Final bh jan 26

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Now on Facebook! • 1-866-637-5141 • January 29 to February 12, 2015 8




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Call us at 1-866-637-5141


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210 Main Street Penticton B.C. Phone: 250-493-6515 Toll Free: 1-866-493-6515

We are one of Canada’s Leader in Rare Coins & Banknotes and Penticton’s #1 Gold and Silver Buyers & Sellers


And Much More...

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Call us at 1-866-637-5141

January 29 to February 12, 2015 • Bi-weekly on Thursdays


Rolex, Omega & Vintage Automatic Watches


bcbargainhunter .com

2 • 1-866-637-5141 • January 29 to February 12, 2015

Contact Us To Place Your Ad Online: Phone: 1 866 637 5141 Text: 250 486 7333 Email: Mail: Box 331, 113 437 Martin Street, Penticton BC V2A 5L1 Drop off: UPS Penticton furniture

Furniture. A set of hand made all wood dressers. $400 for all 4 pieces. 778-931-0313 Open hutch (2 pcs). $175.00 Text or call 250-681-2140 White Kitchen Table. Approx 40"X50" with extensions to 70" on two pedestal stands. $115 obo. 250-494-5096. Keremeos

Sony 42" Grand Vega T.V. 42 inch Grand Vega LCD projection. TV. Model KFE42A10 Excellent condition. Works great. $125.00 firm. Oliver 250-498-0132


Hand carved handmade Bar. beautiful hand carved handmade Bar with rawhide and 2 stools $1500 1-250295-3613 Dark brown leather armchair. New $150 778-515-2524 Kitchen table with 4 chairs B.O. 778515-2524 Duncan Phyffe table with leaf - 4 harp back chairs with new upholstry $250. 778-515-2524 Oak China cabinet and hutch. With table and six chairs asking $350 1-250-295-3613 Blue wing backed chairs. 2 beautiful blue wing backed chairs, like new $75 each 1-250-295-3613 Burrough table. 1 lovely burrough table in mint condition $350 1-250295-3613 Office furniture that's for sale in Penticton. Must be moved by January 31st. contact Cindy at 250-328-4674 Open hutch (2 pcs). $150.00 Text or call 250-681-2140 A high Cherrywood fold out table with 4 stools, seats 6 $500 obo 778-9310313

ROSANE’S UNIQUE BOUTIQUE Consigned, Redesigned & New Furniture, Home Decor & Gifts. Many one-of-a-kind items.

1521 Main Street, Penticton Tues-Sat 10-5, Sat 11-4


Hide a bed couch like new Wood decor on arm rests $75 Obo 250 4983797 Furniture 5 piece sectional sofa, 2 recliners, only one in working condition, otherwise in great condition, teal in color. Osoyoos, $375. 250-4956068 Furniture Sofa ( Hide-a-Bed ) w/2Chairs. Sofa (hide-a-bed) with 2 chairs,dark blue in color, $250.00. Osoyoos. 250-495-6068 Furniture Sofa & Chair. Sofa & Chair, grey with abstract design, good condition $250.00. Osoyoos. 250495-6068. $250

antiques • home decor

250-408-4222 6025 Station Street • Oliver, BC

Shelley’s Vintage Inspirations Shabby Chic Home Decor & Antiques

94 Ellis St. Penticton, BC 778-476-3200

Furniture Ikea Kaustby Dinning Room Set. Excellent condition, Solid pine, Stain, Clear acrylic lacquer. Six chairs, include 12 cushions (6 gray & 6 red). Dining room buffet Solid pine, Stain, Clear acrylic lacquer: Buffet length 65 inches, width 19 1/4 inches, height 34 3/4 inches. Oliver. 250-4850200. $500

Home Entertainment

Check us out on Facebook!

HD DVD player. $25. 250-999-1518. Keremeos

Antique black thick ornate wrought iron single bed with headboard, footboard, bars and antique springs. I want $75 for bed and mattress. 250-540-6987

Playstation 3 Working PS3, console with 3 controllers. Great for DVDs Blu Rays CDs and Gaming, All for $150. Penticton 250-492-7752

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Antiques Vintage B.C. license plates. 20.00 for both. in Vernon. Call 250 545 1979

32" emerson HDTV 1080p, Model LC320EM1, used very little, excellent condition, 3 HDMI Ports, remote control, $100.00 ofo. ph 250-497-8943, Kaleden

CITY ...................................................................................................................................................................

Bold text..............$1 Box......................$1 Float to the top ....$2 Underline ............$1 Colour .................$2 Icon.....................$2

Speakers. Home entertainment speakers. $5. 250-499-5727. Keremeos

Ev speakers excellent condition $ 200 Ph 250-293-1910

PHONE ...............................................................................................................................................................


Sony 3D Home Theater system $500 778-931-0313

DVD Recorder/Player. $30 manuals included. 250-999-1518. Keremeos

NAME .................................................................................................................................................................

Ads on the website: $5 (not included)

Antique oak stereo/tv. 1960 large antique oak stereo/tv combination in mint condition open to offers up to $500 1-250-295-3613

Panisonic VCR. 5 years old. $30. 250-999-1518. Keremeos

• Free ads are for personal items for resale for under $500. • Free ads are limited to 20 words and must contain a price.

For bigger ads please inquire 1-866-637-5141.

Furniture Rocking Chair, Swivel. Cozy compfortable swivel rocking chair, silver grey fabric, buttoned back in good condition. $20. Keremeos. 250-499 5727

Sony 3D Home Theater system $500 778 931 0313.

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Classified Ads in the BC Bargain Hunter are published in good faith. BC Bargain Hunter does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any ad, whether online or in the print edition, nor is any warranty expressed or implied by such publication. BC Bargain Hunter specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and however arising, whether due to the inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause and whether on the part of the BC Bargain Hunter publication or BC Bargain Hunter, employees, agents or any other person. All ads are accepted at the absolute discretion of BC Bargain Hunter. When deemed necessary, all copy may be edited and classified at BC Bargain Hunter’s discretion. All copy offered for publication in the BC Bargain Hunter must be legal and is accepted (or not) for publication at the publisher’s absolute discretion.

5 1/2' Ranch Oak Couch. Brant cowboy Classics, asking $150 obo. 250494-5096 Queen Size Bedframe & Headboard. Western theme, rough sawn wood, Brass trimmed. $125 obo. 250-4945096

bcbargainhunter .com

Antiques/Collectables Vintage Cooper hockey gloves # 31. Leather palms no holes. Vernon. Asking 20.00 Call 250 545 1979

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Cheques payable to BC Bargain Hunter. Or call us direct and pay by credit card at 1-866-637-5141. Drop off or mail this form in a sealed envelope to: Box 331, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton BC V2A 5L1. The address is a mailbox at the UPS Store. UPS is not an agent of BC Bargain Hunter and cannot accept your cash directly nor assist with ad copy or change. Ads that are sealed in an envelope may be dropped off directly. • 1-866-637-5141 •January 29 to February 12, 2015 3 1350 Watt Yamaha light plant, enough

As we enter the new year making new habits I will encourage you to take on new changes that will help in how you challenge yourself in 2015






charge 12 volt battery. Excellent

for camping. $150. 250-4499-5260 Cawston.

Acetylene welding outfit, consists of

gauges, hoses, four tips, goggles,

#1. Generosity beats scarcity in every situation. #2. If you’re the most successful person in every room, Tracey Savage find a new room. #3. If you’re not up early, you’re sleeping too late. #4. Epic performance has more to do with saying no than saying yes. #5. Commit to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of your craft. #6. Get fit so you can serve more people. #7. Impact is a better measure of success than income. #8. A failure only becomes a failure if you let it become a failure. #9. Your job is to see the greatness in people who have yet to own the greatness within themselves. #10. Don’t wait to be inspired to start your dream.


Let's build a great platform for 2015 . Start with small changes . Pick three and let them compound in your life .

1700 RPM motor, swing over bed

Lets do it together

Antiques/Collectables Gretzky plates and prints 250-868-3492 Antiques/Collectables Vintage Cooper hockey gloves # 17. Leather palms no holes. Vernon. Asking 20.00 Call 250 545 1979 Canadian made piano and stool, 90100 yrs old. We are only the second owners. Piano holds a tune well (always on an interior wall). $1200.00 text or call 250-681-2140 Mahogany stand. 1935-40 phone/ radio ribbon mahogany stand $200 obo $100 250-499-7883/250-4991486 Keremeos Walnut antique dining 'waterfall' set. Table with 6 chairs with leather, 2 buffets, 1 china cabinet $2500. 778515-2524 Rare unique antique 150 to 200 years old or older industrial oak draft stool goes up and down. The back is real thick leather. This is one of a kind item. 250-540-6987 Collectors Radio Shack Frogger. Collectable handheld game, frog crossing, battery operated. $25. 250-499-5727. Keremeos. Vintage Plano model 4200 fishing tackle box. Box is a nice green color with no cracks or damage. Price is 20.00. Please call 250 545 1979 Wayne Gretzky 1996 Litho Hockey Puck. A picture of Wayne Gretzky on one side of puck and the New York Rangers logo on the other. Posted by Tim in Vernon B.C. on Dec 13 2014. Please call 250 545 1979 Price is 15.00

household Tucson print 3'x3' Picture. $50.00. Text or call 250-681-2140 Steam Mop. Bionaire steam mop with micro fibre pad and carpet glider included $12. 250-493-2374

Appliances 22 Cubic ft. two door fridge. 2 door fridge freezer,white with water dispenser. In good condition, no scratches or dents. $250. 250 495 2829 Stainless barbecue $100 778-4392197 Atlas table saw on steel base with wheels $35 250-492-7348




$150. 250-499-5260 Cawston

Actaline Welding outfit, complete

with tanks and regulators $200 250-

Engine 6 cyl 214 678 km

Atlas Copco Cobra rock drill and

WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755


breaker Needs Tune up.Includes plugs,feathers,manual and some

30" self clean flat top Kenmore white stove - 6 years old in excellent shape - 4 rings on speckled glass top $ 160 Can deliver 250 492-2006 penticton Kenmore fridge 12 cubic ft with ice maker very good condition $200 250 498- 3797 8 cubic fridge - older but works good $75 Obo 250 498-3797 Admiral washing machine $100 Obo 250 498-3797 Freezer for sale $50.00, has counter top. Attached. Call 2502952073 in Princeton Appliances Moffat side by side fridge. side by side fridge/freezer. water dispenser, and ice maker. 8 years old good shape. Osoyoos. $250. 2504952829. Appliances Commercial Cool portable heater air conditioner & dehumidifier combp. used only one season $200 obo 250-492-0256 Appliances frost free freezer. 12.2cf 4 yrs old $200 250-493-3729

electronics Credit Card Machine. Pivotal processing machine for credit cards.. almost new $200. 250-366-0038 Satellite Box 250-542-9924 Epson XP400 Expression 3in1 printer plus unopened ink cartridges $70. 250-999-1518 Near new LG cell phone $50 778439-2197 Router with table $40 778-439-2197 i-Link IS-9500 HDTV FTA Satellite Receiver,HDMI,USB ports,PVR funct., Ethernet for IKS private service for US(Dishnet)& Canadian(Bell)channels with lots Internationals,Remote with Box $125 obo. 250 492-7752 PSB Image 2B Speakers. Good front speakers, 100W, excellent condition, new for $500 asking $250. 778-439-2015 Oliver.

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Join our group or like our page for exclusive content and contests and to place your listing!

SALE $2,790.


Hay rack $350 250-446-2950 Manual post whole auger $20 250-

1986 F250 exe cab 4x4 6.9 4 speed $2995.00 Owner Keith Furgason Home # 250-295-4037 Cell # 250-293-1469 It needs to go hope somebody buy it soon


Sprayer and Seeder, hooks onto a 3point hitch 250-446-2950

Variable speed wood lathe, 120V 4A

1999 MERCURY SABLE GS Engine3.0L V6, Fully loaded 183 456 km

12", over all size 60"x15"x45.5", inc

SALE $2,700.

never used,Penticton 175$ call 250-

WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755

1 set of L knives, on rolling platform,

Yard & Garden

Organic Compost Super Fine-screened to 1/8”!!!

The Best Quality Around

Del’d “Moving Floor” Truckloads only

13 - various sizes and lengths baseboard heaters . All for $50 2504858882 fairly new electric fireplace with shroud to fit fireplace opening--remote included firm @$100.00 250497-5225 Assorted speakers $5.00 per pair. Keremeos. 250 499 5727 Electric heater. multiple settings $25 250-493-3729 Commercial Cool portable heater air conditioner & de-humidifier combd. used only one season $200 obo 250-492-0256 Electronics Older video camera recorder. with tripod $300 250-4978784 Electronics dvd external player $50 obo 250-497-8784 Electronics gravis black hawk joy stick $40 250-497-8784 Electronics shaw hd dvr $50 250492-5270 Electronics DVD's. 63 movies DVD all in good condition, from funny to drama. $40 Vernon 250-5406987

equipment Workshop Equipt. Like new Woodlathe Eelectronique, table saw,Band saw,Planner,Jouinter,Mitersaw,on 110v. 250-493-4245 1/2 HP electric motor (Plug in) Ph 250 497 8337

Charlie’s collectibles Selling Collectibles, Antiques and Sports Memorabilia

6264 Main Street, Oliver

(250) 498-5502

1993 F250 5.8 5 speed body lift sys. 38" tires Lots of new parts $7995.00 Home # 250-295-4027. Cell 250-293-1469. Owner Keith Furgason. It needs to go hope somebody buys it soon

steel.In original box.As is. 250 497

809-4453 (do not text) fairly new electric fireplace with shroud to fit fireplace opening--remote included firm @$100.00 250497-5225


250-498-7255 7' aluminum step ladder $20 Call 250-493-9320 Penticton

Black & Decker trimmer/edger, 13

inch cut, 4.4 amps, double insu-

1996 FORD RANGER XLT 2WD Engine 4.0 LV6 219,567 km SALE $3,750 WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755

lated, automatic feed spool, good

Cast Iron circular ornate Umbrella Stand $45. This will not tip over.... heavy duty patina finish but could

be sprayed to your liking? Call 250494-1755 Summerland

Fire bowl with screen lid. $25. Patio 4193 Summerland

Gas BBQ with stand $100 250-4936407 Penticton

Granite 6" thick up to 5' lengths of

rough cut grey speckle Granite. Great for lawn stepping stones, bench or yard decorating. $100.00

1961 Shasta travel trailer, 15 feet with hitch, 3 burner stove and oven asking $200 obo 250-295-3376 98 Cavalier Amazing on gas, very reliable, price reduced. Want gone Standard All maintenance up to date. Car is in great condition, no rust or dents and has 0 problems runs perfect, shifts smoothly. Has new fuel pump brakes, coils, spark plugs and wires and other new parts. Has new studded tires on rims as well as good all seasons on core racing rims, good speakers, aftermarket deck with sub and amp. Asking $2100 obo or possible trades 250-460-1128 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee LTD 318 V* full load plus leather the rubber is like new 280,000 km real good daily driver, in summerland $3100 or trade for ? 250- 494-9093 93 Isuzu Trooper 2.3V6 5spd standard. Working air, good rubber, easy on gas and is a very nice daily driver. $1,800. 250-494-9093

cond. $25. 250-492-7752 Penticton

table and 4 chairs. $30. 250-494-

1969 MGB convertible new engine, new tires, green exterior and black interior $7500 250-495-2396

1999 VOLVO S70 Engine 5 cylinder 226 789 km SALE $3,500. WWW.TCAUTOSALES.CA Summerland Ph 250 494 7755

1985 pontiac Fiero, 228 km 2.5L 4cly. 5 speed standard, NEEDS TO GO TODAY! 1000 obo no reasonable offer refused! Brand new slave cylinder, spark plugs, battery, and 2 winter tires 1 250 460-1118 1991 Lumina V6 motor. AC works, PW windows, seats, & locks. 4 door. $900 obo. 250-499-7207 Keremeos Automobiles 1973 Toyota Land Cruiser. restoration project drive train solid . Custom aluminum work / bumper . Extra doors $1700 OBO. 250 499-2252

on lawnmower. New. $75.00 obo.

Automobiles London double decker Bus . 1957 - kitchen converted - fish and chips or any foods A-Z . Massive profits 10 000 to 40 000 best offer takes it. 250 4992252

250-212-2827 Kelowna

1996 Ford Explorer $1800 250-4997148

each or deal on all call 250-4941755 Summerland

John Deere Sunshade for ride Please phone 250-765-3963 or

Jardin Estate Jewelry & Antiques Open Monday to Saturday 10-5pm

Recycling the Elegance of the Past 5221 highway 97 Okanagan Falls

250 497-6733


Good Quality Vintage Canadian Photographs, Postcards, Negatives, Slides, Films, Maps, Books, Ephemera and General History.

Don’t Throw It Out Before We See It. Okanagan Archive Trust Society

250 490-9339


4 • 1-866-637-5141 • January 29 to February 12, 2015 1998 Dodge Neon for sale. $1800 offers considered. email:sybilwh@ or call 250-689-1317 Osoyoos

Bridgestone Blizzak. 185/65/r14 almost new mounted winter tires $300 obo. 778-931-0359

1973 Toyota Land Cruiser, restoration project - drive train solid, Custom aluminum work / bumper Extra doors $1700 OBO 250-499-2252

Tires. Set of snow and mud on rims 185 x 70 / 15" studded $150. set of snow 215 x 75 / 15" $100 . 250. 4984124

auto accessories

1/5 Wheel tailgate, fits GMC or Chev. $ 200.00. 250-495-6496 or 250-498-7272 Osoyoos.

Chev 307 engin. Less than 2000 miles, professional rebuild $500 obo 2504925881 Penticton BF Goodrich Long Trail. T/A P 235/75 R 15 m/s 80% tread, new $150 each - asking 80$ for both, 2504982668 Oliver Tire Chains and Seat Covers. New never used cable style tire chains to fit 16″ wheels. $65. As new seat covers custom made to fit Nissan Xterra seats but may fit some other vehicles. Grey tweed in colour $65. 250-494-4041 33/12.5R15 cooper discoverer stt pretty much new they are mounted on rims 5x5.5 pattern the rims are a freebee price is for the tires have under 300km $1000 Penticton. 250462-1014 4 Uniroyal 235/75 R 15 M+S tires on Ford wheels $100 250-492-7348 Winter Tires. 4 winter tires, studded, P255/55R/15 off Land Rover Discovery, very good condition. $400. 250-498-3094. 4 Uniroyals 235 /76 R15 mud & snow on Ford wheels $100 250 4927348 Penticton 2- 185/65 R14 mud and snow tires and wheels . Fits 1997-1998 Ford Escort $ 40 250 492-7348 Tires for sale. 21570r15 M+S. 20570r15M+S. 250 328 - 2624. 4 BLIZZAK STUDLESS WINTER TIRES. 215/70 R – 14 ON CHRYSLER FIVE HOLE RIMS. LIKE NEW. PAID $850. ASKING $400. OB.O. WILL SELL RIMS OR TIRES SEPARATELY. PHONE LES @ 250-7708690. PENTICTON 5 1/2 w x 7'h x 8'l commercial truck canopy for use on long box truck $475 250-495-7131 $ Used Truck Tires. 50% remaining,LT235/85R16, M/S, Load range “E”, $50.00 each. phone 250809-4453 (do not text) Penticton !990-93 Gts Window Spoiler. For 1990-93 Acura Integra , GTS top rear window smoke tint plastic spoiler, no cracks, good condition, new $200 sell for only $20. Penticton. 250 492-7752 4 nokian snow tires. 185/65/r14 $275 obo excellent condition mounted winter tires.778-931-0359

4 all season Bridgestone M+S tires Size P243/55 R19. Very low km. Will fit Toyota $275 for set. 250-4931315 Penticton 4 tires 225/60/16 60% tread $100 for all 250-770-1299

Trucks, vans & SUVs MC8 bus seat. MC8 bus seat, and pedestal, new upholstered dark blue very good shape. $50. 250 495 2829 1996 Ford 150 4x4 Runs & drives great 302, auto trans. In great shape with many extras, call for details. $2800.oo 250 499-0073 1982, suburban GMC - seats 6 with large cargo area-easy on gas-have gotten 22.7 miles per gallon ph. 250 498-4429, $2,500.00 2003 GM Short box 4x4 lite $5800 250-468-8725 1964 3/4 ton GNC custom model $2000 250-770-3135 2006 Mazda Tribute GX AWD V6 automatic with 115,000 km A/C power windows and doors, new Yokohama all season tires, and hitch. This SUV is in great condition, well maintained, iol changes every 50000km , accident and lien free, $13,000 OBO 250-295-3230 Penticton 1992 Dodge Dakota v-6 Standard 4x4. Extra cab any condition, wanted complete or for restoration. 250457-5325 1996 Ford 150 4x4 Runs & drives great 302, auto trans. In great shape with many extras, call for details. $2800.00 250 499-0073 F250 Ford truck and Star Craft 5th whell. Full tip out, both fully equipped and in spotless condition. $14,800 priced to sell. Obo Ask for Stu 250-493-4059 Pentiction 1993 Ford Aerostar, sport. 271,000 k 3.0 V6 automatic. Runs good. $700 obo 250-499-2059 after 6 pm

Motor Bikes

Canadian “Chopper” Distributors Ltd CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE PARTS Box 198 - 604 7th Avenue Keremeos, BC. V0X 1N0


Toll Free: 1.800.665.2559 1984 Yamaha Virago 1000 28,000 miles c/w wind screen and saddle bags $2850.00 495-4223 Motor Bike Helment. This helment shows no sign of usage. The inside of helment looks like brand new. It has the DOT lettering on the back. 35.00 250-545-1979

boats Raezors-Edge Marine Service All Makes and Models Parts and Accessories Boat repairs on all kinds Competitive Rates 269 Haynes Penticton 250 492-BOAT (2628) 7 1/2 ' fiberglass boat $150. 250498-8835. Red canoe XLT 17ft $500 firm 250 497-8784 16 ft fibreglass boat and trailer with 14 in wheels $500 250-499-7148 all makes and models, parts and accessories. Boat repairs on all kinds. Competitive rates 269 Haynes Pentiction 259-492- BOATS (2628) Billy boat and wet suite $300, 250 497-8794 Karavan trailer 250- 497- 8109

recreational vehicles 1998 CORSAIR EXCELLA CLASS C. 24' MOTOR HOME. Ford V10 E-350 183000km, $16,4000.00 Prowler, 22 foor, tandem travel trailer. needs some work. 250-2951223, $425.00 Trailer hitch with sway bars, heavy duty. 250-487-2251 or 250-4621687 Penticton Hitch to flat tow vehicle, behind an RV telescoping arms like new $800 new asking $500 250-490-9031 Camper - 9 1/2 ft Vangard - sleeps 4 fold out and canopy $ 3500, 250 442-3981 Osoyoos 1996 corsair moto home 250 498-4868

utility trailers Tandem Axle Utility Trailer with 16' Deck, 250 497-8571, $1,990.00 U built trailer 6x8 with sides and ramps $450 250-498-3394 or 6893394 I closed finer glassed trailer with 15 in wheels that can be pulled behind a smaill car. $2100, 250 498-3394 or 689-3394 Trailer with canopy $350 250 4935350

Fisher Price high chair, excellent condition, navy/baby blue. $40. Infant bouncy seat $10. 250-4908063 Penticton I wrote and self published a children's book through The link to buy is here: http://blur. by/1uPL5Xr or you can email me at for more info. This book is based on my time playing with dolphin's. $15.99 250-4601917 Summerland

Building Materials Brick cutter. Up to 12 inch long 2 1/2 inches thick. In like new condition $150. 250-763-6473 Hardware Mesh. 40 lb roll, 36 ” H, 1/8″ x 1/8″ gauge galvanized mesh. $70. 250 499 5727 Hardware Mesh. 40 lb roll, 36 ” H, 1/8″ x 1/8″ gauge galvanized mesh. $70. 250 499 5727 Standard Patio Sliding Door Screen for 6 ft. wide door frame. Excellent Condition. $40. 250-498-4414 and




grade $40. 250-494-5096. Keremeos Heavy duty Milwaukee 1/2" drill. $45. 250-494-5096 Atlas table saw on metal base $35 250 492-7348 1-15'' Rexden table scroll saw $85. 250-49-7372 Osoyoos 8'' Delta drill press. $35. 250-4947662 Summerland All equipment to start sharpening shop. Will train. $490 obo 250-4939320 Penticton Electric chain saw Poulan as new $50 Mini buzz saw B&S motor 20'' blade. $300. 250-498-4429 Oliver Heavy duty DeWalt 740 10" Pow-

Floor Registars. 8-4x10 White plastic floor registers. 5x4x10 Brown plastic floor registers. 1-4x12 White plastic floor resisters. West kelowna. $2.50 250-769-7155

ershop radial arm saw in excellent

Gripple Wire/Cable Cutters. For up to 3/16 wire or no.1 to 4 Cable. Brand new. Great for speeding up the installation work on orchard/ vineyard setup. 778-484-3392. $20

Hobby ban saw - used 5 times, Paid

Concrete Block Molds. Portable forms are ideal for onsite cement recovery or the DIY. For more information Visit 250-210-0154. Chemainus. $125 Building Materials Floor Registars. 8-4X10 White plastic floor registers. 5-4X10 Brown plastic floor registers. 1-4×12 White plastic floor resisters. West Kelowna. $2.50 . 250-769-7155. Building Materials 6x8 18.6L Sherwin Williams Professional Concrete Paint.Loxon concrete & masonry Loxon Block Surfacer.It’s a paint sealing has excellent pore filling characteristic's. helps prevent alkali burn, denomination and water damage.for concrete, concrete block, cinder block and stucco. worth $259.00 ea.e-mail me; Penticton. $80. 250-328-5406 Building Materials Jacuzzi Tub with Motor. Jacuzzi tub with motor – has a crack along one edge but none in the basin (could be sealed to make watertight). Okanagan Falls. $100. 2504867152

tools Acetylene "B" tank with hose + 3 treads $100 778-439-2197 Delta 10" industrial table saw and 14" band saw $800/ea, Chainsaw $50, Wood lathe $25, 1/2" impact wrench $75, Screw gun $ 35, 10" metal chop saw $50, 10" wood chop saw $50, Drywall tools $250, 250485-0075 Black and decker belt sander. 3"X12" $25. 250-494-5096. Keremeos

kids stuff

1 Pair 16 ton screw type house jacks. 1 3/4"X10" $50 obo. 250-4945096

Large Crocodile stuffy & fluffly dog. They were well taken care of. $10 for Crocodile and $15 for dog. Vernon 250-540-6987

Assorted Masonry & Concrete Finishing Trowels. 4' level, 5" bench grinder. $5-$15 each.250-4945096. Keremeos

The Finest Place to Eat Thai Cuisine

NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 11:30 a.m-3:00 p.m lunch and 4:30 p.m-8:30 p.m. 516 7th Ave Keremeos • 250-499-2561


WE RECYCLE 1-877-797-7766 •

Warm Blood Colts For Sale Warm Blood breeder has 2, two year old colts for sale. Ground work completed. Backed, Registered Percheron Stallion to Registered Thoroughbred Mares. Excellent temperament, smart, easy to handle, Full brothers and sister won their first events, jumping and dressage. Contact 250 212 5276

condition - 12 amp B&D - heavy duty table - recently tuned. $75 Summerland Email:

$129 have bill, lazer beam, light, 30" tall, $45 250 769-3401

Jellybean is an 11 year old Shetland Pony mare looking for a forever home. Available to adopt at Outback Jack's Horse Rescue (on Facebook ) or call for more information 250-379-2400

Hobby band saw, used 5 times, paid $129, have bill. Laser beam light, 30'' tall, $45. 250-769-3401 West Kelowna. Job Mate electric press drill. Like new. $30 obo 250-492-6059 Penticton

Hank a handsome 14 year old standard bred gelding available for adoption at Outback Jack's Horse Rescue (on Facebook). He will best be matched with an experienced rider. for more information 250-379-2400

Retired- several tools for drywall trade, as a group or seperately 250 497-6222 TABLE SAW Rockwell/Beaver 1 1/2 HP Motor (110 or 220 V) $150.00 obo 250-495-6496 Osoyoos.

Farm and Livestock Pole Pruner. Two pole pruners for sale. One 10ft metal like new $80.00 and one 8ft wooden like new $50.00. Oliver. Call Ruth 250-498-3623 Dairy Goats. Bred Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, Lamancha dairy goats for sale ($200), due mid February. Dairy goats aged from 1 to 5 years old, buck is 4 years. $200.


484-5453 Tri-Coloured Lamas. 2 beautiful tri-coloured lamas for sale (mom + daughter) $250 each. 250-4845453

horse & rider Set of 2 saddle bags. 20.00 for both. large pouch on each side. Falkland 250-379-2400 Full length vintage Ferrier chaps. 100 % leather in great shape. 60.00. Falkland 250-379-2400

simco saddle 15 inches 8 inch gulet 275.00 250 379-2400

Janette Lauritzen

250.490.9807 HC BC Member Equine Canada Western Coach II GP Judge Showing Specialist Mentor

• Lessons • Judging • Rider Levels Available

We do current & overdue taxes-specializing in farmers, long haul truckers and all types of small business. Assistance with tax audit & bookkeeping services. Never too late to file! 293 Martin St, Penticton 493-2055 • 1-866-637-5141 •January 29 to February 12, 2015 5 Pets Loveable well trained long haired chihuahuas: 1 female and 2 males. They have vet papers for their first visit. All for $600 Please call 250-498-7983 Wade saddle in mint condition never sored a horse its a 16 seat comes with breast collar, back cinch, front cinch ... asking 1200 obo 250-300-4110

Hello I offer sheath cleaning services for geldings and stallions as well as equine massage therapy. Please enquire about my reasonable rates Amanda 250300-4110 or WWW.facebook/ 12 yr. old 15.3 hands, very gentle black gelding. Been roped off of, good with his feet, easy to catch. Great ranch horse. $3000. 250-2928779 Hedley 3 western saddles 15" one brand new, $100-$400 obo 250 498-4408 5 yr. old 17 hand grey Percheron cross gelding. Good with kids, lopes circles, great mountain horse or dressage. $3000. 250-292-8779 Hedley Beautiful Registered Palomino, 5 year old mare. 14.3 HH. Trained, hauls, does it all. Good show horse or cattle penner for a lady. $3000 250-499-7883 or 250-499-1486 Miniature horses for sale, fillies, registered mares. Silver Dapple, Bay, Black, silver dapple paint all under 32". Friendly, haltered trained, curious, good with feet, trailer, etc. $800- $1000 each. Also 2 Miniature Donkeys available, one Jenny and one Jack. $750 each. Located in Cawston, BC Call 250-499-9792 Nickel is a 6 yr. old Palomino gelding. He is 16 hands, easy to catch, good with other horses. Is a great ranch or mountain horse. $2800. 250-292-8779 Hedley. Simco saddle 15in, 8in gulet $275 250-379-2400

Produce and Meats

Sanderson Farms U-Pick Retail & Wholesale Fruit

Samosa Garden Restaurant Samosa, Pakora and other Fine Indian Dishes

3059 Hwy 3 West,

Keremeos BC ph/fax: 250-499-2215, cell: 604-727-2650 Beef for sale - Range fed grain and hay, no hormones or antibiotics. Sold by the whole, half or quarter for $3.50 per lbs Cut, wrapped and froze. Please call 250 276-4411 or 250 488-6014 and 250 974-5547 leave a message or email

Free Range Eggs. Free range eggs $4.00 doz. and Free range frozen roasting chicken. 250 446 2665 Apricots ready to go for eating, canning, drying, jams and sauces $1.30 Lb. Pick and sort through bins or I will have them ready for you. Min. 10 Lb. order. Call 250-494-1755 Summerland Coleman 1850 Generator, Good Condition. Red Powermate. 250497-8337 $75.00

5129 - 9th Ave. P.O. Box 257 Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0

Farm Fresh Brown Eggs for sale $3.50 per dozen, Cawston, Call 250-499-5585

Male Cat. Snowshoe many cross pointed male cat, 12 months, very friendly, loves dogs, cat loving home only, $100 250-499-7883/250-4991486 Keremeos TV Aquarium. Antique wooden TV stand with aquarium inside. All accessories included. Great for fish or terrarium $100. 250-498-3623 Purebred German Shepherd. 2 and half years old, tattooed registered with an extensive history from both parents and grandparents of greatness. healthy German Shepherd, highly intelligent.$500. 250-5406987 Try colored rex male rabbit. Very cuddly and sociable with cats, dogs and kids. comes with large cage, food, dishes and outdoor pen if wanted. He is also mat trained and loves time out to play. $60 Cuddly home only. 250-492-5270 Birdcage with accessories. Food dishes/swing/ladder/perches. $100 OBO. Okanagan Falls. 250-4867152 Goldfish. with larg fins long and fat 4" & 5" $40 and $50 778-476-1520

Enviro Pellet Stove Insert. Enviro EF3 Pellet Stove works great., comes with shroud and chimney liner. 1800 sq Ft heating area. Call 250- 499-6322. Keremeos, $1,000. Blase king Fire place insert. with fan . Must be moved. Osoyoos. 250495-3342. $75 BC manufactured Wood Stove, purchased 2 years ago - as new, bought for $1200 - Must sell, asking $600 250-295-3642 Everzone wood buring stove only 2 yrs old cost $1200 in perfect condition now $650 250- 295-3642 Wood splitter with gas motor $600 250-486-8725 Now asking $225 per cord of orchard wood. Buck and split plus delivery. Now asking $200 per cord of pine or beetle kill and other cords of assorted woods. Call Gerhard 250-4989039 Oliver

For Rent Fully furnished apt. 2 bedroom, utilities included. No pets, children, or smokers. $700 per mon 250-495-8003 Osoyoos

3 bedroom, 2 bath house with full basement, large yard. Available Aug. 1. Good location. $900/month plus utilities. Penticton 25-493-9320

real estate

french bulldog. Just a coiuple left. Come with 2 sets of shots de wormed and vet checked soo sweet raised in home with kid's and animals. 2 males and 1 female available $950 ..or pick up local $850 located in Creston B.C. text 2504028774 for more info and pictures


Do you have a loving home to share with beautiful kittens some all white plus Manx looking for loving home. Please call 250-485-3302

asking $7000

Now that spring has sprung, 4 long haired Chihuahuas still hanging on from winters rest. Must sell. Home raised, fully trained, complete with vet check and first shots. Now asking $750 each and/or willing to bargain price. Call Gerhard 250-4989039 Oliver i Crate Folding dog crate for sale. Used only once. Intermediate dog size. 36L x 23W x 25H Includes divider for starting puppy. email or call 250 689 1317

12X55 mobile home Arizona City completely furnished for more info

250-999-1504 3 acre hobby farm, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, detached storage shed and work shop. Machinery negotiable. $369,000 Call 250-4995260 Cawston. Mobile home at oustanding Conitions. 840 sqf (12x70). new floors covers - New hot water tank - New water pipelines - Refurbished heating system. very clean, well maintained. Does not require crane to be lifted. Summerland. $18,500.00 250-770-1583

2 big dog houses, $25/ea good condition 250-446-2950 Beautiful Blue Heelers 2 female, 3 male, two months old. They are ready to go to good homes who love animals. Only serious buyers. $80 Penticton Email: marifinarusca@

The King of the Forest-The Chaga. The Highest source of Anti-Oxidant on the Planet. Wild harvested Chaga from BC Birch Forests. Delicious tea to enjoy all year round. $30. 250 488 4668


Bios Diagnostics Walker. Comfortable Cushioned Seat That Measures : 14 Inches Wide X 13 Inches Deep X 2 Inches Thick. 2 Position Wire Basket. $135. 250-868-1728

The winning , cost effective strategy in advertising.

Phone 250-490-9144.

250 328-4001


Unwanted & Broken Jewelry, Bullion, Bars, Maple Leafs, Silver & Gold Coins, Fine Jewelry, Fine Art, and more... 13209 North Victoria Rd, Summerland V0H 1Z0


Inacare 9000 Wheelchair. Seat Belt, Removable And Swing-Back Chair Sides, Height Adjustable 3/4 Length Padded Arms Folding Frame, Light Weight. Serviced And Sanitized $295. 250-868-1728

Gaurdian Easy Care 2000 Wheelchair. Swing Away Removable Foot Rests Complete With Heel Straps To Keep Feet On Rests, Rear Storage Pouch, Large 8 Inch Front Casters, 24 Inch Rear Mag Spoke Wheels. Seat Measures : 18 ” wide X 16 ” deep X 17 “-19 ” High $335. 250-868-1728

Working for you 24 hours a day,, 7 days a week. For just $5 a day…… Make your business mean business! MAGNETSIGNS

Debarked seasoned Lodge Pole Pine. 16" sections or custom lengths available while quantities last. A Dump trailer full (cord+) for $225. Small delivery cost for locations outside Penticton.

30 " white roper stove - squeaky clean and excellent condition $75 we can deliver 250 492-2006 Can deliver 250 492-2006 penticton

AMG Wheelchair. Easy Clean Vinyl Padded Seat And Back, Rear Storage Pouch, Metal Swing Away Foot Rests With Bonus Heel Straps. Less Than 2 Years Old. Mint Condition. 250-868-1728. $325

HUGO Wheeled Walker. Larger 5 Inch Wheels On The Front Legs, Easy Carpet Glides On The Rear Legs, Folding Frame With The Press Of One Button, Two Side Saddle Storage Bags $85. 250868-1728


Firewood and Stoves

Larch/Pine, dry, split and delivered. Osoyoos to Summerland, Keremeos, Apex & Mt. Baldy. Del 250-487-8812 Penticton

health and medical

Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 - 5:00

Shop: 250-497-7113 (Closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays) Fax: 250-497-6210 • email:

Connecting Locals and giving voice to businesses, farmers and individuals in harmony with local values.

(next to the Sweet Tooth Cafe)


Highest Prices Paid in BC.

Tel: 250-770-9789

Heartbeat of the Okanagan Radio Show -


6 • 1-866-637-5141 • January 29 to February 12, 2015

OK THOUGHTS MOST OF US HAVE DONE IT: It’s after dark, you are home and in for the remainder of the day, ready to relax in your pajamas, but oh dear, oh dear, that terrible craving for bright orange Cheetos has set in, and must be, at all cost, satiated. So………. Do we go to the store in our pajamas?? I do!! You bet! Why not? I am comfortable , happy, and , well, downright cozy. Cheetos are going to be the final treat-- the sinful pleasure to making my evening complete. Why disrupt the game plan? Does it make me lazy to not wish to break the mood by crawling back into bling jeans, belt, zipper and boots ? Geez, after all, I am only going to be gone for all of ten minutes. Let me tell you, as soon as I get back home with my beloved bag of deep fried Cheetos, dipped to perfection in a vat of #3 orange dye, I’m back into my jammies and Netfix is it!! I think my jammies are cool. They are soft flannel, a dark blue , adorned with darling little bright yellow moons and stars. I only wear the bottoms, because I dislike the long sleeves . The kids like their Onsies, which I perceive as adorable, but are such a chore at bathroom time that I myself refrain. So the next time you see me at the store in my jammies, realize I am comfy, I m cozy, and don’t much care if you toss me the hairy eyeball of disapproval. I live in the country. There are no fashion police - Ain’t no law against it yet!!

Brenda MacLean

Shhhhhh…. My show’s on now. Please pass the Cheetos?


Deluxe Everest & Jennings Premier Folding Wheel Chair. Serviced Wheel Bearings, Brakes, And Sanitized. Measures: 17? Wide X 16? Deep X 19? High. $265. 250-868-1728

Ab-Doer total exercise twist chair w/ DVD Brand new $200 250-6815406 West kelowna

Samhall Rehabilitation Medical Grade Rollator Walker. Back Rest, Lift-Up Seat, Heavy Duty Locking Brakes, Large 8 Inch Balloon Tires. Include A Wire Basket For Medications Etc. $145. 250-8681728.


Ski, Poles and woman boots. Boots size 8. Good condition, no wax required. 250-492-5334. $30



Tracer LX Wheelchair. 18" Wide X 16" Deep seat. Removable chair sides and arms. Height adjustable arm pads, easily folder. Serviced Bearings and sanitized.$185. 250868-1728. Kelowna


Elliptical Exercise Machine. Really good workout. Values $600$800 in fine condition only $325. 250-498-4429. Oliver


Exercise Bike. Vitamaster Airmax II Excersice Bike, Fan resistant, good condition. $50 obo. 250497-8943. Kaleden.









Extra Wide AMG Free Spirit Ergo. PLus a Rollator Walker for sale. Two position removable storage bag with multiple compartments. Cushioned extra thick back rest, duel rear loking brakes, adjustable handles and ultra Reflective night time markers. Light weight aluminum frame. $225. Kelowna. 250-868-1728 AMG Wheeled walker. Like new, features quick one button folding, wheeled front legs and rubber feet on the rear legs. Hight adjustable from 32-38 inches. Comfort foam grips and extreamly clean and sturdy. $75. 250-868-1728. Kelowna 4 wheel blue scooter, 5 years old. Back pack goes with it. May need tires in a year or so. $1500 firm, paid $5000 new. 250-497-8784 or 250-486-1237 Okanagan Falls

Exercise machine works great 30$ 250-379-2400

"Rare find" Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 RCA 5 record 78 record vinyl. 5 record collection. Call Ed @ 2504986229 or cell 2504988115. Beatles. Large quantity of excellent condition Beatles LP's 25$+/ea 2 boxes 45 rpm Beatles and others. Galanti electric organ $100 250767-9601 Student trumpet. "Bach co" was $300, now $125 2504948024 . Summerland W T Armstrong Elkhart Ind 104 flute with a lovely hard case in like new condition. Vernon. I want $120. phone or text me at 250-540-6987. Hagstrom acoustic electric guitar. Barely used, excellent condition, new $500 asking $400. accessories also for sale. 778-439- 2015. Oliver Laney acoustic amplifier. Barely used, excellent condition. $180. 778-439-2015. Oliver wanted; percussion Instruments 250-476-2202 Yamaha clarinet 26ll with red velour hard case. The corks ,and all the valves are great. $150. phone or text me at 250-540-6987

personals LOOKING FOR COMPANY? In the Osoyoos area? As a web cam model and service provider, over the years, I have learned how to deliver an intimate experience. I am an all natural, independent beauty with incredible skills and a great personality. I am genuine and REAL and I only advertise what I can provide to an extremely high standard. I have a sense of humor, naturally caring nature and can provide a sentimental girlfriend type experience. 5’4 – 140lbs – DD36 – Brown hair – Blue Eyes In call or out calls available, please book in advance by at least one hour. Based out of Osoyoos BC (250)408 4602 Hot Sexy. 5'2" 117 lbs call anytime 250475-2966 Shanna Penticton

sporting goods Wanted - Firearms, Okanagan resident looking to purchase firearms, fully licensed, will travel, call or text 250-809-9664 basketball stand on rollers, adjustable height, $50 obo. 2504927348 Penticton Snowmobile 2002 Z571 ArcticCat $2500 or trade 250-495-4051 Tailor made R-7 driver. 10.5 degrees regular shift and adjustable head, new for $395 asking $75 250763-8750 Tailor made R-9 driver. 10.5 degree regular flex, adjustable head, new for $395 asking $75 250-763-8750 Ladies ski outfit, size 14, like new $20 2504927671 Ladies size 7 skates, worn twice $20 2504927671 Ladies long winter coat with hood, like new $20 2504927671 Mountain bike. Dual suspension "cranked" good condition, was $320, now $150 2504948024 Summerland PLACE YOUR FREE ADS TODAY ! 1-866-637-5141 • 1-866-637-5141 •January 29 to February 12, 2015 7

Service hunter

Good help is easy to find when you know where to look! Messier's Concrete & Landscaping Providing all concrete services, including concrete countertops, epoxy countertop & floor finishes, patios and walkways. Call today 250-276-6014 www.

Showcase your property with great photos & 360 panoramas. REALTORS call Ron at 250-462-3733 or 1-888-476-8288 visit For non-realtor listing photos call Ron at 250-462-3733

Charlie's Hair Barber Shop WE'VE MOVED!

6264 Main Street, Oliver Open: Tues to Fri: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 3pm Haircuts $17 Senior & Children $15

(250) 498-5502 Carriage House. Need a plan? I can draw one up for you! Put your ideas to work for you to earn rental income. 250-770-0050 Gretzky plates and prints. 250 8683492 Vintage Case XX Pocket Knife. Beautiful Vintage case XX folding pocket knife, model 64047P. Red bone grip with nice patina. A great collectors piece and a unique gift idea. 250- 689-0672. Oliver. $45 Ski package, 76" Rossignol Skis with bindings and bag/cover, 46" Alverts poles, Tryrol boots size 6 with stretchers, excellent junior start $175. 250-497-5466 Trolling motor 36lb thrust 5 speeds forward 3 reverse plus deep cycle 12 volt battery $150 250-497-8779 4 fishing rods and reels, $20-100 Quality gear 250-558-5765 Winchester 12 gauge semi auto in very good condition - need all papers (PAL) $295 250-558-5765 Very well made vintage all leather chaps. In great condition. Thick leather with hooks and ties. 100.00 Falkland 250-379-2400 A well taken care of emour saddle. 15.5 in seat matching fenders to stir-ups comes with cinch and straps and girth. 500.00 OBO. 250379-2400 Archery bow 35lb pull used once $150. 250-498-8835. Nordic Track Excel Ski machine in excellent condition. Solid oak & stainless steel constructioon. Was $600.00 new. Great low impact excercise! 250-498-4414 Furniture. Open hutch (2 pcs). $175.00 Text or call 250-681-2140 New Older Stock Commercial Trolling Spoons. New condition with welded rings. (no hooks). $5 per spoon , there are 6. 250-689-0672. Oliver

Don’s Cylinder Head 40 years

G & R Auto Repair

experience competitive pricing

Quality Tires New and

250 494-9627

3 Pc red leather Skyway luggage set 45$ obo more info at 250-4975466

Used Detailing, Tire

Bell dish assembly HD $100 778439-2197

Repair, Oil Changes and Custom House Plans Make your dream home ideas come to life! Drawn to your specifications.Call (250)7700050 or visit.

MORE 250 497 7113

50 cigars, Churchill size, Dominican and Honduran - all $95 250558-5765

Ok Falls

free 6 ft Admiral deepfreezer in good shape. 250-490-5242 Desk with locking doors. 250-4905242

Okanagan Underground Services. Vineyard construction, agricultural & commercial irrigation, post pounding, wild life fencing, Demolition & dump truck services. Excavator & Bobcat services, Jason at 462-9534 or JP at 462-9023. Buying, buying, buying: Coins, stamps, gold, silver, Gretzky rookie cards, pocket watches, military items, Rolex, Patek Phillipe, Vacheron Cconstantine. Bluenose Stamps & Coins. 210 Main St, Penticton. 493-6515

Drafting & Design Services Gecko Flats Design Princeton, BC

Site Plans, Residential, Accessory, & Small Farm Buildings

250-295-0251 Wilson Tour Pro R.H Golf Clubs. Full set, 2 Drivers, Graphite Shafts, cavity back irons, tripod bag+cart. 778-439-2015. Oliver Snowmobile. Older Yamaha Phaser, still runs well. $400. 250-8093313 250cc gio beast upgraded cdi box, carb, chain and bars! Electric start has reverse. Everything works asking $500 located in Penticton (will not hold First come first serve!) 250-462-1014 Archery bow 35lb pull used once $150. 250-498-8835

Small couch Hide-a-Bed around 5 ft in good shape. 250-490-5242 Organic Rabbit compost in wood pellets. Call (250) 770-0050 to arrange for pickup. Produced by pet house bunnies. (250) 770-0050 Toilet. Toilet, everything in good condition.(did a Bathroom reno,so the wife wanted a new one) 250497-8943. Kaleden.

108-1475 Fairview Rd. Penticton, BC

Tel: 250-492-7080

Repair & Clean Gutters Leafguard - never clean gutters again

wanted Wanted - Firearms, Okanagan resident looking to purchase firearms, fully licensed, will travel, call or text 250-809-9664

Replace leaking gutters with 5” continuous gutters Downpipes

Siding, soffit replacement, windows and exterior doors

Call: Stan 250-317-4437

Pre-lit Snowman and Tree Stand. pre-lit smiling snowman–indoor/ outdoor with lawn stakes 35″ tall, metal tree stand $15. 250-4932374 Wild Turkey. Tom - $50 250-3742774 Pellet stove. Automatic lighting and thermostat, holds 2 bags of pellets $995 250-485-0075 Two gas 8000 btu's Bryant furnaces $50/ea 250-485-0075 Ceiling hung gas heater $50 250485-0075 Emden cross Tulus goose/garden $75 250-374-2774

Ski package $200 obo including 76" rossingal skis w/binding and cover, 46" alverg poles, size 6 tyrol boots w/stretchers excellent beginners set. 250-497-5466

British hurricane fighter plane. 34x24 colored matted framed picture $75. 250-763-8750

Remington wet suit and belly boat 250-497-8784

Punch bowl 2504927671

miscellaneous DVD's and Movies, The Pretender 4 season set. Seasons 1-4 of The Pretender, two sets are unopened $30. 2504975130 Audio Novels. 4 audio novels– authors–elizabeth Lowell– paula L woods–H Ross Perot–March Muller. $10. 250-493-2374

Sturdy metal ironing board $10 2504927671 +



Free old piano. looking for a new home, just don't have room for it Must pick up osoyoos I can not deliver 250-495-5215 Green Bathtub. Free green bathtub, no rust or cracks.Okanagan Falls .250-486-7152

7 1/2 ' fiberglass boat $150. 250498-8835

5 new in package old stock Lyman plugs, size 1, colours 17, 24, 73, 81, and 84. Colours are bright and vivid, (sorry about poor pic) No bar codes and back panel states “catching the big ones for over 40 years” I suspect these are around 25 years old. Hooks are trebles but are attached with split rings so can be easily changed to singles. Okanagan anglers know how effective Lyman’s can be on trout and kokanee. These are nice lures! Please call 250-689-0672 for detail

Lot of 4 die cast cars. Include Astin Martin Vanquish James Bond 007 1/18 scale by Beanstalk Group, a Maisto Mercedes Benz ML 320 1/18 scale, a Maisto BMW 645 CI 1/18 scale, Maisto Dodge Viper 1/18 scale. 60.00 for all Call 250 545 1979. Vernon


Wine rack. $100 obo or sale in Penticton. Must be moved by January 31st. text Cindy at 250-3284674 Walnuts. L. Krauss has walnuts for sale @ $1.75/lb in Kaleden, if this interests you give them a call at 250-497-5543 Daniel Dakota pendulum clock. westminister chime on the hour. Clock takes " C " battery. In great cond. cosmetically. Oak framed. Tim in Vernon. Call 250 545 1979. Asking 20.00 Corklift. wine bottle corklift with foil cutter like new in box $6. 250-4932374 Sewing Machine. Kenmore Mod: 385.81502, Ser: 44001694 In very good condition $30. 250-763-6473 Kitty cratching post. Omega Paw, in new condition. $5. 250 499 5727

Postage Stamps/Collectables. Donate your stamps to a charity of your choice. Our Okanagan based organization, the Okanagan Mainline Philatelic Association will auction your stamps. Roy at 250-5424127 or China cabinet. Looking for a small china cabinet or bookcase to fit 30" + depth 16" 250-493-6646 Needing a good Snowblower 250492-0029

Complete Desktop Systems from $165.00. Windows or Linux operating system. Movie program & Windows XP upgrades available. Computer backup & repairs, hard drive wipe disc available. In home software support provided with Teamviewer. Warranty & taxes included in pricing. $165. 250 497 7973 Apple ipad 2. 16GB wwifi 9.7" screen. Front and rear facing camera. Immaculate condition, c/w charger, screen protector and attractive case. This tablet has been returned to factory settings. $230. 250-487-1393. Penticton Sealy Leather Office Chair. Sealy Posurepedice Geneva black leather highback office executive chair, memory foam, contoured seat back, Spring tilt, Exellent cond. $125 Penticton 250- 492-7752 hp desk jet F21210) All in one. printer scanner copier $30 250494-1786 Lenovo IBM Business Computer. Linux Mint operating system. Comes complete with monitor, keyboard & mouse. Hardware warranty & software support provided. View in Penticton weekdays 10am to 2pm at 105 Estabrooke

toys & hobbies Lot of 4 die cast cars. Astin Martin Vanquish James Bond 007 1/18 scale by Beanstalk Group, a Maisto Mercedes Benz ML 320 1/18 scale, a Maisto BMW 645 CI 1/18 scale, Maisto Dodge Viper 1/18 scale. Cars are in good cond. and basically measure 10" to 11". 250-5406987

clothing The North Face Gore-Tex Jacket. Brand new never been worn. Dark forest green and Black, size XXL. $45. 250-499-5727. Keremeos. Ladies winter coat with detachable hood with Borg lining, size 10 Grey in new condition, $75 obo 250-4975466 !00% silk Santa Clause Tie. like new condition. Great for Christmas parties! $10. 250-540-6987.

Kids stuff Rag Doll. Large companion rag doll, soft and cuddly, 30 ” tall, well cared for $10. 250 499 5727 Clown. Large friendly colourful clown made with orange/black wool attached to a hoop. Great to hang as art decoration for a childs room $10. 250 499 5727 800 Pieces of sorted lego. grandchildren no longer use, good condition $75 250-498-3544

events Vernon Indoor Farmers Mark 3445 43 Ave. 3445 43 Ave. Vernon. Weekly on Friday December 5, 2014 to Friday March 27, 2015 Shuswap Farm and Craft Market Salmon Arm. 5 Ave SW & 5 St SW, Salmon Arm. Weekly on Friday October 24, 2014 to Wednesday April 15, 2015 Steamfest - Penticton, 1099 Lakeshore Dr W Penticton. Daily from May 19, 2014 to October 30, 2015 Salt Water Moon - Vernon. Powerhouse Theatre. Daily from February 25, 2015 to March 7, 2015 BOOM - Kelowna. Rotary Centre for the Arts. Phone 2 5 0 - 7 1 7 5304. Thursday, March 05, 2015 South Okanagan Concert Society - Quintessence - Oliver. Frank Venables Theatre. Friday, March 27, 2015 Okanagan Fest-of-Ale - Penticton. Penticton Trade & Convention Centre. Daily from April 10, 2015 to April 11, 2015 BC Interior RV Show - Penticton. 853 Eckhardt Ave W. Daily from April 24, 2015 to April 26, 2015 Okanagan Spring Wine Festival Kelowna. Various Locations. 250861-6654. Daily from April 30, 2015 to May 10, 2015 Caravan Farm Theatre Presents: In Like a Lion - Armstrong. Caravan Farm Theatre. Daily from May 7, 2015 to May 10, 2015

Check us out online

Trailer. Prefer made from old Ford box. 250 499 0025 Antlers. Cleaning up the yard, Shop, or Property? Get rid of old animal antlers/bones. Any animal, size, condition. Call Murray 250295-1223 Freezer Burnt Meat. I use raw meat to make food for my dog, & I’m looking for freezer burned meat, seafood, organs. Willing to pick up. 2504628333


Snow racer for my grandchild. Please phone or text me at 250540-6987

Fax: 250 295-3716

Goliath Right Hand Putters. Black Fly 11 and/or a White Ice. 250 4995059 Cawston Truck alternator 100 ñ 130 amps to make hobby welder. 250-494-5526 I would like to find some old piano and guitar books that are possibly never going to be used as I will take all types except for country music. They would be for myself and for my daughter learning guitar. 778 476 5077

Phone: 250 295-3743 Toll Free: 1-888-647-3377

South Okanagan/ Similkameen

We are looking for half bins for our orchard, probably just a couple. 250 809 3637

computer & office equipment File Cabinet. Legal 4 drawer file cabinet in good condition with lock and key. Two file folder hangers included. Height 58.5″, width 18″, length 28″ $100. Call 250-4983623


bcbargainhunter .com

8 • 1-866-637-5141 • January 29 to February 12, 2015


Jan 29 to Feb 12, 2015 • Bi-weekly on Thursdays • Call Warren Lee Contracting would like to THANK YOU for your business!

Raezors-Edge Marine Service All Makes and Models Parts and Accessories Boat repairs on all kinds Competitive Rates 269 Haynes Penticton 250 492-BOATS (2628) Players Choice Sportscards. Buying, selling, trading, consignments,ebay hosting all sports related memorabilia. Cash paid for hockey, baseball, football and basketball cards, jerseys, vintage programs, advertisements, sports equipment etc. Phone Dean or Jason at 862-2737. Located at 470 Cawston ave, Kelowna.

HERE COME THE PAINTERS -Local and enjoying our 13th year. We specialize in Repaints. Interior: We move and cover everything and put it all back leaving you a Refreshed living area. Exterior : Power Washed, Properly prepped and painted with no height limits. Call now for a free estimate 250 486-2331

Ray's "3 Room Special" Any 3 rooms $275 (Walls, properly prepped, sanded and painted) "Serving the South Okanagan for the past 27 years." Summerland to Osoyoos. For fast, reliable, professional service call Ray 250-487-0840

Replay Games has been growing to serve you better than ever Buy-Sell-TradeRent, we are your 1 Stop Shop for Gaming. You want it? We can get it! Tues-Sat 11-7, Sun 11-5 Come on in. Get Retro! 250 487-0141

ANIMAL BEDDING - DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Serving South Okanagan and the Similkameen 250 770-0214

Wanted -Firearms,Okanagan resident looking to purchase firearms, fully licensed, will travel, please call or text @ 250-809-9664

Budget Nursery Oliver



Steel Fencing Panels for Horses and Cattle Various sizes of gates and Round pens 250 497-5747 ARTISTS EASELS – Handmade in the Okanagan – 10 models to choose from. For all artists – oils, water colors, acrylics, encaustic, pastels, pencil, and charcoal. Sturdy and well made. Perfect Xmas gift. Reasonably priced. 250-4871387

Prairie Creek Gluten free baking available at these locations... Marmalade Cat Café, SmartShopper Discount, St. Germaines Café and Gallery in Penticton, Wedges Pizza in Ok Falls... or buy direct call us at 250-4941400 Summerland, we will ship anywhere!

Repair & Clean Gutters Leafguard - never clean gutters again

Replace leaking gutters with 5” continuous gutters

Organic Compost


Super Fine-screened to 1/8”!!!

Siding, soffit replacement, windows and exterior doors

The Best Quality Around

Del’d “Moving Floor” Truckloads only

Call: Stan 250-317-4437

250-408-4222 6025 Station Street • Oliver, BC

45 Years Experience




Factory Trained

Bob Murray 250-490-1230


25 - 2 ROOMS + 1 HALLWAY (MAX 200 SQ.FT.)


CALL TODAY - 250 494 8117 ANC Carpet Cleaning Specialist since 1990

Backhoe Service Posthole Drilling  Shaping/Grading  Filling/Compacting

Sales & Service • Small Appliance Repair

   

Repair all makes and models New & Used vacuums for sale Bags & Accessories available Built-in Systems sales/service and rough in Trade-in’s Welcome

Tel: (250) 809-8028

1425 Main Street, Penticton



Kelowna’s Premier Auction House



Driveway/Pad Prep Drainage/Dry-Wells  Soil/Gravel/Truck  Excavator thumb r/track


Phone: 250-763-4044 - Cel 250-470-2598 Serving Westbank - Kelowna - Winfield


(OK Food Mart) The “Corner” Store on Hwy 97 & Main Street in OK Falls

Great Deals in TWO Locations!



#8-730 Stremel Rd, Kelowna, BC


161 Ellis St., Penticton, BC

FAMILY MOVERS Local & Long Distance Moves! ANYTHING, ANYWHERE & ANYTIME! Local Moves and Empty 5 ton traveling to Vancouver, Alberta & back will haul full/part loads or pc’s of furniture.

Free Estimates!

ze VariouswSi ilgate / po errvtaices Trucks w se g & packin available!

1425 Main Street (inside Vacuum Shop) Penticton BC


• Low Prices • Quality Work • Pet Odor Control • Upholstery Cleaning • Furniture • Scotchguard • Trucks, Vans, Etc.








antiques • home decor


Organic Pacific Natural fish fertilizer 2-3-0 20 litre pails 200 litre barrels Larger quantities available 250 499-8962 Walt in Cawston

Stump Grinding. Chipper stump grinding. Fast, neat & economical. Serving the Okanagan since 1993. Peachland to the border toll free-1866-498-3094, Oliver

Sewing Machines

Clean Your Carpets $

Greenlake Gun Smithing Complete Machine Shop All repairs, restorations, customizing and deactivations Used guns -Consigned sales - Reloading for obsolete cartridges Great line of scopes - 30 years experience and Licensed 804 Greenlake rd Willowbrook 250 498-0697 Pat



4ft 10 for $159.50 5ft 10 for $219.00 6 ft 10 for $279.00 Delivery and Planting available

us at 1-866-637-5141

Open 9am-9pm 7 Days a Week

Your One Stop Shop for All Your Needs!


JUNK REMOVAL ANYTHING GOES! Will pick up and Haul Yard Waste, household waste, furniture and appliances to the dump. Large truck available upon request!

493-2687 250-770-0827 BOYNE F. CRAMM



Penticton-Summerland. Full service Renovations since 1995

do all renovations

“The Job’s Not Done Until It’s Done Right”



Live Bait Available • Grocery Items Ice Cold Beer & Wine • Confectionery Treats Full Selection of Liquor • Chester’s Chicken Unique Variety of Wines

910 Main Street, OK Falls

Made Fresh All Day! 250-497-5194 Call for Special Orders


Swap & Shop Collectibles Emporium

2474 MAIN STREET - WEST KELOWNA B.C. - V4T 1Z1 - 778-754-5983

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