BBH Mag December 2021

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December 2021

Your community magazine for

Broadbridge Heath —–————————————————————————— For more details see the BBH Gala Association Facebook page

BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications.



BBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.

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This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,500 homes. Quarter page: £25 per edition. Half page: £45 per edition. Full page: £65 per edition.

Email the Editor for details: 2

News from police in the village.

PCSO Michael Gamble

Residents of BROADBRIDGE HEATH have been expressing their concern about a rise in anti-social behaviour in the village during October and November. The unwanted behaviour has mainly been centred around the WICKHURST GREEN development.

BROADBRIDGE HEATH has consistently had a low crime rate in comparison to the rest of the country. However, from the 23rd of October to the 8th of November, Sussex Police received 55 reports of anti-social behaviour. A marked increase from the previous month of only 6 reports of ASB. Many of the reports related to a group of teenagers who were roaming the streets, banging on doors, shouting and swearing and generally causing a nuisance. A number of the reports were duplicate reports, where different residents were reporting the same incidents more than once and some reports were not related to the antisocial group in any way at all. Police presence in the area was increased, including patrols with marked vehicles and hi-visibility foot patrols. A Section 34 Dispersal Order was put in place from the 2nd – 4th in order to clear the streets of any antisocial groups. Between the 2nd - 4th of November, 3 reports were received and 1 report on the 5th of November. Victims of crime were contacted by phone or visited at home and any leads were followed up on. Residents sent CCTV footage of the anti-social behaviour to Sussex Police and from that footage a number of suspects were identified. Sussex Police attended numerous addresses within the district to inform parents of their children’s behaviour and to give strong words of advice. Identified offenders are now either on ‘early intervention programs’ or in the process of being put onto such programs. Officers visited schools within the district to make them aware of the increase in ASB. There are still a small number of suspects who remain unidentified and Sussex Police are working together with local schools and businesses to establish who these trouble makers are. Sussex Police would like to thank the residents of Broadbridge for being vigilant and sending the CCTV footage that led to the identification of members of the antisocial group. There is a great sense of community in Broadbridge Heath and residents clearly feel strongly about local issues and preserving their neighbourhood. Crime and poor behaviour will not be tolerated in Broadbridge Heath or anywhere in the district for that matter. Please report ASB on 101 or online and emergencies on 999. Let’s continue to look out for each other, we’re all in this together. 3

AROUND THE VILLAGE… Rest a while! One of the new benches supplied by the Parish Council.



INSPIRING WOMEN As I write this, we are all busy baking and making for the Christmas Fair. Of course, by now the Fair will be over, so if you came to support us, we hope you enjoyed the day – and especially your purchase. The pandemic has meant it's been a while since we've been able to hold events like this (these pictures were taken at the Christmas Fair in 2019). Let's all hope things continue to improve so we can share more of these get togethers, and look forward to the summer, in the hope that we’ll be able to hold our Summer Fête again. Last month was our AGM - with a chocolate theme! Everyone brought their favourite chocolate treats to share. We had chocolate cheesecake, chocolate cookies, chocolate torte, chocolate brownies…. Not to mention chocolate sweets and chocolate raffle prizes. Oh my goodness, it was chocolate heaven and, what with the extra goodies over Christmas, there may be some dieting on the list of New Year resolutions! On the subject of 2022, we’re just putting the finishing touches to our programme for next year and guess what? We’re kicking off with our annual New Year lunch! Other plans include: a film afternoon, gardener’s question time, a play reading, a garden party and another art master class (always very popular). There will also be a quiz and opportunities to get together for outings - no doubt one or two of them will include something delicious…... If you would like to join us, you’ll be very welcome. Meetings are usually in St John’s Hall at 2.30 on the second Tuesday of each month or, for more information, email: or phone Maureen: 01403 268963 In the meantime, have a lovely Christmas and we wish you all a healthy, prosperous and happy New Year. 6

Broadbridge Bombshells WI Our last meeting was our Annual Meeting and Elections followed by a Pumpkin Carving Competition. The Annual meeting is a really good opportunity for us to look over the fun we’ve had over the past 12 months and elect a committee to see us through the next 12. Due to the pandemic, the last year hasn’t by any means been normal for us. But we are proud to say that what hasn’t killed us has made us stronger! If you have been keeping up with the Bombshells news in this magazine you will know that we have had a varied and exciting program although much of it had to be conducted via Zoom: The Ghosts of Hampton Court Palace, Christmas Quiz, Facial Yoga, Card Crafts, Fire At Uppark House, The Mysteries of Tarot, The History of Corsletts Farm, Ice Breaker Bingo, Tai Chi and Burlesque. Despite the trials of Covid19 we didn’t miss a single meeting and continued our clubs and social activities whilst adhering to the constantly changing restrictions. The Bombshells have formed a strong bond over these difficult times but we are looking forward to 2022 with a renewed excitement and a dedicated committee and some lovely new members. Our 2022 calendar will be out soon!

Pumpkin Carving Competition Our next meeting, will be our Christmas Party. Always a fabulous festive evening, but it’s exclusive to members, so if you want to come you will need to join up ASAP. We meet at St John’s Church Hall, 8pm on every last Tuesday of the month for our monthly meetings, but we also get together frequently for other social events, such as coffee mornings, Book Club discussions and Wine Club, we also have access to additional meetings and activities hosted by other local WI’s. We are always pleased to welcome new members to our friendly group, so if all this sounds like your idea of fun, then please check out our website and Facebook page or email our President Rowena for further information email: bbhwi1951@gmail.comwebsite: 7

Vicar: Mark Lavender You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email: St John’s Events – December 2021 Wednesday 1 December & 5 January – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673. Wednesday 1, 8 & 15 December – Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179 All our Christmas events are shown elsewhere in the magazine _______________________________ Praying for our local streets At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: This month we are praying for everyone in:River Walk, Howard Place, Tilney Drive, Dereham Way, Morton Avenue, Rochford Grove and Windrum Close ======================================

Happy Christmas from St John’s Church Wishing you and your family all the best for a joy-filled Christmas and a hopeful New Year


Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath.

Duggie Dug Dug comes to BBH

Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender

Over 100 children were treated to nearly 2 hours of fun, action songs and science experiments during the afternoon of 13th November at St John’s as Duggie Dug Dug came to BBH with his infectious dance tunes and crazy science. The event, was hosted by the church and Doug even had time to visit Shelley School and take a couple of assemblies with the Junior classes on the previous day. You can find an endless supply of Doug’s videos at

The following day, the church also hosted the annual remembrance service and it was wonderful to see a good representation of villagers who had come out to join us at the memorial and take advantage of the road closure as we took time out to remember those whom we have lost both in war and more recently. There are a number of events coming up in December to help us to celebrate Christmas – see pages 5 and 8 – including nativity, carol and Christingle services. Also look out for Christmas Advent windows which will be appearing in the village again and you are always welcome to join us at 8:30am or 10:30am every Sunday. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a hope-filled New Year. We believe in a God who brings peace, hope and joy into all places. Why not allow Him in this Christmas. Mark 9


Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Website: Email: Facebook: Please Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council We would like to commence this month’s article with a summary of the last Parish Council meeting held on Monday 8th November at St John’s Hall. Police Matters Councillors were joined by PC Arnold from Horsham’s Neighbourhood Policing Team and Warren Jones from Broadbridge Heath Community Speedwatch. PC Arnold provided an update and overview to Council of recent Police issues in the village, which included the recent increase of reports of Anti-Social behaviour. Since 23rd October there has been a significant increase in the number of reports made from the village. 55 reports from 23rd October to 8th November resulted in Police resources directed to BBH. Work has continued by the Police with the offences reported and a Section 34 Dispersal Order was put in place between the 2nd to 4th November. Between these dates 3 reports were received and 1 report on the 5th of November. The Police have re-enforced the continuing importance of reporting: Emergencies to 999 and non-emergencies to 101 or online. BBHPC will continue to liaise with Sussex Police and the local Policing team to ensure it is kept informed of ongoing issues, and support the community within their remit. Traffic Calming Traffic Calming was an agenda item and recent correspondence from residents were noted. It was agreed to set up a Working Party to encompass all elements of Traffic Calming in the village, to provide reports back to Council for discussion. Warren Jones, from Community Speedwatch provided an overview and update of the work in the village. In the past 12 months they have deployed 52 times, and of 5055 vehicles recorded, 988 were recorded exceeding the limit. Other statistics shared include: • Average offender rate is 20%. • Maximum speed recorded in 20mph zone (in last 12 months) is 42mph (+110%). • Maximum speed recorded in 40mph zone (in last 12 months) is 50mph (+25%). The Parish Council formally thanked Warren and the volunteers. For further information on volunteering, please do email 11

The Draft Minutes of the Meeting for further reading can be found on our website. The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday 6th December – the agenda and full details can also be found on our website. Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for BBHPC People often feel very strongly about what’s going on around them but are not sure how to influence matters.

You can make a difference by becoming a Parish Councillor.

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council has 13 seats but currently only 11 are filled and therefore there are 2 seats vacant for Co-Option. If you are interested, please email Lucinda, the Clerk for more information.

November Reflection As we reflect on the Month of November and Remembrance, we would like to thank Rev. Mark Lavender for this year’s Remembrance Service. It was a well-attended service in the village and a wreath was laid on behalf of BBHPC by Chairman Terry Oliver, alongside others from the Community. The Street Poppies are a welcomed, strong, visual presence in the village for November and have now been removed for this year.


Recreation Committee Update Horsham Green Gym volunteers have been busy supporting the Parish again in the last month. Volunteers with David Bridges did some annual maintenance of the Hedgerow that was planted in Charrington Way. It is doing well but is not quite ready for laying. It was trimmed to encourage more lower growth to hopefully allow it to grow denser. Councillors, Christine Knight and Sarah Chandler joined Green Gym volunteers at the Common on the 11th November when 1500 Spring bulbs were planted in clusters ready for Spring. It was a foggy start but a great achievement for the volunteers to plant all the bulbs in one day!

Communication It has been positive to see an increase in the last year of the number of Likes and Followers to our Facebook page. Our page helps support other Communication means managed by the Council including Newsletters and the BBH Magazine to share varied and appropriate Communications from the council. Our website provides full details of Meetings, Agenda and Minutes. Forthcoming agendas are also displayed in the Noticeboard at the One Stop. Looking Ahead As we move into December and thoughts of Christmas the Parish Council would like to send Seasons Greetings to all residents and wish everyone a safe and Happy Christmas.

We look forward to 2022, with final progression hoped for many projects, and acquisitions of land, including the move into the new Parish Office.


Over 50’s “Cuppa and chat” Pop in and support this local social group. You’re welcome to say hello, stay for a cuppa or lunch, or just have a chat. Where: The Shelley Arms 16-18 Old Guildford Road, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham RH12 3JU. When: Tuesday 7th December 13:30- 15:30


How can we help? Do you: Live in Broadbridge Heath? Want to know what’s on in your area? Need information or advice? Want someone to talk to? Worry about returning home after a hospital stay? Require assistance with household chores? Need a Handyperson or Gardener?

As Age UK we have access to a lot of information and we are here to help, working within your community to ensure local older people love later life. The Village Agent is provided by Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove, supported and kindly funded by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council. To find out more please contact:

Phone: 01403 260560 Email: 14

Village Contacts.

Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.

Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340

1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts James Seden Smith (GSL)

Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall

1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman

Broadbridge Heath W.I. Maureen McConnell 01403 268963

2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver

Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464

2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman

Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website:

St Johns Church

Broadbridge Heath Youth Club Charlotte Heath 07916778547

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Terry Oliver 07940 886615 Clerk – Lucinda Edwards 07716 130103


Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email: Broadbridge Heath District Councillors Louise Potter and Matt Allen Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 07759 286434 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 15

To list your village club, society or organisation on this page please contact the BBH Magazine editor by email at

BBH Mag Sport News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club With close to half the season now complete all our senior sides are doing extremely well. The first team are in the top six of the Premier Division which is the highest we've ever been at this stage of the season, unfortunately we haven't done so well in cup competitions, having entered five competitions we have now been eliminated from all of them, so no cup finals this season. The Under 23 team is top of their division and are unbeaten in both league and cup. In the Sussex County Cup they have a difficult away fixture at Hasting United but in their current form they must stand a great chance of winning against higher league opposition. Some of the football they play this season is a joy to watch, so check out their next home match and come along and support the team. Our Under 18 team is also in the top three of their division and at the time of going to press have only lost one match in all competitions, several of their players are also regulars in the Under 23 and two have played in the first team. The Under 17 team is second in their division having lost just one league game in seven matches with several of their players also stepping up to play for the Under 18s. The Junior Section, for players from Under 7 to Under 16, continues to thrive and the one thing we find really frustrating is that we can't take all the players we'd like to, with so many people wanting their child to play for Broadbridge Heath FC we just don't have enough pitches or coaches to accommodate them all. So if you are a football person with some time available and you'd like to get involved, whether that's in a coaching/managing capacity or just helping out around the club whether that's litter picking, D.I.Y. or anything in between, then please do get in contact because we'd love to hear from you, Forthcoming Home First Team Fixtures Saturday 4th December Alfold - Kick Off 3.00 Saturday 11th December Eastbourne United - Kick Off 3.00 Saturday 18th December Pagham - Kick Off 3.00 Monday 27th December Horsham YMCA - Kick Off 11.00 For more information please visit our website at: clubs/broadbridgeheathfc 16

CRICKET Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club Even though the playing season is over, work continues on the major project to implement substantial improvements to drainage and levelling on the outfield. Heavy rain in October delayed matters but the mole ploughing and verti -draining is now complete. These will help water flow into the recently dug 70 metre French drain which will then aid flow into the ground drains and stream. Early next year, phase 2 of the project will include something called fraze mowing to start the levelling of the ground. Finally, the outfield will be reseeded and surrounded by a fence to keep out rabbits, foxes, etc to enhance germination. So, major work indeed and long overdue. Some older village residents may recall that the northern end of the Top Common has always been pond-like so remedial work has been needed for many, many years. It is hoped that once completed, we may then be able to reconsider the availability of the ground to other sports in addition to cricket and stoolball. Unfortunately, I had to submit this article before our AGM so the news from that meeting and the Sussex Cricket League AGM (teas anyone?) will have to wait until the next issue. That article will be done by a new committee member as I will have stood down at the AGM after a number of years as Secretary and other roles. I’ll still be on the groundstaff though and will be seen on the mowers again next year – if there’s any outfield grass to cut ! Colin Case =============================================================== BIRDING Sussex Wildlife Trust: Chloe Harrison Community Support Officer, Wilder Horsham District “Who are these people?” You’ve hardly seen them all year yet here you are, full of turkey, squashed between them on the sofa, your paper hat askew. It’s Christmas and, like it or not, there’s no escaping your family. On a branch out in the cold darkness of the garden, also sandwiched between aunts, brothers, cousins and daughters, a tiny bird is asking a similar question (except he isn’t wearing a novelty hat). Long-tailed Tits and humans. Two of Britain’s most social species. And just like a visit from your relatives the arrival of a Long-tailed Tit flock in your garden will turn tranquillity into chaos. It’s like © Bob Eade SussexWildlifeTrust someone has emptied a box of feathered fireworks over the fence. They manically bicker on the bird feeder and swing acrobatically upside-down on the fat balls, all the while trilling, rattling and screaming ‘eee-heeeheee’ like a troupe of Michael Jackson impersonators. What you’re witnessing is a group of roving relatives, roaming the neighbourhood looking to pillage your peanuts. This posse of outlaws consists of in-laws, brothers, sons, daughters. It’s a family affair. With their gorgeous pink, black and white plumage and those ridiculously long tails these flying lollypops must qualify for Britain’s cutest bird. Then suddenly they’re gone and the pulse rate of the garden returns to normal. 17

1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows Before half term we made promise potions with the rainbows to show the girls by adding bits to their potions what it means to make our promise as a rainbow. We then had 8 girls make their rainbow promise just before half term. It was delightful to be able to also include a party atmosphere to celebrate even if it was a little low key. After half term the girls explored how to construct pieces of paper strong enough to hold 2 bowlfuls of water! 2nd Broadbridge Heath Brownies This term at Brownies has been a busy one as we get fully back into the swing of face -to-face Guiding. We have learned lots of new games, had a Halloween party and painted rocks for Remembrance Day. We have also been celebrating the fact our leaders have 100 years of service in Guiding combined, so we have been doing things like a quiz with fun facts about our leaders and making owl lanterns. We have a busy few weeks ahead which will end with some lovely Christmas crafts! 2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides The girls have continued the autumn term with a mystery cooking evening where the girls select unknown tins of food and create a meal with their selection. The guides enjoyed an evening carving pumpkins and making toffee apples on our Halloween themed evening. After half term the guides created their own comic strip story but with a twist! One girl drew the pictures without showing anyone and then another guide added the words and speech bubbles!

If you can spare an hour or 2 a week or are willing to help behind the scenes with admin etc. we would love to hear from you. For more information regarding volunteering please contact: Sarah Little Clemsfold District Commissioner or visit =============================== 1st Broadbridge Heath Scout Group The Group has continued to enjoy a return to full Scouting with the Scouts camping for the first time since restrictions ended – they had an amazing time with activities including indoor caving, crate stacking and circus skills. The Scouts have also managed to squeeze in air rifle shooting and a full day hike alongside their normal meetings! Our Cubs and Beavers enjoyed a recent session at the District Campsite which included a scavenger hunt by torchlight and campfire and are looking forward to a full end to the year including indoor caving for the Cubs and planning a Christmas party. Continued on next page... 18

New “Squirrels” for Scouting.. Scouting has recently announced the roll out of “Squirrels” - a programme for 4 and 5 year olds which aims to give them life skills through fun activities. We are hoping to open a “dray” so if you would be interested for we would be grateful if you could complete the short form at We are always on the look out for volunteers to join our friendly team on Committee or as Group Leaders – if you would be interested, even in a very small role, please contact our Group Scout Leader James (

Scouts at their latest camp


NEWS FROM BROADBRIDGE PARK. Residential, nursing and dementia care. We had some very special visitors this month at Broadbridge Park, including our fantastic magician, The magic man, and his wonderful assistant, his beautiful bunny rabbit, which many residents were able to touch and have a cuddle with. Residents were also able to enjoy a lovely drink of their choice, the main options being wine or a lovely cup of coffee, whilst being able to sit back, relax and be included in the fun. The Magic man was able to recite all the resident’s names as well as our staff whist residents assisted with the magic show. He was also very good at making everyone laugh, especially when he pulled a handkerchief as well as another item out of our lovely activities’ lady, Jacqui’s, top! Our residents have also been hard at work here handmaking Christmas cards, with donations going towards Dementia UK! Theresa, who celebrated her 101st Birthday this year, made over half of these! If you would like to help the residents contact Kathryn 19

YOU CAN SUPPORT THIS VILLAGE MAGAZINE BY BUYING YOUR OWN HORSHAM DISTRICT COMMUNITY LOTTERY TICKETS 'BBH Community Publications' and the village magazine "BBH Mag" now has a Horsham District Community Lottery page. Support this village magazine and you could win prizes of up to £25,000. 50% of all tickets sold will help pay for printing of this magazine if you choose to support us. Plus 10% goes to other local good causes. Tickets cost only £1 per week. Please support "BBH Mag": the village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Published by BBH Community Publications. To buy your Lottery Tickets go to: Or scan this on your smartphone: Or go to the Horsham District Community Lottery page and search for “BBH Mag” 20


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The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath Considering Christmas 2021 After this extraordinary last year or so we all have a different story to tell, although a lot of good has come from this upheaval. As always I recommend planning as an important way to help avoid overspending as Christmas is a time when this can easily happen – just watch people in the supermarkets. This year it may be even more tempting to do so to try to compensate for the last year. Many of us are wondering yet again how to plan for festivities this year as there is still a lot of uncertainty. Last year’s short notice cancellation of many Christmases caused a lot of problems, having bought food for the wrong number of guests. However, many people told me afterwards that they really enjoyed their Christmas. They enjoyed not rushing about so much and having a very simple day, so remember this when you are planning for this year. I am writing this on Remembrance Sunday, and I’ve heard a lovely story of how carols were sung in the First World War which united everyone in their Christmas celebrations. So don’t get sucked in by all the excitement. Plan ahead what you wish to buy but bear in mind there could be changes. This will help you not to over-spend and, like the saying goes, "by looking after the pennies the pounds will take care of themselves". And if you need some advice on how to save your pennies, don’t forget we do offer a free no-obligation consultation. Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions ( Get in touch on 01403 288078 or

BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications

To contact the Editor email: To advertise email: —————————————————————— Printed by FinePrint 01293 851169 24

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