Vamos falar sobre sexualidade! Africa is known for its culture where music and dance take a central role. The projects of Anan Clinica make use of these ways to teach the community. Therefore it was a perfect place for Joline Bakker, a 24-year old medical student, to do her public health internship, as she has a special interest for singing, making music and theatre. Before Joline went to Mozambique she met with Hanneke Pot, a medical anthropologist who did a research about the sexual development of the youth in Nanatha. She told her about the upcoming sex in the bush, ‘mutakwani’ in Mahkuwa. This is causing an increase in the number of teenage pregnancies and sexual transmitted diseases in Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | |
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Anan Clinica Newsletter • nr 13 • Oct 2014
Malnutrition is still a big problem in this part of Mozambique Nanatha. When Joline heart about this, she wanted to do something with this subject and decided to put it into her project. On the 22th of June Joline arrived in Nanatha, were she would stay until the 19th of august. She started with a small research in the village, because she wanted to
was surprised about their acting talent. After showing the
know more about the taboos and rituals around condom
movie they also played a ‘true-false’ (red-green card) game
use, contraception and sex. These small talks leaded to
with the audience, to check and refresh their knowledge
interesting stories she will always remember. Afterwards
about family planning. The crowd was very enthusiastic
she could make a plan for her project about sexual
about the movie, it made them laugh. But also the
education that suits well with the ideas and interests of
message came across, which could be seen from the game
the community.
that they played very well.
First, Joline teached the activista’s more about family
Joline would like to thank Anan Clinica for this great
planning, sexual transmitted disease and condom use. Also
opportunity and also the activista’s for putting so much
she paid attention to the consequences of the ‘mutakwani’.
effort and time in this project. But without Feliciano all
During this period the Ramadan just started and therefore
of this would not have been possible. Joline enjoyed his
the activista’s, unfortunately, couldn’t make music during
enthusiasm for everything around the public health in
the day. But with some theatre games during the lessons
Nanatha and she will miss the moments of making music
the concentration stayed on a good level.
together! Those moments and a lot others are printed in her memory for ever.
Afterwards, the activista’s started with poster presentations in Nanatha and the surrounding villages about these subjects. Also they did these poster presentations at schools were they were able to reach a lot of children.
About Anan Clinica
Although there was a lot of giggling, mostly because of the
Anan Clinica Foundation is a non-religious charity
‘sexual’ drawings on the posters, the children listened very
that aims to increase local knowledge of health issues
andAthe scope, quality, accessibility, acceptability
To fit to the ideas of the youth and to be able to reach
underserved people of the Nanatha community in
the youth better the activista’s starred in their own movie
Northern Mozambique. Anan Clinica focusses primarily on
about the ‘mutakwani’. The message of the movie is : “Use
health education and basic hygiene facilities.
the condom!” The activista’s did a great job and Joline
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For donations:; Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
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design: Bootsmadesign
and coverage of primary health care services for the
Together anything is possible! Together anything is possible and also your help will be very welcomed. It can be as simple (but not less important) as making a financial donation, volunteering time and knowledge; even a useful suggestion or good idea can take us further in helping the Nanatha Community. If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact us: For more information about Anan Clinica, please visit our website: www.
For donations Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands
Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | |
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