ISSUE 1 March 2015
Exploring the Earth From the Inside
Wenonah Elementary School Class 5-4
this issue
Special Edition Community Night 2015 Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Frown Upon Fracking
Did You Know…
by Alexa Abrams In an attempt to extract fuel sources from the earth, you have to drill a mile or more underground. A process called fracking was developed to accomplish this, however, we need to protect our earth. People don't know the downside of fracking and should learn more about its harmful effects. What is Fracking? Fracking is when people drill into the Earth and extract natural gas from shale. When the machine tubes push into After the machine tubes the start the process of horshale, izontal drilling, the the shale cracks. shale cracks and tiny holes are made. Fracking injects sand, water, and small amounts of chemicals into the holes. This procedure allows trapped gas and oil to be recovered. The gas, oil, and water then climbs up the well and is released. The water is then evaporated leaving the natural gases behind. The remaining oil is then used and shipped to different companies. If this procedure is done improperly, huge disasters may occur. And we know that nobody is perfect, so at least one disaster will occur!
Before you find any source of fuel ( oil and gas), you have to drill a mile or more underground.
Fracking fluids are pumped down fracking wells at high pressures, sometimes greater than 9,000 pounds per square inch.
Fracking causes premature earthquakes.
One specific disaster is that the gas and oil will then return to its home in the ground and contaminate our drinking water. Imagine people doing this every day with a disaster here and there. Fracking needs to stop. What are the Consequences of Fracking? There are many consequences when it comes to fracking, and those consequences definitely outweigh the benefits. CRACK! BOOM! There goes some more shale! When shale cracks, CO2 is released into our air and water. Smokey air, gross water, YUCK! According to the article “Fracking Causes Seismic Instability and Earthquakes,” researchers found that as the rate of drilling and the use of hydraulic fracturing fluids increased in an area, so did the frequency of earthquakes— sometimes dramatically. So they are saying that if you frack to much in the same area, the rate of earthquakes will grow in that spot. We sure don't want our dishes broken! The big consequences definitely outweigh the small benefits. Who Developed Fracking? In the 1940’s, American energy companies developed the concept of fracking. “As the years passed by, and the number of these easily tapped gas resources began to dwindle, natural gas companies expressed increased interest in “shale gas.”
Shale gas is just natural gas deposits imprisoned in underground shale rock formations,” said Kevin Hillstrom in his book called Fracking. He is saying that as years passed, American energy companies became more interested in fracking. Those companies made a big mistake. They should have never started this disastrous destruction in the first place.
What first-time IT managers really need to What are the Benefits of Fracking?
Did You Know…
We askedmany 5 accomplished managers they would’ve Although Americans disagree withthe thethings fact that people frack, done some agree differently at the onset of their careers with it. For instance, fracking provides good paying jobs and lower living ex In 2000, there penses. Some that the more there is, less U.S.Sino citizens Volutpat mos at believe neque nulla lobortis dignis-natural opesgas feugiat iriure validus. lenis will vulwas about sim conventio, torqueo, acsi rotomodo. putate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, depend on oil and coal. These fuel sources increase air pollution and green276,000 natural Feugait in obruo quae ingenium tristique elit esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis nibh house gasses. Air pollution and greenhouse gasses sometimes cause global gas for wells in the Principles Project vel natu meus. Molior torqueo capio velit iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu tate warming. So they are technically saying that when you frack, less people will UnitedSuccess States, Management loquor aptent ut lorem erat feugiat pneum enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate meus depend on fuel sources that cause global warming. Even though there are some but by 2010, commodovel obruo mara genitus. Suscipit, indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo Volutpat mos at neque nulla lobortis benefits, the consequences definitely outweigh them. that number had vicis praesent erat feugait epulae, validusininterdico proprius. In consequat os quae dignissim conventio, torqueo, acsi doles duis enim consequat nulla magna. abdo essewe quia, huic. a roto modo. Feugait in obruo quae almost doubled By making people moregenitus awareat. of Sed, the harmful effectsDelenit of fracking, cante take ingenium elit vel natu conventio, aliquip accumsan adipiscing auRatis neque ymo, venio illum pala damtotristique 510,000. big step towards an environmental change. The next time you turn the heat up gue blandit minim abba oppeto blandit min-
numpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut
Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in com-
“Becoming a new IT manager means you
moveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occu-
must actively take the reins”
in your home, think about where that fuel is coming from. A few small steps im commoveo. consequat aptent nisl in voco. now, can make a big difference in our future.
ro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum pala damnumpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut consequat aptent nisl in voco. Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis nibh
Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat os quae nulla magna. Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occuro uxor dolore,
ut atinpraemitto si sudo,states opes feugiat nowtate occurring over 30opto different iustum transverbero Fracking bene, erat isvulpu iriure validus. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at the New York, and Pennsylvania. enim dolore modo. Loquor,including vulputate meus praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo validus. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto interdico proprius. In consequat os quae opto si sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum pala dam-
Enim Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis
numpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut
neque ymo, venio illum pala damnump-
consequat aptent nisl in voco.
neum. Aptent nulla aliquip camur ut conse-
Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo,
quat aptent nisl in voco.
meus. Molior torqueo capio velit loquor aptent ut erat feugiat pneum commodo vel obruo mara genitus. cipit, Invicis 2011, over Sus praesent erat feugait epulae,16,000 validus indolesnew duis enim consequat genitus at. Sed, convenfracking wells tio, aliquip accumsan adipiscing auwere drilled in gue blandit minim abbas oppeto commoveo. Pennsylvania
alone. Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erat huic. Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si sudo, opes feugiat Fracking is now iriure validus. Sino lenis vulputate, occurring in over valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto quod, 30 esse illum, letatio conv entio. states. Letalis nibh iustum tran sverbero bene, erat vulputate enim praemitto validus. Loquor, vulputate meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum pala damnum pneum spago loquor dolus lor secundum erat neo adsum multo commoveo feugiat praesant validus conventio voco camur nulla. ne secundum, dolus demoveo interdico proprius.Delenit abdo esse quia, loquor dolus lor secundum erat . letatio conv entio. Letalis nibh iustum tran sverbero bene, erat vulputate enim praemitto validus.Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in commoveo quibus premo tamen erat huic.
The Sinkholes of Doom by Alexis Cotsalas Sinkholes are harming people and their environment all around the world. Therefore scientists are looking for better ways to predict them. Sinkholes are occurring more often and damaging the Earth.
What Is a Sinkhole?
What Are Different Kinds of Sinkholes? Some sinkholes can be called a blue hole. A sink hole in the ocean is called a blue hole. A blue hole is caused in the ocean when the water goes down in the sand in the bedrock and forms a blue hole. Some sinkholes, which are called collapse sinkholes, can
Under the bedrock is the crust which water
give people a surprise. Most of the collapses have
goes down in the bedrock which forms a sink-
things in common like there is a jam that occurs.
hole. After a sinkhole is formed, it could fill with water and become a pond. Sinkholes form when a
In Florida sinkholes appear to be very dangerous and active. Florida has a lot of rain, so sinkholes form. In Florida sinkholes can appear anywhere. In Florida sinkholes can form into anything like a pond or a lake if it is big enough. The water in the ground in Florida is disappearing. During winter months sinkholes appear more often.
of rain
comes down into lime-
What Happens When a Sinkhole Collapses?
stone. Sink-
How Are Sinkholes Dangerous in Florida?
A sinkhole is formed by the limestone and the rain with it’s moisture.
holes can appear anywhere in the United States. What Places Do Sinkholes Mostly Occur? Sinkholes can appear anywhere around the United States. Florida has a lot of rain and limestone, so sinkholes can form. Other “hot spots” also can appear in Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. Scientists have been doing research of when and where sinkholes might occur.
Anything can fall into a sinkhole like houses, buildings even cars. Even part of a forest can fall down. Houses can collapse when a sinkA lot of things fall down in a sinkhole forms. Entire houshole and this is one of them. es and their contents are swallowed into the Earth! If people are in the house, they can be swallowed up too! People are not often killed. But sinkholes are enough dangerous that scientists are looking for a better way to prevent any harm. Sinkholes cannot be taken lightly. They are a really serious issue. Scientists need to do research about sink-
holes because they are appearing more often. Scientists need to be able when and where a sinkhole will occur.
Golden Nuggets by Alle Sawicki Behold the shiny nugget of gold! People have How Is Gold Used? loved it’s sparkle and shine since it’s discovery. Gold is used in many useful ways. Gold conducts electricity Gold may seem like a better than iron or any other metals. Gold plays an imheavy metal that your
portant part in modern day technology such as computers
necklace is made out
and computer chips. Other metals can’t reflect heat as well
of, but there is more
as gold. Most of the gold mined today is used to create
to gold than you think .
jewelry. Gold one day might be used to fight cancer. We
What Is Gold?
need gold for many uses. Gold is even used to back up our money. Ancient people used and traded gold into statues,
Gold is one of the world’s most precious metals. jewelry, coins and other beautiful objects. The audio and Gold is used to craft many things. Sometimes video cables you see are often gold coated. Gold is even you can see gold in artwork. For example, gold is used in science experiments. in the medals you win at the Olympics. Long ago Egyptian people used gold as money or traded How Does Gold Mining Affect the Environment? gold for goods from other countries. When Gold mining can be destructive when miners mine more somebody died in Egypt, the than enough gold. It’s destroying masks that mummies wore were habitats for animals especially in the made out of gold. Then finding
Amazon Rain Forest. To find enough
gold was harder than ever. Some
gold to fit one ring, miners some-
statues you might see could be made of gold or times have to mine 30 tons of gold plated. Gold is so valuable. It can some- rock! Gold takes a long time to times be worth more than $600 per ounce! form. If we mine up all of the gold we How Does Gold Form Gold formed in the earth very long ago. Scien-
tists believe that volcanoes heated underground water, like soup boiling. That water melted the gold causing the liquid gold to flow with the water into cracks in the ground. The liquid gold hardens between rocks. Then when it’s hardened, it forms veins of gold. In certain places the gold veins reach near the surface. Rivers and streams flowed over the veins of gold. Gold still
In gold ores there usually isn't a lot of gold
won’t see another nugget of gold for millions of year, so it’s important we use gold wisely. The total amount of
gold ever mined would fit in 60 tractor trailers, researchers esti-
An average mine can leave holes in the ground
mated. When miners mine, it leaves huge holes in the ground . They use a poisonous metal called mercury to get gold from rocks. Mercury can harm the environment. It can also make people extremely sick. In 2009 was harder than it ever was to find gold.
forms today. The gold forms under pressure of Gold is used in many ways. There was more to gold than
you thought. It’s probably what your necklace is made out of.
Dangers Of Gold Mining by Anthony Conway
When you hear the word gold you might think of
Amazon. When people go gold mining, they tear down
rare, valuable or expensive?
forests and strip mine which takes away a lot of land.
Here’s one you
might not think of-dangerous. Like all mining they have to strip the land, tear down forests, and they might put chemicals into the ground. What miners don’t know is how it
Gold mining also creates massive amounts of toxic waste. Talk about danger. Gold miners usually dump toxic waste into our oceans and rivers. As a result, animals are losing there homes and drinking water.
affects us and the environment.
How Does Gold Mining Affect Us?
What Is Gold?
Gold mining affects us because when people go mining
Gold is the most useful mineral mined from the earth. It is a soft yellow, precious metal found in earth’s crust and oceans. Gold can be easily worked, and can be used in many different ways, but when you mine it can be very dangerous.
it can cause illness, injury, and the worst of all, DEATH! It can also affect us when people cut down trees and dump toxic waste into our rivers, so as a result we have less food and drink-
How Does Gold Form?
ing water.
Gold forms in many different ways. First water
What Is Gold Used For?
goes into the ground and moves through rocks and soil. Then rain water is heated by magma until it becomes vapor. Next gold dissolves into vapor and rises toward the surface. After that gold
After they tear down the forest they strip mine and they might find little gold or maybe none, so
Although gold mining is dangerous we need gold.
animals might lose their homes for nothing.
The most common use for gold is jewelry.
and water mixes near the surface and cools. The
We use gold for money. Small amounts of gold are
gold becomes solid again, and it forms in cracks in
used in electronics and computers because it is a good
the earth. Finally wind and running water sends
conductor of electricity. In medicine, it is used to treat
gold downhill, and then gold is collected by
a small number of medical conditions, and it is used in
stream bed’s and pits in the ground.
dental fillings. Gold is a very important mineral for us.
How Does Gold Mining Affect The Environment?
Although gold is necessary, the mining process is harmful, so if we keep mining it will affect us, the environ-
Gold mining affects the
ment, and animals. Together we need to find a way to
environment when acid is
mine gold safely.
thrown into our rivers and pollutes them, and when people
Gold miners tear down forest and when they finish animals lose there homes.
Swip Swap by Anthony Jata Apollo 5 was launched on March 13, 2015 at 10:44 in Cape Canaveral. It was launched to explore odd next to the magnetic field and the sun.
Imagine you are on a plane going to California. You get
erage pole swap-
off the plane, and you are in China. That is when you
ping takes between
realized Earth’s weakening Electromagnetic Field have
caused the poles to swap.
years. We would probably pass away by then. Animals
would probably migrate to the wrong place. If a
What is Earth’s Electromagnetic Field?
butterfly had to migrate to Mexico, it might end up in
The Electromagnetic Field controls compasses, naviga-
tion systems, and animal migration. It also controls a missile's navigation system. It is not like the U.S. will send a missile and blow up half of the U.S. because of
Canada. The Wait
pen earlier than anyone anticipated”, says Annie
Of course there will be a wait until the field weakens enough to swap totally. Scientists and researchers say that the poles have been weakening ten times faster than usual over the past six months. The total weakening and swapping will take anywhere from 1,000 to 20,000 years. The last flip was about 786,000 years ago. The average swap will take 5,000 years to do the full process. We will not have to worry about the dangers of the poles swapping and disappearing of the magnetic field, because the average human life is around 100 years.
Sneed, Scientific American. The field is weakening 10
Will It Be a Doomsday?
the magnetic field swapping. The magnetic field is like a dynamo. While the inner core is spinning as fast as 2o longitude per year faster than Earth, it is making magnetism. It does that by spinning in the bubbling liquid outer core. When the solid inner core spins it
The Field Weakening “The poles swapping might hap-
times faster than it usually takes to swap. If the magnetic
enough, the poles can
completely swap. North Earth’s Electromagnetic field is
will become South, and the South will become
North. Currently Antarctica is in Siberia. For the field to completely swap it will have to weaken first. It will take from 1,000 to 20,000 years to swap. The Effects of Weakening
The weakening and swapping will not be a total disaster! The compasses will point to North if you are going South and vice versa when the field completely swaps. As a result, when animals migrate they will go to the complete opposite habitat they had to go to. If the field gets so weak that it disappears during the reversal, it can let in cosmic rays. That can lead to more amounts of people getting cancer. For example when the magnetic field weakens it can “interrupt power grids and radio communication”, says Lisa Winter. If the field disappears, it can give the planet an unusually high amount of solar radiation.
The effects will not be terrible. “If the field gets weak enough it can disappear, and let in radiation,” says re-
The swapping will lead to some problems, but it will
search. It can also let in cosmic rays, which leads to big-
be nothing we can’t handle.
ger amounts of people getting skin cancer. But the av-
Frantic Frackers by Ashley Biondi What the frack is going on? Fracking is everywhere. On the television, on the news, and in the newspaper. Fracking is harmful and helpful to our environment, once you know the facts about fracking you can choose what side you are on. The question is, “Is fracking harmful or helpful?”
homes, businesses, and factories. Steve Herz of Joint Landowners Coalition supports the idea that fracking is safe, “Having visited hundreds of well sites, and interviewed officials in 28 states developing natural gas. bly,” he said in an interview with Journalism Service.
Fracking is a controversial
nique for recovering or taking gas and oil from shale rock. First workers drill a shaft down
into shale formations. Then they drill horizontally into the shale and inject millions of gallons
chemicals, and sand into the stone. This causes the shale to fracture and break apart, freeing trapped oil and gas inside allowing it to escape up the well. The process also creates millions of gallons of waste water. Sometimes the water is collected and trucked away to be purified. In other cases, workers inject waste water back underground. When the gas comes up, it goes into a tank and evaporates or separates the water and gas. Finally they take the gas to homes, factories, or businesses that need it.
Fracking provides natural gas which can power
We believe fracking can be done safely and responsi-
What Is Fracking?
The diagram shows how fracking is done. After the drillers take the natural gas out of the ground they put the gas in tanks, so they can
Why Is Fracking Helpful?
Also President Barack Obama expressed his support of fracking in a speech in Las Vegas, he said, “We have a supply of natural gas that can last America nearly a hundred years. It could power our cars, our homes, businesses, and factories. Experts believe it could support more than 600,000 jobs.” Fracking simulates more than a million jobs and the economy. It also improves energy security. Why Is Fracking Harmful? Fracking is harmful in many ways. Fracking can create minor earthquakes (2 on the Richter Scale). For example, more than a dozen of small earthquakes struck Ohio in 2012 were caused by fracking. Sci-
waste water underground is believed to make rocks slide, so it causes
Fracking can contaminate water when the shale rock breaks or fractures. When that
since imposed stricter rules for disposing waste water from the drilling procedure.
Fracking has a risk of contaminating our drinking water. When the drillers pump chemicals into the ground sometimes the shale rock breaks and the chemicals could flow into our drinking water. If that
happens , the water has to be cleaned or purified. Fracking can also make Global Warming worse. Climate change is believed to affect the water cycle and cause more extreme weather events including heat waves, floods, and droughts. There may also be more tropical cyclones and other severe storms. In addition, rising ocean temperatures can lead to more rapid evaporation. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported “2012 was a record-breaking year for climate extremes, as much of the United States faced historic levels of heat, precipitation, flooding, and severe weather. For example, Tropical Storm Lee caused extreme flooding in states like Pennsylvania and New York. During the first quarter of 2012, wildfires ignited along the
east coast from Florida to New England, and 48 states experienced abnormally dry or drought conditions.� Fracking is helpful and harmful in many ways, but have you ever thought how fracking can be harmful and helpful to the environment? Have you ever thought about what the people and the government are doing? What side are you on?
All Shook Up by Courtney Bohlen
Imagine you were in an earthquake. Everyone is freaking out and screaming. What would you do? Would you run and hide or help someone else? How would you know when it is coming? Earthquakes are very scary and frightening. Since scientists can’t predict earthquakes, people need to know how to protect themselves and know when they’re coming. What Is an Earthquake? An earthquake is a sudden movement in Earth’s crust. This is caused by a fault. A fault is a crack or a fracture in Earth’s crust. Earthquakes are caused
paper. As the roll rotates, the pen moves in zigzag lines according to the movement of the ground. This helps scientists measure earthquakes. Even with all the tools they have, scientists can’t predict earthquakes reliably. Still, scientists want to keep trying to predict earthquakes. Even, with all the tools they have, scientists can’t predict earthquakes reliably. Still, scientists want to keep trying to predict earthquakes because it can save a lot of lives. Another way scientists can predict earthquakes is by using the app Twitter. When people feel an earthquake, they tweet about it and scientists will see how many people are feeling the earthquake. This helps because scientists can see how many people feel the strength of the quake and which areas it’s in.
when a part of the fault block moves. As a result,
Are Earthquake Proof Homes Helping The Environment?
the other fault blocks around it fall, causing an
Many homes and buildings are not earthquake proof. Only some homes and buildings are meant to withstand an earthquake. There are buildings called “smart buildings” that help the environment. These help the world because they don’t fall down during an earthquake. If more people had these homes, people wouldn’t have to worry when an earthquakes comes.
earthquake. Each year, Earth experiences about 140 earthquakes on the Richter scale at 6.0 or more. This can cause severe damage to Earth. Earthquakes cause tsunamis too. Tsunamis are caused by an earthquake under the ocean floor. If they come ashore in an area with a lot of buildings and people, then the water can cover the whole
town! It’s like a public swimming pool, that no one
These homes are built to have deep foundations and absorb vibrations. Since they don’t fall, the power of the
wants to swim in! How Can Scientists Predict Earthquakes? In 2015, seismologists (scientists who study earthquakes) still can’t predict earthquakes, but they can measure them for sure. They use a tool called a seismograph to measure the vibrations spreading throughout Earth. If seismologists see many small earthquakes in an area, they pay close attention. A basic seismograph has a pen and a roll of
The earthquake proof homes design is meant to resist fire and water damages.
earthquake makes the building only sway slightly. This is better than your house coming crashing down. Most “smart buildings” are built to withstand shock waves and resist shaking. A house in Berkeley, California was designed to resist fire and water damage. Scientists say it is the safest house in the world. They say if everyone had an earthquake proof home, the world would be safer and much better for the environment. What Are the Effects Of Earthquakes? Earthquakes can leave a lot of damage to Earth’s surface. They can cause loss of lives by destroying buildings and homes. An earthquake can be a signal that a volcano is about to erupt. Also, earthquakes can cause severe landslides. All of the dirt or mud sliding down the mountains can cover a whole town! That’s a lot of mud! With all the destructions from earthquakes, they leave most people homeless. Most homes have been swept away by earthquakes. One really destructive quake was in Chile on January 24, 1939. This earthquake left 28,000 people dead and 700,000 people homeless. Another major earthquake was in Shaanxi, China in 1556. It’s magnitude was 8.0 and killed 830,000 people. With all of these earthquakes striking, a lot of people are dying.
the shaking, but they don’t realize it is an earthquake. A 4.0– 4.9 earthquake is mostly felt by everybody and glasses and plates break. A 6.0– 6.9 earthquake is felt by everybody, buildings may fall and people find it hard to drive. A 7.9– 9.0 earthquake leaves buildings in pieces and many people get killed. All of the different magnitudes are part of the Richter scale. The Richter scale measures the movement of the ground. A very devastating earthquake was in 2004 in Sumatra, Indonesia. It had a magnitude of 9.1 and killed 283,000 people. Another very destructive quake was in 2010 in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. This quake killed 220,000 people with it’s magnitude of 7.0. Scientists say that a 9.0 earthquake isn’t as destructive as a 7.0 or 8.0 earthquake. They say the most deadliest earthquakes in history have had a magnitude of 7 or 8. For example the Shaanxi, China earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0 and killed 830,000 people, while the Sumatra, Indonesia earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1, but killed 283,000 people. If the magnitude is high, it doesn’t mean that it will be really deadly.
What Are Some of the Worst Earthquakes? One question that comes to mind is, how bad can an earthquake be? On the magnitude scale a 1.0 - 3.0 earthquake is rarely felt by people and leave no damWhen an earthquake strikes, a lot of age to buildings. damage occurs. The buildings come A 3.0– 3.9 crashing down leaving people dead. earthquake is only felt by sleeping people, or people recognize
The Richter shows the magnitude of an earthquake. It also shows the
How Do You Protect Yourself? When in an earthquake, you want to make sure you are 100% safe. There are 4 different steps for protecting yourself during an earthquake. The first step is to “look”. You need to find a safe place to hide. The second step is to “duck”. When you get a safe place to hide, you need to duck, so nothing falls on you. The third step is to “stay covered”. When you duck, you take your left or right arm and hold your head. The fourth and final step is to “hold”. What this means is, as your holding your head, you other
arm holds the table or desk that you are hiding under. One tip is to always stay under something that is really sturdy. If you don’t, the object above you will tip over. As a result, debris will fall on your head, which may cause a concussion. If you are outside, you have to be even more aware because there isn’t a lot of objects to hide under. So, you first have to move away from trees, buildings, and power lines. Then, you would try to find a bench or something sturdy to hide under. If not, just drop to the ground and cover your head to protect yourself. I hope in the end, these answers will make you not as afraid as you would be if an earthquake struck in your town. Earthquakes are very frightening and scary, but if you know what they’re about, and you know what to do, you will stay safe. When an earthquake strikes, you need to know how to protect yourself and the people around you. If you see people around you who are struggling, you should help them because as much as the earthquake was stressful for you, it is also stressful for other people. If you help other people, believe it or not, people will do the same and make the world a better place.
The San Francisco earthquake took place in 1906 and is one of the deadliest earthquakes in history.
Modern Day Gold Mining Destroying Earth by Frankie Reganato
You may think gold mining is great but you might want to think again. Gold mining is very dangerous, and it can get us very sick. Gold mining can even cause cancer. Gold mining is destroying Earth and animals natural habitats, and it needs to stop. What Is Gold Mining? Gold mining is people getting gold for statues rings and many other every day items. Gold mining is also when we mine gold in mines or blow holes in mountains with C4, TNT, or dynamite. Many years ago there was the California gold rush where peo-
ple mined gold to become rich. That is still what many people do today. If people go gold mining today and find a piece of gold that weighs about
Is Gold Mining Safe? Gold mining is not safe because people are risking their life for illness injury or death. We are near toxins and chemicals. Also if we are close to the TNT when it explodes, we
can disintegrate. There is nothing safe about gold mining. Do Some People Like Gold Mining? Some people do like gold mining because they are buying things that they WANT like rings or statues, but they shouldn’t like gold mining! It can hurt you, or anyone in your family. If any chemicals from gold mining get into our drinking water, you can get cancer or very sick. If you are close to the explosive blast you can disintegrate also.
As you can see gold mining can hurt Earth, people and animals. If we stop gold mining, we can help everyone and everything.
an ounce, you can get paid about $1,600. Is Gold Mining Hurting Earth? Gold mining is hurting Earth in many ways. One way is we are blowing off tops of mountains which are destroying Earth’s animal habitats. Also when
we use machines to get gold, we pollute Earth’s atmosphere and water, which can cause global warming. People sometimes are not careful when mining
Gold gets into the water and so does the mercury they use.
which can cause trouble. When mining they can interact with the subway underground and break the chains and damage the train. It is also one of the most destructive ways of mining. Gold mining's
sulfuric acid can destroy the Amazon Rainforest. When we make 1 gold ring 20 TONS of toxic waste are formed.
This strip mine has destroyed the landscape and many homes for animals.
What’s In Our Water? by Grace Smith You walk outside to a beautiful
When you fertilize your lawn it fixes all of
scene of your freshly fertilized
grass on a hot day. As you reach for a clear glass of water you taste something
different, unexpected. Fertilizer.
How Fertilizers Can Be Distributed
Fertilizer is destroying our aquifers, ruining our water
Some people distribute their fertilizers with wagons.
and causing our drinks and foods to give us diseases.
Another way is having it done by a landscaper, and
We can put an end to fertilizing.
finally is doing it by yourself, but if your to do it your-
What is Ground Water? Ground water is where we get the water that we drink from. Many people get their water from wells,
self you need special gloves because fertilizers are poisonous . What Can Fertilizers Cause?
lakes or straight from their refrigerator. Many things
Many researchers found out that fertilized water can
that we eat or drink come from ground water. With-
cause the same cancer which is caused by smoking.
out ground water we would all die humans, trees,
Cancer can kill you. Just a simple glass of contaminat-
plants, and animals. Our Earth would be as dry as the
ed water can kill you.
desert and empty. Organic or Poisonous?
We Can Save Our Water! We can make our world organic by making fertilizers
Most people go poisonous (fertilizers). Meanwhile
eco-friendly . As much as we think fertilizers help us,
very few people go organic which means they usually
it really kills us. It may seem hard to stop fertilizing
put their compost soil on their grass or plants. Even
but its better than destroying lives just because of a
worse some farmers put fertilizers on their grass or
simple glass of contaminated water.
plants, so that that means we have fertilizers in our
milk and vegetables. “Eww!” The Pros of Fertilizers Fertilizing is not only bad. Fertilizing helps your lawn grow faster and more green than non fertilized lawns . There are three types of ways to fertilize your lawn: chemicals, organic, or cow manure. They all make your grass grow. You may see bright yellow patches on your lawn. That’s from dog business.
We can make fertilizing safe for us and the envior-
Heat Beneath the Earth by Maya Quaranta What do think when you hear geothermal energy? Volcanoes? Geysers? Here’s something that doesn't come to mind: powering homes. Some people power their homes with oil or coal. Those types of energy pollute the air when they are burned. Howeve, geothermal energy doesn't pollute the environment. The advantages of geothermal energy far outweigh the disadvantages. What Is Geothermal Energy? Geothermal energy is energy is heat we get from the Earth. (geo= Earth, thermal=heat). One main source of this energy is the nonstop upward flow of heat from the Earth’s inside to the surThe whole geothermal power face. Geoplant does a job when it thermal energy is what we have the most of on Earth. Earth’s crust contains 50,000 times as much thermal energy as coal and gas. Humans have used geothermal energy for thousands of years.
Native Americans used hot springs to cook, and Romans built reservoirs to bathe in warm water. It’s like an instant hot tub!
evaporates. The steam can be
How Does It Work?
than usual, the water can be
According to Generous Geothermal by Stephen J. O’meara, we can produce geothermal energy using conventional
When we use this type of tapping, a drill goes into the ground 1,000 to 10,000 feet deep into a water source. The rocks surrounding the
water source are heated by molten lava below. When the hole is drilled, there are several ways to tap the energy. The first way is very old and simple. You can tap steam right from the source and run it right
into a turbine, an engine turned by the force of gas or water on fan blades, which as it spins, it creates energy. The second way is to draw hot water from deep within Earth and pump it into low pressure tanks. When it is getting pumped into the tank, some of the water instantly
used to run the turbines. If the water source is cooler pumped through a heat exchanger, where it is used to help evaporate another liquid that boils at a lower temperature. This is called a binary process. What Are the Different Loops of Geothermal Energy? There are two different types of loops to heat and cool with geothermal energy. The first type of loop is the open loop system. The open loop system is not installed as much as the closed loop systems. They can be the least expensive method if ground water or a well is close by. They are also the simplest to install. The open loop system has been around for decades. This type of system uses ground water from an aquifer or pond. The water is piped directly to the buildings’
pressure tanks and then to the heat pump. Once the water goes through the geothermal system, it is returned to the aquifer by discharging it through a properly sized drain field, pond, river, lake, another well, or the same well.
pipe are connected to the drilling
The closed loop systems are very different. In a closed loop system, the liquid keeps going around, picking up heat energy, and transferring it in endless cycles as long as the pipe is turned on.
very expensive. However, it is very
The first type of closed loop system is the pond or lake system. This system avoids waste if the water is nearby. To install the system you have to put coils of plastic pipe into the bottom of a lake or pond. It is held down by cement blocks filled with antifreeze.
ing the pipes and makes sure that
The next type of closed loop is a horizontal closed loop system. In this system the pipes are placed in trenches 6 to 8 feet deep. The rule that is mostly used is 500 feet of pipe per ton of capacity.
thermal energy is environmentally
The next type of loop is the slinky coil loop. It is shaped like a
pipe. The pipe is pulled back through the bore hole. The last loop is the vertical closed loop. These are often used if land surface is limited. The installation is useful when the ground is rocky. The equipment bores vertical, small
holes. The closed loops contain antifreeze. A special grout is usually pumped down the holes surroundthere is good heat transfer from the surrounding Earth. What Are the Advantages of Geothermal Energy?
There are a lot of advantages of geothermal energy. First of all, geofriendly. It also doesn't pollute the air. Geothermal energy is a renewable resource unlike coal or oil. It is great for heating and cooling. Most of the pipes that are needed are underground. Geothermal energy is
flattened slinky. A large amount of pipe is needed for the slinky part. The next loop is the horizontal bore loop. A small tunnel is created underground. The operator drills the horizontal bore, then makes the drill to come back up to the surface a little bit. The drill bit
is removed and the two ends of
The open loop (right) and the closed loop (left) are very different.
also available anywhere. Almost all of the energy is used so not a lot is wasted. Geothermal systems save natural resources by using the Earth’s renewable energy. The systems also can switch easily when you want heating or cooling. They are the most efficient systems available in converting a small amount of energy into a large amount of home. When the system is running, it is very quiet. The machines last very long. An open loop system cost less than a fossil fuel system and a full air conditioning system combined. What Are the Disadvantages Of Geothermal Energy? There are many disadvantages of geothermal energy. According to Generous Geothermal, by: Stephen J. O’meara, geothermal plants can produce much more waste water than a coal fired or atomic power plant. Without proper management, extremely hot wastewater can be discharged into local streams, lakes, or saltwater and disrupt the local ecology. The wastewater can also contain toxic chemicals. Geothermal power plants, in extreme cases, can cause earthquakes. Also, it is very specific with locations. Geothermal energy
reservoirs are properly maintained. The installation of the closed loop system cost more than a fuel burner. Now what do you think of when you hear the words geothermal energy? Open loop system? Closed loop system? I want a system? Geothermal energy has many pro’s and con’s. If someone you know has geothermal energy, you should ask them about it and consider buying a system. The advantages of Geothermal energy far outweigh the disadvantages.
Earthquakes can be caused by geothermal power plants in severe cases.
Fuel of the Future by Jillian Furlan
What is used in everyday life? The first thing that
biomass materials. These kinds of fuels are usually
probably comes to your head is cars? Food? Mon-
blended in with petroleum fuels, gasoline, and diesel
ey? One thing that probably doesn't come to
fuel, but can also be used on their own. Ethanol and
mind is biofuels.
biodiesel means we don’t burn quite as much fossil
What Are Biofuels?
fuels. Ethanol and biodiesel are usually more expensive than the fossil fuels.
Biofuel are a renewable source of energy which is produced from plants. Biofuels are made of biomass materials, such as corn, sorghum, switch grass, barley, sugar, vegetable oil, and many other plants. Biofuels are designed to replace fossil fuels, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and coal. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable energy resources that make things go. Although they make things go they pollute the air all around us.
Algae is also used in biofuels it is another source of energy.
Are Biofuels Renewable? Biofuels are renewable. For example you can cut down a tree and burn it for fuel. You can also plant a new tree to eventually replace the wood
Imagine if we were all in a world with pollution. Would you like that? Thanks to biofuels, biofuels have changed the world.
you burned, which means you can use biofuels over and over again. Biofuels are renewable be-
cause of the energy force. They are able to be replenished easily and quickly, and they do not have a finite limit, which makes them be replenished as quickly as they are used. What Are Ethanol and Biodiesel? Ethanol is an alcohol fuel made from the sugars in grains, plants, and sugar. Biodiesel is a made from fats, vegetable oils, or grease, such as recy-
cled restaurant grease. Ethanol and biodiesel are both used in biofuels. Also, they are made up of
This chart describes how these energy resources are used and also how much they are used.
There’s a Hole in the Ground! by John Gemmell “Why is there a hole in the ground?” Imagine
holes may sound like a good idea, its bad. It can pollute
coming home from school or work and finding
reservoirs and underground water sources.
How Do Sinkholes Form?
Effects on the Ecosystem Sink holes have mostly bad effects on the ecosystem,
Sinkholes come with almost no warning. There
but there are some good effects. Some sinkholes have
are many ways sinkholes form, but one way they
habitats in them containing rare species. Sometimes wa-
form by is if the limestone layer erodes away.
ter filled sinkholes become full of wild life and rare spe-
Next, the dirt can no longer support itself. Finally,
cies of fish. Some bad effects include sinkholes caused
it sinks and every thing above it comes down with
by fracking , which can expose toxic minerals to wildlife
it such as a house.
and pollute lakes and rivers.
Another way sink holes form is if too much rain
So next time you see a large sink hole call a sinkhole fill-
erodes soil away, which can collapse streets and
ing company to seal it up. Also let’s hope your house
other things. If you live in Florida you are most
doesn't end up in a hole.
likely to have a sinkhole. In other places you are less likely to have a hole in your living room. The Dangers of Sinkholes So your feeling safe in an apartment. Hate to tell you, but your not. The sinkhole might tip it over or collapse. It depends on the size. Sinkholes can be dangerous to residents. Also sinkholes can hurt many people. Be glad sinkholes don’t happen too often. Don’t worry very few people get killed in a sinkhole each year.
Sometimes sinkholes form by pressure from lakes or ponds . Vibrations can form sinkholes.
Human Uses Humans have used sinkholes for thousands of years. Sinkholes are now used for garbage and waist storage. Thousands of years ago sinkholes were used to store precious items and human sacrifices. Even though storing garbage in sink
For workers to fill a sinkhole, they sometimes have to close down highways for days.
your house in a hole.
Is Fracking Safe? by Kylonna Baur
Fracking can be useful. The natural gas it produces can light our buildings, homes, schools, and more. Fracking can also be dangerous if done improperly. The real question is, is fracking dangerous or safe? Some people support fracking, and
water had occurred when companies take out natural gas from coal
Fracking Issues
wastewater. Sometimes the water is collected and trucked to be purified. Other times they just put it back under ground. Meanwhile, the natural gas goes into storage tanks.
Then the natural gas goes to a market. Chemicals In Our Drinking Water
Fracking Can Be Harmful. Fracking might be contaminating our drinking water. Stanford univercan be dangerous because of the chemicals being released from the
ground into the air. As a result, it can cause earthquakes, sinkholes, and a chemical change in the weather climate. For instance the gases can get people sick. Therefore fracking is harmful for the earth and people around it.
sity scientist research says the water has not been contaminated by fracking. In 2004 the Environmental
Protection Agency or, EPA, had documented that fracking in drinking
seams. After finding proof of contamination in the water, the EPA wrote down the investigations . “Amid Allegations” environmental-
How Fracking is Done.
ists and local people said that it
How do people frack? First workers drill a shaft straight down until they reach the shale. Next they drill straight into the shale and inject millions of gallons of chemicals, water, and sand into the shale. That causes the shale to break apart, freeing all of the oils and natural gas inside to escape up a well. The
Fracking and Earthquakes Fracking can cause earth quakes. In 2011 two earth quakes had topped the magnitude of 5 and was suspected to happen by wastewater injection. Between 1976 and 2000, southern Colorado and Oklahoma experienced an average of 21 earthquakes a year with a magnitude of 3.0 or higher. According to USGS researcher William Ellsworth, between 2010 and 2012, the average was 300 a year of magnitude 3.0 or higher. According to the 2011 earthquakes in Oklahoma and Colorado. “People believed that wastewater injection induced earthquakes could not exceed, go higher, than a magnitude of 5.” Justin Rubinstein said.
some people don’t approve of it.
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking,
“succumbed to political pressure.
Many people want to stop fracking.
Some people won’t frack. Environmentalists say fracking should be banned because it can contaminate our ground water with chemicals. According to ProPublica, an investigation journalism service, more than 1,000 cases of water were contaminated because of fracking. Wenonah Hauter, the president of food and water watch Thinks “ The U.S should focus more on developing renewable energy sources
such as solar and wind power instead of fracking to obtain fossil fuels.” Wenonah Hauter thinks we need to ban fracking because “We can’t expect or future generations to clean up our messes, which is why we need to ban
fracking NOW.” Fracking is horrible and harmful. Fracking is dangerous to the environment. When fracking is done improperly then the chemicals come up and get people sick. Those who think fracking is harmless, think again. The next time you frack make sure the people around you are safe!
Many people protest against fracking.
Fracking wells can sometimes fall and explode while using them.
Many people want fracking to stop so our earth is as healthy as us.
Super Salt Mining! by Michael Viollis People might think that salt is useless, so we don’t need salt mining. They are wrong. Salt isn't useless. We need salt in our bodies to keep us alive. Since we find salt rocks in salt mines, salt mining isn't bad at all. What Is Salt? Salt is a mineral that we need to survive. Salt is made of sodium and chlorine. We might need salt for our bodies, but too much of it can kill you. Too little salt can also kill you, so we need to be careful about how much salt we consume. Long ago, salt was used as money! Kings and queens paid for many of their tools with salt. The Great Wall of China was paid for with salt. Since salt was so valuable, people began wars, and they debated for it. Salt can change foods into different types of foods. For example, salt can turn milk and cream into cheese. Salt can help us in many ways, and keep us alive. Why Do We Need Salt Mining? We need salt mining because it has the least dying rate of all the ways to get salt. Although salt mines collapse, there were more ways to get salt that were twice as dangerous. People blew tops off of mountains to find salt! People killed animals for the salt in their bodies. When salt mining was made, less people died getting salt. If we can’t salt mine, we need to quickly find a new way to find salt. It is extremely important to continue to salt mine.
into the ground or mountains. Doing that can cause explosions that can kill an entire crew! Salt mining very helpful to us.
is Salt mines could look just like an underground museum with no ancient artifacts.
What Are the Downsides of Salt Mining? There are some downsides of salt mining. Salt mines can collapse and kill many people. People spend a lot of money while salt mining, so when they collapse all of their money was wasted. For instance, a salt mine in New York recently collapsed. It was one of the biggest salt mines in the world. Salt mining, like any type of mining is, extremely difficult. Part of a salt mine can fall and trap you in the salt mine. There are definitely more benefits of salt mining. There are advantages and disadvantages of salt mining, but overall there are more advantages. Salt mining might be hard to do, but humans need it. What is more important, your money or your life? Still, people might think that salt mining just gets us something we put on French fries, but if people really think about it, they will finally realize that salt mining is special.
What are the Benefits of Salt Mining? There are many benefits of salt mining. Salt mining is not harmful to the environment. If you visit a salt mine, there will be chandeliers everywhere. It will look beautiful. Salt mining is way less dangerous than what they used to do. People would put tubes
Salt rocks can come in many shapes and sizes.
Is Salt Mining Harmless?
spacing out holes which are
supported by a big amount of rock underground. That is
by Mohabat Mustafa
one way we can solve these issues of salt mining.
When you put salt on your food you
salt producer in the world. There-
think that it is harmless, but did you
fore you could say salt was pretty
Why Do We Need Salt?
know that it was bad for the envi-
We use salt for our food and for a few other things, but did you know we actually need salt? Salt is very important for our body. If you eat to much, it can cause many serious health issues. Salt has sodium chloride, which we use in our food. Humans need sodium chloride which we use in our food. Humans need sodium chloride to have their body carry out any essential functions. People have shown that eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure. When you have high blood pressure, you can have heart disease and also a stroke. So make sure you have salt but not too much.
ronment? It can create large underground caverns which can lead
to bedrock collapsing. Read to find
How Is Salt Mining Bad for the Environment?
more information about the prob-
In some cases salt mining can be
lems and solutions about salt min-
pretty bad for the environment. For
example, one way salt mining is bad
What Is Salt Mining?
for the environment is when salt mining into the ground it can create
Salt mining is when large moving
large underground caverns. These
equipment is used to get rock salt.
caverns can lead to bedrock collaps-
ing. However this can also lead to
lowering of
the Earth’s
ways such
as the sea
Salt mining
deposits. There are
This salt chopper is used to extract salt underground.
also many types of salt that you can use such as pink salt, sea salt and the salt that we use to get the ice off of our driveway. A long time ago salt was worth money. If you had a lot of salt, you were rich. That is how we paid for the Great Wall of China. If we did not have salt, we would not have
the Great Wall of China. Did you also know that China is the largest
is not to great the
for envi-
This is an underground cavern which can lead to bedrock collapsing and lowering of Earth’s surface.
How Can We Solve These Problems of Salt Mining? We can try solving these issues of salt mining. One way we can stop the issues of salt mining is when salt mining there is something called a subsidence. This subsidence must be avoided when salt mining. This can be avoided by
So the next time you put salt on your food don’t think it’s to harmless. Salt mining is bad for the environment and we need to solve these issues.
Naughty Nitrogen by Nicholas DeBiccari
What does using your car and having a running
grow. Then one animal eats that plant, and another ani-
factory have in common? It all contributes to the
mal comes and eats that animal and so on. Even though
problem of nitrogen overload.
nitrogen is very important to us, there are debates about it.
Everyone knows when smoke is coming out of a factory it is polluting the air, but it is also polluting
What’s the Debate?
the water. When factories are polluting the air,
Some people don’t care about what they’re doing to
they are causing a problem for fisheries. Everyone
the environment. However some people are taking into
should be informed of the damage being caused
consideration the destruction nitrogen overload is caus-
by nitrogen, not just to the environment, but to
ing. In the past dozen years it has been getting worse.
humans as well.
From the more cars being sold and using tons of gas
What is Nitrogen Overload?
and more factories being made, so you can see it is getting worse. This is not just a North American prob-
Nitrogen overload is when water is overloaded
lem. It’s a world wide problem, but nitrogen is also
with discharged nitrogen. Some bodies of water
effecting businesses. It impacts the water quality and
are overloaded with discharged nitrogen. The ni-
people’s health. Over fertilizing damages quality of wa-
trogen gets discharged by the pollution of cars
and factories. When the nitrogen gets in the water it makes algae. If the algae is over aquatic plants, it
How Is It Effecting The Earth?
will kill the plants and the zone becomes a dead
Nitrogen overload effects the Earth like many other
zone. When nitrogen is discharged, it is very dan-
forms of pollution. It is killing a lot of the sea life by
gerous, but when it is not it is essential to us.
making a bunch of dead zones and making the fish go to
Is Nitrogen Important to Us?
cold or hotter temperatures. Because the climate is changing, the fish will die. Also, it
Nitrogen is very important to us if there wasn’t
will make fisheries go out of busi-
any nitrogen we couldn’t live. When you mix nitro-
ness. Oh no, no more sushi! There
gen with water, you make part of an amino acid
are many things that nitrogen over-
which helps make protein. We get protein from
load can effect, but how are we try-
the food chain. The producers use the protein to
ing to stop this problem?
Algae is what caucuses all the prob-
How Are We Stopping This Problem? Some people are actually trying to stop this problem. The reason why there are not a lot of people trying to stop this is because they don’t have much knowledge about this problem, but the people who know about it are trying to stop it. One way people are stopping it is by having farmers rotate crops and fertilize their farms. Farmers are now only using the exact fertilizer when needed, avoiding over fertilization. In other continents such as Europe, rules have been put in place to decrease it. A special committee has been formed called the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) to help solve the problem. So now that you know, let’s see how much this problem decreases.
Algae is effecting ponds world wide.
Nitrogen is part of the periodic table.
Crazy Coal Mining by Patrick Severino What do you think when you hear the word coal? Not that interesting just another energy source.
Strip Mining Strip mining… it destroys everything. It’s like a herd going over the grass
It may not be that interesting, but it’s a big
lands. It’s one of the most
problem. Can these problems be solved or will
common ways of coal
coal mining remain a big problem for the
mining of. Strip mining
causes dust which causes
Do We Need Coal?
pollution. If the air is
This strip mine destroyed a
polluted the people
Coal mining is an outdated energy source. The
and animals get dust in their lungs. Getting dust
U.S.A. does not need it. In fact, the U.S. does
in your lungs leads to lung damage. Wild animals
not use the majority of what it produces. The
don’t have doctors, so they will probably die.
coal mining industry sells coal to other coun-
People will probably sill have lung problems in
tries around the world, so a lot of profit comes
the future like lung cancer or other diseases.
from coal mining. All we have to do is mine it and sell it. Coal mining is sill a big problem cre-
Under Ground Mining
ating for the U.S. because it’s creating most of
Under ground mining is the most common way
the mining for the majority of the world. Coal
of coal mining. Under ground
mining businesses are making more and more
mining is also the most dan-
money. The coal mining industry is expanding
gerous way of coal mining. The
making the air worse in the areas where mines
constant risk or the thin roof
are located.
clasping is one of the risks, but
Clean Coal Technology
sadly that’s not the only risk. For example there is also lung
These men are coal miners in an under ground mine; the most dangerous way of
Is clean coal technology what we think it is? The
cancer at risk. Although under
idea of clean coal technology is to make coal
ground mining is not all bad,
mining better for the environment. It is just an-
under ground mines are not
other type of coal mining, and it’s still bad for
as destructive as strip mines although its still not
the environment. Clean coal technology is a big
good for the environment.
investment, so it’s most likely going to stay for a long time.
Coal mining is a big problem that most put to a stop. If we don’t do something it will remain a
bid problem, but with more help we can make a big difference.
Sinkholes Stink by Robert Forgione Boom! You wake up in a hotel. Your room is shak-
damage or none. Some could even be a centime-
ing. You walk out of your room. You see air in-
stead of other rooms. You walk down to the bottom floor and see a huge hole. You ask how did this happen?
Signs of Sinkholes Sinkholes are dangerous so you need to know when they will happen and when one may form.
What Is a Sinkhole?
If you’re at home and loose nails, a sinkhole may
Sinkholes are holes that form underground over-
be forming under your house. If you feel small
time. Sinkholes are dangerous holes that take
earthquakes, that may also be a clue of it forming.
every thing in its way. It’s basically the cookie
There are so many ways or signs of it forming.
monster that eats buildings instead of cookies. It
These are the most common ways
forms under anything. It will swallow anything it could, even the biggest building. How a Sinkhole Forms
help prevent a lot of them from happening. We can reduce all the pollution and make sure water
Sinkholes form when water under ground dissolves limestone. They could be right under you! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! They can form when water dissolves the stone or limestone. One other way it can form is by acid rain. Acid rain forms by pollution. The pollution goes into the air and clicks itself together and dissolves ma-
terials such as limestone, copper and many other minerals
There is no way you can stop sinkholes but we can
Sinkholes can form anywhere
Dangers of Sinkholes There are many dangers of sinkholes. A sinkhole can eat a whole building it’s like a little bag of chips. Sinkholes can also eat you. They can be as deep as an abyss floor, so if you get eaten you will fall to your death. They can spontaneously open anywhere. They can cause many injuries maybe even death. Some sinkholes do a little
does not go under ground. This will help prevent more sinkholes from occurring. No one wants a sinkhole to form under their house!
Is Fracking as Safe as It Seems? by Serena Hecht Boom! You jump up and hear another distant,
ers trap the natural gas and water in a tank, and the
BOOM! That noise is drilling. People are drilling
water evaporates. What is left is the natural gas.
for natural gas. That type of drilling is called fracking. Fracking is hurting our climate, environment, and our earth.
What States Are Fracking Done In? Fracking can be found in many states including North
Fracking is hurting our environment, but people
around the world can help stop it. If natural gas reaches our ozone layer, the earth will get hotter and it will make global warming worse. If we work together, we can help stop fracking. Fracking is awful to our environment, but people everywhere can help stop it.
Dakota, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and New
York. Can you believe that fracking is done in our beloved state New York?! Fracking may bring jobs to tons of states, but on the other hand it is causing many severe illnesses to the people living near wells. Fracking needs to stop! How
What Is Fracking?
Hurting Our Earth? Fracking is a way to extract natural gas from rock. Workers drill deep into the ground to a layer called shale and start drilling. Natural gas is located in this layer. According to the book “Fracking,” the United States is estimated to have 482 trillion cubic feet of shale now within reach, thanks to fracking. There
steps to the process
of fracking. First a well is drilled into the shale.
layer Then
Once the shale cracks, the
called the
workers drill horizontally through the shale. Next a mix of water, sand, and chemicals are poured into the tunnel. As a result, the shale cracks and natural gas flows out of the cracks. Finally work-
Fracking is hurting our earth more than helping it. It’s Fracking is damaging our clean water supply. hurting our earth because it is causing air pollution, waste water, water contamination, and earthquakes. An example of water contamination is more than 1000 cases of water contamination, linked to fracking, happened in 2008 alone. An example of earthquakes is in 2011, in Ohio where a ton of fracking takes place, there was a series of small earthquakes. An example of waste water is, fracking creates huge amounts of left over water called waste water that is contaminated with chemicals. An example of air pollution is,\ the chemicals from fracking can float into the air and can harm many families. How Is Fracking Hurting Humans? People may be the creatures doing the fracking, but they are also hurting their own environment. For instance, there have been stories about blisters, bleeding, and other illnesses that have happened to people
living near fracking wells. Dizziness, shortness of breath, and kidney and lung problems are also more stories and complaints of these residents living near fracking wells. There are also complaints of methane in their water. People who have had methane in their water have video taped it and set their water on fire. Would you like to have to drink fire water? Would you like to have gas in your water? Probably not, but if you do, YOU’RE CRAZY! What Does The Government Say About Fracking? There are two different sides of fracking in the NY and European government. Governor Andrew Cuomo would like to ban fracking due to heath risks. ”I've never had anyone say to me, I believe that fracking is great,” he said. “Not a single person in those communities.” Someone on the other side is Matthew Hancock, from the Eu-
ropean government. He says that fracking can transform northern towns in Norway. Norway believes that fracking can help with very expensive bills from greedy energy firms. It is up to you to decide what side you would like to be on, but I am on Andrew Cuomo’s side. I am not just on his side because I live in NY, I am on his side because I agree with him. Fracking can cause many health issues. GO ANDREW CUOMO! Fracking is very harmful to the environment, but people everywhere can help make a change. We can work together to develop renewable energy sources like wind or solar energy, instead of fracking. We can make the world a better place if we all work together.
Well water, contaminated by methane, burns at a home in Texas, as a result of fracking.
Biofuels For A Bio-clean Future by Tristan Stout
Biofuels are the fuels of the future w fuels run low
Better For More Than Just The Environment
and energy needs increase. As biofuels are better for the environment. And better for cars engines.
Biofuels aren’t just better for
Over the recent decade or so technology has
they’re better for your car.
made a big leap creating a higher demand for ener-
Yes, people your car, so
gy most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. This
stop going to the auto
creates a lot of pollution, but we can fix that. The
shop and make life bio
answer is biofuels.
friendly. Your engines will run and smoother than ever. Aren’t you tired of stinky exhaust.
Think of a world with clean air
Biofuels are plant base fuels. They
and less pollution. We won’t
are better for the environment and
have to worry about global
could reduce carbon dioxide emis-
warming. Our energy problems
sions by 40%. Biofuels are a renewable resource.
are solved. If we stop using fosBiofuels Ethanol
Different Forms of Biofuels
sil fuels and start using biofuels,
this is what awaits the world.
There are many different types of biofuels, but some are better than others. Corn ethanol is one type of biofuel. One acre of corn can produce about 350 gallons Algae plant of ethanol. Sugar-
another type of biofuel. One acre of sugarcane can produce
700 gallons of ethanol. Algae is one of many forms of biodiesel. One acre of algae could produces about 15,000 gallons of biodiesel.
This were algae grows.
Danger in the Mine by Zachary Wynne When people play on computers and gaming
find some. If the underground animals don’t get out of
systems, you don’t stop and think what they are
there home, they will die. Good thing we don’t live in a
made of. People think they’re just made of wires
log. Miners can also get hurt and die from gold mining,
and all that, but there is more than that. Gold is
the chain holding the cage could brake. They could also
dig into subways. Worst of all they can get cancer! Min-
What Is Gold? Gold is a shiny element deep in Earth’s crust. It is a hard metal that miners dig miles to find. Gold is also very rare. Gold takes a long time to form.
ing for gold is very bad for humans and animals! Miners hurt and destroy habitats and animals get hurt from this! Many animals will become extinct if this doesn't stop NOW! We need a safer way to mine gold!
First rainwater goes underground through rocks and soil. Then rainwater joins in with underground water. Then magma gets heated to water vapor. Next gold dissolves into water vapor which goes toward the surface. After, when the
gold gets near the surface, it cools down and becomes solid again. Finally after time, erosion pushes it back in the ground How Do Miners Look For Gold? Miners look for gold by digging in the ground. They use dynamite to dig in the ground this wildlife underground. Then they use cages to drop down and mine Were Can Gold Be Found? Gold can be found deep in Earth’s crust. Miners use dynamite to blow a hole in the ground. Then the miners drop in a cage. This can kill the miners if it brakes! Why Is Gold Mining Bad? Gold mining is bad because miners cut down and destroy habitats. They also bulldoze forests to
Forests are being cut down so these miners can just make a few bucks! Think if they did not find any gold these animals just lost there home for no reason! Those poor animals they just can’t live in peace. They always have to move.