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Malaria Project From the 8th of March 2014 until the 3th of May, our new Volunteer, Anja van den Hengel (25 years old, medical student from Holland) stayed in Nanatha. This was Anja’s first time in Mozambique and she really looked forward to work with the Activistas and Feleciano. She started a project about malaria. Very important in that time of the year, because it was the rain season during which a lot of people suffer from malaria. Malaria is especially dangerous for young children and pregnant women. Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | |

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Anan Clinica Newsletter • nr 11 • Aug 2014

Malaria is especially dangerous for young children and pregnant women

Two years ago two volunteers did a theatre with the Activistas to inform the community about malaria. The Activistas still remembered a lot of the information they learned at that time, but agreed that malaria is still a big problem in the community. The nurse of the hospital in

schools in Nanatha and Baixo Pinda. There they did a quiz

Baixo Pinda said that in the months January and February

with the children to test their knowledge about malaria.

of 2014, approximately 600 people were tested positive for

After that, the Activistas gave the presentation about


malaria to the children.

Together with Feleciano, Anja did research in Nanatha to

Anja really enjoyed her time in Nanatha, she felt really

investigate the problems around malaria in the community

welcome by all the people in the community, Feleciano,

and to see if the theatre the Activistas played two years

the Activistas and the staff of Nuarro. It was a life

ago had any effect. A lot of families in Nanatha had one

time experience. And even though malaria will still be

or two mosquitonets, because of an antimalarial program

a big problem through whole Mozambique, Anja left

of Unicef in 2011. But because most people did not know

Nanatha with the hope that the community will use the

the cause of malaria, they did not understand that the

information she left behind and that maybe… one day…

mosquitonet could help to prevent malaria. Besides the

malaria won’t be a health issue anymore…

lack of knowledge about the cause of malaria, Anja and Feleciano also found problems around the treatment of malaria. A lot of people said they don’t want to go to the hospital, because they don’t think it is important enough or they just buy some pills in the village to treat the malaria. Together with the Activistas, Anja made a presentation

Anan Clinica Foundation is a non-religious charity

of posters with drawings which contained the most

that aims to increase local knowledge of health issues

important information to tell the community. She and the

andAthe scope, quality, accessibility, acceptability

Activistas went to Nanatha and surrounding villages to

and coverage of primary health care services for the

give their presentation. People said that malaria is still a

underserved people of the Nanatha community in

big problem in their community and they were very happy

Northern Mozambique. Anan Clinica focusses primarily on

to receive information from the Activistas. Besides these

health education and basic hygiene facilities.

presentations, Anja and the Activistas also went to the

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For donations:; Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

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design: Bootsmadesign

About Anan Clinica

Together anything is possible! Together anything is possible and also your help will be very welcomed. It can be as simple (but not less important) as making a financial donation, volunteering time and knowledge; even a useful suggestion or good idea can take us further in helping the Nanatha Community. If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact us: For more information about Anan Clinica, please visit our website: www.

For donations Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands

Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | |

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