Bay Biz Vol 10/Issue 3 (Summer)

Page 30

workforce connection Learning to Work Online by: Kim Bodine, Executive Director, CareerSource Gulf Coast


e have past five months since COVID-19 came to Bay County, and with it, the stark realization that a disrupted economy was not far behind.

The surge of unemployment due to this pandemic has decreased 1.7 percent from April (13.1 percent) to May (11.4 percent), as we are beginning to see our community members regain employment. However, the May unemployment rate was still 7 percent higher than March’s rate (4.4 percent). Comparatively, the unemployment rates for March through May more than double the average of those same months for last year. For the time period March 7 through June 23, Bay County had 13,429 unemployment claims filed, representative of 15.9 percent of our county’s workforce. While COVID-19 has pushed all of us into new ways of dealing with daily life, we have learned how to be productive and safe at the same time, taking precautions to protect ourselves from potential exposure to the virus by limiting human contact and face-to-face interactions. Many of us have learned how to work from home while balancing family life (with family members who are often also at home), shop more safely, and find entertainment within a small circle of friends and family. We have learned to navigate Zoom, and other types of virtual meeting software, how to mute our phones or microphones, and to dress professionally, at least from the waist up.

to use, videoconferencing software available at your disposal, including Zoom and Skype, that you can familiarize yourself with. For a phone interview, make sure your phone is fully charged, and make sure you interview in a quiet and secure location that doesn’t inhibit cell service for your call. As you continue your job search, we encourage you to utilize the Employ Florida online platform (also available as a downloadable application for mobile devices). Employ Florida is a one-stop online resource for job listings, career building assistance and more; this platform is implemented throughout the state, and the employers we work with post their jobs here. For area employers looking to acquire talent at this time, you, too, should get comfortable with connecting with local talent virtually. Conducting interviews virtually presents new opportunities to connect with and engage in meaningful dialogue with potential employees from the safety of your home or office. We recommend being aware of the potential challenges that come with conducting an interview virtually, whether that be the video conference technology lagging and/or freezing, confusion accessing the meeting, limited service, or any other difficulty that may arise. Additionally, CareerSource Gulf Coast has resources to help recruit

Job seekers have also moved into new methods of seeking and

and screen talent in the positions you are working to fill; we can

securing employment. In-person interviews have transitioned to

also offer referrals to link you with skilled talent in the local area.

virtual interviews, either via phone or videoconference. Now that

Soon, we will be offering virtual hiring events, so stay tuned!

some of the workforce is returning to the worksite, employees often have new protocols to follow such as temperature checks, daily health surveys, working behind sneeze guards, and wearing masks, gloves or other protective gear. In some way, we have all

It will be interesting to see how COVID-19 has forced lasting innovative strategies for how employers and job seekers connect and communicate. From job recruitment and interviews, to working re-

had to be flexible and adaptable, which is an admirable trait in our

motely, we anticipate some of the formalities temporarily adopted

community. We have always found a way to work together, to look

will become permanently adopted processes after we move past

out for one another, and to persevere.

the threat of this virus.

If you are looking for work at this time, it is important to get com-

For additional information on Bay County’s workforce, we encour-

fortable networking online. Social media platforms like LinkedIn

age you to contact us. The CareerSource Gulf Coast Job Center in

are recommended for networking with potential employers, as

Panama City is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through

well as promoting your qualifications. When the time comes to

Friday. You can reach us via email at customerservice@career-

schedule an interview, be prepared for an interview via videocon- or by phone at (850) 872-4340. We also have offices

ference or phone. For either one, it is essential to be prepared.

in Gulf and Franklin Counties. For detailed information about all

For a video chat interview, be dressed appropriately in business

our offerings and office locations, please visit

casual or professional (depending on the type of job), have the proper software downloaded in advance, make sure your device is fully charged, and make sure you interview in a quiet and secure 30

location (no background distractions). There are many free, easy

BAY B I Z / S U M M E R 2020

and connect with us on social media.

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