Grainville School Prospectus 2015-16

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Prospectus 2015 – 16


INTRODUCTION FROM THE HEADTEACHER A warm welcome to Grainville School. I am delighted to welcome you to Grainville School. I hope that you find this guide helpful in preparing your child for the next important stage of their education. As the Headteacher, I want you to know that we place great emphasis on creating a ‘can do culture’, where students of all abilities achieve success. This can only happen in a school where students enjoy learning, where they are inspired, motivated and challenged to do their best. At Grainville School we believe all students deserve the right to realise their potential. This will happen within an exciting curriculum and an extensive extra-curricular programme that provides opportunities for personal development. At Grainville we set high expectations in all that we do, to provide each student with a learning experience that best meets their individual hopes and aspirations. We value and recognise the importance of partnership with the family and local community. In doing so we believe that an open and honest dialogue with parents, working together, will bring success. I very much believe that schools should educate the ‘whole person’, academically, emotionally, spiritually as well as socially. Young people leaving this school will be confident individuals with the necessary skills for life and further academic success at university or in employment. We will support your child so that they have good organisational, communication, ICT and problem solving skills, can use their initiative and relate well with others. In return, we expect them to come to school with a positive attitude and ready to learn. We are very proud of our school community and the successes of our students and staff. We look forward to welcoming you to Grainville School.

Mr J.McGuinness Headteacher BA (Hons) NPQH



Grainville School helps each and every one of its students to fulfil their potential in preparation for the work place. The phrase inspire, motivate, challenge has become our school motto and it is our guiding principle. Being inspired, motivated and challenged, in a productive and caring environment, are experiences which will guide us all through life. We are an inclusive school and our school within a school, ‘Horizon’, has proved a great success in easing transition from primary to secondary school. Grainville is fortunate to have the Leadership of Headteacher John McGuinness and Deputy Head Sue Morris. Changes are taking place which are having a very positive impact on the school and creating exciting new opportunities for our students. Phase 4 of our building program is now complete and we have a new gymnasium and canteen which are ‘state of the art’. I feel very proud to lead Grainville School’s governing body. Proud - and full of admiration - when I see the energy, talent and determination of the whole Grainville ‘team’, which includes our students, our staff and my fellow governors, to do well.

Jeremy Johnson Chairman, Board of Governors.


Core Purpose Mission Statement In this caring school community, students are inspired, motivated and challenged to fulfil their potential, always striving to achieve their very best. The Aims of our school are to:

provide within a stimulating environment a broad and balanced curriculum which will develop the full potential of every student.

ensure that students should take increasing responsibility for their own learning.

expect that students should be tolerant and understanding of those around them.

ensure that students should have equality of opportunity.

Grainville School is a mixed 11-16 States secondary school which welcomes students of all abilities and backgrounds and, through a programme of academic, vocational and personal education, inspires each child to achieve success no matter what their starting point may be. As a very inclusive school with a strong family-oriented ethos, we are proud of our curriculum design that aims to stretch and challenge all. At Grainville we are committed to school improvement. We understand that to be an effective school, there needs to be a common and shared identification of school priorities to continue to raise standards. We hope the following information will help you to understand our school, celebrate with us the many successes over the past year and also recognise the areas that we know we need to improve on. Grainville School has just completed a five year school improvement programme, designed to make it a highly successful 11-16 school in Jersey. In 2014, Grainville achieved the best academic results in its history, smashing the previous year’s best results, becoming the highest achieving 11-16 school in Jersey. In recognition of the increasing success of the school, in June 2014, Grainville won 2 prestigious Jersey Enterprise Awards, the first school on the Island to do so. One award was for ‘Developing Skills’ within the school and the second was for ‘Not for Profit’ for the excellent work done by staff and students alike. Visit our website for all up-to-date information on news / events / important letters / newsletters and much much more.


Useful Contacts School address:

Grainville School Deloraine Road St Saviour Jersey JE2 7XB

Tel number: Fax number:

01534 822900 (main reception) 01534 789347

Office email address: Website address:

Senior Leadership Team Mrs Morris Headteacher Mrs Polglase Deputy Headteacher Mr Kellett Assistant Headteacher Miss Jackson Assistant Headteacher Mr Scott (seconded) Mrs Thebault Business Manager

Curricular / Subject Leaders (HOD) Art Miss Walker Design & Technology Mrs Lloyd-Edwards Drama Miss Higgins English Mr Harris Humanities Mrs Falle ICT Mrs Gosling Maths Mr Cheeseborough Modern Foreign Languages Miss Jackson Music Mr Goffee-White Physical Education Mr Wood Careers & Enrichment Mr Bennett Science Mr Tarrant

Staff responsibilities Admissions Education Needs Coordinator ICT Manager Medical Officer Office Manager Participation Coordinator School Receptionist Secretary Student Support School Counsellor Site Manager Attendance Officer


Heads of Year Mrs Polglase Miss Basu Mr Armstrong Mrs Makin Mrs Fitchett Mrs Day Mrs Le Seelleur Mrs Bruce Mr Papworth Mr Reddy Mrs Radiguet

Head of Year 7

Mrs Bisson

Head of Year 8

Mr Grocott

Head of Year 9

Mr Macready

Head of Year 10

Mr Perrier

Head of Year 11

Mrs Hobson

Key dates 2015 - 16 AUTUMN TERM 2015 Thursday 3rd September - Friday 18th December (inclusive) Inset Days*: Wednesday 2nd September & Thursday 10th September Air Display: Thursday 10th September (students not in school) Half term: Monday 26th - Friday 30th October (inclusive) SPRING TERM 2016 Monday 4th January - Thursday 24th March (inclusive) Half term: Monday 15th - Friday 19th February (inclusive) SUMMER TERM 2016 Tuesday 12th April - Friday 15th July (inclusive) Inset Day*: Monday 11th April Public Holidays: Monday 2nd May & Monday 9th May Half term: Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June (inclusive)


Activity Week 2014

School Day The school day comprises of 5 one hour lessons. Horizon students in Year 7 may have a modified timetable including project days. Students are not expected to arrive on site until 8.00am School opens Breakfast Club Canteen Period 1 (Registration) Period 2 Period 3 Break time (20 minutes) Period 4 Period 5 Lunchtime (40 minutes) Period 6 (including pm registration) End of school Buses leave Enrichment Activities / Homework Club


08.00am 08.15am – 08.25am 08.30am – 08.50am 08.50am – 09.50am 09.50am – 10.50am 10.50am – 11.10am 11.10am – 12.10pm 12.10pm – 13.10pm 13.10pm – 13.50pm 13.50pm – 14.50pm 14.50pm 15.00pm 14.50pm – 15.50pm

High Expectations    

Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Listen to and respect other people’s points of view. Allow others to learn and teachers to teach. Respect others property and the school environment.

In order to support the Aims of Grainville School we have a Code of Conduct. The one guiding principle in school is:EVERYONE WILL ACT WITH COURTESY AND CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS AT ALL TIMES This means:

In class, making it as easy as possible for everyone to learn and for the teacher to teach. This means arriving on time with everything needed for that lesson, beginning and ending the lesson in a courteous way, listening carefully, following instructions, helping each other where appropriate and being sensible at all times.

Being silent whenever required to do so.


Keeping the school clean and tidy and respecting other people's property and work. This means all litter must be put in bins, and all the school equipment, furniture and displays must be treated with care.

In or out of school, wearing school uniform with pride and remembering that the school's reputation depends upon the way everyone looks and behaves.

Curriculum Structure Key Stage 3 Timetable The KS3 curriculum is based upon the UK National Curriculum. Year 7 curriculum has been created to focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills based upon a ‘school within a school’ approach. Horizon is an innovative curriculum where the students in Year 7 work primarily in one main area of the school. Horizon’s aim is to further aid the transition of new students coming to Grainville as well as provide a framework that focuses on the development of literacy and numeracy skills. We are looking to develop 21st Century Learners. Horizon has its own dedicated area which will not be used by other year groups. Horizon has a team of teachers who will be teaching your child for approximately 70% of their timetable in the horizon base. Subjects taught within horizon include literacy, numeracy, mathematics, English, French, art, personal & social education, history, geography, religious studies, ICT and drama. The other 30% of the time students will go out to practical specialist departments. These departments include science, design technology, music and physical education.


In Years 8 and 9 a traditional KS3 curriculum is delivered. An example can be seen below.


Tutorial Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6 & Registration

















Design Tech

















Design Tech

MFL = Modern Foreign Languages ICT = Information Communication Technology PE= Physical Education

Post school activities Sporting clubs and activities, HW club

Design Technology = Food Technology / Resistant Materials / Graphics RE = Religious Education

Homework 1.

Purpose The school believes that homework is central to the learning process. It aids coverage of the curriculum and can help raise achievement. Homework improves students' study skills, independence in learning and consolidates and extends the work covered in the classroom. It also enables staff to check that students have understood work.


Timetable and Frequency A homework timetable will be established and published at the commencement of each academic year. It will indicate on which night homework will need to be completed. This can be easily accessed via the school website.



Home-School Planner and Recording of Homework Each student is given a Home-School Planner at the beginning of the school year. All students must record homework in their Home-School Planner book by noting the subject, details of the task, date of expected completion. A record must also be kept each week of homework and in particular coursework, which is set over a longer period of time than a week. Recording homework in the Home-School Planner is the student’s responsibility.


Amount of Homework and Completion The amount of homework will gradually increase as students pass through the school, and will vary given the differing abilities of students. The intrinsic value of a homework task is more important than the time allotted to it, but the following times are guidelines for both staff and students.  Year 7 students will usually have two subjects per evening, with a completion time of approximately thirty minutes for each subject.  Year 8 students will usually have two subjects per evening, with a completion time of up to thirty or forty-five minutes for each subject.  Year 9 students will usually have two subjects per evening with a completion time of approximately thirty to forty five minutes per subject.  Year 10 and 11 students studying for GCSE should expect to do at least two hours homework per night. At GCSE level, homework may often take the form of extended pieces of coursework, which may last several week. Students are expected to take an increasing level of responsibility for planning and completing such work. Students should record and complete all homework missed through absence. It is expected that homework tasks be completed on time and that work is handed in as requested by staff. Homework should always reflect the best possible standard of work that a student can produce.


Parents/Carers Parents/carers are asked to provide a reasonably peaceful and suitable place for homework to be done. Parents/carers should ensure that homework is completed, should encourage their daughter/son to set aside a regular time to complete tasks, and monitor the length of time spent on homework. Parents/carers are asked to sign the Home-School Planner on a weekly basis to signify that homework has been completed and they can share any concerns they may have with their son or daughter’s Form Tutor. We would ask all parents/carers to make it clear to their child that they value homework and to encourage and praise their daughter or son.


Review The work of students is reviewed on a regular basis by Curricular / Subject Leaders as well as members of the Senior Leadership Team.


Opportunities for Homework Completion at School The Library / homework club is open to all years each day at break and lunchtime and homework club is available each day until 15.50pm

Assessment / Target Setting Understanding national standards and school assessment procedures are crucial in measuring the progress that students make. At Grainville School we measure the attainment (achievement) of a student using one of two national measures,  National Curriculum levels at Key Stage 3 in Year 7 – 9 and  GCSE grades, BTEC, NVQ levels (National Vocational Qualifications) at KS4 in Years 10 and 11. (There are also other qualifications such as Certificate Entry Level, ASDAN).


Year 7-9 (KS3) a b and c reflect sub levels within an overall NC level. (5c is lower than level 5b, 5a is the highest at level 5)

Year 10-11(KS4) Teachers may record progress using mixed grades e.g. A/B or D/E

As a guide: Level 4b represents expectations for the average 11 year-old Level 5b represents expectations for the average 14 year-old

National Curriculum Levels

GCSE Grades

Exceptional performance


7 abc


6 abc


5 abc


4 abc


3 abc


2 abc


1 abc


We also record effort shown in classwork, homework and behaviour in class. These judgements are based upon Excellent, Good, Improvement needed, and Urgently needs attention. 1= 2= 3= 4=

Excellent Good Improvement needed Urgently needs attention

Each term parents will receive a termly update on the progress their child is making at school. This will include two interim assessments with grades on attainment, classwork effort, homework effort and behaviour. A full annual written report will form the third progress update. Parents / carers are encouraged to attend the parent consultation afternoon / evening with their child’s personal tutor to discuss progress made across the curriculum. If at any time during the school year a parent / carer has any concern relating to progress being made by their child, they should make contact with the form tutor. Individual Student Target Setting To better support the analysis of progress, every individual student will be given a performance target for all subjects studied, which they should aim to meet or surpass. These targets are based upon known previous achievements. This is best summarised in the table below. Targets for end of Year 9 Year 9 targets are generated from Year 7 Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) scores and key stage 2, Year 6 primary teacher assessments (TA)

Targets for end of Year 11 Year 11 GCSE targets are based upon Year 9 CAT scores and Year 6 teacher assessments (TA)

It is expected that all students know their individual targets for each individual subject. Teachers will discuss progress towards targets during academic mentoring sessions. They will also be included in the annual school report and form a discussion point at parent’s consultations sessions.


We aim for these targets to be challenging yet realistic for each individual. At Grainville we believe in an open and honest dialogue with parents and students on matters relating to standards. Having a clear understanding about the difference between current progress and the next level or grade enables students to continually improve the quality of their work. Parents can support this process of improvement. Expectations of progress: How much progress is expected at Key Stages 3 and 4 Students will make different rates of progress according to their personal attributes, skills and talents. Some students will make faster progress than others. It is our view that ability is not fixed, instead it is incremental. This means that all students can be successful if they understand what to do to make further progress and take responsibility for their learning. At Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9): The average expected increase from Year 6 to Year 9 is 2 National Curriculum levels over three years with the average student achieving around Level 5b in Year 9. At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11): The expectation is that 85% of students achieving a National Curriculum level 5b at the end of KS3 (Year 9) will convert this to a Grade C at GCSE in Year 11.


Heads of Year and Form Tutors All students will have a form tutor who will be the main contact for parents with any queries regarding their child. The form tutor is initially the best placed person to discuss any pastoral or academic issues. Parents consultation afternoons / evenings will be with the form tutor. Students meet with the form tutor every morning for registration and tutorial time. Form tutors support academic mentoring and will move up through the school with the tutor group, maintaining that partnership established in Year 8. Heads of Year support a team of form tutors and will move up through the school to match the progression of students. Heads of Year work closely with form tutors and lead and manage activities and events for their respective year group. Heads of Year monitor and track progress of students and ensure students feel secure and safe. Within the school a house system also operates. House events include charity days, sporting events, academic challenges and other cross year group activities. There are five houses, Aubin, Elizabeth, Grosnez, Orgueil and Regent. All students are automatically allocated a house so that they can become involved in 11-16 house activities. Additional support for students is offered in the following ways:      

Special Educational Needs Support Gifted and Talented support Behaviour Support Attendance and Welfare Support Peer Mentoring School Counsellor


School Uniform and Supplier Information At Grainville, students in Years 7 to 11 are required to wear the school uniform which is distinctive and which we believe helps students settle quickly into their new school and feel that they belong. It also helps towards self-discipline and positive learning attitudes. Uniform Essential items for ALL Grainville students: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

School Blazer with Grainville crest (to be worn at all times) Plain black straight long leg trousers for boys & girls (see below) Light blue school shirt School Tie School Tank Top or Jumper Plain black SHOES which are suitable for school. TRAINERS ARE NOT PERMITTED.

School trousers are not allowed to jeans, cords or chinos for boys and for girls are not allowed to be tight ski-pants, jeggings, or leggings PE Kit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Navy blue pinstripe shorts Red polo shirt (with Grainville crest) Navy and red hooped socks Reversible outdoor long sleeve top Navy jogging bottoms (with Grainville crest) A gum shield A pair of shin pads (Hockey & Football lessons)

ALL OUR SCHOOL UNIFORM IS NOW SOLD THROUGH OUR SOLE PROVIDER ‘LYNDALE SPORTS’. (However we do stock school ties which can be purchased from the main office). Lyndale Sports is open Monday – Saturday from 9.00am – 5.00pm. Address: Lyndale Sports Rue Du Grand Jardin Trinity, JE3 5FJ. Lyndale Sports also offer a ‘free delivery’ service to our school, so if you lose or need to replace an item of uniform, it is now possible to order & pay online for uniform, Lyndale will deliver your purchase into school the next day for you to collect from main reception. If parents have any query with regard to the suitability of an item of clothing before purchase, please contact the school. School uniform can be purchased from Lyndale Sports, Rue du Grand Jardin, Augres, Trinity, Jersey, JE3 5FJ. Telephone : 01534 862411. Open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday. Email: Website: On-line orders for free next school day delivery.


Jersey Student Business Challenge Grainville School Expectations - Specific rules to be adhered to by ALL Grainville students. Mobile Phones and Headphones – (inc Ipods mp3’s etc.) Are not to be seen or used during the school day. If you need to use your phone to contact home, you will need the permission of your Form Teacher, Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If any student is seen using any of the above items, they will be ‘confiscated’ until a parent/carer can come into school and collect them. Hair – Should be traditionally styled – extreme dyed colours or tramlines are NOT permitted. Students arriving into school with extreme dyed colours or tramlines will not be permitted to attend lessons until you conform to our schools expectations. Make-up - Discreet and minimum make up may be worn where appropriate. However, students will be asked to remove makeup that their HOY deems unacceptable or inappropriate. Jewellery - There should be NO VISIBLE jewellery (including material wristbands) other than a watch or one matching pair of flat small stud earrings. These should be placed in the lower ear lobe and NOT the mid or upper ear. NOSE STUDS, EYEBROW or TONGUE PIERCING or ANY OTHER FACIAL PIERCINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR HEALTH & SAFETY REASONS. Students will not be permitted to access lessons until these have been removed. All jewellery must be removed before PE lessons as it can cause injury. It is NOT sufficient to ‘cover with tape’. Our school policy concerning valuables is on display in the PE department. Hoodies – No student should be wearing a hoodie / sweatshirt or cardigan / or denims either in school or on the journey to and from school. If a student is seen wearing any of the above items, they will be ‘confiscated’ until a parent/carer can come into school and collect them. During ‘Non Uniform days (Charity Days) students are not permitted to wear clothing which has offensive slogans or imagery or any item that promotes the use of drug taking. Nail Polish – Is not permitted to be worn in school. We also do not allow acrylic or gel nails.


National Champions at First Aid

Attendance and Absence If you are unable to attend school for whatever reason, please make sure a parent / carer contacts the school before 08.30am. This must happen EACH day that you are absent. Mrs Radiguet is the School Attendance Officer and she can be contacted on Tel: 822922 or by mobile on 07797 743586. Alternatively, if your parent / carer cannot make contact on the above numbers, you can contact the school directly on Tel: 822900. Grainville has a clear expectation that you should be achieving a minimum of 94% attendance (taking into account the annual cycle of colds and general illness). Holiday requests during term time will be assessed against this target figure and declined if your attendance is below the school target of 94%. Our Attendance policy is on our school website. However, if you or your parent / carer have any queries or concerns, please speak to Mrs Radiguet. Research suggests that children who are taken out of school during term time may never catch up on important work that they have missed. This may affect their overall performance and progression. The time teachers have to help all the children in a class is reduced if they spend time helping a child to catch up after a holiday. Children struggle with English and Mathematics if they are absent from school, while younger children may find it difficult to renew friendships with their classmates.


Grainville Army Cadet Force (ACF Years 8-11) Royal Visit 2012

Leave of Absence – Holiday Forms Once your child starts school you are required to send him or her to school every day that the school is open, unless the Headteacher has approved the absence or your child is unwell. You should not expect the school to agree to a family holiday during term time and you should not make bookings prior to gaining approval. Parents/carers are strongly advised to take holidays with their children during normal school holiday periods. However, the school recognises that in exceptional circumstances parents/carers may be forced to take annual holidays at different times. The request for leave should come from a parent or carer with whom the child normally resides. Where parents have joint custody following separation it is recommended that both parents agree to the request before it is made to the school. In such cases special Application for Leave of Absence Forms should be obtained from the School Office or downloaded from our school website and returned to the Headteacher for consideration, at least four weeks prior to the holiday. Parents/carers are reminded that the holiday should not exceed five school days and are requested to check dates of important events such as examinations prior to the request being made. Parents/Carers should note that in cases where a student has an attendance below the expected target of 94%, permission will not be granted. If a child stays away from school for more than five days, or if the school refuses the request for term time leave, it will be recorded as unauthorised absence and noted on the child’s record. What you should consider : If you have concerns about taking your child on holiday during term time you should discuss this with your child’s Headteacher. There are times during the school career when a child may experience particular problems if absent during term-time such as;  close to examinations or tests  during GCSE and other examination courses. It should be remembered that most courses are modular and based upon continuous assessment. Regular attendance is crucial for children to achieve their full potential.  during the first year at a new school  at the beginning of a new school term and especially at the beginning of a new school year.


Lunchtime Students must remain on the school premises throughout the school day. There is the opportunity for students to eat a snack at break time 10.50-11.10am. Students can purchase food from the canteen at Lunchtime 13.10 – 13.50pm. Students with packed lunches are allowed to eat their food in the canteen and outside weather permitting. We ask that students put litter in the waste bins provided. For students who arrive early to school, the catering company opens the canteen and dining area at 8.15am for those wishing to eat breakfast before school starts at 8.30am. The canteen will provide a breakfast service at this time. Students should not be on the school site prior to 8.00am Jersey Potteries provide school meals at Grainville. Their menu and price list is available in the parents section of our school website


Getting to School We would greatly appreciate parent/carer’s support by following the guidelines regarding transport and parking. Parents/carers transporting children to and from school are requested not to enter the school grounds from Deloraine Road as this causes congestion. There are allocated parking areas for visitors to the school. Cars should turn off St. Saviour's Hill after Grainville Pavilion and use the car park overlooking the school. Parents/carers may collect their child from the main reception area in a case of emergency or illness. Buses The Transport & Technical Services provides transport to and from the school. Liberty bus operates the school bus service please visit their website for further details In the event of misbehaviour the school and/or the bus company may prohibit students from using the school buses. In these circumstances parents/carers are asked to be responsible for the transport of their child to school. Cycles Students cycling to school must store their bicycle in the secure compound provided. This will be locked at 08.45am and opened at 14.45pm each school day. Students cycling to school;  should have passed the Cycling Proficiency Test  must park in the cycle racks provided and padlock their bikes to the cycle racks  must observe the one-way system through the school grounds  must push their cycles to and from the cycle racks  must wear safety helmets and we strongly recommend they wear coats with reflective strips The school will do its utmost to ensure that student property is safe. However, we would advise parents/carers to insure cycles as we are unable to accept responsibility for theft or damage. Motorcycles Senior students must apply for permission and a permit to park their motor vehicle on site and they are requested to inform us when they bring their motorcycle or moped into school. There are a limited number of designated parking areas in the motorbike compound situated next to the Library / Science Department. This compound will be locked at 08.45am and opened at 14.45pm each school day. A motorcycle permit can be downloaded via our school website We ask parents not to permit students to bring mini push scooters to school. They are problematic to store and when spun a danger to those standing nearby.

. Shakespeare in Schools: The Tempest


Participating in the Lord Jersey Rugby Tournament

Medication in School Parents/carers must inform the school when their child requires prescribed medication and where necessary, take personal responsibility for any action that is beyond that which can be reasonably expected of the school and its staff. If your child is on long term medication and requires this in school hours, parents must inform us in writing and this will be administered via the Medical Officer. Parents/carers should hand the medication to the Medical Officer clearly labelled with the child's name, the name of the medication and the dosage to be given. The quantity of medication supplied should not be excessive. Parents will understand that the school cannot issue paracetemol or other non prescribed medication to students. We cannot store or take responsibility for large quantities of dated medication. If a headache is too severe, parents will be contacted to collect their son/daughter. If necessary, please request the pharmacy to provide separate supplies for use at school. Asthma Inhalers School arrangements allow students to self administer asthma inhalers. Students should retain the inhalers for personal use as necessary.

Links with Parents/Carers Partnership with parents/carers is essential in establishing and maintaining positive relationships within the school. Last year an extensive Parent Support Programme was developed to better inform parents on issues such as Internet Safety, First Aid, GCSE revision, coursework and many more areas of useful information and guidance. To find out more visit In partnership we would endeavour to:    

Provide a caring and stable environment Set good and consistent examples Reinforce positive behaviour Meet parents/carers at their request and vice versa


Grainville provides a variety of opportunities to meet with and inform parents/carers during and after school hours e.g.:         

Curriculum meetings for each Year Group Parents’ Consultation meeting for each Year Group Open Evening for all Presentation & Awards Evenings Study Skills Evenings for KS4 Monitoring and reporting - all year groups The ‘In touch’ newsletter to parents Parent Teacher Association (PTA) The Leading Parent Partnership Award Programme (LPPA achieved June 2009 and September 2012)

A calendar of dates is issued each year and can be found on our website / calendar

Young Leadership Programme Developing young independent learners and leaders is just one of many key priorities for Grainville School. Prefect System Senior students can apply for the role of Prefect. These students hold posts of responsibility and are positive ambassadors for the school. Additionally, a Head Girl and Boy are elected to represent the school in this prestigious position. Student Council Grainville has an elected Student Council who meet regularly with their staff coordinator. They are representatives and ambassadors for the general student body. Students are encouraged to play an active role in student matters, and they can contact the Student Council through their representatives.


Advanced Peer Mentoring Students from each year group are trained as peer mentors to support students on induction to the school. They may also provide support for our less confident students throughout the year. Student Receptionists Students are given the responsibility to develop their inter-personal skills and self-confidence through their participation in the two day student receptionist programme. They will meet and greet visitors to the school, plan and undertake guided tours of the school and support the front office staff. They will need to communicate with confidence, be polite and courteous and show good organisational skills. Young Leaders Programme British Red Cross and Army Cadet Force (ACF) develop a leadership programme for interested students in years 8 – 11. First Aiders Leadership Programme This Programme is led by St John Ambulance. Sports Leaders Programme Years 10/11. This programme is linked to the BTEC Sports Award.

Grainville Army Cadet Force


School Achievements 2012 – 2014 2012           

National First Aid – 3rd Place, 4 students in the top 12 first aiders in the UK Royal Visit by Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall Year 8 Island Champions “Bloodhound Speed Rocket Competition – Engineering and Technology” London to Paris Cycle Ride: 360 miles in 4 days raising £19,432 for Stroke Association. 8 students and 2 staff Phase 4 building completed – state of the art facilities including new canteen and dining room, fitness suite, double height gym, changing room and staffroom (£4million) Year 7 Horizon Programme – First Year Evaluation – Highly successful with significant gains in learning and well-being. Traversing wall installed by International Climbers. Re-awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) 2012-2015 Year 9 Football team runner up in island inter-school competition Best examination performance in 2012 with 74% of students meeting or surpassing personal targets. 56% of all grades A*- C, 20.2 % 5 A*- C including English and Maths, 83.5 % A*-G including En/Ma, whole school value added + 0.22, SEN + 0.24, EAL + 1.02 First cohort of Year 11 students successfully complete City and Guild Vocational Courses at Highlands, (Construction, Engineering, Hair and Beauty and Catering)


2013  Young Entrepreneurs Scheme launched with ten successful student led businesses established, using real money and with professional business mentors  Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to be launched at Grainville School  Grainville students win three Bronze Certificates in the 2013 Royal Commonwealth Association (RSA) International essay competition)– September 2013 in our inaugural year of entry (11,000 entries across the World)  Grainville achieves its best GCSE/BTEC results with 66% of students gaining 5 A*- C grades and 21.6% achieving 5A*-C including English / Maths and an overall value-added of  +0.06  Grainville young engineers win the ‘Project Bloodhound’ for the second consecutive year and design the fastest jet propelled rocket car on the island.  Year 11 centre opened September 2013  Grainville Army Cadet Force achieves ‘Detachment’ status. At the annual summer camp in  Dorset, 5 Grainville students got to go flying in an Army Squirrel Helicopter as a reward for  exemplary performance on Camp:  Grainville raise £2,352 for Durrell in 4th annual Durrell walk( July 2013), totalling £14,784 over 4 years.  Grainville launches a new 4 year partnership with the Prince’s Trust ( September 2013)


Awards Winner: 2014 Not for Profit Organisation of the Year (Jersey Enterprise)

2014  Investors in People Award 2014-17  Headteacher, Mr J. McGuinness awarded Director of the Year 2014 for Public Service at the annual awards evening of the Institute of Directors (IoD) in Jersey  Jersey Enterprise Award Winner 2014: Not for Profit Organisation of the Year  Jersey Enterprise Award Winner 2014: Developing Skills  School exam records smashed with best results in history of school. 76% grades A*-C, 45.5% of students achieved 5A*-C including English and maths and 62% 5A*- C grades. In terms of Value –Added, Year 11 made +0.58 (above expectation) , boys +0.31 (above expectation) and girls +0.76 (above expectation).  Eisteddfod awards in Art and Photography: 2 Platinum Awards, one a first class winner, 2 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Copper Awards. Plus best newcomer, best manipulated image, best new photographer and Platinum 1st Class winner  Highly successful school production of We Will Rock You performed to a combined audience of over 1000 people and West End visit  Grainville students presented at the very first TEDx St Helier conference held in Jersey. Three students aged between 13 and 16 presented alongside Richard Noble OBE, the  Scottish entrepreneur who held the land speed record for 14 years.  Under 15 Inter-Island Football Champions  Awarded with the Eco-schools bronze award  Grainville and JCG students celebrate success in the 2014 Jersey Student Business Challenge Awards. In total £8,139 profit was made from just 10 trading weeks with £3,793 going to 12 local and international charities. Awards: The Three Pencils (Overall second place), Artistry (Profit Winners) Jersey Treats (Profit Runner Up), Bitesize (Community Winner) and Cookie Crumble (Community Runner Up)


 Grainville successful in IT bid and allocated £137,000 to support IT in Teaching and Learning; School becomes Wi-Fi enabled. Coding and programming suite opened to support new IT curriculum.  Janvrin Primary school joins the Grainville Cluster, 6 primaries now become the magnificent 7.  The JLDSC Rookeez Junior relay team, swam around Jersey in 11 hours and 10 minutes. Congratulations to Charlotte Vernon (Year 9) and her relay partners on their fantastic achievement.  First ever Year 10 overseas Geography fieldtrip to Osmington Bay, Dorset, 60% of costs subsidised by students and staff fundraising (£4,000)  Charlotte Vernon Y10 swims solo around Jersey, 12 hours 20 mins  Grainville finalist in 2014 Jersey Customer Service Awards  Headteacher, Mr J. McGuinness awarded UK National Director of the Year 2014 for Public Service at the annual awards evening In London and Second overall Director of the Year, all sectors.

School staff Choir

Examination results 2014 / value added Headline statistics for 2014  76% of all GCSE grades were in the A*- C range, a school record (62% in 2013)  62.5% gained 5 A*-C grades  45.5% of students obtained 5 A*- C including English Language and Maths (21.6% in 2013)  In maths, a record high of 59.2% achieved A*-C compared to a target of 42%  In English, 56.2% obtained A*-C compared to 29% in 2013  Students achieved a 99 % pass rate at grades A* - G  14% of all grades were A*  24% of all grades were A*/A (16% in 2013)  0.8% of all grades were ungraded  15% of students went on to Hautlieu and 2% to JCG to study A Levels  72 % of students went on to study Level 1-3 vocational courses at Highlands College  8% of students went directly into, or are seeking, employment


Vocational outcomes in 2014 18 students completed a range of Level 1 Vocational awards, attending Highland’s College for ½ day per week, results are as follows:  Construction 2 students gained BTEC Level 1 Diploma  Vehicle maintenance 4 students gained BTEC Level 1 Diploma  Fabrication and welding 3 students gained ABC Level 1 Certificate  Hospitality 4 students gained City and Guilds Level 1  Hair and Beauty 5 students gained City and Guilds Level 1

Value-added A definition of value-added a student who achieves a subject grade result which is above their CATbased expectation is said to have added value. One whole grade above target is +1 and so on. All value-added calculations can be used to produce an overall average for each subject, for individual pupils or for the whole school. The whole school average value-added score, taken from over 599 grades was +0.58. Anything between +/- 0.25 is broadly in in line with objectives targets and expectations. Anything above or below +/-0.25 is statistically significant depending upon the number of students. For more information on value-added please go to the Grainville School Progress Booklet-Detailed Edition on our school website.


Summary of value-added in 2014 (number of students) Whole School +0.58 (101) Girls +0.76 (47) Boys +0.31 (54) Special Educational Needs (SEN) +0.2 (20) English as Additional Language (EAL) +1.0 data)

(Above expectation) (Above expectation) (Above expectation) (In line with expectation) (Above expectation, but only 2 students had target

Annual examinations in the main hall – all year groups


School Production: We Will Rock You

Finally  Grainville School puts young people at the heart of its community.  We will always show respect for others and appreciate the fact that everyone needs to feel safe and valued.  We believe that education makes a significant difference to our lives and our future.  Grainville School strives to achieve the very best so that each and every student can enjoy the learning opportunities.  We want all students to develop their knowledge and understanding, skills and talents, thus fulfilling their hopes and aspirations.


Notes section


Grainville School Deloraine Road St Saviour Jersey JE2 7XB Telephone number: Fax number: Office email address: Website address:

01534 822900 01534 789347

For more information about our achievements and priorities please visit our website and examine the summary or detailed edition of the school progress booklet 2013-2014


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