Bay State Banner 10-20-2016

Page 1

inside this week

MBTA will outsource cash counting pg 3


business news


Beauty and style maven builds her own personal brand pg 10

plus Loni Love at Laugh Boston this weekend pg 15 Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown pg 16 Thursday, October 20, 2016 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

Developers allege N.U. land grab

Black developers claim ownership of key parcels By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

A group of minority businesses and nonprofits are facing off against Northeastern University in Suffolk Superior Court over the rights to land on which the university has built a 22-story, threetower dormitory complex and 900-car garage. The group of about 25 minority businesses and nonprofits known as Columbia Plaza Associates allege that Northeastern failed to honor a 1999 agreement when it built on land to which CPA held the development rights. In addition to the dorm and parking garage, the university has prepared plans to build a hotel. CPA members say they have not been sufficiently compensated under terms of the agreement.

Missing payments alleged

Kevin Cohee, chair and CEO of One United Bank, a member of CPA, spoke with the Banner at the courthouse on Tuesday. Cohee said that CPA had brought Northeastern onto the garage deal as a managing partner, with an agreement that the two organizations would split profits equally. Thus far, CPA

has seen no money, while the university arranged to pay itself $100 per year for 60 years for operating the garage, Cohee said. Under questioning by Henry Owens, a lawyer for CPA, Vincent Lembo, senior counsel and vice president for Northeastern and secretary to the board of trustees, said as well that Northeastern took no actions to create a joint venture with CPA on the garage development, despite an agreement indicating they were to do so. Cohee said CPA also was not compensated for student dorms constructed on the parcel. “Northeastern literally swindled the organizations out of the dorms and paid nothing, and out of the garage and paid nothing,” he told the Banner. Lembo said on the witness stand that he was unaware of CPA having been paid for the garage or hotel and had not instructed the company hired to manage the garage to pay CPA a portion of the rent.

Authorization questioned

In 2007, the university amended its master plan, including revising



David Lopes is the field supervisor on the Dearborn STEM Academy, a job site where people of color make up 50 percent of the workforce.

Boston’s building boom coming to Roxbury area Locals seeking share of jobs and contracts By YAWU MILLER

With 13 million square feet under construction, Boston’s building boom is creating a wealth of opportunities for construction workers, contractors and other building trade-related fields. Although there are few luxury housing buildings planned between Dudley Square and Mattapan Square, $110 million in city- and state-funded projects in the pipeline for the Roxbury area promises to bring the construction boom to Boston’s black community.

Whether that $110 million in Roxbury will translate into well-paying construction jobs and lucrative contracts is no sure thing, however, given the historical barriers for black businesses and construction workers in the Boston’s building trades. “There’s a huge disparity in the workforce in this city,” said City Councilor Tito Jackson. “There’s $7 billion in construction in Boston, and Roxbury has a 17 percent unemployment rate.” John Barros, chief of economic development in the administration of Mayor Martin Walsh, says the city average for people of color

employed on construction projects is 33 percent — well beyond the requirements of the 1983 Boston Residents Jobs Policy, which mandates that 25 percent of workers on large construction projects in Boston be minorities, 50 percent Boston residents and 10 percent women. But now, with Boston’s population more than 50 percent people of color, it may be time to increase the required percentage, according to Barros. ‘We’re looking at beefing it up in accordance with demographic

See BUILDING BOOM, page 21

Conf. focuses on wealth building Entrepreneurs make connections at event By YAWU MILLER


Teri Williams, Marjorie Kelly, Glynn Lloyd and Melvin Miller in the opening panel discussion.

The vast wealth gap between whites and blacks in Boston — $247,500 to nearly zero — has become a widely cited statistic since the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, in conjunction with Duke University and The New School released its “Color of Wealth in Boston report in March 2015.

Last weekend, a collection of business leaders, financial professionals, activists and entrepreneurs set about the work of closing that gap during the Banner’s financial literacy conference on, “Money Talk: Building Black Wealth,” held at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, an event partner. Other partners included Roxbury Community College, Epicenter Community and

NAACP Boston. While much of the conference focused on financial literacy and the accumulation of personal and business wealth — with tracks including personal finance, entrepreneurship and home buying — the overarching theme of building community wealth formed a backdrop to the day. OneUnited Bank President Teri Williams kicked off the opening discussion asking panelists to

See MONEY TALK, page 14

2 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER

As Trump talks voter fraud, voter suppression is the real issue By ANNA CHALLET NEW AMERICA MEDIA

As Donald Trump roams the country encouraging hatred of immigrants and distrust of the election process, in many places it’s immigrants and minorities who have reason to worry — about being blocked from the polls. This November 8 will be the first presidential election since the 2013 Shelby v. Holder Supreme Court decision, which did away with provisions of the Voting Rights Act that protected minority voters from discriminatory practices at the polls. The Shelby decision has been part of a more general trend toward voter suppression across the country since 2010, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. One of the most common measures is imposing strict requirements for voter ID. Restrictions on voting tend to disproportionately affect not only immigrants and people of color, but also young people and students, seniors, low-income people, and people with prior felony convictions. According to the Brennan Center, just this year 14 states have put new laws into effect that restrict voting. And in the past six years, the states most likely to create new policies suppressing votes are ones that had the highest rates of African American turnout in the 2008 election that put President Obama in office, and ones that had the highest rates of Latino population growth between 2000 and 2010.

In addition to state-sanctioned measures, though, says Judith Browne Dianis, the executive director of The Advancement Project, “The other concern that we have for this election cycle is that we may see anti-democracy vigilantes being engaged in erecting barriers to the ballot.” “The Trump campaign and other lawmakers at state and local levels have repeatedly lodged false claims about voter fraud that they say is widespread, and the Trump campaign has gone even further, calling for aggressive poll-watching,” she says. “There’s this continuing narrative of conjuring up the boogeyman who is going to steal an election.” Dianis spoke in a telebriefing organized by The Media Consortium. Advocates are most concerned about places where the scaremongering around voter fraud intersects with anti-immigrant rhetoric and a backlash against people of color. In Georgia, for example, there’s been a trend toward “precinct closings and precinct consolidations in predominantly black communities” that makes it harder for people to register to vote, according to Nse Ufot, the executive director of the New Georgia Project. The closures often happen “under the pretense of saving money.” For voting rights advocates, working against the tide is difficult because “each County Board of Elections is essentially run as a fiefdom.” For immigrants in Florida,

according to Maria Rodriguez, the executive director of the Florida Immigrant Coalition, “There is a systematic exclusion from the voting process and from democracy.” Florida has nearly a million undocumented immigrants, who are disenfranchised despite being “the backbone of agriculture and tourism.” Additionally, Rodriguez says, among the state’s legal permanent residents, there’s currently a


Mayor Martin Walsh attends Hispanic Heritage Restaurant Week Kick Off at Rincon Caribeno in Hyde Park. Mayor Walsh offered brief remarks and welcomed members of the Latino community.

Where Do We Go From Here? A Post-Election Leadership Roundtable

Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 6-9 p.m. African American Institute at Northeastern University 40 Leon Street, Boston

Producer, “Con Salsa!” WBUR-FM Massachusetts State Senator Boston City Councilor, At Large Suffolk County Sheriff President, Boston NAACP Artist/Activist Vice Chairman and CBO, Eastern Bank

Special Guest Mel King, Poet/CommunityActivist

Seating is limited Please RSVP to

RECEPTION |ACT OF ART |DIALOGUE Portraits of Purpose: A Tribute to Leadership Book signing with co-authors Don West and Kenneth J. Cooper

Sponsored by

abundance of measures over the past ten years to increase its voter rolls, including online registration and voteby-mail. And in California, a third of new voters are Latino. Indeed, in a broader sense, minority voters have more power than ever before. According to Pew Research Center, nearly one in three eligible voters in the upcoming election will be a member of a minority group, and minorities account for more than 40 percent of newly eligible voters born in the United States. In swing states, where margins are thin, the impact of ethnic voters is gaining importance. With the nation’s changing demographics, the tide will continue to turn.

Walsh attends Hispanic Heritage Restaurant Week Kick Off

Hosted by John D. O’Bryant African American Institute and Portraits of Purpose Initiative

Jose Masso, Moderator, ` ` Linda Dorcena-Forry, Ayanna Pressley, Steven Tompkins, Michael Curry, Akiba aBaka, Quincy Miller,

66,000-case naturalization backlog “of people who had hoped to become eligible to vote in this election.” They will not be able to. The news is not all dark, however. The New Georgia Project alone has registered more than 100,000 voters this year. In July, a federal court ruled against North Carolina’s strict voter ID law, stating that it “target[ed] African Americans with almost surgical precision.” In August, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe restored voting rights to 13,000 people with felony convictions (after attempting, earlier in the year, to restore voting rights to 200,000 felons). California, with its longtime Democratic legislature, has undertaken an

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 3

MBTA will outsource cash counting Cost cuts may come from economy of scale, lower wages By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

The MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board has exercised for the first time its exemption from legislation that had restricted outsourcing, in order to privatize the T’s cash counting operations. Virginia-based firm Brink’s Inc. was selected over one other bidder. The privatization move riled several elected officials who rallied with union members outside Faneuil Hall last week. Speakers said they predicted the outsourcing would bring loss of fair wages and benefits and lead to indiscriminate privatization of other operations. Sen. Marc Pacheco called for the state legislature to rescind the T’s exemption from his namesake Pacheco Law — legislation that prohibits public service privatization that does not meet certain standards. Meanwhile, some praised the decision. The Pioneer Institute — a think tank that advocates free market principles and limited government — said the move will bring finances under control in a department plagued by mismanagement, and that privatization applied to cash counting and other departments may help dig the T out of debt. The FCMB’s Steve Poftak, executive director of the Rappaport Institute, told the Banner that while outsourcing is not a panacea, the nature of the T’s cash counting operations and the vendor’s offer made it a compelling choice in this case. About 72 public employees will be let go from the money room, but will be offered opportunities to return to previously-held roles with the MBTA. Many formerly were bus drivers, and the T already had intended to increase headcounts in those positions.

Money room privatization

The FMCB approved a twoyear, $7.7 million contract with Brink’s Inc. to run its cash collection operations, including collecting cash and coins from fare vending machines, servicing cash machinery and processing and depositing funds, MBTA spokesperson Joe Pesaturo told the Banner. Overall, the T expects to save $8 million per year, according to Pesaturo. The FMCB expects that Brink’s

can offer the same service for less money in part due to an economy of scale producing lower operational costs, Poftak said. At present, Brink’s collects currency from locations across Boston and so has the required equipment and facilities already in place and can add the T onto its workload at an incremental cost, he said. Although Poftak did not specify this item, an FMCB report states that savings may come as well from utilizing private workers, who are not eligible to receive pensions and retirement healthcare from the T — areas that already are underfunded. “Annual future unfunded longterm healthcare and pension costs should be considered when comparing the cost of internal services to contracted services,” the report states. And then there are the savings on capital expenses. T officials expect to save $1.2 million in future capital costs by dodging the need to modernize and maintain its own money room facility, security, armored vehicles and equipment, according to the report. Sweetening the pot: The T expects it can sell the money room for $3 million and the armored truck fleet for $200,000, the report says. And at the end of the day, Brink’s has promised to do it for less. “They’re legally obligated now under terms of contracts to provide it at a certain price, and that’s far lower than what was costing us to do it in-house,” Poftak said. He did acknowledge that private vendors have not always kept such promises and that the T must manage the contract actively to ensure terms are kept, and plan to find another vendor or quickly rebuild internal capacity should the vendor fail to provide as promised. Those wary of privatization have pointed to Keolis, the firm contracted to operate the commuter rail, which did not keep to its bid price; the MBTA agreed to pay it approximately $66 million above the contracted amount over the next six years.

Spotlight on workers

Currently most money room workers employed by the T earn $35.86 per hour, Pesaturo said. They also receive pension and health benefits. Although the MBTA does not require a contractor to report

Please join the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) for a Public Meeting on the Forest Hills Bus Canopy Project:

Wednesday, November 2, 6:30 to 8:30 PM The English High School, Auditorium 144 McBride Street, Boston, MA

ON THE WEB MBTA cash collection privatization report: the compensation and benefits it would provide its workers, CommonWealth Magazine notes that last year, Brink’s workers in Chicago protested over starting pay of $13.25 per hour and no overtime pay, suggesting that the company is unlikely to match current compensation levels. Had the Pacheco law been in effect for the T, officials could not go through with a privatization effort that relied on cutting employee wages and benefits to bring cost savings. Many dispute whether reducing employee compensation is an acceptable approach. Some proponents of outsourcing say an advantage of private companies is their ability to secure less costly deals with workers. Adam Millsap, research fellow for the State and Local Policy Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, wrote in a Forbes opinion piece that while public officials may feel obligated to unions, private firms are free to pursue the greatest savings. “Private, competitive firms have an incentive to minimize costs and consequently will be tough negotiators, while public officials tend to acquiesce at the bargaining table since transit unions are a powerful constituency in local politics,” Millsap wrote.


Boston Carmen’s Union members protest MBTA privatization during a demonstration at Dudley Square last week, part of a series of demonstrations held at T stations in the Greater Boston area. Others say if wages drop too far, everyone will be harmed. Some predict patronage of businesses may drop, and the government may incur new costs to support families whose income has suffered. Donald Cohen is the executive director of In the Public Interest, a research and policy center focused on public-private contracting and public services and goods. He said privatization of public service represents a clash of philosophies, because private companies focus on maximizing profits, while governments are expected to focus on maximizing quality of life for residents. He noted that the process goes both ways, with some cities restoring to public control services they had privatized. “For a private company, more outcome is more profit. For us, outcome is more service,“ Cohen said. In his view, restrictions such as the Pacheco Law allow

For more information or to request reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please contact MassDOT’s Director of Civil Rights by phone: (857) 368-8580, TTD/TTY at (857) 368-0603, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email to by October 26.

Critical test

The Pacheco Law is among the strongest privatization regulations in the nation. When the T’s finances floundered, it created an opportunity for opponents to the Pacheco law to weaken it, Cohen said, and now that the law is suspended for the MBTA, privatization advocates across the nation will be looking to Massachusetts to make their case for dismantling the Pacheco protections. “For Pioneer Institute and groups like that around the country that hate the Pacheco law and have been looking for an opportunity, this is it,” he said. “They took advantage of the T’s problems to weaken the Pacheco law.” The Pioneer Institute did not respond to a request to comment for this story.




The Casey Arborway Project includes expansion of the Upper Busway at the MBTA’s Intermodal Forest Hills Station. While the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division completes this work, the MBTA is actively designing a new Forest Hills Bus Canopy. The project team will present an update on the 60% design. The presentation will include a question and answer session. For questions or concerns about the public meeting, please contact James Kersten, MassDOT Legislative Affairs, at 857-368-9041 or For more information about the project, please visit:

private interest to be harnessed for public good by ensuring it meets certain priorities.


4 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



By fax: 617-261-2346 From web site: click “contact us,” then click “letters” By mail: The Boston Banner, 1100 Washington St., Dorchester, MA 02124 Letters must be signed. Names may be withheld upon request.


Established 1965

Developing a plan to build wealth The quest for racial equality in America now confronts the most demanding obstacle — equitable economic attainment. That does not mean that African Americans and Latinos must suddenly become wealthy. The objective is that their income and wealth statistics become comparable to the data of other racial groups. The Banner’s recent financial literacy conference, “Money Talk,” held at Roxbury Community College, provided advice and information on how to build black wealth. Blacks in America have always had to fight for their place in the sun. The first obstacles were to end the legality of slavery and to provide citizenship with the right to vote for those who had been denied their freedom. The U.S. Constitution provided the basis for those rights. In the mid-20th century federal statutes made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race in employment, education and places of public accommodation. The Voting Rights Act made it more difficult to discriminate at the polls. However, no law or constitutional amendment requires that blacks are to become wealthy. When it comes to attaining affluence, African Americans are essentially on their own, as are any other racial or ethnic group. Many of the immigrants who came to America voluntarily were attracted by the nation’s promise as expressed in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” As is often the case with statements of high principle, they are more readily expressed than observed. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was also a slave owner. After emancipation, blacks in the South faced extraordinarily dire circumstances. They had little or no money, no jobs and no place to live. The deft handling of cotton

sacks in the agrarian South was not a transferable skill for building automobiles in Detroit. But somehow African Americans survived and ultimately joined in battle for Civil Rights to defeat racial discrimination. The law is now moving in favor of racial justice, but as the Donald Trump campaign has demonstrated, there is still considerable racial hostility in America. The process of acquiring wealth is considerably different from joining with others to campaign for social change. It is a solitary activity, and no tooth fairy for adults will one day place a pile of gold coins under your pillow. As mediators explained at the “Money Talk” conference, the development of wealth requires determination, discipline and persistence. It is never easy to put aside funds in an investment plan rather than spend the money on attractive consumer goods or entertainment. In order to succeed, it is also necessary to have a rudimentary understanding of how the economic system works. The first step is to handle personal finances wisely. “Money Talk” provided seminars on home buying, financial planning for college, development of a personal investment plan and the development of a high credit rating so that access to loans will be available. Once a sound financial base is established, OneUnited Bank presented the 10 financial tips needed to succeed in the business world. “Money Talk” also provided information for emerging entrepreneurs. There was a seminar on how to avoid the 10 most frequent legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs. There was also advice on how to raise capital from loans, investors and so-called angels. It is clear that wealth building requires effort. Affluence doesn’t just happen. Wealth is more than just high income. It is the result of the careful stewardship of the family revenue. Some investment failures are inevitable, but with the courage to persevere and try again, success can be expected.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tiny homes I think the tiny homes movement that the City is trying to bring to Roxbury has no place in any Boston neighborhood. For one, they’re too small to fit in with the surrounding two-and three-story

housing typical in Boston. Secondly, the units are too small for anyone who currently lives here. Let’s face it: Tiny homes are better suited for millennial tech workers and hipsters. That’s not who lives in our neighborhood now.

INDEX BUSINESS NEWS ………………………………...................... 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT …………………...................... 15 FOOD ..................…………………..................................... 20 CLASSIFIEDS ……………………………………....................... 21

Shouldn’t the city be working hard to find ways to meet the needs of the people who are already here? Or is it their intention to move us out? — Lester Grove Hall

“Man, it’s gonna take a lot of work to get rich.” USPS 045-780 Melvin B. Miller Sandra L. Casagrand John E. Miller Yawu Miller

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MBTA and Mattapan


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Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 5



Thanks to Trump the Democrats can take back Congress, if they get their act together


What can blacks do to build wealth?

By EARL OFARI HUTCHINSON GOP presidential contender Donald Trump has given Democrats something that seemed only the stuff of shop talk, wishful thinking and even fawn dreams a year ago. That’s a real shot at taking back Congress. This requires grabbing five contested Senate seats from the GOP and keeping the ones that are fairly safely in Democratic hands. In the House it meant taking 30 of the seats that are in play to get full control, or at the very least winning as many of them as possible to dent the GOP House majority. The Senate takeover is eminently doable since the Democratic contenders are seasoned elected officials, with solid name identification, a solid voter base, financial backing and a fairly good ground game. The Democratic National Committee and other Democratic funding and organizing committees are providing solid back up and support to the candidate’s campaigns. The House is the much tougher nut to crack, since many of the seats appear to be in either locked down or heavily GOP-leaning districts. There are reasons this could change. One is Trump. His race baiting, woman bashing, immigrant scapegoating campaign of vilification and deliberate polarization could radically ramp up the number of independent, and even moderate, centrist Republicans who defect to the Democratic candidate. Trump almost certainly will energize Democrats to flood the polls to defeat him and, in the process, boost the vote total for the Democratic congressional challenger. The most winnable House seats are not in the hard core GOP bastions in the South and the Heartland, but in Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Nevada and Minnesota that are either Democratic controlled or swing states. The voter demographics in the competitive districts are not top heavy with Trump’s core voter base, namely lower income, blue collar, rural, less educated whites, but are suburban districts with a sizeable number of college degree, or educated, professional, business career voters. They are conservative, and have voted GOP, but the GOP presidential candidate they backed was a traditional GOP candidate such as John McCain or Mitt Romney, not a race baiting, polarizing Trump. The GOP’s nightmare scenario that the Democrats will dent the GOP House majority or upend it has GOP House speaker, Paul Ryan climbing the walls, and doing everything humanly possible to put a Grand Canyon-length distance from Trump. But a stupendously bad GOP candidate, Trump, or voter demographics in flux, alone, won’t guarantee a Democratic walkover in a bid to grab Congressional control. That will take a big, well-oiled, laser precise, voter registration, door knocking, social media mobilizing campaign in the targeted districts to sell Democrats and independents and some Republicans on the merits of the Democratic challenger. It requires that the DNC and local Democratic county organizations pivot from their Clinton focus to a focus on the targeted local House races. It also requires that Clinton push and prod hard the DNC and local Democratic party organizations to mount the fully resourced, all-out press in the final run-up to Election Day for the magic 30-plus seats needed to seize the House. A Democratic-controlled Senate will give Clinton priceless support for her initiatives and legislative agenda, and blunt at least some of the hard edge of the GOP obstructionism and warfare that marred nearly every year of Obama’s tenure in the White House. However, it won’t ensure that Clinton’s initiative and legislative agenda pass. A GOP controlled House is still a wounded beast and even more dangerous. It can clamp near endless gridlock on Clinton. It would not be exactly what Obama faced but the end result of having to battle every inch of the way for vital legislation and spending would be wasteful and draining. So, the Democrats can thank Trump for keeping a Democrat in the saddle in the White House. Now they have to do their part to put Democrats back in the saddle in the Senate, and especially the House.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst.

Unity. Unity creates community. Through community we can prosper.

Marcus Laborer Roxbury

I think we have to be more responsible with the money we have and budget better. We have to be prepared for the future.

Michael Reid Reprographics Roxbury

We need to create good-paying jobs for people. The minimum wage doesn’t match up to what people pay for rent.

Number one, we have to work together. If we don’t do that, we’ll be asking for things instead of demanding and taking things.

Princess Paul

Allen Dowling

High School Student Roxbury

Definitely become better educated. Educate yourself in your respective field.

Christina Cain Administrator Roxbury

Administrator Jamaica Plain

I think if people were disciplined about saving and investing, it would build wealth in the long term. People should pool money together and invest.

Francis Pina Teacher Dorchester


BRIAN CORR Cambridge resident Brian Corr has been appointed president of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Corr, the executive director of the Cambridge Peace Commission, has had more than 25 years of experience in civic engagement, community organizing and nonprofit management. The National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement works to enhance accountability and transparency in policing and build community trust through civilian oversight of law enforcement. NACOLE’s president serves as the presiding officer of the association and is an ex-officio member of all committees; shall be available to consult with the members on association matters between meetings; shall appoint committees from time to time; and shall generally represent the interests of the association with

related associations, agencies, and organizations. NACOLE is a nonprofit organization that brings together individuals and agencies working to establish or improve oversight of police officers in the United States. NACOLE is committed to fair and professional law enforcement that is responsive to community needs. NACOLE, established in 1995, is incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland. The organization has an elected board of directors, composed of individuals in the field of citizen oversight of the police. The board manages the organization pursuant to a set of by-laws. NACOLE organizes an annual training conference; provides technical assistance and advice to jurisdictions that are considering the creation or revitalization of oversight; identifies good practices; encourages networking, communication and

information-sharing; and furnishes information to government officials and community representatives that will support their advocacy of oversight in their states, counties, cities and towns.

6 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER

Hearing airs ideas on cutting Mass. health care costs said that their electronic health records systems do not make cost and quality data available at the time of referral.


Health care specialists and elected officials convened on Monday for the first part of a twoday annual hearing aiming to get to the root of Massachusetts’s rising health care costs. In 2015, state healthcare spending grew by 4.1 percent, defying its goal of limiting spending growth to 3.9 percent. The average health care expenditure in 2015 was $8,441 per Massachusetts resident.

A stitch in time


Rising costs disproportionately may prevent people in some income classes from meeting their health needs. A recent report from the Attorney General’s office found that most of the health care spending in the state happened in higher-income communities and was not explained by greater medical needs. This could reflect two factors, the report states: One, a tendency of higher-charging hospitals to be located in wealthier communities, and two, socioeconomic barriers blocking lower-income individuals from acquiring sufficient. These barriers include lack of transportation to reach appointments, difficulty getting time off for appointments and lack of money for copayments, the report stated. Rising costs could exacerbate such inequities. According to the AG’s report, 20 percent of Massachusetts adults with health insurance report having health needs that went unmet last year due to costs.


State House Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez (center) was among speakers and attendees at Monday’s annual Health Care Cost Trends Hearing. One in six said they had difficulty paying medical bills, and one in five reported medical debt.

Drug prices

Pharmaceutical prices are a major culprit, driving 36 percent of the increase in health spending, according to Ray Campbell, executive director of the Center for Health Information and Analysis. The increased expenditures do not reflect greater levels of utilization, but rather higher prices, he said. Prices for the arthritis drugs Humira and Enbrel shot up by 126 percent and 118 percent, respectively, over the past five years, according to Reuters. Eric Shultz, president and CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, said at the hearing that he advises legislation requiring drug companies to justify

any large price increases. Governor Charlie Baker said that the federal Food and Drug Administration’s sluggish approval process for generic medications — which are cheaper — aggravates the situation by depressing competition. As of July 1 this year, 4,000 drug applications were awaiting FDA approval, and the department takes a median of four years to approve a generic drug, Baker said. Given that generics are chemically equivalent to compounds that may already have been on the market for many years, he questioned why the approval process is not shorter. Several health care providers, payers and hospitals filed testimony before the meeting recommending increasing the information provided to prescribers on alternatives to expensive drugs.

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Andrew Dreyfus, president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and several providers who spoke in person advocated tying drug prices to value received. As an example, Dreyfus mentioned a medication that can extend life for three to six months for patients with one type of cancer, but only about two weeks for another type of cancer. He suggested that patients receiving less of a reprieve should pay less for that drug. Exorbitant prices are not limited to pharmaceuticals, noted Renato Mastrogiovanni, president and CEO of HealthView Services and member of the Health Policy Commission board. He said that in some cases, the cost of health care devices can be more than the procedure to implement them.

Hospital costs

Patient perceptions of better quality as well as provider network referrals often result in academic medical centers (AMCs) and teaching hospitals being selected for less-severe care cases that could be handled at a community hospital, according to an HPC report. This is a problem, because community hospitals tend to provide less expensive care at closer locations and score comparably to AMCs and teaching hospitals on nationally-accepted quality metrics, the HPC report states. And Massachusetts is rare nationally in its high utilization of hospitals for care, said David Auerbach, director of research and cost trends for the Health Policy Commission. Part of the problem may be that those giving referrals lack sufficient data to make informed choices. Nineteen providers and 13 hospitals surveyed by HPC all

Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez, chair of the House’s Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, said that in 2015, 57 percent of Hispanics reported going to the emergency department for a non-emergency condition, compared to 34 percent of blacks and whites. Among the reasons he suggested: These patients may not be aware of non-emergency room options or may be turned off from primary care due to long waits to secure appointments; they may struggle with language barriers at the doctor’s office; and they may lack trust in doctors who do not understand their cultural backgrounds. Sanchez and several others spoke of a need to make medical service information transparent and to engage residents more effectively. The Massachusetts Health Insurance Survey found that in 2015, 82 percent of Hispanics reported having health insurance for the entire year, compared to 92 percent of whites and blacks, Sanchez said. Christina Severin, president and CEO of Community Care Cooperative, heralded telecare — in which physicians remotely counsel patients via email, telephone, video-call or texting — as a way to offer care and follow-up in a manner convenient and easy for patients. Harvard Pilgrim’s Shultz said telecare brings an additional benefit of allowing providers to see patients’ home contexts, which is especially useful for psychological specialists. Truly effective healthcare does not just address a person’s isolated incident of illness, but takes a holistic approach to advancing longterm wellbeing for both patients and their communities, and may include placing providers in community locations such as schools, Severin said. Several providers spoke of the need for more widespread reimbursements to practitioners who offer telecare. Atrius Health’s Steven Strongwater said copay pricing could be refined to guide patient behavior, for instance by eliminating or sharply reducing copays for earlier-care options Partners H that might prevent emergency APPRO room visits. “Patients shouldn’t have to pay a copay [for telemedicine],” Strongwater said. “It just encourages them to show up in the emergency room.”

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NHP’s mission targets a diverse population, and our employees are just as diverse. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, NHP encourages applications from individuals with varied experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds.


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Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 7

Northeastern continued from page 1

language around portions of Parcel 18. Lembo said he was uncertain if he had been aware at that time that CPA owned development rights to the land, although he agreed when questioned that the document did indicate CPA and Northesatern owned the parcel. During questioning, Owens questioned Lembo’s attempts to secure CPA’s buy-in on the hotel project. According to Lembo, his communication with CPA involved frequent contact with a handful of CPA members, primarily Kenneth Guscott, and also, at times Paul Chan and William Chin, and then, starting in 2008, John Cruz. Owens asked why Lembo believed Guscott was authorized to speak on behalf of all of CPA’s organizations — which was not a sole proprietorship — and suggested Lembo’s role obligated him to get clear evidence of this before acting. Among Lembo’s responsibilities is signing all legal documents for

the university, including those involved in the land development deals, he said. Lembo admitted that Northeastern did not seek written confirmation that any of the members he spoke with had authority to represent the group. In 2009, some membership also changed within the CPA. To ensure CPA was involved, Lembo said the university instructed Newcastle Hotels and Resorts, a firm engaged to prepare the hotel proposal and financing, to involve CPA — although he did not specify in what capacity. “We told them we wanted CPA in the hotel deal and that they had to work out some arrangement with CPA in terms of developing the hotel,” he said. Columbia Plaza Associates was formed in 1986 as part of the city’s Parcel-to-Parcel linkage program. The developers built a $700 million, 37-story office tower on Lincoln Street in Chinatown and secured the rights to develop on Roxbury’s Parcel 18 under the linkage program, which was aimed at spurring development in Boston’s neighborhoods. PHOTO: BANNER PHOTO

Public Meeting



6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Community Room Roxbury, MA 02119

A group of black businesses and nonprofits are suing Northeastern University, alleging the university built the International Village dormitory (above) and a parking garage on land to which they had rights.

For the first time ever, registered Boston voters can vote at any early voting location from Monday, October 24 – Friday, November 4 in the City, including City Hall. Pick a time and place that is best for you. Voter registration deadline is October 19. MON. OCT. 24, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

PROJECT PROPONENT: Cruz Development Corporation PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Phase 1 proposal is to construct, at a minimum, a 51-unit, mixed-income residential development to be named the Dr. Michael E. Haynes Arms building, with approximately 97,706 gross square feet of floor area for work-force housing and includes two-levels of parking for a total of approximately 74 garage spaces on two levels. The Phase 2 proposal will require the acquisition of two additional properties located on the same block as the Phase 1 properties. Another mixeduse building, consisting of ground-level commercial uses and 44-units of elderly housing will be constructed on that site. An additional parking garage for approximately 28 spaces will also be provided for this phase of the development with access coordinated with the Phase 1 development.

SAT. OCT. 29, 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.

East Boston, Orient Heights Yacht Club Chinatown, Metropolitan Condominiums South End, Harriet Tubman House Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.)

East Boston, Heritage Apartments

TUES. OCT. 25, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

South Boston, Condon School

WED. OCT. 26, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Dorchester, Lower Mills Library

Boston City Hall

Dorchester, Dorchester House Dorchester, Codman Square Library Hyde Park, Municipal Building Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.) mail to:

phone : email :

Dorchester, Grove Hall Community Center Mattapan, Mildred Ave Community Center

THUR. OCT. 27, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4457



Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

Boston City Hall

West Roxbury, West Roxbury Library

FRI. OCT. 28, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Roxbury, Bruce Bolling Municipal Building

Jamaica Plain, Curtis Hall Kenmore/Fenway, Boston Arts Academy Allston/Brighton, Honan Library Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.)

Back Bay, Copley Square Library Allston/Brighton, Jackson Mann School

MON. OCT. 31, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Advertise in

Charlestown, Harvard/Kent School Bay Village, Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Roxbury, MLK Tower Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.)

TUES. NOV. 1, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Boston City Hall

WED. NOV. 2, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.

For more information, call 617-261-4600 x7799 or email

Dorchester, Strand Theatre Mattapan, Morning Star Church Roslindale, Roslindale Community Center Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 8 p.m.)

Voters may also apply for an early voting ballot by mail; the deadline for applications is 12:00 p.m. on November 4. If early voting ballots are not returned during the early voting period, they must be returned to City Hall, Room 241, by 8 p.m. on November 8. If you miss the early voting period, you can still vote on Tuesday, November 8 at your assigned voting location.

THUR. NOV. 3, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Boston City Hall

FRI. NOV. 4, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Jamaica Plain, Back of the Hill Apartments Mission Hill, Tobin Municipal Building Allston/Brighton, Veronica B. Smith Senior Center Boston City Hall (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)

Learn more at • #VoteEarlyBoston Call 311 •

8 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER










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ONE DAY SALE PRICES IN EFFECT 10/21-10/22/2016. OPEN A MACY’S ACCOUNT FOR EXTRA 20% SAVINGS THE FIRST 2 DAYS, UP TO $100, WITH MORE REWARDS TO COME. Macy’s credit card is available subject to credit approval; new account savings valid the day your account is opened and the next day; excludes services, selected licensed departments, gift cards, restaurants, gourmet food & wine. The new account savings are limited to a total of $100; application must qualify for immediate approval to receive extra savings; employees not eligible. N6090009C.indd 1

10/11/16 11:06 AM





Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 9

Amazon driver dismissal sparks concerns New background check policy hits minorities Civil rights lawyers say quality workers let go By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Amazon drew fire from the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic last week for new background check rules that the civil rights group said disproportionately sparked the dismissal of many effectively-performing workers of color. On August 5, 2016, many delivery drivers subcontracted by the internet retailer were called at the end of their shifts and told to turn in their uniforms and not come back, according to Lawyers’ Committee attorney Oren Sellstrom. “These were individuals who were actually working successfully performing the job they were hired to do — and had been for months — with no performance issues,” Sellstrom told the Banner. The apparent reason: Amazon instructed its delivery contractors nationwide to implement stricter background checks that day, resulting in termination for many with prior involvement in the criminal justice system. One company in the Boston area dismissed 30 to 40 employees, according to the Lawyers’ Committee. Racial disparities in the criminal justice system mean the new background checks disproportionately affect employees of color. “Due to over-policing and over-incarceration in communities of color, unnecessarily stringent background checks disproportionately affect black and Latino individuals,” the Lawyers’ Committee said in a statement.

The terminated individuals were not given the opportunity for oneon-one discussion or review, Sellstrom said. That the background check change seems unprompted is a major concern of the Lawyers’ Committee, which has requested that Amazon provide an explanation for its actions, analysis of the impact on people of color and a meeting. According to a statement Amazon provided to the Banner, the company requires driver background checks from delivery

service providers to screen for job-related issues, such as motor vehicle convictions, and does not consider demographic information such as race or ethnicity. “Safety and customer trust are our top priorities, which is why we have always required delivery service providers to conduct comprehensive background checks for their employee drivers,” Kelly Cheeseman, Amazon spokesperson, said in a statement. “The background check process is focused on job-related criminal and motor vehicle convictions and does not consider race, gender, ethnicity, religion or other protected characteristics.” However, if a policy causes

disparate impact without justifying it as a business necessity, it could violate federal law — regardless of whether the discrimination is intentional, the Lawyers’ Committee notes in its letter. Amazon ran into similar issues earlier this year when Bloomberg revealed that Amazon overlooked black neighborhoods in six of its Prime same-day delivery cities, including Roxbury. At the time, Amazon representatives said that the decision was based on assessments of cost-effectiveness and logistics. The company later extended service to include the neighborhood. That revelation prompted some to call for companies to

abandon race-neutral company strategies in favor of approaches that proactively identify and combat racial inequities.

Background checks

In an August 5 email provided to the Banner by the Lawyers’ Committee, an Amazon representative instructs Boston dispatchers to deactivate those workers whose background checks show that they do not “meet the requirements for delivery on the Amazon account,” effective that day. Contractors also were to ensure that all drivers received background checks conducted by a company called Accurate Background Check, even if such investigation was already conducted by other firms. The email subject line is marked “Urgent and Critical.”

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10 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



An easy way to save on your health care in 2017 If you’re like most people, there are a few times a year when you sit down to review your expenses — your cable bill, entertainment expenses and grocery receipts, for example — and try to figure out where you and your family can save money. One item you should consider is your health-care costs in 2017. Since the fall season marks the beginning of the annual open enrollment period for employees, now is the time to sign up for a new health benefit plan or make changes to your current plan. Offered as part of those benefits, Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts are two ways for people to save money in the New Year. An FSA, which is provided by your employer, allows you to save funds for eligible health-care expenses. An HSA — which you can obtain on your own or through your employer — is a tax-advantaged savings account that allows you to set aside money to cover medical expenses throughout your lifetime. A major advantage of both accounts is that individuals may use the full amount of their pre-tax dollars toward the care you and your family may need; employees who enroll in an FSA can contribute a portion of their salary pre-tax to pay for qualified medical or dependent care expenses, while an HSA helps individuals with qualifying high-deductible health plans pay for current and future medical expenses. The number of HSA accounts has risen to 18.2 million in 2016, a 25 percent increase since 2015, according to Devenir Research. In addition, according to the 2016 Flexible Spending Account and Health Savings Account Consumer Research study commissioned by Visa and conducted by C+R Research, 90 percent of FSA users agree that saving money, since contributions are pre-tax, tops their list of reasons for having an FSA. In fact, 40 percent of FSA users say they would cut back on their medical expenses if they didn’t have an FSA. The study also finds that an FSA with no carryover option represents an important barrier to adoption among employees, who fear losing their unused dollars at the end of the plan year. Sixty percent of nonFSA users noted they would sign up for this benefit if their employer offered the option to carry over up to $500 of their unused health FSA balances remaining at the end of the plan year. — Brandpoint /Visa

THE LIST According to Forbes, the best lowest-investment level ($150K or less) franchises to buy are: 1. Right at Home 2. Weed Man 3. Mathnasium Learning Centers 4. Molly Maid 5. Express Employment Professionals 6. Maid Pro 7. Comfort Keepers 8. Just Between Friends 9. BrightStar Care 10. Seniors Helping Seniors

TECH TALK Facebook has created its own enterprise software and is taking on Slack and Yammer with its Workplace platform. Formerly know as “Facebook at Work,” the new program creates a network of See BIZ BITS, page 11



Style blogger Lisa Jean-Francois has built a following with as many as 150,000 page views and 22,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel.

Beauty and style maven builds her own personal brand By KAREN MORALES

Lisa Jean-Francois is a modern entrepreneur. Her business isn’t just one tangible product. As a working mother passionate about style and beauty, her personal brand draws readers and viewers to her blog and YouTube channel, Lisa a La Mode. The Lisa a La Mode brand encompasses many elements, but online content creation is at its core. Online content creation represents an extremely lucrative market for today’s fashion and beauty bloggers. According to Women’s Wear Daily, top fashion bloggers who have built large followings over several years can earn up to three million dollars a year. Some, like Chiara Ferragni and Leandra Medine, have expanded their blogging empires and started a luxury footwear line and published a book, respectively. “I have goals beyond blogging, and growing my personal brand will allow me to do that,” said Jean-Francois. The self-starter began uploading

ON THE WEB Lisa a La Mode blog: YouTube:

YouTube videos in 2012 when she moved back to Massachusetts with her husband, after spending some time in New York. During her time of transition and momentary unemployment, Jean-Francois put together makeup tutorials using affordable drugstore beauty products. Even though uploading video blogs was a fun way for Jean-Francois to express herself creatively, she soon began to run it as a business, even before she knew it could become one. To attract more attention to her channel, Jean-Francois sought out engagement through other social media platforms. She created Facebook and Twitter accounts and connected with other beauty bloggers. “I just started really getting into social media and began to understand the power of it and how it could help me,” she said. “I set up a blog for the sole reason to have a place to put more of my YouTube content, so people could

find me in different ways.” She also invested in high-end camera equipment and outsourced blog designs to create more polished and professional content.

Growing her brand

Her YouTube channel currently has nearly 22,000 subscribers and features weekly videos on natural hair tutorials, makeup tips for women of color, fashion looks and video marketing advice. The blog, with an average of 150,000 monthly page views, features posts written by Jean-Francois on beauty and style news, personal anecdotes and style photoshoots. Up until July of last year, Jean-Francois worked in administrative and corporate jobs in higher education before deciding to become her own boss and develop her brand full time. After experiencing a hostile work environment at one job and feeling limited and unfulfilled at another, Jean-Francois plunged into the self-employed world of blogging, “where you have nothing beneath your feet,” she said.

A year into full time blogging and working from home, Jean-Francois said her daily routine consists of dropping her three-year old son at preschool in the morning, writing posts, creating videos and working on monetizing content through brand partnerships. Through contract agreements, Jean-Francois styles, features or reviews fashion and beauty products provided to her by brands and then publishes her views on her blog and social media channels in exchange for compensation. It’s a form of advertising that remains popular among blog readers as long as the content contains value. If a blogger has built a big enough following, honed a unique voice and created a rapport with followers, she or he can create strong engagement and sales for a brand. In fact, this practice has become common among bloggers, so much so that the Federal Trade Commission requires them to disclose brand endorsements and sponsored posts to avoid lawsuits from

See A LA MODE, page 11

Thursday, September Thursday, October 29, 20, 2016 2016 •• BAY BAY STATE STATE BANNER BANNER •• 21 11


a La Mode

WE BOS Week kick off

continued from page 10

misled readers. For an upcoming contract, Jean-Francois plans to do an autumn-inspired photoshoot at a pumpkin patch, styling clothes that a brand provided supplemented with her own personal flair. “I have found that posts that are simply, ‘This is what I wore today’ does not fly with my audience,” said Jean-Francois. “I have to create a story to go along with the pictures.”

An additional element to the Lisa a La Mode brand is providing advice and consultation to other female entrepreneurs in the blogging, fashion and beauty world. Jean-Francois kicked off her brand consulting services last July and has worked with five different clients throughout several months. In a highly competitive and crowded blogosphere, many bloggers need the business acumen to diversify their revenue streams, which Jean-Francois does with her YouTube tutorials, content writing, fashion styling and brand consulting.

“It’s constantly changing and it’s creative,” she said. As with any other business, it’s not without its challenges and sacrifices. “There is no financial security,” Jean-Francois said. “When I quit my job, I sold my car and downsized my whole lifestyle.” However, Jean-Francois is glad she gets to spend more time with her son while working from home. “He makes it worth it to me,” she said. “There is no unemployment insurance or 401(k),” she said. “But it allows me to be creative and fluid in my movement and time.”

Biz Bits

continued from page 10 communication for businesses and includes a news feed of announcements, events and even live video while allowing private messaging between colleagues. Features unique to the program include the Multi-Company Groups, which are shared spaces for different organizations to collaborate. The service is not free and after a free 3-month trial, the service costs $1 to $3 per active user depending on the size of the company.



Mayor Martin Walsh kicks off the second annual WE BOS week at District Hall. Women Entrepreneurs Boston (WE BOS) is a City of Boston program that advances women entrepreneurs by providing the resources and network they need to launch and grow their business.


million: Comcast has agreed to pay the Federal Communications Commission’s biggest fine ever for charging customers for services and equipment they didn’t ask for. — More Content Now






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12 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER




mix IN THE


By Stephanie Millions

The Children Education Alliance’s 5th Annual Back to School Gala Other than volunteering, one of the most rewarding and fun things you can do is attend a gala where the proceeds go to a good cause. There is nothing more fulfilling than to be surrounded by young women and men who believe in giving back to the community. On October 8, the Children Education Alliance (CEA) held its 5th Annual Back to School Gala at the Harbor Point Hall. The Children Education Alliance is a Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization that assists disadvantaged African children by providing financial support for school supplies. During the past five years, CEA has been a voice for underserved African children. Since 2012, CEA has affected over 4,000 lives in Guinea, providing essential learning tools such as notebooks and pencils. In 2014 CEA launched its One Bench, Three Students campaign with the aim of providing school benches to children in their Guinean schools. By the end of 2015, they provided 60 benches and ensured that 180 students had a seat and a desk to write on. The black tie event featured ladies dressed in colorful evening gowns while the men wore fitted suits and tuxes. The charismatic and fashionable multimedia journalist Laura Onyeneho emceed the event and kept the attendees entertained with her witty personality throughout the entire evening. Oumou Cherif, CEA’s founder and executive director, said, “Anyone who supports us while doing this should be celebrated, and the 5th annual gala was entirely about that — celebrating not only our successes, but also the generous individuals who trust us with their hard-earned money.” The Gala raised $5,153 in ticket sales, donations and paid pledges. CEA will continue to ensure that the money goes toward providing more students with the supplies they need for a better learning environment. Keynote speaker, Massachusetts State Senator for the Second Worcester District Michael O. Moore said, “There is a great need for a basic education for these children. We must do our best to support organizations like the Children Education Alliance in their mission to provide basic necessities to these children.” If you would like to learn more about CEA, they are active on Facebook and Instagram, under Children Education Alliance. You can also visit their website at

Meet Stephanie Millions — our new In the Mix reporter. Millions is passionate about media and works on many platforms. She anchors a morning motivational talk show called “Elevation with Stephanie Millions” on the Gag Order Network, and also hosts “The Secret Spot” every Monday night from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on WERS 88.9 FM. For more information, please visit or email stephanie. to have her cover your event. Follow Stephanie on Twitter @StephMillions


Attendees pose for photos at the 5th Annual Back to School Gala. Left, host Laura Onyeneho, multimedia journalist. Top center (l-r), a gala guest; Oumou Cherif, founder & executive director at Children Education Alliance Inc.; Mobolaji H Raphaels; Laura Onyeneho; and AYobami Magbagbeola. Center bottom, Enuamaka Mkparu, administrator at Children Education Alliance Inc., and Oumou Cherif.

#where to be 10.21.16-10.27.16

Each Friday, Epicenter features a special “where to be” post on their blog to make sure every day of the week has some sort of cultural event to check out. We hope that you all can come out into the community, learn, and commemorate some influential people and events around Boston! Have something coming up that you’d like to see here? Tweet us @epicentercom #WhereToBe FRIDAY 10.21 Roots & Reflections: Boston Asian American Film Festival Shorts Hosted by: Boston Asian American Film Festival The Boston Asian American Film Festival continues in its second day with an array of moving, poignant shorts. The lineup includes “Life of Zili” by Cheng Zhang; “A Children’s Song” by Shayna

Cohen; “The Last Tip” by Patrick Chen; “Up in the Clouds” by Ed Moy; “Angels and Demons” by William Chow; and “Forever, Chinatown” by James Q. Chan. Don’t miss these amazing short films! When: 7:00 p.m. Where: The Paramount Center at Emerson College | 559 Washington St, Boston MA For more information, please visit:

SATURDAY 10.22 BossUpBrunch Part 1: Goal Setting and Go Getting For Creatives of Color Hosted by: Whole Soul Health Goal Setting and Go Getting for Creatives of Color Are you trying to live in alignment but don’t know where to begin? Do you have a lofty goal in mind but can’t see a way forward? This workshop will give you clarity about what you want to do, how it fits into your values and how to get there. Discussion topics include: Criteria for setting concrete, achievable goals; how to determine your first steps; how to create rituals that support you in your goals; and how to reroute when your plans change. This event is the first of the three-part #BossUpBrunch series. Each event will include yoga, brunch and an

engaging workshop on developing alignment in your life. When: 11:30 a.m. Where: Make Shift Boston | 549 Columbus Avenue, Boston MA For information and tickets, visit: https://www. SUNDAY 10.23 Art/Politic Open Mic at CityPop Egleston Hosted by: Nate Tucker Music This is a “unique open mic at CityPop Egleston, providing a platform for artists (musicians, dancers, poets, visual artists, etc.) to present works related to politics. The relationship between art and politics may be literal or abstract, con-

See #WHERE TO BE, page 13

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 13


#where to be continued from page 12

scious or unconscious, personal or general, serious or satirical. … Throughout history, artists have encouraged social change and strengthened communities. Art reflects and affects society in unique ways, and so it is important to create space to gather and share these interpretations. We encourage attendees to share information about local movements, events and organizing opportunities.” When: 6:00 p.m. Where: City Pop Egleston | 3195 Washington St, Jamaica Plain MA For more information, go to: events/681181085366510/ MONDAY 10.24 The Workout One-Year Anniversary Hosted by: KillerBoomBox The Workout is one of Boston’s best events for musical creatives looking to network and hear good music in the city! Awarded 2016 Best In Boston by Improper Bostonian, the Workout is a night you don’t want to miss. Join KillerBoomBox as they celebrate The Workout’s one-year anniversary and their Boston Music Award nomination for Best Music Night. When: 7:00 p.m. Where: Laugh Boston | 425 Summer St, Boston MA For more information and to RSVP for free tickets, visit: www.

emulate the early Christians, working the land together and building communities based on solidarity. By the late 1970s, thousands of peasants in northern Morazán organized to resist National Guard repression which often involved torture and executions. In 1980s, the military engaged in scorched earth operations against their villages, inaugurating a 12-year civil war. ‘La Palabra en el Bosque (The Word in the Woods)’ tells their stories. At the end of the film the protagonists reflect upon their struggles in the light of current reality. ‘La Palabra en el Bosque’ was nominated for Outstanding Documentary at the Queens World Film Festival and was selected at the Ciné de las Américas Film Festival, Ethnografilm (Paris), and LASA.” When: 5:30 p.m.

Where: 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge MA For more information, please visit: event/film-screening-Jeffrey-Gould WEDNESDAY 10.26 IDEAS UMass Boston 2016 Hosted by: UMass Boston “IDEAS UMass Boston brings you provocative and inspiring talks by some of this region’s leading thinkers. Moderator Callie Crossley will talk to members of the Boston Globe’s Pulitzer-winning Spotlight team about how investigative journalism can survive in an era of media austerity. Other speakers will discuss topics such as preparing Boston for the effects of climate change, using civic innovation to turn young people into community stakeholders and

harnessing the power of art as therapy. Register today for as little as $25! When: 8:30 a.m. Where: UMass Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester MA For tickets and more information, please visit: https://www. THURSDAY 10.27 Free Screening: Moonlight Hosted by: Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival “Join us for a FREE advance screening of breakout film ‘Moonlight.’ A timeless story of human connection and self-discovery, ‘Moonlight’ chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood

of Miami. At once a vital portrait of contemporary African American life and an intensely personal and poetic meditation on identity, family, friendship and love, ‘Moonlight’ is a groundbreaking piece of cinema that reverberates with deep compassion and universal truths. Anchored by extraordinary performances from a tremendous ensemble cast, Jenkins’ staggering, singular vision is profoundly moving in its portrayal of the moments, people, and unknowable forces that shape our lives and make us who we are.” When: 7:30 p.m. Where: AMC Boston Common 19 | 175 Tremont St, Boston MA For tickets and information, visit: php/main/movie_landing/bW9vbmxpZ2h0NjE3

Celebrating 50 years of food with purpose and the power of community


TUESDAY 10.25 Film Screening & Discussion: “La Palabra en el Bosque” Hosted by: David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard “During the early 1970s, hundreds of peasants in a remote region of El Salvador began to

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HOUSE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2016 Honoring Kathe McKenna, co-founder of Haley House

An Evening of Food & Fun

featuring The Fulani Haynes Jazz Collaborative

6:30 pm, Boston College High School 150 Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, MA Tickets: (suggested price of $65, sliding scale available)

More information at Questions? 617-236-8132,

14 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER

Participants in the conference attended workshops on topics including personal finance and entrepreneurship. Business owners had opportunities to broaden their networks, meeting entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds.


Terri Williams leads a discussion during the Banner’s Money Talk Financial Literacy Conference.

Money Talk continued from page 1

define the meaning of community wealth. “Community wealth is a way of organizing the economy so that it benefits everybody instead of the way it is now, which is an economy that benefits the few,” said Marjorie Kelly, Senior Fellow and Executive Vice President of The Democracy Collaborative during the opening panel discussion. Kelly is a journalist and noted author on business ethics and inclusive ownership whose organization works on community economic development via a variety of models, including procurement strategies, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPS), worker cooperatives, nonprofit social enterprise and land trusts. At the Money Talk event, she described how persuading large “anchor institutions” such as hospitals and universities in Cleveland, Ohio to invest, hire and buy goods and services locally helped boost the

city’s struggling economy by creating jobs and business opportunities. The goal: keep money circulating locally. Glynn Lloyd, newly-appointed executive director of Eastern Bank’s Minority Business Enterprise Initiative, who is an expert on investing for social impact, said that while wealth is typically thought of as the accumulation of cash, property and other assets, social capital — having friends and acquaintances who can open doors to opportunities — also is an important part of wealth accumulation. “We struggle with how we’re going to get ours and how we’re going to get ahead,” he said. “We also need more discussion about how to build community wealth.”

Cultivating wealth

Lloyd said the current state of the U.S. economy, in which wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, isn’t good for our democratic society. “Concentrated wealth breeds fragility,” he said.




Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building 2nd Floor School Committee Room Roxbury, MA 02119

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This workshop will be a follow-up to the discussion that took place on September 19th. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to discuss elements that may inform the creation of Requests for Proposals (“RFP’s”) for the development of parcels within the PLAN: Dudley area with the City/BPDA Team.

Banner Editor and Publisher Melvin B. Miller suggested that the communal aspect of wealth building should be centered in the culture of a community — the way children are reared, keeping streets clean, and not spending wastefully on throwaway items. “We can relate the underpinnings on which wealth can accumulate,” he said. Williams cited one tool for building community wealth and asked the panelists whether “buy black” strategies work. The use of tools such selective purchasing and boycotts to achieve equity were honed throughout the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s during the Civil Rights Movement and discussions of South Africa-related business activity in the 1980s. Lloyd noted that African Americans have substantial buying power with $1.3 trillion in annual spending. “We all have the power,” he said. “How we spend our money is important.” Miller suggested that in addition to buying black, African Americans should be judicious in their spending. “We have to start off by thinking about what we’re buying with,” he said. “The reason we’re having this conference is so that we can learn to handle our resources intelligently.” In addition, Miller suggested that black savings and investment could be as formidable a power as black spending. “We have to start putting together a plan about how to amass

This meeting will be geared toward interaction to: • Initiate discussion of design principles that relate to the physical aspects of development • Engage in exercises and discussion on program components (e.g. housing, commercial/office, cultural, etc.)

mail to:

phone : email :

Sharing resources

During the opening session of the entrepreneurial track, Epicenter Community President Malia Lazu encouraged participants to share their business goals and ideas, then facilitated a networking session. Among the attendees: a real estate broker looking to expand into investment, an entrepreneur looking to scale up her embroidery business, an accountant looking to expand a line of work helping blacks manage wealth. “As you build wealth, we want

you to maintain it,” said Erica Rose of EMD Shared Services America. Most of the people attending were African American. As Lazu noted, the lack of family wealth in the black community can be a disadvantage, but through networking with like-minded individuals, black entrepreneurs can better share know-how and resources. “We don’t have so much friends and family capital,” she said. “We need to find another way. Talk to each other. ‘This is what I have’ and ‘This is what I need.’” Sponsors of Money Talk included OneUnited Bank, Eastern Bank, Zevin Asset Management, Boston Common Asset Management and Lurie Davis Wealth Management. The Money Talk gathering is the first in a series of structured conversations about building individual, family and community wealth while advancing an inclusive, sustainable economy.

Marcy Murninghan contributed to this article.


• Review development building blocks and scenarios

PLAN: Dudley Square is an initiative to think strategically about the types of uses and the scale of development best suited for the future of Dudley Square and Roxbury. The goals of this study are to provide an inclusive community engagement process, create an updated vision with the community, and establish an implementation plan that will lead to the issuance of RFPs for publicly-owned and vacant privately-owned parcels in Dudley Square.

wealth a little bit at a time,” he said. During the breakout sessions, participants attended discussions including “How to create wealth using Roth IRA and mutual fund investments” and “If you love your family, save like it.” An entrepreneurship track included sessions such as “How can your tax dollars help your business?” and “The top ten legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs.”

Martin J. Walsh, Mayor

Public Facilities Department


The Boston City Hall and Plaza Study Wednesday, October 26, 2016 6:00 - 8:00 PM Boston City Hall – 2nd Floor Lobby


Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4338

For more information please visit


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

Presentation will include: • Update on Study Findings • Options to active Building and Plaza • Workshop Please see our project website:

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 15




Loni Love inspires women through laughter The comedian comes to Laugh Boston this Friday and Saturday By COLETTE GREENSTEIN

A co-host on the daytime talk show “The Real,” comedian Loni Love’s life has changed substantially since the show first aired in 2013. Speaking by phone recently, Love remarked that the show has not only exposed her and her stand-up to a wider audience, but also has allowed her “to inspire people and to entertain them at the same time,” something about which she feels very strongly. “That’s what we set out to do for the show and that’s what the show is for,” said Love. Love and her co-hosts, singer Adrienne Bailon, fashion expert Jeannie Mai and actress Tamara Mowry-Housley, will continue to inspire their fans in the near future, as “The Real” recently was renewed for two more years, through the 2017/2018 season.


Paying it forward

In addition to using the talk show as a platform to inspire women, Love also co-hosts the nationally syndicated radio program “Café Mocha,” with rapper MC Lyte and on-air personality Angelique Perrin, on SiriusXM. Described as “radio from woman’s perspective,” Café Mocha was created exclusively by and for women of color. Since the program’s inception, they’ve interviewed a range of guests from President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to entertainers John Legend, Toni Braxton and Hill Harper. On a weekly basis the program tackles today’s issues and offers social commentary along with a dose of inspirational self-help advice. Coming from humble beginnings, Love realizes how fortunate she’s been in her life to have the career that she has

See LONI LOVE, page 19

IF YOU GO Laugh Boston presents Loni Love this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22. Tickets: $29 and $39. For showtimes and to purchase tickets, call 617.725.2844 or order online at Laugh Boston is at 425 Summer St., Boston.

Omar Robinson (left) as Hamlet and Peter G. Anderson as Horatio. PHOTO: NILE SCOTT

By CELINA COLBY When Doug Lockwood brought “Hamlet” to the Actor’s Shakespeare Project, he already had Omar Robinson in mind for the title role. A seasoned Boston performer and Emerson grad, “Omar brings a natural intelligence and wit to the part. The two go hand in hand,” says Lockwood. The ASP production of Hamlet, playing at the Church of the Covenant through November 6, is a striking, modern twist on the classic tragedy. Lockwood cut an hour and a half out of the show and arranged the remaining material to focus mainly on Hamlet and his family. “I was interested in the personal relationships and the sense of claustrophobia in the family,” Lockwood says. In one scene, Laertes and Ophelia roll their eyes at each other as their aging father Polonius settles in to give them a rambling list of advice. In another, Hamlet makes suggestive jokes with his college buddies about their female conquests. This portrait brings relatability to a play that’s set in a time and space today’s audiences have never experienced. Robinson’s Hamlet is unlike any other. He says of the part, “Most descriptions had Hamlet as pale and morose, and I had no interest in either of those things.” While most interpretations show a dreary, depressed heir to the throne, Robinson’s portrayal is possessed by a frenetic, comedic madness. He shouts, runs and laughs maniacally, making jokes and playing pranks. The text is all original to the Bard of Avon, but Robinson reveals a Hamlet who’s buzzing with purpose and energy. “We’ve been handling the play with a lighter touch,” he says. “There are moments in the play of laughter and genuine love.” In addition to the more comedic spin on Hamlet, Robinson brings a heavy awareness of his own identity as an African American man. Lockwood also took this into account when casting the show. “The role has belonged

See HAMLET, page 19

16 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER


The colony is calling Female artists find refuge in Provincetown By CELINA COLBY

Provincetown, Massachusetts, sits on the edge of Cape Cod’s spire, teetering delicately over the crashing ocean. For over a century, artists have taken refuge in this beachside town. Nestled among trees on Bradford Street, Berta Walker Gallery gives these artists a place to show their work and connect with their passion. The current exhibit, “Women Choose Women,” highlights the female artists who have found sanctuary on the Cape from constricting gender and artistic roles. Laura Shabott, Provincetown artist and gallery assistant at Berta Walker gallery, explains that during World Wars I and II, when Europe was too hostile an environment for artists to flee to, they began moving to Cape Cod and establishing communities. By 1916, the Provincetown Art Colony was called by The Boston Globe, “the biggest art colony in the world.” Shabott speculates that it’s the raw natural


Nancy Ellen Craig (1927-2015): “Renaissance Dream Drawing #4,” mixed media on paper. setting and the glorious oceanside light that attracts creators to the peninsula. “A lot of art colonies are at the end of a place, at the end of the world,” she says.

Finding a groove

Blanche Lazzell was one such artist, who traded her studies in Paris with the French cubist Albert Gleizes for the beachy breeze of Massachusetts in 1915. Lazzell is known for her whiteline woodcuts featuring bold colors in simple but engaging scenes of flowers, boats, and houses. At this time

Provincetown was a blooming mecca for abstract art, and Lazzell’s work quickly found its place in a comfortable groove between cubism and fauvism. Her piece “Fishing Weirs,” Provincetown, showing at Berta Walker, demonstrates the increased abstraction seen in her work once she settled in Cape Cod. The oil on board piece depicts a boat docked at a multicolored, cubist-constructed pier, but it takes a little putting together with the eyes to get PHOTO: COURTESY BERTA WALKER GALLERY


Agnes Weinrich (1873-1947): “Untitled, n.d.,” oil on board.



Friday, October 28, 7:00 – 9:30 pm




Kurtis Rivers, Yosvany Terry, Sean Berry, Arni Cheatham, Charlie Kohlhase – saxophones Jerry Sabatini, Phil Grenadier – trumpets music & lyrics by


book by


original direction & choreography by

Ku-umba Frank Lacy, Bill Lowe, Sarah Politz – trombones


John Kordalewski – piano


John Lockwood – bass; Yoron Israel – drums


Supported by the John H. and H. Naomi Tomfohrde Foundation; and by the Boston Cultural Council, a local agency which is funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, administered by the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture

Dudley Branch of the Boston Public Library 65 Warren Street, Roxbury ~ 617.442.6186

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 17


18 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



The birth of Nate’s nation Nate Parker makes his writing and directorial debut with ‘The Birth of a Nation’ By KAM WILLIAMS

Actor/humanitarian-turnedwriter/director Nate Parker first received critical attention for his starring role in “The Great Debaters” opposite Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker. Parker received an honorary doctorate from Wiley College, the school featured in the fact-based story. More recently, Parker starred in “Beyond The Lights,” opposite Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Minnie Driver and Danny Glover. He also appeared in the action thriller “Non-Stop,” opposite Liam Neeson and Julianne Moore. In 2012, he was a member of the ensemble cast of “Red Tails,” which included Terrence Howard and Cuba Gooding, Jr. The film chronicled the story of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first African American military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps who went on to become some of the finest pilots in World War II. Parker also starred opposite Alicia Keys in “The Secret Life Of Bees,” which featured an all-star cast of Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Dakota Fanning and Paul Bettany. Additionally, he has been seen in “Pride,” alongside Terrence Howard and in “Dirty,” opposite Cuba Gooding Jr.. On the stage, Parker appeared opposite Dustin Hoffman, Annette Bening, Rosario Dawson and James Cromwell in “American Voices” at the Broad Street Theater. Here, he talks about making his writing and directorial debut with “The Birth of a Nation,” a reverential biopic in which he stars, too, as slave revolt leader Nat Turner (1800-1831).

Congratulations on “The Birth of a Nation’s” winning both the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival. Nate Parker: Thank you, brother. What a blessing! Right? Never in a million years would I


Nate Parker even have dreamt of that. I just made a movie I hoped would touch people, but I can’t even describe what it felt like to receive those accolades.

How long had this project been percolating before you went into production? NP: Ooh, years. I’m in my eighth year of the project now. At the starting point, I’d done a couple of films, and I thought to myself, it isn’t often, as black men, that we get an opportunity in Hollywood to play a leading role with a strong character. And when one does come up, there are so many people competing for it, plus the narrative isn’t usually controlled by us. So, I asked myself, if I could tell any story, which would it be? And Nat Turner, being my hero from a social justice standpoint, he became the focus of my desires when it came to making a film. I just wanted to create a hero that added to the narrative of America, who didn’t look like the usual patriots.

Why did you call your film “The Birth of a Nation,” the same title as the D.W. Griffith classic released almost exactly a century ago? NP: That was very intentional. I had my title before I had my script. I deliberately want to tether the present to 1915 in order to create context as to why we are where we are. Griffith, in my opinion, may have been one of the most powerful people around in the sense that he inspired all of America to embrace white supremacy as a form of self-preservation. As a son of the Confederacy, he asked America

to turn its back on any thought of solidarity with people of color with the hope that whites would be able to maintain their privilege forever. And that idea of white supremacy wasn’t limited to the Ku Klux Klan and toothless hillbillies, but it made its way all the way to the White House, where President Woodrow Wilson had connections to the Klan through D.W. Griffith. So, I use that film designed to disenfranchise and terrorize us as a starting point with the hope that, by reclaiming and repurposing it, we could right a massive wrong, since we’re still dealing with the fallout of the terror that it inspired.

In an earlier interview, you told me that you felt that you were blessed by God at the beginning of your career. Given how spiritual Nat Turner was and how he had a vision from God which inspired him, I wonder whether you see any similarities between him and yourself? NP: I believe that Nat Turner, at his core, was striving to be more Christlike, which dictated his thoughts and actions. I wouldn’t say I’m trying to be like Nat, but I’m definitely striving, as he was, to get closer to my faith and to be more Christlike in the context of my own imperfections as a human being. I believe that Nat Turner is a role model that all of us could identify with and aspire to emulate in a positive way, because he used all of his influence to address a systemic crisis. And he did so with his faith and he did so sacrificing on behalf of people he’d never meet, like you and me.


by William Shakespeare

directed by Doug Lockwood

October 5 – November 6, 2016 Church of the Covenant | Boston

photo: Numi Prasarn

a c t o r s s h a k e s p e a r e p r o j e c t. o r g

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 19


Loni Love continued from page 15

today. When asked why it’s important to her to inspire women in her work and in the projects that she takes on, she responded, “If there’s a place in their life maybe that’s not the best atmosphere for them, I can show them there are ways that they can get out of their situation. Basically, it’s me paying it forward,” said Love.


Erna Partoll, “The Green Wave,” 2009, gouache on paper.



there. In her early works, colors are very distinct and separated by the white lines of the woodcut print. Here, blues, yellows and reds seep over their black outlines to blend into a visual feast, much like the water-bound sunsets Lazzell must have been seeing.

mostly to white folks over the years,” he says. “I was interested in breaking that down. We need to see people of color in major roles more often.” The play itself is ripe with language describing “blackness,” “darkness” and “shadow.” Robinson says, “It’s all there in the text, we’ve just interpreted it differently. This is not your grandma’s Hamlet.” The marked character differences aren’t the only notable influences in the adaptation. Newbury Street’s Church of the Covenant serves as the show’s stage, which brings an added drama to the production. Lockwood says he didn’t realize how much of the play was centered

Feminine vibe

en ick Ch

Open Monday through Friday, 7am to 9pm/Sat 11am-9pm

COMING TO HALEY HOUSE BAKERY CAFÉ: THU 10/20 - Art is Life itself! Dinquinesh & the Music present “Sound Therapy” + Roxbury Resonance + Open Mic, 7PM FRI 10/21 - Color of Film Collaborative presents Dinner & A Movie, featuring “14: Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark & Vanessa Lopez”, 6PM (reserve at THU 10/27 - Boston Day & Evening Academy presents Lyricists’ Lounge, 7PM FRI 10/28 - The House Slam presents Charlotte Abotsi, 6:30PM THU 11/3 - The Fulani Haynes Jazz Collaborative, 7PM

Come By The Bolling Building to check out our new enterprise, Dudley Dough Haley House Bakery Cafe - 12 Dade Street - Roxbury 617 445 0900 -

eef &B

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ggie Smoothies n and Ve Fine Fruit Des n ser ght i ts n r e N C a m e c I n i n Fair i e n a m c Ha T s r a o a T de la G Es l en c p a re p ss S o

Also showing in “Women Choose Women” are Erna Partoll, an abstract painter originally from Switzerland, and Tatjana Meyerowitz, a native of Zagreb, Croatia with a reputation for pastel drawing. Shabott says U.S.-based artists often gravitate towards the Cape as well, and many New York transplants have work in the show. “Women Choose Women” is an extensive, heartwarming portrait of a town that fosters the work and the lives of female artists from all over the world. In addition to the idyllic landscapes and the number of artists already settled in the area, Shabott says that Provincetown is a particularly comfortable place for female artists. “The women’s community here is very supportive of each other in ways you don’t see in many places,” she says. She explains that the Cape provides extremes in nature and social temperament. During the summer influx, the picture-perfect town is flooded with people and life, begging to be put on canvas. During the winter, the area turns more contemplative, given over to the raw winter weather and the isolation of a deserted tourist spot. Either way, inspiration abounds.

continued from page 15

First Frid ay Fa mi ly Fun cti on

continued from page 16

on religion until they began working in the church. The inactive players sit on carved wooden seats behind the altar, like immobile icons judging the mortal audience. When Robinson delivers the “to be or not to be” monologue, he strolls through the aisles of the dark basilica, weaving the weight of heaven and hell into his existential musings. For Shakespeare newcomers and Bard scholars alike, ASP’s “Hamlet” is a remarkable experience. The lush costumes, expert delivery and gothic setting transport the audience to a Denmark full of murder, turmoil and, surprisingly, laughter. Robinson says, “I think there’s something for the purist who sees what ‘Hamlet’ should be, and for the modern audience who sees what ‘Hamlet’ can be.”

The Detroit native recalls that when she was in her 20s, she didn’t have a person like herself that she could follow or relate to, who could offer her personal and professional advice, or tell her that “things happen for a reason and that things will work out.” Love says, “I didn’t have that. I think that’s why I have this desire and passion to help women because I just want to make sure that if someone out there doesn’t have that person, I want to be that person.”


Tuskegee Airmen 75th Anniversary Celebration “A conversation with History”

Thursday October 27, 2016 Time 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM At: University of Massachusetts Boston, Campus Center Building Ballroom Featuring heroic Pilots - World War II Tuskegee Airmen The audience will have conversation directly with Tuskegee Airmen. Food, Music and Meet the Airmen

Tickets at $125 per person. Contact us for group rates or information by email or 978-443-6632 The Tuskegee Airmen Celebrate their 75th Anniversary and invite you to attend

20 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER




Pairing wines with party appetizers

Whether you plan to be the host or a guest at holiday festivities, make a lasting impression by offering up some tasty and carefully selected pairings of wine and appetizers. Choose a bottle of cabernet sauvignon from California and pair it with braised beef short ribs or turkey meatballs. You could even offer up a strategic selection of crackers and aged cheeses. Pinot noir is a great choice for the holiday season because it pairs effortlessly with a variety of foods. Whip up a batch of salmon tartare on toasted wontons for your next dinner party to go with the light, red fruit and earthy elements typical of this varietal. — Brandpoint/3 Badge


with a twist Austria meets ‘arrivederci’ in this bright dish


Twice-Baked Potato Jackets

Recipe courtesy of n 8 small potatoes n 1 hummus n Salt, to taste n Pepper, to taste n Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling n 2 tablespoons chopped rosemary Heat oven to 425 F. Scrub potatoes and poke with fork 2-3 times to allow steam to escape while baking. Place whole potatoes on rimmed sheet pan and bake approximately 25-30 minutes, or until potatoes are soft; cool 10 minutes. Carefully slice potatoes in half lengthwise; scoop out insides into bowl, leaving ¼-inch ring of potato around edges. Lightly mash potato chunks; add hummus and stir until combined. Season mixture with salt and pepper; taste and adjust, if necessary. Using spoon, divide potato-hummus filling evenly between potato jackets. Drizzle with olive oil and broil 5-7 minutes, or until tops are golden and crispy; watch closely as they will burn quickly. Remove from broiler and sprinkle with rosemary and pinch of salt. — Family Features/Sabra

THE DISH ON ... “Ingredient: Unveiling the Essential Elements of Food” by Ali Bouzari “Ingredient” isn’t a book of recipes, nor is it a definitive treatise on the science of the kitchen. It’s an illustrated guide to visualizing and controlling food’s invisible moving parts, regardless of your skill level or how you like to cook. Through this lively, engaging, and accessible guide, renowned culinary scientist Ali Bouzari shifts our focus from secret ingredients to the secrets of Ingredients. — Ecco


ho can resist a crispy-on-the-outside, tender-on-the-inside cutlet? No, it doesn’t take an Austrian in the family to revel in the joys of schnitzel. It doesn’t even take veal (what we know as Weiner Schnitzel). The meat of your liking and something to whack it with, to create a thin, tenderized piece, will do. You’ll need crumbs for dredging and oil for frying, but little more. Lemon for squeezing is strongly recommended. Haute cuisine it’s not. It’s better. Simple food, yet worthy of a Hapsburg.

Look online for

NUTRITION & HEALTH NEWS at — and look in the pages of the Bay State Banner for Be Healthy, our quarterly health magazine. Be Healthy offers easy-to-understand analysis of common health issues as well as first-hand patient stories, exercise tips, nutrition news and healthy recipes. A publication of The Bay State Banner BY THE EDITORS OF


Chicken Schnitzel Milanese Schnitzel with an Italian passport — Parmesan in the crumbs and a lemony arugula salad to top. n 4 (6-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breast halves n ½ cup flour n 1 cup plain panko breadcrumbs n ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese n 2 eggs n 1 tablespoon milk n ½ teaspoon garlic powder n ½ teaspoon coarse salt, divided n 6 tablespoons olive oil, divided n 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice n Freshly ground black pepper n 3 cups arugula n ½ small red onion, thinly sliced Preheat oven to 200F. Cut each chicken breast in half lengthwise, cutting to, but not through, the other side. Open up like a book. Place between pieces of plastic wrap and pound to about ¼-inch thickness. Place flour in a dish. Combine panko and Parmesan and place in a second dish. Beat eggs with milk and place in a third dish. Sprinkle garlic powder and ¼ teaspoon salt on chicken. Dredge chicken in flour, shaking off excess, dip in egg wash, then dredge in panko mixture; pat lightly. Transfer to a wire rack 15 minutes to set. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium-high. Add 2 cutlets and cook until golden and crisp, about 2 minutes. Turn and cook 2 minutes more. Transfer to an ovenproof plate and keep warm in oven. Add 2 more tablespoons oil (or more as needed), and cook remaining 2 cutlets. Whisk remaining 1 tablespoon oil with lemon juice in a medium bowl. Add remaining ¼ teaspoon salt and pepper. Add arugula and onion and toss. Arrange chicken on serving plates and top with salad. Serves 4. — Recipe by Laraine Perri; Mark Boughton Photography; Styling by Teresa Blackburn

Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 21 Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 21

building boom LEGAL continued from page 1

changes,” he said. “There’s room for growth.” As far as Boston residents are concerned, however, construction firms routinely hire workforces substantially lower in city residents than the 50 percent required under the current ordinance. Barros said the city is considering penalizing firms that fail to meet that goal. “We want to make sure residents are part of the boom,” he said. Councilor Jackson cautioned that the city will need to increase the number of compliance officers monitoring jobs sites. “There’s not enough staff at the city and the Boston Planning and Development Agency to monitor the sites,” he said. “If it were really a priority, there would be.”

Minority firms, minority hires

Jackson noted that black contractors have little trouble exceeding the city’s minority participation goals. For the $60 million Dearborn STEM Academy building, a joint venture between whiteowned Gilbane Building Company and black-owned Janey Construction Management & Consulting, Inc., 50 percent of the construction jobs so far have gone to people of color and 44 percent to Boston residents. Janey Construction President Greg Janey said hiring a representative workforce is easy when people of color are at the table from the beginning of a project and when the labor unions cooperate. “It can be done,” he said. “It’s not just us. It also depends a large part on the unions and the stewards to assign


people who live here to the jobs.” Janey’s field superintendent on the project, David Lopes, said the company took a firm stand with subcontractors to make sure they recruited people of color at every step of the job. “The Boston Residents Jobs Policy was attached to the subcontractors’ documents,” he said. “We held pre-bid meetings as well as pre-construction meetings to emphasize the importance of meeting the goals and that we weren’t going to be taking ‘no’ for an answer.”

Boston Police Medal of Honor LEGAL


More work to come

Black subcontractors, architects, engineers and construction workers may soon find even more job opportunities available in Roxbury. Developer Ken Guscott is heading a development team that is aiming to build a $200 million, 25-story retail, office and residential tower on land he owns in Dudley Square. And on Warren Street, Developer John Cruz is planning a $47 million, five-story retail and residential building that will house the offices of Cruz Construction and Cruz Management. The largest Roxbury construction project, Tremont Crossing, calls for offices, retail, residences and parking in a 1.2 million-square-foot development on Parcel 3, across from the Boston Police Department headquarters on Tremont Street. Yet while construction projects run by black-owned firms consistently show minority participation at 50 percent or higher, Roxbury-based projects managed by white-owned firms show a far lower percentage of jobs going to people of color. At Northeastern University’s $225 million science center, Suffolk Construction


Mayor Martin Walsh and BPD Commissioner William Evans present the family of Officer Jose Maceira, who was killed in the line of duty in 1974, with a Boston Police Medal of Honor and an American flag. His name was also placed on the Boston Police Department’s fallen officers wall at Boston Police Headquarters.

showed 37.5 percent of jobs going to people of color and 31 percent to Boston residents. At the $96.8 million Bruce Bolling Municipal Building in Dudley Square, Shawmut Construction showed 35 percent of jobs going to people of color and 37 percent to Boston residents.

Walsh’s order

The Bolling Building was completed before Walsh signed an executive order setting spending goals for minority-owned businesses competing for contracts in construction, architecture and engineering and professional services last year. Those guidelines will be in place when the city seeks bids on more than $30 million in upcoming construction projects the city is planning in the Roxbury area,

including: n A major renovation of the Vine Street Community Center, currently in the preliminary design phase. This project will include mechanical system upgrades, a new roof, new windows and doors, a new fitness center and significant upgrades to the Teen and Senior Centers. Construction is slated to begin in fall 2017 and represents a total investment of $5.3 million. n Demolition and reconstruction of Engine 42 Fire Station on Columbus Avenue. This project is currently in the study phase and is budgeted for $10 million. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2018. n A major renovation to the Dudley Branch of the Boston Public Library system will begin in the fall 2017. This project is

budgeted for just under $15 million and is currently in preliminary design. n The David Ellis School, selected for the Accelerated Repair Program, will be part of a $3.7 million project to replace windows in six Boston Public Schools during summer 2017. n The Madison Park Technical Vocational High School’s welding lab currently is undergoing a $2 million renovation that will allow for an increase in welding booths, as well as ventilation and safety upgrades. These City of Boston projects will represent significant opportunities for people of color, but only if minority developers are in on the deal, according to Jackson. “Development only benefits the developers,” he said, “if people in our communities are not included.”



Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU16P0125GD

Citation Giving Notice of Petition for Appointment of Guardian for Incapacitated Person Pursuant to G.L. c. 190B, §5-304 In the matter of Virlee T. Clemons Of Boston, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Curtis Clemons of Hyde Park, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Virlee T. Clemons is in need of a Guardian and requesting that (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 11/25/2016. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: October 12, 2016 Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU13C0452CA In the matter of Chad Alison Williams of Roxbury, MA


NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME To all persons interested in a petition described: A petition has been presented by Chad A. Williams requesting that Chad Alison Williams be allowed to change his name as follows: Chad Alison Smith IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT BOSTON ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON 11/03/2016. WITNESS, HON. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: September 28, 2016 Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU16D0771DR

Divorce Summons by Publication and Mailing Juana Lara Avalo


Juan Leocadio Mejia

To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Juana Lara Avalo, 152A Eustis St. #1094, Boston, MA 02119 your answer, if any, on or before 12/08/2016. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: September 21, 2016

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate


BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The Authority is seeking a qualified consulting firm or team, with demonstrated experience to provide environmental professional services including all aspects associated with NPDES stormwater sampling in marine environments; completing a deicing feasibility study to reduce spent deicing chemicals to receiving waters; engineering preliminary design services specifically related to spent deicing fluid management; and any other related tasks that may arise pertaining to stormwater permit and/ or water quality compliance. The Consultant shall work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and cost-effective manner. The consultant shall have a well-staffed and seasoned team with demonstrated experience working at large airports with complex airfield systems in a marine environment. The team shall also have experience implementing Lean principles and tools during the course of this contract. The required disciplines include but are not limited to stormwater monitoring and modeling, pollution reduction engineering services for spent glycol incorporating sustainability design principles, and stormwater system inspection services. The contract will be work order based, and the Consultant’s fee for each work order shall be negotiated; however, the total fee for the contract shall not exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) for a term of three (3) years, or until the contract amount is expended. A Supplemental Information Package will be available, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016, on the Capital Bid Opportunities webpage of Massport default.aspx as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, and on COMMBUYS ( in the listings for this project. If you have problems finding it, please contact Susan Brace at Capital Programs The Supplemental Information Package will provide detailed information about the Scope of Work, Selection Criteria and Submission Requirements. By responding to this solicitation, consultants agree to accept the terms and conditions of Massport’s standard work order agreement, a copy of the Authority’s standard agreement can be found on the Authority’s web page at The Consultant shall specify in its cover letter that it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance coverage. This submission, including the litigation and legal proceedings history in a separate sealed envelope as required shall be addressed to Houssam H. Sleiman, PE, CCM, Director of Capital Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 Noon on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2016, at the Massachusetts Port Authority, Logan Office Center, One Harborside Drive, Suite 209S, Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA 02128-2909. Any submission which is not received in a timely manner shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive. Any information provided to the Authority in any Proposal or other written or oral communication between the Proposer and the Authority will not be, or deemed to have been, proprietary or confidential, although the Authority will use reasonable efforts not to disclose such information to persons who are not employees or consultants retained by the Authority except as may be required by M.G.L. c.66. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY THOMAS P. GLYNN CEO AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

22 • Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER







The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is seeking bids for the following:

The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Authority) is soliciting consulting services for MPA CONTRACT NO. L338 TERMINAL E MODERNIZATION. The Authority is seeking a qualified multidiscipline consulting firm or team, with proven experience to provide professional services including vision architectural design, architectural and engineering design, and construction related services including resident inspection and project controls relative to the modernization of Terminal E, to efficiently accommodate current and projected international operations and passengers. The Terminal E Modernization Project will extend the existing concourse, terminal core, and terminal road way frontages. These services are expected to be provided at BOSTON LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, EAST BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The Consultant must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner. The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Visioning Architecture for airport design, Architectural Design, Interior Design, Art, Airside Planning, Baggage System Design, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, Security System Design, Customs and Border Protection Design, Signage, Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Systems, Fuel Distribution System Design, Geotechnical, Landscape Architecture, Code Compliance, Asset Management, Lean Design and Construction, Cost Estimating, Construction Phasing, Virtual Design and Construction (VDC/BIM) for all disciplines and Scheduling. The consultant shall also have demonstrated experience with Construction Management at Risk, MGL Chapter 149A. The total project cost for Terminal E Modernization is approximately, $450,000,000.

In recognition of the unique nature of the project and the services required to support it, the Authority has scheduled a Consultant Briefing to be held at 10:00 AM on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2016 at the Capital Programs Department, Suite 209S, Logan Office Center, One Harborside Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts 02128. At this session, an overview of the project will be provided, the services requested by the Authority will be described, and questions will be answered. By responding to this solicitation, consultants agree to accept the terms and conditions of Massport’s standard work order agreement, a copy of the Authority’s standard agreement can be found on the Authority’s web page at The Consultant shall specify in its cover letter that it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance coverage. This submission, including the litigation and legal proceedings history in a separate sealed envelope as required shall be addressed to Houssam H. Sleiman, PE, CCM, Director of Capital Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 Noon on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2016 at the Massachusetts Port Authority, Logan Office Center, One Harborside Drive, Suite 209S, Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA 021282909. Any submission which is not received in a timely manner shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive. Any information provided to the Authority in any Proposal or other written or oral communication between the Proposer and the Authority will not be, or deemed to have been, proprietary or confidential, although the Authority will use reasonable efforts not to disclose such information to persons who are not employees or consultants retained by the Authority except as may be required by M.G.L. c.66. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY THOMAS P. GLYNN CEO AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Affordable Homeownership

Holliston, MA





Purchase of One (1) New 1000KW Trailer Mounted Diesel Engine Generator (per Specifications)


12:00 p.m.

Wedgewood Drive and Holliston Buy-Down Program


RFB Purchase and Supply of Electric Power


11:30 a.m.

3-Bedroom Units - $213,000 Single Family Detached Homes!


Personnel Dock Rehabilitation Deer Island Treatment Plant


2:00 p.m.


RFQ/P Deer Island Treatment 12/02/16 Plant Long Term Energy Supply Alternatives Analysis

Information Session: Th. 10/6/16, 7:30 pm Holliston Town Hall, Room 105 703 Washington Street, Holliston

11:00 a.m.

*To access and bid on Event(s) please go to the MWRA Supplier Portal at **To obtain bid document(s), please





Applications accepted through 11/14/16, 1 pm Lottery 11/30/16 Application and Lottery Information: Housing@Sudbury.Ma.US 278 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776, 978-639-3387 Income Limit 80% Boston AMI Asset Limits and Deed Restrictions Apply


BIG RESULTS! Call 617-261-4600 x 7799 or visit now to place your ad.

Moderate Income Homeownership

Emerson Green

24A Chance Street, Devens MA 01434 Moderate Income Unit, offered via lottery One 2BR 100% AMI Unit: $250,500 Applications accepted 10/3/16 through 12/5/16, 1 p.m. Information Session: October 24, 2016, 7:30pm 33 Andrews Pkwy, Devens, MA 01434


Parker Hill Apartments Brand New Renovated Apartment Homes Stainless Steel Appliances New Kitchen Cabinets Hardwood Floors Updated Bathroom Custom Accent Wall Painting Free Parking Free Wi-Fi in lobby Modern Laundry Facilities

Two Bedrooms Starting at $2200



Application and Lottery Information: Housing@Sudbury.Ma.US Sudbury Housing Trust, Lottery Agent 278 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA 01776, 978-639-3387

Wollaston Manor

Income Limit 100% Boston AMI and Asset Limits Use and Resale Restrictions Apply

Senior Living At It’s Best

The Elm at Island Creek Village

A senior/disabled/ handicapped community

New 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Affordable Apartments and Townhomes- Fall 2016

91 Clay Street Quincy, MA 02170

0 BR units = $1,027/mo 1 BR units = $1,101/mo All utilities included.

Call Sandy Miller, Property Manager


Program Restrictions Apply.


Neighborhood Homes

To qualify for inclusion in the lottery, you must: 1. Be a 1st time homebuyer and complete an approved homebuyer education course prior to closing; 2. Have a minimum household size of one (1) person per bedroom; 3. Meet income and asset requirements.

MAXIMUM HOUSEHOLD INCOME 2 person: $78,500 3 person: $88,300 4 person: $98,100 5 person: $105,950 Mortgage, deed, owner-occupancy, Boston residency, household size preference, and other restrictions apply. Requirements are subject to change.

APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! 617.635.4663 Department of Neighborhood Development

located in Duxbury, MA

Accepting applications for 3 housing lotteries for 49 apartments for the following affordable programs: Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC), Project Based Voucher (PBV) and MRVP Project Based Voucher (MRVP) Programs Income Guidelines Household Size (HH)

PBV/MRVP (30% AMI) Maximum Income

LIHTC (30% AMI) Maximum Income

MRVP (50% AMI) Maximum Income

LIHTC (60% AMI) Maximum Income

1 Person HH





2 Person HH





3 Person HH





4 Person HH





5 Person HH





6 Person HH





Minimum income guidlines apply for the LIHTC Program only.

The Neighborhood Home Initiative (NHI) is a new program that gives first-time homebuyers the chance to participate in a lottery to purchase an affordable single or two-family home in Boston. With new properties coming on line in the next few months, NOW is the time to see if you qualify!

City of Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh



A Supplemental Information Package will be available, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2016 on the Capital Bid Opportunities webpage of Massport default.aspx as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, and on COMMBUYS ( in the listings for this project. If you have problems finding it, please contact Susan Brace at Capital Programs The Supplemental Information Package will provide detailed information about Scope of Work, Selection Criteria and Submission Requirements.

For the PBV and MRVP programs rents are based on household income. LIHTC rents range from $552 up to $1530 based upon bedroom size less applicable utility allowance. Residents are responsible to pay electricity only. How to Get an Application: The Application intake period will begin on Monday September 26, 2016. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 10 am to 4 pm; Wednesdays from 10 am to 7 pm; and Saturdays from 10 am - 2 pm Applications can be picked up in person, emailed, faxed or mailed from the Island Creek Village Leasing Office: 42 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA Applications MUST BE POST MARKED, EMAILED, FAXED OR DELIVERED IN PERSON BY 5:00 pm November 30, 2016 The placement of your application will be decided by a lottery held at 2:00 pm December 13, 2016 at the Duxbury Council On Aging

Attendance is not required for the lottery

Information Sessions: October 3, 2016 at 2:00 pm October 21, 2016 at 2:00 pm November 18, 2016 at 2:00 pm All information sessions will be held at the Duxbury Council On Aging located at 10 Mayflower Street,Duxbury, MA 02332 For more info or to request a reasonable accommodation, call 781-934-6714, TTY 711 or email Language assistance available This is a Smoke Free Community

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Thursday, October 20, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 23



Wingate Residences Phase II Affordable Housing Lottery



New Jobs In Fast-Growing



Companies Now Hiring

235 Gould St Needham, MA



1BR/2BR unit @ $1,220 (for 1 person households) 1BR/2BR unit @ $1,395 (for 2 person households)

Are you a “people person?” Do you like to help others? Full-time, 12-week training plus internship. Job placement assistance provided.

Rents for the affordable units changes based on the amount of occupants. Rents shown include all utilities.


Rent does NOT include care services, medication services, and incontinency services. A meal plan is available at an additional cost of $25/day. Applicants for these affordable units must meet the terms and standards required to qualify to live in an independent living unit. Please contact Wingate for more details.

HS diploma or GED required. Free YMCA membership for you and your family while enrolled in YMCA Training, Inc. Call 617-542-1800 and refer to Health Insurance Training when you call

Wingate Senior Living at Needham is a 143 unit senior living facility. Five of the independent living units will be made available through this application process and rented to households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. There are 4 affordable 1BR units and 1 affordable 2BR unit.


A Great Office Job!

The maximum allowable income limits are: $51,150 (1 person household) $58,450 (2 person household).

Train for Administrative, Financial Services, & Healthcare Administrative Support jobs. Work in hospitals, colleges, insurance agencies, banks, businesses, government offices, health insurance call centers, and more!

Pets welcome, subject to applicable rules and regulations, breed restrictions apply. Completed Applications and Required Income Documentation must be delivered, not postmarked, by 5 pm on January 16, 2017 and dated and delivered no earlier than January 2, 2017. The Needham Public Library Community Room, 1139 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA will be the location for a public Info Session on November 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm and Needham Town Hall will be the location for the Lottery on January 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm.

FREE TRAINING FOR THOSE THAT QUALIFY! We will help you apply for free training. Job placement assistance provided. No prior experience necessary, but must have HS diploma or GED. Free YMCA membership for you and your family while enrolled in YMCA Training, Inc.

Call today to schedule an Information Session: 617-542-1800

For Details on Applications, the Lottery and the Apartments or for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, call Jamielynn Salisbury at 781.455.9080 or email her at

Director of Subsidized Housing & Applications Brookline Housing Authority The B.H.A. is a high-performing agency that seeks an experienced professional to join the leadership team and replace the retiring incumbent. Excellent opportunity for a dynamic leader. The existing staff in this department are experienced and responsible.

Job Duties

• Direct all aspects of Sec. 8 Voucher and related programs (990 units). • Oversee Public Housing Applications (920 units) – state and federal. • Supervise five staff and outside vendors. • Closely coordinate with Finance Department – $1 million in monthly disbursements. • Maintain strict program integrity and compliance. • Play a key role in upcoming comprehensive review of department procedures.


• Significant relevant experience in staff supervision, Sec. 8, and Public Housing. • Bachelor’s degree; strong experience can substitute. • Strong leadership and organizational skills. • Excellent judgment, work ethic, integrity.

Salary and Benefits

ADVERTISE YOUR CLASSIFIEDS (617) 261-4600 x 7799 •

Applications and Information also available at the Needham Public Library on 1139 Highland Ave (Hours: M-Th 9-9, F 9-5:30, Sa 9-5, Su 1-5).

Find rate information at

Public agency salary, depends on experience. Excellent benefits including state health insurance and state retirement. Submit cover letter, resume, and salary history to No phone calls. Deadline: November 21, 4:00 p.m., interviews commencing in October (before submission deadline). Full job description and more at Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Sec. 3 Employer



Are you interested in a

Healthcare CAREER?

applicants with facilities management, modernization/capital improvements, construction experience for f.t. job with benefits.

Program eligibility includes: Have a high school diploma or equivalent Have a verifiable reference of 1 year from a former employer Pass assessments in reading, language, and computer skills Have CORI clearance Be legally authorized to work in the United States

Contact bvivian@ for complete job description.

For more information and to register for the next Open House please visit our website at or call 617-442-1880 ext. 218.



The Colonnade Hotel • 120 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA

Participating Companies • Acushnet Company

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• Arbour Health System • Big Y Foods Inc. • BMC HealthNet Plan • Brigham and Women’s Hospital • Citizens Bank • Commonwealth Worldwide Chauffered Transportation

• G2 Secure Staff • Kelly Services • Keolis Commuter Services • New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) • North Suffolk Mental Health Association

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Medford Housing Authority seeks

Project Hope, in partnership with Partners HealthCare is currently accepting applications for a FREE entry level healthcare employment training program. • • • • •

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For more information, see our program guide on Wednesday, October 26—only in the Boston Herald. *There is no cost or obligation to attend. Business attire is requested. The Workplace Diversity Job Fair is conducted in accordance with federal laws advocating employment of all individuals. The Workplace Diversity Job Fair is handicapped accessible. If special arrangements are required, please call (617) 619-6168, no later than 2 days prior to the event.

CHANCELLOR The President and the Board of Trustees of the University of Massachusetts announce a search for the position of Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth). UMass Dartmouth is part of a five-campus system (including campus locations in addition to Dartmouth in Amherst, Boston, Lowell and a Medical School in Worcester) governed by a President and a 22-member Board of Trustees. In 2016, UMass Dartmouth earned designation as a Doctoral University – Higher Research Activity from the national Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, making it the only Massachusetts research university south of Boston. Distinguished by personalized teaching, innovative research, and full engagement in regional economic, social, and cultural development, UMass Dartmouth has an enrollment of nearly 9,000 students in more than 50 undergraduate majors and more than 40 graduate programs, including 12 at the doctoral level and the Commonwealth’s only public law school. The scholarly research and creative activities of faculty and graduate students are interwoven with the undergraduate experience. The main campus, designed by the eminent architect Paul Rudolph, is located on 710 acres in Dartmouth, about half way between Providence, RI and Cape Cod. Other University sites include the School for Marine Science and Technology on the waterfront in New Bedford, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Fall River, the School of Law in Dartmouth, and the College of Visual and Performing Arts in downtown New Bedford. UMass Dartmouth, with an economic impact measured at $517 million employs more than 1,400 people, including nearly 400 full-time faculty members, and creates more than 2,800 non-university jobs. There are nearly 50,000 alumni. UMass Dartmouth’s $27 million research enterprise has forged an innovation triangle in southeastern Massachusetts, where scientific and creative ventures at the Dartmouth main campus and in New Bedford and Fall River produce knowledge and ideas that are focused on the region but have statewide, national and global impact. The ideal candidate should possess an earned appropriate terminal degree or credentials sufficient to engender respect from the academy and the community-at-large, and the educational background to demonstrate a commitment to academic quality, including an appreciation for outstanding teaching, scholarship, and service. Candidates from a broad range of leadership backgrounds will be considered. UMass Dartmouth’s Chancellor will be an experienced leader who has demonstrated the implementation of a vision, is comfortable in a shared governance environment, excels at management and resource development, and is a team player and communicator who can articulate and build support for the University mission. Isaacson, Miller, a national executive search firm, is assisting UMass Dartmouth in the search. Initial screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until an appointment is made. Nominations should include nominee’s name, position, address, and telephone number. Application materials should include a letter addressing how the candidate’s experiences match the position requirements and a curriculum vitae. Confidential inquiries, nominations, and application materials should be directed to: Gale Merseth, Vice President Greg Esposito, Managing Associate Isaacson, Miller 263 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210 Additional information about UMass Dartmouth may be found at Information about the University system can be found at The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer

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