Bargainhunter may 8

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Ranging From $250 to $500 - $1000 - $1500 - $2500 & up depending on job


➢ 15 years’ experience SPRING IS HERE- ACT NOW! ➢ Quality workmanship ➢ Renovations ➢ Remove wallpaper SAVE THE ➢ Mold and odour removal ENVIRONM ➢ Reasonable rates ENTNO SPRAY! ➢ 10% seniors discount ➢ Fence and Deck Building

Cell: 1-250-448-2836 Scotty and Roy



EZZY BRUSH PAINTING • 1-866-637-5141 • May 8 to May 21, 2014 8




the natural way to a beautiful lawn and garden


see RVs and Boats on page 4 and Sporting Goods on page 5!

Get outside this May!

Call us at 1-866-637-5141

May 8 to May 21, 2014 • Bi-weekly on Thursdays


bcbargainhunter .com

2 • 1-866-637-5141 • May 8 to May 21, 2014

Contact Us To Place Your Ad Online: Phone: 1 866 637 5141 Text: 250 486 7333 Email: Mail: Box 331, 113 437 Martin Street, Penticton BC V2A 5L1 Drop off: UPS Penticton FURNITURE 1 dressing table wih 2 end tables $40 778 476-1826 2 black metal folding chairs with padded seats. $18 250-493-2374 Penticton 2 brass tri-light table lamps. $60 for 1, $50 for the other OBO. 250-7701361 Penticton 2 colonial loveseats in excellen t condition $100 778 476-1826 2 rockers $25. each. 250-495-6590 Osoyoos. 2 unique glass top end tables, paid $460 for 2, asking $250 for 2 OBO. 250-770-1361 Penticton 3 piece brown living room suite $150. 5 piece outdoor table with 4 chairs/glider. $60. 250-495-6590 Osoyoos Beautiful teak dining room table and chair set. Butterfly mechanism is easy to operate - no heavy pushing or pulling required. 6 high backed chairs in excellent condition. $1500 OBO. Email: Penticton Canadian Maple China Cabinet & matching corner cabinet, as new. Approx. $1000.00 new. Sell $250. 250-495-0615 Osoyoos Chesterfield 6 1/2 feet, creamy color small pale colored flowers. Used very little. $200 OBO 250492-8810 Penticton Chesterfield, must see. 6 1/2' off white, small flowers. Used very little. $200 OBO. 250-492-8810 China cabinet with two separate pieces 86" x 60 " wide $300 250 493-0214 Chocolate rocker for 2 persons. Used less than 3 years. $200 250 499-2382 Cream colored leather loveseat. Clean and soft, $400 250 485-2404

ROSANE’S UNIQUE BOUTIQUE Consigned, Redesigned & New Furniture, Home Decor & Gifts. Many one-of-a-kind items.

1521 Main Street, Penticton Tues-Sat 10-5, Sat 11-4


Dining room set, chesterfield, china cabinet, bed dressers, odds and ends $200 or separately. 778-4764927 Penticton

Somerset Gibbard sleigh queen size bed. Mahogany, perfect condition. Was $900, asking $499. 250496-0091 Naramata

Dining room table, 6 chairs, buffet and hutch. $500. 250-493-6407 Penticton

TV stand (black tempered glass top & shelves) Proliner 3 tier 48'' wide. Like new, original price $499.99, asking $250 OBO. 250-770-1361

Furniture of 3 B&B bedrooms $50$100. 250-496-0091 Naramata Gorgeous light oak dining suite, new condition. Oval table - 18'' leaf6 chairs - hutch has bevelled edge glass doors - buffet has 3 drawers & 2 doors with shelves. Paid $2000 - asking $1400 OBO. 250-770-1361 Penticton Green Recliner Chair. Fair condition - some wear on seat. Free. You pick up. 250-492-6414. Penticton Legal size pull out 5 drawer file cabinet $60. Blue Lazy Boy chair $90. Near new sandwich toaster $30. 250-485-2404 Oliver. Matching sofa and chair. Suede like material in great condition. $500 OBO Email: pickandvick@gmail. com Penticton Oak display cabinet, must see, perfec for displaying collectibles $250 778 476-1826 Older wood table and 4 chairs, $80.00 OBO 250-497-6785 Okanagan Falls One L shaped desk, perfect for home office or other 778 476-1826 Pine glider chair, great shape (no stool) $50.00 obo Phone 250-4986959 Oliver Red couch & loveseat. 6 years old. Good condition. Adult use only. $350. 778-476-2474 Penticton Secretary cabinet 82H x 30W. Top glass doors w/ shelves, cubby hole slant top centre & three serpentine drawers. Paid $1200, asking $475. 250-492-4576 Penticton Silky fabric, beautifully patterned sofa bed, makes double bed. Excellent condition. $80. 250-4960091 Naramata Small modern desk. $55. 250-4937309 Penticton Solid oak entertainment centre. H. 80'' x L. 50'' x W.21'' $500. 250495-6590 Osoyoos Solid wood rocking chair $120 obo 20 498-6492

HOUSEHOLD 2 paintings 23 1/2 x 23 1/2 modern in brown, gold & terracotta colors. $60 for both OBO. 250-770-1361 Penticton

• Free ads are for personal items for resale for under $500. • Free ads are limited to 20 words and must contain a price. NAME ................................................................................................................................................................. PHONE ............................................................................................................................................................... CITY ................................................................................................................................................................... AD CATEGORY ................................................................................................................................................... Ad text ............................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................

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CHOOSE YOUR AD TYPE Please choose your Ad Type below by checking the appropriate box below. To add an upgrade, check the appropriate box. Please note, all ad rates are subject to HST.

Bradford 'Two By Night' (by D.L. 'Rusty' Rust) & 'Native Harmony' (by Diana Casey) $25. each plate. Hamilton collection-'Riverbank Cottage' & 'Sunday Outing' (by Erin Dertmer) $25.00 each plate. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton.

2 issues.............$10 4 issues.............$18 6 issues.............$20 8 issues.............$35 10 issues...........$40

Jack Lanne power juicer $45 obo 250 868-0927 Kitchen Aid mixer cobalt blue. $175 with 2 cook books. 250-494-1833 Summerland Mirror, 32'' H x 22'' W gold frame, small black painting on lower left side of mirror. $30 OBO. 25-7701361 Penticton Mirror, 36'' H x 48'' W brown & gold frame. $75 OBO. 250-770-1361 Penticton New 6 place stoneware plates, side plates & bowls. Soft beige with starburst center pattern. From Pier 1 Imports. $120 OBO. 25-770-1361 Penticton New above stove microwave & fan. Stainless steel Whirlpool $200. 250-498-4160 Oliver OMNI water filter - whole house water filter. $40 Summerland 250276-4207 or 250-276-4207 Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype Credit Free via Skype Queen size bedding set-quilted quilt, box pleat skirt, quilted pillow shams, 2 valances. Cotton/poly in muted soft colors. Paid $439 asking $200 OBO. 250-770-1361 Penticton

FURNITURE and more



3292 Hwy 97N, Kelowna

8 Antique Cast Iron Cookstove lids. Selling all 8 for $60.00. Ph.: 250490-9800 Penticton.


Free ad form

3 Blinds for 48x48 windows, cream colour material, in good condition. Also a faux wood blind for a 37" wide window, brown in colour, to view call 250-494-7072 Asking $50.00 for cream blinds, 20.00 for brown one. Summerland

Restored complete Findlays antique cast iron kitchen wood burning stove with overhead warming compartments and insulated stove pipes. $300.00 Maple finished W.R. cabinet: 71x30x20:$35.00 White dresser with mirror & 3 side drawers complete with slide in chair $75.00 250-493-5326/ 250-4882284 Penticton

Solid wood vintage formal dining room table with 6 chairs, black leather seats, carved ack rests, walnut 2 leafs, reduced to $500 250 485-2404

bcbargainhunter .com

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Cheques payable to BC Bargain Hunter. Or call us direct and pay by credit card at 1-866-637-5141. Drop off or mail this form in a sealed envelope to: Box 331, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton BC V2A 5L1. The address is a mailbox at the UPS Store. UPS is not an agent of BC Bargain Hunter and cannot accept your cash directly nor assist with ad copy or change. Ads that are sealed in an envelope may be dropped off directly. • 1-866-637-5141 • May 8 to May 21, 2014 3

Busy Time of Year Lots of people out this weekend doing events and having fun. The

nice weather and the start of the tournaments and the gatherings. It's

so fun to see family and friends bustling about with their kids and cars

jammed packed with sports gear or friends picking up their wine they ordered from their favourite winery.

I didn't go but I saw pictures and signs as I passed Covert farms

"Pig Out" event. I saw people buying and tasting wine when I went to purchase my tickets for Tinhorn Creek concert series. I just love the events as they get us geared up for yet another

beautiful season of activities in the Okanagan and Thompson!

Tracey Savage and Family

1-866-637-5141 250-486-7333 cell Clear glass ball fishing float, has netting and large rusty pin, 20'' in diameter. $100 250-492-0256 Penticton Expo 86 10kt 2 Gram Gold Pendant, extra 86 Pendant, Hardcover Retrospective Book, Laminated Site Map, Official Site Map, Expo Passes, Concert Guide, Expo sucks Bumper Sticker, Nuclear bomb Post Card, Employee Name Tags, Labatt Beer Cart Tap & Coaster. $49.99 250-860-2484 Kelowna Hand painted antique cross cut saw. Ocean/sunrise theme with 'footprints in the sand'. One of a kind. $155.00 Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Late 1800's 2 seater settee. Damask Camelback w/ rolled arms. Mahogany frame & cabraille legs. Dainty show piece. $495 250-4924576 Penticton Medalta, Red Wing, Western and others. Size 3 gal. to 15 gal. Prices range from $40.00 and up. 250495-0615 Osoyoos Nepro Midget Model 33 Travel Iron. 75W, 115v. Made in Vancouver, B.C. Collectors Item. Original case, very good condition & it works! Measures approx. 4.5"x2"x2". $50.00. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Solid wood vinage formal dining room table with 6 chairs, black leather seats, carved ack rests, walnut 2 leafs, reduced to $500 250 485-2404 Three Vintage Coca Cola trays for sale. Black rim 1980's?, Red/ Silver rim 1950's?, Light Green rim 1950's? $75.00 for all three. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton.

APPLIANCES Cat household - kenmore apt sized washer and dryer $225 for the pair 250 613-8450 Fridge excellent condition icemaker on door, freezr on left side - 32 wide 30 in deep 671/2 high $ 150 firm 250 498-5404 Kenmore fridge. 1.8 cu ft. Manual defrost. $40. Bioner fan $10. Holmes standing fan $15. 2 alarm clocks $5 each. 250-496-0091 Naramata, B.C.

ELECTRONICS AKAI brand DVD Recorder. Uses all DVD formats. Price $65.- OBO. Penticton Email: Bushnell telescope 900X114mm reflector-type with handset, like new condition. Email: kbksandi@telus. net Oliver Canon electric ad machine -like new - c/w extr rolls, asking $15 250 498-6229 or 250 485-7294 Canon EOS 5D Mark III 22.3MP DSLR Camera with 24-105mm f/4L IS U.S.M Lens Kit Physical Features Width 15.2 cm Height 11.6 cm Depth 7.6 cm Weight 0.95 kg Included In Box EOS 5D MarkIII Body; Eyecup Eg; Camera Cover R-F-3; Wide Strap EW-EOS5DMKIII; Battery Charger LC-E6; Battery Pack LP-E6; Stereo AV Cable AVC-DC400ST; Interface Cable IFC-200U; EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk ver.25.0; EF24-105mm F4L IS U; Lens Cap E-77U; Lens Dust Cap E; Lens Hood EW-83H; Lens Case LP1219 Warranty Labour 1 Year(s) Warranty Parts 1 Year(s) PM me through email for more Informations: Canon EOS 5D Mark III 22.3MP DSLR Camera with 24-105mm f/4L IS U.S.M Lens Kit Physical Features Width 15.2 cm Height 11.6 cm Depth 7.6 cm Weight 0.95 kg Included In Box EOS 5D MarkIII Body; Eyecup Eg; Camera Cover R-F-3; Wide Strap EW-EOS5DMKIII; Battery Charger LC-E6; Battery Pack LP-E6; Stereo AV Cable AVC-DC400ST; Interface Cable IFC-200U; EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk ver.25.0; EF24-105mm F4L IS U; Lens Cap E-77U; Lens Dust Cap E; Lens Hood EW-83H; Lens Case LP1219Warranty Labour 1 Year(s) Warranty Parts 1 Year(s) PM me through email for more Informations: Dolby Digital Pro Logic II. AM/FM Audio-Video Receiver with Compu Link. Brand new. Price $125.- OBO. Penticton. Email: Fax machine $20 Adding machine with print out $10 250-487-1229 Penticton


Good Quality Vintage Canadian Photographs, Postcards, Negatives, Slides, Films, Maps, Books, Ephemera and General History.

Don’t Throw It Out Before We See It. Okanagan Archive Trust Society

250 490-9339

Lg Flatron 19",1600:1 contrast, 8ms Response time, 37 Watt, 1280x1024 60hz, Dual mode Dvi-d digital or D-sub analog, Antiglare coating, 9.7 lbs., Tilt -5~20 degree, Thin Bezel, Like new condition, No dead pixels, Excellent color accuracy, clarity and brightness. F-Engine enhances screen color. Oem Boxed, incl cd user guide, drivers. easy setup guide. $99.99 250-8602484 Kelowna Minolta Maxxum 7000i 35 mm SLR. 3200i Flash. Perfect shape. used less than 15 times lifetime. No lcd Bleed. 3 lenses, Maxxum AF 24 mm Wide-angle, AF zoom 100300mm, AF 35-80 mm, Shades, Hoods, Portrait expansion card, Batt, Leather accessories bag, Camera case. Duster, Manuals, A Mount Lenses compatible with Sony DSLR. Invested $2000. No Low balling. $299.99 250-8602484 Kelowna New cordless phone batteries. Energizer rechargeable 3.6v, 1500 mAh, 5.4 W. Compatible with Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba & Uniden. Selling each pkg. for $12. or all 4 pkg. for $40. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Panasonic Viera Plasma 42" HDTV, 16:9 Aspect Ratio, HDMIHDCP Interface (2 Rear) 2 Component Video Inputs 3 S-Video Inputs (2 Rear 1 Front), 2 Audio Inputs for Component Video, Analog Audio Input for HDMI, Native Resolution: 1024 x 768 Pixels, SD Card Slot, Remote Control Included, Good Cond. $325. 250-492-7752 Penticton Pin ball machine, Comet $500 250408-4140 Osoyoos Sirius Satellite radio home kit. Brand new, in package. $60 or trade for Sirius Car Kit. 250-4981025 Oliver Sony PlayStation 3 working console, plays cd/dvd/Blu-ray/ps3 games, dual shock wireless controller and a regular wireless controller, power cable and HDMI Cord, $155. 250-492-7752 Penticton

Jardin Estate Jewelry & Antiques Open Monday to Saturday 10-5pm

Recycling the Elegance of the Past 5221 highway 97 Okanagan Falls

250 497-6733

Zenith DVD/VHS player in great working condition with 20 Disney movies in working order. Still using the player and want to upgrade. Movies only been seen once and one is still under wrap. $150. Email: Summerland

NOMA Electric Snow Blower 15" clearing width. Excellent condition, manual included. $100 obo. Summerland, 250-276-4207


Small Pussy Willow tree, ready for planting. Unable to upload pic. Can email if u wish to view. $5. 250-4995727 Keremeos

35 gallons stainless steel tank compressor on wheels with double compresson valve $300 250 4980650 oliver 9ft Wood brush mower, older, works $650 250 499-3532 Gen Mate portable generator, 1000 watts. Runs kitchen appliances and electronics. Charges cell phone, tablet, laptop. 250-498-1025 Oliver Ground drill - ground Hogg for drilling post holes $600 250 495-3105 Propane pig 80 g $495 250 4988287 Simoniz S1500, elecric washer $40250 485-2404


Wanted :Dehumidifier 250 4949139 Window air conditioner 5000 BTU excellent shape $75.00 250 4980650 Oliver

YARD & GARDEN EDGING CEDARS TREES 4 ft 10 for $159.50 5ft 10 for $ 219.00 6 ft 10 for $279.00 Delivery and Planting available - Budget Nursery Oliver 250 498-2181 2 ladders, lawn trimmer/edger $30, 4 bird nettings (2 unused) $5-$20, miscellaneous tools, unopened 10 kg bag of 20-20-20 fertilizer $40 250-496-0091 Naramata\ 3 piece garden set. $185. This set has been well cared for and is in excellent shape, 2 chairs and a table. All wood. Call 250-494-7072 to view. Summerland 3 used oak wine barrels. Good to mke flower pos $40 each 250 4986060 9ft Wood brush mower, older, works $650 250 499-3532 Bird netting to cover fruit trees, vines, etc... covers approx. 40 ft x 80 ft. $ 50.00 Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver Black & Decker grass hog, cordless trimmer/edger, 12' inch cut, auto feed spool, with charger, needs battery, $10. 250-492-7752 Penticton Block garage sale Saturday April 26 from 8 am to 1 pm. Peach cliff Drive, Okanagan Falls Household items, yard tools, furniture, computers, TV monitors, accessories. Folding table [picnic,camping,etc.] New $112.00. Still in original unopened box. 67"W.87"L.39"H. Folds into suitcase style for easy carrying. $75.00 Phone 250-4945250. Summerland Hydro phonic lighting, 7 light fixtures with newer bulbs, some inline bulbs and new charcoal filter, all in nice shape and many hours left, a great start up. $100.00 for all lights, charcoal filter 250.00 obo (paid 800.00) not used. Phone 250498-6959 John deere 21" lawnmower and bagger 4.5 horse, self propelled, new condition $75 250 498-4292 Lawn trimmer $15. Claw weeder $15. Lawn edger $35. Wheel barrel $12. Shovel $12. Rake $3. Pruners $8. 250-493-7976 Penticton Murray gas push lawnmower, 20' cutting deck, Briggs & Stratton engine, side discharge, good cond. $85. 250-492-7752 Penticton

Charlie’s collectibles Selling Collectibles, Antiques and Sports Memorabilia

6264 Main Street, Oliver

(250) 498-5502

Patio set - 4 cushioned chairs with table, in good shape $80 250 4929131 Penticton

Stainless Steel Propane Gas Grill. 78,000 BTU. Beaumark brand. Equipped with Side and Rotisserie burners. Excellent Value for any BBQ Master Chef. Price $250.OBO. Penticton Email: publix@ Top bar bee hive will produce nice honey. $100. Kamloops. Email: YARD SALE - Gigantic Hedley Sale. Mothers Day May 11, 9am 2pm Pick up map at the Community Hall to ALL yard sales! Last year 14 Sales! Kitchen will be open. Donations or info: 250-292-8600 Hedley

AUTOMOBILES 2002 CHEV CAVALIER Coupe Price $3,200.Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216.

New sun roof 14 x 30 with instructions. $20. 250-763-9047 Kelowna Older but Reliable, Senior '92 Buick Skylark, Gran Sport, Loaded 37 000 miles 6 Automatic, 8 very good tires $2995 250 493-8893 Truck: Has new fuel pump, Thermostat, Brake master cylinder, Brake shoes and pads. Has 399,000 kms. Fully loaded. Aftermarket rims with 60% left on tires (also comes with 4 stock steel rims, bare). Sun roof. 5th wheel hitch in bed of box (removable) and receiver hitch under rear bumper. Trailer brake controller. Extended cab with jump seats in rear (comes with spare front bench). Comes with boat rack (not seen in picture) that mounts into receiver under front bumper and ties into custom headache rack. Drives well except has developed a recent issue with the overdrive gear. Could be a simple fix? Still drives ok otherwise. Trailer: 2nd owner, 31.5 ft. length, double slide-outs (one at rear bedroom and one at kitchen table). Two entrance doors (one at rear bedroom and one at front of kitchen). All appliances functioning well (fridge/freezer, stove/oven, forced air furnace, air conditioning, microwave, and slide-outs). Recent repair done to exterior right and left sides close to front of unit due to water leaking in. Installed new plywood sheeting and repaired seal. Will not sell individually. Asking $10,000 firm Call cell @ 250 212 0989 Westbank or reply by link

AUTO ACCESSORIES 1984 Mustang Convertible 5. 1 Automatic, A/C blows cold, rust free California car, Steal @ $2500 778 879-25 1994 Buick Century. 190,000 km. Very clean. $1800. 778-476-3189 Penticton 1994 Buick Century 4 door sedan 106,000 kms Very clean. $1700 778-476-3189 Penticton 2000 Century custom Buick, good shape, new tires, 100,000 kms. All power. $1500 For more information call 778-476-4927 Penticton 2000 Toyota Echo. Nice second car, white. 152, 866 km. $1750 250499-5722 Keremeos 2001 VW Cabrio. Nice Car has power windows and locks, Grey colour. 1.6 4 cylinder engine automatic and abs brakes. $5500. 250499-5722 Keremeos 2003 Honda ATV, winch, racks front and rear, tires in good shape, overall excellent condition, low mileage and less than half price of new. You will be surprised. $5500. Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver 2003 KIA Spectra 130,000 km, 4 Dr, no accidents. Economical. 4 cyl, 5 spd. $2,200 250-809-8165 Summerland 2004 KIA Amenti. Rare find, all options leather seats and wood trim. V6 engine with sports shift. Grey metallic color. Garage kept. 70,853 km. $5500. 250-499-5722 Keremeos 2004 Red Convertible Corvette with Beige interior HUD 5.7 automative A/C 37 000 miles, senior owner $28 000 250 493-8893 Brand New Fuel Lift Pump for late 1980 to early 1990's 6-cylinder Toyota Diesel. Never installed. $100 OBO. 250-276-4207 or 250-2764207 Summerland Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype Credit Free via Skype Ford Mustang, with seized Engine. Excellent Body and interior. Excellent fixer upper. $300. Contact 250498-3349 Oliver Master Cylinder for 2005 GMC Jimmy, 4-wheel drive. Installed and removed immediately - problem was elsewhere in system. New $90 asking $45 Summerland 250-2764207 or 250-276-4207 Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype Credit Free via Skype

3 Rear seats for a 1998 Toyota Sienna for only $5.00 each 778 4762202 4 x 4 hubcaps to fit F250 (set of 5)chrome, like new. $45.00 obo Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver 4-215x70x14 Snow Track Winter Studded Tires 65% on Mazda Wheels $200. Firm.. Penticton Email; 4-GMC aluminum rims (6 bolt) and Big Foot 31X10.5R 15LT mud and snow tires. In excellent shape. Need to move fast. Email: Kamloops. 8'9'' Slumber queen camper. Asking $7500. For details call 250-4940078 Summerland Air filter to fit semi truck / excavator / dozer, call for some details. $50.00 Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver Aluminum tool box for small truck, as new $65 250 498-6492 Arrow truck canopy 6.5 ft....White with black trim and steel rack. $200.00 Call 250-492-3980 Penticton Automatic Transmission for 199195 Dodge Grande Caravan AWD. This Transmission has the heavy duty snap ring upgrade. $500. 778475-1233 Vernon Black fiberglass tonneau cover to fit a 99-06 GM extended cab short box $250 250 452-9743 For 1990-93 Acura Integra, GTS rear window smoke tint spoiler, no cracks, good condition, new $200 sell $25. 250-492-7752 Penticton Four tires, like new, off a Honda Rebicon. 2 front AT 25x8-12. 2 rear AT 25x10-12 $25 250-490-0674 Penticton One Only! 235/85/R16 Traction King Radial Tire. M&S (no snowflake). Approx. 60% tread on tire with an 8 bolt steel rim (was on a Ford F250). $65.00. Ph.: 250-4909800 Penticton. Right hand door window glass for a 2002 Ford 350 truck. $50 250-4945526 Summerland Spare tire bracket for utility trailer. $10. 250-494-7356 Summerland Stainless steel running boards, cab and box, 4 pieces, fits Dodge 2003-09. 1500-3500 $250. 250498-3199 Oliver


4 • 1-866-637-5141 • May 8 to May 21, 2014 Tool Box with Heavy Duty Towing Ball Extension. Made to fit Chev 1-ton. Easy to install. No welding required. $250. Summerland 250276-4207 Trailer Hitch 5th Wheel Reese: 15K with rails, good condition. $325.00 Call 250-295-3084 Penticton Trailer hitch for Chevy S10 or GMC Sonoma. $25 250-494-5526 Summerland Truck chains, triples V-bar 24.5. Single Triggs brand new- still in bag. $150. 250-493-5034 Penticton Two step, 24'' wide folding set of steps. $60. 778-476-4001 Penticton

TRUCKS, VANS & SUVS 1995 FORD RANGER 4X4 Sale Price $3,000.Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit, no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755 dl#30216.

2001 MAZDA MPV 2WD VAN SALE PRICE $3,900.Automatic,4 cylinder. Only $900.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references.

1998 Ford Truck F 150 Extended cab 4 x 4 pick up long box with matching canopy - 4.6 Engine, Automatic, air coditioning, very good with no leaks, 221 000 km a very good work or hunting truck $4 850 250 545-6756 evenings 2007 GMC HD L/B air bags under warranty until Oct. 2015 $15,000 250-494-0078 Summerland 2010 Ford F250 Super Duty Lariat 4x4 5.4 Extra Cab, Auto, 4 speed, Prestine, Senior Driver 26 500 miles, Box, Cap nd Liner $14 900 250 493-8893 2010 Siler GMC Sierr 1500 SLT, loded, sunroof 5.3 Z71 4x4 Pristine, 21 000 miles 250 493-8893 2011 Forest River 30' super slide. Full load, extended warranty. Too many extras to list. $27, 500 obo. 778-476-4001 Penticton Aluminum tool box for small truck, as new $65 250 498-6492 Black fiberglass tonneau cover to fit a 99-06 GM extended cab short box $250 250 452-9743

SPORTS VEHICLES Wanted a used good ATV 250 4980048


WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755

Canadian “Chopper” Distributors Ltd

dl#30216. CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE PARTS Box 198 - 604 7th Avenue Keremeos, BC. V0X 1N0



Black leather jacket lg mens riding jacket, like new $250 250 452-9743

BOATS Raezors-Edge Marine Service All Makes and Models Parts and Accessories Boat repairs on all kinds Competitive Rates 269 Haynes Penticton 250 492-BOATS (2628) 12' Prince craft boat. 9.5 hp Evinrude. Includes 2 seats, 2 life jackets, spare prop. $1500. 250-4900674 Penticton 14 Ft Shankster boat, 65 HP Mercury motor wih trailer $1500 obo, good running condiion 250 4829430 14' Harbour craft aluminum fishing boat. $500 obo 250-492-5881 After 3 p.m. Penticton 2 kyaks $260 each 250 498-6492 Boat trailer tires on rims. Size 4.80 x 8'' $10 each. 250-492-6059 Penticton Canoe 14 ' Old town with oars, rarely used $450.00 250 498-6492 Catch lots of fish 4 1/2 HP Johnson outboard motor - has no run since t une up, runs like a charm $400 250 295-7480 princeton Harbour Craft 14' aluminum fishing boat. $500. OBO 250-492-5881 Penticton

Toll Free: 1.800.665.2559

Inflatable Boat : Sea Eagle SE- 9 ft, 5 person / 1200 lbs capacity, white with blue trim $275 obo 250 4694050

2003 CRF 450 Trail bike. Very reliable. Lots of extras. "Cheap" Getting too old to ride. 250-493-5034 Penticton

Vangaurd 15' run about boat, 75 horse Mariner outboard motor, with galvanized easy loader trailer and winch. Call for more information. 250-498-8287 Oliver


Only $500.- down, rest over time. No credit no problem. Just some references. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland.Ph 250 494 7755

2006 650 Custom Yamaha motorcycle, black, extremely low mileage, beautiful bike, almost new, lady driven, you won't be disappointed. $5800. Phone 250-4986959 Oliver

We do current & overdue taxes-specializing in farmers, long haul truckers and all types of small business. Assistance with tax audit & bookkeeping services. Never too late to file! 293 Martin St, Penticton 493-2055

2005 trail cruiser 21" trvel trailer 2700 pounds immculate 250 4986492 2011 Wild Cat pull trailer, fully loaded, extended warranty. Super slide, no smoke, no animals. $26,000 OBO 778-476-4001 Summerland 5th wheel louvered tail gate to fit 2005 Chev GMC. Good condition. $100. Call 250-497-6118 Penticton 8 ft Frontier camper, stove, fridge, furnace, hydraulic jacks, sleeps four. Asking $600 250-497-6374 Okanagan Falls 95 slumber queen camper HO bed hot water, new auning, 130 W solar panel outside, shower fantasic fan, 3 W fridge, auto furnace. $7500 OBO 250-494-0078 Summerland Gen Mate portable generator, 1000 watts. Runs kitchen appliances and electronics. Charges cell phone, tablet, laptop. 250-498-1025

UTILITY TRAILERS 4' x 6' trailer. 15'' wheels, spare, new axle. $400. 250-490-0674 Penticton Free: Older Sports craft camper trailer, would make good utility trailer. Needs tires. 250-495-4223 Osoyoos

KIDS STUFF Marble Race by Imaginarium bought from Toys R Us. Ages 3 and up. Phone 250-490-2038 Penticton. $10 New, still packaged 'Windfall' board game. Lottery dreamer's game. $25.00. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. X box 360 $175 250 494-9139


5 10 ft of brown roof ridge venting $60 obo 250 503-0781 New box of 20-295 ml. PL Premium Construction Adhesive. $75.00. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. New Sump Pump still in the box. Little Giant Submersible. 1/6 HP. $65.00 Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Sledge hammer. In very good condition. $15. 250-763-6473 Kelowna Table Saw Rockwell/Beaver 1 1/2 HP motor (110 or 220 V )$150.00 obo 250-495-6496 250-498-7272 Osoyoos. Window air conditioner 5000 BTU excellent shape $75.00 250 4980650 Oliver

TOOLS Black and Decker 7 1/4 inch skill saw, runs great, lots of life yet. $25.00 obo Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver

1999 Ford four winds V10 Class C MH 29' ONLY 34 300 kms !!! Reduced to $21 900, Dual 2 door fridge, Generator, New battery, sleeps 6-8 Pics aailable by email. Motivated to sell ( illness) 250 495-3385 250 486-1565 250 535-0091 Osoyoos

2 30" x 80" french door with antique brass glazing bars $40 each 250 490-7268

Muscovy ducks $50 and roosters $20 250 374-2774

HORSE AND RIDER 11yo 14.2h sorrel quarter horse mare. Green broke with 30 days professional training. Ties well, good feet, not spooky, very friendly, nice mover. Email: Keremeos


Sanderson Farms U-Pick Retail & Wholesale Fruit

Homelite 240 chainsaw, 16' long bar, 32:1 gas oil mix, 39.3 cc motor, $35. Call 250-492-7752 Penticton

3059 Hwy 3 West,

Lincoln electric AC 225 arc welder, new. $50 250-408-4140 Osoyoos Make roofing safer with these convenient roof jacks, used very little. $20.00 per pair or make me an offer for all (4 pr) Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver Sledge hammer. In very good condition. $15. 250-763-6473 Kelowna



250 770-0214

14'' Big Whirly attic ventilator, new in box. $35. 250-494-1152 Summerland

Local grass Hay- $6 bale 250 4982418 Oliver

Samosa Garden Restaurant

Serving South Okanagan and the Similkameen

Rustic fir cabinets. Four piece reclaimed wood cabinets with custom hardware. Three bottom “L” shaped and one upper. One of a kind in perfect condition! $1,800. Please call 250 809-9562

Farm tractor (1950) 4 cyl. Gas, 6 spd. Allied loader, John Deere mower & blade included $1700 250-809-8165 Summerland

Gas kenmore hedge trimmer, never used new $ 145 250 498-6492

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1978 Class C Citation Dodge Motor home. Propane Furnace. A/C. Generator 120. Sleeps Six. Good Tires. Engine 460 cubic inch. $4500. 126, 778 kms. 250-498-3349 Oliver

Baby chicks. Broiler $1.60 each. Brown layers $2.60 each. Turkeys $4.50 each. Ducks $4.50 each. 778-476-3189 Penticton

Steel Fencing Panels for Horses and Cattle Various sizes of gates and Round pens

250 497-5747

1998 John Deere 4 x 4 copact tractor - diesel 24 HP int condition 365 hour FEL 47 " snow blower 7 ft rear blade with mny etras $ 17 500 may negotiate trade for a suzuki sidekick / tracker in very good condition plus cash 250 545-6756

Samosa, Pakora and other Fine Indian Dishes

Keremeos BC ph/fax: 250-499-2215, cell: 604-727-2650 Beef for sale - Range fed grain and hay, no hormones or antibiotics. Sold by the whole, half or quarter for $3.50 per lbs Cut, wrapped and froze. Please call 250 276-4411 or 250 488-6014 and 250 97-5547 leave a message or email

Pork for Sale -Range fed grain and hay, no hormones or antibiotics. Sold by the whole, half or quarter for $3.25 per lbs Cut, wrapped and froze. Curing for hams, and bacon available Please call 250 276-4411 or 250 488-6014 and 250 97-5547 leave a message or email

3 varieties of rasberries -9 -10 plants per bag, $ 9.00 each 250 503-0781 vernon Home grown Walnuts, no spray or chemicals used. 2 boxes of 20 lbs. $30.00 ea. ($1.50 lb.) 250-4978943 Okanagan Falls

PETS Now that spring has sprung, 4 long haired Chihuahuas still hanging on from winters rest. Must sell. Home raised, fully trained, complete with vet check and first shots. Now asking $750 each and/or willing to bargain price. Call Gerhard 250-498-9039 Oliver

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Blue Brindle Female French bulldog puppy for sale. $1800 Is up to date on vaccinations, dewormed and comes with a puppy care package. Is leash trained and goes outside to do her business. More information available upon request. Located in BC, depending on buyers location may be able to ship. 250-357-2456 Vancouver. PET SITTING IN OUR HOME: Loving care in our large, comfortable home in Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna. Your family member will be pampered and your guidelines followed. Your pet will be ensured of a happy & safe holiday stay with us. We take only 1 pet at a time or 2 pets if they are from the same family. We charge $25. per day or $20. per day for 2 or more consecutive days. For 2 pets in the same family, we charge $10. per day for the 2nd pet. We will also consider cat care. For more information, please call Ken or Rae. Phone: 250-769-9229 Email:

FIREWOOD AND STOVES BACK FOR ANOTHER YEAR Debarked seasoned Lodge Pole Pine. 16" sections or custom lengths available while quantities last. A Dump trailer full (cord+) for $225. Small delivery cost for locations outside Penticton. Phone 250-490-9144.

Larch/Pine, dry, split and delivered. Osoyoos to Summerland, Keremeos, Apex & Mt. Baldy. Del 250-487-8812 Penticton The Chopping Block- Orchard Wood- bucked and split and delivered $250 a cord / Beetle kill - Lodge pine or other WoodBucked, split and delivered - $230 a cord 250 498-9039 Now asking $225 per cord of orchard wood. Buck and split plus delivery. Now asking $200 per cord of pine or beetle kill and other cords of assorted woods. Call Gerhard 250-4989039 Oliver

Adorable great Pyrenees\ Red Nose Pit-bull puppies for sale... ready to go born Jan.15th. Organically fed and vaccine free! Only good homes please no drifters. $150. Call Christine 250-499-9874 Keremeos Blue Brindle Female French bulldog puppy for sale. $1800 Is up to date on vaccinations, dewormed and comes with a puppy care package. Is leash trained and goes outside to do her business. More information available upon request. Located in BC, depending on buyers location may be able to ship. 250-357-2456 Vancouver. Now that spring has sprung, 4 long haired Chihuahuas still hanging on from winters rest. Must sell. Home raised, fully trained, complete with vet check and first shots. Now asking $750 each and/or willing to bargain price. Call Gerhard 250-4989039 Oliver

PET SITTING IN OUR HOME: Loving care in our large, comfortable home in Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna. Your family member will be pampered and your guidelines followed. Your pet will be ensured of a happy & safe holiday stay with us. We take only 1 pet at a time or 2 pets if they are from the same family. We charge $25. per day or $20. per day for 2 or more consecutive days. For 2 pets in the same family, we charge $10. per day for the 2nd pet. We will also consider cat care. For more information, please call Ken or Rae. Phone: 250-769-9229 Email:

FOR RENT Comfortable 2 bedroom apt. Close to all amenities. Quiet neighbors. Includes heat hot water and parking. $625. 250-499-5222 Keremeos

REAL ESTATE House for sale by owner. 3 bdrm, double lot plus los of grapes, vegetable green house, garage, covered sundeck. 250-498-7035 Oliver Miniature Golf Course for Sale in Osoyoos, easy to move to your location. Suitable for Resorts, Schools, Church Yards or Private Acreages. Have your tournaments and then rent it out for a profit. Young & Old alike can play on this cute course. 250-495-7400 Unable to download pics. Contact for pics. Reasonably priced at $1500.00 Email: Waterfront home on Vaseux lake 80' waterfront, quiet, dead end road, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1400 square foot, new appliances, carport, covered RV parking, hot tub, beautiful scenery 250 498-6492

HEALTH & MEDICAL 3 wheel scooter, medium size $, summerland 250 494-8125 Electric wheelchair scooter $200 250 768-8757 For Sale: Action A-4 wheelchair 16" x 16" rigid frame lightweight lightly used new tires black. $499. Larry 250-292-8060 Hedley Email: HUGO foldable roller walker 8 " wheels used less than 3 months askig $60 250 499-2382

Independence for your loved one, this smaller style 4 wheel scooter has arm rests that fold and swivel seat for easy access, new battery, all in excellent condition. $1500. Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver New digital blood / Glucose monitor / tester, call 250-498-6959 $15.00 Oliver Polesand for disabled people $100 250 768-8757 Polestand $100 250 768-8757 Wheel chair ramp $150 250 7688757

MUSIC Boss 30 effecs pedal $100 778 476-2202 Fender Strap Locks - Gold new $25.00 1 pair plus hardware - original package $15. Email: ncrpub@ Keyboard Roland EM-55-manual. Adjustable stool, chair, light, music books. $950. 250-490-3039 Korg full digital piano, not perfect but worth the $75 and def fixable 778 476-0132 NEW MILLENNIUM MINISTRIES CENTER Is currently seeking Spirit filled and led Musicians who know how to flow in Supernatural/ Spontaneous Worship. Contact: Director of Worship - NMWCP@ HOTMAIL.COM One Boss 30 effects pedal $100 778 476-2202 Wanted one set recro piano bass keys 778 476-2202

SPORTING GOODS 1 Big Bertha driver, like new. $80. 250-490-3039 Penticton 11 dozen golf balls, $10.00 takes all. Phone 250-498-6959 Oliver 14 rounds of golf at Meadow Gardens. Play anytime. $200. 250493-7737 Penticton

As new -Adoor twist New $140 asking $120 use one to three back rollers 250 495-6090 or 250 408-0025 Bike accessories - specialized unisex saddle 143 mm width, body geometry design, Avatar 143. $60 Aerobars for road bike, Airstryke 5, profile design, $75. 250-492-0605 Penticton Bo-Ox portable BBQ -Eco grill with adjustable heat and ring for pans or kettle. $25 Email: cathymawson@ Naramata Coleman 68 quart Marine Cooler $50. Email: cathymawson@shaw. ca Naramata Coleman Catalytic Heater 3000 5000 BTU $10. Email: Naramata Coleman folding camp beds x 2 $50. Email: cathymawson@shaw. ca Naramata Coleman Gas Lantern with globe protector, case and funnel $25. Email: Naramata Coleman Marine Drinking Water 3 Cooler - 3 gallon $25. Email: Naramata Coleman Peak 1 Cooking system of pans - never used $25. Email: Naramata Coleman Powerhouse 2 burner gas stove $50. Email: cathymawson@ Naramata Exercise bike 250 868-0927 kelowna For Sale: Gym size treadmill. Displays speed, distance, pulse sensor, calories. New over $1000. Asking 350.00. 250-498-4219. Oliver

Huge selection of both collectable and fishable vintage lures. (plugs, spoons, crank baits etc...) Names such as Macs Squids, Hansons, SparX, Rosegard, Gibbs, Luhr Jensen, Helin, AL&W, Gatley etc... Most are no longer manufactured. I also have vintage reels, rods, magazines, periodicals, tackle boxes and terminal tackle including flasher and dodgers. Too many items to list. I will happily email pics to serious buyers. 250-498-9453 Oliver Lifejackets XX large and small New $25 for pair. Email: cathymawson@ Naramata Little used treadmill. Soft-track running surface. Good condition. Model: 308963 Make: Sears $250. Email: Penticton Marlin 22 mag bolt action rifle. Excellent condition. Must have PAL to purchase. $175 firm. 250-809-5514 Penticton Men's Kona bike. New tires. Good quality disc brakes etc. Senior owned. $225. 250-498-4160 Oliver Men's right hand Cobra irons. $350 250-452-9743 West Kelowna. Minn Kota Endura Electric Motor, 34 Lb Thrust,Less than 50 hours use. Like New,including new spare prop $125 Email: ejb040@gmail. com Osoyoos Mountain Bike, men's 20' size for 5'10 to 6'1 height, 21 speed, grip shift, wide tires, front shocks, working condition $95. 250 492-7752 Penticton 5129 - 9th Ave. P.O. Box 257 Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0

Adorable great Pyrenees\ Red Nose Pit-bull puppies for sale... ready to go born Jan.15th. Organically fed and vaccine free! Only good homes please no drifters. $150. Call Christine 250-499-9874 Keremeos

Norco Plateau men's mountain bike, light grey color, Aluminum frame, 21 speed, front shocks, comfort riding bike, $75. 250-4927752 Penticton Patker Hale 30.06 Military rifle with scope. $500 obo. 250-492-5881 After 3 p.m. Penticton Rare vintage Anton Wengen hunting/birding knife. This vintage German steel hunting/birding knife is in excellent condition. Wooden handle, full tang with heavy leather sheath. Marked Anton Wengen jr. Solingen Germany opposite blade marked Othello. Sheath has brass lanyard rivet and fine patina. Outstanding quality throughout. $75. Email: Rocky Mountain men's bike $375. 250-485-2404 Oliver. Self-Inflating air mattress $10. Email: Naramata Small bike $20 250 494-9139 The WeeRide Co-Pilot Child Trainer is a great way to teach a child to cycle and have fun with mom and dad. It's safe and easy to attach to nearly any adult bike and simple for kids to use. Ages 4-9. The WeeRide child trainer features an adjustable seat and handlebar to fit differentsized riders and a high-profile safety flag for better visibility. $90.00 Call 250-492-3980 Penticton


Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 Shop: 250-497-7113 (Closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays) Fax: 250-497-6210 • email:

16" SPITFIRE BOYS BIKE - Needs brake cable. $75 Summerland 250276-4207 2 complete golf sets with bags and extras. $90 each. 250-490-3039 Penticton 2 wheeled golf car, folds flat $30 250 499-2382 21 speed aluminum frame road bike. Excellent condition. $75. 250492-6059 Penticton 4 weights, 5lbs each, in great condition. $8. 250-763-6473 Kelowna



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This vintage German steel hunting/ birding knife is in excellent condition. Wooden handle, full tang with heavy leather sheath. Marked Anton Wengen jr. Solingen Germany opposite blade marked Othello. Sheath has brass lanyard rivet and fine patina. $75 Outstanding quality throughout. Email: lureworks@ Oliver

ALL NEW: Lagostina Whistling Kettle $25., Delonghi Coffee Grinder $15., Pasta Pro 2 pot set with cheese grater $15., Pewter mini wine/beer set-shot cups & steins $45. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton.

Total gym 250 868-0927 kelowna

BRIGGS AND STRATTON 2-HP Engine. New. Bought for go-cart, but never built the go-cart. 3/4" keyed output shaft. $100 Summerland 250-276-4207

Treadmill 250 868-0927 kelowna Wetsuits and life jackets for small adult $50 250 494-9139 Women's golf bag, excellent condition. $25. 250-494-7356 Summerland

MISCELLANEOUS 1 midland 100 channel with no arial $100 250 613-8450 2 kyaks $260 each 250 498-6492 2 piece Air Canada luggage. Clean. Very good condition Black. 29" x 17'' x 9'' Also 21'' x 14'' x 8''. $50 for both. 250-492-3572 After 1 p.m. Penticton 2 pieces of carpet $100 each aout 10 x9 approx 250 498-0650 21 Alaska magaines 1972-77 assortment for $10 250 503-0781 3 dozen pint jars, $3 each dozen. 3 dozen clear wine bottles $3 each dozen. 250-492-8810 Penticton 3 used oak wine barrels. Good to mke flower pos $40 each 250 4986060 8 windows, old. Free. 250-4937309 Penticton A.C. Esquire 24'' upright suitcase & A.C. Esquire 20" upright carry-on suitcase, used once. Paid $160.73, asking $100. 250-770-1361 Penticton

Blowout of 3 Artwork pictures. Landscape, watercolor and floral artwork. Time for them to find a new home. All 3 for $100. Ph.: 250-4909800. Penticton.

Canoe 14 ' Old town with oars, rarely used $450.00 250 498-6492 Clean wine bottles in boxes with compartments all the same size and style used only once. $5 for a box-phone 250-498-0389 Oliver Clean wine bottles in boxes with compartments, used once all the same size and shape for easy corking, in the Oliver area. $5 Call 250498-0389 Cookbook collection $2 each 250 868-0927 kelowna Doll collection - new in boxes great for gifts $30 each 250 8680927 kelowna Electric wheelchair scooter $200 250 768-8757 Expo 86 10kt 2 Gram Gold Pendant, extra 86 Pendant, Hardcover Retrospective Book, Laminated Site Map, Official Site Map, Expo Passes, Concert Guide, Expo sucks Bumper Sticker, Nuclear bomb Post Card, Employee Name Tags, Labatt Beer Cart Tap & Coaster. $49.99 250-860-2484 Kelowna Fax machine $25. Window blinds 1 @ 6'6x6'6 $10. 3 @ 3'6 x 3'6 $15. 1@ 6' x3'9 $4. 250-497-1229 Penticton For Sale: Cement well ring. $50.00 250-498-4219. Oliver

Free: Apartment size kitchen stove beach 4 burner - electric. White. Good condition. 250-495-4223 Osoyoos Home grown Walnuts, no spray or chemicals used. 2 boxes of 20 lbs. $30.00 ea. ($1.50 lb. 250-497-8943 Okanagan Falls Jack Lanne power juicer $45 obo 250 868-0927 Lincoln Welder 225 Amp. Low hours. $110.0 Ph. 250-495-6496 or 250-498-7272 Osoyoos. Email: Misc western magazine approx 50 years old $25 250 509-0781 New handcrafted rag rugs approx. 36" circular. Cotton $35, Flannelette $40. Assorted colors. Ph.: 250490-9800 Penticton. NINTENDO DS Lite. Still in box, complete with instructions and accessories, including 10 games. $100 Summerland, 250-276-4207 Outside light fixture as new. $10. Phone 250-494-5526 after 6 PM. Summerland Patio set - 4 cushioned chairs with table, in good shape $80 250 4929131 Penticton Piano, L.E.N. Pratte, upright with bench. Free 250-408-4140 Osoyoos Sat, May 3rd - 8am-2pm and Sun, May 4th - 9am-1pm. Come and get in on the bargains - Everything from toys to motorhomes! 'Park n Shop' from 14th Ave to Brockie Place to Mimac Court in Okanagan Falls. See you there! Email: sarum_val@ Sewing machine Husqurna prema 990, does embroidary $450 250 868-0927 kelowna



1. No longer is 4. Wife of Saturn 7. L.A. Trojan school 10. Complete 11. Animal doctor 12. Old Austrian coin (abbr.) 13. Islamic teacher 15. Hearing organ 16. Abolitionist Sojourner 19. Phillips Academy town 21. Apparatus to add air 23. April rain 24. May results of 23 across 25. N.W. PA. city 26. 12th Jewish month 27. Analgesic 30. Cowards 34. Hit lightly 35. Express pleasure 36. Divinities 41. Moderately slow tempo 45. Stare impertinently 46. More small 47. Of or containing tin 50. Pain in #15 across 54. Where the tenon fits 55. Said of a sheltered horse 56. Range 57. Project Runway winner Chloe 59. French postal code 79000 60. Small integer 61. European Common Market 62. Auto petrol 63. Crimson 64. River in NE Scotland 65. East northeast


1. Ralph __ Emerson, writer Singer sewing machine, approx. 20 yrs. old, top of the line and never used since, thought I would and didn't. Runs like a top, comes with many attachments. You may be surprised. $100.00 Phone 250498-6959 Oliver Spare tire bracket for utility trailer. $10. 250-494-7356 Summerland TRIPP LITE 1,000 watt DC to AC Heavy Duty Power Inverter $300 Summerland 250-276-4207



OASIS 1L...................... 2/3.00 CHEF BOY AR DEE..... 1.79 POWERADE 946 ML....2/5.00

Truck to truck radios M8 100 channel programmable hs 80 channels installed, matching arial $225 250 613-8450 keremeos We are selling a few items. Canner & Sealers. Juicer, $75.00. Reverse Osmosis. Two Commercial Coffee Makers. Phone for prices. 250-4957400 Osoyoos Weight lift gym set $25. Stainless steel sink $15. 8 ft. extension ladder $20. Small air compressor $10. 20 cu ft. fridge $25. 250-487-1229 Penticton Wetsuits and life jackets for small adult $50 250 494-9139

2. Permitted 3. State of bondage 4. Administrate 5. Common garden pod plant 6. Machine-guns from the air 7. L____ : shining 8. Scribbles 9. An inclined trough 13. More (Spanish) 14. Durham, NH school 17. Hill (Celtic) 18. Time units (abbr.) 20. Legal clerk Brockovitch 22. Norse goddess of old age 27. Form a sum 28. No (Scottish) 29. Japanese sash 31. 007’s creator Wine press R40 with accessories $350 250 497-5138 X box 360 $175 250 494-9139

FREE 8 windows, old. Free. 250-4937309 Penticton Apartment size kitchen stove beach 4 burner - electric. White. Good condition. 250-495-4223 Osoyoos Free Power Washer: Karsher 1700, powered by Gas 5hp Quantum Briggs and Stratton, older, run OK, but probably needs new pump Call Tom 250-492-3049 Penticton Greco Brand double stroller.Approx. 10 years old. Works great. You pick up. Free! 250-497-6426 Okanagan Falls. Older Sports craft camper trailer, would make good utility trailer. Needs tires. 250-495-4223 Osoyoos Piano, L.E.N. Pratte, upright with bench. Free 250-408-4140 Osoyoos

32. Consume food 33. The woman 37. Group annuity + lottery combination 38. Set fire to 39. Ancient Olympic Site 40. Split from 41. Awe-inspiring 42. Tidy 43. Drive mad 44. Middle Eastern riding horse 47. Spinal Muscular Atrophy 48. Technical author Clancy 49. Garden framework 51. Being near 52. Of she 53. Summer sun up in NY 58. Highest card WANTED Cash paid for older tackle. I am interested in your old used fishing tackle. I up cycle older fishing lures, reels, etc... Of particular interest are salmon and trout related items including spoons, plugs, trolls, spinners, metal tackle boxes, maps, books, etc... If you have fishing tackle items that are no longer used and would rather they be fished again versus filling a landfill, I can help. While I repair and sell items I also donate lures, fishing rods and reels to people who want to fish but can't afford new tackle. Contact me, I will make sure your items find a good home. Thanks for your assistance. 250-498-9453 Oliver Free or dirt cheap.... basically need frame, but will take any shape, must be able to haul. 250-498-3209 Penticton Wanted one set recro piano bass keys 778 476-2202 Wanted: Dehumidifier 250 4949139 Wanted 12' to 14' boat trailer. Call 250-488-0853 Penticton


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Showcase your property with great photos & 360 panoramas. REALTORS call Ron at 250-462-3733 or 1-888-476-8288 visit For non-realtor listing photos call Ron at 250-462-3733

Charlie's Hair Barber Shop WE'VE MOVED!

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(250) 498-5502 Carriage House. Need a plan? I can draw one up for you! Put your ideas to work for you to earn rental income. 250-770-0050 Don’s Cylinder Head 40 years experience competitive pricing 250 494-9627 Wanted a used good ATV 250 4980048 Wanted a web tech help for web design at reasonable price 778 476-2202 Wanted hood and grill for 1949 Meteor. Email: Oliver. Wanted: 1985-1988 Suzuki Samurai, not running ok. 250-494-3249 after 5 p.m. Summerland Wanted: 3 wheel push golf bag cart. Call 250-492-6059 Penticton Wanted: project car, 1964-73 Mustang, Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Torino, Cyclone, Maverick, Comet. Dan 250-769-4241 Beaverdell Winchester pump or semi-auto 22 rifle. Pls call 250-762-5514 Kelowna.


Custom House Plans Make your dream home ideas come to life! Drawn to your specifications.Call (250)7700050 or visit. Okanagan Underground Services. Vineyard construction, agricultural & commercial irrigation, post pounding, wild life fencing, Demolition & dump truck services. Excavator & Bobcat services, Jason at 462-9534 or JP at 462-9023. Irrigation Blow Out! Basic residential starting at $40. Group discounts for mobile home parks. 185 & 375 CFM compressors available for Commercial and Farm. Osoyoos, Oliver and Penticton. Call Okanagan Industrial Services. 1-250408-9446 *long distance phone charges do not apply*. Buying, buying, buying: Coins, stamps, gold, silver, Gretzky rookie cards, pocket watches, military items, Rolex, Patek Phillipe, Vacheron Cconstantine. Bluenose Stamps & Coins. 210 Main St, Penticton. 493-6515

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250-295-0251 Acer Mini Tower Ram DDR3 DVDSuper Multi HDMI Outlet 500 GB Hard Drive Sata 3 2 X Pentium Duo Core E5500 2.80 GHz Processor {Quad Core} Operating System Linux Mint Software Support Provided. $150. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls Belkin Videolink3 Powerline Internet Adapter. Still in shrink wrap. $60. Penticton Email: pwgale.ok@ See http://www.belkin. com/us/p/P-F5D4081/ for more information. D-Link DSS-16+ - 16 port Fast Ethernet Switch. $50. Penticton Email: See home-solutions/connect/switches/ dss-16plus-16-port-fast-ethernetswitch for detailed information. Dell 4600 Tower. 160 GB Hard Drive. Intel Dual Core 3. Ghz Processor. Sound Card. Linux Mint 13 Mate with built in security, comes with software support. Can Email pictures. Monitor & accessories available. $120 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls Dell 4600 Tower. 40 GB IDE Hard Drive. Intel Pentium 4. 2.6 Ghz Processor. Video Card: GeForce FX 5200. Sound Card. Linux Mint 13 Mate with built in security, comes with software support. Can Email pictures. Monitor & accessories available. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls

G & R Auto Repair Quality Tires New and Used Detailing, Tire Repair, Oil Changes and MORE 250 497 7113 Ok Falls

HP Pavilion Slim line a5118f 2.6 Ghz Intel Dual Core E5300 Processor 500 Gb Hard Drive DVD RW / Light scribe 2Gb + 2Gb Ram Realtek HD Audio Windows 7 Comes with Monitor, keyboard & mouse. $175. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls Lg Flatron 19",1600:1 contrast, 8ms Response time, 37 Watt, 1280x1024 60hz, Dual mode Dvid digital or D-sub analog, Antiglare coating, 9.7 lbs., Tilt -5~20 degree, Thin Bezel, Like new condition, No dead pixels, Excellent color accuracy, clarity and brightness. F-Engine enhances screen color. Oem Boxed, incl cd user guide, drivers. easy setup guide. $99.99 250-8602484 Kelowna One L shaped desk, perfect for home offi ce or other 778 476-1826 Royal cash register with new keys and paper rolls - sill works well $50 250 499-2382 Upgrade your Windows XP to Linux Mint. Comes with software support. Call for free demonstration. Linux Mint set up similar to Windows 7. Installation of Linux Mint $50.00. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls

108-1475 Fairview Rd. Penticton, BC

Tel: 250-492-7080

Repair & Clean Gutters Leafguard - never clean gutters again

Replace leaking gutters with 5” continuous gutters Downpipes

All types of home exterior renovations Call: Stan 250-317-4437

Dell Optiplex 7600 with Windows 7 Professional Dell Optiplex 7600 SFF Desktop Windows 7 Professional Intel E8600 Core2Duo @ 3.33 Ghz 4 Gb Ram 160 Gb Hard Drive Dual Monitor Capable Limited Availability Fresh off 3 year lease. 30 day warranty. Only $299. Penticton Email: Dell Tower3.20 Ghz Processor Sata Hard Drive & Video Card Linux Mint Operating System Support for Linux provided Linux Mint 13 Maya Mate. $75. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls Desktop Computers from $75.00 up to $195.00. Complete system including Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls Desktop Monitors $10.00 to $65.00. Monitors are 15 inch to 24 inch. 19 inch TV Monitor $25.00 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls HP Mini Tower. 1.8 GHz Processor, 160 GB Hard Drive, VLC Media Player, DVD RW Burner, Lunix Mint 13 Maya Mate. Support Provided. $115. Okanagan Falls Email: HP Mini Tower. 160 GB Hard Drive. VLC Media Player. DVD RW Burner. Offi ce Online / Google Chrome. Photo Editor. Lunix Mint 13 Maya Mate. Software Support Provided. $75. 250-497-7973 Okanagan Falls

Various computer monitors & TV monitors. Prices range from $15.00 to $100.00. TV's 32 & 46 inches $80.00 & $140.00. 250-4977973 Okanagan Falls

CLOTHING 4 Men's size XL summer jackets $5. each. 3 new Leather jacketssize 38,46 & XL. $20-25. each. Buffalo wool size Lg. sweater-like new $85. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Black leather jacket lg mens riding jacket, like new $250 250 452-9743 Light blue lady's down filled jacket with detachable hood. Size small. Gently worn, but still lots of wear left and is toasty warm. $30.00. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. Men's New Mountain Geer Hi Top runners/hikers. Size 10. $35.00. Gently used steel toe runners - fit size 8-8 1/2. $20.00. Ph.: 250-4909800 Penticton. New ladies Adidas runners. Size 6. $25.00. Ph.: 250-490-9800 Penticton. New Liz Claiborne lady's winter coat. Size large. Reg. $130. - selling for $65.00. Fen-Nelli lady's winter coat 3/4 length. Size 15-16. $25.00. Ph:250-490-9800 Penticton. STEVE MADDEN high heel leather shoes...beautiful!! Never worn. size 8-1/2 $40.00 (paid $295.00) call 250-492-3980 Penticton


EVENTS Asian Heritage Opening Gala Featuring the first ever Korean Drum Performance in Kelowna. Profession performers are invited from Vancouver. Time: May 1, 7pm Location: Rotary Centre for the Arts Ticket $10/pp, can be purchased in advance at: SS KOREAN RESTAURANT (280 Bernard Ave) ASIAN FOOD RESTAURANT(467 Bernard Ave) SOBAN KOREAN BISTRO(530 Bernard Ave) Joon's Kitchen (3018 Tutt Street) BON GA KOREAN RESTAURANT(437 Glenmore Road) OPA! of Greece (1500 Bank Road) or via Paypal (please specify your name and number of tickets wanted) Come and join us celebrate Asian Heritage Month by attending the following events: May 11, 2014 Japanese Origami Paper Craft (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) May 18, 2014 Chinese Pellet Drum & Dragon Toy Crafts (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm) May 25, 2014 - Korean Paper Kites (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm) Contact: Kelowna Art Gallery at 250-762-2226 to register Stories of Asian immigrants in Canada. Wednesdays, May 7, 14 and 21, 2014. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. May 7th THE WAR BETWEEN US(1995)- Two Canadian families run into conflict when the Japanese one is interned as offi cial enemy aliens during WWII. May 14th Iron Road (2009)- The untold story of Chinese workers who helped to build the Canadian Pacifi c Railway in the 1880s. May 21st When Strangers Re-Unite(1999) - How Filipino families, separated by the international labour market, struggle to rebuild their lives together. The Hedley Farmers' Market invites you to an Open House on Sunday, May 25th from 10am - 2pm. This is an opportunity to sample everything local in the Similkameen Valley from gluten free baking to live music. If you haven't visited Hedley before you are in for a real treat. The Market Executive hosts this free event at the Hedley Community Club (956

Scott Avenue). Come celebrate spring with us! FREE ONE TIME VENDOR OPPORTUNITY! Try the Market on us! RSVP by May 9th to reserve your space. Contact Information: Email: Phone: (250) 292 8657 Market Memberships will be available for sale. Hedley Farmers' Market runs Sundays from June 22 - Sept 28, 2014 at Heritage Park, Daly Avenue, Hedley, BC.

SERVICE FOR HIRE Experienced hair stylist joining Shear Expressions Salon in Penticton, BC. Krystle is a new member of the team and offering specials on ladies cuts and colors!!! Specials at: $80 full color $25 ladies haircuts $18 shampoo & style $20 men's haircut $15 children (ages 0-10)*Please call 250-492-8833 and ask for Krystle to get these specials! Shear Expressions is located 323 Martin St. Penticton If you cannot drive for any reason I have a clean driver's abstract and can drive your vehicle. Reasonable and negotiable rates. Call Bill 250-493-0267 Penticton Lawn Cutting & Trimming-Window Washing (Up To 7 Feet)-Power Washing-Weed & Puncture Vine Removal-And More...For Estimate, Call/Leave Message 778-4372311 Osoyoos PET SITTING IN OUR HOME: Loving care in our large, comfortable home in Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna. Your family member will be pampered and your guidelines followed. Your pet will be ensured of a happy & safe holiday stay with us. We take only 1 pet at a time or 2 pets if they are from the same family. We charge $25. per day or $20. per day for 2 or more consecutive days. For 2 pets in the same family, we charge $10. per day for the 2nd pet. We will also consider cat care. For more information, please call Ken or Rae. Phone: 250-7699229 Email:

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Wanted a web tech help for web design at reasonable price 778 476-2202

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WINE 3 used oak wine barrels. Good to mke flower pos $40 each 250 4986060

South Okanagan/ Similkameen

Attention Winemakers stainless steal commercial sink with 3 compartments 1 heated unit appr size 51 x 24, reasonable offers 250 4975225 Clean wine bottles in boxes with compartments, used once all the same size and shape for easy corking, in the Oliver area. $5 Call 250-498-0389 Two mature Oleander plants $40 each 250-496-0091 Naramata Wine press R40 with accesories $350 250 497-5138


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8 • 1-866-637-5141 • May 8 to May 21, 2014


May 8 to May 21, 2014 • Bi-weekly on Thursdays • Call Warren Lee Contracting would like to thank you for your business!

Raezors-Edge Marine Service All Makes and Models Parts and Accessories Boat repairs on all kinds Competitive Rates 269 Haynes Penticton 250 492-BOATS (2628) Stump Grinding. Chipper stump grinding. Fast, neat & economical. Serving the Okanagan since 1993. Peachland to the border toll free-1-866-498-3094, Oliver ARTISTS EASELS – Handmade in the Okanagan – 10 models to choose from. For all artists – oils, water colors, acrylics, encaustic, pastels, pencil, and charcoal. Sturdy and well made. Perfect Xmas gift. Reasonably priced. 250-487-1387 Greenlake Gun Smithing Complete Machine Shop All repairs, restorations, customizing and deactivations Used guns -Consigned sales Reloading for obsolete cartridges Great line of scopes - 30 years experience and Licensed 804 Greenlake rd Willowbrook 250 498-0697 Pat HERE COME THE PAINTERS -Local and enjoying our 13th year. We specialize in Repaints. Interior: We move and cover everything and put it all back leaving you a Refreshed living area. Exterior : Power Washed, Properly prepped and painted with no height limits. Call now for a free estimate 250 486-2331

MORE THAN HANDY Any job you can think of Inside or Outside your home!! i.e Any type of Home Installation or Repair- Drywall, Textured ceiling, Flooring, Trim, Painting - Inside or Outside, Cleaning Windows, Power washing, Gutters, Fencing, Decks, Irrigation, Hang Christmas Lights and even Rubbish Removal. Absolutely Anything!! Call for a free Estimate 250 486-2331 Ray's "3 Room Special"- Any 3 rooms $275 (Walls, properly prepped, sanded and painted) "Serving the South Okanagan for the past 27 years." Summerland to Osoyoos. For fast, reliable, professional service call Ray 250-487-0840

Organic Pacific Natural fish fertilizer 2-30 20 litre pails 200 litre barrels Larger quantities available 250 499-8962 Walt in Cawston Prairie Creek Gluten free baking available at these locations... Marmalade Cat Café, SmartShopper Discount, St. Germaines Café and Gallery in Penticton, Wedges Pizza in Ok Falls... or buy direct call us at 250-494-1400 Summerland, we will ship anywhere! Replay Games has been growing to serve you better than ever Buy-SellTrade-Rent, we are your 1 Stop Shop for Gaming. You want it? We can get it! Tues-Sat 11-7, Sun 11-5 Come on in. Get Retro! 250 487-0141 EDGING CEDARS TREES 4 ft 10 for $159.50 5ft 10 for $ 219.00 6 ft 10 for $279.00 Delivery and Planting available - Budget Nursery Oliver 250 498-2181

Clean Your Carpets -





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ANIMAL BEDDING - DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Serving South Okanagan and the Similkameen 250 770-0214

If you are a Railroader and would like to hear the bells and horn, or if you have lost a loved one, I am willing to honk the train horn and ring the steambells. Free service 250 295-6811

Steel Fencing Panels for Horses and Cattle Various sizes of gates and Round pens 250 497-5747 Players Choice Sportscards. Buying, selling, trading, consignments,ebay hosting all sports related memorabilia. Cash paid for hockey, baseball, football and basketball cards, jerseys, vintage programs, advertisements, sports equipment etc. Phone Dean or Jason at 862-2737. Located at 470 Cawston ave, Kelowna.

Repair & Clean Gutters Leafguard - never clean gutters again

Replace leaking gutters with 5” continuous gutters

Bee Henniggar Contracting Twin Lakes Best prices on hardscaping rock, gravel, and topsoil delivered. Tandem dump truck $80/hr, 135 Hitachi exc.$100 hr, $100/move. Gravel separator, bobcats,compactor and rock breaker available, seniors discount Trades considered 250 460-2416.


All types of home exterior renovations Call: Stan 250-317-4437

Sales & Service • Small Appliance Repair

   

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