210 Main Street Penticton B.C. Phone: 250-493-6515 Toll Free: 1-866-493-6515
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bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 9
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December 5 to 18, 2013 • bi-weekly on thursdays call us at 1-866-637-5141
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2 bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013
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bcbargainhunter .com Buyers. Sellers. Readers. Results. Furniture
3 year old futon mattress with oak frame - memory foam with velour cover paid over $700 asking $300 250 495-386 6 Teak dining chairs in good condition. $125. Call 250-497-8991 Bombay 4 drawer desk and Skirted Chair. $175. Call 250-4956192
Unique old TV/Aquarium with accessories. Would also make a beautiful terrarium for plants. Call 250-498-3623 to view.
ROSANE’S UNIQUE BOUTIQUE Consigned, Redesigned & New Furniture, Home Decor & Gifts. Many one-of-a-kind items.
1521 Main Street, Penticton Tues-Sat 10-5, Sat 11-4 www.rosanesuniqueboutique.ca
Brown velour bed chesterfield, double bed size - clean and in good condition. $60. Call 250497-8991 Burro coffee table & end tables $300 for set. Call 778-476-4557 Penticton. Love seat, good Green/white checks. 250-493-7736
condition. $25. Call
Recliner-rocking chair, green velvet. Excellent condition. $95. OBO Call 250-493-0670 Rocking chair, carved back and arms. $60. Call 250-860-2739
Trophy case - walnut cabinet with 2 glass sliding doors and shelves. H.41"X L.36"X W.12" - In good condition. $35. Call 250-497-8991 Wanted a king size headboard, preferably dark wood. Can be all wood or with material. Call 250492-6980
Household 1 soda stream machine, comes with cylinder, 2 drink flavours $40. Call 250-494-0347 24% lead crystal with pinwheel design decanter- new, still has label on it. $55. Call 250-497-8991
Please see below for type of ad and pricing. Our Paid Ad phoneline is open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. till closing at 1-866-637-5141. Please note: There are NO REFUNDS on cancellations. Deadline for ads to our UPS mailbox is 1 p.m. on the Thursday before publication. Deadline for ads over the phone is 12 noon on the Monday before publication.
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Beautiful full 6 foot white Christmas tree. No lights. $40.I have ornaments and lights to sell extra. 778-476-2558
FURNITURE and more
Blue Mountain pottery, different pieces, make nice gifts. $5-$20. Call 250-770-1325
Country mill grain grinder with nut auger $300 250 498-8835
3292 Hwy 97N, Kelowna www.okestates.ca
Delonghi oil filled radiator, on wheels, like new. Paid $69. sell $40. Call 250-493-0670
PAID CLASSIFIED ADS There is no limit to the number of Paid Classified Ads you may place.
6' high pull up artificial Xmas tree with stand. $45. Call 250-4925310
Small white drop-leaf kitchen table and chairs. $50. Call 250493-7309
FREE ADS Personal items only, under $500 in value. Limit: 3 per telephone number. First come first served. Please see separate Free Ad form at the bottom right of this page.
AD # 3 CATEGORY .................................................................................. AD TYPE ..............................................................
Small modern desk. 250-493-7309
Buyers. Sellers. Readers. Results.
3 complete sets. "The Creation", "The Promised Land", "Harvesting the Homeland". 8-12 plates each set. In original packaging. $35/set or all 3 for $77.77. 250473-6543 OK Falls
About a 100 or more hunting and fishing magazines. Also gun magazines with them. $30. Call 250490-0924
Six teak dining chairs in good condition. $125. Call 250-497-8991
bcbargainhunter .com
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Cheques payable to BC Bargain Hunter. Or call direct to pay by credit card:
bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 3
something that makes their faces light up and you know.. . really
Santa Claus Parade and Christmas Lightup Date:Saturday, December 7, 2013 - 16:30 Main St. Penticton Help us welcome Santa to Penticton at the 16th Annual Santa Clause Parade presented by Royal LePage on Saturday, December 1. Fantastic pre-parade party from 2pm - 4pm with FREE children's' crafts, bouncy castle and music in Nanaimo Square courtesy of Royal LePage. Christmas Tree light up at 4pm and parade begins at 4:30pm sharp from White Ave, north on Main Street then down Front Street. Ho Ho Ho!
Challenges arise as the days get closer and we feel more pressured
Singer sewing machine, no treadle, electric foot pedal. Call 250494-0347
As I grow older Christmas takes on new shape, emotions and
Sharing this time with my family becomes more treasured and more
festive. I'm not sure if it just takes that long for "a good thing" to sink in. . . or if it just starts to take shape as time rolls along.
Christmas is still about gift giving and picking things that I know
my children and family will either treasure or need. It's that special know.. . it was perfect and you hit the mark.
and money starts dwindling and I've learned a few tricks
I always buy my impact gift first. Money never hurts anyone so buying gold or silver coins can be
both financially rewarding but special if you look for memorable dates or special meaning within the coins like a picture or birthdate etc.
Something memorable will win over something big any day. Buy
a gift and include a story or a poem. That brings you back to that special moment.
As we all get in the spirit.. . I lift my glass of local red wine from
my neighbouring winery and I encourage you to build community by
keeping it local and supporting the people in your local community, city and area.
Cheers to Santa if he has a full sleigh (with eight children I know
how heavy it can be) challenging his journey. I hope he/she drinks and eats so much food and merriment we worry about not fitting or warbling down the chimney.
lift your spirits and your soul high enough your feet never touch down.. till next year. My
Christmas Spirit but also to you, my readers, neighbours and friends.
Tracey Savage
& Family
Dinner set-Wedgewood (Countryside pattern) 8 place settings plus. $150. Call 250-860-2739 EL slicer/salton, new price from $62 now asking $42 OBO 250 493 0670 Free 36" Panasonic TV, good condition, very heavy, you pick up in Princeton. Call 250-295-3343 I have a lot of yachting and boating magazines. $20. Call 250490-0924 Microwave 2 tier steamer new in box. $15. Can cook two dishes at same time and oil free. 778-4762558 Needle point village, consists of a church, stores, houses, trees, signs...plus needlepoint furniture for every room in a doll house. Can email pics.[Oliver] $20. Call 250-498-0454 Omega serger sewing machine Model 15J103 - Excellent condition - Serviced and ready to go! $85. Call 250-497-8991 Pure virgin wool blankets from Prince Edward Island $50 250 492-8955 Singer sewing machine, no treadle, electric foot pedal. Call 250494-0347 Vidalia slice wizard with safety holder$15 and 2 tier microwave steamer $15 both new and in box. Call778-476-2558
Antiques 120 LP records - 33s & 78s. Variety of music. All for $77.77. No parting out. 250-473-6543 OK Falls. 1930's Side Server from West Vancouver, walnut construction. Good depth to cupboard. Nice back splash, beautiful oval ends. Would be great in a family room. $300. Call 250-495-6192 2 matching antique coal-oil lamps, with chimneys. Great for cabin or for a homey atmosphere. $75. for the pair. Call 250-498-1025 3 complete sets. "The Creation", "The Promised Land", "Harvesting the Homeland". 8-12 plates each set. In original packaging. $35/set or all 3 for $77.77. 250-473-6543 OK Falls Antique 1919 Singer Sewing Machine with attachments and manual. Still works! Asking $165.00. Call 250-494-5222
Jardin Estate Jewelry & Antiques Open Monday to Saturday 10-5pm
Recycling the Elegance of the Past 5221 highway 97 Okanagan Falls
250 497-6733
Antique harness sewing horse. $110. Call 250-860-2739 Antique Romeo and Juliet balcony wall plaques. Very unique and excellent condition. Each overall size approx. 14"x18". $100.00. Call 250-494-5222. Crocks Medalta and others. Various sizes 10, 5, 4 g. $40-$75. Call 250-7701325 Expo 86 10k Gold Pendants, Retrospective Book,Maps, Passes, Concert Guide, Bumper Sticker, Post Card, Employee Tags, Labatt Beer Tap. $70. Call 250-860-2484 Gretsky,Sittler Howe, Paul Henderson, Collector Plates and collectibles 250 868-3492 Partial, Canadian stamp collection, primarily 60 - 70 ties. Some sorted in albums, others in envelopes, approx. $100.00 worth of uncancelled material. Great for a beginner. $50. Call 250 770 1439 Penticton. Partial, Canadian stamp collection, primarily 60 - 70 ties. Some sorted in albums, others in envelopes, approx. $100.00 worth of uncancelled material. Great for a beginner. $50. Call 250 770 1439 Penticton.
Charlie’s collectibles Selling Collectibles, Antiques and Sports Memorabilia
6264 Main Street, Oliver
(250) 498-5502
Apartment size (24") GE dishwasher. Cutting board top. Good condition. White. 250 499-0400 $120. Corning top stove for sale well priced 250 767-6188 Counter top gas cooktop - 4 burner Kenmore Elite - brand new never installed $250 250 493-7652 Front load washer aand dryer set 250 767-6188 Genn Aire electric stove $450 250 767-6188 INGLIS 30" Range, almond, electric, clean and inexcellent condition. $50. Call 250-545-8013 Kenmore Fridge SideXSide White. Clean and excellent working condition, 33 X 67 1/2, ice and water in door. $150. Call 250-494-0046 Refrigerator for sale. 15 cubic foot GE Medallion 850, freezer on top, beige in color. $125. Call 250-4980911 Verismo 580 silver new coffee starbucks machine, only 25 cups through it. $75. Call 250-490-0924
Electronics 35mm Canon with 200 mm lens and cae $100 250 499-5096 4 wheel scooter, Hurrican Pride. Has big wheels, 2 speed, very good condition. $975. Call 250494-7662 8 channel powered mixing board with 2 large speakers, mic, and cords. Nice unit for $500. Call 250-292-8653 8 MM camera and a projector. Good condition. $40. Call 250490-0924 Camera - Zeiss Ikon Contaflex 1 incl. two close-up lenses, flash cubes, clean-up brush and instruction book. $75. Phone 250 4952760 Cannon AEI camera with case and 200 m lens $100 250 499-5096 Cerwin-Vega AT-8 100watt rms speakers. Frequency range 3822,000. 6 ohm. 8" woofers. Minor defects which do not effect sound quality. $35. Call 250-497-6863 Desktop bundle - complete package. Tower, 15" LCD monitor, hp keyboard & mouse. Full range LABTEC speakers. Windows XP Pro. & LINUX mint. $90. Call 250497-6863 Karaoke machine & CD's. Call 250-462-3510
Lg Flatron 19" LCD Monitor, Like new, Dvi-d or D-sub, Tilt, Thin Bezel, No dead pixels, Excellentcolor, user guide, drivers. $120. Call 250860-2484 Minolta Maxxum 7000i Pro Pack, 35 mm SLR. 3200i Flash. Perfect shape. 3 lenses. Hoods, cases, Sony DSLR Compatible Lenses. Invested $2000. Sell for $350. Call 250-860-2484 for pics. Minolta professional camera model 7000 35 mm Various lenses, flash etc. $300. Call 250-493-7737 P.A. system, 1 amp, 2 acoustic speakers $400. Mic, cords, and mic stand $600. Call 250-4623510
Sound system Audio pro. 8 channel power board, 2 large TOA speakers mic and cords. $500. Call 250-292-8653
Equipment "HOMELITE" 16" chainsaw XL 12 - very clean & low hours - c/w owners manual & sharpening gear. $55.00 firm. Call 250 770 1439 Penticton 1 HP pool pump. Near new, original cost $784 now $175 osoyoos 250 485 8882 10" Rockwell-Beaver saw, cast iron top, 2 hip belt drive, comes with dolly $225 osoyoos 250 485 8882 15 watt solar panel $75. Powlan electric chain saw, as new $50. Call 250-498-4429 8" Delta bench band saw $85. 15" table scroll saw $85. Call 250495-7372 Automotive connetor for fueling in an emergency - conects to a BBQ tank to vehicle $40 20 462-8024 For sale grass shredder - good for grass and small branches $150 near new 250 499-5268 Hand painted antique crosscut saw. Unique, one of a kind. Approx. 6' long. Ocean, sunrise theme with footprints in the sand. $155. Ph: 250-490-9800 Penticton. HP pool pump - near new- original cost $784.00 will sell $175. Call 250-485-8882 HYD Engine hoist, like new $125 250 499 5088 Ice auger - used once, 8 " blade $75 obo 250 494-3436 ice augers 8 in blade $ 30 250 4995263 John Deer snow plower 8 HD - 28". Good running condition. Call 250494-7662 lasko 3 spd blower fan carpet dryer $35 250 868 3492 Liberty Window AC, excellent condition $75. Call 250-801-2473 New 22" Yard machine snow blower, electric start, self propelled, 2 stage auto metrix, 2 phase $600 firm ramps included 250 292-8375 NEW Little Giant Water Wizard Submersible Sump Pump. Model #5 MSP, #5 MSP, 115 v., 60 HZ, 1/6 HP. $80. Ph: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Portable air tank with hose & chuck $10. Call 250-499-5088 Portable air tank with hose and chuck $10 250 499 5088 Rex Cut 6" Jointer, 1 Hp 110v/220v, excellent condition - asking $175 Call 250-498-5129 Skating!! Sunday December 22, 2013 @ 6:00-8:00 p.m. Oliver Community Centre 6359 Park Drive, Oliver, BC. Bring the whole family down to see the Oliver arena transformed into a Winter Wonderland! There will be gingerbread decorating station, crafts, games, and hot chocolate! Admission is by donation and skate rentals are free while supplies last. Small air compressor $30 250 499 5088 Small air compressor $30. 250-499-5088
Ultra Pro Spraygun - 30-70 PSI $20 250 492-5310 Yard machine snow blower 10HP/28in auger, runs good, $1200 new will sell for $475 obo, Dave-Penticton 250 493 9270
Heavy Duty Equipment 2002 Bobcat 863 $18 500 250 4954051 Osoyoos
Yard & Garden 2 Cyl Ryobi weed wcker $50 250 499-5096 2 cyle Royobi brush cutter $75 250 499-5096
Craftsman lawn tractor & mower ride - oiy 12 HP $450. Call 250462-3510 John Deer snow plower 8 HD - 28". Good running condition. Call 250494-7662 New 22" Yard machine snow blower, electric start, self propelled, 2 stage auto metrix, 2 phase $600 firm ramps included 250 292-8375 Sears 6 hp tiller 2 speedforward andpower reverse. $200 obo or trade for smaller 1, too heavy for me. Call 250-494-0898
Automobiles 2000 CHRYSLER INTREPID, SALE $3,200 Super economical. Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216.
2000 OLDSMOBILE ALERO 4DR, SALE $3,500 Automatic, 4 cylinder, 191,000 km. Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland.Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216.
1998 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS, SALE $3,500 Very clean, fully loaded! Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216. 1978 Honda Civic $1 500 250 4954051 1983 Diesel Volvo, 4-cyl., 4spd. 243,900 km. Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Power Windows, brakes etc. Runs well. Includes winter tires. $2,500 o.b.o. 250-766-2579 1989 firefly $800 obo 250 7689083 2002 CRV Honda, red, 145 000 kms. Good condition inside and out. 250 499 2881 leave message 2004 Acura TSX. New brakes, new windshield, new nitto motivo tires on 17" core racing rims and winter tires on stock rims. $9000. Call 250-295-6321 2004 Cavalier 2 door coupe, 4 cyl, nice shape, red, 155 000 k 3 490 obo 250 493-7114 Looking for an automatic good running vehicle for $450 to go to work and take children to school. 250 328 4221 MUST SELL! Mint condition, 2009 Cadillac CTS original one owner, lady driven. Loaded with power options, heated leather seats, big sun roof,V6 auto, full extended warranty until October 2014, 81,320 KM, comes with custom 20'' wheels and factory wheels with studded winter tires. Sell $23,999. Call 250-4907890 Old Ford or Mercury project car, or old Ford or Mercury parts wanted, 65-73, old Mustang, Cougar, Maverick, Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Torino, or other. Call Dan 250-7694241 One owner vehicle as new. All maintenance and service meticulously kept. 54,000 kms. Red and includes 4 snows. Never been smoked in. $8900. Call 250-4976502
4 bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 4 Winter force tires, 205/55/R16. Studded tubeless radials. Used 1 season. $350. OBO Call 250498-1025
Black 2000 Honda civic special edition hatch back 5 speed. Roof racks, double spoilers, AC and more. Great in the snow. Would make an excellent student car. Excellent condition! $4,000. 182,000 kms. Please call 250-809-9562
8 foot long Arrow truck canopy. Grey, raised roof, lined and wired. Very good condition. Sell $495 Call 250-493-2903 Automotive connetor for fueling in an emergency - conects to a BBQ tank to vehicle $40 20 462-8024 Automotive ramps - hevy duty steel 250 462-8024 Custom hitch to fit a Chevy Lumina '95 thru 2000. $50. Call 250492-7829 Four 235/65R/17" winter claw tires on 2013 Kia rims. 300 km on tires.$150. each. These tires are rated snow *Will also fit Dodge van. Call 250-497-6785 Honda Pilot factory aluminum rims with mud and snow tires with 50%. Good shape. $400. Call 250-4925015 I am looking for two engines for winter project. 12 hp Briggs and Stratton vertical and 8 hp Tecumseh horizontal, not necessarily running. I am willing to pay $100.00 to $150.00 depending on condition. Call 250-503-6996
Older Model Fiero 2M4 For sale Offers 250-486-7333 Auto Accessories 4 Hankook winter Ipike snow tires 215 65R 17 used 4 months Super condition
Mud/snow tires 2-215/70/16, $70. 2-215/70/15 60% wear left. $70Call 250-497-6785
$300 250 498-0697 1Aluminum rim, 15 inches, hub cap included. $50 Call 250-8627717 4 steel rims, 16 inches, 5 holes, for Tracker. $150. Call 250-862-7717 4 Cooper weather Master studded winter tires. P155/80/R13 Used one season. $200. OBO Call 250-490-3048 or text anytime.250-486-0851 4 Good Year winter ice radial tires P215/70/R15. $450. Call 250493-2795 4 Han kook tires (winter) on 2 Dodge rims and 2 Chev ris (250/70/R15) Like new. $200. Cell 250-485-8964 4 Hankook winter tires, P225/70/ R16 with rims. 75% tread. $400. Call 250-495-2576 4 summer tires (almost new)on rims, hub caps included,195-60 R 15, Chevy. $300 Call 250-8627717
Mustang parts 1965-70, lots of parts from old cars I parted, Mustangs, Cougars, Maverick, Torino, Cyclone, T-bird, etc, 65-70 Mustang fl oors, 2 sets, 65-70 Coupe or Fastback, or a set of convertible fl oors, full length, from front to back, both sides, $200. for each pair, 65-70 Mustang front frames, $125 ea side, inner fender aprons, $55-$75 each brand new. Has your car been hit or is it rusted out, replace it with all new metal, complete new rad support, $125. 65-70 suspension parts, Ford motorsport hp coil springs, rear leaf springs, dash pads, 65-66 GT deluxe wood grain steering wheel, building a Shelby Clone, 65-68 Shelby parts, 69 428 cj 4 speed Mustang parts wanted, complete engine or parts, a 4 speed top loader and parts wanted, for 69 Mustang, sandblasting small parts for restoration, old car restoration, new and used original parts, looking for old Ford or Mercury project cars. call DAN 250-769-4241 KELOWNA Narrow pickup box for GMC Sonoma, good condition. $200. Call 250-494-5526
Set of 8 bolt 16" Rims. Like new, have been trued and re-powder coated. Bolt pattern is 8 x 6.5" 16" Diameter 9" deep 122.5mm centre bore.$300. Call 250-295-6321
motor biKes
Canadian “Chopper” Distributors Ltd www.canadianchopper.com CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE PARTS Box 198 - 604 7th Avenue Keremeos, BC. V0X 1N0
trucKs, vAns AnD suvs 2001 MAZDA MPV VAN LX, SALE $3,500. Automatic, Air, 3rd seat. Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland.Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216. 1984 Dodge Ram 6 cylinder, 1/2 ton full sized box. 10 leaves per side overload springs. 5 new tires. One owner, new B. Best offer. Call 250-493-9320 1988 1/2 ton Chev, new paint, motor rebuilt tranny, 305, Nice looking, $3700 obo 250 493-7114 Classic 1990 Ford Aerostar 3.0 L runs good, for parts. $300. 778-4764557 Penticton. 1991 Ford Ranger pick up with flatdeck $2 000 250 495-4051 1998 Chev p/u 1500 sl 4.3 V6, air cond. cruise. air bags. 61,000 km. Original miles. Have documentation. $5800 Call 250-493-8877 2001 F250 super duty supecab, 4x4 Lariat only 40,000K as new. 250 495 2735 OBO 2007 Dodge Caravan 44.000 km. As new, 7 passenger. Must sell due to illness. $13,000 obo Call 250-494-7662 8 foot long Arrow truck canopy. Grey, raised roof, lined and wired. Very good condition. Sell $495 Call 250-493-2903 Ford 1/2 ton, 4x4 fuel gas & propane. Dark blue. Asking $2850. Call 250-492-6313 Narrow pickup box for GMC Sonoma, good condition. $200. Call 250-494-5526
Toll Free: 1.800.665.2559 Wanted Honda Z50 Mini bike - any year - any condition, running or not 250 499-7842
boAts 11 foot Zodiak with 9.9 Mariner Outboard Motor $1 900 250 4954051 12 foot Jon boat, Sun Dolphin, 528 lb cap, 6 hp; minn kota Endura elec motor; two swivel seats, all used only 5 times. paid $1050 plus tax. Refer Canadian Tire web site for more specs. 250 495 2964 15' fiber glass boat and trailer. No motor. $450. Call 250-462-3510 16' fiber glass canoe. $295. OBO Call 250-462-3510 Boat trailer tire trims size 8x480. $10 each obo. Call 250-492-6059 Fierglass 12 ft boat - haul is very good - winter project replacing gunnels $50 obo 250 499-5263 I have a lot of yachting and boating magazines. $20. Call 250-4900924 Like new 2 HP Gull outboard motor, $250.00 OBO 250-295-6785
recreAtionAl veHicles 15 gallon portable sewar Tote, cost $100 will sell for $50. Call 250493-8378 1997 Komfort 5th wheel. 26ft, large slide, clean, very roomy, never smoked, in good condition, free standing dinning table with hitch. $6900 obo 250 493 8378
We do current & overdue taxes-specializing in farmers, long haul truckers and all types of small business. Assistance with tax audit & bookkeeping services. Never too late to file!
8 ft low profile camper for sale. Sleeps 3 comfortably. Everything works. upgraded to bigger camper. Have more pics of requested. $500 250 462 4597
utility trAilers 4 X 6 Utility trailer - 224 x 75", 16" tenply tires, metal frame, 15 x 3/4" sides, reinforced corners with metal $450 obo 250 487-1091
Claw tub. $300. 250 498 0190
Flat deck trailer with spare tire $300 250 499-5263
Falcon hitch- flat tow behind a motorhome paid $800 asking $500 250 490-9031
KiDs stuFF
RV towing hitch and blue ox auxiliary brake $450. 250-498-8858
Wood rocking horse, hand crafted. Finished with non-toxic butcher block oil. Perfect for the "western want to be!" The little ones will love it. Call 250-499-0400 $275.
Single Hospital Bed. $300 Firm. 250 498 0190 Terry trailer 20' $500 Firm. 250 498 0190
builDinG mAteriAls
This quality custom built 5th wheel by Automate in California; original price - $55,000 is what real-estate people call "must see" to appreciate. It has been well cared for and maintained while travelling the last couple of winters to Arizona. Recently re-upholstered fold out couch with large storage drawer underneath, commercial vinyl laminate flooring, huge storage area under bed, large windows with night/day blinds, fiberglass with rubber roof, dinette table / chairs and couch on 13' x 39" hydraulic slide for quick in and out. A/C, Electric fold out steps, electric fireplace/heater, brand new tires, solid oak cupboards with pull out pantry in rear kitchen. Front outside compartment has gas lifts, entire front area is huge basement accessible from 3 sides with beer fridge inside, also new Domestic fridge inside (3 yr warranty) trailer/ bike hitch on back. 4 independent lifts for easy leveling, "air- ride suspension" for rougher roads. 2 -30 gal propane tanks, trailer was BC propane certified tested last year. We are located in Oyama -2 blocks off the old Hwy 97 Call us at 250548-3525 for more information or pictures. Delivery arrangements can be made.
Rustic fir cabinets. Four piece reclaimed wood cabinets with custom hardware. Three bottom “L” shaped and one upper. One of a kind in perfect condition! $1,800. Please call 250 809-9562 2 flush toilets, one sky blue, other bone color, with seats. Work well. $50 each. Call 250-498-4429 36' x80 inches white alluminum storm door - neer installed $100 250 499-5096 6 ft ladder - almost new $40 250 462-8024
PENTICTON TOYOTA 250-493-1107 1-888-493-1107
PENTICTON TOYOTA 250-493-1107 1-888-493-1107
2005 Nissan Pathfinder LE 4x4
2004 Ford Freestar Limited
293 Martin St, Penticton 493-2055
A Must See!/Air/DVD Player/ Leather Memory Seats/Pwr Sliding Doors
7 Passenger/Air/Alloys/Leather Heated Seats/Pwr Roof/Memory Seats
#T20511 Dealer #6994
#T22341 Dealer #6994
Terry Feeny
up to $41,845
www.ezbins.ca • ezbins@shaw.ca Auto Centre
Brake Special
Oil Change Labour 69+ Parts $
up to $3825
up to $21,000
WE PAY CASH FOR OLD CARS AND FREE REMOVAL OF SCRAP CARS ask us about lifetime warranty on your car
bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 5 About 50ft of Brown ridge venting in good condition $60 250 5030781 Approximately 20'of suction hose. Includes intake screen, stainless steel ball valve and couples $50.00 250-498-9490 Bathroom sink in good condition. $10. Phone 250-494-7356 after 6 PM Beaver Table Saw on Stand with wheels. 220V. Very good condition. $125. Oliver. Call 250-4988850 Commercial Pallet Racking 4 -10' high uprights; 12 - 10' long horizontal supports. Great for garage or shop. $250.00250-495-0499 Dewalt Radial Arm saw on a stand. $125. (250) 499-0400 Incredible offer $600 retail value. Elbows, 45's, different lengths call for detailed list. Enough to do full bathroom to a septic tank. $250. Call 250-498-3623 Jobmate folding workbench, new, never been out of box. Holds up to 220 LBS. 13 3/4"X23 3/4"X 31" $30. Call 250-497-8991 Kitchen Faucet in good condition,single lever. $10. Phone 250-494-7356 after 6PM Outside light fixture, like new $10. Phone 250-494-7356 after 6 PM
tools 3/8 drive 10-80 foot lbs \micrometer torque wrench. New in box. Come with warrenty from when you install 250 498-3544 Air pop riviter Jet model 409006 factory rebuilt $75 250 498-3544 Jepson 1/2 Rooter,model 7117 150 v 10Amp 1000 wtt $75 250 4925310 Ultra-pro air spray gun 30-70 PSI $20. Call 250-492-5310
FArm AnD livestocK
5129 - 9th Ave. P.O. Box 257 Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0
Alpha/ grass mix, excellent horse hay $7.00 a bale - delivery possible 250 499-2208
ANIMAL BEDDING DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Serving South Okanagan and the Similkameen
250 770-0214 Steel Fencing Panels for Horses and Cattle Various sizes of gates and Round pens
250 497-5747 Local Grass Hay $6 Bale 250 498-2418 Oliver
1630 John Deere, Orchard Model, 51 horse power, diesel - runs good $6500. 250 499 2881 leave message 2 Bauer wheel guns late models 493 6857 or 490 5045 2 Hand made saddles F.Eamore of highriver AB 1 like new $1250 other used but in good condition $600 250 493 6857 or 250 490 5045 2 x 8' and 1 x 7' Gates, strong made of treated lumber c/w hardware. $125.00 each or $325.00 for 3. Call 250-495-6192 3 large fruit scales, 2 have weights, one Toledo basket scale. $50 each. Call 250-499-7883 Alpha/ grass mix, excellent horse hay $7.00 a bale - delivery possible 250 499-2208 Animal Bedding 250 770-0214 Bantam chicks - different breeds but mostly silkies and japanese blacktails $5 each and up 250 4995263 Craftsman lawn tractor & mower ride - oiy 12 HP $450. Call 250462-3510 Free Brown Laying Hens. 18 months old. Still laying but finished peak production. For pick up only. Call 250-499-5585
Geese - 4 purbreed white chinese geese 1 pair is 16 months old 2 gosslins are feathered out and nearly full grown 1 Calouse goose, 2 years old, white with brown ( coyote got its mate) $120 for all 5 250 499-5263 Horse trailer 250 493 6857 or 250 490 5045 I'm looking for a 12 or 14 hp B&S engine for my tractor, working or not, but fixable. Call 250-503-6996 John Deere 145 loader with bucket, fits most John Deere Tractors. $2500. 250 499 2881 leave message Local grass Hay- $6 bale 250 4982418 Oliver Steel Fencing Panels for Horse and Cattle - various sizes of gates nd round pens 250 497-5747 Wanted 1 or 2 bottom plows for 3 point hitch 250 499-5263 Wanted 2 or 3 year old miniture stallion, prefer registered but not necessary, should be under 36" 250 499-5263 We have several small mini horses -mares with foals - some 2 year old fillies - one very small colt ( mother and father very small ) should be 31-32" full grown Prices start @$400 250 499-5263
Horse AnD riDer 2 Hand made saddles F.Eamore of highriver AB 1 like new $1250 other used but in good condition $600 250 493 6857 or 250 490 5045 Australian Outback jacket oil skin, Ladies size XS. $50. Call 250499-7883 Horse trailer 250 493 6857 or 250 490 5045
proDuce AnD meAts
Pork for Sale -Range fed grain and hay, no hormones or antibiotics. Sold by the whole, half or quarter for $3.25 per ibs Cut, wrapped and froze. Curing for hams, and bacon available Please call 250 276-4411 or 250 488-6014 and 250 97-5547 leave a message or email J_js71@hotmail.com
Russian Red Garlic, no sprays, seed garlic and consumtion, call Colin 250 494-9499 Wanted : Qince 250 498-6090
Dog carrier for med/large dog. Good condition. W.28" L.38" H. 28" $55. Call 250-497-8991 Fish pumps comb filters for aquariums - new $10 each 250 492-8955 Free kittens cute and adorable, from great mousers, Call 250-4995715 Cawston
Insulated dog igloo house for medium dog up to 75 lbs. I paid $100.000 new, am asking $50.00. Call 250-498-3623 8 home raised long haired Chihuahua, born Sept. 30 and Oct. 3/13. 6 males, 2 females. A good winter's gift. Come see, come shop, come buy. Ready for sale in 10 weeks. Call Gerhard @ 250-498-9039 Blonde Bouvier Pup Wonderful family/ farm dogs. Bouviers are loyal and loving. Tails and dew claws done. 250 486-6773 Cute French Bulldog Puppies, males and females with papers, vaccinated, wormed, microchipped and vet checked, are looking for a loving new home. They are very good and social, and raised in our home with kids. $500. Call 301-684-5099
Inexpensive Living in Sunny Oliver!
Enjoy this large 1152 sq.ft. doublewide mobile in Tradewinds Mobile Home Park. Corner lot with attached garage & carport. Nicely landscaped with huge covered deck and steps to your private beach on Tuc El Nuit Lake. 2 Bedroom + Den in excellent condition $
Bill Robertson Sales Representative
250-495-7522 Toll Free 1-877-495-7522 Cell: 1-866-623-5556 Email: yrent@telus.net
8324 Main Street Osoyoos, BC - V0H 1V0
large dog crate $50 250 499-5096 Large wire collapsible dog crate $50 499-5096 VKC Registered German Rotti Pups - Micro chipped, tail and tails docked, first set of shots, ready to go Nov 1 $1200 250 498-9652
FireWooD AnD stoves BACK FOR ANOTHER YEAR Debarked seasoned Lodge Pole Pine. 16" sections or custom lengths available while quantities last. A Dump trailer full (cord+) for $225. Small delivery cost for locations outside Penticton. Phone 250-490-9144.
The Chopping Block- Orchard Wood- bucked and split and delivered $250 a cord / Beetle kill - Lodge pine or other Wood- Bucked, split and delivered - $230 a cord 250 498-9039
Wanting Orchard Wood. Free service for orchard tree removal and pruning's. Must be 3 inches in diameter & larger. 250-498-9039. South Okanagan
Larch/Pine, dry, split and delivered, Osoyoos to Summerland, Keremeos,Apex & Mt Baldy Del 250- 487-8812
Sanderson Farms U-Pick Retail & Wholesale Fruit
Samosa Garden Restaurant Samosa, Pakora and other Fine Indian Dishes
3059 Hwy 3 West,
Keremeos BC ph/fax: 250-499-2215, cell: 604-727-2650
Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 Shop: 250-497-7113 (Closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays) Fax: 250-497-6210 • email: rrronold@hotmail.com
PENTICTON TOYOTA 250-493-1107 1-888-493-1107
2003 Toyota Corolla CE 5 Speed/Low Kms/Air/ Pwr Locks/Keyless Entry
#T22491 Dealer #6994
PENTICTON TOYOTA 250-493-1107 1-888-493-1107
2004 Toyota Sienna LE
“ONE OWNER” 8 Passenger/Air/Leather Seats/ Fog Lights/Pwr Sliding Doors
www.pentictontoyota.com PENTICTON HYUNDAI - (250)492-0205 / 877-392-0205 - 448 DUNCAN AVE. WEST PENTICTON B.C.
Beef for sale - Range fed grain and hay, no hormones or antibiotics. Sold by the whole, half or quarter for $3.50 per ibs Cut, wrapped and froze. Please call 250 276-4411 or 250 488-6014 and 250 97-5547 leave a message or email J_js71@hotmail.com
#X34241 Dealer #6994
ect Buy Dir $ $$ & Save
Buy Dire c & Save $ t $$
GIANT AUTO AUCTION www.kelownaauctionworld.com Buy Direct and Save Thousands on your next vehicle purchase.
Over 200
Cars,Trucks, 4x4’s & SUV’s Bailiff Repo’s, Police Recoveries, Lease Backs, Fleet Returns, Bankruptcies Come see for yourself, you’ll be amazed at the HUGE SAVINGS!
SATURDAYS @ 11 AM 3953 Hwy 97 N, Kelowna • 765-5282 Gates open @ 9am, most units sold unreserved
6 bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 4 lengths of 3ft 6' inside diameters stainless steel stove pipe with rain cap and roof jacket $150 250 498 RV Almost 2 cords of split Larch/Pine $150. Call 250-493-7446 Electric Fireplace/Heater for sale. Detailed front in dark cherry. Includes hand held remote with various settings. 40" tall by 45" wide. Was $600 at time of purchase. Asking $275. Penticton 250-462-1448
As a 66 year old woman my great
Real Estate
mobile in Okanagan Falls, I seek a
• WOW !! Cute 1BDM 1 BTH Vault Ceiling Downtown Condo $179,900 • Property Kelowna - 310-983 Bernard Ave, Kelowna BC. Great Location Location Location Reduced $174,900. Contact Realtor : Travis Janes 250864-2272 MLS® 10065886. Property Information: Spacious urban living! All a stones throw away from everything down town Kelowna has to offer. This Fantastic Huge one bedroom, top floor unit features: w/ walk in closet, bright skylights, large balcony, gas f/p,gas BBQ hookup, (Gas is included in Strata fees) newer flooring, covered parking and is beautifully updated throughout! Call Travis for your personal Tour (250864-2272) Property Features: Floor Space (approx):903.00 Square Feet Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Maintenance Fees:$221.00 Monthly Access Type: Easy access Features: Central location, Flat site, Balcony Ownership Type: Condominium/ Strata Parking Type: Carport Property Type: Single Family Sewer: Municipal sewage system Building Features: Style: Apartment Building Type: Apartment Cooling Type: Window air conditioner Fireplace Fuel: Gas Fireplace Type :Conventional Flooring Type : Laminate Foundation Type: Concrete Roof Material: Asphalt shingle, Tar & gravel Roof Style: Conventional, Conventional Rooms: Kitchen 3rd Level 2.74 m x 3.05 m Living 3rd Level 3.96 m x 4.57 m Dining 3rd Level 2.44 m x 4.57 m Laundry 3rd Level 1.52 m x 2.13 m Master Bedroom 3rd Level 3.96 m x 3.35 m Bathroom 3rd Level 2.13 m x 2.44 m http://www.propertykelowna.com
woman to share. It's an extra wide single mobile. $600 a month will cover all your food and long distance phoning. The ack bedroom has setups for phone, computer, ad high end TV, No extra cost. Have yard and extra parking. 20 mins to Pentic-
Enviro - fire pellet stove. Clean and ready to go. Model Evelution $1000 250 487-1260
ton. New washer, dryer, dishwasher,
Firewood for sale $130 cord - cut to length /pine- Pick up only Oliver area 250 498-9798
call Joy at 250 497-8856
Harmo pellet stove $4000 250 7676188 Larch pine / fir firewood - Split and deliered 250 487-8812 pellet stove insert kozi bayw in complete with surround never used Canadian made 250 493 7652 Small buzz saw 20" blade, B&S motor. $350. Call 250-498-4429 Unique wrought iron, arched, scrolled 2 door ornate fireplace screen & matching tools. Appraised at over $700. Show room condition. $325. Ph: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Woodstove for Sale - kozi brand model 200-not EPA approved, early 90s model,new bricks last yr, heats 1500ft, glass door,very clean and works perfect. Great for cabin , shop, or ?? $225 250-497-5651
fridge and stove. have young kitten. Smoke and drink all you wish. Please
Beautiful 2 b/rm condo on beach steps to town or 2 b/rm home one block from. Decameron. info @ jmfraser15@gmail.com Call 250-4909939 Comfortable 1 Bedroom. Close to all amenities. Quiet neighbours. Includes heat hot water and parking. 499-5222 Immediate possession!
able 1 bedroom apt. Close to all amenities. Quiet neighbours. Rent includes heat, hot water and parking. $550./month.
Keremeos 250-499-
5222 Long and short term boarding available in Lake Country. New Rehabilitation and Training Centre. Drop
For Rent 2007 moduline, 2 bedrooms and bathrooms, washer/dryervery clean and well maintained.Fenced yard, pet friendly. Available Dec 1st. $900. Call h)250-499-2393 c)250-4998970
in's. Available Certified Coach/Trainer.$20. Call 250-766-1975 Room for rent. On bus route. Farm home, privacy, clean, n/s, horse board extra.$499. Call 250-766-1975
3 bedroom home with full basement on 1/3 acre, quiet area, great location, tool shed, carport and garage, wood and word ad #. $332,000. 250 493 9320
3 bedroom, 2 bath, full basement on 1/3 acre land. Tool shed sharpening shop, good location, must be seen. Asking $333,000 open to offers. 250 493 9320 Certified Caphi inspector Licensed by Consumer Protection B.C. license #58329. Professional liability and E&O insurance. Call 250-861-2020
Health & medical 2 Four wheel walkers, good condition. $15-25. OBO Call 250-4947662 4 wheel scooter, Hurrican Pride. Has big wheels, 2 speed, very good condition. $975. Call 250-494-7662 Carroll Home Care full electric bed with Solice 3000 mattress Call 250497-5031 Evolution walker padded back rest perfect condition $150 250 493-1752 Hospital bed/remote, mattress in very good condition $200 OBO 250 493-8465 Stanna stair lift. Used for only 3 years. In good condition. Comes with 2 remotes. Can see working.Asking $300 obo. Call 250-494-0554 Total body aerobic fitness machine. Using a push-pull action toburn calories. Readout tracks repetitions, time, and calories burned. $75. Call 250-499-5222
Music 1960 Cecilian, Mason & Risch Console Piano. Good condition, some minor damage. Dimensions 60" X 24" X 40 1/2" $500. Call 250-2956321 Guitar -Morgan CM model - accustic with pickup, asking $1 800 20 4852105
Personals Shanna Lee 5'2 114 lbs Hot Single Long dark red hair Call Shanna 778. 476-2966
Sporting Goods
232 MAIN ST. 250 493 5300
6AM TO 9PM 7 DAYS A WEEK! Where else are you going to find that last minute greeting card, or box of paper clips at 6 am Sunday morning, and grab a great cup of coffee while you’re there?
Greenlake Gun Smithing Complete Machine Shop All repairs , restorations , customizing and deactivations Used guns -Consigned sales Reloading for obsolete cartridges Great line of scopes - 30 years experience and Licensed 804 Greenlake rd Willowbrook 250 498-0697 Pat
Great deal on Olibon Scopes $50- $175. Great optics fully guaranteed, high quality The more you buy the better the price. Great Christmas gift. Mounting and Bore sighting including new rings, mounts and machining extra 250 498-0697 14 rounds of golf at Skaha Meadows for $200. Good for year round. Save $14. Call 250-493-7737 2 HP treadmill like new priced to sell $275 250 869-5906
2010 Horizon treadmill with too many features to mention. Value$ 1000 asking $375 778 476-1696 50 mm spotting scope. 20-50 zoom. Xmas for birders. email ka.willis@ shaw 6 ft alluminum tobaggan $10 250 499-5096
Country mill grain grinder with nut auger $300 250 498-8835
Airwalk Snowboard boots size 7. Used only 1 season. In good shape. $30 O.B.O. Call 250-493-9122
Expo 86 10k Gold Pendants, Retrospective Book,Maps, Passes, Concert Guide, Bumper Sticker, Post Card, Employee Tags, Labatt Beer Tap. $70. Call 250-860-2484
Archary Bow - like new $200 250 498-8835
I have a lot of yachting and boating magazines. $20. Call 250-490-0924
Cardio style elliptical trainer - FT 150 $80. Manual included. Call 250542-6772
Infrared radiant heater, still in box. $85. Call 250-497-6093
Child hockey game table,very good shape. Paid 300.00 new, want $125.00. perfect for Christmas gift. Call 250-498-4948 Family tent(new) includes 2 mattresses and air pump. $35. 250 763 8583 PTX Ladies Figure Skates, size 6,white,still in box. [Oliver ] $30. Call 250-498-0454 Recumbent exercise bike in great condition. $175. Call 250-497-8797 Rouger Night Hawk Pellet Gun rifle 490 FPF with scope $200 250 4988835 Slate Brunswick pool table manufactured in 1903. Disassembled. Requires new felt. $650.00. Will consider trade for firearms. 250-495-0499 Tippman paintball gun $75 250 4928955 WANTED: 3 wheel bicycle for senior to get around. 250 492 2782 Young boys BB pistols, rifles, with targets and ammunition. $40 & $60. R.C. cars, jeeps, red rider rifles, single shot pellet rifle, all brand new. Call 250-549-7015
Microwave 2 tier steamer new in box. $15. Can cook two dishes at same time and oil free. 778-476-2558 Needle point village, consists of a church,stores,houses,trees,signs... plus needlepoint furniture for every room in a doll house. Can email pics. [Oliver] $20. Call 250-498-0454 New 22" Yard machine snow blower, electric start, self propelled, 2 stage auto metrix, 2 phase $600 firm ramps included 250 292-8375 New in box - Water softner Novtek NT 24SE- 7 year warrenty. Best offer over $500 250 859-7812 New, double strand pearl necklace. $500. Handmade grults $250-300 Call 250-49-1024 Omega serger sewing machine Model 15J103 - Excellent condition - Serviced and ready to go! $85. Call 250-497-8991 Partial, Canadian stamp collection, primarily 60 - 70 ties. Some sorted in albums, others in envelopes, approx. $100.00 worth of uncancelled material. Great for a beginner. $50. Call 250 770 1439 Penticton.
Pure virgin wool blankets from Prince Edward Island $50 250 492-8955
2 matching antique coal-oil lamps, with chimneys. Great for cabin or for a homey atmosphere. $75. for the pair. Call 250-498-1025
Russian Red Garlic, no sprays, seed garlic and consumtion, call Colin 250 494-9499
3 complete sets. "The Creation", "The Promised Land", "Harvesting the Homeland". 8-12 plates each set. In original packaging. $35/set or all 3 for $77.77. 250-473-6543 OK Falls 6 ft alluminum tobaggan $10 250 499-5096 6 ft high pull up artifical Christmas tree with stand $45 250 492-5310 About a 100 or more hunting and fishing magazines. Also gun magazines with them. $30. Call 250-4900924 Automotive connetor for fueling in an emergency - conects to a BBQ tank to vehicle $40 20 462-8024 Beautiful full 6 foot white Christmas tree. No lights. $40.I have ornaments and lights to sell extra. 778-476-2558 Blue Mountain pottery, different pieces, make nice gifts. $5-$20. Call 250-770-1325 Camera - Zeiss Ikon Contaflex 1 incl. two close-up lenses, flash cubes, clean-up brush and instruction book. $75. Phone 250 495-2760
Locally Owned and Operated
Servicing the Okanagan from Winfield to Okanagan Falls
Child hockey game table,very good shape. Paid 300.00 new, want $125.00. perfect for Christmas gift. Call 250-498-4948
We Load & Carry Away No Job Too Small Up Front Rates
Singer sewing machine, no treadle, electric foot pedal. Call 250-4940347 Slate Brunswick pool table manufactured in 1903. Disassembled. Requires new felt. $650.00. Will consider trade for firearms. 250-495-0499 Young boys BB pistols, rifles, with targets and ammunition. $40 & $60. R.C. cars, jeeps, red rider rifles, single shot pellet rifle, all brand new. Call 250-549-7015
Free Free kittens cute and adorable, from great mousers, Call 250-499-5715 Cawston
Wanted 2 cupboards wanted - darker oak finish 1- 25 x 84" H 1- 23 x 84" H both aprox 26' deep 250 460-4680or 250 462-6463 Looking for free pieces of carpet for garage/games room, any colour but good shape. Call 250-498-4948
bcbargainhunter.com • 1-866-637-5141 • December 5 to 18, 2013 7
Good help is easy to find when you know where to look! Messier's Concrete & Landscaping Providing all concrete services, including concrete countertops, epoxy countertop & floor finishes, patios and walkways. Call today 250-276-6014 www. messiersconcrete.com
Showcase your property with great photos & 360 panoramas. REALTORS call Ron at 250-462-3733 or 1-888-476-8288 visit www.preptours.ca For non-realtor listing photos call Ron at 250-462-3733
Charlie's Hair Barber Shop WE'VE MOVED!
6264 Main Street, Oliver OPEN: Tues to Fri: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 3pm Haircuts $17 Senior & Children $15
(250) 498-5502 Carriage House. Need a plan? I can draw one up for you! Put your ideas to work for you to earn rental income. 250-770-0050 designbyllewelyn.com Looking for portable illuminated sign with letters. Preferably with a flashing arrow. Up to $900 depending on condition. Call 250-490-1002 Quince wanted 250 498-6090 Seasoned sesoned firewood. 250 494-7828 Wanted -Smooth top white electric stove must be in mint condition 250 490-4680 Wanted Honda Z50 Mini bike - any year - any condition, running or not 250 499-7842
computer & oFFice equipment
Penticton Ink-Jet your friendly source for Plus reliable service *Cartridge Refilling * Remanufactureds *Compatibles
*Computer Repairs *Printer Repairs *Plus a Lot More!
Don’s Cylinder Head 40 years experience competitive pricing 250 494-9627 Custom House Plans Make your dream home ideas come to life! Drawn to your specifications.Call (250)7700050 or visit. designbyllewelyn.com
Penticton Ink-Jet your friendly source for Plus reliable service *Cartridge Refilling * Remanufactureds *Compatibles
*Computer Repairs *Printer Repairs *Plus a Lot More!
We value your patronage!
3054 Skaha Lake Road●250-492-7244 Okanagan Underground Services. Vineyard construction, agricultural & commercial irrigation, post pounding, wild life fencing, Demolition & dump truck services. Excavator & Bobcat services, Jason at 462-9534 or JP at 462-9023. Irrigation Blow Out! Basic residential starting at $40. Group discounts for mobile home parks. 185 & 375 CFM compressors available for Commercial and Farm. Osoyoos, Oliver and Penticton. Call Okanagan Industrial Services. 1-250408-9446 *long distance phone charges do not apply*.
I have a selection of women clothing, wool hat, white pants, jeans, tops, leather boots, sunglasses & jewelleries...etc. Various sizes. Call 1-646755-9869 Joseph & Fiess Formal Leather Jacket, Medium/Large, Full Length, Quilted, Storm Flap, Cell, Chest 38"-41", Sleeve 33.5"-34.5", Neck 15"-16", Worth $300. Sell $100 Call 250-860-2484 Mens and womans traditional snowshoes $50 per pair 250 499-5096 New wool vest $75. Dress jacket $50. Law robe $150. Nearly new Japanese dress $125. Call 250-4941024 New, double strand pearl necklace. $500. Handmade grults $250-300 Call 250-49-1024
We value your patronage!
3054 Skaha Lake Road●250-492-7244 Desktop Computer. 2.4GHz, 1.43GB Ram, 150GB HD, Windows XP. Flat monitor, keyboard, mouse. MS Works, Print master. $220 obo. Call Danny 250-494-3205, Summerland Desktop Computer. Cisnet Athlon 64, 2.4 GHz, 1.43 GB Ram, 150 GB HD, Windows XP. 17 flat monitor, keyboard, mouse. MS Works, Printmaster. $220 obo. Danny, Summerland, BC Call 250-494-3205 Lg 19" L19 52T-SFL cd Monitor, Like new, Dvi-d or D-sub, Tilt, Thin Bezel, No dead pixels, Excellentcolor, user guide, drivers. $120. Call 250-8602484
clotHinG Formal Leather Jacket, Joseph & Fiess, Medium/Large, Full Length, Quilted, Storm Flap, Cell, Chest 38"-41", Sleeve 33.5"-34.5", Neck 15"-16", Worth $300. Sell $100. Call 250-860-2484
Bee Henniggar Contracting Twin Lakes Best prices on hardscaping rock, gravel, and topsoil delivered. Tandem dump truck $80/hr, 135 Hitachi exc.$100 hr, $100/ move. Gravel separator, bobcats,compactor and rock breaker available, seniors discount Trades considered 250 460-2416.
Wine Carboys, primary & secondary $10 ea. Hydrometers, thermometers, bungs & airlocks, assorted prices, offers. Call 250-473-6543 OK Falls
Buying, buying, buying: Coins, stamps, gold, silver, Gretsky rookie cards, pocket watches, military items, Rolex, Patek Phillipe, Vacheron Cconstantine. Bluenose Stamps & Coins. 210 Main St, Penticton. 493-6515
Drafting & Design Services Gecko Flats Design Princeton, BC
Site Plans, Residential, Accessory, & Small Farm Buildings
G & R Auto Repair Quality Tires New and Used Detailing, Tire Repair, Oil Changes and MORE 250 497 7113 Ok Falls
Kelowna A Christmas Carol – Kelowna @ Laurel Packinghouse. Dec 17 @ 7:30 pm. Celebrate the season with us as we travel with Scrooge and Marley into the past, present and future to discover the true meaning of love, family and Christmas. This Dicken’s classic will delight young and old and will be performed in the historic Laurel Packinghouse. Adapted & Directed by Bonnie Gratz. Starring Stephen Jeffery as Scrooge and Ray Mordan as Marley. Featuring Doug Brown as Cratchit and showcasing the talents of Zyan Panagopolous, Ashley Plomp, Ruby Bullock, Graham Daley, Ashley Lewicki, Aletha Currie, Tamara Ross, Terry Scott and Angela Lavendar. Introducing Anika & Klaya Hodgson, Evan Jackson and Hailey Sabourin. December 17-21; Shows at 7:30pm nightly. Family Matinee on Dec.21 @ 2:30pm Kelowna-CupCasions 5th Annual Children’s Santas Bakeshop – Kelowna @ CupCasions. Dec 14 @ 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Join us for some family fun! This is a sell-out event, so call and book your spot in advance for 9am, 10am, 11am or noon. Includes 45 minutes to an hour of creating Christmas crafts, visit with Santa and the opportunity to win lots of door prizes, lots of fun and free cupcake samples for all. Call to register – no emails please Kelowna-Swim With Santa – Kelowna @ Parkinson Recreation Centre. Dec 8 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Let the kids do something different for this year’s Santa photo! Join us for an afternoon swim with Santa where the kids can have their photo taken with the jolly man underwater. **Photos are complimentary with the purchase of a daily pool pass and will be emailed to participants. **This is a family event and parents/guardians are responsible for the care of their children.
108-1475 Fairview Rd. Penticton, BC
Tel: 250-492-7080 event 25th Annual Downtown Kelowna Light-up. Sat, Dec 7th, 2013 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Santa is comin' to town & we want to celebrate. Decorate a cookie to devour. Street hockey. Listen to live tunes, and then make some of your own at the Musical Petting Zoo. Special guests Bobs and Lolo! Get crafty. Show off your ice skating skills after some face painting. Sit on Santa's lap. There will be a horse-drawn carriage ride with your name on it. We'll light up a ginormous Christmas tree in Kerry Park @ 6 p.m. that night. BIG White-Free Photos with Santa @ Big White (5315 Big White Road). Dec 19 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Santa knows if you’ve been naughty or nice. From December 19th to 24th, Big White’s photographer will be snapping commemorative photos with Santa in Santa’s Workshop. You are never too old to get your photo taken with Santa Claus! From noon – 1:00pm and 3:00pm to 4:00pm daily right up until Christmas Eve stop by with the kids so they can tell Santa what they really want for Christmas. It's become an Okanagan family tradition to celebrate the magic of Christmas with a ride in the Summerland Christmas Express. Reservations Required. Hours: Dec. 14 & 15 @ 4:00 p.m & 6:00 p.m or Dec. 20 @ 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. or Dec. 21 and Dec. 22 @ 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Cost: Adults $23. Seniors (65+) $21. Teens $18. Children (3-12) $14. Details: Voluminous steam, song and Santa bring the festive season alive as you glide through the hills overlooking Summerland's twinkling lights. The locomotive and coaches are decked out with lights and inside the holidy mood continues s you enjoy a cup of hot cocoa and sing along to your favourite Christmas carols. Each child receives a goody bag presented by jolly old Santa and Mrs. Claus. For more information call: 1-877-494-8424
Oliver-Breakfast With Santa. Saturday, December 7, 2013 9 a.m. Children aged 3-11 are invited with their parents to enjoy a hot pancake bbreakfast, Christmas crafts, and an opportunity for a picture with the big man in red! Tickets are $7 per child, adults are by donation. This event sells out so get your tickets early! The event runs from 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Located at Oliver Community Centre 6359 Park Drive, Oliver. Peachland light up. December 7th, 2013 3:00-6:00 pm (Christmas Village, Community Centre, Boys & Girls Club, parking lot. Parade of Lights 6 pm - 6:15 pm, every child gets a glow stick, we invite everyone to follow Santa to Heritage Park. 6:30 pm Light up at Heritage Park (fire pits).Christmas light-up, an event that has become synonymous as the official start to the holiday season around the Okanagan Valley. JOIN US at the Christmas Village for: Christmas Market, Santa's Corner (3pm-5pm), Children’s games in the Boys & Girls Club, Bouncy Castle, Live local entertainment on the stage, Food, Heated Christmas Beer Garden, Take part in our Parade of lights that starts at 6 PM! Penticton-The Classic Christmas production Miracle on 34th Street presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian and Acting Classes By Jacqueline. November 29-December 15, 2013. Hours: Nov. 29 @ 7 pm and Nov. 30 @ 7 pm and Dec. 1 @ 2 pm and Dec 13 @ 7 pm and Dec. 14 @ 7 pm and Dec. 15 @ 2 pm. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wade Ave at Martin Street, Penticton. Adapted from the 1947 movie by Mountain Community Theatre, Ben Lomond, California. Tickets available: Adults $20. Seniors/Students $15. Kids under 12 free. Penticton-Walk to Bethlehem When:December 07, 2013 - December 08, 2013. Free event for families and kids. Saturday Dec. 7 @ 4:30 8:30 p.m and Sunday Dec. 8 @ 1:005:00 pm. Free admission. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wade & Martin Street, Downtown Penticton
Summerland -Join us for a weekend of touring your favourite Bottleneck Drive Wineries as they Light Up The Vines for two special evenings this year. November 30 - December 1, 2013. Event type: Wine and Food. Hours: 3 pm to 7 pm. Cost: Free tastings at all participating wineries. Venue: Summerland's Bottleneck Drive Wineries. Details: Stop in for complimentary wine tasting, snacks, mulled wine, special holiday promotions, a week-end passport to win a prize valued at over $500 and, of course, vines lit up. This year there are self-guided tours as well as guided tour options and all weekend there are not tasting fees at the wineries. Go to the website for more information on the tour options.
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