Family planning and much more On the 6th of October 2012 Marloes Emmink, medical student at the University of Groningen, started her adventure by leaving the Netherlands to become a volunteer for Anan Clinica. Until the 2nd of December 2012 she has been providing education to the activistas and the community of Nanatha, Mozambique in the context of a public health internship. After 2 days of travelling on her own, the warm welcome of the Nuarro lodge’s management was very pleasant. Unfortunately her backpack arrived a week after she did, but the staff was very kind and helped her out with clothes and toiletries so she could be comfortable in her new surroundings.
Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | |
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Anan Clinica Newsletter • nr 8 • Nov 2013
Family planning and much more
Manual Marloes spend a lot of time with the activistas to establish and freshen up their knowledge about the subjects they are teaching the community; diarrhea and hygiene, malaria, malnutrition and family planning. Her goal was to produce Marloes was amazed by the beauty of the country.
a ‘Nanatha-oriented’ manual for the activistas in order to
The peaceful beaches, the handcrafted dhows sailing
have the possibility to teach each other when there is no
the blue sea, the mango trees, beautiful birds and
volunteer at the scene. She wrote pieces of comprehensible
occasionally the glance of a wail. But in her first encounter
theory about all four subjects thereby keeping Nanatha
with Mozambique, Marloes was not only moved by
culture and possibilities in mind. She assembled all
the setting. Walking from the lodge to Anan Clinica she
theatres, songs and cooking lessons and translated them
was astonished by the poor circumstances in which
into English and Portuguese with the help of Feleciano.
the people of Nanatha live. The community faces so many
To maintain their knowledge the activistas can use the
difficulties. They have to make a lot of effort to get clean
manual for teaching each other, train new activistas or as
drinking water and nutrition is poor. Nevertheless she
reference book. In addition Marloes and Feleciano finished
received a lot of warmth and friendly curiosity.
an English version for future volunteers of Anan Clinica. The manual will be adjusted and expanded in time.
After getting acquainted with Feleciano, translator and
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to the activistas of Anan Clinica. Again it was a warm
About Anan Clinica
welcome. Together they discussed the major problems
Anan Clinica Foundation is a non-religious charity
in Nanatha and they determined the goals for her time
that aims to increase local knowledge of health issues
in Nanatha. It was decided they would extend our
andAthe scope, quality, accessibility, acceptability
scope accessibility to other villages, make a manual
and coverage of primary health care services for the
for the activistas and teach the community about
underserved people of the Nanatha community in
family planning. We are now visiting 6 villages with our
Northern Mozambique. Anan Clinica focusses primarily on
educational theatres.
health education and basic hygiene facilities.
For donations:; Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
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design: Bootsmadesign
supervisor of the activistas, Marloes soon was introduced
Family planning and much more Family planning In her time in Nanatha Marloes mainly focused on the subject of family planning and sexually transmitted diseases. Among adults, it is estimated that AIDS now accounts for almost 25% of all deaths recorded. Girls and young women are particularly vulnerable. At the time of their first pregnancy girls often are under 15 years of age. Due to the imbalance of social, sexual and physical power women often have no chance to insist in safe
sex. Also in beautiful Nanatha the majority doesn’t use
Along the way Feleciano and Marloes felt that the
or doesn’t know any form of contraception. There is
accessibility of prevention material is still shortcoming and
no need to explain the importance of educating about
they could improve the health status of the community
the possibilities to prevent pregnancy and sexually
even more by bringing the prevention materials we
transmitted diseases. Also we wanted to teach the basics
teach about to Nanatha. For example if the activistas
of reproduction and clear up misunderstandings about
would perform a presentation and theatre about malaria,
contraception. For example during the theaters it
they could tell our audience that they have the possibility
appeared that a lot of women were afraid of using the pill
to buy a mosquito net at Anan Clinica. That way the
or did not know how to use the condom in the right way.
community can practice what we teach. With that idea
Marloes was amazed by the openness in which
in mind we started a small non-profit prevention shop
especially women asked questions about this subject.
in Nanatha. From now one each Saturday the activistas
The presentations and theatres were well received
stay at Anan Clinica to work in this ‘shop’. The shop offers
by the community.
mosquito nets and Certeza (a water treatment product that purifies water) against a low price and provides
Marloes loved working with the activistas. She could
condoms and SORO (to prevent dehydration in children
not tell them enough that they were doing a very
with diarrhea) for free. The role of Nuarro lodge in this
important job. In sharing their knowledge they can make a
project is essential, as they offer the transportation to
difference in Nanatha where the knowledge of basic health
get new supplies. And we are very content to report that
principles is poor. Besides underlining the importance,
the first stack of mosquito nets already has been sold.
she also very much enjoyed whatching the activistas play
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in the theatres. It was fantastic to hear the crowd laugh
Many many thanks
about jokes in the plays. Marloes feels the combination of
Marloes did really a wonderful job in Nanatha. The manual
entertainment and education works very well in educating
is very useful for coming volunteers and the activistas.
the old and young in the community.
Marloes, many many thanks.
For donations:; Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
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