Bayside Academy 2020-2021 Health Plan

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BAYS ID E A CA D E M Y 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 H E A LT H P L A N As of 8.10.20

G O A L S O F T H E B AY S I D E C O V I D - 19 H E A LT H P L A N Avoid large numbers of individuals in the Bayside community contracting the illness so the school can effectively function in a traditional, or close to traditional, learning environment. Avoid contributing to a local spread of the illness.

Avoid contributing to increased stress on the emergency and ICU care that is available in our local hospitals. *The Health Plan has been incorporated as an addendum to the current Student and Faculty/Staff Handbooks.

H I G H R I S K S Y M P T O M - B A S E D S T R AT E G Y Bayside students, faculty and staff should remain home or return home if they exhibit ANY of the following symptoms: • • • • • • •

Active vomiting, diarrhea, and/or abdominal pain Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Cough Temperature of 100.4° or greater Loss of taste or smell Someone in the household has been diagnosed with or is suspected to have COVID-19 Exposure to a COVID-19 positive individual.

Bayside students, faculty and staff should remain home or return home if they exhibit two or more of the following symptoms combined: • • • • • • •

Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea Low-Grade Temperature (99.5-100.3°)

W H AT C O U N T S A S “ E X P O S U R E ”? Exposure is defined as interactions occurring within 6 feet of an infected individual for 15 minutes or longer, even if wearing a face covering (at Bayside, in the community, or in the same household). NEW

*Data are insufficient to precisely define the duration of time that constitutes a prolonged exposure. Recommendations vary on the length of time of exposure, but 15 minutes of close exposure can be used as an operational definition. Brief interactions are less likely to result in transmission; however, symptoms and the type of interaction (e.g., did the infected person cough directly into the face of the exposed individual) remain important. (CDC)

M O R N I N G H E A LT H S C A N P R O C E S S P R I O R T O A R R I V I N G T O C A M P U S D A I LY PA R E N T S S H O U L D : → Check their child(ren) for high risk symptoms → Check their child(ren)’s temperature before leaving home → Contact your child(ren)’s division office if a student is exhibiting high risk symptoms to inform the school of student(s) absence. → If one member of the household is experiencing high risk symptoms for COVID-19, all other Bayside students/faculty/staff in the household must stay home.


More grade-level specific information to follow prior to August 19

→ Verbal high risk symptoms check of all students (parent confirmation if in carline) → Temperature scan of all students: • Temperature less than 100.4°, safe to enter campus • Temperature of 100.4° or greater will be denied entry and asked to return home. The division office will be notified of any student sent home to follow-up on student symptoms or diagnosis. → If a student develops symptoms or an elevated temperature during the school day, the student will be sent to the school nurse for a health screening and parents/division office will be notified if a student needs to return home. Fever-reducing medication will not be administered by the school nurse.

E A C H M O R N I N G FA C U LT Y/ S TA F F S H O U L D : → Complete health scan at home → Temperature check when entering campus at specified locations

O P E R AT I N G M O D E S Bayside Academy’s administrative team and Medical Advisory Task Force continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19 as it applies to our community and to follow all recommendations from the state and the CDC. Please remember the health of our students, their families, and our community is of utmost importance. Below are our four potential Operating Modes:


GREEN is the “new normal” mode in which Bayside Academy cautiously proceeds with most aspects of normal school operation with some limitations for the health and safety of our community. → H E A LT H & S A F E T Y: Enhanced monitoring of student, faculty, and staff health; visitor access to campus may be restricted. → C L A S S E S : Traditional schedule; classes meet in person. → C L E A N I N G : Elevated standards of hygiene and cleaning. → L U N C H O P T I O N S : Traditional lunch options; maintain meal delivery with meals ordered online by parents. Lunches will be delivered to classrooms by key personnel who have followed proper hand-washing protocols. → G AT H E R I N G S A N D C O M M O N S PA C E S : Conditional based on CDC and ADPH guidance regarding number of people in attendance, square footage available, and environment of facilities in use (indoor vs. outdoor, social distancing ability, etc.).


YELLOW employs multiple social distancing strategies to limit transmission risks by increasing physical space between students and limiting interactions in large group settings. → H E A LT H & S A F E T Y: Daily monitoring of student, faculty, and staff health; visitor access to campus will be limited and visitors must have a health scan conducted in the clinic before entering campus. Face coverings are mandatory and must be worn by students during transitions. Face coverings are strongly encouraged in the classroom setting. → C L A S S E S : Traditional or slightly modified schedule; classes meet in person with limited group sizes and moderate social distancing; minimized student movement. Possible staggered arrival and departure. → C L E A N I N G : Elevated standards of hygiene and cleaning. → L U N C H O P T I O N S : Traditional lunch options; maintain meal delivery with meals ordered online by parents. Meals will be delivered to campus in individual, closed containers by the vendor. Lunches will be delivered to classrooms/specified dining areas by key personnel who have followed proper hand-washing protocols. → G AT H E R I N G S A N D C O M M O N S PA C E S : Conditional based on CDC and ADPH guidance regarding number of people in attendance, square footage available, and environment of facilities in use (indoor vs. outdoor, social distancing ability, etc.). Limited size and number of gatherings.


ORANGE reduces the total number of people who can be in a given area on campus at any time to maximize social distancing and minimize the mixing of student groups.


→ H E A LT H & S A F E T Y: Daily monitoring of student, faculty, and staff health; no visitor access to campus without a scheduled appointment. Face coverings are mandatory in the classroom setting and during transitions in grades 2 and up. Face coverings are required for transitions in grades PK3 - 1. → C L A S S E S : Schedule may be modified to accommodate high physical distancing; classes meet on campus with the possibility of some classes meeting virtually to reduce student movement; minimal to no student movement during the day. → C L E A N I N G : Elevated standards of hygiene and cleaning. → L U N C H O P T I O N S : No meal delivery; all meals must come from home. → G AT H E R I N G S A N D C O M M O N S PA C E S : No large gatherings; on-campus virtual assemblies.


RED requires shelter-in-place virtual learning and will only be employed if there is no other recourse and/or we are mandated by law. → H E A LT H & S A F E T Y: Campus closed. → C L A S S E S : Schedule modified from traditional schedule; virtual learning only. → C L E A N I N G : Thorough cleaning while campus is closed. → L U N C H O P T I O N S : No lunch; campus closed. → G AT H E R I N G S A N D C O M M O N S PA C E S : School gatherings conducted virtually.

FA C E C O V E R I N G / P P E P R O T O C O L F O R S T U D E N T S , FA C U LT Y A N D S TA F F B Y O P E R AT I N G M O D E → One uniform face covering will be given to each student. Face coverings are mandatory on Bayside's campus. Uniform neck gaiters and masks may be purchased from the Shoppe on the Bluff, or students may wear a solid navy face covering of their choosing. Face coverings with "exhale valves" are not permitted. If a student arrives at school without proper face covering or with a face covering deemed inappropriate or unsafe by the division head, he or she will be provided a uniform option from the Shoppe on the Bluff, and the family account will be charged. → YELLOW: Face coverings are mandatory and must be worn by students during transitions. Face coverings are strongly encouraged in the classroom setting. → ORANGE: Face coverings are mandatory in the classroom setting and during transitions in grades 2 and up. Face coverings are required for transitions in grades PK3 - 1. → Face coverings and gloves will be worn by faculty during morning health checks.

A R R I VA L T O C A M P U S B U I L D I N G S / FA C I L I T I E S P R O C E D U R E S • • • • •

Anyone waiting to enter a building should remain 6 feet apart. Entry will not be allowed to any building upon morning arrival or late check-in before a completed health screening. Hand sanitizing is required upon entering a building (stations located inside the entrances of buildings). Student’s personal items should be stored in their locker, cubby or in a sealed container. Students arriving after morning carline should check-in at their division office (with parent in PK36) for a health screen and admit to class slip.

D E PA R T U R E F R O M C A M P U S P R O C E D U R E S • • •

Parents must remain in their vehicle during carline and respect social distancing guidelines. Parents picking up a student prior to dismissal should call from their vehicle in the pick-up area rather than enter a building. Students will be walked to the pick-up area (PK3-6). Student’s personal items (lunch box, water bottles, backpacks) should be taken home daily to be sanitized.

S O C I A L D I S TA N C I N G G U I D E L I N E S D AY - T O - D AY S O C I A L D I S TA N C I N G → → → → →

→ → →

Student and staff groupings should remain as static as possible. Maintain social distancing (width of outstretched arms). Limit or restrict mixing between groups. Limit or cancel all field trips, events, and extracurricular activities depending on operating mode and community transmission rate. Classroom seating/desks spaced at least six feet apart, when possible. Turn desks to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other) OR have students sit on only one side of a table, spaced apart. Teacher’s desk should be spaced properly (at least 6 ft) from the students. When necessary, close communal use spaces such as playgrounds; otherwise stagger use and disinfect in between use. Transportation: passengers will be seated with one student per row/side when possible and all buses and vans will be cleaned and disinfected after each use.

VISITORS ON CAMPUS PROTOCOL → The School will strictly limit access to campus by visitors (parents, volunteers, external groups, vendors, etc.). Based on the operating mode we are functioning under, visitors will follow specified protocol. → If in operating mode YELLOW, all visitors must wear face coverings and must check in with the Administration or Division office they are planning to visit for a health scan prior to entering campus. Visitors will receive a badge indicating they are clear to enter campus. → If in operating mode ORANGE, all of Yellow protocol applies plus, no visitors will be allowed on campus without a scheduled appointment. Volunteers will be on a case by case basis. → When in plan RED, campus is closed to all visitors.

C O V I D - 19 C A S E P R O T O C O L




→ Immediately inform the division office(s) of your child(ren) if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 to inform the school of the student’s absence and coordinate distance learning during quarantine or isolation. Parents should call the division office if during school hours or email the division office if not during school hours. → Students, faculty, and staff that test positive for COVID-19 will be asked to remain in isolation at home for 10 days. Isolation is designed to separate sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. → Contact tracing* will be performed. Students, faculty/staff who have been exposed to an individual with a confirmed case must quarantine at least 14 days in order to monitor their symptoms. • Exposure is defined as interactions occurring within 6 feet of an infected individual for 15 minutes or longer, even if wearing a face covering (at Bayside, in the community, or in the same household). • Quarantine is designed to separate and restrict the movement of people who were exposed to COVID-19 to see if they become sick. • Anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 should stay home for 14 days after their last exposure to that person. However, anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 and who: o developed COVID-19 illness within the previous 3 months and has recovered and remains without COVID-19 symptoms (for example, cough, shortness of breath) does not need to stay home. ** → Bayside will communicate with parents, students, and faculty/staff impacted, keeping confidentiality at the forefront of our communication. → Students at home in isolation (if well enough) or quarantine will continue learning through distance learning. → Bayside will not share any personal medical information with anyone outside of the impacted family and key personnel. → The impacted school facilities will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. *For COVID-19, a close contact is defined as any person who was within 2 meters, or 6 feet, of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days before positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated (or until the end of the infectious period if not isolated before then. (CDC Contact Definition) **CDC

I S O L AT I O N Isolation is used to separate people infected with the virus from people who are not infected. Individuals who are in isolation should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. In the home, anyone infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific area.

QUARANTINE Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from the ADPH


S U S P E C T E D C A S E O F C O V I D - 19 P R O T O C O L


→ A student who develops any symptoms during the school day will go to the nurse’s station for a health screening and then will be admitted into the clinic or containment area (for students exhibiting high risk symptoms) of the nurse’s station. Students will be required to wear a face covering. Students in PK3-2 will be accompanied by a faculty/staff member to the nurse’s station. → The school nurse will not administer COVID-19 tests. Testing must be done at a testing site or healthcare provider’s office. → Parents of students in all grade levels and the division office will be notified by the nurse’s office if a student should return home, prior to the student leaving campus. Parents picking up their child(ren) should call the nurse’s office upon arrival and the student will be walked to their parent’s vehicle. No parents should enter the nurse’s station. → The impacted school facilities will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. → If one member of the household is experiencing high risk symptoms for COVID-19, all other Bayside students, faculty/staff in the household must stay home until cleared to return to campus by the school nurse. → If a student receives a positive result for COVID-19 from their healthcare provider, parents should immediately notify the division office (via phone during school hours or email if not during school hours) to inform the school of the student’s absence and coordinate distance learning during quarantine or isolation. → Students at home in isolation (if well enough) or quarantine will continue their academic studies through distance learning. → A positive confirmation of a COVID-19 case within the Bayside community must be reported directly from the family impacted.


Student, Faculty or Staff member with confirmed/ highly suspected case of COVID-19: NEW

10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared or the positive test result and at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery. Recovery is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath). Individuals returning to campus must meet with the school nurse to ensure all health requirements have been met prior to returning to campus.


Student, Faculty or Staff member who has been exposed to an individual with a confirmed/highly suspected case of COVID-19: •

Students, faculty/staff who have been exposed to an individual with a confirmed case must quarantine at least 14 days since exposure in order to monitor their symptoms. Exposure is defined as interactions occurring within 6 feet of an infected individual for 15 minutes or longer, even if wearing a face covering (at Bayside, in the community, or in the same household). Individuals returning to campus must meet with the division head/supervisor to ensure all health requirements have been met prior to returning to campus.

MEAL PLAN PROTOCOL O P E R AT I N G M O D E G R E E N : → Maintain meal delivery by vendors as scheduled → Parents have the option to order meals online → Maintain a consistent group that is dining at the same time each day, whenever possible, in order to help minimize the transmission of COVID-19 and to also allow for swift contact tracing.

O P E R AT I N G M O D E Y E L L O W : → Parents have the option to order meals online → Meals will be delivered to campus in individual, closed containers by the vendor → Lunches will be delivered to classrooms/specified dining areas by key personnel that have followed proper hand washing protocols. → Food offered at events must be in pre-packaged boxes or bags.

O P E R AT I N G M O D E O R A N G E : → No meal delivery service → All meals come from home

C O M M U N I C AT I O N • •

A COVID-19 informational page will be maintained on the school website and in the Bayside Bulletin. The informational page will include items such as: Bayside COIVD-19 Health Plan, Parent resources for self-care, Links to CDC, AAP and ADPH.

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