Page 3 Diego Linares Interview

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DL:Hi Mynamei sDi egoLi nar es DRX:Whatk i ndofwor kwoul dy ous ayy ourar t wor ki s ? DL:I ’ m amet al s c ul pt ur e,f abr i c at or ,and wel der . Dr X:Howmanyt y pesofwel di ngar et her e? DL:Ther e’ st hr eebas i ct y pesofwel di ng. Ther e’ ss t i c kwel di ngorar cwel di ngwhi c hi s f ors t r uc t ur al ,t i gwel di ngf ors t ai nl es ss t eel al umi num,andt her ei smi xs t eel whi c hi si r on wor k ,gat es ,f enc es ,ands t uf fl i k et hat . DRX:s owher edi dy oul ear nt hebegi nni ng of Swel di ng? DL:It ookay earofwel di ngc l as satgl endal e c ommuni t yc ol l ege,t hebas i cbegi nner sc our s e andi l ear nedf r om t her e. DRX:Howl ongwoul dy ous ayi t sbeens i nc e t hebegi nni ngf ory ou? DL:I ’ m 33y ear sol d,i t ookmyf i r s tc l as sat19. i nt hebegi nni ngofmyc l as si c oul dn’ tev enus e t hel i ght erpr oper l ys ot hat showbegi nneri was wi t hf i r e,i wass c ar ed. DRX:Whatpr oj ec t swoul dy oubebus ywi t h c ur r ent l y ? DL:Wor k i ngonf ur ni t ur epi ec esandmet al s c ul pt ur es . DRX:I fy ouhadt opi c konet odof oraYEAR, woul dy oudoc us t om f ur ni t ur epei c esor dy nami car tpei c es ? DL:Iwoul dhav et oc hoos e. . . .That ’ sat ough one.It hi nkIwoul dpi c kdy nami car tpi ec es . Bec aus ei t ’ smor ef unandc r eat i v eandi gett o dowhati wantt odo.Ther e’ snor i ghtorwr ong i t ’ sj us twhatev ery ouf eel l i k e.

DI DI EGO EGO L LI I NARES NARES DRX:What ’ spr i met i mehour sf oryou whenwor ki ng,ear l yi nt hemor ni ng?i nt he day?orl at eni ghthour s? DL:Lat eni ghthour sdur i ngt heweekand ont heweekendALLDAY. DRX:Doyoupr ef erni ghtori st hatj ust whenyourf r ee? DL:That ’ sj ustwheni mf r eef r om my r egul arni net of i vej ob. . .whi chiHATEand wel di ngi smyf r eet i me.I t ’ smyexpr essi on, igett odowhatiwantt odo. DRX:Asawel deryouwoul dhaveamask onofcour sebutdoyouhaveanydesi gns onyourmaski fwor ki ng? DL:Ihaveaf ewdi f f er entt ypesofwel di ng mask,ihaveexpensi veonesandihavea cheaponeandmyf avor i t eonei smybasi c cheapone,f l i ppeddown,noaut ol ensor aut odar keni ng.Thef i r stmaskiact ual l y boughtandist i l lusei tt ot hi sdayi t ha Mi sf i t sskul lpai nt edoni t . DRX:Howl ongagoi fyour ememberdi d yougetyourf i r stmask? DL:i When t ookmyf i r stwel di ngcl ass6 year sgo DRX:Whatar eyoul i st eni ngt owhen wor ki ng? DL:Ihearal lt ypesofmusi c.Punkmusi c t ocount r ymusi c,50s,60’ s,gi r lgr oups,t o myf avor i t ebandTheRamones,Davi d Bowi e,TheRonet t est oal lt ypesofst uf f , El vi s.Whateverget smei nt hemood. DRX:LASTquest i onf ornow,whatt ypeof f ut ur epr oj ect sdoyouhavei nmi ndt hat you’ r eexci t edf or ?


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