through 5th grade move to new classes
July 17-19 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Annapolis Campus
Join us for Kid's CON, a VBS-style event just for kids! We're inviting completed kindergarteners through completed fifth graders to join us as we learn about Jesus through fun games, snacks, and so much more! Learn more and register at
With summer here, many of our regular leaders will have vacations and travel plans, so having new leaders would be a wonderful blessing! We would love to have you be apart of our team if you are looking to serve and feel called to sharing Jesus with our kids. Sign up by filling out the serve interest card at
Have a heart for serving with children who have special needs? We would love to have you as a part of the Special Buddies team! E-mail mickey.
July 16 and August 20
after the 2nd gathering Parents, community group leaders and students are invited to join us for a cookout! Bring a side to share and come be in community with us.
July 19 from 2-4 p.m.
High school students are invited to join us for an afternoon of games. We’ll have 9-square, drift bikes, spike ball, cornhole & more.
July 23
New 6th graders are welcome to join us at the 9 a.m. gathering!
July 25 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Middle Schoolers are invited to come for a water filled afternoon. We will be in the East Lot with water balloons, water guns, baby pools and more. Come prepared to get wet, bring your own lunch.
July 26 and August 16 from 1-3 p.m. Shawn Hart, our global missions pastor, will lead our students through questions and answers to help build their faith.
August 8 from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
This BASM serves, we will be working with Afghan refugees in Baltimore. Be on the lookout for more information.
August 23 from 1-3 p.m.
Every Thursday during July from 12-2 p.m.
Brian Hopper will be teaching a 4 week course on biblical leadership in the BASM commons, bring your own lunch.
New 6th graders are welcome to join us at the Warehouse for an event just for them. Registration will be required, check the website for more information later this summer.
More events and information can be found on our websites
Check out our ongoing and upcoming opportunities for our Women’s Bible Studies at We will have some exciting new studies starting in mid-September. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, July 20 and August 10 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. OR 6:45-8:30 p.m. in Room 177
Do you crochet, knit, embroider, cross stitch or enjoy another similar craft? Or have you wanted to try and need help getting started? Bring your stitchy craft and join us for fellowship, a devotion and some stitchy fun. Register at Keep an eye out for additional fall dates!
Wednesday, July 12 in room 202
9:30-11:30 a.m. OR 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Join us for either our morning or evening fun craft session to create your own one-ofa-kind decor piece. We’ll have lots of Chalk Couture designs and surfaces to choose from. For more info and registration go to and use our interactive calendar!
July 28, August 18, 6-7 p.m. at Capital SUP Nautilus Point Marina
Come enjoy a peaceful paddle and great fellowship! Find out more information and register via our new interactive events calendar at women#events.
Thursday, July 27 at 7-9 p.m. in the BASM Warehouse Attic
Safe All Along by Katie Majors Davis
Please register at women#Events using our interactive calendar and then bring a snack to share when you join us for a great discussion on living from a place of surrendered trust, breaking free from anxiety, and taking hold of peace.
Tuesday, August 29 from 6-9 p.m. in Room 237
Come fellowship with us as you create your very own painting. Kelly Lagaras will be leading us on the theme from Psalm 23, The Good Shepherd. No experience necessary - all skill levels are welcome! Head to for registration and payment using our interactive calendar. Note - content will be the same as the daytime workshop that was offered in June.
2nd & 4th Mondays from 10:30 a.m.12 p.m. in Room 194
Women 55 and older enjoy connecting in this wonderful fellowship group on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month from September through May. The group will resume meeting on September 11. Please go to for more information and to register.
Saturday, August 26 from 3-7 p.m.
Join the men’s ministry for their summer kickoff to the new church year. Bring your friends and neighbors to enjoy great summer BBQ food and a fun afternoon of games and fellowship. For more information and to register, head to
Third Saturdays, 8-9:30 a.m. starting September 16
Join the men’s ministry every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast in the Student Ministry warehouse and café. To find out more or register you can go to
Developing 1-on-1 relationships to help encourage men as they grow in their journey with Jesus. We seek to apply biblical principles to everyday life situations, encourage growth in prayer life, Bible reading/study, and pursuit of community with other believers. Learn more and register at
July 22 and August 26
from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join us as we serve with Hope for All, one of our local partners serving the underserved and underprivileged of our area. We will be sorting clothes and serving in their warehouse. There are also ways to donate much need pillows. For info please reach out to Alex Williams at
August 6, 13 on the patio
In conjunction with the Walk the Walk Foundation, Bay Area Community Church would like to donate 300 backpacks for children living under the poverty line in Anne Arundel County. Make a $30 donation, fill a backpack, and decorate a postcard for a child in need. Your generosity will truly bless a child by helping them begin the school year prepared! Any questions, please contact Dale Conway at dale.
1st and 3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. at the Annapolis Campus
If you are between the ages of 25-35, you're invited to join us at the BACC Deck for time of fellowship, hanging out, eating food, playing games, and on 3rd Fridays, worshipping together. Keep up to date with details for each individual event online or by subscribing to oour monthly newsletter at the link below.
Mondays, August 21-December 18 from 6:30-9:15 p.m.
Bay Area is hosting the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course this fall! Perspectives is an awe-inspiring comprehensive study course that is rooted in scripture that has profoundly impacted over 250,000 alumni. The fifteen-lesson education course explores different aspects of God’s global purpose and examines the story of God fulfilling His promises from four vantage points or "perspectives”: Biblical, Historical, Cultural, Strategic. Learn more and register at annapolis2023.
Kenya 2
July 1 - 13
July 19 - 31
August 18 - August 28
Lebanon 1
September 26 - October 6
Ghana 1
October 11 - October 21 (Odenton)
Lebanon 2
October 27 - November 5
Appalachia Gifts for Children
December 8 - 13
Kenya 2024
July 1 - 13
Belize 1 - 2024
March 23-30
Belize 2 - BASM 2024
July 23-30
*Jesus Andrew + Simon (Peter)
Matthew 4:19
I To obey; to observe; to practice
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you (fishers of men. ) "
2 To move along someonebehind who is the guide or leader Grow, mold, disciple, help, provide, etc.
2 fisherman from where Jesus had been teaching change vocationof Instead of drawing fish from the sea, they will now draw people into God's Kingdom