Go & Make Issue #5 (Mar. 2014)

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be in relationship with God and His Word (up), in relationship with other believers (in), and in relationship with those who don’t know Jesus (out). Here’s what is rumbling

around in my head in ‘real time.’

Dear Bay Area family, Ed Kelley, our Executive Pastor, regularly fires this question at me: “So Greg, what’s burdening you?” Great question from a great friend. Here’s what is rumbling around in my head in “real time.” [But before I answer, I have to first say that God is on the move! We as a church family are overflowing with His grace!] Now back to Ed’s question… It starts with the reality that God’s Spirit is drawing more and more people to BACC. That means Jesus is entrusting us with the responsibility to disciple an evergrowing family. From January of 2012 to this January, we’ve seen God increase our Sunday gatherings by over 300 adults. As exciting as this is, our mission is not to gather a crowd. It’s to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus. Last month the elders and spouses got away for our annual retreat. We laughed, prayed, played games, ate good

food, worshipped through song, and heard from God’s Word. We talked about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. At one point we broke into 5 small groups to discuss what God might be saying to us as a church. Remarkably, every group came to the same conclusion. That conclusion was tied to the increased growth and our commitment to make disciples.

Connecting in community occurs in all kinds of ways: It happens through serving in the Deep Blue, as a greeter, or parking cars. We see it when we introduce ourselves to the person sitting next to us on Sunday and invite them for coffee. It’s present when ladies gather at the Well or when people come together at Celebrate Recovery. It’s experienced on mission trips. It’s lived out in the everyday through missional communities and much more.

We as a church are working on this. And we’re getting better thanks to the Connect team. But, especially with the growth, we have a long way to go. As a leadership, we’ll be praying and discussing this in the What we concluded is at the heart months ahead. of my answer to Ed’s question. And As for now, you can help by taking the here it is: initiative to invite the disconnected whom We, as a church, need to up our game Jesus brings across your path into your community, whatever it might be. And if in connecting people in community. you are one of those without community, For example, just last week I received I urge you not to stop seeking and to let us an email from a family who shared help you. Connecting in community is a that they had recently left Bay Area pathway to Christlikeness. after 7 years. The reason: they had very few friendships and didn’t feel From here to the nations, plugged in or able to serve. This kind of email puts a real burden on me. We believe, and always have, that life-change happens best in the context of relationships. We need to

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Josh Shirlen MANAGING EDITOR Arianne Teeple ART Josh Burgin Josh Shirlen CONTRIBUTORS Brian Mallare Deb Shipley / Ed Kelley Greg St. Cyr / Jocelyn Rimbey Meredith Thompson Micah Pringle

Cover photo of Micah Pringle by Josh Shirlen.

ELDERS John Battan Dennis Brady Tom Dalpini Tim Dotson Peter Godfrey Tim Grossman Rich Heath Roger Ishii Brian Mallare David McPeak Bill Smith Greg St. Cyr John Taylor J Upton

BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – casely.essamuah@bayareacc.org Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – ed.kelley@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Rimbey, Connecting Director – jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Gathering Team Leader – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Lynn Dutton, Financial Administrator – lynn.dutton@bayareacc.org Micah Pringle, Worship Leader – micah.pringle@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Tres Cozad, Technical Director – tres.cozad@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership

Book:​ The Fisherman’s Lady Author: George MacDonald If one likes classic gothic style storytelling, you’re going to love George MacDonald. C.S. Lewis once called MacDonald the most profound writer he’d ever read. Now, that’s C.S. Lewis! Most of George MacDonald’s stuff is fictional and gothic in style. It mirrors stories like Pilgrim’s Progress or C.S. Lewis’ own The Great Divorce, which are clearly fictional stories that have strong allegorical messages! The Fisherman’s lady is just like that only it sounds like a real life story (based in the 19th Century---btw, George MacDonald was one of the bestselling authors of that century!) especially since it is edited for contemporary readers. Mr. MacDonald is Scottish and many of his stories are based in Scotland along with his characters speaking a baroque that is thick! The book is basically a love story (see Hosea!) that contains intrigue and danger where God works in and out of the main characters. You’ll see parts of yourself and how God truly loves people. It’s a gripping story that is hard to put down but read it slowly! Warning… this book will drive you to a cozy fireplace, a comfortable chair, and cup of tea as you let your mind drift back to the wild coast of Scotland of a couple centuries past. The Great Divorce by Lewis is like that…reading it fast is a mistake. See the mosaic of the story and how it is true to life today. To quote C.S. Lewis: “I never wrote a book in which I did not quote George MacDonald”. Now that is high praise indeed from the overall bestselling Christian author of the last ½ Century. The Fisherman’s Lady is one of MacDonald’s top books (At The Back of the North Wind is his top seller) which was written while he fought against TB which plagued his life throughout. As was the case with Spurgeon, Mr. MacDonald had severe pain throughout his life especially in the cold weather winter months in Scotland, where he remained house bound for most of those months writing his 50 plus books, half of them novels for adults. Get the Earl Grey out, get comfortable and…enjoy. Enjoy. Ed Kelley Executive Pastor

MICAH’S MIX Happy March! I can’t really think of anything clever to say for this month. So instead, I’ll just stay quiet and get right to the music that’s moving me lately. by: Micah Pringle (BACC Worship Leader)

Elevation Worship “Only King Forever”

Elevation Worship is the music ministry of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. They’re known widely for songs like “Give Me Faith” (which we have used regularly here at Bay Area). This new album is full of really great songs and well-crafted melody lines that are refreshing and not too difficult to follow. Their instrumentation is flawless, their voices are powerful, and when they shout lines like “Oh God the glory is Yours, the kingdom is come and the battle is over!” You can’t help but want to shout.

The Royal Royal “The Return of the King”

The Royal Royal is a duo that brings in other musicians to tour with them and play their catchy songs that are simple and surprisingly intimate considering the music’s upbeat vibe. When you need a little pick-me-up, put them on rotation and you’ll find yourself smiling in no time and singing. This new album drops March 4th so mark your calendars!

Sleeping at Last “Storyboards”

This band. Whew. Their floating vocals are paired with layers of gorgeous instrumentation and rich lyrics. It’s perfectly understated, melancholy, joyous, rich, hopeful… It’s equally driven by piano hooks, strings, and clever wordplay. This isn’t a “worship album”, it’s just beautiful music that drips of the beauty of our creator. I could go on but you should just go buy it instead of your mid-week latte.


WINTER RELIEF by: Meredith Thompson

“‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me.’ … Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink?’ … And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

– Matthew 25:35-40, ESV

men and women who call Anne Arundel County home but have no fixed address will gather late each afternoon in Annapolis throughout March 10-17 to catch a ride to a local homeless shelter. In the spacious, blueroofed refuge, they’ll receive warm clothes, personal hygiene items and hearty meals. The shelter’s friendly volunteers will prepare and share dinners with their guests, spending each evening playing games and watching movies with and engaging their hapless peers.

That service will take one of five forms throughout the mid-March week. Brian explained MC’s, supported by members of the Bay Area body, have elected to cook and enjoy breakfasts and dinners with the guests; coordinate and host nightly activities such as games, movies and a Bible study; provide transportation by picking up and dropping off guests in the BACC vans; conduct overnight security and assistance; and be available for general service such as checking guests in and doing laundry.

No longer victims of the elements, these 30 men and women will trade cold benches, stoops and sidewalks for a warm, safe place to sleep in the cinderblock sanctuary each night, and enjoy breakfast before leaving in the mornings. Most importantly, they will experience the love of Jesus Christ firsthand, and be reminded there is hope – there is a God who has plans to prosper them and give them a future. They will learn that, while their immediate circumstances leave much to be desired, God through Jesus Christ is the supplier of all things and can satisfy their every need in this life until He welcomes them into the next.

MC co-leader Micah Pringle explained his group of young couples plans to be available throughout the week to lend a hand in whatever capacity needed, whether providing meals or simply loving on Bay Area’s guests. Likewise, Ron Dutton illustrated that his MC – led by Steve and Janice Onken – discussed how they could get involved when they learned of the opportunity in January. “We felt God calling us to be available to do something. The opportunity to provide one of the dinners seemed to be the best thing for us, given that our MC is blessed with some great cooks, one award-winning chef and many gifts of hospitality,” he divulged. “We hope our guests will experience the love of God through tangible, physical comforts during their stay, but more importantly, we hope that spiritual conversations will become available for us to share the good news of Jesus.”

Located at 884 Chesterfield Road in Annapolis, the shelter will be staffed by Missional Communities (MC) and church members. MC Pastor, Brian Hopper, explained this is Bay Area Community Church’s first time participating in the county’s winter relief program, a mission of Glen Burniebased Arundel House of Hope that utilizes the space and resources of scores of local churches each year to house some of Anne Arundel’s most vulnerable residents on a week-to-week basis. “There have been stories of folks coming to faith, of people’s lives improving, and some folks have even moved off of being homeless,” Brian said, illuminating the successes of the program, which served 163 people experiencing homelessness last winter. “The goal is to get churches to care for and love and serve the homeless in a way that gives them dignity and honors them … As a church our size with our resources, these are the very kinds of things we want to be doing in the local area. One, it’s an opportunity for us to take what we have and use it in a way that blesses others, and two, it’s a chance for all of our Missional Communities to serve ‘out.’”

Brian noted that, subsequent to BACC’s week of hosting winter relief, MC’s and church members can take advantage of another opportunity to serve “the least of these” through the county’s annual Homeless Resource Day, this year slated for March 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Annapolis High School. This one-stop hub for Anne Arundel’s underprivileged will offer access to medical care, substance abuse resources, counseling and a variety of social services to point attendees in the direction of finding housing and self-sufficiency. To register as a volunteer or donate needed items, visit www.aacounty. org/HomelessResource. To learn more about Arundel House of Hope’s winter relief program, go to www.arundelhoh.org; to find out what opportunities to serve are still available at BACC March 10-17, contact Bay Area’s Deb Shipley at deb.shipley@ bayareacc.org.

It’s like clockwork. The first Sunday of every month, the Stanton Center in Downtown Annapolis is bustling with conversation, with food, and with a sense of community. Six years ago, Bay Area’s young adults ministry pioneered an initiative to help the downtrodden by providing them with a meal once a month and showing them some love. Since that time, things have morphed from a monthly meal to a passionate new church plant called Allelon Community Church, led by Tom and Cathy Hooe, with a heart to bring a voice of life to the broken-hearted of Annapolis’ 4th Ward / Clay Street area. “One-Another.” That’s the definition of Allelon. And as one hears Tom passionately tell the story of God nudging them step by step into this adventure, it’s clear that this idea of “one-another-ness” is at the core of how they approach this young church plant. Tom is no stranger to church planting. He was part of the original core team that launched out from Bay Area to see Downtown Hope come to life, and even in those days he was building relationships with the Clay Street community. “I just started going there to help and began developing relationships with the people. I saw they were voiceless … that no one was listening to them,” Tom recalls. So as Downtown Hope began to take shape and grow, Tom continued to reach out to this community of people and deepen the newly formed relationships. They formed a Missional Community together, and as people’s stories were heard, they felt they finally had a voice and felt truly loved. Time moved forward, and as Downtown Hope grew and took shape, Tom’s burden for the people in the 4th ward also grew. Tom spent time being developed as a pastor by Mark McGeever and the Sent Network, and continued working with Pastor Joey Tomassoni until a prompting of God led him and Cathy to birth from Downtown Hope and officially see Aellelon come to life. Tom and his core team – the same people he’d established relationships with and been discipling in Missional Community – began meeting and praying. They would stand in front of a foreclosed home on Franklin Street directly across from the Banneker-Douglas African

American Museum and pray, and continued to reach out to Clay Street and surrounding neighborhoods. Then it happened. God moved them into a space right next door to that house they would stand in front of to pray, and they had a home base. They had a place to see the ministry reach out from. And for the last six months that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. The monthly meals that began as an initiative of BACC Young Adults are now self-sustained by members of that community, and Tom and the Allelon crew are there loving people and hearing their stories. They hold weekly Missional Community meetings, discipleship opportunities, and core-team equipping from their home on Franklin Street, they have multiple community gardens through the area called “Freedom Gardens”, and they are working with individuals to place them in quality jobs. “It’s incredible to me, the stories of how God is working” Tom says, as he tells the story of AJ. AJ is one of the people Tom met early on. He has experienced both spiritual and physical renewal. As he’s been discipled by Tom, and was also aided in getting a job where he is now in a management position, AJ and his entire family – four generations of people – are part of Allelon’s core team. That house on Franklin St also serves as a pantry, providing everything from food and clothes to baby diapers for those that need it. Allelon Community Church is young. Its story is being written rapidly. But that’s exactly what gives it fuel for their vision. That people will come into this loving community of Christ-followers, share their story, and feel they have a voice for the first time. That through these encounters, the 4th District will be changed by Christ. Tom says that one of the biggest lessons he’s learned through this journey is that we are all equally broken and in need of Jesus. Whether we live on Clay Street or on the edge of the Chesapeake, we all need the same thing: a real encounter with Christ. Here are a few ways Tom says we can partner with the work they’re doing and live on mission: • Donations to their Franklin St. Pantry • Volunteer your time for discipleship opportunities. Especially to teenagers who need direction. • Job creation initiatives. Many of those experiencing life-change want to work, but have a past legal record that makes it difficult to find a quality job.

Story by Micah Pringle Tom Hooe Pictured

photos by Connory Ballantyne

investing in local culture shapers by: Meredith Thompson Casey Johnson felt like an outsider. Growing up in church, it was tough to express his artistic giftings; studying sculpture at Maryland Institute College of Art, it was even more of a challenge for the Christ follower to be open with his faith. Supported by his parents but marginalized by both worlds, Casey found incongruity in his art and faith, and he began to separate the two. From galleries to concert halls to the bright lights on Broadway, Western culture’s foundational pillars of art, media and entertainment are rooted in one common denominator: the creative individual. A few reflect the Creator in their work, but Creative Paradox founder Darren Heater (a long time BACC Ministry Partner) noted a decade ago that, to improve the direction of culture, you have to pour into the artists who shape it. To bridge the gap between faith and culture experienced by Casey and so many other artists like him, the Annapolisbased ministry of Creative Paradox (CPX) was born. Designed to cultivate a vibrant network of artists who glorify God and impact culture, CPX began as a vision carried out in coffeehouses and homes as Darren connected with Annapolitan artists, supporting them and helping them realize their projects. Five years ago, the venture found permanence as Studio of the Arts on Spa Road near Westgate Circle, and more recently, CPX has made its home in an industrial park off Generals Highway near Annapolis Bowl. Regardless of location, the mission has remained unchanged: Now under Casey’s leadership, CPX seeks to nurture creative minds artistically and spiritually, marrying two worlds often perceived as contradictory in nature. “As I graduated from college, I started really developing a heart for artists out of my personal experience, going through school and growing up in the church and seeing that gap first-hand,” the lead catalyst said, explaining he joined CPX while in art school. “I

wanted to come alongside artists and help guide them and help disciple them, point them in a direction that glorifies God with what they’re doing – not just in their artwork, but in their life.” An artist-in-residence program, an artist co-op and community engagement comprise the triune foundation of CPX. Soon to be hosted twice a year, the five-month residency provides dedicated, emerging artists with studio space and follows a curriculum that meets their needs while ultimately pointing them toward Christ. The painters, designers, photographers, sculptors and artists who employ other mediums who are selected for the program are required to maintain weekly studio hours and engage with Casey and the CPX team in art critiques and discussions. The co-op enables CPX to build a broader network of artists in the greater Annapolis area while meeting its financial needs through providing rented studio space. While both the co-op and residency program will remain in place, Casey explained CPX is shifting its focus this year to provide for more community engagement. The ministry’s leadership team – which consists of volunteers who oversee events, social media, hospitality, finances, communication and administration – has developed a partnership with the Boys & Girls Club through hosting a young artists’ summer camp last year, and will continue to facilitate workshops and provide art supplies. “The cool thing is, they know we’re a faith-based organization – we’re very direct in what we do,” Casey highlighted. “We’re not there to proselytize any children, but we are there to teach art in a way that points back to an original Creator, and they’re like, ‘Cool, come on and do it.’” The bearded woodworker and his team at CPX are also working to launch Make Nights – regular events open to artists, creative types and anyone who simply wants to create something – to invite the community to study a topic or theme and produce a unique piece. Additionally, they hope to welcome the public to in-house musical performances starting around summertime, broadening their spectrum to include performance as well as visual arts. “We’re doing these things in a way that we’re open and honest about who we are and what we believe,” Casey illustrated. “Not every event we do will have a Bible study alongside of it; the idea is to glorify God in the making and in the creativity.”

Creative Paradox is located at 2012 Renard Court, Suite B, in Annapolis. To learn more about its ministry of empowering artists while conveying the message of Jesus Christ and bringing the community together, go to www.creativeparadox.org, or make an appointment to check out the facility by emailing Casey Johnson at casey@creativeparadox.org. CPX is a part of BACC’s Local Outreach Ministry.

years – I knew the ministry of Cru and I knew how to raise support, how to do ministry – I didn’t know how to do anything else.”

Deb Shipley by Meredith Thompson

Missionary. Artist. Nanny. Photographer. Barista. Evangelist. Assistant. Team Leader. Before first having ”Lead Pastor’s Assistant” printed on her Bay Area Community Church business cards in September of 2011, Ellicott City native Deb Shipley served in varied roles up and down the eastern seaboard, all of which prepared her for where she is today. A follower of Jesus since she was a little girl, Deb grew up in a Christian home, nurtured by a spiritually alive church, yet her greatest growth in her walk with Christ came during her years as a Towson Tiger through involvement with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). Participation in the campus ministry strengthened her relationship with the Lord, Deb highlighted, and introduced her to the role of the Holy Spirit in her life. In the winter of 1993, shortly after finishing her studies as an art major, Deb felt the Spirit’s prompting as she heard Cru affiliate Josh McDowell’s radio-broadcast invitation to the mission field of Russia. “He was talking about this two-week trip, and how you can go to orphanages and hand out shoes, clothing and school supplies, and then he started talking about how they needed a team to go over for six weeks … and I felt led to do that,” she recalled. After hopping the pond a second time the following summer to hand out Bibles in Russia, Deb committed to an internship within Josh McDowell Ministry headquarters’ art department, but soon realized that while she did have a passion for ministry she did not want to pursue art as a career. So in January of 1994, she joined staff with Cru. Deb devoted four years as campus staff at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), serving two summers

on an outreach team in East Asia before co-leading a yearlong trip to the region. She learned how to read, write and speak the language in the mornings, spending afternoons on college campuses building relationships with students. Deb returned to Western Pennsylvania to serve as associate director at IUP for two years before the school’s desolate surroundings drove her 1,000 miles south to sunny Orlando, Florida, home to Cru’s headquarters. There, she was assigned to the hospitality department before enjoying the opportunity to serve as Cru co-founder Vonette Bright’s assistant and working on the conference team for two years. Highs came and went with every student and staff event she helped orchestrate, but between spring breaks in Panama City Beach, Florida, summers in Fort Collins, Colorado, and training trips in Germany, Deb began to question her long-term goals. “I really started wrestling with what I was supposed to do on staff longterm, asking, ‘Am I always going to do conferences? Should I be Mrs. Bright’s personal assistant? … Should I get back into my art?’ I loved painting but I also liked decorating, so I started combining the two and learned about faux finish,” Deb relayed of her conundrum. “So in 2004 I left staff with Campus Crusade, and it was scary, because that’s what I knew for ten and a half

A few years doing faux finish and working as a Starbucks barista in Orlando left Deb homesick and struggling in her walk with God, and in 2009 she packed up, returned to Maryland and bought a house in Crofton. She hadn’t crossed the threshold of a church in four years, but Deb knew she wanted to check out a local church, Bay Area Community Church, that was birthed by her home church throughout college, Grace Fellowship. “At that point in my life, I really didn’t want to know anybody with Campus Crusade for Christ; I wanted a fresh start,” she noted. “I went through a period while I was in Orlando where I walked away from God for a little bit – I was angry at where I was in my life, and where I thought I was going to be … So I really had to wrestle with, why am I a Christian then? Is it to get things? Or is it because I truly believed that what He did for me was so significant that it can change my life and other people’s lives?” Naturally, the first people she met were former Cru staff members Greg and Mary Kaye St. Cyr, who invited Deb to join their Missional Community (MC), which included current Naval Academy Cru leaders Kyle and Jenn Sponaugle. “I just remember going, ‘God, you think you’re funny, don’t you?’” she laughed. As she grew to love her MC family over the following months, she grew unhappy in her job as an assistant for a construction company more and more, and together Deb and her MC prayed God would provide a new career

“Deb’s laugh is totally contagious.” Ed Kelley IV

“When you meet with Deb, you encounter joy and servanthood. She is a person who loves people and loves to serve. She is a discipler of women who models what it means to follow Jesus.” Greg St. Cyr

“I appreciate that she is the kind of person who is always committedd to her own self development.” Brian Hopper

option. “It was the most boring job of my life – literally, I played Solitaire all the time. I was the only one in the office and I was doing paperwork, and I’m such a people person that I was dying,” Deb lamented. Soon thereafter, she ran into Greg’s assistant at the mall, who shared with Deb that she planned to step down from the position and encouraged her to apply. “She laid it all out and explained what the job would entail, and I was like ‘All right,’ but at this point I was thinking, ‘No way,’” she said. “From a Monday to a Thursday the Lord completely changed my heart 360 degrees, and I was like, ‘You know what? I would really like this job.’” Today, country music-loving Deb serves as Bay Area’s Lead Pastor’s Assistant, helping Greg St. Cyr, Ed Kelley IV and Brian Hopper with everything from scheduling to communicating with the Elder Board and MC leaders to coordinating retreats and conferences and more. “I love the fact that Greg has a Campus Crusade background because he is so missions- and discipleshiporiented, and that’s my heartbeat as well,” Deb said with a smile. “Ed is a trip to work for, and Brian is a great listener and makes me laugh.” That heartbeat puts Deb perfectly in rhythm with Bay Area’s mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Christ from here to the nations. “That literally sums it up because what I want to see is people understanding what a disciple of Jesus is,” she shared of her heart for the church. “Because once they understand that every one of us is called to disciple somebody else it’s going to spread – how can the gospel not spread?”

A: What is Saturday Night Singalong? M: Saturday Night Singalong is an opportunity for our church family to come together and experience worship together without the usual time restraints that we have on Sunday mornings. A: How was the idea of the Saturday Night Singalong conceived? M: The idea began out of a desire I’ve had for over a year to have another outlet for worship at Bay Area. This kept being confirmed through conversations I had with others who have expressed the same desire.

by Arianne Teeple In the month of March Bay Area Worship Leader Micah Pringle is starting a new worship gathering called the Saturday Night Singalong. I sat down with him to learn more about this monthy event. This is what he had to say.

A: What can we expect at Saturday Night Singalong that we won’t see on a Sunday morning? M: One difference is there will be space for more freedom of movement. On Sunday morning typically when you come into the room the environment is somewhat constrained. We have to fit so many people in, that every square inch of space is being put to use. The differences on Saturday night is there will be a little more space so that if you like to move around when you worship there will be room to do that. For instance, if you’re somebody that likes to be able to kneel and pray during worship, or even lay down and pray if you wanted to, or stand and jump, or whatever, there will actually be room to do that. A: What are the long term hopes for the impact of this ministry? M: The idea and prayer is that God will give us a fresh vision and fresh hunger for worship that is next level. A desire to reach a deeper place in our corporate worship to Him. I think we come in from so many different walks of life and we all come in with different ideas of what worship should or could be. This is an opportunity for us to really carve out a concrete identity of how we approach worship. The prayer is that the moments we experience on Saturday night of resting and abiding in Christ, being in His presence together, the anticipation, excitement and thirst for Him will bleed over into how we approach our Sunday morning gatherings as well. A: Have you ever done something like this before? M: I’ve been involved in evening worship services and other things that were slightly less

formal and were more free flowing. The Saturday Night Singalong is not a duplicate of a Sunday morning experience. It is designed to open up space both from a time standpoint and metaphorically in our hearts and minds to rest in God’s presence without the need to move quickly through a service flow or agenda. This is unique for me and for our people as well. So I’m excited. It’s something we have not done in a long time. A: What excites you personally about Saturday Night Singalong? M: The first thing that excites me is being able to have an extended time of worship that is a little more organic and not bound by a time frame like on a Sunday morning. I’m looking forward to being able to enter into worship without that having to be a consideration. So that we can just sit and rest and if we want to rest for an extended moment between songs and just allow God to speak in that quiet stillness then we have the opportunity and the freedom to do that. A: Are there areas for people to get involved in serving with Saturday Night Singalong? M: There are. The most immediate need right now is for people to watch over the kiddos. Some people that will be coming to this will have young children. They are either going to have to hire a babysitter or entrust those kids to the care of our Kidcare ministry. It can be a pretty significant expense if this is something that we are going to do on a regular basis. If we have people that really consider it a ministry for them to love on these children it can free up these parents to be able to come in and engage in worship together without worrying about their kids. That is the most immediate need. A: What is your encouragement to someone preparing to attend a Saturday Night Singalong? M: My encouragement extends beyond just what we plan on doing on Saturday night or Sunday morning or any gathering. The encouragement is that we as a church family are only going to see our corporate worship experiences enriched if we are really abiding in Christ and walking with Him moment by moment. We can have as many gatherings as we want but if

we walk in the room and we aren’t already doing business with God in our hearts and in our minds then those times that we come together are never going to carry the same weight that we could if we ‘re already walking in sweet fellowship with Him and allowing Him to speak into us and breath life into us. Really, my encouragement would be that these gatherings are an opportunity to come together and celebrate what God is doing, not come together in hopes that God will do something magical in a moment that we aren’t already seeking Him for throughout our week. A: Is there anything else you wanted to share about the Saturday Night Singalong? M: It’s not just about music necessarily. This is an opportunity for us to come together in worship. There will be testimony, there will be reading of scripture and sharing. But the reason we call it “Saturday Night Singalong” is because we don’t want to take ourselves too seriously. We are a family. When we come together we want to approach it like that. We are going to come together and we’re going to sing along with some songs that are really powerful truths about God. We’re also going to engage with Him in other mediums as well. Really, the idea is we just want to come together and place worth where it should be placed and that’s on God. The first Saturday Night Singalong took place on March 1st. The next one is scheduled for April 5th at 6pm at BACC.

More on BACC worship from Micah Pringle

Song selection and how we approach our worship on Sunday mornings is something we take very seriously. Music is art, so like most art, how it’s interpreted can vary greatly from one person to the next.t Rather than think, “What songs do I personally enjoy?” or “What songs do I think everyone else enjoys?”, we base song selections on more concrete questions. Here are a few examples of questions that I consider and pray over every week when selecting music: “What is the big idea we’re emphasizing on Sunday?” For instance, if the message is on Faith, then we try to select songs that speak of that topic. We also ask “is this song Biblically accurate?” A song can have the best melody in the universe, but if it’s heresy, we steer clear. A third consideration is “what is the mood of the song?” Music moves us emotionally, so if the mood of a service is to celebrate God’s goodness, the tone of the music should be equally anthemic and celebratory. After deciding what songs we should sing, I bring them to our weekly meeting where we discuss the upcoming Sunday’s gathering and we talk about them and pray over the gathering. Not every song will connect with every person, but my hope is that if someone doesn’t like a specific song or even a line in a song that he/she would investigate it, and be open to the truth of the song. Someone once commented that the line “Roaring like a Lion” (from the chorus of a song we sing) was shallow and insulting to them. But that line is pulled directly from Hosea 11:10 and is a battle cry for Kingdom advancement! If I’m being honest, even I don’t care for every single song that we do. But it’s not just about my taste in music or anyone else’s, it’s about seeing truth proclaimed and God glorified. And if we stick to that, we can’t go wrong.

Why is the music so loud? / Why is the music so quiet? Here at Bay Area we hear two pieces of feedback regarding the volume of the worship music on Sundays: “The music is way too loud!” and “The music is way too quiet!” You’d be surprised by who gives the feedback too. It’s not just the “older” generation saying it’s too loud while the “younger” ones want to pump up the jams. We’re left in a pickle of trying to find a good middle-ground. So I’ll address this question first with science, and then with scripture. Loudness is determined and measured through the decibel system. Our decibel range on Sundays falls between 85-95 decibels. To give a reference point, 85 decibels is roughly the same level of loudness that one experiences when hearing road noise while riding inside a car or the noise you hear while sitting inside a bustling coffee shop. A common misconception is that once you cross a threshold of 90db you begin experiencing hearing loss, however this applies to 4 hours of sustained volume, which is not what one experiences during our worship gatherings. Sometimes there are certain frequencies that can make the music seem “louder”, and we are constantly checking these frequencies during the service. Simply put, the health of your ears and your hearing is in no way in jeopardy during our worship gatherings. We understand that some people are more sensitive to louder volumes, and for those who would prefer to have it quieter we provide earplugs upon request at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium. From a Biblical standpoint, we desire to craft a sound that moves our church family to passionate worship because God is worthy of it! Psalm 95 encompasses a well-rounded picture of what our worship should include. The first 5 verses speak of loud praise, and the literal translation means that it’s so loud it makes your ears ring! Then verses six and seven speak of quiet contemplation and reverence. The bottom line is that there will be times in our gatherings where the

music gets louder, and times when it gets softer, and both are actually Biblical.

Really Micah… what’s up with the hat? Every once in a while I get asked about my hat wearing. Even my barista at my favorite local coffee shop remembers me as “hat guy.” But one of the big reasons I wear them on Sundays has nothing to do with my affinity for them, and everything to do with the simple fact that I sweat. TMI? Sorry! But it’s true. When playing music, I tend to “glisten”. A lot. And since I’m bald, there’s nothing to catch all that sweat from running straight into my eyes, which causes some serious issues when I want to keep my eyes open and engage with our body during the worship music. So I wear hats to keep the sweat off of my brow. But aside from that, wearing a hat also communicates a very specific message. We’re a community church. When we come together on Sundays, we come together as a family. A warm, welcoming, loving family. The idea is that we are a place that all people can come in and feel at ease, so that when they hear truth from God’s word, they aren’t on the defense because they feel out of place. So wearing a hat also communicates that message. It’s literally one of the things that broke down a barrier for a friend of mine and made him open to coming to our Christmas Eve services this last year.

Micah Pringle Worship Leader

How do you select the songs for Sunday mornings?

I love the Olympics.

Every 4 years, athletes from around the world thrill us with new athletic prowess. Last month, those new snowboarding events were my favorite. It’s half athleticism, half hot-dogging! Those guys and gals are fearless. They have a certain swagger. They have the courage to try, and thus achieve new things that people never dreamed could be done. They are wild at heart, and I can’t help but admire their courage and dedication Most of us will never strap on a snowboard, let alone compete in the Olympics, but we’ve all been called to compete for the hearts and souls of hundreds of millions of people, from Annapolis to the farthest places on earth. We’re called to run a race as Olympians for Jesus. And we have something that none of the athletes at Sochi had: a calling and a promise from Jesus himself to be with us. You know it. “All authority has been given to me, so get out there and tell people about me, and I’ll be with you. Always!” (Matthew 28:18-20) It’s that command and promise that inspired Beyond884:Room for People. It was less than a year ago we first started talking about Beyond884. April 14th, 2013, to be exact. God was drawing so many people to 884 Chesterfield Road that people were being turned away. That’s not acceptable! We knew we needed to make Room For People! Even with a third service, we’re still bursting at the seams. Children still get turned away from the Deep Blue because there just isn’t enough room. One Sunday, I got turned away with my grandkids. NOT ACCEPTABLE! We knew we needed to act! We knew it was time to build more of our master plan. But there’s more to our ministry than reaching people here at 884. There is so much for us to do, Beyond884. And so, on that Sunday right after Easter, we introduced this huge vision: Raise $7.1M, with which we would…

It was a huge vision. Some thought it impossible! But history provides perspective and I have been here long enough to know that money is not really an issue for God. God is concerned with vision – His vision for the world. He’s interested in commitment – our commitment to His vision. And He blesses action! He has been using us - the people of BACC - around the world for 25 years, and I am convinced that as long as we continue to obey His commission to make disciples from here to the ends of the earth, then He will continue to use us to do just that! Ten months ago we set out on this journey Beyond884. We set our first milestone as the $4.6M we needed by the end of January to build the children’s wing and chapel, debtfree. Some doubted, but here we are. We reached that first milestone! Even having seen God do this before, I’m still in awe. I’m in awe of God’s goodness. I’m humbled to know that God allows all of us to be part of something so huge – so miraculous! I’m in awe of the generosity of many of you. Thank you! Thank you for attempting things that seem impossible. Thank you for being a faithful steward of the blessings God has given you. Thank you for sharing His vision for the nations. Thank you for “running in such a way as to get the prize.” You’re Olympians to me, awarded a crown that will last forever! We will break ground to build the children’s wing and the chapel on Sunday, March 9th, 2014. That will be a great day of celebration and thanksgiving. I hope that you will be here as we pause to celebrate what God is doing and to thank all who have sacrificed to make Room For People. And then, it’s back Chesterfield Road. raise to fund all

to our journey, Beyond884 We still have $2.5M to of the Beyond884 vision.

Some say it can’t be done.

• • • • • • •

Build another wing for children’s ministry. Build a chapel. Help purchase The Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic. Support our global partner Pastor Stephen in South Sudan. Support our global partner Pastor Samuel in India. A new church planter Pastor Steven Lee in Washington, DC. Pay off our entire remaining mortgage.

What do you say?

Brian Mallare Beyond884 Leader

SAVE THE DATE Sunday, March 9th, 2014


FINANCIALS Operating Budget Financial Update January 31, 2013 Please note that all undesignated donations go toward the operating budget.

New Fiscal Year began September 1, 2013 Fiscal Year Giving Goal


$ 3,503,500

YTD Giving Goal $ 1,557,219 YTD Received $ 1,511,952 YTD Actual vs. Goal 2.9% Behind $ (45,267) MTD Giving Goal (JAN) $ 262,912 MTD Received (JAN) $ 212,663 Building Debt Status as of January 31, 2014 Balance Due $ 2,034,591 Fiscal YTD Donations $ 25,400 For weekly financial updates, please visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/financials

BAPTISM Wo u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b a p t i z e d ? • K-5th contact: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org • 6-12th contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • Adults: Join us for a group baptism class on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Our next class is March 16th @ 9:30 a.m. in the front office. For more info, contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org

How Do I Support Beyond884: Room For People? Preferred Methods (no fees charged) Direct Debit: Go to www.beyond884.com/give to download the form. Mail completed form to BACC Finance Department and we will debit your checking account directly each month. Personal Check: Write “Beyond884” on the memo line and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday or mail it to BACC (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to BACC. Be sure to note “Beyond 884” on the memo line. If you would like your Building Fund donations to go toward Existing Debt, please write in your check memo “One & Only Life”. All other Building Fund donations will go toward “Beyond884”.


C O N N ECT If you’re new or just have a question, we’d love to meet you and help you get plugged in. Look for a member of our connect team in a blue shirt in the lobby after each Sunday gathering or visit us online at bayareacc.org/waystoconnect

Did you know BACC has an entire ministry devoted to praying? The BACC Prayer Ministry is made up of teams of people who gather and pray. Teams are devoted to praying for the church worship gatherings, the pastors, our missional efforts and missionaries, the ministries of the church, those who are sick or saddened by grief and those who are wrestling with life’s struggles. The Prayer Ministry provides an opportunity for us to gather together and share our hearts with our Father who loves us. Let’s pray together. The prayer room is located on the second floor of BACC. For more information about prayer or the teams, go online to www.bayareacc.org/prayer or contact Penny Flora at sweetpflora@aol.com or 410.766.0445


NURSERY SPOTLIGHT Cheryl Carey has been a long time volunteer in the nursery. She’s served with us since her four children were in the nursery & they are all now “not in the baby stages”. She cherishes her mornings in the nursery, where she can get on the floor and spend time with the little ones telling them how much God loves them. She says that she is the one blessed on Sunday mornings. BACC and BSF help Cheryl keep her eyes fixed on God. When she is not serving in the Deep Blue you can find her cheering her kids on at the pool or on a sports field. She enjoys the outdoors and loves taking walks with her family and friends. Another fun tidbit about Cheryl is that she will almost never buy anything not on sale or without a coupon. Such a bargainer! We love Cheryl’s heart and are grateful for her love for Bay Area’s littlest ones. PRESCHOOL VOLUNTEER Justin Roath has led preschool large group every week for the past two years. His wife, Grace, is Bay Area’s Hospitality Coordinator. They have a beautiful 5 year old daughter, Evangeline, and a mini golden-doodle named Lily. They have been attending Bay Area for 3 years, and love the fresh approach of a loving relationship with the Lord. If you didn’t know Justin loves KIDS! He considers it an honor to be a part an exciting journey where preschoolers begin to understand who their heavenly Father is. He loves watching them share their memory verse in large group and sing their hearts out in worship, and last but not least before they dismiss for small groups Mr. Justin gets hi-5’s from every preschooler. And yes there are many. Some of Justin’s favorite things to do is scuba dive, read, and hang out with his family and friends. You can easily spot Justin around Bay Area as he loves to wear bow-ties! As you can see, his heart for the children of Bay Area is HUGE! Thank you, Justin, for being amazing!

FOR MEN MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays from 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236. Contact: Dennis at dbradylaw@aol.com MEN’S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Tuesdays from 6:45-8:45 p.m. Men are encouraged to bring their school aged children to participate. Contact: Chris at heacock308@yahoo.com

ELEMENTARY VOLUNTEER Travis McDaniel is a kid at heart, which makes him a fabulous 4th and 5th grade large group leader, community group leader, community group coach and a leader of Dive 45!! Travis loves being able to see God in all of the children that come every Sunday. He feels blessed getting to have fun and doing crazy games and fun activities all while watching the kids worship God. When he isn’t hanging out with our kids he is enjoying time with his wife of 6 months, Ashley. If you are ever at a pool with him don’t forget to ask him to blow bubbles with his left ear, something many childhood surgeries on his ears has left him able to do. WAVE RIDERS VOLUNTEER We’d like to welcome April Suhar our new Wave Riders Leader. Wave Riders is a support and play group for families with children ages birth thru preschool to grow closer in Christ by sharing in community gatherings, fun outings, activities, book clubs, and more to support and share in parenthood and life experiences. April is happily married to her husband Sean and they have 3 beautiful girls, Bella(8), Madelyn(4), and Caroline(2). April and Sean, moved to the East Coast in 2003. They have been attending Bay Area since the summer of 2013. Since becoming a mom in 2005, April spends her time working at her home salon business part-time while keeping a flexible schedule in order to accommodate a busy family! Since attending BACC April enjoys being a part of The Well bible studies and has connected in Children’s Ministry through Wave Riders. April is excited to connect with others in this group. She says there’s nothing like knowing that someone is there to celebrate each milestone with our children. Connect with April at aasuhar@yahoo.com and join her at the next Wave Riders gathering March 4th in the nursery wing.

LEARNING COMMUNITIES Our Learning Communities are halfway through their semester. Did you miss out on joining one of them? Email trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc.org to get updates for when the next series of classes start.


PREMARITAL MINISTRY: The Premarital Ministry pairs couples with Marriage Mentors to help prepare them for marriage. It doesn’t matter whether a BACC Pastor is officiating at your wedding, being prepared is the key. This is the best gift you can give each other as you start your life together as man and wife. Contact Todd & Kim Christner premarital.ministry@bayareacc.org for more information.


There are times when every one of us experiences difficulties such as the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, divorce, job loss, discouragement, spiritual crisis, loneliness, parenting difficulties and many other challenges. God never intended that we go through these experiences alone. That is why God has brought us together at Bay Area Community Church and the Care Network was developed! The Care Network is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Christ-centered ministry that assists those seeking help by serving as a bridge to hope and healing through a variety of resources. We offer appropriate referrals and resources such as a Care Coach, a Missional Community group, Financial assistance, Celebrate Recovery, Christian Counselors, or an appropriate agency or program in the community. If you need some help or have questions email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

THE GREAT DATE NIGHT: Come and enjoy a great night out with lots of laughter with the husband and wife comedy team of Barnes and Miner and great desserts on March 22, 2014 from 7-9:30 p.m. here at BACC. Registration ends March 16th. Register online at www.bayareacc.org/ carenetworksevents. Email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

Celebrate Recovery is for all seeking a richer life through worshipping God and being in community with others! Don’t let your hurts, struggles and habits keep you isolated. Let Celebrate Recovery be a place of healing, hope and community for you! We meet every Monday night, even on holidays, at 7 p.m. for worship, a lesson, open share groups and fellowship. We share a meal together every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 6-7 p.m. The 3rd Monday is a potluck dinner. For more information for men, email markcelebrates@gmail.com and for women email kymcelebrates@gmail.com

THE WELL In case you missed out on our Bible Studies for this semester, we have made it possible for you to listen to the audio teachings at www.bayareacc.org/spiritualgrowth. You can listen to podcasts of our Wednesday morning study, “The State of the Union” taught by Marilyn Anderes. She focuses mainly on the marriage relationship. Also available is our Thursday evening study, “Seeking Him: The Joy of Personal Revival” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss & Tim Grissom, that will feature a variety of BACC teachers covering the topics in this study. You can order your own book on www.amazon.com. God is doing a great work of revival at BACC starting with the women attending this study! Special thanks to our teachers, Lorraine Hiskey, Darby Cate, Heidi Halik, Kim Christner, Lauren Bell, Janet Graves, Lynda Bayliss, Michelle Bellamy, Rosemary Eastman, Mary Kaye St.Cyr, and Kammi McGinty. BAY AREA WOMEN’S RETREAT 2014 Be praying for the 70+ women who will be attending the BACC Women’s Retreat this year at Osprey Point March 14th16th. Pray that we will draw near to Him and be still enough to hear God speak. Special thanks to all the volunteers on the Retreat Committee, including Lyda Prack (Coordinator), Janice Onken, Denise Perry, Tracy Tischendorf, Michelle Sohl, Lynn Brady, Sharon Cosgrove, and Ann House. WOMEN OF LEGACY (for women 50+) We invite you to join us as we meet together at 10:30 a.m. in the Warehouse at BACC on Monday, March 10th & March 24th. We will continue to discuss the book, “Teach us to Number our Days,” by David Roper. Special thanks to guest speaker, Mary Fridley, who spoke in February about Alzheimer’s disease, and shared resources for caregivers. Contact Cedulie Sanchez at luisandcedulie@gmail.com for more information.

QUILTS FOR KIDS This group meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month to sew quilts for kids in need. Join us in celebrating National Quilt Day on March 15th from 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. in room 223. Be sure to bring your sewing machine, sewing supplies, and a lunch. Fabric will be provided. Contact Janet Hogan at annapolisqfk@gmail.com for more information. Special thanks to those who joined us in making quilts for kids to enjoy.

STUDENT MINISTRY SUMMER CAMP - SAVE THE DATES We know it’s still cold outside, but summer will be here before we know it and that means summer camps are right around the corner. “Victory Jam” is our annual middle school summer camp at Harvey Cedars, NJ to grow in connection to God and one another. The camp will be Monday June 23rd to Friday, June 27th. “Big Beach Weekend” is a new high school weekend that we are launching this summer and will also take place at Harvey Cedars, NJ. The event will be from Friday, August 1st to Monday, August 4th. The best part, both events are just steps away from the beach. Mark your calendars; you don’t want to miss this. For more information visit bayareacc.org/basm or stop by the Student Ministry Kiosk in the lobby. PARENT DESSERT Parents of middle and high school students are invited to join us in the Bay Cafe on Wednesday, March 19, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Come out to build a relationship with your son/daughter’s Community Group Leaders, meet BASM staff, and connect with parents of our students. We will provide dessert and coffee, and a great environment for fellowship. Questions: brent.squires@bayareacc.org. LEADER HUDDLE Our monthly Leader Huddle is a time for our middle and high school leaders to fellowship, connect, and obtain training and resources on how to be better leaders. We play team building games centered around a specific obscure holiday for that month, fill up on food provided by the Student Ministry, and then end the meeting by splitting up into two groups - middle and high school – in order to give evaluation and feedback on each ministry. INTERNSHIPS Bay Area Student Ministry is currently accepting applications for summer internships. The internships start in late May and run through early August. Interns will experience the many facets involved in running a growing student ministry including: planning gatherings, leading Bible studies, coordinating events, building relationships with middle and high school students, and general administrative tasks. The internship experience is an intense, but rewarding opportunity to develop real-life ministry skills. Applicants must be a current college student and have a desire to work within the local church. Some previous experience in student ministry is beneficial. Application deadline is Sunday, March 9. For an application, please our website at www.bayareacc. org/basm and click on the “Resource” tab.

MIDDLE This months Club 678 theme is “Breakfast Club”. Come dressed in your PJ’s and we’ll be providing breakfast. Prize to the best dressed. Be there March 21st from 7-9pm. Questions? Contact austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org

WEDNESDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL GATHERING A mid-week high school gathering on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Students will grow deeper in their walk with God through group-based discipleship. Join us for food, games, and grade/gender specific community groups led by trained, caring adult leaders. Students will experience true community and discipleship in the context of their peers, all in a fun environment. For more information, contact brent. squires@bayareacc.org IMPACT CONFERENCE Impact Conference is a weekend Christian conference for high school students throughout the Maryland, DC, Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania region. It takes place Friday – Sunday, March 28 – 30, 2014. Over 3,000 students attend this conference, which includes bands, speakers, entertainers, workshops, and much more. Students will be encouraged to encounter God through worship, teaching, small groups discussion, and resources that point them toward Christ. Registration starts Sunday, February 23, and ends Sunday, March 9, 2014. To register, please stop by our Student Ministry Info Kiosk or visit our website at www.bayareacc. org/basm BASM VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Donut Providers (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Kiosk Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Check-In Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.); Café Team (Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m.). For specific details on the volunteer opportunities, contact michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org Student Ministries: For more information contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • SUNDAY Fusion Middle School Gathering @ 9:30 a.m. in The Warehouse • SUNDAY Fuel High School Gathering @ 11:15 a.m. in The Warehouse • WEDNESDAY Amplify High School Gathering from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in The Warehouse COMMUNICATIONS Feel free to connect with us in a variety of ways: • Simply Text: Text “JOIN BASMMIDDLE” (for Middle School) to 40650 or “JOIN BASMHIGH” (for High School) to sign up for our text message updates. Texts are generally sent out once a week with reminders for that week’s events. Texts are also sent out in case of event cancellations due to inclement weather.

• Parent Link: Go to www.bayareacc.org/basm and click on the Parent Link to see our monthly calendar and get access to parenting articles and tips sent out monthly through our newsletter. • Email Updates: Contact one of the Student Ministry staff and request your email address be added to receive our weekly emails sent out containing event details, sermon points, and any other pertinent information for that week. • Online: www.bayareacc.org/basm • Facebook: A great way to get updated information on any upcoming gatherings as well as any cancellations that might occur. “Like” us on Facebook at BACC Student Ministry. • Instagram: BayAreaStudentMinistry • Contact us: Get in contact with one of our staff anytime by email or phone:

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT CHELSEA MACCUBIN Chelsea is a former intern who has been helping out in BASM since the summer of 2011. Chelsea started attending BACC in the womb. A committed leader with the 8th grade girls Chelsea is the better half of BASM’s Middle School Coordinator Austin MacCubbin. She is an alumni of Eastern University and when she was younger dreamed of being a Rockette. EVAN POTTER Evan Potter, a senior at Annapolis Area Christian School (AACS), is a dedicated and continuous high school assistant who is currently helping with one of our 8th grade guy groups. Evan plays drums for the AACS band and is part of our Student Action Leadership Team (SALT).

Brent Squires (Student Ministry Pastor) brent.squires@bayareacc.org 443-837-3736 (office) 443-534-7680 (cell or text) Austin MacCubbin (Middle School Coordinator) austin.maccubbin@bayareacc.org 443-837-3737 (office) 240-682-3247 (cell or text)

RACHEL PERRY Rachel Perry, one of our dedicated 11th and 12th grade girl leaders, has been serving with us since the Fall of 2012. Originally from Pittsburg, PA, this classically trained singer works at the Annapolis Yacht Club, loves bowling, and indulges in her love for celery. As well as serving with the Student Ministry, Rachel can also be seen singing for the Lord on Sunday mornings in the main gathering.

Michaela Graf-Jones (Intern Program Coordinator) michaela.grafjones@bayareacc.org 443-837-3726 (office) 267-614-9445 (cell or text) Ashleigh Bicevskis (Intern Gathering Coordinator) ashleigh.bicevskis@bayareacc.org



SHORT TERM MISSION OPPORTUNITIES: PRAYER Our missionaries around the world need our relentless prayer. Sign up to receive prayer updates by going to www. bayareacc.org/globalmissions and filling out the sign-up form on the bottom of the page. In the meantime, please pray for our short term missions teams.

INDIA (full) - postponed due to civil unrest Please pray for the team as they decide on a new time to go. They will be a part of the church planting movement by encouraging pastors and worshiping with newly planted churches in the tribal regions of India. They will also spend time and play games with Indian children in one or more children’s homes/orphanages.

Last year over 65 people participated in short term missions with Bay Area. If you missed out on the experience, now is your chance to get involved - or if you went and want to go again, even better. We are excited to continue our partnerships with our friends around the globe in the 2014 short term missions season. Below you will find a list of the countries, dates, descriptions, and how to take the steps towards going. GHANA trip cost: $3,000 This unique partnership with Scripture Union brings children, young people, and families back to Christ and His Word and raise people committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in total life experience. Ghana is burdened with a heavy influence of Islam in surrounding countries; S.U. acts as a firm stronghold for God’s Kingdom. Come be a part of this inspiring movement to reach the youth in all corners of Ghana on one of three trips: • • •

June 7 - 17 School Outreaches/Mission, led by TBD August 2 - 12 Camps & National Leaders Conference, led by Casely Essamuah October 11 - 21 School Outreaches/Mission, led by TBD

EL SALVADOR trip cost: $1700 Serving with Sarah and Jorge Solorzano in El Salvador means partnering with their local church and helping them evangelize and disciple children, youth, and families in Guayabo and San Salvador. Each team will be involved in different areas including serving the poor at the Children’s Center, doing evangelistic outreaches to college students, or teaching seminars to local church leaders. Come be a part of this impactful ministry in El Salvador on one of four trips: • • • •

July 5 - 13 Campus Outreach, led by Joel Torres July 12 - 20 Children’s Center, led by Josh Shirlen July 19 - 27 Children’s Center and teaching church leaders, led by Manuel Baerga November 8 - 16 Children’s Center, led by Steve & Janice Onken

POLAND trip cost: $3,000 Are you friendly, outgoing, helpful, caring, prayerful, humble, or servant-minded? International Messengers provides the opportunity to share the gospel in simple, down-to-earth terms through their English-teaching camps. These camps attract children, youth, and families from all around Poland. The camp is a one week family camp filled with numerous activities involving fun, conversations, English lessons and relationship building. A great opportunity for individuals and families alike to serve abroad; you will be trained appropriately, so don’t worry if you’ve never taught English as a second language before. Come join one (or both!) of the two teams: • •

July 9 - 21 English Teaching Camp, led by Bill Smith July 17 - 28 English Teaching Camp, led by Michelle Sohl and Trevin Hoekzema

UGANDA trip cost: $3,200 Come to Uganda to minister to members of the Precious Souls Support Group made up of Ugandans who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. We will also be supporting a local church plant, investigating the development of a medical clinic in an existing building on the Mission Home property and continuing to build on the relationships that started back in 2006. Over the last 7 years we have seen many miraculous recoveries once the sick were embraced by the support group and encouraged/ enabled to seek medical care. Adults and college age welcome: •

September (TBD) Community Outreach, led by Angela Essamuah

PROCESS FOR APPLYING 1. Pray that God would help you decide where to Make the Trade. 2. Decide which opportunity is best for you to serve abroad in His name. 3. Go on a trip by typing in www.bayareacc.org/stm and clicking on “GO.”

LOCAL OUTREACH Winter Relief Bay Area will be partnering with the Arundel House of Hope to host between 25-30 homeless men and women overnight the week of March 10th-17th. We will house our guests in the auditorium each night while utilizing the Bay Cafe for meals, games, and entertainment. There are 5 ways/areas you can serve: 1. Meals - Serve by providing and preparing breakfast or dinner each day (30 for breakfast and 50 for dinner) including all the necessary plates, cups, etc, serving the meal and actually having dinner with our guests. 2. Transportation (2-4 Drivers) - Serve by shuttling our guests from the Lighthouse shelter downtown to BACC for the evening and back to the shelter the following morning after breakfast. 3. Hospitality - Serve by ministering and engaging with our guests through everything from hosting a game night, movie night, Bible study, etc. 4. Volunteering - Serve by providing things like “to go toiletries” for their day or helping do their laundry in the evening or assisting with showering, etc. We are open to other ideas as well, like medical or dental services, etc. 5. Overnight/Security - Serve by staying with our guests overnight here at 884 and being available for any help they may need throughout the overnight hours. If you have any questions or would like to help in any of the areas mentioned above, please feel free to contact deb. shipley@bayareacc.org or brian.hopper@bayareacc.org for more info. Local Serving Opportunities Are you wanting to get you and/or your family involved with serving locally? Email Trevin at trevin.hoekzema@bayareacc. org to start the conversation. There are many organizations in the Annapolis area that could use assistance, we’d love to connect you with them. BACC Annual Golf Tournament BACC is hosting their annual golf tournament at Queenstown Harbor Golf Course on Friday, August 8, 2014 to support the homeless of Annapolis. The tournament committee is looking for volunteers to help make this year’s tournament a smashing success. Please contact Art Prack at aprack@gmail. com or 410-349-1157 for more information.

CONNECTING MINISTRY DISCOVER BAY AREA New to church? Come discover what Bay Area is about on March 2nd in the Bay Cafe from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. to learn more about our history, vision, mission, and how you can get plugged in. A light lunch is included. No RSVP necessary but encouraged. Email jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org for more information. NAVIGATE Embrace your faith by joining us for Navigate [Discipleship) on March 22nd. Spend a morning with Greg, Pat, and Brian as you learn how to better read the Word, how to pray like Jesus prayed, and how to live in missional community with other believers. To learn more email Jocelyn at jocelyn.rimbey@ bayareacc.org

ISRAEL TRIP Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus 10 Day Biblical Tour of Israel October 20-29, 2014 Informational Meetings will be held on March 23rd and 24th. Join Executive Pastor Ed Kelley on a trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land. From Bethlehem to Jerusalem; from Nazareth to the Dead Sea; from the Wailing Wall to Masada;…this trip will be a fantastic, life changing look into where Jesus walked, places like Capernaum, Philippi, En Gedi, Caesarea. If you’d like to find out more of the details of the trip including what to expect, accommodations, our guides, the awesome teaching moments in places like Garden of Gethsemane and up on the place of the Sermon on the Mount, then join us directly after the 3rd gathering in The Docks at 12:45 PM on Sunday, March 23rd or Monday March 24th at 7 p.m. A special guest is flying in from Seattle to give you an overview. Pastor Dan Lloyd has been on this trip with Imagine Tours and Travel two dozen times or more. Pastor Ed has been with Dan twice and he KNOWS Israel! Greg and Mary Kaye are joining us as participants, but Pastor Ed will be teaching during the trip at specified sites. In addition, in the fall, we’ll be offering simple bible studies and preparatory meetings so that your trip will be the best it can be. If you have questions, call Deb at 443-837-3708 or speak with Pastor Ed Kelley directly or you can pick up a flyer in the main office foyer. Get your deposit in asap.


Communion team: Interested in preparing the communion elements on Sunday mornings once a month? Contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org Security/ Medical Team: security@bayareacc.org Bay Café: Interested in serving in the bay café? Contact grace.roath@bayareacc.org Greeters: Interested in greeting attenders and newcomers on Sundays? Contact jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Celebrate Recovery: Serve in audio and/or visual aspects of our Monday Gatherings from 6-8:30 p.m. Contact trevin. hoekzema@bayareacc.org Chair Ministry: Serve on the chair set-up/tear-down team. Contact ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Parking Ministry: Serve by directing traffic and greeting those arriving at church. Contact Steve Johnson at castlelot@msn.com

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