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In this 2022 Yearbook Edition of GO&MAKE, be on the lookout for the Higlights section in every article, each containing small facts of how God has worked through our church this past ministry year.


So That The Next Generation Might Know In Odenton As It Is In Heaven Ministry of Presence

Better Together. The value that encapsulates who we are as a church. The idea that growth and fulfillment happen best in the context of community is real for us. And at the root, we know that we can only be better together when we are better first with God. That looks like committed time with the Lord in His word, and seeing His wisdom from those times play out in our day-to-day. In other words, we are better able to love and serve our neighbor when we intentionally spend time getting to know God, His attributes, and what He has done for us to be able to experience full life. That’s why we produce Chapter A Day journals and a podcast - for our church to have an opportunity to experience Jesus in a new way that allows us to then be better representations of Jesus to each other. And as we each choose to live out the reality of who Jesus is for us, we can learn from each other in community and grow together as a family - all united in the Word - as the hands and feet of Jesus, the image of Christ on earth. bayareacc.org/bettertogether




Abbie Hoekstra


Josh (Burgi) Burgin


Arianne Teeple


Jake Williams


Allen Smith

Jocelyn Sacks

Kammi McGinty Allison Butterfield

Brian Hopper

Jay Schramek

Brendan Cothran

Shawn Hart

Barry Willhite

Bill Smith

Chris Heacock

Don Wiley

Greg Dixon

Greg St. Cyr

John Taylor

Keith Riniker

Ken Gilmore

Kyle Sponaugle

Peter Godfrey

Ravi Waldon

Rich Heath

Roger Ishii

Ron Dutton

Stu Cooper

Tom Dalpini

Tom Hogan

Warwick Fairfax

Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org

Aaron Hixson, Teaching Pastor – aaron.hixson@bayareacc.org

Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org

Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org

Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org

Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor of Operations – jeff.supp@bayareacc.org

Jocelyn Sacks, Serving Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org

Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org

Kammi McGinty, Care Network & Marriage Ministry Director – kammi.mcginty@bayareacc.org

Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org

Megan Heath, Women’s Ministry Director – megan.heath@bayareacc.org

Shawn Hart, Global Missions Pastor – shawn.hart@bayareacc.org


Reader submitted photos, thanks everyone!

For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/ourteam

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.



YTD Giving through 8/31/22: $6,158,315

YTD Budget through 8/31/22: $6,600,000

Actual vs. Budget: –$441,685


YTD Giving through 8/31/22: $373,758

YTD Budget through 8/31/22: $400,000

Actual vs. Budget: –$26,242


The financial generosity of our church family helps fuel our mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Every gift is used to resource our ongoing ministries at our two campuses, and support dozens of local and global missions partners who are reaching people with the gospel around the world. Want to learn how to manage your finances God’s way? Read our Philosophy of Generosity at bayareacc.org/give.


If you would like to give, you can do so at bayareacc.org/give, or by mailing a check to our Annapolis Campus (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Please be sure to include your campus designation on all gifts.


"Now it’s time to reset and get back into a rhythm."


irst, a big welcome to those who are new to Bay Area! We are so glad you are here.

I love the fall. Fall brings cooler temperatures, college football, kids back in school, and more routine. Vacation travel is a pleasant memory. Now it’s time to reset and get back into a rhythm.

Intentional rhythms are key to a life well ordered.

Without being prescriptive, let me suggest some categories I’ve found rhythm is important.  How about the rhythm of spending daily time with the Lord? Or family rhythms that cultivate a quality home life? And there is the rhythm of weekly sabbath and Sunday gatherings with God’s people to worship. What about the regular rhythm of sleep, work, exercise, giving and vacation? Or the rhythm of relationally connecting with others?

Intentional, prayerful rhythms help us say “no” to lesser things by establishing patterns of the best things. And this is what I desire for all of us: A God-honoring life that is flourishing and pleasing Him.

I want to share with you what I believe to be a few of the most essential rhythms of life:

• Daily time with the Lord

Even if it is only for a few minutes, spending daily time with Jesus is the single most important rhythm you can cultivate. Jesus will change you!

• Family meals, devotions, and vacations

Regular meals together, daily praying as a family, intentional devotions, and prioritizing vacations – I cannot overstate how key these practices are. Connecting over dinner, praying before bed, thoughtful family devotions, and memory making vacations are a pathway to

From here to the nations, GREG S T. CYR

the close knit and spiritual family you long for.

A regular rhythm of community is key to spiritual maturity. I want to underscore the

• Intentional spiritual friendships

word “spiritual.” We have friends at work and recreation. That’s great. But we need friendships with other followers of Jesus so that together we mature in Christ. In the busyness and pressure of life, having a rhythm of connecting in community is part of the long game for spiritual growth.  Those who neglect this will drift.

Since COVID, worship attendance in America has dropped. We’ve seen that at Bay Area.

• Sunday Worship

Perhaps that is you. Regularly gathering with God’s people under His Word renews our mind, expands our vision, and gives us hope in a world that seems increasingly fractured. Drop out of worship and you will eventually wander spiritually.

All these rhythms can be summed up in our value, Better Together. Life change happens best in relationships. That’s why I couldn’t be more excited that we are focusing this ministry year at Bay Area on being better together. Look for fresh ways to strengthen your family life, become part of a small group of friends, serve others in areas of your giftedness, and vibrant encounters with God and others on Sunday mornings. As a result, I’m praying and believing God that you (and all of us) will become more like Jesus!

In this issue of GO&MAKE, you’ll read a few examples of how God has worked in and through our church this past ministry year, and how we really are better together.

Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE




f you’ve been around Bay Area this past year, you have heard us say that we are Better Together. You might wonder where we got this value. You also might wonder what it means practically at Bay Area Community Church. And that’s what I’d like to address in this editorial.

Where does the value of “Better Together” come from?

Although many businesses include “better together” as one of their core values, our value is something way more ancient. In fact, we need to go all the way back to the beginning where life began -- in the Garden of Eden.

After creating everything, God said, “Let us make man in our image…. so He created them” (Genesis 1:26-27). Our Trinitarian God knew that Adam alone could not fully reflect His image. To reflect the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Adam needed Eve. The text goes on to say, “so God created man in His own image… male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

We often talk about each person being created in the image of God, and this is good and true. But what is also true is that we need each other to fully reflect God’s image. God has made us for

relationships because He knows that we are better together.

What does “Better Together” practically mean at Bay Area?

To put it personally: you cannot be the best version of yourself by yourself. It takes other people deeply enmeshed in your life to bring out your best qualities latent within your soul. It takes a large spiritual family to bring out the real you that is hidden in Christ.

Practically speaking at Bay Area, we consider you “in community” when you are

· Worshiping with others at one of our Sunday gatherings.

· Growing with others in an intentional, spiritual relationship like a Missional Community, Life Group, Women’s or Men’s Bible Study, Care Group, or a Mentorship relationship.

· Serving with others in the body, discovering and using your spiritual gifts.

To put it more broadly: the Body of Christ cannot be the best version of itself without all its members growing and serving together. When we are not in meaningful relationships and serving together, everyone stagnates. The Apostle Paul gives us a vision that a community that has close enough relationships to speak the truth in love to others, “we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,  from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love” (Ephesians 4:1516).

The good news is the church is God’s plan to fill the earth with his Presence. It might sound nuts that God has chosen a bunch of broken sinners who are often weak, ineffective and messy, but it's true! And it is our desire that everyone who calls Bay Area home is in community so we can all truly be better together!

Launched new ministry for young professionals

Over 350people stoppedby guest centralor texted 'new'

Allen Smith is the Missional Community Pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE

55 people were connected into community


Quick to Serve in Love, Humility and Unconditionally


Opened Serve Central

ere at Bay Area, we serve! It’s who we are and what we do. We serve because Jesus first served us - He is the ultimate model of servanthood. Jesus gives us a picture of how to serve and invites us to follow His example.

Thank goodness He does, because when we serve, we let go of self-centeredness and make others more important than ourselves.

When we serve, we let go of our own agenda, trusting God to take care of what we’ve sacrificed to show up, give, love.

When we serve, we let go of our prideful inclinations to say, “I’m too good for this” and humble ourselves to do what is called for.

We’re never more like Jesus than when we serve.

This is the kind of church we desire to be: a people that are quick to serve in love, humility and unconditionally, regardless of the response of those we serve. A people who serve like Jesus.

We’re far from perfect in this area, but we have much to celebrate!

Over 100 of you joined a serving team this year, taking a step of faith to be a part of what God is doing. That, plus

those of you already serving, results in over 550 of us partnering together to make disciples - from the parking lot to holding a baby, from going on a short-term mission trip to facilitating a women’s ministry Bible study, to leading a connect group or investing in marriages. We celebrated the launch of Serve Central in our Bay Café - a space just for our beloved team members. We’re celebrating all those that serve at Odenton, too - a majority of Odenton attenders also serve! It’s been a banner year for serving at Bay Area.

Every minute spent serving and every talent used here results in making disciplesfrom people coming to faith to helping others grow more deeply in their relationship with God. And, bonus… you grow as you serve, too.

Then I think about all of the unseen, secret moments of serving this past year that we can’t count or measure. We want to celebrate this, too.

The parents who faithfully, day in and out, serve their children in the moments of life by making a meal or showing patience for the fifteenth time that day. The caregivers in our midst who show up, time and time again, to care for, listen and be with those they love while providing dignity and worth. The CEOs or business people of our body who pray for their employees daily. The friend who is there for another in the milestones of life, from bringing a meal or being a shoulder to cry on. These moments point people to Jesus, too.

God delights in every act of service, whether on a Bay Area team or in the unseen.

When we serve, we become more like Jesus. When we serve, we become great in the Kingdom of God.

“The greatest among you shall be your servant.” - Matthew 23:11

"God delights in every act of service, whether on a Bay Area team or in the unseen."
Over 100 people joined a serving team
Making over 550people serving

Deeper Connection & A Greater Expression of Love

s Jeff Supp and I launched the Summer Dating Challenge, we both hoped and prayed for the Lord to use it to strengthen connections in the relationships of those who were seriously dating, engaged or married. Little did I know that God was preparing to give us a front row seat to see Him answer prayer.

A few months before we began the dating challenge, I was invited to work with one of our pastors to sit with a couple as they worked through a marriage struggle. As the launch of the challenge grew near, we encouraged them to participate. They accepted and were all in! Now we all know anytime that we are seeking to grow in the Lord, we will face opposition. That was the case for this couple. They went on their first date and afterwards, circumstances left them in conflict. Yet they were committed to work on their marriage and pressed in to continue the challenge. They worked through the conflict just to have another conflict arise right before their second date. Again, they persevered to go forward with the date and even though they were frustrated and tempted

to give into hopelessness, they continued to meet with us, press into the Lord and pursue the dating challenge.

They were working on growing their relationship, living out what they were learning on the podcasts and building stronger connection through dating. At one point, they said that the dating challenge was giving them a fresh start and though they haven’t necessarily enjoyed all the activities, they have been blessed by forging a deeper connection. As we have had the privilege to see God work, we have been blessed to see a greater expression of His love for this couple.

We have been encouraging them to get connected in community knowing that in community, we see a fuller reflection of God’s love and grow to become more like Jesus as we do life together. As we encouraged, the Lord was working to put people in their path. Soon after, they connected with a couple they had gotten to know at work and agreed that they needed to get together with them

to build relationships with other couples.

The Lord was also stirring their hearts to serve. One Sunday as they were walking into the gathering, the Lord prompted someone to tap one of them on the shoulder and invite them to join the parking team. Through connecting in dating and then connecting with others, they were experiencing more of God’s care and affection for them.

When they shared these stories with us, we were overjoyed by the privilege

to witness the outpouring of God’s love for them as they committed to build a stronger connection with each other. We also saw how this has spurred them on to seek community where they are experiencing the reality that we are BETTER TOGETHER.

"Through connecting in dating and then connecting with others, they were experiencing more of God’s care and affection for them."


THE 1,860 people attended Christmas at Bay Area 3,022 people attended Easter Weekend at Bay Area Over 160 participatedcouples in thechallenge FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 11


Odenton Campusserved with Hopefor All again this summer

12 Stuffed 200 backpacks for kids through Walk The Walk

Sent over$40,000 in reliefto Ukraine

here are certain scenarios in life that we can for the most part universally agree on labeling as “terrible timing.” Most people would agree that the best time to go surfing would not be during a category 5 hurricane (even if you’re Kelly Slater). For someone who just had major knee surgery, we definitely wouldn’t cosign running a marathon days after the procedure. One might also say that the best time to plant a new church would not be right before a global pandemic that would shut down the world. But that’s exactly what Axis Church, a Bay Area church plant, did.

substantial amount of time and energy was focused on shepherding the team to remain together as well as caring for members as many were struggling in their personal lives.

But amidst all the consistent hardship and change during that season, the Lord was refining His church.

When numbers were dropping, God was reminding that the church does not find value in performance or success, but in Christ alone.

It’s this lesson that Pastor Jorge says ultimately helped shape him into a more loving and caring pastor of the flock the Lord entrusted to his care.

When systems were failing, God was reminding that HE is the one who is building His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt 16:18).

of fruitfulness for His glory,” shares Pastor Jorge.

It’s 2+ years after the initial devastation of the pandemic, and since then everything at Axis has completely transformed. The Lord’s provision has not only been seen through the new people being brought into the church family, but has also resulted in the core member’s renewed joy for the mission entrusted to them and the strong bond of camaraderie they have. Pastor Jorge calls those covenant members his “heroes of the faith.” When reflecting on those members, he shares, “I am constantly reminding them that if they were able to cross that mountain (the pandemic), now together we can tackle any challenge that may lie ahead in the name of Jesus!”

One of my favorite quotes comes from a global missions documentary called “Sheep Among Wolves Vol. 2” all about the underground church movement happening in Iran, and it goes like this:

Axis launched in September 2019, about six months before the pandemic hit. Right when the church was gaining some much needed momentum, everything shut down and their doors were closed again. Throughout that first year there was a rhythm of reopening for in-person gatherings, then closing for online-only as members contracted the virus. When you’re a small church, if 10 people don’t show up, that’s half of your church gone!

Unfortunately, the stress of the pandemic and the political turmoil quickly decimated Axis’ original core team. Jorge Solorzano, Lead Pastor at Axis Church, remembers this as the most difficult time as a church planter and pastor. A

It was a reminder that even when we feel physically restrained, God’s Word and His power is never bound.

When the timing of everything happening felt hopeless, God was reminding of the importance of understanding how seasons and growth truly works.

If a seed is planted in the fall, we think it will die when winter comes. But in reality, it will keep growing its roots underneath the ground in order to bear fruit in the spring. “God has been using this imagery to encourage our church to see our first two years of ministry as a long winter that He has been using to grow our roots underneath the ground, and now He is preparing us to enter a season

“Jesus didn’t command us to plant churches. He commanded us to make disciples. You can try to plant a church, and you might make disciples. But if you make disciples, you will plant churches.”

This is the mission and heart that Axis Church embodies. It’s a story of committed, Jesus-loving disciples who, in the face of something as unexpected as a global pandemic, chose to stick together to plant and advance His church. Together with church-planting network TIMES12 and our Bay Area family, Axis Church continues to build up their family of multi-ethnic, Christ-centered disciples to serve communities locally and globally. Please join us in praying for them as they enter into a long-awaited season of growth!

"It’s 2+ years after the initial devastation of the pandemic, and since then everything at Axis has completely transformed."
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We had you all send in pictures from where you did Chapter A Day this summer and now we'd like to feature them! When we spend time in the word, no matter where in the world, we are better together.




esus, before ascending to heaven, told the disciples that Him leaving was for the best because now they would gain the power of the Holy Spirit who would go with them as they sought to expand the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The result of this was that thousands of people heard the gospel, witnessed God’s power through the disciples, and joined the movement - the early church.

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And because of that movement, people like you and me get to have a personal relationship with Jesus on this earth and eternal life with Him in heaven. And if you’re like me, there’s nothing like grabbing a cup of coffee and heading to your favorite spot for some quiet, uninterrupted time with your Bible and journal to cultivate that relationship we’ve been gifted with.

But did you know that reading the Bible this way has

Old Testament we see God’s Word read aloud as a way to remember. Over the course of Israel’s history, they would need to be constantly reminded of what God had done for them in the past in order to know how to live in the present.

In the New Testament, reading scripture aloud in community was a core part of life for the follower of Jesus. Paul often encouraged people to read his letters aloud to anyone who would listen. Jesus led the way in this practice as He would share words written about Him with others by reading from the scroll.

“Hear me out: independent, quiet time with God is not a bad thing.”

only even been an option for the last few hundred years? For the 1,500 years that the Bible existed before books, people heard it read aloud in churches, or saw its stories displayed through paintings and sculptures and icons.

When we look back at the early church, we see they found success in advancing the Kingdom of Heaven because they were not only reading scripture together, they were sharing resources with each other and their community, breaking bread together, and praying and worshiping together. Studying God’s word together was just at the forefront - the catalyst for changing lives and providing humanitarian aid in their community. In Acts, Luke tells us that this is

God’s design for the growth of the Church.

In order for us to have a full grasp of God’s design for how scripture should be read, we need to first understand how He designed us - as image bearers, created in the image of God, to be the very likeness of God for other people. It means we are a reflection of what God has done for us. But I alone cannot reflect everything that God has done for all of humanity, I am just an image of what He has done for me. While I might be an image of what it looks like to trust God’s sovereignty in the face of losing a parent to a battle with cancer, someone else might be an image of what it looks like to endure suffering through discrimination based on the color of their skin.

I was recently reading about the limitations of humans in a Bible Project blog post and came across this line: “When no one has the full understanding of everything, then everyone needs one another in order to learn.”


"... our ability to be a reflection of God to others can only be as good as our understanding of who God is."

Hear me out: independent, quiet time with God is not a bad thing. In fact, our lead pastor says our highest priority in life should be cultivating an intimate personal relationship with Jesus. Doing this actually helps us be a better reflection of God. But in order for me to grow further, and allow others to grow further, it is also important to read and reflect on God’s word in community. I think you know where I’m going with this… when we read scripture together, we are *drum roll* BETTER TOGETHER.

The reason we say, “we are Word Saturated here at Bay Area,” is because we have seen the fruit of the early church (ie. the very reason we all know Jesus, and why Bay Area exists) and believe it is the only way we can see the Kingdom of Heaven,

the Church, grow on earth. Reading scripture in our communities is the very start of this because it brings unity over diverse life experiences, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, race and background. And when we do this, we are creating space to listen in order to be shaped by one communal experience of learning, understanding and ultimately, remembering who God is and what He has done for us.

AND this is the key to our understanding of the foundation and security God’s power on display in our lives creates. It’s this very thing that allows us to give generously of our time, treasure and talents, to love our friends and our enemies, to have hope in what’s to come, to be the best advocate for the poor, brokenhearted and downtrodden, to have freedom and joy!

Said another way, our ability to be a reflection of God to others can only be as good as our understanding of who God is. Everything we can do for others was first done for us by a loving, caring and generous Father. Understanding that makes us the best versions of ourselves. And when you put a bunch of people who are word saturated in community, we are just as powerful as the early church. The gospel becomes more attractive because others are witnessing God’s power through us to the degree that they can’t help but join the movement. All the while we are reminding ourselves of the story we live in - God’s grand redemptive plan to save His peoplethat has transcended time, generations, cultural shifts and persecution to meet you in the middle of life. How amazing.

FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 17
59 new Ministry Partners Volume 4 ofour journal Volume 2 of our Chapter A Day Podcast

So That The Next Generation Might Know

He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them—even the children not yet born—and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Psalm 78:5-7

When we hear the phrase Better Together, we tend to talk about the benefits of being together in spiritual relationship in adult terms. But the truth is, the body of Christ is always and primarily better together when the entire family unit is together. Parents, adults… and children, students. In many

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ways, children and students are better examples of being better together than adults. And this is why we as a church are so committed to (and thankful for) the opportunity to reach and disciple our children and students.

For example, just this past year we have seen on average between 8090 families bringing their children - 150+ kids each week - to our Children’s

Ministry to be in community with other similarly aged kids and to be discipled in the ways of Jesus. Looking at the pictures alone tells you they are better together!

In fact, we are so committed to helping our children grow by coming alongside their parents that we gave 300 advent boxes to families at Christmas time filled with family activities, readings and reflections to help keep

Christmas focused on Jesus for the whole family. We are excited to have a new Family Christmas Month advent box this year with even more intentional discipleship tools and memory-making activities for the Christmas season.

This summer we were thrilled to host a VBS-style event again for our families. Over 120 kids got to experience Kid’s con and learn how to make waves for Jesus. Learning how to share the gospel with their family and friends and build a deeper relationship with Jesus was the focus of this three-night summer event. We are praying that each child will make an impact this school year with those they meet, and continue to show why we are all better together.

The point of this is not necessarily how high (or low) the numbers are - but that every number represents a person - a child - a student - who Jesus wants to reach and grow in His ways. AND He wants to do that in community with other students and children. They grow as much if not more in community than we do, simply because children are so relational. They are sponges who take in the investment from our leaders and volunteers.

By intentionally investing our time, treasure and talents into these young lives,

FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 19

we are fulfilling the great commission and ensuring we are doing our part to help the next generation place their hope on God.

And not only with the younger children, but the more immediate generation of middle and high school students for these are the ones who in just a few years will be the next wave of leaders and disciplers in our church. This generation, with all the social changes that continue to rapidly decline, need the gospel more than ever. Hence, our passion to help students not graduate

from their faith when they graduate from high school.

Though our BASM team has gone through some transitions this past year, the Lord’s love for students is unwavering and He is using our committed BASM staff and leaders to carry us forward while we search for our next Student Ministry Pastor.

Each week, over 150 middle and high school students gather in their gender and grade specific groups at Amplify to learn how to apply the teachings from our Sunday Gatherings. Each

"They grow as much if not more in community than we do, simply because children are so relational. They are sponges who take in the investment from our leaders and volunteers."
20 GO&MAKE FALL 2022

group has at least two adult leaders who are committed to those students for the purpose of deepening their faith. These micro groups are one of the best examples of being Better Together as students.

Likewise, with the 100+ students who gather each week for worship and biblical teaching in our BASM Gatherings. Here there is time to meet new friends, build relationships, and find the peers who students can grow with. These environments are all

aimed at helping to facilitate relationships and spiritual growth. And this past year we have heard story after story of students coming to faith and growing personally.

Last year we set a goal to see 50 students baptized and by the grace of Jesus, we had over 80 students be baptized in our student gatherings. There is no greater display of Jesus working than the testimony of a student believer and the following baptism. This has given us great hope for the future and

a reason to celebrate now.

Our commitment and investment into the lives of children and students has never been greater. This generation needs the gospel like never before and it's going to take communities of people, in relationship with one another to be the witness of the Gospel and changed lives. We believe that when we are together… we are better. Better in life, better in faith, better with Jesus.

100 middle andhigh studentsschoolattended either VictoryJam or Big WeekendBeach 37 students and 10 children were baptized Over 100new families FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 21

In Odenton As It Is In Heaven

We received this comment one Sunday morning after wrapping up our weekly prayer time with some of our serving teams. This particular time of prayer comes after a busy, sometimes hectic morning. Our setup crew shows up to the Arundel High School cafeteria at 6:30 a.m. and immediately gets to work rolling cafeteria tables and unloading trailers. More often than not, over the course of the morning there’s something that doesn’t go according to plan. The doors are locked, the AC isn’t working, the broadcast isn’t getting a signal, the list goes on. By the time everything has been plugged in and checked, issues have been resolved, and our gathering run-through is complete, it sometimes feels like we’ve run a marathon.

No matter what’s going on or what else needs to be fixed, we hit pause. We come together and pray. This time is not rushed. Everyone gets the chance to pray, to listen, to rest and to be reminded that no matter what happens this morning, our greatest desire

is for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done. And He has never let us down.

Around the same time, a group of ladies from the Odenton women’s ministry are gathering together in a classroom down the hall. They are praying over the gathering, over Jason and the worship team, the needs of the church, and the needs that are represented in the women who are gathered. Near the entrance, the hospitality and weekend experience teams focus their minds on a scripture passage and pray that they would be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone that they encounter that morning.

Of all our times of prayer, our most valued is on the second and fourth Mondays of every month when members of our body come together for a “Prayer Walk.” The goal of this time is simple: to walk and to pray. Sometimes we meet in parks around Odenton, sometimes in neighborhoods, sometimes at a school. It feels like we’re going on an afternoon walk and simply inviting Jesus into our conversation. Sometimes we’re catching up on the needs of our church family, sometimes we’re praying over the homes that we pass, always we’re

smiling at the people that we see and asking God to make us available.

As we have prayed together as a church family, we have noticed the following realities:

1. Praying together shifts our perspective from program administrators, to participants in God’s greater work

2. Praying together stirs our faith

3. Praying together reorients us to truth, and fights the lies of the enemy

4. Praying together leads to God’s Kingdom advancing

At Odenton, we have found that we are better together when we pray together. And we have continued to find opportunities to pray for our community. On the last Sunday before Arundel started classes again for the fall, we walked the halls as a church family and prayed for all the faculty and students. We believe that as we are faithful in prayer, God will use us in even greater ways to advance His Kingdom in our community.

Join us in praying that the Odenton campus and all of Bay Area will continue to grow in greater depth in prayer and that God would use us as we partner with Him in His work.

’ve never been a part of a church that prays this much.”
"... our greatest desire is for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done. And He has never let us down."
“ I Started Odenton community prayer walks every 2nd and 4th Monday "120" meetingsprayerevery Monday inthe Chapel Prayed intentionally in our gatherings for the most STM trips since 2020
FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 23

Ministry of Presence

ore than once, I have heard people say of shortterm missions, “It is a waste of money to send a bunch of Americans overseas. I can just send money.” Ever since I started

Butiru, Uganda Poznań, Poland Poznań, Poland
24 GO&MAKE FALL 2022

Sent trips to Lebanon (3), Belize, India, Ghana, Appalachia (3), Uganda, Poland, Kenya and South Sudan

Total of 105 people on 14 teams

Over 300 people attended SOULS where our theme was Upside Down Kingdom with speaker Shawn Hart

learning about global missions, I have heard criticism of short-term missions as “mission tourism” or “vacation as missions.”

Some of this criticism to short-term missions has been well deserved, and there is a time and place for sending money to aid an area. However, there is an aspect of short-term missions that is left out of these viewpoints. It is the ministry of presence.

During my first year at Bay Area, I visited global partners in eight different countries, and I have talked with partners in twelve countries. A consistent thread in many of these conversations is that there is a strengthening and supportive nature to the work Jesus followers do when they go with a short-term mission team. I would like to highlight three comments I have heard during these conversations with our beloved global partners.

“Your visit has fueled the ministry and given us strength to keep going.”

There is a momentum that can be created when the work we do is in collaboration with the ministry of our global partners. We can act

as a strengthening force, a gust of wind in their sails, as they labor for the Lord. The teams we send fall under the ministry leadership of our global partners in order to be a blessing, not a burden.

“We must have the family camp. We need to be together. We miss our friends.”

When the war in Ukraine broke out, I needed to assess the safety of sending a team to Poland. Due to Covid-19 a team had not gone for three years so everyone involved wanted to make it happen. When I hinted at the idea of not coming due to the conflict in Ukraine, there was a plea from our partners to come to Poland because they missed their family of Jesusfollowing foreigners.

“Thank you for coming all this way. It means so much that you would spend the money and time to be here with us.”

In Uganda, we work with a ministry that is eager to show people they have value even though many of them have been ostracized from their community due to their HIV positive status. Imagine

not being valued in your community and then having a group of strangers show up with smiles, prayers and gifts. I imagine someone thinking, “These people came to see me?”, to which our presence and loving gaze into their eyes communicates, “Yes, you. We came to see you. God loves you and he values you.” Money sent will never communicate what our embodied presence does. God didn’t just tell us He loves us and values us. He came in the flesh and showed us. We get to follow his lead.

All of these statements are from people who have experienced the richness of Christian community. There is a mutual love and care between Bay Area and our global partners. Relationship is critical to everything we do in global missions at Bay Area. We see this in Jesus’ ministry when He gathers a diverse group together to join Him on mission. When He sends out His followers, He sends them out on mission together. Whether it is a shortterm mission team, a prayer support call, or building churches among unreached people groups, we do our best and most fulfilling work when we do it together. Simply said, we are Better Together.

"Money sent will never communicate what our embodied presence does. God didn’t just tell us He loves us and values us. He came in the flesh and showed us."
FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 25


First Step

October 2, November 6, December 4, 9 a.m. in Room 237


If you are new or looking to get connected at Bay Area, join us for First Step. You’ll get a chance to learn about our mission, vision and how to get connected. Find more details and sign up on our website at bayareacc.org/nextsteps.

October 23, November 13


Join us in the Arundel High School cafeteria to hear more about who we are as a Church and find out how you can be more connected.

Ministry Partner Orientation

October 23, 9 a.m. in Room 237


November 20, after the gathering


Interested in becoming a Ministry Partner and joining Bay Area in our mission to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations? Register on our website at bayareacc.org/nextsteps.

Serve 101

October 11 + 16, 9 a.m. in Room 237




The BACC Deck

1st and 3rd Fridays, 7 p.m. at the Annapolis Campus


If you are between the ages of 25-35, you're invited to join us at the BACC Deck for time of fellowship, hanging out, eating food, playing games, and on 3rd Fridays, worshiping together. Keep up to date with details for each individual event online.


Learn how God wired you to serve in His Kingdom, then take next steps to use your gifts here at Bay Area. This class includes two in-person meetings with online learning in between. Perfect for a missional community, couple or group of friends to do together. Register online.


Thursdays, September 15December 15, virtual


This group is led by trained facilitators who have worked through the pain of loss and have a heart to support others as they wrestle with their grief. They meet weekly, online for 13 weeks covering various aspects of the grieving process. Learn more at bayareacc.org/ carenetwork


Mondays, September 12 - December 5, virtual


This is a support group led by trained facilitators who have experienced divorce and rebuilt their lives through the help of this group. Each week the group discusses practical information, biblical teaching and encouragement to help you move forward. Learn more at bayareacc.org/carenetwork

Care Coaching

If you are walking through a challenging season of life and would like someone to come alongside you, consider reaching out to a Care Coach to walk with you for a season. To learn more, email Kammi McGinty.



Fall Bible Studies


Single Young Women Bible Study

For women in their 20s and 30s Mondays, 7-9 p.m. (ongoing)

The Promised One by Nancie Guthrie

Tuesdays, 6:45-8:45 p.m. September 13 – November 15

In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor

Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 p.m. September 14 – November 16

For more information and registration for any of our studies, head to bayareacc.org/womenbiblestudies

Mother’s Fellowship Night

Third Thursdays, 7-9 p.m.


For moms of kids age 0-12. Find out more and register at bayareacc.org/women-events

Fall Craft Night

Thursday, October 13, 7-9 p.m.


Enjoy an evening of fellowship as we make a fun and easy fall craft using decorative paper, stenciling, decoupage, and embellishments! Find out more and register at bayareacc.org/women-events

Ornament Exchange

December 11, 5:30-8:30 p.m.


Join us for a beautiful evening of fellowship where we will enjoy potluck appetizers and cookies, caroling and a Christmas devotion in the Chapel, and a fun “white elephant” ornament exchange. More info and registration available at bayareacc.org/women-events



Info Meeting


December 11, after the gathering

Join us for fellowship and learn all that is happening with Women's Ministry in Odenton.

Connecting in Odenton


Longing for community? Prayer? Fellowship? There are countless ways to get involved with women from Odenton.

Info: baccodentonwomensministry@ gmail.com

Missional Communities (MC)

Our MC groups have resumed for the fall season. We also have 2 new MCs starting in the Broadneck area - one is for parents of babies & toddlers! Check out all the open groups on our interactive map at bayareacc.org/community-annapolis

Connect Groups

New Connect Groups forming this fall. Sign up for an 8 week group to get a taste of Missional Community life. Register at bayareacc.org/community-annapolis

Interested in leading a Connect Group or MC?  Contact Allen Smith or Mary Anne Mancillas to discuss further at allen.smith@bayareacc.org or


FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 27


We envision all men at Bay Area becoming more like Jesus. Our desire is to gather and grow together so we might go and make disciples of other men.

Men's Breakfast

Third Saturdays, 8-9:45 a.m.


Join the men’s ministry every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast in the Student Ministry warehouse and café. To find out more or register you can go to bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Men's Bible Studies

Tuesday mornings, 6:15-8 a.m., inperson or Zoom


Ongoing Bible study - new members are welcome at anytime.

Men's Camping Retreat

September 24-25


Join us for a great time enjoying God's creation and brotherly fellowship at Catoctin Mountain. Details and registration will open this summer.

Have an idea for a great new Men’s Ministry activity? Contact Andy Gish at lagish@1993.usna.com.

For additional information and other events, head to bayareacc.org/men.


The Marriage Ministry at Bay Area is designed to support couples in growing a healthy and thriving marriage that fulfills God’s design for marriage, to reflect Jesus’ love for the Church. If you are passionate about marriage and want to be part of a team that helps couples thrive in marriage then email kammi.mcginty@bayarecc.org to start a conversation!

Premarital Counseling



We want to partner with you as you establish a strong Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring, you will be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you will need to succeed in marriage. For more information email premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org or visit our website at bayareacc.org/marriage

Keep an eye out for upcoming information about opportunities to connect with other married couples in 8 week connect groups.


Parent Dedication

Sunday, October 16, 12:30-1:45 p.m. ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS

Parent Dedication is an opportunity for you to take some time as a parent to really think about what will matter the most in the life of your child; to really talk together and decide what you value and what you can do today that will have the greatest impact on your child’s future. If you’re ready to take this step of faith, register at our website. bayareacc. org/annapolis-events

28 GO&MAKE FALL 2022


Dive 45

Friday, October 21, 5-7 p.m.


4th and 5th graders are invited to join us for a night of fun at the Wheels Skate Center in Odenton! This is a costume skate event so we encourage the kids to dress up (but no scary costumes or costume masks please).

Family Movie Night

Friday, November 4, 7-9 p.m.


You're invited to join us for a movie night for the whole family. There will be free snacks and chairs will be provided. Please feel free to bring any blankets or pillows. Just for fun we'll be dressing up for the theme of the movie! By request, we'll be playing The Greatest Showman, so come wearing your circus or animal attire!

Family Christmas Month Drive-thru

Thursday, November 17, 5-7 p.m.


Join us for year three of Christmas for the whole month of December in Children’s Ministry! To kick off Family Christmas Month, you and your entire family are invited to come to our Christmas themed drive-thru to pick up your Family Christmas Month box! This month long Advent calendar will provide fun for the whole family with interactive ways to learn about Jesus. Only one box is needed per family. If this pickup date doesn't work for you, other options are available at registration

Special Buddies


Children’s Ministry is looking to grow their ministry for kids with special needs. If you have experience and a passion for these children, please email Mickey Huntington. mickey.huntington@ bayareacc.org


Gifts For Children


Every year we have the opportunity to bless children with Christmas gifts in economically struggling Bluefield, West Virginia. Our goal is to bless 500 children this year. Signups will start on Sunday, 6 November, and wrapped gifts should be brought back to the church on 27 November or 4 December. Stay tuned for more information on how you can volunteer. For more information check out our website at bayareacc.org/ outreach or email Dale Conway. dale.conway@bayareacc.org

Odenton Community Outreach


Join us as we serve at Hope for All on Saturday, November 19 8:45 a.m. - 12 p.m. We will be sorting clothing for families in crisis and delivering items to families. For more information email Alex Williams. alex.williams@bayareacc.org

Stay up to date and learn more about Community Outreach opportunities on our website: bayareacc.org/outreach.


Prayer Walks

2nd + 4th Mondays


Join us every month as we walk, talk and pray for the community. Locations vary. Info: Jason.Barthelemy@bayareacc.org

For more information on other prayer opportunities at both campuses visit bayareacc.org/prayer

FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 29



Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.


We will have dinner available for purchase, games and time spent in community groups discussing Sunday's message. If you have questions, email michelle.goodacre@bayareacc.org

Friday Night Hangs

September 16 and December 9


Middle and high schoolers are invited to come to a fun event. This event will happen 4 times this year and is a great time to bring new friends. In September, middle schoolers will participate in a messy paint party from 7-8:30 pm. high schoolers will have the chance to listen to our very own high schooler Nate Finn play live music from 9-10:30pm. Both events are free, bring cash for snacks! Details to come later for December 9.

Middle School Fall Retreat

October 1, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.


1 day Middle School Fall retreat at Camp Wabanna in Edgewater. This is a great chance for our middle schoolers to meet other students their age, experience worship, teaching & fun games. Other activities include: Archery Tag, Giant Swing & a Bonfire.

High School Fall Retreat

November 11-13


This retreat will take place at Black Rock Retreat Center. This is a great chance for our high schoolers to meet other students their age and experience worship & teaching.


BASM Serves Annapolis

November 19


Community groups will go around the greater Annapolis area serving people within the community.

Senior Friendsgiving

November 20


All seniors are invited to come celebrate friendsgiving with us. We will have a thanksgiving style meal together, play games and have fun!

Fall Hike

Saturday, September 24, 12:10 p.m.


Middle and high schoolers are invited to join us for a Fall Hike at Patapsco State Park! Email sean.smith@bayareacc.org for more details.

The Big Halloween Party

October 28


This is a 2 part event; the first part for Middle Schoolers is from 6:30-8:30pm and the second part for High Schoolers 9-11pm. Both events will take place at Bay Area. There will be tons of cool prizes, food, inflatables, candy, music.. etc. This is a great event to bring a first time friend too!

More events and information can be found on our websites

bayareacc.org/odenton-students bayareacc.org/annapolis-students

30 GO&MAKE FALL 2022


Preschool Coordinator

Full-time (hourly/non-exempt)


The preschool Coordinator oversees the Children’s Ministry strategy for small groups of children ages birth-5 not yet in Kindergarten.  The Coordinator is responsible for training, equipping and supporting our small group leaders and parents.

Database Administrator

Part-time (20-25 hours/week)


The Database Administrator is a “digital native” who is confident in learning and implementing our church database tool for creating community and supporting Bay Area Ministries.

Facilities Coordinator

Full-time (hourly/non-exempt)


Assist in overseeing and managing the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds.

Local Outreach


Full-time (salaried)


Equip and mobilize the people of Bay Area to live on mission in word and deed by building strategic relationships with our local partners and creating opportunities for Bay Area people to participate.

Creative Communications Coordinator

Part-time (20-24 hours/week)


Monitor both the Communications and Creative Departments' print and online marketing materials to promote Bay Area and maintain visibility.


Children's Ministry Coordinator

Part-time (Up to 25 hours/week)


Lead and uphold the Children's Ministry Strategy to families and volunteers at the Odenton Campus.

Campus Production Coordinator

Part-time (up to 25 hours/week)


Serve on the Odenton Campus team by directing the production of the campus’ gatherings and contributing to the Bay Area staff.

Please submit your resume and cover letter to jobs@bayareacc.org.


Lebanon - On November 4 this team departs to serve women in the Syrian refugee camps in Tyre. Pray for the health and safety of the team while traveling and that the refugees will come to know Jesus’ redeeming love.

Appalachia - On December 9 this team will be delivering Gifts for Children to the Wade Center. Pray for the families to experience Jesus through this team.


Help fund our mission to make passionate, maturing followers from here to the nations by specifically giving to one of our short-term teams.

bayareacc.org/stmgive Go

Odenton STM Trip


Interested in going on a mission trip in 2023? Join us after the gathering on October 2 to hear about opportunities to go with our Odenton family abroad.

Info: Jason.Barthelemy@bayareacc.org

FALL 2022 GO&MAKE 31
Join us every Monday night at 7 p.m. in the Chapel for worship and prayer bayareacc.org/prayer

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