Bay State Banner 5-5-2016

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inside this week

Black advocates meet with state legislators pg 2

business news

Chocolaffee brings Colombian treats to Greater Boston pg 11







» MAY 2016





‘Art of Jazz’ exhibit at Cooper Gallery pg 16

george foreman iii

5 Questions with actor Baron Vaughn pg 16 Q&A: Tyler James Williams on ‘RePlay’ pg 17


Thursday, May 5, 2016 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS BannerBiz_5-5-16.indd 1

4/19/16 10:45 AM

Election aims to fill Rox. Council board Interim board members to serve three-month term By JULE PATTISON-GORDON


At City Hall Plaza, Mayor Martin Walsh announced support of a potential ballot measure that would fund projects by implementing a property tax surcharge.

Walsh backs surcharge for affordable housing Will fund open space, historic preservation By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Last week, Mayor Martin Walsh announced his support for a ballot measure that would raise revenue specifically for affordable housing, parks and historic preservation. If the Community Preservation Act makes it onto the November ballot and wins voter support, it will generate this funding in part through a 1 percent surcharge added onto

property tax bills. “[The CPA] is an important tool and step to create a more affordable and sustainable future,” Walsh said during an afternoon news conference on City Hall Plaza last Wednesday. He called housing costs one of the city’s greatest challenges, adding, “We have to use every available tool and resource we have to continue to build more housing.” To date, 160 municipalities across the state — including

Cambridge and Somerville — currently utilize the CPA. Had Boston joined them, this year the city would have raised $16.5 million in additional revenue and triggered millions more in matching state funds, Walsh said. This is not the first time the act has come under consideration. In 2001, Boston voters shot down an earlier version that would have implemented a 2 percent surcharge.

Members of Reclaim Roxbury gathered at Roxbury Community College last week to push forward a full revival of the Roxbury Neighborhood Council. At the end of the Thursday night meeting, attendees voted by show of hand for 18 candidates to sit for brief terms on RNC’s board. “This is about control, this is about power, this is about governance,” said City Councilor Tito Jackson, who launched Reclaim Roxbury. He stated that a neighborhood council is necessary to give Roxbury — and not the BRA — control over its development. According to Jackson, new RNC members will serve for three months — a timeframe chosen to match the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s pause on its own planning effort in the area, PLAN Dudley. Presenters said the neighborhood council is expected to revise its bylaws and prepare for an election to be held at the end of those three months to bring on members for longer terms. However, Reclaim Roxbury members’ plans are contingent on approval by another group. In December of 2015, former RNC member Bob Terrell filed to reinstate the long-defunct neighborhood council, an initiative he began independent of Reclaim Roxbury. The revived RNC has a five-member

board, comprising Terrell, Bridgette Wallace, Pat Riddick, Bette Toney and Rhoda Johnson. After Jackson started Reclaim Roxbury, Terrell offered the group the opportunity to fill the supermajority of RNC’s seats, joining the five current board members. Those elected on Thursday will have to be ratified by the five existing board members for it to be official, Terrell told the Banner. And current bylaws would have to be revised to allow for an election to be held in three months or for more than 12 of the elected candidates to be seated on the council.

Neighborhood council need

Presenters at last week’s meeting pointed to a neighborhood council as a way to bring community influence into development and planning decisions and monitor the development process to ensure any agreements are enforced. Former City Councilor Chuck Turner said a neighborhood council offers community representation and power in a way the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee cannot. “We haven’t had a neighborhood council to balance the authority of the community against the authority of the Master Plan Oversight Committee that is essentially under control of BRA,”

See ROXBURY, page 7

See CPA, page 9

An abundance of empty seats? Parents blast BPS-commissioned study By YAWU MILLER

Since December, when city officials released a draft of a report citing a surplus of seats in the Boston Public Schools, Mayor Martin Walsh and school officials have cited the report’s findings: 57,000 students in a system with 93,000 seats. The report, which recommends closing 20-50 schools, estimated a potential savings of $51

to $81 million a year, along with a one-time windfall of $120 to $200 million from the sale of the school buildings. But this week a parent group obtained, through a Freedom of Information Act request, longer drafts and supporting documents detailing the thinking the consultant group McKinsey & Company used to arrive at its estimate of 93,000 seats in Boston’s 126 school buildings. The alleged surplus of 36,000

seats, activists say, ignores the school department’s current student-teacher ratio and takes into consideration the overall square footage of school buildings, rather than looking at usable classroom space. “McKinsey just did this report with raw square footage,” said Patricia Kinsella, a member of the parent organization Quality Education for Every Student. “Anyone who works in education knows that doesn’t work. They came in for ten weeks, spent $60,000 a week

See MCKINSEY, page 20


Louis Elisa was among attendees who spoke at Reclaim Roxbury’s meeting. The event focused on selecting candidates to serve on the board of the reinstated neighborhood council.

2 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER

Black advocates meet with state legislators Call for regular meetings over community concerns By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Residents of black communities and state legislators are going to get to know each other — or such was the goal of the approximately 20 activists, nonprofit leaders and political aides who gathered at the State House last Thursday for a “Black Community Grassroots Leadership Advocacy Day.” During the event, residents sat down with legislators to discuss a spread of community concerns. Their asks ranged from more funding for special education to terms that would give black communities an equal shot at the marijuana business. More than highlighting any one issue, the event was geared toward creating a regular line of communication between black communities and state legislators. “They don’t often hear from us,” Zakiya Alake, Union of Minority Neighborhoods representative to the Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending, told the Banner. Most often, if members of the black community visit the State House, it is to lobby on a specific cause, such as AIDS or preschool funding, Alake said, but not on general concerns. Other interest groups, such as labor groups and LGBT advocacy groups visit legislators several times a month, Horace Small, executive director of the Union

of Minority Neighborhoods, told the Banner. Blacks need to be similarly visible, said Dan Delaney, member of UNM’s board of directors, and should visit the State House each quarter or at least twice a year. “This is an opportunity to begin to change the paradigm on how we do business with our elected leaders,” Small said, speaking to the Banner before the event. “We desperately need to begin to start showing our collective clout.” There are six black members of the 200-member state legislature, and Small said relying on those in office is not sufficient. “If we’re waiting for the [Black and Latino] Caucus to tell us what’s going on, we’ll never find out.”

Progressive Black Democrats of Massachusetts

The day also marked the launching of the Progressive Black Democrats of Massachusetts. The group was created to ensure that discussions started during the advocacy day continue, and it will promote political engagement in the black community, according to Horace Small. Such efforts include offering assistance with voter registration, training on how to run for office, and — as was seen in an advice sheet distributed on the advocacy day —informing on strategies for most effectively communicating with legislators. For instance, Alake explained, when

advocating, it is crucial to tie your personal story to a specific ask, such as a budget line item or proposed bill.

Variety of asks

Advocates sought to insert their voice during a critical time — state budget negotiations. That day, the House passed its $39.6 billion budget bill for fiscal year 2017, handing off budget deliberation to the Senate. Following the Senate’s own proposal, House and Senate legislators will have to compromise and pass a budget that wins governor approval before the fiscal year begins July 1. Speaking with advocates, Senate President Stan Rosenberg noted another important date: on May 18, the Senate and House meet for a Constitutional Convention. Issues such as education, housing, senior services, services for the disabled, health care, unemployment insurance and the MBTA “will be taking significant hits” if the budget the House was examining passed, warned a Facebook announcement of the Advocacy Day. The statement also asserted that “issues that matter to us as a Black community such as summer jobs, violence prevention, business development and economic stimulation have not been discussed.” While the House’s proposal allocates $9 million for summer jobs for at-risk youth, Small said there is no guarantee the Senate will retain this in its version of the budget and

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Information Session May 19th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.


Senate President Stan Rosenberg sat down with community advocates. said he has deep concerns. Other items aired during a meeting with Rosenberg and Sens. William Brownsberg and James Eldridge and a following one with Rep. Michelle DuBois and Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry, included a call for a Homeless Bill of Rights as well as greater funding for rental vouchers and homelessness relief services. “We see voucher holders that cannot even rent in the city of Boston,” because of the prices, said City Mission’s Rev. June Cooper. She added that she some of those her organization worked with have experienced rent increases of 200 percent. Toni Saunders of Associated Advocates said special education funding must rise to meet needs. Shanel Lindsay of Ardent Cannabis worried that laws that prevent those convicted for marijuana use from running a dispensary could block minorities from the sector disproportionately.


“Minorities were largely shut out of the process,” Lindsay said. “No minorities own the [medical marijuana] dispensaries in Massachusetts.”

Potential movement

There is activity underway to address some of these issues, several legislators said. Income inequality is among the top four priorities of the Senate, Rosenberg told the advocates, pointing to last year’s increase in minimum wage and earned income tax credit. He added that during the May Constitutional Convention, legislators will discuss a proposed 4 percent surtax on those earning more than $1 million, with the revenue targeted for education and transportation. Several legislators also encouraged advocates to continue to request meetings with electeds. “Our doors are wide open,” Rosenberg said.



50 WEST BROOKLINE ST Blackstone Community Center South End, MA 02118

PROJECT PROPONENT: BP Hancock LLC PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal which includes the redevelopment of four distinct air rights development parcels situated above and adjacent to the MBTA’s Back Bay Station. The Project is comprised of up to approximately 1.26 million square feet of mixed-use redevelopment, consisting of a new office building with ground floor retail, two new residential buildings, a one and two-story vertical retail expansion of the existing Station building and the partial redevelopment of the existing 100 Clarendon Street Parking Garage. This transformational development will deliver approximately 575,000 square feet of commercial office space, up to approximately 100,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space and up to approximately 600 residential units, in addition to Project-related parking, loading and service uses, as well as improved access to the existing on-site public transit services.

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Boston Redevelopment Authority One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4259 Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

CLOSE OF COMMENT PERIOD: Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 3

BHA, HUD providing second chance for local youths Officials launch new program, youths cite police harassment By YAWU MILLER

Back in 1996, as public housing developments struggled with crime, Congress passed the so-called “one strike” law, mandating eviction of criminally-involved tenants. Now, as the pendulum of public opinion swings from punishment to rehabilitation, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has instituted a new program to help ex-offenders clear their records so that they can obtain jobs and housing. Last week officials from HUD and the Boston Housing Authority joined Mayor Martin Walsh at the Lenox/Camden public housing development to announce a $100,000 grant to assist ex-offenders. The grant, to be managed by the BHA and Greater Boston Legal Services, will help people between the ages of 16 and 24 who live in BHA housing, or would be eligible for BHA housing without a CORI, to seal their records. “Mistakes that young people make should not be a life sentence,” said BHA Administrator Bill McGonagle. “This is an important step in the right direction.” The funding comes through HUD’s Juvenile Reentry Assistance Program, a $1.75 million national effort aimed at fostering partnerships between housing authorities and legal aid groups to help seal records. The BHA’s partnership with GBLS is a game-changer, according to Pauline Quiron, who directs the nonprofit’s CORI and Reentry Project. GBLS often represents people who are being evicted from BHA properties.


“It’s new for us,” Quiron said of the partnership. “It’s fabulous that we’re joining forces. We’ve struggled to find funding for our CORI project. We are putting attorneys to work on this. We can make a difference.” In addition to sealing records, the project will also connect participants with the job training programs, including BHA’s Jobs Plus program, literacy programs and other resources. “Providing a vehicle for a second chance for our young people is very important to me as the mayor of Boston,” Walsh said. “This grant is another example of our commitment to provide opportunity and access to all in our city.”

Complaints of harassment

The setting for the announcement, in the Lenox Street housing development, underscored the criminal justice challenges facing public housing residents and the city officials who administer them. Last month a police sweep of the development netted 19 arrests on gun and drug charges. While the arrests were aimed at targeting gang activity in a tough corner of Lower Roxbury, not everyone is happy with the increased police presence in the development. Surrounded by a phalanx of teens, local activist Mwase Potts approached Walsh after the press conference, asking that he stop police from harassing youth in the development. “They’re out here every day,” he said. “When we’re in the park or in public areas, they tell us we can’t be here.” While the Boston Housing Authority Police patrol the area, Potts, who is 25, said he and other young black men are





Boston Common Hotel & Conference Center Boston, MA 02116

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal which includes the redevelopment of four distinct air rights development parcels situated above and adjacent to the MBTA’s Back Bay Station. The Project is comprised of up to approximately 1.26 million square feet of mixed-use redevelopment, consisting of a new office building with ground floor retail, two new residential buildings, a one and two-story vertical retail expansion of the existing Station building and the partial redevelopment of the existing 100 Clarendon Street Parking Garage. This transformational development will deliver approximately 575,000 square feet of commercial office space, up to approximately 100,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space and up to approximately 600 residential units, in addition to Project-related parking, loading and service uses, as well as improved access to the existing on-site public transit services.

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Boston Redevelopment Authority One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4259 Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

CLOSE OF COMMENT PERIOD: Tuesday, May 31, 2016



South End resident Mwase Potts says he and other area teens are regularly targeted by Boston Police officers patrolling public areas around the Lenox Street housing development. targeted primarily by the Boston Police Department’s Gang Unit. He says that by forcing him and other youths to leave parks, sidewalks and other places of public accommodation, the police are violating his rights. “They’re always jumping out of their cars with their guns and their vests telling kids they’ve got

to go out of their own neighborhood,” Potts said. “I understand that the neighborhood needs to be protected, but they have to treat people like human beings.” Potts said that whites who frequent the area are allowed to walk the sidewalks and congregate in the parks unimpeded by the police, but that he and his

friends are harassed even when not in public spaces. “We were in a pizza shop — Pizza Italian,” he said, referring to a Shawmut Avenue pizzeria. “They came in and told us to leave while we were waiting for our food. The people who owned the shop were yelling at them to leave us alone. They made us leave.”

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4 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



By fax: 617-261-2346 From web site: click “contact us,” then click “letters” By mail: The Boston Banner, 23 Drydock Ave., Boston, MA 02210 Letters must be signed. Names may be withheld upon request.


Established 1965

The growing cost of police misconduct Americans have always expected their police officers to be a bit rough and tough. After all, that was thought to be the demeanor required to confront offenders. However, the KNAPP Commission investigation of police corruption in New York in 1970 induced the public everywhere to cast a more watchful eye on possible police misconduct. Since then there has been a belief that it is time to change the culture of the police force. African Americans have steadily held to that view. After all, black men too frequently suffer on the painful end of police brutality. In addition, the black community has become aware of improper police relations with local criminally oriented citizens. As a result, many in the community have lost respect for the police and law enforcement. This change in attitude extends beyond the black community. The Rampart District cases in Los Angeles in the 1990s certainly did not enhance the police reputation for propriety. The federal district court judge even permitted those cases against the LAPD to be brought as criminal enterprises under the Rico statute. The increasing cost of judicial judgments is now causing major cities to reconsider the proficiency of the police. Chicago has paid $521

million to victims of police impropriety since 2004. According to the Wall Street Journal, 10 cities with the largest police departments paid out $248.7 million in 2014 alone. Also, mismanagement that could provoke a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice could be prohibitively expensive. After the brutal police beating of Rodney King, Congress authorized the Justice Department to investigate civil rights violations by municipal police departments. Since 1994 there have been 67 such investigations, which seem to be interminable and expensive. Almost every department under investigation ends up hiring a new chief of police. The terms of a settlement or court order also are expensive. They usually involve improved training, increased transparency, independent oversight and investigation of uses of force. Citizens also have begun to wonder whether the substantial salaries for the police are justified in view of their non-professional performance. In Boston, for example, 52 police officers were paid more than $250,000 last year, with one lieutenant receiving $348,000. At the rate of pay for police officers in major cities, the public has the right to expect much more. After all, the police are technically still public servants.

have this restriction. But the rules are more restrictive in the Old Confederacy, and it is possible to lose the right to vote permanently in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. According to Washington, D.C.’s Sentencing Project, about 5.85 million citizens are denied the franchise because of felony convictions. McAuliffe’s bold move has focused attention on the issue, and the Democratic Party is advised to push for greater changes in the restrictive laws in time for the November presidential election. There is now a greater awareness of the unjustified denial of the rights of citizens who have paid their debt to society but are still severely alienated.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Supports Grove Hall redevelopment I congratulate the Prince Hall masons for their visionary plan to redevelop their property in Grove Hall. The area as it stands now offers little in the way of attractions. The fact that the supermarket,

which is the greatest draw to the area, was shut down due to unsanitary conditions is unacceptable. We need development projects in Grove Hall that will bring our community up. While it’s okay to have pizza shops, corner stores and barber shops, we need more variety in the businesses in Grove Hall. We need

INDEX BUSINESS NEWS ………………………………...................... 11 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT …………………...................... 16 FOOD .................................…………………...................... 19 CLASSIFIEDS ……………………………………....................... 21

a place where people can sit down for a meal, with table service and drinks. The mason’s plan to bring a hotel to the area would almost certainly bring that. The community needs to rally around the masons and lend their support. — Ed Davis Grove Hall

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Unjust voter suppression Conservatives have been employing a perfectly legal technique for reducing the black vote. It is actually a two-step process. First, a bigoted criminal justice system convicts blacks of felonies. Then once a felon, the citizen loses the right to vote. However, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic Governor of Virginia, has developed a technique for circumventing this disenfranchisement. He simply exercises his clemency authority to restore felons to the voting rolls upon their release from prison. Only in Maine and Vermont do convicted felons not lose their right to vote. They can even exercise an absentee ballot while in prison. In Massachusetts, felons lose their vote while in prison. D.C. and 13 other states

“Now that all our actions are going to be recorded, I want only prize-winning close-ups.”

Contributing Writers

Ernesto Arroyo Don West

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Contributing Writers Colette Greenstein Susan Saccoccia Lloyd Kam Williams PRODUCTION Daniel Goodwin Caleb Olson

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The Boston Banner is published every Thursday. Offices are located at 23 Drydock Ave., Boston, MA 02210. Telephone: 617-261-4600, Fax 617-261-2346 Subscriptions: $48 for one year ($55 out-of-state) Web site: Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA. All rights reserved. Copyright 2016. The Banner is certified by the NMSDC, 2016. Circulation of The Bay State and Boston Banner 27,400. Audited by CAC, June 2015. The Banner is printed by: TC Transcontinental Printing 10807, Mirabeau, Anjou (Québec) H1J 1T7 Printed in Canada



Prince Hall Hotel?


An Affront to Boston’s Black History


Prince Hall Hotel?


Prince Hall Hotel?

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 5




Jackie Robinson and the cost of racism

What do you think it will take for a candidate to win the White House in November?

By LEE A. DANIELS Another baseball season has opened, and with it, Major League Baseball’s annual homage to Jack Roosevelt Robinson, more popularly known as Jackie Robinson, whose breaking of baseball’s color barrier with the Brooklyn Dodgers was one of the late 1940s’ harbingers of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. This year the tribute to Robinson was complemented by documentarian Ken Burns’ superb exploration on the Public Broadcasting System of Robinson’s life and the American society of the mid-twentieth century. As Burns shows, Robinson’s importance to all of America’s twentieth-century history can’t be overstated. Branch Rickey, the Dodgers owner who considered integrating baseball his mission, “needed a soldier” in the fight for racial equality, as Rachel Robinson, Jackie’s widow, says in the documentary. He needed someone whose inner strength and unshakable allegiance to black Americans’ struggle would enable him to stoically withstand the venomous racism that was surely going to come his way. (One can get a limited but still shocking sense of what Robinson endured from the misogynistic abuse hurled now at many female sports reporters and sportswriters via social media.) But Robinson’s cloaked anger likely intensified his naturally fierce competitive instincts on the diamond. Smart at bat and swift and daring on the base paths, he won the National League’s Rookie of the Year Award and two years later captured the League’s Most Valuable Player honor. Two decades before the Yankees star Reggie Jackson said of himself that he was “the straw that stirs the drink,” Jack Roosevelt Robinson was that not just for the Dodgers. He was that for Black America, too. This isn’t to slight all the work civil rights activists were engaged in in the late 1940s. Rather, it’s to underscore that then, unlike in the crowded professional sports world of today, baseball reigned supreme, literally worshipped as the uniquely “American” game. So, Robinson’s breaking baseball’s color barrier had meaning far beyond the game itself. He “represented” as well as any one individual could black Americans’ confidence in their fitness as American citizens and their unceasing determination to claim their rightful place in American society. Much of the telling of the Jackie Robinson story has focused on that broader history of the cost of racism to blacks generally and to him specifically. But there’s another facet to the Jackie Robinson story that’s too little discussed, or even noticed. That is what racism — the banning of black players from the Major Leagues — cost Major League baseball itself. We can see one dramatic example of that by considering Robinson’s pre-Brooklyn Dodgers experience with another Major League team: the Boston Red Sox. It’s well known that in 1945 Robinson endured a “sham tryout” with the Red Sox, whose owner was fully committed to preserving baseball’s color barrier. The Dodgers and Robinson himself reaped the benefit. In his rookie year and for five more times during his ten-year career, Robinson and the Dodgers played in the World Series. Each time they played their hated crosstown rivals, the New York Yankees, winning only once. Meanwhile, after making it to the World Series in 1946, the Red Sox began a twenty-year exile from World Series play. In 1951, however, they did have the opportunity to atone for their mistake in not taking Robinson by drafting a “can’t miss” black teenage phenom from Alabama. But once again they kept to their no-blacks rule. That teenage phenom was Willie Mays, a dazzling outfielder and power hitter — like Jackie Robinson, a future member of baseball’s Hall of Fame. He was drafted instead by the New York (baseball) Giants and by 1954 was playing in the World Series. The Red Sox didn’t sign a black player until 1959, the last Major League team to do so. They didn’t get back to the World Series until 1967. Consider this fact: In the 20 years from 1945 to 1965 the New York Yankees — which included some of the greatest players in baseball history — appeared in an astounding fifteen World Series and won ten of them. Now, imagine a post-1945 to early-1960s Boston Red Sox team with a lineup that included three future Hall-of-Famers — Jackie Robinson, Willie Mays, and Ted Williams, arguably the game’s greatest pure hitter — and ponder this question: How many times during those decades would it have been the Boston Red Sox, not the New York Yankees, in the World Series? Just in baseball terms, that could be a magnificent debate. In terms of the larger American society, it’s stark evidence that racism has always had a cost that’s borne on both sides of the Color Line.

Lee A. Daniels, a longtime journalist, is a keynote speaker and author. He worked with Rachel Robinson on her 1996 book, Jackie Robinson: An Intimate Portrait. He can be reached at

The next president needs to give the people a voice in what happens in the community.

Kiyana Hall

Assistant Teacher South End

Clean up crime and increase people’s wages.

Orville Maxwell

Maintenance Worker Dorchester

I would like them to promote equality I want to see Hillary win. She needs for all people in all walks of life. And to do more outreach to black people. I’d like to see more support for small businesses in the community.

Jared Blount

Cyndi Rock

Unemployed Dorchester

Hairstylist Boston

I think the Democrats are doing a good job right now, compared to the Republicans. They just need to unify behind one candidate.

Zenubia Cameron Student Roxbury

It would help if the Democrats were more unified. Regardless of who wins — Bernie or Hillary — they’ll have a hard time against Trump.

Monica Matos Student Dorchester


MONICA VALDES LUPI Monica Valdes Lupi, JD, MPH, joined the Boston Public Health Commission as executive director in February 2016. Among other public health priorities, she is committed to preventing and treating substance abuse, strengthening the city’s partnerships with healthcare organizations and advancing health equity for all Bostonians. As the executive director of the BPHC, the city’s health department, Valdes Lupi manages a $162 million budget and leads 1,100 employees. In addition to operating a broad range of public health programs, the BPHC includes Boston Emergency Medical Services, schoolbased health centers, several substance abuse treatment facilities, and the largest homeless services program in New England. In her role as executive director, Valdes Lupi serves as the key advisor to Mayor Martin Walsh on health issues and continues to build

innovative partnerships across city agencies to leverage strategic opportunities for housing, economic development, transportation, education and environmental policies to positively impact the health of all Boston residents. Prior to joining BPHC, Valdes Lupi served as the chief program officer for the Health Systems Transformation team at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. In this role, she led initiatives in the following programmatic areas: health equity, public health integration with primary care, Medicaid/Public Health Partnerships, public health informatics, and state health policy. Through this diverse portfolio, she led her team in strengthening the technical assistance and capacity building services provided to state and territorial health officials, senior deputies, and their leadership teams.

Valdes Lupi worked previously at the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers as a policy analyst where she coordinated the activities for the Boston Conference of Community Health Centers. She received her JD from the Dickinson School of Law, her MPH from the Boston University School of Public Health and her BA from Bryn Mawr College.

6 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER


OneUnited Bank’s message to the Boston Globe

USES second annual Neighborhood Gala

The fact-based story of OneUnited Bank

Editor’s note: The following statement was submitted to the Banner in anticipation of an article by the Boston Globe about OneUnited Bank. Inquiries by Boston Globe reporters in the last week have induced the management of OneUnited Bank to present a statement of facts in anticipation of possible inaccuracies that might result from the Globe’s reporting, as in the past. The Globe has consistently refused to publish responses of OneUnited Bank to contest the accuracy of past articles. By TERI WILLIAMS COHEE

OneUnited Bank, the largest black-owned bank in the country, is well capitalized in accordance with federal and state of Massachusetts banking regulations, with $50 million in equity and over $140 million in liquidity. Post-recession, the bank has earned $11 million, has lent over $500 million with over 70 percent in low- to moderate-income communities, has earned over $500,000 in core profits in the past two quarters and made over

$1 million last month alone. OneUnited is a closely-held institution and, therefore, does not need to be overly concerned with short-term earnings. Bank management and shareholders made a conscious decision to fund its growth internally, which reflects its financial strength, not weakness. In early 2015, the bank’s investment in technology and the repositioning of its balance sheet were substantial and consequently the bank’s reported earnings for the year were basically break-even. With sufficient core earnings, liquidity and capital, the bank has positioned itself to be one of the premier financial technology companies in the United States. The challenges to OneUnited Bank — the largest black-owned business in Boston — are the same challenges facing all black businesses in Boston, which are the legacy of discrimination and the virtual exclusion of the black community from economic opportunities. Boston is the number one city in the country for income inequality. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, white Bostonians have

$256,000 and black Bostonians have a mere $700 in net assets (no…that is not a typo), largely due to the city’s legacy of institutional racism, including the disparity of contracts awarded, the lack of minority representation on jobs and the consistent negative media coverage of the few black-owned businesses that exist and are more likely to employ black people. Even with the economic boom experienced in Boston over the past 20 years, the number of Massachusetts black-owned businesses on the Black Enterprise 100 has dwindled from four to two, including OneUnited. While OneUnited Bank has focused on offering responsible products and services including financial literacy programs, second chance checking accounts, small dollar loan programs to help people rebuild credit and real estate secured loans, the bank’s most important community outreach today is to bring immediate and forceful attention to the need to close the extreme wealth gap.

Teri Williams Cohee is President/Chief Operating Officer of OneUnited Bank

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Mayor Marty Walsh, USES President & CEO Maicharia Weir Lytle, and USES parent and participant Tammy Pena at the United South End Settlements (USES) second annual Neighborhood Gala at the Harriet Tubman House in Boston’s South End. The evening raised over $285,000 to-date and celebrated USES’ programs, services, and impact over the past year. Over 250 supporters came together to celebrate the work that USES does each and every day to strengthen families and build community.

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Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 7


continued from page 1 Turner said at the meeting, speaking before the election. “I’m not saying they haven’t been vigilant in fighting for community interests, but the reality is they are set up by the mayor.” While the mayor appoints RSMPOC’s members, the Roxbury Neighborhood Council traditionally was elected by other Roxbury residents already serving on the RNC. A neighborhood council also could take advantage of several already-existing powers. For one, the former RNC had say in RSMPOC membership. According to the committee’s website, the mayor appoints RSMPOC from a pool of candidates nominated by the RNC and Roxbury elected officials. A neighborhood council advises the city on projects in its area. Under the BRA’s article 50, the agency must inform the RNC (or any successor organization) of plans and proposals for the disposition of publicly-owned land or zoning relief and allow the RNC 30 days in which to submit recommendations. Article 80 obligates the BRA to inform neighborhood councils of public comment periods and BRA board meetings on reviews of large and small projects. Jackson pointed out that the RSMPOC was established for a different purpose than the RNC. The RSMPOC was to oversee the development of only eight specific parcels, whereas a neighborhood council is designed to speak on planning, zoning and development in the entire neighborhood. And there are hundreds of sites for development in the Roxbury, Turner added. “[The RSMPOC] was not set up to do what they’re doing currently,”

Jackson said. “They were set up as a taskforce.” In February, city officials announced that the RSMPOC’s purview in the Dudley Square area would expand to include large privately-held parcels and parcels held by the Department of Neighborhood Development.

Work to be done

Jackson and Regina McClay, the co-chair of Reclaim Roxbury’s Governance and Decision-making Structure Committee, said at the meeting that the current RNC bylaws need revamping. Among the needed changes: distributing power more equally among members, McClay said, and removing provisions, such as a requirement to pay to be a member, Jackson said. And the current RNC is similarly interested in restructuring, Terrell, who was not in attendance, told the Banner. He said the Reclaim Roxbury’s group has produced some valuable suggestions, and that the RNC particularly is interested in acquiring greater influence in development processes. “We don’t want to completely replicate what the council did before,” Terrell said. “The neighborhood councils throughout the city have been advisory and that’s not what we want to do. We really want to have more authority and standing.” Several Reclaim Roxbury members noted that residents have the freedom to reinvent the council to better meet today’s challenges and wants, or even create a new organization, outside of the RNC, to handle these issues. “We can use this [council] as a mechanism and build out of it,” Mukaji Ambila, co-chair of the Organizing Strategy Committee, said. “If we get enough people, the Roxbury Neighborhood Council is not going to be enough.” Ambila said she

expects residents to call for a larger and more powerful group, and that the three months are a chance to test out and revise the council’s workings. But the council first must have full membership before it can be altered, according to Jackson, who urged attendees to elect council members that night. “We have to have a populated Roxbury Neighborhood Council to be able to transact and do any business,” Jackson said. “For anything to count and for any of those changes that were brought forward in terms of the bylaws, you actually have to have a fully-populated neighborhood council.”

Contesting candidates

Several core members of Reclaim Roxbury expressed the assumption that the co-chairs of the planning group’s four committees, along with several members of the last RNC, would become the new council. This newly-elected council would revise bylaws and procedures, further community outreach and prepare for the election of the next RNC members, said Randall Foote, an RCC professor whose urban studies students have collaborated on Reclaim Roxbury. But when Foote proposed the motion to elect those candidates, it met some opposition. Former Senator Dianne Wilkerson asserted that a new neighborhood council members should be elected only from among those currently in the room — which disqualified all board members of the reinstated RNC other than Bridgette Wallace. Attendee David Mclean said this was the first meeting he had been able to make. He agreed with not electing absent members, saying he did not want anyone

unknown to him to represent him. “People who have been involved putting in effort should be involved in putting people on council but I also think the community who’s just finding out about this council should have the opportunity to be on the council,” Mclean added. Attendees determined that candidates would have to either work or live in Roxbury, but did not require them to represent different districts or to have been involved in the community for a set minimum period of time. This runs up against current RNC bylaws, which, Terrell said, require candidates to have been Roxbury residents for a minimum of six months.

New RNC members

Ultimately, eight co-chairs along with ten other nominated or self-nominated attendees were voted for by meeting attendees. However, Terrell said not all of these members can join. Current bylaws allow for a 17-member RNC board; with five members already, including Wallace, there is room only for 12 more. In a May 3 email to Reclaim Roxbury, Terrell said the RNC’s agreement was to consider admitting Reclaim Roxbury’s eight co-chairs — should Reclaim Roxbury’s members vote in support of them and the cochairs be Roxbury residents. Many among the elected cochairs identified themselves as organizers, and three said they live in Dorchester, but work or study in Roxbury. The elected co-chairs included Darnell Johnson, coordinator of Right to the City Boston; Armani White, Roxbury resident and organizer; Mukaji Ambila, Dorchester resident and organizer in Roxbury; Regina McClay,

Roxbury resident who works in education; an RCC student who lives in Dorchester; a Dorchester resident who has been an organizer in Roxbury for six years; and a Roxbury resident who cofounded a Boston nonprofit focused on the prison industrial complex. Another co-chair elected was Bridgette Wallace, Roxbury resident and engagement manager of SkyLab, who is already a current RNC board member. Those nominated and elected at the meeting included several with political backgrounds, such as Chuck Turner, Dianne Wilkerson and Seth Andrea McCoy, chief of staff for the state auditor. Several union members were elected as well. David Mclean is a union electrician from Fort Hill, and Francis is a retired former lab technician and a member of Local 285 and 1199 SEIU. Also elected: Paige Thompson, a Roxbury resident with a background in development. Councilor Jackson’s office was unable to provide comment or names of the elected members by press deadline. Meanwhile, the BRA questioned the use of the Reclaim Roxbury process to revive the RNC. “There should be a broader conversation with city officials regarding the reestablishment of the Roxbury Neighborhood Council and its potential role in relation to existing advisory groups,” BRA Director of Communications Nick Martin said in a statement to the Banner. “However, in order to be successful we must take a collaborative approach that brings people together, and we encourage any community member invested in the future of Roxbury to lend their voice to PLAN Dudley Square.”

Prince tribute


Artist GoFive painted this mural behind Madison Park High School last week in tribute to legendary musician Prince, who died recently at 57.

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8 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER














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Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 9


continued from page 1 City Councilor Michael Flaherty, who sponsored that original bill, has brought it forth again, joined now by Councilor Andrea Campbell. Council President Michelle Wu also has declared support. Flaherty expressed hopes that this time, the CPA will have the backing it needs. “It lacked one thing back in 2001, which was full mayoral support,” he said.

City needs

Walsh said, if voter-approved, the CPA could arrive at a critical time. With many development projects in the pipeline, implementing this surcharge “is the best opportunity we have right now to get in there and maximize housing,” he said. Currently, there are approximately 5,000 low-income seniors spending more than half their income on rent in Boston, noted Sheila Dillon, chief of housing and director of the Department of Neighborhood Development. At times, these seniors choose between paying for housing, medicine or food, she said. And the problem is unlikely to abate without strong action: Dillon said she expects an increase of 10,000 low-income residents by 2030. Kathy Kottaridis, executive director of Historic Boston Incorporated, said the three areas supported by the CPA complement each other in strengthening neighborhoods. For instance, some of HBI’s projects have involved rehabilitating historic properties to be used for housing and urban farming. And HBI often encounters gaps between needed funds and what can be raised from traditional sources, she told the Banner, making CPA funding a significant potential resource.

How it works

Funds raised by the CPA go straight to key causes, but are not locked in to specific initiatives. This gives officials flexibility in the methods they use to try to achieve


the goals. For instance, money designated for affordable housing could go toward subsidizing affordable housing development, homeownership programs and/or other efforts, as officials see fit. Each of the three areas — historic preservation, parks and affordable housing — would receive at least ten percent of the CPA-generated funds. A to-becreated Community Preservation Committee with five to nine members would make recommendations to the City Council on how to distribute the rest. In past years, in cities that have adopted the CPA, the state has matched CPA funds at a level of 23 to 50 percent. Special appropriations by the state legislature and a surcharge placed on deed transfer transaction fees are responsible for generating the state’s contributions. But this surcharge is applied to anyone making a transaction at the Registry of Deeds, regardless of whether her or his municipality participates in CPA. If Boston takes up the CPA, it will start tapping into the fund its residents have been helping supply.

Taxpayer impact

For the average single-family home, the property tax surcharge translates into paying an extra $28 annually, according to city officials. The first $100,000 of a property’s value is exempt from the surcharge, and there would be exemptions for senior and low-income homeowners, Walsh said. In the past, some have expressed fears that any additional property costs will burden businesses. Already, commercial property is taxed at a more than twice the rate of residential property, and the surcharge would rely more heavily on them. “The majority of new revenue would come from commercial properties,” states a city press release. Walsh administration officials did not have information available on average surcharges for commercial properties. However, Walsh argued that an increase in affordable housing is also a benefit to businesses. It

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Members of the Middlesex County Chapter of The Links gathered to celebrate the installation of the painting “Links and Lineage,” by artist Paul Goodnight, into its permanent home, the arts department inside of the newly built University Hall at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Front row (l-r) J.Keith Motley, Chancellor UMass Boston; Jackie Jenkins-Scott, President, Wheelock College; Paula Wright, President Middlesex County Chapter, The Links Incorporated; Latoyia Edwards, NECN Anchor. Back row (l-r) Patricia Long, Founding Member Middlesex County (MA) Chapter The Links Incorporated, artist Paul Goodnight.

would make it easier for employees to stay in the city, and thus for companies to fill positions. The news conference also brought out several supporters from the business community, including Boris Kuritnik, real estate agent with Jamaica Plain’s Greenville Group. He told the Banner that the


Real estate reliance

During his recent budget

proposal announcement, Walsh lamented Boston’s reliance on property tax, complicated by the restrictions Proposition 2 ½ places on how much property value can be tapped. With the addition of the CPA, the city turns again to real estate for revenue.

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CPA funding helps retain communities and promote the “historical feel and natural aspect of the city,” — elements he says make Boston attractive to live in and draw people to the city.




Links painting installed

Rev. Michael E. Haynes Pastor Emeritus

Rev. Willie Bodrick, II Program Director

10 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER

City council reviews effort to make trauma treatment local ON THE WEB


With many who work with trauma saying it too often goes unrecognized and untreated, some elected officials and organizations are seeking ways to make care more accessible to those affected. One such effort by the Boston Public Health Commission came under review last week at a hearing convened by City Councilor Ayanna Pressley. At the hearing, BPHC representatives reported on a two-year-old initiative to prepare community health clinics to respond to psychological trauma among residents in those neighborhoods with the highest rates of violence. With support from city funding, the BPHC established Trauma Recovery Centers at eight clinics in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan. Each recovery center received a trauma-trained clinician and community health worker to provide prevention and care, facilitate support groups and be a resource at community meetings, said BPHC executive director Monica Valdes Lupi. Results thus far seemed mixed: The recovery centers were utilized by residents, with trauma-impacted individuals completing more than 5,500 visits at the centers between March last year and March this year. However, most of those visits were made by women and children, suggesting that more needs to be done to reach everyone.

Neighborhood focus

The impact of violence and trauma is not equally distributed across Boston. Among the major details that

DIRECTORY of trauma resources: al-health/trauma-response-and-recovery/ Documents/Trauma_Resource_Directory.pdf CLINICS with Trauma Recovery Centers: violence-prevention/Violence-Interventionand-Prevention/Our-Mattapan/Mattapan-VIP/ emotional-heath-wellness/Pages/TraumaCenters.aspx


City Councilors Tito Jackson, Ayanna Pressley and Matt O’Malley heard reports on an initiative that established trauma treatment centers in community health clinics in hot-spot neighborhoods. emerged from BPHC’s case review of the community clinic-based recovery centers is that, in many cases, the traumatizing experiences reported by residents were not onetime incidents. According to information gathered from a sampling of 480 clients seen between March 1 and August 1, 2015, the vast majority of them — 70 percent — said they were driven to seek care because of chronic exposure to violence. Forty percent listed the type of trauma they were exposed to as “community violence,” Valdes Lupi said. She termed the community violence statistic “really troubling.” The latest BPHC data found that 26 percent of parents of Boston

children ages zero to 17 years reported feeling that their child is unsafe in their neighborhood. When narrowing the focus to parents of teens ages 15 to 17, the percent of parents who felt their child was unsafe rose to 34.3 percent. The BPHC had a sense that violence was unequally evident in the city before commencing the study, which informed decisions about which neighborhoods received Trauma Recovery Centers. “We know that violence occurs in all our neighborhoods. We also know this burden is not distributed equally,” Valdes Lupi said.

Community clinic approach

Locating treatment providers

at health clinics was a way to bring services closer to residents of “hot-spot” neighborhoods, Valdes Lupi said. “Over the last two years we invested in a strategy that places community health centers at the heart of response to trauma,” she said. “We know that community health centers are an anchor in the community. They are a resource, a refuge.” Catherine Fine, BPHC director of the Division of Violence Protection, said that she recognized a health center model is not the answer for all impacted people, and that the ultimate vision is to eliminate the need to call upon trauma-specialized responders. Instead, BPHC’s goal is to train the staff in places where people already go — such as early education centers and care centers — to recognize and respond to the trauma in all its various forms.

Reaching men

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Most of those who visited the participating community health clinics for trauma treatment were women (54 percent) and children (53 percent were under 18 years old). Fifty-eight percent were black, 24 percent Latino and 5 percent white. Several speakers at the hearing said the lower presence of men at the recovery centers may not be an indicator that men are less affected by trauma, but that they do not choose to turn to clinics. James Hills is a community member who lost a brother to homicide and for three years served in former Mayor Thomas Menino’s office as a direct responder to homicide and trauma. He and Councilor Jackson said that black men notoriously are unlikely to seek care for prostate cancer, a pattern of behavior that may apply to trauma care as well. “I can guarantee you there’s a lot of brothers out there who are hurting, and many of the young men who are hurting the most are not going to walk into that building,” Jackson said. “For men in general, we need to really break out of our mentality that folks are going to come to us.” For black men, an often-frequented place may be the barbershop, Jackson said. Hills also recommend the BPHC to proactively recruit male treatment providers.

Treating teens Mission. Valu E Q UA L H O U S I N G


According to Valdes Lupi, youth are especially impacted by violence and trauma. Violence is the leading cause of death for black and Latino children in Boston and 48 percent of the city’s high school students know someone who’s

been shot or killed, she said. An initiative announced Monday would enhance efforts to provide trauma care within schools. Boston Public Schools received at $1.6 million federal grant to support initiatives to identify and treat early signs of trauma in students, faculty and families, including placement of trauma specialists in ten schools.

Coordination needed

A persistent city problem is a lack of coordination among existing trauma treatment groups, along with challenges associated with making the public aware of the variety of services available to them, many testified. Responding to trauma is complex, and people’s needs are varied. Immediately after a homicide, families may require assistance with funeral preparation and filing for victim compensation. A few weeks later, families may need to be alerted to the kinds of trauma treatment services available to them, if and when they are ready, and given help attaining insurance coverage for such services. Treatment needs to be available on a long-term basis to members of the wider community, as well as immediate friends and family, speakers said. And there are many organizations across the city that handle specific aspects of these services. For instance, Charlene Luma is the director of SMART Team Boston, an organization whose trauma work focuses especially on providing temporary post-funeral support to homicide-affected teens in Roxbury, Mattapan, Dorchester and Jamaica Plain. Luma said at the hearing that, for the most part, Boston has the trauma treatment providers it needs, but lacks the coordination to make full use of them. “We don’t [as much] need additional resources. We need to know how to access those resources,” Luma said. In 2010, Pressley sat city officials down to hear from individuals who had lost loved ones to homicide. Among the testifiers’ recommendations was to create a standard protocol for coordinating the various groups offering treatment and ensuring all needed stages of treatment are provided. Six years later, such an official response protocol is still lacking, noted Rachel Rodrigues, director of programs for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. “The solution … is not simply more resources but rather a shared understanding of the many city departments and agencies involved in trauma response,” Rodrigues testified at the hearing. “Maximizing the impact of any shared resources requires clear and consistent communications [across organizations].” At the hearing, James Hills urged the city to move as quickly as possible, noting that violence in the city tends to spike during the summer. “This is April. We’re not ready. Once again we’re not ready,” Hills said. “We can’t be here next year.”

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 11


BIZ BITS Twin sisters Diana Cardona (l) and Angelica Cordona (r) co-founded Chocolaffee, a Revere-based company that sells Colombian-style nut and chocolate products.


Investors diversify portfolios through marketplace lending


As a volatile market sends ripples through the global economy, many investors are worried about how events overseas will impact their portfolio. In addition, concerns about political instability in much of the world have contributed to a heightened sense of worry and stress among investors. However, while the risks in traditional markets are real, 2016 is full of opportunities for the investor who is willing to think a little differently. In the face of these uncertainties, the standard advice is for investors to diversify their portfolio. Many have been doing this by taking money out of their dividend-paying stocks and corporate bonds and investing in marketplace lending. MARKETPLACE LENDING Marketplace lending platforms, sometimes called peer-to-peer lenders, are online marketplaces that connect credit-worthy borrowers with individuals seeking investment opportunities. This gives individual investors low-cost access to high-yield consumer loans — an attractive new asset class that was previously only accessible to large institutions. As an alternative investment strategy, investing in marketplace loans has helped investors diversify their portfolio. Early investors discovered five secrets that are still the keys to understanding why more people are choosing to diversify their portfolios through marketplace lending. n Simple and fast. Investors go through an authorization process on a marketplace lending website to link their profile with their bank, or do a money transfer, in order to establish bank or institutional credentials. The process can be completed within a short period of time, allowing people to start investing in a matter of days. n Reduced risk. With marketplace lending, investors can diversify by investing in many different loans (in $25 increments). Many choose to invest in a number of different loans in order to build a diverse portfolio and reduce risk. n Risk-adjusted returns. Marketplace lending platforms provide a product that offers competitive return rates relative to other investment products. Investors can choose to peruse the marketplace lending website manually to find the loans that match their risk tolerance. They can also use a tool available on some of the marketplace lending sites that will run a search to help the user easily invest in the specific type of loans they are looking for. n Proven returns. Individuals who invest through Prosper, a leading marketplace lending platform, can earn an estimated 6.8 percent in returns. (The actual return on any Note depends on the prepayment and delinquency pattern of the loan underlying each Note, which is highly uncertain. Individual results may vary and projections can change.) n Positive social impact. P2P lending is not only a way to strengthen your financial plans, it offers real benefits to individuals and the community. Prosper Marketplace, a leading marketplace lending platform, recently conducted a study and found that over 60 percent of Americans have credit card debt and two-thirds are going deeper into debt by not paying them off in full. With so many Americans struggling with debt, it’s no surprise that marketplace loans are becoming a popular option for debt consolidation. Individuals can invest in this debt knowing that marketplace lending platforms leverage technology to assess risk and determine a credit rating. — Brandpoint

Chocolaffee rising

Twin sisters bring Colombian treats to Greater Boston By MARTIN DESMARAIS

Chocolaffee co-founders and twin sisters Angelica and Diana Cardona have already shown the perseverance needed to succeed as small business entrepreneurs — fighting through the Colombian-style nut and chocolate product company’s struggle with a failed business partner and store, and emerging to keep the business going and on track to open a store and production facility next month. For the Colombian immigrants, who came to the United States and East Boston in 1993 and are 1998 graduates of East Boston High, securing their own location in Revere ends a three-year effort to overcome their initial business setback. The company’s most popular product is ManiNuts, roasted peanuts with sesame seeds based on a family recipe from Colombia. The Chocolaffee of the company name refers to the other main product, at this time, chocolate-covered Colombian coffee beans, also based on a traditional recipe from their native country. “Chocolaffee, we make by order for weddings or corporate events. We customize everything with their logo and everything that they need,” said Diana Cardona. “ManiNuts is a convenience store and supermarket item, a gourmet

We learned the lesson that we need to start small and work out way up so we can be secure. We want to be prepared for the amount of production we need to do. We don’t want to go over the limit and then not be able to commit. We have to be very careful about not biting off more than we can chew.” — Angelica Cardona

snack. That one moves more.” Chocolaffee first began with the chocolate-covered coffee beans that the sisters made as birthday and holiday gifts for friends, and grew into a small business in 2009 making custom orders. The pair, who worked in a variety of jobs after high school, but also notably worked for several Spanish-language Boston media outlets on the radio and on public television, made the chocolate out of their home. Their media savviness helped them spread the word about Chocolaffee as they started making ManiNuts as well.

Early setback

Their early vision was to open up a coffee shop that would also sell their products. They found a partner to help them do so,

invested their savings into the venture and opened a coffee shop at Temple Place in Downtown Crossing in September 2012. But within several months their business partnership had disintegrated to the point where they felt like they no longer had control of their products and were only essentially working as employees. As 2012 came to a close, they made the difficult decision to cut ties with the store and the business partner, not knowing if they would ever recoup any of the money they invested, which represented everything they had. It was a highly discouraging time for them. “We decided that we just wanted to start over and put that behind us for good,” said Angelica Cardona. Diana, who is the natural

saleswoman of the pair, started going to local stores pushing ManiNuts, which had emerged out of the early venture as the most popular of the products. Very quickly they were able to work out deals with 30 stores to carry ManiNuts for retail sale. They were also able to get back their initial investment in the earlier coffee shop, stopping just short of taking their former partner to court when he agreed to pay them back.

Growing demand

In 2013, they hit the ground running to fulfill the store orders for ManiNuts, headquartering the business out of their home in Revere and renting kitchen space at several facilities around Boston to produce their roasted peanuts, and continuing to supplement that business with the custom chocolate-covered coffee bean orders. ManiNuts are sold in two-ounce packages for individual retail sale. They are now available in almost 80 stores throughout Boston and as far outside the city as Framingham. Recently, the sisters signed with Tropical Foods and ManiNuts just hit the shelves there. While they still have a vision of opening a coffee shop under the Chocolaffee name — and perhaps even a chain of them in the future

See MANINUTS, page 12

Thursday, March 31, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 17

12 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



BAC hosts record-breaking fundraiser

continued from page 11

— initially the new location in Revere will be focused on producing more ManiNuts to fulfill the growing demand and eventually other product recipes featuring coffee beans, almonds and raisins. Right now all ManiNuts are hand-made and hand-packaged with the sisters producing about 3,000 to 4,000 two-ounce packages a week, working mostly nights and early mornings when rental kitchen space is available.

Lessons learned

When they open up their Revere location in June, they will be able to double that output and work normal daytime hours, as well as do some retail out of the front of the store. “We learned the lesson that we need to start small and work our way up so we can be secure,” said Angelica. “We want to be prepared for the amount of production we need to do. We don’t want to go over the limit and then not be able to commit. We have to be very careful about not biting off more than we can chew.” “We want to make the stores that we have happy so they are stable and continue with us,” Diana added. “And right now not even one store is leaving us or telling us that they don’t want our products anymore.” The sisters do showcase enough


Chocolaffee, a Colombian-style nut and chocolate product company, has done well so far with ManiNuts, roasted peanuts with sesame seeds. entrepreneurial savvy — Angelica is a business administration student at Roxbury Community College and Diana has taken part in several of the school’s entrepreneurial seminars — to point out that as their production capacity increases they will look to target larger-scale retail opportunities with stores such as Whole Foods and Market Basket. While ManiNuts, in particular, can put a lot of its popularity on the Colombian connection, the sisters

are also focusing on other markets. “Mani” means peanut in Spanish so the name ManiNuts really means peanut nuts, which is a bit repetitive for Spanish speakers, but it alerts English speakers to the product as well. The packaging has everything in both Spanish and English. “We know that because nuts are known everywhere, it is a product that not only our culture will enjoy. We know that other cultures are enjoying it and they like it,” Angelica said.


Gerard Georges, Project Manager at Shepley Bulfinch, and Thalia Lewis enjoy a moment during the Boston Architectural College’s second annual Spring Into Design Gala at the Seaport District’s Innovation and Design Building. The event, which was completely sold out in March, exceeded all expectations and raised a record-breaking $350,000 for the College.


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Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 13


Partners HealthCare offers Career and Workforce Development program Adelina Peña is a full-time an- patient service coordinator, prac- and Amy Zydanowicz, BWH esthesia technician at Brigham tice secretary, laboratory aide, med- career coach. Dena taught me how and Women’s Hospital, a nurs- ical records clerk, and operating to manage my time working in an extremely fast-paced environing student at Lawrence Memo- room assistant. Adelina applied to participate ment, and Amy helped me brainrial/Regis College in Medford, and the mother of Amelia, who in the program and went through storm the types of career paths I is three years old. In 2013, Ade- the rigorous, multi-part screening might want to explore.” “The PCWD program is delina was working as a cashier at and testing process that is required Whole Foods Market to support for all PCWD candidates. She was signed to meet the professional her newborn daughter. Interested invited to the final interview phase business needs of Partners hosin the health care field and striving and was accepted into the July pitals,” said Lerra. “It includes invaluable training not only in the to look for a job opportunity that 2013 PCWD session. After spending her internship areas of resume writing, intercould expand into a long-term viewing skills, and medical terworking as an anesthesia techni-a great career opportunity, Adelina set outand Are you ready motivated to find to explore what type of health care cian in the Anesthesiology, Periop- minology, but it also focuses on entry-level job with competitve and skills such as communication, erative and Pain Medicinewages depart- soft jobs were available. Partners HealthCare is an While attending a job fair at the ment at BWH, Adelina was hired problem solving, customer service, benefits a Bay, premier health care organization? PHOTO: M. DELEEN attitude, appearance and profesinto a full-time position in August Boston Public Library inin Back integrated health care system, founded Adelina Peña Adelina learned about the Partners — soon after her internship was sional dress.” by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Working as an anesthesia techin Career and Workforce Devel- completed. For Adelina, this was have offers done this without the supacceptedHospital, into nurs- that nician has exposed Adelina to ment is getting the first step in a long opment Do (PCWD) program offered Massachusetts General you have a strong desire tojourney helpofothers, by Partners HealthCare. PCWD is personal and professional growth. many career growth opportuni- ing school and surviving the first port of my mother who helps me coordinated high-quality a genuine concern forPCWD the welfare of patients taking care of my daughter.” year, especially of with the intense by ties. She decided thatpatients nursing is a continuum “The program jumpa free, full-time, eight-week trainAdelina’s ultimate career goal work. “It was extremelymedical enrolledIn in addition the clinical ing program designed to help local started everything for me and en- her passion, so she care. to its two academic centers, clients, ability tonext work withLawrence Memorial/Regis Col- difficult to balance school, work is to become a certified registered abled me to go to the level,” said residentsand prepare for, obtain,and and the Partners includes community and specialty hospitals, nurse anesthetist (CRNA). To and being a mom, but I’m still lege Nursing Program. She will Adelina. “It opened up job opporsucceed people in entry-levelof employment diverse backgrounds in achieve that goal, she hanging in there,” said Adelina. degree in within one of Partners hospitals. tunities and networking relation- complete her associate’s health centers, a physician network, home health and will have to The training program includessituations? four ships I had never thought would be nursing in May 2017. From there, “I am very grateful to have an in- work as a nurse in a hospital inchallenging long-term carecredibly services, and manager other health-related unit for two years, and supportive and tensive care entities. in the bacheweeks of classroom instruction and available to me. In addition, I have she plans to enroll a four-week internship in a clerical received incredible coaching from lor’s degree nursing program, and supervisor who have been very then she may apply to the CRNA or support staff position. Graduates both Dena Lerra, incumbent pro- she aspires to become a nurse at accommodating with my work program at Northeastern UniverDo you need to strengthen your skills? Our free, full-time, training andsity. employment The full-time CRNA program schedule, 8-week especially around exam Hospital. gram manager in the Workforce De- Brigham and Women’s have been placed in such positions for 32 months. times. In addition, I never Adelina’s proudest accomplishas office assistant, unit coordinator, velopment department at Partners, program will help you become ourcould next: runs Office Assistant,

Gain New Skills, Explore New Opportunities, and Launch Your Career with Partners HealthCare!

Unit Coordinator, Patient Service Coordinator, Practice Secretary, Laboratory Aide, Operating Room Assistant, or one of our many other rewarding positions.

For Program Gain New Skills, Explore New Opportunities, and Start Dates, Please Visit: Launch Your Career with Partners HealthCare! Are you ready and motivated to find a great jobtraining

entry-level job with competitve wages and benefits in a premier health care organization?

Partners HealthCare is an integrated health care system, founded by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, that offers Do you have a strong desire to help others, patients a continuum of coordinated high-quality a genuine concern for the welfare of patients Applicants • Introduction to the care environment care.must: In addition to its two academic medical centers, and clients, andhealth the ability to work with • Resume preparation and specialty hospitals, • Be at Partners least 18 includes years oldcommunity with a professional attitude people of diverse backgrounds in • Interviewing skills a physician network, home health and • Have health a highcenters, school diploma or equivalent challenging situations? • Medical terminology long-term care services, andwriting, other health-related entities. • Pass assessments in reading, and Microsoft Word • Customer service skills • Successfully complete CORI screening • Communication Do you need skills to strengthen your skills? Our free, full-time, 8-week training and employment (Criminal Offender Record Investigation) • Financial literacy education program will help you become our next: Office Assistant, • Provide four references - one of whom must verify at least • Professional image development Unit Coordinator, Patient Service Coordinator, 12 consecutive months ofPractice paid work experience • Internship in a hospital department Secretary, Laboratory Aide, • Speak, write and understand English • Job placement assistance Operating Room Assistant, or • Career counseling and development • Be available to work full-time upon one ofgraduation our many other For Program • Post-placement support and follow-up • Be able to attend training Monday–Friday, 40 hours per week rewarding positions. Start Dates, • Supportive services • Be eligible to work in the United States Please Visit: • Complimentary MBTA subway/bus pass • Short-term paid internship for eligible graduates jobtraining

For more information, please visit

For more information, please visitCourse Section 30 Approved: ID# 1067203 • • • Introduction to the health care environment • Resume preparation

Applicants must:

14 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER


Whittier’s Men’s Health Program breaks down barriers to medical care In order to combat the racial and ethnic disparities in chronic disease seen among African American and Latino men in the Roxbury community, Whittier’s Men’s Health Program (MHP) connects men with a consistent source of primary care and other needed services. Through a holistic array of services, Whittier is able to provide men with physical and mental health services, social services and educational forums to help increase their overall health and well being. Whittier also holds several group sessions in which men come together at Whittier to discuss health topics such as cardiovascular health, cancer, diabetes, mental health, substance abuse and challenges, barriers, successes and strategies for healthy living. Men are also connected to wellness programs offered through Whittier’s Wellness Institute which includes a state-of-the-art fitness club, community garden, stress-reduction programs and nutrition counseling. Whittier created the Men’s Health Program to break down barriers to access to medical care for African American and Latino

men to help them adopt healthy living strategies. Due to historical barriers to access, the African American and Latino male populations have gone without regular medical care at a higher rate than the rest of the population. Through services at Whittier and referrals to partner organizations, the MHP addresses all of these disparities, and more, through an all-encompassing health and social services program. Whittier’s partnerships with local social service agencies allow Whittier to track and monitor participants as they access services such as: n Transitional, Safe and Affordable Housing n Skills Development and Job Training n Job Placement n Parenting Classes n Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling n Medical Services n Screenings n Values Training and Health Education Classes Whittier utilizes case managers to assess the needed services of program participants and to make

appropriate referrals. Case managers are also responsible for following up with participants to remind them about appointments for referrals and to track whe ther par ticipants are keeping these appointments. If participants consistently miss appointments, the case managers work with them to help overcome whatever barriers are causing their inability to keep appointments. Through these tracking and monitoring systems, Whittier is able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in reducing disparities in health and chronic conditions and the effectiveness social service referrals. During Men’s Health Month (June), Whittier is raising awareness about health disparities that affect boys and men of color. And we are also raising the dialogue on efforts to ensure that all men

health care. For example: n Heart disease is the leading killer across most racial and ethnic minority communities in the United States, accounting for 24 percent of all deaths in 2010. n Hispanic men are 30 percent more likely to have a stroke. n African American men are 1.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. n Boys of color are less likely to engage in the recommended amount of physical activity each day. n African American and Latino boys 6-11 years old are 1.3 times more likely to be obese than white boys of the same age group. Please join the Whittier’s Men’s Health team at the 16th annual Men’s Health Summit at Whittier Street Health Center on June 25th, 2016 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The theme for this PHOTO: THINKSTOCKPHOTOS.COM/PUREPHOTO year’s summit is Building Healthier Families One Man achieve better health outcomes. at a Time. This June, encourage the men in This summit is free and open your lives to take a powerful step to all. The summit will include a towards good health by making keynote speech, panel discussion, healthier food choices, avoiding workshops, fitness demonstrations smoking, staying active, reducing and award presentations to Men’s risk for injury and scheduling a Health Champions. For more incheck-up. formation, please contact Sorel The health status of racial and Bertrand at 617 989 3043. ethnic minority men has lagged far too long behind the general popu- Men’s health disparities source: Office of lation, despite our nation’s vast ad- Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health vances in science, public health and and Human Services

Men’s Health Summit 2016 Building Healthy Families One Man at a time! June 25th, 2016 n 10:30am-1:30pm Keynote Speaker : George Foreman III

Whittier Street Health Center 1290 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA

Begin your healthier life today! There will be a keynote speaker, panel discussion, recognition of health champions from diverse backgrounds and workshops Men’s Health Champions: including a fitness session in our gym. • Dr. LoNigro, Medical Director, CeltiCare/Centene Health Care

Call (617) 989-3043

for more information or if your organization is interested in participating

• Douglas Banks, Executive Editor, Boston Business Journal • Mr. Clarence Jones, former Chair of the Boston Redevelopment Authority Board • Jeffrey Beard J.D., Deputy Regional Administrator at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration’s Boston Regional Office • William Gross, Superintendent in Chief, Boston Police Department • Dr. Sampson Nosike, Eye Care Services, Whittier • Quincy Miller, Vice Chairman/Chief Banking Officer, Eastern Bank • Mr. Oswald Mondejar, VP of Human Resources, Partners Continuing Care, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital • Carl Nickerson , Financial Services Professional Agent, New York Life Insurance Company

1290 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA 02120 n (617) 427-1000 n

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 15


Brigham and Women’s Hospital issues request for proposals for Health Equity Grants Grants will fund community organizations that are working to promote community psychological wellness and well-being, strengthen employment and job skills development opportunities for community residents and address health inequities issues with a racial equity lens. According to the Boston Public Health Commission’s Health of Boston 2014-2015 report, the city’s residents of color experience poorer health outcomes, higher rates of chronic diseases and lower life expectancies than its white residents. Health inequities have been a major challenge within the Boston community for many decades. That is one of the reasons

why Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) is deeply committed to working with the residents of Boston’s diverse neighborhoods to break through the barriers to health, often encountered by individuals in our communities. “In the past decades, there have been ground breaking research and cutting edge technologies that have advanced health care by leaps and bounds,” said

Wanda McClain, vice president of the Center for Community Health and Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “However, significant health inequities persist for communities of color and vulnerable populations, much of which is attributable to the social and economic conditions in which people live.” With the approval of the determination of needs application

ON THE WEB For more information regarding the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Health Equity Grants, includ-

ing the full request for proposals, send direct emails to (DoN) for two of the hospital building projects, BWH was provided with a great opportunity to further its ongoing investment in community health in its priority neighborhoods of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Mission Hill and Roxbury. Over a seven year period, BWH is making $4.45 million dollars in health equity grants available to community organizations working closely and effectively with residents in these five neighborhoods. Provided with the feedback received from its latest community health needs assessment and public health research, BWH and its DoN planning partners, which include the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Boston Public Health Commission and representatives of two ten-taxpayer groups comprised of community leaders and residents, sought to obtain broad and diverse input from local residents of the five priority neighborhoods. Working with the Institute for Community Health and the Engagement Lab at Emerson College, BWH launched an innovative online game called “What Matters for Health” to learn more about the programs, services and policies that residents felt are important to health and well-being. The

game allowed players to contribute and share ideas and opinions with other residents. “We knew it was imperative for us to partner with people in our priority neighborhoods, many of whom have solutions that we may not have considered. They have provided extremely valuable input as we determine our funding priorities,” McClain said. By the end of the three-week game period, about 500 residents had contributed more than 8,000 comments on what it means for their communities to be healthy. Their responses helped narrow down the list of key focus areas for grant funds. On April 27, BWH released a request for proposals for health equity grants to fund programs in three key areas: promoting community psychological wellness and well-being, strengthening employment and job skills development opportunities for community residents and addressing health inequities issues with a racial equity “lens”. It is anticipated that up to 10 grants will be awarded Partners in H the fall 2016. Awards will range from $20,000 to $100,000 per APPRO year for up to three years. The deadline for applications is June 10, 2016. We anticipate funding an additional cohort of grantees in 2019.

Help Us Learn More About Sleep! If you are: 55-70 years old Non smoker Healthy and taking no medication You may be eligible for a 37-day sleep research study at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. There will be a 4-6 week screening period. Must be willing to spend 37 consecutive days and nights in our facility. Receive up to $10,125

Call 617-525-8719 or email


An online game called “What Matters for Health” was launched by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Emerson College to determine what services residents wanted to improve the health of their community. Promoting community psychological wellness and well-being was one of the three key areas that resulted from the game.

Have you Have youever everfelt felt sadsad forforlong long periods periodsofoftime? time? Have Havethese these feelings feelingsofof

sadnessmade madeitit sadness difficulttotogogototo difficult work, outwith with work, gogo out friends,ororeven even friends, make youwant wanttoto make you homefrom from staystay home church? church? youever everfeel feel DidDid you one likelike nono one

understands? understands?

African-American African-American Women WomenNeeded Needed

to participate in a study exploring to participate in a study exploring depression and involvement in the depression and involvement in the Pentecostal Church.

Pentecostal Church.

Looking for African-American Looking for African-American women age 20 and older who:

women age 20 and older who:

Regularly attend or have • Regularly attend or have attended a Pentecostal church

attended a Pentecostal church

Live or work in • Live or work in Massachusetts Massachusetts or Connecticut 

or Connecticut

Participation is completely Participation is completely voluntary and confidential.

voluntary and confidential.

If you are interested in learning If you are this interested in learning more about study, please more about this study, please contact: Dawn Davis

contact: Dawn Davis

Email or Phone: Email or Phone: 413-233-7195


16 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



5 questions:

Baron Vaughn The comedian is a regular on Netflix’s ‘Grace and Frankie’ By STEVE DUFFY

Being a graduate of Boston University and performing your first open mic at Dick Doherty’s Comedy Vault, how exciting is it for you to come back to Boston to perform?



Baron Vaughn: Very exciting! A few years ago, I had the great opportunity to do a show for Comedy Central and it was filmed in Boston. I love coming back to Boston, because I get to relive my glory days.

What does stand-up allow you to do that you are not able to do with acting? BV: I love stand-up because the material is the stuff I write. With acting, I am performing someone else’s words. There are limitations with acting. Stand-up is a living document and it can be adjusted at any moment. Stand-up is both surprising and unexpected.

What is the first joke you learned? BV: Hmmm … it was probably a knock-knock joke. I do remember a joke a friend told me back in high school. Two guys are walking down the street with their dogs on a hot day. They are thirsty and see a bar across the street. There is a sign in the window that reads “No dogs allowed.” The first guy places sunglasses on his dog and goes into the bar and gets served. The second guy does the same thing.



Baron Vaughn

JAZZ IS A VISUAL EXPERIENCE, PARTICULARLY IN ITS SOLOS AND SMALL COMBOS. In the sensational, jampacked show, “Art of Jazz: Form/Performance/ Notes,” on view through May 8 at the Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African and African-American Art in Harvard Square, the captivating forms of the instruments themselves are celebrated in an installation by pianist Jason Moran. Moran arranges an acoustic bass, a drum kit and a piano on a platform while on a video he performs. In between, he converses about jazz and visual art with Vijay Iyer, like him a pianist whose music embodies both the history and future of jazz. Curated by Harvard art historians Suzanne Preston Blier and David Bindman along with gallery director Vera Grant, the show fills the Cooper Gallery and also extends to a room in the nearby Harvard Art Museums, where a small selection of works on paper and objects are on display. But most of the show resides at the Cooper Gallery, which is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 to 5 and offers free admission. In the same room as Moran’s installation is a magnificent wallsize mural by Whitfield Lovell, “Servilis” (2006). On interlocked planks, he has drawn a group of African American women wearing aprons. They are seated in a solemn pose like that of a formal portrait of a wealthy European family. Five stuffed black crows stand on pedestals of varying heights in front of the mural.

A joyous reunion

See VAUGHN, page 18

For more information on Baron Vaughn, visit To purchase tickets to see him on May 7th at the Middle East, visit


Above, “Soul History” by Romare Bearden (1969). Below, “The Blind Singer” by William Henry Johnson (c 1945).

The exhibit is on display through May 8 at the Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African and African-American Art in Harvard Square

Elsewhere in the show is another evocative Lovell installation, “After the Afternoon” (2008), a stack of vintage radios accompanied by mid-’50s recordings. Lovell’s works, like the show as a whole, bring the past to life, mingling it with the present — just as a jazz musician echoes the past while creating the new. What makes this show sensational is the joy of reunion it sparks by bringing together African American visual art and music from the early 20th century through today. Many of the visual works stir the same feelings as the music — the excitement of brass, the consolation of the blues, the joy of swing, the gravity and warmth of lyrical improvisation. Among the objects on display are album covers by renowned artists. Aaron Douglas, a leading figure in the Harlem Renaissance, created the modernist cover of “The Gold and Blue Album” (1955) for the Fisk

See JAZZ, page 17

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 17



Tyler James Williams talks about his new sci-fi series ‘RePlay’ By KAM WILLIAMS

Born in Westchester County, New York on October 9, 1992, Tyler James Williams can be seen this spring co-starring as computer whiz Monty in CBS’ “Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders,” a new spinoff series. Early last year, he guest-starred as Noah in AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” In 2014, he impersonated Steve Urkel on “Key & Peele.” The skit received rave reviews and was named the No. 1 sketch of the year by New York Magazine. On the big screen, Williams starred as Lionel Higgins in the breakout film “Dear White People,” a satire about being a black face in a very white place. The picture was well received, including winning the Special Jury Prize at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. The year before, he appeared in “Peeples” opposite Kerry Washington and Craig Robinson. Williams might be best known for his work on the Emmy Award-winning series, “Everybody Hates Chris,” for which he won a 2007 NAACP Image Award


continued from page 16 Jubilee Singers, with its elegant, elongated figures evoking African statues. Also on view are covers with geometric designs by Bauhaus innovator Joseph Albers and Romare Bearden’s vibrant red, yellow and black design for a 1978 album by Donald Byrd, “Thank you for Funking Up My Life.” Promotional posters for films, clubs and stars such as Lena Horne and Josephine Baker stand alongside a large expressionistic portrait in oil by Beauford Delaney entitled, “My Friend James Baldwin” (1966). Juxtapositions of photographs, books and works on paper inspire improvisation in the viewer, triggering one’s own memories of the music and its performers. Hugh Bell’s scenes in clubs render the smoky veil of a room as well as the musicians. His portraits include a regal Billie Holiday in a Carnegie Hall dressing room and a sensuous Sarah Vaughan, in a photo that has been reproduced as a postage stamp. Bell’s album cover photo of Sonny Stitt shows the saxophonist looking as downbeat as the album title, “Sonny’s Blues.” Nearby are books from the ’20s including a collection of poems by Langston Hughes entitled “The Weary Blues,” essays on the blues edited by composer W.C. Handy, and stylish illustrations by Aaron Douglas. Nearby are photographs by Carl Van Vechten that show a dapper portrait of Handy, Bessie Smith queen-like and swathed in

See JAZZ, page 18

for Best Actor in a Comedy Series. In 2012, he was nominated for another Image Award for his performance as a gifted rapper plagued by self-doubt in the Disney Channel original movie, “Let It Shine.” Williams began acting at the age of 4 on “Sesame Street” and he subsequently co-starred in the animated series “Little Bill.” His other television credits include “Law & Order: SVU,” as well as numerous appearances in sketches on “Saturday Night Live.” An accomplished musician, Williams recently released a mixtape with his brother Tyrel titled “Me, My Brother & a Mic.” Here, he talks about starring in “RePlay,” a scripted time-loop series from New Form Digital which debuted April 20.

What interested you in “RePlay”? Tyler James Williams: I just really liked the story and I loved the movie “Groundhog Day.”

How would you describe the series in 140 characters or less? TJW: It’s DJ Allison Lee’s (Lyndsy Fonseca) 25th birthday party and she just HAS to impress promoters. She fails and

wishes for another try. She gets 25 chances to get it right.

The premise does sound a little like “Groundhog Day.” TJW: Yes, I would describe it as a modern day “Groundhog Day.” I really liked “RePlay” because it wasn’t just Allison’s character that experienced a replay, but eventually her friends realize they are also reliving the same day. And it is interesting to see how humans would act if they knew there were never any consequences for their actions because the next day they could wake up and just redo it.

If you had an opportunity to repeat the most important day of your life until you got it right, would you? TJW: Oh man, I think I would. I would probably take a really bad date from when I was younger where just everything went wrong.

How would you describe your character? TJW: I play Nate, who is Allison’s best friend, but he is secretly in love with her. He is in the “friends zone,” but really tries to get out of it. Each day, he gets a bit more desperate.


Tyler James Williams stars in New Form Digital’s “RePlay.”




Concert: The Project Friday, May 13, 7:00 Makanda to 9:30 pm Friday, May 13, 7 p.m. Kurtis Rivers, Oliver Lake, Arnipublic Cheatham, Free to the

Sean Berry, Charlie Kohlhase – saxophone

Featured Soloist: Oliver Lake Jerry Sabatini, Sean Jones – trumpet

Bill Lowe, Sarah Politz – trombone Nedelka Prescod – voice John Kordalewski – piano John Lockwood – bass Yoron Israel – drums

Plus the Boston Citywide String Kurtis Rivers, Oliver Lake, Arni Cheatham, Orchestra Sean Berry, Charlie Kohlhase – saxophone

Jerry Sabatini, Sean Jones – trumpet Dessert Friends ofPolitz – trombone BillBar Lowe,for Ku-umba Sarah Dudley Library Memorial Scholarship Nedelka Prescod – voice John Kordalewski – piano John Lockwood – bass Yoron Israel – drums

Food Photography © Mike Ritter

Boston’s Best Live Jazz!

Plus the Boston Citywide String Orchestra

Supported by the Fellowes Fund of The Boston Public Library; the John H. andDessert H. Naomi and the Featuring BarTomfohrde for FriendsFoundation; of Dudley Library Memorial Scholarship Boston Cultural Council, a local agency funded by the Supported by the Fellowes Fund ofadministered The Boston Public Library; the John H. and H. Massachusetts Cultural Council, by the Naomi Tomfohrde Foundation; and the Boston Cultural Council, a local agency funded Mayor’s Office of Arts,Tourism and Special Events by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, administered by the Mayor’s Office of Arts, Tourism and Special Events the intersection of friends, food, and music

Dudley Branch the Boston Public Library Dudley LibraryofAuditorium 65 Warren65 Street, Roxbury, 617-442-6186 Warren Street ~ 617.442.6186

604 Columbus Avenue · Boston, MA 02118 617.536.1100 · #DCBK


Will Downing 2-up_Will Downing 4/15/16 3:41 PM Page 1

18 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER



continued from page 17

Sunday, May 15, 2016 • 7pm THE WILBUR THEATRE 246 Tremont St., Boston

Tickets: Ticketmaster 800-745-3000 Online:

Please join us for the next public conversations about seeking state designation from the Massachusetts Cultural Council for a cultural district in Roxbury.

Monday, May 9

Sunday, May 15, 2016 • 7pm THE WILBUR THEATRE


6-8-pm Northeastern Crossing 1175 Tremont Street, Roxbury

continued from page 16 The bartender says to him, “No dogs allowed!” He says, “But this is a Seeing Eye dog.” The bartender says, “It can’t be. It’s a Chihuahua.” In shock, the guy says, “What?! They gave me a Chihuahua?!”

Parking is limited. Please take public transit to Ruggles Station.

Thursday, June 16 5:30-7:30pm Dudley Branch Library 65 Warren Street, Roxbury

satin, a youthful Dizzy Gillespie with his trumpet, and dancer Bill “Bojangles” Robinson barebacked, in a portrayal of sculpted beauty. In his collage entitled “Nights in Tunisia” (1986 est.), Walter Davis intertwines stencil-thin bits of musical scores, maps and PHOTO: COURTESY COOPER GALLERY colored papers to create a tribute to a breakthrough “Miles Davis” by William Coupon (1986) Dizzy Gillespie composition. “Bird Flight” (1979) swirls as that explodes with rhythmic verve. if recreating the ascent of a CharBoth translate music into motion. lie Parker sax solo. Another strikThe glory of brass and the ing piece by Davis is “Black Bird glitter of gold mingle in an inTotem” (1970), a composition of stallation assembled by Christostacked 10-inch squares in red, pher Myers entitled “Echo in the yellow and black that confers an Bones.” A small blue room houses air of sanctuary. Lina Viktor’s sumptuous art deco Ming Smith conjures key figwall panel, whirling with 24-karat ures of African American cultural gold; and a display of shiny brass life with surrealistic photographic instruments — fantastical hybrids prints. Her subjects here include with multiple horns—alongside a singer Betty Carter and musician marching band uniform. A hauntAlice Coltrane. She evokes Coling sound track of brass music trane’s cosmic aspirations by pormingles a traditional Vietnamese traying her as a naked figure imfuneral song with a New Orleans mersed in clouds of color. Ming’s classic by Mississippi John Hurt. tribute to novelist Ralph Ellison, Take the short walk over to the entitled “Invisible Man with BorHarvard Art Museums, open daily ders” (1998), shows a lone figure and free Saturdays until noon, to 246leavTremontseeSt., walking on a lamp-lit street, theBoston small work that captures ing a trail of footprints in snow. the large spirit of this show. In his collage, “Soul History” (1969), 800-745-3000 Romare Bearden layers images Local angle Tickets: Ticketmaster Online: that evoke centuries of African and Roxbury-raised Richard Yarde, African-American history, includwho died in 2012, often spoke of ing an Egyptian mummy’s head, learning to see patterns by oba worn American flag, a brownserving his mother, a seamstress, stone stoop, old men in overalls, as she worked with assorted faba worker bent over a plantation rics. His sense of form works its field, a guitar player, housing projmagic in his exuberant image of ects, a church spire, a rural porch, two jitter-buggers, “Heel and Toe” and, his back to all that, a young (2006), and the fabulous “Brass boy holding schoolbooks, with his Band” (1981), an aerial, abstract finger pointing forward. view of a marching band as a grid

What is it like working with the amazing cast of Netflix’s “Grace & Frankie?” Planet Eliot Square DEREK LUMPKINS PHOTOGRAPHY

What are Roxbury’s cultural assets? How might we use this state designation to collectively publicize and market the rich cultural assets and programming of this area? How can we develop shared goals that best reflect the needs of the community? Come share your ideas and vision. Interprete de Español estará presente. Light refreshments will be served. This meeting is supported with funding from The Catalyst Fund and in partnership with Haley House, Madison Park Development Corporation, The American City Coalition and a growing group of individuals and organizations. Let us know you are coming. Call 617.427.0046 or email For more information and notes from the April 11 meeting visit

BV: It is unreal! It is crazy to be working with them and calling them by their first names. It is weird to believe that I have a friendship with these vets of the show. I am learning so much from

them. Jane doesn’t mess around. You have to be in the zone and ready anytime you have a scene with her. I love learning their process and watching them act.

What have you learned about comedy from Lily Tomlin? BV: Lily’s talents were already a big influence on me before I was hired to do the show. I was a fan of her on “Laugh-In.” She is not afraid to play or explore the scenes that you do with her. All of them (Lily, Jane, Sam, & Martin) have really fine-tuned acting skills. What I really love about her is that she takes you in and pays attention to you. She is always saying, “Be kind and be present.”


Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 19




Perfect Parfait

This sweet strawberry treat is great for spring or summer entertaining BY THE EDITORS OF RELISH MAGAZINE

Fresh takes on breakfast If you find your family is in a breakfast rut, it may be time to switch things up and add some excitement to those early hours. Here are a few new ideas to brighten up everyone’s morning: Get the whole family to cook. Getting everyone in the family to help out in the kitchen is easy, especially on weekends, and they’ll love feeling more involved. Set up a pancake bar. Make a weekend breakfast extra special by setting up a short-order pancake station in your kitchen. Offer different flavors of pancake mix, set out chocolate chips, sliced fruit or any other ingredients to create special pancakes that appeal to your family. Host a breakfast lottery. Do your kids complain about having to eat the same thing every day? Surprise them with a special breakfast lottery. Have ingredients on hand for several breakfast entrees, like pancakes, waffles, or crepes. Put the names of each breakfast item in a hat and make whichever one you draw. — Brandpoint


very berry lover should have a box of meringue cookies on standby. Snow white, fat-free and light as air, meringues will dress up your favorite berries in this easy dessert, with no need to turn on an oven. Packaged meringue cookies will keep indefinitely in the cupboard and are the perfect secret ingredient for fresh desserts and easy spring and summer entertaining.

Strawberry Meringue Parfaits with Balsamic Syrup (Serves 8) Meringue cookies will dissolve and soften as they sit. But you can use shortbread or any kind of cookie that will stay crisp if you want to make the parfaits ahead. n ½ cup balsamic vinegar n 4 tablespoons sugar, divided n 24 ounces strawberries, hulled and sliced n 1 cup heavy cream n 8 ounces mascarpone cheese n 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

n 4 ounces meringue cookies, crumbled (about 12) 1. Combine vinegar and 2 tablespoons sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Boil about 8 minutes, or until thick. Let cool. Combine with berries. 2. Beat heavy cream, mascarpone, remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer until soft peaks form. 3. Layer strawberries, cream mixture and crumbled meringues in glasses. Serve immediately. — Recipe by Lynda Balslev MARK BOUGHTON PHOTOGRAPHY / STYLING BY TERESA BLACKBURN

TIP OF THE WEEK “Myron Mixon’s BBQ Rules: The Old-School Guide to Smoke Meat” by Myron Mixon and Kelly Alexander Presenting step-bystep illustrations on building a pit, managing a fire, selecting meats for the pit and the best wood to burn in it, and more, Myron Mixon offers all of the fundamental lessons to becoming a champion backyard pitmaster. Filled with Mixon’s southern charm, personal stories, and never-before-shared methods, BBQ Rules is a down-home, accessible return to old-school pit smoked barbecue. — Stewart, Tabori & Chang


Lemon ricotta pancakes Yield: Six 4-inch pancakes n 1 cup pancake mix, such as Hungry Jack Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix n¾ cup cold water n¼ cup ricotta cheese n Z est of 2 small lemons n P owdered sugar, for garnish n F avorite syrup In a medium sized bowl, stir pancake mix, water, ricotta cheese and lemon zest together until mostly smooth with a few small lumps. Fry on a lightly greased nonstick skillet until golden brown. Serve with powdered sugar and warm syrup. — Family Features

UPCOMING EVENTS AT HALEY HOUSE BAKERY CAFÉ THU 5/5: Jazz By Any Means Necessary with the Fulani Haynes Jazz Collaborative, 7 pm FRI 5/6: Teachers Are Awesome, 5-10 pm SUN 5/8: Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet, 10:30 am/12:30 pm/2:30 pm (tickets: THU 5/12: Lifted Boston from Outside the Box Agency, 7 pm FRI 5/13: The House Slam featuring artist Gabriel Ramirez, 6:30 pm

Come By The Bolling Building to check out our new enterprise, Dudley Dough Haley House Bakery Cafe - 12 Dade Street - Roxbury 617 445 0900 -

20 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER


The Partnership meets with Russell Reynolds

continued from page 1

and came out with this report.” “QUEST asks city and district officials to repudiate McKinsey as a credible source of data on school capacity,” reads a statement from QUEST. “Further, QUEST says city and school officials should halt discussion of school closures, consolidations, or ‘right-sizing’ until there is credible, publicly available, and locally-valid data regarding capacity.” The issue of school closings surfaced in November after QUEST members said Walsh told them he would like to see the BPS inventory reduced to 90 buildings. Walsh denied making the statement. But parent activists, many of whom are concerned that charter schools will grab BPS buildings as they increase their share of Boston’s school spending, took the mayor’s alleged statement as confirmation of an impending transfer of resources to the city’s growing charter schools. The McKinsey draft does little to assuage those fears, stating that the consolidation of schools would “[offer] BPS the opportunity to shutter underperforming schools and provide students in those schools with higher performing options.” City Councilor Tito Jackson suggested that the report is asking the wrong questions. “The premise of the report is looking at the school buildings through a real estate lens,” he said. “They’re speaking about selling off valuable properties. It’s offensive to look at schools that way. The schools in the oldest public school system in the United States belong to the students.” Jackson also questioned the


As a part of The Partnership’s C-Suite Program, Carol Fulp, President and CEO of The Partnership, led a contingent of local black and Latino business executives to New York City for a meeting at the Urban League with Charles Tribbett III, managing director of Russell Reynolds, an executive search firm. They were there to learn more about the board recruiting process — and to try to get their names at the top of national recruitment lists. The meeting was hosted by Marian Heard, CEO of Oxen Hill Partners and former CEO of United Way. (l-r) Patrick Vatel of BNY Mellon, Donna Levin of MIT’s Sloan School, Carol Fulp of The Partnership, Paul Alexander of Eastern Bank,Marian Heard of Oxen Hill Partners, Juliette Mayers of Inspiration Zone LLC, Dr. Charles Anderson of Exaltare Capital Partners, and Peter Pedro of Marsh & McLennan.

report’s recommendations to shutter schools in the Fenway and Copley Square. The BPS schools in the Fenway — Boston Latin School and Boston Arts Academy — are both popular, well-performing schools. And BPS cannot sell off its sole BPS school in Copley Square — the Muriel Snowden International school — according to Jackson. “The Snowden is in a trust,” he said. “It can’t be sold.” While the 93,000-seat estimate has become the accepted figure, in 2013 a BPS internal report cited a capacity of 61,338 students. Jackson said the McKinsey report is skewing discussion of BPS capacity. “ We c o m m i s s i o n e d a n


organization to do an in-depth analysis,” he said. “For $660,000 they gave us a less-informed study than the one BPS did in 2013.” While McKinsey & Company’s assessment of school capacity generated the lion’s share of objections from parent activists, the consultants also pointed out other areas where BPS could make cuts. For example, the report notes that BPS has a higher percentage of students classified as Special Education — 19.5 percent — than other districts in Massachusetts and across the nation, and estimates the district could save $5 million for every drop in a percentage point of SPED students. The report also notes that the portion of BPS children classified

as English language learners — 30 percent — is high, but makes no recommendations for cutting that number. Transportation is often cited as an area where cost-cutting should happen. In the current budget, transportation accounts for $57 million, or 5 percent of school spending. The McKinsey report recommends increasing the minimum distance between a student’s home and his or her bus stop from the current .16 mile to .25 mile for an estimated savings of $6 million to $19 million per year. Interestingly, the report lists teachers’ salaries and benefits and “large spending items,” but does not include in that category the funding the district pays

for per-pupil reimbursements for Boston students who attend charter schools and transportation costs for students who attend charters, parochial and private schools. Those costs account for $130 million, or 11 percent of the BPS budget. The version of the report BPS released in December cites high per-pupil costs, but downplays the role the high cost of living plays in Boston’s standing. The McKinsey draft obtained by QUEST acknowledges the effect the cost of living has on Boston’s per-pupil spending, “When cost of living adjustments are made to national peer set, Boston’s per pupil spending declines to $12,472, below the peer average of $13,109.”

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 21





Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU15A0055AD

In the matter of Brunberg, Syonah Anjouinette


You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Allen S. Feinstein, Esq., 1244 Boylston Street, Suite 200, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 your answer, if any, on or before 06/23/2016. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court. Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: April 6, 2016

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

CITATION G.L. c. 210, § 6 To Petronia Thames and Brandon Brunberg and any unnamed or unknown parent and persons interested in a petition for the adoption of said child and to the Department of Children and Families of said Commonwealth. A petion has been presented to said court by Patricia Thames-Key of Dorchester, MA and James Thames-Key of Dorchester, MA requesting for leave to adopt said child and that the name of the child be changed to Paisley Syonah Thames-Key. If you object to this adoption you are entitled to the appointment of an attorney if you are an indigent person. An indigent person is defined by SJC Rule 3:10. The definition includes but is not limited to persons receiving TAFDC, EACDC, poverty related veteran’s benefits, Medicaid, and SSI. The Court will determine if you are indigent. Contact an Assistant Judicial Case Manager or Adoption Clerk of the Court on or before the date listed below to obtain the necessary forms. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT BOSTON ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON 05/19/2016. WITNESS, Hon. Joan P Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: March 7, 2016

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU15D1218DR

Divorce Summons by Publication and Mailing Gill, Nakeishia J.


Gill, Ryan

To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411.

An indigent person is defined by SJC Rule 3:10. The definition includes but is not limited to persons receiving TAFDC, EACDC, poverty related veteran’s benefits, Medicaid, and SSI. The Court will determine if you are indigent. Contact an Assistant Judicial Case Manager or Adoption Clerk of the Court on or before the date listed below to obtain the necessary forms. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT BOSTON ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON 05/19/2016. WITNESS, Hon. Joan P Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: March 7, 2016

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU16D0380DR

Divorce Summons by Publication and Mailing Plant, Tanny-Kay Kitania


Plant, Willie Earl

To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN. The Complaint is on file at the Court.

First year rates may be negotiated subsequent to the acceptance of a bidder’s response.

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: March 22, 2016

Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. SU16D0550DR

Divorce Summons by Publication and Mailing Torres, Francisco


Torres, Melinda A.

To the Defendant: The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for DESERTION. The Complaint is on file at the Court. An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411.

Docket No. SU16P0810GD

Citation Giving Notice of Petition for Appointment of Guardian for Incapacitated Person Pursuant to G.L. c. 190B, §5-304 In the matter of Anthony Barrows Of Mattapan, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Department of Developmental Services of Boston, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Anthony Barrows is in need of a Guardian and requesting that Maria Elena Druan of Pembroke, MA (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondant is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 05/26/2016. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance, you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: April 19, 2016 Felix D. Arroyo Register of Probate

An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court Rule 411. You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Tanny-Kay Kitania Plant, 11 Hamilton St., Readville, MA 02137 your answer, if any, on or before 06/02/2016. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court.

Respondents may bid to provide services to any or all of the Consortium members; successful bidders will enter into separate contracts with each Consortium member.

Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First Justice of this Court. Date: April 19, 2016

CITATION G.L. c. 210, § 6

If you object to this adoption you are entitled to the appointment of an attorney if you are an indigent person.

Emergency Shelter Environmental Accessibility Adaptations Laundry Legal Services Medication Dispensing System Medication Delivery Nutritional Assessment Personal Emergency Response Systems (cellular, cellular w/ fall detection, PERS w/ fall detection) On-Call services Respite Care Transitional Assistance Translation/Interpretation Transportation Vision Rehabilitation Wanderer Locater Service

You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon: Nakeishia J. Gill, 20 Bishop Joe L. Smith Way, Dorchester, MA 02121 your answer, if any, on or before 06/02/2016. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court.

In the matter of Thames, Shariona Niara

A petion has been presented to said court by Patricia Thames-Key of Dorchester, MA and James Thames-Key of Dorchester, MA requesting for leave to adopt said child and that the name of the child be changed to Shariona Niara Thames-Key.

Adult Day Health Behavioral Health Services Bill Payer/Representative Payee Chore Companion Competency Evaluation Alzheimer’s Day Program Emergency Shelter Financial Consultation Grocery Shopping and Delivery Service Habilitation Therapy (Alzheimer’s coaching) Home Health Service Skilled Nursing care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy Home Health Aide

The duration of the contracts will be for three years, beginning October 1, 2016 and terminating on September 30, 2019. Contracts may be amended at any time during the contract period to reflect rate or service changes negotiated between the Consortium or any of its members and the Provider. Certain rates established by the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, EOEA, or other regulatory bodies, cannot be amended by Consortium members (please see Attachment D to this RFP for details).

Docket No. SU15A0056AD

To Petronia Thames and Brandon Brunberg and any unnamed or unknown parent and persons interested in a petition for the adoption of said child and to the Department of Children and Families of said Commonwealth.

(2315 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02119) and Ethos (555 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Consortium’). The Consortium, comprised of three separate corporate entities designated as Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (hereinafter referred to as EOEA), seeks to provide the following services to clients:

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department SUFFOLK Division

Docket No. 16W0454

For the purpose of purchasing services for ASAP clients, EOEA issues standard contract forms and EOEA reserves the right to amend the contract forms. In submitting a response to this RFP, the bidder affirms that it is not under federal or state debarment and acknowledges it has read the relevant contract forms for the service(s) it proposes to provide, and agrees to comply with all of the terms contained therein. Both contract forms are provided as attachments to the RFP for informational purposes only. Their inclusion does not constitute the award of a contract. Bidders should not submit the contract form with their proposal response. Bid specifications for the RFR must be downloaded from the website: http:// Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining and completing the required bid documents and any attachments referenced, and for checking this website on a regular basis for any addenda or modifications that are subsequently made to this RFP or attachments. The Consortium accepts no liability and will provide no accommodation to bidders who fail to check for amended RFP’s and submit inadequate or incorrect responses. Bidders may not alter (manually or electronically) the RFP language or any RFP component files. Modifications to the body of the RFP, specifications, terms and conditions, or which change the intent of the RFP are prohibited and may disqualify a response. Bidders with a disability or hardship may seek reasonable accommodation, which may include the receipt of the RFP information in an alternative format. Bidders must communicate such requests in writing to Tammy Burgess, Contracts Manager, at Boston Senior Home Care. Requests for accommodation will be addressed on a case by case basis. A bidder requesting accommodation must submit a written statement that describes the bidder’s disability and the requested accommodation to Tammy Burgess. The Consortium reserves the right to reject unreasonable requests. Proposals are due no later than July 6, 2016 AT 4:00 P.M. Proposals must be typed with numbered pages, and submitted in 3-hole punch binders. Bidders must submit an original along with three copies, as well as the entire document on a USB drive, enclosed in a sealed package marked “Sealed Bid” and addressed to: Paul Rinaldi Ethos 555 Amory Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 A Bidders’ Conference will be held on May 20, 2016 from 10am-Noon at Boston Senior Home Care, 89 South Street, Boston, MA 02111. Attendance is limited to one representative per bidder. The purpose of this conference is to provide an overview of the RFP and the services the Consortium members are seeking to purchase, and give equal opportunity for clarification of specifications to all potential bidders. If you have any questions regarding these specifications, you may reserve them for that occasion, or questions may be submitted in writing to Tammy Burgess at Boston Senior Home Care ( prior to the Bidders’ Conference. Questions submitted in writing will be answered at the Bidders’ Conference, and a copy of the responses will posted on the Ethos website. Please note, attendance at the Bidder’s Conference is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. Attendees must R.S.V.P Lisa Hamilton at CBES at Lhamilton@centralboston. org by May 18, 2016. The Consortium reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if it is determined that such refusal is in the public interest. We also reserve the right to amend or withdraw all or any part of the RFP and/or services sought by the RFP. This RFP does not commit the Consortium to any of its members to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of this application, or to produce any services.

Summons By Publication Jessica Tooley , Plaintiff v. Lony Sanders , Defendant To the above named Defendant: A Complaint has been presented to this Court by the Plaintiff (s), Jessica Tooley, seeking a Complaint for Custody-Support-Parenting Time, pursuant to G.L. 209 (c). You are required to serve upon Jessica Tooley — or attorney for plaintiff (s) — whose address is 691 Walk Hill St., Mattapan, MA 02126 — Phone # 617-838-7778 your answer on or before 2 day of June, 2016. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer in the office of the Register of this Court at Boston. Witness, Joan P. Armstrong, Esquire, First Justice of said Court at Boston, this 22nd day of March, 2016. Felix D. Arroyo, Register BOSTON CONSORTIUM REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Sealed proposals are hereby solicited for multiple contractors for the provision of services to the clients of Boston Senior Home Care (Lincoln Plaza, 89 South Street, Suite 501, Boston, MA, 02111), Central Boston Elder Services

Boston Senior Home Care, Central Boston Elder Services, and Ethos, are Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (AA/EEO) agencies. The Consortium strongly encourages minority, and women owned businesses to respond to this RFP. Bidders who wish to be considered as women and/or minority businesses must be certified as such through the Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Office, and provide a copy of their certification with their application. To learn about certification, visit the Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Office at INVITATION TO BID The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is seeking bids for the following: BID NO.





Repair and Reline One (1) Sodium Hypochlorite Tank at the William A. Brutsch Water Treatment Plant


4:00 p.m.

To access and bid on Event(s) please go to the MWRA Supplier Portal at

22 • Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER




MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed General Bids for MPA Contract No. L930-C6 TERMINAL C PIERS B AND C HAMMERHEAD ROOF REPLACEMENT, LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, EAST BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, will be received by the Massachusetts Port Authority at the Capital Programs Department Office, Suite 209S, Logan Office Center, One Harborside Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts 02128-2909, until 11:00 A.M. local time on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2016, immediately after which, in a designated room, the bids will be opened and read publicly. NOTE:


The work includes REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING ROOFING SYSTEM, FLASHINGS, INSULATION, AND ASSOCIATED WORK. REPAIR AND REPLACE DECKING AS REQUIRED, INSTALL NEW INSULATION, PVC SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE SYSTEM, AND FLASHINGS. Bid documents will be made available beginning THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016. Bid Documents in electronic format may be obtained free of charge at the Authority’s Capital Programs Department Office, together with any addenda or amendments, which the Authority may issue and a printed copy of the Proposal form. In order to be eligible and responsible to bid on this contract General Bidders must submit with their bid a current Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance and an

Update Statement. The General Bidder must be certified in the category of ROOFING.

or the Commissioner of Labor and Industries of Massachusetts, whichever is greater.


The successful Bidder will be required to purchase and maintain Bodily Injury Liability Insurance and Property Damage Liability Insurance for a combined single limit of TEN MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000). Said policy shall be on an occurrence basis and the Authority shall be included as an Additional Insured. See the insurance sections of Division I, General Requirements and Division II, Special Provisions for complete details.

Bidding procedures and award of the contract and sub contracts shall be in accordance with the provisions of Sections 44A through 44J inclusive, Chapter 149 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A proposal guaranty shall be submitted with each General Bid consisting of a bid deposit for five (5) percent of the value of the bid; when sub bids are required, each must be accompanied by a deposit equal to five (5) percent of the sub bid amount, in the form of a bid bond, or cash, or a certified check, or a treasurer’s or a cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Massachusetts Port Authority in the name of which the Contract for the work is to be executed. The bid deposit shall be (a) in a form satisfactory to the Authority, (b) with a surety company qualified to do business in the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Authority, and (c) conditioned upon the faithful performance by the principal of the agreements contained in the bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and a labor and materials payment bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract price. The surety shall be a surety company or securities satisfactory to the Authority. Attention is called to the minimum rate of wages to be paid on the work as determined under the provisions of Chapter 149, Massachusetts General Laws, Section 26 to 27G, inclusive, as amended. The Contractor will be required to pay minimum wages in accordance with the schedules listed in Division II, Special Provisions of the Specifications, which wage rates have been predetermined by the U. S. Secretary of Labor and /


REAL ESTATE follow us on

Grant Manor Apartments


Boston, Massachusetts On Friday, May 5, 2016 beginning at 10:00 a.m., Grant Manor will re-open the waitlist for 2 bedroom units (only) . Applications for the lottery will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 27, 2016. Position on the waitlist will be determined by lottery. The timing of an application submission will have no bearing on whether an applicant is offered housing at Grant Manor. Grant Manor Apartments is located at 1812 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118. Applications can be picked up at the Management Office Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or at Dudley Literacy Center located at 65 Warren Street, Roxbury Mondays & Thursdays from Noon to 8:00 p.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You may also request to have an application mailed to you by calling the office at (617-445-0077) or TTY (800) 545-1833 ext. 945. Email requests for applications should be sent to Grant Manor will also offer extended office hours on Thursday, May 19th until 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Reasonable Accommodations will be made upon request. Grant Manor is subsidized under the federal Section 8 Program and subject to IRS Code Section 42 (Low Income Housing Tax Credit) in addition to other elegibility criteria. In order to be eligible, your total family income must be be below the Hud income limits listed below. HUD INCOME LIMITS HH Size






















Amenities: • On-Site Laundry • Convenient to Silver Line Transportaion • On Site Parking • Heat and Hot water included • Garbage Disposal • Community Room • On-Site Play Ground

Rents are based on 30% of adjusted monthly income for eligible families. To be eligible to participate in the lottery, completed applications must be either received before 3:00 p.m. on May 27, 2016, or be postmarked by May 27, 2016. The lottery will be held on June 3, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at Grant Manor. Applicant attendance is not required. Equal Housing Opportunity Grant Manor Apartments and Trinity Management, LLC do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, familial status, marital status, legal source of income,gender idenity, ancestry, genetic information, or children in the access or admission to it’s programs or employment, or in its programs, activities, functions or services.

No filed sub bids will be required for this contract. This Contract is also subject to Affirmative Action requirements of the Massachusetts Port Authority contained in the Non Discrimination and Affirmative Action article of Division I, General Requirements and Covenants, and to the Secretary of Labor’s Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Opportunity and the Standard Federal Equal Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications (Executive Order 11246). The General Contractor is required to submit a Certification of Non Segregated Facilities prior to award of the Contract, and to notify prospective subcontractors of the requirement for such certification where the subcontract exceeds $10,000. Complete information and authorization to view the site may be obtained from the Capital Programs Department Office at the Massachusetts Port Authority. The right is reserved to waive any informality in or reject any or all proposals. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY THOMAS P. GLYNN CEO & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

REAL ESTATE Southborough Affordable Housing Four 2 Bedroom Townhomes Price: 169,600

Woodland Meadows 9-11 Oak Hill Road Public Information Meeting 6:30, Thursday, May 19, 2016 Southborough Town House Application Deadline June 11, 2016


MAX INCOME 1—$46,000 3—$59,150 2—$52,600 4—$65,700 5—$71,000 Assets to $75,000 Units by lottery 1st Time Homebuyers

For Info and Application: Pick Up: Southborough Town Hall, Planning Office or Public Lib. Phone: (978) 456-8388 Email:

Application available online at:

Thursday, May 5, 2016 • BAY STATE BANNER • 23




Covenant House I & II, Inc.

Professionally Managed by Barkan Management Company, Inc.

30 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135

Roslindale, MA – Canterbury Place, 950 Canterbury Street

Like us on


will accept subsidized waitlist applications for One & Two Bedroom Apartments May 16 – May 31, 2016 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

n Effective, May 9, 2016 through May 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM we will be distributing applications for the one-bedroom wait list lottery. All applications must be received by July 20, 2016 at 5 PM. All mailed applications MUST be postmarked by July 20, 2016 at 5 PM. All faxed applications MUST be received by July 20, 2016 at 5 PM. All emailed applications MUST be received by July 20, 2016 at 5 PM.

Applications are processed in order received. Must meet HUD Income Limits.

n Applicants must be 62 years of age or older or disabled. n Current Income limits by household size are $34,350 for one person and $39,250 for two people. n Rents are calculated at 30% of income.



Call 617-327-4819, (TTY/TRS Relay: #711), or visit our website:

n Applications are available at the building management office; on-line at; or you can request an application to be mailed by fax or phone. Applications can also be picked up at the Brighton Branch of the Boston Public Library, 40 Academy Hill Road, Brighton, MA 02135

Wollaston Manor 91 Clay Street Quincy, MA 02170

Senior Living At It’s Best

A senior/disabled/ handicapped community 0 BR units = $1,027/mo 1 BR units = $1,101/mo All utilities included.

Call Sandy Miller, Program Restrictions Apply.




Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Boston’s premier organization working to transform the lives of runaway, homeless, and highrisk youth, seeks a dynamic and collaborative individual to serve as Operations Manager.


New 1 & 2 Bedroom Affordable Senior Apartments - Opening Fall 2016

Please see job description for required qualifications and job responsibilities for this position at : http://baystatebanner. com/news/2016/may/04/ operations-manager

Accepting applications for 3 housing lotteries for the following affordable programs: Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC), Project Based Section 8 (PBV) and MRVP Project Based Voucher Program (MRVP) For LIHTC and PBV ALL household members must be 55 years of age or older.

Stainless Steel Appliances New Kitchen Cabinets Hardwood Floors Updated Bathroom Custom Accent Wall Painting Free Parking Free Wi-Fi in lobby Modern Laundry Facilities

Two Bedrooms Starting at $2200


30 Washington Street n Brighton, MA 02135 Tel: 617-277-8932 n Fax: 617-734-4797 TTY: Relay 711 n

Brand New Renovated Apartment Homes

Property Manager

The lottery will be held on, August 25, 2016 @ 1:00PM at the Brighton Branch of the Boston Public Library. Applications that are received and deemed eligible for assistance will be given a number and will be placed in a lottery. Applicants will be placed on the waiting list in the order that they were picked in the lottery.

Parker Hill Apartments

For MRVP Program only ONE (1) member of the household must be 55 years or older.

Lower-extremity Biomechanical Assessment (part time) Use your knowledge of anatomy, basic physiology or emergency medicine to practice lower extremity amputation prevention (LEAP) protocol for persons with diabetes. Learn the features and fitting of depth-shoes, cast for custom shoes, specify orthopedic modifications to shoes. Training provided. 16 hours per week, flexible schedule. $12 - $24 per hour. Brighton, MA. Send resume to

Maximum income limits* Household Size (HH)




1 Person HH




2 Person HH




3 Person HH




4 Person HH




LIHTC Apartments*

PBV and MRVP Apartments



HH Size

# of Apts.



HH Size

# of Apts.

1 BR 30%




1 BR

Income based



1 BR 60%




2 BR

Income based



51-53 Beals Street Brookline, MA 02446

*Rents and income limits subject to change

How to Get an Application: Applications will be available May 2, 2016 to July 29, 2016 from 10 am to 4 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday; 10 am to 7 pm on Thurdays; and Saturdays from 10 am - 2 pm Applications can be picked up in person, emailed, faxed or US Mail from the Island Creek Village Leasing Office: 42 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA

Applications MUST BE POST MARKEDED, FAXED OR DELIVERED IN PERSON BY July 29, 2016 The placement of your application will be decided by a lottery held at 10:00 am August 17, 2016 at the Duxbury Council On Aging Attendance is not required for the lottery Information Sessions: May 6, 2016 at 2:00 pm June 10,2016 at 2:00 pm July 11, 2016 at 5:30 pm All information sessions will be held at the Duxbury Council On Aging located at 10 Mayflower Street,Duxbury, MA 02332 For more info or to request a reasonable accommodation, call or email 781-934-6714, TTY 711 or - Language assistance available This is a smoke free community

ADVERTISE YOUR CLASSIFIEDS (617) 261-4600 x 7799 • Find rate information at

# of Units


30% AMI Rent

HH Size


Enhanced SRO

30% of income


New Jobs In Fast-Growing


MEMBER SERVICE CALL CENTER REPS Rapid career growth potential

Are you a “people person?” Do you like to help others?

Maximum Income Per Household Size (2016 Limits) HH Size




Applications may be requested from Pine Street Inn beginning on April 4, 2016 82 Green Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (accessible location) by calling (617) 892-8706 Monday- Friday April 4, 2016 through June 3, 2016 from 9 am – 4 pm and from 9 am – 7 pm on Thursday, April 7, 2016 and Thursday, May 5, 2016

Full-time, 12-week training plus internship. Job placement assistance provided. Free training for those who qualify! HS diploma or GED required. Free YMCA membership for you and your family while enrolled in YMCA Training, Inc. Call 617-542-1800 and refer to Health Insurance Training when you call

Applications may also be picked up at Brookline Town Hall, 333 Washington Street in the Planning Department, Room 309 or on the reference desk at the Brookline Public Library, 361 Washington Street, Brookline Information session April 7, 2016 at 6 pm at 82 Green Street, Jamaica Plain Completed applications accepted in person or by mail at 82 Green Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 by 5pm, June 3, 2016. Mailed applications must be postmarked by 5pm, June 3, 2016. Selection by lottery at 82 Green Street, Jamaica Plain Use and Occupancy Restrictions apply. Preference for homeless persons Persons with sensory and mobility impairments have preference for 3 accessible units. For more info or reasonable accommodations, contact Pine Street Inn at (617) 892-8708 TTY/TTD use Mass Relay 711 Equal Housing Opportunity

Are you interested in a

Healthcare CAREER? Project Hope, in partnership with Partners HealthCare is currently accepting applications for a FREE entry level healthcare employment training program. Program eligibility includes: • • • • •

Have a high school diploma or equivalent Have a verifiable reference of 1 year from a former employer Pass assessments in reading, language, and computer skills Have CORI clearance Be legally authorized to work in the United States

For more information and to register for the next Open House please visit our website at or call 617-442-1880 ext. 218.

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Offer ends 5/15/16, and is limited to new residential customers. Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Requires subscription to Starter XF Triple Play with Digital Starter TV, Performance Pro and XFINITY Voice Unlimited services. Early termination fee applies. Equipment, installation, taxes and fees, including regulatory recovery fees, Broadcast TV Fee (up to $5.00/mo.), Regional Sports Network Fee (up to $3.00/mo.) and other applicable charges extra, and subject to change during and after the promo. After applicable promo, or if any service is cancelled or downgraded, regular charges apply (pricing subject to change). Service limited to a single outlet. May not be combined with other offers. TV: Limited Basic service subscription required to receive other levels of service. XFINITY On Demand selections subject to charge indicated at time of purchase. Not all programming available in all areas. Internet: America’s fastest Internet based on download speeds reported at Actual speeds vary and are not guaranteed. Speedtest is a trademark of Ookla, LLC. Used under license. Voice: $29.95 activation fee applies. Service (including 911/emergency services) may not function after an extended power outage. Two-year term agreement required with prepaid card offer. Money-Back Guarantee applies to one month’s recurring service charge and standard installation charges up to $500. Visa® prepaid card offer requires minimum term agreement. Early termination fee applies. Cards issued by Citibank, N.A. pursuant to a license from Visa® U.S.A. Inc. and managed by Citi Prepaid Services. Cards will not have cash access and can be used everywhere Visa® debit cards are accepted. NBA League Pass: Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Limited to residential customers. Offer limited to NBA League Pass and requires subscription to Limited Basic service (or above) TV service. NBA League Pass will automatically renew at the start of each season, provided Comcast Cable still carries the service, at that season’s full-season regular rate. Your subscription will automatically be billed in 4 total payments. If you wish to cancel your subscription, or do not wish to be renewed, you may call Comcast at 1-800-Comcast up to 30 days into the season and we will refund the monthly recurring fee for your first 30 days of service. After the first 30 days of a season, NBA League Pass cannot be canceled or pro-rated. Installation payment option not available in all areas. If you change addresses at any point in or out of season, you will remain enrolled in the auto-renewal program. Equipment, installation, taxes and fees, including Broadcast TV Fee (up to $5.00/mo.) and Regional Sports Fee (up to $3.00/mo.) extra, and subject to change. Service limited to a single outlet. May not be combined with other offers. Blackout restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. ©2016 Comcast. All rights reserved. NPA183112-0001 DIV16-2-203-AA-$89x12-A7

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