CREATIVE ARTS We’ve already waxed lyrical about the quality of the artwork at Brighton College Prep, which is in no small part attributed to the fact specialist arts teaching starts at Reception and pupils have both a gorgeous rooftop art studio (views for days) packed with materials and provocations including a highly impressive ceramics collection, plus a superb design and technology studio at their disposal in the prep school. Specialist music teaching starts in nursery and all pupils learn the recorder and the ukulele, with tuition in a
“ Pupils have both a gorgeous rooftop art studio, packed with materials and provocations including a highly impressive ceramics collection, plus a superb design and technology studio.”
heap of other instruments also on offer. There are bands, choirs, orchestras and groups galore for pupils to join and performances aplenty so they can showcase their skills. Dance also starts at nursery and the dance school runs a show annually. In addition to outstanding curriculum drama, pupils can follow a LAMDA programme and take examinations, setting them up for scholarships in performing arts later on.