Bay Biz Vol 10/Issue 3 (Summer)

Page 22

technology COVID-19 Business Requirements by: Harry Bridger, CEO, InLigo


he COVID-19 crisis may not be over yet, but its initial winds have blown through Fortune 500 companies and smaller Bay County businesses with similar effect.

As the dust settles and public health concerns continue to add

care with a large portion of our team working from home.”

Operational Assessments

pressure to businesses operations, the questions facing large

So, what would Phase-2 thinking mean to you? Now is the time

and small companies are similar when it comes to how to move

to assess what is working and what needs to improve; ask

forward after these first 3 months of changes wrought by the

your teams which part of your operations worked well after the

pandemic. We will call these considerations a “Post-COVID” or

transition and what did not. Now is a good time to inventory the

“Phase-2” mindset. After pivoting to meet the immediate challeng-

workloads you moved to a virtual office environment and rate

es of lost revenue and workforce upheaval created by the pandem-

them. Documenting them to pinpoint areas where improvement

ic, two important questions are emerging:

is needed will be helpful. Are these activities your team needs to

What changes has our business already made that need to be adopted and normalized as new routines?

How much more change is needed to help the balance sheet improve (for the remainder of 2020 and beyond?)

Many businesses have already implemented new technologies that enable a virtual office, and their employees have, by now, learned how to work from home. A good example of this Phase-2 thinking comes from Ohio-based Nationwide Insurance. In late April, Nationwide announced a permanent transition to a hybrid operating


us that we can serve our members and partners with extraordinary

conduct face to face in the same room or is the required collaboration possible in a remote or “virtualized” work environment? By workloads, we mean repetitive (and we hope – reliable and effective) processes like invoicing, accounts payable, vendor management, sales pipeline management, or service scheduling assigned to and managed by your employees.

Staffing Assessments Once your workloads are defined, consider your staffing needs also because this might be your best opportunity in years to shift to a more flexible contingent or part-time workforce. Written prior

model that entails closing 5 regional offices, including the com-

to the Covid-19 crisis, Intuit’s 2020 report on small business noted

pany’s Gainesville, FL facilities. This enormous cost saving move

that up to 30% of America’s workforce is contingent (ie. works

was made possible because the company had made technology

on a contract basis) and that 80% of large corporations plan to

investments that enabled remote workers to continue servicing its

increase their use of a flexible workforce substantially in coming

customers and because the employees rose to the occasion and

years. The pandemic will undoubtedly accelerate these trends.

remained efficient under the new operating model. CEO Kirt Walk-

The same report predicts small businesses will create their own

er said, “Our associates and our technology team have proven to

“collaborative networks of contingent workers,” minimizing fixed

BAY B I Z / S U M M E R 2020

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