BC Council for Families 2011/12 Training Guide

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BC Council for families • BC’s non-profit centre for family support training and resources

2011 & 2012

Family Service Trainings

BC Council fo r Families

Championing family diversity. Celebrating family strengths. We ❤ families! Since 1977 the BC Council for Families has been delivering high-quality training, research, resources and professional development to family serving practitioners all across BC. We have a commitment to supporting the dedicated people who work with families in our communities, and to building a strong family-serving workforce. Understanding the needs of workers, and of the families they serve, is key to our mission to provide leadership through education, training, research and advocacy for the healthy development of families. With our help, you’re creating healthy families in a healthy society, every day. We know that ensuring that your knowledge and skills are current and up-to-date is key not only to your ongoing job success, but also essential to guaranteeing that all families in BC are supported to achieve their fullest potential. Our trainings and professional development events will enhance your skills and strengthen your ability to meet the challenges you face in your worklife. We look forward to working with you to support and strengthen families in BC. A non-profit, charitable organization, the BC Council for Families relies on the generosity of the community in order to continue to deliver high-quality, affordably-priced training and professional development each year.

Thanks to our sponsors and funders: Telus Community Fund

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The Fine Print – How to Register


Training at a Glance

2011 & 2012 Training Programs


Nobody’s Perfect Facilitator Training


My Tween and Me Leader Training


Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting

Professional Development Events

10 Family Services Conference: Healthy Families, Brighter Futures 12

2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings

Customized Training


Home Visitor Advanced Training


Parent-Child Mother Goose®


Changing Fathers, Evolving Practices


Speakers Bureau


Support Us

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The fine print

Quick tips for hassle-free registration Registration for all BC Council for Families’ training workshops and professional development events opens July 11, 2011. Check the website or contact a program coordinator for details on specific trainings, including admission guidelines and pre-requisites.

HOW TO REGISTER 1 Create an online account. BEFORE registering, go to www.bccf.ca and click on the “Sign Up” tab in the upper right corner. Enter your contact details and create a user name and password. If you already have an online account, ensure all account details are up to date. 2 Choose your training. Consult the training guide to find the program that’s right for you. Take note of the training dates. Our training programs are offered only a few times per year, so register early to ensure space is available. 3 Register. Online registration is the quickest way to register and will provide immediate confirmation of space availability. If you have questions about the registration process, contact the Council offices by phone or email. A staff member can assist you in completing the registration process. 4 Choose your preferred payment option We accept payment by VISA, Mastercard, and Paypal account. Due to administrative concerns, we can not accept payment by cheque or process purchase orders. Full payment must be made at the time of registration. 5 Join us for learning, connections – and fun! Our training sessions are intensive and packed with information and skills building. But they’re also a great opportunity for sharing, laughter, and building friendships. We look forward to meeting you at a training soon!

Registration Policies Some training programs or professional development events may have specific prerequisites. Please visit our website or contact a program coordinator for more information. WITHDRAWALS/CANCELLATIONS Cancellations received in writing up to 2 weeks prior to a training or event are 80% refundable. Cancellations received less than 2 weeks before the event date are non-refundable. Please note that registrations may not be transferred or deferred. FEES All training fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. VISA, Mastercard and Paypal account transfer are accepted. ATTENDANCE In order to qualify for certification, participants must be in attendance throughout the training. Participants unable to complete a workshop or training due to illness will require a physician’s note; a pro-rated credit for a future training may be issued at the discretion of the program coordinator. HEALTH/MOBILITY CONCERNS Participants are requested to inform BC Council for Families’ program staff at the time of registration of any physical restrictions or health concerns. DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: If you have a food allergy, please contact a BC Council for Families training coordinator in advance of the training. While the BC Council for Families attempts to accommodate all dietary requirements, participants with severe allergies or special dietary restrictions are encouraged to consider bringing their own supplies. LANGUAGE All instruction is in English. Registrants who are not confident in verbal or written English should speak directly to a program coordinator before registering, to ensure that the training will be appropriate for their needs.

4  BC Council for Families  2011 & 2012 Family Service Trainings

Training at a Glance



Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program September 20–23, 2011 Vancouver (details p. 7)

Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting October 3 – 7, 2011 Vancouver (details p. 9)

My Tween and Me Parenting Program September 29–30, 2011 Vancouver (details p. 8)

Family Services Conference Healthy Families, Brighter Futures October 21, 2011 Vancouver (details p. 10-11)




Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program January 31– February 3, 2012 Vancouver (details p. 7)

Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting February 20 – 24, 2012 Vancouver (details p. 9)



2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings March 23, 2012 Vancouver (details p. 12-13)

2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings April 26, 2012 Nelson (details p. 12-13)


2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings March 30, 2012 Penticton (details p. 12-13)

Key dates and informations Registration for 2011/12 trainings opens July 11, 2011. Check the website for up-to-date information. Healthy Families, Brighter Futures Conference Full conference package available September 6, 2011. Registration opens September 6, 2011. Keep In Touch Check the BC Council for Families’ website for more information: www.bccf.ca

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Training Programs

The participant-driven parenting education programs of the BC Council for Families allow families to develop and build on their strengths. All of our programs consider parenting in its cultural and social context and are adaptable to the needs of diverse communities. Every BC Council for Families training session is developed using a rigorous set of criteria to include relevant and informative content, encourage participant interaction, and emphasize practical skills-building. Our expert trainers provide professionals with the knowledge and skills to enhance their ability to support families and communities throughout BC.

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Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program Strengthening parents, helping families Facilitator Training

Location Cost Includes

SFU Segal Centre, Vancouver $300 4 days of instruction, Facilitator’s guide and supplemental materials, lunch and refreshments each day.

“Currently I work with families one to one at an ‘intervention stage’. I am excited to now be able to

Register now!

offer ‘preventative’ The program: For parents in stressful situations – when there simply isn’t enough money, when they’re new to the country or the community, when they’re young, or under-educated, or struggling without a partner or family support – being part of a supportive group of parents who understand and share their difficulties can make all the difference. The Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program, developed in Canada for Canadian parents of every cultural community, makes a positive difference in the lives of parents and children. The Training: The intensive four-day training session is designed to prepare facilitators to work with parents of children aged 0 – 5 in a group setting, discussing and sharing experiences of parenting. The training explores the needs and concerns of parents who may be: young (under 25); single parents; low income; lacking formal education; or isolated socially; geographically or linguistically. Participants will: • Gain competence in Nobody’s Perfect program objectives and materials • Learn the principles of adult education and their application to the Nobody’s Perfect program parents • Acquire the skills to assess the needs of parent groups • Learn to plan program sessions • Develop and practice facilitation skills Questions? Email us at nobodysperfect@bccf.ca or call us at 604 678 8884.

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group parenting information in a way that empowers, affirms and connects parents to each other and their communities. Thanks so much!” – training participant, 2009

Training Programs

“The training program gives participants very clear direction to what parents

My Tween and Me Parenting Program Understanding the dynamics of parent-child relationships leader Training

Location Cost Includes

SFU Segal Centre, Vancouver $400 2 days of instruction, Facilitators guide and program marketing materials, lunch and refreshments each day

can do to protect their children from engaging in high risk behaviors, especially in the teenage years.” – training participant

Register now!

The Program: Research confirms it – kids who enjoy a close relationship with their parents and family are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviours. My Tween and Me is a 6-week program for parents of children 7–12 that helps them build strong relationships with their pre-teen children, and gives them the confidence and skills to guide their children into – and through – the risk-taking teen years. The Training: The interactive, 2-day training session prepares program leaders with the tools and know-how to help parents maintain a strong connection with their children as they move into the teen years. Packed with information, discussion and activities, the My Tween and Me training session incorporates current research along with practical communications skills for parents. Participants will: • Increase their knowledge of tweens’ key developmental milestones • Learn the risk and protective factors that affect children • Strengthen their understanding of issues faced by families in diverse cultural and linguistic communities • Gain the practical skills to help parents strengthen relationships with tweens • Build the skills to successfully adapt the My Tween and Me program to the needs of diverse communities • Learn the basics of program marketing and promotion For more information, or to arrange a My Tween and Me Training in your community, contact us at training@bccf.ca or call us at 604 678 8884.

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Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting Supporting professionals to help families succeed core Training

Location Cost Included

Vancouver $450 (for 4-day Home Visitors/Parent Child Practitioners and Supervisors) $500 (for 5-day Just for Supervisors/Managers) 4–5 days instruction, Program Manual, lunch and refreshments each day

Register now!

For families in situations of risk, where there are concerns about child development, about parenting skills, or about child safety, the support and intervention of a trained home visitor can be crucial. Trained home visitors bring a higher level of support to parents, help them to become better parents and raise happier, more responsible and more secure children. The Training: Developed by Great Kids Inc. the Home Visitor Core Training Program enables participants to put state of the art information and theory into daily practice for parents and children. The program is strengths-based, recognizing and utilizing family strengths to build onto existing competencies and effectively address concerns. This 4-day training program, appropriate for both new home visitors and those wanting to add to their skill set, gives workers the tools and practical strategies for implementing successful services to families. A fifth day of training is specifically tailored to the needs of supervisors and program managers. Participants will: • Enhance skills in engaging families and building trusting relationships • Develop tools for building on parental competencies • Learn to successfully promote positive parent-child relationships • Gain an overview of the parent survey process • Learn to support growth in families • Discuss professional boundaries, limit setting, and self-care tips For more information, or to arrange Home Visitor Training in your community, contact us at training@bccf.ca or call us at 604 678 8884.

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“Incredible new ideas on how to address difficult situations” – training participant, 2010

Professional Development Events

Healthy Families, Brighter Futures Family Services Conference Date Location Cost

October 21, 2011 SFU Segal Centre, Vancouver $169

Register after September 6

Healthy Families, Brighter Futures Promoting family well-being Family service professionals – including workers in young parent programs, parent educators, family support workers, and childcare providers from across BC are invited to join together on October 21 for a day of inspiration, learning, and connection. This full-day conference is focused on answering questions such as: “What are the supports families need to ensure positive outcomes for their children? How do we build community supports that serve vulnerable families with young children? What are the approaches to family services that are working around our province?” Collaborative, interactive, and participatory, the Healthy Families, Brighter Futures conference offers a day full of great presentations, breakout sessions, workshops, and discussion groups. On October 21 in Vancouver, join your colleagues from around the province at Healthy Families, Brighter Futures to learn the skills and strategies that will help you to strengthen and support families and children in your community.

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Keynote Speakers: Clyde Hertzman Dr. Hertzman is Director of the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), an inter-university, interdisciplinary consortium at The University of British Columbia. HELP works closely with government and communities to understand how different environments contribute to different developmental outcomes for children across BC and internationally. John Hoffman John Hoffman is national Magazine Award-winning freelance journalist and Canada’s leading writer on fatherhood. He is a columnist for Today’s Parent magazine, and communications coordinator for the Father Involvement Research Alliance. John has been involved in fatherhood initiatives at the local, provincial and national level for the past 15 years. John is the author of the Council’s popular fatherhood pamphlet series. Conference Objectives: • Engage family service professionals and stakeholders from many disciplines to learn together and share. • Create opportunities to teach and learn about best practices in program development and delivery. • Share skills, practical applications, wisdom, perspective, experiences. • Explore new models of delivering services to parents and families. • Understand the research and evidence base of programs and services. • Discuss the policy, administrative and funding issues related to providing services to parents, children and families. • Stimulate thinking about family services and family life education: What works? What does the future look like? How can we best get there? • Facilitate networks of mutual support for this important work. • Provide a chance to meet and learn from others in the family services community. Visit us online at www.bccf.ca/conference. Full conference agenda and program/workshop descriptions available September 6, 2011, or call us for further information at 604 678 8884.

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Professional Development Events

“Ongoing professional development, even though you have received training, is essential in order to stay current.” – Survey Respondent

2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings Date Location Cost Includes

March 23, 2012 9:30 – 3:30 Vancouver $79 for Nobody’s Perfect Facilitators / $99 others full day of workshops, materials, lunch and refreshments

Register now!

Date Location Cost Includes

March 30, 2012 9:30 – 3:30 Penticton $79 for Nobody’s Perfect Facilitators / $99 others full day of workshops, materials, lunch and refreshments

Register now!

Date Location Cost Includes

April 26, 2012 9:30 – 3:30 Nelson TBA workshops, materials, lunch and refreshments

Register now!

12  BC Council for Families  2011 & 2012 Family Service Trainings

2012 Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meetings Working Together: Successful Approaches to Parenting Education & Support Find out about the latest research. Discuss alternative approaches to common challenges. Refresh your facilitation skills. And re-discover your passion for working with parents! You’ll do it all, and more, at a Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meeting. Since 1991, Nobody’s Perfect parenting program facilitators in BC have been coming together each year at Regional Meetings to network with their colleagues, share ideas, discuss common concerns, and receive ongoing training and professional development. Find out what everyone’s talking about, at a regional meeting in your area! These engaging full day workshops are ideal for both new and experienced Nobody’s Perfect facilitators. Join other facilitators from your region this spring to discuss and share the experiences, challenges, and rewards of leading Nobody’s Perfect parenting support groups. Each Nobody’s Perfect Regional Meeting is a full day of professional development and networking specifically designed for the needs of Nobody’s Perfect facilitators. Participants will: • Learn new approaches to helping parents apply their learning and maintain new skills, • Take part in an interactive presentation on using adult education principles with parents, • Work in small groups to assess their own practice in light of the ideas presented. Full meeting agenda available January 2012. For more information contact us at nobodysperfect@bccf.ca or call us at 604 678 8884.

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customized training

Do you have a large group needing training? Does your organization have specific needs that aren’t covered by our regular offerings? We can customize our trainings and professional development workshops to suit your needs. Our training can focus on the aspect of family support that best suits your agency, your community, and your team. Whether you’re looking to refresh your facilitation, learn the theory and basics of home visitation, discover best practices for supporting fathers, or sharpen your storytelling skills, we can help. Our sessions are delivered by experts in family service programming, who provide research-based, practical seminars with an emphasis on real-world workability. From half-day presentations to full training programs, we can work with you to ensure that your team gains the knowledge and confidence to make a difference in the lives of children and families.

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Home Visitor Advanced Training: Establishing Professional Boundaries Bring this training to your organization! Establishing and maintaining a healthy balance between effective, quality service provision and over or under-involvement can be challenging for new and veteran home visitors and their supervisors. At this new advanced training workshop, you’ll learn how to establish and maintain professional boundaries with clients. The Workshop: A host of factors can contribute to the unintentional errors associated with crossing professional boundary lines when working with highly stressed families and their children intensively over an extended period of time. This interactive seminar explores how to define boundaries by focusing on role clarity and delineation while teaching strategies for establishing and reinforcing healthy professional boundaries. Participants will: • Reflect upon personal experiences with establishing, violating and maintaining boundaries. • Identify common avenues for boundary confusion within the role of the home visitor. • Define the potential consequences of crossing boundaries for the home visitor in your program. • Explore factors contributing to effective and ineffective workplace boundaries. • Recognize specific program strengths pertaining to professional boundaries and explore opportunities for enhancing current practices. • Learn strategies for working together as a team to maintain effective boundaries. For more information, or to arrange Home Visitor Training in your community, contact us at training@bccf.ca or call us at 604 678 8884.

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customized training

“I’ve always received the help and support I needed from the provincial coordination office. The training sessions I’ve attended have always been rewarding and rich in a number of ways. The positive outlook of the staff, and their belief and value of the Mother Goose Program really emanates through in all they do. Thank you!” – Parent Child Mother Goose® teacher

Parent Child Mother Goose Program Discover the pleasure and power of rhymes, songs and stories. Teacher Training, Advanced Workshops

Bring this training to your organization! The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children focusing on the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs and stories together. Preventative in nature, Parent-Child Mother Goose® helps parents create positive family patterns during their children’s crucial early years, while building on parents’ strengths and confidence. The Training: Initial two-day teacher training workshops cover the methods and principles of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program®. Following the training, participants engage in an self-evaluation process. Once completed, and upon approval of required reports, you will receive your Level One Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® Teacher certification. Participants will: • Learn to organize a session • Build the skills to reach your target audience • Use and teach rhymes and songs successfully • Learn to observe and respond to parent-child interactions • Practice the basics of storytelling Storytelling Workshops: Advanced Training There are two Advanced Training workshops to assist PCMGP teachers in further developing their teaching skills. They are open to individuals who have participated in an initial PCMGP training workshop and have any amount of experience in teaching in a program. • Storytelling in the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® • Building on Your Experience For more information, or to arrange a Parent-Child Mother Goose® training in your community, contact us at training@bccf.ca

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Changing Fathers, Evolving Practices Bring this training to your organization! Fathers play an essential role in children’s lives. But for family service providers, engaging meaningfully with fathers can mean rethinking many of the basic assumptions behind delivering services and supports for families. The Training: This two-day training program for family service practitioners will increase your awareness and understanding of the role of fathers. Participants will develop the skills they need to foster, encourage and maintain a greater degree of paternal commitment. Focused workshops help participants enhance their knowledge and build strategies in the following areas: • Making room for fathers in agencies and services • Developing individual and collective practices that support fathers • Promoting paternal involvement • Taking a systemic approach to community-based activities For more information, or to arrange a Changing Fathers, Evolving Practices training in your community, contact us at training@bccf.ca

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“This training expanded my thinking about dads. I got great ideas I can take back to my work and life.” – training participant

Speakers Bureau

Inspiring, informative, educational. Bringing family topics to life. At the BC Council for Families, our team of experts are passionate about strengthening family relationships, about parenting and parent education, child development, family advocacy, and more. And they’re eager to share what they know with the community. For more information on presentations, speaker availability, and rates, contact us at 604-678-8884 or speakersbureau@bccf.ca Speakers list David Sheftel An experienced and engaging speaker, David is the provincial coordinator of BC’s Father Involvement Network, as well as the provincial trainer for the Home Visiting Training Initiative. Speaking Topics • Raising Resilient, Responsible Boys • Strategies to Support Father Involvement • Helping Parents Build Attachment for Early Development Jennifer Dales With a Masters degree in Family Studies, and a background in program development, Jennifer brings an informed and analytical perspective to the current issues affecting families in BC. Speaking Topics • The Critical Impact of Parents • Supporting Families in our Communities: The Role of Prevention • 
Father Involvement: The Female Perspective Glenn Hope Glenn’s years of experience in both the business and non-profit sectors have given him a keen appreciation for the crucial importance of planning and leadership. Speaking Topics • Strategic Planning in Non-Profit Organizations: Mapping a Path to Success • Leadership in Non-Profits Ruby Banga Ruby has been working with parents and families for over fifteen years, in a variety of roles and settings. As a trainer and coordinator for both the Nobody’s Perfect and My Tween and Me parenting programs, she’s an expert on parenting relationships. Speaking Topics • Tweens and Parents – Making the Relationship Work

Beth Hutchinson As the provincial coordinator for the ParentChild Mother Goose® program for over 10 years, Beth has had the opportunity to share many, many stories. She’s seen firsthand the difference storytelling, singing and rhyming can make in the lives of both parents and children. Speaking Topics • Storytelling for Young Children Douglas Dunn One of the first Certified Fund Raising Executives in the province, Douglas has been consulting for over 25 years. Speaking Topics • Filthy Rich and Other Non-Profit Fantasies – the entrepreneurial approach to funding • The Secrets of Fundraising – an introduction for Board or Staff of Non-Profits Pilar Onatra Pilar is a trainer for the My Tween and Me program for parents of children between 7–12. She is a firm believer in the value of communication to strengthen parent-child relationships. Speaking Topics • Risk and Protective factors in Middle Childhood Marilee Peters With more than a decade of experience in shaping and sharing the stories of a diverse range of non-profit organizations, Marilee knows a thing or two about finding your organization’s authentic voice. Speaking Topics • Telling your Organization’s Story • Branding from the Inside Out

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Suppor t Us

Donate Today! BC Council for Families relies on donations from individuals, businesses and foundations in order to continue delivering high quality training for family service providers. Every contribution helps, whether it’s a one-time gift, an in-kind donation, or a bequest. To learn more, visit us online at www.bccf.ca/donate or call us today at 604-678-8884, ext. 229.

YES, I want to help support and strengthen families in BC! Donors President’s Circle  Sustainer ($250 or more)  Family Philanthropist ($25,000 or more)  Supporter ($100 or more)  Family Champion ($5,000 or more)  Contributor ($25 or more)  Family Visionary ($2,500 or more)  Family Benefactor ($1,000 or more)  Other $  Family Advocate ($500 or more) Amount $  VISA

 MasterCard

 Cheque or money order enclosed

Name on Credit Card  Card number  Expiry Date  Signature  First Name  Last Name  Address  City  Province  Postal Code  Telephone  Fax  Email  I wish to be publicly acknowledged for my gift    yes   no   Yes, please send me information on leaving an estate gift to the Council All donations to the BC Council for Families are tax-deductible. Federal Registered Charity #11921 7180 RR 0001 Return to: BC Council for Families 204-2590 Granville St, Vancouver BC V6H 3H1

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Helping families is your passion. Helping you, is ours. You’re working to make a difference for families. Let us help you work better. Discover the many professional education opportunities offered by the BC Council for Families and enhance your knowledge and develop your skills in strengthening families, children, and communities. Our training sessions and workshops blend research and theory in child development and adult education with current best practices and standards.

Our professional development trainings offer the comprehensive, in-depth, challenging and effective content you’ve come to expect from the BC Council for Families. Each session is developed using a rigorous set of criteria to include relevant, informative content, encourage participant interaction, and emphasize practical skillsbuilding. Make a difference for families. Register online today: www.bccf.ca

2590 Granville St T 604 678 8884  Suite 204 F 604 678 8886 Vancouver BC bccf@bccf.ca 20  BC Council for Families  2012 Family Service Trainings Canada2011 V6H&3H1 www.bccf.ca

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