2 minute read
There are people whose heartsstirat the thought of another visitto Fisherman’s Wharf,Six FlagsDiscoveryKingdomandthe Winchester Mystery House.
Thisissue is forthe restof us.
Pocketsof paradisesurround us —little-known venuesto visit, meals to eatandsights to see that are so perfect thatyouforgive real estate prices, Google buses and yetanother drought.These are uniquelyNorthernCalifornia experiences that catch your breath and remindyou:“That’swhy I live here.”
Ourhope istotransport youto theseplaces,through theeyesof some of our favoritejournalists.
They’reeasily overlookedin this eraof exoticforeigntravel, bucketlistsandtouristmeccas. Notmarqueeattractions, they may not befeaturedinguidebooks, Yelpreviews or on Instagram. They aren’telegant monuments or grandmuseums. They don’toffer maids inuniforms. Or room service.
Instead, theyarebelovedfor what really matters: pleasure and inspiration. Somespots arequirky —others,comforting. They may offer adventure. Orrelaxation. Maybe they’reromantic. Orjust
Story editors: Mark Conley,Mike Frankel, SandraGonzales,Lisa Wrenn.
Art directors: Tim Ball,TiffanyGrandstaff.
DirectorofPhotography: Jami Smith.
Copy editors: Kristen Crowe, TorHaugan.
Contributing writers: DennisAkizuki,Elliott Almond,MattArtz,Tim Ball,Chuck Barney, Daniel Brown,Jackie Burrell,Patrick Cant, Cindi Christie,ChrisColin,Mark Conley,Mark Emmons,MikeFrankel,Matthias Gafni,Jim Gensheimer,TiffanyGrandstaff,Tor Haugan, toddler-proof.Thewondersofour region beckon,if weonly pause long enough to notice.
Morethan just destinations, they’realsoexperiences. They smellofDouglas fir or taste like artisan cheese. Theyfeellikehot tubs or cooljazz.Theysound like old nickelodeons or splashing childrenatLakeDel Valle.Maybe
Lisa Herendeen,Lisa Krieger,Craig Lazzeretti, David Little,Barb Marshman,Veronica
Martinez,Michael Mayer,AndrewMcGall, JoanMorris,Bruce Newman,PatrickPerron, Leigh Pointinger,SusanTripp Pollard,Garrick
Ramirez,Josh Richman,James H.Robinson, Jill K.Robinson,KristopherSkinner,Jami they look as inviting asafield of ripe blackberries, as haunting as apieceofplane crash debris in theSanta CruzMountains oras gorgeous as Lauren Bacallon the screen atStanfordTheatre. Become aconnoisseur of the best thatNorthern California offers. First,relax in bucolic Point Reyes. From there, it’soffto a lov- ably weird Willow Creek, “Bigfoot Capital of theWorld.” Then it’s timefor a surfing lesson inSanta Cruz. Next:Circumnavigate Lake Tahoe for off-the-beaten-track experiences.Closertohome,explore the food and drink ofLivermore winecountry.
Smith,Susan Steade,JuliaProdis Sulek, Christine Torres,Chris Treadway,Jane Tyska, TedWard,Nick Weiler,Andy Wright,Linda Zavoral.
Thisis where life’sreally happy moments happen—notin fancy hotels,but simpler surprises just down the road,overthe fence, betweenlife’sresponsibilities and beyondclocksand calendars.
Nomatter wherethe journey takes you,it’sachanceto escape ordinarylife. Learn something new.Become someone else. Return refreshed.Maybethe adventureis shared with friends and familyorjustthe joy of your own imagination. Suchexperiences open ourminds,maybe even changethem.
These ideasarejustthebeginning. Favorite places are profoundlypersonal, so newones will reveal themselvesinsurprising and serendipitousways.
Asyouexplore,add yourown special reasons to lovewherewe live.
Contributingphotographers: LiPo Ching, Doug Duran,Jim Gensheimer,Jason Henry, Josie Lepe,Dai Sugano,Patrick Tehan,Max Whittaker.
Contributingartists: Antoine Corbineau, DaveJohnson,LydiaKasumi Shirreff.
About the cover: Sovin Herzlinger,10, demonstrates his climbing skills (left) in Campbell forthis photoillustration bystaff photographerJim Gensheimer.
APLACE TO RESTYOURHEAD(LANDS): Stayinahostel; launchfrom the Headlands,Page 20
PADDLEPASTAPELICAN: Paddleboardin Sausalito,Page 20
ADVENTURE: VisitAngelIsland,Page 18
CATCHING WAVES UNDER THE BRIDGE: SurfundertheGolden Gate,Page21 BELTINGBY THE BAY: Play sailor,and sing the partatFisherman’s Wharf,Page 34
RUINS AMID RICHES: Explore the city’s ruinsatSutro Baths,Page50 MAGIC IN THE PARK: Seek out theFairy DoorinGolden Gate Park,Page 32
AMUSICAL INTERLUDE: Experience a weeklyjazzconcertinfront of a SalvationArmy store nexttoatacotruck in theMission,Page33
FORESTIN FOGCITY: Hike atMount Sutro,Page 20
PARKHIDDEN INPLAIN VIEW: Escapethe masses at John McLarenPark,Page50
FOCUS ONFRESHNESS: Get lostgoing gourmet at Healdsburg’sShed,Page65 RIVERSIDE CINEMA: Catchaflick in thesticksnear theRussianRiver,Page 80
DRINK LIKEAKING: Drink up — inacastlein Calistoga,Page 62 REDWOODRUBDOWN: Bathe next toSalmonCreek,Page 51
HANDCRAFTED CHEESE: Seek outartisancheesesinFreestone,Page 65
HIDDEN HIGHWAY: Pedal onChileno ValleyRoad,Page 48
CABINS ON THE EDGE: Letthewaveslullyouto sleepintheSteep Ravinecabinsat Mount Tam,Page 49
LITERARYLANDMARK: Trace JackLondon’slife,Page 50
OYSTERS STRAIGHTFROMTHE SOURCE: Shuck and slurp inMarshall,Page 64
TIME FORGOT: Step back in time in Port Costa,Page51
PORTLYPINNIPEDS: PeepsealsatAñoNuevo,Page 48 BARNBOOGIE: Work byday; dance thenightawayatPescadero’s PieRanch,Page 34
BEAUTY ATBIGBASIN: Explore Rancho delOso,Page21 ZIPPINGTHROUGHTHE REDWOODS: Fly through the treesin Felton,Page 21
BERRYBONANZA: Pick sweettreats at SwantonBerry Farm,Page 62
IGNITE THENIGHT: Watchdancers play with fire in Santa Cruz,Page 32 SWELLTIME ATTHE BEACH: Boogie boardatRio del Mar,Page18
PADDLING IN THE SLOUGH: Kayakat Elkhorn Slough,Page21 SEASIDE SWINGING: TeeoffinPacific Grove, Page51 APICTURESQUEPOINT: Hike atPointLobos,Page 20