Bay Biz Summer 2022

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Bay County Chamber of Commerce / 2021-2022 Leadership Bay Class

Sydonie Brown

Alicia Carothers

Jaime Dahlin

Logan Delie

Grey Dodge

Lauren Dodge

Tanita Ellis

Chad Evans

Kris Flippo

Rebecca Gestrich

Erica Harrison

Devin Hayes

Cari Henry

Brett Hitchcock

Ashley Ice

Lindsey Jones

Ryan Ledford

Katie May

Sarah Rackley

Melissa Redus

Catherine Richards

Chuck Sowers

Nate Taylor

Brandy Waldron

Shannon Williams

39th Class of Leadership Bay Graduates

affect positive change in Bay County.

Also thanks to the 2021-22 Steering

Leadership Bay was founded in 1983 and

Committee for all of their hard work and

is a community leadership development

dedication: Chairman Lauren Presser,

program of the Bay County Chamber

Holy Nativity Episcopal School; Jeremy

Foundation. Based on the premise that

Bennett, Smart Bank; Pamela Billing, RC

people are our most important resource,

Weddings & Events; Shelby Husbands,

a broadened network of well-informed

the purpose of the program is to offer

Port Panama City; Megan Ford, State

leaders whose strengthened commit-

potential leaders a curriculum in commu-

Attorney’s Office – 14th Circuit; Julie Mc-

ment to community involvement will

nity leadership training.

Connell, University of Florida/Bay County

The Bay County Chamber is pleased to announce the 39th graduating class of Leadership Bay. This group creates



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