Go & Make Issue #8 (June 2014)

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As BACC was going through transitions in the mid-90’s and without a senior pastor, the Lord birthed the desire in me to serve in that role. We felt stunned when we sensed Him saying in January of 1996 to pull my name from candidacy. We were in awe when I was confirmed as pastor in June of 1997.



In June of 1986, Mary Kaye and I stepped off a plane into communist Poland to begin a missionary journey that we thought would last a lifetime. In June of 1994, Mary Kaye and I stepped off another plane at BWI to begin a new journey: a journey we thought would last a few years before returning overseas. We were in our mid-thirties. Our 4 children were 8 years old to 11 months. That was 20 years ago, and there is no way we could have scripted God’s plan. While in seminary, I had told the Lord that I did not want to be a pastor. That was why I opted out of preaching courses. But a few days after arriving in Krakow, Poland in 1986, our regional director, Bud Hinkson, unexpectedly grabbed me by the shoulder, drew me close, and spoke these powerful words into my soul: “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction” (2 Timothy 4:1-2). One day while living in Warsaw, moved with a love and burden for the local church, I prayed, “Lord, if I’m ever to be a pastor, make it in a city with a state capital and major university.” Unbeknownst to me when we agreed to move to Annapolis, God was answering that prayer.

To this day our hearts overflow with gratitude to God for the: • Remarkable staff and elders, both past and current, who have so enriched our lives. • Lessons of contentment, generosity, and faith over the 12 years that we were part of doing “church in a box,” setting up and tearing down at the Annapolis high school, envisioning His plans for a facility, and trusting God to provide. • Growing vision and commitment of Bay Area to plant churches and advance God’s kingdom throughout the nations. • Disciple-making ministries of missional communities, student, children, and other ministries that have been used mightily by Jesus to change lives.

the last 20 years, the best I can do is found in Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, July 28th. We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God’s purpose for us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite. We have the idea that God is leading us toward a particular end or a desired goal, but He is not. The question of whether or not we arrive at a particular goal is of little importance, and reaching it becomes merely an episode along the way. What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself…It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God… if we realize that moment by moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is precious. 28 years ago we set out for Poland seeking great “success” for Jesus. We came to Bay Area 20 years ago eager to see “success” for Jesus. Today, Mary Kaye and I concern ourselves far less with any particular end or goal. We see that the process really is the goal. If we can be obedient to God in the moment, He is making each moment of the journey something precious to us. From here to the nations,

• Responses on Sunday mornings to song and the Word…baptisms…joyful humility… extravagant generosity… Greg St. Cyr sacrificial love…full surrender… Lead Pastor steps of faith…seeing ourselves as missionaries and disciple makers… God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause and living our one and only life for His face to shine upon us that Your way may be the glory of God. known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations… God blesses us that all the ends of the

If I were to try to put in words what earth may fear Him. Psalm 67:1-2,7 Mary Kaye and I have learned over

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Josh Shirlen MANAGING EDITOR Arianne Teeple ART Josh Burgin Josh Shirlen Micah Pringle CONTRIBUTORS Deb Shipley Jocelyn Rimbey Ron Dutton

Cover photo by Josh Shirlen.

ELDERS John Battan Dennis Brady Tom Dalpini Tim Dotson Peter Godfrey Tim Grossman Rich Heath Roger Ishii Brian Mallare David McPeak Bill Smith Greg St. Cyr John Taylor J Upton

Gathering Times: 8am 9:30am 11:15am

BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – casely.essamuah@bayareacc.org Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – ed.kelley@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Rimbey, Connecting Director – jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Gathering Team Leader – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Lynn Dutton, Financial Administrator – lynn.dutton@bayareacc.org Micah Pringle, Worship Leader – micah.pringle@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Tres Cozad, Technical Director – tres.cozad@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership

I’m a reader so I’ve read hundreds of books over the last 2 decades. These books have altered my life. Though it is nearly impossible to narrow down the list, as a filter I’ve selected books that I’ve read more than once. - Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST Oswald Chamber’s



My friend and mentor, Jim Hiskey, gave this book to me for Christmas in 2008. Oswald Chamber’s classic devotional is probably the book, outside the Bible, that disciples me the most. First published in 1924, some of the days are so profound that I’m left in awe.

St. Augustine




I read this book every year and had our entire staff team read it to encourage our moment by moment focus on God.

No book has helped me grasp the substitutionary atonement like this book. It is a demanding read but one that will forever change your view of the significance of the cross.

Brother Lawrence


John Stott




No book has been translated, apart from the Bible, into more languages than this devotional classic. I feast on it regularly. This is where Oswald Chambers got many of his thoughts!

I read this in the mid-90’s and it opened my eyes to God’s heart for the nations. John Piper, though he doesn’t know it, is a big reason we have “from here to the nations” in our mission statement.

Thomas à Kempis


John Piper




Michael Richardson

Robert Lewis


This book is St. Augustine’s autobiography written in AD 398. He writes his spiritual journey as a prayer to God that motivates me to be more like Jesus.

Robert Lewis pastored Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, a church I’ve always admired. This book is the forerunner to our emphasis on missional communities.


No single person has shaped my ministry like Bill Bright. A visionary extraordinaire, he believed God to reach the entire world for Jesus. Though he went to be with the Lord in 2003, his words continue to challenge me to believe God for great things.



Casely Essamuah, BACC’s Global Missions Pastor, gave this book to me. Christopher Wright has become my favorite theologian and bible teacher. A missiologist and an Old Testament scholar, every missions sermon I preach is but an echo of Chris Wright.






How big is your God? Everything hinges on our view of God. The Knowledge of the Holy, like no other book for me, expands my horizons as to how great our God is!

My list wouldn’t be complete without at least one book by Dallas Willard. This book captures what it means to be a disciple of Jesus who advances the kingdom by making disciples.

Stephen R. Covey


Having read a lot of leadership books, this is my all time favorite. I had the staff read it (though not everyone shared my enthusiasm!). The 7 habits help me order my life.

MICAH’S MIX Bethel Worship “You Make Me Brave”

There has been a lot of really great music popping out recently, both from expected places as well as some unexpected ones. So here are a few new releases that I’ve been enjoying. Hope they move you like they’ve been moving me! by: Micah Pringle (BACC Worship Leader)

John Mark McMillan “Borderland”

John Mark shows both lyrical and musical depth once again in his latest release. Digital instrumentation is as big a deal now as it has been since it was used in the 80’s. And while that’s all good, it’s refreshing to hear an album like this one that creates a wall of sound by still using real instruments. Each song is full of sound, yet breathes and remains open enough to give you room to soak in the lyrics.

Bethel always releases great music that helps lead people into the presence of God, and we sing several of their songs here at BACC. (Songs like “One Thing Remains” and “For The Sake of the World”.) This collection of songs is unique in that it features strictly female worship leaders on each track. Some, like Kari Jobe, are well known, while others are less familiar. But regardless of the name attached to each song, they all speak beautiful truths about God.

All Sons & Daughters “All Sons & Daughters”

This self-titled album carries truths on a bed of beautiful melodies and harmonies. Its tracks are sung as vulnerable prayers of surrender and acknowledgment of our dependence on Christ. It’s what I like to call “porch music.” In other words, put this album on and sit on a porch and take in the moment.



By: Trevin Hoekzema

“God, thank you for your benevolence and your mercy, they could have done it anywhere, and they chose to do it right behind our house, where we were praying for them the whole time,” The prayer of Tom Hogan, a fellow Missional Community member with Rob and Melanie Ford. The knowledge of this simple prayer helped it finally “click,” that Rob had spent a lifetime of hardship focused on the wrong thing. Three years before Rob and Melanie shared the news of their son at Missional Community, life in the Ford household was going through some radical changes. Kallie, Rob and Melanie’s oldest daughter, was 13 at the time and had begun to experience anxiety. Her anxiety grew into a severe depression that resulted in Kallie inflicting harm on herself and attempting suicide multiple times. Over the course of two years, Kallie went through over 10 mental health facilities seeking help. Rob and Melanie, meanwhile, woke up each morning uncertain as to whether their daughter would be alive or not. The stress of their daughter’s mental health struggles had opposite effects on Rob and Melanie. Melanie and her other daughter, Mikayla, delved deeper into relationships at Bay Area which comforted them, while the stress drove Rob further into drinking. One night, Rob drank so much, he hit a telephone pole, wrecking his car. He had no idea how he had gotten there. His wife told him if he didn’t stop, she was taking the kids and leaving. Thankfully, Rob decided to stop and accepted Melanie’s invitation to join her at a Missional Community. He showed up with Melanie at Doug and Leanne Lane’s Missional Community. That night, Rob soaked in the experience. As the group worshiped, engaged in the Scriptures, and shared openly and honestly about their lives, Rob began to see that this group really did care. They were not hypocrites. When it came time for Rob to share, rather than “keep it all in” as he had done most of his life, he opened up and began to talk openly about the struggles he was having with his life and family. As Rob was sharing his story, it became evident that his faith in Jesus was uncertain, wavering at best. He recounted that he had an idea of faith as a kid, but had never really trusted Christ, even for his salvation. That night, Rob found Jesus. He

accepted Christ as his personal Savior, taking a firm stand for a faith he always doubted. One of the group members, Mike McMahon, took Rob under his wing and discipled him over the next several months. Though Rob began to handle his families challenges better, things didn’t automatically get better. Kallie continued receiving treatment at different facilities and making incremental progress. Rob, Melanie, and the MC spent countless hours praying for her and at one point saw her make a huge turn for the better when she said she wanted to get better. But, as Kallie improved, Rob and Melanie’s two sons started getting into trouble and experimenting with drugs, including heroin. And this led to another challenge for their family. The week before Easter, Rob got a call that one of his sons had overdosed on heroin in a vacant parking lot. He miraculously survived the incident, but it brought a new low to the family and especially to Rob. He was sucked into a hole of depression, self-pity, and indifference. “Why my family? Why do we keep going through this stuff?” he asked God. Confronted with these new challenges, Rob said he’d had enough and decided to give up on himself, his family… and God. Yet, in spite of that, he decided to go to Missional Community the next day anyway. Rob and Melanie shared the news of their son with complete detail. And their Missional Community prayed for them. Tom and Janet Hogan realized the story seemed all too familiar. Recently, they had stayed up late praying for a group of boys who had overdosed in the vacant lot behind their house. Unbeknownst to them, they were praying for Rob and Melanie’s sons. In that moment, Rob realized he had been seeing things wrong all along. In that moment, God broke into their lives in a personal, gripping way. God broke in through the people they came to know and love in their Missional Community. And despite the pain and troubles they were experiencing, Rob believed that God had a protective hand over his family. In realizing that, Rob found James 1 and prayed through that, on his knees, committing himself and his family to praising God no matter what the circumstance. On Easter Sunday, God continued to break in. That morning, Rob decided to leave all the baggage of his past at the cross and rely on Jesus. Kallie, their daughter, did the same thing. In fact, that morning she decided to get baptized, making a formal declaration that depression would no longer have a stronghold on her. Although it’s only been a couple of weeks, their family is doing better. Their Missional Community is loving them, blessing them, and praying with them every step of the way. They’re the same family dealing with the same problems, but they’re dealing with them better now because Jesus is front and center. Rob’s faith is affecting the whole family, and he has never smiled so much in his life. To find out more about Missional Communities or how you can join one near you, contact jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc. org or brian.hopper@bayareacc.org



Bicevskis By Shea Cosgrove


shleigh Bicevskis has gone to great lengths to make famous the name of her Savior. To the ends of the earth, in fact. As the new administrative assistant for Global Missions here at Bay Area, she is doing her part to spread the Great Commission right from home. “From a young age, I have had a heart for overseas ministry and particularly for women,” says Ashleigh. “I hope to use my life to inspire women and to give them tools to do great things for Jesus.” That commitment was forged in a melting pot of short-term missions opportunities that have taken Ashleigh overseas since her high school years. Ashleigh says that her first experience—a trip she and her father took to Puerto Rico with their home church—was the catalyst that inspired her heart for missions. They worked with a group to renovate run down homes in a large neighborhood while showing God’s love to the homeowners. Subsequently, Ashleigh and her whole family joined their church mission to Brazil, doing community outreach and working with elementary school students. She says she has always loved her experiences among other cultures. By the time she reached college, she was hooked. When a trip to Southeast Asia was announced in her University, Ashleigh sensed the Lord telling her to go, and she obeyed, teaching

English as a second language and working with college students there. One humid night, she remembers, the underground church gathered in the back of a local bookstore, where a large crowd huddled around a modest inventory of Bibles to share testimony and study the Word. Ashleigh recalls, thinking that at any moment these believers could be arrested. Yet she was amazed by the stirring testimony of a woman called Esther, who had sacrificed considerably for her faith and stood so courageous before them. Her faith was greater than her fear, Ashleigh recounts. “It may sound trite, but I got so much more from the experience than I gave.” Ashleigh served in Peru and Guatemala a year few years later. This summer she plans to join the Bay Area team in Ghana. But even from home, Ashleigh is committed to making a difference. In high school, she began sponsoring a Compassion child, which furthered her heart for the nations. And last summer, she started her own business, Binti Designs, to help women get out of poverty. 15% of the sales of her beautiful scarves (which can be purchased at www.bintidesigns.com) go to microfinancing loans for Kenyan women through Kiva. org. The enterprise, says Ashleigh, was created out of a desire to inspire others to do good. “Binti” means “daughter” in Swahili, which reflects her commitment to helping women worldwide. Today, as she pursues a Masters degree in Social Work, Ashleigh takes on a new role serving Bay Area’s Global Missions Pastor, Casely Essamuah. The administrative position lightens the load for missionaries and aligns perfectly with her love for people and for God’s work around the globe. After a year interning with Bay Area’s youth programs, she is grateful to remain a part of the Bay Area team. Yet Ashleigh is transparent with her own frailty. Like many of us, she longs for an undivided heart, one determined to trust Christ exclusively. And, she admits, she falls prey to trying to be good enough, when she knows that her faith rests on the grace of Christ alone. A key pillar in her spiritual growth comes from Isaiah 30:18: “Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show you mercy. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are those who wait for Him.” We can trust Him, Ashleigh says; He will not fail us. To overcome her fears, she sometimes has to push past her doubts without knowing how it will all work out. But the Lord has shown up in awesome ways, giving her the words to say when she is at her weakest. You might find this young, vibrant woman kayaking along the shores of the South River or crabbing from her grandparents’ pier. She looks right at home on the water, in fact, having grown up nearby. And just as we share her familiar love for the tidewater, Ashleigh inspires us all, with her infectious spirit, to jump in and immerse ourselves in God’s love, from here to the nations.

“From a young age, I have had a heart for overseas ministry...�


STORY By: Dan Staeven

This article is part of an ongoing series about Beyond884: Room for People. Beyond884 is Bay Area’s mission to bring the gospel to the nations and make disciples of Christ all over the world. It starts right here in Annapolis, loving people in our own city, and stretches beyond to Washington D.C. and globally to India and South Sudan. Here is Dan’s story of participating in this global mission.


ack in March 2014, I was hospitalized for 7 days. When

I didn’t want to stop my pledge to Beyond884, I felt the love

I got out of the hospital I found out my health insurance

of Christ would cover me regardless of whatever happened.

wasn’t going to cover any of the bills related to my illness. I knew the charges would be substantial and I was preparing

When I was recovering from surgery, I experienced an

myself for the worst. I began to think about how I could pay

unexpected, yet supremely divine, financial reversal which

for these costs. I thought of bankruptcy. What could I do to

covered the bills from the March hospital stay. My surgery

solve this problem?

was one hundred percent covered by a new health insurance policy. I didn’t have to face the shame of insolvency. Too

Admittedly, I wasn’t thinking about sacrificial giving because,

frequently, I leave the comfort and peace of Jesus’ love for

in my mind, I was facing financial ruin. I was running on

my own self-reliance. This is a folly as He has a plan all along

self-will. I thought about how I could approach Pastor Greg

to make my life an instrument of His omnipotence.

to tell him of my monumental struggles with these bills and how I would have to back out of my pledge to Beyond884. My

Now, I have an experience which I can share with others

problems were of this world, but God’s love is supernatural.

about having faith in His plan while the outsides of life are in turmoil. I know the money I have pledged to Beyond884

On my walk of faith, I am learning to surrender, trust and

has a divine purpose. He is not going to change my financial

wait for God’s plan in all things. Between the hospital stay

condition for my purpose, rather He is going to change it to

and a subsequent surgery, I prayed for the strength and the

serve His Kingdom message.

ability to do whatever He would have me do in this situation.

To find out more or to participate, visit www.beyond884.com.


reg St. Cyr would ride his motorcycle to work every day if it didn’t mess up his hair so badly. But for the sake of maintaining his stylish do, he reserves rides on his BMW K1200 for special occasions, instead driving his equally sporty Honda Odyssey each day to Bay Area Community Church, where he has served on staff for 20 years, 17 as lead pastor. Two decades prior to being asked to shepherd the Bay Area body as lead pastor, a church-going 18-year-old Greg found himself on the white sands of Panama City Beach, Florida, visiting his older brother Bill on a Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) Summer Project. “I had a strong moral conscience about God and knew about Jesus, but it wasn’t until … [then] that I was exposed to 40 other university students who were fired up for Jesus, and the power of that community made it clear they had something I didn’t have,” the Slidell, Louisiana, native recalled. “On a Saturday while they were doing beach evangelism one of the guys shared the gospel. I was listening in, and right there on the beach I trusted Jesus.” It was through Cru that Greg met his wife, Mary Kaye, four years later when they both attended a Bible institute at Colorado State University. The two migrated independently to Fort Collins with about 1,000 other believers to take Bible courses in preparation for joining staff with Cru. They crossed paths through a mutual acquaintance from Poland whom they had both met while on mission – on two different continents: The young woman served as Greg’s translator in Poland, and Mary Kaye discipled her sister for a summer in Wildwood, New Jersey.

20 Years at Bay Area “I never wanted to be a pastor, never took a preaching course. We were headed for the mission field and thought we’d live our lives on the mission field,” Greg recalled of their plans. “Mike Metzger, the founding pastor of Bay Area and a good friend, had called me several times [asking if I would join the church staff] and I had nicely told him to take a hike. This time he tricked me and said, ‘Greg, would you pray about something?’ and I said, ‘Sure, I’d be happy to pray.’ So he said, ‘Would you pray about whether the Lord would have you come and join us at Bay Area?’ “I hung up the phone very, very angry. Eventually, we did pray, and to our surprise – chagrin – a year later we flew into BWI and were met by a group of Bay Area people. I was brought on to be over adult ministries.” Greg has warmed up to being a pastor since then. He was named Bay Area’s senior leader on Mother’s Day of 1997, and with Mary Kaye at his side, began to see God work immediately as He brought great leadership on board to lock arms with them. On the heels of a rough patch, the church immediately began to flourish. Throughout her husband’s tenure as lead pastor, Mary Kaye has split her time and gifts between raising their four children – who have all, in some way, followed their parents’

As their relationship began to blossom, the two traded home states in their early years as Cru staff: Mary Kaye shared Jesus with and encouraged students at Greg’s alma mater, Louisiana State University (LSU), while Greg ministered at University of Oklahoma. Raised as a child in the Sooner State, Mary Kaye followed her missionary parents and four siblings to Africa at a young age when they were called to ministry. “My parents came to the Lord when I was about 8, and there was a drastic change in their lives, and as an 8-year-old I could tell that something had changed,” she recalled of her parents’ salvation, which ultimately led to her own. Not long after, Mary Kaye invited Christ into her life after watching a Billy Graham film, “For Pete’s Sake,” the story of a man named Pete and his journey to Jesus. “I understood it because I had heard it from my parents,” she added. On May 14, 1983, the St. Cyr’s exchanged rings and vowed to spend their lives on mission for Christ together. With 8-monthold daughter Susan in tow, they touched down in Warsaw, Poland, three years later, where they continued their ministry on staff with Cru for eight years. Communism began to crumble in the region following the fall of the Berlin Wall, and three children later, Greg and Mary Kaye again found themselves on a trans-Atlantic flight, baby in tow, responding to a new calling God had placed on their lives.

Left: Greg and Mary Kaye celebrate Greg begin named Lead Pastor of BACC. 1994.

footsteps in ministry – and serving the church in every capacity imaginable except “being the person who makes the coffee.” (She tried her hand at being a Bay Café barista, but was fired for being a Chatty Cathy). First and foremost, her job has always been supporting Greg and partnering in his ministry. “Mary Kaye is a great encouragement to the staff, and in particular to the wives of the pastors,” Greg emphasized. “Her strength is in discipling women in the church, and midshipmen.” Both get fired up about seeing God transform people. Greg explained out of all the perks of pastoring, he most enjoys seeing people’s lives change for Jesus. “I get excited about things like baptisms, 150 people signing up to Make the Trade, people connecting in community – especially for the first time,” he illustrated. Mary Kaye echoed, “We can look out over the congregation and see over the years many people’s lives that are dramatically different from when we first met them – from not knowing Christ to being fully involved, leading a Missional Community. That’s so life-giving.” Their eyes also light up at the mention of global missions or church planting. Of his more than 7,300 days in ministry at Bay Area, Greg touts the commissioning of Downtown Hope as one of his favorite Sundays. Mary Kaye’s most memorable moments in ministry include a prayer meeting held years ago during Bay Area’s Faithful to the Call campaign. “We were praying under a tent in the evening and the Spirit just filled that tent. I had never experienced anything like it before,” she recalled. With the highlights have come growth opportunities that manifested as challenges. Greg explained Satan attacks the divine institutions of the church and home, and throughout his and Mary Kaye’s 20-year tenure, they’ve grown in their dependence on the Lord as Bay Area worked through rough patches and its members struggled individually with trials such as broken relationships. “When I came here, before I performed my first wedding, I prayed this naïve prayer that nobody I married would get divorced. Sadly, I’d say about a quarter of those people whom I married are now divorced,” Greg said, soberly. Throughout their time at Bay Area, the St. Cyr’s have learned to turn challenges over to God and leave outcomes to Him. In Matthew 16, Jesus states He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, and Greg noted that prevailing churches have victory over the gates of hell but are caught in the crosshairs of spiritual warfare. “That’s Bay Area Community Church,” he illustrated. “We are trying to be a church on mission to take back the gates that Satan has a

stronghold over, and with that comes spiritual warfare that is typically targeted at leadership, elders, staff, ministry leaders – that’s the greatest challenge.” Mary Kaye emphasized the one thing that has carried her and Greg through adversity over the years is the Holy Spirit. Dependence on and surrender to the Spirit, paired with seeking after His power in and through them, has been their source of stability.

A Church on a Threshold The lead pastor and his wife are excited. Encouraged by a season of growth and seeing God on the move at Bay Area, Greg and Mary Kaye expectantly believe the church is on the threshold of something great happening. Greg noted he feels God has been preparing Bay Area to dramatically impact the world for Jesus, and is ecstatic about the gifted staff team and Godly elders He has put in place to carry out the work of expanding His Kingdom. “I’m excited about the future,” Greg smiled. “I’m just so thrilled about our children’s and student ministries, and then our Missional Communities – I really see us having more than 100 Missional Communities in the next couple of years that are impacting the whole greater Annapolis area by living on mission for Jesus.” His and Mary Kaye’s sources of excitement also extend beyond Anne Arundel County to the five churches Bay Area has helped plant through the SENT Network, as well as missions happening in every corner of the world spanning Sudan to El Salvador and Poland to India.

Beyond [the Doors of] 884 Selecting Father’s Day gifts is never a challenge for the St. Cyr kids, because, as Mary Kaye pointed out, there’s no shortage of things Greg likes. “I like seeing things grow, so I love vegetable gardening, and I like planting trees throughout my yard,” he said, noting which of his saplings were gifts. His garden that covers a front quadrant of their partially wooded lot boasts a bevy of grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peppers, beans, peas, spinach, lettuce, blueberries and more. “And guess who does all of the weeding?” Mary Kaye laughed. Opposite the mini produce farm, between their home and garage, stands Greg’s pride and joy: a Louisiana live oak tree. Commonplace in his home state, the expansive trees don’t grow as far north as Maryland – with the exception of the St. Cyr property. “I was convinced it could happen. In Louisiana, I bought a tiny one for $5 and put it in a suitcase that got lost for three days. It’s done so well!” he said, beaming at the young oak like a proud parent.

“We are trying to be a church on mission to take back the gates that Satan has a stronghold over, and with that comes spiritual warfare that is typically targeted at leadership, elders, staff, ministry leaders – that’s the greatest challenge.” - Greg St. Cyr

The marathon runner also loves both playing and watching sports. He and Mary Kaye are avid LSU fans, and will root for the Baltimore bird teams and the Saints when the Fighting Tigers aren’t on the field. Mary Kaye confessed, “I have a hard time watching the game if LSU starts to do badly. Greg asks me to leave the room.” “She gets so upset,” Greg concurred. Mary Kaye enjoys college football, movies and traveling, but people are her favorite pastime. She adores being with her family, cooking for others, spending time with friends and going on dates with her husband of 31 years. Likewise, people love being with her. “Mary Kaye lights up when she’s around people – she brings instant joy into a room,” Greg said, smiling at his bride. “When Mary Kaye arrives on a scene, the lights go from 60 watts to 100.”

A Perfect Match Mary Kaye never has to wonder where Greg is in the morning. She can always hear the whirr of his electric toothbrush as he wanders from room to room throughout their yellow-sided Arnold home polishing his pearly whites. “He can’t brush his teeth in the bathroom, he’s gotta walk all around the house,” she said of his nomadic oral-hygiene habits, laughing. “I don’t know why he can’t just stand still and brush his teeth at the sink.”

Greg knew he had found his bride when he learned Mary Kaye met his number-one dating prerequisite: She, too, was passionate about going to the mission field. Over three decades and many years abroad later, reaching the world together for Christ composes their DNA. They love each other more every day for their shared passions and hearts for others, as well as for their quirks and the uniquenesses that make them Greg and Mary Kaye. “She has to have a late-night snack, and she always has room for dessert. It doesn’t matter how stuffed she might be, she’s got room – and especially for crème brûlée,” Greg disclosed about his wife with a grin. “A late-night bowl of ice cream really blesses her, and she sometimes likes putting chocolate sauce and nuts on top of it just to reduce the caloric intake … It’s a biological thing inherited from her dad.” Sweet-toothed Mary Kaye is the realist to Greg’s dreamer. While his relentless vision-casting often sent her into arrhythmia throughout their early years together, the two have learned to dance in step: Mary Kaye tries not to squelch Greg’s grandiose dreams, while he is careful not to overwhelm her trying to put feet to all of his visions. “We’re a good match for each other,” Mary Kaye stressed.

Individualities aside, Greg and Mary Kaye agreed they have three things in common above all else...

...they love Jesus, they love His church, and they love being at Bay Area.

We asked Michelle Sohl, a member of our most recent missions team to Poland, a few questions about the experience. This is what she had to say.

Describe your ministry in Poland.

While in Poland, we serve alongside members of the Genesis Church in Poznan at an evangelistic Family English Camp outside of the city of Poznan. The Polish people are very desiring of and willing to learn English. As members of the European Union (EU), they view the ability to speak English as a very important part of being able to succeed in business, economics, etc. The Family English Camp is a week-long camp in which families from all over Poland take a week out of their busy lives to come learn English from a group of Americans. The fact that Americans are teaching the camp is a huge attraction to them. At the English camp, we use the New Testament as our textbook, which gives us a unique opportunity to present the Gospel as part of our English teaching.

How do you think your team was used by God? One of the lead elders of the Genesis Church in Poznan was visiting Bay Area in late April and came to one of the first team meetings for this year’s Poland 1 trip. He gave great insight into how non-believing Polish people think of Christianity as a cult. Christian churches and groups are ridiculed in Poland and the culturally Catholic Polish people are very skeptical of Christianity and Christians. As American Christians, God uses us to help demonstrate the universality of Himself and helps challenge the pre-existing notion Poles have of Christianity. The Polish people are also, according to their own self-assessment, a very pessimistic and angry people. I heard so many people tell me last summer how happy and optimistic Americans always are. I think what they saw in us was the light of Christ. God really does use this to draw people to Himself through us.

What did God teach your team?

I think one of the most amazing things God taught our team was just how big and universal He is. I’m sure I speak for others when I say that we have a tendency to make God an American God. We think of Him in terms we understand and tend to make generalizations about the correct way to worship and serve Him. It was an amazing experience to be pulled out of your comfort zone and taken to a new country to see that, despite the differences in language and culture, God is still the same God thousands of miles away from the U.S. This really hit me personally on our last day in Poland last summer when we worshipped at the Genesis Church

in Poznan. We sang some of the same worship songs we sing at Bay Area, but it was this amazing blend of Polish and English languages. Our team was able to see just how much the love of God truly transcends all sorts of language and cultural barriers. It was a very humbling moment.

What are you all doing with that experience?

When Bay Area first started sending short-term missions teams to Poland several years ago, only a small handful of people volunteered for the trip each year. Last year, Bay Area sent a team of 10 to Poland, which, at that time, was the largest team it had sent. Since it was my first trip to Poland (and first missions trip in general), I had nothing to compare it to, but the feedback I got from the veteran Polish short-term missionaries was the same: there was something very special about the 2013 team and the work God called us to do last summer. It was such an amazing experience, that 8 of the 10 people who went to Poland last year are returning to Poland this year! Between the alumni and the 8 new members who are joining us this year, Bay Area is sending a team of 18 to Poland this summer! God really uses the experience of short-term missions to ignite a passion in a person to look outside themselves to areas they can serve, both on a local and global scale. I think the growing size of the shortterm missions teams to Poland is evidence of the work God does in the lives of a short-term missionary as well as in the lives of the people they go to serve.

Having been to Poland previously, what excites you about each opportunity to go? I have caught myself using the word “excited” so many times when discussing my return to Poland this summer. Being able to work alongside local ministries in Poland offers the amazing opportunity to really connect with people who have devoted their lives to ministering to the Polish people. After a few days working alongside these local missionaries, you really feel the sense of partnership with them. Getting to go back and serve alongside them again, even for just a week, feels a bit like going home. The bonus of serving at a family English Camp in Poland is that you literally spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week living, eating, and working alongside the Polish families, so you inevitably form genuine friendships with people. It’s so exciting feeling connected to a group of people far away and looking forward to reuniting with them for a short period of time each summer. It’s like a little glimpse of what heaven must be like.




There are times when every one of us experiences difficulties such as the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, divorce, job loss, addiction, discouragement, spiritual crisis, loneliness, parenting difficulties and many other challenges. God’s intention is that we engage with others and not walk alone through these circumstances! This is why the Care Network was developed here at BACC. The Care Network is a free, confidential, Christ-centered ministry that assists those seeking help by serving as a bridge to hope and healing through a variety of resources. We offer appropriate referrals and resources such as a Care Coach, a Missional Community group, financial assistance, Celebrate Recovery, Christian Counselors, or an appropriate agency or program in the community. If you need some help or have questions, email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

Wo u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b a p t i z e d ? • K-5th contact: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org • 6-12th contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • Adults: Join us for a group baptism class on June 15 @ 9:30 a.m. in the front office. Contact arianne. teeple@bayareacc.org for more information.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery is for all seeking a richer life through worshipping God and being in community with others! Don’t let your hurts, struggles and habits keep you isolated. Let Celebrate Recovery be a place of healing, hope and community for you! We meet every Monday night, even on holidays, at 7 p.m. for worship, a lesson, open share groups and fellowship. We share a meal together every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 6-7 p.m. The 3rd Monday is a potluck dinner. Stop by our kiosk in the lobby every 1st Sunday of the month to talk with Celebrate Recovery representatives and learn more. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

C ON N E CT W ITH B AY AREA If you’re new or just have a question, we’d love to meet you and help you get plugged in. Look for a member of our connect team in a blue shirt in the lobby after each Sunday gathering or visit us online at bayareacc.org/waystoconnect

CELEBRATION STATION This is a free, 52-week complementary resource for children, ages 1-12, of parents attending Celebrate Recovery on Monday nights. So while adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, children discover the same truths in ageappropriate ways. There is limited space, so please be sure to secure a spot for your child/children. Contact Michelle at celebration.station.group@gmail.com for more information. HOSPITAL/HOMEBOUND VISITATION If you or a loved one is in the hospital or homebound we would love to serve you! Contact us so that we can learn more about how to be of assistance. Contact leanne.lane@ bayareacc.org or phone 443-837-3718.

PREMARITAL MENTORING The premarital mentor program pairs couples with marriage mentors, couples who have been married for 10 + years, to help prepare them for marriage. It doesn’t matter whether a BACC Pastor is officiating at your wedding, being prepared is the key. This is the best gift you can give each other as you start your life together as man and wife. Contact Todd & Kim Christner at premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org for more information. To learn more about the Marriage Ministry at Bay Area visit www.bayareacc.org/ carenetwork or contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information. THE ART OF MARRIAGE Mark your calendars for the Art of Marriage conference, by FamilyLife, August 8 & 9 at BACC. This video conference weaves together expert teaching, real-life stories, humorous vignettes, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design for relationships. So if you are married, engaged or just want to know what God has in store for marriages join us. KidCare will be available. Registration begins in July. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

CONNECTING MINISTRY DISCOVER BAY AREA New to Bay Area? Welcome! Join us for Discover Bay Area on June 1 from 12:30-1:30 PM to learn more about who we are, what we are about, and how you can get plugged in. It’s a great chance for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you. A yummy lunch is included. No RSVP needed - just bring yourself! We hope to see you there.



SUMMER JAM SUMMER JAM The last day to register is Sunday, June 8. Elementary aged kids will be secret agents investigating God’s word and preschool children will go on an adventure discovering God’s Amazing creation. Register at www.bayareacc.org/ deepblueevents or visit the Children’s Welcome Counter for more information. Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org with any questions. SUMMER SERVE - TESTING THE WATERS Interested in serving in the Deep Blue Children’s Ministry but not quite sure what area to serve in or what type of a commitment it entails? Come test the waters and take a no strings attached opportunity to explore what it is like to disciple children in the Deep Blue. Opportunities are available in each of our learning environments for nursery, preschool, and elementary aged children. Visit the Children’s Welcome counter on Sundays for more info.

WAVE RIDERS Wave Riders, is a play and support group for families with children ages nursery through preschool. Join us on June 3 for a beach play date and June 17 for a summer backyard bash. Visit www.facebook.com/waveriderplaygroup or contact April at aasuhar@yahoo.com for more information. TAKE IT HOME Be sure to pick up a “Take It Home” activity packet on June 29 in each of your children’s areas: nursery, preschool, and elementary. This family activity will start the discussion between parents and their children of freedom and truth in celebration of Independence Day. Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org for more information. DIVE 45 This event is a place where 4th and 5th graders can invite their friends to hear about Jesus in a crazy fun, high energy environment. On Friday, June 13 from 7-9 PM we are having a dance party at BACC with a DJ, party games and more. Contact tammy. taschenberger@bayareacc.org for more information.

GATHERINGS This month we’re spotlighting the Children’s Welcome Team. Whether greeting newcomers, assisting families with registering their child, or personally helping families navigate to their children’s specific areas, Bay Area families are blessed by each of you every week. Thank you for your heart to serve.

SATURDAY NIGHT SINGALONG Join us for our second Saturday Night Singalong on June 7th at 6 p.m. This is a great opportunity to rest in extended worship as a church body. There will be a special space for children to worship with the adults. Therefore we will not have Kidcare. We hope to see you there.

FINANCIALS NEW Operating Budget Financial Update April 30, 2014 New Fiscal Year began September 1, 2013 Fiscal Year Giving Goal $ 3,613,000 YTD Giving Goal $ 2,476,609 YTD Received $ 2,425,722 YTD Actual vs. Goal 2.1 % Behind $(50,887) MAR Giving Goal $ 328,596 MAR Received $ 310,484 Building Debt Status as of April 30, 2014 Balance Due Fiscal YTD Donations

$ 1,991,039 $ 28,400

FINANCIAL MILESTONE $1,991,038.57 note (dropped below $2 mil) $1.4 million in contributions reducing principal since 2007 For weekly financial updates, please visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/financials

commitments. God continues to bless Bay Area with about a 10% increase in attendance compared to last year. As a result, expenses for such things as online giving fees and Bay Café supplies of “green” cups, coffee, tea and condiments have grown significantly. In addition, facility improvements, including an adult learning environment called The Docks,” have resulted in higher costs in order to better serve the growing numbers of people and expanding ministries. The big hitter this year was the colder winter with at least half a dozen snow events that required clearing of the parking lots in order to hold Gatherings or open the church offices. Propane usage was about 50% higher and the cost of propane itself was about 33% higher compared to last year’s winter. The combination of these two factors resulted in a doubling of the cost to heat the church this year. As the overall budget was increased to deal with these additional expenses, the monies going directly to our offering commitments also automatically increase. These are funds committed by the elders for the support and administration of various outreach efforts beyond the doors of 884 Chesterfield. They are taken first from each month’s tithes and offerings and applied to the areas of Church Planting, Global Missions, Local Outreach and Benevolence.

Please be sure to designate all Building Fund Donations on the Memo Line of your check: “One & Only Life” for Existing Debt or “Beyond884” for the Building Expansion & Beyond884 Outreach. Please note all undesignated checks will go toward the Bay Area Operating Fund.

We continue to thank God for the generous hearts of our Bay Area family. You have been faithful in helping us meet almost all of our Operating budget, while strongly supporting Beyond884 ($1.9M received) and the crisis relief efforts in South Sudan ($58K raised). Thank you for continuing to faithfully invest in God’s work at Bay Area Community Church.

How Do I Support The Cause of Beyond884: Room For People? Preferred Methods (no fees charged)


Direct Debit: Go to www.beyond884.com/give to download the form. Mail completed form to the BACC Finance Department and we will debit your checking account directly each month. Personal Check: Write “Beyond884” on the memo line and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday or mail the check to BACC (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to BACC. Be sure to note “Beyond884” on the memo line.

PRAYER Our missionaries around the world need our relentless prayer. Sign up to receive prayer updates by going to www. bayareacc.org/globalmissions and filling out the sign-up form on the bottom of the page. Please also pray for our short term missions teams. SHORT TERM MISSION TRIPS Over 150 people signed up to participate in short term missions with Bay Area this year. We are excited to continue our partnerships with our friends around the globe in the 2014 short term missions season. Please join us in praying for these trips and teams as they get ready to make passionate maturing followers of Christ from here to the nations.

These 150 are representing Bay Area as a whole. Please BACC’s Fiscal Year 2014 Operating Budget consider giving, over and above, to support those going on Each May through July, the staff goes through the annual short term missions this year. You can give by going to www. budget preparation process for the fiscal year that begins in bayareacc.org/stm and hit GIVE. September and runs through August of the following year. Despite our best efforts to predict income and expenses, it is POLAND: International Messengers challenging to be totally on target for the entire fiscal year. (FULL) July 9-21 Accordingly, we conduct a mid-year budget evaluation each led by Bill Smith and Michelle Sohl March and make adjustments that reflect actual conditions at (FULL) July 20-30 that time. The result of that process this year was a $109,500 led by Trevin Hoekzema (3.1%) budget increase authorized by the elders to take effect April 1. Several key factors were responsible for that adjustment: more people, a colder, snowy winter and increased offering

INDIA: ICBM (FULL) Rescheduled for January 2015 led by Doug Lane and Mike Lane

GHANA: Scripture Union (SU) (FULL) August 2-12 led by Casely Essamuah EL SALVADOR: Great Commission Church (FULL) July 5-13, led by Joel Torres (FULL) July 12-20, led by Josh Shirlen (FULL) July 19-27, led by Manuel Baerga (FULL) August 16-24, led by Mary Kaye St. Cyr (FULL) November 8 - 16, led by Steve & Janice Onken

ISRAEL TRIP WALK IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS 10 Day Biblical Tour of Israel October 20-29, 2014 Join Executive Pastor Ed Kelley on a trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land. From Bethlehem to Jerusalem; from Nazareth to the Dead Sea; from the Wailing Wall to Masada;…this trip will be a fantastic, life changing look into where Jesus walked, places like Capernaum, Philippi, En Gedi, Caesarea. Pastor Ed Kelley will be teaching during the trip at specified sites. In addition, in the fall, we’ll be offering simple Bible studies and preparatory meetings so that your trip will be the best it can be. Get your deposit in ASAP. Contact Deb Shipley at 443-8373708 or deb.shipley@bayareacc.org for more information.

LEARNING COMMUNITIES COLLEGE AGE LEARNING COMMUNITY Are you a post-high school student, ages 18-24? If so, we’ve started a new Learning Community this summer just for you at BACC held in “The Docks,” environment for learning in the east side parking lot. Join us at 9:30 a.m. Sundays June 1 & 8, July 20 & 27 and August 3 & 10 for topical teaching, discussion and discovery (see schedule for dates/times). In addition, we will have three off-site evening pool party/bbq events at 6 p.m. Sundays June 1, July 20 & August 10 for you and any of your college aged friends. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc. org or visit www.bayareacc.org/learningcommunities/ for more information. THE TREASURE PRINCIPLE Join us in learning the joy of giving. This video workshop is for believers who have mastered the basics of Godly money management and desire to dig deeper. It will inspire you to learn the principles of giving in a way that causes lasting change. Dates are tentatively June 29 to Aug 10 (we will not meet on July 6). Contact Neal Schaefer at neal.schaefer@ verizon.net or visit www.bayareacc.org/learningcommunities/ for more information.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236. Email Dennis at dbradylaw@aol.com for more information.

OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE COMMUNION TEAM: Interested in preparing the communion elements on Sunday mornings once a month? Contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org SAFETY TEAM: Are you passionate about safety? Do you have experience in security, law enforcement, EMS, First Responders or have a heart to serve and learn in this area? Come be part of helping our body stay safe. Contact Ed at safety@bayareacc.org BAY CAFÉ: Interested in serving in the bay café? Contact grace.roath@bayareacc.org GREETERS: Interested in greeting attenders and newcomers on Sundays? Contact jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Serve in the audio and/or visual aspects of our Monday gatherings from 6-8:30 p.m. Contact: micah.pringle@bayareacc.org CELEBRATION STATION: Serve as a children’s program leader for children of parents attending Celebrate Recovery on Monday evenings. Training is provided. Contact jen.marshall@bayareacc.org CHAIR MINISTRY: Serve on the chair setup/tear-down team. Contact ron.dutton@bayareacc.org PARKING MINISTRY: Serve by directing traffic and greeting those arriving at church. Contact Steve Johnson at castlelot@msn. com AUDIO/VIDEO TEAM: We’re looking for a few more passionate, committed people to partner with our Sunday production team. Contact micah.pringle@bayareacc.org

LOCAL OUTREACH LOCAL SERVING OPPORTUNITIES Are you or your family wanting to get involved with serving locally? Email trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc.org to start the conversation. There are many organizations in the Annapolis area that could use assistance, we’d love to connect you with them.

“What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” by Lysa Terkeurst Join Laurie Gregory & Kathy Mallare as they lead this Wednesday study June 11-July 30 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at BACC. Cost is $15 for the book. Contact Laurie at.thewell@ yahoo.com for more information. BACC GOLF TOURNAMENT Annapolis hosts hundreds of homeless in daily need of food and shelter. That’s why proceeds from the 2014 BACC Annual Golf Tournament on August 8 at the Queenstown Harbor Golf Course will be donated to help this population. The golf committee is looking for volunteers to help make this year’s tournament a success! If you are interested in helping in any capacity, please contact Marc Anderson at mgacka@mac.com or 307-699-7807.


THE WELL BIBLE STUDIES Don’t take a vacation from community & God’s Word this summer! Join other women at Bay Area at The Well in four new bible studies. You can register May 25, June 1 & 8 at the Women’s Ministry kiosk on Sundays in the lobby or online at www.bayareacc.org/spiritualgrowth. KidCare is not available for these summer studies.

“The Search for Significance” by Robert S. McGee Join Laurie Gregory & Ann House as they lead this Thursday study June 12-July 31 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at BACC. Cost is $20 for the book. Contact Laurie at.thewell@yahoo.com for more information. “Meeting God in His Word” Join Kammi McGinty as she leads this Tuesday study June 3, 10 & 17 and July 1, 8 & 15 from 7-9 p.m. No cost. Contact Kammi at fishclerk@comcast.net for more information. “Women of the Bible” Join Lynda Bayliss, Susan Mobley, and Kathy Barrett for this Thursday study June 12-July 31 from 7-8:30 p.m. at BACC. The cost is $15 for the book. Contact Lynda at lyndabill@verizon. net for more information.

QUILTS FOR KIDS Workshops will begin again in August. If you would like a quilt kit, have a quilt you would like to donate or a question about this ministry, please contact Janet Hogan at annapolisqfk@ gmail.com for more information.



June Sunday Teaching Series: PROVERBS This nine week sermon series will help students discover biblical truth about topics relevant to their lives. SCHEDULE: June 1: Proverbs Series Introduction June 8: 8th Grade Recognition & Senior Recognition (Parents Invited) June 15: Wisdom June 22: The Heart June 29: Addictions SUMMER INTERNS Matt Wiley is returning this summer as one of our summer interns from the cold of Chicago. He will be helping our high school ministry and contributing to our Student Ministry in general with the knowledge he gained at Moody Bible Institute. We welcome Matt back and look forward to another great summer. Sarah Schuck is joining our team as the middle school specific summer intern. After finishing her freshman year at Liberty University, Sarah will be jumping into a busy but exciting summer with Student Ministry. Join us in welcoming Sarah to our team!

SUMMER AMPLIFY Summer Amplify is a casual gathering for high school students on select Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 PM. We meet off site where students can hang out, shoot pool indoors, go swimming in the outdoor pool, and eat snacks provided by parents. In addition, we have a short devotional lead by one of our adult leaders. Summer Amplify is a fun time to catch up with friends and make new ones throughout the summer. Bring a swimsuit, towel, and feel free to bring any light snack. Drinks are provided. Join us June 4, 18; July 2, 16, 30; and August 13. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org for more information. Register Now for Big Beach Weekend This is a new High School retreat-style weekend August 1-4 in Harvey Cedars, NJ. Registration ends Sunday, June 15. Limited space available. Contact brent.squires@ bayareacc.org for more information.

PATRICK FINN Patrick Finn is one of our 7th grade guy leaders in Student Ministry. While he currently attends AACC, he will be leaving us to go to Liberty University in the fall to study Pastoral Leadership. A true extrovert, Patrick has no problem breaking out into song and dance to help hype up the students and would even whip out his unicycling skills if we let him. We are very grateful for Patrick’s enthusiasm and the energy he contributes to the ministry. NOAH BURKHARDT A freshman in our student ministry, Noah Burkhardt lends a helping hand by volunteering his time with one of our 7th grade guy groups. A loyal SALT (Student Action Leadership Team) member, Noah also enjoys soccer, cooking, and bike riding. JOANNA MCCARRICK Joanna McCarrick has been with us for a year and a half and has proven to be a loyal part of our team. Her dedication to the 9th and 10th grade girls in particular has shown her leadership skills and love for our students. While she is not volunteering with high school students, she enjoys saltwater fishing, eating Indian food, and travelling abroad.

MIDDLE SUMMER CINEMA Summer time is here and Summer Cinema is back at Club 678. During June, July, and August Club 678 will feature a movie along with some fun and games. As always the snack bar will be open and make sure you bring a friend along for the excitement. Because it’s hard to fit in all this fun with a movie, Club 678 Summer Cinema will be from 6-9 PM instead of 7-9PM at BACC. Contact austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org for more information.





















9: OPEN GYM 12:3001:300 11: CLUB 678 SUMMER CINEMA 669PMM 15: KINGS DOMINION TRIP* 16: OPEN GYM 12:3001:300 23: OPEN GYM 12:3001:300




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