From the Editor jodie currie
020 is the year that needs no introduction. And it also goes without saying that the resources sector has truly stepped up and performed in the last 12 months. In years to come, if there was a way to remember how our industry has shaped 2020, I’d like to think that it would be through remarkable progress in three areas: new projects, new ways of working, and new barriers broken.
Photo: Josh Kelly
We’ve seen progress in plenty of new projects meeting major milestones this year, like the Carmichael Mine and Rail project finally breaking ground, or the Pembroke Olive Downs mining lease and environmental approvals being granted, paving the way for a new metallurgical coal mine. Progress in gas, minerals and rare earth projects has also been remarkable, and bodes well for a bumper decade in the North West Minerals Province. We’ve seen progress in new ways of working, as we adapted to Zoom meetings and working offsite. For some operations, this meant rethinking ‘the way it’s always been done’, and seeing which limits we can truly test with today’s technology. Advances in technology, including the use of digital twins and 3D modelling to work around staff travel restrictions, have helped push our industry forward.
At the BBMC, we also took the opportunity to change the way we do things, with inperson networking off the agenda after our first luncheon for the year in February. But that didn’t mean we weren’t committed to ensuring the industry was informed and connected: we launched our BBMC Crib Room Podcast (more on page 52) and our Be Informed Interview Series (more on page 48). We also explored new ways of meeting in different formats, including chairing virtual panels at both Mines and Money Brisbane and QME Online, until we were together again for the final luncheon of the year in November. At the time of publishing the Yearbook, life is set to return to some form of ‘normal’ in 2021, with exciting speakers and luncheon events already lined up for the year. But we’re going to take the lessons we learned and move forward with providing more diverse content formats to our audience because that’s progress. And, of course, we can’t talk about progress without discussing the 2020 Queensland Mining Awards. Held in September as possibly one of the largest COVID-safe events in Queensland at the time, the Awards were described by many as the celebration that the industry desperately needed. We take this opportunity to once more give huge thanks to our Awards sponsors for hanging in there through several event changes - but particularly to Reed Mining Events, who showed their support for the industry despite the cancellation of QME 2020. BBMC Yearbook 2020