Maquinna Residence handbook
Table of contents Welcome to Maquinna Residence......................3
Mail and postal service................................15
Common sources........................................26
General information..........................................4
Excessive drinking.......................................26
Contract length and summer residence..........4
Prohibited events involving alcohol..............27
Moving in......................................................4
Maintenance and repairs.............................16
Bed bug strategy.........................................16
Fire safety equipment and procedures.........27
Laurie Jack Lane...........................................5
Residence cleaning ........................................17
Prohibited areas..........................................27
Room assignments........................................5
Housekeeping staff responsibilities..............17
Furniture and removal of property................27
Room transfers..............................................5
Residents’ cleaning responsibilities.............18
Damage and theft costs...............................28
Notice to vacate............................................5
Inspections, expectations and
Keys and illegal entry..................................28
Damage deposit (long-stay programs only).....5
Protection of privacy.....................................6
Bedroom cleaning.......................................19
Experiencing campus life ..................................7
Vacuums ....................................................19
Residence employment opportunities............7
Sustainable living............................................20
Musical instruments....................................28
Residence community...................................7
Recycling in residence.................................20
Facilities and services........................................9
Residence community standards.....................21
Prohibited items and activities.....................29
Rights and responsibilities...........................21
Common living areas...................................11
Community standards expectations.............22
Physical violence, intimidation and
Accountability and responsibility
sexual assault.............................................29
in a group living environment.......................23
Weapons, explosives and flammable
Bicycle storage...........................................12
Community standards process.....................23
Television and cable....................................12
Community standards sanctions..................24
Your safety and security...................................32
Community standards prohibited
Suite security..............................................32
Laundry rooms............................................13
Vehicle security...........................................32
Personal safety...........................................32
Drinking age................................................26
BCIT harassment and discrimination policy .....34
Car washing................................................15
Areas of consumption..................................26
Welcome to Maquinna Residence On behalf of all Housing staff, welcome to Maquinna Residence and to BCIT! We hope your time with us will be happy and memorable. Maquinna Residence offers comfortable and convenient accommodations for BCIT full-time students. In addition to all the physical comforts and close proximity to school, the real benefit of Maquinna Residence is living with, and learning from, your neighbours and friends. Residence living is very different from living at home or on your own. You will be sharing a suite with 11 other people – a situation that requires a lot of understanding, communication and cooperation. This is also a unique opportunity to join a supportive community and develop valuable life skills. When you arrive at Maquinna Residence, there will be lots of people to help you settle into your new home and answer any questions you may have, including the Residence Advisors, the Housing Office staff, and many returning students. Before you arrive and throughout your stay, read this handbook to familiarize yourself with what to expect while living in residence. Best wishes for a successful and happy stay at Maquinna Residence and BCIT. BCIT Housing Office staff |
General information Maquinna Residence is self-sustaining and operated by BCIT, therefore, BCIT does not enter into a standard landlord-tenant relationship in providing accommodation to students. Please read the residence contract, which outlines the terms and conditions of occupancy in Maquinna Residence, before you arrive. A sample copy of the contract can be found on the housing webpage. Contract length and summer residence Maquinna Residence operates two separate rental periods, and a separate application is required for each period:
Moving in You may move into your room on the date and at the time indicated on your letter of residence acceptance. If you cannot check in during the indicated times, it is important that you contact Housing in advance to notify them you will be checking in at a later date to avoid losing your room. Check in at the Housing Office when you arrive so that you can review and sign a residence contract, meet your Residence Advisor (RA) and be issued your room keys.
1. September (Labour Day weekend) until the weekend after Victoria Day in May
At this time, you will be given a tour of your suite and the other residence facilities before checking you into your room. The RA will also complete a room inspection and orientation with you within 48 hours of check in.
2. June until August
Your academic program dates may require occupancy during more than one rental period.
On arrival you will be issued three keys:
Residence contracts terminate at the end of these rental periods, or when notice to vacate is given. If you require accommodation beyond the last weekend in May, you must complete a separate application. Summer applications will be available in March. Acceptance for summer residence is not guaranteed, and may require a room transfer. Cancellation of a summer residence application will result in a cancellation fee.
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a key to your bedroom door; a suite key, which opens all the entry doors to your suite, the laundry room door in your house and the door to the Housing Office lobby; a mailbox key. Please be careful with your keys at all times. Lost keys may be replaced at the Housing Office. However, if after two weeks, or at the time you move out, the keys have not been found and returned
to the office, a charge of $25 per key will be applied directly to your BCIT account. If lost a second or third time, the price will double. This fee covers the costs associated with changing the locks. Residence keys may not be duplicated. Laurie Jack Lane Laurie Jack Lane is for pedestrian access from the Maquinna Residence to the BCIT campus; only service and emergency vehicles are permitted to use the lane. Vehicles found in the lane will be impounded. Should you require access to Laurie Jack Lane for move-in or move-out, contact the RA on duty, or the Housing Office. Room assignments Room assignments are made on the basis of the information you supply on your residence application form. While every attempt is made to match people of similar lifestyles in the same suites, it is not always possible. Room transfers You are not permitted to change rooms until a request for change has been negotiated with the Housing Office. Maquinna Residence is not responsible for the costs incurred with any room transfer. A $50 transfer fee is assessed for room transfers. If a transfer is processed and then cancelled, the fee will still apply.
Notice to vacate As indicated in the residence contract, one month’s advance notice to vacate is required. A notice to vacate form must be given to the Housing Office, on or before the first business day of the month prior to vacating. Failure to give one month’s notice will result in the regular residence rent being charged. Damage deposit (long-stay programs only) Each resident pays a damage deposit with the first month’s rent. The deposit is used to cover the cost of repair for any damage you do to the residence. You are responsible for your room, the common areas of the suite, the house and the residence complex. The deposit is only refunded to you after checkout if your room and the suite common areas are in satisfactory condition. In cases where damage cannot be traced to an individual resident, each resident of the suite will be charged a portion of the repair cost. Damage discovered during the period of occupancy will be charged directly to the student’s BCIT account. Consideration is given to normal wear and tear before damage assessments are made. The damage deposit does not earn interest. |
Protection of privacy While BCIT subscribes to the principle that residents are entitled to reasonable rights of privacy, it does not grant exclusive possession of the bedrooms. BCIT reserves the right to inspect all bedrooms, on a periodic or emergency basis, for any purpose, including inspection, maintenance and cleaning. Where possible, you will be given advance notice of intended entry. Your personal information will not generally be released to anyone outside BCIT, including family members or friends, without your written consent, unless permitted or required by law. In particular, if you are injured or ill, or are in the opinion that BCIT represents a threat to you or others, BCIT may contact third parties including but not limited to, government and health officials, next of kin or an indicated emergency contact person and disclose personal information to them. The Housing department and its employees reserve the right to share information about serious incidents involving threats of danger to a resident or others, or drug-related activity with the RCMP, Campus Security, Health and Counselling Services and other campus partners. If you commit a crime in residence, the Housing department may notify Campus Security or the RCMP.
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The Housing department may impose disciplinary sanctions independent of any criminal charges. The Housing department also reserves the right to inform your parents or guardians about unlawful activity or any behaviour that threatens the safety or well-being of you or other residents.
Experiencing campus life We encourage students to be actively involved in the campus community and make new connections while balancing a demanding academic schedule. By living on campus, you are located right next to the Recreation Services building, which offers facilities and programs to interest everyone. Watch the notice boards for an activity, event or club that interests you. In addition, the RAs and the Housing Office both sponsor activities and events regularly. An activity fee per term is collected from each resident to help subsidize events and activities. Residence employment opportunities Various employment opportunities are available for students living at Maquinna Residence to gain work experience and earn while you learn. Please refer to the employment page on the Housing website to find out more. Residence community The Housing Office The Housing department at BCIT is part of the larger Student Services division at BCIT. For an up-to-date list of contacts for the housing team, please refer to the contact us section on the housing web page. |
Residence Advisors Residence Advisors, or RAs, wear a variety of hats to support you and other residents. Working on the front line of the residence management team, they are enthusiastic about developing a supportive and positive living and learning community for everyone. Things your RA can help you with include: counselling on academic and personal matters as well as a guide to on-campus services; acting as a sounding board or mediator for you when you have concerns or problems; being available in an emergency situation; check-ins and check-outs; activity planners who plan “res-wide” and house events; ensuring you feel safe and secure in your community by enforcing BCIT policies and Residence Community Standards; reporting maintenance deficiencies. The RAs are carefully selected and trained to support you. Each RA is responsible for one house of 48 residents and they can be found in the apartment above C-suite in each house.
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Facilities and services Maquinna Residence is located on a beautifully landscaped site on BCIT’s Burnaby Campus, and is just a short walk to class. The residence complex incorporates a low-rise, split-level design to create a village-like student community. The floor plan to the right gives you an idea of your new living space. Each of the seven houses contains: four suites, accommodating 12 students in each suite; a laundry room. Each suite contains: two floors of bedrooms and bathrooms; a dining room with tables and chairs; a living room with couches, a TV with cable subscription; two kitchen areas with cupboards, two stoves and four refrigerators. Each bedroom floor contains: six bedrooms, each approximately 9'5" x 11'; separate toilet and shower cubicles, two on each floor; two sinks |
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Bedrooms Your bedroom is fully carpeted and furnished with a bed that has three built-in storage drawers and an extra-large twin mattress measuring 36" x 80". The mattresses are vinyl-covered and quite firm, you may bring a mattress pad or a foam piece to place on top for added comfort. Personal mattresses (including waterbeds) are not permitted. A desk, one chair, bookshelf, study lamp, bureau, built-in clothes closet, 4’x4’ bulletin board and wall-mounted mirror complete the bedroom furnishings. The furniture is movable and can be arranged to suit your personal taste as long as it is returned to the original layout prior to move out. Posters can be placed on bedroom walls, but only wall-mounting tabs, supplied by the Housing Office free of charge, may be used. As the room is completely furnished and storage space is limited, you may not substitute your own furniture for the residence furniture. Storage, bed linens and towels are not provided. Common living areas Enjoy the living room, dining room and kitchen as you socialize, relax, and prepare meals with your roommates. As these areas experience heavy use by the 12 students living in the suite, they require the cooperation and respect of everyone concerned in order to make it a comfortable environment for everyone. We ask that you clean up after yourself, leaving the tables and chairs clean for use by other residents.
Please also do not remove furnishings from these areas for your personal use and do not take furniture outside the building. External furniture and large appliances are not permitted. Any such items found will be removed and the costs of removing it will be assessed to the owner or suite. Electronics, video equipment, and gaming equipment must fit on or inside the entertainment cabinet provided. They cannot be stored on the floor or on other furniture. Kitchens Each suite kitchen consists of two full-size stoves, four full size refrigerators, one microwave, two sinks. The kitchens are divided into two separate work areas, with six residents sharing each side. Each student has two cupboards and a drawer for storage of all food and cooking items. You will share a refrigerator and freezer with three other people, so please avoid buying large items or buying in bulk. Cookware, dinnerware and kitchen utensils are not provided. Please avoid bringing a large number of utensils and/or appliances, as storage space is very limited. We suggest you wait until after your arrival with regard to electric appliances such as a mixer, blender, toaster, and kettle, as you may be able to share these articles with other members of the suite. Remember, counter space is limited. |
Storerooms A small storage room, in which you may store one to two small items such as boxes and suitcases during the school year, is located in each house behind the laundry room. Storage space is very limited and subject to availability. If you wish to access the storeroom, see your RA. Your RA is the only person who will be able to give you access to this room. Bicycle storage Bike storage is limited and therefore you must plan to keep your bike in your residence bedroom. Unfortunately, satisfactory bike storage does not exist inside or outside. Storing bikes in the hallways and common areas of suites is not permitted, as this impedes the housekeeping staff and blocks emergency exits. If you will not use your bike regularly, we strongly recommend that you do not bring it with you. Television and cable The living room of each suite is equipped with a TV and cable subscription for use by all suite residents. Due to space restrictions, you may not put your own TV in the common living areas of the suite. However, you are welcome to bring a TV for your bedroom. Each room has been outfitted with a cable outlet. If you wish to have cable services in your bedroom you will need to purchase these services on your own at your own cost.
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BCIT provides both wireless and wired internet throughout the residence and on-campus. Residents are not permitted to connect their own router to the BCIT network. A four-foot Ethernet cable is provided in each bedroom and must remain in the bedroom on move-out. For more information on connecting to this service, refer to the information sheet on your bedroom bulletin board.
One portable unit with propane tank is provided in each house.
Downloading movies, videos, music and pornography is not permitted. All BCIT staff and students, including residents, are governed by BCIT Policy #3501 “Acceptable Use of Information Technology at BCIT” and policy #3502 “Information Security.” Violations of Policy #3501 or #3502 by students using the BCIT network in residence will result in a range of action, including immediate disconnection and other disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate by BCIT. Laundry rooms A laundry room is located in each house adjacent to Suite A. There is in-suite laundry located in accessible suites in Nootka and Haida D. It contains two coin-operated washers (change is available at the Housing Office), a laundry sink, and a folding counter. Ironing boards are provided in each suite, but irons are not.
The BBQ is available from 10:00 am – 10:00 pm daily. No other BBQs are permitted in residence. BBQs must not be stored indoors. Propane tanks found indoors will result in permanent suspension of borrowing privileges. You must leave the BBQ in clean condition. You are responsible for any damage to, or dirt on, sidewalks, decks, walls, etc. as a result of BBQ use. You are responsible for ensuring smoke does not enter nearby suites and set off the fire alarms. Lounge A common lounge for use by all residents is located next to the Housing Office on the ground floor of Salish House. This lounge is a multi-purpose room containing a large screen television, board games that can be signed out by the Housing Office, vending machines, and a free telephone for local calls. |
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Mail and postal service
Limited reserved parking is provided, at an additional cost, in the residence parking lot located on the west side of the residence complex. If there are no spaces left, you are able to park in campus parking located outside our lot, for purchase upon arrival.
Mail is delivered to the Housing Office, Monday to Friday, except holidays. You will have your own mailbox in the Housing Office lobby. Please check your mail regularly.
Only insured vehicles with permits may use the reserved spaces in the lot. Unauthorized vehicles or vehicles parked in front of any yellow curbs will be towed away at the owner’s expense. Repairs and maintenance on vehicles is strictly prohibited in the residence parking lot. Municipal bylaws forbid parking recreational vehicles, motor homes or any unlicensed vehicle on the premises. If you have a motorcycle, you may park in the motorcycle enclosure adjacent to the parking lot without a permit. This area is not covered and is first-come, first-served. Car washing Cars may be washed in the residence parking lot only. Hoses are available under the Salish, Carrier and Nisga’a RAs’ steps from April to October.
Your new mailing address is: Your name Your house name and room number 4200 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 4J3 A Canada Post mailbox is located beside the residence parking lot. Stamps are not available at the Housing Office. Following move out, the Housing Office will forward mail for one month, after which all mail will be returned to sender. Email The Housing department frequently provides important information to residents by way of email. The email address used is the one in your profile. You are responsible for ensuring your my.bcit profile information is always up-to-date, and for checking your email account regularly. You are responsible for knowing the information provided to you by email from the Housing department. |
Insurance BCIT and Maquinna Residence do not assume responsibility for money or personal property in residence, nor does the Institute assume responsibility for losses which may be incurred due to fire, theft, water damage, etc. You are advised to keep your room doors and windows locked and to carry some form of floater insurance for personal property. Coverage for fire, theft, etc. may be obtained through your family’s home insurance. Maintenance and repairs Please advise your RA or the Housing Office if you have a maintenance or repair request. Arrangements to have the problem corrected will be made as soon as possible. Bed bug strategy A proactive approach is in place to prevent bed bugs in residence. A bed bug-sniffing dog and handler inspect all residence bedrooms and common areas multiple times per year. Advance notice will be given prior to entering bedrooms. You are required to tidy your bedroom and remove all food and garbage from the bedrooms prior to inspection. Penalties for non-compliance will be applied. If you have been anywhere known to have bed bugs, please contact the Housing Office before returning to residence so we can work with you to prevent them from being brought into residence.
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Residence cleaning The majority of residents prefer to live in a clean and tidy environment. Whether you prefer a clean environment or not, you are expected and required to participate equally in keeping the residence clean. Anyone who repeatedly violates this expectation will be issued warnings or asked to vacate. Sanitation services of the common areas is provided, Monday through Friday. Housekeeping staff responsibilities In the common areas, staff will: empty waste receptacles daily; vacuum carpets weekly; sanitize kitchen counters and sinks; clean showers, toilets, and bathroom sinks; maintain tile floors. |
Residents’ cleaning responsibilities In the common areas, all residents are required to: keep all tables, countertops, and furniture clear of all items at all times, so they may be washed by the housekeeping staff; always wash and put away dishes immediately after finishing a meal. Whether clean or dirty, dishes must be kept in your cupboards, not on the counter, in or under the sink; not borrow or use another resident’s utensils, dishes, glasses or food without this person’s clear permission; not cut directly on the counter or place hot objects where they may cause damage. Cutting boards are provided. Any damage to the countertops will be charged to anyone who is responsible; remove all returnable bottles and tins daily and replace all items to be recycled in the recycling bags provided. Empty tins or bottles left visible in the suite will be removed by the cleaners daily. remove all items that will not fit in the waste receptacles to the dumpsters located outside; not pour grease or solid particles down kitchen drains; wipe the stove after use and wipe spills and crumbs off surfaces; ensure that dirty water is not left standing in the sink; clean refrigerators and freezers periodically;
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keep the floors clear of objects and vacuum the common areas when there is debris; keep the shower basin and floor clear of toiletries and other personal items, so they can be cleaned by the housekeeping staff; cooperate fully with the housekeeping staff by being friendly and getting out of their way when they are doing their jobs; encourage those who are less inclined to clean up after themselves; report anything that is damaged or in need of repair immediately to a RA or the Housing Office. Inspections, expectations and consequences The residence staff will regularly inspect the common areas for cleanliness. If the suite fails to meet the standards and expectations set out in this handbook: The suite will be issued a first warning. The suite must be cleaned within 24 hours. On the next offense, the suite will receive a second warning. The suite must be cleaned within 24 hours. On the third offense, the suite will receive a final warning. It must be cleaned within 24 hours. A mandatory suite meeting will be held.
The next offense will result in termination of all suite cleaning services (including bathroom cleaning and garbage removal). The residents of the suite must clean the suite themselves daily until cleaning is restored. If cleaning service is restored, future infractions will result in termination of cleaning service without warning. Continuing problems will result in fines being assessed to each suite resident, and eviction in extreme cases. Bedroom cleaning You are responsible for cleaning your own bedroom. The housekeeping staff does not enter individual bedrooms. Garbage bags are also available at the Housing Office or through your RA if you need them. Vacuums A vacuum has been provided in each suite to use by all residents of that suite for the common areas and bedrooms. Vacuum bags should be replaced frequently. Replacement bags are available from the Housing Office. |
Sustainable living Being true to one of BCIT’s core values, we encourage all residents to actively participate in sustainability practices. These include a comprehensive recycling program, energy awareness and energy-reduction initiatives. The residence has a microgrid system installed which permits residents to see the amount of electricity their house is using and the cost of that power. Recycling in residence It’s easy to participate and contribute and you can begin by depositing recyclable materials in the recycling bag located in the dining area of each suite. Every bedroom is equipped with a box for gathering items to be recycled. When your bedroom box is full, simply deposit the contents in the recycling bag in the dining room. When the recycling bag is full, it is removed by the housekeeping staff to the central collection area in the parking lot in front of Nisga’a House. Items that cannot be recycled should be placed in garbage cans in the suites, larger items can be bagged and placed in the outside garbage dumpsters.
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Residence community standards The mandate of Maquinna Residence, as required by the Institute, is to provide a living environment that will promote the academic success of its residents. In order to accomplish this, BCIT strives to provide an on campus living community that promotes respect for people and property and whereby residents are responsible for their actions. Rights and responsibilities The well-being of the residence community rests on the community’s ability to meet the needs of the individual and vice versa. This balance is best achieved when all individuals are aware of their personal rights and their responsibilities to fellow residents. As such, the following principles were designed to describe the rights of the individual within the residence community: All individuals within the residence community have the right to consideration and respect for their feelings and personal needs, while at the same time respecting the same rights of every other person within the community. Every individual within the residence community has the right to live in an environment where personal possessions and communal space are respected by every other individual. |
In accordance with the above principles, you have the right to:
Community standards expectations
read, study, and sleep in your room, free of undue interference. Unreasonable noise and other distractions such as TVs, stereos and guests inhibit the exercise of this privilege;
BCIT is committed to providing an on campus living environment that enhances a resident’s ability to live, learn and work within an environment of mutual respect and free from discrimination.
a clean living environment;
The community standards are applicable for all residents and on all residence property (including all buildings, pathways, roadways and grounds), online communities (including social media) where content affects the residence community, and at all residence related events even if the event takes place off campus. All residents are expected to be aware of and adhere to the requirements of the BCIT Student Code of Conduct (Nonacademic Policy 5102). In cases where the actions of the resident are an impact to the greater BCIT community, the violation may be addressed under the BCIT Code of Conduct Policy 5102, Harassment and Discrimination Policy 7507, or by Safety and Security Policy 7100.
petition for redress of grievances; be free from intimidation, physical or emotional harm. Your responsibilities are to: read the Residence Handbook, ask for clarification if needed, and understand the residence standards, policies and rules. consider and appreciate your neighbors and their need for undisturbed sleep and study in the residence; clean up after yourself in the residence and on the residence grounds; inform the residence administrators if you feel that you have a grievance or problem in residence; inform the RAs or residence administrators if you feel physically or emotionally intimidated in residence.
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Residents and their guests are expected to cooperate with the requests of Housing staff in the enforcement of residence polices, rules and community standards. Students whose behaviour results in the need for professional care outside of the institute (ambulance RCMP, etc.) will be automatically referred to the Manager of Housing in order to determine any necessary follow-up. Residents may be required to meet with the manager prior to returning to residence property.
Situations involving individual behaviour that poses a significant risk to themselves or others will be referred to appropriate Student Services or Safety and Security unit prior to returning to residence. Students who engage in self harming behaviour will be required to seek professional support in order to minimize the adverse impacts of the self-harming behaviour and assess the student’s ability to live within an interdependent living environment such as on campus housing. Accountability and responsibility in a group living environment A fundamental premise of group and community living is that residents participate in a co-dependent living situation whereby individuals play an active role in maintaining the safety and behavioural expectations of the community. All residents of the suite are expected to individually and collectively take ownership for what transpires in the suite. If someone in the suite, or their guest, is causing cleaning problems, creating damage, disrupting you or others, or violating rules, you are responsible for asking the person to stop the inappropriate actions, or to contact a RA for assistance. Where necessary the Manager of Housing may impose standards or restitution to suite members, buildings or group of residents if the behaviour warrants such a resolution.
Nobody should be allowed into the suite who doesn’t live there, unless accompanied by a resident host, or if this person is a residence staff member. If you do not know someone, do not allow them access into the suite. You are expected to conduct yourself appropriately at all times, and in a manner suitable to a positive residential and learning environment. You must comply and must ensure your guests comply with all applicable laws, all BCIT policies, all residence rules and all requests made by Housing staff in enforcing such laws, policies and rules. Community standards process BCIT Housing is committed to providing a resolution process that adheres to the principles of administrative fairness. Suspected violations of the Community Standards will be documented in writing and submitted to the Housing Manager within a timely manner. Any resident suspected of violating a Community Standard will be sent a Standards Violation notice within five business days providing the resident with a Review Meeting date no later than seven business days of the incident. Residents are welcome to bring a support person or witness to any and all meetings. If you require assistance, we encourage you to access the services of the BCIT Student Association Advocacy department. They are an independent organization that provides assistance to students in order to help navigate institute policies and procedures. |
Any resident found to have violated the Community Standards must be informed in writing of the outcome. The community standards process is based upon the principle of progressive negative behaviour. Therefore in determining the outcome the following will be considered: the severity and impact of the violation any previous community standards infractions the intention of the resident and other mitigating circumstances any violations of community standards deemed as minor may be addressed through verbal warning by the Resident Advisor or Housing staff member. All informal resolutions will be documented and may be used in determining any future sanctions if necessary. Community standards sanctions The goal of the community standards process is to ensure that the prohibited behaviour will not reoccur and to repair any harm that occurred as a result of the behaviour. One or more of the following sanctions are possible: Warning – a notice in writing to the student that the student is or has violated institutional policy Reprimand – a written document that outlines a violation of a specific violation(s) and sanctions received by a student that is placed on the student’s file
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Loss of Privileges – the denial of specified privileges for a period of time or under certain conditions including, but not limited to, restricting students from entering specific locations, attending specific events, or being in proximity to certain people Educational Sanction – a requirement to produce or complete an assignment or activity such as, but not limited to, a letter of apology, written report, attending a meeting, reading a publication or attending a training program Community Service – a requirement to perform up to 50 hours service as a means of restitution for the damage, loss or harm caused Restitution – a requirement to provide compensation for the replacement or costs as a result of the damage, loss, or harm caused Behavioural Contract – an agreement on the required or permitted actions of a student for a period of time Withholding of Services – BCIT may withhold or restrict services including but not limited to: submitting future applications, parking on campus, use of internet, etc. Referral – request or requirement to receive professional assistance or complete professional assessment Eviction – a termination of the residence agreement. All evictions will include a ban from residence property. All students evicted remain indebted for any fees, assessments, or
damages. The timeline of the eviction is based upon the severity of the violation and determined by the Manager of Housing. Referral to BCIT Policy 5102 – the violation may be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs for review under the Student Code of Conduct Community standards prohibited behaviours Residents are responsible for their conduct while living within residence and to ensure not to place themselves or others at risk. The following behaviours are prohibited behaviours: Guests You are responsible for your guests’ behaviour and must be present to host the guests. You are also responsible for your guests’ actions when attending residence functions held within residence, outside the residence or off-campus.
Out of respect for others and the limited amount of common space in each suite, guests are not permitted to overnight in the common areas. Guests may only overnight in your room. Noise Policy and Quiet Hours Each suite accommodates 12 people. With that many people living together, you must expect a certain degree of disruptive noise from time to time. However, everyone must be aware that the residence exists to accommodate people interested in securing an advanced education. Quiet hours are defined as those times during which residents are prohibited from making any noise that may be heard in any bedroom other than their own, or outside. Noise in common areas must not be loud enough to be heard in bedrooms. This refers primarily, but not exclusively, to noise emanating from stereos, video games, televisions and verbal conversation.
You may accommodate one guest in your bedroom for a maximum of three consecutive nights, twice per month. No person may be the guest of more than one resident in succession.
Quiet hours are in effect around the clock in all suites in the residence Sunday through Thursday, inclusive.
In exceptional circumstances, extensions may be granted by the Housing Manager.
Social suites: Friday and Saturday, 1:00 a.m. onward Academic suites: 7 days a week, 24 hours per day
The RA must be informed of all overnight guests so that he or she will be aware of the number of people in the house in the event of an emergency.
Noise must be confined to the suite at all times and is at no time permitted to disturb residents of the suite or other suites.
In addition, quiet hours are in effect as follows:
In all suites, every resident has the right to request that other people minimize their noise, even during times that are not quiet |
hours. If you are unsuccessful, you should approach your RA or the RA on duty. Similarly, if someone has asked you to be quiet, you should respect that person’s wishes and reduce your noise output.
Areas of consumption Consumption of alcohol by you and your invited guests is permitted only: in a resident’s bedroom, and
in the common areas of the suite.
You are obligated to use alcohol responsibly and legally and are fully accountable for your own actions as well as the actions of your guests.
The consumption of alcohol or the presence of open alcohol is not permitted in any other indoor space including laundry rooms and the housing lounge or anywhere outdoors, including patios, decks, sidewalks and lawns.
Drinking age Possession, consumption, or providing alcohol by individuals less than 19 years of age in British Columbia is prohibited. You and your guests are responsible for knowing, understanding and complying with both standards. Behaviour Alcohol consumption is not an excuse for disruptive or unacceptable behaviour. The Housing department and campus security are responsible for the enforcement of this policy. Public intoxication is not permitted.
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Concealing open alcohol in water bottles, cups, thermoses, etc. is still considered open alcohol and is not permitted. Common sources Alcohol may not be produced or sold in residence. Common sources of alcohol are not allowed in residence and include, but are not limited to: kegs, bubbas, beer bongs, pitchers and funnels. Drinking games are not permitted. Excessive drinking BCIT and the Housing department consider excessive drinking to be consuming alcohol to the point of impaired mood, judgment or mobility. Examples of excessive drinking include but are not limited to: vomiting, loss of mobility, aggressive or strong mood behaviour, failure to respond to directions, significantly impaired
speech, verbal acknowledgment of self-harm, being unconscious, being lost or confused in a familiar setting, etc. Determination of excessive drinking is at discretion of the residence staff. Prohibited events involving alcohol Drinking games or organized games where alcohol is the focus, use of “funnels” or “beer bongs”, suite crawls, century clubs, flip cup, beer or water pong for example, or any other activity that has excessive consumption or intoxication as its focus are not permitted.
Fire safety equipment and procedures Tampering with fire alarms, firefighting equipment, or fire detection equipment is strictly prohibited. Residents are required to evacuate all buildings in the event of a fire alarm or other emergency. Prohibited areas You are not allowed on roofs, under patios, on trellises, in any mechanical rooms, crawlspaces or in any other area in the residence clearly marked as off-limits.
Furniture and removal of property
Due to space restrictions and proximity to other suites, parties are not permitted in residence, or on the residence grounds.
Residence provides all furniture and students are responsible for the damage and condition of all furniture. Due to space constraints and safety restrictions, you may not supply your own furniture or appliances in common areas. The removal of any BCIT property is unacceptable and residents will be charged the cost of replacement and/or returning the property.
A party is defined as: more than 25 per cent of those present are from other suites, or are not from residence; the total number of people gathered exceeds 14; the noise can be heard outside the suite or in neighboring suites, or others living in the suite are disturbed by the gathering, or do not wish it to continue.
Removal of residence property from the bedroom or suite without the permission of the housing manager is prohibited. The residence does not have sufficient space to store furniture, so the furniture supplied in each room must remain in the room.
Residents are not permitted to sponsor, encourage, attend or be involved in a party in residence or on residence property. |
Damage and theft costs
You are expected to take reasonable care of the residence facilities, property and the belongings of others. Damage also constitutes vandalism which is defined as the willful or malicious destruction or defacement of property. Theft or possession of another’s person’s property without their consent is prohibited and may result in eviction and/or referral to the RCMP.
Cooking is only permitted in the kitchen area of the house. Under no circumstances shall any resident leave any cooking unattended for any time.
Costs due to damage or loss will be charged to the people responsible, provided they can be identified. Damage or loss caused by guests will be billed directly to the host resident. In cases where the people responsible cannot be identified, the charges will be assessed against all residents of the suite. Keys and illegal entry Each resident is responsible for their keys at all times. Residents are not to loan or give their keys to others. Unauthorized use or possession of residence keys is prohibited. Tampering with, disabling locking mechanisms or leaving an unlocked door unattended is prohibited. Students must report lost keys immediately to the Housing Office. An individual must have written permission to enter another’s room and must do so without manipulating the lock, door or window.
Drugs Illegal drugs are not allowed in residence. Use, possession, growth, manufacturing, trafficking or sale of any drug in other than prescribed legal manner, is strictly prohibited. Any involvement, whether direct or indirect, in any illegal drug or drugrelated activity is prohibited. It is unacceptable to return to residence smelling of, or under the influence of drugs. Possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited. These activities will result in sanctions and may result in eviction and referral to BCIT Security and/or the RCMP. Musical instruments
Pets You and your guests are not permitted to have any animals on the premises. No fur, fins, feathers, or scales.
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Residents are not permitted to use cooking appliances in their bedrooms. This includes use of hot plates, kettles, rice cookers, toasters, microwaves, etc. The electrical system will not support use of these appliances.
Maquinna Residence handbook
Suitable facilities do not exist in the residences for playing musical instruments. Playing instruments that disturb others is not permitted.
Smoking BCIT is a clean air campus (policy 7100). Smoking is not permitted in any suite or bedroom area in residence. If you smoke outside, you are required to smoke 20 feet away from windows and doors, to use the cigarette butt tins provided, and to clean up after yourself. This applies to use of electronic cigarettes as well. Prohibited items and activities Storing of any item such as bikes, boxes, equipment, etc. in hallways, patios, and balconies is prohibited. Furniture, bedding, garbage, etc. must be kept at least 30 cm away from any baseboard heater. Dart boards, foosball and air hockey games are not permitted. Water fights and playing outdoor games inside, such as hockey, football, Frisbee throwing, etc. are prohibited. Fighting, violence, physical confrontation, aggression, intimidation of others and disruptive behavior are prohibited in residence. Antennas, external wiring, and loose or visible internal wiring in common areas are prohibited. Due to fire hazard, halogen “torch” lamps are not permitted. Electronics, video equipment and gaming equipment must fit on or inside the entertainment cabinet provided. They cannot be stored on the floor or on other furniture.
Changes, modifications or additions to the physical environment are prohibited such as air conditioners, flags, hanging baskets, and bird feeders etc. Any conduct which is inappropriate or disruptive to the residence community is prohibited and will result in sanctions. Inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to: yelling, screaming, profanity, public urination, unattended cooking and lewd conduct. Cleanliness Whether you prefer a clean environment or not, you are expected and required to participate equally in keeping the residence clean, and to meet the expectations outlined in the section “Residence Cleaning”. Physical violence, intimidation and sexual assault Physical aggression, intimidating, threatening the well-being, and/or sexual assault are not tolerated in residence. Physical aggression means any physically aggressive or violent behaviour, such as fighting, hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, pushing, pulling, throwing objects at another, etc. Sexual assault means any unwanted act of a sexual nature imposed by one person on another without consent, such as fondling or sexual intercourse. Anyone engaging in physically aggressive behaviour or sexual assault may be evicted from residence. Security will be involved and the incident (event) may be referred to the RCMP |
and/or the Student Code of Conduct and/or the Harassment and Discrimination office. The need for self-defense is recognized. Physical self-defense is acceptable only when the resident has no other means to escape another’s physical aggression, and then only at a level necessary to escape. For more information on BCIT’s Sexual Assault policy, please see policy (7103). Weapons, explosives and flammable materials Possession of any weapons, legal or illegal or parts thereof, in residence including, but not limited to, firearms, air guns, pellet guns, swords, hunting knives, sling shots or archery equipment is prohibited. Residence reserves the right to evict anyone found in possession of these items and these objects will be confiscated and NOT returned to their owner. Further, wielding any object in a threatening or aggressive manner may result in eviction and referral to the RCMP. Heat sources such as hot plates, propane stoves, or space heaters are not permitted in residence. Possession of explosive or flammable material including, but not limited to firecrackers, ammunition, fireworks, dynamite, gasoline or other such materials, etc. is not permitted on residence property. Possession of the same may result in eviction. Propane tanks and butane are not permitted in residence buildings. Open flame and indoor burning such as candles and incense are not permitted in residence.
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Maquinna Residence handbook |
Your safety and security Your safety and security is a priority for BCIT and we want to inform you of the many tools and services that are available to protect your personal safety.
Suite security Always ensure bedroom and common area doors and windows are locked. Ensure your bedroom window security stick is in place
Contact Campus Security using:
Never let a stranger into the suite.
The BCIT Safety Wise app. It’s free on the Apple App Store and on Google Play. Easy to use, the app features a personal safety toolbox featuring extensive maps and much more.
Politely question unknown persons near your suite.
Your own phone by calling 604.451.6856
Vehicle security
Emergency telephones throughout the campuses, which provide a direct line to the BCIT Security Communications Centre.
Cars can be vandalized and stolen on campus lots. Please take precautions.
Be aware and report suspicious people.
Do not leave any valuables in your vehicle.
In-house telephones (4-digit) throughout the main buildings on the campuses. Emergency telephone numbers are posted alongside the in-house telephones.
Always lock vehicle doors and close windows.
Emergency elevator telephones, located in most campus building elevators. Emergency elevator telephones connect directly to the Security Communications Center when you push the panel button.
Use the buddy system and walk with a companion after dark.
Here are some additional safety tips for Maquinna residents to help keep our community safe:
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Maquinna Residence handbook
Personal safety Call Safer Walk to have campus security walk with you anywhere on campus – available 24/7 at 604.451.6856. Please visit for the latest updates on our safety app as well as information on emergency contacts, safety tips and emergency preparedness. |
BCIT harassment and discrimination policy BCIT’s policy is to ensure a learning and working environment free of harassment and discrimination where community members are treated with dignity and respect. This policy (7507) has been created to ensure that: Members of the institute community are aware of their rights under the policy and are knowledgeable about the definitions of harassment and discrimination; A fair and confidential process is in place to handle complaints. The Housing department is committed to supporting the BCIT Harassment and Discrimination Policy. If you wish to discuss your particular situation, or to receive further information, please contact the Harassment and Discrimination Advisor at 604.451.6721, or the Assistant Director, Housing at 604.432.8606. Please note that posters or other materials which may be deemed offensive are not permitted in residence common areas or that are visible outside the suite will be removed. Harassment or bullying by any means, including online, will not be tolerated.
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Maquinna Residence handbook
Your safety is our top priority. Download our new app today! The BCIT Safety Wise mobile app is your most convenient source of safety information and emergency communication. The app features quick links to emergency contacts, safety tips, campus maps and much more! Visit |
British Columbia Institute of Technology 4200 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5G 4J3
MCD 2905, JUNE 2016